Ecological problems. Environmental situation in the Far East Presentation on the topic: Forest problems in Primorsky Krai

Colorful compositions 09.03.2021
Colorful compositions

"Environmental factors" - Barry Commoner (1917) - American biologist and ecologist. Ecology laws B. Commoner. The patterns of action of environmental factors. Environmental factors. Minimum. Mutually beneficial relationship. Abiotic factories of ground medium (climatic). Abiotic factors of soil cover. Forest. Intervidal interactions characterize the relationship between different types.

"Ways to solve environmental problems" - the development of a project for the complex environmental modernization of the Sverdlovsk region. Ecological problems. Sverdlovsk region on the map of Russia. Mining and processing plant "Vanadium". The main task is to reduce the negative impact on the environment. Discharges from urban treatment facilities - up to 60% industrial discharges.

"Ecological kindergarten" - here in nature, the eternal source of children's mind. " V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Culmination of classes has become practical work with microscopes. The purpose of the seminar: Improving work on the formation of environmental representations of preschoolers in DOU Conducted comparative experiments. Children considered the internal structure of the sheet, skin cells.

"Ecological School" - II stage of the project. We taught preschoolers to take care of your health, love sports and physical education. These Activities Have The Aim to Form The Ecological Atmosphere. Preschoolers together with high school students cleared and landscaped the territory of Spring "Silent". From now on, we are together - a big family - flowers and trees, birds and me!

"Environmental culture" is the participation of children in various contests. The goals, tasks, forms and methods, as well as the content of environmental education are determined. Children became more responsible for their actions. Expected results. Students, for the most part, have mastered the practical tourism skills within the program. The environmental problem is one of the most important in the modern world.

"Decision of environmental problems" - a plant for waste recycling has been created in Novokuznetsk. Use the knowledge gained to find ways to solve environmental problems. Air pollution. Water pollution. Actively advocate environmental protection. Pollution area. It is necessary to be more attentive to nature and the behavior of the surrounding people.

Ecology Khabarovsk

Kovkova G.I. Geography teacher first category MBOU SOSH № 55

Ecology is our common cause. "I will not believe anyone that there is a place boring place on our land and nor any kind of eye or hearing, nor human thought. Only exploring the nobody of our country can be understood. As good and how we are tied with your heart to each her path, a spring and even a robust fostering forest pichugi "/k.g. The paustovsky is the city of Khabarovsk Capital D.V., the Khabarovsk Territory Center, the city on the largest River of the Far East - Cupid is located in such a native and cute. The population of Khabarovsk. According to the census for 2010 amounted to 580,700 people. The city itself stretches along the Amur coast of 50 km, and width is 10 km (in the airport area is 18.7 km). This is not only a major administrative center, but also an industrial city, so the problems of human interaction with the environment (air pollution, water, soil, forest fires, waste problems, energy and agricultural problems are the problems of all major cities. Ecological situation

  • The atmospheric air in Khabarovsk is most polluted by benzpine and nitrogen dioxide. The average annual concentrations of benzpyrin exceed the permissible norm 3 times, which corresponds to a high level of contamination; Nitrogen dioxide concentrations are 1.7 times.
  • More than 2,000 facilities have registered with sources of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. Transport, enterprises of heat, electric power industry (72.4), for the processing of petroleum products (5.4%) contribute to the greatest contribution. Over the past five years, emissions decreased by 24%.

The problem in the field of waste management and consumption in the region continues to be one of the relevant. Over 23mln. Tonn waste is registered in the territory of the region. In almost every location, unauthorized landfills are detected.

Environmental Problems of Industry Industry Industry

  • OJSC "Dalkhimfarm"
  • OJSC Dalmoststroy
  • OJSC "DGK"
  • OJSC "Amur Shipping Company"
  • JSC "Khabarovsky refinery"
  • OJSC "Amur Cable Plant"
  • FSUE "Khabarovsk Shipbuilding Plant"
  • OJSC "Liqueur-Vodka Plant" Khabarovsky "»
  • OJSC "Far Eastern Research Institute of Shipbuilding Technology"
  • OJSC "Dalenergomontazh", which is part of OJSC "Group E4"
  • Energy Electric and thermal energy for the city produces Khabarovsk CHP-1, CHP-2 and CHP-3. At the moment, all thermal stations are connected to a gas supply (Sakhalin-Khabarovsk gas pipeline).
Environmental pollution Emissions into the atmosphere, g / kW ∙ h

Solid particles

Natural gas

Brown coal


Types of fuel

Poll Lit

Aerial photography of JSC "Korfovsky Stone Quarry" Mining of Grandhearites near Khabarovsk:

  • non-metallic building materials;
  • timber exploitation;
  • water pipes.
Negative changes in the medium during the development of the subsoil assessment of the impact of the career for vegetation Animal and vegetable world:
    • Animal and floral world:
  • Degeneration of vegetation;
  • Fish death due to deterioration in the quality of surface waters;
  • Violation of vegetation cover;
  • The burial of herbal cover under dumps, groundcons;
  • Deforestation.
Ecology laws: Law of the Russian Federation "On Subsoil":
  • Everything is connected with all
  • Everything should go somewhere
  • Nothing gives a gift
  • Nature knows better
  • (B.Kommonver)
  • Ensure comprehensive and complete studies of the subsoil;
  • Established procedure for using subsoil;
  • Full extraction and rational use of mineral reserves;
  • Protect deposits from flooding, flooding;
  • It is forbidden to build areas of mineral location;
  • Prevent pollution during oil storage, gas, waste disposal.
Recultivation of violated territories
  • GOST -83 "Protection of Nature. Earth. General Requirements for Reclamation "
  • -complex works in order to restore impaired lands.
  • Recultivation objects
  • - land disturbed in construction; - due to waste contamination; - career notes, dumps; - Polygons of solid waste.
Recultivation steps:

The result of the reclamation of the natural environment on the crushing and sorting section

Main types of human practices on the biosphere (according to B. Kommona, 1974)

  • Simplification of the ecosystem and the break of biological cycles
  • Concentration of scattered energy in the form of thermal pollution
  • Growth of the number of poisonous waste from production
  • Introduction to the ecosystem of new types (introduction)
  • The emergence of genetic changes in organisms of plants and animals
Response reactions of nature
    • Warming climate
    • Eutrophication of water bodies
    • Reducing the productivity of ecosystems
    • Accumulation of chemical toxicants in biota
    • Mutagenesis and carcinogenesis
Ecology of Amur. Amur is one of the largest rivers of the world, takes 10th place on the s pool, 8th place in length and 17th place on the flow of water. The biggest depth of Amur u s. Tyr. Here, almost the entire flow is collected in one channel of 900 meters wide. The depth of the river reaches 56 meters. At the same time, it is about 50 meters below sea level, but the seasale water does not come here, because The powerful flow of the Amur does not allow it. The greatest width of the river in one bed is 5 km. y with. Troitsky. Residents of Khabarovsk are mainly superficial and underground sources for water supply. The total mineralization of drinking water does not exceed 100 mg / l., At a rate of 1000 mg / l. Analysis of the quality of drinking water supplied by water supply indicates its deterioration: on microbiological indications by 30%, by sanitary - chemical 24.2%.
  • Residents of Khabarovsk are mainly superficial and underground sources for water supply. The total mineralization of drinking water does not exceed 100 mg / l., At a rate of 1000 mg / l. Analysis of the quality of drinking water supplied by water supply indicates its deterioration: on microbiological indications by 30%, by sanitary - chemical 24.2%.
  • Human economic activity has a strong impact on the quality of water in rivers and their water regime. In places of development of placers of mineral deposits, the turbidity of water increases in tens of times, spanning of spawns, pollution of coastal waters. Industry and C / X (Nekrasovsky pig complex supplies many harmful substances into the river with its tributaries, among which organic substances and heavy metals).
  • The average annual concentrations of petroleum products in Amur exceeded the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) from 1.5 to 5.2 times. The entire river water is contaminated with petroleum products, phenol and mercury compounds that are from China.
Protection of water-biological resources from poaching is a priority task. Forests of the Khabarovsk region

The edge has huge forest resources. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe edge of the region is 78.8mln, from the land directly covered with forest 52.5 million gg., That is, the forest areas of the edge is 66.6%, which is almost one and a half times higher than the middle forestry in Russia. The area of \u200b\u200bthe forest foundation is 73.7 million gg. On the intended purpose, protective forests make up 9.3 million gg (12.6%), operational 30.4 million gg (39.7%) and reserve forests 34 milliong (46.1%)

... More than 300wides of trees and shrubs grow. The basic forest-forming rocks are the larch Daurce and Spruce Ayan.

The problem of fire danger of forests is an essential factor affecting the state of forest resources, forest fires are. Fire hazardous season April 20 to November 16th. Since 2005, 2510 fires, the forest burned to the root of 13 million cubic meters. The area passed by fires for 5 years increased by 158%. The problem is poorly unresolved uncontrolled forest use, the human factor. Poaching

Losses from illegal forest management are on a global scale of about 15 billion dollars annually. Involving a significant part of the inhabitants in criminal activity, undermining moral oblats. Polls show that 1/3 of the population belongs to cutters tolerant.

We are witnessing a large-scale collision of civilization with nature. Our impact on nature turned out to be much stronger and it imposes a moral obligation on us: all the forces to improve the environmental situation. MBOU SOSH No. 55 In our school, the environmental education of students is given serious attention, for all school years an environmental culture is formed. Culture is a characteristic of human livelihoods, behavior and communication, this is the ability of human interaction with nature. From grade 1 students and their parents landslide the school courtyard and the city's territory attached to the school. , Landscaping the sports and playground. They are accurately known to ecology and health are not separable concepts. Nature is a healthy and useful vacation.

Every year school students are leaving for tourist tolets in Khabarovsk.

Ecological landing in action

An important place in the protection of nature is occupied by the purity of the city.

Landing Environmental trail at Voronezh. Place of rest Khabarovchan.

The result of this work at school, our children became the winners of the All-Russian drawings of the Ecology in the figure, the competition of leaflets "Save Forest - Save Tiger" and the winners of the city photo contest "Favorite corner of the native land"

Together with students of DGSU, students of the 6th - 7th grades, participated in the design and protection of projects "Khabarovsk - the City of the Future".

The outcome of the work on this topic was the scientific-project conference "Step into Science", in which students of 7 - 11th grades took part.

Nature is the perfect world! So it was, there should always be. We wish you the Earth: blossom, grow and sorry!

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Presentation on the topic: Forest problems in Primorsky Krai

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The ecology of the Far East has not yet suffered much because of human activity. Despite the fact that this area takes almost 40% of the territory of the Russian Federation, it is not attractive to the founders of industrial enterprises. The ecology of the Far East still remains more or less favorable, since in the area there are not the best climatic and natural conditions for residence and active activities of people. In addition, the ecology of the Far East saves remoteness from the industrialized districts of Russia. However, in those places of the Far East, where people still set up production, ecology is just terrible.

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Forest resources are a rich biological source. They renew, but should pass around the century, before the forest naturally can grow on the site of the forest, again. Forest resources are very necessary for a person. Firewood, manufacture of wooden products, raw materials for industrial enterprises working with this resource - not the entire list. Forests are reduced to liberate territories for the needs of the population. The construction of houses, railways and ships will not cost without wood. The combination of needs is extremely high, so deforestation problems arise. The irrational use of forest wealth can lead to serious consequences for the ecology of the planet. The overall is the main harmful effect that affects the forest resource. Eat ecosystem basically healthy trees. The inexpensive is also harmful, with it, the forest will quickly become old. That this does not happen, it is necessary to carry out not only the primary, but also the secondary processing of wood raw materials, to engage in selective cutting, the volumes of which do not violate the natural growth of trees, and restore the forest, making an additional planting of plants.

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Cutting down forests and as a result of the disappearance of the habitat of living beings; The insufficiently developed system for the protection of the forest and the problem of increasing fires, in which a person is responsible; Erosion of soil of forest arrays; Transformation into fading mob; Wastewater infection by waste of treated wood, which clog the natural environment; Drying of water bodies by cutting down forests, which leads to a violation of the water balance; A decrease in populations of animals living in the territories that have been destroyed by forests; Separation of the natural environment for small parts that are not reported to each other, which ruins the ecosystem, forcing nature to adapt to the needs of a person; Change and redistribution of animal migration.

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To resolve all difficulties related to the preservation of forest resources, you need to apply large forces. It is necessary to increase the amount of forestry, which will carry out a number of functions. Keep the environment, protect the positive properties of nature for further use of them for the benefit of a person. It will ensure that it will not exhaust forest arrays, but within reasonable limits to fulfill the needs of people in wood and other sources. Forest farms can help produce plants, increase their productivity. To bring a policy of forest resources in all countries of the world. Apply the inventions of scientific and technological progress to the rational use of resources. Maintaining biological diversity is another important step in the development of forest ecosystems. It is necessary to conduct procedures for preventing the reproduction of insects insect pests and the spread of diseases. For this, carriers exterminate. Experts should examine the forest and its inhabitants, to identify the places of the appearance of large populations. The results should take action.

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The forest is the "light" planets. The destruction of this resource without control will affect all humanity. There will be less oxygen, as the number of plants producing it will decrease. Solid water pollution decreases leading to soil poisoning. Forest is the basis for the development of the Earth's biosphere. Before the ninety percent of all plants, the planet is within the forest zones. Leaves of trees absorb solar radiation, support radiation background. Sanitary and hygienic feature allows drug tools. The aesthetic importance of forests plays a role in the tourist sphere, the improvement of the population. Forest plants serve as a regulator of atmospheric air balance, maintaining normal indicators of oxygen, carbon and nitrogen. Derivatives of trees - needles, leaves, bark - utilized in the soil earthen layer, fertilizing it. During the photosynthesis of the plant, special chemicals are distinguished: ethers, oils and other contributing to special fragrance. The forests are oxidized by the substances that are contaminated by the atmosphere, and absorb various harmful elements in the air through industrial enterprises. Fitoncides, produced in the forest, destroy pathogens of microorganisms, disinfecting air. The forest area maintains hydrology of rivers and reservoirs, prevents drought, reduces the effects of pollution by wastewater.

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One of the most important problems of the Far East still remains the inefficient use of raw materials base and resources in general. In the Far East, a significant national economic complex has been created. However, the needs of the economy dictate the need to further increase the scale of the economic potential of the Far East. The fact is that Western regions, where the main part of the national economic complex of the Russian Federation is concentrated, in its development can no longer be relying only on their own resources of many types of raw materials and therefore need its supply from the east. One of the most important problems of the Far East still remains the inefficient use of raw materials base and resources in general. In the Far East, a significant national economic complex has been created. However, the needs of the economy dictate the need to further increase the scale of the economic potential of the Far East. The fact is that Western regions, where the main part of the national economic complex of the Russian Federation is concentrated, in its development can no longer be relying only on their own resources of many types of raw materials and therefore need its supply from the east.

At the same time, the task of ensuring the needs of the European part of the country in natural resources does not mean at all that the farm of the Far East should have only highly specialized raw materials orientation. The problems of the development of the Far East should be considered primarily not only in terms of the situation currently in the western part, but also from the standpoint of the remote perspective, that is, as the most important long-term regional comprehensive program, from the successful implementation of which the growth of the country's economic potential, optimization depends Its territorial proportions and ultimately - ensuring the successful functioning of the entire national economic complex of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the task of ensuring the needs of the European part of the country in natural resources does not mean at all that the farm of the Far East should have only highly specialized raw materials orientation. The problems of the development of the Far East should be considered primarily not only in terms of the situation currently in the western part, but also from the standpoint of the remote perspective, that is, as the most important long-term regional comprehensive program, from the successful implementation of which the growth of the country's economic potential, optimization depends Its territorial proportions and ultimately - ensuring the successful functioning of the entire national economic complex of the Russian Federation.

Under the conditions of transition to the massive development of the Natural Resources of the Far East, the scale of shipping from the east to the West of the country is sharply increasing, which makes it necessary to constantly expand the network of transport communications. However, the historically established remoteness of the raw materials bases of the Far East from consumers makes it difficult to transport the freight traffic of raw materials from the eastern region of Russia. Under the conditions of transition to the massive development of the Natural Resources of the Far East, the scale of shipping from the east to the West of the country is sharply increasing, which makes it necessary to constantly expand the network of transport communications. However, the historically established remoteness of the raw materials bases of the Far East from consumers makes it difficult to transport the freight traffic of raw materials from the eastern region of Russia.

The sectoral structure of the farms of the Far East has a number of specific features. In the northern zone, the period of large-scale development of mineral resources occurred in the northern years. Nowadays, this process does not have the same pace as in the years, but nevertheless it continues. However, the extreme conditions of the zone, the spatial remoteness from large industrial centers, the lack of permanent transport communications and social infrastructure served as a reason for a sharp increase in the costs of building economic facilities. Therefore, it is most appropriate for the preemptive development of specialized producing industries in a complex with its sectors (transport, repair services, etc.). The sectoral structure of the farms of the Far East has a number of specific features. In the northern zone, the period of large-scale development of mineral resources occurred in the northern years. Nowadays, this process does not have the same pace as in the years, but nevertheless it continues. However, the extreme conditions of the zone, the spatial remoteness from large industrial centers, the lack of permanent transport communications and social infrastructure served as a reason for a sharp increase in the costs of building economic facilities. Therefore, it is most appropriate for the preemptive development of specialized producing industries in a complex with its sectors (transport, repair services, etc.).

The districts of the Far East have many environmentally absolutely pure energy resources, excellent already known power. But, unfortunately, these environmentally friendly resources are not used now in the economy. The reserves of the geothermal energy of Western Siberia and the Far East exceed the energy potential of oil, gas and coal, combined. Very little is also known about the wind energy resources of the eastern territories, but even by approximate estimates, they at least do not infer any of the traditional fuel resources. It is even less known about the energy possibilities of the ocean, and they are many times superior to hydroenergoresours. The districts of the Far East have many environmentally absolutely pure energy resources, excellent already known power. But, unfortunately, these environmentally friendly resources are not used now in the economy. The reserves of the geothermal energy of Western Siberia and the Far East exceed the energy potential of oil, gas and coal, combined. Very little is also known about the wind energy resources of the eastern territories, but even by approximate estimates, they at least do not infer any of the traditional fuel resources. It is even less known about the energy possibilities of the ocean, and they are many times superior to hydroenergoresours.

Speaking about the tasks of promising development of the Far East, it should be especially emphasized by the complexity of the implementation of the Program of Social and Economic Development of Territories, since the scale of economic development here is quite large - the entire efforts of the whole country will be required to allocate various resources: labor, financial, material, scientific and technical. But still this region can be saved, although you have to try. Speaking about the tasks of promising development of the Far East, it should be especially emphasized by the complexity of the implementation of the Program of Social and Economic Development of Territories, since the scale of economic development here is quite large - the entire efforts of the whole country will be required to allocate various resources: labor, financial, material, scientific and technical. But still this region can be saved, although you have to try.

On the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District (OTFO), it is proposed to introduce a special mode of public administration, reports newspaper "Kommersant" . This follows from the draft Regulation on the Ministry of the Development of the Far East, aimed at harmonizing the Government on June 1, with which it was possible to familiarize himself with the publication. The Office, the head of which was appointed by the President of the President in Ovfo Minister Viktor Ishaev, intends to limit or completely abolish the intervention of other federal bodies into the work of the Feto.

Experts of our Center have already discussed the draft law on the creation of the State Corporation on the Development of Eastern Siberia and the Far East. Now we present to you our vision of the main problems of the Far Eastern region (described in more detail in the monograph "National Idea of \u200b\u200bRussia", the head "Territorial integrity")

Problems of the Far East

The Far East is the most remote from the capital and the historic center of the country. This fact already creates quite serious problems, given the size of the state. In Soviet times, a lot of effort was attached to the development of the Far East - raising the population density, infrastructure development, the construction of naval bases, resource development. As a result of the collapse of the USSR, the Far East was in a very vulnerable position: the local Russian population began to leave the region, the industry was degraded, the lack of jobs is acute.

At the same time, the birth rate continues in neighboring Japan and China, the economy is growing rapidly. These states experience serious problems of an economic and environmental nature due to extreme overcrowding, while in the neighborhood there is a huge and practically unnecessary territory rich in natural resources.

It is also important that Japan has territorial claims to Russia, and in China, dissatisfaction with the borders conducted by the Tsarist Government in the XIX century in China.

In view of its geographical location and economic situation in the country, the Far East exists in a number of negative factors. These are primarily complex, including extreme natural climatic conditions, weak the development and remoteness of the region from the industrial and developed areas of the country, off-road, instability and outflow of the population. In this situation, the Trans-Siberian Highway and Bam play a major role, although now the Baikal-Amur Railway Magistral, the construction of which demanded huge state capital investments and was carried out by all the republics of the former USSR, loaded lessthan half of its suacific power.
One of the main deterrent factors is the current structure of the national economy. The inefficient sectoral structure of the economy, in which the share of producing industries in the volume of products is 30%, and sectors of specialization (fish, non-ferrous metallurgy, forest) with backward technologies and technology - more than 50%, causes an extremely unfavorable situation now, during the transition to market Relations in the economy.

This creates numerous additional environmental problems.

The chronic lag of the production infrastructure, primarily transport and energy, was reflected and established by a difficult situation in the sectors of specialization. In depressive state there is a gold mining industry, where, due to a sharp reduction in allocations, geological exploration works are coincided, there are massive care of workers from enterprises and a significant drop in production in its main areas - Magadan region and Yakutia.

Failed to stabilize the situation in the fuel and energy complex. A significant number of enterprises of Transbaikalia and the Far East work in the mode of tough restrictions of energy supplies due to a deficit of financial resources for payment. An extremely difficult situation has developed in the mining industry, which is exacerbated by the gap of the growth of explored reserves of mineral raw materials, a sharp decline in geological exploration. Essentially, the process of reproduction of the mineral resource potential of the region is violated. In crisis condition there are forest and fish-growing complexes.

The decline in production, chronic insolvency, inflation processes were catastrophically reflected in the financial position of enterprises. All this is especially painfully affected by Far Eastern territories with a resource specialization, where because of the weak investment opportunities of enterprises, the main severity of financing of production, infrastructure and social programs falls on federal and regional budgets. But local governments, of course, cannot cope with the enormous number of problems that exist in the region, including environmental.

The most difficult living conditions, the raw material focus of the economy, the high capital intensity of the economic development of the territory and increased transport costs due to geographic remoteness in modern, sharply changed conditions put the region in a deliberately disadvantageous position.

In the conditions of independence of manufacturers and unhappy practices of contractual relations, there is a chronic nature of food inappropriate in the Far East. At the same time, the share of local food production does not exceed 30% of the needs.

Weak support for farms, and sometimes just a shortage of food forcing the population to engage in poaching. Poaching flourishes in the Far East, which causes tangible environmental damage. Because of the general crisis in the country, most enterprises in the 1990s. idle, and others worked not at full capacity, which, however, has slightly improved the state of the environment. But the consequences of the same crisis (the spread of poaching, the severe social status of the population, etc.) worsen him. Many diseases are distributed: for example, in Vladivostok one of the highest rack incidence rates.

So, the Russian Far East is in a rather shaky situation and requires special attention from the federal center. Otherwise, Russia geopolitically risks losing this region and, accordingly, lose the exit to the Pacific Ocean, and therefore, lose the last hopes to revive as a superpower.

Ecological problems

Many of the environmental problems of the Far East are associated with economic problems that have been described above. The overall state of the environment in the Far East is characterized by the unbalanced nature of environmental management in almost all regions.

The unique spatial-temporal variability of natural conditions, especially the hydrotechnical regime, the widespread development of seasonal and many years of permits determine the resistance of Far Eastern ecosystems significantly less relative to Western regions of Russia. Instability increases from the south to the north, which can be seen at least on the example of the climate.

Sometimes the nature of intergravial connections exacerbated by small ecosystem resistance is extremely complicated, and sometimes completely eliminates operation on one territory at the same time several resources. For example, the development of marginal fields and mining of red fish, the development of the chemical industry in the seaside territories and the creation of plants of mariculture on the shelf, etc. These examples are typical for the Far Eastern region, since the sea and rivers are very important for him.

Many enterprises related to mining, chemical industries discharge their waste directly into the wastewater, which become the main sources of pollution. Moreover, the Far Eastern seas shelf, and especially the South-Pearing, of all the waters of our country are most favorable for breeding mariculture.

Almost all the beaches of the Ussuri and Amur bays are contaminated with heavy metals. The equipment of the Far Eastern ports with sewage treatment facilities is extremely unsatisfactory, so oil is seeping into the beach zones.

Serious pollution occurs due to moral and physically outdated equipment. Currently, about 70% of the Floda of the Far Eastern Field of the Far Eastern Basin finalize its normative service life. In the bays of the Far East there are many written off and abandoned ships. In obsolete and crowded bases of the navy, a large number of radioactive waste is stored.

In the Far East, the illegal deforestation of virgin forests is produced - the main wealth of the region, and the wood, falling in the pond, allocates high-tech phenolic compounds.

Among the environmental problems of the Far East are also forest fires, the consequences of typhoons and earthquakes, flooding, crawling oil tankers, accidents on oil and gas and other industrial facilities. It should be noted that only 75% of the plots can be reclaimed.

The emergence of some additional environmental problems is currently inevitably due to the economic crisis, but further environmental degradation will only aggravate the overall crisis, and will strike first of all on the population and non-renewable resources.

Extensive, exhaustive nature management has undermined the potential of self-reproducing renewable natural resources and along with the development of environmentally harmful industries led to the emergence of potential foci of social tensions.

Political situation

In September 2007, the second Far Eastern International Economic Forum was held in Khabarovsk. The forum was attended by 19 delegations from the subjects of the Russian Federation and 16 delegations from foreign countries. The subject of discussion was the economic development of Siberia and the Far East. However, after a few years, no radical changes occurred in the situation.

In view of the growing understanding of the fact that the urgent problems of Russia are not solved, there is an increase in protest sentiment in the country. This Far East plays a special role. Traditionally, along with the Kaliningrad region, this region, as the most distant from Moscow and experiencing fundamental economic problems, is a mouthpiece of protest sentiment.

The fact that in the case of nationwide protests, they, for natural reasons, are started in the Far East, are also symbolic importance.

At the same time, power demonstrates complete disregard to the opinion of the inhabitants of the region. Moreover, applies armed violence against civilians.

A striking example is the demonstration action that Moscow, Khabarovsky and Dagestan riot police arranged in Vladivostok at the end of 2008, when OMON fighters brutally dispersed people gathered for a protest action against the growth of fees on foreign cars.

An important problem is uncertainty in relations with the largest power of the region - China. Russian-Chinese relations are wide and diverse. Steadilygrowing turnover between both countries. China is the largest trade partner of Russia, military cooperation is developing. A huge number of Chinese professionals and students are trained in Russian universities.

And yet, we would talk about the strategic partnership between the two countries would be a big stretch. China and Russia, despite the coincidence or similarity of positions on a wide range of issues, there is no agreed position-developed position even in a situation arising in the general geostrategic space - within the framework of the SCO. There is no long-term economic cooperation program.

The main disadvantage of bilateral relations is the lack of confidence in each other in the elite of both countries. Proded liberal propaganda in Russia spent a lot of effort to create an enemy image from the Chinese, focusing the problem of the "yellow threat". Russian mass media, engaged in Western and domestic oligarchs, has long been introduced into the consciousness of Russians the myth of the Milk-coined Chinese, seeking the "quiet sap" to capture the Far East and Siberia.

Zbignev Brzezinsky in the book "The Great Chess Board" unequivocally spoke about the desirability of partnership with the PRC due to the weak and immune to the collapse of Russia and even offered to pay the Chinese for the loyalty part of the Russian territory - Amur and Primorye. It is possible that such proposals sounded in the hood conversations of American diplomats with some Chinese leaders.

At the same time, objective logic indicates that cooperation with Russia for China is more profitable than cooperation with the United States. Russian energy and high technologies (of course, provided that the degradation of the scientific and industrial potential of the Russian Federation will be overcome) can serve the best service for the Chinese economy than American securities.

Demographic situation and Chinese immigration

One of the main demographic characteristics of the Far East is a slight population in comparison with its area (36.4% of the RF Square). In this regard, starting from the XIX century. The Government of Tsarist Russia attracted the population there to raise virgin and creating infrastructure. The Soviet government attracted the population to the Far East with high earnings and best living conditions. However, after the collapse of the USSR, state support has ceased, and the region has lost attractiveness for the population.

If in 1991 the population of the Far East amounted to 8 million people (5.4% of the total population of the Russian Federation), by January 1, 2004 there were only 6.6 million people in the region (4.62% of the total population of the Russian Federation) .According to the results of the 2010 census - 6.3 million people.

Before the collapse of the USSR, the Chinese border areas of the North-East PRC were very poor. After the abolition of Barter in 1996, in order to raise the economy in these regions, the State Council of the People's Republic of China decided to make part of the border cities of the North-East and the North-West with free economic zones, on the manner of Chinese seaside cities (Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou, etc.) .

In the free economic zones of China, border trade companies were created. Gradually, the company of cross-border trade, using the imperfection of Russian legislation, ousted their Russian partners from the market and, opening their own branches on the Russian side, began to engage in trade with themselves.

The lack of labor in the sectors of the economy in which the manual labor-intensive work must be carried out, became tangible in the Far East in the 1980s. Having learned about the diligence of the Chinese, their unassumature to the conditions of residence, and consent to a small wage, employers began to prefer Chinese labor with migrant workers from the CIS countries. INfrom why the Chinese labor force in the current situation prevails over the workforce from other countries in the Far Eastern region.

In addition, the serious problems of the region are crime, smuggling, large-scale exports of cash currency and looting the resources of the Far East. As for the products imported from China, it often detects the high content of pesticides and nitrates in the imported to Russia from China.

Economic features

With the beginning of the implementation of economic reform in the Russian Federation, the foreign trade of the Far East received an intensive growth impulse. If the average annual growth rate of export growth was about 5% in the pre-formed period, then 17% exceeded in the pureform period. At the same time, as the reform progresses, foreign trade began to acquire a special value that does not characterize it earlier.

With a sharp reduction in centralized financing for the economic development of the Far East, as well as the colossal growth of transport costs, which led to a decrease in the competitiveness of Far Eastern products in the domestic market of the country, external trade has become a survival factor.

The transition to the economy of an open type with the collapse of the USSR, along with a sharp change in the geopolitical position of Russia, has noticeably increased the role of cross-border regions with a high share of the mining industry in foreign trade cooperation of the country, thereby predetermining changes in the territorial structure of foreign economic relations between Russia. One of these regions is the Far Eastern Economic District, as evidenced by the positive dynamics of the specific gravity of its exports in the total export of Russia.


Thus, the situation in the Far East requires the speedy intervention of the state and take action on a variety of areas. This is economics, politics, administrative management, migration policy, ecology, demography, transport policies, energy supply, etc.

Otherwise, Russia with a high probability of probability may lose this region in the medium term, especially since the neighboring states are being expressed to him - primarily Japan and China, as well as the United States of America and transnational corporations.

First of all, the radical correction of the economic situation is necessary to stop the outflow of the population from the region, as well as the adoption of measures aimed at improving the demographic situation. It is necessary to tighten the control of Chinese immigration in the Far East, to ensure a more reliable transport linkage of the region with Siberia and the rest of the country, to create attractive conditions for small and medium businesses.

Until now, the significant recreational potential of the Far East is practically not used. The environmental and sanitary situation in the region requires urgent measures, since the region has a general reduction in life expectancy and deterioration in public health.

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