Examination in chemistry (grade 11). Control work in chemistry (grade 11) Periodic table of chemical elements

Plaster 01.08.2020

1. Electronic configuration ns2 np6 atoms and ions have the ground state. Write the numbers in ascending order.

1. Mg

2. Ne


4. B

5. About-2

6. Fe

2. Establish a correspondence between the name of the substance and the class of inorganic compounds to which it belongs.


A) sulfuric acid 1) alkali

B) sodium chloride 2) basic oxide

C) potassium hydroxide 3) base

D) calcium oxide 4) amphoteric oxide

5) acids

6 ) medium salts

3. Methane is characterized by:

1) hydrogenation reaction

2) tetrahedral form of the molecule

3) the presence of a π-bond in the molecule

4) sp3-hybridization of the orbitals of the carbon atom in the molecule

5) reactions with hydrogen halides

6) burning in air

4. Sodium dichromate reacted with sodium hydroxide. The resulting substance X was treated with sulfuric acid, and the orange substance Y was isolated from the resulting solution. From the proposed list, select substances X and Y that correspond to the description given.

1) Na2Cr2O7

2) Na2CrO4

3) NaCrO2

4) Na3

5) Na2SO4

Write down the numbers of the selected substances in the table under the appropriate letters.

5 Abbreviated ionic reaction equation for Ba2+ + CO32- \u003d BaCO3 ↓ corresponds to the interaction:

1) BaCl2 (solution) and CaCO3;

2) BaCl2 (r- r) and K2CO3 (r- r);

3) Ba (NO3) 2 (r- r) and CO2;

4) BaSO4and Na2CO3 (r- r)

Write it down in molecular, full ionic form, indicate the color of the precipitate.

6. From the proposed list of oxides, select two oxides that interact with water.

1) SiO2

2) P2O5

3) BaO

4) Al2O3

5) CuO

Write down the numbers of the selected oxides in the answer field

7. Establish a correspondence between the reaction scheme and the change in the oxidation state of the reducing agent in this reaction: for each position indicated by a letter, select the corresponding position indicated by a number.




A) NH3 + MnO2 → N2 + Mn2O3 + H2O 1) -3 → 0

B)Zn + KNO3 + KOH + H2 O → 2) -1 → 0

K2[ Zn( OH) 4] +NH3 3) 0 → +2

IN) CaH2 + H2S → CaS + H2 4) 0 → +4

D) S + KOH → K2S + K2SO3 + H2O 5) +2 → +4

6) +4 → +6

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters

8. Establish a correspondence between the salt formula and its ratio to hydrolysis: for each position indicated by a letter, select the corresponding position indicated by a number.


AND)MgBr2 1) hydrolyzed by cation

B) (CH3 COO)2 Cu 2) hydrolyzed by anion

IN)Fe2( SO4) 3 3) hydrolyzed by cation and anion

D) NaF 4) does not undergo hydrolysis

9. Using the method electronic balance, make the reaction equation:

K2Cr2O7 + H2SO4 + SO2 \u003d Cr2 (SO4) 3 + K2SO4 +….

Indicate oxidizing agent, reducing agent.

10. Calculate the mass of the metal precipitate formed by heating 9.2 g of acetaldehyde and 15.9 g of an ammonia solution of silver oxide (I), if the mass fraction of the product yield was 96% compared to the theoretically possible.

Option 1.

4, 6 put - 1 point.

1-3, 7-8, put - 2 points

Total 22 points

Cr - oxidizing agent water

S-reducing agent

Converting points to grade

"3" - 11-14 points

"4" - 15 -19 points

"5" - 20-22 points


Grade 11


1. The argon atom and particles have the same electronic configuration

2. Establish a correspondence between the name of the substance and the functional group that is part of its molecule: for each position indicated by a letter, select the corresponding position from the second column indicated by a number.


A) aniline 1) carboxyl group

B) ethanal 2) nitro group

B) ethylene glycol 3) amino group

4) aldehyde group

5) hydroxyl group

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

3. For a metal bond are characteristic:

1) malleability

2) tetrahedral form of the molecule

3) positive metal ions are located at the nodes of the crystal lattice

4) high electrical and thermal conductivity

5) the bond formed by electrostatic attraction between cations and anions

6) saturation

4. The following scheme of substance transformations is set: MgCO3 X Y

Determine which of the specified substances are substances X and Y.

1) magnesium sulfate

2) magnesium sulfite

3) magnesium sulfide

4) magnesium oxide

5) magnesium carbide

Write down the numbers of the selected substances in the table under the appropriate letters.

5. Abbreviated ionic reaction equationFe2+ + 2 OH- = Fe( OH) 2 ↓ corresponds to the interaction

1. Fe (NO3) 3 and KOH

2. FeSO4 and LiOH

3. Na2S and Fe (NO3) 2

4.Ba (OH) 2 and FeCl3

Write it down in molecular, full ionic form, indicate the color of the precipitate.

6. From the list provided, select two substances with which both carbon and potassium can react.

1) aluminum

2) hydrogen

3) sodium oxide

4) carbon monoxide (II)

5) oxygen

Write down the numbers of the selected substances in the answer field.

7. Establish a correspondence between the reaction equation and the formula of a substance that is a reducing agent in this reaction: for each position indicated by a letter, select the corresponding position indicated by a number.


A) H2S + I2 \u003d S + 2HI 1) NO2

B) S + 2HI \u003d I2 + H2S 2) H2S

B) 2SO3 + 2KI \u003d I2 + SO2 + K2SO4 3) H

D) S + 3NO2 \u003d SO3 + 3NO 4) S

8. Establish a correspondence between the salt formula and its environment aqueous solution: to

for each position marked with a letter, select the corresponding position,

indicated by a number.


A) K3PO4 1) neutral

B) BeCl2 2) acidic

B) CuSO4 3) alkaline

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

9. Using the electronic balance method, create the reaction equation:

FeCl3 + H2S \u003d FeCl2 + ... + HCl

Determine the oxidizing agent, reducing agent.

10. Calculate the mass fraction of sulfuric acid in the solution obtained by mixing 200 ml of a 20% sulfuric acid solution with a density of 1.2 g / ml and 150 ml of a 10% solution of barium nitrate with a density of 1.04 g / ml.

Grading system for final work in chemistry

Option 2.

For the correct answer to each of the tasks 4, 6 put - 1 point.

For a complete correct answer in assignments 1-3, 7-8, put - 2 points; if one mistake was made - 1 point; for an incorrect answer (more than one mistake) or its absence - 0 points.

Evaluation criteria for tasks with a detailed answer

For the correct answer to each of tasks 5 and 10, -3 points are given.

For a complete answer when solving task 9, -4 points are given: the oxidation states are correctly calculated, the oxidizing agent, the reducing agent are indicated, the missing substances are determined, and the coefficients in the reaction equation are arranged.

Fe - oxidizing agent, sulfur

S - reducing agent

Converting points to grade

"3" - 11-14 points

"4" - 15 -19 points

Examination work number 1

Option I


in the Periodic Table:

1) 19p, 20n, 19e; A) 4th period of III B group;

2) 21p, 24n, 21e; B) 4th period of I A group;

3) 29p, 35n, 29e; B) 4th period of III A group;

4) 31p, 39n, 31e. D) 4th period of I B group.


1) s; A) potassium;

2) p; B) phosphorus;

3) d; B) neon;

D) zinc.


1) covalent non-polar; A) N a 2 O;

2) ionic; B) N a;

3) metal; B) OF 2;

4) covalent polar. D) O 2.



1) carbon monoxide (IV); A) metal;

2) diamond; B) ionic;

3) sodium; B) atomic;

4) magnesium fluoride. D) molecular.


dispersed phase /

dispersion medium:

1) mineral water; A) gas / liquid;

2) snow crust; B) gas / solid;

3) stainless steel. B) solid / solid.

6. Calculate the mass fractions of elements in the ethanal CH 3 CHO.

7. What is the mass fraction of sodium chloride in a solution obtained by diluting 100 g of a 20% solution of 100 g of water?

Examination work number 1

on the topics "The structure of the atom and the periodic law of D. I. Mendeleev", "The structure of the atom"

Option II

1. Establish a correspondence between the composition of the atom and the position of the element in the Periodic Table.

Atom composition: Element position

in the Periodic Table:

1) 38p, 50n, 38e; A) 5th period of II B group;

2) 48p, 64n, 48e; B) 5th period of group VI A;

3) 42p, 54n, 42e; B) 5th period of II A group;

4) 52p, 76n, 52e. D) 5th period of VI B group.

2 ... Establish a correspondence between the type of element and a chemical element.

Element Type: Chemical Element:

1) s; A) calcium;

2) p; B) vanadium;

3) d; C) tellurium;

D) molybdenum.

Confirm your answer by making the electronic formulas of the atoms of the listed elements.

3 ... Establish a correspondence between the type of chemical bond and the formula of the substance.

Chemical bond type: Substance formula:

1) covalent non-polar; A) AI;

2) ionic; B) PH 3;

3) metal; B) CaS;

4) covalent polar. D) S 2.

Draw up schemes for the formation of three substances from the listed (optional).

4. Establish a correspondence between the name of the substance and the type of crystal lattice.

Substance name: Crystalline type


1) graphite; A) molecular;

2) sodium sulfate; B) metal;

3) potassium; B) atomic;

4) iodine. D) ionic.

Describe physical properties two substances (optional) based on the type of their crystal lattice.

5. Establish a correspondence between the dispersed system and the state of aggregation of the dispersed phase and dispersion medium.

Disperse system: State of aggregation

dispersed phase /

dispersion medium:

1) cast iron; A) solid / gas;

2) smog; B) solid / solid;

3) aerated chocolate. B) gas / solid.

6. Calculate the mass fractions of elements in ethanol C 2 H 5 OH.

7. 300g of sea water contains 15g of salts. Calculate the mass fraction of salts in this seawater sample.

Examination work number 1

on the topics "The structure of the atom and the periodic law of D. I. Mendeleev", "The structure of the atom"

III option

1. Establish a correspondence between the composition of the atom and the position of the element in the Periodic Table.

Atom composition: Element position

in the Periodic Table:

1) 55p, 78n, 55e; A) 6th period of group I B;

2) 83p, 126n, 83e; B) 6th period of V B group;

3) 73p, 108n, 73e; B) 6th period of V A group;

4) 79p, 118n, 79e. D) 6th period of I A group.

2 ... Establish a correspondence between the type of element and a chemical element.

Element Type: Chemical Element:

1) s; A) germanium;

2) p; B) cobalt;

3) d; B) krypton;

D) strontium.

Confirm your answer by making the electronic formulas of the atoms of the listed elements.

3 ... Establish a correspondence between the type of chemical bond and the formula of the substance.

Chemical bond type: Substance formula:

1) covalent non-polar; A) CO 2;

2) ionic; B) Sr;

3) metal; B) SrCI 2;

4) covalent polar. D) I 2.

Draw up schemes for the formation of three substances from the listed (optional).

4. Establish a correspondence between the name of the substance and the type of crystal lattice.

Substance name: Crystalline type


1) zinc; A) molecular;

2) water; B) ionic;

3) sodium hydroxide; B) atomic;

4) silicon oxide (IV). D) metal.

Describe the physical properties of two substances (optional) based on the type of their crystal lattice.

5. Establish a correspondence between the dispersed system and the state of aggregation of the dispersed phase and dispersion medium.

Disperse system: State of aggregation

dispersed phase /

dispersion medium:

1) smog; A) solid / gas;

2) foam concrete; B) gas / solid;

3) granite. B) solid / solid.

6. Calculate the mass fraction of elements in formic acid HCOOH.

7. In 280 g of water, 20 g of sugar was dissolved. Calculate the mass fraction of sugar in the resulting solution.

Examination work number 1

on the topics "The structure of the atom and the periodic law of D. I. Mendeleev", "The structure of the atom"

IV option

1. Establish a correspondence between the composition of the atom and the position of the element in the Periodic Table.

Atom composition: Element position

in the Periodic Table:

1) 53p, 73n, 53e; A) 5th period of II A group;

2) 30p, 35n, 30e; B) 5th period of VII A group;

3) 38p, 50n, 38e; C) 5th period of II B group;

4) 43p, 56n, 43e. D) 5th period of VIIB group.

2 ... Establish a correspondence between the type of element and a chemical element.

Element Type: Chemical Element:

1) s; A) rubidium;

2) p; B) bromine;

3) d; B) silver;

D) nickel.

Confirm your answer by making the electronic formulas of the atoms of the listed elements.

3 ... Establish a correspondence between the type of chemical bond and the formula of the substance.

Chemical bond type: Substance formula:

1) covalent non-polar; A) S 2;

2) ionic; B) SCI 2;

3) metal; B) P 2;

4) covalent polar. D) Wa.

Draw up schemes for the formation of three substances from the listed (optional).

4. Establish a correspondence between the name of the substance and the type of crystal lattice.

Substance name: Crystalline type


1) aluminum oxide; A) metal;

2) sodium chloride; B) atomic;

3) hydrogen chloride; B) ionic;

4) aluminum. D) molecular.

Describe the physical properties of two substances (optional) based on the type of their crystal lattice.

5. Establish a correspondence between the dispersed system and the state of aggregation of the dispersed phase and dispersion medium.

Disperse system: State of aggregation

dispersed phase /

dispersion medium:

1) smoke; A) gas / solid;

2) colored glass; B) solid / gas;

3) brick. B) solid / solid.

6. Calculate the mass fractions of elements in aniline C 6 H 5 NH 2.

7. What is the mass fraction of sodium chloride in the solution obtained by evaporating 200 g of a 10% solution to 100 g?

Test work number 2

Option I


1) CuO; A) basic oxide;

2) H 2; B) metal;

3) Cu; B) acidic oxide;

4) S O 3; D) non-metal;

5) AI 2 О 3. E) non-salt-forming oxide;

E) amphoteric oxide.

Give the names of the oxides.


Formula of substance: Class (group) of substances:

1) Cu (OH) 2; A) basic salt;

2) (CuOH) 2 CO 3; B) insoluble base;

3) AI (OH) 3; B) alkali;

4) Ba (OH) 2; D) amphoteric hydroxide;

5) Fe 2 (SO 4) 3. E) medium salt;

E) acid.


Reaction scheme:

1) НСI + NаОН ...; 3) CaO + CO 2 ...;

2) Mg + H 2 SO 4 (diluted) ...; 4) Cu (OH) 2….

B) exchange, exothermic;

E) exchange, endothermic;


1) Na 2 SO 4; A) alkaline;

2) CuCI 2; B) acidic;

3) KNO 2; B) neutral.

4) F e (NO 3) 2.


1) F e (OH) 2 + H 2 S O 4; A) Fe 2 (SO 4) 3 + H 2 O;

2) F e 2 O 3 + H 2 S O 4; B) FeO + H 2 O;

3) F e + H 2 S O 4; C) FeSO 4 + H 2;

4) F e (OH) 3 (heating). D) Fe 2 (SO 4) 3 + H 2;

E) FeSO 4 + H 2 O;

E) Fe 2 O 3 + H 2 O.

6. The chemical element nitrogen is a reducing agent in reactions, the schemes of which

A) CuO + N H 3 Cu + N 2 + H 2 O;

B) N O + Mg Mg O + N 2;

IN) N 2 O + S S O 2 + N 2;

D) H N O 2 + HI I 2 + N O + H 2 O;

D) N О 2 + KOH + О 2 КN О 3 + Н 2 О.

7. Irreversible chemical reactions are possible between solutions of substances, the formulas of which:

A) ZnCI 2 + K 2 S O 4; D) CaCl 2 + Mg (NO 3) 2;

B) Na 2 SO 4 + Ba (N O 3) 2; E) AgN O 3 + KI;

C) KOH + H 3 PO 4;

Test work number 2

on the topics "Chemical reactions", "Substances and their properties"

Option II

1. Establish a correspondence between the formula of a substance and a class (group) of substances.

Formula of substance: Class (group) of substances:

1) O 2; A) basic oxide;

2) CO; B) metal;

3) Zn; B) acidic oxide;

4) BeO; D) non-metal;

5) CO 2. E) non-salt-forming oxide;

E) amphoteric oxide.

Give the names of the oxides.

2 ... Establish a correspondence between the formula of a substance and a class (group) of substances.

Formula of substance: Class (group) of substances:

1) Ca (OH) 2; A) sour salt;

2) N ANSO 3; B) insoluble base;

3) Fe (OH) 2; B) alkali;

4) H 2 SiO 3; D) amphoteric hydroxide;

5) Cu (NO 3) 2. E) medium salt;

E) acid.

Give the names of three substances (optional).

3 ... Establish a correspondence between the reaction scheme and the characteristic of this reaction.

Reaction scheme:

1) Fe (OH) 3 ...; 3) Zn + HCI ...;

2) BaO + SO 3 ...; 4) H 2 SO 4 + KOH ....

Characteristics of the chemical reaction:

A) compounds, without changing the oxidation state;

B) substitution, exothermic;

B) exchange, exothermic;

D) compounds, redox;

E) exchange, endothermic;

E) decomposition, endothermic.

4. Establish a correspondence between the salt formula and the nature of the medium in its aqueous solution.

Salt formula: Nature of the medium:

1) Li 2 CO 3; A) alkaline;

2) Wa ( N O 3) 2; B) acidic;

3) ZnCI 2; B) neutral.

4) Ca (CH 3 COO) 2.

Write down the reaction equation for the hydrolysis of one salt (optional).

5. Establish a correspondence between the formulas of the starting materials and the reaction products.

Starting materials: Reaction products:

1) S O 3 + H 2 O; A) K 2 SO 4 + H 2 O;

2) S O 3 + KOH; B) H 2 S O 3;

3) S O 3 + K 2 O; C) K 2 SO 3;

4) S О 2 + KOH. D) H 2 SO 4;

E) K 2 SO 3 + H 2 O;

E) K 2 SO 4.

6. The chemical element sulfur is a reducing agent in reactions, the schemes of which

A) Cu + H 2 SO 4 CuSO 4 + SO 2 + H 2 O;

B) S + KCI O 3 SO 2 + H 2 O;

B) H 2 S + O 2 S O 2 + H 2 O;

D) SO 3 + KI I 2 + K 2 SO 3;

D) H N О 3 + S Н 2 SO 4 + NO 2 + Н 2 О.

For one of the reactions (optional), write down the electronic balance.

7. Solutions react with the formation of water:

1) aluminum hydroxide and nitric acid;

2) barium chloride and copper (II) sulfate;

3) calcium hydroxide and sulfuric acid;

4) silver nitrate and ammonium chloride;

5) phosphoric acid and barium hydroxide.

Write down the molecular and ionic equations for one of the irreversible reactions (optional).

Test work number 2

on the topics "Chemical reactions", "Substances and their properties"

III option

1. Establish a correspondence between the formula of a substance and a class (group) of substances.

Formula of substance: Class (group) of substances:

1) Cr 2 O 3; A) basic oxide;

2) Ag; B) metal;

3) N 2 O 5; B) acidic oxide;

4) N 2; D) non-metal;

5) K 2 O. E) non-salt-forming oxide;

E) amphoteric oxide.

Give the names of the oxides.

2 ... Establish a correspondence between the formula of a substance and a class (group) of substances.

Formula of substance: Class (group) of substances:

1) Cu OH; A) sour salt;

2) H N O 2; B) oxygen-free base;

3) N H 3 . H 2 O; B) alkali;

4) Cr (OH) 3; D) amphoteric hydroxide;

5) C a (HCO 3) 2. E) medium salt;

E) acid.

Give the names of three substances (optional).

3 ... Establish a correspondence between the reaction scheme and the characteristic of this reaction.

Reaction scheme:

1) Р 2 О 5 + К 2 О ...; 3) HN O 3 + Ba (OH) 2 ...;

2) Fe (OH) 2 ...; 4) АI + НСI….

Characteristics of the chemical reaction:

A) compounds, without changing the oxidation state;

B) substitution, exothermic;

B) exchange, exothermic;

D) compounds, redox;

E) exchange, endothermic;

E) decomposition, endothermic.

4. Establish a correspondence between the salt formula and the nature of the medium in its aqueous solution.

Salt formula: Nature of the medium:

1) CuSO 4; A) alkaline;) H 2 S + C

3) zinc nitrate and potassium hydroxide;

4) silver nitrate and magnesium chloride;

5) sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide.

Write down the molecular and ionic equations for one of the irreversible reactions (optional).

Test work number 2

on the topics "Chemical reactions", "Substances and their properties"

IV option

1. Establish a correspondence between the formula of a substance and a class (group) of substances.

Formula of substance: Class (group) of substances:

1) P 4; A) basic oxide;

2) N O; B) metal;

3) Wa; B) acidic oxide;

4) S O 2; D) non-metal;

5) CaO. E) non-salt-forming oxide;S O 3 + H 2 O ...; 3) AI (OH) 3 ...;

2) HCI + Ca (OH) 2 ...; 4) F е + НСI….

Characteristics of the chemical reaction:

A) substitution, exothermic;

B) compounds, without changing the oxidation state;

B) exchange, endothermic;

D) decomposition, endothermic;

E) exchange, exothermic;

E) compounds, redox.

4. Establish a correspondence between the salt formula and the nature of the medium in its aqueous solution.

Salt formula: Nature of the medium:

1) N H 4 CI; A) alkaline;

2) K 2 SO 4; B) acidic;

3) AICI 3; B) neutral.B) CO 2 + Mg MgO + C;

D) C + O 2 CO;

E) C + AI A I 4 C 3.

For one of the reactions (optional), write down the electronic balance.

7. Solutions react with the formation of gas:

1) sodium carbonate and hydrogen chloride;

2) sodium silicate and sulfuric acid;

3) potassium sulfide and sulfuric acid;

4) sodium sulfate and barium chloride;

5) ammonium chloride and sodium hydroxide.

Write down the molecular and ionic equations for one of the irreversible reactions (optional).

Option 1.
Part 1.

A 1. A similar configuration of the external energy level has chlorine atoms and
А 2. Properties of oxides in the series Al2O3 → SiO2 → P2O5 change
1.from amphoteric to acidic
2.from basic to acidic
3.from amphoteric to basic
4.from acidic to basic
A 3. The highest oxide of the element has the formula R2O5. Electronic configuration of an atom of an element
1.1s2 2s2 2p5
2.1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5
3.1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3
4.1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p64s1
А 4. The element with the most pronounced metallic properties:
4. rubidium
A 5. Sulfur exhibits the lowest oxidation state in the compound
1. Na2SO3
3. K2SO4
4. Al2S3
A 6. Which of these substances has a covalent polar bond?
1. NaCl
4. CaCl2
A 7. The molecular structure has:
A 8. Substances with a covalent polar bond are in the series:
1. NH3, SF6, H2S
2.CO2, N2, HF
3.KF, HF, CF4
4. SO2, NO2, Cl2
A 9. In the nucleus of an atom of one of the isotopes of chlorine there are 20 neutrons. What is the mass number (relative atomic mass) of this isotope?
1. 17
2. 20
3. 35
4. 3
A 10. In the list of substances, the formulas of which
A. H3PO4
B. H2CO3
E. HClO4
E. H2S
monobasic acids include
1. ABC
2. BVG
3. IOP
Part 2.

В 1. Establish a correspondence between an electronic formula and a chemical element.
Electronic formula Chemical element
A. 1S22S22P1 1. AI
B. 1S22S22P63S23P1 2.Si
B. 1S22S22P63S23P2 3.B
Part 3.
Solve the problem.
B 2. Calculate the mass of the salt formed as a result of the interaction of the barium hydroxide solution with a sulfuric acid solution containing 4.9 g of sulfuric acid.
Test number 1 on the topic: “The most important concepts and laws of chemistry. The theory of the structure of the atom. The structure and variety of substances ”.
Option 2.
Part 1.
Part 1 includes 10 tasks of level A. For each task, 4 answer options are given, of which only one is correct. For each correct answer 1 point is given.
A 1. The charge of the atomic nucleus is equal to the number
2.electrons in the outer electron layer
4.energy levels
A 2. What is the corresponding number of energy levels and the number of electrons in the external energy level selenium atom?
1. 2; 5
2. 3; 7
3. 4; 5
4. 4; 6
A 3. In which compound is the oxidation state of nitrogen +3?
1. Na3N
2. NH3
3. NH4Cl
4. HNO2
A 4. Element, the electronic configuration of the atom of which is 1s22s22p63s23p2, forms a hydrogen compound:
1. CH4
2. SiH4
3. H2O
A 5. In the molecules of hydrogen halides, the chemical bond
1.covalent non-polar
2.covalent polar
A 6. Substances with a low melting point have a crystal lattice:
A 7. The number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom 120Sn is
1. 50
2. 68
3. 70
4. 120
A 8. Metallic properties are most weakly expressed in:
A 9. The ionic bond is formed between 1. Na and K
2. Na and O
3.Si and O
4.Si and C
A 10. In the list of substances:
A. CH4
B. H2S
G. NH3
D. H5IO6
the acid class includes
1. ABC
2. OBD
3. BGD
4. VDE

Part 2.
Part 2 consists of level B assignments, to which you must give a short answer in the form of a number or a sequence of numbers. For each correct answer 2 points.
B 1. Electronic formula Chemical element
A. 1S22S2 1. Be
B. 1S22S22P6 2.Ne
B. 1S22S22P63S23P5 3.O
Part 3.
Solve the problem.
В 2. What is the mass of zinc chloride formed by the interaction of 32.5 g of zinc with acid?

Attached files

The manual contains options verification work for the implementation of thematic and final control of knowledge in chemistry in grade 11. Tasks included in the options for test papers are drawn up in accordance with the typology of tasks used in the framework of the unified state exam. For the convenience of work, in front of each thematic block of variants, a variant plan and a system for assessing tasks are given.

In a substance whose formula is PH3, the chemical bond
1) ionic
2) metal
3) covalent polar
4) covalent non-polar

A liquid volatile substance with a specific odor, the solution of which does not conduct electric current, has a crystal lattice
1) atomic
2) molecular
3) ionic
4) metal

The ordinal number of a chemical element is always
1) only the number of protons
2) only the number of electrons
3) the number of protons and neutrons
4) the number of protons and electrons

Topic 1. The structure of the atom. Structure of matter 10
Option 1 11
Option 2 14
Option 3 17
Option 4 20
Topic 2. Chemical reactions 23
Option 1 24
Option 2 27
Option 3 30
Option 4 33
Topic 3. Solutions. Electrolytic dissociation. Ion exchange reactions. Hydrolysis 36
Option 1 37
Option 2 40
Option 3 43
Option 4 46
Topic 4. Metals 49
Option 1 50
Option 2 53
Option 3 56
Option 4 59
Topic 5. Non-metals 62
Option 1 63
Option 2 66
Option 3 69
Option 4 72
Option 1 77
Option 2 80
Option 3 83
Option 4 86
Topic 1 89
Topic 2 93
Topic Z 99
Topic 4 104
Topic 5 110
Option 1 117
Option 2 118
Option 3 120
Option 4 121.

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Download the book Chemistry, Grade 11, Test papers in a new format, Dobrotin D.Yu., Snastina M.G., 2012 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • Unified State Exam 2019, Chemistry, Grade 11, Methodological Recommendations, Dobrotin D.Yu., Sviridenkova N.V., Snastina M.G.
  • Unified State Exam 2019, Chemistry, grade 11, Methodological recommendations, A.A. Kaverina, M.G. Snastina
  • Chemistry, Unified State Exam, Preparing for the final certification, Kaverina A.A., Medvedev Yu.N., Molchanova G.N., Sviridenkova N.V., Snastina M.G., Stakhanova S.V., 2019

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