Economic losses from the physical wear of the building. External (economic) wear of property complexes of industrial enterprises. Calculation methods (2). Methods for calculating external wear

Metals and metal products 14.11.2020
Metals and metal products

The wear is characterized by a decrease in the utility of the real estate object, its consumer attractiveness from the point of view of a potential investor and is expressed in reducing over time of the cost (impairment) under the influence of various factors. As the object is used, the parameters characterizing the structural reliability of buildings and structures are gradually deteriorating, as well as their functional compliance with the current and even more future use associated with human activity. In addition, external factors due to changes in the market environment, imposing restrictions on certain use of buildings and so on to the cost of real estate in a significant extent.

Wear (s) is usually measured as a percentage, and value expression is impairment (o).

Depending on the reasons for impairment of the property, the following types of wear are distinguished: physical, functional and external (Fig.).

Physical and functional wear are divided into eliminable and non-resistant.

Disposable wear is the wear, elimination of which is physically possible and economically appropriate, that is, the costs of elimination of a particular type of wear contribute to the value of the object as a whole.

The identification of all possible types of wear is the accumulated wear of the property. In value terms, the cumulative wear is the difference between the reducing value and market price An estimated object.

Cumulative accumulated wear is the object of life lifetime. Consider the main estimated concepts characterizing this indicator.

The physical life of the building (FZH) is the period of operation of the building, during which the condition of the structural elements of the building corresponds to certain criteria (structural reliability, physical durability, etc.). The term of the physical life of the object is laid during construction and depends on the group of capital equity. Physical life ends when the object is demolished.

The chronological age (KH) is the period of time that has passed since the entry of the object to operation up to the date of the assessment.

The effective age (eV) is calculated on the basis of the chronological age of the building, taking into account its technical condition and the estimated estimation of economic factors affecting the cost of the estimated object.

Economic life (EJ) is determined by the exploitation time during which an object brings income. During this period, the improved improves contribute to the value of the object. The economic life of the object ends when the exploitation of the object cannot bring the income marked by an appropriate rate on comparable objects in this segment of the real estate market. At the same time, the enhanced improvements are no longer contributing to the value of the object due to its overall wear.

The remaining time limit of economic life (OPEA) of the building is a period of time from the date of evaluation until the end of its economic life (Fig.).

Physical wear is a gradual loss of the object of the facility under the influence of natural and climatic factors, as well as human life.

Methods for calculating the physical wear of buildings are as follows:

· Technical expertise method;

· Cost;

· Method of life.

Technical expertise method for calculating physical wear It assumes the use of various regulatory instructions of an inter-sectoral or departmental level. As an example, the rules for assessing the physical wear of residential buildings (VSN 53-86) of the State Committee for Civil Engineering and Architecture under the USSR State Committee can be called. - M., 1990, used by the BTI in order to assess the physical wear of residential buildings in technical inventory, planning overhaul Housing Fund regardless of its departmental affiliation.

The indicated rules given a characteristic of the physical wear of various structural elements of buildings and their assessment.

The physical wear of the building should be determined by the formula:


where f f is the physical wear of the building,%;

F I is the physical wear of the i-th constructive element,%;

L i is a coefficient corresponding to the proportion of the reduction value of the i-th constructive element in the overall reducing cost of the building;

n - the number of structural elements in the building.

The proportion of the restoration cost of individual structures, elements and systems in the overall replacement cost of the building (as a percentage) is usually taken to enlarged the replacement cost of residential buildings approved in the prescribed manner, and for designs, elements and systems that do not have approved indicators - according to them estimate cost.

Method implementation sequence:

1. A visual inspection and toolmatic examination of structural elements and engineering systems of the estimated building are made.

2. In case of inspection, signs of physical wear are detected and their quantitative characteristics are established:

The number of damaged areas

Definition of damage size - area, length or depth.

3. Comparison of detected indicators of damaged sections with their quantitative values \u200b\u200bgiven in the relevant standards tables. (VNN 53-86)

4. Filling out the relevant tables for the calculation of physical wear.

The described technique is used exclusively in domestic practice. For all the visibility and persuasiveness, the following flaws are inherent:

· For the reason for its "regulativity", it initially cannot take into account the atypical operating conditions of the object;

· The complexity of the application due to the necessary detail of the structural elements of the building;

· The impossibility of measuring the functional and external wear;

· Subjectivity of specific weighing of structural elements.

Based on value method of determining physical wear It is a physical wear, expressed at the time of its assessment by the ratio of its value of objectively necessary repair activities that eliminate damage to structures, element, systems or buildings as a whole, and their replacement cost.

The essence of the value method of determining the physical wear is to determine the cost of recreating the elements of the building.

This method allows you to immediately calculate the wear of the elements and the building as a whole in value terms. Since the calculation of the impairment is based on the reasonable actual costs of bringing worn items to the "practically new state", the result of this approach can be quite accurate. The disadvantages of the method are mandatory detailing and accuracy of calculating the cost of repairing worn items of the building.

Determination of the physical wear of buildings method of life. Indicators of physical wear, effective age and economic life are in a certain relationship, which can be expressed by the formula

And \u003d (eV: FZH) * 100 \u003d [eV: (ev + aircraft)] * 100,

where and - wear,%;

EV is an effective age defined by an expert based on the technical condition of elements or a building as a whole;

FZh - a typical period of physical life;

FRG - the remaining life of physical life.

And \u003d (KH: FZH) * 100,

where and - wear,%;

The chronological age.

In this way, the percentage of wear of elements or the building as a whole can be translated into value expression (impairment):

O \u003d sun * (and: 100),

where and - wear,%;

Sun - replacement cost.

Functional wear. Signs of functional wear in the estimated building - the inconsistency of the volume-planning and / or constructive solution to modern standards, including various equipment necessary for the normal operation of the structure in accordance with its current or alleged use.

Functional wear is also divided into eliminable and unrelated.

Disposable functional wear is determined by the costs of the necessary reconstruction that promotes more efficient operation of the property.

Fine functional wear is caused by outdated volume-planning and / or constructive characteristics of evaluated buildings with respect to modern construction standards. The sign of the fatal functional wear is the economic inappropreciation of the cost of eliminating these shortcomings.

The corrected functional wear is measured by the cost of its correction and is called:

  • disadvantages requiring adding elements;
  • disadvantages requiring replacement or upgrading elements;
  • "Supervolution".
  • Rental loss capitalization method
  • The method of capitalization of redundant operating costs

External (Economic) Wear - Impairment of an object due to a negative environmental assessment facility with the influence of the external environment: a market situation imposed by servits for certain use of real estate, changes in the surrounding infrastructure and legislative decisions in the field of taxation, etc. External real estate wear Depending on the reasons that caused its causes, in most cases, it is unrelated due to the invariabilities of the location, but in some cases it can "thoroughly" due to a positive change in the surrounding market environment.

Methods for determining functional wear:

  • the method of capitalization of the loss of income relating to external influence;
  • the method of comparing sales of such objects in the presence and without external influences.

Disadvantages of the cost approach:

1. Costs are not always equivalent to market value.

2. Attempts to achieve a more accurate assessment result are accompanied by fast growth labor costs.

3. Non-compliance of costs for the purchase of an estimated object of real estate costs for new construction of exactly the same object, because In the process of assessing from the cost of construction, accumulated wear is deducted.

4. The problem of calculating the cost of reproduction of old buildings.

5. The complexity of determining the magnitude of the accumulated wear of old buildings and structures.

6. Does not reflect the profits of the investor.

Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation

State educational institution

higher professional education

Izhevsk State Technical University

Votkinsky branch

Department of "E and OP"

DP Faculty


By discipline: "Real estate economics"

on the topic: "Determining the wear of real estate object"

Performed: Art. c. VZ 7-21-2 (5.6) SELETKOV V. V.

Checked: Fedorova L. L.


Definition of wear is necessary in order to take into account the differences in the characteristics of the new object and the real estate real estate.

Wearthe estimate means the loss of utility, and therefore the cost of the assessment object for any reason.

There are two ways to calculate wear:

Method of life;

The method of dividing the types of wear.

1. Calculation of wear by the life of life

Cumulative accumulated wear is the function of the object time.

When calculating wear by the method of effective age, concepts are used: the physical life of the building, an effective age, the remaining period of economic life. Consider the periods of the life of the building and characterizing their estimated indicators (see Figure 1)

The physical life of the building (FZH) is the period of operation of the building, during which the condition of the structural elements of the building corresponds to certain criteria (structural reliability, physical durability, etc.). The term of the physical life of the object is laid during construction and depends on the group of capital performance. Physical life ends when the object is demolished.

The chronological age (HF) is the period of time that has passed since the commissioning of the object to the date of the assessment.

Economic life (EJ) is determined by the exploitation time during which an object brings income. During this period, the improved improves contribute to the value of the object.

The effective age (eV) is calculated on the basis of the chronological age of the building, taking into account its technical condition and established at the date of the assessment of economic factors affecting the cost of the estimated object. Depending on the characteristics of the building of the building, an effective age may differ from chronological age in a large or smaller side. In the case of normal (typical) operation of the building, an effective age is usually equal to chronological.

The remaining time limit of economic life (oscipe) of the building is a period of time from the date of assessment before the end of its economic life (Fig. 1).

Life periods of the building and characterizing their estimated indicators (Fig. 1)

Determining the wear of buildings by the life life method is based on the examination of the structures of the estimated object and the assumption that the effective age of the object refers to a typical date of economic life as the accumulated wear on the cost of the reproduction (substitution) of the building.

Indicators of physical wear, effective age and economic life are in a certain relationship, which can be expressed by the formula:

And \u003d (eV: FZ) 100% \u003d [eV: (eV + aircraft)] 100%, (1)

where and - wear,%;

EV is an effective age defined by an expert based on the technical condition of elements or a building as a whole;

FZh - a typical length of physical life;

FRG - the remaining life of physical life.

And \u003d (KH: FZ) 100%, (2)

where and - wear,%;

FZh - a typical length of physical life.

The use of formula (2) is also relevant in the calculation of the percentage corrections for wear in compared objects (comparative sales method), when the appraiser does not seem to be able to inspect the selected analogues to determine the indicators used in formula (1).

In this way, the percentage of wear of elements or the building as a whole can be translated into value expression (impairment):

O \u003d SV (and: 100), (3)

where and - wear,%; SV - the cost of reproduction (the cost of substitution).

2. Calculation of wear by the method of depreciation

The most common is warness breaking method.

Depending on the factors of reducing property, wear is divided into physical, functional and external (economic). Physical and functional wear can be eliminable and unrelated. Economic wear, as a rule, fail.

Classification of the wear of real estate objects (Figure 2.)

The wear is considered eliminated if its elimination is physically possible and economically appropriate. The sum of all possible types of wear is the accumulated wear of the property.

Physical deteriorationreflects changes physical properties Property object with time (for example, defects of structural elements). Physical wear may occur under the influence of operational factors or under the influence of natural and natural factors.

There are four basic methods for calculating physical wear:


Regulatory (or accounting);


Method for calculating the life of the building.

The most accurate and most time consuming method is expert. It involves the creation of a defective statement and determination of the percentage of wear of all structural elements of a building or structure.

Example:Table 1 defines the wear of the individual structural elements of the building by the expert method. Table 1

Calculation of the physical wear of the building (Table 2): table 2

Regulatory method the calculation of physical wear is based on the use of various regulatory instructions of the intersectoral or departmental level. In the appraisal practice, it is extremely rare.

Cost method it is to determine the cost of restoring elements of buildings and structures. By inspection, the percentage of wear of each element of the building is determined, which is then translated in value terms. The value method is used to determine the disposable physical wear.

The conditional example of calculating the physical wear by the value method is given in Table 3

Table 3.

This method allows you to immediately calculate the wear of the elements and the building as a whole in value terms. Since the calculation of the impairment is made on the basis of reasonable actual costs for bringing worn items to a practically new state, the result of this approach can be considered quite accurate. The disadvantages of the method are mandatory detailing and accuracy of calculating the cost of repairing worn items of the building.

Method of life it is used to calculate physical wear.

TO functional wear Relevant the cost of property associated with the inconsistency of constructive and planning solutions, construction standards, design quality, material manufacturing material with modern requirements for these positions. The magnitude of the disposable wear is defined as the difference between the potential cost of the building at the time of its assessment with the updated elements and its value at the date of the assessment without the updated elements (the difference between the cost of the reproduction of the building and its replacement cost).

Causes of functional wear:

Disadvantages requiring adding elements;

Disadvantages requiring replacement or upgrading elements;

Super loosening.

Disadvantages requiring adding elements - elements of the building and equipment that are not in the existing environment and without which it cannot comply with modern operational standards. Wear from these positions is measured by the cost of adding these elements, including their installation.

Functional wear can be eliminable and unrelated. Disposable functional wear is calculated most often by the value method.

Disadvantages requiring replacement or upgrades of elements are positions that still perform their functions, but no longer comply with modern standards (meters for water and gas and fire-fighting equipment). Wearing for these positions is measured as the cost of existing elements, taking into account their physical wear minus the cost of returning materials, plus the cost of dismantling existing and plus the cost of mounting new elements. The cost of returning materials is calculated as the cost of dismantled materials and equipment when using them on other objects (refined residual value).

Supervisority - positions and elements of the structure, the presence of which is currently inadequately modern requirements of market standards. Disposable functional wear in this case is measured as the cost of reproduction of the positions of super-recesses minus physical wear, plus the cost of dismantling and minus the liquidation cost of dismantled elements.

An example of super-abscomples can be the situation when the owner of the house, adapting it to himself, made any changes for his own convenience (investment value), not adequate from the point of view of a typical user. These include redevelopment of the useful area of \u200b\u200bpremises for the specific use due to the hobbies of the owner or the birth of its occupations. Disposable functional wear in a similar situation is determined by the current cost value to bring the modified elements to their initial state.

In addition, the concept of ultra-relief is closely related to the real estate market segment, where the same improvements can be recognized as a corresponding specific segment and redundant from the point of view of a typical user. Table 4 provides an example of calculating the functional disposable wear. Table 4.

Fine functional wear is caused by outdated volume-planning and / or constructive characteristics of evaluated buildings with respect to modern construction standards. The sign of the fatal functional wear is the economic inappropreciation of the cost of eliminating these shortcomings. In addition, we need to account for the assessment of market conditions for adequate architectural compliance of the building to their intended purpose.

Depending on the specific situation, the cost of unreasonable functional wear can be determined in two ways:

Capitalization of losses in the rent;

Capitalization of redundant operating costs.

To determine the required calculated indicators (the values \u200b\u200bof rental rates, capitalization rates, etc.) use adjusted data on comparable counterparts.

At the same time, selected analogues should not have signs of an estimated functional wear detected in the object. In addition, the total income, brought by the property complex as a whole (building and land) and expressed in the rent, must be divided accordingly into two components. To highlight a part of the income coming to the building, you can use the investment residue method for the building or the method of analysis of the value of the value of the land plot and the total selling price of the property complex. In the example below, the specified procedure is considered to be completed in the preliminary calculation process (Table 5).

Table 5.

Determination of impairment caused by non-residual functional wear due to the obsolete volumetric solution, (specific area, cubature), is carried out by capitalizing losses in the rent.

The calculation of the firmware functional wear by the method of capitalizing the excess operating costs necessary to maintain the building in good condition can be produced in a similar way. This approach is preferred to assess the non-resistant functional wear of buildings that are distinguished by non-standard architectural solutions and, in which, nevertheless, the size of the rent is comparable to the rent on modern facilities analogues in contrast to the size of operating costs.

An example of determining the value of the functional wear by the method of capitalization of redundant operating costs is presented in Table 6.

Table 6.

External (Economic) Wear- Impairment of an object due to a negative environmental assessment facility by the influence of the external environment: location, market situation imposed by servits for certain use of real estate, changes in the surrounding infrastructure and legislative decisions in the field of taxation, etc. Although the external wear is not eliminated in most cases, sometimes it can be self-made due to a positive change in the surrounding market environment.

The following methods can be applied to evaluate external wear:

Method of capitalization of rental losses;

Method of capitalization of redundant operating costs;

Method of paired sales;

Method of life.

Evaluation of external wear by the method of capitalization of rental losses and the method of capitalizing redundant operational losses is made similar to the calculation of these methods of functional wear, considered above. In the event of an estimate of external nose, it is necessary to identify losses in the rent caused by signs of external wear or redundant operating costs caused by signs of external wear.

The method of paired sales is based on the analysis of the available pricing on newly sold similar objects (pair sales). It is assumed that the pair sale objects differ from each other only by the detected and correlated assessment object by economic wear.

Such an approach to the calculation of external wear is shown in Table 7.

Table 7.

Causes of demolition:

Need to redecessing;

Expansion of transport highways.

The technical condition of the demolished buildings should be taken into account, which in many cases would allow them to be operated for a fairly long period of time.

Example.The assessment is subject to the building previously derived from the residential fund and now adapted to administrative needs. The building is in municipal property. The physical wear of the estimated building, according to BTI, at the time of the assessment is 40%. The technical condition of the building, location and developed infrastructure speak of a sufficiently high commercial attractiveness of the object by potential investors. However, according to the redevelopment plan under the reasons mentioned above, the building is to be demolished after five years from the date of evaluation.

When examining the object, the following indicators were identified by the expert:

1) the effective age of the estimated building is 30 years;

2) The remaining period of economic life is 60 years.

The percentage of accumulated wear without taking into account the action of the external factor is calculated by the formula:

And \u003d eV: (eV + oscipe) 100 \u003d (30:90) 100 \u003d 33%.

Percentage of wear, taking into account the action of the external factor:

And \u003d (30/35) 100 \u003d 86%.

Calculated in this case, the accumulated wear in the amount of 86% is due to the action of predominantly external factor. The share of possible accounting of other types of wear in this result is extremely small, which allows to consider the resulting result by external wear. A sharp reduction in the remaining period of economic life of the building leads to a decrease in investment attractiveness and, as a result, a collapse of the likely sale price. In such cases, the purpose of the assessment is the calculation of not the full ownership of the estimated building, and the rights of the short-term lease for the period of the remaining economic (physical) life, provided that any benefit from this acquisition is seen by the potential investor.

Definition object real Estatewhich does not match the installed ... old objects real Estatewhen there is a reliable information for calculating wear; definition Market ...

  • Choosing a method of reducing the cumulative wear object Commercial real Estate In order to increase its market value ...

    Thesis work \u003e\u003e Economy

    ... wear object real Estate. Definition The values \u200b\u200bof physical wear Consists of several consecutive stages: definition The magnitude of the corrected physical wear; definition ...

  • The cost approach is a set of methods for estimating the value of the real estate object based on the cost of determining the costs needed to restore or replace the object of real estate, taking into account its wear. The cost approach is based on the principle of substitution, according to which it is assumed that a reasonable buyer will not pay more for the object of real estate than the cost of building a facility similar to its utility to the estimated object.

    According to the cost approach, the total cost of the property (soba) is defined as the amount of the value of the land plot (SOZ) and the replacement value (the cost of substitution or reproduction) of the property (SVS) per minus of the accumulated wear (PPE):

    The use of the cost approach to real estate assessment consists of the following steps:

    • assessment of the market value of the land plot;
    • evaluation of the replacement value (the cost of substitution) of the estimated building, including an assessment of the value of entrepreneurial profits;
    • calculation of identified types of wear;
    • calculation of the total value of the assessment object by adjusting the rehabilitation value to wear with the subsequent increase in the value obtained on the value of the land plot.

    Determination of the value of the land plotParticularly estimated by the costly real estate method is based on the assumption of its best and most efficient use as free from development.

    The following methods are used to assess the market value of the Earth:

    • sales comparison method;
    • distribution method;
    • method of selection;
    • breakdown method on the plots;
    • technique residue for the Earth;
    • capitalization of pure land rent.

    Sales comparison method in the presence of necessary information It is most preferable and generally accepted. The main elements of comparison for the Earth are:

    • property rights;
    • financing conditions;
    • terms of sale;
    • market conditions;
    • location;
    • physical characteristics;
    • available utilities;
    • zoning conditions;
    • the best and most efficient use.

    When evaluating the Earth, several comparison units can be used, adjusting the price of each of them and getting several value values \u200b\u200bat the end determining the cost range.

    Distribution method It is based on the situation that for each type of real estate there is a normal relationship between the value of land and the cost of buildings. This ratio is most reliably for new improvements that reflect the best and most efficient use of the Earth.

    Example 27. Determine the value of the land plot, if it is known that: free areas in this area have not been sold for a long time; The price of a model house with a plot varies from 200 to 300 thousand rubles; The cost of an estimation object is similar to the size of the land plot in the near surroundings of the estimation facility is 90 thousand rubles; Direct costs for the construction of a standard house - 100 thousand rubles; The profit of the entrepreneur and indirect costs - 80 thousand rubles.

    1. Determine the share of the value of the land plot in the total value of the property:

    2. Determine the cost of the land plot:

    The cost of the plot may be in the range of 67 thousand rubles. up to 100 thousand rubles. (1/3 of the range of real estate value values, respectively, from 200 and 300 thousand rubles).

    Selection method It is a kind of distribution method. The cost of land is distinguished from the value of real estate by subtraction of the cost of improvements, taking into account their wear. This method is used to evaluate country sites, for which the contribution of improvements in the total cost is small and quite easily determined.

    The method is used in the absence of information on sales of free areas in the near surroundings.

    Deposit method It is applied in cases where the breakdown of the site into several smaller in size represents the best and most efficient use of the Earth. At the same time, external and internal improvements in sites created by breakdown provide conditions for the best and most efficient use of land.

    Improvement costs include:

    • expenses for breaking, clearing and layout of sites;
    • expenses on the device, sidewalks, engineering networks, drainage;
    • taxes, insurance, wages ITR;
    • marketing costs;
    • profit and overhead contractor;
    • profit entrepreneur.

    Example 28. Determine the value of the land massif, if it is known that the developer plans to divide it into 30 sites and then sell each 25 thousand rubles. For 4 years (it is assumed that net income will come evenly, the rate of return 10%). At the same time, the following costs will occur: layout, cleaning, engineering networks, project - 180 thousand rubles; Management - 10 thousand rubles; Overhead and profits contractor - 60 thousand rubles; Marketing - 20 thousand rubles; Taxes and insurance - 10 thousand rubles; Entrepreneur's profit - 40 thousand rubles.

    1. Determine the potential income from the sale of trained areas:

    30 · 25 \u003d 750 thousand rubles.

    2. Determine the costs of improvements and the device of the plots:

    180 + 10 + 60 + 20 + 10 + 40 \u003d 320 thousand rubles.

    3. The present value of the land massif, taking into account the uniform receipt of net income for 4 years and the rate of return 10%:

    where 3.1699 - the coefficient of the present value of the annuity.

    Thus, the value of the land massif is 340 thousand rubles.

    Technique Remain for the Earth It is used in the absence of data on sales of free land plots.

    Method of capitalization of pure land rent Based on the principle of additional productivity, according to which after the distribution between all the factors of the production of regular income from the business implemented at the property, some of these income can be attributed to the land plot.

    If estimated land plotleased, its cost can be determined by (12). At the same time, rental fees are used as pure operational income.

    Determination of the replacement value (value of replacement) of the estimated building Based on the inclusion in the price of new construction of direct and indirect costs.

    Direct costs - costs directly related to construction, and in the general case include:

    • the cost of building materials, products and equipment;
    • the cost of operation of construction machines and mechanisms;
    • the main wages of construction workers;
    • the cost of temporary buildings, structures and engineering networks;
    • profit and overhead contractor.

    Indirect costs - costs associated, but non-relatives directly to construction. Indirect costs usually include:

    • costs for the preparation of the construction area;
    • costs for design and survey work;
    • other costs and work;
    • the content of the Directorate (Technical Supervision) of the enterprise (institution), the cost of the author's supervision;
    • other types of indirect costs.

    Determining the values \u200b\u200bof direct costs Based on application general rules Definitions of the estimated cost of construction set out in existing regulatory and guidelines.

    Calculations of direct costs can be performed in one of two ways:

    • recalculation of the known magnitude of the estimated cost of construction with the use of indexes;
    • by drawing up a restorative estimate to the assessment object.

    If there is an assessment of design and estimate documentation, the importance of direct costs is defined as the value of the estimated cost of construction, recalculated on the evaluation date with the help of indices that take into account the ratio of the current price level in construction to the prices of 1984, adopted as a basic (index method).

    In the absence of design and estimate documentation, the estimate object should be restored by one of two ways:

    • according to integral estimated standards (method of comparative unit);
    • according to collections of single rates and price lists (quantitative analysis method).

    The use of enlarged estimated standards for calculating direct costs is permissible for typical design solutions of buildings and structures, as well as re-applicable economic individual projects.

    For the purposes of assessing the market value of real estate, the following types of enlarged indicators are used:

    • enlarged indicators of estimated value (USS);
    • enlarged estimated norms (USN) on buildings, structures, structures and types of work;
    • price lists for the construction of buildings and structures (PRES);
    • enlarged rapid value indicators for the objectives of revaluation of fixed assets.

    At the same time, the cost of construction and installation works can be brought by type of work and complexes of building structures (method of breaking on components).

    The values \u200b\u200bof indirect costs are usually defined as a percentage of direct costs on market data.

    Profit entrepreneur Determined as the amount that the entrepreneur expects to receive in the form of a premium for using its capital. The value of the profit of the entrepreneur is taken on market data.

    Wear - This is a decrease in the value of the property, due to various reasons. Wear is usually measured as a percentage, and the value of wear is an impairment.

    The accumulated (cumulative) wear of the assessment object is a set of all possible types of wear, which is characterized by a decrease in the utility of the object of real estate, its consumer attractiveness from the point of view of a potential investor and is expressed in reducing over time of the cost (impairment) under the influence of various factors. As the object is used, the parameters characterizing the structural reliability of buildings and structures are gradually deteriorating, as well as their functional compliance with the current and even more future use associated with human activity. In addition, external factors caused by a change in the market environment, imposing restrictions on certain use of buildings, and so on for the cost of real estate.

    Wear in the appraisal practice must be distinguished by meaning from a similar term used in accounting (depreciation). Estimated wear is one of the main parameters to calculate the current value of the estimation object at a specific date.

    Thus, accounting of the object wear is a kind of adjusting the cost of the newly reproduced building (reproduced using the cost approach) in order to determine the cost of the object being estimated.

    Cumulative accumulated wear is the object of life lifetime. Consider the main estimated concepts characterizing this indicator (Fig. 1).

    Fig. 1. Life periods of the building and characterizing their estimated indicators

    Physical Life Building (FZH) - The period of operation of the building during which the condition of the supporting structural elements of the building corresponds to certain criteria (structural reliability, physical durability, etc.). The term of the physical life of the object is laid during construction and depends on the group of capital equity. Physical life ends when the object is demolished.

    Chronological age (il) - The period of time that has passed since the entry of the object into operation before the date of the assessment.

    Economic Life (EJ) - Operation time during which the object brings income. During this period, the improved improves contribute to the value of the object. The economic life of the object ends when the exploitation of the object cannot bring the income marked by an appropriate rate on comparable objects in this segment of the real estate market. At the same time, the enhanced improvements are no longer contributing to the value of the object due to its overall wear.

    Effective age (eV) It is calculated on the basis of the chronological age of the building, taking into account its technical condition and the estimated estimation of economic factors affecting the cost of the estimated object. Depending on the characteristics of the building of the building, an effective age may differ from chronological age in a large or smaller side. In the case of normal (typical) operation of the building, an effective age is usually equal to chronological.

    The remaining term of economic life (OPP) Buildings - time period from the date of evaluation until the end of its economic life.

    The subjectivity of the definition of such indicators as the term of economic life and effective age requires a rather high qualification and considerable practical experience.

    To determine the magnitude of the accumulated wear, I use the following methods:

    • sales comparison method;
    • accounting;
    • the breakdown method.

    Sales comparison method It is based on the determination of the accumulated wear as the difference between the value of new construction and the cost of facing the assessment date, while the availability of reliable data on sales of such objects and the cost of free land plots is a prerequisite.

    In terms of value, the cumulative wear is the difference between the reducing cost and the market price of the estimated object:

    Example 29. Determine the accumulated wear of the object of real estate (cottage), if the following information about objects-analogues is known:

    We define the accumulated wear of the real estate object. Calculations are presented in the following table:

    Comparison elementObject analog
    1 2 3
    The cost of land
    The cost of new construction on the date of the assessment
    Sales price, thousand rubles.
    True Cost of Constructions
    Total accumulated wear
    Accumulated wear, as a percentage of construction cost

    Thus, the accumulated wear of the estimated object of real estate is approximately 31.9%.

    Accounting method for calculating wear It is based on the use of accounting methods, i.e., on the definition of the attitude of the chronological age of the object to its regulatory service life, determined on the basis of "unified states of depreciation on the full restoration of fixed assets in the Russian Federation."

    Breakdown method It consisions in detailed consideration and accounting for all types of wear, which are related to (Fig. 2):

    • disposable and non-resistant physical wear;
    • eliminable and non-resistant functional wear;
    • exterior wear.

    Disposable (corrected) wear is the wear, the elimination of which is physically possible and economically advisable, i.e., the costs of elimination of one or another type of wear contribute to the value of the object as a whole.

    Unrelated (incorrigible) wear is the wear, the elimination of which is either physically not possible or economically inexpedient, i.e., the costs of elimination of a particular type of wear do not contribute to the cost of the object as a whole.

    Fig. 2. Classification of real estate wear

    To apply the breakdown method, when determining the accumulated wear, it is necessary as a settlement base to have data on the cost of new construction, made by constructive elements.

    Physical deterioration - The gradual loss of the originally embedded in the construction of the technical and operational qualities of the object under the influence of natural climatic factors, as well as human vital activity. Physical wear reflects changes in the physical properties of the real estate object with time (for example, defects of structural elements).

    There are four basic methods for calculating physical wear:

    • expert (regulatory);
    • value;
    • method for calculating the life of the building.

    Expert method for calculating physical wear It is based on the creation of a defective statement and determining the percent of the wear of all structural elements of the building or structure. The expert method is the most accurate, but also the most time consuming.

    This method involves the use of various regulatory instructions of an intersectoral or departmental level. As an example, it is possible to name the Bureau of the Technical Inventory in order to assess the physical wear of residential buildings in technical inventory, planning the overhaul of the housing stock, regardless of its departmental affiliation. The indicated rules given a characteristic of the physical wear of various structural elements of buildings and their assessment.

    The physical wear of the building is determined as follows:

    F f - physical wear of the building, (%);

    F i is the physical wear of the i-th constructive element, (%);

    L i is a coefficient corresponding to the proportion of the reduction value of the i-th constructive element (plot) in the total cost of the building;

    n - the number of structural elements in the building.

    The proportion of the replacement value of individual structures, elements and systems in the overall replacement cost of the building should be taken at the integrined indicators of the recovery value of residential buildings approved in the prescribed manner, and for designs, elements and systems that do not have approved indicators - by their estimate cost.

    Example 30. Determine the physical wear of a residential building, if it is known that when it is examined, the physical wear of all structural elements was revealed:

    • foundations - 10%;
    • walls - 15%;
    • overlap - 20%;
    • roof - 10%;
    • floors - 35%;
    • windows - 40%;
    • finishing coatings - 30%;
    • internal sanitary and electrical devices - 50%;
    • others - 25%.

    1. We define the specific weights of the structural elements in accordance with the Sat. № 28 OPVS.

    2. The results of the assessment of the physical wear of elements and systems, as well as determining them swelling By replacement cost:

    Specific weights of structural elements,% Wear% Specific weight x
    finishing coatings
    internal sanitary and electrical devices

    Thus, the physical wear of the building is 23.25%

    Cost method for calculating physical wear It is based on the assumption that the physical wear at the time of the assessment is expressed by the value ratio of objectively necessary repair activities that eliminate damage to the design, element or building as a whole, and their replacement cost.

    Example 31. To determine the physical wear of a residential building, if it is known that the rehabilitation cost of structural elements and objectively necessary costs of their repair are respectively: foundations - 3,200 thousand rubles, 640 thousand rubles; walls - 4,000 thousand rubles., 1,200 thousand rubles; overlap - 800 thousand rubles., 160 thousand rubles; Other - 8,000 thousand rubles., 2,800 thousand rubles.

    We define the magnitude of physical wear. The results of the assessment of the physical wear of the elements, as well as the determination of their specific gravity by rehabilitation cost:

    Name of building elements Recovery cost element, thousand rubles. Objectively necessary cost of repair, thousand rubles. Wear%

    Thus, the physical wear of the building is 30%

    This method allows you to immediately calculate the wear of the elements and the building as a whole in value terms. Since the calculation of the impairment is made on the basis of reasonable actual costs for bringing worn items to the "practically new state", the result of this approach can be considered quite accurate. The disadvantages of the method are mandatory detailing and accuracy of calculating the cost of repairing worn items of the building.

    Method of calculating the life of the building It is based on the assumption that the relationship between physical wear (FI) and the rehabilitation cost (Sun) is determined by the relationship between effective age (eV) and a typical economic life (FZH):

    Example 32. Determine the physical wear of a residential building, if it is known that the rehabilitation cost, the actual age and the general physical life of its structural elements are respectively: foundations - 1,200 thousand rubles, 10 years, 15 years; walls - 400 thousand rubles., 5 years, 10 years; overlap - 300 thousand rubles., 6 years, 15 years; Others - 900 thousand rubles., 1 year, 10 years.

    We define the magnitude of physical wear. The results of the assessment of the physical wear of the elements:

    Name of building elements Action age years old General physical life, years Wear% Wear, thousand rubles.

    finishing coatings


    Thus, the physical wear of the building is 1210 rubles. or 43.2%.

    The determination of the magnitude of the physical wear consists of several consecutive stages:

    • determination of the magnitude of the corrected physical wear;
    • determining the value of the incorrigible physical wear in short-lived elements;
    • determining the magnitude of the incorrigible physical wear in long-lived elements.

    The definition of the magnitude of the corrected physical wear (it is also called deferred repair, as it is assumed that a typical buyer will make an immediate repair to restore the normal operational characteristics of the structure: cosmetic repair, restoration of sections of the flowing roof, repair of engineering equipment, etc.) is carried out using value or expert method for calculating physical wear.

    Increigable physical wear corresponds to positions whose correction is currently almost impossible or economically inexpedient. The magnitude of this type of wear is determined on the basis of the difference between the total reducing (or replacement) cost and the sum of the disposable physical wear.

    For the purpose of calculating wear, elements of structures having unmountable physical wear are divided into long-lived and short-lived.

    At long-lived elements, the expected residual life coincides with the residual economic life of the entire structure. Short-living elements have less residual economic life than the entire structure.

    To estimate the incorrigible physical wear in short-lived elements, the method of calculating the life of the building is used: the difference between the total reducing (or replacement) value of the element and the amount of the corrected wear of the element is multiplied by the attitude of the actual age to the general physical life of the element.

    At the same time, the general physical life of the element is determined by reference data that takes into account periodic repairs and maintaining normal operational performance.

    To assess the incorrigible physical wear in the long-lived elements, the method of calculating the life of the building is also used: the magnitude of the corrected physical wear and the sum of the reducing cost of short-lived elements with an incorrigible physical wear is subtracted from the total reducing (or replacement) cost and the result is multiplied by the residual reducing (or replacement cost. ) Long-lived elements, as well as the attitude of the actual age to the general physical life of the building.

    The general physical life of the building is determined depending on the type of basic structural elements for various categories of durability buildings. The classification of residential and public buildings on durability is provided in the regulatory literature.

    Example 33. Determine the physical wear of a residential building. The source data we give as the calculation.

    1. Based on the estimated documentation, we define the cost of new construction to assess the accumulated wear:

    Name of building elements

    Replacement cost, thousand rubles.

    Direct costs (materials and equipment, labor costs, overhead and contractor profits), including.

    foundation device

    the device of exterior walls

    overlapping device

    roofing device

    device partition

    the device of suspended ceilings

    device floors

    internal and outdoor

    sewer system

    power supply system

    heating system

    ventilation and air conditioning

    Indirect costs

    Profit entrepreneur

    General restoration cost

    2. Determine the magnitude of the corrected physical wear:

    Thus, the cost of corrected wear is 3,000 thousand rubles.

    2. We define the magnitude of the incorrect physical wear in short-lived elements:

    Name of building elements

    Restore value of the element, thousand rubles.

    Action age years old

    General physical life, years


    Wear, thousand rubles.

    electro-supply system
    heating system
    ventilation and air conditioning

    Thus, the cost of incorrigible physical wear in short-lived elements is 22,967 thousand rubles, the reducing cost of short-lived elements with incorrigible physical wear - 33,000 thousand rubles.

    3. We define the magnitude of the incorrect physical wear in long-lived elements:

    Name of the indicator

    Amount, thousand rubles.

    replacement cost
    replacement cost of corrected physical wear
    restorative value of short-lived elements with incorrigible physical wear
    recovery value of long-lived elements with incorrigible wear174 900 - 3 000 - 33 000 = 138 900
    actual age
    general physical life
    increigable physical wear of long-lived elements (10:75) * 138 900

    Thus, the cost of incorrect physical wear in long-lived elements is 22,224 thousand rubles.

    3. We define the magnitude of the cumulative physical wear of the building:

    Thousand rub.

    Thus, the cost of the cumulative physical wear of the building is 48,191 thousand rubles. or 27.6%.

    Functional wear - This is a loss in value caused by the fact that the object does not comply with modern standards: from the point of view of its functional utility, according to architectural and aesthetic, volume-planning, constructive solutions, landscading, safety, comfort and other functional characteristics.

    Distinguish the following types of functional wear:

    • wear corrected (if an additionally received value exceeds the cost of recovery);
    • remost of incorrigible (if an additionally received value does not exceed the cost of recovery).

    The corrected functional wear is measured by the cost of its correction and is called:

    • disadvantages requiring adding elements;
    • disadvantages requiring replacement or upgrading elements;
    • "Supervolution".

    Disadvantages requiring adding elements - Elements of the building and equipment that are not in the existing building and without which it cannot comply with modern operational standards.

    The quantitative meter of corrected functional wear through deficiencies requiring addition is the difference between the cost of performing the required additions at the time of the assessment and the cost of performing the same additions if they were performed during the construction of an assessment object.

    Disadvantages requiring replacement or upgrading elements - Elements of the building and equipment that are in the existing building and still perform their functions, but no longer comply with modern operational standards.

    The corrected functional wear due to positions requiring replacement or modernization is measured as the cost of existing elements, taking into account their physical wear, minus the cost of returning materials, plus the cost of dismantling existing and plus the cost of mounting new elements. At the same time, the cost of returning materials is defined as the cost of dismantled materials and equipment when using them on other objects.

    "Supervisor" - Elements of the building and equipment that are in the existing building and the presence of which are currently inadequately modern operational standards.

    The corrected functional wear due to the "super-supervision" is measured as the current regenerative cost of the positions of "super-supervision", minus physical wear, plus the cost of dismantling and minus refund of materials, if it takes place.

    If the cost of construction is defined as substituting, then some features take place when determining the corrected functional wear. Since in this case there are no "super loosenings", then there is no need to determine the proportion of physical wear. However, the cost of correction of "super-absursions" still needs to be considered.

    Example 34. Determine the corrected functional wear of the office building, if you know that:

    • modern standards require installation in the air conditioner building, the cost of the installation of which in the existing building is 150 thousand rubles, and the cost of installation in the same building during its construction - 110 thousand rubles.
    • the electromatura installed in the building does not comply with modern market standards, while the cost of the existing electricity involved in replacement valueIt is 350 thousand rubles, the physical wear of the existing electricitymature is 200 thousand rubles, the cost of dismantling the existing electricitymature is 100 thousand rubles, the cost of returning materials is 10 thousand rubles, the cost of installing a new electricity industry is 190 thousand rubles.
    • the building has a warehouse and an analysis of the best and most efficient use showed that at present this area is advisable to use as an office, while the current regenerative cost of warehouse space is 800 thousand rubles, physical wear - 50 thousand rubles, the cost of liquidation Warehouse - 80 thousand rubles.

    1. We define the magnitude of the correct functional wear caused by the disadvantages requiring the addition of elements (in our case - air conditioning):

    Thousand rub.

    2. We define the magnitude of the corrected functional wear caused by the disadvantages requiring the replacement or modernization of the elements (in our case - electricitymatures):

    Thousand rub.

    3. We define the magnitude of the corrected functional wear caused by the "super loofholdings" (in our case - positions that are functionally inherent in the storage room):

    Thousand rub.

    Thus, the cost of the corrected functional wear of the building is:

    Thousand rub.

    Incorrigible functional wear is called:

    • disadvantages due to positions not included in the price of the new, but which should be;
    • disadvantages due to the positions included in the price of the new, but of which should not be;
    • "Supervolution".

    Incorrigible functional Wearing at the expense of the positions not included in the cost of new construction, is measured as a net loss of income relating to this disadvantage, capitalized with the norm of capitalization for buildings, minus the cost of these positions if they were included in the cost of new construction.

    The calculation of the incorrect functional wear through deficiencies does not depend on whether the restorative or replacement cost will be taken as a basis.

    Increigable functional wear due to positions that are included in the cost of new constructionbut should not be measured as current value new, minus relating physical wear, minus value added (i.e., the present value of additional expenses related to the presence of this position).

    Increigable functional wear at the expense of "super-mains" Depending on the type of value that is taken as the basis.

    In the case of the application of the recovery value, the incorrigible functional wear due to the "super loosening" is measured as the regenerative cost of the elements of "super loosening", minus their physical wear, plus the present value (PV) of the cost of the owner associated with the presence of "super-absursions", minus any added value. At the same time, the costs of the owner include additional taxes, insurance, maintenance costs, utility bills, and the value added includes an increased rent, etc. - related to the presence of "super looseness".

    Example 35. Determine the incorrigible functional wear of the office building, if you know that:

    • in determining the cost of a new construction for the building under consideration, the installation of a fire extinguishing system was not taken into account (since it is not in the existing building), it is assumed that the net loss of income caused by the lack of installation is 20 thousand rubles, the capitalization rate for buildings is 10% , and the cost of the fire extinguishing system during the construction of a new building is 150 thousand rubles.
    • the estimated building has a greater height of the floor, which from the point of view of the market at the evaluation date is redundant, while the current regenerative cost of the existing building is 174,900 thousand rubles, and the current regenerative value of the exact same building that has a normal, in terms of market, height The floor, 172 900 thousand rubles, the physical wear is determined at the level of 40%, annually the owner shall bear additional costs associated with the high height of the floor (heating, lighting, etc.), in the amount of 500 thousand rubles, the existing capitalization coefficient For buildings is 10%.

    1. We define the magnitude of the incorrigible functional wear caused by the shortcomings not included in the cost of new construction, but which must be based on market data on the loss of income caused by the absence of an element or equipment (in our case - fire extinguishing systems)

    Thousand rub.

    2. We define the magnitude of the incorrect functional at the expense of "ultra-absociation" (in our case - a large height of the floor):

    Thousand rub.

    Thus, the value of the incorrect functional wear of the building is:

    Thousand rub.

    External (Economic) Wear - impairment of an object due to a negative environmental assessment facility by the influence of the external environment: a market situation imposed by servits for certain use of real estate, changes in the surrounding infrastructure and legislative decisions in the field of taxation, etc. External wear dealements depending on the causes that caused its causes in most Cases is unreasstatic due to the invariabilities of the location, but in some cases it can be "self-sufficient" due to a positive change in the surrounding market environment.

    The following methods can be applied to evaluate external wear:

    • the method of capitalization of the loss of income relating to external influence;
    • the method of comparing sales of such objects in the presence and without external influences.

    If there is enough data, the second approach is more preferable.

    Capitalization method of income loss Ensures determining the loss of income of all property due to external influences. Then the share of losses per building is capitalized at capitalization rate for buildings.

    Example 36. Determine the external (economic) deposit of the warehouse, if it is known that: net income without taking into account external factors after eliminating corrected physical and functional wear is 25,000 thousand rubles; Current net income after eliminating corrected physical and functional wear - 21,000 thousand rubles; The cost of land is 5,000 thousand rubles, capitalization rate for the Earth - 10%; Capitalization rate for the Earth - 15%.

    1. We define the loss of pure income due to external factors:

    Thousand rub.

    2. Determine the net income related to the building:

    Thousand rub.

    3. We define the loss of pure income related to the building:

    thousand roubles.

    Thus, the cost of external (economic) wear of the warehouse is:

    Thousand rub.

    Method of paired sales Based on the analysis of existing pricing on newly sold similar objects (pair sales). It is assumed that the pair sale objects differ from each other only by the detected and correlated assessment object by economic wear.

    Example 37. Determine the external (economic) wear of the warehouse, located in the distance from the discharge market, if it is known that: the sale price of an analogue facility, located far from the discharge market - 600 thousand rubles; The sale price of an analogue facility, located near the discharge market - 450 thousand rubles; The difference in physical and other differences of analog facilities is 60 thousand rubles.

    1. We define the cost of external (economic) warehouse wear:

    Thousand rub.

    The cost approach has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

    Advantages of the cost approach:

    1. When evaluating new objects, the cost approach is the most reliable.
    2. This approach is appropriate or only possible in the following cases:
      • technical and economic analysis of the value of new construction;
      • justification of the need to update the existing object;
      • assessment of special-purpose buildings;
      • when evaluating facilities in the "passive" market sectors;
      • analysis of Earth's use efficiency;
      • solving object insurance tasks;
      • solving tax objectives;
      • when coordinating the values \u200b\u200bof the property obtained by other methods.

    Disadvantages of the cost approach:

    1. Costs are not always equivalent to market value.

    2. Attempts to achieve a more accurate assessment result are accompanied by a rapid increase in labor costs.

    3. The inconsistency of the costs of acquiring an estimated real estate object costs for new construction of exactly the same object, since the accumulated wear is deducted from the cost of construction.

    4. The problem of calculating the cost of reproduction of old buildings.

    5. The complexity of determining the magnitude of the accumulated wear of old buildings and structures.

    6. A separate assessment of the land plot from the buildings.

    7. Evaluation problem land plots in Russia.


    1. "On the procedure for assessing the real estate ownership, and the rights to it." Order of the Governor of St. Petersburg dated August 1, 1996 No. 113-p.

    2. "Single rates of depreciation deductions to the full restoration of fixed assets in the Russian Federation." Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation

    Breakdown method It consisions in detailed consideration and accounting for all types of wear, which are related to (Fig. 2):

    • disposable and non-resistant physical wear;
    • eliminable and non-resistant functional wear;
    • exterior wear.
    Disposable (corrected) wear - this wear, elimination of which is physically possible and economically advisable, i.e. The costs of eliminating a particular type of wear contribute to the cost of the object as a whole.

    Unrelated (incorrigible) wear - this wear, the elimination of which is either physically impossible or economically inexpedient, i.e. The costs of elimination of a particular type of wear do not contribute to the increase in the value of the object as a whole.

    Fig. 4 Classification of real estate wear

    To apply the breakdown method, when determining the accumulated wear, it is necessary as a settlement base to have data on the cost of new construction, made by constructive elements.

    Physical deterioration- The gradual loss of the originally embedded in the construction of the technical and operational qualities of the object under the influence of natural climatic factors, as well as human vital activity. Physical wear reflects changes in the physical properties of the real estate object with time (for example, defects of structural elements).

    There are four basic methods for calculating physical wear:

    • expert (regulatory);
    • value;
    • method for calculating the life of the building.
    Expert method for calculating physical wear It is based on the creation of a defective statement and determining the percent of the wear of all structural elements of the building or structure. The expert method is the most accurate, but also the most time consuming.

    This method involves the use of various regulatory instructions of an intersectoral or departmental level. As an example, it is possible to name the Bureau of the Technical Inventory in order to assess the physical wear of residential buildings in technical inventory, planning the overhaul of the housing stock, regardless of its departmental affiliation. The indicated rules given a characteristic of the physical wear of various structural elements of buildings and their assessment.

    The physical wear of the building is determined as follows:

    F f - physical wear of the building, (%);

    F I is the physical wear of the i-th constructive element (%);

    L i is a coefficient corresponding to the proportion of the reduction value of the i-th constructive element (plot) in the total cost of the building;

    n - the number of structural elements in the building

    The proportion of the replacement value of individual structures, elements and systems in the overall replacement cost of the building should be taken at the integrined indicators of the recovery value of residential buildings approved in the prescribed manner, and for designs, elements and systems that do not have approved indicators - by their estimate cost.

    Example 30.Determine the physical wear of a residential building, if it is known that when it is examined, the physical wear of all structural elements was revealed:

    • foundations - 10%;
    • walls - 15%;
    • overlap - 20%;
    • roof - 10%;
    • floors - 35%;
    • windows - 40%;
    • finishing coatings - 30%;
    • internal sanitary and electrical devices - 50%;
    • others - 25%.

    1. We define the specific weights of the structural elements in accordance with the Sat. № 28 OPVS.

    2. The results of the assessment of the physical wear of elements and systems, as well as determining their specific gravity at replacement cost:

    Name of building elements

    Specific weights of structural elements,%

    Specific weight x

    finishing coatings
    internal sanitary and electrical devices

    Thus, the physical wear of the building is 23.25%

    Cost method for calculating physical wear It is based on the assumption that the physical wear at the time of the assessment is expressed by the value ratio of objectively necessary repair activities that eliminate damage to the design, element or building as a whole, and their replacement cost.

    Example 31.To determine the physical wear of a residential building, if it is known that the rehabilitation cost of structural elements and objectively necessary costs of their repair are respectively: foundations - 3,200 thousand rubles, 640 thousand rubles; walls - 4,000 thousand rubles., 1,200 thousand rubles; overlap - 800 thousand rubles., 160 thousand rubles; Other - 8,000 thousand rubles., 2,800 thousand rubles.

    We define the magnitude of physical wear. The results of the assessment of the physical wear of the elements, as well as the determination of their specific gravity by rehabilitation cost:

    Name of building elements

    Recovery cost element, thousand rubles.

    Objectively necessary cost of repair, thousand rubles.


    Thus, the physical wear of the building is 30%

    This method allows you to immediately calculate the wear of the elements and the building as a whole in value terms. Since the calculation of the impairment is made on the basis of reasonable actual costs for bringing worn items to the "practically new state", the result of this approach can be considered quite accurate. The disadvantages of the method are mandatory detailing and accuracy of calculating the cost of repairing worn items of the building.

    Method of calculating the life of the building It is based on the assumption that the relationship between physical wear (FI) and the rehabilitation cost (Sun) is determined by the relationship between effective age (eV) and a typical economic life (FZH):

    Example 32.Determine the physical wear of a residential building, if it is known that the rehabilitation cost, the actual age and the general physical life of its structural elements are respectively: foundations - 1,200 thousand rubles, 10 years, 15 years; walls - 400 thousand rubles., 5 years, 10 years; overlap - 300 thousand rubles., 6 years, 15 years; Others - 900 thousand rubles., 1 year, 10 years.

    We define the magnitude of physical wear. The results of the assessment of the physical wear of the elements:

    Name of building elements

    Action age years old

    General physical life, years

    Wear, thousand rubles.

    finishing coatings
    - -
    Thus, the physical wear of the building is 1210 rubles. or 43.2%.

    The determination of the magnitude of the physical wear consists of several consecutive stages:

    • determination of the magnitude of the corrected physical wear;
    • determining the value of the incorrigible physical wear in short-lived elements;
    • determining the magnitude of the incorrigible physical wear in long-lived elements.
    The determination of the corrected physical wear is determined (it is also called deferred repair, as it is assumed that a typical buyer will make an immediate repair to restore the normal operational characteristics of the structure: cosmetic repair, restoration of sections of the flowing roofing, repair of engineering equipment, etc.) is carried out using value or expert method for calculating physical wear.

    Increigable physical wear corresponds to positions whose correction is currently almost impossible or economically inexpedient. The magnitude of this type of wear is determined on the basis of the difference between the total reducing (or replacement) cost and the sum of the disposable physical wear.

    For the purpose of calculating wear, elements of structures having unmountable physical wear are divided into long-lived and short-lived.

    At long-lived elements, the expected residual life coincides with the residual economic life of the entire structure. Short-living elements have less residual economic life than the entire structure.

    To estimate the incorrigible physical wear in short-lived elements, the method of calculating the life of the building is used: the difference between the total reducing (or replacement) value of the element and the amount of the corrected wear of the element is multiplied by the attitude of the actual age to the general physical life of the element.

    At the same time, the general physical life of the element is determined by reference data that takes into account periodic repairs and maintaining normal operational performance.

    To assess the incorrigible physical wear in the long-lived elements, the method of calculating the life of the building is also used: the magnitude of the corrected physical wear and the sum of the reducing cost of short-lived elements with an incorrigible physical wear is subtracted from the total reducing (or replacement) cost and the result is multiplied by the residual reducing (or replacement cost. ) Long-lived elements, as well as the attitude of the actual age to the general physical life of the building.

    The general physical life of the building is determined depending on the type of basic structural elements for various categories of durability buildings. The classification of residential and public buildings on durability is provided in the regulatory literature.

    Example 33.Determine the physical wear of a residential building. The source data we give as the calculation.

    1. Based on the estimated documentation, we define the cost of new construction to assess the accumulated wear:

    Name of building elements

    Replacement cost, thousand rubles.

    Direct costs (materials and equipment, labor costs, overhead and contractor profits),
    foundation device
    the device of exterior walls
    overlapping device
    roofing device
    device partition
    the device of suspended ceilings
    device floors
    internal and outdoor
    sewer system
    power supply system
    heating system
    ventilation and air conditioning
    Indirect costs
    Profit entrepreneur
    General restoration cost

    2. Determine the magnitude of the corrected physical wear:

    Thus, the cost of corrected wear is 3,000 thousand rubles.

    2. We define the magnitude of the incorrect physical wear in short-lived elements:

    Name of building elements

    Restore value of the element, thousand rubles.

    Actual age, years

    General physical life, years

    Wear, thousand rubles.

    electro-supply system
    heating system
    ventilation and air conditioning
    TOTAL: - -

    Thus, the cost of incorrigible physical wear in short-lived elements is 22,967 thousand rubles, the reducing cost of short-lived elements with incorrigible physical wear - 33,000 thousand rubles.

    Wear binds to the total loss of the value of the property under the influence of various factors. Accounting of wear is carried out mainly in the cost and comparative approaches, in a profitable approach, certain costs for repair and restoration work are taken into account.

    In value terms, the aggregate wear is the difference between the reducing cost and the market value of the estimated object / 1 /.

    The methodology of the costly approach is to determine all the costs of entry into the right of ownership (lease, use) to the land plot (hereinafter:), determining the value of the new construction of objects with deposits. It is generally accepted to calculate the cost approach (for example, a building with a plot of land), based on the following expressions:

    one). With monetary expression of wear and the absence of their impact on each other:

    Cost of construction * PP - physicalness - function - External wear + cost of land rights (Formula 1)

    2). With the relative values \u200b\u200bof wear, taking into account their influence on each other:

    Cost of construction * PP * (1 - physicalness) x (1 - functionalist) x (1 - external expenditure) + cost of land rights (Formula 2)

    PP - the profit of the entrepreneur.

    Wearings are accepted only to the cost of construction of objects.

    At the same time, it is generally accepted to divide the physical and functional wear on disposable and unreasonable in their influence on the cost of real estate objects (it is advisable or inappropriate to produce repairs from the point of view of increasing the cost of objects.).

    Phys.Inost \u003d Disposable Piz. Wear + unrelated physical. Wear.

    A similar expression - in relation to functional wear.

    The methodology of the comparative approach when adjustments to the cost of analogues invites us to use methods based on the analysis of paired sales, expert methods and statistical methods. The least developed - statistical methods.

    The methodology of the income approach, when taking into account the costs of building buildings and structures, invites us to use monetary expressions that take into account the cost of different species Repairs.

    A number of work discussed the correctness of the use of expressions for the cost approach (Yu.S. Zaytsev, Kartsev P.V.,) and the place in them " The cost of land rights "(V.G. Mosinets), but all that is proposed to theoretically, should always be supported by practical data, which, unfortunately, will rarely meet lately.

    Let's try to spend general analysis expressions based on the use of the method of market extraction (we will analyze the data of the market for the purchase - sales of real estate objects).

    The purpose of the study was to study the nature of the dependence of the value of various real estate objects from wear (verification of the accuracy of the above formulas).

    The most developed real estate market is the market of Moscow and the Moscow region. In this market, you can find samples of data on the comparative value of real estate objects with a reasonable consideration of only certain types of wear (for example, physical, abstracting from functional and external wear). Based on the analysis of selective data in this market, the dependencies between the wear of objects and their cost are constructed. The market analysis was carried out at the cost of proposals, on the basis of the amount of data presented on the sites:, for March - June 2003

    The analysis was carried out using the sample of data on the "average" direction of Moscow - the Southern Administrative District (YUAO) and, partly, (for apartments) in southwestern (UNUSAO). Accounting for the value of the memory was differentiated, while the objects located in the land plots, the cost of the long-term lease (49 years) of which fluctuated in the range of 450,000: $ 600,000 / hectares. To reduce the influence of the memory at the cost of objects (except for country possessions), facilities were selected in multi-storey (more than 5 et.) Buildings. Country possessions were analyzed with the cost of "under the buildings" by the method of "paired sales".

    This purpose implied the decision the following tasks:

      determination of research directions;

      sampling of cost data on apartments, office space, industrial premises, commercial premises located in Yuzao, Yuao city of Moscow, and country possessions located at a distance of 25:40 km. from the Moscow Ring Road in the southern direction;

      statistical processing and comparative data analysis, taking into account random measurement errors;

      construction of graphic dependencies of the cost of premises from their wear and selection of approximating formulas using the methods of correlation - regression analysis;

      analysis of the dependencies and general conclusions.

    Determination of research directions:

    The ultimate goal when applying the cost, comparative and profitable approaches is to enter market value Real estate objects. Wearings are associated with the loss of market value - therefore their contributions to the cost of objects can be checked using comparable data samples using a market extraction method.

    Direction No. 1. The influence of physical wear on the cost of objects.

    1.1. Definition of deposit "Disposable physical wear" In the overall market value of real estate.

    1.2. Defining the contribution of general "Physical Wear" In the market value of real estate objects.

    Direction number 2. Influence functional wear The cost of real estate objects.

    Direction number 3. The cumulative effect of wear on the value of real estate objects. Mutual influence.

    1. Determination of the contribution of "disposable physical wear" into the total market value of real estate objects

    The contribution is approximately determined by the difference in the market value of the premises on proposals "the premises requires cosmetic repair" and "renovated room"; For apartments - on the difference of values \u200b\u200bof the primary ("without finishing") and secondary ("with decoration") the market. To eliminate the influence of functional and external wear, market extraction was used for YUAO Moscow / 6 /.


    For analysis, data on one-room apartment in panel houses was used (17:22 of the P-44 Floor Series: P-3), located over 8 km. From the center, with the representativeness of the compared samples - more than 25 samples.

    Administrative and office space

    An administrative and office premises of the class "B2" and "C" in the range of areas 800: 1500 sq. m. Objects located in capital buildings I and II groups of capitalities (constructive systems of KS-1 and KS-4) were selected, located at a distance of over 8 km from the center with the representativeness of the compared samples - over 15 samples.

    Industrial premises

    For the analysis, data for industrial premises, located in capital buildings of the I and II groups of capitalities (constructive systems KS-1 and KS-4) were used. in the range of 1000: 2500 square meters. M. It was selected objects located at the distance over 8 km. From the center with the representativeness of the compared samples - over 12 samples.

    Commercial premises

    For the analysis, data on commercial premises (shops) were used in capital buildings I and II of capital groups (constructive systems KS-1 and KS-4). in the range of space 400: 800 square meters. M. It was selected objects located at the distance over 8 km. From the center with the representativeness of the compared samples - over 15 samples.

    Country possessions.

    For analysis, data on country possessions were used (two-level brick cottages) In the range of space 160: 280 kV. m (plots area 8:14 acres), located at a distance of 25:40 km. From the Moscow Ring Road at the Southern Directions with the representativeness of the compared samples of "paired sales" - over 12 pairs.

    For convenience, we will operate with specific gravity per unit area (dollars / sq. M)

    Table 1 shows the average data on samples, as well as the ratios of average values \u200b\u200bbefore and after repairs, the difference in average costs, the estimated cost of repairs (finishes) and the ratio of the difference in the cost of repairs to the estimated cost of repairs:

    Table 1.

    Object real estate

    The average cost of the object requiring repair, (CDO) dollars / sq. M.

    The average cost after repair, (disposal) dollars / sq. M.

    sDO / SELF

    Difference, (cf) dollars / sq. M. M.

    ranking cost of repairs, (CO) dollars / sq. M.

    Cf / s

    Apartments 1-room

    Prefab W / B

    Office rooms

    Brick and Sat. R / B.

    Industrial premises

    Prefab W / B

    Commercial premises

    Country ownership

    Table 1 shows the data on the estimated cost of repairs. These costs were determined based on the following data:

    one). The cost of repairs to assess insurance firms in Moscow:

    • Simple - $ 75 / sq. M. m.
    • Superior - 200 dollars / sq. M. m.
    • EUROROREMON - $ 400 / sq. M. m.

    These data are overestimated and do not reflect a clear gradation in the types of repairs.

    2). The cost of repairs according to the construction companies in Moscow (used in the calculations):

    • Simple - 40:60 dollars / sq. M. m.
    • Superior - 80: 140 dollars / sq. M. m.
    • EUROROREMON - 150: $ 350 / sq. M. m.
    • High quality - 400: 800 dollars / sq. M. m. And above (with the use of natural materials - a tree, a stone :).

    From the above Table 1 follows:

      The smallest contribution to the market cost of premises makes a disposable wear for production and office premises (apparently new owners strive to always equip office premises under their design, and for industrial premises the relative cost of finishing is low);

      The largest contribution to the market cost of premises is made by disposable wear for suburban possessions, while the new finish significantly increases the market value of objects;

      The secondary housing market (for example, 1-room apartments in typical panel buildings) shows a higher cost of finished premises;

      Within the accuracy of calculations, the contribution of disposable wear to the market cost of premises should be proportionally taken into account for residential, commercial premises and country possessions. For office and industrial premises, disposable wear contribution is unimited (accounting " Disposable physical Wear "should be conducted with low coefficients 0.2: 0.35).

    2. Determination of the contribution of the general "physical wear" into the market value of real estate objects

    Methods for calculating physical wear / 1 /:

    • regulatory (for residential buildings);
    • value;
    • method of life, etc.

    Regulatory methods are based on the use of various regulatory materials. As an example, the "Rules for assessing the physical wear of residential buildings" (VSN 53-86) of the USSR State Building.

    It should be noted (paragraph 1.1 of the WG 53-86) that in this case "the physical wear at the time of its assessment is expressed by the ratio of the value of the objectively necessary repair activities that eliminate damage to the design, element, system or building as a whole, and their replacement cost."

    The question arises: what is the cost of repair costs, attributed to the rehabilitation cost is related to the market value of the object?

    The basis of the value methods for determining physical wear is also a definition of direct costs for repair activities.

    Again, the question arises about the relationship of the cost of repair work with the market value of the object.

    The method of life is based on the ratio of the effective life of structural elements of the building ("short-lived" and "long-lived") or the whole building with their typical length of physical life.

    Again the question: how do these relations are associated with the market value of the object?

    Consider the "Methodology for determining the accident system" MGSN 301.03-97 (Table 3), where physical wear is determined by the life life method:

    Let's pay attention to the "Old" condition in which the cost of overhaul exceeds the replacement cost: the cost approach under these conditions will give only the cost of the memory with individual improvements, and the comparative will show a much greater value. We will receive a value difference in the approaches that arose due to improper accounting of the influence of wear.

    It should be noted that in accordance with the MGSN 301.03-97 "The method of determining the accident rate of the buildings" p.1.5 ": the emergency condition of residential buildings or a separate design, which affects the strength and stability of the entire building, can occur during physical wear of more than 70% for stone buildings and 65% for wooden houses: ".

    It is well known that the cost approach and comparative approach give similar value values \u200b\u200bfor new real estate objects, if the company's profit is properly taken into account (or external wear) / 6 /.

    Probably, as objects, the correct accounting of the influence of various types of wear should also lead to similar results in the cost and market approaches.

    The contribution of physical wear is approximately determined by the difference in the market value between new objects and

      objects with average operation (wear of about 30% are determined by the life life method);

      objects with exploitation approximated to the dilapidation of buildings (wear of about 70%). To eliminate the influence of functional and external wear, market extraction was used for sample facilities located in Yuzao (Apartments) and Yuao Moscow.

    The liquidation value of the "unsuitable" objects was determined in accordance with the recommendations of CH 436-72 "Approximate rules of the output of materials obtained from disassembling buildings during their demolition."

    Apartments were chosen in 5-storey panel houses (according to UNUSAO, the cost of new apartments was taken according to the collection "RWAY" No. 97, the cost of "dilapidated" apartments was taken on 5-storey houses in the areas of "New Cheryomoshek", scheduled for eviction). Representativeness of the sample - at least 20 samples.

    The remaining types of real estate objects (production, office, commercial premises) were selected according to Yua with the same conditions and representativeness of samples, as well as to determine the contribution " Disposable physical Wear ",with the exception of the "dilapid" objects "under the reconstruction" (the representative's satisfaction went down to 11:14 samples in view of the small search base). Country possessions were selected based on the above conditions. The selection was carried out by couples.

    Table 2.

    Object real estate


    Cost (dollars / sq. M) and relative costs (O.E.) during depreciation:

    Apartment 1-room

    Office rooms

    Industrial premises

    Commercial premises

    Country owners

    25:40 km from MKAD

    From table. 2 It follows that we are dealing with the nonlinear nature of the dependence of the market value of objects from physical wear.

    For example, graphics reduce the cost of apartments and office premises depending on their wear-defined life methods.

    To determine the nature of the dependence of the relative value from relative wear, data was analyzed by several works. For example, in the work / 5, it was proposed to make a discount for value in proportion to the square of the ratio of time flowing from the beginning of the object's existence to the deadline.

    For approximation of dependencies, the formulas of linear and quadratic - linear regression were used:

    The presence and form of the dependence between the relative value of objects (OS) and relative physical wear (OI) was established.

    In tab. 3 shows approximating dependencies and correlation coefficients.

    Table 3.

    linear addiction

    linear quadratic dependence

    coef. correlation

    coef. correlation


    OS \u003d 1.24 - 0.91 * OI

    OS \u003d 1,10 - 0.92 * OI 2

    Office rooms

    OS \u003d 1.14 - 1.02 * OI

    OS \u003d 1.02 - 0.91 * OI 2

    Industrial premises

    OS \u003d 1.09 - 0.93 * OI

    OS \u003d 0.98 - 0.94 * OI 2

    Commercial premises

    OS \u003d 1,10 - 0.90 * OI

    OS \u003d 0.97 - 0.91 * OI 2

    Country owners

    OS \u003d 1.15 - 0.98 * OI

    OS \u003d 1.05 - 0.99 * OI 2

    As can be seen from Table 3, the most acceptable correlation coefficients (0.93: 0.97) were obtained with linearly quadratic approximation of dependencies. Linear dependences have low correlation coefficients (0.82: 0.85) and deviate.

    The statistically obtained linear - the quadratic dependences "OS - OI" can be used when calculating the influence of physical wear on the market value of objects both in the cost and in comparative approach (When adjusting analogs).

    3. Determination of the contribution of functional wear into the overall market value of real estate objects.

    The value expression of functional wear is the difference between the cost of reproduction and the cost of substitution, which excludes functional wear / 1 / consideration.

    Disposable functional wear is determined by the costs of the necessary reconstruction that promotes more efficient operation of the property.

    The question arises again: how are the costs of reconstruction related to the market value of the object?

    Fine functional wear is caused by outdated volume and / or constructive characteristics of evaluated buildings with respect to modern construction standards.

    The cost of unreasonable functional wear can be determined in two ways:

      capitalization of losses in the rent;

      capitalization of redundant operating costs needed to keep the building in a proper order.

    In this case, the method of direct market extraction is used, therefore, the direct proportionality of the contribution of the faded functional wear into the market value of objects is no doubt, with the exception of the issue of the mutual influence of wear.

    The effect of disposable wear was checked selectively according to the following comparable objects:

      Apartments 3-room (YUAO) in typical modern panel houses (the difference in the type "Improved" and "Eurotandel" with the representativeness of samples over 19 paired samples. The estimated difference in value is about $ 120 / sq. M., - There are differences to $ 98 / square meters. m. (98/120 \u003d 0,82 ).

      Office rooms class B2 and C (the difference in air conditioning systems, reception and security services. The calculated difference in the cost is about $ 38 / sq. M., - There is a tendency in small differences to $ 21 / sq. M. ( 21/38 \u003d. 0,55 ) according to the average values \u200b\u200bof paired samples (for YUAO) with the representativeness of samples over 15 pairs, but the difference in value is within the accuracy of measurements by samples;

      Production premises (the difference in the food production and non-food production. The calculated difference in value is about $ 41 per square meter. M., - significant differences in the market value exceeding the accuracy of measurements could not be found. Review of paired samples - over 12 pairs;

      Commercial premises (the difference in the finish under the sale of food and industrial goods. The calculated difference in price is about $ 85 / sq. M. m., - There is a difference in the cost of up to $ 62 / sq. M. m. (62/85 \u003d 0,73 ) According to the average samples (YUAO) with representatives of samples over 14 pairs.

    Based on the data obtained, Table was built. four:

    Table 4.


    Number of "paired sales"

    The estimated average estimated value of functional wear, (SERF) dollars / sq. M.

    The average difference in the cost (SFI) dollars / sq. M.


    Apartments 3-room

    Office rooms

    Industrial premises

    Commercial premises

    The coefficient of variation

    In general, individual sample data show that accounting for the effect of disposable functional wear can be made in proportion to the determined costs for its elimination taking into account the downward coefficient. In the first approximation with a sufficient degree of reliability, this coefficient can be accepted about 0,75.

    4. Determination of the mutual influence of physical and functional wear.

    The determination of the mutual influence of wear was carried out methodically as follows:

    Option number 1 (taking into account disposable functional wear):

    For objects of new and close to new construction, there was a difference in a simple finish and the euros (eliminate functional wear). Then, for similar objects, but having sufficient degrees of physical wear, there was a difference in a simple finish and euros. The effect of external wear, if possible, was excluded. Based on "Formula 1", the difference in market value, taking into account the diverse decoration, should be maintained. Based on the "Formula 2", the difference in market value should decrease (which characterizes the mutual influence of wear).

    The markets for selling apartments, office and commercial premises were investigated. A method of "paired sales" (offers for sale) was used.

    Apartments: The relative cost of one-room apartments was analyzed in Moscow. New apartments and apartments have been investigated in the areas of "New Cheryomushki" (but on the removal from the "Tsarist village").

    Office premises: The relative cost of premises area 112: 576 square meters was analyzed. m. According to Yuao, Moscow in the multi-storey administrative and office buildings of class B2 (close to new) and class C (having large wear).

    Commercial premises: The relative costs of built-in and built-in rooms are located in residential buildings of rooms256: 1112 square meters. m. According to Yuao, Moscow for panel (close to new) and panel blocks (having large wear) of buildings.

    Table5 shows the average results for comparative samples.

    Table 5.


    New, close to new, (CH) dollars / sq. M.

    sampling, pcs.

    Having large wear (0.6: 0.7) (ss) dollars / sq. M.

    sampling, pcs.

    Cost difference ratio (CC / CH)

    Apartments 1-room (UNUSAO)

    Office rooms CL. B2: C (YUAO)

    Relative cost after "renovation"

    Relative cost after simple repair,

    Difference of relative value

    Commercial premises (YUAO)

    Relative cost after "renovation"

    Relative cost after simple repair,

    Difference of relative value

    As can be seen from Table5, for all objects there is a general trend of reducing the difference in the cost of finishing with increasing physical wear of objects. There is a clear mutual influence of wear.

    Unfortunately, the author failed to pick up a large representative of the samples (the search for analogs a priori was limited to 3 months in the season of spring-summer 2003 due to seasonal fluctuations in the values \u200b\u200bof proposals) and completely eliminate the influence of individual factors for relative costs when pairwise comparison (especially in part Office premises), so you can still talk about the trend of the mutual influence of wear, or about the greater trust probability when using Formula 2.

    Embodiment number 2 (taking into account the unreasonable functional wear).

    The following assumption was investigated:

    For offices in the buildings of a new and close to new construction, there was a difference in the specific value of the squares when they were located in the basement (semisal) part of the building and on the first floor. Then the same difference for office premises was determined in buildings that were essential (30:35%) wear.

    Table 6.

    As can be seen from Table 6, there is a tendency of mutual influence.

    General conclusions:

    one). The influence of physical and functional wear on the market value of real estate objects has a complex nature, while now there is no practically spent theoretical model of describing the influence of individual wear on the market value of objects, as well as their mutual influence.

    2). The tendency marked in the article to the mutual influence of wear makes it possible to assume that the most likely for use (when taking into account only physical and functional wear) is a formula that takes into account the mutual influence of wear (Formula 2, which is in the beginning of the article).

    3). In the cost approach, when used to calculate the physical wear of the "regulatory" method and the method of "life term", it is advisable to introduce amendments that take into account the nonlinear nature of the communications of wear with the market value of objects. Approximate formulas for accounting are designed for various types of real estate facilities using mathematical statistics methods and are shown in Table 3.

    four). In a comparative approach, approximate formulas may be used when adjusting analogs, given in Table 3.

    five). The article presents data on the effect of physical and functional wear on the market value of real estate objects, requiring an in-depth study, taking into account the impact of the profit of the entrepreneur and external wear.

    6). The correct accounting for the influence of physical and functional wear on the cost of real estate objects will contribute to obtaining closer results on the cost and comparative approaches.

    List of used sources of information:

    1. Real estate assessment. / Under. ed. A.G. M. M.A. Fedotova. - M., "Finance and Statistics", 2002, - 495 p.

    5. "To the question of discounts for dilapidation," Statistical Department of the Yaroslavl provincial Zemstvo.1913, Issue 91 (

    6. Yaskevich E.E. Determining the profit of the entrepreneur and external wear for real estate objects,, March 28, 2003, Collection "RWAY" No. 97, 2003

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