Collect the necessary information about the object of evaluation. General information about the assessment object. Information required to apply the cost approach

Water supply 14.11.2020

1. Information for real estate objects, enterprise assessment and sources of its receipt

2. Factors affecting the cost of the enterprise

List of used literature

Information for real estate, enterprise assessment and sources of obtaining it

The main sources of information used by the appraiser:

Statistical and forecast information about the market, industry, country, region functioning of the enterprise;

Enterprise balance;

Gains and losses report;

Report on cash flow;

Information about the property complex of the enterprise.

The information used in the business estimation process must comply with the requirements:

The completeness and reliability of financial and economic, technical and economic and management information characterizing the activities of the enterprise for the period of the prehistory, as well as in the future period;

Accurate compliance with the targets of the assessment;

Comprehensive accounting of external conditions for the functioning of an estimated enterprise.

Depending on the sources of information and its documentary or other confirmation, the information used in the estimation of the value of the enterprise (business) is divided into:

Initial information obtained directly by the appraiser from the data of accounting, primary and statistical accounting, as a rule, certified by the signature of the management of the estimated enterprise and the seal;

Information received from third parties raised to fulfill the work, certified by their signature and printing;

Information received from specialized organizations (for example, sectoral, analytical reviews, reviews stock market), as well as published in the means mass media and Internet;

Information not confirmed on any media.

Requirements for information necessary to evaluate enterprises are formulated in the initial stage of the evaluation process. The limiting conditions and the composition of the information support are indicated, which should be submitted by the Customer to the appraiser's expert to a certain agreement agreed by both parties.

The appraiser must visit the company's facilities and every object of property included in the assessment, and check all relevant data, including title documents and whenever possible, check all the information received from your client. The appraiser must indicate documents that are sources of information and maintain all the information and working materials to which he relied in the development of assumptions and in the calculations of various assessment methods.

From the Customer, the appraiser must receive all possible documents and other information necessary to evaluate:

1) information on a general enterprise:

Data on the rights and timing of property of property - documents from registration of land and real estate owned by the estimated enterprise, cadastral statements, etc.;

Tired legal entity, the charter of the joint-stock company, the register of shareholders, the books of the protocols, etc.;

Balance report and profit and loss statements for previous years (past audit, where they are available);

Accounting accounting accounts, budgets, balance sheets, forecasts, business plan of the enterprise, feasibility studies of investment projects;

Deciphering constant and variable costs;

Composition and elementary characteristics of fixed assets;

Deciphering long-term financial assets;

Contracts with buyers and suppliers;

The composition of obligations and order accounting percent.

2) Business information and specificity of the enterprise:

Business characteristics, property interest in business or security, subject to assessment, including rights, privileges and liabilities, factors affecting control and any agreements restricting sale or transmission;

Character, history and prospects of business;

Financial information for past periods;

Previous transactions related to business, profitable interests in business, preference, convertible or other securities;

Information on top-level managers and staff (personnel contracts, in particular, packages of remuneration variables and promotion options);

Production systems;

Commercial protocols;

Patents, inventions, know-how, trademarks, names or branded names, copyrights, databases, etc.;

Information about competitors.

3) Determination of industry efficiency:

Characteristics and dynamics of industries that provide or can affect business.

Economic factors affecting the business.

Information from capital markets, for example, achieving the rate of return on alternative investments, transactions in the stock market, merger and acquisitions.

Predictions of the wage Fund.

Market demand for products.

The main relations (proportions, coefficients) in industry leaders.

Future competitor (future competitors).

Power of customers and suppliers.

The impact of potential changes in state legislation or international conventions.

Other information.

The information necessary for the analysis of the enterprise in order to evaluate it is divided into external and internal. Exterior information It characterizes the conditions for the functioning of the enterprise in the region, the industry and the economy as a whole. Internalit gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe activity of the estimated enterprise.

The need for analysis external information It is determined by the fact that the normal functioning of the business (sales, profits) is largely determined by the external conditions for the functioning of the enterprise. We can include macroeconomic and sectoral indicators.

Macroeconomic data - Information about how the macroeconomic situation is affected by or affects the activities of the enterprise, it characterizes the investment climate in the country. The macroeconomic includes the following information: stage of the economic cycle; Economic and political stability; Social factors: employment and standard of living of the population; interest rates and their dynamics; tax legislation and trends of its change; risks.

General macroeconomic laws for the development of the economy The appraiser must take into account when analyzing a particular enterprise and drawing up forecasts. For example, during periods of recession of business activity, the amount of profit gained is reduced, the probability of bankruptcy increases, the cost of business is reduced. Main sources of macroeconomic information: government programs and forecasts; Periodic economic seal; Analytical reviews of information agencies; data of the Federal State Statistics Service; legislation Russian Federation.

TO industry Destinals The industry information includes an estimated enterprise: sales markets, the presence and characteristics of competitors.

Sales markets are analyzed from the point of view of the ratio of supply and suggestions, relationships with suppliers, sales strategies of goods. The main directions of the sales strategy of goods: penetration into the already established market with the same product as competitors; market development by creating new market segments; development of fundamentally new goods or modernization of existing; Diversification of products manufactured for the development of new markets.

Depending on the sales strategy of goods, the forecast of products sold is drawn up. The purpose of collecting this information is to determine the potential of the sales market: sales in current prices, Retrospective for the last two to five years on an estimated enterprise, sales at current prices from competitors, forecasts to expand market markets.

When analyzing the conditions of competition, the type of market is taken into account, the availability of restrictions for entry into the industry of competitors producing substitute goods. The analysis should be complemented by information on the volume of production of competing goods in natural and value terms, characteristics of competitors' products data on the share of products sold in the total volume of domestic production, as well as a list of the main Russian importers of this product.

Main sources of industry information: data of the marketing department of the estimated enterprise; data of the Federal State Statistics Service; Industry information publications; Periodic economic seal; business plan; personal contacts; Firms dealers (distributors); Customs management. These sources provide information having a different degree of reliability. Therefore, if we received different answers to the same question, a weighted average assessment is carried out, taking into account the reliability of the information.

Internal information includes:

1) retrospective data on the company's history;

2) description and analysis of the marketing strategy of the enterprise, including: the life cycle of goods, sales volumes for the last and current periods, the cost of sales products, prices of goods and services, their dynamics, predicted change in demand volumes, production facilities, taking into account future investments (forecast volumes of products are adjusted for production capacity);

a common part

349539.00 sq. M. M., with cadastral number 47:26:0815001:2 348539.00 square. M.provided to seizure and 1000 sq. M. M.

The purpose of the assessment :




- Real damage - 49 373 ruble;

- missed benefit - 106 583 rubles.

2. Terms and definitions

Land -

Losses -lost profit).

Real damage

Definition of losses, including missed benefits

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 19, 2008 No. 98 canceled the implementation of the Regulation on the procedure for compensation for damages by land owners, landowners, land users, tenants and losses of agricultural production (Resolution of the Sovmina - Government of the Russian Federation of January 28, 1993 No. 77).

In accordance with the "Rules of Reimbursement of Owners land plots, land users, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 07, 2003 No. 262, losses caused by the owner with the withdrawal of the land plot for state or municipal needs include a fee for an derived land plot (redemption price), as well as missed benefits and costs.

Paragraph 5 of Government Decisions No. 262 establishes that "... The amount of losses caused to owners of land plots, land users, landowners and land tenants with withdrawal for state and municipal needs or a temporary occupation of land plots, limiting the rights of land plots, land users, landowners and land tenants Sections or worsening the quality of land as a result of the activities of others, is determined by the Agreement of the Parties and is calculated in accordance with the methodological recommendations approved by the Federal Land Cadastre Service of Russia in coordination with the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Property Relations of the Russian Federation. "

The above guidelines have determined that the amount of damages caused by the owners of rights to land Withdrawal for state or municipal needs or temporary exercise of land plots, limiting the rights of owners of land plots, land users, landowners and tenants of land plots, or the deterioration of land quality as a result of other persons, is calculated by adding:

1. The size of the real damage calculated without taking into account the size of the real damage, which is carried out by the owners of rights to land in connection with the early termination of obligations to third parties;

2. The size of the missed benefit, calculated without taking into account the size of the missed benefit, which are entitled owners of land plots due to early termination of obligations to third parties;

3. The amount of losses that are entitled to land plots in connection with the early termination of obligations to third parties.

Table 1. Calculation of the sum of the loss of the annual income of agricultural production due to the removal of land for non-agricultural purposes.

Name of farmland Name Agricultural Cool Tour Square G. Yield, c / ha Cost-Ease, Rub / C Price Realiz., Rub / C Profit on the growing-ni-seater, rub / c Profit on belly-Noviodh. Industries, Rub / C The amount of lost income, thousand rubles.
Senokosy Herbs (dry Mass) 34.9 38,6 - - - 1 812
Total missed benefit due to temporary lands (rent for 1 year) 1 812
Senokosy Herbs (dry Mass) 0,9329 38,6 - - - 16 901
Total missed benefit due to land seizure (rent for 49 years) 16 901
Whole missed benefit due to withdrawal (rent 49 years) and temporary landing (rent for 1 year) 18 713

The yield and the price of implementation is made according to statistical management. municipal Area. The profit of the livestock industry is adopted according to the economy (970 rubles / c).

Profit on the livestock industry is defined as the difference between the sale price and the cost of production, minus the sale tax (24%) and property tax (10%).

The determination of the sum of lost income on the sowing of feed crops and feed crops was carried out by the formula:

WC \u003d Area * yield * 0.45 * Profit / 0.93 (0.45 - coefficient of translating the physical weight of the hay to the feed units. 0.93 - the rate of consumption of feed units per 1 c. Young man.

Table 2. Calculation of the cost of missed benefits.

№№ Indicators Periods
Cash flow i (t), rub 18 713 18 994 19 278 19 568
Discount rate, R 14,12 14,12 14,12 14,12
1 + R. 1,1412 1,1412 1,1412 1,1412
(1 + R) ^ T 1,1412 1,3023 1,4862 1,6961
I (t) / (1 + r) ^ t 16 398 14 585 12 971 11 537
The cost of missed benefits, rub 55 491

Determination of the period of restoration of impaired production The value of the cash flow that is defined by the owners of rights to land plots is defined as the difference between the value of the cash flow for a certain period of time, which would receive owners of rights to land under the usual civil turnover conditions, if their rights were not broken, and the most likely value of cash flow for the corresponding period of time, which can obtain owners of rights to land plots in conditions of violation of their rights.

At the same time, under the period of recovery of disturbed agricultural production for the purposes of this estimate it is understood as the term during which the owners of the right to land plots will be able to achieve such land use conditions that would be identical (equal) land use conditions that existed among the owners of the right to land plots before violating their rights .

The determination of the period for the restoration of disturbed production can be carried out taking into account the construction standards and rules (SNIPs), construction organization projects (Posov), providing for the construction time of buildings, buildings, structures, feasibility studies of the restoration of violated production, business plans and other sufficient and reliable information On the period of restoration of impaired production.

In our case, the period of restoration of impaired production is four years. The duration of the period is substantiated by the technology for restoring the fertility of recuftive lands (Table 2), which were provided for temporary use for the construction of the highway.

Table 3. Technology of restoration of fertility of reclaimed lands

When determining the amount of cash flow in accordance with conventional civil turnover conditions, including the following signs of conventional civil turnover conditions are taken into account:

· the greatest probability conditions of use of the land plot owners of land plots;

· Confirmation of the market analysis of the proposals made;

· Typlicity of market functioning conditions;

· The lack of impacts of unforeseen circumstances or circumstances are interpreted as a force majeure.

Table 4. Calculation of the value of biological reclamation during the reconstruction of the road.

№№ Indicators Pasha Grass (dry weight) TOTAL Total Rub
Area H. 1,0329 51 092
Making organic fertilizers Norma, T. 18 075,75
Ton 36,1515
Stand., Rub. 18 075,75
Making mineral fertilizers Norma, T. 0,3 309,87
Ton 0,3099
Stand., Rub. 309,87
Making peat Norma, T. 16 526,4
Ton 41,316
Stand., Rub. 16 526,4
Making news Norma, T. 4 710
Ton 6,1974
Stand., Rub. 4 710
Other types of work Norma, T. 11 470,3545
Ton 1,0329
Stand., Rub. 11 470,3545

The price of organic fertilizers - 500 rubles. / T.4

The price of mineral fertilizers, (price list on the site - 1000 rub. / T.

Price of peat - 400 rubles / t.

Lime price - 760 rubles / t.

Norms of making organic and mineral fertilizers, peat and lime adopted on the recommendations of books "Application of Organic Fertilizer", M. 1971, on sites: and

Other types of work (Yenir, E18 Collection, taking into account indexing):

1. Planning area bulldozers (§ E18-1, Table 2) - 2468 rubles / ha.

2. Plowing soil (§ E18-2, Table 2) - 2199 rubles / ha.

3. Soil harrow (§ E18-3, Table 2) - 2071 rubles / ha.

4. Sowing grass (§ E18-24, Table 1) - 638 rubles / ha.

5. Cost of seeds (price list at - 1800 rubles / ha.

6. Transportation and making organic fertilizers - 783 rubles / ha.

7. Transportation and making mineral fertilizers - 118 rubles / ha.

8. Transportation and income peat - 783 rubles / ha.

9. Transportation and logging - 245 rubles / ha.

The cost of transporting and making the meliorants is defined by typical technological maps.

Approximate value of biological recultivation 1,0329 G. Lands disturbed by temporary occupation for the period of construction or reconstruction will be 51 092 rubles.

Common the size of the missed benefit of the owner of the land, in connection with the provision of this section in temporary use for the construction of highways on the site, will be rounded 106 583 rub.for the entire recovery period of agricultural production.

Literature and regulatory and reference documentation

2. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 19, 2008 No. 98. About recognition by the invalid of some decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation on issues of compensation for agricultural losses.

3. Rules of compensation to the owners of land plots, land users, landowners and tenants of land plots caused by the withdrawal or temporary occupation of land plots, restricting the rights of owners of land plots, land users, landowners and land tenants or the worsening of land quality as a result of other persons. Approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2003 №262;

4. Temporary guidelines for calculating the size of damages caused to owners of land plots, land users, landowners and land tenants with withdrawal for state or municipal needs or temporary occupation of land plots, limiting the rights of land owners, land users, landowners and land tenants or deterioration in quality Lands as a result of other persons. Approved by the head of Roszhekdastra on March 11, 2004;

5. About the land fee in the Leningrad Region. Law of the Leningrad Region dated June 7, 2005 No. 40-OZ;

6. Esipov V. E., Makhovikova G. A., Terekhova V. V. Evaluation of business. St. Petersburg, "Peter", 2002, 416 p.

8. Real estate assessment: textbook / ed. A.G. M. M.A. Fedotova. M., Finance and Statistics, 2003. 496 p.

9. Ozers E.S. Economics and real estate management. St. Petersburg, Publishing House "ISS", 2003, p.422.

10. Evaluation standards, mandatory approval of assessment activities. Approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.07.2001 No. 519.

11. Federal Evaluation Standard. General concepts Estimates, approaches and requirements for assessment (FSO No. 1), approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of July 20, 2007. №256.

12. Federal Standard Evaluation. Requirements for the assessment report (FSO No. 3), approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of July 20, 2007. № 254.

13. Federal Evaluation Standard. The purpose of the assessment and types of value. (FSO No. 2), approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of July 20, 2007 No. 255.

a common part

Evaluation Object: Land Related to Agricultural Lands, Square 349539.00 sq. M. M., with cadastral number 47:26:0815001:2 located in the Leningrad region area, Tosnensky district, array "" Ryabovo-farm ", SNT" IVA "," common Square whom 348539.00 square. M.provided to seizure and 1000 sq. M. M.provided for temporary use for the construction and operation of a highway in the territory of the Tosnensky district of the Leningrad region.

The purpose of the assessment : determination of losses, missed benefits and losses of agricultural production facility assessment for translation of land from the category of agricultural purposes in category Lands of industry, energy, transport, communications, broadcasting, television, computer science, land for space activities, defense land, safety and land of other special purpose ;

Estimation of the assessment: The results of this work can be used in the future by the Customer when making decisions on the compensation of losses, missed benefits and losses of agricultural production caused by the construction of a highway, as well as at the conclusion of rental contracts for land plots.

Permitted use: for the organization of peasant economy.

Applicable regulatory documents:

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 19, 2008 No. 98. About recognition by the influence of some decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation on issues of compensation for agricultural losses.

Rules of compensation to the owners of land plots, land users, landowners and tenants of land plots caused by the withdrawal or temporary occupation of land plots, restricting the rights of owners of land plots, land users, landowners and tenants of land, or worsening land quality as a result of other persons. Approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2003 №262;

Temporary guidelines for calculating the size of damages caused by land plots, land users, landowners and land tenants with withdrawal for state or municipal needs or temporary landing of land plots, restricting the rights of land plots, land users, landowners and tenants of land plots or worsening land quality in A result of other persons. Approved by the head of Roszemkadastra on March 11, 2004;

About the land fee in the Leningrad Region. Law of the Leningrad Region dated June 7, 2005 No. 40-OZ;

Sequence of work performed:

Familiarization with technical documentation for design facilities (evaluation);

Collection and analysis of source information;

Calculation of damages, missed benefits and losses of agricultural production and reporting.


Public cadastral card (


Losses of the owner of the land plot with the cadastral number 47:26:0815001:2 in connection with its withdrawal for the construction of a highway on the territory of the Tosnensky district of the Leningrad region, on March 19, 2015, it is:

- Real damage - 49 373 ruble;

- missed benefit - 106 583 rubles.

2. Terms and definitions

Land -part of the surface of the Earth (including the soil layer), the boundaries of which are described and certified in the prescribed manner.

Land can be divisible and indivisible. Dividimum, is a land plot that can be divided into parts, each of which forms an independent land plot after the section, which can be used without translating it into the land of a different category, except in cases established by federal laws.

Losses -the costs that the person whose right is broken produced or should produce to restore violated rights, loss or damage to his property (real damage), as well as non-trained income that this person would receive under normal civil turnover conditions if his right is not It was broken ( lost profit).

Real damagecaused by the owners of land plots is determined by the size market value Land plots.

General About object assessment

Evaluation Object -land, with cadastral number 47:26:0815001:2 located in the Leningrad Region area, Tosnensky district, array "" Ryabovo-farm ", SNT" "Iva" "related to agricultural lands, with a total area 349539.00 sq. M. M.provided for seizure 348539.00 square. M. (for rent for 49 years or property) and temporary use for the period of construction 1000 sq. M. M. (1 year) for the construction and operation of the highway in the territory of the Tosnensky district of the Leningrad region (Fig.1, 2)

This plot is the property of SNT "" IVA "" .

The entire exhausted area of \u200b\u200bagricultural land is occupied by hayokes.

Fig. 1 Location of the Assessment Object

Fig. 2. Scheme of the boundaries of the assessment object

Internal information is a description of the characteristics of the estimated object, its environment and typical for a particular market segment. As a rule, the internal information collected by the appraiser has the maximum degree of reliability.

System collection and analysis of internal information allow us to group the entire data array in four base blocks:

1. Legal status of an assessment object.
2. Information on the physical characteristics of the object of the assessment and its environment.
3. Economic information about the estimated real estate.
4. Competitive demand and supply.

This array of information is used when choosing the most efficient use of real estate, carry out appropriate calculations in methods of profitable, costly and comparative approaches to determine the market value. Specific Economic 1 Information on the estimated property and technical description of buildings and land plots will allow the appraiser to choose an adequate segment of the real estate market and get information about the prices of buying and selling analogs, rental rates, construction costs, depreciation and investment risk levels in the local market.

The nature and amount of collected information to perform a specific appraisal assignment depend on the type of real estate and the scope of approval of the assessment results - the appointment of the assessment. Collect the necessary information related to the task, their systematization and preliminary analysis should precede the choice and use of any methods for assessing a market or other value of value.

Legal status of an assessment object. The appraiser uses data on the legal position of the object, legal description of the object of real estate and land plot (land lease agreement).

Information about the physical characteristics of the object of the assessment and its environment. Information on the physical characteristics of the facility should give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe state of the land plot, buildings and structures that make up the real estate, property that is not inherently real estate, but fixed at the facility in a certain way and to be evaluated in its composition (fixstures). It should also include a description of the area of \u200b\u200bthe arrangement of the estimated object and its immediate environment affecting the value of the cost.
These information can be obtained during negotiations with the customer or the owner of the assessment facility and representatives of technical services responsible for the operation of the facility, based on the study of internal documentation, visual inspection and technical examination of the facility.

Economic information about the estimated real estate. This information includes official accounting and financial statements According to the estimated real estate and additional information. Practice shows the need to reconcile real estate accounting data with their actual availability on the basis of these inventory of fixed assets.

For information on income and expenditures, the appraiser studies the sale of similar real estate objects and competing commercial facilities leased on the same market. For investment real estate, income data is analyzed for the current and last periods, losses from the unemployment of premises and non-payment of leases, as well as typical types of operating costs.

Data on income and expenses on compared objects should be placed in chronological order according to the type of property so that they can be easily displayed from the database. This data must also be converted to comparable units for analysis.

For example, income can be represented in the form of rent for one apartment, a room, a hospital bed and a unit of the square.

Capitalization rates. Based on the data on pure operating income and prices, sales are calculated by the overall capitalization rate. During the comparison of the estimated object with facilities, the capitalization rates are analyzed from the point of view of similarity. The overall rate and capitalization rate, calculated on the basis of the analysis of recent sales of comparable facilities, can also serve as a basis for calculating other capitalization rates.

Competitive demand and offer. The focus when choosing market data should be given to selling sales transactions related to a specific market of real estate. Different objects have a different degree of similarity, since each part of the Earth is unique and absolute similarity is not possible, so the appraiser must rank comparison objects in the process of analysis
Information on competing objects is necessary to calculate the amendments to the prices of analogs when using methods comparative approach, risk assessments and determining the rates of profitability and capitalization, loss factor, dynamics and structure of operating costs for the methods of an income approach. Analyzing competitive demand and proposal, the appraiser identifies the trends of building costs, entrepreneurial income, market requirements for functional parameters of real estate, the amount of economic obsolescence, etc.

Appraisers can also use data on pricing and demand for competing objects that do not contain actual information on prisoners and are considered as indicators of prices expected by sellers and buyers, and indicators of the possible turnover of competing real estate objects.

Introduction 3.

The best and most effective use Real estate 12.

Calculation of the estimated value of the object of real estate based on three approaches 13

Value assessment based on an income approach 13

2.5.2 Value estimate based on a comparative approach 15

2.5.3 Cost estimate based on the cost approach 19

Coordination of the results obtained and deriving the total value of the value of the property 21

Drawing up an assessment report 24

Conclusion 25.

Bibliographic list 27.


Under real estate, they understand the material object created by nature (land plot) or hands of a person (building buildings, structures), that is, take into account the physical essence of the property object.

Real estate assessment - science of applied economic analysis, the purpose of which is to identify the most effective from an economic point of view of the use of the facility, in the study of supply and demand in the relevant market, as well as in the development of a model for assessing an object that would predict the most likely price of its sale.

Assessment of the market value - the final value of the market value of property rights to the estimated asset as the most likely price value.

One of the main advantages when selling real estate is a correct price for it. The task of the owner is to get into the market conjuncture, to offer real estate at a cost adequate to the one that is asked for similar. To do this, it is necessary to evaluate the available real estate using the appraiser services. Evaluation of real estate requires special education, preparation and experience and therefore performed by a professional with an appropriate license.

The meaning of the assessment is to show the real cost of the object. After all, the price of real estate objects can grow or fall depending on different conditions and market circumstances.

The legislation of the Russian Federation regulates all types of economic activities related to real estate. Therefore, the correct assessment of real estate objects, as well as the assessment of the Earth, is an important problem.

The study of foreign experience assessing the value of real estate objects shows that the closest to the real - the cost determined on the basis of their market assessment. In this case, the appraisers use three methods: 1) the method of comparative sales analysis (market method); 2) income, or income capitalization method; 3) the cost method, or the calculation method.

The appraiser can evaluate several types of value. Each assessment is based on a certain methodology, has certain requirements for calculations. Evaluation of real estate objects and the definition of market value plays an important role at present. The property took one of the important places in human life, both place of residence and capital investment. People who do not have their own housing seek him to purchase it, and the one who already has it, and who has enough money for his acquisition, wants to live in more comfortable conditions, and buys more expensive and modern accommodation. Since the housing market is now very developed, without not a single operation, without evaluation and value of real estate.

Calculation of the estimated value of the property based on three approaches


Summarizing all the above can be made several conclusions. Real estate includes objects, the movement of which is impossible without disproportionate damage to their purpose, including forests, perennial plantings, buildings, structures. The real estate market is a combination of relationships around operations with real estate (sales, purchases, rental, pledge, etc.). The processes of transition to the market model of the economy in the Russian Federation have revived the rights of private property and freedom of entrepreneurship, allowing the subjects of the market to own, dispose and use real estate objects: buildings, structures, as well as land plots of a certain intended purpose.

Of course, the market segmentation, and product positioning - all this is only the tools that are used to achieve the main task - the adoption of an optimal economic decision that brings the maximum income to the entrepreneur. Their value is, first of all, that the physical characteristics (quality) of the (sold objects) of objects correspond to their economic characteristics (price, income) and consumers of the consumers offered to the implementation of objects.

The necessary element of the market economy is the institute independent evaluation Property, without which it is impossible to establish property rights and democratization of economic life.

First of all, this concerns the real estate market, the development of which can determine in the future the nature of changes in the entire economy.

Objective assessment different species The cost (market, investment, collateral, insurance, taxable and other) real estate is needed:

Under the operations of purchase and sale or rental;

When incorporating enterprises and the redistribution of property fractions;

To attract new shareholders and additional issues of shares;

With cadastral assessment for the purposes of taxation of real estate: buildings and land plots;

For insurance of real estate objects;

When lending to the security of real estate objects;

When applying real estate as a contribution to the authorized capital of enterprises and organizations;

In the development of investment projects and attract investors, including foreign;

When eliminating real estate objects;

In the performance of the rights of inheritance, a court sentence;

With other operations related to the implementation of property rights to real estate.

Bibliographic list

1. Asaul A.N. Real Estate Economy: Textbook. St. Petersburg: Humanistics, 2003.-406c.

2. Federal Law "On Appraisal Activities in the Russian Federation" of July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ.

3. Valdaytsev S.V. Evaluation of business and innovation. - M.: Filin Information and Publishing House, 1997.

4. Estimated standards approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 519 of 06.07.2001.

6. Henry S. Harrison. Real estate assessment: uch. benefit / lane. from English - M.: Rio Mosobliprapolygrafizdat. 1994.

7. Gribovsky S.V. Methods of capitalization of income. - St. Petersburg: Rostropress, 1997.

8. Mribovsky S.V. Evaluation of revenue real estate. - SPb.: Peter, 2001.

9. Grigoriev V.V., Fedotova M.A. Evaluation of the enterprise: Theory and Practice. - M.: Infra - M, 1997.

11. Tarasevich E.I. Real estate assessment / SPBSTU, SPB, 1997.

12. Friedman. N. Orday. Analysis and assessment of real estate income. - M: Case LTD, 1995.

13. Real estate assessment, textbook ed. A.G.Gryaznova, M.A. Fedotovova. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2002.

14. Evaluation of real estate objects: theoretical and practical aspects / ed. Grigorieva V.V. - M.: Infra-M, 1997.


Task # 1 (11). It is necessary to determine the cost of the store with the help of the general coefficient of capitalization, the annual profit of which is expected at the level of $ 65,000. In the real estate market, an appraiser expert has discovered the following reliable data:

where R 0 is the capitalization coefficient.

R i - coefficient of capitalization of the i-th object

where I i is profit, dollars.

V I - sale price, dollars.


Answer: The cost of the store is $ 590909.

Task # 2 (46). Determine the value of the wear of the thermoplace in 3 and 4 quarters of 2008. Source data: There is data on the operation of the thermoplace in 2008-2009. Calculations are carried out taking into account the invariance of prices in the period under consideration. Profit in quarters for 2008 (million rubles): 1 square. - 150; 2 square meters. - 150; 3 square meters - 144; 4 sq. M. - 142. Profit in 1 square. 2009 - 135.

Find the amount of wear by the formula:


where PR 0 is the profit of new equipment, million rubles;

PR M - current profit, million rubles.

Then the value of wear for the 3rd quarter:

or 4%.

For 4 quartes:

or 5.3%

Answer: The value of the deterioration of the thermoplace of 3 and 4 block is 4% and 5.3%, respectively.

Task number 3 (85). Rate Financial Leverage. Real estate rate - 15%, mortgage rate ratio - 70%, the loan was obtained for 20 years under 10%, during the period of credit, only the amount of accrued interest are paid, the principal debt will be repaid at the end of one payment.

Find a mortgage permanent or profitability rate (IP) in fractions of the formula:

where D is the annual amount of debt service payments;

And - the main amount of the mortgage loan.

Annual payment amount for repayment of a loan and interest payments:

, then ,

where I is a monthly interest rate;

SFF is a monthly refund fund factor.


Find the return rate of own capital:

or 13%.

Comparison of the profitability rate of real estate and equity 15%\u003e 13%, then the financial leverage is negative.

Answer: Financial leverage is negative.

Introduction 3.

1 Theoretical Aspects of Real Estate Estimation 5

2 Real Estate Estimation Method 9

2.1 Determination of real estate assessment tasks 9

2.2 Drawing up a plan and contract for real estate assessment 11

Collection and analysis of information about the property of real estate 12

The concept of movable and real estate.

to real estate include: Land plots; plots of subsoil; Separate water bodies; All that is firmly connected with the Earth, i.e. Objects, moving

which is impossible without disproportionate damage to their purpose, including

including forests, perennial plantings, buildings, facilities. To do not. things are also subject to state

registration aircraft and sea ships, courts internal

swimming, space objects. Real estate is recognized

also an enterprise as a property complex.

Movable property movable

Property not attributed by law to real estate, i.e. Not related to Earth, not attached to it. D. belongs, animals, money, compulsory rights, requirements, securities, debt testimonies (mortgages), executive sheets.

The appraiser is designed to collect and analyze the information necessary for evaluating the assessment object. The appraiser studies the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the assessment facility, collects information substantial to determine the value of the object of assessment of those approaches and methods, which, on the basis of the judgment, the appraiser should be applied during the assessment, including: but) information on political, economic, social and environmental and other factors affecting the value of the assessment object; b) information on demand and proposal on the market to which the assessment object relates, including information on factors affecting the demand and supply, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of these factors; in) information about the object of assessment, including the right-expanding documents, information about burdens related to the object of assessment, information about physical properties The object of assessment, its technical and operational characteristics, wear and obsolescence, past and expected incomes and costs, accounting and reporting data related to the assessment object, as well as other information, substantial to determine the value of the assessment object. The information used in the assessment should meet the requirements of sufficiency and reliability. Information is considered sufficient if the use of additional information does not lead to a significant change in the characteristics used in the assessment of the assessment object, and also does not lead to a significant change in the total value of the valuation object.

Information is considered to be reliable if this information is true and allows the user of the evaluation report to make the right conclusions on the characteristics that studied the appraiser during the assessment and determining the total value of the value of the assessment object, and to make informed decisions based on these conclusions.

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