The name is nikola and not nikolay congratulations. When is Nikolai's birthday. Nicholas's birthday according to the church calendar: description and interesting facts. Name day of Nikolai the Pleasant

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Name Nikolay comes from the ancient Greek Nikolaos, whose roots "nika" - victory and "laos" - people, determine the meaning of the name, as the winner of the peoples, conquering the people.

Reliable and good, however, a somewhat harsh name. He is characterized by tenderness and kindness.

Among the many patron saints of this name, the miracle worker, archbishop Nikolay Mirlikisky .

The great Nicholas the Wonderworker was born in Asia Minor in the city of Patara. Miraculous signs of his life began to occur from the very birth, as if indicating the great destiny of the holy baby for the Church of Christ. As bishop of the city of Myra in Lycia, the saint became glorified as a great saint of God, a miracle worker and a prayer book, filled with love for people and God.

Once, having appeared at the place of execution of three townspeople, he dared to snatch the sword from the hands of the executioner and publicly expose the bribed judge. He was also able to save three generals from death by coming to Emperor Constantine in a dream and explaining his mistake to him. In times of famine, he again appeared in a dream to the grain merchant and ordered him to send all the goods to Mir. There are many legends and stories about the miracles of Nicholas, in which he rescues drowning people and seafarers, brings schoolchildren back to life, cut to pieces by the villain. In Russia, the cult of Nicholas is especially wide: he is the patron saint of carpenters, tirelessly helping the peasants, the bearer of beneficent natural forces in the image of Santa Claus.

Another patron is the holy fool for Christ's sake, Blessed Nikolai of Pskov, who lived in the 16th century. During his life, he performed many signs and wonders, but his main merit was the salvation of the city of Pskov from the irrepressible anger of Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

Nikolai Pskovsky died in 1576.

Modern Nikolay Is a dark horse: his thoughts and actions are impossible to predict. Differs in tremendous self-control, which is easy enough to explain: there are very few things in life that are truly capable of touching his cold heart. As a ruthless analyst, he constantly tries to pretend that he is friendly and simple. Although, like all people, Nikolai thirsts for care and love, therefore, those who are kind to him respond with devotion and tenderness.

4 August - For Christ's sake, the holy fool Nikolai Novgorodsky, Kochanov.
March 22 - Martyr Nikolai of Sevastia.
January 6 - Schema monk Nikolai the Slav.
February 17 - hegumen, confessor Nikolai Studiysky.
16 february - Archbishop Nicholas of Japan, Equal to the Apostles.
March 13 - For Christ's sake, holy fool, Nikolai Sallos of Pskov (Blessed).
May 22, December 19 - Archbishop, miracle worker Nicholas of Mirliki.

Nikolay is a very common name in Russia, and perhaps in the world too. In this article we will talk about such a topic as the name days of the bearers of this noble Greek name, as well as the life of their main patron saint.

Name days are also known as angel day. In fact, this is purely religious holiday, and therefore the name day of Nicholas can be celebrated only by those owners of this name who were baptized with him. Alas, it does not belong to the rest. As such, the day of the angel is the day of remembrance of the saint in whose honor a person is baptized. Such a saint is considered a personal patron, protector and intercessor before God for a person.

How angel day is chosen

As a rule, the day of the angel is set before baptism, when a saint is selected, in whose name the sacrament will be performed. This choice lies entirely with the person being baptized. Or, if this is a baby, the parents solve this problem for him. There are, however, cases when a person baptized in infancy does not know in memory of which of the saints of God he was named. In this case, it is allowed to choose a patron for oneself - guided either by a special sympathy for a particular saint, or by a purely formal determination procedure, which consists in the fact that according to the church calendar, the day of remembrance of his holy namesake is the closest to a person's birthday. This saint will be considered the patron saint. The same is done when parents come to church with a chosen name, but they have no idea which of the saints to baptize the child in. This is because not very religious people who baptize children simply to observe traditions or, even worse, out of superstitious fear, most often do not care who will become the patron of their children.

Nicholas name day

The day on which specific Nicholas celebrate their angel day is difficult to determine. First, because of the extreme prevalence of this name and, as a consequence, because of the huge number of saints wearing it. Judge for yourself - according to the church calendar, the name day of Nicholas can fall on at least four dozen different dates. Secondly, despite the impressive list of holy namesakes, most of Nikolaev, at least in Russia, prefer to be baptized in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, bypassing all the calendar rules for identifying saints. Usually this is due to the fact that people simply do not know any other Saint Nicholas. Below we give a list of the main saints venerated in Russia, on the day of memory of which the name day of Nicholas is celebrated. However, this is far from a complete list, since there are hundreds of saints throughout the Orthodox world, widely revered in some regions and countries and practically unknown in others. Well, after the list, we will get acquainted with a short life of the most glorified saint, in whose honor the name days of Nicholas - St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are celebrated.

List of saints

All dates are in the new style. Old-style dates are given in brackets.

  • 14.01 (1.01) Hieromartyr Nicholas (Bezhanitsky).
  • 16.02 (3.02) Equal to the Apostles Nicholas. He founded an Orthodox mission in Japan.
  • 17.02 (04.02) Saint Nicholas the Confessor. He was abbot at the Studite monastery.
  • 11.03 (26.02) Righteous Nikolay the Local.
  • 13.03 (28.02) Blessed Nicholas. He was a holy fool for Christ's sake in Pskov.
  • 22.03 (9.03) Martyr Nicholas. He suffered in Sevastia.
  • 1.05 (18.04) Hieromartyr Nicholas. Repressed in 1937 in the USSR.
  • 7.05 (24.04) Martyr Nicholas from Magnesia.
  • 22.05 (9.05). On May 22, the so-called "summer Nicholas" is celebrated - the transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker from Myra in Lycia to Baria.
  • May 29 (16) Martyr Nicholas of Mechevsky (+ 1617) and Saint Nicholas the Mystic, Patriarch of Constantinople.
  • 06.10 (23.09) Martyr Nicholas from Constantinople.
  • 13.11 (30.10) Martyr Nicholas of Chios.
  • 19.12 (6.12) "Winter Nikolai". Actually, the memory of St. Nicholas is the same one, the transfer of whose remains is celebrated on May 22. On the same day, the memory of the martyr Nikolai Karaman is also celebrated.

A Brief Life of Saint Nicholas

You can talk a lot about who Archbishop Nicholas the Wonderworker was during his lifetime. But the trouble is that for more than one and a half thousand years (and he lived in the III-IV centuries), he turned from a historical figure into a mythological and archetypal character. Little remains of the real personality of this saint, who became the prototype of Santa Claus - stories about fantastic miracles and several vivid historical information collected from the biographies of various bishops of the same name. Thus, the saint whom we are loaning is a collective, idealized image, composed partly from the biographies of several real people, partly from folk fantasies and folklore. It can only be asserted that he was born and lived in Asia Minor, occupied the chair of the archbishop of the city of Myra in Lycia and preached Christianity with all his might. Among other things, he is credited with such an unseemly act as the destruction of a number of pagan sanctuaries. There is no other reliable data about him.

Only once in a lifetime do parents have the opportunity to name their child. You should definitely prepare for this and discuss together those options that you like the most. Today astrologers and other specialists talk a lot about the importance of the right choice. In their works, you can see how the fate of a person with a certain name can develop. Nobody can confirm or deny the reliability of such information, but it is worth familiarizing yourself with it, perhaps some arguments in the description of the option you like will become weighty reasons for making a decision.

The male name Nikolai does not lose its popularity today. Its various variations can be heard in different countries, but it came to us, like most names from ancient Greece. The literal meaning is "conqueror of nations." In Christianity there is a very revered Nicholas the Wonderworker, whom our ancestors loved very much, and today many go to church with their prayers and requests. The name Nikolay for Kievan Rus became relevant only after Christianity was adopted. It is about the saint that many think of when they give their son such a beautiful and ancient name. Parents really believe that the baby will have a strong and powerful intercessor who simply cannot leave him in difficult times and will always help to find a way out.

Little Kolya.

From early childhood, the baby will clearly show his parents that he really needs freedom. He will show character for any reason, and sometimes it will be difficult to cope with the baby. The child will grow up to be a real fidget. Parents will be calm while he is in the kindergarten, and the teachers will start waiting in the morning for the child to be taken home. He needs to be constantly occupied with something so that he can calmly sit still. Children, observing an energetic baby, take part with pleasure in all his games and unquestioningly obey the inventor and ringleader. In kindergarten, such energy will be directed into a peaceful channel and the maximum that kids can do is to arrange catch-up or hide-and-seek, but in school years it will be difficult to cope with such a child.

Complaints from teachers about disruptions to lessons or similar childishness may come up all the time until the child has finished 11th grade. Despite such a lively and active character, he can still become a diligent student, especially considering that he masters almost all subjects very easily. Most often, the child has a tendency to exact objects. The mainland and physics do not seem difficult or boring to him, he is happy to solve problems and prove theorems, delighting both teachers and his parents.

The child is very cheerful and cheerful, he easily joins a new team and very quickly makes new friends and acquaintances. His hobby may include completely different, and sometimes incompatible things, but he has enough attention for everything. Parents will be surprised how you can play football or war games at the same time and then calmly practice chess.

Parents must pay attention to the fact that in some cases Kolya requires increased attention to himself or begins to act pretentiously. One cannot react to such provocations, let alone satisfy all the whims of his son, otherwise he will grow up to be a very spoiled and selfish young man. Strictness in upbringing must be present, sometimes control will be absolutely not superfluous. The child needs to be loved and pampered, but only within certain limits, he should not become the center of family life. All grievances or even children's tears about a toy left in the store that is not particularly needed should be ignored. It's just that the child should clearly and strictly articulate why mom or dad did not buy what he asked. Show-off tantrums shouldn't bother you, as well as condemnation from other people. Parents should remember that all this is done only for the well-being of the child and not for general approval.


Nikolai will grow up as a young man who will be able to first assess the girl's external world, and then will assess all external parameters. For him, the most attractive feature will be a sharp mind and a high level of intelligence of the chosen one. In a relationship, Nikolai is able to prove himself as a jealous and possessive person. He will not listen to reproaches from the girl, even if they are really justified. If there is intimacy in a relationship, then it is at these moments that a real man can be considered, he will say compliments not out of a sense of duty, but sincerely, and when he confesses his love, then this will be really true. It should be noted that men with the name Nikolai, more often pay attention to girls with luxurious forms, not keeping my eyes on slender and thin figures.

The time of romantic dates and courtship will be organized according to all the rules, the young man will do everything as beautifully and correctly as possible. Such tactics will help him in seducing his chosen one. Kolya can do this when, even after parting with him, the girl will not have anger or resentment, but, most likely, a slight sadness because everything ended so quickly.

Nikolai's girls can change very quickly. He loves to conquer, charm, but quickly after that he loses interest. Even in a short-term relationship, he does not allow the option of treason, and if such a thought appears, then he simply leaves.


Lovingness can very often become the reason for a rather late marriage, a man will carefully look at possible candidates and carefully analyze everything. If he decided to take the girl to the registry office, then he definitely loves her very much. The chosen one of such a man can become a very happy woman, because in the barque Nicholas will open up as a good owner, a caring and very attentive husband, and after a while as a really amazing father. Such a man will very often be set as an example for their husbands by his wife's friends, they may envy such family happiness and complete harmony. Cheating in marriage is unacceptable for a man. This option is possible only if the wife refuses him in intimacy. He will be able to satisfy physiological needs with another woman, but he will begin to carefully hide such a connection from his wife.

Children will bathe in the attention of their dad, he can happily study with them and teach lessons, it is absolutely not difficult for him to take children to the section or pick them up from school. All these duties can bring him real pleasure and joy. The only problem that can arise in such a family is the man's excessive love for alcohol. If the wife can stop all such phenomena, then the family can really be called ideal.


For his colleagues and management, Nikolay will be a responsible and competent employee with whom to work. In a leading position, he will prove himself to be a very tough and demanding leader, he will enjoy his powers and power, and this can have a negative effect on character.

He himself is not a slacker and will never tolerate negligence on the part of subordinates.
A beautiful and sonorous name is only the first step towards a happy and dignified life. Proper upbringing and attention from parents will really help a boy to become a worthy and real man.

When, according to the church calendar, the name day of Nicholas:

May 22, December 19 - Nicholas of Mirliki, archbishop, miracle worker, August 10 - Nicholas of Novgorod, for Christ's sake, the holy fool, March 22 - Nicholas of Sevastopol, martyr.

A little man who comes into this world receives a gift from birth - two Angels. The first is an Angel who helps to do good, good deeds, to avoid evil - the Guardian Angel. The second Angel is the saint whose name we bear. This Angel asks God to help us. To remember this helper, there is an old tradition of celebrating the name day, the day of the Angel. For every Christian, this is a special day, his spiritual birthday. The name day is the day of remembrance of that saint, thanks to whom a person got his name.

When a baby is baptized, the church gives him the name of a saint. Thus, the baby receives a direction for self-realization.

The kid still has a lot to achieve in life, so he always needs support. Receiving at baptism the name of a saint who became famous for his deeds, a person also receives a helper who rejoices and grieves with him. Therefore, in addition to physical birth, each person also has a spiritual birthday, which is called a name day.

Previously, there was a custom: at baptism, a person received a name that was chosen according to certain rules. The baby received the name of that saint, whose memory was celebrated on the day the baby was born or on the day when the baptismal procedure was performed. For girls, it was allowed to make a shift for several days if there were no days of remembrance of the holy wives on their birthday or baptism. Thanks to this custom, the day of physical (actual) birth and name day were combined, merged together. Hence comes the custom of calling those who celebrate and celebrate their birthday as birthday people.

According to another rule, the baby could be named after the saint whom the parents had chosen earlier. Parents prayed to this saint even before the baby appeared. In this case, the name day was celebrated on the day of the memory of this saint. If there were several such days a year, then the date that was closest to the birthday of the baby was chosen.

You can celebrate your name day in different ways. A Christian should remember that on this day it is desirable to come to church, pray, confess, and receive spiritual support.

To be worthy of your name, you need to read, study the data about the life of your patron saint. In addition, it is worth finding a prayer to your saint, which can be read in difficult moments of life, and just every day, remembering your patron.

Name day of Nicholas according to the Orthodox Church calendar in January

The name Nicholas has a translation from Greek as "the conqueror of nations".

The most revered saint by the Russian people is Nikolai the Ugodnik. He was revered for showing mercy to those who admitted their mistakes and obeyed. On the other hand, he is remembered as a sharp, strict mentor who did not accept untruths, resolutely fought against it.

Saint Nicholas became famous as a miracle worker. Thanks to his prayers, many healings were accomplished. Even after the death of the saint, the church notes many cases when the words of the believers to Nicholas turned into miracles.

That is why the name Nikolai is one of the most revered names. If you count, then in the church calendar, the name day of Nicholas is celebrated 158 times. Every week, every Thursday, the memory of St. Nicholas is honored with special hymns in the church.

List of the most famous dates in the Orthodox calendar when Nikolai celebrates his name day

The name Nikolai is popular in various European countries, where it takes on its new form.
So, if Nikolai was born in France, then his name takes the form there Nikola, Kola, the Hungarian Nikolai is Miklos, the German analogue of the name is Nikolaus, and in the Scandinavian countries - Niklas.

In the second month of winter, Christians who bear the name Nikolai celebrate the name day seven times.

It is believed that the owners of the name Nikolai, who were born this month, are responsible in their features, are distinguished by high intelligence.

Name days of Nicholas according to the Orthodox Church calendar in February

In the last, shortest month of winter, Nikolai's name day is celebrated 10 times.

In February, the characteristic features of the bearers of the name Nikolai are energy, activity, leadership abilities.

Name days of Nicholas according to the Orthodox Church calendar in March

If a boy was born in March, then this month the name Nikolai appears 10 times in the Orthodox calendar.

March Nicholas have strong logic, but they are often lazy and scattered.

Name days of Nicholas according to the Orthodox Church calendar in April

In the second month of spring, the Orthodox calendar notes that Nicholas celebrates name days twice - April 18, April 24.

The main features of the April Nikolaev are stubbornness, irascibility, recklessness.

Name days of Nicholas according to the Orthodox Church calendar in May

In May, Orthodox Christians celebrate the spring (summer) Nikola. The celebration of St. Nicholas of Spring falls on May 22. This holiday has been celebrated since 1087. On this day, the memory of the transfer of the relics of the miracle worker Nicholas from the Lycian World to the Italian city of Bar is honored.

The miracle worker Nikolai himself appears to be a merciful helper, benefactor, a strict shepherd who rebelles against any untruth.

Given such traits of a saint, there are beliefs that on this day one cannot refuse to help those who turn to you for help.
In addition to May 22, in the last month of spring, those who bear the name Nikolai celebrate their name days 10 times.

It is believed that Nicholas, born in May, are calm, consistent, stubborn, do not compromise their rules.

Name days of Nicholas according to the Orthodox Church calendar in June

In the first summer month, Nikolai's name day can be celebrated 7 times.

The Nikolai, who appeared in June, are energetic, good-natured, decisive, and have high intellectual capabilities.

Name days of Nicholas according to the Orthodox Church calendar in July

In July, the opportunity to celebrate the name day falls to Nikolai four times.

It is believed that the July Nicholas are very emotional, prone to deep reflection on their own actions, and are support for relatives.

Nicholas's birthday according to the Orthodox Church calendar in August

August Nicholas are distinguished by perseverance, a great desire to go forward, purposefulness, efficiency. However, they also sharply react to criticism, are easily irritated, offended. Nicholas have the opportunity to celebrate name days 11 times in August.

Also in August they honor the birthday of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Name days of Nicholas according to the Orthodox Church calendar in September

With the arrival of autumn, in September, Nicholas celebrate name days 12 times.

It is believed that the September owner of the name Nikolai is calm, knows how to defend his views, is distinguished by perseverance, a creative approach to reality.

Name days of Nicholas according to the Orthodox Church calendar in October

October is rich in Nicholas's name day. This month Nikolaev has the opportunity to celebrate the name day 14 times.

Nicholas, who came into the world in October, are drawn to new knowledge. They are friendly, intelligent, sociable, although they may be inconsistent in their actions, they are optional.

Name days of Nicholas according to the Orthodox Church calendar in November

November Nicholas can celebrate their name days 15 times.

November Nicholas can be tough, adamant. They are very difficult to compromise, to the last insisting on their point.

Name days of Nicholas according to the Orthodox Church calendar in December

In December, Nikolaev's name day is celebrated 17 times.

December Nicholas are emotional, can easily flare up, freedom-loving, energetic.
The most revered day is December 19th. On this day, the day of the death of Nicholas, Archbishop of Mirlikia, is honored. He is popularly known as Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Legend says that his parents had no heirs for a long time. They were very pious people. Therefore, with their fervent prayer, they begged the child, promising God that the child would serve his Lord all his life. From his infancy, Nicholas showed strong persistence in his faith in God. Having taken the rank, he helped the poor, and this is what I remember.

The miracle worker Nikolai, who lived in 3-4 centuries, is considered an intercessor, a comforter. Nikolai is considered the patron saint of sailors, drivers, patron saint of children, travelers, students, sailors.

During his life on earth, he performed a large number of good deeds. Legends say that Nikolai acts as a defender against natural disasters.

And even after death, according to church legends, the relics of the saint were incorruptible, they exuded myrrh, which healed many people.
On this day, the Orthodox addressed their prayers to the saint. Then everyone gathered at a common family table. According to popular belief, on this day, December 19, Nicholas the Wonderworker goes around the earth to disperse evil spirits, to provide help to those who need it.

Congratulations on Nikolai's birthday:

You can congratulate Nikolai on his birthday in different ways. One of the original, beautiful options would be congratulations with postcards.


Such greeting cards can be sent by e-mail and congratulate the birthday person if he is not around.

You can also congratulate a close relative with a postcard.

If your birthday boy has a good sense of humor, then funny greeting cards are perfect for your wishes.

Original, non-standard, video congratulation will look interesting

short in prose

Short congratulations are suitable when you have the opportunity to congratulate Nikolai personally. Congratulations in prose are suitable for those who like to redo, supplement wishes.

In this case, these examples can be used as a basis, which can be supplemented with your own words.

Such congratulations will be more sincere, individual.
Examples of congratulations

Nikolay! Name days are an amazing holiday. This day is filled with warmth that remains in the very heart of a person for life. This is the day of the Angel. Your protector is with you from the moment of birth. He protects you from unpleasant moments. I want to now send my wishes to your Angel. Let him have less work. And, accordingly, you have as few negative episodes and troubles as possible.

Dear Nikolai! You are celebrating an amazing day today - name day. On this warm, cheerful, bright day, let everything turn out wonderfully. Let new perspectives appear in life. Let the Angel open all doors for you. May success await in your favorite business. I wish you great prospects, creative forces, enthusiasm, beautiful ideas, talent, new victories.

Congratulations for a friend

My good, dear friend. I believe that every living person has a Guardian Angel. He is always there. Let them say that no one has ever seen him in his life. But I can feel his presence somewhere nearby. Therefore, my wishes to both of you: on this good holiday, I wish you and your Angel warmth, spiritual harmony, more sunny, bright, cheerful days. May your days be filled with joy, love, happiness.

beautiful congratulations in verses

A loved one, a good friend, a loved one always wants to congratulate in a special way, beautifully, gracefully. And the best way to convey to cope with such a task can be poetry.

Small poetic lines will help convey your emotional mood, feelings, emotions. Wishes in verse sound beautiful, easy to remember.

Nicholas congratulations in verse

Beautiful congratulations for brother

Original wishes for a friend in verse

Nice video birthday greetings

cool birthday greetings

Name days, birthdays, weddings - these are all holidays that are remembered with a cheerful mood. If you decide to congratulate on your birthday in a funny, funny way, then you can use these options for cool wishes.

Wishes to Nikolay

Often cool congratulations addressed to friends.

You can congratulate Nikolai's friend on his birthday with these options

sms birthday greetings

It's hard to imagine a birthday man today who doesn't receive congratulations on the phone. Modern gadgets allow you to send not just a short wish, but supplement it with an original postcard, song, video. Congratulations in your own words to your son

Dear, dear, good son Kolya! Congratulations on a wonderful holiday - name day. We wish you great, real happiness and excellent health. Let there be a place in life for extraordinary miracles. We wish that the steps of life will be easy, any undertaking ends successfully. Let the Angel guard. And let the reasons for joy and fun not end in life.

For wishes for your son, you can pick up a funny postcard

Your birthday greetings should take into account his character. In addition to beautiful, warm words, you can pick up an original gift for the name day. A good option for a gift can be a small icon, a personalized souvenir.

Nicholas - Greek Nikolaos - nikao - "to win" + laos - "people" - the conquering people.

Nicholas's birthday according to the church calendar:

  • January 6: Nikolai Slavianin, schema monk
  • February 16: Nicholas of Japan (Kasatkin), Equal to the Apostles, Archbishop
  • February 17: Nikolai Studiysky, confessor, abbot
  • 2nd of March: Nicholas, Presbyter, Athens
  • 11th of March: Nikolay Pomestny (Local)
  • March 13: Nikolay Sallos (Blessed) Pskov, for Christ's sake the holy fool
  • March 15th: Nikolay Planas. [Priest of Athens]
  • 18th of March: Nikolay (Velimirovich), bishop, Ohrid and Zhychi
  • March 22: Nikolai Sevastiysky, martyr.
  • May 3: Nikolay (Velimirovich), Bishop, Ohrid and Zichsky (Transfer of the relics)
  • May 7: Nikolay Magnesiysky, mch.
  • 22nd of May: Nikolay Vuneni, prmch; Nicholas of Mirlikisky, Archbishop (Transfer of the Relics). [miracle worker]
  • May 29: Nikolay (from Mechev), mch .; Nicholas the Mystic, Patriarch, Constantinople
  • May 30: Nikolay Bulgarian, mch.
  • August 9: Nikolay Kochanov, Novgorodsky, for the sake of the holy fool
  • 11th August: Nicholas of Mirliki, Archbishop. [miracle worker]
  • October 5: Nikolay, mch.
  • October 6: Nikolay Pandopol, martyr.
  • October 8: Nikolay Trikkokit, Venerable
  • 10th of November: Nikolay of Crete, martyr.
  • the 13th of November: Nikolay of Chios, martyr.
  • November 25: Nicholas of Constantinople, martyr.
  • 12 December: Nicholas, Archbishop of Thessaloniki
  • December 19th: Nikolay Karaman, martyr; Nicholas of Mirliki, Archbishop. [miracle worker]
  • December 29th: Nikolai Khrisoverg, Patriarch, Constantinople

Characteristics of the name Nikolai

Little Nikolai is a cunning and charming child. It doesn't cost him anything to fool around even his parents. He can pretend to be so simple-minded and naive that you will never believe that he has done something wrong. Nikolai has a rich imagination and versatile interests. He is active, loves outdoor games, walks.

Nikolai is an excellent student. He is well-read, thinks quickly, knows how to get out of an unpleasant situation. Nikolai is extremely curious, he easily remembers the material. He loves to be in the public eye, is talented, gladly participates in competitions, school performances and circles. As a rule, teachers are very happy with them.

All his life Nikolai will hide behind this mask of sincerity, friendliness and benevolence. But he is not at all simple, not open and, moreover, not naive. Behind the mask hides a cold reason, observation, selfishness. Nikolai is biding his time to turn events in his favor. He is reserved, never says what he really thinks. He doesn't care much about how others treat him, he doesn't really appreciate friends, but he himself is not capable of betrayal.

Nikolai has a sharp mind. He will work conscientiously, but completely, "headlong" in the work will not go. Nikolai is unlikely to take the initiative in any business, he prefers to stay aside, but not lose sight of the situation. It is difficult to hurt him, to piss off him, but if this happens, the mask will fall off Nikolai for a moment. Behind her will appear his aggressiveness, strength, lust for power, even cruelty. Nikolai will become a good lawyer, surgeon, and test person. He will be a good leader because he does not tolerate injustice and will not tolerate it. If Nikolay gives free rein to his talents, he is able to succeed in creative professions: artist, musician, writer.

Our dear Nikolai,
Do not know troubles and difficulties
And live positive
In this strange big world

Appreciate what you can't buy
Life don't stop loving.
Be kind, appreciate your friends
And don't cough, don't hurt.

More meetings with your friends
Less quarrels and squabbles with enemies,
More female attention
And universal recognition.

Kolya! Kolya! Nikolay!
Do not be sad, do not be discouraged,
Do not be sick and do not be depressed.
Take care of your life!

You are a wonderful person,
Be like that all your life!
With happiness you walk in step
Don't forget about your friends!

Remember, we have one life
Everyone needs ingenuity in her.
Know you are the best in the world, Kolya!
Remember, this is your share!

Congratulations, Nikolai, and with all my heart I wish you health, strength, energy and vigor, good luck, courage, prosperity and love. Hdon't doubt yourself ANDdi confidently to victory, TOoles around the world ABOUTtake any troubles from loved ones Lgood luck by the tail, ANDstraddle important ideas and cherished dreams, Thcheck your aspirations and boldly dot the "and"!

I wish, Kolya, from the heart,
You will always be happy
Great and important successes
Achieve easily and effortlessly!

Let every minute give
You only have joy and luck!
Live beautifully, brightly, cool
And get only pleasure!

You are today, Nikolay,
Accept congratulations!
The winner of the people
Walk along with the name.

I wish victory
You sought in everything
And luck fell asleep
You are starry to rain.

Let the fanfare sound to you
Fireworks illuminate the path
The bird of happiness over you
Let him not lower his wings.

I wish you, Kolok,
So that the wallet is full
So that every organ is healthy
So that I never have enemies
So that things always go well
And they helped sometimes.
Let what I wish come true.
Good luck, happiness to Nikolai!

Be forever young, Nikolai,
And never be discouraged.
May you be lucky in everything
Let the takeoff be in everything.

May health be strong
Let the sadness pass.
I wish you well
And be fun forever.

The world has changed today -
Everything around is unusual.
It's like you were born again
Be serious about the lack of time.

May it be summer today
And against the background of flocks of birds
There will be a lot of light everywhere
Our Kolochek, Nikolay.

Be stronger than everyone in the world
And wiser and smarter
And be responsible for your loved ones
And although ... you know better.

But let it be with you
Ours stomps warmly
Let everything be as it should be
To be lucky everywhere.

You are always like Claus Santa
Shine light for loved ones.
You are the main one today
On this holiday, Nikolai.

Nikolay, I hasten to congratulate
And wish you good luck
Set meaningful goals,
To reach them stubbornly.

Happiness may surround you
Let the heart warm the feeling
Never let them get hooked
Your soul is pain and sadness.

Congratulations to Nikolai!
We wish you many years!
Go through life with humor,
Be cheerful and not get sick.

All obstacles and adversity
Overcome with ease!
Peace of mind, peace in the family
We wish you!

Congratulations, Nikolay,
And we wish together:
Always know firmly
What is needed for happiness.

May distant dreams
Will fall in the palm of your hand
May you be lucky
And he is capable of anything.

May there always be salt and bread
Will be in your house
May success find you
To fulfill the will.

The fashion for names is always changing rapidly. If about twenty years ago Sasha, Seryozha, Lena and Ani went to first grade, then ten years later they were replaced by Nastya, Alina, Kirill. It happens that children are named in the spirit of the times, sometimes - in honor of outstanding relatives or just grandparents. Recently, people again began to resort to the calendar, and the forgotten old nominal forms Miron, Nazar, Matvey came to life. But there are names that are always popular and loved. The names of Nikolai, Andrey, Alexander have been celebrated for thousands of years, but they are not perceived archaic.

Name Nikolay

The name has Greek roots, and its translation means "conquering people".

These people are in good health since childhood due to their increased energy tone. They are enough both for good training and for sufficient communication with peers.

As a rule, Nicholas are balanced people, they approach making decisions in the same way.

Hardworking, sociable and friendly - all this is about Nikolai. Quite a demanding leader.

By nature, he is an amorous person, in love he is prone to adventures. He may marry a girl she doesn't know well, but thanks to good intuition, he will be right. Loves children, pampers.

You should be careful with alcoholic beverages.

Nikolai is essentially a secretive person. Strives for development and has its own opinion. He never reveals his true motives to the end.

Day Angel

Name days of Nicholas are very common according to the church calendar and occur almost every week. A lot of people named by that name have canonized the church at different times.

Celebrates on February 28 Pskov Nikolay name day. The Orthodox call him Nikula. On this day, the church celebrates the day of his death.

The people in Russia, especially children, were expecting the name day of Nicholas the Wonderworker, or Nicholas the Ugodnik, which falls on December 19 and May 22.

Saint Nicholas of Mirliki is considered the patron saint of children and disadvantaged people. Our people love him for his kindness and generosity.

According to one of the legends, he helped the family to marry the daughters without daughters by throwing a bag of gold into the house.

Nicholas the Wonderworker became the prototype of Santa Claus. Patronizes sailors and travelers.

The name Nikolai is identical to the nominal form Nicodemus. Initially, it was customary for the Old Believers to call Nicholas Nicholas. This form was considered correct.

Name day of Nikolai the Pleasant

According to the church calendar, they occur twice a year. People say: "Nikola Zimny \u200b\u200band Nikola Letniy: one with frost, the other with grass." Both holidays are important for people working with the land.

Legend has it that a peasant was driving with a wagon and got stuck in a muddy puddle. The wagon was loaded, he himself could not cope with the trouble.

At this time, Kasyan was heading to God in paradise, he walked by, but did not respond to the call for help from the peasant. So the peasant would have spent the day in the mud, if Saint Nicholas had not come to his aid. He helped the peasant to get out, but he got covered in mud. So Nikola went to heaven.

Both saints came to God, and he asked why Nikolai was late and looked untidy. The saint told about the incident, then the Lord was curious why Kasyan did not help the peasant? He said that he was afraid not to be in time for the meeting and get dirty.

God reasoned: since Kasian did not help, his name day will be celebrated once every four years, and the name day of Nicholas according to the church calendar will be celebrated twice a year.

So it happened that Kasyan had an angel's day on February 29. The name day of Nicholas the Pleasure is honored on May 22 - when his relics arrived in the Italian city of Baria from Turkish Lycia, and on December 19 - on the day of the saint's death.

Life and miracles

Saint Nicholas is an ambulance, he loves the people. And this love is mutual. The man was a model of a meek disposition. Saint Nicholas was a follower of the Apostles of the Lord, he was considered a zealous disciple of God and a teacher of people.

Three centuries later, after the crucifixion of Christ, at the first Ecumenical Council, with its help it was proved that Jesus Christ is one of the hypostases of the Holy Trinity. He fought against heresy and ignorance.

During his lifetime, this man was known for being a conciliator of the warring. He defended the innocent at trial, delivering them from death.

There are legends that he resurrected a lifeless sailor with a prayer.

Once Saint Nicholas helped the starving Lycia. He appeared in a dream to a bread merchant who was going to the West, and told him to bring food to Turkey. Nikolai promised to buy all the bread from the sailor and gave money in advance. When the merchant woke up, he found coins in his hand and hurried to Lycia with bread. So the people were saved from hunger.

Signs and traditions

Winter Nikola is celebrated on a special scale. Although the dishes are all lean, friends and relatives are called. Honey cakes and cakes are baked and served to children.

On this day, you definitely need to do something for a stranger who needs help. It is believed that if you do not show attention to disadvantaged people, then the next seven years will be difficult and unprofitable.

Gifts are sure to be given to children. The Slavs put them under the pillow, and the Europeans put them in hanging socks, next to which they also put a carrot for the donkey on which the saint moved.

"Varvara plows, Savva sharpens nails, and Nikola hammers." From that day, severe frosts began.

People said: "Nikolai would have arrived in time, and there winter would come for him by itself", "After Nikola's day, you can praise the winter", "In the winter before Nikola and the thaw may come."

There are two Nikolaos in each year: there is no cold until winter, and warm until summer.

How much snow there will be on winter Nikolai, so much grass will be on summer.

Rite of passage for the day of Nicholas the Pleasure

Prepare 40 candles and an icon of the saint on the name day of Nicholas. You will need matches and a plate of salt.

After that, put all the candles in a bowl of salt and light them. You need to take a wide plate for this amount. When the candles are lit, you need to read a prayer to the Wonderworker, and then a letter. After reading it, you can burn it in the flame of candles and wait until they burn out completely.

The ashes must be thrown into the wind, and the candle ends must be collected in a bag and put behind the icon of the saint for a year. After a while, they should be taken to the church and placed there.

The saint, loved and respected by the people, has not been forgotten to this day. He lives in legends and legends, in people named in his honor. And he will continue to live as long as he is remembered and honored.

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