Whether the attic is taken into account in the total area of \u200b\u200bthe house. What is the difference between the attic floor

Roof 08.06.2019

For the first time applied in France in the seventeenth century, the architect’s decision to place residential and utility rooms in the attic by the name of his author began to be called an attic. For the needs of individual construction, the equipment of such a floor can be in the nature of part of the project or be carried out after the completion of construction (during it).

Similarly, in the existing apartment buildings, the attic, residential or office buildings can be completed. In the practice of such reconstructions, quite often, such work is carried out for the equipment of offices, art studios and other premises.

In any case, there is a standardization of requirements for the equipment of a living space in the attic space, in particular, the height of the attic floor, the ceilings of rooms and passages, their lighting, etc. are determined. The definition of attics, requirements for their purpose and characteristics are recorded in building codes and rules (SNiP 2.08.01-89 * "Residential buildings").

There are many forms and types of attics. From classics, with a broken roof shape, to the entire upper floor, to polygonal shapes, with partial placement. When deciding to complete the second residential level in an already designed house, the developer may encounter technical difficulties associated with the estimated strength of the foundation.

In this case, the decision to choose the attic or the second floor is made in favor of the attic. Lightweight construction materials can be used for its construction, while the foundation may not be able to withstand the completion of a full-fledged second floor.

Pros and cons of the attic floor - we form a personal opinion

By the way, there are pros and cons of the attic floor. Of course, the use of an existing building, with all its communications and connection to the existing structure of life support, will be an undoubted advantage. Completion expands the living area, often it becomes a favorite vacation spot.

Such a massive completion removes the question of compaction of the already built up central areas. The appearance of the original roof improves the appearance of the reconstructed building.

The advantages include the fact that since the attic is a floor, additional thermal insulation is created, heat loss is reduced. In the end, such work is carried out without involving heavy construction equipment and the need to evict residents. Moreover, the existing priority right to invest in attic floor equipment and the creation of two-level apartments for top-level residents increases their interest in such renovations.

But the features of the attic lead to the fact that in winter the windows are more heavily covered with snow, which reduces the natural solar heating and lighting. In addition, such windows themselves have a special design, they are significantly more expensive than ordinary windows. The cost is also affected by a whole range of works on thermal and waterproofing, as Attic is a floor for living. Features of sloping ceilings, reducing the height of the walls, lead to the loss of usable space of attics.

What governs the question, is the attic a floor?

Sometimes the decision on whether the attic is a floor is made in court. Especially if such construction is done to the detriment of the interests of neighbors. There should be no doubt whether the attic is considered a floor in an apartment building. In the case of investment in its equipment by residents of the adjoining floor, a two-level apartment is possible with the appropriate status of residential premises.

If the attic is equipped with an organization for the office building, the building receives an apartment number and address in accordance with the house numbering. By the way, the aforementioned priority for residents of the adjoining floor is maintained even during the performance of work.

Considering that the attics can be formed into a separate floor, have two levels or mezzanines, there are a number of requirements that the attic floor must meet, the SNiP mentioned at the beginning, in sufficient detail stipulates all kinds of space calculations depending on the geometry of the premises of such a floor. In particular, there are the following parameters: at what height should the roof break line (one and a half meters) be, what is the area of \u200b\u200bthe windows depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises, the minimum ceiling height, fire safety requirements, etc.

  To place sanitary facilities on the lower level, you need to choose a place that will be comfortable for general use. The best option is a layout with a bathroom located at the main entrance in the lobby. True, the owners of the lower floor bedroom will not be able to use it comfortably. Therefore, you should provide them with their own spacious bathroom, located next to the bedroom.

Baths with an attic - features of self-construction and arrangement of the attic floor

  And a bathhouse made of logs with an attic looks especially impressive, from which it breathes special comfort and security and which resembles in some way an ancient noble estate. For example, projects of wooden baths with an attic are much simpler than those of full-fledged two-story ones, but in functionality and thoughtfulness they are in no way inferior to them. That is why photo baths with an attic today can be found in fashion magazines on landscape design much more often than solid bulky designs.

How to fill out a declaration for registering a garden house

  When filling in, the name of the object is additionally indicated (for example, a bathhouse, outbuildings, etc.). to be filled in if created on a land plot provided (intended) for gardening, a summer house, an auxiliary property (which is not a building) or another real estate object, if, in accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning the activity of obtaining a building permit is not required.

Projects of houses with an attic

  Under a simple gable roof, space is not always obtained, which in area approaches the area of \u200b\u200bthe first floor. The height of the rooms in which a person can walk at full height depends on the angle of inclination of the roof and on what the roof rests on - directly on the ceiling itself or on load-bearing wall, rising above the floor of the attic floor to a certain height specified in the project. This vertical wall is called the attic wall.

Attic floor, attic - advantages and disadvantages

  Most often, they say that the cost per square meter of the attic floor is much lower. Usually, these expectations of big savings are greatly exaggerated. As noted in the two paragraphs above, this savings consists of the fact that roof rafters are used for part of the walls of the attic floor, which are made in frame construction, and the roof is used as the outer skin of the walls.

I own a land plot in SNT. The house was built to take ownership of it; the declaration must indicate the area of \u200b\u200bthe house and the number of storeys. The house is not intended for year-round use, therefore it is designated as non-residential premises. The second floor is the attic.

Orders of the Federal State Statistics Service dated 01.11.2008 No. 274 and dated March 11, 2009 No. 37. This explicitly states that the attic area is not taken into account when calculating the total area of \u200b\u200bthe dwelling, both the apartment and individual residential buildings (country houses when accounting for both residential premises are taken into account precisely as individual residential buildings). But, at the same time, according to the order of Rosstat dated July 14, 2009 No. 136, the total area of \u200b\u200bindividual houses includes the area of \u200b\u200bheated and loft-friendly lofts. Consequently, the main criterion is suitability for year-round living, determined by heating. If you register a garden (country) house that is not suitable for year-round use, then the attic area will be included in the total area of \u200b\u200bthe house with a coefficient of 1.0, since the whole house is not suitable for year-round use.

The construction of the second floor in a wooden house

  If there is a case with a sloping roof, then the room in the end result will have a rectangular shape. The area of \u200b\u200bthe attic is always smaller than the area of \u200b\u200bthe first floor. Before choosing a project, you need to consider all the positive and negative sides of the options. The most commonly used criteria for this assessment are: Room size.

Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

Thus, information about the property in subsection I of the Unified State Register is entered on the basis of information contained in the state real estate cadastre. The above information on the number of floors of a building, structure is entered into the state real estate cadastre when registering such buildings and structures on the state cadastral register on the basis of a technical plan prepared by the cadastral engineer. According to paragraph 42 of the Requirements for the preparation of the technical plan of the building, approved by order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of September 1, 2010

Attic house against a two-story

  Such a cottage will delight with beauty and convenience all year round. The house with full two floors looks modern in the city. Architectural techniques can save two-story houses from the stereotype of the “cube”, which adds additional attractiveness to this option. In addition to the aesthetic component of the house, there are also practicality parameters, which also need to be given due attention, and only then decide on the choice. The premises of the first floor make up the day area, are spacious and include a kitchen, living room, study, dining room, bathroom and other utility rooms; The upper tier is represented by bedrooms and is a night zone.

What to choose: a private house project with an attic or a two-story house project?

  Modern architectural techniques can save a two-story house from the stereotype of the “cube” and make it no less attractive than a house with an attic. For example, a plan of a two-story house with a garage suggests a more complex and interesting shape of the house. In both cases, there are many variations.
Therefore, when choosing a tier design, it is worth paying attention to the following details.
  spacious rooms on the ground floor, which include the functions of the living area - a guest room, dining room, kitchen, office, bathroom and other utility rooms; compact upper tier in which the bedrooms are located.

What to build under the roof - an attic or a full floor?

On the other hand, a house with a full second floor has a more urban look. A two-story house does not have to look like a cube and be less attractive than a house with an attic. When deciding on the height and shape of the second tier, it is worth remembering that there is no dilemma in front of us - a manor or a “cube”. In reality, there are many more choices. The layout typical of a house with an attic is a slightly enlarged first floor with large rooms of the living area: a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, an office, as well as utility rooms, and a reduced upper tier with bedrooms.

House Cottage do it yourself

  The appearance of the house is almost the most important factor, not only in terms of sales but also in your own well-being and mood, since you will have to admire a work of architectural art for a very long time, and the wrong choice will depress you and spoil your existence outside the house (and how do you you know, the summer period of life in one’s own summer house takes place outside the house, on the lawn, behind barbecue, in the gazebo over a good ale mug. This area does not include the hobbies of the future tenant, requiring additional space, therefore, under oi hobbies it is necessary to provide additional space. It is also worth thinking about a possible increase in family members. 3. Number of rooms and their purpose. This criterion is an important basis for upcoming planning. If the developer is well aware of your preferences in lifestyle, then he will make plans for the interior most suitable for you.

What is an attic

  At the beginning of the 20th century, when flat-roofed houses became popular in Russia, attics practically disappeared. Only in the 90s with the development of private housing construction, attic floors began to revive in many houses. The facade of such an apartment is formed by the roof surface, which can be inclined or have a broken base. This takes into account that the height of the attic at the highest point should not be less than 1.5 meters. Designing attics allows you to give the building a more lively look.

Roof of the house

Do you need full-size (1/5 -1/8 of the floor area) windows on the second floor or can they be minimal (with an area of \u200b\u200b0.7-1.5 m2). In any case, it is necessary to ensure full illumination in the room, usually the area of \u200b\u200bthe windows takes 1 / 4-1 / 5 of the floor area, the smaller the room, the smaller the windows can be. If you are not limited in height of the house under construction, consult with the architect if you will obscure the neighbors, thereby reducing the insolation of the neighboring cottage.

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