I can't find something to my liking. Finding a Job You Love: Golden Rules. Our intuition is our soul.

Dacha 18.07.2020

Even my cat Zina (who, by the way, daily adheres to this postulate, namely: eats, sleeps and eats again) knows that you need to do what you like in life, and not what you have to do. But, unlike cats, people, thank God, have a much wider range of self-realization. Therefore, many people have a question: in what business to prove themselves? Why do I have a soul, are my hands and wriggle herds of goosebumps? How to find your dream business? And exactly his, otherwise, it happens, you can't figure out whether you want it yourself, or whether this society and modern trends impose on you another interest.

What have I not been doing in search of myself! Yoga, dancing, basketball, modeling agency, three days of karate (not enough for more), swimming, oil painting, writing poetry, theater and acting courses, vocals ...

The list could go on and on. But the voice of society says: it is not good to spray! Well, how can we be?

Having slowed down Google on the query "I want to find my dream", I received a lot of information, tests and techniques. In this article, I have collected five best methods that at one time helped me and, I hope, will help you understand the topic of your purpose. They all complement each other, so it will be much more effective if you go through and take the time to each of them. So let's go.

Method # 1: Make a Wish List

Everything here is extremely simple: we take a notebook and make a list of our desires and wishes (for the near future and global ones). The main trick to be observed is the quantity. There should be at least a hundred desires!

At the beginning of the list, all those dreams that are on the surface usually surface, but the further, the more difficult. The brain begins to actively search for something else to come up with, and then the most interesting thing is revealed. Therefore, we reserve ourselves 30-40 minutes of free time in advance, when no one will distract, sit down and start writing.

We write whatever comes to mind. What did you dream about as a child? What would you like now? Maybe go somewhere, do something, but there is not enough time for this or there is no opportunity. Maybe start painting or take vocal lessons. Or learn foreign languages. You can make it up not in one go, but put it off and then supplement it for several days.

After the list is ready, go through it with a pencil in hand and select a shortlist of the 10 strongest, most important and important desires. Of course, this is not easy. But you have to compare and choose what is more interesting and meaningful for you. Have you chosen? Very well. Now, out of 10, choose three winners. The most, the most. This method allows you to calculate your true desires, understand yourself and understand what you still want from life. Well, now, having understood what exactly the soul wants, you can begin to act. To begin with, we develop a plan-strategy, think about where to start, think over all possible steps - and forward! Towards your dreams, success, happiness!

Method # 2: get your uncle's legacy

This is my favorite exercise! I'm sure it will appeal to those who like to dream. Imagine that an inheritance fell on you from a billionaire relative who suddenly appeared out of nowhere and suddenly suddenly deceased. So, two or three million dollars. Now we begin to write a free essay on a given topic, in which it is imperative to reflect on the following questions:

  1. What will you do now, what will you do with your millions?
  2. What previous occupations will you give up now?
  3. What won't you give up for anything, even if you have millions?

It is better to write an essay using the freewriting method: we turn on the timer for 20 minutes and, without stopping, we begin to pour out the stream of our consciousness onto the paper.

Pay special attention to the second point, since it shows what you are forced to do at the moment. For example, will you leave your current job (school) if you no longer need to work for a salary? Or maybe you will leave your husband / wife because you were forced to live with this person due to certain circumstances? This does not mean that you need to tear everything at once, but you need to pay attention and think.

After you finish your treatise, sum up by writing down all desires in a column, and then carefully look at what you can write from what you can realize without uncle's inheritance. Personally, it turned out that for many of my desires, only the desire itself is needed. ๐Ÿ™‚

For example, in order to become a writer, to write books and articles in magazines, you do not need capital at all. And in order to travel (this item is always present for everyone), fabulous money is also not needed. Recently I met a guy from Finland who, at the age of 32, has already been around the world twice, and at the same time he never flew on tours, but lived with ordinary people whom he found through the Couchsurfing community.

Method # 3: monitor your browser history

I saw this option on the blog of a psychologist, writer and mind-hacker Ivan Pirog. He claims that it is possible to become a born professional only in the field that interests us deeply and of which we ourselves are the consumer. Therefore, the search for what you love to start with the question:

Information on what topic am I endlessly interested in? What topic is my interest in?

To do this, open the browser history, correctly filter sites for the last few months and compile a rating of the most popular topics that you consume willingly and regularly. We write out all our observations in a notebook. If you come across a site whose topic is already on your list, then add a plus sign opposite it. We put pluses every time we come across a site of the same subject. Next, we write out in a separate column the most interesting topics that have gained the most advantages. For each, you need to check the bodily response, which is that you repeat the phrase "Make money on (topic name)" and observe your feelings, how your body reacts to this phrase, for example:

  • Make money in foreign languages.
  • Make money on cosmetics and makeup.
  • Make money with funny pictures.
  • Make money on the topic of self-development.

Feeling good means yes, and unpleasant sensation or no response at all means no. Measure all of your topics with how you feel on a scale from 0 to 10. Once you've identified the top topics, think about what exactly you could do in that area and how to make money from it.

Method # 4: re-create yourself

The main postulate that runs like a red thread through all the texts of an amazing girl, whose articles I read avidly every time, Olesya Novikova (author of the projects "Create yourself again" and "Come back to others"):

It is impossible to find oneself, one can only create oneself!

The same goes for your business and your path.

At one time I was very moved by her thought that there is no need to sit, wait and wonder what your purpose is. You need to move, become the best in your current field right now. If you are a secretary, then become the number one secretary in the whole world. Let your boss go nuts. What will it give? First, you will go up quickly; secondly, which is much more important, you will be able to touch the very path that everyone is looking for through your own conscious contribution and subsequent return.

And then a new observation deck will open in front of you, from which the view will be larger and wider than from the one on which you are now. And you can see and understand what you want to do at stage number two, already having a baggage of knowledge and experience of deliberate doing.

Stage number two comes at a time when you clearly want to do your own thing. To be a creator in the full sense of the word and to create your own reality in the form of the deed in which you see it.

True satisfaction brings creative process creating your own business, whatever it may be, from cross-stitching to opening a factory for the production of cans, if this is your heart and the ability. And the fruits of this activity, that is, the results (in the form of money as well) are a wonderful dessert, but by no means the only food that should fill us.

And finally.

Method # 5: write

Some time ago, I began to look for answers to the questions posed to myself in writing... For example, a situation happens, but I don't know how to resolve it, what to choose or how to act. Then I take a notebook, a pen and start writing everything I think about it.

First, I formulate my problem or question, and then I begin to argue directly on paper how one can act, why it happened and how to live on. Such writing practices helped me realize that all the answers are within us. And the most interesting thing is that even if I ask my friends or family for advice, I am actually looking for confirmation, the correct wording of the very answer that I already have inside.

Writing helps you find this answer in your head on your own, slow down and speculate about what you really like, what you dream about, what you are proud of, what you are ashamed of, and so on. You don't even have to wait for a special occasion, but make it a rule to sit down every morning after soapy procedures and devote 15โ€“20 minutes to writing practice. Not sure what to write about? Google Help: Find interesting questions on the Internet and work them out.

  • Who would you invite to dinner if you could choose any person in the world?
  • Would you like to be famous? In what field?
  • Before making a phone call, do you ever practice what you are going to say? Why?
  • What is your ideal day?
  • When was the last time you sang alone with yourself? And for someone else?
  • If you could live to be 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you choose?

When, after a while, you re-read your notes, the pieces of the puzzle begin to form by themselves. It will be much easier for you to understand who you are, what you want and which way to go further.

That, in fact, is all. ๐Ÿ™‚

Live to the fullest and become the best version of yourself!

As for me, thanks to these techniques, I realized that my numerous interests are not a minus at all, but a way of developing myself (albeit not in depth, but in breadth). And all the insights and conclusions that arise along the way life path, I share on my blog โ€œ What if you turn left? "... By the way, a blog is a great tool for structuring your knowledge and experience. But more on that in the next article.

A person cannot be healthy and successful if he does not love what he does, be it work, business, or something else. Here you will learn how to find your life's work or, in another way, the activity that you need to be engaged in due to your psychophysical nature.

Each of us has certain talents and abilities from birth, which are formed on the basis of past thoughts, desires and actions. If we realize ourselves in what we have a predisposition to, then we will automatically feel satisfaction from the activity.

Why look for your purpose in activity?

If the search for our purpose in activity were not so important, then we could all work peacefully where we work. But the problem is that a person can experience happiness only when he realizes his potential and talentsgiven to him since birth.

Having soberly and adequately analyzed the state of affairs in modern society, one can notice that most people today do not like, and sometimes even hate, their work. As a result, they, by definition, cannot be happy, healthy, and successful.

The reason for this disastrous situation lies in the false ideals that are being imposed on society today with the help of television, the Internet, and newspapers.

What we are usually encouraged to do: earn more money, get maximum pleasure, live to the fullest and not deny ourselves anything. This is a characteristic of the Western "culture of consumption", which is actively penetrating the countries of the post-Soviet space.

The consumerist attitude towards life is a direct path to degradation and destruction of one's life. Therefore, you should be puzzled by the question: how to find your life's work in order to benefit not only yourself, but also everyone around you.

Also Ayurveda, which is a very ancient and very authoritative science of a healthy and correct lifestyle, says that when a person does not follow his own path, does not do what is intended for him by nature, then his fate gradually deteriorates, health and relationships deteriorate with other people.

What if you are already engaged in an activity by nature: a simple test of 4 questions

It so happens that a person is already engaged in activities in accordance with his talents, but it brings little money. Because of this, seditious thoughts may arise to give up everything and find a high-paying job. It is a trap.

Your life's work does not have to immediately bring in big money.

In order for this business to provide you completely, you need to constantly improve your qualifications, study and become a real professional.

This takes time and patience. It is possible that at first additional work may be needed. We live in a world full of surprises, so be prepared for anything.

To dispel all your doubts about the current situation in life, we will conduct a small test.

Answer the questions below honestly, and you will understand whether you are currently engaged in your activity or not.

Here are the questions themselves:

  1. If you had money with which you could buy everything you need, would you be doing what you are doing now?
  2. Do you like what you do? Are you satisfied with your work?
  3. How did you choose the activity you are currently doing: yourself or under the influence of relatives, friends, thirst for money and other external factors?
  4. Do your activities bring at least some benefit to the world around you?

Take a piece of paper and a pen. Write down the answers.

For example, if you answered: 1 - no, 2 - no, 3 - parents advised, 4 - not really or not sure, then you are clearly doing something wrong.

Now we will specifically talk about how to find your life's work.

Where to start looking for your business that suits your nature?

It is said that a person must be ready for his destiny. Therefore, Eastern psychology advises to start the search for your own business with the purification of your consciousness and work on your character traits. First of all, you need to get rid of such qualities as greed, self-interest, fear, envy and ignorance.

It is extremely important to have a sincere desire to benefit the whole world around you with your activities, and not just yourself and your family.

To do this, you need to learn to be selfless, to do something for others, without expecting anything in return.

Living only for yourself is a life under the influence of a false ego, which does not bring happiness to us or to those around us.

But when a person seeks to act for the happiness of others, then by his mere presence he will improve the life of people and the world as a whole.

In general, it all comes down to the fact that in any case you need to work on yourself, improve your character and raise the level of consciousness.

How to find your life's work and start making money with pleasure?

Unfortunately or fortunately, but a person cannot function successfully on the physical, intellectual and spiritual levels, if he does not follow his nature in activity. It is a fact.

Ignoring one's purpose in activity is one of the main causes of illness and failure of a modern person.

To be successful, to achieve various goals, you need to love what we do. But how can you love what we don't like and is not our destiny?

When we love our work, success and material rewards come automatically.

So, now, step by step, how to find your life's work.

  • If you have a favorite business or hobby, but you do not do it, then analyze the reasons for this

A hobby or activity that we enjoy is often our destiny. We often make the mistake of stopping to devote our time to this and stop developing in this direction.

Think about what prevents you from giving your favorite work at least half an hour or an hour every day. If possible, remove all these obstacles, but of course not to the detriment of others or other areas of your life.

  • Constantly ask yourself the question "How and where can I be useful to this world?"

It is much more beneficial to stop constantly thinking about money and chasing success and thinking about the meaning of life. Why did you come to this world? What tasks should a person solve first of all?

Finding answers to these questions, and developing in this direction, you will gradually begin to understand how you can be realized.

  • Look for your strengths and talents

What talents do you have or, perhaps, you are already a specialist in some activity? Are you developing your strengths? If yes, how often do you do this?

It is important to develop your strengths every day. Read, study, listen, etc. Today there are a lot of mediocre specialists in all spheres of activity, but there are clearly not enough professionals.

  • Make time for your dreams

Usually each of us has or had a dream. Remember what you dreamed about in childhood, what did you like to do?

Let's say you've always dreamed of singing in front of other people. It is possible that the mission of your life is connected with this, so start developing in this direction, and devote at least 1 hour to this every day.

  • Learn to forget the good that you have done for others and do not tell others about it

This article has already dealt with self-interest. It is the selfless person who seeks to benefit other people who forgets the good that he did for others and remembers the good that was done to him.

Always thank fate for the opportunity to help other people, because this also brings good to ourselves personally, clearing us of negative character traits.

A few facts to think about that will increase the desire to find your own business

Now you know how to find your life's work. This process will take everyone a different amount of time. To make you search better and more actively, think about what you read below.

Life is too short to do what we do not like and does not correspond to our nature.

Human life, like a match, burns out very quickly. By and large, we do not have time for everything unnecessary, even if it brings temporary satisfaction. Strive for a meaningful life, value time - this is the most valuable thing we have.

A person is as happy in life as he is useful to the world.

People who live for themselves are always unhappy. They can even own multimillion-dollar fortunes, but this does not bring them happiness. Suicide and other bad deeds are very common among this category of people.

Until you understand the mission of your life and find your purpose, then life will be just a gray, miserable and meaningless existence.

Understand this, don't let your mind, your false ego, ruin your life.

Through the mission of our life, we can benefit the world as a whole, and everyone around us, and our family and ourselves. No one has yet been dissatisfied following this path.

I wish you to find your purpose in activity and be a happy person.

By the way, you can contact me for a personal consultation on numerology in order to find your life's work. Record and details.

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It's not that hard. You will just feel it. But how to find this Case? Here's a question of questions. Of course, even such a complex question can be answered. All that is required of you is time for reflection and complete honesty with yourself. Without the last condition, nothing will come of it. Are you ready for an absolutely honest dialogue with yourself? If you're ready, go ahead, here are 7 (non) easy steps.

Create a list of everything you enjoy doing

Start from scratch. In the literal sense of the word. Open a new document on your computer, or grab a blank sheet of paper and a pen. Start writing whatever you like to do. Don't try to direct your thoughts. Write whatever comes to mind, if it relates to what you really like. Watching TV, playing on the computer, reading, listening to music ... let everything settle on paper. As soon as you feel that the list ends, go through it with a glance already from the point of view of areas of life. What do I like about work? What do I like to do at home? And in that spirit. Think of all the activities you enjoyed.

Determine what is the essence of what you like

The first point was the easiest. Now the difficulties begin. All activities hide some essence behind them. Or in other words - many activities are united by a certain component, which is the essence of the activity. For example, I have a friend who, when compiling a list, indicated a lot of such activities: giving presentations, training new employees, sorting out other people's problems, preparing reports, etc. There is a single essence behind this entire list. We identified it in the process of analyzing the list, trying to figure out what unites certain points. The bottom line is simple - he likes to teach people. This is how we formulated it. In this case, the word "teach" conveys the meaning of the process - to share knowledge, to teach.

How can the essence be implemented differently?

So you've figured out what's behind the list of your "favorite things". The list of entities will be much shorter, but also much more informative for you. Think about how you can realize all essence in such a way that it can bring not only pleasure but also material benefits. One more example. Until the age of 16, I liked to play computer games. My father often told me that this was a "waste of time", a waste of time that would not help me in the future. Even then I understood that it is necessary to connect what you do with what you like. I did some research and found that there is such a job - testing games. So next time I had something to answer to my father's statement - I am not wasting time, I am preparing to become a tester. And this is possible. Conclusion - think about how you can implement the essence differently. It is possible.

Note - I never became a tester, but I found my favorite pastime.

Write what really excites you

Now put aside everything you wrote. Stop thinking about the "magic list".

Ask yourself a question - if I could choose what to do for the rest of my life, what would it be? What is capturing you with your head? It takes all your honesty with yourself to answer this question.

This is a very difficult and at the same time simple question. Its difficulty lies in clearing thoughts of all unnecessary and agreeing with yourself. Simplicity lies in the answer. When you find the answer, you will be surprised how simple it was and how it lay on the surface.

I will note right away - if nothing has ever fascinated you, do not read on. You are either not honest with yourself, or you close yourself off from the outside world, or you are unique and your case should be carefully examined by specialists.

Remember the times when this happened

So, agreed by yourself? Found something that excites you? Now remember when it happened. Specifically and in detail. Try to get back to that moment as much as possible. This is important for two reasons. First, you will check yourself whether this is really what we are talking about. Secondly, it is necessary to determine the conditions in order to understand how you can put your business into practice.

Connect what you like with what excites you

If you look closely at the list of what you like and what is really exciting, you will find obvious relationships. Returning to the example with my acquaintance, he pointed out that he likes to teach people and, accordingly, the activities associated with this. When we found out what really fascinates him, we found out that such a thing is to find something new. More precisely, he really likes to thoroughly understand some issue, analyze the knowledge gained and derive new knowledge from this. In this example, the relationship is very clear. This person takes great pleasure in processing information and enjoys teaching people. These are precisely the bundles that need to be found. There cannot be many such bundles.

The area of \u200b\u200byour "passion" is usually very narrow.

Now find such a thing

Think about what your passion-like relationship is like. The link itself already suggests options for your Cause. My friend, judging by his passion and what he likes, would be an excellent scientist. We left this thought as a starting point. What other activities are related to his hobbies and similar to the work of a scientist? Trainer, consultant, business analyst ... project manager. We stopped at the last activity. This work requires constant study of new things and bringing this to people, i.e. learning. Next, we made a little bit more concrete about who a project manager is and outlined the ways of becoming on a new path. Today this person is successfully involved in project management in various fields. He found his Case.

Finding your Cause is not an easy task. You can do this all your life and in the end you won't find it. This is the path of intuition. Or you can think and consciously work on the search. This is a rational way.

Do what you love. Otherwise, you will have to love what you do.

Once before every adult the question arises: how to find a job to their liking? After all, it is self-realization that gives true pleasure from life and brings decent pay. If you do what you love, then work is easy, it goes fast growth on the career ladder and skill is growing steadily. Find an activity that can be safely called "my business", and any morning will be good, and the whole life will bring much more joy.

Why choose an activity you like

Society is so structured that each of its members must occupy a certain niche, bring their own, the most significant contribution to its development. By and large, the question of how to find a job to your liking is of concern only to individuals. Most prefer to take the path of least resistance.

Walking along the path outlined by someone else, a person may not even think about why there is not enough fullness of life, there is no feeling of joy and lightness. Our life consists of many moments, happiness is multifaceted. Work takes at least 40 hours a week, and if the soul does not lie in the chosen occupation, then a significant part of the effort will be spent on overcoming the rejection of empty time that does not bring anything but money.

If you can say about something: โ€œYes, this is my business!โ€, Then there will be no feeling of emptiness. On the contrary, your favorite activity will evoke positive emotions and bring satisfaction from the results. The lucky ones who say with confidence: "I love my job", do not grumble about early wakes, do not count the minutes until the end of the shift, and rest on weekends, not tormented by the thought of harsh everyday life. Such people are happy and harmonious.

Signs that a person is "not doing their own thing"

Unloved work can really harm your health. Long-term stress leads to certain hormonal changes, which, in turn, negatively affect the functioning of all systems of the human body. However, a number of signs can be detected even before serious problems arise.

Not knowing how to find a job to their liking, a person does not do what he wants, often without even realizing the scale of the problem. Let's list the signs by which you can determine that the job is not suitable:

  • there is no satisfaction from the results of work - the salary is not happy, even if it is high, the won tender does not inspire enthusiasm, and the praise of the authorities is perceived rather with irritation;
  • there is neither the opportunity nor, most importantly, the desire to develop in the chosen profession;
  • the process of the work being done does not give pleasure, it seems boring, tedious and completely useless;
  • i categorically dislike neither the work collective, nor, of course, an indirect sign, but if after the change of job everything repeated, think: perhaps the fact is that this business is not something you want to devote your whole life to;
  • there is a constant feeling that you are giving much more than you are receiving; bonuses, salary, bonuses, praise - everything seems insufficient;
  • the thought of Monday morning poisons Sunday rest, and work hours drag on endlessly.

Of course, all these signs must be considered in a complex, banal fatigue is also possible, and But when a job is chosen at the call of the heart, fatigue passes after the vacation, and the problem of burnout is solved with a psychologist. If you answered yes to at least half of the questions, then itโ€™s time to think about how to choose a business to your liking. And, perhaps, it is worth changing the field of activity, getting additional education or trying to open your own business.

What gives business to the soul

Each person has a vocation, certain inclinations and predisposition to one or another activity. Once and for all, having solved the question "What business do I like?", You will receive the happiness of realizing your true destiny.

Any person should strive to bring as much benefit to society as possible. Only by doing what you love with full dedication and investing all your strength, you will get the maximum result. Those who find their true calling will have a brilliant career and worthy compensation for their efforts.

How to understand that the chosen business is a favorite?

It also happens that the chosen work seems to be pleasant, but it is in no way possible to determine whether the vocation is being realized. There are a number of signs indicating that the answer to the question of how to find a case to your liking is correct:

  • work is not only a source of income, but also brings satisfaction;
  • there is a desire and opportunity for self-development and;
  • you get real pleasure from the results of activities, the peaks taken are pleasing, the encouragement from the bosses is deserved and pleasant;
  • i like the place of work itself - a building, an office, workplace; colleagues, subordinates and bosses - all, well, or most, evoke positive emotions;
  • there is a desire to grow and develop in this industry and transfer their knowledge to others;
  • there is a sense of the adequacy of the assessment of the expended efforts.

If you answered yes to half or more of the points, then rejoice - the chosen work is your true calling.

Looking for a business to your liking

It happens that a person does not immediately realize his place in this world and does not consider it necessary to change something. The older we get, the harder it is to turn around and change our lives. However, you should not be afraid of this. And at 20 and at 60 it's never too late to start all over again.

In order to decide that the time has come to look for something to your liking, it is enough to understand: the current occupation not only does not bring satisfaction, but also requires you to spend your mental energy to overcome resistance. You should not walk the beaten path all your life if it causes extremely negative emotions. Having decided on the need for change, feel free to start looking for a new one. Finding a job you love can be very interesting and productive.

First steps to change activities:

  • consult with experts in different fields of activity;
  • find out options for retraining or obtaining a second education;
  • find out how to get a loan for small business development;
  • try a radical change of scenery, for example, go to the village for a month.

Obstacles to the job you love

Having found your calling, you may face a number of obstacles, but do not give up and change your dream. Take action and don't stop at any obstacles.

Obstacles to the dream business:

  • the resistance of relatives and parents, they may consider the chosen case unpromising;
  • lack of funds for retraining;
  • lack of free time to master new things;
  • problems with employment in the chosen profile.

Despite all the problems, do not give up and do not give up. Go to your cherished goal, let the steps be very small, the main thing is to believe in yourself.

When it's time to say "I love my job"

Some time will pass, and you will definitely say this phrase. Happiness, pleasure and fullness of life are a well-deserved result. Leaving the comfort zone always promises new knowledge, useful connections and the joy of discovery. Life doesn't have to be a dull swamp - you deserve the job you love!

Do not give up, because you risk doing it a minute before the miracle happens.

Amelie Notomb

Hello readers of my self-development blog! I really hope that my posts will help in the development of you and your positive qualities, you become a Diamond that is cut in all respects, your soul wakes up after a thousand-year sleep, you become a real son of God with a capital letter as our Father wanted. Only by developing your haormonic qualities of the soul, do not increase your selfhood, pride that I am so chosen, that I am so conscious, etc. Since this is only worse, it is better to be ignorant than to be exalted. Well, I think you understand me.

Today I would like to talk about a very important topic - How to find a business to your liking, which will bring souls and bodies, and will bring material values, this is the task we have set for you today, but to find such a business to your liking. You need to turn completely to your soul, because only there you will find all the answers to your questions, only there you will find the truth.

Because our soul interacts with the entire universe with invisible threads and with the help of energies, our soul this is a huge enceclopedia of knowledge of a universal scalebecause what is the soul? The soul is ours, our component consists of several bodies, astral, mental, etc. Well, I think many people who want to immerse themselves in this knowledge know this, then you can google it, our topic is not about that today.

And the most important thing in a person is, of course, only the soul lives forever (but there are moments when it disintegrates as a result of a person's sin, when a person completely loses his human and he plunges into all sins and commits many inhuman acts, then there is a high probability that such a person may not even be embodied) we have lived a huge number of lives, no one knows their number, but not the essence.

And while living all these many lives, we have collected a huge layer of knowledge, and we can easily get any knowledge that we want, the main thing is to learn only to hear this knowledge (or hints), our ancestors easily owned it, drew all the wisdom and knowledge from our immortal soul , and did it without difficulty.

In addition, only our soul knows how to act in a given situation (to buy this or that thing, get a job, well, or how to find a job to our liking, but absolutely to any question that you cannot answer that is, your consciousness.

To hear our soul, we just need to stop our word mixer in our head - and ask a question to our immortal Self, but this is not as easy as it seems, because the chaos in the head that goes on around the clock (some thoughts, feelings or emotions, etc.) e)

Try to stop this chaos in your head, well, for 5 minutes, whatever there are any thoughts in your head, you will see it is not so easy, something will creep into our head, after practicing, of course you can master it over time. The most important thing in our business is to stop the word mixer, the only way we can hear our soul, since our mind does not allow our soul to speak. It is always trying to shut up, our soul is our true self, of course, in every situation, it tries to give you a hint, but we do not hear it because of the rabid mind, which will go on everywhere with its advice, so everything basically goes like blind kittens through life. We'll screw it up there, we'll ruin everything.

Our intuition is the soul that speaks to us

Yes Yes, this is the soul that appeals to us and sometimes we all the same, no yes no, we will hear, well, I think it was with many, I thought about some person, after a while you meet this particular person or he comes to visit you unexpectedly, yes a lot We still hear such clues, the gift of clairvoyance is also communicated by our soul, such a person will already hear in full and not like the majority only in glimpses or only in hints.

Turning to your soul 180 degrees, you learn such a huge amount of information that from surprise your mouth will open automatically and your eyes moan at 5 kopecks of the USSR, and of course a joke, but every joke has a grain of joke, just when a person moves to a new level development, then his intuition works at a newer level, the soul is revealed to a fuller extent, But there is still not an unimportant factor, THIS IS THE PURITY OF THINKING evil person it is unlikely that something will open only if the parachute is in the sky.

Well, let's leave all these speculations, how can you quickly find out how to find that business to your liking, which would poke you for the rest of your life, well, what would you get a thrill, drive. To do this, of course, you must make a list of what inserts you, what you like, think well, the larger the list the better, the main thing is not to get excited, making a list of those things that may come from your soul, but you are not 100 percent sure.

The technique itself - how to find out what your soul wants

You stop the verbal fornication in your head, having entered the state of rest or nirvana, you revise the list of those things that will bring you a buzz both in the physical body and in everyone else, for example, drawing, ask your soul this business of my life and observe your state, how it reacts soul (let me remind you that the soul is in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sternum, who suddenly does not know) what you feel on sensory perception, you have joy, an ecstatic state, or vice versa, melancholy, discomfort in the soul. You need to very carefully analyze what is happening, completely focus on the chest area, try to exclude all factors that would distract you in one way or another. It is better, of course, at the beginning, to remain alone in the room by yourself, but with practice you will get better and better, and over time you will receive an answer to any question from the original source, and this answer is complete truth, which is 99 percent truth without doubts EEEHHH even captures the spirit of how great it is when you have such a wise advisor with you.

And after going through the entire list, you will find yourself, the case in which the soul said yes it is, of course it will not answer in the form of words, of course it was great, no, of course it will happen much easier, it will be in the form of enthusiasm of joy, some inexplicable, as if a prize got (just kidding) a boost of strength, in short, you need to listen and feel.

Of course, the first time it may not work, and from the tenth it may not work out for anyone, of course, everything depends on the person on the ability, on the mood, on the mood, if you have a desire to do such practices, all the same, whatever we do, you need desire and good mood so you will achieve success, in any absolutely endeavor, be it at least the conquest of the world or cross-stitching, because when you do something without pleasure, you lose energy, you think you have already felt it more than once that when you do something unloved, you get tired quickly, and when joy is a good mood, then just a sharp take-off and you redo so many things and there is not even any fatigue, and even those things are being redone with which you are not familiar, so start everything only in a good mood and you will have a volcano of happiness.

As you understood from our heart-to-heart conversation that you can ask any absolutely questions, but naturally only those concerning your fate and only you, about others to you and even your children, your soul will not answer you, the answer will not be correct, you can of course ask questions about relationships - you should not marry that person or send him to Baden-Baden ๐Ÿ˜€, is this a true soul mate your Soul will answer these and other questions with great pleasure.

It waits for our soul every second when we will turn to it, when will we live to our liking in harmony with it, when we combine the entire spectrum of human bodies into one point. After all, the main thing in a person is the soul, and the body is clothing for the soul, we just after each incarnation change our clothes over and over again, worn out .., put on a new one .. and we get forgetting about the body, we only care about our clothes, that is, only about clothes ... And our body, that is, the SOUL, we have forgotten, if, in comparison with our physical body, I donโ€™t wash it, they started it stinks, lice appeared .. well, other negative factors, you understand, in short, homeless people in one word ๐Ÿ™

Therefore, people suffer, because they turned away from their soul, or just not when, that's what is scary, you need to realize yourself not only as a physical body and, first of all, as an immortal soul. When a person lives to his liking, then everything in his life goes smoothly, no matter what he does or wherever he goes everywhere he is accompanied by good luck and success, and your wings literally break through, not in the sense that you will become sinless, but in the sense that you seem to fly through life practically without feeling the body, the flight of the soul is shorter, that's what it means to turn to our Immortal SOUL.

You just need to make it a habit, whatever you do, where you need to make a decision, ask your Soul, and you will receive an answer, of course, first you will ask questions of this nature, when the answer implies a yes or no answer, but with practice you will achieve such that you start getting answers in the form of pictures or even whole phrases, so go for it, believe me, this is a very exciting activity. The main thing is that it becomes your habit, your main component.

It is no secret that all things of the material world are made from the heart, then these things become a cultural heritage for many centuries - be it poetry or paintings or written music, but at least that, all these are masterpieces that are of great value, because the author of this or that subject of art invests soul. Therefore, all the masterpieces that are popular (which are not one century) have been invested in them, so people feel that the masterpieces are made from the heart, they literally attract to themselves. And the things that our modern artists perform are just dummies that have been heard for several months and then disappear into oblivion, the conveyor is shorter in one word, so it is not so long that all modern songs stay in the hits, replacing each other.

Become a masterpiece, a darling of fate, live in harmony with your soul well, and do not forget about our beloved body, do not rush from one extreme to another, do not become a sectarian, everything should be harmonious in a person and soul and body, house, car ... well, of course I just kidding about the last points ...

Well, do not forget to watch a funny video about a gosling, it cheers you up, even if you have it at zero.

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