When determining the most efficient use of the land. Analysis of the most efficient use of land. The ultimate utility of the land depends on its size and form. Some options give the greatest effect only

Decoration Materials 14.11.2020

In assessing the land plot, determine the option of its best and most effective usewhich is determined by the interaction of a number of factors.

The best use analysis includes the study of alternative uses (mastering, development) of the land plot and the choice of optimal. At the same time, the prospects of location, the state of market demand, the cost of building, the stability of the alleged income, and the like are taken into account.

Of great importance in assessing the value of an object consisting of land and buildings is attached to the analysis of the best use, firstly, the alleged vacant land plot and, secondly, the land plot with existing improvements.

An analysis of the presumptive vacant land plot is a necessary step in determining its value, and it is based on the establishment of the most profitable use of the Earth.

Analysis of the land plot with existing improvements implies a decision on demolition, modernization or maintaining improvements existing on the land plot in order to ensure the maximum profitability of the object.

The likely and most profitable use of the site ensures its highest cost. Use options should be legitimate, physically admissible and cost effective.

We will call the main factors that determine the optimal use of the Earth:

location - a factor that has a basic influence on the value of the land plot (the prospects of location, transport accessibility, the nature of the environment is taken into account);

market demand is a factor reflecting the ratio of supply and supply in the market;

financial substantiation - the ability of the project to ensure income from the use of land, which would be sufficient to reimburse investors' expenditures and ensuring the expected profit;

the physical fitness of the site is the prospect of creating improvements - size, topography, soil quality, climate, engineering and geological and hydrogeological characteristics of the site, existing zoning, environmental parameters, etc.;

technological validity and physical feasibility - analysis of the ratio of quality, costs and timing of the project implementation, the likelihood of natural disasters, the availability of transport, the possibility of connecting to communal amenities, accounting for the size and shape of the site, for example, the size may be small for the construction of an industrial facility;

legislative (legal) admissibility - compliance with the use of the land plot with current legislation. It is detected as a result of the analysis of building, environmental standards, restrictions on the floor, the presence of temporary prohibitions for construction in this place, complexity in the area of \u200b\u200bhistorical urban development, a possible change in regulations, compliance with the rules of zoning, the negative mood of the local population;

the maximum yield (maximum property income and the cost of the site), which is determined by the discounting of future incomes of alternative use options, taking into account the risk of investment.

2.1.4 Improving the efficiency of use of urban lands

A special category is urban lands. Their value is influenced by the city and its production and economic potential, the level of engineering and social infrastructure, regional natural, environmental and other factors. In addition, there are legislation features for this category of lands.

The value of one or another site, the same factors may have the opposite effect:

  • - the intensive movement of transport is undesirable for a residential area, but increases the cost of the site for trading purposes;
  • - accommodation for educational institutions and shopping centers, aesthetic advantages and conveniences, accounted for in the assessment of land for housing construction, practically do not affect the value of industrial development territories; For them, transport infrastructure and economic zoning are important.

In a previously operating planned economy with the priorities of industrial development, the command and administrative distribution of "free" land led to serious disproportions in the development of the city and wasteful, not necessary and even harmful to the city, the use of the most valuable urban land (including enterprises and organizations), often leading to Heavy environmental issues. Once, distributed land is practically not redistributed, which leads to further aggravation of negative trends.

The main applicable units of comparing land plots:

  • - price for 1 hectare - for large arrays of agricultural, industrial, or housing construction;
  • - price for 1 m - in business centers of cities, for offices, shops;
  • - Price for 1 front meter - for commercial use of land in cities. In this case, the cost of the site is proportional to the length of its border along the street or highway with the standard depth of the site, which accounts for a small part of the cost;
  • - the price for the lot - it is used to compare the standard in the form and size of areas in areas of residential, country building;
  • - price per unit of density - the ratio of construction area to the area of \u200b\u200bthe land plot, etc.

Most land resources are currently in state and municipal property. Practice shows that in market conditions, urban land are a valuable resource and can serve as a stable source of revenues of the local budget. The city authorities determine the magnitude of the land tax, the rental rate for land and the regulatory price of the land plot when redeeming, so the issue of improving the efficiency of land use is relevant to them. For land ownership to be used more efficiently, i.e. I brought the maximum income from use and contributed to the improvement of the total investment climate, the further development of market relations in the land market is needed, the orientation of the current market situation and market demands.

For land ownership to be used more efficiently, i.e. Maximum income from use and contributed to the improvement of the overall investment climate, primarily the implementation of tax processes, lease and repurchase of urban lands based on its market value. At the same time, the fair distribution of the tax burden is achieved, stimulating the effective use and activation of investments in reconstruction and development in the process of restructuring the territory.

The results of the assessment of urban territory serve as source information to solve the following tasks:

ѕ Developing urban planning policies and social planning;

ѕ Formation of a proposal to the types of functional use of the territory, taking into account its quality;

ѕ Formation of economic mechanisms for the placement of various land use and investment policies;

ѕ Analysis of the consequences of the development and restructuring of the urban environment, optimization of municipal investments in maintaining and developing an urban environment;

Definition of investment attractiveness of the territory as the function of the value of urban lands.

There are two views on the value of urban lands:

the city planner designer in the process of functional zoning of the territory as a section of the city's master plan;

appraiser in the development of cadastral land valuation.

The basis for the formation of the cadastral assessment of land and the functional zoning of the territory should be a comprehensive urban-planning assessment of the market value.

2.1.5 Land Estimation Methods

Regulatory methodit is to determine the regulatory price of the Earth. Used in transmission, redemption of land in ownership, the establishment of a common joint (share) ownership over a free norm, transfer by inheritance or donation, obtaining a loan on bail, withdrawal for state or public needs.

Lands of cities are assessed with regard to the density of the development, prestige of the area, the nature of the surrounding land use, the environmental condition, engineering and transportation, etc. Earths are divided into zones differentiated by the basic rates of land tax and the regulatory price of the Earth (the law of the Russian Federation "about the land fee") . The regulatory price of the Earth is fixed in the land cadastre.

The basis for determining the regulatory price of the Earth: land tax rates and increasing coefficients, land tax benefits are not taken into account.

It is often necessary to evaluate an object consisting of a building and a land plot when the latter only has rental rights. In this case, as the value of the Earth, the costs of the land plot for construction can be taken into account.

In market conditions in the presence of necessary information It is advisable to apply methods based on analyzing market data. Order of the Ministry of Property of Russia dated 07.03.2002 No. 568-p Approved Methodical recommendations for determining the market value of land plots. As a rule, when evaluating the market value of land plots, the sales comparison method is used, the method of isolation, the capitalization method of land rent, the distribution method, the balance method, the breakdown method to the sections.

Sales comparison methodis the most simple and effective method estimates can be used to evaluate and actually free, and presumably vacant land; Allows you to determine the specific price of the land plot by making interest amendments to sales prices of analogs. In the absence of information about the prices of transactions with land allowed, the use of price offers (demand) is allowed.

Generally accepted comparison elements for land plots: ownership, financing conditions, special terms of sale, market conditions (change in time), location (distance from city and roads, characteristics of the environment), zoning conditions, physical characteristics (size, shape and depth of the site, Corner location, soil type, relief), available utilities, economic characteristics, best and most efficient use. When evaluating the Earth, several comparison units can be used, adjusting the price of each of them and getting several value values \u200b\u200bat the end determining the cost range. The special category is urban lands, the magnitude of the city and its production and economic potential affect their value, the level of development of engineering and social infrastructure, regional natural, environmental and other factors.

The method gives fairly accurate results only on the developed information and open competitive market. The Russian land market does not meet these requirements, the value of the land plot is impossible to determine on the basis of information on the sales transactions of the analogs. Therefore, all available information should be collected for the assessment to apply all methods for assessing areas.

Method of capitalization of land rentit is based on the fact that in the presence of sufficient information about land lease rates, it is possible to determine the value of these sections as the current value of future revenues in the form of rent for the estimated land. Within the framework of this method, the magnitude of land rent can be calculated as income from leasing land on the conditions established in the land market. As a regular income stream, the land rent may be capitalized in the cost of dividing on capitalization ratio for the Earth, determined from the market analysis. Initial data for capitalization is obtained from a comparison of sales of rented land and rental values.

On the basis of the leased rate received, the market value of the site is determined by an income approach usually using the direct capitalization method.

The capitalization rate is determined by the division of the magnitude of the land rent on similar land on the price of their sale or an increase in the risk-free rate of capital of capital on the amount of award for the risk associated with investing capital into an estimated land plot.

The main factors affecting the amount of land rental range: location characteristics, size, shape surrounding land use type, transport accessibility, engineering equipment.

However, in Russia for rent, mainly the land of the State and Municipal Fund, and the amount of rent is calculated in accordance with the regulatory price of the Earth, not equivalent to its market value. At present, attempts to rent land at its market value are being made, but it is too early to talk about the objectivity of the results of the practical application of the method of capitalization of land rent.

Distribution method (relationship method, correlation, allocation) -determination of the component value of the land plot based on the well-known ratio of the value of land and improvements in property complex. The method is based on the principle of deposit and approving that for each type of real estate there is a normal relationship between the cost of land and buildings. The most reliably is the ratio for new buildings, they are close to the option of the best and most efficient use. The more the age of the buildings, the greater the value of the value of the land value to the total value of the property.

For the application of the method, reliable statistical data on the ratio of land values \u200b\u200band all property of a specific type of real estate in a given market is required. However, the method is rarely applied even in developed markets, as it has low reliability. The use of the method is justified in the conditions of insufficiency of information on sales of land plots. The obtained values \u200b\u200bare considered approximate.

Selection method (extraction)it is used to evaluate the built-up land, if there are information about transaction prices with similar real estate objects. Improving the land plot correspond to its most efficient use. The method assumes the following sequence of actions:

  • - definition of object comparison elements;
  • - determination of the differences of each analogue from the assessment object;
  • - calculation and adjustments for each of the comparison elements;
  • - calculation of the market value of a single object of real estate, which includes the estimated land plot, through the reasonable generalization of the corrected prices of the analogues;
  • - calculation of the cost of replacement or the cost of reproduction of improvements of the estimated land plot;
  • - calculation of the market value of the estimated land plot by subtracting from the market value of a single real estate object, which includes the estimated land plot, the cost of replacing or the cost of reproduction of the improvements of the land.

The selection method is applied when the contribution of improvements in the total price of the site is optionally, it is recommended to evaluate country sections (for which the contribution of improvements is small and quite easily determined), it is used in the absence of data on sales of the land plot in the surrounding area.

The method is most effective in the conditions of the passive market (there are no data on the sale of free land), taking into account the features of the source information and the model of obtaining the desired value. The value of the land plot is generally determined by the formula:

FROM 3 \u003d C - with W. ,

Where SZ is the cost of the land plot;

C - the cost of the object;

SU - the cost of improvements.

Remain methodbased on the technique of an investment group for physical components. The method is used to assess the built-up and unresolved areas, if there is the possibility of building an estimated land plot by improvements that bring income. The cost of land is determined as a result of the capitalization of part of the income relating to the Earth.

To determine the value of the land plot, it is necessary to know the cost of the building, the net operating income of all property, capitalization coefficients for the Earth and for buildings.

The main stages of the residual method for the Earth:

the net operating income of all property is determined on the basis of market rent and intended operating expenses;

the net operating income relating to the structure (building) is determined;

pure operating income, attributed to the land plot, is capitalized in terms of value through the capitalization rate for the Earth.

It is difficult to predict income in conditions of insufficient stability of the economy.

The breakdown method on the plots (the approach from the point of view of development) is used in assessing the Earth, suitable for separation on individual sections. Consists of the following steps:

  • - determination of the size and number of individual sites;
  • - calculation of the value of the developed sections using the comparison method of comparable sales;
  • - calculation of the cost and schedule of the intended period of sale and reasonable entrepreneurial profits;
  • - deduction of all the costs of mastering and business profits from the expected total sale price of sites to determine the net revenue from the sale of real estate after the completion of the development and sale of individual sites;
  • - the choice of a discount rate reflecting the risk associated with the period of intended development and sale.

Land mass exploration costs typically include:

  • - expenses for breaking, clearing and layout of plots;
  • - costs of road, sidewalks, engineering networks, drainage;
  • - taxes, insurance, ITER fees;
  • - marketing costs;
  • - Profit and overhead costs contractor, etc.

In general, modeling the market value of land plots is carried out as part of the assumption of achieving dynamic equilibrium in competition of various "rational" land users for the right to occupy a certain area. With the balance of effective demand and supply on the imitative land market, when limited to the proposal, the question of the most efficient use of the site as free and taking into account the existing development is solved. The modeling of potential rental income for different types of land use is based on the laws of the formation of rental effects of location and the current prices (sales and lease). Given the essential difference in the cost indicators for sites located at the front of the street-road network of the city and located on intravartial territories, these sites are subject to mandatory separation when evaluating. The implementation of the principle of the most efficient use occurs in the context of competition for the use of real estate between the various functional segments of the market, taking into account the real limitations on the volume of demand and the possible multifunctionality of the territory, as a result of which a set of land users is formed on each site.

General provisions

The land acquires the cost only when it is used, so all evidence regarding cost is based on the analysis of possible use. This introduces an element of ambiguity in Earth's assessment, since, depending on the nature of such use, the value of the same land plot can differ significantly, which allows us to talk about the different value of the Earth with alternative use. However, there is always such use that leads to the highest value of the Earth and will be most effective for it. It is precisely it is adequate from the point of view of market participants and should be considered as a basis for determining the market value of the land plot.

In today's practice, the assessment of land plots there is no analysis. As a rule, in the reports, the choice and justification of the most efficient use comes down to transfer its criteria and unconfirmed by any or calculations of the statement that the use under which land is allocated is the most effective.

The procedure for identifying and justifying the alternative use of real estate providing the most productive use is called analysis the best and most efficient use. At the same time, the best and most effective use is the likely use of free land or property with an improvement that physically feasible, legally reasonable, economically advisable and leads to the highest value.

Basically, the concept of the best and most efficient use is applied only to the Earth. Earth is considered to have the cost, while improvements contribute to the value of the real estate itself as a whole. Hence the theoretical accent analysis of the best and most efficient use is placed on the possible use of the Earth, as if it were free. Even for improved real estate Earth assessment as free is prerequisite When determining the value of real estate. Only in this way the real contribution of improvements in the value of real estate can be determined.

The concept of the best and most efficient use of improved real estate in real estate assessment was developed in the 1960s.

Analysis of the best and most efficient use is performed:

a) for the land plot as free;

b) for the land plot with existing improvements.

The purpose of the analysis of the best and most efficient use is a reasonable choice of the most productive use of real estate.

With the final choice of the option of the best and most efficient use of a specific property, followed by the following provisions:

· If the cost of property with improvements is more than the cost of the site without improvement, the best and most efficient use will be the use of property with improvements;

· If the cost of a free plot exceeds the cost with improvements the best and most effective use will be the use of land as free.

The best and most efficient use of the Earth as a free

Analysis of the best and most efficient use of land as free is performed in two cases:

· If it is necessary to separately estimate the land plot;

The main task of this analysis is to answer the following questions:

1. If the Earth is or will be free, how should it be used?

2. What type of building or structures should be built and when?

The appraiser must analyze not only the current state of the market, but also give a forecast for its change for the future, since the cost is determined mainly by potential possibilities. For example, the existing most efficient use in the near suburbs, as an agricultural, with the growth of the city may change to the use of residential individual houses.

There may be cases when the most efficient current use will be temporary or speculative. Temporary use involves a device of car parks, sports grounds. After some time, the construction of the office can be the most efficient use of the site.

Speculative use involves keeping the site free until the moment when the market situation is favorable for improvements.

Often the built-up plot is analyzed as if free. In this case, the task of the analysis is to determine the effectiveness of the current use and the associated further use - reconstructions, modernization, repair, dismantling, etc. This free plot is viewed from the point of view of building a building similar to the existing one. If such use matches the most efficient, then the difference between the current cost of improvements and the cost of new improvements will determine the cost loss due to various reasons.

Analysis of the best and most efficient use is a comparison of the development options for the land plot. For each development option, the residual value of the Earth is calculated. The highest residual value of the land corresponds to the option of its best and most efficient use.

The best and most efficient use of land with existing improvements

Analysis of the best and most efficient use of property, as improved, is performed in the following cases:

· When determining the nature of the use of property that ensures the maximum return of invested capital;

· When choosing objects for comparative analysis.

The main task of this analysis is to answer the following questions:

1. How should I use existing improvements?

2. What type of reconstruction or upgrades should be performed and when?

The best and most efficient use of property as improvements is to use it if there are existing improvements. An analysis of such use should be recommended on the further operation of the property.

The criterion for the best and most efficient use of property as improved is the maximization of the property value with a suitable long-term rate of return and risk.

In practice, if options do not imply expenses for reconstruction or upgrades, they can be compared directly with each other on the basis of the present value of future income. If the costs of republic or reconstruction are required, the options comparison can be made on the basis of a clean present value or the internal rate of profits of the reconstruction project of each option.

Sequence of analyzing the best most efficient use of land

NNEA analysis of the land of the land as free from improvements

Analysis of the best and most efficient use of the land plot in the following sequence:

1. Market analysis and selection of alternative options for possible use, which are reasonably implemented, taking into account market opportunities and restrictions.

The option of the best and most efficient use of a specific section of the Earth of a free or land plot with improvements includes verification of the compliance of various options to the following criteria:

The best and most efficient use of the land plot of both free and improvements should be met by four criteria:

· Be physically feasible;

· Be legally permitted;

· Being financial and economic advisable;

· Have the maximum yield.

Consider the features of the application of the criteria for the best and most efficient use.

Physical fitness of the land plot.

The best and most efficient use of property depends on its physical characteristics.

When considering use options, it should be considered:

· Dimensions and shape of the plot, which may correspond or do not meet optimal use. For example, a plot may be small for the construction of an industrial facility, which is the best use in existing zoning.

· Availability of transport and communal amenitiesit may be a decisive factor in choosing a use option, for example: if the developer was interested in the construction of warehouse premises, then the preference would be given a plot having an exit to the speed highway or on railway. For shops, fast-food restaurants, motels very important is visual openness from either side road. The absence of the possibility of connecting to a trunk sewer collector can exclude the option of using the list of physically feasible.

· Engineering and geological and hydrogeological conditions can make it impossible to make the project of the most efficient version of improvements, due to, for example, the low supporting ability of the soil or high level of groundwater.

· Topographic and geographical features can impose significant restrictions on use. For example, the use of a plot for the construction of a large industrial terminal can be impossible due to the relief of the site.

Legal security

When analyzing the best and most efficient use of property, it should be determined which options for use correspond to the legislative, governmental, municipal act in this area. All documents must be analyzed regulating the regulatory and legal side of functional use. Public restrictions include: zoning rules; Protection Requirements ambient; Requirements for permission; Construction Codes; Housing Codes; Regulations on the breakdown of land on the plots. Other public restrictions may include energy consumption standards, redundant limitations, forced withdrawal of land for public use and other.

The nature of use may be limited to long-term lease agreements. In addition, partial or temporal limitations may occur, the determining prohibition of the use of individual types of materials, the limitations of the storeinity, a temporary ban on construction in this place.

In some cases, in relation to major projects, the obligatory requirement is their assessment. local residents. In other cases, the developer must provide a certain percentage of apartments or the same part of the houses in the microdistricts of the individual residential building to people with low income at rental rates or at prices below market. These restrictions can significantly affect the option of the best and most efficient use of the land.

Partial or time limits that determine the prohibition associated with the status of an object as a monument of cultural and historical heritage can occur. Partial restrictions in most cases impose additional costs when conducting improvements, especially in the districts of historically urban development.

In addition to legislative restrictions, negative moods of the local population may occur, which can make it impossible to determine a certain use option.

Private legal constraints include restrictions on the use of an object, servitude and specific agreements. The neighboring landseller can own the building that invaded this object. There may be burials or historical buildings not to be demolished.

Financial and economic feasibility

After the exclusion from consideration of physically not feasible and legally not allowed use options, an analysis of the financial feasibility of the remaining options should be performed. The criterion of financial feasibility is a positive return of investment capital, that is, the return of equal or greater costs for compensation for maintenance costs, financial obligations and initial investments.

The focus of financial feasibility research will depend on what market is physically possible and legally permitted uses.

If these types of use are presented in the rental market, then the analysis of financial feasibility will be reduced to which of them will provide a net operating income, sufficient to meet the required market rate of return of investment:

Pure operating income from lease of improved real estate;

GPO - annual debt service payment.

If physically possible and permitted uses are presented in the sale market, then the analysis of financial feasibility will be aimed at determining the income value, which will be obtained from the implementation of improved real estate during alternative use. Financially feasible in this case will be considered those uses in which the income will exceed the cost amount necessary to create and sell improved real estate:

PC\u003e CC + SF + PR

RS is the market value of improved real estate;

CC - the cost of construction;

SF - the cost of financing;

Pr - Profit Developer

Obviously, these excess will determine the amount that the developer can spend on the acquisition of the Earth. However, taking into account the assumption that all parties in the market, including the owner of the land plot, seek to maximize their benefits, one can formulate the following additional conditions for the feasibility of mastering and building a land plot. The amount that the developer can offer for the land subject to development must be greater than or equal to its cost with improvements:

The study of financial feasibility should be built on reliable evidence collected and analyzed on the competitive market of the considered real estate.

Financial feasibility depends largely on the ratio of supply and supply, location.

Check for the maximum yield applies to those uses that corresponded to the first three criteria. It not only suggests the consideration of the value of real estate, which can be obtained by the most productive use, but also the costs associated with achieving this cost, including the costs of demolition and transferring structures, the costs of restoration of the environment, the costs of changing zoning and others.

From financially feasible uses, the use of the most efficient use is the use that provides the highest residual value of the Earth.

The residual value of the Earth can be found by determining the cost of the intended use and deduction of costs to create improvements.

2. The construction cost is determined for each of the alternative strategies.

The resource quality of the plot and the technological validity of various development options is taken into account.

3. The financial validity of the revealed development strategies is determined.

For each embodiment, a forecast income report is drawn up. For each development strategy, based on the assumptions and assumptions about the future market behavior, pure operating income is calculated.

4. Capitalization coefficients for buildings, structures and land are determined. The appraiser may use capitalization coefficients defined on the basis of available market information or based on investor expectations.

5. The distribution of pure operational income between buildings, structures and plot of land is made.

6. The residual value of the Earth is determined.

The highest residual value of the land corresponds to the option of its best and most efficient use.

Analysis of the land plot with existing improvements

Analysis of the land plot from the existing development is performed in the following sequence.

1. The use of use options is selected, which is reasonably carried out, taking into account market opportunities and organizations;

2. The cost of building is determined for each proposed option;

3. The net operating income is determined;

4. The total capitalization coefficient is determined;

5. The present value of future income is determined;

6. The costs of reconstruction or repair are determined;

7. The market value of a single real estate facility is determined.

The highest net real value or the internal rate of profits of the reconstruction project corresponds to the option of the best and most efficient use of the land.

However, if the competitive level of demand is higher for production use, then it is likely that the most efficient use of this real estate object can be to maintain existing use with the necessary environmental work that requires relevant costs. The theory of real estate assessment requires an analysis of the land plot based on the assumption that there are no buildings on it, even if the site is built up, to determine how popular the current use should be in demand, whether it should be continued or replaced. Receiving the definitions of the best and most efficient use of the estimated real estate as an undesigned land is based on the assumption that it has no buildings, or can be released from structures as a result of their demolition.

The most efficient use of an improved land plot

When analyzing the most efficient use of an improved land plot, a study of legal permitted on to study the issue, is the real estate considered existing rules Development or other use of land and as such a compliance or inconsistency affects the value of the property. At the same time, many of those public and private restrictions are investigated, which were considered when checking the legal resolution of the use of land as free, but from the point of view of existing improvements.

As a rule, existing use is legally permitted, as it was carried out in accordance with current norms, rules and restrictions.

Efficiency of the use of land

Market analysis, conducted by the leading American company in the field of retail nutrition, market analysis can be divided into four functional tasks: field analysis, quantitative analysis, high-quality analysis, synthesis (see Fig. 16-2). Within each of these tasks, certain goals are being implemented.
The first goal is to determine those factors on the demand and supply, which affect the value of a specific land use option. The target market should be defined. The latter involves identifying those users who most likely can buy or rent this property.


For example, the target market for two bedroom apartments can be young professionals and married couples without children. After determining the target market, the amenities capable of providing a "competitive differential between the estimated object and all other objects are analyzed.

20. Earth assessment: Analysis of the best and most efficient use of land.

Title for this property may suffer certain flaws. The neighboring landseller can own the building that invaded this object.


There may be buried or historical buildings that are not subject to demolition. If the analyst assumes that legal restrictions may exist, which will affect the use of the Earth, then it should be obtained by the conclusion of a qualified lawyer who has an appropriate license. Resource quality area Resource quality area is functionally connected with its capacity and efficiency in combination with other factors of production.

Capacity is an indicator of how many factors can be applied to the site. An example is to make a decision on which floors building to build on the site: five-story or ten-story.

Analysis of the best and most efficient use of real estate


These factors are usually discussed in checking for maximum productivity. Very often, the verification of legal resolution, the physical opportunity and financial feasibility make it possible to conclude the possibility of continuing the existing use.

However, in each of these inspections, alternative uses or certain actions on existing use could also be considered, which means that the relevant costs would be made to make an estimated immovable property more valuable. It is these costs that become the subject of analysis in the study of maximum productivity. If changes in real estate increase or save an existing cost, then these costs will contribute to the most productive use as possible, and this should be reflected in the outcome of the most efficient use.

Analysis of the most efficient use

In this case, the demolition costs and disposal of the existing object will occur. In practice, the potential owner of the property will carry out the recovery of the site only if the residual cost of buildings is small.

Depending on how close to the time to the rating date is the selected option of use, requiring a new structure, the existing type of use can be considered as intermediate. So, if the cottage construction will reach the analyzed land plot in five years, and the period necessary for the demolition of existing buildings and the construction of a new cottage is one year, the four-year functioning of the existing industrial real estate is considered as intermediate use.

Criteria for analyzing the most efficient use

Maximum efficiency: consideration of which of the financially feasible use will bring the highest possible income or maximum current value. In order to correctly use the approaches to the assessment, as well as provide an answer to the feasibility of further existence on the improvement area, the definition of the method of the best and most efficient use is carried out in 2 stages: 1.

For a land plot as free; 2. For a land plot with existing improvements general rule The processability of land is regulated by civil law, unless otherwise established by land, forest, water legislation, legislation on subsorancy, on environmental protection, special federal laws.

Analysis of the best and most efficient use of land

The topography of the site is measured, the slopes that are not subject to development, the differences in the area levels are noted. Analysis of soil samples and a subspeted layer taken at its various points is carried out. The developer needs to know the bearing quality of the soil, its drainage properties. Carrying quality determines which types of buildings can be placed on the site and which foundation should be subordinate to them.

It is necessary to determine whether the rock formations exist in the site, for the elimination of which will require expensive explosive work. Drainage properties (permeability) of the soil determine its ability to absorb water.

Any drainage problems are detected. The availability of utility networks and the level of communal services provided is checked. Including any external objects should be determined, the existence of which can create inconvenience and cause harposted buildings.

2. Real estate assessment

Architectural expressiveness is achieved by the correspondence of the forms and volumes of the building to its intended purpose, the general appearance of the building, the proportionality of its parts, the use of appropriate appliance materials and high quality of work. At the same time, the aesthetic qualities of the building can be raised to the level of art. The requirement of efficiency is presented to all buildings and is to satisfy all the technical requirements its cost, counting on 1 m2 of the area or 1 m3 volume, did not exceed the established limit. Reducing the cost of construction is one of the most important natural objectives.
Thus, if the land use and development rules (hereinafter referred to as the rules) are adopted in the municipality (hereinafter referred to , garden, for LPH or IZhS). Where the rules have not yet been accepted, the specified parameters for ILS and LPH are determined by the relevant municipal officials issuing a construction permit, guided by dozens of different regulatory legal acts of various legal force and sectoral affiliation, as well as considerations that do not have attractions to the right .

2 Most effective ways to use land

Reducing the cost of the building can be achieved by rational layout and preventing excesses in the establishment of areas and volumes of premises, as well as internal and internal finishing; the choice of optimal structures, taking into account the type of building and the conditions for its operation; Application of modern methods and techniques for the production of construction science and technology, taking into account the achievements of construction science and technology. For the choice of economically expedient solutions, deignings on capital pays are established, depending on their appointment and significance. In this class, the I class includes the buildings to which increased requirements are imposed, and to the IV class - buildings for which minimum requirements are allowed.

The choice of the method depends on the degree of reorientation of the actual appointment of the estimated real estate, the level of risk of the considered option, the required rate of profitability and the period of capital compensation, the deadlines for the implementation of the intended use of real estate. The type of use that ensures the greatest yield of the Earth is the most effective.

At the base of all used methods for determining the value of the land plot in order to choose the most effective option underlies the so-called balance technique. The income from the Earth is considered as a balance between the cumulative income generated by real estate, and the amounts of income that are ensured by the attraction of labor, capital, fixed assets (functioning buildings and structures).

The land plot is part of the surface of the Earth, the boundaries of which are described and certified in the established procedure by an authorized state body. Earth assessment is usually required to determine market value of the landor the market value of the right to rent a land plot.

Market assessment The lands are possible only if there is an opportunity to transfer the rights to this land under the contract of sale, lease or other agreement.

The cost of land, as well as the cost of any other object of real estate varies in time and estimation of land plots Always carried out as of a specific date. estimation of land plots It is carried out on the basis of the principle of the most efficient use of land. It means that market value of land determined, based on such use of the site, which is the most likely, physically possible, reasonably justified, relevant to the requirements of current legislation and financially feasible, which results in maximum the cost of land. In this case, it is possible to reasonable division of the land plot into separate parts, characterized by the forms, views and the nature of use. The most efficient use of the land plot may not coincide with its current use.

In determining the most efficient use of the land plot, take into account:

· Target and allowed use;
· Prevailing land use methods in the nearest neighborhood of the estimated land plot;
· Expected changes in the market of land plots;
· The existing use of the land plot.

When changing the purpose of the site (permitted use), its market value also changes.

Estimation of land or estimation of land plots Can be made for the following purposes:

· Getting a loan in the bank;

· Contribution to the authorized capital;

· Sale of land;

· Inheritance entry;

· Drawing up a business plan;

· property division;

· Redemption of the land plot from municipal property.

Market value Land plotFirst of all, it depends on its location and influence of external factors, as well as from supply and supply in the land market, and cannot exceed the most likely costs for purchasing another area of \u200b\u200bequivalent utility. Estimation of land plot Considers the quantitative and qualitative composition of the communications and the possibility of accession to existing networks, if on the land plot it is planned to build real estate objects. Market valuation of land It also depends on the expected value, the term and probability of obtaining income from its operation for a certain period of time with the most efficient use of the land plot without income from other factors of the production attracted to the object for business activities.

With regard to land plots, you can also appreciate the right to lease. The market value of the rental right of the land plot depends on the authority of the tenant granted to him under the lease agreement, the term of the lease agreement, the presence of burdens and the permitted use of the land.

The cost of lease rights of the land plot also depends on the expected value, the likelihood and duration of obtaining income from the right to rent a real estate object for a certain period of time with the most efficient use.

Evaluation of the land plot is carried out using the following documentation:

1. Certificate of ownership of the land plot;
2. Cadastral plan;

3. Data on booking and residual value, utility payments and taxes.

The presence of additional information is welcome.

The density coefficient of development (to the PZ) is the ratio of the area of \u200b\u200ball floors of buildings and structures to the area of \u200b\u200bthe site.

4 Basic requirements for buildings: Functional feasibility, strength, fire resistance, architectural expressiveness, efficiency

The basic requirements for buildings are: functional and technical feasibility, architectural and artistic expressiveness, efficiency.

The main of the listed requirements is functional or technological feasibility. This means that the building must fully respond to the process for which it is intended (convenience of living, labor, recreation, etc.). Functional feasibility should be obeyed by volume-planning and design solutions of the building and its operational qualities. The latter are characterized by the composition and size of premises, technical equipment, sanitary equipment, quality of finishing work.

The technical feasibility of the building is determined by the solution of its designs that should take into account all external influences perceived by the building as a whole and its individual elements. These effects are divided into power and non-melted (environmental impact).

Silence belongs loads from their own mass of structures, masses of equipment, people, snow, wind, etc. The temperature effects that cause a change in the size of the structures, the effects of atmospheric and soil moisture, causing changes in the properties of structural materials, the effect of aggressive chemical impurities contained in the air (they can lead to the destruction of structures), etc.

Given these impacts, the building must meet the requirements of strength, stability and durability.

Building strength It is called the ability to perceive the effects without destruction and substantial residual deformations (deflection, precipitation, etc.). The strength of the building is created by the strength of its main designs and conjugates.

The stability (rigidity) of the building is called the ability to maintain equilibrium with external influences (i.e. resist with tipping and shifting efforts).

Durability means the preservation of time as the building as a whole and its elements. Durability depends primarily on the quality of the materials of its main designs, which must have resistance against humidity, frost, corrosion, rotten, etc., quality of construction and installation work, compliance with their technological sequence, as well as operating conditions.

For buildings are installed three degrees of durability :I. - with a service life of at least 100 years; II.- not less than 50 years; III- Not less than 20 years old. These deadlines are determined not only by physical, but also moral wearSince the technological and household processes are constantly changing, therefore, the buildings cease to satisfy their intended purpose.

An important technical requirement for the building is fire safety, including events that reduce the possibility of fire.

Materials and designs used for construction are divided into non-government, challenges and combustible.

Building designs are also characterized by the limit of fire resistance, i.e. Resistance to the effects of fire (in hours) to loss of strength or stability (structural collapse) either before the appearance of through cracks or increase the temperature on the surface of the structure in excess of the established standards.

Depending on the groups of ignition and the limits of fire resistance of the main structures for the buildings established five degrees of fire resistance. To buildings I, II, III degrees include stone buildings, to IV - wooden plastered, to v - wooden inactive buildings.

Architectural and art The quality of the building is determined by the criteria of beauty. Architectural expressiveness is achieved by the correspondence of the forms and volumes of the building to its intended purpose, the general appearance of the building, the proportionality of its parts, the use of appropriate appliance materials and high quality of work. At the same time, the aesthetic qualities of the building can be raised to the level of art.

The requirement of economy is presented to all buildings and is to satisfy all the technical requirements its cost, counting on 1 m 2 of the area or 1 m 3 volume, did not exceed the established limit. Reducing the cost of construction is one of the most important natural objectives.

Reducing the cost of the building can be achieved by rational layout and preventing excesses in the establishment of areas and volumes of premises, as well as internal and internal finishing; the choice of optimal structures, taking into account the type of building and the conditions for its operation; Application of modern methods and techniques for the production of construction science and technology, taking into account the achievements of construction science and technology.

To select economically expedient solutions established divisioncapital buildings four grade, depending on their appointment and significance. In this class, the I class includes the buildings to which increased requirements are imposed, and to the IV class - buildings for which minimum requirements are allowed. For example, large community buildings (theaters, museums, etc.) refer to the I class; schools, hospitals, commerce and catering enterprises - K KO Class II; residential buildings up to 5 floors - to the III class; Residential buildings in 1 ... 2 floors and other buildings to which minimum requirements are presented - to the IV class.

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