Regulations on the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation - Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Ministry of Regional Development of Russia Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation

Kitchen 20.05.2021

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2005 N 40
"On Approval of the Regulations on the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation and on Amendments to Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation"

March 14, 19, 2005, February 1, April 21, 2006, October 25, 2007, May 29, June 5, October 13, November 7, December 29, 2008, January 27, March 31, September 15, 2009 20 February, 24 May, 15, 30 June, 26 July 2010, 24 March, 3 August, 21 October, 3 November 2011, 30 June 2012, 30 April, 9 August, 2, 18 November 2013, April 15, June 16, 2014

In pursuance of the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of September 13, 2004 N 1168 "On the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 38, Art. 3775) and of December 1, 2004 N 1487 "On the Federal Agency on construction and housing and communal services "(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 49, Art. 4889) The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

2. By March 1, 2005, the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation shall submit to the Government of the Russian Federation draft normative legal acts in order to abolish the powers recognized as excessive provided for in subparagraph 5.3.1 of the Regulation on the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services and subparagraph 5.2.7 Regulations on the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

4. The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation shall ensure in 2005 the financing of labor costs for employees of the central office of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation in accordance with the established procedure within the funds provided for by the Federal Law of December 23, 2004 N 173-FZ "On the federal budget for 2005 ".

on the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation
(approved by resolution

With changes and additions from:

March 14, 19, 2005, February 1, April 21, 2006, October 25, 2007, May 29, October 13, November 7, December 29, 2008, January 27, March 31, September 15, 2009, February 20, May 24, June 15, 30, July 26, 2010, March 24, August 3, October 21, November 3, 2011, June 30, 2012, April 30, August 9, November 2, 18, 2013 ., April 15, June 16, 2014

I. General Provisions

1. The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) is a federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, including the regions of the Far North and The Arctic, the administrative-territorial structure of the Russian Federation, the delineation of powers in matters of joint jurisdiction between federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies, the implementation of border and interregional cooperation, urban planning in terms of territorial planning, urban zoning, coordination of development and implementation of complex projects of social and economic development federal districts, coordination of the selection and implementation of priority investment projects of federal districts, state ethnic policy and interethnic relations in the Russian Federation, protection of the rights of national minorities and indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation, interaction with Cossack societies, functions of providing state support at the expense of the Investment Fund of the Russian Federation, subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (in the established sphere of activity of the Ministry), the development and coordination of strategies and complex projects for the socio-economic development of federal districts, federal target programs and departmental target programs in terms of integrated territorial development, the function of a state customer (state customer-coordinator) federal target programs related to the economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, as well as the functions and on the development and approval of methods for allocating state support funds to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities and submitting them to the Government of the Russian Federation for approval.

3. The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation is guided in its activities by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, as well as this Regulation.

4. The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation carries out its activities directly and through organizations subordinate to the Ministry in cooperation with other federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, public associations and other organizations.

II. Credentials

5. The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation exercises the following powers:

5.1. submits projects to the Government of the Russian Federation federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation and other documents that require a decision of the Government of the Russian Federation on issues related to the established sphere of competence of the Ministry, as well as a draft work plan and forecast indicators of the Ministry's activities;

5.2. on the basis of and in pursuance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation independently adopts the following normative legal acts in the established field of activity:

5.2.1. the procedure for approving documents for territorial planning of municipalities, the composition and procedure for the work of the conciliation commission when coordinating documents for territorial planning;

5.2.4. methodology for assessing the risks of an investment project, regulations on the investment commission and regulations for its work, methodology for applying criteria for the selection of investment projects and calculating indicators of the effectiveness of investment projects, the form of a model investment agreement, the procedure for registering ownership of the results of the implementation of investment projects, an application form for the provision of state support for the account of the Investment Fund of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts necessary for the provision of this support;

5.2.5. provisions on territories of traditional nature management of federal significance;

5.2.6. the procedure for monitoring compliance in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with the standards for the minimum provision of the population with points for technical inspection of vehicles;

5.2.20. the procedure for maintaining information systems for ensuring urban planning activities, requirements for technologies and software, linguistic, legal and organizational means of providing automated information systems for supporting urban planning activities;

5.2.21. the procedure for providing information contained in the information system for ensuring urban planning activities, at the request of the authorities state power, local government bodies, individuals and legal entities;

5.2.22. normative legal acts on other issues in the established sphere of activity of the Ministry, with the exception of issues, the legal regulation of which in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation is carried out exclusively by federal constitutional laws, federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation;

5.3. carries out:

5.3.1. monitoring and analysis of the implementation of state ethnic policy, state policy in relation to the Cossacks, as well as the implementation of the ethnocultural needs of citizens belonging to various ethnic communities of Russia;

5.3.2. implementation of state policy in the field of regional development, taking into account socio-economic, geographical and other features, in the field of local self-government, border and interregional relations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities;

5.3.3. analysis of the effectiveness of the use of state support funds by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, including the effectiveness of the implementation and impact of federal target programs on the socio-economic and ethnocultural development of the regions of the Russian Federation;

5.3.4. pursuing a unified policy in the field of assessing the effectiveness of the activities of local self-government bodies in various constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

5.3.5. coordination of the development of territorial planning documents of the Russian Federation, preparation of proposals for the development of territorial planning schemes for parts of the territory of the Russian Federation in order to create (develop) large infrastructure facilities of important state significance, as well as territorial planning documents developed on the basis of interstate agreements for border areas;

5.3.7. organization of the development of federal target programs, including programs for regional and territorial development, scientific, technical and innovative programs and projects, the function of the state customer (customer-coordinator) of such programs and projects in the established field of activity;

5.3.8. development and implementation of programs in the field of state policy for the revival and development of the Russian Cossacks;

5.3.9. development and implementation of measures in the field of state national policy;

5.3.10. functions of providing state support at the expense of the Investment Fund of the Russian Federation;

5.3.11. methodological support and organization of the development of strategies and complex projects for the socio-economic development of federal districts;

5.3.12. coordination of selection and implementation of priority investment projects of federal districts, including in the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District in agreement with the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Development Of the Far East;

5.3.13. methodological support for the development of strategies for socio-economic development and other program documents of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

5.3.14. monitoring the implementation of strategies for the socio-economic development of federal districts;

5.3.15. coordination of federal target programs and departmental target programs in terms of integrated territorial development;

5.3.16. preparation of an opinion on the compliance of projects for the creation of special economic zones with the priorities of complex territorial development, with the exception of the creation of special economic zones in the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District;

5.3.17. monitoring of compliance with the requirements of the legislation on the development and approval of territorial planning documents of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, documents of urban planning zoning of municipalities;

5.3.18. coordination, in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning activities, of a draft territorial planning scheme of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a draft territorial planning scheme municipal district, draft master plan of the settlement and draft master plan of the urban district;

5.3.20. coordination of the boundaries of the protection zones of a cultural heritage object of federal significance, recognized as a particularly valuable object of the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation or included in the World Heritage List, and requirements for the regime of land use and town planning regulations within the boundaries of these zones;

5.3.21. approval, jointly with the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, of the list of historical settlements;

5.3.22. issuance of opinions on territorial planning documents of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and (or) a municipal formation in the part concerning the establishment of the boundaries of the gambling zone being created;

5.3.23. methodological support for the maintenance of information systems for ensuring urban planning activities, the federal state information system for territorial planning;

5.3.24. development and coordination with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and other interested federal executive bodies of methods for allocating state support funds to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities and submitting them to the Government of the Russian Federation for approval;

5.3.25. functions of the main manager of budgetary funds in relation to subsidies for the development of social and engineering infrastructure of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities;

5.3.27. consideration of the draft scheme of territorial planning of the Russian Federation and preparation of an opinion on the specified project;

5.3.28. the powers provided for in Part 3 of Article 6.1 and Part 1 of Article 8.1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, in terms of territorial planning and town planning zoning;

5.3.29. control over the observance in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of the standards for the minimum provision of the population with points for technical inspection of vehicles;

5.3.30. monitoring the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the achievement by the federal executive authorities - subjects of budget planning, of the values ​​of target performance indicators for the provision of subsidies and maintaining a register of subsidies;

5.3.31. the owner's powers in relation to federal property necessary to ensure the performance of functions in the established area of ​​activity, including with respect to property transferred to organizations subordinate to the Ministry;

5.3.32. analysis of the economic efficiency of the activities of state unitary enterprises subordinate to the Ministry and approval of the economic indicators of their activities;

5.3.33. audit of financial and economic activities and use property complex in organizations subordinate to the Ministry;

5.3.34. informing the population about the formation of territories of traditional nature management of federal significance;

5.3.35. coordination of the activities of federal executive bodies to ensure the stable development of closed administrative-territorial entities, including on the issues of legal regulation and monitoring of their socio-economic situation, the creation and abolition of closed administrative-territorial entities, improvement of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of the functioning of bodies local self-government of closed administrative-territorial entities, with the exception of issues of budgetary legal relations;

5.3 (1). organizes:

5.3 (1) .1. coordination of the development and implementation of complex projects for the socio-economic development of federal districts, with the exception of the Far Eastern Federal District, including coordination of the interaction of participants in these projects (with the exception of organizations of the military-industrial complex), as well as interregional, intermunicipal and interdepartmental coordination of activities for the development of constituent entities of the Russian Federation Federation and municipalities in accordance with federal strategies and strategies for the socio-economic development of federal districts;

5.3 (1) .2. holding congresses, conferences, seminars, exhibitions and other events in the established field of activity;

5.3 (1) .3. participation in the development of schemes for the integrated use and protection of water bodies within the established scope of activity;

5.4. in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, places orders and concludes state contracts, as well as other civil law contracts for the supply of goods, the provision of services, the performance of work (including research, development and technological) for state needs in the established field of activity, and also to meet the needs of the Ministry;

5.5. summarizes the practice of applying the legislation of the Russian Federation and analyzes the implementation of state policy in the established area of ​​activity;

Information about changes:

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 9, 2013 N 685 The regulation was supplemented with subparagraph 5.5.1

5.5.1. develops and implements measures to develop competition in product markets, including the implementation of relevant departmental target programs, in the established field of activity;

5.6. performs the functions of the main manager and recipient of federal budget funds provided for the maintenance of the Ministry and the implementation of the functions assigned to the Ministry;

5.7. organizes the reception of citizens, ensures the timely and complete consideration of oral and written applications of citizens, the adoption of decisions on them and the direction of responses within the time period established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

5.8. ensures, within the limits of its competence, the protection of information constituting a state secret;

Information about changes:

By the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2010 N 438, the Regulation was supplemented with subparagraph 5.9.1

5.9.1. organizes and maintains civil defense in the Ministry;

5.10. organizes additional professional education employees of the Ministry;

5.11. interacts in accordance with the established procedure with public authorities of foreign states and international organizations in the established field of activity;

5.12. carries out, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, work on the acquisition, storage, accounting and use of archival documents formed in the course of the Ministry's activities;

Information about changes:

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2008 N 753 Provisions are supplemented with subparagraph 5.12.1

5.12.1. develops and implements measures to support small and medium-sized businesses aimed at their development, including the development and implementation of relevant departmental target programs in the established field of activity;

5.13. performs other functions in the established field of activity, if such functions are provided for by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, in order to exercise its powers in the established area of ​​activity, has the right:

6.1. to request and receive, in the prescribed manner, information necessary for making decisions on issues within the competence of the Ministry;

6.2. establish, in the prescribed manner, distinctions in the established field of activity and reward them to employees who carry out activities in the established field;

6.3. to involve, in the prescribed manner, for the study of issues related to the sphere of activity of the Ministry, scientific and other organizations, scientists and specialists;

6.4. create coordinating and advisory bodies (councils, commissions, groups, collegia), including interdepartmental bodies, in the established field of activity;

6.5. set up printed media mass media for the publication of regulatory legal acts in the established field of activity, official announcements, posting other materials on issues within the competence of the Ministry;

6.6. monitor the activities of organizations subordinate to the Ministry;

6.7. perform, within the framework of control over the exercise by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, powers delegated to them in accordance with the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, as well as in the field of control over compliance by local governments with the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning activities in terms of territorial planning and urban planning zoning, the following powers:

6.7.2. establish, if necessary, target forecast indicators;

6.7.3. carry out inspections of the activities of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as organizations subordinate to them;

6.7.4. request from the heads and other officials of state power bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Required documents, materials and information, as well as the allocation of specialists to clarify the issues that have arisen, referred to the competence of the Ministry;

6.7.5. receive explanations from the heads and other officials of the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the fact of violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning activities;

6.7.6. send binding orders on the abolition of regulatory legal acts adopted by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on issues of powers delegated to them, or on amendments to such acts;

6.7.7. to send to the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation instructions on the elimination of the revealed violations, as well as on the prosecution of officials acting on the implementation of the powers delegated to them;

6.7.8. to submit to the Government of the Russian Federation proposals on the temporary withdrawal of powers transferred to the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the event of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by these bodies.

7. The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation in the established field of activity is not entitled to exercise control and supervision functions, as well as functions of state property management, except for cases established by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation or decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The restrictions on the powers of the Ministry established by the first paragraph of this clause do not apply to the powers of the Minister to manage the property assigned to the Ministry on the basis of operational management, to resolve personnel issues, as well as to organize the activities of the Ministry and structural divisions of its central office.

When implementing legal regulation in the established area of ​​activity, the Ministry is not entitled to establish functions and powers of federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies that are not provided for by federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, is not entitled to establish restrictions on the exercise of the rights and freedoms of citizens, the rights of non-state commercial and non-commercial organizations, except for cases when the possibility of introducing such restrictions by acts of authorized federal executive bodies is directly provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws and issued on the basis of and in pursuance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws by acts of the President of the Russian Federation walkie-talkie and the Government of the Russian Federation.

III. Organization of activities

8. The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation is headed by a Minister appointed and dismissed by the President of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The Minister bears personal responsibility for the implementation of the powers assigned to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation and for the implementation of state policy in the established area of ​​activity.

The Minister has deputies appointed and dismissed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The number of Deputy Ministers is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

9. The structural subdivisions of the central office of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation are the departments for the main directions of the Ministry's activities. Departments include departments.

10. Minister:

10.1. distributes duties between his deputies;

10.3. in accordance with the established procedure, appoints and dismisses employees of the central office of the Ministry;

10.4. decides, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on public service, issues related to the passage of the federal public service in the central office of the Ministry;

10.5. approves the structure and staffing of the central office of the Ministry within the limits of the wage fund and the number of employees established by the Government of the Russian Federation, the estimate of expenses for its maintenance within the limits of the appropriations approved for the corresponding period provided in the federal budget;

10.8. submits proposals to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on the formation of the federal budget;

10.9. submits to the Government of the Russian Federation drafts of normative legal acts, other documents specified in subparagraph 5.1 of these Regulations;

10.10. submits to the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with the established procedure proposals for the creation, reorganization and liquidation of federal state enterprises and institutions subordinate to the Ministry, in the prescribed manner appoints and dismisses the heads of organizations subordinate to the Ministry, concludes, changes and terminates labor contracts with the said directors;

10.14. presents, in the prescribed manner, the employees of the Ministry and other persons carrying out activities in the established area for the conferment of honorary titles and the awarding of state awards of the Russian Federation, the Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation, for encouragement in the form of announcing the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation to them;

10.15. issues orders of a normative nature, and on operational and other current issues of organizing the activities of the Ministry - orders of a non-normative nature.

11. Financing of expenses for the maintenance of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation is carried out at the expense of funds provided in the federal budget.

12. The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation is legal entity, has a seal depicting the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and with its own name, other seals, stamps and letterheads of the established sample, as well as accounts opened in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation has the right to have a heraldic sign - an emblem, flag and pennant, established by the Ministry in agreement with the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation.

13. The location of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation is Moscow.

which are included in the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation
(approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2005 N 40)

With changes and additions from:

7. In paragraph 1 of the Regulation on the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, approved - 0 The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) is a federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of:

Socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, including the regions of the Far North and the Arctic,

Administrative-territorial structure of the Russian Federation,

Delimitation of powers on matters of joint jurisdiction between federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies,

Implementation of cross-border and interregional cooperation,

Urban planning in terms of territorial planning, urban zoning,

Coordination of the development and implementation of complex projects for the socio-economic development of federal districts,

Coordination of selection and implementation of priority investment projects of federal districts,

State ethnic policy and interethnic relations in the Russian Federation,

Protection of the rights of national minorities and indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation,

Interaction with Cossack Societies.

The Ministry of Regional Development of Russia also performs the functions:

On the provision of state support at the expense of the Investment Fund of the Russian Federation, subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (in the established sphere of activity of the Ministry),

On the development and approval of strategies and comprehensive projects for the socio-economic development of federal districts, federal target programs and departmental target programs in terms of integrated territorial development,

The state customer (state customer-coordinator) of federal target programs related to the economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities,

On the development and approval of methods for allocating state support funds to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities and submitting them to the Government of the Russian Federation for approval.

Department of Strategic Development and State Policy in the Sphere of Territorial Planning

Department of Strategic Development and State policy in the field of territorial planning (hereinafter referred to as the Department) is a structural subdivision of the central office of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry), created to implement state policy in the field of strategic planning of socio-economic development of federal districts and macroregions of the Russian Federation, territorial planning and urban planning zoning.

The Department is an independent structural subdivision of the central office of the Ministry, the coordination and control of the activities of which is carried out by the Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities.

Department tasks

Formation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of:

a) strategic planning of the socio-economic development of federal districts and macroregions of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the North Caucasus Federal District;

b) cross-border cooperation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in terms of strategic and spatial planning;

Formation of state policy and normative legal regulation in the field of territorial planning, urban planning zoning and information support territorial planning and urban planning activities;

Implementation of state policy in the field of sustainable development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation;

Methodological and methodological support for the development of strategic planning documents.

Department of Socio-Economic Development of the Far North and Arctic Regions


1. This Regulation defines legal position, functions and powers of the Department of Socio-Economic Development of the Far North and the Arctic of the Department of Strategic Development and State Policy in the Sphere of Territorial Planning of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia).

2. The Department of Socio-Economic Development of the Far North and the Arctic (hereinafter referred to as the Department) is created as part of the Department of Strategic Development and State Policy in the Sphere of Territorial Planning of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia in accordance with the approved structure of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia.

3. Direct management of the work of the Department is carried out by the Deputy Director of the Department - Head of the Department of Strategic Development and State Policy in the Sphere of Territorial Planning (hereinafter referred to as the Department).

4. In its activities, the Department is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, Regulations on the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, orders, orders and other normative acts of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, as well as this Regulation.

5. The department carries out its activities in cooperation with the structural divisions of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia.

6. The department, within the limits of its competence, carries out its activities in cooperation with the relevant state authorities, as well as enterprises and organizations, regardless of the form of ownership and administrative subordination.

7. Employees of the Department are appointed and dismissed from office by orders of the Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation or by the person acting as his / her representative, upon the proposal of the Deputy Minister in charge of the Department.

8. The structure and number of the Department are determined by the staffing table of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia.


9. The main tasks of the Department are:

9.1. Formation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of: a) socio-economic development of the Arctic; b) social and economic development of the Far North regions.

9.2. Methodological and methodological support for the development of documents in the field of socio-economic development of the Far North and the Arctic.

9.3. Participation in the implementation of other tasks established by the Minister, the Deputy Minister in charge of the Department, the Director of the Department.


10. The department is endowed with the following functions:

10.1. Prepares proposals on state policy and legal regulation in the field of socio-economic development of the Far North and the Arctic.

10.2. Coordinates activities to implement the Fundamentals of State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic for the period up to 2020 and beyond, the Strategy for the Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation and national security for the period until 2020.

10.3. Organizes monitoring of the implementation of the Fundamentals of State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic for the period up to 2020 and beyond and the corresponding action plan.

10.4. Monitors the implementation of the Action Plans for the implementation of the Fundamentals of State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic for the period up to 2020 and further prospects and the Strategy for the Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation and ensuring national security for the period up to 2020.

10.5. Organizes the implementation of the Action Plans for the implementation of the Fundamentals of State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic for the period up to 2020 and further prospects and the Strategy for the Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation and ensuring national security for the period until 2020 on issues within the competence of the Department.

10.6. Participates in the coordination of projects of state programs of the Russian Federation that directly affect the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.

10.7. Considers closing offers settlements, polar stations located in the Far North and equivalent areas.

10.8. Within the framework of its competence, takes part in the consideration of draft documents related to the development of the regions of the Far North and the Arctic, which are prepared by other federal executive bodies, as well as executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

10.9. Prepares draft orders of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia of a normative and non-regulatory nature on issues within the competence of the Department, ensures, in the prescribed manner, their coordination with other structural divisions of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, and in the case of issuing joint orders, ensures their coordination with interested federal executive bodies.

10.10. Carries out, within its competence, international cooperation in the field of spatial planning and strategic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.

10.11. Within the framework of its competence, takes part in the consideration of draft documents related to cross-border cooperation, which are prepared by other federal executive bodies, as well as executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

10.12. Participates in the consideration of letters, inquiries, applications and other appeals of organizations and citizens, preparation of draft answers and clarifications on the questions raised in them, ensuring that responses are sent to applicants within the time period established by law.

10.13. Participates in the preparation of reference, information, expert, presentation and other materials on issues within the competence of the Department.

10.14. Participates in the procedure for agreeing on draft federal laws, draft acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation on issues within the competence of the Department.

10.15. Participates in the preparation of materials for meetings of the collegium of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, meetings held by the leadership of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, meetings of coordinating and advisory bodies at the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia on issues within the competence of the Department.

10.16. Organizes and conducts meetings on issues within the competence of the Division.

10.17. Prepares plans and reports on the work of the Department.

10.18. Participates in the prescribed manner in ensuring, within the limits of its competence, the protection of information constituting state, official and other secrets protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

10.19. Carries out other functions necessary for the proper implementation of the tasks assigned to it by the Department.


11. The department is headed by the Deputy Director of the Department - the head of the department, who is directly subordinate to the Director of the Department, carries out general management of the activities of the department and bears personal responsibility for the implementation of the tasks and functions assigned to the department.

12.Deputy Director of the Department - the head of the department has the following powers:

12.1. develops and submits for approval to the Director of the Department the structure of the Division, regulations on the Division, job regulations;

12.2. makes proposals to the Director of the Department for the selection and placement, advanced training, encouragement of the employees of the Division and the imposition of penalties on them;

12.3. distributes responsibilities between the specialists of the Department, submits to the Director of the Department for consideration proposals on changing the staffing table and remuneration of employees of the Department, to improve working conditions;

12.4. is guided by other powers and rights defined in the job regulations.

13. The range of official duties and the rights of the employees of the Department are determined by the job regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

14. In the absence of the head of the Department, the replacement procedure is determined by the job regulations or by order of the Minister in each specific case.


15. For the implementation of its main tasks and functions, the department has the right:

15.1. take part in meetings on issues within the competence of the Department;

15.2. request and receive, in the prescribed manner, from the structural divisions of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, information and operational information necessary to resolve issues within the competence of the Department;

15.3. on behalf of the Director of the Department, act as a full-fledged representative on the formation and implementation of tasks and functions assigned to the Department.


16. Responsibility for the implementation by the employees of the main tasks and functions established by these Regulations in general rests with the head of the department, and for specific issues - with the employees in accordance with the job regulations.

17. For the improper performance of their functional duties, the employees of the Department bear disciplinary or other liability stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Fig. 6 - Organizational structure of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation



On approval of the Regulations on the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation and on amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

(as amended on June 16, 2014)

Abolished from October 7, 2014 on the basis of
Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2014 N 972

Document with changes made:
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 14, 2005 N 127(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, No. 12, 21.03.2005);
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2005 N 141(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, N 13, 28.03.2005);
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 1, 2006 N 59(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, No. 6, 06.02.2006);
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 21, 2006 N 234(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, N 18, 05/01/2006);
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 25, 2007 N 701(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, N 45, 05.11.2007);
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2008 N 406(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, N 22, 02.06.2008);
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2008 N 437
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2008 N 438(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, No. 24, June 16, 2008);
(Russian newspaper, N 220, 22.10.2008);
(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, N 46, 17.11.2008);
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2008 N 1052(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, No. 3, 01/19/2009) (entered into force on January 1, 2009);
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2009 N 43(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, No. 6, 09.02.2009);
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2009 N 286(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, N 14, 06.04.2009);
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 15, 2009 N 745(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, N 38, 09/21/2009);
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2010 N 67(Russian newspaper, N 42, 02.03.2010);
(Russian newspaper, N 116, 05/31/2010);
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2010 N 436(Russian newspaper, N 133, 06/21/2010);
(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, N 26, 28.06.2010);
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2010 N 484(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, N 28, 12.07.2010);
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 26, 2010 N 553(Russian newspaper, N 171, 08/04/2010);
(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, N 14, 04/04/2011);
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 3, 2011 N 648(Russian newspaper, N 174, 08/10/2011);
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 21, 2011 N 853(Russian newspaper, N 243, 28.10.2011);
(Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 251, 09.11.2011) (for the order of entry into force, see Art. Clause 3 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 2011 N 901);
(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, N 28, 09.07.2012);
(Official Internet portal of legal information, 08.05.2013);
(Official Internet portal of legal information, 13.08.2013);
(Official Internet portal of legal information, 08.11.2013);
(Official Internet portal of legal information, 21.11.2013).
(Official Internet portal of legal information, 21.04.2014);
(Official Internet portal of legal information, 19.06.2014).

In pursuance of Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of September 13, 2004 N 1168 "On the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation"(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 38, Article 3775) and dated December 1, 2004 N 1487 "On the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services"(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 49, Article 4889) The Government of the Russian Federation


1. To approve the attached Regulation on the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

2. The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation shall submit to the Government of the Russian Federation by March 1, 2005, draft normative legal acts in order to abolish the powers recognized as excessive, provided for by subparagraph 5.3.1 of the Regulations on the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services and subparagraph 5.2.7 of the Regulation on the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

3. To approve the attached amendments to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.

4. The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation shall ensure in 2005 the financing of the costs of wages of employees of the central office of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation in accordance with the established procedure within the limits of funds provided for Federal Law of December 23, 2004 N 173-FZ "On the federal budget for 2005".

Prime Minister
Russian Federation
M. Fradkov

Regulations on the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation

government decree
Russian Federation
dated January 26, 2005 N 40

I. General Provisions

1. The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) is a federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, including the regions of the Far North and The Arctic, the administrative-territorial structure of the Russian Federation, the delineation of powers in matters of joint jurisdiction between federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies, the implementation of border and interregional cooperation, urban planning in terms of territorial planning, urban zoning, coordination of development and implementation of complex projects for the socio-economic development of federal districts, coordination of the selection and implementation of priority investment projects districts, state ethnic policy and interethnic relations in the Russian Federation, protection of the rights of national minorities and indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation, interaction with Cossack societies, functions of providing state support at the expense of the Investment Fund of the Russian Federation, subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (in the established sphere of activity of the Ministry), the development and coordination of strategies and complex projects for the socio-economic development of federal districts, federal target programs and departmental target programs in terms of integrated territorial development, the function of a state customer (state customer-coordinator) of federal target programs, associated with the economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, as well as the functions of developing and agreeing on methods for allocating funds to the state support to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities and their submission to the Government of the Russian Federation for approval.
(Clause as amended on November 29, 2013 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1036. *1)

2. The clause has expired - Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2008 N 405..

2_1. Item additionally included from July 17, 2012 Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2012 N 673..

3. The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation is guided in its activities by federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, as well as this Regulation.

4. The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation carries out its activities directly and through organizations subordinate to the Ministry in cooperation with other federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, public associations and other organizations. * 4)
(Clause as amended as of June 27, 2014 Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 2014 N 549.

II. Credentials

5. The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation exercises the following powers:

5.1. submits to the Government of the Russian Federation draft federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation and other documents requiring a decision of the Government of the Russian Federation on issues related to the established sphere of competence of the Ministry, as well as a draft work plan and forecast performance indicators Ministries;
(Subclause as amended as of July 17, 2012 Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2012 N 673 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1036.

5.2. on the basis of and in pursuance of federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation independently adopts the following regulatory legal acts in the established field of activity:

5.2.1. the procedure for approving documents for territorial planning of municipalities, the composition and procedure for the work of the conciliation commission when coordinating documents for territorial planning;

5.2.2. the subparagraph has ceased to be effective from November 29, 2013 - Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1036 ;

5.2.3. the subparagraph has ceased to be effective from November 29, 2013 - Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1036 ;

5.2.4. methodology for assessing the risks of an investment project, regulations on the investment commission and regulations for its work, methodology for applying criteria for the selection of investment projects and calculating indicators of the effectiveness of investment projects, the form of a model investment agreement, the procedure for registering ownership of the results of the implementation of investment projects, an application form for the provision of state support for the account of the Investment Fund of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts necessary for the provision of this support;

5.2.5. provisions on territories of traditional nature management of federal significance;

5.2.6. the procedure for monitoring compliance in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with the standards for the minimum provision of the population with points for technical inspection of vehicles;

5.2.7-5.2.17. subparagraphs have ceased to be effective from November 29, 2013 - Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1036 ;

5.2.18. the procedure for amending the design documentation of the Olympic facilities of federal significance and facilities capital construction foreseen

5.2.19. the procedure for the development and approval of individual estimated standards for use at the Olympic facilities of federal significance and capital construction projects provided for subprogram "Development of Vladivostok as a center of international cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region" of the federal target program "Economic and social development of the Far East and Transbaikalia for the period up to 2013" and necessary for the meeting of the heads of state and government of the countries - participants of the forum "Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation" in 2012;

5.2.20. the procedure for maintaining information systems for ensuring urban planning activities, requirements for technologies and software, linguistic, legal and organizational means of providing automated information systems for supporting urban planning activities;

5.2.21. the procedure for providing information contained in the information system for ensuring urban planning activities, at the request of state authorities, local authorities, individuals and legal entities;

5.2.22. regulatory legal acts on other issues in the established area of ​​activity of the Ministry, with the exception of issues, the legal regulation of which in accordance with The Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation are carried out exclusively by federal constitutional laws, federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation;
(Sub-clause 5.2 as amended on July 17, 2012 Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2012 N 673.

5.3. carries out:

5.3.1. monitoring and analysis of the implementation of state ethnic policy, state policy in relation to the Cossacks, as well as the implementation of the ethnocultural needs of citizens belonging to various ethnic communities of Russia;

5.3.2. implementation of state policy in the field of regional development, taking into account socio-economic, geographical and other features, in the field of local self-government, border and interregional relations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities;

5.3.3. analysis of the effectiveness of the use of state support funds by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, including the effectiveness of the implementation and impact of federal target programs on the socio-economic and ethnocultural development of the regions of the Russian Federation;

5.3.4. pursuing a unified policy in the field of assessing the effectiveness of the activities of local self-government bodies in various constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

5.3.5. coordination of the development of territorial planning documents of the Russian Federation, preparation of proposals for the development of territorial planning schemes for parts of the territory of the Russian Federation in order to create (develop) large infrastructure facilities of important state significance, as well as territorial planning documents developed on the basis of interstate agreements for border areas;

5.3.6. the subparagraph has ceased to be effective from June 27, 2014 - Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 2014 N 549 ;

5.3.7. organization of the development of federal target programs, including programs for regional and territorial development, scientific, technical and innovative programs and projects, the function of the state customer (customer-coordinator) of such programs and projects in the established field of activity;

5.3.8. development and implementation of programs in the field of state policy for the revival and development of the Russian Cossacks;

5.3.9. development and implementation of measures in the field of state national policy;

5.3.10. functions of providing state support at the expense of the Investment Fund of the Russian Federation;

5.3.11. methodological support and organization of the development of strategies and complex projects for the socio-economic development of federal districts;

5.3.12. coordination of the selection and implementation of priority investment projects of federal districts, including in the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District, in agreement with the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East;

5.3.13. methodological support for the development of strategies for socio-economic development and other program documents of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

5.3.14. monitoring the implementation of strategies for the socio-economic development of federal districts;

5.3.15. coordination of federal target programs and departmental target programs in terms of integrated territorial development;

5.3.16. preparation of an opinion on the compliance of projects for the creation of special economic zones with the priorities of complex territorial development, with the exception of the creation of special economic zones in the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District;

5.3.17. monitoring of compliance with the requirements of the legislation on the development and approval of territorial planning documents of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, documents of urban planning zoning of municipalities;
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1036.

5.3.18. approval, in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning, of a draft scheme for territorial planning of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a draft scheme for territorial planning of a municipal district, a draft master plan for a settlement and a draft master plan for an urban district;

5.3.19. the subparagraph has ceased to be effective from November 29, 2013 - Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1036 ;

5.3.20. coordination of the boundaries of the protection zones of a cultural heritage object of federal significance, recognized as a particularly valuable object of the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation or included in the World Heritage List, and requirements for the regime of land use and town planning regulations within the boundaries of these zones;

5.3.21. approval, jointly with the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, of the list of historical settlements;

5.3.22. issuance of opinions on territorial planning documents of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and (or) a municipal formation in the part concerning the establishment of the boundaries of the gambling zone being created;

5.3.23. methodological support for the maintenance of information systems for ensuring urban planning activities, the federal state information system for territorial planning;

5.3.24. development and coordination with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and other interested federal executive bodies of methods for allocating state support funds to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities and submitting them to the Government of the Russian Federation for approval;

5.3.25. functions of the main manager of budgetary funds in relation to subsidies for the development of social and engineering infrastructure of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities;

5.3.26. the subparagraph has ceased to be effective from November 29, 2013 - Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1036 ;

5.3.27. consideration of the draft scheme of territorial planning of the Russian Federation and preparation of an opinion on the specified project;

5.3.28. powers envisaged part 3 of article 6_1 and Part 1 of Article 8_1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, in terms of territorial planning and urban zoning;
(Subclause as amended as of November 29, 2013 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1036.

5.3.29. control over the observance in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of the standards for the minimum provision of the population with points for technical inspection of vehicles;

5.3.30. monitoring the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the achievement by the federal executive authorities - subjects of budget planning, of the values ​​of target performance indicators for the provision of subsidies and maintaining a register of subsidies;

5.3.30. * Control over compliance in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with the standards for the minimum provision of the population with points for technical inspection of vehicles;
(Subclause additionally included from January 1, 2014 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 2011 N 901)
* Numbering corresponds to the changes made Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 2011 N 901... - Note from the manufacturer of the database.

5.3.31. the owner's powers in relation to federal property necessary to ensure the performance of functions in the established area of ​​activity, including with respect to property transferred to organizations subordinate to the Ministry;

5.3.32. analysis of the economic efficiency of the activities of state unitary enterprises subordinate to the Ministry and approval of the economic indicators of their activities;

5.3.33. inspection of financial and economic activities and use of the property complex in organizations subordinate to the Ministry;

5.3.34. informing the population about the formation of territories of traditional nature management of federal significance;

5.3.35. coordination of the activities of federal executive bodies to ensure the stable development of closed administrative-territorial entities, including on the issues of legal regulation and monitoring of their socio-economic situation, the creation and abolition of closed administrative-territorial entities, improvement of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of the functioning of bodies local self-government of closed administrative-territorial entities, with the exception of issues of budgetary legal relations;
(Subclause as amended as of April 29, 2014 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2014 N 335.

5.3.36. subparagraph additionally included from May 16, 2013 Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 30, 2013 N 392, expired on November 29, 2013 - Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1036 ;
(Clause 5.3 as amended on July 17, 2012 Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2012 N 673.

5.3_1. organizes:

5.3_1.1. coordination of the development and implementation of complex projects for the socio-economic development of federal districts, with the exception of the Far Eastern Federal District, including coordination of the interaction of participants in these projects (with the exception of organizations of the military-industrial complex), as well as interregional, intermunicipal and interdepartmental coordination of activities for the development of constituent entities of the Russian Federation Federation and municipalities in accordance with federal strategies and strategies for the socio-economic development of federal districts;

5.3_1.2. holding congresses, conferences, seminars, exhibitions and other events in the established field of activity;

5.3_1.3. participation in the development of schemes for the integrated use and protection of water bodies within the established scope of activity;
(Subclause 5.3_1 as amended, entered into force on July 17, 2012 Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2012 N 673.

5.4. in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, places orders and concludes state contracts, as well as other civil law contracts for the supply of goods, the provision of services, the performance of work (including research, development and technological) for state needs in the established field of activity, and also to meet the needs of the Ministry (subparagraph as amended; as amended Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2009 N 43 ;

5.5. summarizes the practice of applying the legislation of the Russian Federation and analyzes the implementation of state policy in the established area of ​​activity;

5.5_1. develops and implements measures to develop competition in product markets, including the implementation of relevant departmental target programs, in the established field of activity;
(Subclause additionally included from August 21, 2013 Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 9, 2013 N 685)

5.6. performs the functions of the main manager and recipient of federal budget funds provided for the maintenance of the Ministry and the implementation of the functions assigned to the Ministry;

5.7. organizes the reception of citizens, ensures the timely and complete consideration of oral and written applications of citizens, the adoption of decisions on them and the direction of responses within the time period established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

5.8. ensures, within the limits of its competence, the protection of information constituting a state secret;

5.9. provides mobilization training for the Ministry;
(Subclause as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2008 N 405 Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2012 N 673; as amended on November 29, 2013 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1036.

5.9_1. organizes and maintains civil defense in the Ministry (subparagraph is additionally included Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2010 N 438);

5.10. organizes additional professional education for employees of the Ministry;
(Subclause as amended as of November 16, 2013 Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 2, 2013 N 988.

5.11. interacts in accordance with the established procedure with public authorities of foreign states and international organizations in the established field of activity;

5.12. carries out, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, work on the acquisition, storage, accounting and use of archival documents formed in the course of the Ministry's activities;

5.12_1. develops and implements measures to support small and medium-sized businesses aimed at their development, including the development and implementation of relevant departmental target programs, in the established field of activity (subparagraph was additionally included from October 30, 2008 Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2008 N 753);

5.13. performs other functions in the established field of activity, if such functions are provided for by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation. * 5.13)

6. The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, in order to exercise its powers in the established area of ​​activity, has the right:

6.1. to request and receive, in the prescribed manner, information necessary for making decisions on issues within the competence of the Ministry;

6.2. establish, in the prescribed manner, distinctions in the established field of activity and reward them to employees who carry out activities in the established field; * 6.2)

6.3. to involve, in the prescribed manner, for the study of issues related to the sphere of activity of the Ministry, scientific and other organizations, scientists and specialists;

6.4. create coordinating and advisory bodies (councils, commissions, groups, collegia), including interdepartmental bodies, in the established field of activity; * 6.4)

6.5. establish, in the prescribed manner, print media for the publication of regulatory legal acts in the established field of activity, official announcements, posting other materials on issues within the competence of the Ministry;
(Subclause as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2008 N 405; as amended on July 17, 2012 Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2012 N 673; as amended on November 29, 2013 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1036.

6.6. exercise control over the activities of organizations subordinate to the Ministry (subparagraph is additionally included Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2008 N 405);

6.7. execute within the framework of control over the implementation by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation transferred to them in accordance with The Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation powers, as well as in the field of control over compliance by local governments with the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning activities in terms of territorial planning and urban planning zoning, the following powers:
(Subclause additionally included Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2008 N 405; as amended on July 17, 2012 Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2012 N 673; as amended on November 29, 2013 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1036.

6.7.1. establish the content and forms of reporting on the implementation of the delegated powers (subparagraph is additionally included Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2008 N 405);

6.7.2. set, if necessary, target forecast indicators (subparagraph is additionally included Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2008 N 405);

6.7.3. carry out inspections of the activities of public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as their subordinate organizations (subparagraph is additionally included Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2008 N 405);

6.7.4. to request from the heads and other officials of the state power bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation the necessary documents, materials and information, as well as the allocation of specialists to clarify the issues that have arisen referred to the competence of the Ministry (the subparagraph is additionally included Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2008 N 405);

6.7.5. receive explanations from the heads and other officials of the state power bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the fact of violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning activities (subparagraph is additionally included Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2008 N 405);

6.7.6. send binding orders on the abolition of regulatory legal acts adopted by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on issues of powers delegated to them, or on amendments to such acts (the subparagraph is additionally included Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2008 N 405);

6.7.7. to send to the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation instructions on the elimination of the revealed violations, as well as on the prosecution of officials performing the duties of exercising the powers delegated to them (the subparagraph is additionally included Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2008 N 405);

6.7.8. to submit to the Government of the Russian Federation proposals on the temporary withdrawal of powers transferred to the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the event of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by these bodies (the sub-clause is additionally included Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2008 N 405).

7. The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation in the established field of activity is not entitled to exercise control and supervision functions, as well as functions of state property management, except for cases established by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation or decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The restrictions on the powers of the Ministry established by the first paragraph of this clause do not apply to the powers of the Minister to manage the property assigned to the Ministry on the basis of operational management, to resolve personnel issues, as well as to organize the activities of the Ministry and structural divisions of its central office.

When implementing legal regulation in the established area of ​​activity, the Ministry is not entitled to establish functions and powers of federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies that are not provided for by federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, is not entitled to establish restrictions on the exercise of the rights and freedoms of citizens, the rights of non-state commercial and non-commercial organizations, except for cases when the possibility of introducing such restrictions by acts of authorized federal executive bodies is expressly provided for The Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws and issued on the basis of and pursuant to Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws by acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation.

III. Organization of activities

8. The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation is headed by a Minister appointed and dismissed by the President of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. * 8.1)

The Minister bears personal responsibility for the implementation of the powers assigned to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation and for the implementation of state policy in the established area of ​​activity.

The Minister has deputies appointed and dismissed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The number of Deputy Ministers is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

9. The structural subdivisions of the central office of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation are the departments for the main directions of the Ministry's activities. Departments include departments.

10. Minister:

10.1. distributes duties between his deputies;

10.2. approves regulations on structural divisions of the central office of the Ministry; * 10.2)
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 24, 2010 N 363 Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 2014 N 549.

10.3. in accordance with the established procedure, appoints and dismisses employees of the central office of the Ministry;
(Subclause supplemented from June 8, 2010 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 24, 2010 N 363; as amended on June 27, 2014 Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 2014 N 549.

10.4. decides, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on public service, issues related to the passage of the federal public service in the central office of the Ministry; * 10.4)

10.5. approves the structure and staffing of the central office of the Ministry within the limits of the wage fund and the number of employees established by the Government of the Russian Federation, the estimate of expenses for its maintenance within the limits of the appropriations approved for the corresponding period provided in the federal budget;

10.5_1. the sub-clause is additionally included from June 8, 2010, invalidated from November 29, 2013 - Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1036 ;

10.6. subparagraph deleted Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2008 N 405 ;

10.7. subparagraph deleted Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2008 N 405 ;

10.8. submits proposals to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on the formation of the federal budget;
(Subclause as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2008 N 405; as amended on July 17, 2012 Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2012 N 673; as amended on November 29, 2013 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1036.

10.9. submits to the Government of the Russian Federation drafts of normative legal acts, other documents specified in subparagraph 5.1 of these Regulations;

10.10. submits to the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with the established procedure proposals for the creation, reorganization and liquidation of federal state enterprises and institutions subordinate to the Ministry, in the established manner appoints and dismisses the heads of organizations subordinate to the Ministry, concludes, changes and terminates labor contracts with the said directors;
(Subclause as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2008 N 405; as amended on July 17, 2012, invalidated from November 29, 2013 -;

10.13. subparagraph deleted Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2008 N 405 ;

10.14. presents, in the prescribed manner, the employees of the Ministry and other persons carrying out activities in the established area for the conferment of honorary titles and the awarding of state awards of the Russian Federation, the Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation, for encouragement in the form of announcing the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation to them;
(Subclause as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2008 N 405; supplemented Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 7, 2008 N 814; as amended on July 17, 2012 Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2012 N 673; as amended on November 29, 2013 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1036.

10.15. issues orders of a normative nature, and on operational and other current issues of organizing the activities of the Ministry - orders of a non-normative nature.

11. Financing of expenses for the maintenance of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation is carried out at the expense of funds provided in the federal budget.
(Clause added from June 8, 2010 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 24, 2010 N 363; as amended on June 27, 2014 Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 2014 N 549.

12. The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation is a legal entity, has a seal depicting the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and with its name, other seals, stamps and letterheads of the established sample, as well as accounts opened in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation has the right to have a heraldic sign - an emblem, flag and pennant, established by the Ministry in agreement with the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation (the paragraph is additionally included Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2011 N 210).

13. The location of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation is Moscow.

Changes to be made to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

government decree
Russian Federation
dated January 26, 2005 N 40

1. The clause is no longer valid - Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2008 N 406..

2. The clause has expired - Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2008 N 438..

3. The clause is no longer valid - Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2008 N 437.. (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 25, Article 2571), the words: "and on issues of interethnic relations" shall be deleted.

8.In Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 28, 2004 N 501 "Questions of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation"(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 40, Art. 3956; N 41, Art. 4056):

a) paragraph 1 to read as follows:

"1. The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation is a federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of socio-economic development of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, including the regions of the Far North and the Arctic, administrative the structure of the Russian Federation, the delineation of powers in matters of joint jurisdiction between federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies, construction, architecture, urban planning (except for state technical accounting and technical inventory of urban planning activities) and housing and communal services , state ethnic policy and interethnic relations in the Russian Federation, as well as the protection of the rights of national minorities and indigenous minorities dovs of the Russian Federation. ";

b) point 2 add a subparagraph "k" of the following content:

"j) state policy in the field of construction and housing and communal services, state policy in the field of urban planning, development of mechanisms for the development of the affordable housing market, including the development of a system of mortgage lending.";

c) supplement with clause 2_1 as follows:

"2_1. The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation coordinates and controls the activities of the Federal agency on construction and housing and communal services. ";

d) in paragraph 3 the words: "up to 7 departments" shall be replaced by the words: "up to 10 departments";

e) the sub-clause has become invalid - Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 25, 2007 N 701.

9. The clause has ceased to be in force on April 6, 2005 - Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 14, 2005 N 127..

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