Inseparable improvements in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation Examination Sample. Inseparable improvements. Improving equity property

For earthworks 14.11.2020

Does the garage complex under construction include: to industrial facilities? If so, why? Question №13 What restrictions are available for construction at the address: based on the fact that the construction site is an intra-door (intra-quarted) residential area on which the playing playground is located? Question No. 14. What urban planning standards are violated when designing and building a garage complex at:? Question №15. What kind of complex is actually being built at :?

  • "Determination of the conformity of the erected facility to fire standards" Question No. 1. Determine the compliance with the fire standards of the warehouse building, located at the address: Moscow region ,.
  • "Determination of the functional purpose of the premises (attic)" Question number 1.

Examination of inseparable improvements

Is the attic room with a square of sq.m., located in a non-residential building at the address:, technical (auxiliary) premises necessary for servicing the building?


According to the civil code of our country, inseparable improvements are improvements in property that are aimed at improving technical and functionality, and which cannot be separated from the object, and cannot be considered separately. In the inseparable improvements, it is customary to include the results of redevelopment and overhaul, as well as reconstruction and restoration work.

As a job aimed at obtaining inseparable improvements can also be considered:

  • restoration work;
  • works on changing the surface of walls, ceilings and gender.

Naturally, this is not limited to the list, and it can expand depending on the specific situation.

Assessment of the cost of repair as inseparable improvements

Separate improvements in common property, unless otherwise provided by the agreement of the participants of the share ownership, the proprietary of the participants who produced them are applied. Main types of estimates of inseparable improvements: Features of the assessment of inseparable improvements of real estate Since the subject of assessment is the work, services and materials paid by the interested person, then such an assessment object cannot be independently alienated in the market Since it is considered as a share in the initial value of the real estate object.
The method of an income approach is based on the definition current value expected in the future income from the use of the object. As part of an assessment of the market value of works, services and materials necessary for repairs, reconstruction This approach is not applied, since it is not provided for receiving any income.

Examination in the division of property


The defendant FULL NAME3 at the court session of the court of appeal the arguments of its appeal also supported. Assessment of the cost of repair as inseparable improvements of property What is the degree of efficiency of the work of natural ventilation on the top floor of the above residential building and in particular Apartment number_? Does the ventilation system meet with construction standards and rules? Question number 10.

What are the causes of high humidity and reduced temperature in Apartment No._, located at:? Question # 11. Does the quality of the used building materials and products and products, the quality of individual parts of buildings and structures? Question number 12. Cased materials used? Question No. 13. Question No. 13.

Evaluation of inseparable improvements

Application for assessing inseparable improvements What is inseparable improvements? Evaluation of inseparable improvements. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation associates this concept with rented property, but there is no unambiguous wording in any legislative act. According to current practice, the inseparable improvements include changes in the object that improve its technical and functionality and which are inseparable from the object itself. As a rule, they include the result of redevelopment, overhaul, restoration work, reconstruction, restoration, changing the surface of the walls, floor and ceiling of the room, etc.

Section of households

Assessment of the cost of repair as inseparable improvements of property primarily implies the identification of the cost of capital costs at the facility (apartment, non-residential premises, building) i.e. They are inseparable from the object itself without harmful to him. These costs may represent buildings or buildings located on land plotthat cannot be separated from him without applying to them physical damage and change the appearance of the premises.
Clause 3 of Article 245 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation: a participant in the share ownership that carried out at its own expense in compliance with the established procedure for the use of common property inseparable improvements in this property has the right to an appropriate increase in its share in the right of common property.

Section of inseparable improvements when divorced

It should be understood, however, that it is more likely about the circumstances, when they often, but not guaranteed to talk about improvements that cannot be separated from the property. Often, even the Court himself may find it difficult to find outcome of which events should be attributed to inseparable changes that increased the technical and functional potential of the apartment, buildings, structures, etc.

Without the help of a specialist in the above questions, it is possible to figure out possible, therefore, the examination of inseparable improvements is periodically ordered in order to simply find out how the results of certain activities under the current legislative framework should be considered. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the concept of inseparable improvements is associated with property in lease.
What is the market value of the repairs carried out in the apartment, given the fact that the apartment was acquired by the plaintiff to the property without finishing? What is the market value of separable and inseparable improvements of the plaintiff's apartment? Question number 5. Are there defective zones in the enclosing structures of the entrance number_ in the residential building number_, including in Apartment number_? Question No. 6. In case of detection of defective zones in enclosing structures, what works should be done to eliminate them? Question number 7. What other factors affect the increased humidity and rEDUCED TEMPERATURE In the apartment number_ residential building number_ at the address? Question number 8. Is the ventilation channel complies, operated in the stairwell number_ of residential building number_ at the address, design and technical documentation? Question number 9.
Despite the fact that the improvements made can be assessed in cash, they do not apply to the norms of unjust money enrichment (paragraph 2 of Art. 1107 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) and accrual interest for using other people's money (Art. 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The fact is that these norms are applied only in the case of enrichment in cash (definition of you of the Russian Federation of April 3, 2009 No.

You-402/09 in case number A41-K1-13707 / 07 and paragraph 6 information letter Presidium of the Russian Federation of January 11, 2000 No. 49). Improvements in their nature are not money.

Sometimes even the court is difficult to determine, the results of which specific work should be attributed to inseparable improvements. In such cases, experts are usually invited to prison.

Are there any visible defects of the residential buildings, located at :; What are possible reasons their occurrence? Does the existing defects represent, in case of their presence, the threat of people's lives?

  • "Redevelopment of the apartment with the aim of independent residence of two families" Question No. 1. Compliance with the apartment located at the address: Moscow, construction standards and rules operating in the territory Russian FederationQuestion number 2.

    The possibility of redevelopment of an apartment located at: Moscow, with the aim of independent residence of two families.

  • "Detached inalient improvements»Question number 1.

    Is there in non-residential premises located in the building at:, with total area sq.m., the following property: Question # 2.

In order to establish the exact cost of inseparable improvements, it is necessary to seek high-quality assistance to experts. Experts should conduct forensic examination. Examination is carried out in order to identify hidden facts. The expert has qualifications and experience in these cases, is able to qualitatively and correctly draw up a report, which is very important. The expert conducts an examination:

  • restoration works;
  • work on changing the surface of the walls;
  • work on the change in the surface of the ceilings;
  • works on changing the floor surface.

The expert evaluates the cost of all standards and standards if there are deviations, then all of them are fixed. At the end of the work, the expert is a conclusion in which the entire work indicates.

Application of expertise

Judicial examination is held at the level of state legislation, it can be appointed by the court or is being required to demand a legal or individual. You can apply for a forensic examination for this, the following documents are needed:

  • justification of the examination;
  • you need to specify the name of the expert company or indicate the initials of the expert, which will hold a forensic examination;
  • documents that need to be provided by the expert;
  • a list of questions that must allow a judicial expert and indicate in its report.

Cost of expertise

The cost of the forensic examination pays one party that required the examination. There are cases when the forensic examination requires both participant in the case to determine the necessary evidence. In this case, the cost of services will share in half. The following factors may affect the price:

the complexity of the questions issued;

the number of tasks to solve them;

the amount of information provided by a specialist for consideration.

The forensic examination conducted by an expert engineer helps to establish accurate value data that can be used for their own purposes. The expert describes all the expertise details in the report, which is provided to the court and on the basis of this report is a sentence.

Examination is carried out on the specified time, which were established earlier. According to the results of the study, the expert must compose a conclusion. The conclusion indicates the results that were obtained during the study.

A ready conclusion is drawn up on all established standards and standards, and is transferred to the Investigative Committee. Next, the conclusion will be used in the investigative. Based on the fact that the conclusion is legally binding, it is taken into account during an investigative or court case.

In order to conduct a forensic expertise to determine the cost of inseparable improvements, you can seek help from our experts. Before the start of the examination, a preliminary consultation is held, during which all the nuances are negotiated. Our experts have the necessary education and experience in this field. They will fulfill all the work quickly and efficiently. And the results obtained can be used for their own purposes.

We draw your attention to the fact that this solution could be appealed in the court of the highest instance and canceled

Nizhny Novgorod Regional Court

Appeal definition

DD.MM.YYYY The judicial board on civil cases of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Court as part of the presiding judge FULL NAME6, Judges FULL NAME7 and FULL NAME8,
with the secretary of FULL NAME9
with the participation of representatives of FULL NAME2 - FULL NAME13 (by proxy), lawyer FULL NAME14, FULL NAME3, Representative of the SCS N FIO10,
Having heard in open court on the report of the judge FULL NAME7
case on appeal FULL NAME2, FULL NAME3
on the decision of the Avtomavodsky District Court of N. Novgorod from DD.MM.YYYY
in a civil case on the claim FULL NAME2 to FULL NAME3 on the recovery of the amount of unjust enrichment, interest for the use of other people's money, court expenditures,


FULL NAME2 appealed to the court to FULL NAME3 on the recovery of the amount of unjust enrichment, interest for the use of other people's money, court expenditures.
In support of the requirements, it was indicated that she and the defendant are members of the ZhSS N. DD.MM.YYYY between the ECC and FULL NAME3, an agreement was concluded about the individual share contribution of N, according to the terms of which parties participate in the construction of 3-room<адрес> On the 6th floor of the 9th - 10-storey building<адрес>. The house was commissioned and the address was assigned to him:<адрес>. At the meeting of the Board of the ZhSS N DD.MM.YYYY was decided to provide her<адрес>, subject to the repayment of the debt of the defendant before the housing system in the amount of 259,000 rubles, after which the FULL NAME2 was made. After deciding the Board, the plaintiff began to repair in this apartment, DD.MM.YYYY has concluded a contract with a construction organization, the total cost of repair work was 1152183 rubles. The contract works are fully implemented in accordance with the estimates and adopted by it on the act of work performed from DD.MM.YYYY.
<адрес> from DD.MM.YYYY decision hskh n from DD.MM.YYYY in terms of translation FULL NAME2<адрес> in<адрес> recognized as not relevant law. Currently, this residential premises belongs to the right of ownership of the respondent.
Taking into account the change and additions in accordance with Art. 39 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation of claims, FULL NAME2 requested unjust enrichment in the form of the cost of repair and finishing work in its favor.<адрес> G. N.Novgorod in the amount of 1096490 rubles 86 kopecks, interest for the use of other people's money in the amount of 204382 rubles 89 kopecks, costs of paying the state duty, expenses for payment of the representative of a representative in the amount of 5000 rubles (t. 2 ld 36) .
The plaintiff FULL NAME2, the representative of the HOA N at the hearing did not appear, the case was considered without their participation.
The respondent FULL NAME3 and its representative FULL NAME11 at the hearing did not recognize the lawsuit.
By the decision of the Avtomavodskiy District Court of N. Novgorod from DD.MM.YYYH, FULL NAME2 claims are partially satisfied.
With FULL NAME3 in favor of FULL NAME2, an unjust enrichment in the amount of 333911 rubles was charged, interest for the use of other people's money in the amount of 2000 rubles, the costs of paying the state duty in the amount of 6539 rubles 11 kopecks, the cost of payment of services of the representative in the amount of 5,000 rubles, and only 347450 rubles 11 kopecks.
In the rest of the claims, FULL NAME2 is denied.
The appeal of FULL NAME3 raised the question of the abolition of a court decision as illegal and unreasonable, ruled with violation of the norms of material and procedural law. It believes that the court does not establish the fact of improving its apartment as a result of the repair produced by the defendant, as well as the size of such improvements. In this case, as unjust enrichment in accordance with the norms of Part 3 of Art. 303 of the Civil Code and Part 1 Art. 1105 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation should not be considered the cost of repairs produced by the plaintiff, but the cash equivalent to increase the value of the renovated apartment as a result of these works, at the time of the acquisition by the owner of the property, which produces inseparable improvements. However, the plaintiff did not prove that, as a result of its actions on repair and redevelopment of the apartment, its cost has increased its cost. Also, FULL NAME3 considers himself an inappropriate defendant in the case, which should be the HSC N - the owner of the renovated apartment at the time of the repair in it. It believes that unjust enrichment is not subject to recovery from her in favor of FULL NAME2, which allowed the abuse of the right and produced in the apartment repairs, despite court litigation. They cannot be charged with the defendant, in his opinion, the cost of working on unauthorized redevelopment of the apartment, as well as the cost of paying VAT, the cost of overhead costs, estimated profits, since the plaintiff did not prove the fact of carrying out repair work by the contracting organization Artel LLC. The court did not take into account that FULL NAME2 kept an apartment in his possession to DD.MM.YYYY, and for the period from DD.MM.YYYY on DD.MM.YYYY, a physical wear of materials used in repair took place. The petition of the defendant on the appointment of construction expertise to resolve the issue of the value of building materials submitted by FULL NAME3 to the Office of DD.MM.YYYY, the court is not considered that the principle of adversarity was violated.
In the appeal, FULL NAME2 raised the question of changing the decision of the court in terms of how illegal and unreasonable, ruled with violation of the norms of material and procedural law. Indicates that the court was illegally refused to satisfy her petition for the deposition of a trial in connection with her non-appearance due to the upcoming hospitalization and non-appearance of its representatives due to their employment in another process. In this regard, it was deprived of the opportunity to declare a petition for reimbursement of court costs. According to the applicant, the court illegally initiated the decision of LLC Laboratory of Judicial Expertise, which was made with errors, which is confirmed by the Analytical PP FIO12 Assurance of the Appraiser LLC "Laboratory of Judicial Examination" FULL NAME1 documents confirming its membership in the self-regulatory appraisers, the court Not checked. In resolving the requirements for the recovery of interest for the use of other people's money, the court unreasonably reduced the amount of interest itself, and not a bet, as provided for by the decision of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation / WHAT RF N from DD.MM.YYYY, and did not take into account that at the time of Decisions on the case of the monetary obligation is not fulfilled by the defendant. It believes that the total amount of dismantled radiators and windows in the amount of 31354 rubles. It should not be excluded from the total amount of unjust enrichment. It believes that the court's decision should be based on a local estimated calculation amounting to it in the amount of 1096490 rubles.
At the court session of the appellate court, representatives of FULL NAME2 - FULL NAME13 and the lawyer FIO14 arguments set out in the appeal was supported. Request to appoint a repeated judicial construction and technical expertise on the volume of repairs and the cost of repairs produced in the disputed apartment at prices for the 3rd quarter of 2006, entrusted to its conduct of IP FIO12 (N. Novgorod, ul. B., Pokrovskaya,<адрес>).
The defendant FULL NAME3 at the court session of the court of appeal the arguments of its appeal also supported. Requests the appointment of additional judicial construction and technical expertise on the issue of determining the value of the depreciation of building materials used in repairing in a disputed apartment for the period from the end of the reference work to DD.MM.YYYY, entrusted to its holding LLC Laboratory of Fate Experts .
After listening to those who came in the case, after studying the materials of the case, the judicial board comes to the next.
From the case file it follows that FULL NAME2 is a member of the HSSK N since 1989 in order to build a two-bedroom apartment in<адрес>.
DD.MM.YYYY Between the ZhSS N and FULL N and FULL NAME3, an agreement was concluded about the individual shared contribution of N, the subject of which is the participation of the parties in the construction of one three-room<адрес> On the 6th floor 9 - 10-storey<адрес> G. N. Novgorod with a total area of \u200b\u200b67.72 square meters. M at the expense of the shareholder and compensation for the rise in price of construction from the funds of the regional and federal budget (ld 116 tons 1).
DD.MM.YYYY The meeting of the Board of the HSSC N on the issue of the transition of the rights FULL NAME2 with a two-room<адрес> on three-room<адрес> Instead of FULL NAME3, which did not make a completely dull fee and was listed for her<адрес> It made a decision to satisfy the form of FULL NAME2 subject to the transfer of funds to the CSC account. FULL NAME2 fulfilled the obligation and made the difference in the cost of a three-room and two-bedroom apartment. FULL NAME3 was without her consent and notification moved to the apartment of a smaller area worth in proportion to cash.
By the decision of the Nizhny Novgorod District Court of N. Novgorod from DD.MM.YYYY, who entered into legal force DD.MM.YYYY (t. 1 ld 7 - 12), the decision of the SCR N from DD.MM.YYYY in terms of translation FULL NAME2<адрес> in<адрес> It is recognized as not relevant law and canceled.
DD.MM.YYYY The decision of the Board of the Justician N on the translation of FULL NAME3 from a three-room apartment on a two-room, FULL NAME2 was transmitted<адрес>.
By the decision of the Nizhny Novgorod District Court<адрес> from DD.MM.YYYY, who entered into legal force DD.MM.YYYY (LD 23 - 29 t. 1), the decision of the Russian Federation N on the translation of FULL NAME3 of the three-room apartment in a two-room apartment was recognized illegal and canceled, for FULL NAME3 Ownership<адрес> G. N. Novgorod, FULL NAME2 evicted from this residential premises and is obliged to free it from his property.
FULL NAME3 is universal in the apartment DD.MM.YYYY and enjoys it (t. 1 ld 121). The residential premises were released by FULL NAME2 from his belonging to her and property, from an act of evicting from DD.MM.YYYY, it follows that the property of the debtor to be described and transferred to responsible storage, not found in the apartment (t. 1 ld 132 l . 3 executive proceedings).
Based on the concluded DD.MM.YYYY, the contract of contract with the repair organization for the implementation of repair and finishing works FULL NAME2 was repaired<адрес>. DD.MM.YYYY Parties signed an act of acceptance of work performed. The amount of costs for repair and finishing works according to the local estimated calculation was 115,2183 rubles (t. 1 ld 13 - 17, 3 - 37).
The defendant B. believes that the court does not establish the fact of improving its apartment as a result of repair and redevelopment, produced by the defendant and the size of such improvements, since instead of a 3-room apartment she was transferred from FULL NAME2 in fact 2 bedroom apartment, with one adjacent (passing) room connected to the kitchen, the repair is made of improper quality. It believes that legal importance in the consideration of the dispute has no cost of the repairs produced by the plaintiff, but the cash equivalent to increase the value of the repaired apartment as a result of these works, at the time of the acquisition by the owner of the property, which is regulated by Article 303 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
These arguments of the appeal of the respondent deserve attention.
In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 327.1 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation Court of Appeal is considering the case within the arguments set forth in the appeal, submission and objections regarding the complaint, submission.
As explained in paragraph 29 of the ruling from DD.MM.YYYY N "On application by the courts of civil procedure legislation regulating the production of the appellate instance" Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, if the court of first instance is incorrectly identified circumstances that are important for the case (paragraph 1 Part 1 of Article 330 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation), then the court of appeal should be put on the discussion on the presentation of persons participating in the case, additional (new) evidence and, if necessary, to assist them in collecting such evidence to collect and exterminate.
When considering the case, the court did not investigate the issue of whether the cost of the disputed apartment was increased by the FULL NAME2 of repair and redevelopment in it, i.e. After the improvements made to it. However, this issue is essential to permit the dispute arising between the parties.
In accordance with Art. 79 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation in the process of consideration of the case of issues requiring special knowledge in various fields of science, technology, art, crafts, the court appoints an examination. Examination may be entrusted with a forensic expert institution, a specific expert or several experts.
Each party and other persons participating in the case are entitled to submit questions to be resolved during the examination. The final range of issues in which the expert's conclusion is required is determined by the court.
The parties, other persons participating in the case have the right to ask the court to appoint an examination in a specific forensic institution or entrust it with a specific expert.
Since the question of changing the value of the disputed apartment as a result of the FULL NAME2 made in it, the inseparable improvements made in it is legally significant when considering this case, the judicial board considers it necessary to appoint and carry out an additional judicial construction and technical expertise in case, to entrust it to the expert Laboratory of Fate Experts LLC FULL NAME1 (N. Novgorod, Oksky Congress,<адрес>), taking into account the stated petitions of the parties on the appointment of forensic examination - the costs of payment to impose on the parties in equal shares.
The final range of issues of the expert is determined by the judicial board, while the issues offered by the parties and have no legal importance for the permission of the case, the judicial board rejects.
Due to the fact that the conduct of examination requires considerable time, the production of this case until the end of the examination in accordance with Art. 216 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation is subject to suspension.
Based on the above, guided by art. Art. 79, 216, 327.1 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, Judicial College


To appoint an additional judicial construction and technical expertise to the present case, to allow the resolution of which questions:
1. Is the cost increase occurred<адрес> G. N. Novgorod, Returned FULL NAME2, at prices for the 1st quarter of 2009, compared with its cost to produced by the plaintiff repair work and redevelopment?
2. If the cost has increased, what is the money equivalent to increase value<адрес> G. N. Novgorod at prices for the 1st quarter of 2009?
3. What are the amount of inseparable improvements<адрес> G. N. Novgorod and the size of the FULL NAME2 on them as of the 1st quarter of 2009 (taking into account the natural wear of the repairs produced in 2006)?
4. Determine the cost of heating radiators established by FULL NAME2<адрес> N. Novgorod, and the cost of dismantled radiators in prices for the 1st quarter of 2009.
5. Determine the cost of window blocks established by FULL NAME2<адрес> N. Novgorod, and the cost of dismantled window blocks at prices for the 1st quarter of 2009.
Conducting an examination to entrust the expert LLC "Laboratory of Forensic Examination" FULL NAME1 (N. Novgorod, Oksky Congress,<адрес>), warning it about criminal liability under Art. 307 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for the obviously false conclusion.
Payment of expertise is assigned to FULL NAME2 and FULL NAME3.
At the disposal of experts to provide materials from civil matters N.
Examination Conduct B. monthly time Since the receipt of the case into an expert institution.
Procedure to suspend the end of the examination.

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Due to the lack of unequivocal wording in the legislation, which is considered to be an inseparable improvement, on the current practice, these are subject to such changes in the object that improve its technical and functionality and are inseparable from the object itself. Usually such improvements are repairs, redevelopment of the property, reconstruction, restoration, etc.

What is an estimate of the value of inseparable improvements?

The assessment of inseparable improvements is the process of determining the cost of improving real estate object. It is important to understand that inseparable improvements cannot be separated from the real estate object without harm directly for themselves, as well as for the object.

As practice shows, such an assessment is required:

  • When renting an object of real estate

Example from practice: the organization has rented an office building for several years. Over the years, some premises have been redeveloped in order to increase their functionality, and the communications has been replaced. When terminating the lease agreement, the Tenant has the right to demand the cost of improving these premises from the owner. To justify the amount, our company evaluates the cost of inseparable improvements.

  • When calculating the size of the share ownership

Example from practice: During the period of marriage, the spouses made an expensive repair to the general means in the apartment. When dissolved, if the apartment gets one of the parties, the other has the right to demand compensation, taking into account the cost of this repair. In order for a fair decision in court, our company evaluates the improvement data.

The cost of inseparable improvements are influenced by the following factors:

  • Economic and technical relevance of improved improvements
  • Fullness of submitted documents
  • The degree of need to make improvements
  • Potential life of improvements

How is the assessment of inseparable improvements?

Determination of the cost of improvements is extremely difficult work, which can only be carried out by a specialist with sufficient qualifications and education. When estimating the cost of inseparable improvements, technical studies are conducted to determine the work carried out precisely as inseparable improvements, and not the repair required to maintain the object in the same condition, which is of particular importance in judicial and other disputes.

Determined market value Improvements It is important to realize that such an assessment object cannot be alienated on the market independently. This means that the cost of improvements cannot be considered without taking into account the value of the property to which they relate.

When evaluating the value of inseparable improvements, our appraisers apply cost approach which most fully and accurately allows you to take into account all costs and aggregate wear (physical wear, functional and economic obsolescence) and thereby get the final magnitude of the market value of the improvements carried out.


The amount of compensation payable to the tenant as a compensation is calculated based on the past time. This is due to the fact that the landlord does not buy improvements only after the expiration date of the contract. However, by this time it is already time to decline their value by virtue physical wear Enhance data. In this regard, it is impossible to say that the tenant can count on compensation for the full amount of funds spent.

What does the client get?

According to the results of the assessment conducted by our experts, the Client receives an assessment report, which is an official document confirming the market value of inseparable improvements, and is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the legislation and federal evaluation standards (FSO). The report on the assessment of the cost of inseparable improvements has full legal force sufficient to submit to state, judicial and tax authorities of the Russian Federation.

The report includes:

  • Task for evaluation
  • For information about the customer
  • Estimator Information: Diploma, Certificate of Membership in SRO, Extract from the Register of the SRO, the policy of compulsory liability insurance of the appraiser
  • Description of applied valuation standards
  • Description and characteristics of the object of the assessment
  • Description of the process of evaluation and applied approach
  • Documents on the object: Guidelining and Technical Documentation
  • Information about facilities-analogues
  • Company documents: OGRN, TIN / CAT, Insurance Policy

Construction examination of the apartment

Construction expertise for the purpose of determining the presence of inseparable improvements in the apartment

Construction expertise apartment

An examination of building structures of buildings and structures is carried out, as a rule, in three interconnected stages:

  • preparation for examination;
  • preliminary (visual) examination;
  • detailed (instrumental) examination.

In accordance with the requirements of the SP 13-102-2003 clause 6.1, examination preparation provides for familiarization with the object of examination, project and executive documentation on the design and construction of the structure, with the operational documentation and the repairs and renovation, with the results of previous surveys. An expert was drawn by an external inspection of the object, with selective fixing to the digital chamber, which complies with the requirements of the joint venture 13-10-2003 clause 7.2 of the preliminary examination basis is the inspection of the building or construction and individual structures using measuring instruments and instruments (binoculars, cameras, roulettes, caliper , probe and so on).

The measurement works were made in accordance with the requirements of the joint venture 13-102-2003 p. 8.2.1. The purpose of the measurement work is to clarify the actual geometric parameters of building structures and their elements, determining their design compliance or deviation from it. The tool measurements specify the spans of structures, their location and step in the plan, the size of the cross sections, the height of the premises, the marks of the characteristic nodes, distances between the nodes, etc. According to the measurement results, there are plans with the actual arrangement of structures, cuts of buildings, drawings of working sections of the carrying structures and knots of conjugation of structures and their elements.

During the construction examination of the apartment installed:

  • In case of inspection of residential premises, apartments of any improvements were not detected.
  • When examining the kitchen of any improvements was not detected.
  • When inspection of the bathroom and the corridor, any improvements were not detected.

Commentary expert on an apartment survey According to Article 623 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, "improved improvements that can be separated from things without harm to it are recognized. Accordingly, the inseparable improvements in their separation from the thing deteriorate its condition, as a result of which it acquires disadvantages. "In the way, during the examination of inseparable improvements in the apartment was not revealed.

Conclusion for construction expertise

According to the results of the examination, in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, during the diagnostic examination of inseparable improvements in the apartment was not revealed.

  • Integreable apartment improvements - construction expertise in order to determine the availability of inseparable improvements in the apartment

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