How to find out if there is a kind brownie in the house - general signs. How to get rid of the brownie in the house

Primers 11.08.2020

Brownie is a kind spirit, the keeper of the house and everything that is in it. The brownie looks like a small old man (20–30 centimeters tall) with a big beard. It is believed that the older the brownie, the younger it looks, since they are born old and die as babies. The patron saint of brownies is the god Veles, from whom the spirits inherited several abilities, for example, the ability to predict the future, but the main thing, of course, is wisdom and the ability to heal people and animals.

The brownie lives in almost every house, choosing secluded places for living: behind the stove, under the threshold, in the attic, behind the chest, in the corner, or even in the chimney.

The brownie takes care of his house and the family that lives in it in every possible way, protects them from evil spirits and misfortunes. If a family keeps animals, then the brownie will look after them too, a particularly kind spirit loves horses, but if the brownie doesn't like the animal, he can beat him to death.

The brownie loves cleanliness and order in the house, and does not like it when the inhabitants of the house are lazy. But the spirit does not like much more when the inhabitants of the house begin to quarrel with each other or treat him disrespectfully. An angry brownie begins to let know that the person is wrong: knocks on doors, windows; interferes with sleep at night, uttering terrible sounds or screams, sometimes even waking a person up, pinching him painfully, after which large and painful bruises remain on the body, which hurt the more, the more angry the brownie is; and in extreme cases, the spirit is capable of throwing dishes, writing bad graffiti on the walls and setting up small fires. However, the brownie will not cause serious harm to a person, and sometimes the spirit that lives in the house is mischievous even for no particular reason.

The brownie rarely shows a person to the eyes, although children and animals can see him, often he even plays with them, but the spirit can be heard quite often, usually this is an unusual knock or an incomprehensible grunt, sometimes the brownie howls - this portends trouble in the house. When moving, it is customary to call the brownie with you, for this they put a basket in which they put bread and salt or a cup of porridge and say: “Grandpa brownie, come out. Come to live with us! ", And in a new place they put the basket in the center of the room again and say:" Grandpa brownie, go home. Come live with us! "


The brownie lives in the red corner, on the stove behind the chimney, in the oven and baking oven, at the doorstep, on the golbets (hence the nickname in some regions of Russia - goalkeeper), in the attic, in the corner of the cage, in the underground. “Golbeshnik lives in a hut under the stove, just in the wooden frame of the stove from the side of the underground” (Dal). He is often seen in the barn (especially in north side), in a manger stable, a hay barn, an attic. In some Russian regions, it was believed that the brownie lived in a pine or spruce branch with overgrown needles specially suspended for him in the yard, called the "uterus." The place chosen by the brownies cannot be occupied - you can get sick.

In the 19th century, in some rural parishes of the Kaluga diocese, the peasant, moving to a new hut, transferred from the old stove to a new burning coals and invited the brownie to the built housing, addressing him with greetings: "You are welcome, grandfather, to a new home"... In the old estate, they opened a gate or a hole from the underground, put a bast shoe in front of it and clicked a brownie, then they transferred things to new house, and the bast shoes were dragged all the way on a string, where the brownie supposedly rode. The first slice of bread, cut off at dinner in the new house, was buried in the right corner under the hut and again the brownie was called to the settlement. Or the owner, bowing to the east with a freshly baked rug, invited the brownie to housewarming and left the rug in the oven, - if in the morning the rug turned out to be bitten, it means that the brownie came.

When a new house was being built, a coin was put in the underground, or even four - at the four corners of the frame - for the brownie. When the first loaf was baked in a new oven, the crust was cut off, salted and thrown under the oven - for the brownie. It was believed that the first inhabitant of the house, or whoever was the first to cross the threshold of a new house, would later become a brownie.

How to find out if there is a kind brownie in the house - general signs

The presence of a kind brownie in an apartment is always noticeable if you listen to yourself. Their habits are usually very similar. If you do not have pets, but at night you hear footsteps similar to those of a medium-sized dog, this is most likely a brownie. You should not be afraid of these sounds, they only mean that the spirit that keeps the house checks whether everything is safe in the territory under its control, and is engaged in its other duties.

If you are wondering how to find out if there is a brownie in the house, watch your pet. Cats may start purring for no apparent reason, which means the brownie scratches them behind their ears. Sometimes they play together, because brownies, like young cats, love to play very much. From the outside, it looks like a cat is chasing and playing with someone invisible. If the cat behaves strangely, and at the same time he is not scared, and does not show aggression, there is definitely a kind brownie in your house. Dogs play with good spirits much less often than cats. Usually they just look at something invisible without reacting to their owners.

Notice if you have a premonition before a knock on a door or a phone call. In an apartment in which a good spirit lives, it is pleasant not only to sleep at night, but also to be. You are happy to return to your home, to your family a good relationship, and even if a quarrel flares up, everyone quickly calms down and adequately resolves the dispute. You should be friends with a kind brownie, leave him food and toys, thank him for his help and care. Sometimes they show dissatisfaction, but it will still be different from the manifestation of evil spirits.

How to find out that an evil house spirit is in the apartment

In principle, it is impossible to call an evil creature a brownie, but they are very often confused, therefore such a classification is considered correct at the present time. If such

the creature is in your apartment, it will be uncomfortable to sleep without light. Even adults in such conditions may be afraid to be alone in the apartment, especially after the onset of darkness, which adds strength to the dark creatures.

Quarrels and scandals, excessive use of alcohol and other sources of negative energy are present in a living room only at the same time as an evil spirit, which is often confused with a brownie. Sometimes, if people live "wrongly", the kind brownie gets offended and leaves, and evil spirits come to replace him.

Frequent illness of all family members is another sign of the presence of something bad in the house. It is unpleasant to be in an apartment in which evil lives. Perhaps you have no desire to go home after a day of work? Try to clear the apartment of negativity. It also influences the desire of friends and neighbors to visit you. It is uncomfortable to be in an apartment, the tenants of which are adjacent to evil spirits, usually people want to quickly go to their native walls. Any evil entity that lives in your house should be driven away and a real brownie should be called who will protect him from further attacks of evil forces.

When do you need to appease the Brownie?

Brownies are not very picky creatures, content with little. He behaves quietly and will never specifically reveal himself, but, on the contrary, hides from people. But if something does not suit him, then he will be angry and indignant. How is this anger manifested?

  • Your things began to disappear.
  • Some items often show up in the wrong place where you put them.
  • You often find open cabinet doors or wrinkled laundry.
  • Crumbs are scattered in the kitchen.
  • Sounds are heard: rumbling, rustling.
  • You often feel uncomfortable in your own home (brownies can influence the atmosphere).

What can you do to not get angry?

So that the brownie does not get angry, you need to provide him with the most comfortable living conditions. Here are some helpful guidelines:

  • Brownies do not tolerate scandals and screams, so do not swear, do not utter swear words, try to raise your voice as rarely as possible. Such creatures also feel emotions, so drive the negative ones away.
  • Do not be lazy, brownies hate lazy people.
  • Housekeepers don't like tobacco smoke, so don't smoke in your apartment. And, in general, get rid of this bad habit.
  • And all the brownies love order and cleanliness. So if you constantly have a mountain of unwashed dishes in your sink, then do not be surprised that something strange has begun to happen in the house.

How to appease the Brownie? 5 ways

  1. The brownie is not simply called the mistress of the house. He loves cleanliness and order. To appease the brownie, it is enough just to keep the house clean: periodically do cleaning, take out the trash, make sure that dust does not accumulate. If all things are in a mess, the brownie will start to get upset and angry, he may even start doing strange things, but more on that below.
  2. The brownie is a spirit, a creature who is always portrayed and presented as an elderly man, a grandfather. Like any person of age, he loves to be treated with respect. And of course, he loves to be talked to. It is important to make it clear to the brownie that you are referring to him. He cannot read his thoughts, but he is always welcome to listen to you and understand. If you want to placate your brownie, address him politely, with respect (Father Brownie or Boss-Father). He will also be glad if you approach your home with warmth and tenderness - thank him for keeping peace and comfort in the apartment.
  3. To appease the brownie, you can treat him to. The brownie's favorite treats are milk and pastries that you made with your own hands. Pour in some milk and put some buns or porridge on a saucer and put it all on the highest kitchen cabinet further away. It must be said that this gift is intended for the housekeeper, because he will not touch someone else's. It is not for nothing that brownies do not eat pets from bowls. Don't be surprised if you find that nothing has been eaten. The brownie is a spirit, so it feeds only on "spirit" or the smell of food. That is why, by the way, the brownie does not like dirt and littered garbage - they give off a bad spirit, bad energy.
  4. To appease the brownie, you can put small toys on it. Although he is an old man, he loves to play anyway. For example, it is good to use small beads that can be folded into a box (homemade is better - brownies love the owners who do a lot of things with their own hands). The box with beads should be placed in a secluded corner of the apartment so that the brownie can play with them when he pleases.
  5. As mentioned earlier, brownies also monitor the energy purity of the house. Therefore, there should be less quarrels in the house, the brownie really does not like it if a bad energy charge accumulates. This happens if you carry grievances for a long time and do not express them. The brownie loves spiritual purity, openness and benevolence. Therefore, if you want to appease the brownie, be sure to quarrel less with your family and be kind and open with them.

How to pick up a Brownie when moving?

When moving to a new apartment, you can take your faithful assistant with you. To do this, you need to sweep, then lightly scatter the garbage and invite the brownie three times to come with you. Then the garbage is collected and transported together with a broom to a new location. There you should again scatter the garbage and invite the brownie three times to live with you. After a day, the garbage can be collected and thrown away as usual, and the housekeeper can be supplied with a treat. It is better to take a new broom for this, however, then you can use it. It would be nice to be the first to let a cat into a new apartment, it is believed that it is able to remove negative and alien energy. If the cat is not there, just bring in a new broom - the result will be the same.

How to get the Brownie to give things up?

Brownies come in completely different personalities. Some are strict and important, others are funny and mischievous, as well as evil and hostile.

Sometimes it happens that a prankster brownie pulls off small things. It would seem that a minute ago she was lying here before my eyes, and then suddenly disappeared. In such cases, you need to move to the corner of the room and say: "Brownie, brownie, play and give it back"... If not a thing has not been found, you can scold him: “Such an adult grandfather and you play pranks. Oh no no no!" He will feel ashamed, and he will definitely return the "lost". Or at night before moving to put him a treat in the form of a slice of rye bread with a mug of milk and say the words: “Father, my master, my good brownie. I'll give you new mansions, bright chambers. Come with me, there will be no happiness without you. "

The next morning, you need to put an awl or ember in a bag or bag, offer the brownie again in the above described way to move with you and carefully transfer the brownie.

How to drive away an evil brownie?

If the brownie won't calm down and constantly hurts everyone, try to drive him away. To do this, sweep the floors with a broom every day (start on Monday and skip Friday), paying special attention to the corners. At the same time, say the following words: "I sweep you, stranger, harmful brownie, I drive you out." Do this until you feel that the brownie is gone. Make friends with your brownie, and he will always help you in everything. Peace and goodness to your family!

Brownie Day

In Russia, the birthday of the brownie is considered to be April 1st. On this day, take a closer look at the housekeeper, and along with the treat, say: "Congratulations, grandfather, happy birthday!" It is advisable to choose a treat so that it does not deteriorate, and you need to update it on the 1st of every month. But the most important rule for communicating with a brownie is a peaceful atmosphere in the house. Do not allow swearing, shouting, stormy showdown. From constant quarrels, the brownie will first become nervous, and then angry. There will still not be much harm from him, but he will deprive you of his patronage and protection. Therefore, if you want to keep peace and comfort in your home, resolve all issues in a benevolent and gentle tone. And then your "housewife" will help you in everything, protect and fill the house with goodness and prosperity.

It has long been known that a brownie is a special spirit that lives in a home, together with household members. He actually has several names. His name is both the Master and the Guardian, and the spirit and the brownie. As a rule, this creature is kind, unless, of course, he is not angry. The brownie loves to help around the house, for example, he can find the missing thing and put it in the most prominent place. But most of all he enjoys doing home energy.

The keeper is well versed in both bad and good energy, he feels what is wrong in the dwelling, and how to fix it. To live without problems, you need to know how to appease the brownie. For this, there are special rules that are easy to follow. First you need to find out what the brownie likes and what he hates.

Not at all for the beautiful eyes of the brownie is called the Master. This creature loves order and cleanliness. Cleaning your home periodically can help appease the brownie. You need to regularly take out the trash, clean up and not fill up your home with unnecessary trash. If a mess reigns in the house, the Guardian starts to get angry and do "miracles" in style, but we will talk about this later.

Treat the brownie to appease him

The brownie loves milk and baked goods made with his own hands. Fill a mug with milk and place a piece of pie or a few spoons of porridge on a saucer. You can appease the Guardian with a candy. Place this gift in a secluded spot. Do not forget to say that this offering is intended for a brownie, otherwise he will not take someone else's.

The Guardian will never eat from your pet's bowl. If no one touched the food, then you don't need to think that you failed to appease the brownie. We said that the brownie is a spirit, which means that it should feed only on the “spirit,” that is, practically only the aroma of food. For this reason, the Master does not tolerate impurities, from which there is a heavy smell and negative energy.

As a rule, a brownie is not a young creature, requiring respect for itself. Besides, he really likes to communicate. He must understand that your appeal is directed specifically to him. Brownie is not, but he will be very interested in listening to you. Interested in how to appease a brownie? Show respect for him by calling Father the Boss, or Father the Brownie. He will also like your kind attitude towards your home. Don't forget to thank your home for the comfort it keeps.

Place a house toy to appease him

The old housekeeper loves to play with various things. Only he should not be given. For this purpose, ordinary beads packed in a self-made box are better suited. Leave your craft in some hidden place. If the opportunity arises, the brownie will definitely play with them.

As noted earlier, the Master is responsible for the energy security of the home. Therefore, there should be no swearing in the house. And if there is a discord in the family, then read (for an early reconciliation). The brownie does not like the accumulation of bad energy, which occurs with misunderstandings and hidden resentment. Hence it follows that if you want to appease the brownie, you should quarrel with your loved ones as little as possible and be frank, sympathetic and friendly with them.

What to do if the brownie is angry

Each brownie has its own character. The Guardian is influenced by the behavior of the people living in the house. If you behave like the brownie doesn't like it, then he begins to get angry. The owner may stop keeping an eye on the housekeeping and start being capricious - making a noise or hiding things you need in secluded places. What to do in situations like this?

Chat with the Guardian. This can be done in the kitchen when no one is there except you. Close the door and speak aloud to the Master. This can even be done in a whisper. Try to show respect and talk about the difficulties that have arisen. Then promise the brownie to restore peace and order in the family.

Treat the Guardian with something tasty. Do this with all your heart and explain that this offering is for him only. According to the Slavic tradition, April 1 was the day of the brownie. On this day, he woke up after a winter sleep. Old beliefs have long been forgotten, but you can pay tribute to ancient traditions and prepare a gift for the brownie for April 1 to appease him.

Remember that the Master lives in the whole dwelling, and not only in one kitchen, which means that order must be everywhere. Do not confuse the brownie with Bannik, who lives only in the bathhouse or in the bathroom.

How to appease a brownie in an apartment, house, rented apartment

Appeals to psychics on how to appease a brownie in an apartment are not uncommon. He constantly pursued the residents of the monastery, which is located in the private sector, today it is also seen in multi-apartment residential buildings.

Why is it important to make friends with a brownie

Imagine the situation: you bought a brand new apartment, moved in safely, settled down, and after a month or two you realize that someone else lives on these square meters. Moreover, he considers himself a full-fledged owner and in every possible way tries to force you to leave the premises.

Noticing otherworldly things - turning on lights or non-working electrical appliances, sounds, rustles, gaze, moving objects - you will start thinking that you are going crazy. Arrange an interrogation for those close to you who live with you, and then realize that you have become a victim of the intrigues of an old housekeeper.

The nickname is inaccurate. Psychics claim that the image of a little shaggy grandfather who has become entrenched in folklore does not correspond to the appearance of the entity that settles with you. :

  • the spirit of a deceased relative of the owners;
  • the previous owner of the apartment, who died an improper death or committed suicide;
  • an otherworldly force (demon, poltergeist) caused by accident or intentionally.

Do not rush to get rid of the tenant. Find out what he wants from you first. Remember, the brownie is shown before important events in life. With a kind attitude of residents, it protects the house from magical interference, negative energy and other troubles. Then it is impossible to eliminate the invisible assistant, you can simply negotiate with him.

Use one of the ways that we present:

  1. A mysterious neighbor is flattered when he is treated with reverence, as the head of the house, and is called a priest or a master, he is addressed as a “housewife” or “grandfather”.
  2. By nature, the brownie is silent, however, grunts and gives signals about upcoming changes. Despite the lack of communication, the “owner” loves to be asked for advice, talk about experiences, just say a greeting every morning or after absence.
  3. In order for the keeper of the hearth to live comfortably, take care of a place to sleep. Choose a secluded corner and build a cozy bed: take a basket or shoebox, put bright pieces of cloth on the bottom so that grandfather sleeps softly. Do not forget to make a blanket so that the brownie does not freeze on cold winter evenings.
  4. The spirit loves when people take care of the room, which he so diligently protects from evil. Do not be shy about signs of respect for your home: occasionally stroke the walls, pat the sofa, clean up the apartment more often so that dirt and rubbish do not accumulate.

The Slavs performed one simple ritual - try to do it yourself.

It is necessary to perform the ceremony on the third night of the full moon. Clean up the house the night before, light a candle at midnight and stand with it in the center of any room. Bow to four sides and say:

Master-father, bless our house for happiness and prosperity!

Repeat the sacrament three times - on the second and third full moon.

In the old days, the presence of an invisible helper was considered important. The ancestors tried pick up the brownie when movingin other housing, and many specially fed.

Sorcerers know that delicacies are fond of the entities that live around. When the brownie plays pranks or strangles at night, try to treat it tasty.

Cook porridge in milk, as the Slavic ancestors did, or leave a plate with a sweet present (candy, lollipop, cookies) in a secluded corner - the people believed that the mysterious neighbor lives behind the stove. There are also ways to make friends with the housekeeper in the apartment.

In order for the invisible owner to show favor, leave him food in the cache at night. In the corner near the refrigerator or under the battery.

Be aware that the brownie loves milk - pour more often into a glass of your favorite drink.Pour buckwheat porridge into a saucer. A treat for a brownie - a slice of bread that is seasoned with salt.

However, do not overdo it with treats, constantly appeasing the brownie, you run the risk of acquiring unwanted animals from the order of insects. When you store up for the night a present, do not forget to clean up the rest in the morning.

There are also certain days when a home protector is fed to the people. This is the night before January 28, February 7 and April 1.

Choose a beautiful plate, put something tasty on it and turn to the keeper with the words:

“Our dear master, invisible to the eyes! With great respect I offer you a treat.
Protect our abode and all the household, so that you do not decay in the fire and drown in water,
So that prosperity would come and the house was a full cup! ".

You've probably heard stories about how the old man loves to be naughty: he hides money, jewelry and other small items, rattles dishes in the kitchen at night, and crumbs are found on the table in the morning. Or personally faced with such tricks of the secret tenant.

A malevolent spirit drives out those people who, due to circumstances, have to rent someone else's housing. He is unhappy that a stream of different people passes through the walls of the house, and tries to show himself as a full-fledged owner.

It is possible to improve relations - give a small change that will become a toy for him.

An excellent gift for the keeper of the hearth is an old bead that no one wears. She will also be delighted with the beautiful buttons.

When you choose a trinket, arrange it in a beautiful bright box and leave it in a secluded place. The spiteful person will enjoy the new toy without fear of being noticed doing such an activity.

There is no time or desire to make a bright container - you can bring a shiny coin to the housekeeper - hide it behind the plinth. Warn the creature about this:

“Here's some money for your boots, master! Here's a pretty penny for sweets, grandfather! "

It takes no effort to make friends with the hearth keeper. Treat him and your own abode with respect. When you establish relations with the brownie, you acquire a faithful ally, help you with the housework and warn you about upcoming changes.

Attempts to establish peace with the spirit did not bring results - seek help from a practicing psychic. He will establish what kind of dark essence does not give rest and what he wants.

Brownies are mysterious creatures that live in every house, apartment and yard. He is often called a keeper, hostess or old man-owner. IN ancient Russia believed that family well-being, material wealth and harmony depended on the correct appeal to the housekeeper. When moving to a new home, the keeper was taken with them. He was moved on a broom, in a bark bast shoe or on a bread spatula, calling in a whisper: "Here's a good sleigh, come our dear brownie with us!" In case the old man-owner falls in love with the head of the house, he feeds and nurtures his cattle, takes care of everything, helps. Whose house he does not like, he does dirty tricks, promotes thefts, harasses at night and survives family members beyond the threshold of the house. To be friends with the brownie, to receive help and gifts from him, you need to know special secrets, how to appease him.

How to appease a brownie - cleanliness

The brownie has a second nickname for a reason - the housewife hostess. He loves to be in a tidy house, where every thing has its place, and the owners strive for cleanliness and order. To please him, you need to carry out regular wet cleaning, take out old things and debris on time, and also make sure that cobwebs and dust do not accumulate in the corners. When a brownie sees scattered things, unwashed dishes and dirty floors, he gets very upset and starts to “tinker” - turn off the light, throw things around, disable equipment.

How to appease a brownie - healthy energy

Also, mysterious creatures do not like to live and help families in which scandals, fights constantly occur, swear words and screams are heard. At first, they will try to get rid of the owners' house, and if it doesn't work out, they leave on their own, which in no case should be allowed. It has long been believed that the brownie is the soul and heart of the house, without which the walls and the family will fall apart. To avoid this, understanding, love, care and peace should reign in the family.

How to appease a brownie - attention

Those who saw the keeper with their own eyes describe him as an old man with gray hair and a long beard. And like all elderly people, he requires attention, respect and reverence. And of course, he loves to be asked for advice, help and thanks.

If you hear the stamping of feet at night, doors open and forks are constantly falling, the brownie demands attention.

To rectify the situation, at least once a week, you need to say out loud: "Our brownie, our keeper, thank you for your help, for your understanding, if I offended you - forgive me." When there is a long-lost thing in the house or the dust suddenly disappears, the keeper needs to be thanked. They also greet the brownie, congratulate him on the holidays and ask him to guard the house upon departure. When you need his help, ask him to help in exchange for sweets, just be sure to keep your promise, otherwise he may be offended.

How to appease a brownie - toys

Brownies love games, and when they get bored, they begin to hide the master's things. Spiritual beings prefer glitter, buttons, jewelry, and pretty coins. To please the old owner, give his possession a small box or an old chest, in which you put “toys” for him. Place in a dark, quiet place and say loudly who they are for. After these actions, things in the house cease to disappear, because the fidget now has something to entertain himself with.

How to appease a brownie - sweets

The fact that the guardian of the house is a terrible sweet tooth is probably known to many. But how many have happened to pamper their housewives? But all you need is - at exactly midnight, put a saucer with fresh or store milk, put chocolates, cookies or a sweet bun next to it, and then gently call 3 times: “Grandfather-housewife, take a treat from me, I present you with great respect ! ” Especially the keeper must not forget to congratulate and treat him on the Day of the Brownie - January 28. If the dishes shine in the morning, the dust will disappear, and your soul will feel warm and cozy - consider that the brownie accepted your treats and thanked!

It is believed that each house has its own brownie. This is the spirit of the house, which is called upon to protect the house from evil forces and troubles. Many people think that the brownie, along with the house, also protects its inhabitants. But this is not the case. The brownie's task is to protect the house, not the people. If you want this spirit to become your protector, then you need to make friends with him. And for this he should be appeased. As soon as the brownie realizes that you do not wish him harm, he will become your faithful assistant and protector.

Here are some tips on how to appease a brownie in an apartment:

  • Do not swear at home and do not communicate in a raised voice. The brownie, although it is considered evil, does not like swearing and shouting. He likes calmness and silence. So you need to be more careful with loud music if you don't want to anger him. Remember that the brownie considers the place in which he lives as his property, so you should not go beyond what is permitted.
  • Try to keep your home clean and tidy. Very often the brownie punishes sluts and grubbers: he hides things from them, makes noise at night, and moves objects. If you want to appease the brownie, do not forget to clean up the order from time to time. Pay special attention to hard-to-reach places: corners, tops of cabinets and closets.

  • Don't forget about the brownie holiday - April 1. Few people know that before the spread of Christianity in Russia, this day was celebrated in every family.
  • If strange things happen in the house, which indicate the presence and bad mood of the brownie in the house, it is recommended to appease him with sweets or milk. To do this, just put the food under the dining table in the kitchen.
  • Don't bully pets. It should be noted that brownies very often move into cats.
  • Thank the brownie in the minutes when you are able to do something, or when you have finally finished some difficult task (repair, cooking, cleaning). The spirit of the house will appreciate it and it will be flattering to him that you remember him and say words of gratitude. You can also ask him for help when everything is falling out of your hands. Be sure the brownie will not refuse you.

It's very simple in an apartment - the main thing is to respect and love your home, and to show your feelings in practice. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

06.09.2014 09:28

A person's home should be a fortress and a berth. But housing without a brownie, even with ...

It is believed that a brownie lives in every house. It is a spirit that is called to protect the house from troubles and misfortunes. Protection...

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