The teachings of the Polish language in Russian. How to learn Polish on your own? Where to start exploring the Polish language

Cement 31.08.2020

Polish roots and availability of documents that confirm them is undoubtedly extremely important. However, it should be understood that only this will not be enough to get the desired document. You must also focus on issues of geography, history and culture of Poland, and speak the Polish well.

Learn Polish to get a Pole map simply necessary! Remember that as soon as you enter the consulate territory, you will only speak with you in Polish. Even when the consul asks you to show him a passport and other documents, you must understand what he says. So where to study polish language On the Pole map, and is it possible to do it yourself?

Many people are trying to smear, and write themselves answers to possible questions using Russian transcription into Polish. That is, the Polish words write with Russian letters. So, of course, you can do, but it is very risky, and even disrespectful in relation to the cons " You must understand Polish words, and be ready to answer questions, the answers to which is difficult to prepare in advance. For example, on.

  • Is it possible to learn Polish yourself?

You can, of course, but it will take a lot of time and will not be so effective as classes with a tutor.

  • How much time do you need to study Polish before the interview?

If you have never taught this language before, it is better to devote him to study at least half a year. Of course, you can prepare in more early timeHowever, then you will not be confident and can be confused if the consul will ask you the question to which you were not ready.

  • What is better - courses or tutor?

Definitely tutor. When you deal with the teacher one on one, and all attention will be paid only to you, it will certainly be more efficient than classes in the group.

Audio and video lessons of Polish language online

If you do not want to seek help to the tutor, or just some time you want to learn the language yourself, then you should download the Polish tutorial for the Pole map. Audio-course of high-quality materials you will find below! Listen and learn - it is completely free.

Useful videos in Polish

Fundamentals of Polish on YouTube


Grammar and phonetics

Of course, after studying these materials, you will not become a Polish high-level philologist, however, these knowledge is definitely enough to pass successfully.

Learn Polish together!

Find a good tutor from the Polish language in our time is quite problematic, especially if you live in a small town. But there is a way out! You can use the services of our tutors who are taught by Skype. To agree on classes, you can write to us by using contacts on the site.

You can read more about other our services in more detail. .

Severe such a language as Polish, independently, not referring to the help of teachers, without visiting courses is quite real. Nevertheless, the "independent" option is not suitable for everyone. Why? Because the study of the Polish language from scratch will require very high abilities to self-organization - the learning it will be necessary every day hard "work", constantly looking for the necessary data, jagging the found material. If it scares it - it is better to apply to the Polish tutor. In the same one who is inherent in such quality as persistence, and who really wants to achieve the required results as quickly as possible, it will be necessary to achieve.

It should not be exaggerated, believing that the process of independent training requires supernatural abilities, and this is only superfluous. " headache" He has many advantages - the student himself "owner" - he is the most convenient schedule for himself, and it works as much as it can. The Polish Language Teacher does not dictate his conditions to him, the program. You can learn only that, according to the student, it is interesting and necessary for him, he has the opportunity to give the maximum amount of time to weak places.

Is it possible to quickly learn Polish at home?

If the previous paragraph of the novice polyglot "strains", he should be introduced in the search engine "I am looking for a Poland Tutor" in the search engine (searching for a teacher via the Internet is convenient what you can find about a person reviews, familiarize yourself with the opinions of those who have already appealed to it for services).

If not - it's just great! After all, another advantage of independent learning is a significant saving of money. We'll have to spend money, except for textbooks. But they can be found on the Internet.

At the same time, do not forget about the "correct" study system. If the student is not an outstanding teacher, it is better to take advantage of specialist developments. Without the competent method of the novice polyglot, neither the books nor the video tutorials nor the audio materials will save, and the answer to the question "how to quickly explore the Polish language of the house" in this case will be obvious - in no way.

Where to take the technique? In the same Internet. There are a large number of thematic sites with courses created with modern techniques, textbooks that can be downloaded for free.

Video tips, how to start exploring the Polish language yourself

Also at any time, a newcomer who has the Internet can communicate with experienced teachers, as to learn Polish at home without assistance is still very difficult. They will be happy to help him in building proposals, tell me how to correctly pronounce this or that word, etc. Everything that will be required is such a program as Skype, and the microphone.

Ask yourself how to learn Polish at home as soon as possible? Everything is very simple - pard the patience and give the lessons most of your free time.

What features this language has:

  • it has a lot of hissing sounds. The newcomer, mastering the conversational part, will have to work on the right pronunciation.
  • it is characterized by a dynamic emphasis, which, however, in most cases "falls" to the penultimate syllable;
  • polish pronouns have a brief, as well as full forms;
  • in this language, a large number of German, French words, "rich", and on words from Latin, at one time "swallowed".

For the knowledge of the language on their own, first of all, you need to know where to start exploring the Polish language. D. la started material - tutorial. Before you buy, you need to decide:

  1. Will the Polish language be trained from scratch or some basic knowledge already exist.
  2. How comfortable information is perceived: visually or on rumor. The composition of some tutorials, except for the book, can include disks with video or audio information.
  3. The desired level of knowledge: To double a couple of words with colleagues or seller in a shop, there are much less than words than to verify the correctness of the documents.

Of course, the more vocabulary and the experience of language communication, the better, under any circumstances. Choosing the desired level of knowledge, it makes sense to pay attention to the maximum. However, less volume can be useful if the time for free exploring the Polish language is limited.

I realized that in terms of the volume of the textbook (tutorial of the Polish language) is necessary, you can proceed to its direct acquisition. Markets, shops, libraries are suitable. However, as experience shows, it is more profitable and faster to contact Internet sites trading books. The best sites for studying the Polish language will help.

Ideal for Ukrainians, in terms of value ratio and efficiency, is Among the dozens of items, there will be a suitable for personal requirements. At least today there was no case that in the existing assortment failed to find the right one.

Learn Polish language yourself

Experience that according to Pushkin "Son of Errors" is needed in any case. But using someone else's experience, you can avoid errors. Regularity of classes - the main key to success!

Let it work ... laziness

Most people are not prone to self-organization, and the thought today can be lazy, and tomorrow they will catch up, there are almost everyone. Studying Polish language online for free - it's not one week. This "lazy today" can stretch everything and stretch, and the most "tomorrow", when you need to work, may not come at all ...

If laziness fails to curb, you need to make it work on yourself! It is necessary to understand two simple things: first, to study Polish language will still have to do, and secondly, the less you do today, the less time for Lena will remain tomorrow. We must regret your laziness, fucked. At least promise ... Therefore, the textbook is in hand, and forward, to knowledge!

Not releasing textbook from hand

Many advise to achieve a result of continuous labor. Woke up, took the textbook of the Polish language. Breakfast - edge of the eye in the tutorial. Toilet, Walk, Public transport - Tutorial, Tutorial, Tutorial! Well, if labor feats in the character of a person are the perfect way to knowledge. For all others, it's the road ... to ignorance language.

Day, other learning by such a shock pace, and there will be nothing more hated in the world than Język Polski. Of course, it will want to "give a vacation", and how many days or weeks he will delay - the question. Most likely, everything that has been studied will come true.

Hour in the morning, hour in the evening - here golden Rule . And the morning is immediately after awakening. Fresh head, rested. Even not until the end waking up, the brain like a sponge absorbs information.

With the evening more difficult. Laziness was already shaken and can suggest that "I'm tired", "And let's come out," "I don't understand anyway," etc. Right here you need to force yourself! Evening (before bedtime) is a unique time to teach. Tired, it seems to be nothing that understands the brain by some miracle remembers the information. A man to go to bed with the thought that I did not understand anything read, and in the morning it turns out that it is enough to run on the diagonal read on the day before, and - Voila! - Knowledge fixed.

therefore the study of the Polish language of the house must be regular, but not excessive.

When a good half of the textbook behind, when the minimum experience has already been received, and the study begins to fill the Oskomin, it makes sense to remember how in childhood reading in his native language was mastered. The most primitive stage about "mother", which "Soap Rama" is learned from the tutorial. Speech about the next - additional reading.

You can read the "thick smart book" in Polish and after a few minutes in horror to throw it down, making sure that it is not clear what is written. By spoiling myself and the mood, and the desire to learn further. But is it in childhood, learning to read, someone enough for the encyclopedia? No, there were simple children's fairy tales in the course! This experience will come in handy.

It is worth going to the already familiar and pick up a few fairy tales, proverbs or stories for the most! The phrases in them are short, the words are simple, commonly used. These are real assistants in learning the language!

We are talking about fairy tales written on modern language. It should be ashamed when choosing historical, chronicle or stylized worksThey may include outdated or special words that will prevent the study.

How to quickly learn Polish language? Adult experience

The ideal way to consolidate knowledge is the study of Polish in Poland, immersion in the Polish verbal atmosphere. Perfectly, if you can go outside the Polish city street and listen to conversations, chat with neighbors, etc. However, one should not be upset and those who still hear other languages \u200b\u200bon the street. It is not difficult to plunge into the language atmosphere:

  1. Need to read Polish media. Thanks to the Internet, it is easy to perform. Not everything is clear? No problem! Time will come, and much more information will be perceived. By the way, this is an excellent way to track the increasing level of knowledge!
  2. Again the Internet. Now YouTube - Polish canals. This is very important, it solves several tasks at once:
    1. the perception of Polish is not only "from the sheet", but also through alive, real language;
    2. channels News, youth, humorous will give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe processes taking place in Poland and at the level of high policies, and in a simple, national level, and, of course, in Polish;
    3. significantly expand the lexicon, including specific political terms and rigorous expressions.

    Studying Polish Language: Video with YouTube Canal 20m. It will help you to consolidate knowledge.

  3. Films in Polish. Largely films on Polish to study the language combine the benefits of all previous ones. At the same time, it also has its own - it is interesting! In an exciting plot, you can always detect a lot of new words, hear their pronunciation. According to gestures, the facial expressions of the actors can guess the meaning of the word, without circulation to the dictionary.

    By the way, acquire the dictionary will have to anyway! New unfamiliar words must be checked on it, even if it seems that their meaning is clear.

    Permanent communication with him should become an iron rule when studying the Polish language for beginners. Slightly not clear - to the dictionary! Special notepad should be made in which new words will make, for their best memorization.

  4. Think Polish. A person thinks in his native language, on the fact that he has heard from childhood from parents, relatives and friends. With this, you can hardly do something. Yes, probably, and unnecessary. At the same time, nothing bothers to scroll through various situations in Polish in the head. For example, being in the bus and replacing a beautiful house outside the window, it is worth "telling" (mentally, yourself) about him on Język polski. It can be imagined that the story of a friend-Pole, who never seen this beauty ...

Now you know how to learn Polish at home. Polish songs can also help in Polish. Download them into your player or on your computer and listen to them.

If you walk on off-line courses, it's impossible to study Polish language for free in no way, there are beautiful compromise - polish Language Sites (free or paid). It is worth paying the services of the educational center, and all necessary will be provided educational materials, plans, graphics, exercises for the study of Polish language and various ways to check knowledge. Did not have time to pass on time? Pay for the next month. Could not curb lazy? Let him configure greed! And all these advantages are obtained at a distance.

Such services provide various centers, with a variety of nuances and price, and as. This material does not put the goal to explore them all and make a comparison. All data are based on leadingwhich in all parameters are presented most adequate.


It immediately makes it possible to evaluate the quality of teaching, and the format, and learn other details. That is, the method of studying the Polish language will immediately become clear, it is possible to understand whether the distance learning is suitable for a particular person, and only after that sign up for courses.

Another undoubted advantage of Eshko is the ability to select the depth of studying the Polish language. Courses are ideal and beginners, and continuing training.. They will become indispensable for students, businessmen who want to work in Poland. To begin with, you can go through a free test for Polish to determine the level of knowledge.

In any paid course included:

  • package of training journals and exercise collections;
  • several dozen CD with the necessary information;
  • webinars - studying the Polish language online (video lessons prepared by specialists);
  • Specially unified at the price. Today there are three training programs, each of which costs 253.94 UAH and is designed for 20 months.

    Program to explore the Polish language from Eshko:

    • for beginners (Russian speakers);
    • for beginners (for Movts_v Ukrainian Movy);
    • for mid-level.

    The study of Polish language is an excellent opportunity for communication, work, continuation of study and business classes in the RP. As it was possible to see, to learn Polish is not so difficult, the main thing is to fairly appreciate your strength, funds and opportunities, put fulfilled goals, and even even laziness and greed can become assistants. Abilities for languages \u200b\u200bin all people are different, but everyone can get the result.

    We also see how to teach Polish: video.

In this article we publish a selection of 15 books, which, in our opinion, will help you to learn Polish. Here you will find books in which there is not only the theory, but also exercises in Polish. All textbooks in Polish tested by us and believe me, they work. Also in the article present links to stores, where you can easily purchase all the following textbooks and books.

So, begin.

Hurra Po Polsku 1. Aneta Szymkiewicz, Małgorzata Małolepsza

The modern publication filled with practical tasks that are aimed at developing different communication skills. Whether it is a speech or letter. Also in the book there are exercises that develop the best perception of the language for rumors and visually.

Hurra Po Polsku 2. Aneta Szymkiewicz, Małgorzata Małolepsza

Very popular textbook. It is divided into 4 main parts that develop the following skills: speech, writing, reading and understanding of the language. Themes are quite modern and not beaten. Here you will get acquainted not only with Polish, but also with customs, holidays and national peculiarities of Poland. Also in the book there are interesting crosswords, quizzes and contests that gaming form All will allow you to learn the material.

Hurra Po Polsku 3. Aneta Szymkiewicz, Małgorzata Małolepsza

The third reprint of the popular textbook. The textbook is intended for students. He will reveal your knowledge in Polish and teach to communicate to different topics: life, sports, society, etc. Also in the textbook there is an opportunity to practice independently in vocabulary and grammar.

Vasilevskaya D., Karakoly S. "Polish language textbook"

The textbook is perfect for those who are just beginning to learn the language or for those who want to strengthen the existing knowledge. The main focus of the textbook is made for acquaintance with phonetics, spelling and grammar of Polish. There is also a section with exercises and keys to these exercises so that you can always test yourself and your knowledge.

"Exam on the Mac Card"

This material will help you prepare for the receipt exam. There are all the questions that you may ask and have deployed and understandable answers to them. All issues are associated with history, culture and geography of Poland. There is also a brief reference book Question and answers. This material should certainly help you prepare for the exam for receiving the Pole map.

D.Vasilevskaya. "Polish language. Textbook"

Working with this book is built in an unusual way. First you are reading a simple text in Polish, then you are watching the dictionary and text translation. Gradually, you come to the fact that the translation becomes less and less, but in the dictionary, fewer words are translated. Yes, and the text is becoming more complicated every time.

Przemysław E. Gębal "OD Słowa Do Słowa Toczy Się Rozmowa" (conversation comes from the word to the word)

The textbook of Polish authors designed specifically for foreigners. From the word to the Word, we go to the conversation. The textbook will prepare you to B1 and B2, its main goal is to develop the necessary communication skills. After the course you can support a simple conversation.

M. Kowalska Marzena "O Biznesie Po Polsku" (about business in Polish. Middle level B1, B2. Polish language manual, Introduction to business)

Very interesting textbook who will introduce you to business Polish at B1 IB2. It is suitable for those who are going to work in Poland, with this textbook you will increase your knowledge and you can conduct dialogues in the business environment. The textbook is divided into 14 specific topics that in the amount covers a large range of business themes.

Stempek, A. Stelmach, S. Dawidek, A. Szymkiewicz "KROK PO KROKU POLSKI A1 + A2" (Step per step polish A1 + A2)

The textbook from the large series is written by Poles specifically for foreigners. It is important to note that the textbook meets all standards and is certified as the material recommended for studying the Polish language, as a foreign one.

The books listed below are textbooks for self-study. Each book develops with certain language skills. The selection is suitable for those who are just beginning to study the Polish language from scratch, as well as for those who want to hone their skills to perfection!

Język polski. KorePetycje Maturzysty. (Polish. Tutor.)

A new series of textbooks for the tutoring of high school students "Oldschool - Old Good School" is effective study What you really need. The series was prepared by experienced teachers and methodologists in collaboration with teachers and students themselves.

The textbook is designed for all high school students who need a constant study of Polish language and the desire to know all the questions and answers useful on the middle school exam. This book will also provide huge help to teachers and teachers.

IlustRowany. s.ł ownik. frazeologiczny. (Illustrated dictionary of phraseologism)

Frameological expressions are the most interesting, most exciting and amazing combinations of words in any language. They are not managed by any laws and rules, sometimes look ridiculous, sometimes illogical and of course have almost always different values. Acquaintance with them and the knowledge of the correct application will help indisputable when studying the Polish language.

TS Mochalova. Polish from scratch

The textbook "Polish from scratch" is intended for beginners and can be used both at the initial stage of a deep and thorough study of language and in order to master the elementary skills of reading, letters and conducting conversation as soon as possible

"Ilustrowany Słownik Przydrow" (illustrated dictionary of proverbs)

The illustrated dictionary of proverbs contains the most interesting and important proverbs that can be found in everyday life. The dictionary was created mainly for students. elementary schoolBut it will be useful for both children and adults. Proverbs are explained by an affordable way, each of which contains a story illustrating the proverb. All stories are written with humor. It makes it takes to read the dictionary as a book, so you will be very difficult to break away from her reading. In addition, beautiful and funny illustrations do reading especially pleasant.

A.częścik, J.Częścik "Gramatyka Co Z Głowy Nie Umyka"

In this book you will find: full course Polish grammar written for students, many excellent methods for memorizing the material (highlighted in bold), row interesting facts About the language (highlighted with colored font), unconventional tasks and puzzles (marked in the form of a question mark), a table of contents that will allow you to quickly find the material you need.

Knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bis not a luxury, but the need to reveal almost any doors in front of a person. Owning a foreign language, we can get a job in a successful company, find new friends in any corner of the globe, go on holiday abroad, not experiencing how to find a common language with aborigines. To date, not only English or German, but also Polish is in demand. Therefore, the most common issue today is online - on how to learn Polish.

Methods of study

Any foreign language, including Polish, can be learned in several ways.

Sign up for courses. It is the easiest and an effective way. Training takes place in groups, and you have the opportunity to communicate not only with the teacher, but also with other listeners. The main disadvantages of such training are not in all cities there are such courses, and if there are, classes are held on a schedule that may not arrange you.

Lesson with a tutor. With this learning, all tasks for you is a teacher, it also checks the correctness of their execution, indicates errors. One minus - it is worth such pleasure.

Training via the Internet. A fairly popular way at which you can sign up for special courses and visit webinars and find a remote teacher. The cost is significantly lower, but again, if you have a slow Internet, or payment goes for the traffic used, the option is not particularly attractive.

Self learning. Today on the Internet a lot of forums and sites on how to learn Polish at home. The main advantages of the method are low training costs and the ability to independently choose time for classes and the training strategy. Minus - the lack of motivation and laziness can essentially prevent learning.


The main thing in learning the language, it does not matter with what the study method is the presence of motivation. I say a little: "I want to learn Polish." It is necessary to find at least one reason why you need it. Otherwise, as soon as the first impulse will pass and interest in the classes will dull, you immediately pass the training and after a couple of years do not remember even the elementary phrases.

As incentives, the desire to go abroad for training or permanent residence can be awareness. By the way, in this case the Poles are fairly willing to meet people who know the Polish culture and traditions. Even without having relatives among the Poles, you can get a Pole map if you know the culture and customs of the country, take an active part in activities aimed at the popularization of Polish culture. The Pole Map gives a lot of advantages - the possibility of obtaining a visa, the right to legal employment and training, other little things.

Another good motive can be employment in international companies. Knowledge not only English, but also Polish will become a huge plus in this situation.

Tourist may also be an excellent reason. Agree, more interesting to travel around the country yourself, choosing liked museums and exhibitions. And far from all Poles own foreign and may simply do not understand your question about how to go to the museum or at the hotel if it is set in English.

You may be interested in how to learn Polish language yourself, in order to read interesting bookwhich is not translated into Russian, or watch the series. Even such a motive can be an excellent incentive for learning.

Before starting study, be sure to write down the goal and, as soon as your desire to learn goes to the decline, open your notebook and remember why you started it. And even better - write your goal on Watman with large letters and hang over the desktop. Success is guaranteed.

Well, if you really do not know how to control your laziness at all, say with someone from friends that learn the language, say, for 6 months. If you are a gambling person, then surely do not abandon your classes and achieve success.

Where to begin?

If you decide to engage in self-study, it is necessary:

  1. Decide how many times a week you will do. Best of all, if you are sitting for books at least three times a week.
  2. Pick up learning literature - textbooks, dictionaries, reading literature.
  3. Find additional learning tools - audio, video.
  4. Install on mobile or tablet applications for language learning.
  5. Find in social networks of native speakers.

How to choose tutorials?

In order to learn Polish on their own from scratch, it is necessary to correctly choose the instructional literature correctly. There are many courses and textbooks on the network, each of which has both its advantages and cons. But e-books - This is not what you need. If you allow you to buy a tutorial in the store, in the paper version. This is a guarantee that during the lesson you will not be distracted by checking mail, calls to Skype or Vaiber.

Choosing a tutorial, pay attention to several points:

We buy a dictionary

To learn Polish language yourself, you must additionally purchase a dictionary. At least words at 35,000-40,000. To begin with, this will be enough. Ideally, the dictionary should accommodate from 150,000 words.

When choosing it is also important to pay attention to the year of release.

The prerequisite is that the bilateral dictionary, that is, Polish-Russian and Russian-Polish. You understand that you will need to translate not only from Polish to Russian, but also in the opposite direction.

additional literature

Speaking about how to learn Polish at home, it is worth remembering that some textbooks and dictionaries do not have enough. Additionally, it is advisable to purchase:

  • A separate book with rules, tables and schemes in Polish. With their help, you can quickly refresh the previously studied rules, quickly learn new ones.
  • Artistic literature. It can be one or two books of your favorite genre. It is desirable that you previously read these works. Be sure to pay attention, the literature is adapted or not, in the second case, it will be much more difficult to read it.

Additional learning tools

You can learn Polish yourself not only with the help of books and textbooks, but also with the help of songs and movies, TV shows, games. These methods of study are not basic, with their help you can increase the level of language proficiency during rest.

Find on the Internet songs in Polish. You can periodically listen to them and try to translate words, separate phrases and suggestions. This method is especially valuable if you drive to work and from it.

View movies and TV shows. Of course, you can watch movies and serials exclusively at the language studied, but better if they are accompanied by subtitles in Russian. In this way, many phrases and expressions from the household sphere can be memorable.

Games and applications. Those who do not know how to learn Polish, resting, may be interested in learning using games and applications. Today there are many applications for learning a language using tablets and smartphones. Having installed any of you like to your mobile device, you can spend time with benefit while playing fascinating learning games.


Most are interested in the question of how to learn the Polish conversational language on their own. The answer is simple - to communicate as much as possible. Colloquial There is a conversational that functions in oral speech. The best solution for independent study Communication with native speakers - Poland residents.

Find friends in the social network for the interests living abroad. They will not only explain to you the rules for the use of certain words and expressions, the specifics of syntax, but also tell a lot of interesting things about their country and culture.

Studying phonetics

After all textbooks are purchased, you need to start learning. Those interested in how to learn Polish at home and where to start, should be remembered: it is always necessary to start with the alphabet. You must learn the alphabet - the name of each letter and the pronunciation of sounds. It is important to use special discs on which each sound sound is recorded. The question of phonetics, the correct placement of the stress should pay special attention. Incorrect pronunciation is one of the gross mistakes that are difficult to correct in the subsequent.


The opinion of teachers of a foreign language is often divided into what should be paid in the first place - grammar or vocabulary. Some believe that a big vocabulary with interest compensates for ignorance of grammar, others - that an unfamiliar word can always be found in the dictionary, but with grammar should be sought first.

Anyway, the lexical stock is important, especially when studying the Polish language. Those who wonder how to learn Polish at home, probably heard that some words in Polish and Russian, Ukrainian have a similar sound, but here's the meaning of them can radically differ.

To replenish the lexical stock.

  1. Read previously acquired fiction.
  2. Listen songs and watch movies.
  3. Communicate with friends online.
  • Read and translate news articles from various sites. Reading the media, you not only learn new words, but also remember the correct construction of phrases and suggestions.
  • Use dictionary. Pretty interesting way Studying vocabulary - reading the dictionary and the manufacture of cards. For example, you are leafing the dictionary and find 5-10 words unfamiliar to you. Cut from thick paper small cards. On one side they write a word in Polish, on the second - in Russian. Then move the cards, trying to translate the word on the card, and see the translation for self-test.

By the way, this method is a word - translation - is often used in mobile applications.


Separate attention deserves the grammar science of the Polish language. Those who wish to quickly learn the Polish language at home should be prepared for the fact that a lot of attention will have to pay attention to the study of the patent language system, study the endings in words depending on time and form.

In addition, people learning Polish are quite often complaining of special logic of building proposals and language stylistics.

When studying grammar, you will use a textbook and tables with schemes. It is advisable to start your notebook in which you will record the basic rules and moments.


Those who wish to know how to learn Polish from scratch at home, worth paying special attention to speaking. The main goal of any training is not only able to understand the interlocutor, but he himself learn to convey his thought before him. When studying a foreign language, a special role is paid to this point. Remember how in English lessons you were taught to talk about my family and hobbies, writing letters.

When studying the Polish language, the same approach is applied. You must learn to tell about yourself, your habits, hobby, be able to write letters - personal and business, possibly resume.

It is important to be able to not only write, but also to tell, not spying on the notebook and the dictionary.

In addition to the development of monologic speech, it is important to pay attention and dialogue.

For the development of speaking, it is necessary to communicate as much as possible with native speakers, preferably with video calls. So you can not only learn the basic structures, expressions, put a pronunciation, but also, that is important, overbid your fear. It was the fear of saying that something is wrong or not so - the main problem when learning the language.


Another important momentwhich is worth paying special attention - perception of speech on rumor. It is no secret that most language exams consist of tests aimed at checking grammar and vocabulary, writing part or speaking and auditing.

Tighten the skills of perception to you will help songs and movies, communication with friends.

In addition, in almost every textbook to which the disk is attached, there are exercises for listening. It is advisable to perform them by checking the answers and making the analysis of the mistakes made.


So for how much can Polish learn? The answer to the question depends solely from you. If you are stubbornly and systematically engaged, after a couple of months you can understand Polish speech, speak the new language for you. Let it be perfect, but still for a trip to the country there is enough with interest.

If you are lazy and constantly postpone classes for later, you do not have enough of several years in order to get at least minimal communication skills.

  1. We systematically learn the language. Do not miss classes if you do not have a good reason. And if there is, follow the exercise scheduled for the day as soon as you have a free minute.
  2. Do not hesitate to study, do not be fanatics. Daily five to six hours a day - the idea is good, but useless. One lesson should not last more than one and a half hours.
  3. On holiday days, watch movies and listen to music in Polish.
  4. Explore the culture and traditions of Poland. So you can plunge into the language studied as much as possible, understand the meaning of some words and idioms that are not translated into Russian literally.
  5. Teach not only separate words, but also proverbs, sayings, aphorisms. It will make your speech richer and brighter.

We hope we gave an exhaustive answer to the question of how to learn Polish from scratch. Follow our advice, are systematically engaged, and after a few weeks you will notice that you understand individual words and phrases, and a few months later, and you can speak Polish in Polish at all, without applying special efforts. Good luck to you!

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