Overview of the land market for agricultural purposes. Overview of the land market for the agricultural land, Simferopol district of the Republic of Crimea. Agricultural land market overview of the Arkhangelsk region

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Buy Earth in the Moscow region (from 1 hectare)

We ask the question where to invest money should look at the land plots in the Moscow region. This is a unique place in its beauty, distinguished by a large number of forests. Sale of agricultural land in Moscow and the Moscow region, industrial land, industrial lands Sale, industrial land is currently enjoyable in demand.

High demand for Earth in the Moscow region, especially currently understood.

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Moscow region.

Area - 44,379 square meters. km, population (as of January 1, 2013) - 7.05 million people. VRP (2011) - 2.24 trillion rubles. GRAP growth (2011) - 8.1%. Industrial production index (2012) - 109.4%.

Average monthly accrued wage (January - November 2012) - 32 938 rubles.

Agricultural land of the Moscow Region Market Overview

To date, suburban real estate is considered to be one of the most interesting and attractive market segments for private investors. In a matter of years, this fundamentally new market for Russians has fully developed.

In other words, the principles of price formation, the demand structure, geography of suggestions were clearly understood.

Over the past year, the suburban real estate market was in the process of active development.

Agricultural land market

The land market, as a rule, very well reflects the overall situation in the industry for which it is intended.

To date, the market of agricultural land is the buyer's market. In general, the volume of proposal is large and scheduled to reduce cost. The proposal largely exceeds the demand.

Despite this, many sellers are focused on the sums that they have invested in the land or property complex.

The period from 2005 to 2008 was the time of prosperity for the land market of the Moscow region, as well as for the entire real estate market. How did the land market responded to economic unrest on Russia, is it possible to continue to consider land as a reliable strategic object of investments and what will be with prices for land In 2012, these questions, as in many others, there are no unambiguous answers today.

Analysis of the land plot of the agricultural region of the Ryazan region

The current situation that established in the market of land plots of agricultural purposes is distinguished by a pronounced imbalance of supply and demand, which is characterized primarily by the presence of the most diverse number of objects and the lack of proper demand for this type of plots. Currently, large-scale land plots are presented on the land plots of agricultural land in the area of \u200b\u200bover 1000 hectares, as well as small land plots up to 10 hectares for the organization of small subsidiary farms.

Overview of the land market for agricultural land in the Yaroslavl region

Currently, in the market of agricultural land plots for the organization of agricultural production presents large-scale land plots of over 1000 hectares, as well as small land plots up to 10 hectares.

Offered for sale and rental as land plots in private and in state or municipal property, as well as investment platforms for the development of agriculture are prepared.

Before you buy land Agricultural destination, you need to figure out what they represent themselves what their features are.

The most important and basic characteristic - they must be outside the territory of the village (city, villages, the village, etc.).

Where the border passes, you can see the territory of the territory.

Inside there are land of settlements, but interns - the land of the agriculture.

To support beginner farmers in 2015, the state adopted a program of preferential lending to beginner entrepreneurs. Banks such as Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, Agrhoros, Binbank issues loyal loans to farmers including secured by the land of agricultural.

There are some features in circulation land of agricultural land- This is the predominant right of purchase, which has a state in the person of local authorities or regional. This right regulates the law "On the turnover of land for agricultural land" FZ-101 dated 07.24.2002, Art. 8. This means that before selling a plot, the owner is obliged to offer his site in writing first by state or municipal authorities, and then, in case of refusal, sell to third parties.

The second feature of which should be known Realtors - This is a law on establishment of land of agriculture After three years not use, and maybe soon the state will reduce this period up to 1 year. For us, realtorsThis means that new buyers are not investors, but novice farmers and entrepreneurs appear on the market.

Currently, more and more people want to buy a plot agricultural purposesEveryone pursues their goals: someone wants to build a manor away from a stuffy city, someone wants to open a family business, someone wants to profitably invest money, it is clear that this acquisition is a profitable, effective investment of money at the present stage.

Municipalities put a lot of agriculturals to auction (this price is not cheaper than private owners) is true, but it always was always, there is a primary market, but there is a secondary, and they have existed together for many years, then there is also demand on that and on Friend market!

If the plots are allocated from the general dolly ownership And their borders are installed on the ground, the price of suggestions grows at least 3-4 times. I would like to pay special attention to the prices of suggestions for agricultural land. No other market segment represents such a wide range of prices! Even the superficial overview of the proposals allows in the same municipal Area To identify areas whose cost is different in tens of times. The price variation is able to mislead even an experienced appraiser. In order to avoid mistakes, it should be understood first of all, the degree of investment attractiveness of the exposed land plots. Information received from text ads and sellers survey has revealed the following trends.

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For trade - areas at the intersection of the route (multi-band) from MKAD, which have convenient transport accessibility. " Rates over the past 5 years the cost of land plots in the Moscow region grew, while such a tendency touched almost all directions and appointments to the use of lands.

For example, according to GVA Sawyer, the cost of 1 weaving Earth agricultural on Novorizhskoye highway at a distance of 50-70 km from MKAD was $ 100 in 2003, by 2008 the land with the same characteristics reached the cost of $ 3000, that is, the growth was about 3000%. At the same time, according to the company's analysts estimates, the growth peak fell for the period from 2005 to mid-2007, and from mid-2007 the growth rate of the land costs began to decline.

A little less actively grew the cost of land in Kiev Highway: from $ 500 for a hundred land in 2003 to $ 7,000 in 2008.

Land plots of Moscow - review for 2015


Even if permission for translation is obtained, this procedure is conjugate with certain temporary and material costs. Here, the appraiser directly faces the problem of the most efficient use (NEI). Analysis of the best use of a plot related to the category of agricultural land and intended for agricultural production, in no case implies alternative use (for cottage development, roadside infrastructure facilities, etc.).

For such agricultural land as arable land, this is the use of a site as part of a scientifically based crop rotation, which contributes not only to obtaining high yields with minimal costs, but also to restore and increase soil fertility.

Agricultural land market overview of the Arkhangelsk region

The Samara region is part of the Volga Federal District. Borders in the West with the Ulyanovsk region, in the north - with the Republic of Tatarstan, in the East - with the Orenburg region, in the southwest - with the Saratov region, in the most southern Point It has contact with the Republic of Kazakhstan.

As of 01.01.2014 Land Fund Samara region In the administrative boundaries is 5356.5 thousand hectares. The share of agricultural land accounts for 4070.1 thousand.
ha, that is, almost 76% of the total territory. The area of \u200b\u200bagricultural land as part of agricultural land is 3796.5 thousand hectares (93.28%), including: Pashnya - 2857.7 thousand hectares (70.21%), deposits - 105.4 thousand hectares ( 2.58%), perennial plantings - 27.8 thousand hectares (0.68%), 3,500 hectares - 50.5 thousand hectares (1.24%) and pastures - 755.1 thousand hectares (18.55% ).

Agricultural land market overview


However, experts hope that under the auspices of the proclaimed aspiration for GDP growth and the decline in importation, the situation in the country may change. First of all, if in continuation of this proclaim will be revised by attitude towards monetary policy.

For the development of the industry, the necessary loans should be and reduced interest rates. Secondly, if the agricultural producers change the existing approach to the management of the economy. With the existing volume of subsidies, with the right business organization, solving the issue of sales, you can show good results.

To date, the most promising and viable application of the principle "I myself produced - sell myself". When agricultural producers are built inside one cluster the feed base - production of raw materials - processing - and most importantly, - sales.

Analysis of the agricultural land market

But in order to understand the true state of the Russian land market, it is necessary to consider in detail his pressing problems. To begin, it should be approached to the study of prices for agricultural land.
According to experts who are professionally engaged in the calculation of the value of the Earth, in the near future should not be expected a significant jump in the growth of prices for land plots. This is due to the fact that the main part of land agricultural land is in a mutual or other property of ordinary citizens who are not so closely followed the situation in the foreign exchange market, and they will not, unlike landowners who are engaged in land trade professionally, raise the value of agricultural Label every day, adjusting to the ruble. The trend is also noticeable when the value of the Earth began to increase depending on the regional location.

Analysis of the land plot of agricultural purposes

  • Increasing the supply of liquid land plots in Moscow and beyond the rapid sale of assets by owners, burdened with loans requiring repayment.
  • An increase in the number of potential buyers interested in the possibility of investment acquisitions in the land market.
  • A more flexible approach of owners in negotiations when selling land assets.
  • Completion of a period of rapid growth in prices for land plots, a decrease in the cost of low-rivide land assets.
  • The land market of the Moscow region recently is replenished at the expense of areas adjacent to settlementspassing as a result of the assertion of the boundaries of these items to the category of "land of settlements".

The forecast of the development of the land market to a large extent depends on the financial condition of its participants, which is currently very foggy.

Moreover, the maximum fall accounted for the 4th quarter of 2008, and compared with the previous quarter, prices were only slightly adjusted. The fall in prices is due to the fact. that today to sell the plot in the village is very and very difficult, therefore, landowners who wish to realize their assets have to offer impressive discounts.

Extra funds for the development of agricultural land (change of category, survey, etc.) There are no developers now. As a result, the demand for such lands is almost completely absent, it is especially true of large arrays. The fall in prices for the plots up to 30 km from the Moscow Ring Road compared to the 4th quarter of 2008 was 23.9%, in the range of 31-60 km from the Moscow Ring Road - a fall by 18.8%, at a distance of over 61 km from the Moscow Ring Road - Falling at 41, eight%.

Despite the fact that the agricultural industry is one of the most subsidized, entries with serious projects the size of investments calculated by hundreds of millionswells and is more difficult. Difficulties are associated with a low level of offer in the project financing market, as well as the issue of sales finished products. As part of the income approach, the appraiser calculates the indicator of land rent - the difference between the middle gross income from the site and the costs, taking into account the profit of the entrepreneur. When calculating the appraiser analyzes - which cultures with which periodicity can be grown on the estimated area, focusing on actual or regulatory data, given current prices Implementation, receives a total income.
The cost part is calculated in the same way, including in addition to the cost of the entrepreneur's profit (based on the average industry profitability for each chosen culture).

Overview of the agricultural land land market 2016

In some sections, transaction prices may differ from the prices of proposals at times. Professional calculation To navigate in prices, buyers make sense to repel from prices for those sites (from potentially suitable), which are cheaper than all. As a rule, they are exhibited for more than a year, and sometimes for several years, prices for them have already decreased several times and they are as close as possible to those prices for which they will eventually buy them. Professional appraisers carry out more in-depth analysis to calculate the value of the Earth. Traditionally, the most applicable two approaches are comparative and profitable. Comparative approachbased on the comparison of prices for areas with comparable characteristics and the construction of a mathematical estimated model that takes into account the differences in analogue objects from the estimated area.
A profitable approach is based on a cash flow that generates or is able to generate an estimated area.

Proposal and demand

Analysis of the market of land plots of agricultural appointment of the Simferopolsky district was made as of 01.04.2018. The study uses information from 83 sentences with a total area of \u200b\u200babout 370 hectares.

In terms of the number of proposals of land plots of agricultural purposes (SKN), the Labor C / P is 28% of the total number of proposals, followed by Perovskoe s / n - 16%. Thus, rural settlements adjacent to the boundaries of the city of Simferopol directly contribute to the greatest contribution to the market formation.

The structure of the sentence in the context of municipalities,%

The range of areas offered to sell land plots of agricultural purposes on the territory of the Simferopol region is 0.4-36 hectares.

Structure of the supply of land plots of agricultural purposes in the context of the square

Area, square. m.


less than 1 g

from 1 to 2 hectares

from 2 to 3 hectares

from 3 to 4 hectares

4 to 5 hectares

from 5 to 10 hectares

more than 10 g

Structure of the supply of land plots of agricultural purposes in the context of the square,%

Source: Monitoring of the Land Market Market LLC "AFK-Audit"

Agriculture and processing of agricultural products is a priority direction for the development of the district economy. Special emphasis is on the production and processing of vegetables, fruit growing, viticulture, animal husbandry, poultry farming, essential oil production.

Unconditional competitive advantages of the Simferopol region in this industry are fertile agricultural land, allowing to grow and recycle the entire spectrum of crops; Favorable geographical position (proximity to the Republican Center, the presence of transport junctions), high population density (the availability of labor).

Price analysis

Range of prices of collected proposals is quite wide: the average specific value of the sale of land plots of agricultural purposes is in the area of \u200b\u200b93 rubles per square meter. m with a range of changes from 11 to 276 rubles / sq. m.

The rise in the price of offer is clearly affected by finding the land of the land plot next to Simferopol.

Map of Municipal Education of Simferopol district

The highest average cost of land plots of agricultural purposes of the Simferopolsky district is observed in the Uzhozhynovsky s / n - 156 rubles per square meter. m. In the second and third place at the price of the sentence - Perovskoe s / n (136 rubles / sq. M) and the Churenoe s / n (132 rubles / sq. M).

The lands of all three settlements are adjacent to the territory of the urban district of Simferopol. In addition, it is through their lands that the future track of Tavrid runs, which undoubtedly affects the cost of plots. Clarification that the site is located "next to the Taurid's track under construction" is found in the text of many sales announcements as an additional motivating factor.

Low average cost of land plots of agricultural purposes - at the level of 50 rubles / sq. M - in the Pozbassy s / n.

Specific market value Land plots SKN.

Municipality (MO)

Market value, rub / sq. M

Minimum value

Maximum value


Dobrovskoe s / n

Donskoye s / n

Mazanskoe s / n

Mirnovskoe s / n

Nikolaev s / n

Perovskoe s / n

Pozhaskoe s / n

Rodnikovskoe s / n

Labor s / n

Uzhozhanovskoe s / n

Churenoe s / n

Grand total

The average specific market value of land plots of agricultural purposes in the context of MO, rubles / sq. M.

Source: Monitoring of the Land Market Market LLC "AFK-Audit"

Property factors

The list of pricing factors is formed on the basis of the analysis of the real estate market and recommendations of experts. As a rule, the price of a proposal or the price of demand for land plots is influenced by several major cost factors.

In addition to the factors of state regulation, the general economic situation, the microeconomic situation and the social position of the region, a group of physical factors has a high impact: the form of the site, the type of surface (smooth, hilly), the presence of communications, roads, the environment.

In general, the main pricing factors affecting the value of land plots includes:

  • The circumstances of the transaction (a factor of bargaining);
  • The form of the right and the presence of encumbrances;
  • Financial conditions;
  • Terms of sale;
  • Date of sale / suggestions for sale;
  • Distance to the road of the federal value;
  • Land area;
  • Type of soil.

Trends and forecasts

The main problems faced by the Republic of Crimea in the field of agricultural development:

  • dependence on water supplies in the North Crimean Canal;
  • weakly developed market infrastructure, in particular, the sales and storage system of agricultural products;
  • low efficiency of agricultural enterprises;
  • physical I. obsolescence major production assets;
  • low productivity of agricultural production;
  • loss of the Ukrainian market.

Agriculture Crimea today has enormous potential. Investors' interest in the peninsula does not subside to this day: investment agreements are constantly signed in the republic and new projects are launched.


  • By the number of areas of agricultural purposes proposed, the land plots of the Simferopol region is sufficiently developed. By the number of proposals for the sale of land plots of this real estate segment, the Labor S / P is 28% of the total number of proposals and the perovskoe s / n - 16%.
  • The main share of suggestions for the sale of land plots is concentrated in the range of space from 2 to 3 hectares and from 5 to 10 hectares.
  • The average specific value for the sale of land plots of agricultural purposes is in the area of \u200b\u200b92 rubles / sq. m with a range of changes from 11 to 276 rubles / sq. m. The highest average cost of land plots of agricultural purposes is observed in the territory of the Uzhozhanovsky, Perovsky and Church rural settlements.
  • Reducing the transport costs after the introduction of new transport highways between the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Crimea and, as a result, an increase in the availability of raw materials will increase the investment attractiveness of the sector, which will entail the value of land plots and the further development of the land market for agricultural purposes.

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A distinctive feature of the Earth, if we consider it as an economic resource, is the limitation of this product. The main feature and the main difference between the Earth and Capital, which relate to mobile factors of production, is the stillness of this resource, therefore, in production, this resource qualifies as a specific factor.

Conducting an analysis of the Russian landline market for agricultural purposes as of 2015, a number of fundamental features should be taken into account. First of all, it must be borne in mind that despite the change in the pricing policy in the land market, the overall proposal for the sale of land constantly, and is not tied to an increase or decrease in the cost of farmland. RUGBC -russian Environmental Construction Council .

Key factors from which the cost of one or another land plot is formed are technological features of the station (the composition and fertility of the soil directly affect what agricultural culture can be grown in this section of the Earth), as well as the geographical location of the station, from which the climate is directly dependent The location of the wind roses, the average precipitation in the region, etc. A favorable geographical location (on which all the above-mentioned natural factors depend on the above), and the technological features of the soil, just form quality Land plot, and define the suitability of the Earth to conduct agricultural production on it, or the impossibility of organizing a profitability on it. This is the limited product in the land market, and that is why the cost of land plots of agricultural destination remains steadily high. As a rule, the number of areas that are suitable for agricultural production is limited in each region. By the way, with the investment of a significant amount of labor and high investment, the number of areas that ultimately be used for agricultural production can be significantly increased.

The land for Russia is not only an economic or production factor, but also socio-political, since the latter value is the most important. The land market for agricultural land, despite the increasing attention from the state, and a regular increase in the volume of industry subsidies is a fairly poorly organized and non-transparent industry. The situation is also complicated by the fact that the exact number of areas that fit or may be in the future are translated into the category of agricultural production, it is unknown. But despite all these difficulties, this segment of the land market is actively developing. This can be judged by the ever-increasing interest in the land of agricultural destination and on the constant increase in the volume of sales of such sites.

Every year, the land area is increasing, which are allocated and used for agriculture. And this is quite natural, because given fertility and beautifully suitable for growing agricultural crops climate, in most regions Russian Federation, agriculture is very profitable production. Thanks to the emergence of all new producers and enthusiasts wishing to invest in agriculture, and thereby improve industry well-being, the Russian land market for agricultural destination is actively developing. Every year in Russia, based on these cadastral services, dozens of thousands of land purchase and sale transactions are held, and a trend towards an increase in the number of agreements that fall on that part of the land market, which relates to the land of agricultural land.

But despite the noticeable recovery of agricultural products, there are significant problems that require a speedy solution. And mostly they are associated with the current political situation. So in the first six months, only 3 billion dollars were invested in the land market, which was the worst indicator in the industry in the last 10 years.

A huge role in this was played by the instability of the national currency, and instability in the country's foreign exchange market, inevitably contributes significant adjustments and on the total number of operations in the land market. A significant increase in the cost of the currency, which emerged at the beginning of the year, affected the increase in the value of land plots, which in turn reduced the number of buyers wishing to acquire, or lease the land of agricultural destination for significantly increased prices. The result of the ruble jumps and a huge decrease in the number of transactions in the land market, there was a reduction in total sales volumes twice, compared to the same period in 2014. This led to a significant decline in investing in land resources. Due to such an unstable economic situation, many previously concluded agreements were even terminated.

Conducting an analysis of the Russian land market for agricultural purposes as of 2015, it becomes obvious that transactions for the sale or acquisition of land plots are about 40% of all transactions with land concluded in the territory of the Russian Federation. In second place, after the transition of plots in full property by acquiring, the land is inherited. This indicator is about 30% of the total. The rest of the types of transactions in the land market (the transition of land in mutual property, long-term, short-term rent, etc.), constituting the remaining 30% of the total volume of all operations with land, are a variety of small transactions (by the amount of space), which in size Countries, practically, do not have much importance and are not able to affect the state of the land market as a whole. To date, due to the difficult situation on the foreign policy arena, the number of foreign investors who want to invest in the development of land agricultural land in the long term has decreased significantly. Flower Business: Color Growing in Greenhouses

Analyzing the land market, as of May 2016, it is obvious that the investment attractiveness of the Earth, suitable for agriculture, increased in some regions to 35% (on average about 25 percent). The Russian market of land is noticeable positive dynamics, primarily due to the increased attention of the state to this industry. According to experts, the current increase in investment influx is the first step towards the fact that after 2020, Russia will become almost independent of the import of food, as well as lifting the export of agrocultures by more than 50 percent.

As of 2015 - 2016, total area Land plots is 168 million hectares - this is a huge territory. Given that in many regions of Russia, these lands are used in agricultural production up to 70%, the total profit from agriculture, at the state level should be a fabulous amount. But unfortunately, this is not the case, and in some European countries, the profitability of one hectare of land of agricultural purposes, exceeds Russian indicators up to 7 times. First of all, this is due to the fact that agricultural activities, in most domestic enterprises, are carried out using a material and technically obsolete production base, an insufficient number of high-class specialists, and improperly constructing agricultural principles as a raw materials base.
But in order to understand the true state of the Russian land market, it is necessary to consider in detail his pressing problems. To begin, it should be approached to the study of prices for agricultural land. According to experts who are professionally engaged in the calculation of the value of the Earth, in the near future should not be expected a significant jump in the growth of prices for land plots. This is due to the fact that the main part of land agricultural land is in a mutual or other property of ordinary citizens who are not so closely followed the situation in the foreign exchange market, and they will not, unlike landowners who are engaged in land trade professionally, raise the value of agricultural Label every day, adjusting to the ruble. The trend is also noticeable when the value of the Earth began to increase depending on the regional location. So in the southern regions, the average cost of agricultural land, increased to 23% in comparison with 2013, and land plots located in the central regions rose, on average, by 10%. In addition, there is a problem of an outdated approach to the processing of land - the industry requires conversion and improvement.

The priorities are the replacement of material and technical support, as well as the transition from the production of exclusively raw materials, until its full processing in the final product, which will be interesting to the extensive circle of consumers. It is also necessary to introduce a unified state program for supporting agricultural producers, in which the industry will be able to gradually develop, following the development concept specified in the program.

As follows from the foregoing, regular monitoring of the Russian land market for agricultural purposes is an integral part of the successful development of the industry. It is due to the careful monitoring of the land market and the analysis of the obtained indicators, it becomes possible to monitor the dynamics of the development of this industry as a whole. This work clearly shows the enormous potential of the Russian land market and its rainbow prospects. But the release of this industry to the proper level is impossible without the adoption of effective federal and national development programs, the absence of which is the cause of the decline in investment, reducing the total number of transactions in the land market and a significant decline in the received profits from sales, or lease of land.

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