Methods for definition. Methods for determining the level of thinking of children of preschool age. VII. Methods for identifying the level of development of shaped representations

Landscape design 18.04.2021
Landscape design

The subclass of test techniques to determine the sustainable features of the individual is very diverse. Consider some of them who have been widespread use in the school of practical psychology.

Diagnosis of aggressiveness. Aggressiveness as a personality quality, according to the definition of R.S. Meanov, is not arising from objective circumstances (as the necessary response), unlought-off hostility of a person towards people surrounding the world. It is manifested by the individual in the trend to attack, cause trouble, damage to people, animal surrounding the world. It may appear in the form of a demonstration of superiority in power towards another person or a group of persons. Aggressiveness can vary according to the degree of aggressiveness in the form of manifestation: from the demonstration of hostility and unfriendly to verbal insults and the use of coarse physical strength. E.I.Rogov notes that at present, the appearance of aggression in children's and educational institutions has become a big problem that exciting both teachers and parents. One of the priority tasks of a psychologist in educational institutions is becoming psychocorrection work with adolescents and young men, especially with those who are more aggressive compared to others.

It should be related that, on the one hand, each person should have a certain degree of aggressiveness, since the lack of its individual leads to passivity and conformity. On the other hand, the excessive development of aggressiveness can form such an appearance of the person, which provokes conflict, makes it difficult to cooperate, conscious cooperation.

There is a certain connection between aggression and frustration, when aggressiveness is manifested as a protective reaction of a subject due to an affect caused by a frustration.

Diagnosis of anxiety. Anxiety is a special emotional state of a subject, expressed in increased emotional tensions, which is accompanied by fears, concerns, concerns that prevent normal activities or communicating with people. This is a rather sustainable personal quality characterized by two indicators - individuals and situational tensions.

Personal anxiety is an individual personality trait of a person who reflects its predisposition to emotional negative reactions to various life situations that carry a threat to His "I" (for self-esteem, the level of claims, attitudes towards your "I", etc.).

Situational anxiety is an internal, stable state of anxiety as a behavioral response to certain life situations. Such a state may be due, for example, negotiations with officials, conversations by phone, exam tests, communication with unfamiliar people of the opposite sex or age, etc.

Measurement of anxiety as the property properties is especially important, since this property largely determines human behavior. Determining the level of anxiety, as noted by LDStolyarenko - the natural and mandatory feature of the active activity of the individual. Evaluation by the person of his anxiety level is an essential component of self-control and self-education.

Each specific person has personal and situational anxiety developed to varying degrees, therefore, both indicators are estimated when determining the levels of anxiety.

Special attention is paid to persons with high and very high anxiety. E.I.Rogov notes that such anxiety is either generated by the real disadvantage of the subject in the most significant areas of activity and communication, or there is no matter how contrary to the objectively safe position, being a consequence of certain personal conflicts, violations in the development of self-esteem, etc.

Anxiety is often experienced by schoolchildren who are good and even learn perfectly, responsibly relate to study, public life, but this visible well-being is achieved by them unreasonably large price and fraught with disruptions. Such schoolchildren have vegetative, neurotic and psychosomatic violations. Anxiety in these cases is generated by self-esteem conflict, the presence of contradictions between high claims and sufficiently strong uncertainty in itself. A similar conflict, forcing these schoolchildren to constantly achieve success, at the same time prevents them from correctly evaluating it by giving rise to a sense of constant dissatisfaction, instability, tensions. The consequence of this is the overload, overvoltage, expressed in violations of attention, reducing performance, increased fatigue.

Diagnosis of personality claims. The level of personal claims is the desire to achieve the goal of the degree of complexity on which a person considers himself capable.

People who have a realistic level of claims are distinguished by confidence, perseverance in achieving their goals, greater productivity compared to people, the level of claims of which are inadequate their abilities and opportunities.

The discrepancy between the claims and the real capabilities of a person leads to the fact that it begins to evaluate himself, its behavior is inadequate, there are emotional breakdowns, increased anxiety, etc. It follows from this that the level of claims is closely associated with self-esteem and motivation of achieving success in various activities.

American scientists D. Makklandom and D. Atkinson developed the theory of motivation to achieve success in various activities. According to this theory, people motivated for success, set themselves the goal, the achievement of which is unambiguously regarded by them as success. They strive for anything to achieve success in their activities, they are bold and decisive, expect to receive approval for actions aimed at achieving their goals. They are characteristic of the mobilization of all its resources and focusing on achieving the goals.

People who motivated to avoid failure behave completely differently. For them, the explicit goal of activity is not to succeed, but to avoid failure. The man initially motivated for failure, manifests insecurity, does not believe in the opportunity to succeed, critics are afraid, does not feel pleasure from activities in which opportunities temporary failures. Individuals focused on achieving success are able to correctly assess their capabilities, successes and failures, adequately evaluate themselves, they have a realistic level of claims. On the contrary, people focused on failure inadequately evaluate themselves, which in turn leads to unrealistic claims (overestimated or understated) 7. In behavior, this is manifested in the selection of only difficult or too easy targets, in high anxiety, uncertainty in their forces, tendency to avoid competitions, not critical in assessing the achieved, errorism of the forecast, etc.

Self-esteem personality. Development of identity self-assessment techniques has certain difficulties associated with age features and professional orientation of various contingents of the subjects. Self-assessment is closely related to the level of claims and the motivation of achieving success in various activities. It is important to find out what place the assessment of its "I" takes in the structure of identity identity.

The concept of "self-consciousness" comes from the word "consciousness". Consciousness as the highest form of human mental development is manifested in the three components:

A totality of knowledge about the world around us;

Statement of life goals and personal tasks;

Self-consciousness as a human attitude to himself, other people and the world around.

Self-consciousness is a relatively sustainable conscious system of representations of an individual about himself, awareness of his "I" in all the variety of individual characteristics, on the basis of which a person builds its relationship with other people and according to itself. Thus, self-consciousness is a kind of foundation on which I am a concept and I-image personality is being built.

In turn, the image of his own "I" consists of three components: cognitive (the image of its psychological qualities, appearance, social significance, etc.); emotional (self-esteem, pride, self-destruction, etc.); an estimated volitional (desire to increase self-esteem, conquer respect, etc.),

Self-knowledge is the process of developing a certain emotional and value attitude towards himself, the result of which the self-assessment is becoming.

Self-assessment implies an assessment of its abilities, psychological qualities and actions, their life goals and opportunities for their achievement, as well as their place among other people. Self-assessment can be understated, overestimated and adequate (normal).

Low self-esteem people set lower goals than those that can achieve, exaggerate the meaning of failures. Abilities are not fully implemented. They are characteristic of such character traits such as indecision, fearness, syradiability, picklight, excessive conscience, conflict. They suffer from the complex of inferiority and need support to others.

People with overwhelmed self-esteem put higher goals than those they can achieve. The level of their claims exceeds real possibilities. They are not critical to themselves. They consider themselves the most nice people, smart, kind. To those surrounding are negligible. With the estimates that surround them, do not agree, often cause conflict situations in the team. The main features of their character: Zazna, arrogance, desire for superiority, disrespectful, rough attitude towards people. They can offend a person and themselves even at notice it.

Excessively high and too low self-esteem indicate a distortion, inadequacy of the real position of things. Owners of overwhelmed self-esteem should develop criticality, and persons with understated self-esteem are obliged to develop self-confidence, the ability to optimistically look at their abilities.

Adequate self-esteem provides the corresponding level of claims, sober attitude towards successes and failures, approval and disapproval. Such a person lighter lives in the world, it is more energetic, active and optimistic.

The third component of the self-consciousness is self-education. This is the process of self-government and self-regulation (self-regulation) aimed at the conscious measurement of his personality. Effective self-government is possible only with the optimal level of self-esteem. Consequently, the formation of optimal, adequate self-assessment is both the development of the ability to psychological personal self-government, manifested in the specificization of behavioral motives and activities, in setting the goals and choosing ways to achieve them. The processes of self-regulation and self-regulation are closely interrelated and interdepended. The simplified psychological structure of self-regulation includes the following elements: the adoption by the subject of a particular goal of arbitrary activity, the executive actions program, processing current information, decision-making, implementation of the Performing Action Program, checking the results, correction of actions. Thus, self-regulation is a closed control control, is a peculiar information process, carriers of which are various forms of reflection of reality.

Regulation by the subject of its activities and behavior is carried out on the basis of volitional efforts.

The main tendencies of the behavior of the individual in the group. The presentation of the individual about his personality will be more specific if identifying the main tendencies of the individual in the real group (dependence - independence, sociability - the impairment, the adoption of the "struggle").

Diagnosis of ability to communicate bactarianvs Anatoly

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In general, risk analysis can be divided into two complementary views of each other: high-quality and quantitative.

Qualitative risk analysis includes: determining the place of analyzed risk in the risk classifier; Detection of factors affecting the risk studied and choosing a methodology or a set of techniques for determining and evaluating the degree of identified risk, that is, risk identification is carried out.

Quantitative risk analysis is a numerical determination of the size of the analyzed risk and its estimate using the selected model or set of models.

To quantify and evaluate the degree of risk, various methods and models are used that can be grouped as follows:

1. Statistical methods and models;

2. Analytical methods and models;

3. Other methods and models.

Statistical methods

Currently, statistical methods and models are most fully developed, which are most often used in economically developed countries for quantitative analysis of identified risk. These methods and models are the most accurate and varied of all currently available models for determining and evaluating the risk under study. The authors of the overwhelming majority of sources and scientific studies focus on these methods.

The essence of the statistical methods to determine the degree of risk is to collect and analyze the primary and secondary information on all possible consequences of any separate action and probabilities of the occurrence of the consequences themselves, after which the probability of deviations of the projected indicators of the financial and economic activity of the enterprise from actually received are calculated.

All statistical methods for determining and evaluating the degree of risk of an enterprise can be divided into three types: probabilistic methods, variability methods (variability), combined methods.

Probabilistic methods

The first type includes statistical methods that determine the risk of enterprise using the likelihood of all possible consequences as a result of the decision made. To assess the degree of risk, analyzes data on the consequences of decisions like this, in similar situations over the past five to eight years. After that, the probabilities of possible outcomes are determined, and the degree of risk of making this decision. The ratios estimate is made by comparing the result obtained with an average risk of the risk calculated for the entire analyzed period or with the value of the risk of an alternative solution.

These methods include the following methods.

1. Determination of the frequency of the occurrence of some loss level (see formula 3.1).

where F is the frequency of the occurrence of some loss level;

N is the number of cases of the onset of a specific loss level;

N General - the overall number of cases in the statistical sample, including and successfully implemented operations of this species.

2. Definition of the "risk area". The risk area is some zone of general market losses, within which losses do not exceed the limit value of the set risk level. The level of risk is determined by formula 3.2.

where H is the level of risk;

K - all the investment capital of the company;

A - the amount of assets of the company.

The basis of the establishment of risk areas was taken by the requirements of the Central Bank of Russia in assessing the state of assets of any commercial bank and allocated five main areas of risk of activities of any company in a market economy.

The risk-free region is the area is characterized by the lack of any loss when performing operations with a guarantee of receipt, at a minimum, calculated profit. Theoretically, the profit of the company during the implementation of the project is not limited. Risk level H "0.

The area of \u200b\u200bminimum risk is the area is characterized by a loss level not exceeding the size of the company's net profit. Risk level H is within 0 - 25%.

The area of \u200b\u200bincreased risk is the area is characterized by a loss level that does not exceed the amount of the calculated profit. The company risks the fact that as a result of its activity, in the worst case, it will cover all costs, and in the best - will receive a profit much less than the current level. Risk level H is within 25 - 50%.

The area of \u200b\u200bcritical risk - losses are possible within the boundaries of this region, the value of which exceeds the size of the calculated profit, but does not exceed the total gross profit. Such a risk is not desirable because the firm exposes itself to the risk of losing all its revenue from this operation. Risk level H is within 50 - 75%.

The area of \u200b\u200bunacceptable risk - within the borders of this region, losses close to the size of their own funds are possible, that is, the offensive of the full bankruptcy of the firm. Risk level H is within 75 - 100%.

After determining the areas, postponing on the schedule against the corresponding cumulative outcomes of the point and connecting their smooth curve, we get the Lorentz line. In the absence of losses, that is, when the company in the risk-free region, the Lorentz line will be straightforward. The construction of several Lorentz curves in various periods makes it possible to compare the maximum risk level according to the degree of curvature of these lines.

0 In the event that the risk is the probability of failure, then the risk assessment criterion is the likelihood of obtaining the result less than the required (planned projected) value (see formula 3.3).

R \u003d p * (D pl -d f), (3.3)

where R is the risk criterion;

P is the likelihood of an event;

D pl - the planned value of the result;

D F - the actual value of the result.

This risk determination method allows you to calculate its level after receiving the result and gradually accumulate the statistical database of "samples and errors".

1 American economists in assessing the feasibility of technical and economic innovations use a method in which the probabilistic nature of the expected result is taken into account in the risk (see formula 3.4).

, (3.4)

where E is the effectiveness of innovation;

P - annual sales of a new product;

C - the price of the product;

T - tax deductions;

P t - the likelihood of technical success (the probability of repetition of research ideas in new products);

R K is the likelihood of commercial success (the possibility of marketing products in the market and obtaining expected profits);

E h - the cost of development, production and sale of the product.

2 When comparing two or more options for attachments, it is possible to determine the level of risk according to formula 3.5.

where to i is the risk coefficient of the i-th option;

P I is the predicted profit of the I - th option;

I have a predicted loss of the i-th option.

6. In determining and assessing the level of risk, for one embodiment, the investment can be used by formula 3.6.

where to p is the level of risk;

This technique is used both for pre-acquaintance with the child and to figure out the severity of cognitive or game motives in the affective-needs sphere.
Order of conduct The child is invited to the room where ordinary, not too attractive toys are exhibited on the tables, and offer him for a minute to consider them. Then the experimenter calls it to himself and suggests listening to a fairy tale. The child is read interesting for his age a fairy tale, which he did not hear before. In the most interesting place, reading is interrupted, and the experimenter asks the subject that he currently wants to play with the toys and listen to the fairy tale to the end on the table? Children with severe cognitive interest are usually preferred to hear the continuation of the fairy tale. Children with a weak cognitive need prefer to play. But the game of them, as a rule, is manipulative in nature: it is for one to grab, then for another.

Test Material

Fairy Tale Why hares in winter White fur coats are worn Most sideways in the forest frost and hare. Frost glanced:

- I am the strongest in the forest. Any Obuyu, Corrokalok, in the icicle turn.

- Do not boast, frost Vasilyevich, will not overcome! - Says the hare.

- No, overcome!

- No, you will not overcome! - It is standing on his hare.

They argued, argued, and threw frost to freeze the hare. And says:

- Come on, hare, about the mortgage to fight that I will overcome you. "Come on," the hare agreed.
(In this place, reading is interrupted).

Massed the hassle frost here. Study-cold was sculpt, he slammed the ice wind. And the hare run in the whole acne to run yes to jump. It's not cold on the run. And then riding in the snow, yes sings:

Prince Heat, prince hot! Heats, burning - the sun bright!

Farm began to get tired, thinks: "To what is a strong hare!" And he himself is even stronger than the crowd, such a cold wrote down that the bark on the trees was bursting, the stumps crack. And the hare is all nicking - then on the mountain run, then from the mountain Kuvarka, then the tithogon on the meadow is worn.

Most of the forces, frost was embarrassed, and the hare does not think to freeze. Sounded frost from a hare:

- Do you, oblique, frozen - deft and jump you

Gave the frost with a hare White fur coat. Since then, all hares in the winter go in white coats.


Biological age is a concept that reflects the degree of morphological and physiological development of the body. The introduction of the concept of "biological age" is explained by the fact that the calendar (passport, chronological) age is not a sufficient criterion for the health status and working capacity of an aging person. As an aging criterion, a human biological age depends on various positive and negative factors, such as exercise, the level of psycho-emotional stress, lifestyle and the state of the environment. These factors can lead both an increase and reduce the rate of aging and a biological agent. This article discusses the comparative characteristic of two techniques to determine the biological age of a person on anthropometric (according to A.G. Gorelkin, 2010) and physiological (according to V.P. Voitenko, 1984) indicators. Comparison of two techniques was made on the basis of the results of the study among the persons of the three age categories. According to the results of the study, the indicator of the human biological age obtained using compared techniques does not coincide. A tendency to slow down the aging rate with an increase in calendar age, as according to the Methodology V.P. Voitenko and according to the technique of A.G. Gorelkin.

biological age

the aging coefficient

delivery degree

1. Gorelkin A.A., Pinhasov B.B. Patent 2387374, Description of the invention to patent, 1.

2. Kim L.B. Biological age as an indicator of the health status of the workers of the mining industry in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation / Kim L.B., Putyatina A.N., Kozhin P.M. / FGBU "NCCEM" with RAMS, Novosibirsk, Russia; 2014, 1-8 p.

3. Kokotko V.N., Donzov V.I., Zakhayeshheva O.V. and other aerospace and ecological medicine, 2014, 48, 12-19 p.

4. Markina L.D. Determination of the human biological age method by V.P. Dvitenko / Tutorial for independent work of students of physicians and psychologists / Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation WGU. Vladivostok, 2001, 23-26 p.

5. Plakuyev A.N., Yurieva M.Yu., Yuriev Yu.Yu. Ecology of man, 2011, 4, 17-25.

6. Pozdnyakova N.M., Trackov K.I., Ilnitsky A.N. and others. Fundamental studies, 2011, 2, 17-22 p.

7. Raevsky R. T. Physical Improvement of Student Youth: Strategy and Innovative Technologies / According to the materials of the International Symposium September 22-23, 2011. Odessa, JSC Bales, 2011, 130 s.

Literature review.

The aging process is accompanied by many functional shifts in organs and systems, as the accumulation of which and reduce the compensatory capabilities of the body, structural (morphological) changes and violation of all types of exchange are formed. In different periods of ontogenesis, the intensity of age-related changes and adaptive processes can vary greatly, or some may prevail over others. Therefore, the faces of one calendar (chronological, passport) age can be very different from each other, both in phenotypic signs, and according to the functional capabilities, efficiency, vital activity, susceptibility to infections and diseases. To assess the overall state of health, environmental well-being, adaptation to extreme impacts, speed and degree of human aging, the system indicator "Biological age" is used.

Various methods for determining the biological age of a person have been developed.

So, in 1984 at the Institute of Gerontology of AMN USSR (Kiev) V.P. Vothethenko and co-authors developed a methodology for determining biological age.

This technique makes it possible to determine the individual biological age of the studied, the functional aging class (1 - the best, 5 is the worst), the pace of aging (normal, accelerated, slow, sharply accelerated, dramatically slowed), high-quality health assessment (good, very good, normal, The bad, very bad) and the pathological index (the number of chronic diseases of the surveyed).

In 2010, domestic scientists A.G. Gorelkin and B. B.pinhasov patent the methodology for determining the biological age of a person and the speed of aging. The invention relates to the field of medicine, in particular to preventive medicine and gerontology, and can be used for mass screening surveys, predicting the risk of developing the most common chronic diseases of contemporary person related to metabolic disorders, in scientific research, including to determine the impact of environmental Factors (natural and anthropogenic) on the rate of aging of the human body.

New, compared with previous developments, in the method of determining the biological age proposed by A.G. Gorlekin and B.B.pinhasov is that the formulas for the definition of the CCC and BW estimate the age changes of the indicators, starting from age when the formation and formation is completed functions of all major systems. For the age-air ontogenetic norm on essential features (body weight, growth, hip circle, waist circle) adopted: 21 years old in men and 18 years in women.

The purpose of the study Compare Methods V.P. Voitenko and A.G. Gorelkin, B.B. Pinhasov for the definition of biological age.

Methods and materials.

The study was attended by 96 inhabitants in Perm. The subjects were divided into 3 age groups. The group 1 amounted to persons 21-35 years of male and 20 -35 female. The group 2 amounted to persons 35-60 years old male and 35-55 female. The group 3 amounted to persons 60-75 years of male and 55-75 years of female.

When this work is performed, two methods for determining biological age (BV) were used. The first method included physiological indicators, and the second is anthropometric. The assessment was subject to arterial pressure, growth and body weight, waist circle, hips. Functional samples were performed, namely: inhalation delay, static balancing. In addition, the questionnaire contained questions reflecting a subjective health assessment - health self-esteem (POPs). The COP index is closely associated with a number of clinical - physiological indicators, and therefore the method of determining BV in V.P. Voitenko, in which the BW indicator is compared with the value of proper BV (DBV), which is calculated by the formula with the attraction of the calendar age of the subject. According to the author, the DBV value can be considered as a population standard of aging, because It characterizes the population standard of age wear. Choosing a method of A.G. Gorelkin and B.B. Pinhasova is due to the high popularity of the theory of aging associated with the aging of the connective tissue. It is known that the formation and development of bone tissue is completed from most men in the period 21-25 years. The use of anthropometric indicators, such as the growth and weight of the body, the waist circle and the hips, is due to their change in age, the presence of their pathophysiological communication with metabolic disorders that increase the risk of developing chronic diseases and reduce the duration and quality of human life. The use of anthropometric indicators increases objectivity, the informativeness of the results of the assessment of biological age.

The basis of the method of A.G. Gorelkin is to calculate the equation describing the link between the physique markers and age.

The rate of aging is determined by formulas:

for men

where RLM \u003d kV-21;

for women

where RLD \u003d kV-18,

where KSSM and CCSG - the coefficients of aging rate for men and women, respectively, the RLM and RFZ are the difference of years between calendar age and the age of ontogenetic norm for men and women, respectively; From - waist circle (cm), MT - body weight (kg), about - hip circle (cm), R - growth (M), KB - calendar age; and at the CCC from 0.95 inclusive up to 1.05 inclusively make a conclusion about the compliance of the rate of aging norm, with CCC less than 0.95 - on the slowdown of aging, with CCC more than 1.05 - about accelerating aging; The biological age (BV) is determined by the formulas: for men BVM \u003d KSSM × (KB-21) +21, for women BZZH \u003d CCS × (KB-18) +18; In this case, the calendar age is determined with an accuracy of at least 0.1 years; body weight - with an accuracy of not less than 0.5 kg, growth - with an accuracy of not less than 0.005 m, a waist circle and a hip circle with an accuracy of not less than 0.5 cm

Methods for Voitenko includes:

1. Measuring body weight (MT) in kg

2. Fractional pressure measurement (AD): systolic (ADS) and diastolic (ADD) and determination of the pulse (ADP) pressure. Hell measure the Korotkov method. ADP is the difference between ADS and ADD

3. Sample bar (keeping breathing after a deep breath in sec.) Make a deep breath and delay your breath. Repeat the procedure 3 times with an interval of 5 minutes. The greatest value is taken into account.

6. Study of static balancing (Sat per sec.) Sat is determined when standing on his left leg, without shoes. Eyes closed, hands are omitted along the body. SAT pursue without prior preparation. The best result of the 3 attempts carried out with the interval of 1-2 minutes is taken into account.

7. Definition of the health self-assessment index (POPs, in points) on the questionnaire. Reply to 29 questionnaire questions. For the first 28 questions, answers "Yes" or "No" are possible: the answers "Yes" are considered unfavorable: №№ 1-8, 10-12, 14-18, 20-28 and "No" for questions: №№ 9 , 13, 19. For the 29th question, answers are possible: "choir.", "Sat.", "Bad", "very bad." An unfavorable is one of the last two answers. The total number of unfavorable answers is calculated. This value is introduced into the formula for the definition of BV. With perfect health, the number of unfavorable answers "0", with a bad - "29".

8. Calculation of the actual BV, (FBS) and due BV, (DBV) by formulas

Formulas for the calculation of BV:

Men: FBB \u003d 26,985 + 0.215 · ADS - 0.149 · ZDV + 0.723 · POPs - 0.151 · Sat

Women: FBB \u003d -1,463 + 0.415 · ADP + 0.248 · MT + 0,694 · POPs - 0.14 · Sat

Formulas for calculating due BV (DBV)

Men: DBV \u003d 0,629 · kV + 18,56

Women: DBV \u003d 0.581 · kV + 17,24

KV - calendar age in years

In order to judge the extent to which the degree of a fever corresponds to the KV survey, it is necessary to compare the individual value of the FBB with DBV, which characterizes the population standard of age wear. Calculating the DBV FBV index, you can find out how many times the BW of the surveyed is more or less than the average BV of its peers. Calculate DBV / FBV index, you can find out how many years the surveyed is ahead of your peers in terms of aging severity or lags behind them. If the degree of acceptance of the surveyed is less than the degree of a female (on average) of people equal to Him, then the FBB: DBV< 1, а ФБВ - ДБВ < 0. Если степень постарения его и сверстников равны, то ФБВ: ДБВ = 1, а ФБВ - ДБВ = 0


Definition of BV according to the method Voitenko V.P. It showed that the FBB in the age groups up to 42 years above the calendar, and with an increase in the kV, the difference between FBS and DBV decreased. The degree of feasible subjects was determined by the difference between the FBS and DBV, and their relationship (the aging index). These values \u200b\u200breflect the extent to the extent to the degree of a fever correspond to the sq. The difference between FBS and DBV decreased with an increase in square. So, if in a group up to 35 years old, the difference exceeded 10 years, in the group of 35-60 years - 5 years, 60-75 years - 1 year. The aging index repeated the dynamics of the degree of a fever. In the first age group, it was higher than 1, in the second group of 35-60 years old or less than 1, in a group of 60-75 years - less than 1. The technique used allows you to evaluate not only the degree of a fever, but also rank it according to the aging pane (3 groups ).

Based on the data obtained, the highest pace of aging is noted at the first age group, and then gradually decreases. From this we can conclude that this age group is most susceptible to adverse exogenous and endogenous factors.

Self-assessment of health - POPs, indicator proposed by V.P. Voitenko for Counting BV, reflects the well-being of a person and depends on age. With an increase in calendar age, the COP indices increased.

Definition of BV according to the method proposed by A.A. Gorelkins and B.B. Pinhasov did not reveal the difference between biological age in the overall group. However, when comparing the indicator between the age groups, the differences were identified. At the same time, the difference was less pronounced compared to the difference received according to the Methodology of V.P. Voitenko. In a group of 21-35 years, BV and KV and KV coincide or differ in 1-2 years, in the second and third age groups there is a tendency to increase the difference between BV and KV. With an increase in the KV, the BW indicators are becoming less.

With an increase in kV, the speed of aging is reduced. The calculated coefficient of aging rate showed that 9% studied aging rate corresponding to the norm (the aging rate coefficient from 0.95 to 1.05), in 62% - deceleration of aging (aging coefficient less than 0.95) and in 29% - Acceleration of aging (coefficient of aging rate more than 1.05). Cases of slow aging were rapid with an increase in kV (46% in a group up to 35 years and 80% in a group of up to 60 years and 100% in group up to 75). Cases of accelerated aging had an inverse relationship with calendar age.

Thus, the technique using anthropometric indicators has demonstrated the same orientation as in the case of the use of physiological parameters. With an increase in calendar age, the number of persons with accelerated aging gradually decreased.

The biological age, according to the results of the Methodology of V.P. Dvitenko, exceeds the results according to the method of A.A. Gorlekina and B. B.pinhasov. At the same time, the difference of SV and BV in the first age category by the Voitenko method is up to 26 years, while the same indicators according to the method of A.G. Gorelkin either correspond to each other or constitute the difference in 1-2 years.


Determination of biological age using Methods V.P. Voitenko, based on the assessment of physiological indicators, made it possible to identify the subjects with an accelerated or slow rate of aging. Methods of determining biological age A.G. Gorelkin, which includes an estimate of anthropometric indicators and reflecting the aging of the musculoskeletal system, revealed a higher percentage of deceleration of aging compared to the Methodology of V.P. Dvitenko. Probably, this difference is due to the lability of functional systems and the inclusion of various compensation mechanisms in different age periods.

As an aging criterion, a human biological age depends on various factors, some of which contributes to improving or worsening this indicator. The positive factors include moderate physical activity, a healthy lifestyle, which contribute to the increase in the adaptive potential of the person. Negative factors accelerating aging and an increase in biological age, much more. So, hypodynamia, excess body and obesity, smoking, alcohol abuse, high level of psycho-emotional voltage, unfavorable working conditions, harsh climatic conditions are risk factors for the increase in BW. All indicated positive and negative factors form the physical, social, psychological and spiritual well-being of a person.

Bibliographic reference

Kasatkina Yu.I., Petrova E.A. Comparative characteristics of methods for determining the human biological age in V.P. Dvitenko and by A.G. Gorlekin // International Student Scientific Bulletin. - 2018. - № 5;
URL:\u003d18656 (date of handling: 06/26/2019). We bring to your attention the magazines publishing in the publishing house "Academy of Natural Science"

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