Potato holiday adult script. Potato festival in elementary school. Scenario. Gala dinner "her majesty potato"

Children 27.07.2020

Find out and expand students' knowledge about potatoes; to acquaint students with the "biography" of potatoes, to show its significance in people's lives; teach a child to see the amazing side by side, in everyday life.



Teacher: Hello guys! All seasons are generous: spring gives us greenery, summer does not spare the sun, and autumn is probably the richest. She generously presents us with ripe fruits. In the fall, people reap the harvest and praise the golden beauty of autumn for her generosity: they sing songs, ditties, arrange Harvest festivals.

The song "Autumn knocked on us ..."

Guys, we invite you to guess what our program is about. To do this, you need to guess riddles.

1. Under the ground, the bird twisted a nest, laid eggs.

2. Nuts in the ground and leaves on the ground.

3. What they dug out of the ground,

Fried, boiled?

What we baked in the ashes

Did they eat and praise?

4. Both green and thick,

A bush has grown in the garden

Dig a little bit

Under the bush ... (potatoes).

Teacher. Today, guys, we will talk about Her Majesty Potato, which is popularly called the second bread. And I think that each of you knows that potatoes are the most common garden plant. Even those who do not have a garden will surely find a place for potatoes.

Everyone in the world knows about potatoes
The rich and those who are not rich.
Everyone prepares it in their own way,
Everyone on the table is happy with potatoes.
And who fries and who soars,
Who bakes and who pounds
But they eat it everywhere.
Glory and honor to her!

Performance of the poem "Quarrel"

One day a potato comes to a carrot

And he sees: the carrot is in the package

Carrot, carrot, please tell me

Where are you dressed like that today?

Oh, you know, potatoes, I'm already leaving:

Today I was invited to the knife.

I was invited to him without you,

I won't take you potatoes with me.

Potato said:

"Just think, a knife!

Sneeze me that you won't take me!

Two spoons invited me to the cabbage soup.

I will go without you, and you will not seek! "

They also invited me to grade 3,

By the way, they have class hour now.

1. Although it is indecent to boast,

But we came to tell you:

Excellent without potatoes

Neither eat nor dance

Even a delicious cucumber

Well done only with potatoes.

2 . Although the green onions are angry,

And potatoes are the best friend

From potatoes here and there

Make the right product

And not without reason, after all, potatoes

The name is the second bread.

Children perform V. Popov's song "Potato".


I'll tell you guys

We lived in the camp like,

And in the sun like kittens

We warmed ourselves that way, warmed ourselves like that.

Our poor stomachs

Were always hungry

And we counted the minutes

Until lunchtime.

Oh, potatoes, delicious,

Our children are ideal

He does not know pleasure,

Who did not eat potatoes.

And the boys are gluttons

They will eat all the potatoes

And then they will howl in chorus:

"Our stomachs hurt!"

Oh, you sweet potato

We beat you low with our forehead

Even the distant track

We do not care with you.

Teacher. It is hard to believe that this amazing vegetable was once appreciated for the delicate lilac and pink flowers with which it was fashionable to decorate women's hairstyles. So glory to the one who was the first to pay attention not to the tops, but to the roots!

3. In some kingdom

In some state,

Not on Mars and not on the Moon -

The potato lived in the ground.

4 . The royal property had:

She managed to feed the people.

In a word, our speech is about

How did the potatoes come to the house!

5 ... About all properties, about leaving,
About work in the garden.
About crafts, delicious food,
It will not be superfluous for you to find out.

Much should be learned….

All children . Now, it's time to start.

Teacher. We know this product well and use it almost every day, but not everyone thinks about what its homeland is and who brought it to Russia? Listen to this story.

1. 500 years ago, no one in Europe knew that there is such a plant - the potato. But from a long voyage, the ships of Christopher Columbus, a brave navigator, returned to Spain. The most valuable cargo they brought to their homeland were seeds, tubers, grains of new plants.

2 ... But in Europe, they did not immediately understand that the main thing for potatoes is tubers. A rich English man decided to treat his guests to an overseas curiosity planted in his garden. Instead of digging tubers out of the ground, the gardener collected green balls from the bushes that hang from the stems after the potatoes have bloomed. These bitter, inedible potatoes were served to the guests. Some of the guests, having tasted the treat, choked, someone had a twisted face, someone ran out from the table.

3. Potatoes were sent to Russia from Holland at the end of the 17th century by Peter l. The peasants did not accept the overseas vegetable for a long time and called it "the devil's apple". They were forced to grow and eat potatoes. But the peasants unknowingly ate the fruits. This led to many poisonings.

4. A wave of "peasant revolts" took place throughout Russia. Riots were suppressed by firing cannons at the peasants. But not cruel reprisals convinced the peasants that it was profitable to plant potatoes. The potato itself convinced.

5. Remember the tale about the turnip? Why did the grandfather need a big - big turnip? To feed the grandmother, granddaughter and the whole family. Earlier, in cold winters, when the crops were frozen, turnip replaced bread for the Russian peasant. Hearty fruitful potatoes replaced turnips. Now, not turnips, but potatoes, have become the second bread for all other peoples of Europe.

6. We are accustomed to the fact that wheat is called the "First" bread, and potatoes are called the "Second". Over time, the Europeans became convinced not only that potatoes can replace bread, but also that potatoes themselves cannot be replaced by bread.

7. Perhaps you know that all plants live in families. So here are the potatoes from the nightshade family. Here are his relatives: tomato, eggplant, paprika.

8. The potato is an annual plant, up to 150 cm high, in our climate it is lower. In autumn, fruits are formed on the bushes - green berries with small seeds.They are poisonous!

9. In agriculture, potatoes are planted with tubers, which are used for food. There are about 150 types of potatoes in the wild.

10. Potatoes contain a lot of nutrients and vitamins: starch, sugar, protein. Store potatoes in a cool, dark place. But if the potatoes lie in the sun, then a strong poison is formed in it, which is very harmful to human health. This is solanine.

Teacher: In Russia, they valued potatoes, considered it the second bread and, of course, sang ditties about it.


Put your ears on top of your head

Listen carefully.

We will sing you about potatoes

Very good.

1. I love potatoes -
Just delicious!
I ate it all day -
What a delusion!

2. Ah, beautiful potatoes!
I don't need a sausage
I don't want a sausage -
Give me a bowl of potatoes!

3. Potatoes are blooming in the field -
How beautiful!
I'll go to the field to work
I'm not lazy!

4. We planted potatoes

The Colorado potato beetle has come.

Grandfather went out to dig potatoes,

But I didn't find the potatoes.

5. Mom laughed at me:
"How much can you eat ?!"
I love potatoes
How can I listen to you ?!

6. I don't go out with my friends
I don't watch TV
And work yourself -
I love to eat potatoes!

7. We harvested potatoes

I'm not sitting around idle:

Daddy digs, mommy wears

Well, I'm in charge.

8. Without a uniform and in a uniform

All potatoes are good.

We eat potatoes all year

I don't have a penny.

9 ... Eh, the potatoes are sitting,
Pours quickly
And in winter in all houses
Boil and roast!

10. Well, in Kamenka the people
Lives on potatoes
And so the people
Always cheerful and singing!

11. Once upon a time there were three neighbors:
Rabbit, dog and cat
Treated every day
Each other is all potatoes.

12. Our potatoes - anywhere:
Delicious, vitamin.
If you always eat
You will be healthy, strong!

13. Mommy told me:
"Walk, son, along the path."
I walked in the hope of finding a treasure -
I came to the basement with potatoes.


Before you now

We sang ditties.

We are very sorry,

Kohl ears are tired.

Teacher. But potatoes can not only nourish a person, you can play with them. This is evidenced by our contests, in which I invite you to take part.

After all, while playing, we check

What we can and what we know.

Competition 1 For the competition we need 3 people. (Grade 4)

When potatoes were brought to Europe, each country called it differently.(slide 5):

  • Englishmen - potato
  • Finns - Tartu
  • Italians - tartufol
  • French - pom de terre
  • Germans are potato

But the first name of the potato was "papa", as the Kechu Indians called it in South America, scientist Bolotov - "tartato", people called potatoes.

The task. Come up with a surname, name, patronymic for potatoes and write without mistakes.

Teacher. A game. I will pronounce the phrase, if you agree with my statement, you must say in chorus “We do not argue!”, If you don’t agree, say in chorus “We argue!”.

Autumn rains are pouring (We don't argue!)

Spring awaits us ahead (We bet!)

Blizzard all day long (We bet!)

A leaf falls from the trees (We do not argue!)

White lily of the valley blooms (We bet!)

In the grove, the nightingales began to sing (We bet!)

And in the garden the potatoes are ripe (We do not argue!)

The potato harvest is good! (We don't argue)

Eat with tiny peas (We don't argue)

Is as big as a suitcase (Bet)

Weeds bloom on the branches (We argue)

It's hard for us without potatoes (We don't argue)

We continue our holiday

We dedicate everything to potatoes (We do not argue)

Competition 2 "Ah, potatoes". (3 people grade 3)

A certain number of potato tubers (5-7 pieces) are placed on the chair and covered with material or newspaper. After that, the participants are invited and offered to sit on a newspaper, under which there are potatoes on a chair, to fidget while sitting and determine how many potato tubers there are. Whoever guesses is the winner.

Competition 3 "Who is superfluous?" (Grade 2)

The competition is held several times. Each team is divided into groups of 10 people. Each group stands in a circle, everyone walks in a circle until they hear the word "POTATO". After that, you need to have time to grab the potatoes. Those who are left without potatoes are eliminated. The host removes 1 potato and the competition continues.

The number of potatoes should always be one less than the number of participants. While the music is playing, the children walk around the potato heap. The music ends, you have to have time to take the potatoes. Those who are left without a potato are eliminated from the game. The host takes one of them and the game continues. The last one left with a potato in hand wins, and his team gets an extra point.

Competition 4 "Collect potatoes". (1 class)

Give each student a picture of a potato cut into pieces. Whoever collects the fastest is the winner.

Competition 5 "Lazy gardener" (at will, who did not play)

Empty buckets are at a certain distance. Each participant has three potatoes, which the guys try to "put" in a bucket.

Competition 6 "Make a proverb". (2 people grade 4)

(Each player receives cards with proverbs. The cards are cut.

The winner is the player who quickly and correctly collects the proverb.)

1. Bread was born into a shaft, and potatoes into a wheel.

2. Put potatoes in okroshka, and love in business.

3. Ate and birch - why not firewood, salt and potatoes - why not food.

4. Potatoes will never be born without labor.

5. Good ruff in the ear, and potatoes in the pie.

6. The potatoes are ripe, get down to business.

7. The potato will ripen - it will warm the person.

Teacher. Fun tasks.

1. Hungry Vasya eats 3 raw potatoes in 10 minutes. Well-fed Vasya spends 1 hour on the same amount of boiled potatoes. How many minutes faster does Vasya manage with raw potatoes than with boiled ones? (60 - 10 \u003d 50 minutes)

2. Running away from his friends, Petya pushed his grandfather, who bought 4 identical packages of potatoes, 2 kilograms each. The bags broke and the potatoes scattered. How many kilograms of potatoes flew to Petya if it is known that in his youth grandfather was a sniper? (4 2 \u003d 8 kg)

3. A third-grader Fedya bought a dish of 6 potatoes in the school canteen and went out to wash his hands for 1 minute. At that time, there were 9 first-graders in the canteen, each of whom can eat 1 potato in a minute. How many potatoes will the returning Fedya see on his plate, and how many first-graders remained hungry? (none 9 - 6 \u003d 3

First graders will go hungry)

And now the quiz "What do you know about potatoes?"
1. What is the homeland of the potato? (Peru and Chile.)
2. When, where and who brought potatoes to Russia? (At the beginning of the 18th century from Holland, by Peter I.)
4. What is the name of an insect - a pest that eats potato tops? (Colorado beetle.)
5. Are potato berries edible? (No, they are poisonous.)
6. How to call the stems and leaves of potatoes in one word? (tops)

7. About boiled or baked potatoes in a peel, they say what is it in? (in uniform)

8. Where did a person cook potatoes for the first time? (on fire)

9. What part of potatoes do we use for food? (tubers)

10. How to call in one word the removal of weeds and loosening of the earth (weeding)

Teacher. Now listen to some helpful tips.

  1. Potatoes boiled in their skins retain 75% of vitamins; peeled and boiled tubers - 60-70%, and chopped - only 35-50%.
  2. Peeled potatoes cannot be stored. In extreme cases, it can be left for an hour or two in water and, moreover, with whole tubers.
  3. After peeling the potatoes, place them under the stream cold water: it will cook faster, will be more crumbly.
  4. If you need to peel the potatoes in advance, store them before use, not in water, but in a tied plastic bag.
  5. It is best to salt potatoes during cooking in 5-10 minutes. until it is completely ready.
  6. Jacket potatoes will not boil over (which makes them unsuitable for subsequent frying) if you add more salt to the water than you would with conventional cooking.
  7. Jacket potatoes are easy to peel if they are poured over with cold water immediately after boiling.
  8. Baked potatoes with a crispy brown crust are a traditional meal at a halt. And everyone, of course, knows the usual way to bake it, when washed and dried potato tubers are buried in hot ash.
  9. Young potatoes are peeled like this: mash them, put them in a bag, add salt and roll them on the table.
  10. Boil potatoes over moderate heat so that they do not fall apart and burst.
  11. Peel the potatoes with a thin layer, as there are salts and proteins under the skin.

Teacher.. A boy named Antoshka also loves to eat it, but he doesn't really want to work.

Staging of the song "Antoshka".

Teacher. ... It took only a few 10 years for potatoes to revolutionize Russian cuisine. He became necessary product... The first, second and even third (dessert) dishes are prepared from potatoes. It is difficult even to list all the "specialties" of potatoes in cooking. All people love potato dishes. A monument to potatoes was erected in the city of Mariinsk, Kemerovskaya oblast. The author of the sculpture was the artist Yuri Mikhailov

We will collect all the potatoes as soon as possible.
We will invite all our friends for a treat!

We will steam, we will cook, we will bake -
After all, we do not care about any work!

You can make so many dishes from potatoes
You will find anything for the soul here.

Everyone is happy with our potatoes
I'll put it in the salad.

And for me there is no better in the world
Than a potato in a uniform.

Let's get some fat for Tanya
Ruddy pancakes.

Ready for Zhenya
With potatoes dumplings.

And you, Andryusha, eat a shanezhka!

And you, my friend, a pie with potatoes!

And for our Alyonka with milk pushers!

And for Nadia, look - French fries!

And you, Valyusha, have a fried meal!

For you, Alyoshka, with okroshka potatoes!

And for you, Artyom, we will bake at the stake!

We did not harvest everything for nothing!
Come and choose what you love!

People have known since ancient times
That there is no tastier potato!


Our holiday is already over
What else can I tell you?
You rightfully have potatoes
Call it “the second bread”!

Harvest Festival scenario

"Potato Party"

Objectives: - find out the knowledge of students about potatoes;
- develop feelings of compassion, participation,
To bring up a versatile personality.
Equipment: equipment, bags for potatoes, song
Prizes: chips, a large pack and four small ones,
Diploma "The most generous class", potatoes.

Holiday progress:

Fall: Everyone, everyone, good evening! We are pleased to welcome you to the school party for grades 5, 6, 7 and 8 called "Potato Disco".

In the yard we have a golden autumn, harvest time. Potatoes are the most important vegetable on our table at any time of the year. It can rightfully be called the king of vegetables. Me, the only one in the world, is not just boiled, but in a uniform,

Honor the uniform of the shore - I serve people as best I can.
Do you like potatoes? (Yes)
Fall: Today we have gathered with you to not only dance, listen to music and relax, but also play and compete.
Potato: I hope that not only potato lovers have gathered here, but also connoisseurs who know everything about me. At the end of the disco we will sum up the results of the "Most Generous Class" competition, this is the class that brought the most potatoes. He will receive a prize.
Fall:The main phrase of our evening will be the words "And I love potatoes!" If I say the words: "Life is good and life is good," then all of you together loudly shout: "And I love potatoes." Let's try. More amicable again.
Potato: Now let me introduce the jury members. (jury presentation)

Then Autumn hands out two types of cards to the children, one with a maple leaf, the other with an oak one.


Guys, you all have cards. They have different images: on some maple, on others - oak leaves. Based on these images, you will be divided into teams. Those guys with maple leaf cards, go with right side, and some oak - on the left.

The guys are divided into two teams.


Now that you have split into teams, you are given one minute to come up with a name for your team and choose a captain. Time has gone!

At the end of the minute, the children say the name of the team and

represent their captain.


Now each team has a name and a captain. Finally, our competition can begin. But before we start, I want to remind the jury that in all our competitions the winning team gets 1 point. So, the first competition.

Contest of riddles.

1 In the spring it turned green,

I sunbathed in the summer

Put on in autumn

Red corals (Rowan)

2 They often ask me, they wait,

I'll just show myself

So they will start to hide (Rain)

3 In the middle of the courtyard is a golden head. (Sunflower)

4 A curious red nose has grown into the ground up to the crown,

Only green strands stick out in the garden. (Carrot)

5 And riddles have grown on this bed,

Juicy and large, so round.

In summer they turn green, by autumn they turn red. (A tomato)

6 They threw off the golden feathers from Yegorushka,

Yegorushka made everyone cry without grief. (Onion)

Fall: And now the next competition.

Each team will receive words from which to compose a well-known proverb. Which team will make a proverb faster and more correctly - that will win this competition (Autumn gives out cards to one team with the words: autumn, spring, flowers, red, and, pies. Another team with the words: in the fall, what, you can store, take care).


1.Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with cakes.

2.What can you store in the fall - take care of the spring.)

Potato: While the guys are making a proverb, we will test your knowledge of potatoes.

Playing with the audience
1. Where is the homeland of potatoes? (America)
2. Who brought potatoes to Europe? (Columbus)
3. Who brought potatoes to Russia? (Peter 1)
4. What is a potato riot? (peasants refused to grow potatoes)
5. Why were potatoes grown in Peter's times? (for decoration on clothes)
6. Why did the peasants refuse to grow potatoes? (people were poisoned with berries, and the animals did not eat the tops, the people did not know that the root crop should be eaten)
7. How did you achieve the rapid distribution of potatoes? (They put guards on the fields, and cleaned them at night, and people stole and made them sit down at night.)
For each correct answer 1 potato.
For the best connoisseurs of potato history, the following song sounds.
Fall: Guys, is it not true that "life is good and living is good"?
- And I love potatoes.

And now a new task. Since we have an equal number of guys in the teams, I ask both teams to line up. It is necessary to pass the apple from the first participant to the last one with the chin, without using the hands. Which team will cope faster, that one won.

Potato: Well done boys! See how fun it can be to harvest.

Now let's turn to your homework. Many have prepared beautiful, interesting crafts on the autumn theme today. And now we will all see how talented you are. And the jury will choose the best. Please note that this challenge is out of competition and the winners will receive prizes. In the meantime, the jury chooses the best works, the floor is given to the head of the school section Olga Yuryevna Pupysheva, who will tell us about the results of work on our section.

Fall:Have you guys ever tried to make bouquets?

Now you will be given the opportunity to try yourself in the art of making a bouquet. I ask the captains to choose two participants from the team.

Participants are given material for drawing up a bouquet and a vase.


This competition is not for speed, but for quality, the jury will choose a more beautiful bouquet, so do not rush, try.

When the bouquets are ready, Autumn presents them to the jury, who


Potato: While the participants are making bouquets, we will play the game "Hot Potatoes" We stand in a circle, I throw a ball, whoever catches, must name a potato dish, if you don’t know, then sit in a circle.
Well done! For those who find themselves in the circle, there will be a special task.
While the music is playing, you dance like monkeys, the music changes, you dance like herons and third, like a turkey.
Thanks guys, here are some potatoes for you.
- And I love potatoes.

Fall:The next competition is "Find the Word". Teams are given cards with encrypted words, the guys must find as many words as possible. The team that guesses the most words wins.
It's time to take stock of the "Most Generous Class" competition.
The classes and the number of kilograms of potatoes are named.
The most generous class is awarded a certificate and a large packet of chips. Congratulations!
"Life is good and living is good."
- And I love potatoes.

Fall: Well, the time has come to the end of the holiday. Let's summarize. The jury will give the floor. Our party is over. Thanks to everyone who took part in the event and in its preparation.
Potato: "Life is good and life is good. "
And I love potatoes.

Photo: Yana Gayvoronskaya / Rusmediabank.ru

The potato has become a national Russian vegetable ever since it supplanted the turnip under Tsar Peter I. It is difficult to imagine that once the peasants did not want to grow potatoes and even organized so-called potato riots.

Personally, it seems to me that dishes from it never get bored.

You will need:

400 g potatoes;
- 1 egg;
- 2 glasses of milk;
- 1 glass of water;
- salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Peel the potatoes, grate on a fine grater, add eggs, salt, mix and shape into small dumplings, weighing about 10 g.

Pour milk and water into a saucepan, bring almost to a boil, start the dumplings and reduce the heat a little, cook until they are ready.

When serving, season with butter.

potato with vegetables

You will need:

400 g potatoes;
- 2-3 fresh cucumbers;
- 2 eggs;
- 120 g green onions;
- 15 g of dill greens;
- 10-15 g of parsley;
- 3-4 tablespoons of sour cream;
- 1 teaspoon of prepared mustard;
- 1.5 liters of bread kvass;
- sugar, salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Peel the potatoes, cook until tender, cool, cut into cubes. Cut the cucumbers into large strips or slices. Hard-boiled eggs. Finely chop the squirrels. Grind one yolk with a little salt, the other with mustard.

1 tbsp. Grind a spoonful of sour cream with sugar until a homogeneous mass is obtained and combine with chilled bread kvass. Green onions grind with salt and add to kvass.

Put chopped vegetables and eggs into plates, pour in kvass, add sour cream, sprinkle with chopped dill and parsley.

Potatoes with fish fillets

You will need:

500 g fish fillet;
- 400 g potatoes:
- 1-2 onions;
- 4 tomatoes;
- vegetable oil;
-salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Peel the potatoes, rinse, cut into slices and fry with the onion, cut into half rings.

Put fish fillets cut into pieces on top of the pan, on top - tomato slices, add a little water, salt and pepper.

Cover the pan with a lid and place in the preheated oven for half an hour. Can be cooked in a brazier.
When serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Omelet with potatoes

You will need:

2 potatoes;
- 5 eggs;
- 15 g of dill greens;
- 4 tbsp. spoons of milk;
- butter;
- salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Peel the potatoes, boil, wipe, add salt, milk, eggs and beat in a mixer until smooth.

Grease the dish, put the cooked minced meat, bake in a preheated oven over medium heat until tender.

When serving, sprinkle with chopped dill.

Cabbage rolls with potatoes

You will need:

5-6 potatoes;
- 2 onions;
- 1/4 cup milk;
- 100 g of cheese;
- 4 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil;
- 1 small head of white cabbage;
- 1/2 cup sour cream;
- a little flour;
- salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Carefully remove the stalk from the head of cabbage. Rinse the head of cabbage itself, boil in salted boiling water for 5-7 minutes.

Throw in a colander, drain water, disassemble into leaves. If necessary, beat off the thickened leaves.

Steam the potatoes and rub them hot through a sieve. Finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil to light golden color.

Add the onion, hot milk to the hot puree, season with salt, pepper and beat well.

Put the cooked minced meat on the leaves, shaping the cabbage rolls. Place in a deep frying pan, pour over sour cream sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in a preheated oven for 10-12 minutes.

Sour cream sauce:

Pour the flour with sour cream and mix well so that there are no lumps, boil for 1-2 minutes.

Baked mashed potatoes

You will need:

500 g potatoes;
- 150 ml. milk;
- 1 egg;
- 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream;
- vegetable oil;
- salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Peel the potatoes, boil them and mash them hot. Put in a greased frying pan, smooth, brush with a mixture of eggs and sour cream. And bake in a preheated oven.

Potatoes baked with cheese

You will need:

10 potatoes;
- 100 g of processed cheese;
- 3 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise;
- 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil;
- salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Peel the potatoes, pour over salted boiling water so that it completely covers the tubers and simmer for about 20 minutes.

Drain the broth, put the potatoes in a mold greased with vegetable oil.

Mash the melted cheese, pour in mayonnaise and mix thoroughly. Pour it over potatoes and bake in the oven until golden brown, about 20 minutes.

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