Presentation of flatfoot diagnostics clinic treatment. Flatteopic Definition Classification Clinic Diagnostics Treatment Principles. Gurievsky Municipal District

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O o Our feet normally perform 3 functions: depreciation, balancing and jerking. When walking, each step is accompanied by a blow on some surface, thanks to the shock-absorbing function (arches) - the force of the shock is evenly distributed throughout the foot. But with the "shock pulse" flatfoots are not compensated for by the arches of the foot (they are absent) and causes damage to the knee, hip joints and the lumbar spine, there are pain in the knees, the basin, the spine. The balancing function ensures that there is an equilibrium while driving and standing, but since with flat-protecting, the patience of the foot parts is broken, the function is not completely performed and when walking can be observed, instability, equilibrium loss. The jog function provides acceleration when walking. In this case, the redistribution of the load on the front sections of the foot and then push. But since when flatfoots often marked pain, the transfer of the center of gravity and the push of one point of the foot will certainly lead to a sharp pain and the function is partially lost.

o Severe two stops of the foot: transverse (arc from i to V metropolitan bone) and longitudinal (arc in the field of the inner edge of the foot).

Oooo distinguish between several factors that contribute to the development of flatfoot, they include: Increased body weight Heavy physical exertion Pregnancy Activities related to long standing Presence of flatfoot in relatives Weakening of muscles and foot ligaments related to age or lack of workouts for stopping Dr.

o In the transverse flatfoot, the transverse arch of the foot is composed, so that its front department rests on the heads of all five hanging bones, and not only I and V, as it is normal. The relationship between the bones of the foot is normal (left) and with transverse flatfoot (right).

Transverse flatfoot The proportion of transverse flatfoot according to various data ranges from 55% to 80%. The disease is usually developing in middle-aged people (35 -50 years). Women suffer from transverse flatfoot 20 times more often than men.

o This type of flatfoot is characterized by a decrease in the length of the foot, a fan-shaped discrepancy of bones of plus, deformation I finger (Hallux Valgus) and hammer-shaped foot.

O o support is redistributed on the heads of all tie bones, while the load on the head I of the ventilation bone decreases, and the load on the heads of the II-IV tall bones increases sharply. I finger deflects the duck, the head I of the ventilation bone and the finger form an angle. Osteoarthritis arises in the I PlusNeoplading joint. Pain appear, the volume of movements in the joint decreases. The increased pressure of the pink bone heads causes thinning a layer of subcutaneous fatty fiber on the plantar surface of the foot, causing a further decrease in the shock absorption function of the foot. On the sole in the field of pink bones heads are formed by Natopysh.

O o Depending on the severity of the angle between the first finger and I, the adequate bone is distinguished by the following degrees of transverse flatfoot: I degree. An angle of less than 20 degrees. Low pronounced flatfoot. II degree. Angle from 20 to 35 degrees. Moderately pronounced flatfoot. III degree. Corner more than 35 degrees. Sharply pronounced flatfoot.

Symptoms of transverse flatfoot O o As a rule, patients with transverse flatfoot turn to the doctor about the cosmetic foot defect, less often - for pain during walking, hopes on the sole, coarse skin growths or inflammation in the field I of the Plusneflanging joint. However, during the survey, it usually turns out that a patient with a flat-growing has a long time for a long time, more or less pronounced burning or novice pain in the foot during walking. When inspection, the sealing of the transverse stop of the foot is detected, the characteristic deformation of I of the Plus Snophalangeal joint, with severe flatfoot - the hammer-shaped fingers of the foot.

Treatment of transverse flatfoot O o Conservative therapy is effective only at the stage of a flat-growing stage. The patient is recommended to reduce body weight, select comfortable shoes without heels, reduce static loads on the foot. Showing the wearing of special racks and rollers. During flatfoot III degree, surgical treatment is carried out. There are many techniques for correction of deformation I finger, however, no operation eliminates the cause of transverse flatfoot - the weakness of the ligaments and the muscles of the foot. Perhaps isolated surgical intervention (resection of the Hallux Valgus of the protruding section of the bone) and operational treatment, including resection of the bone section in combination with the plastic of the joints of the joints and transplantation of tendons. In the postoperative period, the patient with flat-growing recommends the constant wearing of supinators or shoes with special insoles.

o Longitudinal flatfoot is most frequent, characterized by flattening the longitudinal arch of the foot. The relationship between the bones of the foot is normal (at the top) and longitudinal flatfoot (below).

o Stop is lengthened, it is molded and in contact with the support of almost all soles. The share of longitudinal flatfoot ranges from 20 to 29%. The disease is more often developing in young patients (16 -25 years).

o The process involves bones, muscles and ligaments of the foot and legs. The bones of the foot are moved in such a way that the heel bone turns into a car, and the front sections of the feet are deflected by the duct. The tension of the tendons of the Malobers muscles increases, and the tendons of the anterior tibial muscle - decreases. The middle part of the foot expands. The patient's walk becomes clumsy, when walking, he drags his socks to the sides.

O o o allocate four stages of longitudinal flatfoot: the predisnye stage (Promotional Stage); Intermittent flatfoot; Flat stop; Planned glusted stop.

O o o At the presets of the patient with a flat-growing fear of fast fatigue when walking, pain in the upper part of the foot of the foot and the muscles of the tibia after long static loads. In the stage of the intermittent flatfoot pain appear not only by the end of the working day, but also after a long standing or long walking. The tension of the leg muscles is revealed, sometimes their temporary contractures are developing. The longitudinal arch of the foot has a normal form in the morning, but by the evening it becomes flattened. During the development of the plane foot pain appear even after small static loads. The foot is complied, the height of its arch reduces. Gait gradually begins to change.

O o is isolated three degrees of flat feet: I degree. Stage of starting formation. The height of the arrow of the foot is less than 35 mm; II degree. The height of the arch 25-17 mm. In the joints of the foot, osteoarthritis is beginning to develop; III degree. The height of the arch is less than 17 mm. The front stops of the foot are unfolded and molded. The deviation of the finger of the dudder is detected. In this case, the pain in the foot is temporarily reduced.

Treatment of longitudinal flatfoot O O o In the pre-core stage, the patient is recommended to develop a proper gait (without breeding socks), walk barefoot in the sand or uneven surface and regularly unload the muscles of the foot of the foot during standing, periodically carrying the load on the outer surfaces of the stop. The patient with flat-growing is prescribed by the Flamm, massage and physiotherapy: magnetic therapy, hydromassage, etc. In the stage of intermittent flatopyopy, the recommendation is added to the listed activities to change the working conditions to reduce the static load on the foot. With a flat foot to a complex of therapeutic events, orthopedic appointed wearing orthopedic shoes and special stelks. With further progression, the flatfoot is shown operational treatment.

o Static flatfoot. Common form of flatfoot (more than 80%). The cause of the development of pathology is the weak of bones, muscles and a ligament apparatus of the foot and legs. The risk of development of flatfoot increases with an increase in body weight, insufficient physical exertion in people sitting professions, "standing work", wearing uncomfortable shoes. Static flatfoot may develop and due to the constant wearing of high-heeled shoes (due to excessive load on the front feet of the foot).

O O o Traumatic flatfoot. It develops after the fracture of the bones of the foot, the heel bone and the ankles. Rachitic planefoot. Arrives after Rahita. The reason for the development becomes a decrease in the strength of the bones and the violation of the process of forming the skeleton of the foot. Paralytic flatfoot. Develops after polio. The cause of the occurrence of flatfoot - paralysis of the tibial muscles and the stroophary muscles of the foot.

Diagnostics O O o Podometry - measurement of the height of the floor of the floor from the floor. Plantography - Studying the footprint left on paper. Radiography of the foot in a straight and lateral projection.

Podometry (FRINLAND Method) O o The subject is put on a sheet of paper so that the stops for it to form a straight angle relative to the heads; The height of the foot is determined by measuring the dance distance from the upper surface of the lands (tested to the transverse finger of the Kepende from the ankle bend) to the floor. Each of the stop will be powered by a pencil on paper, holding it strictly perpendicularly. According to the contour measured the line (in millimeters) the length of the foot from the tip of the first finger to the rear edge of the heel. The data on the height of the foot is multiplied by 100 and divided on the length of the foot (submometric index). The foot index normally ranges from 29 to 31.

Plantography is a method for obtaining a graphic "imprint" of the plantar surface of the foot on paper. The imprint is obtained on a special device - a plogram representing a frame, tightened with a rubber membrane. Before each measurement, the lower surface of the membrane is lubricated by typographic paint. Then under the membrane is led by a sheet of paper, the patient gets up on the membrane, and the doctor is delineated by a special "spatula" the perimeter of the foot.

O o o on the resulting print manually connect certain reference points and calculate the indicators, quantitatively characterizing the status of the patient's stop. This method is simple, does not require expensive equipment and indispensable for surveys in "field" conditions. However, in this case, the condition of only the support surface of the foot is estimated without taking into account its deformations in the sagittal and frontal planes. In addition, the quality of the outputs received does not always meet the requirements necessary for subsequent calculations. Despite the above disadvantages, today the plumbing is the most common method of quantifying the residency of the stop.

o Radiography of the feet are made by X-ray shots of both stops in a straight and lateral projection under load, the patient is worth it.

O o Treatment Principles Conservative Treatment Therapeutic gymnastics is appointed for strengthening muscles supporting the set of feet and contributing to the tension of its ligament apparatus, corrective by the vicious installation of the stop, raising the stereotype of the correct position of the entire body and the lower limbs when standing and walking, the acting liner on the body. The leading place in LFC classes occupy special exercises aimed at correcting the deformation of the stop. LFC classes must be performed several times a day (at least three times). Strengthening the ligorous and muscular apparatus of the stop and the legs promotes massage and, especially, self-massage of the foot of the foot and suspen muscles. Electrostimulation of muscles with courses for 20 -25 sessions with repetition after a month breaks. To improve tissue trophics, physiotherapeutic treatment is carried out. Orders orthopedic insoles with layout of transverse and longitudinal arch. With transverse flatfoots, cuff cuffs are used with a special tab for maintaining a transverse arch. With pronounced forms, the flatfoot must be supplied with orthopedic shoes with an orthopedic shoe tab (for plaster blinds) and raising the inner edge of the heel. The hard backset should cover the heel and the middle part of the foot until the middle of the tie bones, holding the heel in a vertical position and preventing it over.

Surgical treatment O o o for the treatment of transverse flatfoot, depending on its stage and the form, more than 300 surgical intervention methods have been developed. Therefore, in order to avoid recurrence of the disease, the optimal choice of the operational methodology for the correction of foot deformities and accurate preoperative planning is necessary. All operations in the footsteps are divided into three types: operations on soft tissues (Silver, Mac-Braid, Shedé), bones and combined operations. The first are most often held in young people with a normal or insignificant increase in the first interflial angle. With such an operation, the tendon of the tendon of the first finger leading muscle, which can be combined with the subsequent transposition and capsoplastic, and, if necessary, be supplemented by the removal of the inflamed subcutaneous mucous membrane of the bag and bone-cartilaginous growth forming a painful bump. Bone operations and combined operations are carried out in cases of a strong increase in the first interflial angle, the presence of a patient with rigid stops or an elongated first ventilation bone. Although there are many species of such surgical intervention, most often uses various types of osteotomy (dissection).

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Flatfoot is the deformation of the foot, which is characterized by the flushing of its arch. Doctors call flatfoot in the disease of civilization. Uncomfortable shoes, synthetic coatings, hypodynamia - all this leads to the incorrect development of the foot.

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Stop deformation is two species: transverse and longitudinal. In the transverse flatfoot, the transverse stop of the foot is composed, its front department relies on the heads of all five hanging bones, and not on i and v, as it is normal, the length of the stop decreases due to the fan-shaped divergence of tie bones, deviations of the finger of the duck and the hammer-shaped The deformation of the middle finger with longitudinal flatfoot is observed a flattelling seal, and the stop is in contact with the floor with almost the entire sole area. In rare cases, the combination of both forms of flatfoot is possible.

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With the normal form of the foot, the foot relies on the outer longitudinal arch, and the internal arch serves as a spring, providing the elasticity of the gait. If the muscles supporting the stalls are weakened, the entire load falls on the ligaments, which, stretching, flatten the foot.

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With flatfoot, the support function of the functioning limbs is disturbed, their blood supply will deteriorate, which is why pain appear, and sometimes cramps in the legs. Stop becomes sweating, cold, bluish. The compaction of the foot affects the position of the pelvis and the spine, which leads to the violation of the posture. Children suffering from flatfoot, when walking, widespread their hands, very much, sweep their legs in the knees and the hip joint; The gait is tense, clumsy.

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The flatfoot is directly dependent on body weight: the greater the mass and, therefore, the load on the foot, the more pronounced longitudinal flatfoot. This pathology takes place mainly in women. Longitudinal flatfoot meets most often aged 16-25 years, transverse - in 35-50 years. By origin, flatfoot distinguishes congenital flat foot, traumatic, paralytic and static. Congenital flatfoot set earlier than 5-6 years old is not easy, since all children are younger than this age, all elements of a flat foot are defined. However, approximately 3% of all cases, flat foot plane stops congenital.

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Static flatfoot (occurring most often 82.1%) arises due to the weakness of the muscles of the leg and foot, the ligament apparatus and bones. The reasons for the development of static flatfoot may be different - an increase in body weight, work in a standing position, a decrease in muscle strength in physiological aging, lack of workout in people sitting professions, etc. External reasons - Stop's overload associated with the profession (a woman with a normal structure of the foot, 7-8 hours spent behind the counter or in the weaving shop, can over time to purchase this disease), housekeeping, carrying irrational shoes (narrow uncomfortable). When walking on the "hairpins" there is a redistribution of the load: with the heel, it moves to the region of the transverse arch, which does not withstand it, deforming, for which it occurs transverse flatfoot.

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With a weakly sprinkled flatfoot (I degree), after physical exertion, a sense of fatigue appears in the legs, when pressed, painful sensations arise on the foot. The gait becomes less plastic, often in the evening stop swells. In suffering from flat-growing II degree, the pain is focused not only in the footsteps, but it applies to an ankle area, legs. It is stronger and frequent. The muscles of the foot largely lose their elasticity, and the gait is smooth. Finally, III degree flatfoot - a sharply pronounced deformation of the foot. Often patients only at this stage appeal to the doctor. After all, pain in the feet, the legs, which are almost always fellow, in the knee joints is permanently. Frequently hurts the lower back, painful headache appears. With III degrees, flat-standing sports are becoming inaccessible, dismissed disappearance, even calm, short walking difficult. In ordinary shoes, a person can not move.

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It is impossible to underestimate the consequences of transverse flatfoot, even if the sealing of the transverse arch of the foot is almost imperceptible. Flatfoot refers to those diseases that occurred, quickly progress quickly. Therefore, soon the transverse arch may not be determined at all. Front Watch Fit Roslana. This causes the deformation of the fingers, they acquire a hammer-shaped form. For transverse flatfoot, the pain in the foot, as well as the cutting of the skin of the sole under the heads of the tie, the tension of the tendons of the depleting fingers is also. The sharper it is expressed, the more deviates the largest finger outside, which leads to the sublifiers of the head of the first tie bone. Although with an external inspection and it is possible to determine the presence of flatfoot, however, this concerns seriously launched cases. Suffering flatfoot go to unfolding socks and spreading their legs wide, slightly bending them into the knee and hip joints and swingfully waving their hands; They usually wear out the inner side of the sole. For a more accurate definition of a flat foot, contact an orthopedic doctor.

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traumatic flatfoot. As it follows from the name, this ailment arises as a result of injury, most often the fractures of the ankles, the heel bone, bones are prelundered and plus. Congenital flatfoot. It should not be confused with the "narrow heel" of the aristocratic lady characteristic of static flatfoot. The cause of congenital flatfoot is different. The child has before he firmly rose to his feet, that is, years to 3-4, the stop due to the incompleteness of the formation is not so that weak, but simply flat, like a plate. It is difficult to evaluate how functional its arches are. Therefore, the baby must be constantly observed and if the position does not change, order it corrective insoles. Rarely (in 2-3 cases from one hundred) It happens that the cause of the flatfoot is an anomaly of the child's intrauterine development. As a rule, these children find other disorders of the structure of the skeleton. Treatment of such a type of flatopying should be starting as early as possible. In difficult cases resort to surgical intervention. Rachitic flatfoot is not congenital, and acquired, formed as a result of the improper development of the skeleton caused by a vitamin D deficiency in the body and as a result, the insufficient absorption of calcium is this "cement" for bones. From static flatfoot, Rachitic differs from the fact that it can be warned by conducting the prevention of rickets (sun, fresh air, gymnastics, fishery). Paralytic flat stop - the result of the paralysis of the muscles of the lower extremities and most often the consequence of the sluggish (or peripheral) paralysis of the muscles of the foot and legs caused by polio or other neuroinfection.

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Prevention. Education of the right gait is to avoid breeding socks when walking, so as not to overload the inner edge of the foot and supporting it with ligaments. Persons whose profession is associated with long standing, a parallel installation of stop and from time to time is recommended to rest on the outer edges of the suspensed stop (3 - 4 times a day, get up on the outer sides of the stop and are in this position 30 - 40 seconds). At the end of the working day, warm baths are recommended (water temperature 35-36 C) with a subsequent massage of the foot of the foot and suspen muscles. Massify smooth, but strongly strong movements, the front and inner surface of the legs, during the massage stops pay particular attention to the sole. Major techniques: strokes, rubbing, kneading in different directions, pillowing with finger pads.

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No matter how beautiful and fashionable shoes, give up them, if they, albeit the smallest, tested, narrow. The height height should be 3-4 cm, a mark of elastic material. Undoubtedly, high-heeled shoes look very beautifully on the leg, but do not wear them every day. Otherwise, it can happen that after a while you will be doomed to wear only orthopedic shoes. For the prevention of flatfoot or facilitating pain, a large number of contributions and special shoes are offered.

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With less complex deformations, the deposit insoles are well used - cork, plastic or metal. Complex deformations require the manufacture of shoes or orthopedic ralk on plaster cast. With severe forms, flat-refining, causing constant severe pain, is shown operational treatment.

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Orthopedic stop correction is carried out necessarily in combination and against the background of other methods of treatment: physiotherapy, massage and medical gymnastics. Physiotherapeutic procedures for the treatment of flatfoot are prescribed quite widely and are carried out, mainly under a polyclinic. The exception is thermal procedures that can be held at home. Paraffin, ozochlorite and mud appliqués can be applied to the entire shin and stop, but it is desirable to emphasize the thermal effect on the overall surface of the leg and the back surface of the foot. Massage is a necessary part of the complex treatment of flatfoot. It allows you to normalize the tone of the muscles of the foot and the legs: strengthen the weakened, stretched muscles and relax intense, and this is very important to restore their agreed work.

The consequences of flatfoot if the muscles and bundles stop stop working and become weak, then there is a violation of the normal shape of the foot - it settles and becomes completely flat, losing its main function - spring. In this case, the entire load is distributed on the joints of the legs - the hip, the knee, ankle. Pains in the field of pelvis, foot, knee, and also develops pathological posture.

The symptoms of the longitudinal transverse flat-growing flatfoot - fatigue in the legs, pressing onto the foot or middle of the sole causes pain, the rear of the foot swells in the evening; - Silent and constant pain in the footsteps, in the field of ankles and the legs, choose the right shoes becomes very difficult; - While in the lower back, the longitudinal arch is no longer noticeable, the heel is completely melt, the foot of the feet, the ankle joint is difficult. - the disappearance of the transverse arch of the foot, and as a result, the deformation of the fingers of the foot; - pain in the front of the foot, the oath of the skin; - The appearance of hammer-shaped fingers.

Static flatfoot arises: people with thin bones of the skeleton from congenital weakness of bundles in people who are inclined to obesity constant wearing of irrational, uncomfortable shoes. Long-term loads associated with professional human activity

Pain areas with static flatfoot on the sole, in the center of the foot of the foot and the inner edge of the heel; On the sole, in the center of the foot of the foot and the inner edge of the heel; On the rear of the foot, in its central part, between the ladle and the taranny bones; On the rear of the foot, in its central part, between the ladle and the taranny bones; Under the inner and outdoor ladies; Under the inner and outdoor ladies; Between the heads of the premune bones; Between the heads of the premune bones; In the muscles of the ankle due to their overload; In the muscles of the ankle due to their overload; In the knee and hip joints; In the knee and hip joints; In the thigh due to overvoltage of the muscles; In the thigh due to overvoltage of the muscles; In the lower back on the basis of compensatory enhanced lordosis (deflection). In the lower back on the basis of compensatory enhanced lordosis (deflection). Pains are intensified by the evening, weaken after the rest, sometimes swelling appears on the ankle.

Arises as a result of injury, most often the fractures of the ankle, the heel bone, are replous, plus. The diabetic stop is due to the fact that patients with diabetes are violated the processes of healing of skin processes: every scratch or rubbing for a long time and painfully mockingly, flex. It occurs due to failure of food processes in tissues. Traumatic flatfoot

Rachet plane refers to the acquired form of flatfoot as a result of the improper development of the skeleton caused by the disfect of vitamin D in the body. This type of flatfoot can be warned by holding the prevention of rickets. This is the result of the paralysis of the muscles of the lower extremities and most often the consequences of the sluggish palsy of the muscles of the foot and legs caused by polio or other neuroinfection. Paralytic flatfoot

Self-defining the child on the chair so that the shin was strictly vertical, and the stop formed a straight angle with it. Squake on the inner surface of the lift of the ladle (there is a noticeable tubercle on it). Put the point on this tubercle, then measure the distance from it to the floor. Without changing the position of the foot, ask the child to get up. Measure the height of the arch again. The difference between the height of the arch without load and in the standing position (under load) is an important diagnostic value. The change in this height of more than 3-4 mm is talking about the weakness of the arch due to the insufficient development of the binder and muscular apparatuses, the instability and, consequently, on flatfoot in one form or another. Measurement is carried out on both legs. It is necessary to take into account the difference between the height of the arch on the left and right legs. Normally, it should not exceed 3-4mm. Similarly, you can check all family members of any age. Test 1.

Self-defining Test 2 1. Use a blank sheet of paper, put it on the floor. 2. Name the feet of the child with bold cream and put it with a sheet. 3. On the sheet remains a footprint. Take a pencil and spend the line by connecting the edge of the plantar recess. 4. Entertain perpendicular to this line, crossing the deepening of the foot in the deepest place. 5. If the imprint in the narrow part is no more than 1/3 of this line - the stop is normal. If you reach the ½ of this line - you have flatfoot, consult a doctor - orthopedic.

V.A. method Yaralova-Yaralyans for the mass examination of preschoolers are used by the planography - obtaining footprints with a plograph. It is presented with a wooden frame (2 cm high and 40x40cm height), which is stretched by a web (or burlap) and a polyethylene film is tight over it. The canvas below is wetted stamped paint. On the floor under the painted side of the plographer put a blank sheet of paper. The child becomes both legs or each alternately on the middle of the frame, covered with plastic film. The survey should stand on two legs with a uniform load. The painted fabric begins, in contact with the places of pressure with paper, and leaves the stap prints on it - the planeogram. Assessment of the planeogram is based on the analysis of the position of two lines conducted on the print. The first line connects the middle of the heel with the second interpal interval; The second spent from the same point passes to the middle of the base of the thumb. a) normal foot; b) the stop is flattened; c) flat foot.

Prevention Flattead includes: Compliance with hygienic rules Rational mode of load on the lower limbs Compliance with the principles of choice of shoes for children Massage and self-massage Water preventive exercise procedures and games (with objects and without sports shells)

Hygiene rules and rational mode of load on the lower limbs 1. Made a gait without excessive breeding stop (daily walking with parallel footsteps) - walking along a stick or rope lying on the floor. 2. Rose washing the legs with cool water. After wiping the legs, collect your foot towel. 3. Barefoot in the sand, gravel, loose soil, grass. 4. Do not go indoors in insulated shoes. 5. The physical education classes do not use a hardweller shoes. 6. Do not go for a long time with barefoot or soft shoes on a drowned surface. 7. Singing on the chair, collect small items or roll a wooden roller.

Principles of choosing shoes for children 1. When binding boots, it should be measured by standing, since with the load size of the foot increases in length and width by 0.5-1 cm. The stop should not only enter the shoes, but also have in it the corresponding freedom and space. 2. It is recommended to buy supported shoes. 3. Shoes must correspond to the time of the year and the lifestyle of the child, its age and the individual shape of the foot. 4. The joint axis of the shoes should pass on the second finger, its sole should not be curved. 5. Shoes should not change the natural installation of the extreme fingers (maiden and large), which occupied with them when loaded, bare foot. 6. Bottles should have a closed and solid back. In the field of elevation of the fingers, the sole should be elastic. 7. Very much so that children's shoes are strong, waterproof, from flexible elastic material. For children, shoes are completely unsuitable for children with a solid staring sole!

Irina Nikipelova
Presentation "Prevention of flatfoot in preschool children"

« Prevention Flat Pressure Students».

IN preschool The period of the child is growing rapidly and develops, movements become its need. Child suffering flattem, quickly gets tired of walking and running, poorly tolerate static loads. This in turn adversely affects its advisory development.

therefore prevention flatfoot And the timely detection of the seal of the foot is extremely important during the period of growth and development of the organism musculoskeletal system.

The purpose of my work is to create conditions for organizing work on the prevention and prevention Flat-growing children doo,

To achieve this goal, the following are solved by me tasks:

Formation of motor skills and learning skills in accordance with its individual characteristics prevention and correction flatfoot

Using special exercise for preventive planes.

Creation in DOW conditions for a diverse content and forms of cooperation that promotes the development of constructive interaction with parents.

Implementing the task, I use the following literature:

1. E. I. Nikolaev "Health Saving and Health Formation in Kindergarten".

2. E. Yu. Alexandrov "Wellness work in preschool educational institutions for the program "Health Island"».

3. Yu. A. Kirillova "Scenarios of Physical Department and Sports Holidays for children speech therapy groups with a diagnosis of ONR and children Mass kindergarten groups from 3 to 7 years. "

4. M. Yu. Kartushina "Being healthy want".

5. E. R. Zheleznova "Health gymnastics and mobile games for senior preschool children».

Look at the image on the screen, what do you think, what stop is healthy, and what flattened?

What is flatfoot?

Responses of participants.

Flatfoot - change in the shape of the foot, which is characterized by the omitting of its longitudinal and transverse arch.

What do you think is the cause flatopy.?

Responses of participants.

The reasons flatopy.:

Early stacking and walking;


Genetic predisposition;

Foot injuries;

Long walking barefoot on the floor with a solid smooth coating;

Poorly selected shoes;

Past illnesses (Rahit, complications after polio);

Insufficient or excess physical exertion.

Name the signs flatopy..

Responses of participants.

Fast fatigue feet;

In the evening, the possible appearance of edema, which will not be in the morning;

Pains in standing or walking in the legs and feet;

Rapid wear of the inside of the sole;

The child walks with widespread legs, slightly bending legs in the knees, deploying the foot;

The stop is irregular or becomes wider;

What is measures preventive planes?

Responses of participants (correctly selected shoes, motor activity, preventive exercise).

Slide 10, 11.

Foundation prevention is: Strengthening muscles that store the stalls, wearing properly selected shoes, limiting the load on the lower limbs.

Main product preventive planes - Special gymnastics aimed at strengthening the muscular-ligament apparatus of stop and lower legs, conducting special exercises, hygiene and foot massage using special objects: Wooden sticks, bags with sand, ropes, balls, fabrics.

I suggest to master in practice some exercises for preventive planes.

No wonder the Chinese proverb person: "Tell me - I'll forget, show - and I will remember, let me try and I will understand".

Exercises sitting on the floor.

Capturing the fingers of the stop of small items and shifting them in the other side (also with the fingers of the other legs,

Capture and hold the ball of medium size with two footsteps, shifting from place to place.

Exercises on a massage rug.

Walking slow with deep rolling foot.

Walking on socks, on the outer edges of the foot.

Drops from socks on heels and back.

Light jackets and jumping exercises.

Exercises sitting on a chair.

Collecting from the floor of small objects or tissue with fingers.

Riding sticks, pencils.

The exercise "Artist".

Pencil squeezed with fingers, draw various shapes on a sheet of paper, holding a sheet with another foot.

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Exercises with new equipment.

Wavy track.

Tactile track.

Nipple clouds.

Massage track.

Work with parents.

In system "Child - family - kindergarten"parents are the main component of the link in prevention of children flatfoot.

I consults and workshops on the use of special exercise for preventive planes.

A set of gymnastics for use at home:

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Slow walking on socks and heels with an increase in the rate of movement;

Walking on the outside of the foot;

Alternate flexion and extension of the fingers on the legs;

Rotation of steps, sitting on a chair;

Lifting and translating objects with legs;

Ball riding feet;

Sitting on a chair, flickering the newspaper's fingers.

Systematic work in prevention flatfoot In kindergarten, is one of the important factors of health promotion children. The success of it can be ensured only in the close contact of the educator, an instructor of physical education and parents.

And I want to finish my speech by one parable. Long ago, on Mount Olympus lived, there were gods. It became boring, and they decided to create a person and settle the planet Earth. Become think: What should be a person. One of the Gods said: "A person should be strong", Other said: "A person must be healthy", the third said: "A person must be smart". And one of the gods said so: "If all this is a person, he will be like us". And, they decided to hide the main thing that there is a person - his health.

Began to think, decide - where to hide it? Some offered to hide health deep into the blue sea, others - for high mountains. And the wisest of the gods said: "Health must be hidden in the person himself. Let him look for him ".

So lives for a long time, man trying to find her health. But we know that our health and health of our children depends on us. Take care of it.

Publications on the topic:

Prevention Flat Flat "Naughty Pencils" Relevance The correct formation of the foot in the child has exceptional importance. Indeed, in the musculoskeletal system of man the foot provides.

Prevention flatfoot in preschool children 1. The role of movement in human life. Can we imagine life without the possibility of walking? We can, but only in theory - by observations.

Presentation "Prevention of flatfoot in preschool children" Flatfoot is one of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system in children. This is the deformation of the foot with the flushing of its arch.

Prevention and correction flatfoot Memo for parents of preschoolers. Prevention and correction of flatfoot with physical culture. Instructor in physical culture.

1. PreventionPlocosteopy

a number of important features:

The smoothness and

ease of gait and in many ways

total musculoskeletal system.

position of the pelvis and spine, so

flatfoot may be accompanied

development of various types of violations

posture, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, pain in

bed and hip joints.

The relevance of the problem is that

in children, the pathology feet is up to 40%.

more developed subcutaneous fatty cells,

therefore, up to three years, the laying of the stop

6. Development of the baby's foot

Up to two years - a longitudinal fortification of the foot flat

3-4 years - the arcamine longitudinal arch of the foot is formed (with

inner side, from the base of the thumb to the heel

5-6 years - the process of forming the bones of the foot

6-7 years old - Stop vaults are formed

manifested in reducing her

longitudinal or transverse arch.

8. Three degrees of flatopy

9. Diagnosis: Flatfoot establishes a surgeon and / or orthopedist

10. Causes of development Flattead:

Early getting and walking

Features biomechanics when training walking

Incorrect shoes

Foot muscles weakness, shin muscles imbalance

Transferred diseases (rickets, poliomyelitis,

stop and leg injuries)

11. Formation of rational gait

setting a walking leg on the support (that is, on the heel with

subsequent rolling on the entire foot, not the plastics, all

stop), not allowing the scarring and spanking stop, not separating

Wider apply various types of walking (on the heels,

the outer edge of the foot, socks, etc.), including walking

inclined board (angle of inclination of 10 degrees or more), as well

on massage mats, ribbed boards, slats and

wands put on the floor so that on them

there was a middle of the foot, exercises with exciting

items with fingers to feet, foot massage.

if she is strong and beautiful.

Every child has its own

individual shape of the foot and

accordingly, it languishes

14. Proper organization of motor regime

child in motion, do not force him

stand next to you in waiting

transport or during a conversation with your

Foots are given to a person for

Movement, not standing.

In while walking, teach the baby

walk along a "narrow track" - border

15. The lower limbs are formed for 10-12 years, especially intensively in 3-4 years.

jumps, does not climb - his muscles are not

train, poorly supplied with blood,

therefore, become flabby, weak.

Let the child walk barefoot: in summer -

Presentation on the topic of posture and flatfoot

Presentation on the lesson, Fragment of the video "Flatfoot", the leaf of self-analysis (Appendix 1), cards with the types of spinal curvature. Presentation to the lesson on physical education on the topic: Presentation: "Prevention of flatfoot and posture disorders from students initial. Disorders of posture and scoliosis, flatfoot, osteochondropathy (Osgood-hatter disease). Presentation Subject: Biology Topic: Man Posture Availability Plan - Lesson Abstract: No Presentation Posture. Warning flatfoot.

Preview:. To enjoy previewing the presentations, create yourself an account (account) Google and log in to it: https: // accounts. Google. COM.

Presentation posture. Warning flatfoot. Posture. Warning flatfoot. The presentation contains material to biology lessons in. Presentation to the lesson on biology (grade 8) on the topic: Presentation to the last lesson in the subject. Violation of posture and flatfoot. Download free presentation on the topic "Posture. Warning posture. Warning flatfoot. PPT (1.02 megabytes) downloaded 2155 times. Presentation on the biology of man's posture How to warn the disorder of posture and flatfoot, how to sit at the student's desk - these and. To your site. Presentation on the topic: Posture. Warning Flat-rise posture - the usual body position when standing, sitting and walking.

Signatures for slides:. Prevention of flatfoot and posture disorders in elementary school students.

The goal of the program: Prevention of posture disorders and flatfoot in younger students. Program tasks:. The formation of the skill of correct posture and muscular and motor representations about it. Harmonious strengthening of the muscular corset. Strengthening the entire lunch and muscular apparatus of the foot and lower leg. Development of flexibility.

Formation of rational respiratory skill. The great value of each person is health. Grow a child strong, strong, healthy is the desire of parents and one of the leading tasks facing the school institution, including our. According to experts, 75% of adult diseases are incorporated in childhood.

Today, only 10% of children come to school absolutely healthy, and many turn out to be among the lagging not because of laziness, but due to poor health. What is posture.

This is a familiar pose of a relatively standing person, which he takes without excess muscle tension. The man with the right posture is directly holding his head, his back is straight, shoulders on the same level and are slightly set back, the belly is drawn, and the chest is a little advanced. In a person with the wrong posture, the head is lowered, the shoulders are reduced forward, one of them may be higher, and the other below, the stomach is sucked, the spinal is a sutula, the spine can have lateral curvatures. What is your posture? There is an easy way to check your posture: stand back to the wall in a familiar pose. If you feel that the walls touch the back of the head, the blades, buttocks, caviar and heels -osanka are correct.

Causes of dysfunction. Causes of dysfunction. Why it is important to have the right posture. With the correct posture, the spine and the foot have the best features to spring and soften the shocks and shaking in such movements, like running, jumping, walking; All organs in the thoracic and abdominal cavity of the body occupy the most convenient position for their activities; It improves well-being and mood. With incorrect posture and flat-protecting, human movement becomes awkward; The internal organs are shifted, which leads to a violation of their activities, pain in the joints, muscles, footsteps, lower backs. Causes of posture disturbances:.

Flatfoot deformation of the foot, which characterizes its sealing of its arch. The main cause of the development of flatfoot is the weakness of the muscles of the ligament, participating in maintaining the foot of the foot. As well as uncomfortable shoes, synthetic coatings, hypodynamia - all this leads to the incorrect development of the foot. The compaction of the foot affects the position of the pelvis and the spine, which leads to the violation of the posture. The means of forming the right posture and the prevention of its disorders in the circle "Birch": exercises for the development of large muscle groups: back, abdomen and feet, in order to create a natural muscle corset; exercises with small physical training benefits. Exercises with objects are widely used. gymnastic sticks, hoops, skumps, balls, gymnastic roller, bags; breathing exercises; exercises for the development of flexibility and spinal mobility; exercise for the fingers of the foot.

In order to temper the stop and prevention of flatfoot during classes, children are engaged in barefoot. Electronic resources:. Medportal.

ru vashaspina. RU TELONA. RU / PLOSKOSTOPIE-UPRAZHNENIYA. PHP RU. Wikipedia. ORG / WIKI /. Methodical developments, presentations and abstracts.

In the history of the school, a foreign language has always occupied an ambiguous place: he became an object of special attention, it turned out at the level of the Three-Heel Item. Explain such a different attitude to and.

The paper presents the material on the issue of studying the status of the written speech in students of primary schools of general education schools, discusses and methods of research are considered in detail. It is known that mathematics is one of the most complex items for children with a complex structure of the defect. In front of the teacher, the defectologist comes with a difficult task: to choose the tasks corresponding to the level. This material in an accessible form describes the recommendations of the teacher-speech therapist teachers in primary classes to identify students with the lack of oral and written speech and timely assistance to this.

Psychological support of the teacher. MetaPreme-free results of modern education developing and corrective activity determination of the concept of "universal learning actions. Study of the dynamics of student performance with ONR II-IV classes (past correctional training in the speech kindergarten, on a speech therapy point at a secondary school) shows that in the process. This paper tells about some techniques for working with younger schoolchildren for the development of interest in the study of a foreign language. To cause a student an interest in learning a foreign language, you first need to form my motivation. I am a teacher-educator of the educational institution of the sanatorium type GBOU "School - boarding school No. 68" of St. Petersburg.

In our work, we pay great attention to the issue of conservation and improved. The article reveals the basic concepts of reading skills in primary school students. Also, the article discusses the types of errors in reading in children of a general education school that have a conclusion of the III level.

Presentation on the topic: Prevention flatfoot

Prevention Flattead prepared: Yelizabeth Tenigina, student 7A class MKOU "SOSH No. 15"

Purpose: Purpose: Examine the method of defining flatfoot.

Tasks: Studying the methodology for defining a flat-standing. Supplies data on flat-standing in the 7th class of our school over the past 3 years. Create data on flat-stand 7A class of our school over the past 3 years. Increased and processing information of literary sources on this topic

Flatfoot flatfoot is the deformation of the foot, which is characterized by flattening its arch

There are transverse and longitudinal flatfoot, possibly a combination of both forms. Transverse flatfoot in a combination with other deformations is 55.23%, longitudinal flatfoot in combination with other strain deformations - 29.3% longitudinal flatfoot occurs most often aged 16-25 years, transverse - in 35-50 years.

There are 5 types of flatfoots: traumatic semi-innochiticialatic

Types of flatfoot traumatic flatfoot arises as a result of injury, most often fractures of the ankles, heel bones, bones are repulsed and plus. Congenital flatfoot. A child before he firmly rose to his feet, that is, years to 3-4, stop due to the incompleteness of the formation is flat, like a plate. It is difficult to evaluate how functional its arches are. Therefore, the baby must be constantly observed and if the position does not change, order it corrective insoles.

Rachitical flatfoot - not congenital, and acquired, formed as a result of the improper development of the skeleton caused by the deficiency of vitamin D in the body and as a result of the insufficient absorption of calcium - this "cement" for bones. From static flatfoot, Rachitic differs from the fact that it can be warned by conducting the prevention of rickets (sun, fresh air, gymnastics, fishery). Paralytic flat foot is the result of the paralysis of the muscles, the lower extremities and most often the consequence of the sluggish palsy of the muscles of the foot and legs caused by polio or other neuroinfection.

Types of flatfoot static flatfoot meets in the ladies, who, "and in the rings a narrow hand", as the block wrote, or the "narrow heel", which managed to spit Don Guang. In a word, a thin bone. But also at the "Broadcasting", static planefoot can also be observed. People are inclined to completeness, the arches of the foot are not withstanding live weight centners. Another reason for static flatfoot is irrational shoes. The constant wearing the shores on the heel or on a stating platform is so perverts in the biomechanic of a normal step, which almost fatally leads to this form of this sickness of the foot. Foot shape is changing, depending on the height of the heel

Statistical data in Russia According to medical-statistical studies of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia by two years in 24% of children in Russia develops flatfoot, by six years - in 40%, and in the 12th year of age, this diagnosis has already put each second adolescent. It is not easy to notice the deformation of the foot in the child, because it doesn't hurt him. That is why with the slightest hint of the problem of parents, it is important to immediately show the kid to the orthopedic doctor. According to medical statistics, more than 80% of children from 12 to 16 years have disorders of the musculoskeletal system (posture curvature, various stop deformations, etc.). According to literature, from 65% and higher children to school age are acquired by flatfoot. If we take into account that in most cities of Russia there are no pediatrician doctors, then the full correction of flatfooting the population is simply not available. It means that more than 65% of the children's population moves into an adult period with flourishing flatfoot, and later (in grandmothers) - with "berries" in the form of cones in the footsteps.

Statistical data on school data on flatfoot from 2009 to 2012 academic year

Diagnosis Flatflake flatfoot can be determined by several methods. Method V.A. Yaralova Yaraland; Method I.M. Chizhin; Strike method. I will focus on the technique of V.A. Yaralova Yaraland. For this, two lines are applied to the imprint: AB, which connects the middle of the heel from the middle of the thumb, and the speaker, connecting the middle of the heel with the second interpal interval. If the internal bend of the footprint contour comes over the line of the AC or is located at its level - the stop is normal; If there is between the lines of the AV and the AC, the stop is flattened (1-th degree flatfoot); If not reaching the line of AV - flatfoot 2nd and 3rd degree. Using the proposed methodology, the state of stop (right and left) of students is determined. The results are recorded in the pivot table of the planeograms

Having studied the technique of V.A. Yarahov-Yaraland, by definition, I applied it in practice, examined the foot in some student class 7a. To do this, I took the footprint in two girls who wore high heel for the last 2 years and two young people of different physique. By comparing the data of the medical worker on flatopying over the past 3 years, received the following result: studying 7A grads over the past 3 years has not been revealed. But the girls have an appearance of flatfoot on the same foot, as well as one of the young men with a large body weight and the constant wearing of sports shoes.


Methods of prevention of development Flattead Treat this with sight a simple disease is quite difficult. Flatfoot is given once and for life. With the help of special events, you can only tighten the disease, do not give it substantially influenced everyday weekdays. With congenital flatfoot, massage is needed, in difficult cases, the feet of the child is fixed in the correct position with special gypsum bandages. In preschool age, the main treatment should be to strengthen the stopper with the help of massage and gymnastics, and the use of stalek-supinators is scheduled at this age.

Schoolchildren are of particular importance attributable to the selection of good orthopedic shoes with the layout of the arch and raising the inner edge of the heel. There is an important point here: the baby's foot is growing rapidly, so the shoes need to be changed.

Prevention and treatment Flat massage and corrective gymnastics have a good auxiliary effect, improves blood supply and tones the muscles tightening the arch. The shin is massaged - on the back of the inner side of the bones to the foot - and the foot itself - from the heel to the bones of the fingers. Receptions - stroking, rubbing, kneading.

Practical recommendations Strengthen the muscles of the foot; Wear the right shoes; Make foot massage and stop; walk barefoot on the grass, sand and stones; Stop health is the health of the whole organism. Healthy feet - the right gait and the correct distribution of body weight over the ground surface. Proper gait and proper distribution of body weight over the surface of the Earth are healthy joints and muscles. Healthy joints and muscles are healthy internal organs.

"People themselves put on their own shackles, tie their eyes and after that they are surprised why it lives so bad." Agery Ford

Presentation on the topic "Prevention of flatfoot"

Slide text: Prevention Flattead prepared: Tenigina Elizabeth, student 7A class MKOU "SOSH No. 15"

Slide text: Purpose: Examine the method of defining flatfoot.

Slide text: Tasks: Studying the methodology for the definition of flatfoot. Examine data on flatfoot in the 7th grade of our school over the past 3 years. Compare data on flat-stand 7A class of our school over the past 3 years. Studying and processing of information of literary sources on this topic

Slide text: flatfoot is the deformation of the foot, which is characterized by flattening its sealing

Slide text: distinguish between transverse and longitudinal flatfoot, possibly a combination of both forms. Transverse flatfoot in a combination with other deformations is 55.23%, longitudinal flatfoot in combination with other strain deformations - 29.3% longitudinal flatfoot occurs most often aged 16-25 years, transverse - in 35-50 years. Flatfoot

Slide text: 5 types of flatfoots are distinguished: Traumatic congenital Rachitic paralytic static types of flatfoot

Slide text: Traumatic flatfoot arises as a result of injury, most often fractures of the ankles, heel bones, bones are prelundered and plus. Congenital flatfoot. A child before he firmly rose to his feet, that is, years to 3-4, stop due to the incompleteness of the formation is flat, like a plate. It is difficult to evaluate how functional its arches are. Therefore, the baby must be constantly observed and if the position does not change, order it corrective insoles. Types of flatopy

The text of the slide: Rachitic flatfoot - not congenital, and acquired, is formed as a result of the improper development of the skeleton caused by the deficiency of vitamin D in the body and as a result of the insufficient absorption of calcium - this "cement" for bones. From static flatfoot, Rachitic differs from the fact that it can be warned by conducting the prevention of rickets (sun, fresh air, gymnastics, fishery). Paralytic flat foot is the result of the paralysis of the muscles, the lower extremities and most often the consequence of the sluggish palsy of the muscles of the foot and legs caused by polio or other neuroinfection. Types of flatopy

Slide text: Static flatfoot meets in the ladies, who have a narrow hand "and in the rings", as the block wrote, or the "narrow heel" that he managed to spit Don Guang. In a word, a thin bone. But also at the "Broadcasting", static planefoot can also be observed. People are inclined to completeness, the arches of the foot are not withstanding live weight centners. Another reason for static flatfoot is irrational shoes. The constant wearing the shores on the heel or on a stating platform is so perverts in the biomechanic of a normal step, which almost fatally leads to this form of this sickness of the foot. Types of flatfoot shape of the legs change, depending on the height of the heel

The text of the slide: According to the medical and statistical studies of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia to two years, 24% of children is developing in Russia, by six years - 40%, and in the 12th year of age, this diagnosis has already put each second adolescent. It is not easy to notice the deformation of the foot in the child, because it doesn't hurt him. That is why with the slightest hint of the problem of parents, it is important to immediately show the kid to the orthopedic doctor. According to medical statistics, more than 80% of children from 12 to 16 years have disorders of the musculoskeletal system (posture curvature, various stop deformations, etc.). According to literature, from 65% and higher children to school age are acquired by flatfoot. If we take into account that in most cities of Russia there are no pediatrician doctors, then the full correction of flatfooting the population is simply not available. It means that more than 65% of the children's population moves into an adult period with flourishing flatfoot, and later (in grandmothers) - with "berries" in the form of cones in the footsteps. Statistical data in Russia

Slide Text: Data on Flatfall from 2009 to 2012 School Year Statistics School No. P / P Class Number of Patients with Flat Fund 2009 - 2010 Uch. Year 2010 - 2011 Uch. Year 2011 - 2012 Uch. Year 1 1-4 1 - 1 2 5-9 8 6 2 3 10-11 4 2 5 Total 13 8 8

Slide text: Diagnostics Flatflake flatfoot can be determined by several methods. V.A. method Yaralova Yaraland; Method I.M. Chizhin; Strike method. I will focus on the technique of V.A. Yaralova Yaraland. For this, two lines are applied to the imprint: AB, which connects the middle of the heel from the middle of the thumb, and the speaker, connecting the middle of the heel with the second interpal interval. If the internal bend of the footprint contour comes over the line of the AC or is located at its level - the stop is normal; If there is between the lines of the AV and the AC, the stop is flattened (1-th degree flatfoot); If not reaching the line of AV - flatfoot 2nd and 3rd degree. Using the proposed methodology, the state of stop (right and left) of students is determined. The results are recorded in the pivot table of the planeograms

Slide text: After studying the technique of V.A. Yarahov-Yaraland, by definition, I applied it in practice, examined the foot in some student class 7a. To do this, I took the footprint in two girls who wore high heel for the last 2 years and two young people of different physique. By comparing the data of the medical worker on flatopying over the past 3 years, received the following result: studying 7A grads over the past 3 years has not been revealed. But the girls have an appearance of flatfoot on the same foot, as well as one of the young men with a large body weight and the constant wearing of sports shoes. Research

Slide text: Research Results Normal Stop Flaked Stop

Slide Text: Methods of Prevention of Development Flattead Treatment This seems to be quite difficult. Flatfoot is given once and for life. With the help of special events, you can only tighten the disease, do not give it substantially influenced everyday weekdays. With congenital flatfoot, massage is needed, in difficult cases, the feet of the child is fixed in the correct position with special gypsum bandages. In preschool age, the main treatment should be to strengthen the stopper with the help of massage and gymnastics, and the use of stalek-supinators is scheduled at this age.

Slide text: Schoolchildren are of particular importance to the selection of good orthopedic shoes with the layout of the arch and raising the inner edge of the heel. There is an important point here: the baby's foot is growing rapidly, so the shoes need to be changed.

Slide text: massage and corrective gymnastics have a good auxiliary effect, improves blood supply and tones the muscles pulling the arch. The shin is massaged - on the back of the inner side of the bones to the foot - and the foot itself - from the heel to the bones of the fingers. Receptions - stroking, rubbing, kneading. Prevention and treatment of flatfoot

Slide text: Corrigative gymnastics

Slide text: Practical recommendations Strengthen the foot muscles; Wear the right shoes; Make foot massage and stop; We go barefoot on the grass, sand and stones; Stop health is the health of the whole organism. Healthy feet - the right gait and the correct distribution of body weight over the ground surface. Proper gait and proper distribution of body weight over the surface of the Earth are healthy joints and muscles. Healthy joints and muscles are healthy internal organs.

The text of the slide: "People themselves put on their shackles, tie their eyes to themselves and after that they are surprised why so bad lives." Henry Ford

Presentation "Prevention of flatfoot in preschool children"

« Prevention Flat Pressure Students».

IN preschool The period of the child is growing rapidly and develops, movements become its need. Child suffering flattem, quickly gets tired of walking and running, poorly tolerate static loads. This in turn adversely affects its advisory development.

therefore prevention flatfoot And the timely detection of the seal of the foot is extremely important during the period of growth and development of the organism musculoskeletal system.

The purpose of my work is to create conditions for organizing work on the prevention and prevention Flat-growing children doo,

To achieve this goal, the following are solved by me tasks:

Formation of motor skills and learning skills in accordance with its individual characteristics prevention and correction flatfoot

Using special exercise for preventive planes.

Creation in DOW conditions for a diverse content and forms of cooperation that promotes the development of constructive interaction with parents.

Implementing the task, I use the following literature:

1. E. I. Nikolaev "Health Saving and Health Formation in Kindergarten".

2. E. Yu. Alexandrov "Wellness work in preschool educational institutions for the program "Health Island"».

3. Yu. A. Kirillova "Scenarios of Physical Department and Sports Holidays for children speech therapy groups with a diagnosis of ONR and children Mass kindergarten groups from 3 to 7 years. "

4. M. Yu. Kartushina "Being healthy want".

5. E. R. Zheleznova "Health gymnastics and mobile games for senior preschool children».

Look at the image on the screen, what do you think, what stop is healthy, and what flattened?

What is flatfoot?

Flatfoot - change in the shape of the foot, which is characterized by the omitting of its longitudinal and transverse arch.

What do you think is the cause flatopy.?

- Early row and walking;

- long-term walking barefoot on the floor with a solid smooth coating;

- poorly selected shoes;

- past illnesses (Rahit, complications after polio);

- Insufficient or excess physical exertion.

Name the signs flatopy..

Fast fatigue feet;

In the evening, the possible appearance of edema, which will not be in the morning;

Pains in standing or walking in the legs and feet;

Rapid wear of the inside of the sole;

The child walks with widespread legs, slightly bending legs in the knees, deploying the foot;

The stop is irregular or becomes wider;

What is measures preventive planes?

Responses of participants (correctly selected shoes, motor activity, preventive exercise).

Foundation prevention is: Strengthening muscles that store the stalls, wearing properly selected shoes, limiting the load on the lower limbs.

Main product preventive planes - Special gymnastics aimed at strengthening the muscular-ligament apparatus of stop and lower legs, conducting special exercises, hygiene and foot massage using special objects: Wooden sticks, bags with sand, ropes, balls, fabrics.

I suggest to master in practice some exercises for preventive planes.

No wonder the Chinese proverb person: "Tell me - I'll forget, show - and I will remember, let me try and I will understand".

Exercises sitting on the floor.

Capturing the fingers of the stop of small items and shifting them in the other side (also with the fingers of the other legs,

Capture and hold the ball of medium size with two footsteps, shifting from place to place.

Exercises on a massage rug.

Walking slow with deep rolling foot.

Walking on socks, on the outer edges of the foot.

Drops from socks on heels and back.

- Light jacks and jumping exercises.

Exercises sitting on a chair.

Collecting from the floor of small objects or tissue with fingers.

Riding sticks, pencils.

Pencil squeezed with fingers, draw various shapes on a sheet of paper, holding a sheet with another foot.

Exercises with new equipment.

Work with parents.

In system "Child - family - kindergarten"parents are the main component of the link in prevention of children flatfoot.

I consults and workshops on the use of special exercise for preventive planes.

A set of gymnastics for use at home:

Slow walking on socks and heels with an increase in the rate of movement;

Walking on the outside of the foot;

Alternate flexion and extension of the fingers on the legs;

Rotation of steps, sitting on a chair;

Lifting and translating objects with legs;

Ball riding feet;

Sitting on a chair, flickering the newspaper's fingers.

Systematic work in prevention flatfoot In kindergarten, is one of the important factors of health promotion children. The success of it can be ensured only in the close contact of the educator, an instructor of physical education and parents.

And I want to finish my speech by one parable. Long ago, on Mount Olympus lived, there were gods. It became boring, and they decided to create a person and settle the planet Earth. Become think: What should be a person. One of the Gods said: "A person should be strong", Other said: "A person must be healthy", the third said: "A person must be smart". And one of the gods said so: "If all this is a person, he will be like us". And, they decided to hide the main thing that there is a person - his health.

Began to think, decide - where to hide it? Some offered to hide health deep into the blue sea, others - for high mountains. And the wisest of the gods said: "Health must be hidden in the person himself. Let him look for him ".

So lives for a long time, man trying to find her health. But we know that our health and health of our children depends on us. Take care of it.

Presentation on the topic: "Prevention and correction of flatfoot in preschool children"

This presentation helps to tell and explain how to students and parents to learn about the problem of flatopy. In the presentation it includes a description of the causes of the disease, the relevance, prevention and correction of the functional failure of stop.A. Some complex exercises that can be used both on occupation and in home conditions.

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"Presentation on the topic:" Prevention and correction of flatfoot in preschool children "" "

  • The relevance is due to the negative trend of increasing the number of preschoolers who have certain disorders of the posture and deformation of the stop.Coscreencope is more often found among weakened children with reduced physical development and a weak muscular-ligament apparatus. In the pre-school age, it is in the stage of intensive development, its formation is not completed , Therefore, any adverse effects can lead to functional deviations.
  • The reasons for a flat-growing load when walking, running, jumps for backstop arches of weakened children turns out to be excessive. Communications and muscles stop overwhelming, stretch, lose the spring properties. Foot arches (longitudinal and transverse) are flattened, descend, and arises flatfoot: longitudinal, transverse and cross-longitudinal. The remaining is support, the foundation of the body, so it is natural that the violation of this foundation is necessarily reflected in the formation of the younger body.
  • Consequences The change in the shape of the foot affects its function, changes the position of the pelvis, the spine. The well-negative effect on the functions of the spine, and consequently on the posture and general condition of the child. The alternate development of muscles and feet ligaments adversely affects the development of many movements in children, and at an older age It can become a serious obstacle to the classes by many sports.
    • Hygienic factors. Type of use: Hygiene shoes and its correct selection according to the appointment; hygienic kneading feet with cool water before bedtime, after driving barefoot.
    • Natural and health factors: Walking barefoot on natural soil tracks (grass, sand, pebbles, etc.), equipped with group plots in the warm season, on artificial soil tracks (drawers with river pebbles) during the cold season; tempering Procedures for stop (salt track, wiping stop, contrasting leg dumping, "Riga" method, intensive hardening stop) in accordance with the individual characteristics of children and the absence of contraindications, in the presence of medical control.
    • Type of use: Special exercise complexes aimed at strengthening the muscles of the foot and lower legs and the formation of foot arches; a feature is the use of figurative names of exercises ("kittens", "duck", "cheerful zoo", etc.) and exercises with objects (hoop, ball , skipping; one complex for two weeks is learned and performed in classes in physical culture, and in the next two weeks it is included in the morning gymnastics; the next four weeks applies another complex; more than two weeks in the process of gymnastics after day sleep, the previous complex is repeated .
    • At the first stage, children perform exercises without objects. In the second stage, children are offered exercises with objects. In the third stage, the motor actions of the child are compared, various adaptations of the universal type are used, it is also complicated by a method of moving the child on these shells.

      Normal foot development

    • Provided by the right physical education. Including in the content of physical culture classes, starting from the nursery, special exercises for the formation and strengthening of the foot of the foot. In the course of the class, children should not stand much, because The children's stop is not adapted to static loads, it is quickly tired by M easily exposed to deformations.
    • Formation of rational gait

    • Going Forming a walking skill in children, to teach them the correct setting of the walking leg on the support (that is, on the heel, with the subsequent ride on the entire foot, and not the plastics, the whole stop), not allowing the scroll and spanning stop, without breaking the socks. various types of walking (on the heels, the outer edge of the foot, socks, etc.), including walking on the inclined board (the angle of inclination is 10 degrees or more), as well as on massage mats, ribbed boards, slats and wands, laid on the floor so that They had the middle of the foot, exercises with the capture of items with fingers of the legs; Massage Stop.
    • Use specially selected exercises, some of which should be performed from the initial positions sitting and lying, when unloading stop. Approach exercises with shaped names, as well as specially selected moving games, dance steps and elements. Spent folk pedagogy - songs, sweatshops, for example, When preparing a child to master the skills of restructuring and walking in order to strengthen the foot muscles, it was decided to send it to the soles of the legs, senses: Toko-Toki-Toshki, Kui, Turkings. Toki-Toki-Toshki, Little legs - Speakers, Runners, Pumps.

    • long slow run, jumping; Restrictions in certain types of walking and jumping (on the recommendation of the doctor), walking on the inner side of the stop.
      • Jumping The skill of the correct landing is rhythmic squats and straightening, transient in bouncing. The kids are jumping on the sand, an explosive land, for the elders - a jumping pit, in the gym - gymnastic mats.
    • according to the gymnastic wall, the rope ladder, the rope contributes to strengthening the muscles of the foot and lower legs, in connection with which they should be used to apply more often in the process of occupying. Refilax and correction of flat flow contribute to swimming and cycling.
    • Creating a physical assembly environment

    • The presence of equipment and inventory that promotes the strengthening of the muscles of the foot and the legs: ribbed and oblique boards, beveled surfaces, gymnastic wall, rope stairs, hoops, balls, rope, massage rugs, gymnastic sticks, gymnastic mats, bicycles; equip natural ground tracks (from sand , pebbles, shallow crushedbon, etc.).
    • Task: Formation of the necessary knowledge, skills and skills on the use of physical education tools in order to prevent various diseases and functional deviations.
    • In order to create a positive emotional background, it is recommended: apply musical accompaniment, a variety of visual aids (pictures, toys), as well as the corresponding riddles, poems and songs. The rich effect is achieved when the exercises are performed by barefoot. With children who have a functional failure of the stop or Flatfoot, individual work should be carried out, including exercises of the exercise.

      Exercises for correction flatfoot

    • 1 Dancing camel I.P. - Standing, legs apart, feet paral-cloth, hands behind his back. Walking on the spot with alternate under-theft of the heel (the socks from the floor are not-digging).
    • 2. "Funny bear".

    • I.P. - Standing on the outer edges of the stop, hands on the belt. Walking in place on the outer edges of the feet. The same with advance - on-ass, right - left. The same, circling on the me-sta to the right and left.
    • I.P. - Standing, legs together, hands before breastfeeding down, brushes are directed with fingers to the bottom. 1 - 2 - semi-traced socks, smiy-sleep; 3 - 4 - I.P.
    • 4. "Tigrenok is filming."

    • I.P. - Sitting on the heels, hands in the stop of Vpea-Radi. 1 - 2 - Straighten your legs, stopping, co-bent;, 3 - 4 - I.P.
    • I.P. - Sitting in Turkish (bending the legs with his knees to the sides, the foot cross-on-cross, the outer edges of the feet are the same as smoothly rely on the floor), the hands are highly. 1 - 2 - stand up 3 - 4 - Rack: legs of the scratch, rest on the outer edges of the stop; five - 6 - sit down 7 - 8 -

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