Coefficients see. Price appreciation index. The procedure for determining the estimated cost of material resources

Leaks 14.11.2020

On the approval of the indexes of the rise in the cost of construction in the Astrakhan region and the estimated cost of 1 sq. m of the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises for the II quarter of 2018



On the approval of the indexes of the rise in the cost of construction in the Astrakhan region and the estimated cost of 1 sq. m of the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises for the II quarter of 2018

In accordance with the Regulations on the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Astrakhan Region, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Astrakhan Region of 31.10.2016 N 381-P, the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Astrakhan Region decides:

1. Approve:

The attached indexes of the rise in the cost of construction and installation work by type of construction in the Astrakhan region for the II quarter of 2018 to FER-2001, TEP-2001;

Estimated cost of 1 sq. m of the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises in the prices of the II quarter of 2018 in the amount of 36,240 (thirty six thousand two hundred and forty) rubles, including VAT.

2. Establish that the indices and the estimated cost of 1 sq. M. Approved by paragraph 1 of this Resolution. m of the total area of \u200b\u200ba typical panel and brick housing is recommended to be used for aggregated calculations of the cost of construction, preparation of documentation for the procurement of goods, works, services to meet state or municipal needs in the field of construction and general economic calculations in the investment sphere for objects financed from the budgets of all levels on the territory of the Astrakhan region.

3. When recalculating the estimated cost of capital repairs of buildings and structures for housing and civil construction to the current price level, apply indices for general construction.

4. Organizational and control department of the department of legal, personnel and organizational and control support of the Ministry of construction, housing and communal services of the Astrakhan region (Kinarova Yu.R.):

within three working days from the date of signing, send a copy of this Resolution to the communications and mass media agency of the Astrakhan region for official publication in the media;

send a copy of this Resolution to the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Astrakhan Region within seven days after the day of its first official publication, as well as information about the sources of its official publication;

send a copy of this Resolution to the prosecutor's office of the Astrakhan region no later than seven working days from the date of signing;

no later than seven working days from the date of signing, send a copy of this Resolution to the suppliers of legal reference systems of Astrakhan-Garant-Service LLC and ConsultantService Information Center LLC for inclusion in electronic databases;

within ten days from the date of adoption of the resolution, post it on the official website of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Astrakhan Region in the information and telecommunications network "Internet"

5. The resolution comes into force from the date of its signing and applies to legal relations arising from 01.04.2018.

Deputy Prime Minister
Astrakhan region - minister
construction and housing and communal
farms of the Astrakhan region

Indices of the rise in the cost of construction and installation works by type of construction on the territory of the Astrakhan region to prices in 2000 for the II quarter of 2018 to FER-2001, TEP-2001

Ministry decree
construction and housing and communal
farms of the Astrakhan region
dated July 6, 2018 N 35

On the approval of the indexes of the rise in the cost of construction in the Astrakhan region and the estimated cost of 1 sq. m of the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises for the II quarter of 2018

Type of construction

Indexes to FER-2001

Indexes to TEP-2001

Direct costs




Direct costs




Industry-wide construction

Industry-wide construction

Multi-apartment residential buildings




Administrative buildings

Objects of education


Health care facilities



Sports facilities

Fitness center

Objects of culture

House of culture

Car roads

General purpose

Automobile bridge


Underground laying in a trench cable with copper conductors

Voltage 1 kV

Voltage 6 kV

Voltage 10 kV

Underground laying in a trench cable with aluminum conductors

Voltage 1 kV

Voltage 6 kV

Voltage 10 kV

Aerial cable laying on reinforced concrete poles with copper conductors

Voltage 6 kV

Voltage 10 kV

Air routing on reinforced concrete cable poles with aluminum conductors

Voltage 6 kV

Voltage 10 kV

Outdoor lighting networks

On a reinforced concrete support with underground cable laying

On racks reinforced concrete vibrated with air cable laying

Heat supply pipelines

Laying in impassable channels

Overhead laying

Channelless gasket

External engineering networks of water supply from pipes


cast iron pressure head socket


reinforced concrete


External engineering networks of sewage pipes


cast iron free-flow socket

reinforced concrete free-flow socket

concrete free-flow socket


External gas pipeline networks from pipes



Boiler rooms

Treatment facilities

Document's name:
Document Number: 35
Document type:
Host body: Ministry of Construction and Roads of the Astrakhan Region
Status: Acting
Published: Official Internet portal of legal information, 12.07.2018, "Collection of laws and regulations of the Astrakhan region", N 27, 12.07.2018
Date of adoption: 06 July 2018
References and standards / indices

Appendix N 1

RECOMMENDED FACTORS to normal labor costs, labor remuneration of workers (assuming a ratio to the Rates of the technical part of the collection), the rate of time and cost of operation of the machine (including the costs of wages and the labor of workers, service machines) FOR ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES OF INFLUENCE OF PRODUCTION WORK PROJECTED BY PROJECTS

For the application of coefficients, see.

Construction and special construction work

N p / p Working conditions Odds
1 Construction work on the construction of structural elements of industrial buildings and structures (foundations, frame elements, walls, floors, etc.) inside buildings under construction with the erected building box, in cases where this is justified by POS 1,20
2 Production of construction and other work in existing buildings and structures, freed from equipment and other items that interfere with the normal production of work 1,20
3 Production of construction and other work in existing buildings and structures in cramped conditions: with the presence in the work area of \u200b\u200boperating technological equipment (machines, installations, cranes, etc.) or obstructing objects (laboratory equipment, furniture, etc.) or traffic on intrashop routes 1,35
3.1 1,50
3.2 1,50
3.2.1 1,35
3.3 1,70
3.3.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harm 1,55
3.4 2,05
3.4.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harm 1,90
3.5 2,30
3.5.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harm 2,15
4 Production of construction and other work in open and semi-open production sites in cramped conditions: with the presence of operating technological equipment in the work area or the movement of technological transport 1,15
4.1 1,25
5 Conducting construction and other works near high-voltage facilities, including in the security zone of an operating overhead power line 1,20
6 Production of construction and other works in closed structures (rooms) located below 3 m from the ground surface (except for those listed in clauses 10, 11) 1,10
7 Construction of new facilities in cramped conditions: on the territories of operating enterprises with an extensive network of transport and engineering communications and cramped conditions for storing materials 1,15
8 Construction of engineering networks and structures, as well as objects of housing and civil purposes in the cramped conditions of the built-up part of the city 1,15
9 Construction of facilities in mountainous areas at an altitude of 1500 - 2500 m above sea level 1,25
9.1 Construction of facilities in mountainous areas at an altitude of 2500 - 3000 m above sea level 1,35
9.2 1,5
10 Production of construction and special construction work in underground conditions in mines, mines, subways, tunnels and other underground structures, including those for special purposes:
10.1 1,68
10.2 2,05
10.3 2,40
10.4 2,80
11 Execution of construction and special construction works in operated subway tunnels at night "through the window":
11.1 3,0
11.2 2,0

Notes to the table:

1. Work in the vicinity of high-voltage objects also includes work inside existing buildings, in which the internal wiring is not de-energized.

Under the security zone along the overhead power lines, a plot of land and space is considered, enclosed between vertical planes passing through parallel straight lines, spaced from the extreme wires (if they are not deflected) by the following distances:

During the construction of facilities, when the building density of facilities exceeds the standard by 20% or more;

During the construction of facilities, when, in accordance with the requirements of safety regulations, the construction organization design provides for a restriction of the swing of the tower crane boom.

3. When carrying out construction and other work in open and semi-open areas with harmful working conditions (clause 4.1), expressed in the form of the presence of lead, zinc, mercury or dust of heavy metals, as well as radiation, the sizes of the coefficients to the norms of labor costs and norms of time operation of construction machines and mechanisms are taken according to clauses 3.2.1, 3.3.1, 3.4.1, 3.5.1 of this table, and in the presence of constraint - according to clauses 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 of this table.

5. The use of the coefficient in the preparation of estimate documentation is justified in projects. The simultaneous use of several coefficients (except for the coefficients in clauses 5, 6 and 9, 9.1, 9.2) is not recommended. The odds specified in clauses 5, 6 and 9, 9.1, 9.2 may be used together with other odds. When applied simultaneously, the coefficients are multiplied.

6. When constructing facilities in mountainous areas at an altitude of more than 3500 m above sea level, it is recommended to develop individual estimated norms and unit prices.

Installation of equipment (installation work)

N p / p Working conditions Coefficients
1 Installation work in existing buildings and structures, freed from equipment and other items that interfere with the normal production of work 1,20
2 Installation work in existing buildings and structures in cramped conditions: with the presence of existing technological equipment (machines, installations, cranes, etc.) or obstructing objects (laboratory equipment, furniture, etc.) or traffic in the work area on intrashop routes 1,35
3.1 The same, when the air temperature in the workplace is more than 40 ° C indoors 1,50
3.2 The same with harmful working conditions, where a shorter working day is established for the workers of the enterprise, and the assembly workers have a working day of normal length. 1,50
3.2.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harm 1,35
3.3 The same, with harmful working conditions, where assembly workers are transferred to a shorter working day with a 36-hour work week 1,70
3.3.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harm 1,55
3.4 The same, with harmful working conditions, where assembly workers were transferred to a shorter working day with a 30-hour working week 2,05
3.4.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harm 1,90
3.5 The same, with harmful working conditions with the cramped workplaces, where assembly workers are transferred to a shorter working day with a 24-hour working week 2,30
3.5.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harm 2,15
4 Installation work on open and semi-open production sites in cramped conditions: with the presence of operating technological equipment in the work area or the movement of technological transport 1,15
4.1 The same with harmful working conditions (presence of steam, dust, harmful gases, smoke, etc.), where a shorter working day is set for the workers of the enterprise, and the assembly workers have a working day of normal length 1,25
5 Installation work near high-voltage facilities, including in the security zone of an operating overhead power line 1,20
5.1 1,35
6 Installation work in closed structures (rooms) located below 3 m from the earth's surface (except for those listed in clauses 8, 9) 1,10
7 Installation work in mountainous areas at an altitude of 1500 - 2500 m above sea level 1,25
7.1 Installation work in mountainous areas at an altitude of 2500 - 3000 m above sea level 1,35
7.2 Installation work in mountainous areas at an altitude of 3000 - 3500 m above sea level 1,5
8 Installation work in underground conditions in mines, mines, subways, tunnels and other underground structures, including for special purposes:
8.1 In the absence of harmful conditions for the production of work, providing for work with a shorter working day 1,68
8.2 In the presence of harmful working conditions and a shorter working week - 36 hours 2,05
8.3 In the presence of harmful working conditions and a shorter working week - 30 hours 2,40
8.4 In the presence of harmful working conditions and a shorter working week - 24 hours 2,80
9 Installation work in the operated subway tunnels at night "through the window":
9.1 When using workers during a work shift only to perform work related to the "window" 3,0
9.2 When using part of the work shift (before starting workers into the tunnel and after releasing from the tunnel) to perform work not related to the "window" 2,0

Notes to the table:

Voltage lines, kV m 1 2 1 to 20 10 35 15 110 20 150 25 220, 330 25 400 30 500 30 750 40 800 (direct current) 30

2. When performing installation work in open and semi-open sites with harmful working conditions (clause 4.1), expressed in the form of the presence of lead, zinc, mercury or dust of heavy metals, as well as radiation, the sizes of the coefficients to the norms of labor costs and the norms of the operating time of construction machines and mechanisms are recommended to be taken according to clauses 3.2.1, 3.3.1, 3.4.1, 3.5.1 of this table, and in the presence of constraint - according to clauses 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 of this table.

5. When constructing facilities in mountainous areas at an altitude of more than 3500 m above sea level, it is recommended to develop individual estimated norms and unit prices.

For the application of the coefficients, see the letter of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Utilities of 23.06.2004 N AP-3230/06.

Repair Work

N pp. Working conditions Coefficients
1 Repair work in existing buildings and structures, freed from equipment and other items that interfere with the normal production of work 1,20
2 Repair work in existing buildings and structures in cramped conditions: with the presence of existing technological equipment (machines, installations, cranes, etc.) or obstructing objects (laboratory equipment, furniture, etc.) or traffic in the work area on intrashop routes 1,35
2.1 The same, when the air temperature in the workplace is more than 40 ° C indoors 1,50
2.2 The same with harmful working conditions, where a shorter working day is set for the workers of the enterprise, and construction workers have a working day of normal length. 1,50
2.2.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harm 1,35
2.3 The same, with harmful working conditions, where construction workers are transferred to a shorter working day with a 36-hour work week 1,7
2.3.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harm 1,55
2.4 The same, with harmful working conditions, where construction workers are transferred to a shorter working day with a 30-hour working week 2,05
2.4.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harm 1,90
2.5 The same, with harmful working conditions with tight working places, where construction workers are transferred to a shorter working day with a 24-hour work week 2,30
2.5.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harm 2,15
3 Repair and other work on open and semi-open production sites in cramped conditions: with the presence of operating technological equipment or the movement of technological transport in the work area 1,15
3.1 The same with harmful working conditions (the presence of steam, dust, harmful gases, smoke, etc.), where the workers of the enterprise have a shorter working day, and construction workers have a working day of normal length 1,25
4 Repair and construction works near high-voltage facilities, including in the security zone of an operating overhead power line 1,20
4.1 The same, inside the operating TP and RP in the presence of tolerances 1,35
5 Repair and construction work in closed structures (rooms) located below 3 m from the earth's surface (except for those listed in clauses 9, 10) 1,10
6 Renovation of existing buildings (including residential buildings) without resettlement 1,5
7 Repair of engineering networks and structures, as well as objects of housing and civil purposes in the cramped conditions of the built-up part of the city 1,15
8 Repair of objects in mountainous areas at an altitude of 1500 - 2500 m above sea level 1,25
8.1 Repair of objects in mountainous areas at an altitude of 2500 - 3000 m above sea level 1,35
8.2 Construction of facilities in mountainous areas at an altitude of 3000 - 3500 m above sea level 1,5
9 Repair and construction work in underground conditions in mines, mines, subways, tunnels and other underground structures, including those for special purposes:
9.1 In the absence of harmful conditions for the production of work, providing for work with a shorter working day 1,68
9.2 In the presence of harmful working conditions and a shorter working week - 36 hours 2,05
9.3 In the presence of harmful working conditions and a shorter working week - 30 hours 2,40
9.4 In the presence of harmful working conditions and a shorter working week - 24 hours 2,80
10 Repair and construction works in operated subway tunnels at night "through the window":
10.1 When using workers during a work shift only to perform work related to the "window" 3,0
10.2 When using part of the work shift (before starting workers into the tunnel and after releasing from the tunnel) to perform work not related to the "window" 2,0
11 Repair of individual structural elements of buildings located in the built-up city center:
11.1 Facade repair 1,15
11.2 Repair of complex roofs 1,25
11.3 Renovation of yard and adjacent to buildings improvement in the city center 1,10

Notes to the table:

1. Under the security zone along the overhead power lines, a plot of land and space is considered, enclosed between vertical planes passing through parallel straight lines, spaced from the extreme wires (when they are not deflected) by the following distances:

2. Cramped conditions in the built-up part of cities are characterized by the presence of three of the following factors:

Heavy traffic of urban transport and pedestrians in the immediate vicinity of the work site, necessitating construction in short grabs with the full completion of all work on the grasp, including restoration of destroyed pavements and planting of greenery;

An extensive network of existing underground utilities to be suspended or re-laid;

Residential or industrial buildings, as well as preserved green spaces in the immediate vicinity of the work site;

The cramped conditions for storing materials or the impossibility of storing them at the construction site for the normal supply of materials to workplaces;

When repairing objects, when, in accordance with the requirements of safety regulations, the construction organization project provides for a restriction of the swing of the tower crane boom

3. When carrying out repair work in open and semi-open sites with harmful working conditions (clause 4.1), expressed in the form of the presence of lead, zinc, mercury or dust of heavy metals, as well as radiation, the sizes of the coefficients to the norms of labor costs and the norms of the operating time of construction machines and mechanisms are recommended to be taken according to clauses 3.2.1, 3.3.1, 3.4.1, 3.5.1 of this table, and in the presence of constraint - according to clauses 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 of this table.

4. It is also recommended to include work in existing health care enterprises (tuberculosis dispensaries, etc.), where, in accordance with the current legislation, a shorter working day is established for workers in the main production as hazardous working conditions. In such cases, it is recommended to follow clauses 3.2.1 - 3.5.1, and in the presence of constraint - clauses 3.2 - 3.5 of this table.

5. It is recommended to justify the use of the coefficient in the preparation of estimate documentation in projects. The simultaneous use of several coefficients (except for the coefficients in clauses 5, 6 and 8, 8.1, 8.2) is not recommended. The coefficients specified in clauses 5, 6 and 8, 8.1, 8.2 can be used together with other coefficients. When applied simultaneously, the coefficients are multiplied.

6. When repairing objects in mountainous areas at an altitude of more than 3500 m above sea level, it is recommended to develop individual estimated norms and unit prices.

7. Complex roofs include pitched roofs of the rafter system: with a slope on more than two sides; with a difference in height; with a slope of more than 27 °.

On the application of the coefficients, see the letter of Rosstroy dated 02.14.2006 N SK-481/02.

Commissioning works

N pp. Working conditions Coefficients
1 Performing commissioning works in existing buildings and structures, freed from equipment and other items that interfere with the normal production of work 1,20
2 Performing commissioning works in existing buildings and structures in cramped conditions: with the presence of existing technological equipment (machines, installations, cranes, etc.) or obstructing items (laboratory equipment, furniture, etc.) or traffic in the work area on intrashop routes 1,35
2.1 The same, when the air temperature in the workplace is more than 40 ° C indoors 1,50
2.2 The same with harmful working conditions, where a shorter working day is set for the workers of the enterprise, and construction workers have a working day of normal length. 1,50
2.2.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harm 1,35
2.3 The same, with harmful working conditions, where construction workers are transferred to a shorter working day with a 36-hour work week 1,55
2.3.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harm 1,40
2.4 The same, with harmful working conditions, where construction workers are transferred to a shorter working day with a 30-hour working week 2,05
2.4.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harm 1,90
2.5 The same, with harmful working conditions with tight working places, where construction workers are transferred to a shorter working day with a 24-hour work week 2,30
2.5.1 The same, without cramped conditions, but in the presence of harm 2,15
3 Performing commissioning works at open and semi-open production sites in cramped conditions: with the presence of operating technological equipment in the work area or the movement of technological transport 1,15
3.1 The same with harmful working conditions (the presence of steam, dust, harmful gases, smoke, etc.), where the workers of the enterprise have a shorter working day, and construction workers have a working day of normal length 1,25
4 Performing commissioning works near high-voltage facilities, including in the security zone of an operating overhead power line 1,20
5 The same, inside operating TP and RP with tolerances, as well as near sources of ionizing radiation and in rooms A and B for fire hazard and category 1, 2 and 3 for explosion hazard 1,35
6 Production of construction and other works in closed structures (rooms) located below 3 m from the earth's surface (except for those listed in clauses 8, 9) 1,10
7 Commissioning works in mountainous areas at an altitude of 1500 - 2500 m above sea level 1,25
7.1 Commissioning works in mountainous areas at an altitude of 2500 - 3000 m above sea level 1,35
7.2 Commissioning works in mountainous areas at an altitude of 3000 - 3500 m above sea level 1,5
8 Performing commissioning works in underground conditions in mines, mines, subways, tunnels and other underground structures, including those for special purposes:
8.1 In the absence of harmful conditions for the production of work, providing for work with a shorter working day 1,68
8.2 In the presence of harmful working conditions and a shorter working week - 36 hours 2,05
8.3 In the presence of harmful working conditions and a shorter working week - 30 hours 2,40
8.4 In the presence of harmful working conditions and a shorter working week - 24 hours 2,80
9 Performing commissioning works in the operated subway tunnels at night "through the window":
9.1 When using workers during a work shift only to perform work related to the "window" 3,0
9.2 When using part of the work shift (before starting workers into the tunnel and after releasing from the tunnel) to perform work not related to the "window" 2,0

Notes to the table:

1. Under the security zone along the overhead power lines, a plot of land and space is considered, enclosed between vertical planes passing through parallel straight lines, spaced from the extreme wires (when they are not deflected) by the following distances:

Voltage lines, kV m 1 2 1 to 20 10 35 15 110 20 150 25 220, 330 25 400 30 500 30 750 40 800 (direct current) 30

2. When performing commissioning works in open and semi-open sites with hazardous working conditions (clause 4.1), expressed in the form of the presence of lead, zinc, mercury or dust of heavy metals, as well as radiation, the sizes of the coefficients to the norms of labor costs and the norms of operating time of construction machines and mechanisms are recommended to be taken according to clauses 3.2.1, 3.3.1, 3.4.1, 3.5.1 of this table, and in the presence of constraint - according to clauses 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 of this table.

3. It is also recommended to include work in existing health care enterprises (tuberculosis dispensaries, etc.), where, in accordance with the current legislation, the employees of the main production are assigned a shorter working day. In such cases, it is recommended to be guided by clauses 3.2.1 - 3.5.1, and in the presence of constraint - clauses 3.2 - 3.5 of this table.

4. It is recommended to justify the use of the coefficient in the preparation of estimate documentation in projects. The simultaneous use of several coefficients (except for the coefficients in clauses 5, 6 and 7, 7.1, 7.2) is not recommended. The coefficients specified in clauses 5, 6 and 7, 7.1, 7.2 may be used together with other coefficients. When applied simultaneously, the coefficients are multiplied.

EXAMPLE Costing with a cost approach

Calculation sequence

When determining the value of buildings from the point of view of the cost approach, the appraiser used two methods:

    quantitative analysis method; method of single indicators.

1. When determining the value of a building Quantitative analysis the expert value was determined by the formula:

The original carrying amount of the building in 1984 prices:


The book value of the object at the time of appraisal;

7.5 - indexation coefficient of fixed assets as of 01.04.1996;

44 - indexation coefficient of fixed assets as of 01.01.1995:

37.6 - indexation coefficient of fixed assets as of 01.08.1993:

16 - indexation coefficient of fixed assets as of 01.05.1992;

Index for determining the basic estimated cost of construction and installation work in 1997 prices, in relation to the cost of construction and installation work in 1984 prices;

Building suitability factor.

2. When determining the cost of premises Method of single indicators, the expert cost was determined by the formula:

The unit cost of m3 or m2 of the building is taken from the corresponding SUMS table;

The size of the assessed object (m3 - construction volume).

Index of change to the estimated cost of construction and installation work in 1969 prices;

Index for determining the basic estimated cost of construction and installation works in 1997 prices, in relation to the cost of construction and installation works in 1984 prices.

The index of the increase in the contractual cost of construction and installation work (including VAT) in relation to the basic estimated cost of construction and installation work in 1997 prices, taking into account the local market conditions for the implementation of construction, prevailing at the time of assessment;

Building suitability factor.

Determination of the values \u200b\u200bof physical depreciation of the object of assessment

The values \u200b\u200bof physical wear and tear of individual structural elements of built-in premises are determined in accordance with the signs of physical wear (taking into account their number and the specific weight of damaged areas in the total area of \u200b\u200ba structural element) in accordance with the "Rules for assessing physical wear of residential buildings" KDP-2041-12 Ukraine 226-93, approved by the order of the State Committee of Ukraine for Housing and Communal Services No. 52 dated July 2, 1993.

The amount of physical deterioration of the building is determined by the formula:


The amount of physical deterioration of the building,%;

The amount of physical wear and tear of a separate structural element,%;

The proportion of elements in the replacement cost of the building.

The building efficiency factor is determined by the formula:

Determination of the general coefficient of rise in the cost of construction and installation works.

In determining the conversion factor from prices in force in 1984 to prices at the time of valuation, the appraiser considered two factors:

    information materials of the State Committee for Construction, Architecture and Housing Policy of Ukraine and "The Procedure for Determining the Cost of Construction Carried out on the Territory of Ukraine" (DBN IV-16-98 Part II);
    conversion factor according to data from GlavUKS under the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the ARC

When choosing the final version of the coefficient of increase in the cost of construction and installation works at the time of assessment compared to prices in 1984, the Appraiser was guided by the following considerations:

    the coefficient for the first option appears to the Appraiser to be underestimated due to the large spread and subsequent averaging of the market coefficient for different regions and various industries of Ukraine;
    the data of local construction organizations are most trusted by the Appraiser, due to the credibility of the organization that provided them, as well as the good possibility of their verification.


The appraiser gives preference to the coefficient obtained according to the second calculation option, considering the data of local construction organizations to be the most trustworthy.

The transition coefficient according to the data of GlavUKS, which at the time of assessment is equal to:

1,108 x4,960 = 5,611 times, where:

1,108 - an index for determining the basic estimated cost of construction and installation work in 1997 prices. in relation to the cost of construction and installation works in 1984 prices

4,960 - the index of the increase in the contractual cost of construction and installation work (including VAT) in relation to the basic estimated cost of construction and installation work in 1997 prices, taking into account the local market conditions for the implementation of construction, prevailing as of 01.01.2001. Contact phone number for inquiries of the PSU GlavUKS - 29 - 22 - 20.

1,021 - inflation index for the period January - March 2001 according to the data of the State Statistics Committee.

Accordingly, excluding VAT, it will be:

5,611 x 0.83333 \u003d4,67581

When determining the coefficient of transition from prices in force in 1969 to prices for 1984, the appraiser was guided by Appendix No. 1 "Indices of changes in the estimated cost of construction and installation works by sectors of the national economy, industries and areas within industries." to Resolution No. 94 of the USSR State Construction Committee of May 11, 1983. The coefficient is taken from the section "Trade", column "Retail enterprises". The coefficient is - 1.18. And Appendix No. 2 “Territorial coefficients to the indices established for the branches of the national economy, branches of industry and directions within the branches. taking into account the peculiarities of changes in the estimated cost of construction and installation works ... ". The index is taken from the Coefficient section - 1.03. Then, the coefficient of transition from prices in force in 1969 to prices for 1984 will be equal to:

1.18 X 1.03 \u003d 1,2154

Assessment of physical wear and tear

The physical deterioration of individual structural elements of the object of assessment was determined in accordance with the conducted visual inspection and the signs of physical deterioration of individual structural elements found during the inspection and their specific gravity in the cost of premises according to table No. 23 b of the collection of enlarged indicators of the replacement cost of buildings and structures for revaluation of fixed assets No. 4.

Below is a description of the defects of the building and the decoration of the premises identified during visual inspection.

References used

Table number
Capital group

23, b

Determination of physical wear and tear

Building elements

Signs of wear

(table POFI KPD-2041-12)

item weight


in %
(Li x Фi)


Small cracks in the basement under the windows of the first floor

Weathered mortar from joints, isolated cracks in plaster


Cracks on the surface, cracks at the junction of adjacent structures


Shrinkage cracks in the plaster layer

Leakage of folds, individual potholes, gaps, damage to wall gutters

Abrasion of material in places of walking and near doors, absence of individual tiles in utility rooms


Potholes and broken spots in individual steps

Windows and doors

Small cracks in the places where the boxes adjoin the walls, or cracks in the doors, the putty has lagged behind in places, glazing beads are partially missing, minor damage to the ebb, some devices are missing; small superficial cracks at the junction of the boxes to the walls, wear and tear of door leaves (58, 59)

The paint layer has darkened and dirty in places

Internal sanitary and electrical devices

Weakening of gland packing and gaskets of shut-off equipment, partial damage to the color of pipes,

Damage to enamelled coatings Loose connection points


Physical deterioration

Suitability factor

Note: The percentage of physical deterioration of the premises was determined based on the results of a visual inspection of the building and basement. Physical wear and tear of individual structural elements was determined based on the presence of "qualitative" and "quantitative" signs of wear identified during visual inspection.

The appraiser admits that with engineering methods for determining the technical condition of building structures, such defects can be detected that will indicate significantly higher values \u200b\u200bof physical wear.

But such a survey can only be carried out by specialized organizations that have the appropriate instruments and have received a license from state bodies for the right to carry out such work. The appraiser does not belong to such organizations.

Cost calculation by the method of single indicators.

When determining the cost by the valuation method by single indicators, the Appraiser must determine the cost of construction of 1 m2 or 1 m3 of the assessed building. For this, on the basis of the existing technical literature on construction, the Appraiser selects an analogue building (a building with similar structural and functional solutions) and, on the basis of this, determines all the cost indicators necessary for the assessment.

As reference literature, we use a series of Collections of enlarged indicators of the replacement value of buildings and structures of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction. For the premises we are evaluating (letter D), we used Collection No. 4 of enlarged indicators of the replacement cost of residential, public, communal buildings and public service buildings for the revaluation of fixed assets, published in 1972. To determine the unit indicator m3, Table 23 b was used.

The tables below show the correction of the indicators of the analogous building for the collection in accordance with the indicators of the assessed building and the recommendations given in the chapter “General instructions” in the collection.




Collection of UPVS No.

Table No.

Replacement cost as of 01.01.1969

Taking into account the absence of the following types of improvement.

Garbage chute

Central heating

Hot water supply


Electric lighting

A television

Accounting for the climatic region, local building materials and others.

Coef. Accounting for the climate. district

Coef. Wall material accounting

Basement Usage Accounting

Seismic area accounting

Accepted replacement cost

Method of single indicators.

Used normative documents

Collection of UPVS

Capital group

Replacement cost of 1 m3 of the building volume (rubles):

Construction volume of the assessed building, (m3):

The cost of the assessed building in 1969 prices (rubles):

Coefficient of Conversion to Prices 1984

Basic cost in prices of 1984, rubles:

Conversion factor to 1997 prices:

Conversion factor to prices, at the time of assessment:

The overall coefficient of conversion from 1997 prices to prices, at the time of valuation, including VAT:

The exclusion of VAT from the general coefficient of conversion from 1997 prices to prices, at the time of assessment:

The general coefficient of conversion from 1997 prices to prices, at the time of valuation, without VAT:

Replacement cost in prices at the time of appraisal (UAH):

Expiry factor:

Expert cost of premises, (UAH):

Determination of value by the method of quantitative analysis.

In accordance with the Consolidated Property Inventory Act presented to the Appraiser by the Yalta City Executive Committee's Municipal Property Fund, the initial book value, taking into account all indexations made as of March 19, 2001, of the premises, is UAH 59,563.4.

Below is a table for calculating the cost using the Quantitative Analysis method.

5.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote

Quantitative analysis method

Book value of the appraised object, in prices at the time of appraisal, UAH:

Indexation coefficients of fixed assets by:


· 01/17/1995:



The initial book value of the premises in 1969 prices:

Conversion factor to prices in force since 1984:

Index for determining the basic estimated cost of construction and installation work in 1997 prices:

font size

LETTER of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation dated 13-11-96 VB-2612-367 ABOUT METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CALCULATING PRICE INDICES FOR CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS FOR ... Actual in 2018


(Data for calculation are assumed to be conditional)

1. Calculation of the index of the rise in the cost of wages of basic workers:

The payroll (wage fund) of workers employed in the main production amounted to 850 thousand rubles in the previous month of 1996.

In 1991 prices, the basic wages of workers employed in the main production amounted to 156.25 rubles. (for the base district of the Moscow region).

The appreciation index is equal to: 850,000: 156.25 \u003d 5440.

2. Calculation of the index of the rise in the cost of operating one machine - hour of the machine - representative:

average cost of 1 machine - hours of operation of other machines - mechanisms (code 888888) was:

in 1991 prices - 4.66 rubles;

in 1996 prices - 35,000 rubles.

The appreciation index is: 35000: 4.66 \u003d 7511.

3. Calculation of the cost of materials - representatives in the current price level and indices of the rise in the cost of materials - representatives are given in Table 3 of this Appendix.

4. Rate of overhead costs:

at the basic price level - 16.6% of direct costs;

at the current price level - 106% of the payroll ("Methodological recommendations on the procedure for the application of standards for overhead costs in construction", letter of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 18.10.93 N 12-248).

5. Standard of planned savings:

at the basic level - 8% of the estimated cost;

estimated profit at the current price level - 50% of the payroll ("Methodological recommendations for determining the amount of estimated profit when forming free prices for construction products", letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 10.30.92 N BF-906/12).

The calculation of the indices of the rise in the cost of construction by type of construction and installation work is given in table. 4 of this Appendix.

MDS 81-14.2000

(adopted and put into effect by the letter of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation
dated November 13, 1996 No. VB-26 / 12-367)


These Methodological Recommendations have been developed in accordance with the legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation and are intended to determine the size of the current (forecast) indices of cost, prices, costs of construction and installation work 1.

The cost indices (prices, costs) in construction are the ratios of the current (forecast) cost indicators to the basic cost indicators for resources comparable in nomenclature and structure, resource sets or resource-technological models of construction products, as well as its individual calculation components.

Indices are expressed in dimensionless units, usually with no more than two significant digits after the decimal point.

Indices can be used both in determining the cost of construction at certain stages of the investment process, and in settlements between customers and contractors for work performed 2.

1. Calculation of indices of changes in the cost of construction and installation works for representative objects or for specific objects in general.

2. Calculation of indices of changes in the cost of construction and installation work by type of work based on the collection of UPBS BP (aggregated indicators of the basic cost for types of work).

3. Calculation of indices of changes in the cost of construction and installation works by type of work based on the resource-index method using resource-technological models (RTM) for enlarged types of work.

1. Calculation of indices of changes in the cost of construction and installation works for representative objects or for individual objects

1.1. General Provisions

The calculation of indices of changes in the cost of construction and installation works for representative objects or for individual objects is carried out on the basis of resource-technological models (RTM).

RTM is a unified set of resources characterizing their consumption and the amount of costs for the production of construction and installation work for a separate facility or representative facility.

Methods for determining the amount of resources and other issues of building RTM are set out in the Methodological Recommendations for the Formation and Use of Composite Base Cost Indicators (UBBS) for Housing and Civil Objects (letter of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated December 29, 1993 No. 12-346) and Methodological Recommendations for the Formation and Use consolidated indicators of the basic cost (UPBS) of construction of buildings and structures for industrial purposes (letter of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated December 29, 1993 No. 12-347).

The volumes of material and labor resources used and the time of use of construction machines in the RTM are fixed values. Multiplying the volumes of materials, products and structures used, the time of use of construction machines by the prices registered in the current and base periods, and the volume of labor costs by the specific (per unit of labor costs) cost indicators, we determine the cost of each resource, and for the entire aggregate - the cost of construction and installation works in the corresponding periods.

On the basis of the present value of indicators for the analyzed period, indices of changes in the cost of construction and installation work are calculated in relation to the base level (as of 01.01.91) 3.

1.2. Procedure for determining labor costs

According to the current legislation, the contractor and the customer have the right to independently determine, according to agreed calculations, in the composition of free (contractual) prices for construction products (work, services) the amount of funds for wages of workers employed in the main activity, with the attribution of these costs to the cost of production (work, services) in accordance with the Regulations on the composition of costs for the production and sale of products (works, services) included in the cost of products (works, services), approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05.08.92 No. 552 and 01.07.95 No. 661 and Typical methodological recommendations for planning and accounting for the cost of construction work (approved by the Ministry of Construction of Russia on 04.12.95 No. BE-11-260 / 7 in agreement with the Ministry of Economy of Russia and the Ministry of Finance of Russia).

In accordance with these regulatory documents, the composition of costs included in the cost under the item "Expenses for wages of workers" reflects all the costs of wages of production workers (including workers who are not on the staff) and line personnel when they are included in the composition of workers in sections (brigades) engaged directly in construction work, calculated according to the systems and forms of remuneration adopted in the construction organization. This item also reflects the cost of remuneration of workers who move construction materials and equipment within the working area, that is, from the on-site (district) warehouse to the place where they are put into business.

This article does not reflect the remuneration of workers in auxiliary industries, servicing and other farms of a construction organization, workers engaged in the management and maintenance of construction machines and mechanisms, workers employed in non-capital work (including work on the construction of temporary buildings and structures) and other works, carried out at the expense of overhead costs (improvement of construction sites, preparation of the construction site for delivery, and others), as well as remuneration of workers engaged in loading, unloading and delivery of materials to the on-site warehouse, including their unloading from vehicles at the on-site warehouse.

The procedure for calculating the amount of funds for wages for accounting in estimates and in free (contractual) prices for construction products (work, services) depends on the method for determining the estimated cost of construction and installation work, the availability of initial information in a certain construction and installation organization, as well as statistical data.

Recommendations for the preparation of such calculations are given in Appendix 5 "The procedure for determining the cost of construction and free (contractual) prices for construction products in the context of the development of market relations" (letter of the Gosstroy of Russia dated December 29, 1993 No. 12-349).

1.3. The procedure for determining the cost of operating construction machines

The operating costs of construction machines are determined on the basis of the data on the time of use (standard requirement) of the required construction machines (in machine-hours) and the corresponding price of one machine-hour of their operation.

The need for construction machines can be determined by:

based on the allocation and summation in the local resource sheet or in the local resource estimate (estimate) of resource indicators for construction machines used at the facility (when performing work), with a comparison of the results obtained with the data of the construction organization project (PIC) agreed with the contractor;

according to the POS, agreed with the contractor.

The procedure for allocating and summarizing resource indicators for construction machines is given in the Methodological Recommendations (letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 10.11.92 No. BF-926/12).

The calculation of the cost of construction machines is carried out:

at the basic level - according to the Collection of Estimated Standards and Prices for the Operation of Construction Machines (SNiP 4.03-91);

at the current (forecast) level - based on information on current (forecast) prices for the operation of construction machines.

Information on current prices for the operation of construction machines can be obtained from contracting construction and installation organizations, trusts (departments) of mechanization or other organizations in the location of which construction equipment is located. This information can be presented in the form No. 2-out, provided for in the Methodological Recommendations for determining the estimated cost of construction based on indicators for certain types of work (IDF) and Methodological recommendations for the formation of aggregated indicators of the base cost for types of work and the procedure for their application for drawing up investment estimates and proposals to the contractor (UPBS BP) (letters of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 04.06.93 No. 12-146 and dated 05.11.93 No. 12-275).

The current level of estimated prices for the corresponding type of construction machinery can be determined on the basis of the base level of prices given in the Collection of Estimated Norms and Prices for the Operation of Construction Machines (SNiP 4.03-91), and indices of changes in the cost of operation of construction machines, calculated based on data on current prices for the operation of construction machines. In this case, both direct counting (by calculation) and the method of unified resource and technological models (RTM) can be used for the corresponding groups of construction machines, which provide data on the need for material resources (fuel, lubricants, electricity, spare parts, depreciation , the labor costs of drivers, as well as the wages of workers employed in the maintenance and relocation of machines, and other cost items), and the basic cost of resources compared with the current level of prices for these resources.

Contractors that have construction machines on their balance sheet, as well as receive them for work from other organizations, are recommended to maintain on a computer basis and constantly maintain in working order a statement of initial data on the cost of operating construction machines. These statements can be kept in the form of tables SNiP 4.03-91. For each machine, it is advisable to determine the cost by cost elements both in the basic and at the current price level, as well as to have a decoding of the current indices by constituent elements and with the final data of the operation of one machine-hour.

1.4. The procedure for determining the estimated cost of material resources

The cost of material resources is determined based on the normative need for materials, products (parts) and structures (in the accepted physical units of measurement: m 3, m 2, etc.) and the corresponding price for the type of material resource.

The normative need for material resources can be determined on the basis of allocation and summation in local resource sheets or local resource estimate calculations (estimates) of resource indicators for materials, products (parts) and structures used in the construction of an object (performance of work), with the choice of the most appropriate for users of the option below.

The procedure for allocating and summing resource indicators is given in the Methodological Recommendations for the preparation of estimate calculations (estimates) for construction and installation work using resource methods (letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 10.11.92 No. BF-926/12). At the same time, it is recommended to use the Collections of normative indicators of the consumption of materials and the Collections of resource estimate norms, introduced in 1993 - 1996. Ministry of Construction of Russia.

The consumption of material resources can also be determined based on the reduced consumption of materials-representatives (resources-representatives), as it is provided for when applying the method of indicators for certain types of work (PVR) and aggregated indicators of the base cost for types of work (UBSS BP) The application of this method is given in the Methodological Recommendations for determining the estimated cost of construction on the basis of indicators for certain types of work (TAP) and Methodological Recommendations for the formation of aggregated indicators of the base cost for types of work and the procedure for their application for drawing up investor estimates and contractor proposals (UPBS BP) ( letters of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 04.06.93 No. 12-146 and dated 05.11.93 No. 12-275).

The total cost of the cost of material resources is calculated:

at the basic level - according to the Collection of estimated prices for materials, products and structures (SNiP 4.04-91) and regional collections (catalogs) of estimated prices developed locally (in the regions) in connection with the transition from January 1, 1991 to new estimated norms and prices in construction;

at the current level - at the actual cost of materials, products and structures (taking into account transport, supply and marketing allowances, procurement and storage costs). You can use statistical reporting in the form of 9-ks.

Determination of the current prices for material resources for a certain construction site is carried out on the basis of the initial data received from the contractor.

The cost calculation form (statement) of the current estimated prices for materials, products and structures may be different. It is recommended to make such a calculation by cost elements (selling price; procurement and storage costs; transport costs, supply and sales markups, etc.).

The current level of estimated prices for material resources can also be determined on the basis of the base level of estimated prices given in the Collection of estimated prices for materials, products and structures (SNiP 4.04-91) and regional collections (catalogs) of estimated prices, using indices of changes in the cost of materials calculated on the basis of the available information on the current prices of material resources.

It is recommended for contractors for construction and installation organizations to conduct, on a computer basis, the formation and tracking of the current estimated prices for materials, products and structures with the preparation of an appropriate statement in the form, depending on the type of free, as well as on the type of transport scheme: construction site or intermediate storage. In the second case, transport costs can be divided into two columns: one shows the costs from the manufacturer to the contractor's warehouse, in the other - from the contractor's warehouse to the construction site for each kilometer of delivery.

On the basis of data from contractor construction and installation organizations and statistical reporting in the form of 9-ks on prices for purchased building materials, parts and structures in each region (republic within the Russian Federation, territory, region), it is recommended to develop and constantly maintain in working order on a computer basis regional statements of the current prices for materials, products and structures in a form convenient for users.

In a similar manner, these statements can be drawn up both for specialized construction and for individual large construction projects, for which construction prices are developed.

1.5. The procedure for determining overhead costs

The accrual of overhead costs at the current price level is carried out according to the rates of overhead costs applied in accordance with the Methodological Recommendations on the procedure for applying the standards of overhead costs in construction (letter of the Gosstroy of Russia dated October 18, 1993 No. 12-248).

Overhead costs are normalized indirectly as a percentage of the wages fund of workers (employed in the main production and operation of construction machines) as part of direct costs.

Overhead rates are divided into the following types:

  • enlarged standards for the main types of construction;
  • standards for the types of construction and installation work;
  • individual rates of overhead costs for specific construction, installation and repair and construction organizations.

It is recommended to determine the rates of overhead costs in accordance with the Methodological Recommendations for calculating the amount of overhead costs when determining the cost of construction products (letter from the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 10.30.92 No. BF-907/12), taking into account the List of overhead cost items given in these recommendations.

1.6. The procedure for determining the amount of estimated profit

The estimated profit is determined in the estimate documentation in accordance with the Methodological Recommendations for determining the estimated profit when forming free prices for construction products (letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 10.30.92 No. BF-906/12).

The value of the estimated profit when forming free prices for construction products is recommended to be determined on the basis of:

individual norms for a specific organization.

The recommended norm of the estimated profit is set at 50% of the actual amount of funds for the remuneration of construction workers and workers serving construction machines, or 12% of the estimated cost of work.

1.7. Features of the use of indices of appreciation of the cost of contract work

In cases where the calculation of indices is carried out to determine the cost of contract (construction and installation) works according to local estimates, the corresponding application of indices to such estimates is allowed. At the same time, other costs (such as costs of temporary buildings and structures, other costs according to Chapter 9 of the consolidated estimate, related to the costs of the contractor) are not indexed, but are taken in accordance with the "Procedure for determining the cost of construction and free (contractual) prices for construction products in the context of the development of market relations "(letter of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated December 29, 1993 No. 12-349).

If necessary, in a similar manner, price appreciation indices can be developed for object and summary estimate calculations. In these cases, the basis of their calculation should be indicated.

An example of calculating the index of changes in the cost of construction and installation work for a specific object is given in Appendix 1 to these Methodological Recommendations.

2. Calculation of indices of changes in the cost of construction and installation works by their types on the basis of a collection of aggregated indicators of the base cost for types of work (UPBS BP)

2.1. The preparation of estimate documentation using the UPBS BP collections is carried out on the basis of the scope of work determined from the working drawings according to a unified nomenclature, including types of work for general industry application.

2.2. The cost of materials for a projected object is determined by multiplying the reduced consumption of representative materials for each type of work by the cost of a unit of measure of the representative material at current prices for a given construction site with adjustments to the costs of their transportation.

For each type of work, a representative material is allocated, which prevails for this work, on the basis of which the change in the level of base prices for all materials is determined as part of the direct costs of contract work. The cost of representative materials in the total cost of materials by type of work in the prices of the base region must be at least 95%. In cases where the cost of one representative material in the composition of the work is less than 95% of the cost of materials for this type of work, several representative materials are allocated in the UPBS BP. Determination of the estimated cost by type of work at the current level of prices for resources monitored in contractors is carried out using the calculated indicators of the UPBS BP collections (in terms of the reduced consumption of representative materials, labor intensity of work, basic wages of construction workers, the number of machine hours, operating costs of machines and wages of drivers). It should be borne in mind that the cost indicators of the collections of UPBS BP in the basic level are taken at the prices of the Moscow region.

2.3. The linking of the costs of operating construction machines and the determination of the wages of drivers for the projected facilities is made by multiplying the number of machine-hours of machines used to perform work on the complex determined by the construction organization project by the cost of machine-hour at the current price level for a particular contractor.

2.4. The determination of the basic wages of construction workers as part of direct costs by type of work is carried out by multiplying the wages adopted in the corresponding column of the UPBS BP table by the amount of work accepted according to the working drawings, as well as by the coefficient of transition from the base level of the estimated wage to direct costs to the actual level of remuneration of workers employed in construction. For full accounting in the estimates of workers' wages for each type of work, overhead costs and estimated profit are taken into account in the estimate documentation.

2.5. The composition of certain types of work, representative materials proposed for the system of standards, the procedure for accounting for changes in their cost, as well as the cost of other resources used in construction, the form of estimate documentation and other features of determining the cost of construction by the resource-index method are set out in the "Methodological Recommendations for the formation of aggregated indicators of the base cost for the types of work and the procedure for their application for drawing up investor estimates and proposals of the contractor "(letter of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated 05.11.93 No. 12-275).

2.6. When determining the cost of construction in the estimate documentation of contractors, in addition to the base prices that are common for customers and contractors, prices at the current or projected level, determined on the basis of proprietary estimate standards (FSN) of contractors, may be used.

The development of regional catalogs of base prices is recommended to be carried out on the basis of the UPBS BP collection in prices as of 01.01.91 for the Moscow Region using data on the reduced consumption of representative materials, the number of machine shifts for each type of driving machine, labor intensity and wages of construction workers for each type of work and resource prices at the base level for the region, taking into account local construction conditions.

2.7. Based on the data of registration of prices for consumed resources, it is advisable to develop regional catalogs at the current price level by type of work with the calculation of indices of changes in their value relative to the base level.

Regional catalogs developed locally by the Regional Centers for Pricing in Construction (RCTsS), with the amendments uniform for all regions, given in the basic collection of UPBS BP, may be the main regulatory documents on the basis of which investor estimates are drawn up.

An example of calculating the index of the change in the cost of construction and installation works by their types based on the UPBS BP Compilation (aggregated indicators of the base cost for the types of work) is given in Appendix 2 to these Methodological Recommendations.

2.8. To calculate the indices by type of work, the following initial data are required:

  • indices of the rise in the cost of wages of basic workers or the cost of 1 man-hour of basic workers at the current price level;
  • indices of the increase in the cost of 1 car-hour of representative construction machines or the cost of 1 car-hour at the current price level;
  • indices of the rise in the cost of representative materials (no more than 100) or their estimated cost at the current price level (the list of representative materials is given in the "Methodological recommendations for the formation of aggregated indicators of the base cost for types of work and the procedure for their application for drawing up investor estimates and contractor proposals ( UPBS BP) ";
  • standards for overhead costs at the base and current price level;
  • standards of planned accumulations at the base level and estimated profit at the current price level.

3. Calculation of indices of changes in the cost of construction and installation works by their types based on the resource-index method using resource-technological models for enlarged types of work

3.1. The calculation of the indices is based on resource-technological models (RTM) for enlarged types of work (WRM), which were formed on the basis of the estimated norms of 1984 and local estimates.

RTM include normative sets and resource costs:

  • labor;
  • building materials, products and structures;
  • construction machines and mechanisms;
  • the rate of overhead costs;
  • the estimated profit rate.

The cost of materials is taken from the catalogs of the estimated prices of 1984.

3.2. The indices are determined for each RTM by dividing the estimated cost of construction and installation works calculated on it at the current price level by the corresponding base (in the rates and prices of 1984) estimated cost.

An example of calculating the index of changes in the cost of construction and installation works by their types based on the resource-index method using resource-technological models for enlarged types of work is given in Appendix 3 to these Methodological Recommendations.

Attachment 1

An example of calculating indices of changes in the cost of construction and installation work for a specific object

Sampling of the required resources for the object according to the estimated standards
(the set of works and their volume is accepted conditionally)

Table 1

№№ Cipher, Name Unit amount
nn regulation numbers and resource codes work and costs, characteristics of equipment and its weight measurements per unit Total
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 E8-11 Arrangement of crushed stone foundations m 3 50
wage rub. 0,45 22,5
labor costs person / h 0,89 44,5
rub. 0,37 18,5
crushed stone from natural stone for construction work М400 fr-20-40 m 3 1,15 57,5
other materials rub. 0,02 1,0
2 E8-76-9 Wall masonry made of ceramic bricks with cladding, facing silicate bricks, 640 mm thick, for buildings of 9 or more floors, with a floor height of up to 4 m m 3 500
wage rub. 2,55 1275
labor costs person / h 4,49 2245
operation of construction machines rub. 0,75 375
ordinary clay brick М100 thousand pieces 0,27 135
face silicate brick М150 thousand pieces 0,105 52,5
mortar masonry strand. cement-lime M75 m 3 0,23 115
other materials rub. 0,17 85
3 E15-587 High-quality painting with oil color on wall plaster 100 m 2 25
wage rub. 46,8 1170
labor costs person / h 77,0 1925,0
operation of construction machines rub. 0,9 22,5
oil primer kg 7,5 187,5
drying oil kg 11,9 297,5
rubbed paints kg 0,1 2,5
oil putty kg 79,0 1975,0
bleached oil color kg 18,3 457,5
other materials rub. 1,6 40
4 E11-181 Plank coverings 28 mm thick with boards 68 and 78 mm wide 100 m 2 2,5
wage rub. 42 107
labor costs person / h 78,2 195,5
operation of construction machines rub. 3,82 9,55
skirting boards m 107 267,5
floor boards 29 mm m 3 2,99 7,47
nails kg 13,8 34,5
wage rub. 2575
labor costs person / h 4410
operation of construction machines rub. 426

Calculation of the index of changes in the cost of materials 4

table 2

Name of materials Unit. Qty Total cost (rub.) Change index
at baseline at the current level at baseline at the current level cost
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
nails kg 34,5 0,44 6009 15 207311 13657
oil primer kg 187,5 1,36 17334,9 255 3250294 12746
floor boards 29 mm m 3 7,47 202 517010 1509 3862065 2559
ordinary clay brick M100 thousand pieces 135 147 721103 19845 97348905 4905
face silicate brick M150 thousand pieces 52,5 95,3 483710 5003 25394775 5076
bleached oil color kg 457,5 0,738 17334,9 338 7930717 23489
rubbed paints kg 2,5 1.4 17335 4 43338 12382
drying oil kg 297,5 1,49 9245 443 2750388 6205
skirting boards m 267,5 0,34 6924 91 1852170 20365
other materials rub. 126,0 1 10000 126 1260000 10000
mortar masonry strand. cement-lime M75 m 3 115 41,8 336393 4807 38685195 8048
oil putty kg 1975,0 1,02 2386 2015 4712350 2339
natural crushed stone for construction works M400 fr-20-40 m 3 57,5 13,5 60213 776 3462248 4460
Total: 35226 190759753 5415

Calculation of the index of change in the cost of wages

The payroll (wage fund) of workers employed in the main production amounted to 850 thousand rubles in the previous month of 1996.

In 1991 prices, the basic wages of workers employed in the main production amounted to 156.25 rubles.

The appreciation index is equal to: 850,000: 156.25 \u003d 5440.

Calculation of the index of change in the cost of operation of construction machines 5

Name of machines Unit. Qty Unit cost (rub.) Total cost (rub.) Change index
at the basic price level at the current price level at the basic price level at the current level cost
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Bulldozers 80 HP mach.h 13 2,7 18000 35 234000 6686
Excavators mach.h 45,5 4,66 34300 212 1560650 7362
Crawler cranes 15 t mach.h 45 3,26 17500 147 787500 5357
Mortar pumps mach.h 32 1 5000 32 160000 5000
Total: 426 2742150 6437

(data on construction machines are assumed to be conditional based on the PIC)

Calculation of the index for construction and installation work according to local estimates

Name of the components of the estimated cost Cost in 1991 prices (rub.) Value change index Cost in current prices, thousand rubles)
Materials (summary data of table 2) 35226 5415 190760
Labor remuneration fund (basic wages) 2575 5440 14008
Operation of construction machines (index adopted according to table 3) 426 6437 10705
incl. salary drivers (30% of the cost of operating construction machines) 128 3211
Direct costs (35226 + 2575 + 426) 38227 215472
Overheads 7110 18253
(18.6% of direct costs in 1991 prices and 106% of payroll in 1995 prices) (38227x0.186) (14008 + 3211) x x 1.06
Estimated profit 3627 8610
(planned savings) (8% of the estimated cost in 1991 prices and 50% of the payroll in 1995 prices) (38227 + 7110) x х0.08 (14008 + 3211) x x0.5
Total: 48964 4949 242335
(38227+7110+3627) (242335: 48964x1000) (215472+18253+8610)

Note: standards for overhead costs and estimated profit at the current price level are federal.

Appendix 2

An example of calculating the indices of the rise in the cost of construction by types of construction and installation works based on the aggregated indicators of the basic cost for the types of work (UPBS BP)

(Data for calculation are assumed to be conditional)

1. Calculation of the index of the rise in the cost of wages of basic workers:

The payroll (wage fund) of workers employed in the main production amounted to 850 thousand rubles in the previous month of 1996.

In 1991 prices, the basic wages of workers employed in the main production amounted to 156.25 rubles. (for the base district of the Moscow region)

The appreciation index is: 850,000: 156.25 \u003d 5440

2. Calculation of the index of the increase in the cost of operating one machine-hour of the representative machine:

the average cost of 1 machine-hour of work of other machine-mechanisms (code 888888) was:

in 1991 prices - 4.66 rubles.

in 1996 prices - 35,000 rubles.

The appreciation index is: 35000: 4.66 \u003d 7511

3. The calculation of the cost of representative materials at the current price level and indices of the rise in the cost of representative materials is given in Table 3 of this appendix.

4. Rate of overhead costs:

at the basic price level - 16.6% of direct costs;

at the current price level - 106% of the payroll ("Methodological recommendations on the procedure for the application of standards for overhead costs in construction", letter of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 18.10.93 No. 12-248).

5. Standard of planned savings:

at the basic level - 8% of the estimated cost;

estimated profit at the current price level - 50% of the payroll ("Methodological recommendations for determining the value of estimated profit when forming free prices for construction products", letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 10.30.92 No. BF-906/12).

The calculation of the indices of the rise in the cost of construction by type of construction and installation work is given in Table 4 of this Appendix.

Table 1

Extract from the "Collection of consolidated indicators of the base cost for types of work (UPBS BP) "

work on
structural elements and types of work,
salary, rub.
Labor intensity, man-h
Representative material code
reduced consumption
unit of measurement Estimated price per unit, rub.
wholesale price per unit, rub.
3 4 5 6
Ceramic masonry 4 03.01.01 thous. 171,10
brick, m 3 6 0.43 151,44
02.01.02 m 3 44,02
0.24 37,24
Code Name Operation of machines Direct In total since
work on UPS structural elements and types of work, unit of measure Total cost of materials, rub. Machine code Estimated price per car-hour, rub. Total cost of machine operation, rubles. total costs, rub. overhead costs and estimated profit, rub.
number, mash. -h including the salary of drivers, rub. including wages, rub.
1 2 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ceramic masonry 84 888888 0,00 2 89 97
brick, m 3 0,00 0

table 2

Extract from Appendix 2 to "Methodological Recommendations on the formation of aggregated indicators of the base cost for types of work and the procedure for their application for drawing up investment estimates and proposals contractor (UPBS BP) "

Name of groups of material resources Share of resources in the group Code and name of materials-representatives unit of measurement
02.01.02. Commercial solution m 3 44.02
Price list 06-14-01 p. 2.004 50
Price list 06-14-01 p. 2.002 20
Price list 06-14-01 clause 2.002 note 1.1 15
Price list 06-14-01 item 1.008 note 1.1 15 d) finishing lightweight and cement-lime mortar 1: 2: 16
thousand pcs. 171.10
Price list 06-13-01 p.1.01.001 note 3.11 30
Price list 06-13-01 p.1.01.001 30 c) single brick М75

Table 3

Calculation of the cost of representative materials at the current price level and indices of the rise in the cost of representative materials

Code and name of representative materials unit of measurement Share of resources in the group in% Estimated price at the current price level, rubles Estimated price at the current price level, rubles, taking into account the share of material in the group Estimated price for the Moscow region at the basic price level (01.01.91), rubles Index of rise in the cost of representative materials
02.01.02. Commercial solution m 3 293000 44.02 6370
a) heavy masonry cement mortar M100 50 270000 165000
b) cement-lime mortar M50 20 340000 68000
c) finishing heavy cement mortar 1: 2 15 350000 52500
d) finishing light cement-lime mortar 1: 2: 6 15 250000 37500
03.01.01. Ceramic bricks thousand pieces 795000 171.10 4646
a) single brick size 250x120x65 mm M100 40 675000 270000
b) single front brick М125 30 1100000 330000
c) single brick М75 30 650000 195000

Table 4

Calculation of indexes of the rise in the cost of construction by type
construction and installation works based on aggregated indicators base cost for types of work (UPBS BP)

Note: Calculation of indicators given in table 4.

gr. 4. 89 x 1.166 x 1.08 \u003d 112, where 89 is the cost of direct costs at the basic price level (see column 11 in Table 1), 16.6% is the standard of overhead costs at the basic price level, 8% is the standard of planned savings.

gr. 5. 4 x 5440 \u003d 21760, where 4 is the basic wage at the basic price level, 5440 is the index of the rise in the cost of wages (see example of calculation).

group 6. 0.43 x 795000 + 0.24 x 293000 \u003d 412170, where 0.43 and 0.24 are the consumption of ceramic bricks and commercial mortar (see column 4 of Table 1, page 25), 795000 and 293000 are the cost at the current price level of the "material of the representative" of the ceramic brick and a commercial solution (see table 3).

gr. 7. 2 x 7511 \u003d 15022, where 2 is the cost of operating construction machines at the basic price level (see column 9 of Table 1), 7511 is the index of the rise in the cost of operating construction machines (see example of calculation).

group 8. calculated similarly to column 5.

gr. 9. the sum of columns 5, 6, 7.

group 10. Amount: column 9 + (column 5 + column 8) x standard of estimated profit + (column 5 + column 8) x standard of estimated profit

gr. 11. Divide column 10 into column 4.

Appendix 3

Calculation of indices of changes in the cost of construction and installation work by their types based on the resource-index method using resource-technological models for enlarged types of work

RTM. Constructions from ceramic masonry stones

Name of cost elements Unit. Qty Unit price in prices (rub.) Total cost in prices (rub.) Index
1984 1996 1984 1996
Labor costs person / h 3,67 0,57 2994 2,09 10988 5257
Cars rub. 0,83 1 6437 0,83 5343 6437
incl. labor costs rub. 0,17 1 4277 0,17 727 4276
Cement-lime mortar 25 m 3 0,06 13,5 105000 0,81 6300 7778
Cement-lime mortar 50 m 3 0,11 14 112000 1,54 12320 8000
Ceramic masonry stones tons 0,2 120 520000 24 104000 4333
Other materials 0.16: (0.81 + 1.15- 24) x 100% \u003d 0.61% rub. 0,16 0,16 748
The share of other materials in the cost of basic materials, products and structures in 1984 prices.
At the current price level, the cost of materials (6300 + 12320 +104000) x 0.61: 100% \u003d 748
Total direct costs 29,6 140426 4744
Overheads 5,51 12418
(18.6% in 1984 prices of direct costs and 106% of payroll at the current price level) (29.6x0.186) ((10988x727) x1.06)
Estimated profit (8% in 1984 prices of the estimated cost and 50% of the payroll at the current price level)
Total 37,92 158702 4182

1 Hereinafter referred to as "indices of changes in the cost of construction and installation works" or "indices".

2 See "Methodological recommendations on the use of current and forecast cost indices in the preparation of estimate documentation, determination of free (contractual) prices for construction products and calculations for the work performed" (letter of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated 05/31/93 No. 12-133).

3 It is allowed by agreement of the parties concluding an agreement (contract) for capital construction, the application of the estimate and regulatory framework, put into effect from January 1, 1984 (including ESN-84, EPEP-84 and RMO-84).

4 For the calculation, a slightly modified form No. 4a can be used (see Appendix 2 "The procedure for determining the cost of construction and free (contractual) prices for construction products in the context of the development of market relations" (letter of the Gosstroy of Russia dated December 29, 1993 No. 12-349) ...

5 In the absence of new or imported construction machines in the estimated normative base in 1984 or 1991 prices, the cost should be taken at the basic level for an analog machine, and at the current level, the actual cost of a machine-hour of a specific construction machine should be taken.

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