What diseases of the brain does pine needles treat? Pine needle prescription treatment

Landscape design 24.06.2019
                  Landscape design

Young shoots of pine are a valuable source of bioactive substances that have a therapeutic effect. For many centuries, their healing properties have been successfully used by traditional healers. Needles, cones, pollen have the same healing properties.

Medicinal properties and use of young pine shoots

Young shoots of pine medicinal properties and applications are especially in demand in traditional medicine. Coniferous kidney treatment is effective, and if used correctly, is safe. Traditional medicine uses their beneficial properties in the form of extracts, alcohol tinctures, ointments, lotions, baths, rinses, decoctions, inhalations. Official medicine recommends their use as adjunctive therapy to complement the main treatment.

Healing properties

Young shoots of pine and other coniferous species have a restorative effect, stimulating the protective mechanisms of the body, fighting vitamin deficiency.

This is due to the following chemical composition:

  • essential oils;
  • vitamins C, P, K, H, E, group B;
  • tannins;
  • volatile;
  • micronutrients.

Traditional medicine uses them as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and sedative component for collections, and also actively uses for inhalations or rinses prescribed for acute respiratory infections and other diseases:

  • coughing
  • sinusitis;
  • sore throat;
  • laryngitis;
  • tuberculosis
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia.

As an effective folk method, the coniferous kidney is used to liquefy and withdraw sputum in bronchitis, and to stimulate sweating in colds.
  The cleansing effect on the blood, increasing the elasticity of blood vessels and the permeability of capillaries, have young shoots of pine. Their use is indicated for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Traditional medicine uses choleretic properties as an addition to the main therapy for gallbladder ailments. In combination with other herbal components, the use of kidneys has a positive effect in the treatment of the liver, stomach, intestines, kidneys. Young shoots of pine and needles used to prepare baths for nervous disorders calm the nervous system, helping to fight insomnia, overwork and stress. Adding sea salt to the pine bath is recommended for osteochondrosis or ankylosing spondylitis, joint diseases.

According to alternative medicine, baths using water infusion of coniferous kidneys will help to cope with the first symptoms of a cold.

The antibacterial properties of pine kidneys were adopted by official medicine, using for treatment:

Periodontal disease

Pine kidney in the composition of a decoction or water infusion, have a mild diuretic effect, useful in edema.


Using young shoots of pine for self-treatment, the medicinal properties and contraindications should be correlated to prevent the manifestation of negative consequences.

Contraindication to use, the pine kidney has due to the content of bioactive substances that can lead to exacerbation of certain diseases.

Therefore, the use of pine kidneys, as a folk method of treatment, is not recommended in the case of the following diseases:

Angina pectoris;
   acute form of hepatitis;

The use of drugs and home remedies based on the kidneys should be dosed. Needles and young shoots of pine taken inward uncontrollably can provoke a headache, malaise, inflammation of the digestive tract, kidney parenchyma. Therefore, young shoots of pine and medicines based on them, as a folk method of treatment, are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Coniferous baths are contraindicated in infectious skin lesions.

Application in traditional medicine

Young shoots of pine in folk medicine are used for external and internal use. The most popular are medicinal decoctions and tinctures, and jam made from coniferous shoots is a real therapeutic treat that can be consumed by children.


Tincture of young shoots of pine found its application in the treatment of respiratory organs, the effects of stroke and heart attack, diseases of the urinary tract.
  For the preparation of coniferous alcohol tinctures, traditional medicine recommends pouring 75 g of fresh kidneys with a glass of alcohol (70%), soak for 2 weeks. Take 3 times a day with tuberculosis or bronchitis 30 drops after a meal.

Taking half an hour before meals 15 drops of tincture diluted in a glass of water will be useful for cystitis and jade.

Tincture is also used as an antiseptic in the treatment of boils and insect bites.


Medicinal decoctions from the kidneys are an effective alternative way of treating cystitis, inflammation of the kidneys, and upper respiratory tract. Traditional medicine recommends its use 4 times a day in a tablespoon after a meal. To get a pine broth, 20 g of dried or fresh raw materials are poured with hot water - 1 cup, then boiled for 20 minutes. It is filtered and diluted with boiled water to the initial volume. Pine broth, drunk 1/3 cup at a time, is prescribed for cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. If honey is added to the broth, the use of the drug will increase, and its use for treating the throat will be more effective.

Quickly cure an ordinary runny nose will help inhalation. Inhalation of the vapors of coniferous decoction helps to thin and drain the mucus. To enhance the effect, 3-4 drops of eucalyptus oil or sage infusion should be added to the broth.

As an effective folk way to get rid of cough, a pine decoction in milk will help:

Young shoots of pine pour milk (1:10), boil for 20 minutes, insist. Strain, take warm.
  Young shoots of pine or needles, steamed in a thermos, like green vitamin tea, will be useful for influenza and acute respiratory infections. They should be taken after meals, drinking ½ cup up to 3 times a day.


Traditional medicine knows many ways to use the shoots of young pine. The recipe is chosen depending on the characteristics of the disease.

  1. Pine bath. Prepare a decoction of 200 g of kidneys and 5 l of water, having insisted it for half an hour, add to the bath. The treatment time is 20 minutes, the frequency is up to 3 times a week. The coniferous bath and its medicinal properties will be useful for neurosis, gout, radiculitis, rheumatism, skin diseases, as a cosmetic procedure.
  2. Therapeutic extract.   Young shoots of pine - boil 100 g in 2 liters of water until ½ liter of liquid remains. Strain the coniferous solution, add a glass of sugar into it. Cool the syrup, add 1 tea into it. a spoonful of ground cinnamon and cloves, a glass of honey and chopped nutmeg - 1 pc. Pine extract should be consumed up to 3 times a day for a tablespoon after eating with diseases of the throat and lungs, colds.
  3. Tincture of vodka.   Fresh kidney - half a handful is poured ½ liter of vodka and infused in the dark. In parallel, another half a handful of shoots, finely chopped lemon and a glass of honey are added to warm boiled water and they are also set to settle in a cool shaded place. Both tinctures are occasionally shaken. After 2 weeks, both formulations are mixed, filtered, bottled and left to infuse. A month later, the tincture is ready.


Jam from young shoots of pine has an excellent taste and medicinal properties. It is especially recommended for people suffering from vitamin deficiency, low immunity, frequent colds, and sore throat as a medicine or prophylactic.

A delicious and healthy recipe is easy to prepare:

  1. Rinse the harvested young shoots of the pine, remove the brown cover from them, cut into pieces.
  2. Pour sugar: 1 kg - 1.5 kg of sugar, stand for 12 hours.
  3. Add water - 1 liter, bringing to a boil, cook for 5 minutes. Leave to infuse for 8 hours. After a day, repeat the manipulation again.
  4. Bringing to a boil for the third time, add the juice of 1 lemon. When hot, pour the jam into dry jars, close, store in the refrigerator.

When to collect?

It is important to know in order to use young pine shoots for medicinal purposes when to collect them. The kidney is harvested in early spring, when sap flow began and the young shoots swelled, but did not bloom. To do this, choose a young, but not small coniferous plant, growing far from industrial areas. Shoots with a small part of the twig are cut from its branches, as shown in the photo.
  The cut kidney is laid out on paper in the shade. You can also dry it by collecting it on a rope and hanging it.

It is necessary to store raw materials in paper bags or boxes, the medicinal properties of dried young shoots of pine are preserved for 2 years.
Needles for medicinal use can be harvested year-round, but it has the most powerful medicinal properties in the winter. In order for the use of funds based on pine shoots to bring only benefits, improving and strengthening the body, it is recommended to follow the dosages and recommendations of the attending physician.

Pine needles, as they contain a huge number of useful components and have a powerful healing effect on our body:

  • an excellent tool for the treatment and prevention of hypovitaminosis C;
  • disinfectant and expectorant for pulmonary diseases;
  • used for inhalation and rinsing with angina, chronic tonsillitis and acute respiratory diseases;

A decoction of pine buds - a recipe for cooking

  • Recipe number 1

Rinse 30 g of fresh pine needles in cold boiled water, pour boiling water in a glass and boil for 20 minutes in an enameled bowl, closing it with a lid.

After the broth has cooled, it is filtered, sugar is added to improve the taste, or it is drunk per day.

  • Recipe number 2

Grind 50 g of young annual pine tops (there are less bitter resinous substances) in a porcelain or wooden mortar, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours in a dark place.

To the infusion, you can add a little apple cider vinegar and sugar to taste.

Strain the infusion through cheesecloth and drink immediately, since during storage it loses vitamins.

Infusion of pine needles

The needles are rubbed with a small amount of cold boiled water, filled with water in a 3-9-fold proportion.

Acidified with citric acid to taste, boiled for 20-40 minutes, insist 1 to 3 hours.

Filter through cheesecloth and take 50-100 ml per day as a vitamin remedy.

Tincture of pine cones and needles

Fresh pine needles and crushed cones are placed in a dark glass bottle, filled with vodka or diluted alcohol to the brim (the ratio of cones to vodka is 50/50).

The infusion is kept for 10 days in a warm place tightly closed. Then filter and use 10-20 drops with warm water 3 times a day before meals.

This tool in folk medicine is used for atherosclerosis and for cleansing blood vessels.

Pine tea - recipe

Pine needle jam


Despite the uniqueness of such raw materials, not everyone can use it.

With great care, they should be used by pregnant and lactating women.

Their use should be abandoned to persons with a history of glomerulonephritis.

Do not use for people with a tendency to allergies.

It is impossible with the inflammatory process in the renal parenchyma.

In some cases, individual intolerance may be noted. True, this is extremely rare.

Somehow, an ambulance delivered a man with multiple rib fractures to a hospital in the capital. He got injured in a fight with an opponent because of a woman motivated by jealousy.

Such cases are recorded almost daily, but, studying the documents of the victim, the professor - the head of the surgical department - drew attention to the patient's date of birth.Semen, as they called the entrant, was 86 years old!

Probably, the professor thought, an error occurred: incorrectly filled out personal data in the emergency room, as the examination and analysis showed thatthe biological age of a man is not older than 55 years.

However, verification of Semen's documents showed that everything was written correctly, and he himself insisted on his passport age. Then the manager had a suspicion: the passport was fake! But the investigation conducted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs confirmed: the passport is real, the patient of the surgical department is really 86 years old.

Later, the doctor watched Semyon read without glasses, noted with amazement that he had all his teeth, he quoted from memory the literary works of the classics. The professor spent a lot of time by the bed of an unusual patient, asking about the secrets of longevity and male strength.

What is the secret of the recipe?

For many years, as Dr. Semyon told him, he lived in Siberia, worked on logging at the timber industry enterprise. I rented a room from an elderly paramedic - the father of a large family, married to a young woman. It was this paramedic who taught Semyon how to prevent prostate adenoma.

Paramedic learned the recipe from the indigenous inhabitants of Siberia. He drank the drink himself, and offered Semyon daily after breakfast. When Semyon moved to live in Kiev, he did not forget about the healing drink:

began to make this balm on his own. Recipe he told

to the professor. You can use it too.

Harvest annual or biennial or larch. If they are both, take them in proportion1:1.   Coniferous raw materials should be finely chopped and dried in the shade. Raw materials can be harvested from spring to autumn, but it is better at the end of summer, and should be stored in a dark and cool place for about a year.

Next, copper water is required. . To prepare it, you need to have a container of pure tinned copper. If there is no such vessel, then take about 50 grams of scraps of pure red copper (shavings, wire, etc.), but not the alloy - not brass and not bronze.

If you want to use a copper wire of electric wires, you need to make sure that there is no insulation left on it, sometimes not visible to the eye (for example, transparent enamel); the wire must be carefully cleaned with sandpaper from insulation.

Pour 1 liter of drinking water into a copper container or place copper in an enamel bowl and pour 1 liter of drinking water. Put on a fire and boil until half of the water boils. Received half a liter of copper water, add boiling water to a 3-liter volume

Next, 2.5 cups (75 grams, you can and more) of pre-prepared raw materials, pour hot copper water and add half a glass of sugar or honey. When the infusion has cooled to room temperature, add about 1 tbsp for fermentation. l baker's yeast.

Place the drink in a dark place with a temperature of 20-25 ° C (normal conditions) and let it ferment for a day. Discard the resulting kvass, bottle, cork and refrigerate. Drink 3/4 cup daily with meals or immediately after meals (preferably after breakfast) 1-3 times a day.

The professor, knowing that I was interested in the healing properties of copper and I am collecting traditional medicine recipes, called and talked about the method of making kvass.

I wrote down the recipe, but I probably would not soon be ready to cook kvass - it’s not enough to help anyone — if my colleague didn’t contact me: a few years ago his only son was hit by a car to death, and, having burnt up with his wife, they decided to give birth a child.

My wife, as I learned, was 47 years old, and he was 58.

The doctor confirmed that the wife is still able to give birth to a child, but he has male problems due to severe stress. Attempts at in vitro fertilization also failed. And then I told a colleague about an unusual tool: why not try it?

Idea was accepted, and they began to cook and drink coniferous kvass. To my surprise, after six months, the wife became pregnant! A girl was born.

Kvass works wonders!

More than once then Igave kvass prescription to older men with low potency . Usually, after a month of use, as they later told, male strength was restored, the general condition improved, and working capacity increased.

My mother, Maria Rafailovna, who was 96 years old, suffered from headaches in the last two years due to sclerosis of the cerebral vessels. The tablets did not help. Butdaily consumption of coniferous kvass for a week (all week!) gave the desired relief - the pains receded.

Then I no longer doubted whether the balm helps or not: the coincidence of different independent evidence is a proof of their truth.

But what exactly is the active component of kvass: copper, substances contained in needles? I consulted with specialists: phytotherapists. biologists. (by phaomacologists. Together we conducted a series of experiments and studies. And that’s what turned out.

Science gives the go-ahead!

The bark and needles of larch and pine are rich in biologically active substances called bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids have pronounced P-vitamin properties - and are necessary for the human body. Among bioflavonoids in terms of actiondihydroquercetin (DHA, formula C15H1207), which can be said to be the leader among the fellow flavonoids, is especially active in this process.

The strength of its therapeutic effect delights doctors and nutritionists. In conclusion, one of the scientific institutions of the Academy of Sciences at DGK noted, in particular,that dihydroquercetin strengthens the walls of blood vessels, ‘inhibits premature cell aging, improves coronary blood flow, helps normalize the excitability and conduction of the heart muscle, and normalizes cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

By inhibiting platelet aggregation, DHA inhibits the development of atherosclerosisreduces the risk of stroke and heart attack . The antioxidant, capillary-protective properties of the drug are combined with anti-inflammatory, hepato-protective and diuretic properties.

Moreover,DHA reduces the adverse effects of chemo- and radiotherapy on the body, inhibits the development of dystrophic and sclerotic processes in the eyes, increases visual acuity, favorably affects the skin, normalizes the synthesis of collagen, elastin in the skin, and helps to maintain elasticity of the skin.

Due to the intake of dihydroquercetin, the period of remission in chronic respiratory diseases lasts longer, the risk of getting ARVI decreases sharply, DHA has an antiviral effect, and strengthens the general immunity. Sedative and anti-stress effects help to relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi, expand their lumen and eliminate puffiness. The drug stimulates the regeneration of the gastric mucosa, preventing the development or healing of stomach and duodenal ulcers, increases the resistance of body tissues to the damaging effects of excess sugar in the blood, reduces the likelihood of diabetes or facilitates the course of its developed forms.

Some time ago, our manufacturers also began to produce dietary supplements with dihydroquercetin, butthe tablet form is poorly absorbed by their human body.   In addition, for the daily consumption of EDA, even domestic,will have to pay a considerable amount, which is not affordable for most non-working pensioners.

How to overcome this problem

Studies have shown thatbalm prepared in the form of kvass from coniferous bark is not only a source of DHA, but dihydroquercetin is contained therein in an easily digestible form. And the reason is that DHA is extremely poorly soluble in ordinary water and poorly absorbed by the digestive system (no more than 1%), but its solubility is many times higher if ethyl alcohol is present in the water.

During the fermentation of kvass, as is known, a certain amount of alcohol is formed, which can significantly increase the solubility of DHA. The lactic acid secreted by the yeast bacteria forms a form that is easily absorbed by the body with dihydroquercetin. If copper ions are also present in the balsam, dihydroquercetin forms a copper-flavonoid compound with additional healing properties, and this factor will significantly enhance the effect of DHA.

The method described above for producing copper water using copper wire is not easy, but there is a simpler solution.Especially for the preparation of copper water, scientists have designed a device -

copper-silver ionizer REM- 01 .

The ionator is a double helix made of high purity copper and silver. When the device is immersed in water due to the contact potential difference, ions are released from copper, which make it “copper” saturated with copper. In addition, a small amount of silver oxide is formed in the solution, which, as a catalyst, enhances the properties of ionscopper and copper-flavonoid compounds.

The design of the ionizer eliminates the saturation of water with ions above the maximum permissible concentration. That is, simply put, the water remains in the drinking status, it is harmless, even if the device is left in the water tank for a long time.

But should copper water really have to be in coniferous kvass?

Part of the answer you know from what I read above, and I will add a number of interesting scientific facts.

Copper is an indispensable element for the human body and animals: it is part of about 200 hormones and enzymes, its lack leads to weakened immunity, which increases the risk of diseases.

  Needles + copper \u003d let's not get sick!

The paradox is as follows. It has long been known that needles can heal, as well as the fact that copper has healing properties. There is even such a term "medeotherapy". But it turns outthat combining the components of needles with copper ions enhances the healing effect tens of times .   And although the reason for this surge in the activity of the healing drug is not known for certain, each of the hypotheses interprets it in its own way., the panacea continues its triumphal procession around the world, helps many to get rid of their ailments.

In this regard, it should be noted that coniferous infusions, decoctions and extracts prepared in “copper” water also produce a similar effect. So do not worry because of the lack of an ionizer. You will definitely find copper wire, and if so, then you can cook it yourself   and other medicinal products in copper water that can cope with diseases of the heart, liver, stomach and lungs.

Here are the most effective recipes.

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