How to strengthen teeth to a child for 5 years. Children's dentistry: care for the teeth of the child. From what should be refused

Anticorrosive 13.12.2020

Teeth are the organs of characteristic form, located in the oral cavity, have a nervous apparatus. Inside each of them there are blood and lymphatic vessels.

In total, an adult healthy person has 28 permanent elements of the jaw row, excluding 4 toys of wisdom that may appear in different periods of life.

The teeth are extremely important - in addition to aesthetic function, they process food (the digestion process begins in the oral cavity), participate in the communicative process during the conversation.

According to the founder, Gestalt psychotherapy, food instinct - one of the fundamental instincts that form the psyche.

A person who fears to go into the course of the jaw apparatus or did not learn how to do this, painting with food, will continue to suffer from inability to be managed with information and cope with difficult situations.

Therefore, the growth and development of healthy strong teeth is important not only from a physiological point of view, but also with psychological.

Patients weak teeth, their absence delivers discomfort, physical and emotional.

Follow the condition of the oral cavity and its individual elements is easy - it is enough to clean them daily, in the morning and in the evening, use a dental thread and a rinser for the mouth, visit the dentist to prevent prevention.

Children need to teach the skills to care for the oral cavity and teeth from the moment of the appearance of a dairy row.

Often, the kids tolerate cannot tolerate such procedures, because they are leaning from the hedgehog and evening cleaning and start on various tricks to avoid this two-minute process.

However, the correct care for the jaw from an early age is the key to dental health at the age of mature.

You can strengthen your teeth since childhood.

In this video, you will be told how and what you need to care for your jaws and ads. Pleasant viewing, take yourself a note!

  • Balanced diet. The lack of nutrients, vitamins and minerals can lead to bleeding of gums and loosening the root system. To strengthen tooth enamel, Lay on food rich in calcium. (Cheese, both cottage cheese, and solid, cottage cheese, fish). Eat vegetables, fruits, consume fresh squeezed juices (fruit and vegetable, mixtures thereof). Useful products from coarse grinding flour, seeds and nuts.
  • You need to refuse from too hot and cold products. Avoid their combinations. It is not necessary to drink ice cream hot coffee - the effects of the temperature difference fell indulged in the state of the enamel. The temperature differences lead to the formation of microcracks, which weakens the tooth, opens the path of caries.
  • Products that contribute to leash calcium and other microelements from bone tissue should be excluded from the menu or consume in limited quantities (they include salt, coffee). Destroys enamel and alcohol, especially strong alcoholic beverages (vodka, brandy).
  • Attending a dentist once a year needed. Preventive inspection will help prevent serious problems. It is easier to cure caries in the early stages of the development of pathology, than to deal with damage to the deep layers of pulp and dentin, as well as irreversible destruction of the tissue.

If the teeth are walking due to various diseases affecting the oral cavity, you will have to undergo a course of treatment (take medications to suppress the inflammatory process).

Strengthening the bodies of the jaw apparatus, the coarse food - carrots, apples, stale bread - a considerable amount of energy is spent on her chewing, it helps strengthen and develop the jaw muscles.

However, prick with the help of molars nuts and even seeds, nibble with cutters and fangs of handles and pencils, and in general, the teeth are not for the purpose (some lovers even nails are trying to pass up, the focuses are shown).

Such actions will only damage the bone tissue of the oral cavity, in addition there is a risk of enhancing infection, because the nut shell and the cap from the handle are not sterile.

They can be a source of infectious ailments, such as Stomatitis (small children are familiar with it, because they are lovers the world taste).

Children's teeth - adult responsibility

Strengthening children's teeth - the process that adults should be engaged.

  • Hygiene Mouth. Daily teach a child to clean (carefully) teeth. A true chosen brush and children's paste plays in strengthening the elements of the jaw row an important role. You can also buy sandy hours - to tell the child that it is necessary to clean the teeth until the sand is satisfied from one clock compartment to another.
  • Carrots and slices apples. While the teeth are cut and with the advent of first permanent teeth, children gives considerable pleasure to the process of licking and biting solid products. For this, there are also special teethers (rubber toys filled with gel). You can go to vegetables (cabbage, carrots) and fruits (solid apples) when the child learned to bite and chew without risk to bite off too much piece and stirred.
  • Massage Deaven. Massage is better with a soft brush. Finger - not suitable tool. So you will avoid bites (possible) and guaranteed not to make any infection to the baby;
  • Take a child not only to clean the oral cavity with the help of a brush, but also use dental thread, rinse your mouth after making food (especially desserts, sweet carbonated drinks, flour dishes).

Tooth strengthening by folk remedies

IN folk medicine There are many ways to strengthen the gums and enamel:

  • The decoction of the oak bark, the means that disinfects the mouth and helps stop the bleeding of the gums. It has a strong tanning effect.
  • The tincture of the Hypericum (on alcohol) helps with inflammatory processes and beat down a bad smell.
  • Replica decoction can also be used to strengthen the gums and refresh their breath.
  • Lubricate the inflamed gums can be lemon juice. To do this, it is better to use a brush, and it is necessary to do it carefully, because lemon juice heals the gums well, but destroys enamel.
  • Fresh garlic also strengthens the teeth and gums. Solo garlic is recommended to cheaze thoroughly. This procedure is not pleasant, although it is perfect for those who love piquant, sharp and sharp taste. After the procedure, do not forget to use the breathing freshener rinse.

Children's teeth from "A" to "I"

What affects bite
The excuse seems to be "we have in the family bad teeth" sounds unconvincing. In general, the wrong bite is not at all the "family feature" at all. It is more often formed under the influence of external factors.
Long breastfeeding is the first step towards the correct bite. Newborn the lower jaw is disproportionately small. During sucking, facial muscles train, gradually take the jaws fit form. Suck the bottle is much easier than breasts, the muscles do not work, and the lower jaw continues to "fall behind" from the top. If you stopped early breastfeedingBuy special anatomical nipples - tight and with small holes. The kid must work, getting herself to feed.
The first pillow is a serious question. If the pillow is too high, the lower jaw due to the pressure of the muscles is placing back and eventually fixed in that position. If the pillow is absent or too thin, the lower jaw is put forward forward, which is also bad.

The thymal thickness of the child's pillow after a year should be at least 3-4, but not more than 7 cm.
Solid food - for training chewing muscles after the cessation of breastfeeding. When the kid will shovel, leave small pieces of boiled vegetables in the rubber string, so that he is not lazy and learned to chew. Invite the purified pieces of apple, boiled to half-preparation carrot, unsweetened Sukharik.
Rahit is one of the reasons for the deformation of the jaw. Rachita prevention tools: sunbathing, breastfeeding, timely (but not premature!) Pring, Vitamin D.
Nasopharynx diseases (protracted runns, sinusites, adenoids, polyps) lead to the fact that the child constantly breathes his mouth. This can lead to a slowdown in the growth of the upper jaw.

Error correction
To correct the bite, young children are prescribed by mogymnastics - exercises for the muscles of the mouth. In more complex cases, removable plates for the expansion of the jaws are manufactured individually, in the cast. Children who have already begun or are about to change their teeth, often prescribe the so-called pre-defect coach - a silicone device, guiding constant teeth with teething. He is put on the night. Fashionable "braces" children preschool age Usually not prescribed: they may injure the emerging enamel of children's teeth and make it difficult for their cleaning.

Quickly to the dentist!
The appearance of dairy teeth is a reason for a visit to the dentist even if it seems to you that "everything is fine."

Acha may alert too closely "landing" of dairy teeth: By 6 years, the distance between them should be 1-1.5 mm, otherwise constant teeth, rubbering, do not fit on the vacant space. If a hole arose in the milk teeth, it should be treated - the premature removal of the milk tooth will necessarily affect the formation of bite.
For the first time to visit the dentist stands immediately after the kid has a first tooth come: the doctor will appreciate the quality of the enamel, checks how the bite is formed. If everything is in order, the next visit can be applied after a year. If the baby falls into the risk group, the doctor will recommend coming every 4 months. After a year, the child should be shown a dentist once every six months. And not postponing if you notice any changes to the dental enamel at the kid: Damage, specks, grooves.
Children do not like to go to the dentist.
They differ little from adults. But the earlier, the baby will be in the dental office, the less chance that he will have to become him frequent in the future.

Still fall out!?
There is an opinion that the dairy teeth is temporary, which means no particular attention to. All will fall out, and others will grow in their place. That's right. Only the health of these, others, largely depends on the state of dairy.

Milk teeth are more vulnerable:
By the time of teething, milk teeth were not mineralized finally, their enamel fragile and defenseless before bacteria.
Due to the specifics of the structure of the structure of the structure of dairy teeth, the process of destruction of the tooth goes rapidly.

Ries very quickly goes into the pulpitis inflammation of the nerve) and periodontitis (inflammation of the near-corrosive fabrics).
Premature removal of milk tooth leads to deformation of bite, impaired articulation, problems with digestion
Elizabeth Pinskaya, children's dentist, mom four years old daughter
In the early stages of Caries, the doctor may recommend special calcium gels that can restore the slightly "pitted" enamel.
If a small cavity appeared in the tooth, the children's dentists try to dispense with non-immutable flammable methods of treatment.
In case of massive damage to the dairy teeth, the bottle caries requires such treatment methods that will not give the process to develop further and keep the teeth before their shift. Previously, the teeth were covered with silver. But this method is effective only at the earliest stage of caries. In addition, the teeth from silver will be black, which does not adorn the children's smile. Today in large dental centers make special crowns on dairy teeth, which allows you to fully restore their appearance.
If the teeth save failed, it is necessary to install a special extender or children's removable prosthesis to keep the place for a constant tooth.

Bottle caries
Artificial mixtures, in contrast to breast milk, are an excellent nutrient medium for bacteria living in the mouth, which in the process of vital formation form acid that destroys the barely appeared teeth. As a result, the so-called "bottle of caries" develops.

If you use the mixture:
do not let the child suck the bottle in bed before bedtime
Do not add to milk and other drinks sugar
After a year, teach the baby to drink from the cup
Clean your teeth and gums after each meal
Visit the dentist as soon as the child has a first tooth
Typically, the first teeth appear in children in the area of \u200b\u200bsix months, but for a few weeks before that when the tooth begins to move in the gum, the crumb becomes restless, the gums red and swell, the salivation increases. When the tooth comes to the surface of the gums, most children are experiencing strong pain. Easy the condition of the baby can special painkillers based on lidocaine. However, it is not necessary to abuse them. Try to calm the baby with the help of ancient drugs: teethers, apple slices, violet root, and use a potent drug overnight.

Learning to brush your teeth
Starting to clean the baby teeth need from the moment they shift. You can take a piece of gauze, cover yourself on an index finger, and carefully clean the tiny teeth.

I care for the first teeth is perfectly suitable for a finger toothbrush - a silicone cap with soft tubercles. It is necessary to do this as follows:
Top teeth - Brush moves down from the gums
Bottom teeth - Brush moves up from gums
Cutting surfaces - Brush moves horizontally
Gums - Brush makes circular massaging movements
Your actions should be extremely neat, gentle, so as not to injure the gentle, very thin mucous membrane of the oral cavity.
After a year, you will need a real toothbrush. The first brush should have a small head (the size of no more than 2-2.5 teeth), soft bristles from polyestera. A handle of a toothbrush intended for a one-year-old baby must be comfortable first for you. After two years, you can start teaching the baby to brush your teeth on your own. Do it gently, in the form of the game, offer the crumb to clean your teeth mom, dad, bunny. At first, the baby will not so much brushing his teeth as just to carry in the mouth with a brush. So you will have to be addressed to the teeth "hand of the master".

It's a question of time
Typically, the first tooth breaks up at 5-6 months. If your baby's teeth are delayed with the appearance of up to 8-12 months - there is nothing terrible in it: each one is! By the way, it is noted that the later the first teeth appear, the less painful growth and the better their condition. And you do not need to recalculate the teeth daily, fearing that "even enough" or "something everyone immediately got up."

How to strengthen the enamel of the teeth at home?

Strengthening teeth by folk remedies will allow to keep the family budget. Unlike expensive dental services, folk recipes It is not difficult to cook yourself and most of the ingredients are already at home. The lack of such a method is a systematic and long-term use of regenerating funds. With due diligence and the right approach, the lost dental enamel can be returned.

Cleaning teeth from food residues and plaque - a prerequisite for any recovery method. Clear mouth cavity can be propolis if you chew it after eating. For cleaning the teeth fit the infusion of propolis. 2-3 drops of tincture are dripped on a soft brush and neatly, without applying efforts, clean your teeth.

The last meal is recommended to complete the hygienic procedures of the oral cavity, followed by its rinse with anti-salt solution. Restoration of dental enamel, decrease in the bleeding of the gums and eliminating the brownness of the teeth is possible if you cook a decoction from oak bark, pine needles or eucalyptus leaves.

Additionally rinse your mouth in the morning or during the day, you can alcohol tincture of calendula. It is pre-diluted with water in a 1: 5 ratio.

Cleansing and restoring dental enamel by folk remedies does not always imply the use of unpleasant homemade recipes. Many people will like a salad-gum salad made from sea cabbage, basilica and sage. After a few minutes of chewing such a mixture, it can be swallowed.

Another reinforcing folk remedy is an egg shell powder. It is not difficult to prepare it at home. It will be necessary to take the shell from the egg, wash it out and dry. Then take the pitch and grind well. A small amount of powder is subject to use daily, on the tip of the knife. But the effect will be noticeable only if you add 1-2 drops of lemon juice in front of the chopped egg shell before use.

Children's teeth reinforcing recipes

Both dairy and constant teeth need constant care. Without compliance with the rules of hygiene, lack of vitamin and other things, during the growth of children often observed dental problems. Genetic predisposition to the thinning of dental enamel also plays a latter role.

The preservation of the integrity of the dental enamel in childhood is the key to the health of the teeth and the lack of problems in the future. Treatment in children is somewhat different from adults. They are not recommended to use the folk remedies in which alcohols are included.

Any treatment or prevention of dentition of dental enamel recipes of traditional medicine, especially in children, should be carried out with great care and after consulting a doctor. The use of one or another means instead of a positive result may cause harm to the entire body. Many drugs used in traditional medicine are strong allergens. Individual intolerance to one of the components of any means cooked at home to strengthen the teeth will be contraindicated to its use.

  1. The toothpaste and the child's brush must be specifically selected by age.
  2. If there is no allergies on the products of life bees, instead of the baby, the child give propolis.
  3. Eat right. Food must be balanced and contain everything necessary Minerals and vitamins. Preference is given to boiled water or missed through a special cleaning filter. Carbonated water is contraindicated. It flits calcium from the body.

Diet strengthening dental enamel

Proper nutrition is a pledge of health not only the teeth, but also the whole organism. Teeth fortress contribute to vitamins: A, C and D and chemical elements: Magnesium, calcium, zinc and fluorine. Optionally every day to use all the necessary minerals and elements. It is recommended to make a power chart in which products with those or other useful properties will be distributed evenly.

Strong tooth enamel contribute:

  1. Dairy porridge, kefir, cheeses, cottage cheese, milk.
  2. Garlic and onions.
  3. Sesame seeds. It is preferable to add them to green salads. Eating together with flour products is not effective.
  4. White cabbage, orange, lemon, black currant, kiwi and other products that can grow on a garden rich in vitamin C.
  5. Celery and parsley. Contribute to improving microflora in the mouth, clean the teeth from the plaque, reduce the number pathogenic bacteria In the oral cavity and improve the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Horseradish. Destroys a large number of microorganisms contributing to the destruction of dental enamel and the formation of caries.

Pregnancy and teeth

During pregnancy, many women face the problem of dental destruction. Many factors contribute to this phenomenon, the main of which is hormonal imbalance.

How to strengthen the enamel of the teeth while tooling the child, asks the question almost every woman. Most medicinal preparations It is contraindicated to future mothers, so you can save your teeth from final destruction to be a folk remedy, having previously consulted by the doctor.

Preferred herbal beams or infusions are not worth it. They are dangerous by the development of an allergic reaction. Pregnant woman, in addition to compliance with the hygiene of the oral cavity with a toothbrush or thread, it is recommended to use the following recipes that are not difficult to prepare at home:

  1. The rinser for the mouth from dried eggplant and salt. Eggplant peel must be dried in the oven or in the sun, and then skip through the meat grinder. The resulting powder is mixed with salt and dissolved in a glass of water. Rinse your mouth every day.
  2. Replace or alternate cleaning the teeth of non-familiar toothpaste, but chopped activated carbon. Before cleaning teeth tablet activated coal You need to wet a few water drops to prevent damage to the gums dry tablet.
  3. Independent light gum massage. During the massage, the process of blood circulation in the gums is improved, which contributes to the better supply of the tooth with nutrients.
  4. Strengthen the tooth enamel will help the essential oil of the tea tree. It is added to the usual toothpaste.
  5. Green tea. It not only positively affects the work of the nervous system. The tea leaves contain such a substance as Catechin, which is the strongest antioxidant. In addition, destroys pathogenic microorganisms, which contribute to the thinning of the dental enamel and the formation of caries.

You can use these recipes after delivery, while breastfeeding.

Dental function

The main goal of enamel is to ensure the protection of the tooth from the changing conditions in the oral cavity. For example, from high and low temperatures, as well as mechanical impacts. Enamel consists of already dead cells. Scratch on its surface, as well as any of its damage - a reason for a visit to a dentist. That such campaigns are less, you need to know how to strengthen the dental enamel.

The pain emanating from the teeth is very unpleasant. It will be avoided by the observance of the rules of care for them and the oral cavity. Not always pain proceeds from the depths of the tooth, often the cause is a thin tooth enamel.

Causes of problems with enamel of teeth

Dental enamel covers our teeth from all sides and protects them from damage. It has high strength, hardness with its small thickness. As well as a high degree of resistance, and it is not so easy to break it. However, time takes its own, and it is thinning. This leads to teeth diseases, including caries. How to strengthen the enamel of the teeth and not suffer from wild pain, everyone should know.

The dentin layer is the end of the nerve fibers. Therefore, the dentin layer is already on damage to the surface of the tooth. He also informs us that food is burning hot or ice. In the absence of an enamel shell, dentin is subjected to devastating effects. As a result, the yellowness of the teeth and caries.

Excessive wear of the protective shell occurs in places of contact of the teeth. Therefore, it is important to understand how to strengthen the enamel of the house.

Everyday work

The teeth are not standing on the shelf, and daily work on our blessing, eating food. Such work has its consequences: enamel is wears, and also exposed to acids. In order to deal with this, nature created the process of remineralization, in which enamel regularly gets the necessary trace elements from saliva. Therefore, you should not wonder how to strengthen the enamel of the teeth, if the bathroom does not cost toothbrushes and pasta.

It is worth remembering that regular disorders of the rules of oral hygiene, as well as unbalanced nutrition, are able to reduce all the efforts of our body. In this case, remineralization is difficult and practically not carried out. This leads to the destruction of a thin dental enamel. Performance simple rules It is capable of smoothing this problem and even completely get rid of it. Following them will help to restore the destroyed or thinner enamel.

Enamel Restoration Actions

If the problem of spoiled enamel touched you, then this section is for you. Dental practice collected many ways to solve this task. If you think that a good toothpaste with fluorine and calcium can save the position, then you are deeply mistaken. This is just one of the preventive techniques, the same as the gum mass. Fit correctly, in your diet must be products containing fluorine, calcium and vitamin D (dairy and fish products, eggs and others). Dentists know exactly how to strengthen dental enamel, and offer paid procedures to all their patients.

We list the methods of recovery of dental enamel:

  • Fluorination. Applying funds with fluorine.
  • Remineralization. We have already mentioned about it.
  • Restoration. It is used in mechanical enamel defects. Performed with a special sealing material.
  • Implantation. The newest method. It is to transplant tissue that resembles the appearance and properties of natural enamel.
  • Liminir and veneers.

What should I refuse?

In all these methods, dentists are well understood, they will appoint you one or more of them. Their decision should be based on the ineners you have. Simple truth states that warn the disease is much easier and cheaper than to treat it. But what is so actively destroying the surface of the tooth? Consider the main reasons:

  • Sour drinks. Including juices from fruit. Their negative impact on dental enamel is clinically proven.
  • Sweet food. As well as products containing a lot of starch. Their use leads to the erosion of the dental surface.
  • Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract organs disturbed by salivation, diseases having a genetic nature.
  • Medications. Antihistamines, as well as acetylsalicylic acid contribute to the destruction of the enamel of the teeth.
  • Mechanical. Excessive pressure with a brush when cleaning the teeth. Cleaning may result in damage for half an hour after meals, as the tooth enamel becomes softer under the influence of acids. Stressful situations can only aggravate the situation.

It is important to know how to strengthen the enamel of the teeth in children and at home. Simple methods will help avoid mass problems.

The listed tips are available to each of us, and follow them will strengthen the dental enamel and reduce the risk of serious problems.

  • Every day in the morning and in the evening brushing your teeth with a toothpaste having calcium and fluorine in its composition.
  • Eat foods containing calcium. Preference is worth sending vegetables, fruits, porridge and nuts.
  • Do not forget about milk and cottage cheese.

How to strengthen the enamel of teeth at home if characteristic pain appeared? First you need to include the necessary products in the diet.

According to experts, calcium contained in dairy products is absorbed in human organism Thirty percent. But from the products of plant origin, it is absorbed by fifty percent. Many calcium contains beans, peas and lentils, broccoli and others. It is necessary to reduce the use of coffee and soda, which wash out calcium from the body. Celery causes enhanced salivation. Ornate calcium sesame seed. Vitamin C, important to maintain a healthy gum state, can be obtained from strawberries and kiwi.

It is worth reduce in its diet the amount of canned products, sausages, as well as meat. He is advised to eat not every day or limit the use of two grams per day. Of course, you should not forget about the hygienic procedures of the oral cavity, regular visits to the dentist and balanced nutrition. We also propose to learn how to strengthen the enamel of the teeth by folk remedies. Indeed, in distant times there were no pastes and special powders.

Folk methods to help strengthen enamel

Small enamel defects can be tried to correct themselves in their home. The first procedure is desirable to do before bedtime. Dissolve two tablespoons of cook salt in a glass of water. Water should be warm. Salt can be used and sea. Rinse the oral cavity with the resulting solution.

Simple secrets of a beautiful smile

Another way concerns the cleaning of the teeth. Use instead of paste activated carbon with water. Coal tablets need to dissolve in a small amount of water to a porridge state. Dental enamel can occasionally process the back side of the lemon peel (it is white). The method is rather radical, but leads to whitening enamel.

These tips will help you strengthen and restore dental enamel. They are simple and accessible to everyone. However, the most important thing in this is prevention. Now you know how to strengthen the enamel of the teeth and what products are simply obliged to be on your desk.

Methods for the treatment of dental enamel

Why is the enamel thread?

Hyperresthesia cannot be confused with a pulpit. Although pain attacks are similar, strong, buty, but when pulpitis, they are more prolonged, often emerging at night, not giving calmly.

And in the sensitivity of the dental enamel, the pain occurs not just so, but from hot, cold, sweet, sour. Hyperresthesia, if the enamel is damaged strongly, can be seen by external signs.

Treatment of the enamel of the teeth is appointed by a doctor based on the cause and degree of illness.

1) At mild hyperesthesia assigned:

  • 10-15 fluorination sessions, appliques from calcium and fluorine salts;
  • electrophoresis using calcium glider phosphate solution;
  • the teeth are covered with varnish containing calcium and sodium fluorides.

2) if the second and third degree of sensitivity of the teeth, then the enamel of the enamel of modern sealing materials is required.

3) If hyperesthesia arose because of the caries, then it is enough to clean the oral cavity and put a seal.

4) With regular damage to Enamel, the doctor reveals the reason, often this is an incorrect taste, in this case, orthodontic treatment is required.

Polyvitamins are often prescribed, drugs for the establishment of phosphorous calcium metabolism in the body.

The first thing you must do at the first signs of hyperesthesia is to change the toothpaste and purchase another with a high fluorine and calcium content. Better, of course, first get advice from the dentist, he will pick you up toothpaste.

Causes of dental enamel sensitivity

  1. The strongest destroyer of dental enamel is apple and lemon juice. With long-term use of juices, enamel is strongly destroyed.
  2. Caries and other injuries of teeth internal and external.
  3. During pregnancy or menopause, serious changes in the body occur, for example, a failure in the thyroid gland.
  4. Violation of Ffosphor Calcium metabolism.
  5. Stresses, nervous psychological diseases.
  6. The enamel is strongly acting soda, lemon zest, salt, so you can not whiten the teeth with these substances.

Folk recipes for the treatment of dental enamel

There are many useful folk methods for the treatment of dental enamel.

  1. In a glass of water, drip three drops of tea tree oil. Rinse four times a day.
  2. Dried eggplant crust pour boiling water and leave for a couple of hours. Excellent rope for rinsing.
  3. You can rinse with cucumber juice, turnips, wilderness mixed with honey. But rinsing should be frequent.
  4. It is useful to chew propolis or apply an alcohol tincture for rinsing.
  5. Take the floor of a teaspoon of soda and a few drops of a tea tree. Divide the water and rinse.
  6. Often, it is better to eat porridge in food daily with germinated wheat grains and boil Kissel from them.
  7. Take a pinch of sea salt, drip olive oil, drops three and rub into teeth, after cleaning.

Prevention and strengthening of dental enamel

Strengthen the enamel of the teeth you can folk remedies. Help rummage of grasses helps well.

Take herbs and mix in the same quantities:

  • boring oak;
  • reurenger;
  • chamomile;
  • highlander snake;
  • calendula;
  • sage.

Cooking the infusions are very simple: the tablespoon of the grain mixture is poured with boiling water and on a small fire is brought to a boil. An hour later, you can already rinse your mouth after eating.

Conclusion: To strengthen the dental enamel, there are many products of rich in calcium, visit the dentist, take care of your teeth, use the soft or medium stiffness to the toothbrush and rinse the mouth with the mouth of herbs.

Best regards, Olga.

Strengthening of dental enamel folk remedies

There are different folk Methods Strengthening the enamel of teeth. Among the most radical measures are the purification of dental tissue with the help of white lemon zest. But this method is recommended to be used only if other options are not at all possible, since this substance is quite aggressively affecting the guys and teeth.

Brush teeth moistened in water powder, which is obtained from 2-chopped activated carbon tablets - the procedure is carried out twice a week.

Approximately 7-10 days in the evenings rinse the mouth with a conventional solution of soda or sea salt (1 tbsp. Powder for 1 stack. Warm water).

Another an effective way - Stop drinking drinks (for example, sweet gas), contributing to the development of deunt enamel demineralization.

Strengthening of dental enamel at home

To strengthen dental enamels at home, it is necessary to perform some additional procedures in addition to cleaning the teeth. For example, apply a paste on teeth and hold it about 2-3 minutes - this method will help useful items to absorb the enamel.

You can perform a small massage guy. Washing out hands, massage the surface of the gums with simple circular movements - first to the right left, and then on the contrary. This method improves blood circulation in the gums, which in turn contributes to improved enamel nutrition.

Independent conducting of remineralization of teeth - it is carried out by using products containing calcium and other mineral elements. First, it is milk and fermented milk products, and secondly - lentils, beans, peas, beans, broccoli, celery and other vegetables, as well as fruits (it should be noted that there are them necessary fresh - only so they will be most useful as possible) . It follows such a remineralization to everyone, but it is especially necessary for pregnant women, since they have a risk of enamel destruction much higher.

Before starting an independent strengthening of dental enamel, you should consult with a dentist in order to obtain recommendations for optimal for your teeth of therapeutic preparations containing fluorine with calcium. Also, the doctor will be able to tell how it is necessary to make a massage Massage. Only thanks to the correct care of the oral cavity, your teeth will remain healthy and beautiful.

Strengthening of dental enamel in children

The strengthening of the baby's dental enamel can be carried out using the fluorination procedure.

Fluorine is an important trace element for the body that promotes the right growth of teeth. In the process of fluorination, dental specialists use specific compounds of this substance - fluorides. They allow us to reduce the solubility of the dental enamel and reduce the amount of acid isolated by bacteria. In addition, fluorides help restore damaged enamel.

There are two methods for the dental fluorination - simple and deep.

Simple fluoridation is performed by 2 ways:

  1. Enamel is covered with a special varnish containing fluoride. At first, the dentist removes the dental with the teeth, after which it causes a means to their surface and then dries with the lamp. In order for the effect to be better, it is necessary to start performing fluoridation of varnish immediately after the teeth shovel, and regularly repeat it - twice a year.
  2. The imposition on the teeth of special casts (cap). They are manufactured individually for each patient, and inside them are filled with fluorine-containing substance, such as gel with fluoride and aminofluoride PARO Fluor Gel or the healing gel of the end with fluorides. After that, they are imposed by a child on the teeth about 15 minutes. In order for the result to be qualitative, it is necessary to perform 10-15 such procedures.

The deep fluorination method is considered to be the most efficient way to restore the enamel of the teeth.

In the process of conducting such a healing procedure, a whole range of actions is carried out:

  • The teeth, as well as the space between them, is cleared of the fall and the dental stone, after which they are thoroughly dried;
  • Next, they are applied to them, which contains fluorides, as well as copper and magnesium salts, and then dried again;
  • After that, the enamel is treated with calcium hydroxide.
  • Sore language after dentist inflammation of salivary gland symptoms treatment How to rinse the mouth of hydrogen peroxide

To the teeth of the child were strong and did not affect caries, they are important to support vitamins and mineral connections. Therefore, every mom should learn which vitamins are important for children's teeth and how to get them out of food or from vitamin supplements.

What vitamins are needed for teeth and gums

Strengthening teeth

The most important for teeth with vitamins are:

  • Vitamin A. It is important for the growth of bones, protein synthesis and new cells. With a shortage of this vitamin, the bones of the child suffer and his teeth. The deficiency of vitamin A is able to lead to the curvature of the teeth and the appearance of stomatitis, as well as to reduce the strength of the enamel. Also the lack of retinol is able to provoke an incorrect bite and dental loss.
  • Vitamin D. It participates in mineral exchange, affecting calcium assimilation, so without such a vitamin bone and teeth will be less solid and more fragile, and their development will break. The lack of vitamin E affects the growth of bones and provokes the ending of enamel.

Among the mineral compounds to strengthen the teeth, calcium and phosphorus are the most valuable.

Important for enamels and other minerals, including:

  • zinc,
  • sodium,
  • potassium,
  • iron,
  • magnesium.

Strengthening the gums

Simultaneously with care about the teeth themselves, it is important to take care of the state of the gum of the child, because their diseases are also able to lead to the defeat of the teeth and even their falling out. To the gums of children remain healthy, such substances are needed:

  • Vitamin C. Its shortage adversely affects the state of the gum, causing their bleeding and ulcerative lesions. As a result, the child appears an unpleasant smell of mouth, and the teeth are loosened.
  • Vitamins of group V.Among them, G12, B1, B6 and B2 are most important for the health of the gums, since their deficit provokes an inflammatory process in the mouth.
  • Vitamin E. With its shortage, the gums are inflamed, and their damage is worse.
  • Vitamin RR. It protects the gums from the appearance of gingivitis, as well as stomatitis.
  • Vitamin K. Its enough prevents the bleeding of the gums.

Teeth strengthening products

The main sources of vitamins that strengthen teeth and gums of children are food.To prevent the diseases of the oral cavity and maintaining the teeth of the child in his diet should be:

  • Milk products.
  • Wheat, oatmeal and other cereals.
  • Butter.
  • Eggs.
  • Meat products.
  • Fish and seafood.
  • Citrus, grapes, black currant and other fruits, as well as berries.
  • Rosehip.
  • Cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, carrots and other vegetables.
  • Greens.
  • Vegetable oil.

Vitamin complexes for teeth

If parents want to supplement the children's diet with additives, which contain important vitamins and mineral connections for teeth, they often choose vitamins with calcium, as well as with phosphorus. Most popular such complexes:

  • Calcium + muts. Such an additive is made in the form of delicious marmalade bears, which give children from 3 years of age. The drug includes vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus, therefore it has a positive effect on the state of the teeth.

  • Alphabet. Vitamins that strengthen the teeth and the gum mucosa are present in all complexes of this brand. Their advantage is considered to be separated by nutrients for several daily doses, each of which substances are combined, which together are absorbed better. For teeth of a child in vitamins, our baby is designed to sachet with calcium and vitamins B5, B12, D and B9. In other complexes, the alphabet has yellow or white tablets, the basis of which are calcium and vitamin D3. They also have vitamins K, B12, B5, N, B9 and Chrome.

  • Multi-Tab kid calcium +.Such a multivitamin complex for 2-7-year-old children gives a child 13 vitamin compounds, as well as 7 mineral substances, among which are important for dentals.

In violation of metabolic processes in dental tissues, there is a bad enamel on the teeth in the child. The main reason for the development of such pathology in the kid is a transferred infectious or viral disease to a pregnant woman during the period of tooling the child when the formation of teeth gains. Do not ignore such a problem as weak enamel of teeth in children. It is recommended to contact the children's dentist, conduct timely treatment of dairy teeth to prevent their destruction.

Milk teeth dental enamel hypoplasia is a pathology that develops due to violation of metabolic processes in developing chewing units. With the development of this disease, the child has a deterioration in the state of the enamel of the teeth, it becomes thinner, cracks appear on it, the protective layer is often subjected to carious lesions. To prevent unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to strengthen dental enamel in children. For this, various methods are used in dental practice.

It is important to turn to a specialist in time when any problems with the protective layer of dentition appear, since it does not occur independently to strengthen the dental enamel, it cannot independently regenerate.

Why the protective layer suffers

The thinning of the enamel of the teeth occurs in violation in the metabolic processes in the body, as a result of which the tissue of growing teeth do not receive the desired number of protein and mineral structures. Such a phenomenon may occur in the prenatal period, in the age category from six months to one and a half years, when milk and permanent units are mineralized and mineralized.

Pathology in the development of dairy units are due to such factors:

  1. Complicated pregnancy. This includes: pathology - strong toxicosis, rezv conflict;
  2. todded in the period of tooling the baby of the disease - toxoplasmosis, rubella, diseases of the organs of the endocrine system, flu, syphilis, HIV infection; Receiving the future mother of antibacterial drugs or hormonal medicines.

Chronic diseases of chronic form - infection, diseases of the digestive system, rickets, dysfunction in brain activity, different forms of dystrophy.

Insufficient amount of fluorine and calcium in the body also adversely affect the state of the protective layer of the tooth row. Exterior factors can cause a deterioration in the state of dental enamels - the use of a large amount of sweets, acidic products, the lack of full hygiene, the presence of bad habits - nail polishes, handles or pencils, as well as bruxism, in which constant friction worsens the condition of the teeth.

How to strengthen the enamel of the teeth - will prompt a children's dentist after a preliminary inspection and examination. It is important to establish the cause of the development of the problem, exclude it. Only after this dental treatment will be effective.

Procedure of simple fluorination

As a dental enamel in a child can be strengthened - in each case, the doctor decides after inspection. The most frequent procedure that strengthens the surface of chewing units is fluoridation. It is offered in many dental clinics. Fluorine is one of the most important trace elements, which is required for the right growth and development of teeth. The fluorination procedure involves the use of special fluoride compounds - fluoride, which reduce the solubility of the enamel, reduce the degree of excitation of acid bacteria, help restore the protective layer.

A qualified specialist will appreciate the state of the dental surface in the child, if necessary, decide what to do in a particular case and how to strengthen the enamel of the teeth. Simple fluoridation is carried out in two options:

  1. Enamel on teeth are covered with fluorine-containing varnish. It is pre-removed by falling, after which varnish is applied to the surface, dried under the halogen lamp. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to carry out such a procedure immediately after the milk teeth cut. Repeat it once every six months.
  2. Use cap. The dentist makes the cast in each case, fills them with fluorine-containing means. After that, the cast is superimposed on the surface of the dentition. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. To achieve maximum effect, at least 10 procedures should be carried out.

Features of deep fluorination

The most effective method of restoring enamel is a deep fluorination procedure. This is a reinforced method of restoration of the surface of the protective layer. To carry out a deep fluorination procedure, the dentist conducts such manipulations:

  • teeth and interzable space are thoroughly cleaned from plaque and stone, dried;
  • the drug is applied, which contains a salt of magnesium, copper and fluoride, then it is dried;
    Enamel is treated with calcium hydroxide.

During these manipulations, the molecules of the substances used are penetrating deep into the micropores of the protective layer, due to which its effective remineralization and long-term bactericidal effect is ensured. This procedure is recommended to be carried out at least once a year (in the worst case, once a year and a half).

The systematic strengthening of the child's protective layer is important to spend from the beginning of the teething of dairy teeth. The fluorination procedure is excellent prevention of caries and enamel damage.

Preventive actions

To preserve the beauty of a smile in a child, it is very important to teach it from an early age correctly for her to care for her. Turning to dentistry, you can strengthen and restore the surface of the tooth. And to prevent the development of all sorts of problems with the help of prophylaxis. Important is careful hygiene of the oral cavity. It is recommended to use a brush with a bristled medium stiffness and a paste with a fluorine allowed for children. Purification of the dentition should be carried out daily, twice a day. All movements should be circular, run at least three minutes. Horizontal movements can injure the surface, it must be explained by the child. It must correctly carry out cleaning procedures.

An important condition for preserving the health of the teeth is the observance of proper nutrition. The diet should be saturated with products that contain in its composition calcium and fluorine - fermented milk products, different types of nuts - almonds, hazelnuts, walnut, legumes - peas, beans, poultry meat (chicken, turkey), solid varieties of cheeses, oatmeal and buckwheat cereals. If necessary, undergo a course of receiving multivitamine complexes appointed by the doctor. Be sure to visit the child a dentist at least once every six months, which will find any pathology of development and will conduct fluoridation or other types of treatment if necessary.

Everyone probably knows that the child has already twenty tools for two years. However, it does not always happen, often the kids numbered them only sixteen.

In order to reassure young mothers in this matter and protect from vain experiences, let's figure out how many teeth should be in the children of the two-year-old age.

In essence, in children in the period two years, the presence of twenty teeth is considered the norm. But since the body of each person is absolutely individual, the time of teething is significantly different.

On the fifth day month of life, the first milk tooths begin to appear. At the same time, if the baby grows and develops normally, it is not located for colds, not transferred any infectious diseases And he does not get rickets, then the teeth in the child have 2 years grow quickly and by two years he must have a full mouth of the milk teeth - already twenty pieces. However, if the main cutters begin to be sick only at eight or nine months, then to the two-year-old age from twenty, we will have time to grow only sixteen.

In a similar case, it is not necessary to worry, the late tooths will seem in any case, but only a little later. By the way, there is an opinion that the larger the babies begin to germinate the tooths, the stronger they will fall later. Pay attention to how many teeth should be in a two-year-old baby, of course, it is necessary, but it should also be accepted that they are not very important than their number, but quality.

Caries Children's dairy teeth, why it arises, treatment and prevention of caries

Today, the caries of children's teeth is considered a widespread disease among the inhabitants of the age of two to three years.

For example, in our country, eighty percent of children suffer from a disease of the solid tooth tissues. Enough shocking data, is it not true? With all this, many mammies, upset about the heard annoying news from the dentist, cannot be urgent, where this unpleasant disease came from. As the teeth, the baby is brushing systematically and regularly, sweet much he does not eat, but often uses products rich on calcium, namely cottage cheese, cereal, milk and so on. In fact, the causes of the occurrence of caries on the milk teeth can be formed in the intrauterine period. And everything is associated with the fact that the diet of the future mommy is not compiled correctly, plus the all overwhelmed various diseases with the reception of drug drugs, which directly affects the dental primaries, especially when early pregnancy. Actually, therefore, immediately when milk teeth appear in a child and amazed by caries.

There is also a number of reasons for which a similar disease may occur at an early age:

  • Invalid care for the oral cavity of crumbs;
  • Long-term use of nipples-pacifier;
  • Long feeding baby from a bottle.

In order to prevent and prevent the appearance of caries, you need to regularly brush your teeth in a child for 2 years. To date, there is a huge range among the yield hygiene, which allow you to organize these process as convenient as possible and correctly. Cleaning milk tooths only by those brushes, which have soft bristles. By the way, today they can be found in the form of an attack. The child at the age of two years can already be used and the usual children's brush with a special toothpaste, which must not be taken as the second, and this in order for it to be swallowed. Since up to three years old, the child can rinse his mouth and cannot spit.

As for the treatment of caries of children's teeth in our country, today it is available. Special sealing and processing of bormer allow this kind of disease quickly and efficiently. Thus, eliminates the possibility of unwanted removal of dairy teeth, which ultimately leads to problems with the metabolism and the cause of incorrect bite becomes. Thus, a list of problems, which one in one can lead to a child's disease in a child for 2 years, is solved.

Ways to strengthen teeth

First, it is necessary to remember that part of the teeth protruding on the surface of the gums (that is, the crowns) is formed on the gums until the child's birth from those substances that the future mother with food receives from the moment of conception. These studies have shown substances that are particularly useful for strengthening teeth, and this is: calcium, phosphorus (ferocular products), group D vitamins (as sun ray and concentrate), with (in the form of citrus products, cabbage, concentrate and fresh tomatoes). In addition, vitamins A and B, in all likelihood, are also important as other substances. Do not get tired of reminding the dangers of sweets and a variety of confectionery products for the child in a child of 2 years.

Permanent indigenous teeth begin to climb the kids aged six years and begin to strengthen a couple of months after their appearance. At this age, do not limit the child in the products that contain a large amount of calcium and phosphorus in its composition (mainly dairy products). A C. monthly age The newborn should receive vitamins of group C and D (often young moms give them as concentrates). Fluoro, which is part of the water, strengthens the teeth of man well. Also, fluorine is a very valuable substance for building healthy teeth. It must be in the composition of the power menu, both a pregnant woman and a small child at the time of formation of indigenous teeth. In those countries that can boast a fluorine content in water, people are all with much stronger and healthy teeth, unlike people, in the countries of which fluorine from the water is displayed. Water fluoring in many countries is paid to special attention. If there is no this substance in water, the dentist can to some extent to fill this disadvantage and apply fluorine on the teeth of the child with a thin layer. Until now, some people oppose the addition of fluorine to the water, believing that it is harmful, denying thorough studies of scientists and their conclusions about the benefits of such actions. However, it should be noted that at one time many expressed their discontent and objections to universal vaccination, and against water disinfection by chlorination. Although today it is ordinary and quite normal phenomenon. Therefore, everyone decides for himself!

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