Heart and heat. How to survive the heat in the city for the heart? How to be hypertensive in the heat? What to do for the heart in the heat

Ladders and railings 02.08.2021
Ladders and railings

The coming July, as forecasters predict, will be the hottest month of the year. And this is not the most comfortable time in terms of health. How to survive it?

During the heat, chronic diseases are exacerbated, especially the heart and blood vessels suffer from increased stress, respiratory system... If you have a cardiologist's appointments, you need to follow them especially carefully: do not skip taking medications, control your blood pressure. And, if possible, correct daily life.

Into the air! If you are far from vacation, you need to take into account: a long stay in stuffy, heated rooms negatively affects your well-being. If, after serving eight hours in a stuffy place at work, you return to a hot apartment, the load is double. If it is not possible to go to the summer cottage, be sure to add walks in the morning and evening, when the heat is still or no longer. But, of course, not along a gas-polluted street with entry to shops, but in a park or any other green area.

Fan or air conditioner? Of course, air conditioning is the main helper in improving the quality of life in hot weather. However, temperature drops outside and inside the house should not be too sharp. Acute respiratory infection, up to "air-conditioned" flu, and especially its complications in the heat are much more difficult to treat than in the cool season. Better watch out. Many people prefer a fan - of course, it just "drives" the air inside the room. But in combination with wet cleaning, it will create a more comfortable atmosphere in the apartment.

What is? The best summer diet is a well-balanced, light meal. Vitamins add endurance and "heat resistance", so as many vegetables and greens as possible. But let's leave the sweet, fatty, salty for later. Excessive calorie content is an additional load on the stomach. An excess of salt provokes thirst and fluid retention in the body.

What drink? In hot weather, you need to drink 1.5 times more than usual, even if you do not feel thirst. Sweet drinks, milk, compote - this does not count. It is necessary to fill the lack of fluid in the body with plain water, and it is better with still water. It is better to give up alcohol altogether - this is an additional risk factor that provokes acute situations with the heart and blood vessels.

    Taking adaptogens. Adaptogens are drugs that improve the body's adaptability to factors environment... If we talk about the hot season, experts recommend, in addition to standard vitamins, to take preparations containing trace elements potassium and magnesium. Potassium - is responsible for the normal stimulation of muscle fibers. Magnesium, on the contrary, is needed to relax muscle fibers; without it, the muscle does not "rest". Thus, with a deficiency of potassium and magnesium, the risk of pressure surges and instability of the heart rate increases. Magnesium, in addition, is involved in the regulation of work nervous system... It is included in drugs that have a pronounced sedative and anti-stress effect.

    Let's not forget: we sweat in the heat. And this is good: it is the body's main protective tool against internal overheating. But along with sweat, the body loses not only sodium, but also important trace elements. This is why it is vital to support yourself with vitamins and minerals in the heat.


    Fail Ageev, professor, head of the scientific and dispensary department of the Russian Cardiological Scientific Center of the Ministry of Health of Russia:

    Under the influence of heat in the human body, the concentration of sodium increases, which normally retains fluid. A healthy body copes with this. But in conditions of pathology (for example, with arterial hypertension or ischemic disease heart), this contributes to the decompensation of cardiac activity, an increase in blood pressure. Retention of sodium is accompanied by loss of potassium, and this is fraught with the development of cardiac arrhythmias. One of the signs of a lack of potassium in the body is the occurrence of seizures.

    During the "heat waves" there is also a loss of intracellular magnesium, which can have a negative effect on stress resistance and the human psyche - anxiety increases and the quality of life worsens.

    The presence of chronic illness and the type of therapy the patient is receiving also matters. For example, taking certain medications can affect thermoregulation and fluid balance in the body. It is necessary to carefully consider taking such commonly used drugs as diuretics, antiallergic, sedatives, pain relievers and anti-inflammatory - aspirin and paracetamol.

    During the heat, the attending physician should, if necessary, correct the therapy for the patient, but in no case cancel it. Interruption of the course of treatment can provoke an exacerbation of the disease when the air temperature changes or with the onset of autumn. Adaptogenic drugs, for example, the simplest panangin, replenish the reserves of potassium and magnesium in the body, and this maintains stable heart function regardless of weather conditions.

    Irina Innocent, " Russian newspaper"

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People who suffer from hypertension depend on weather conditions. Hypertensive patients in the heat feel a deterioration in their health. Even the smallest increase in air temperature leads to an acceleration of the heartbeat. In hot weather, people of all ages feel discomfort - from young to old. It is worth paying attention to this, since a persistent increase in blood pressure leads to a serious ailment - to hypertension with the ensuing consequences.

How does hot weather affect blood pressure?

Even healthy people do not tolerate heat well, and people with high blood pressure are especially unwell. Heat usually affects a person's pressure in this way:

Indicate your pressure

Move the sliders

  • a headache appears, which may be accompanied by dizziness;
  • heartbeat quickens;
  • weakness is felt;
  • nausea appears;
  • "stars" appear before the eyes;
  • loss of consciousness is observed;
  • the rhythm of breathing is disturbed.

There are a number of other symptoms that signal the manifestation of hypertension or an impending crisis. They shouldn't be ignored. There are cases that with high blood pressure, a person feels absolutely normal. But with any deterioration in well-being, people suffering from this disease, it is better to consult a doctor.

How to save hypertensive patients in hot weather?

On hot days, be sure to drink plenty of water.

First of all, you need to constantly monitor the indicators of the lower and upper pressure, the difference between them. People who suffer from heart failure need to be under the sun as little as possible in the heat, especially between 12:00 and 16:00. It is necessary to protect yourself from direct sun rays with the help of hats, umbrellas, shade. It is also necessary to keep the temperature in the room at the normal level - 21―26 ° С.

There are several rules to help avoid exacerbation:

  • Before leaving the house, you need to take the necessary medications that normalize blood pressure.
  • Be sure to take a bottle of water with you. A person must drink at least 2 liters of water.
  • It is important to stock up on the necessary drugs in case of deterioration in health in field conditions.
  • Give up manual labor as much as possible. For prevention purposes, you can do simple physical exercises fortifying type.
  • Fatty, fried, salty foods, as well as semi-finished products and carbonated drinks should be excluded from the diet.
  • It is advisable to wear light and light clothing made from natural fabrics.


Doctors recommend the drug during temperature changes.

First of all, it is not recommended to take medications on your own initiative, as this can only worsen the situation. To prescribe treatment, you should consult a doctor. People who suffer from hypertension are advised to always have "Glycine" with them. This drug has no effect on pressure, but helps to calmly tolerate changes in atmospheric pressure. "Glycine" should be taken orally, 2 tablets under the tongue 4 times a day.

Doctors may prescribe diuretics to remove excess fluid from the body. These drugs are called diuretics. The next group is ACE inhibitors. They reduce the secretion of a hormone that causes blood vessels to constrict. Beta blockers reduce the heart rate, resulting in normal blood pressure. Calcium antagonists relax the walls of blood vessels.

Folk remedies

There are a number of alternative treatments for hypertensive patients. They can both lower the pressure and prevent it from rising. But these methods do not always work, and if prescribed incorrectly, they lead to deterioration. That's why do not self-medicate, but turn to specialists. The table shows popular folk remedies for the treatment of hypertension and the salvation of hypertensive patients from the heat.

Folk remedyDescriptionMode of application
Flax seedsEffectively reduces blood pressure, they can normalize lipid metabolism and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. This tool is inexpensive, has a positive effect on the body.Consume 3 tablespoons. Can be added to various dishes such as salads.
Tincture of red pine conesConsidered one of best means treatment of hypertension. Already after a few days of use, a decrease in blood pressure can be observed. With regular use, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened. The tincture stimulates the movement of blood through the vessels of the brain and spinal cord.Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes. before meals in pure form or mixed with tea or water.
GarlicIt is a good treatment for hypertensive patients. This plant thinns the blood and stimulates the movement of blood in the vessels. With regular use, blood pressure is noticeably reduced.Constantly consume a few cloves of garlic every day. Prepare and drink garlic tincture.
Fresh juices for hypertensionIt can be beet juice, carrot juice, cucumber juice, as well as juice of celery, parsley and spinach. Drinks are good for hypertensive patients with fever.Drink regularly or at the slightest aggravation.

Hot days are coming. How to reduce the health risk from the heat will be suggested by the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on the behavior of citizens in hot weather:

When the ambient temperature rises to 30 ° C or more for three or more days (and for people over 70 years old - at a temperature of more than 27 ° C for three or more days), general well-being may deteriorate, weakness, a feeling of faintness, and decreased efficiency may appear. , the likelihood of thermal shock increases sharply. The elderly and small children are especially susceptible to heat stroke.

In elderly people over 70-75 years old, as well as in people with cardiovascular and broncho-pulmonary diseases, the risks of exacerbation of diseases and the development of their complications significantly increase.

Compliance with the following measures will help prevent adverse effects:

1. It is necessary to try as long as possible, especially in the period from 11 to 17 hours, to be in air-conditioned or well-ventilated rooms (including using household fans), and also to minimize the time spent in the sun.

2. It is recommended to keep the windows in the premises closed, with lowered blinds and curtains of light shades, so that direct sunlight and heated air do not enter the room. It is necessary to open windows only for ventilation, preferably through (it is advisable not to be in a draft), as well as at night when the air temperature drops.

3. Clothing should be light, loose, preferably made of natural fabrics that are easily breathable. To those who long time works outdoors, it is advisable to wear clothes that cover the body as much as possible from the sun's rays, as well as light hats.

4. It is necessary to limit the amount of physical activity as much as possible.

5. Healthy and young people are recommended to drink up to 2-3 liters of cool, still water per day, including up to 1 liter of low-mineralized water after removing bubbles from it. You should not abuse coffee, strong (including green) tea. It is not recommended to consume sugary carbonated drinks, as well as alcohol, including beer.

6. For elderly people over 70-75 years old, as well as people with arterial hypertension, heart and kidney failure, the total volume of fluid consumed should not exceed 1.5-2 liters per day. People with severe heart or kidney failure should consult a doctor.

7. Limit the amount of food, especially protein and fatty, as well as sauces, hot spices. Persons with arterial hypertension, heart and kidney failure should strictly observe the salt restriction prescribed by the doctor. Ice cream should not be overused.

8. People with arterial hypertension, heart and kidney failure should measure their blood pressure daily. In the case of a pronounced decrease in blood pressure compared to its usual values ​​or, more rarely, an increase in blood pressure, you should immediately consult a doctor regarding the dosage of the drugs taken.

9. In case of severe weakness, nausea, vomiting, feeling of faintness, fainting, fever (heat stroke) after prolonged exposure to the sun or in an unconditioned, unventilated room, the person should be moved to a cool room as soon as possible.

10. In the case of the development of the described symptoms, it is advisable to take a cool bath or shower, as well as drink cool water. The person should be in a horizontal position with the headboard and legs raised, a cold compress should be placed on the forehead and on the back of the head. The head should be turned slightly to the side to prevent vomit from entering the respiratory tract in case of vomiting. If a fainting state persists, a steady and pronounced (less than 90/60 mm Hg) decrease in blood pressure, a persistent feeling of faintness and severe weakness, you must call an ambulance

It's no secret that heat and high humidity are transferred by cores much worse than just sunny and warm days. How can you survive this period of the year, especially if you have to continue doing your daily activities, going to work and raising children?

Take your medications regularly

No matter how trite it may sound, but drugs "from the heart" and "from pressure" must be taken regularly, which, unfortunately, most of us forget, finding ourselves in the country or on the seaside during a vacation.

Most drugs that normalize the level, slow down the heart rate and stop heart pain are designed for long-term use, so their effectiveness is significantly reduced if they are taken occasionally.

Going on a trip or to the country, stock up on all the drugs that the doctor advised you to take regularly, and also take the medicines you need in case of worsening of the condition with hypertension or increased pain in the heart.

Make water your main drink during the heat

Heat is an additional load on the cardiovascular system. However, at this time, do not forget about the kidneys, problems with which can lead to. High ambient temperatures and excessive sweating increase the body's need for fluids, so you should consume enough of it.

Unfortunately, your favorite juices and sugary sodas have extra calories that turn out to be when you limit your physical activity to extra pounds. And those that contain "zero calories" are rich in various sweeteners, colors and flavors that have a negative effect on the kidneys.

For these reasons, it is desirable that at least 2/3 of the volume of all liquid drunk be ordinary water, and its core should be taken in small volumes so as not to provoke the appearance.

If there are no medical contraindications, consume at least 1.5 liters of fluid during the day, and it should be mostly plain water (during the heat, due to increased sweating, the need for fluid intake may increase to 2-3 liters per day). If this amount of fluid is already a heavy load on the heart, then your individual norm is the amount of fluid that does not cause edema. Moreover, every day this rate may be different: during an exacerbation of heart disease, the permissible volume of fluid taken decreases, and during the period of remission, it increases.

Avoid overheating

During peak heat periods, plan to work indoors where the air conditioner is on, or at least not in the sun. The optimal time for work is morning and evening hours.

If during the heat you have to be outdoors, then you should protect yourself as much as possible from direct sunlight and be sure to wear a sun hat or panama hat. Cool showers and swimming in the pool can also help you feel better.

Give up fatty foods, alcohol and smoking

The heat is not the best the best time smoke, eat cholesterol-rich foods or take, as the heart is already under increased stress. Preference should be given to products of plant origin, dietary meats and fish. In addition, in the heat it is better to postpone the desire to eat something salty, because salt retains fluid in the body and thus increases the load on the heart.

How to fall asleep on a sweltering night

In most apartments, the walls warm up well in summer, and at night they give off their warmth, increasing the stuffiness in the room, which creates another problem for the cores. To reduce the negative effect of stuffiness on the heart, you can install an air conditioner or turn on the fan at minimum power. In order not to pass through, these devices must be installed at an impressive distance from the bed.

If air conditioning is not available, the heat is easier to tolerate using bedding that absorbs moisture well. These are natural silk, cotton and linen. Some cores feel a lot of relief when they are covered with a damp and well-wrung sheet, which creates a cool effect.

In any case, it is best to take a neutral or cool bath before bed, and sleep with the head end of the bed raised.

Notes for drivers

If you have heart problems, it is advisable to put an air conditioner, a fan in the car, or at least open the windows while driving. Passengers should not remain parked in a car, as the risk of heatstroke increases. For the purpose of waiting, it is better to find a place in the shade or wait in any supermarket that has air conditioning.

Which doctor to contact

If you feel worse on a hot day, take shelter in a cool place, rest, take medication. If the condition does not improve, call a general practitioner at your home. If possible, visit a cardiologist, a neurologist for a possible correction of treatment.

In hot weather, people of all ages feel discomfort - from young to old. It is worth paying attention to this, since a persistent increase in blood pressure leads to a serious ailment - to hypertension with the ensuing consequences.

How does hot weather affect blood pressure?

Even healthy people do not tolerate heat well, and people with high blood pressure are especially unwell. Heat usually affects a person's pressure in this way:

  • a headache appears, which may be accompanied by dizziness;
  • heartbeat quickens;
  • weakness is felt;
  • nausea appears;
  • "stars" appear before the eyes;
  • loss of consciousness is observed;
  • the rhythm of breathing is disturbed.

There are a number of other symptoms that signal the manifestation of hypertension or an impending crisis. They shouldn't be ignored. There are cases that with high blood pressure, a person feels absolutely normal. But with any deterioration in well-being, people suffering from this disease, it is better to consult a doctor.

How to save hypertensive patients in hot weather?

First of all, you need to constantly monitor the indicators of the lower and upper pressure, the difference between them. People who suffer from heart failure need to be under the sun as little as possible in the heat, especially between 12:00 and 16:00. It is necessary to protect yourself from direct sunlight with the help of hats, umbrellas, shade. It is also necessary to keep the temperature in the room at the normal level - 21―26 ° С.

There are several rules to help avoid exacerbation:

  • Before leaving the house, you need to take the necessary medications that normalize blood pressure.
  • Be sure to take a bottle of water with you. A person must drink at least 2 liters of water.
  • It is important to stock up on the necessary drugs in case of deterioration in health in field conditions.
  • Refuse manual labor as much as possible. For the purpose of prevention, you can do simple physical exercises of the general strengthening type.
  • Fatty, fried, salty foods, as well as semi-finished products and carbonated drinks should be excluded from the diet.
  • It is advisable to wear light and light clothing made from natural fabrics.

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First of all, it is not recommended to take medications on your own initiative, as this can only worsen the situation. To prescribe treatment, you should consult a doctor. People who suffer from hypertension are advised to always have "Glycine" with them. This drug has no effect on pressure, but helps to calmly tolerate changes in atmospheric pressure. "Glycine" should be taken orally, 2 tablets under the tongue 4 times a day.

Doctors may prescribe diuretics to remove excess fluid from the body. These drugs are called diuretics. The next group is ACE inhibitors. They reduce the secretion of a hormone that causes blood vessels to constrict. Beta blockers reduce the heart rate, resulting in normal blood pressure. Calcium antagonists relax the walls of blood vessels.

Folk remedies

There are a number of alternative treatments for hypertensive patients. They can both lower the pressure and prevent it from rising. But these methods do not always work, and if prescribed incorrectly, they lead to deterioration. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, but turn to specialists. The table shows popular folk remedies for the treatment of hypertension and the salvation of hypertensive patients from the heat.

What to do if the pressure jumps in the heat? It makes a noise in my head, presses on my temples, “flies” in front of my eyes ... These are all symptoms of changes in blood pressure. And they suffer in heat and hypotension and hypertensive patients. When the temperature outside is high, the oxygen content in the air decreases significantly. Those who are susceptible to changes in blood pressure, dilate blood vessels, increase heart rate, shortness of breath, dizziness.

Minimize being outdoors in hot weather; it is not for nothing that in countries with hot climates they invented a siesta - a day's rest until 16-00.

Do not abuse physical activity; this is especially true for summer residents who have problems with compression: you cannot bend low and stay in this position for a long time;

Sunbathe only in the shade;

Wear a hat in sunny weather;

Determine your status. Who are you, hypotensive or hypertensive?

Not all of us suspect we have a blood pressure problem. You need to find out the status of your imbalance - a decrease or increase in pressure affects your well-being in this way. Symptoms cannot do this - they are often similar in both cases. We'll have to measure blood pressure using a modern tonometer, which is recommended at home in any family, especially if there are elderly people in it. Its use will not be difficult, even a child will be able to measure the pressure for himself. Gone are the days when only a doctor, having a phonendoscope and a magic cuff, could name the upper and lower limits of your blood pressure. But a one-time measurement, if you are not sure of your status, is indispensable. We'll have to do this several times. It is best to measure blood pressure regularly, in the morning and in the evening, at the same time, 1.5-2 hours after breakfast or dinner for several days. Look at the table and decide.

How heat affects hypertension

Hypertension or arterial hypertension is a chronic disease, the main symptom of which is constantly high blood pressure: systolic pressure above 140 mm Hg. Art., diastolic - above 90. An increase in pressure is accompanied by other symptoms that significantly affect the state of the body and the quality of human life. Hypertension and fever can be a dangerous combination if you do not worry about the prevention of attacks in the warm season in time.

Various factors can affect the exacerbation of symptoms of hypertension, one of which is hot weather. People with hypertension are often considered weather-dependent, and sudden changes in weather conditions can cause pressure surges. This is especially noticeable if there is a sharp warming. Any person, even without any heart disease, has discomfort in the heat, heart rate increases and blood pressure may rise.

Increased pressure may indicate that the body simply does not have time to adapt to new weather conditions. Typically, hypertension manifests itself precisely during the heat for several reasons:

  • elevated ambient temperature, at which the pulse quickens;
  • strong heartbeat;
  • fatigue, excitement, stress from the heat.

Therefore, during hot weather, you need to carefully monitor the pressure. First of all - for hypertensive patients who have already been diagnosed with the disease. Also, changes in pressure need to be monitored for people who are at risk, these include:

  • elderly people;
  • overweight people;
  • people subject to frequent stress and strong emotional distress;
  • people with bad habits, such as smoking or alcohol abuse;
  • lovers of unhealthy foods high in salt, fatty and sugary foods.

Also, it is advisable to monitor the level of pressure during the heat for pregnant women and women with menopause. They also have an increased risk of developing hypertension, and fever can trigger seizures.


You should know what symptoms hypertension can cause in the heat. Most of them can occur simply in people who can hardly tolerate high temperatures, but if their intensity increases, measures against heatstroke do not help, it is imperative to measure the pressure and, if possible, consult a doctor.

Usually, with heat, hypertension manifests itself as follows:

  1. Headache, usually accompanied by severe dizziness.
  2. Nausea, sometimes up to vomiting.
  3. Rapid heartbeat, chills.
  4. Great weakness, breathing problems.
  5. In some cases, loss of consciousness is observed.
  6. The appearance of "stars", "flies" before the eyes.

These are the main symptoms of hypertension that are observed in hot weather. Their occurrence may indicate other health problems, so be sure to measure your blood pressure. If the systolic pressure is above 140 mm Hg. Art., we can safely talk about hypertension.

Important! If these symptoms occur, it is imperative to consult a doctor, in some cases it is better to call " ambulance».

To avoid pressure surges in hot weather, there are certain guidelines that are suitable for people with hypertension or those who are at risk. If you are careful in the warm season, the symptoms of hypertension can be avoided.

In general, doctors do not advise being outside for a long time, if the air temperature exceeds 27 degrees Celsius, you can easily grab heatstroke. If a person with hypertension is at home, the average temperature should be around degrees, this is the most comfortable indicator. Do not forget to ventilate, stuffy air also negatively affects people with hypertension.

If you need to leave the house, you need to follow several preventive rules that will help prevent a high blood pressure attack:

  1. Before leaving home, you need to make sure that necessary drugs from high blood pressure, prescribed by a doctor, taken with you.
  2. You should always have a bottle of plain water with you.
  3. Open spaces under the sun should be avoided, it is advisable to always seek shade and coolness.
  4. You need to monitor your condition, whether the first symptoms of high blood pressure occur.
  5. You should not engage in heavy physical labor in the heat.
  6. When the weather is hot and sunny, you should always wear a lightweight hat.
  7. Salty foods should be completely abandoned, salt provokes high blood pressure.
  8. Clothing should be light and loose, made from natural materials.
  9. You should drink at least two liters of water per day.

If you follow all the precautions, problems will not arise. It is also worth remembering that it is normal to sweat a lot in hot weather, if this process stops, this is a cause for concern.

If the first symptoms of high blood pressure appear, do not panic, this can only worsen the situation. You need to find a cool, dark place, sit down, start breathing in and out deeply. If possible, it is advisable to seek help from loved ones.

Taking medications for hypertension in the heat

If hypertension is an official diagnosis made by a cardiologist, then in the heat it is possible and necessary to take medications prescribed to lower the pressure. It is advisable to do this before leaving the house.

If the pressure has increased, but before that no problems with the heart and blood vessels have arisen, you should not choose medicines at random, you can exclusively harm the body. If the rise in pressure is insignificant, you can take common sedatives based on natural ingredients: infusion of valerian or motherwort. The main thing is to calm down, give up urgent matters, leave the heat in a cool place.

If the pressure is increased strongly, there is a likelihood of loss of consciousness or the occurrence of a hypertensive crisis, you need to call an ambulance. Doctors will help to establish the exact cause of the ailment, if necessary, they will give an injection of a lowering pressure of the drug.

Important! It is desirable to lower the pressure natural methods, without resorting to the help of drugs, if this happened for the first time due to the heat.

Folk remedies for hypertension during the heat

Some folk remedies help to reduce pressure, or prevent it from rising in hot weather. If they do not have the desired effect, the condition will begin to deteriorate, you should consult a doctor.

From folk remedies that help with hypertension, you can use the following:

  1. Decoctions and infusions medicinal herbs... Certain herbs have a sedative effect, such as chamomile, lemon balm, sage. On their basis, you can make decoctions or infusions, for this you need to pour one spoonful of herbs with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for half an hour. Also, these herbs can be added to tea.
  2. Fresh juices. Some freshly squeezed vegetable juices help to cope with high blood pressure: cucumber, celery, beetroot juice. It is advisable to drink fresh juice instead of short snacks during a hot day, if possible.
  3. Garlic. This seasoning is considered to be an effective remedy for high blood pressure. In hot weather, it can be added to food, this will help improve the condition of the body.
  4. Lemon, cranberry and honey. Based on these products, you can prepare a remedy that helps with high pressure. You need to grate the zest of one lemon, mix with a spoonful of cranberries, add half a spoonful of ground rose hips. Pour the mixture with a glass of honey, take one spoonful a day.

Also, do not forget about a light diet that excludes most animal products, sweet, fatty, salty foods. If these foods are avoided, the pressure is unlikely to rise in hot weather.

It is also important not to worry or panic if signs of hypertension do manifest themselves. You need to calm down and take the right medicine, if it was previously selected by the doctor.

Temperature "wave". How to behave in hypertensive patients in the heat

Summer heat is not an easy test for any person. But for the heart or hypertension, heat is especially dangerous.

Our expert is cardiologist Irina Zakharova.

Jump by jump

Every summer, cardiologists record an increase in the number of people who complain of problems with the heart and blood vessels. Moreover, the incidence peaks are always directly related to the arrival of the next "heat wave". Yesterday it was +20 ° C outside, but today the temperature suddenly rushed to the records? Doctors are waiting for a new influx of patients.

An increase in temperature by several degrees above normal is a trigger that breaks the human adaptive system. A prolonged "heat wave" with temperatures below +30 ° C is dangerous both for patients with chronic diseases and simply for the elderly. Such people react badly not only to heat - to any climatic jumps. But the heat ends sooner or later. And this is another leap, new stress. Especially for a person prone to arterial hypertension - by definition, meteosensitive.

What to do? Prepare for a change of weather in advance. Of course, the patient should monitor the state of blood pressure regularly. But this is not enough. You need to be ready for another simple procedure - correction of the antihypertensive drugs... The subtleties of drug therapy must be agreed with the doctor in advance. Unfortunately, many patients forget about it, and if the pressure rises, they prefer to call an ambulance. The doctors, of course, will restore the pressure. But without adjusting the dose of the drug, it can jump up again soon. If the patient is prepared, consulted with a doctor, he can usually curb the pressure on his own.

Get out of town!

The heat is especially dangerous when combined with stuffiness. Therefore, patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases are usually worse off in a summer city than outside the city. High-rise buildings overheat, it is practically useless to ventilate during the day - it will only get hotter, and in the street atmosphere in the summer heat, the concentration of harmful substances increases many times.

Alas, for those suffering from arterial hypertension, a sharp change in climate is extremely dangerous. At home, in a more familiar climatic zone, a person can more easily adapt even to the conditions of abnormal climatic jumps. So it is better to survive the heat somewhere in nature, but in your usual region. At the same time, do not forget to ventilate the room at least in the morning and in the evening, when the heat is not so strong. Be outdoors more in the evenings.

To drink or not to drink?

In the summer, we are advised to drink as much as possible. Or, for example, eat more berries and fruits that contain a lot of liquid. For hypertensive patients and heart patients, this is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, having plenty of fluids can actually bring relief. On the other hand, the load on the vessels increases, because the volume of fluid circulating in the body increases. This increases the stress on the heart muscle and can lead to shortness of breath and swelling. Therefore, it is important to observe the measure and drink a maximum of 2–2.5 liters of liquid per day. Or less, if the doctor said so.

Fever hypertension

"In the heat, in patients with hypertension, the pressure may first decrease and then rise sharply."

Last week the air temperature in the shade reached 30–32 degrees. It was unbearably stuffy. Then thunderstorms began, the air humidity increased. Even healthy people find it difficult to endure such sudden changes in the weather. What can we say about those who suffer from various diseases. About how to survive the vagaries of the weather without serious complications, we asked Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ivan Vykhovanyuk.

- Do you know what weather conditions are suitable for the human body living in our latitudes? - says Ivan Vasilievich. - Air temperature 16-18 degrees, humidity - 50 percent and atmospheric pressure 750 mm Hg. During the heat that we all have been experiencing recently, the vascular system and the heart experience real overloads. In the heat, the vessels can first expand, while the blood pressure decreases, but at some point the so-called paradoxical vasospasm sets in: they sharply narrow - and the pressure jumps. A hypertensive crisis often leads to a heart attack or stroke.

- What to do to prevent such a jump?

- Since we are talking about experienced hypertensive patients, they should know: drugs that keep blood pressure normal should be taken constantly, without interrupting treatment for a day. If the pressure does rise from time to time, it is necessary to find more effective medications. For this, an examination is carried out: they do tests, take the indicators of the cardiogram and compare them with the previous ones. The same applies to those suffering from ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis.

- No. For those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, I cannot recommend more than one and a half liters per day. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the heart to cope with pumping liquid. You can drink not only plain water, but also acidified with natural lemon juice, as well as green tea room temperature and fruit drink. It is better to refuse heavy overcooked food, but fermented milk products, of course, not sour, are very useful. Alcoholic drinks, even weak ones, it is not recommended to drink in the heat: the vessels suffer from them even more, the ability to self-regulation is impaired.

- Some people complain that they literally sweat when it's stuffy and hot. What does this mean?

- The body is trying to adapt to high temperature and humidity. This is an individual reaction. The main thing is that the water-salt balance is not disturbed, the viscosity of the blood does not increase, which leads to the formation of blood clots. For prevention, in consultation with the doctor, it is worth taking blood-thinning drugs. Wet wipes and a shower at room temperature help to endure the heat more easily. Sun exposure should be avoided. On hot days, it is better to sit at home or in a nearby park. You should especially be wary of the "heat islands", which are usually located in the center of the city, where everything is asphalted, tiles are laid, there are many buildings, and there are few green spaces and lawns. It is very easy to get heatstroke in such a place. By the way, those who work in an air-conditioned room are also at risk. You should not sit under a direct stream of cooled air, because you can get sore throat or pneumonia. And any infection can cause complications in the heart.

Heat treatment for hypertension

Quite recently, I spoke with a person I know very well and who for many years has had a standard diagnosis of "Arterial hypertension". And when asked how he tolerates the heat, he replied that he had never expected such that he would have to give up medications. In his firm conviction, due to the high temperature - the heat, his vessels are in an expanded state, which means that there is a need to either refuse medications or reduce the dosage.

My friend is 62 years old and he works as an ordinary worker. In any case, he never fell in spirit, he constantly worked physically, but now he decided to just talk to me about what to do with the medicines. Of course, I have no moral right to cancel the appointments of the attending physician, but I still made it clear to him that if he, dispensing with them, maintains blood pressure in the regime of mercury. Art. then they really can not be used. And even now, when it got colder in the yard, he, without using medication, has arterial pressure of mercury. Art. He flatly refused to engage in psychophysical techniques - they say, homework overwhelming.

And this is not an isolated example. Although many hypertensive patients feel very bad in the heat. And, first of all, this is due to physical inactivity and its consequences. And already hypertension as a disease acts as bosom friends with hypokinesia - it completely detrains the body physically. Indeed, if a person only has to believe in the disease itself, get along with it and perceive it as an integral part of his body, then the prospects for recovery are very insignificant. This person will gradually move away from physical labor and put the formed disease in the first place. Of course, my friend will have to at least regularly measure blood pressure and, if it grows, still resort to medications, or take the psychophysical method of self-improvement as the basis of life. Not necessarily my system - there are enough methods. After all, I do not pretend to any originality. But he will still have to solve the dilemma of Shakespeare's Hamlet “To be, or not to be? Should I take medications or not?

Personally, I can stand the heat very well. Then I have blood pressure like a real athlete and, above all, because I train at a high temperature. Of course, it is impossible to recommend all hypertensive patients to work out in the heat - much depends on the condition of the person, the stage of the disease, and his fitness. But you still need to know that fever is not the last thing in correcting blood pressure.

In Soviet times, I had to read the publication of one doctor that at the metallurgical plant, which he supervised, part of young people with initial hypertension got rid of high blood pressure, and part of the condition deteriorated sharply. No one reacted to his message, because then, as now, all non-standard methods of correcting blood pressure were ignored. But I have kept this illustrative example in my memory until now. High temperatures should be used to treat hypertension. Of course, this should be done by a professional doctor who will always give the right advice. In any case, it will save you from a potential threat in time. Information about the treatment of arterial hypertension in saunas and baths sometimes appears in the press. I do not consider this a "duck", as I understand that if a wise Teacher is present there too, the result will certainly be positive. That is, high blood pressure will begin to decrease.

Therefore, dear friends, we must be friends with Nature. Go in It, and not hide within four walls for every reason. Of course, scientists talk a lot about the dangers of sunlight, sunstroke, crises, heart attacks occurring under the influence of high temperature. But not everything should be taken literally. The same scientists "protect" the modern person from the harmful effects of physical activity.

Say, physically working is not fashionable - it contradicts a civilized person. So we are not working, plunging ourselves into the gentle hands of scientific and technological progress. We get widespread hypertension, we are treated again in civilized ways and without getting recovery - we cry, complaining about life itself.

You all hear a lot about the so-called benefits of low temperatures with high blood pressure. I also heard, read about this, and I myself practiced hardening-running for ten years. But I realized one thing: it is impossible to get rid of high blood pressure with the help of low temperatures.

But the high temperatures do give ground for reasoning. In one of my articles, I said that high temperature is wonderful, original way tempering a person. And that you can really be tempered when you can become akin to Her Majesty Heat and not just train in it, but get incomparable pleasure from it. And it will surely come as soon as you overcome yourself, your fear, weakness and personally understand that high temperature, like all other factors of Nature, gives not only good blood pressure, but also the state of health in general.

Hypertension and bath

Video. The effect of high and low temperatures on the body of hypertensive patients

What is the connection between fever and hypertension

It is a known fact that hypertensive patients are meteorological people, since high blood pressure is often combined with vegetative-vascular dystonia or is a consequence of it. Any changes in the weather - heat, extreme cold, rain, snow, wind and other phenomena will certainly affect the well-being of patients with hypertension. But high air temperature especially adversely affects the condition. On hot days, even healthy young people feel discomfort, not to mention older men and women suffering from chronically high blood pressure.

Heat and hypertension are poorly compatible concepts, since when the temperature rises by 1 °, the heart rate is accelerated by 10 beats / min and the respiration rate is increased by 4–5 breaths. Against the background of such physiological changes, people begin to worry and are in anticipation of a deterioration in well-being. As a result, an attack of hypertension develops for several reasons:

Increased pressure in summer is a consequence of the fact that the body does not have time to adapt after cold weather to hot weather. A concomitant unfavorable factor may be overwork, which increases under the influence of high temperatures.

Fever and hypertension

What are the symptoms accompanied by an attack of the disease, provoked high temperature air? In most cases, the following phenomena are observed:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • breathing disorders;
  • disorder of the rhythm of the heartbeat.

If you identify the listed symptoms in yourself, you should immediately apply for medical help, as an attack of hypertension can result in a stroke or heart attack.

Doctors do not recommend that patients with hypertension be outdoors on very hot days, especially at lunchtime. It is necessary to follow the weather forecast and, if possible, stay at home when the outside air temperature is above 27 ° C. Optimal conditions for hypertensive patients are 21-26 ° C, in working and living quarters should also be maintained temperature regime... Especially it concerns summer period years when the house is very stuffy and requires regular ventilation.

If the heat is on the street and hypertension pesters, and patients need to leave the house, you should definitely take preventive measures to prevent a possible attack. Therefore, people with high blood pressure necessary:

  • take a medicine that normalizes blood pressure before leaving the house;
  • always have pills and a bottle of cool water with you;
  • avoid open spaces under the scorching sun;
  • closely monitor your condition;
  • give up heavy physical labor;
  • wear a protective headgear;
  • limit salt intake, which increases blood pressure;
  • give preference to loose clothing made from natural materials;
  • during the day, drink plenty of fluids, at least 2 liters per day.

How to understand that the body is protected from overheating? This is evidenced by such a phenomenon as sweating. If sweat is released from the skin in extreme heat, the body reacts correctly to weather conditions. If this does not happen, then the condition can deteriorate sharply due to overheating of the body.

What to do in the heat for hypertensive patients

and much more about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle

Malakhov +: fight against diseases

Talk show release from 9, compendium

Materials are published with the consent of the official website of G.P. Malakhov. www.genesha.ru

Today we are going to talk about a rather serious problem. It would seem that it is hot outside, they were expecting it so much, but how hard it is for hypertensive patients in hot weather. They all the time complain that their blood pressure rises, that they do not feel well, and they also complain that their heart hurts. What should hypertensive patients do in this summer heat?

GM: Today we are going to talk about how hypertensive patients can survive the heat without consequences. How to use hay, how to make healing kvass. What you need to do from cucumbers and beets in order to alleviate your condition.

29 lunar day... The octopus is the symbol of this period. The largest ebb and flow occur on these lunar days. Today it is recommended to restrict diet and physical activity. Worry less. Spend your day in peace. Save your strength. No work, especially in the open sun. Do some breathing exercises today. For example, abdominal breathing.

At 22.35, the first lunar day will begin, which will last until one in the morning.

For Maria Grigorievna, the heat is a real punishment. This is what she writes in her letter: “I am hypertensive, in hot weather I feel terrible. My head is spinning, there is not enough air, I start to choke. I am afraid that because of the high pressure I will fall in the garden, no one will help me. " Meet the author of these stocks in our studio today. Maria Vataleva.

I am a hypertensive patient with experience. I have been ill for over 30 years.

Son, but he is disabled. Last year, when I was on the train, my blood pressure began to rise, due to the heat and stuffiness. A doctor was traveling with me, she gave injections and pills, but I had to be removed from the train and I was taken to the hospital. We measured the pressure, it was 300 to 150. I really thought, that's it, I'm finished.

You live in a private house. Who manages all this economy? What is the son of?

My son, he is disabled from childhood, his mobility is impaired (cerebral palsy).

GM: Since you have come to us, we will try to help you. I want to ask you. The pressure, it is understandable that it rises in the heat. But, it also depends on what exactly a person eats, what clothes he wears.

Gennady Petrovich, I confess, I love very salty.

GM: First of all, so that you don't die in the heat, never eat salty foods. Excessive salt, the body does not need it. Salt is excreted by our kidneys. But until it is removed, it retains water in the body like a saline solution. It's hard. Reduce the need for salt, and your heart will become easier to work. One must not only understand this, but also put it into practice.

Now, what kind of clothes do you have?

GM: Never wear synthetics. Especially in the hot season, clothes should be linen. It is important to understand what works and how, otherwise the doctors will not help. So listen to us carefully.

Now, you say that you work in your vegetable garden in the heat. Why are you doing it?

GM: You can work from 6 to 9 in the morning and in the evening. No need to work in the heat. Limit the 10am maximum because the sun is already rising. What are you growing in the garden?

Potatoes, beets, carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs.

GM: Everything you listed except the tomato is great for lowering blood pressure. Potatoes can be eaten in their uniforms. It contains potassium, which removes water and reduces swelling, facilitates the work of the heart.

And now I’ll give you a drink to reduce your thirst, so that the pressure does not jump. We take a lemon, cut it, squeeze out the juice, add it to a glass of warm water. Drink slowly.

I drink plain water.

GM: And here cold water in the heat it is better not to drink, it is better warm or room temperature.

I think that Maria Igorevna must be helped. And our next heroine can do it like no other. Hypertension is familiar to her. In our studio today, People's Artist of Russia, Natalya Krachkovskaya.

They brought everything to us. Beetroot has been cooked for a long time in Russia, but many have forgotten what it is. And it is done very simply. Boil the beets, wait for them to cool, grate them and put them back in the same water. Add finely chopped cucumber there, green onions and radishes. This is a light soup. Beetroot, lowers blood pressure, cleanses the stomach. In general, it is an irreplaceable product in our life. I live like this every summer. And for taste, cut the egg in half, put it on a plate and add a spoonful of sour cream.

Here you are, Maria Grigorievna, and you, what soups do you like the most?

I love borscht, with meat. WITH sauerkraut cook.

You can't eat it in the summer, it's contraindicated for me.

I also make okroshka with kefir.

With kefir, that's good. Let's learn from our ancestors, they were very smart people, they cooked such wonderful dishes that we don't even remember now, alas. But it was healthy normal food.

I suggest watching the video. The fact is that it was sent to us by a specialist in natural healing, Kama Arefieva. Attention to the screen.

In order not to burn out from the heat, I put on my head a hat made of burdock leaves. Or it can be from the leaves of the mother-and-stepmother, or large maple leaves, i.e. anything, if only there was no heat and headache.

And now I will tell you how I make kvass. Its basis is a decoction of beets, 1 liter. And here I add rhubarb stalks, previously cut into pieces (a handful). Then 1-2 tbsp. I combine honey with 3-4 tablespoons. black currant berries, mix well, squeeze, and also add.

(you need to wait until it ferments to make kvass)

This is a healing, wellness, cooling drink!

I want to see a specialist. In our studio today, there is a therapist, Tatyana Yurievna Romanenko. Did you like those recipes that sounded here?

The recipes are all wonderful, I can't say anything against them. And most importantly, these are healthy and delicious recipes. And therefore, for the prevention of increased blood pressure, and to some extent even for treatment, they can be used. But still, I would like to remind you that hypertension is a very serious disease. It doesn't matter for the body whether the pressure is 300 or 150, it is equally hard for the heart and blood vessels. And for some, the reserve of strength will endure 300, while for others it may turn out to be fatal for 150.

And the fever, as an additional negative factor in the life of hypertensive patients?

The heat strains all the vital resources of the body. Why? This is a blow to the vessels. People with high blood pressure, their vessels become vulnerable.

Here they talked about salt, that food should be undersalted. Think about it, a decrease in salt in the diet by only 1 gram will lead to a decrease in upper pressure by 5.6 mm Hg. Art., lower by 6.4 mm. rt. Art. And how much of this salt with cucumbers and sausages do we eat?

Because definitely need to be limited.

Of course. Secondly, reducing the weight by 1 kg allows you to reduce the pressure by 1.5 mm Hg. Art. Think about it.

Lidia Vasilievna Uporeva from Volokolamsk asks for help: “In the summer, as soon as I eat ice cream, or drink cold kvass, I have angina right away. Help"

GM: Be careful to quench your thirst with room temperature water or warm water... And in order to treat a sore throat, I will recommend you a folk remedy.

We take 1 tbsp. resin and interior fat. Melt, mix everything thoroughly, you get an ointment. We keep it in the refrigerator. Use like this: melt, apply on cotton fabric or gauze with a thin layer, and apply to the sore throat, secured with cellophane paper and a scarf. It helps a lot.

Our next hero knows how to deal with hypertensive patients with this terrible fever. There are even products that help you do this. These are cucumbers. Meet, in our studio today, a member of the guild of chefs of Russia, Vladimir Mukhin.

We take the tops of beets, dip them in boiling water and immediately take them out into ice, and finely chop (or wipe). In addition to beets, we take spinach, sorrel, nettle, i.e. everything that grows in the garden. Be sure to add an egg, green onions and cucumber here.

I know that indeed this dish has been used since ancient times in Russia as the best dish during the heat. But I know that there was also a wonderful drink in Russia, which was also used for cooling in the heat, this is a punch.

Yes. And, in fact, I wanted to cook it for you.

For the summer punch, I took cucumbers. Cucumber helps to reduce both pressure and weight, as 79% of it is water. So, pour some water into a bowl, add the same amount of honey, stir. Shred the cucumber and add right here. You can wait an hour for the cucumbers to use their juice, insist. Next, we take a little mineral carbonated water, preferably cold, and pour it here. We take Apple juice, pour the same amount as carbonated water. Ice can be added here to cool. It turns out that all the ingredients are in equal proportions, although each of them can be adjusted according to your taste, capabilities and desire. Mineral water can be used without gases.

Many people think that the honey in the recipe can interfere with weight loss. Gennady Petrovich, how do you feel about this?

GM: I think honey would be useful here. It promotes the secretion of bile in the liver.

Marianna Trifonova, nutritionist, is on our program today. I want you to taste this drink! How do you rate those recommendations, and what can you add on your own?

Wonderful, unusual taste. I think it's a great thirst quencher. The recipe is great, because even from the green color, a person feels cool.

Many people drink a lot of carbonated water in the heat, but this is by no means necessary, because artificial gas delays the movement of liquid and food.

What do you advise to drink in the heat?

Keeping up with the times and catering to the tastes of people who recently fell in love with green tea. I have a recipe to quench my thirst.

We take half a glass of dried fruits (mix prunes, dried apricots, figs, etc.). This collection strengthens the heart muscle, promotes good work. of cardio-vascular system... Pour all this with 1.5-2 glasses of non-hot green tea. We put it all overnight. And as a result, in the morning we already have a fairly voluminous mass.

Nutritionists have a saying that everything that is not water is food. But this recipe is a symbiosis of both drinking and eating. I recommend adding a certain amount of liquid here, adding a little honey and half a lemon. I also recommend adding a whisper of ground black pepper, because combined with honey and lemon it provides a wonderful drainage effect. Both the liver and kidneys begin to work.

Many people with diabetes complain that many recipes contain honey. Can you do without it?

In principle, you can, because dried fruits already contain sugar. For everyone else, honey is a pleasant ingredient that improves liver function as well.

Drainage effect, does this mean we will not swell?

Hypertension, a rather serious disease, is often accompanied by edema. What to do in this situation? Who would have thought that ordinary hay could help. Our next heroine will tell us about it. I invite the actress, vice-president of the Guild of Russian Cinema Actors, Natalia Drozhzhina. Meet.

We filmed the film "Kiss of Chanita" near Yalta, in the village, it was hot, summer, and, of course, spotlights. And in this insane heat, I had to sing the song “You can't live without love, the light is sad without it,” and pull a donkey after me, which didn't really want to go in such heat. I started having wild headaches, it was something terrible. I asked the director to cancel the shooting, but he didn’t give permission. Says - we will now call a paramedic. In the frame of the film came the moment when I was in tears of pain. But it was the best shot of the film, everyone thought that I played like that.

From the first take, the shooting was successful. And a paramedic arrived, a woman from a nearby village (in the mountains near Yalta). She said that my blood pressure is 160 to 90 (my usual pressure, on the contrary, is below normal). She says, since your shooting is over, I will take you with me, and I will treat you.

She took me to her house. They put hay in a barrel for me, and they put me there. The water was lukewarm. I immediately came to life, there is such a pleasant aroma, the headache passed. I stayed there for about 15 minutes, the paramedic said that it was no longer possible. She said to me, "remember this recipe for life, you, Natasha, need it, since you have such a situation with pressure."

And of course I recommend everyone to use hay. I always bring it from the dacha. I steam it for an hour in a 3-liter jar, then strain it through a colander, and add it to the bath. I sit there for 15 minutes. I leave there young, fatigue passes.

This tea helps "from the heart - as I was told - from the head, from pressure, and even for a hangover, our men drink." Those. this is "life tea". We take a liter jar, put 2-3 fresh leaves of birch, mint, coltsfoot, 0.5 tsp. dill seeds and 1 tsp. immortelle. Pour half a liter of boiling water over everything, leave for 30 minutes. Strain and drink 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals, in a cup. And you know, I forgot what pressure is, I honestly tell you. Like these ones folk recipes my profession gives me.

I want to invite one more heroine to us. She also brought a drink to help with the summer heat. Meet Rimma Zorichev in our studio today.

I understand you because I have worked as a hairdresser for over 30 years. Imagine, you come to a hairdresser, you are greeted by a master with a red face, hair adhered, legs like barrels. I came home, I cried, I didn't know where to put those legs.

What is the recipe, how did you save yourself?

Two years ago I had to quit my job because I was ashamed to walk like that. The legs were in such a state as if two 3-liter jars were tied to them. I walked like old. But after…

My husband and his friends constantly went fishing, to the dacha, to nature with an overnight stay. And I was sitting at home: I would put on wet, cold towels, put the fan in front of me, and sit in front of the TV.

I had a cold because of this.

Tell us about the periwinkle drink, the plant that worked for you. How did you know about it?

On my husband's next departure, I sat at home, upset. A friend came, she is advanced about a healthy lifestyle.

Yes! She brought me a bunch of literature. And he says, “well, you take up yourself or not, well, you’re not old woman, come on, why are you sitting at home, don't go out. " And I decided, took up myself.

I was attracted by the plant periwinkle (periwinkle). The flowers are blue and the leaves, like those of the lingonberry, are so tough. Firstly, it is a diuretic, and secondly, it removes puffiness well. The pressure relieves and helps from diabetes mellitus... Those. the recipe is wonderful.

We take 3 liters of milk whey, add 1 tbsp. sour cream, add a glass of honey. Put periwinkle leaves in cheesecloth, and a pebble as a load (this is necessary so that the leaves do not float and mold), we tie all this in a knot (it turns out like a bag). It is cooked in a warm place for three weeks (i.e. infused, fermented, fermented). After three weeks, add a spoonful of lemon. Drink this kvass in a quarter of a glass 3-4 times a day.

Tell me, what happened to you after you started drinking this kvass from periwinkle?

Life under pressure: how to save hypertensive patients in the heat

This week, the temperature in the shade has reached degrees, and, judging by the forecasts of weather forecasters, this is not the limit of the current season. Even healthy people can hardly tolerate such an abnormal heat, because when the body temperature rises by 1 degree, the heartbeat increases by 10 beats, and breathing - by 3-5 breaths. What then can we say about hypertensive patients, the number of which is increasing every year.

Arterial hypertension - increased pressure - the scourge of the century. Of the 46 million Ukrainians, 11 million suffer from hypertension. 65% of hypertensive patients know about high blood pressure. 45% of patients begin to be treated at the suggestion of a doctor, and only 15% are constantly treated for 1 year. Not only this sad statistics is frightening, but also the forecasts of scientists, which portend that

by 2030, more than 23 million will die from cardiovascular diseases, as these diseases will remain the single leading causes of death.

“It is impossible to completely cure hypertension. It is a chronic incurable disease that requires lifelong medication, sadly, ”says Alexander Vavinsky, head of the cardiology department of the city emergency hospital. “But you can improve your condition by changing your lifestyle.” What should hypertensive patients do in order to safely survive the heat, as well as how to prevent the onset of the disease, Alexander Borisovich told the First City Newspaper.

Alexander Borisovich, what are the causes of hypertension?

To some extent, arterial hypertension can be the same price to pay for civilization. Previously, this disease was, but not in such quantities. But with the advent of a good quality life, the situation has changed. Among the large list of causes of hypertension, one of the most important is a sedentary lifestyle. Everyone mostly travels by public transport or by car. Pay attention, walking down the street, how many fat people are today - there are a lot of them. Of course, overweight is not always the fault of the population, but by and large the reason is a low food culture.

Then notice how many young people we have drinking. Guys and girls walk down the street with bottles of beer, I'm not even talking about the fact that they just drink in cafes, bars, restaurants, this is in the order of things. But any excess alcohol consumption in captivity will lead to both tachycardia and an increase in blood pressure.

Smoking also leads to hypertension, it leads to a decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels and, accordingly, to an increase in blood pressure. There are many other reasons, including heredity, unhealthy diet.

Is it true that a 50-year-old person who does not lead a healthy lifestyle is 100% hypertensive?

I will give you one figure, however, it is two years ago, so now the figure is most likely much higher. 45% of the population over 50 years old suffers from arterial hypertension. That's the whole answer. If in Europe mortality from stroke and heart attack is decreasing, then in our country, on the contrary, the growth of cardiovascular diseases continues. Life expectancy is longer in many countries of the world. If we are debating when to retire at 60 or 65, then in many European countries the established age is not discussed at all, since life expectancy is quite high.

There is such a concept of "damage to target organs." The target organs of hypertension are blood vessels, heart, brain, kidneys. If we talk about the consequences on simple language, then the vessels of the brain are strokes and encephalopathy (disorder of the so-called thinking function of the brain); heart - heart failure, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction; kidneys - acute and chronic renal failure, kidney wrinkling. There may also be retinal detachment and decreased vision, even blindness. This is not to mention the numerous thrombosis in all forms. After all, what is a stroke? This is a cerebral infarction. People, when they hear the word "heart attack", always talk about the heart. But in fact there is a heart attack of the kidney, intestines, spleen, lungs, in the end, gangrene of the limb is somewhere in the percentage of this is a limb infarction, blockage of an arterial vessel with all the ensuing consequences. This is what hypertension can lead to.

They say hypertension is getting younger. What are the reasons for its appearance at a young age?

Yes, I saw hypertension at 35 and 30 years old. And the above reasons are not necessarily involved in this, because arterial hypertension can be both a disease and a symptom of something. Sometimes it is very difficult to determine the cause of its occurrence at a young age. First of all, the doctor must exclude all diseases that can lead to hypertension. These are organic brain lesions, and diseases of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, heart defects. Perhaps, by influencing the root cause, the same, for example, thyrotoxicosis, goiter, blood pressure is normalized.

Is it true that in the heat there are more strokes, heart attacks, exacerbations of coronary heart disease, hypertension?

I will tell you the opposite with regard to cardiovascular diseases. Summer is a very favorable period for ailments of this kind. Their seasonality begins in October, where their growth is recorded, and continues until April. That is, weather changes, the transition from a hot pore to a wetter, colder one, is much worse for cores than, say, heat. But this may not apply to hypertensive crises. For example, in May-June we always have a slight increase in heart attacks. This month also recorded many more people with a heart attack than in the same period last year. I think this is due to the early onset of spring and the heat, due to the fact that people do not have time to adapt so quickly to the sultry weather. After all, we practically did not have spring this year, just summer. So the number of crises has increased a lot now. A crisis is a clot of arterial hypertension, which leads to impaired cerebral circulation. And there are a lot of such cases, especially in our department. Probably, all the same, hot weather affects this, heart rhythm disturbances, crises are increasing.

What advice can you give for those hypertensive patients who do not tolerate heat well?

First of all, if a person does not react well to the heat, he should spend as little time as possible outside during the day. If it is not possible to avoid direct sunlight, it is imperative to wear a hat and try to hide in the shade. It is also recommended to wear light, loose clothing made from natural fabrics.

By all means, it is necessary to observe the water regime - in hot weather, a person must drink 2 liters of liquid and even more. Because in such a sultry period, only with the exhalation of air we lose from 300 to 500 ml of moisture. Then I went up to a liter. And these losses need to be replenished with both ordinary water and all kinds of teas. But not with sweet water like Fanta or Coca-Cola. Such drinks with all kinds of emulsifiers of unnatural origin, I generally do not attribute to drinks, I believe that it is better to drink tap water than such a drink.

What foods should be consumed by hypertensive patients, and which should be avoided?

High-calorie foods should be avoided. In other words, you should not eat fatty, fried foods. On the contrary, you need to eat easily digestible and low-calorie foods, that is, vegetables, fruits, this is the main supplier of mineral salts and vitamins. Also, all kinds of low-fat cheeses, cereals, low-fat meats, dairy products, for example, kefirchik. Alcohol during such a period is generally unacceptable, it must be excluded, because drinking will only aggravate the person's condition. You can’t even drink beer, if you don’t twist it, it’s still alcohol.

Many people are unaware that they have hypertension. What symptoms should be a signal for them?

Here is what is defined in relation to hypertension by the World Health Organization: arterial hypertension is an asymptomatic (!) Increase in blood pressure, above the numbers 139/94. Asymptomatic. That is, the person feels quite normal. He came, for example, to an appointment with a surgeon about a boil. They measure his blood pressure and say: "You have 150/100, you need to be examined and treated." How do people generally respond to this? “Doctor, do not fool your head, I feel quite normal, everything is in order. The time will come, then. " And then it comes out too late - nine-tenths of patients begin to treat hypertension, when it leads to a vascular catastrophe - to a stroke, retinal detachment, renal failure, etc. When the disaster struck, everyone starts to say: “Oh! Hypertension!".

It is imperative to measure blood pressure from time to time. But people, due to various circumstances, do not do this. So hypertension is detected quite late, because the appearance of signs suggests that the disease is already clearly present. Weakness, fatigue, periodic palpitations, dizziness, anxious dreams, frequent urination at night - all these can be symptoms of hypertension.

Elena Nesen, "The First City Newspaper" №25

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