Polish Russian tutorial. How quickly I learned Polish. The best teaching materials for the Polish language

Sewerage 31.08.2020

We don't think long introductions are needed for such a title. If you have come to this site, you are probably interested and planning to move here. And the language is simply necessary for this. In this article, we will try to systematize the known ways of learning Polish, provide useful links and add personal experience if possible.


Let's say you don't have the money or time to go to courses or to a tutor. Let's see what you can do on your own.

1. Textbooks, tutorials

An option for those who are not lazy can pull themselves together and set aside time every day to read the chapters of the textbook and do the exercises. Personally, I "started" with the self-instruction manual of the publishing house AST. It's not bad for beginners, and comes with a CD containing interesting dialogue.

There is also an excellent series of tutorials called "Polski, krok po kroku". And textbooks are actively used by my friends who attend language courses.

I will not list other books, since on our website with all the necessary links for downloading... My friends linguists especially recommend the third point from there - an old, but very good textbook by Vasilevskaya and Karolyak.

Polish language textbook Karolyak and Wasilewska

By the way, we have one more post, but there are already more secondary materials.

2. Online services

There are many sites on the Internet for learning languages, including Polish. I personally recommend the quality course for beginners polskijazyk.pl. Everything is free, you just need to register. The presentation of the material is similar to a tutorial, but after each piece of theory there are verification tests, including those with audio materials.

Speakasap.com was also recommended to me. It offers 7 video Polish lessons for beginners. There is also a smartphone app. And for an additional fee, you can work out the entire theory by communicating with the teacher.

3. Apps for smartphones

In fact, this item could be described in "online services", but it was highlighted separately. Almost everyone now has smartphones, they are always in hand or close at hand. Here you go in transport, read out of boredom Twitter or In contact with , and you could have started the app and practice your Polish instead!

The first step is to recommend the free Duolingo program (there are applications for popular platforms: iOS, Android and Windows Phone). This is a complete course for beginners, well and clearly designed, with memorization tests, writing practice. The only negative is basic English, that is, they teach you through English, there is no Russian yet. With my knowledge of English at an intermediate level, this is not a problem - I understand everything.

Another quality app with audio lessons and tests is “Learn Polish” from ATi Studios (iOS, Android). But only a small part is available there for free.

Books are also an option. I will not give specific links, what exactly to read, everything is individual here. Although, again, my friends highly recommended starting with Harry Potter or Robinson Crusoe ... Children's books usually have simple and straightforward language. But, in my opinion, it is better to find those books that you previously read in your native language and that you liked so that you could not tear yourself away. Chances are, you won't have fun in Polish either. Well, there will also be a base for understanding.

I would like to point out right away that it is difficult to find modern books for free on the Polish Internet, it is more "civilized" in contrast to Runet, Baynet or Ukrainian Internet. So I recommend buying books, for this there are enough different services, for example, Virtualo or Woblink.

If you read from your phone, then there are very good applications designed specifically for reading in foreign languages \u200b\u200b(one-click translation). For Android I recommend - Reader-Translator, for iOS - Diglot.

All language learning experts recommend actively expanding vocabulary and working with dictionaries. You come across an unfamiliar word - write it down, then repeat it until you learn it. Again, applications for smartphones will help a lot with this, where you can create cards with foreign words. For iOS, I recommend "Learn On the Go", for Android - FlashWords.

5. Listen to people, talk to them

There is such a method as passive immersion language learning. Let's say you have already arrived in Poland and you can't get away from here. And that's great, because the language environment is the best option! Listen to what people are saying and how, and communicate with them whenever possible. Something will be obtained even from scratch, because Polish is the language of the Slavic group, it is partially similar to Russian, even more to Ukrainian or Belarusian.

No need to switch to English or ask more experienced acquaintances, if you need, say, to call and make an appointment with a doctor, talk to the director of a kindergarten, explain something in a beauty salon ... Use translation programs (Yandex.Translate, for example, in the plan Polish is very good), prepare the text in advance, understand it, remember it. Feel free to speak, even if you see that the other person is straining to understand you. In any case, you will not see the negative, the Poles are usually polite and positive, they are pleased that the newcomers are trying to learn their language.

Study with someone's help

There are not so many options, as a rule, they require more money and time. But they also differ in efficiency.

1. Group courses

The most obvious language learning method. Courses are available everywhere, often inexpensive or even free. For example, in our city (Lublin) there are two options for free courses (for both beginners and experienced) from volunteer organizations and foundations. Their start is usually from September-November, it is not so difficult to get there, if you do not come at the last moment. In addition, there are private companies with language courses, courses at educational institutions.

My husband has a lot of newcomers from the CIS at work, they found a teacher and regularly study in the office, they pay a bundle - this is also an option.

If you are not yet in Poland, then in the large cities of Russia / Ukraine / Belarus there are probably also Polish schools. Studying in a group is interesting - you listen to colleagues, communicate with each other. Of course, this method takes time - you need to travel somewhere several times a week. But you are unlikely to be lazy (which happens when studying on your own), you will have to say and remember something in any case.

2. Tutor in person or online

It is believed that an individual teacher is more effective than group lessons. After all, his time and attention is devoted only to you. Such lessons are again offered by language companies, and you can also find tutors on the net, on classified sites, for example. Of course it is more expensive.

If you can't go to the teacher or invite him home in person, the Internet will come to the rescue. The simplest thing is to do it on Skype. Again, such teachers can be found on large classifieds sites (in Poland - olx.pl). There are also special sites-directories of tutors, for example e-korepetycje.net or italki.com. They provide information about the teacher's experience, publish student reviews. Among the tutors are native Polish speakers and visitors from the CIS. The second option, of course, is cheaper and, perhaps, quite optimal to start with.

Plus, you can chat with native speakers for free! There are sites on the network that allow you to find interlocutors in the language you are interested in. In return, you will communicate with them in your own language - benefit for everyone! I recommend the ConversationExchange and HelloLingo (formerly LiveMocha) services. Of course, you will not meet a professional teacher there, but just to practice the language is great!

Well, that's all the tips for learning Polish. Hope you found them helpful! I didn’t write any trivial things like “do it regularly” and so on. In learning a language, the main thing is desire. If you understand why you need it, success will not keep you waiting. And there are enough study methods, and thanks to the development of the Internet, all of them are now more than available. Choose the right one, good luck!

Polish is one of the most beautiful languages \u200b\u200bin the world! There are many good reasons to study it. It is the sixth largest language in the EU in terms of the number of speakers. It is considered one of the thirty most used languages \u200b\u200bin the world. It is estimated to be the native language of approximately 60 million people worldwide. Poland today is a dynamic economy with rapid political, social and demographic changes. Poland is a member of NATO and the EU. Pole Donald Tusk is President of the European Council, which further emphasizes the importance of the Polish language.

Interest in the Polish language has been growing in the world recently. The overwhelming majority of those who want to learn Polish from scratch, and in a short time - are young people. It belongs to the group of West Slavic languages, it is part of the Indo-European language family. It is difficult for native speakers of Romance languages, Scandinavians, those who do not know another Slavic language to study it, Polish is too exotic for them. Polish phonetics is a big problem for them. In general, Polish is considered one of the most difficult languages \u200b\u200bto learn, with seven cases, complex declension, even more complex verb conjugation, and many unique sounds for pronunciation. It is not uncommon for even a well-educated Pole to make a mistake in his speech. It is relatively easy for foreigners living in Slavic countries like Russia, Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Polish is of great interest among employees of foreign companies and embassies, and other similar institutions. In many cases, learning Polish is a requirement related to professional responsibilities. But, despite the initial difficulties, many students succeed quickly enough and can speak Polish almost fluently.

Poland is an interesting trading partner and an excellent place for investment, many foreign companies see their chance here. Very often, heads of large companies come to Poland, and they simply need a business Polish language for successful business.

It can be assumed that knowledge of English is sufficient for communication in Poland. Yes, this is true for big cities. However, the first language problems can begin when something needs to be done in the Polish office, especially if it is located in a small town. In addition, not knowing Polish can be a problem when visiting a local food market or post office, or visiting a doctor. Another reason why we learn Polish from scratch on our own is that someone has Polish roots and this is the desire to learn the language of our ancestors.

Learning Polish on your own from scratch is also an opportunity to learn about the rich Polish culture and fascinating history. Learning something new helps to broaden your horizons; a person does not just comprehend a new language - it affects the way of thinking.

The study of the Polish language can be used in the translation of written texts, but not only. The role of a translator is complex nowadays. From the traditional role of translator of written texts, there has been a transition not only to conventional media such as screen translation for television (subtitling, dubbing, voice translation), film, video, interpretation for television, but also, for example, multimedia translation and video games. ...

Many foreigners admit that Polish is one of the most effective and expressive languages. Knowledge of Polish is a great advantage for a better understanding of the scientific problems of cybernetic and autonomous systems Marian Mazur (the great Polish cyberneticist!).

Study methods

Nowadays, people are becoming more and more ambitious. They want to have the best certificates and have more knowledge, to be attractive in the labor market. In Poland, compared to other EU countries, education is inexpensive, and the quality of education is very high. Suffice it to mention the famous Jagiellonian University, the oldest in Europe. You can get a diploma in Poland, which is an EU document. Even if a person studies in their native language, how can you live in the country for at least 5 years without knowing Polish?

Good results are obtained when learning Polish on your own, when the time used for learning is used effectively. Motivation and regularity as well as appropriate teacher support are also very important. Online tutoring is a convenient and fun way to learn. But no matter which method is chosen, systematic study plays a big role, and not from time to time.

Regularity is the key to success! Make a plan for how much time per day you want or can spend on learning Polish (write this down on a piece of paper and attach it in a visible place). It is easier to find time to repeat new words or practice grammar every day for 30 minutes than to do it once a week for 3 hours. It is definitely overkill to do a few lessons in one go. The brain needs time to rest, to process the information received, so it is so important to distribute the training sessions accordingly.

A widely popularized method of time management is the Pomodoro technique, created in the 1980s by the Italian Francesco Cirillo. According to his assumptions, the time that will be spent on training should be divided into 25-minute "tomatoes" (periods), interrupted by breaks of several minutes. The student does not get tired and uses time most effectively. Cirillo used a tomato-shaped timer to measure time, hence the name of the method.

How to start learning on your own from scratch at home?

Sounds, words, grammar are difficult to learn. But, practicing an independent approach, it is necessary to devote not only enough time to learning, but also to be consistent in every lesson. Don't forget that learning a language should be a pleasure, not a duty!

Learning Polish can be divided into several stages:

Beginning: observation phase - listening to the language, mastering the alphabet (Polish uses the Latin alphabet, but there are 9 additional letters in it that denote specific sounds - ą, ć, ę, ł, ń, ó, ś, ź, ż), acquaintance with sounds. The most important first step is to learn pronunciation. There is no need to know what the words mean yet. Polish is a phonetic language, having understood what sounds are pronounced by letters and combinations, it will be easy to pronounce almost any word and read a sentence.

The second stage: studying vocabulary (memorizing up to 10 words a day), the student tries to build the first simple sentences in Polish on his own, including in writing, and develops the skills of oral speech.

Stage three: reading and writing. Knowing the basics of communication is not such a difficult process.

Final stage: learning grammar.

Tutorials and tutorials

A systematic list of all Polish letters along with their pronunciation can be found in the Wikipedia article on the Polish alphabet. The table covers everything a beginner should know; transcription, close equivalents in Russian.

Basic tutorials to help:

  1. Hurra !!! Po polsku level A1 and audio Written entirely in Polish - universal and clear textbook, well illustrated. In each chapter, the authors pay equal attention to the development of all skills: speaking (including correct pronunciation), listening, reading, writing, grammar.
  • Optional: workbook and audio
  1. POLSKI krok po kroku 1 and audio. The manual introduces step by step the secrets of the Polish speech. Written in Polish, the textbook contains a thoughtful construction of dialogues and texts, excellent graphics illustrating texts and exercises, structured grammar tables.
  • Optional: notebook and audio
  1. Free self-study guide of the Polish language

Learn Polish on your own online, especially since there is a large selection of online courses for free. Among them, the most popular:

  1. Real Polish is a blog and podcast in Polish with great content for learners.

How to learn a language on a smartphone with apps?

A smartphone is the best tool to use to improve your language skills, especially when it complements teaching between regular lessons with a teacher. One of the most popular mobile phone apps is Duolingo. It combines visual and audio processes to stimulate and enhance language memory through fun games.

  1. Memrise is another app that is great for those who want to learn Polish quickly and easily on their own. The program uses the concept of interval memorization. As they progress through the exercises, users are exposed to helpful video clips that demonstrate spoken language in action. Many of the app's offers are available for free, but additional games and offline mode are available for an additional fee. It is interesting to study with Memrise, even if you have to memorize and repeat this or that basic word several times.
  2. Babbel: Available for both phones and web browsers, it takes you from beginner to good language proficiency. Designed for quick learning, it offers a set of conversation topics through which you will learn how to navigate everyday situations to a good level of language proficiency.
  3. Busuu. One of the best apps combining different types of exercises that cover reading, writing, listening, speaking. Offers a lot of interesting and useful things, starting with tooltips for grammar and context. Working with an application is hard to make mistakes. Even if the exercises are simple, they still teach a lot. But as the level of knowledge of the Polish language increases, the difficulties increase.

Communication with native speakers

You can find a native Polish speaker who makes a good teacher at italki.com. An interesting project is Language tandem. Most importantly, just speak Polish without fear of making mistakes and you will see that you will soon be creating beautiful Polish sentences.

Poles generally do not hesitate to correct if a person speaks their native language incorrectly. Such a frank approach to communication is normal in Poland. However, Poles can be gentle if it is necessary to maintain harmony in the conversation. They sincerely admire people who are trying to learn their native language. But, an unprepared foreigner should, if possible, avoid certain topics in a conversation with Poles, otherwise the experience may not be very pleasant. In particular, conversations about politics, religion, history (the Polish view of world history, and especially World War II, is very different from what we know from the lessons of history). Poles also like to use metaphors and implied meanings in conversation.

Watching movies, listening to audio, reading books

To perceive a foreign language almost like a native language and communicate fluently, you need to know about 2000-3000 words. You can speed up the memorization process a little by watching TV shows and films in the original language version, listening to music, reading newspapers and magazines. The more sources you use, including the phrasebook, the better.

  1. Adapter - a website that broadcasts classic Polish cinema with audio descriptions and Polish subtitles adapted for the visually impaired and hearing impaired. Here you can watch famous films, among them the satirical comedy "Flight" by Marek Pivowski, the cult Polish film "Bear" by Stanislav Borey, the comedy by Juliusz Machulski "Deja vu", "Savior Square" by Krzysztof Krause and Joanna Kos-Krause, "Psycho Day" by Marek Kotersky and many others.
  2. - here most of the films are paid, but there is also a large selection of free themes (search by title without the tag "płatny").
  3. IPLA - mostly foreign films with Polish voice-overs.
  4. tvp.pl is a service operated by TVP, where you can find almost all TV shows, from archived black and white programs of the communist era to the most recent TV show. Alternatywy 4 is a comedy cult television series in which many famous Polish actors starred (filmed in 1983, but due to censorship it was first shown only in 1986).


  1. info - podcasts of all genres.
  2. Business and finance:, Puls Biznesu do słuchania, Więcej niż oszczędzanie pieniędzy
  3. News: wwiat w trzy minuty
  4. Science and culture: Ludzi Ciekawych Wszystkiego, Nauka XXI wieku, nerdy nocą
  5. Health: Więcej niż zdrowe odżywianie
  6. Technology: Dekompresor, Yes Was Podcast
  7. Video Games: Grysław, Fantasmagieria, Bezimienny

Books, newspapers, magazines:

  1. Wolne Lektury is an online library with thousands of Polish works that have become public. Most of the books available are classics, so the language may seem a little archaic. The site also has free audiobooks.
  2. A chronological list of all free books in Polish in the project.
  3. Woblink is a large library where free eBooks can be downloaded.
  4. Legimi - there are many classic works of Polish and world literature.
  5. Chmura Czytania - works of Polish and world literature in free access.
  6. Publio is a small catalog of electronic and audio books, but an interesting selection.
  7. - popular science articles.

Radio, popular stations:

Learning with

The Internet offers a ton of materials to help you learn Polish quickly and easily on your own. It is not always easy for a beginner to find their way around and, perhaps, it is worth asking the teacher what materials he recommends for learning Polish. The teachers delivering lessons on the platform are highly experienced and happy to teach anyone who wants to.


Without a doubt, the most important problem in learning a foreign language is motivation. Without enthusiasm and a consistent approach, it is very difficult to achieve results. Nothing binds people like shared experiences. By analogy, one of the most important reasons for a decrease in motivation for action, including language learning, perhaps when constrained by the home, is to “fight” alone. Of course, a huge part of learning is personal merit, but nothing works as well as learning a language with like-minded people.

  1. Polish language course in the language and cultural center "East-Europe"
  2. Learning any language, and Polish is no exception, should be divided into two parts. This is intensive learning, whether it be independent or in a group (learning grammar, writing, etc.) and free, when you choose what you like to do (read, listen to music, watch films in the target language, if possible communicate with native speakers). The beginning, of course, involves great effort when the foundation is grasped.

    For many beginners, almost every Polish word seems unpronounceable, but in most cases, learning will only require a little patience and practice. There are undoubtedly a few special words that make even Poles sweat when they have to use them.

    The most difficult aspect of Polish spelling is what linguists call complex consonant clusters (without any vowels). In addition, these compound words often contain digraphs, trigraphs and tetragraphs (sz, cz, rz ... źdź, szcz) and consonants that require special attention (c, ć, l, ł, s, ś, z, ż and ź) ... Here is just one example: szczęście - ironically, the word "happiness" makes many people, mostly foreigners, disheartened. The word consists of a sequence of two digraphs sz [w], cz [tsh], nasal ę [en] (light, "tail", indicates nasal pronunciation), ś [u] (diacritical mark denotes softness), ci [h + iot] and e [e]. Obviously, those who learn to pronounce the word correctly will find happiness in the future.

    On the other hand, the rules of Polish spelling are not so complicated, if a beginner learns them well, he will know which letter (or letters) pronounces which sound; you just need to "collect" all the sounds and say a new word.

    Try to memorize not just words in Polish, but target sentences, thanks to which it will not only be easier to memorize words, but also correctly associate them in a sentence.

    As for the linguistic advantages, we can say that the Polish language is the "gateway" to the world of Slavic languages. Knowledge of the Polish language helps to study closely related West Slavic languages, Czech, Slovak and Serbian. Moreover, there is a real advantage for those studying Polish in learning any other Slavic language. These are such languages \u200b\u200bas Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Bosnian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Croatian and Slovenian. Some of these languages \u200b\u200bare now official European languages. Translators working in European structures must regularly learn new languages. Of course, you shouldn't expect it to be easy to understand a Czech speaker, but reading a simple text in Czech and even making a translation knowing Polish will not be a big problem.

    In addition to translation and interpretation for EU institutions or media, there are other areas where native speakers of Polish are needed; for legal translations, in defense, NATO or special services. Frontex, headquartered in Warsaw, is an EU agency that manages cooperation between national border services to protect the EU's external borders in order to prevent human trafficking, terrorist infiltration and illegal immigration. In the context of the current political situation in the neighboring countries of Poland, Ukraine or Russia, the Polish language is even more important. Knowing Polish, you can get a job in Polish cultural centers in Europe and beyond.

    In contact with

    Learning any foreign language is not easy. What if a person travels to Poland in a couple of months and wants to easily move around in the Polish environment?

    Before we start, I'll tell you a few words about myself.

    I move freely in the Polish environment and I have continuous contact with the Poles.

    Personally, I have tried many ways to feel comfortable among Poles.

    Below are the methods themselves:

    1. We find a tutor or study by self-instruction.

    Of course, it is best to hire a good tutor who will correct you, train you in any area. But, if this is not possible, then you can use the tutorial. The effect is certainly not the same, but it's still better than doing nothing at all in the field of learning Polish.

    However, I want to warn you in advance that this is a paid tutorial and the reason why I stopped using it is automatic withdrawal of money from the card without your knowledge. That is, you have passed, for example, the course, but still Op, and you have already withdrawn money from your account for a month in advance, which you will not return. Therefore, I recommend using the free version.

    Personally, I have used various ways to learn Polish. I took courses, I had a tutor, plus I studied in parallel using a self-study guide and used all the methods below.

    2. We watch films and TV series in Polish

    As a rule, Poles speak quickly enough and it is very difficult for a beginner to understand Polish speech. Watching movies will help solve this problem.

    1.Och, Karol 2 (2011)

    2.Śniadanie do łóżka (2010)

    3. Wkręceni 2 (2015)

    4. Być jak Kazimierz Deyna

    5. Kochaj i tancz

    Gosia Andrzejewicz - Otwórz Oczy

    Enej - Skrzydlate ręce

    We listen to Polish songs according to the following principle: click in vk.com in our audio recordings for the song, we see the lyrics of the song. We read the text, we translate incomprehensible words. Then you can already listen by ear. There is more to this than just listening to the song.

    4. We read Polish books

    By reading Polish books, you can easily adapt to the Polish environment. There are unknown words in the books, plus this method will help you speak Polish better. Educational books on the internet are boring. For a great effect, I suggest buying Polish books in Polish shops (whoever has the opportunity).

    Jane Austen “Opactwo Nortbanger”

    Nicholas Sparks “Ślub”

    Ewa Foley “Zakochaj się w życiu”

    Read very carefully, underline unknown words, learn new words 10 words daily and the effect will not keep you waiting long. After a month, you may notice that you understand everything in Polish, speak better and use new words.

    5. Of course practice

    This is one of the less easy ways. Be sure to speak Polish. Try to talk to Poles, even if you are not confident in your speech. You will not be bitten, and you will gain valuable experience. In this case, a tutor can help, or the site http://conversationexchange.com You can communicate with Poles for free if you are ready to teach them Russian in return. Experience is exchanged on this site. Just don't place high hopes on him. At one time, when I was looking for native speakers of Polish, only guys responded. As soon as she said that I was married, they stopped communicating. The girls were very passive in this regard. Poles, who want to learn Russian, will not allow you to communicate normally in Polish, try to use them all the time for their own good. But it's worth a try.

    Language is a means of communication. Language allows people to understand each other. At the same time, language can become a serious obstacle to understanding, since there are thousands of different languages \u200b\u200bon our planet.

    You are reading this because you want to learn Polish and you want to know how to do it quickly and efficiently. Most language learners are bored and frustrated. Keep learning Polish with the LinGo Play tutorial and you will learn how to learn Polish on your own in a fun and effective way. Start with the best exercises for learning Polish and you will become fluent in Polish. LinGo Play lessons are structured so you can practice in all areas at the same time. Learn Polish the way you have never learned it before - with fun and logical lessons and tests.

    We have a unique method that teaches reading, listening and writing at the same time. Lessons start from the very basics, free Polish lessons are open to anyone who does not have knowledge of Polish. Learning a language like Polish requires a special approach. Each lesson contains many words, steps, exercises, tests, pronunciation and colorful flashcards. You choose what content you want to use. After the initial content for beginners, you can quickly jump to the things that interest you more. In the early stages of learning Polish, you are interested in learning how the language works.

    Learn Polish online easily and successfully with the LinGo Play study app. You will find many free Polish lessons with flashcards, new words and phrases. Once you know how to learn Polish from the content, you can continue to do so throughout your life whenever you want. You can achieve any level of language proficiency you wish. Just as there is no limit to the amount of content available in a given language, there is no limit to how much you can master a language while you are motivated. The best way to learn another language is through engaging content, listening, reading, and continually improving your vocabulary.

    Success in language learning depends mainly on the learner, but more specifically on access to learning and engaging content. Success depends more on interacting with interesting content than on a teacher, school, good textbooks, or even living in a country. You have more freedom to choose when and how to learn Polish. Once you realize that you can learn more languages \u200b\u200band enjoy the process, you will want to discover new languages \u200b\u200bfor yourself.

    It is quite possible to master a language such as Polish on your own, without asking for help from teachers, without attending courses. However, the "stand alone" option is not suitable for everyone. Why? Because learning Polish from scratch at home will require very high abilities for self-organization - the learner himself will have to work hard every day, constantly looking for the necessary data, memorizing the material found. If this scares you, it is better to contact a Polish language tutor. Those who have such a quality as perseverance, and who really want to achieve the required results as quickly as possible, will definitely succeed.

    At the same time, one should not exaggerate, considering that the process of independent learning requires supernatural abilities, and this is just an extra "headache". He also has many advantages - the student is his own boss - he makes the most convenient schedule for himself, and works as much as he can. The teacher of the Polish language does not dictate to him his conditions, the program. You can only learn what, in the student's opinion, is interesting and necessary for him, he has the opportunity to devote the maximum amount of time to weak points.

    Is it realistic to quickly learn Polish at home?

    If the previous paragraph of a beginner polyglot is "annoying", he should enter the phrase "looking for a Polish language tutor" in the search engine (searching for a teacher via the Internet is convenient because you can find reviews about a person, get acquainted with the opinions of those who have already turned to him for services).

    If not, that's just fine! After all, another advantage of self-study is the significant cost savings. You will have to spend money, perhaps, on textbooks. But they can also be found on the Internet.

    At the same time, one should not forget about the "correct" learning system. If the student is not an outstanding teacher, it is still better to use the experience of specialists. Without a competent methodology for a novice polyglot, no books, video tutorials, or audio materials will save, and the answer to the question “how to quickly learn Polish at home” in this case will be obvious - no way.

    Where to get the technique? On the same internet. There are a large number of thematic sites with courses created using modern techniques, textbooks that can be downloaded for free.

    Video tips on how to start learning Polish on your own

    Also, at any time, a beginner who has the Internet can talk to experienced teachers, since learning Polish at home without outside help is still very difficult. They will be happy to help him in building sentences, tell him how to pronounce a particular word, etc. All that is required for this is a program such as Skype and a microphone.

    Asking yourself how to learn Polish at home as soon as possible? It's very simple - be patient and devote most of your free time to lessons.

    What are the features of this language:

    • there are a lot of hissing sounds in it. A beginner mastering the spoken part will have to work hard on correct pronunciation.
    • it is characterized by a dynamic stress, which, nevertheless, in most cases "falls" on the penultimate syllable;
    • polish pronouns have short as well as full forms;
    • a large number of German and French words "migrated" to this language at one time, it is "rich" in words from Latin as well.

We recommend reading
