Designer lesson in GEF teaching and methodical material on the topic. Designer lesson on GEF teaching and methodical material on the topic Designer classes in GEF

Bathroom 09.03.2021

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Algorithm for designing lesson within
systemic approach
1. Submit a lesson in the form of logically finished modules
With a clearly defined goal and planned result.
2. Based on the subject of the lesson, the purpose of the module, taking into account
age psychological features of the development of children
Select pedagogical reception or technique from the reception bank.
3. Analyze the resulting lesson script from the point
The view of the system and activity approach. Consider
Selected techniques or techniques for the use of ICT
For their implementation.
4. Rate the efficiency of the lesson, relying on the principle of ideality:
The maximum effect of students' learning activities when
minimal teacher's activities.

modules lesson

Use to achieve
set targets
1. Beginning of the lesson
Non-standard entrance to the lesson.
Delayed deposit.
Associative series.
Fantastic additive.
An undeclared topic.
2. Actualization of knowledge
Chain signs I take you with me.
Well no.
Step by step. Before after.
Jockey and horse.
Thick and subtle question.
Question words.
I agree - I do not agree.
Game goal.
Basket of ideas, concepts, names.
Developing canon.
False alternative.
Most often the actualization of knowledge
Pupils at the beginning of the lesson teacher
Conducts either in the form of a survey or in
The form of test independent
work or calls
"Remember", "think",
However, the most efficient
ways can be techniques and
TRIZ and TRKM techniques.

modules lesson
3. Learning new
Selection of a form of studying a new
The material in the lesson depends
From many factors: features
and the level of preparing children
features of the subject
features of the topic, opportunities
and technical equipment of the Cabinet,
Mastery of the teacher.
Many years of experience in teachers experiments showed
that even in the most "hopeless",
"Uninteresting" cases can
find a reception that will not allow
Just enter students in a new
topic, but also organize them
Independent activity in
Studying a new material.
Takes and techniques that can
Use to achieve
set targets
Ping Pong "Name - meaning."
Catch a mistake.
Listen and conspire
Good bad.
Strategy "Ideal".
Its support.
Integer. Part-integer.
Inventive task
Constructor TRIZ "Event"
TRIZ constructor "Combination
opposites "

modules lesson
4. Discussion and solving problems
In most cases, the solution to solve the problem occurs
At the stage of studying a new material. However, the ability to decide
problems need to be learned, and it is not always appropriate and
Effectively in the case when there is not enough knowledge.
It seems possible to allocate time in the lesson for
forming the ability to solve problems and plan their own
Actions to implement the planned plan.
five . Solving educational tasks
As a rule, to solve training tasks in the lesson is given
enough time to organize an independent
The activities of children. At this stage it would be effective
Decide not only those tasks that are designed by the authors
textbooks. Currently not all modern textbooks
and the tasks are filled with truly educational tasks,
The solution of which forms universal actions
Schoolchildren. Therefore, the teacher can use
Algorithm for the development of inventive or situational
Tasks in order to fill the content of the lesson
Jobs corresponding to the requirements of a systematic approach. As well as you can use other
Pedagogical techniques for the organization of independent
Pupil activities.
Takes and technicians who
You can use for
Achievements set
Strategy "Ideal".
Strategy "Fishboon".
Power analysis.
Critics generators.
Venna diagram.
Reverse cerebral assault.
Morphological box.
Create a passport.
Situational tasks.
Inventive tasks.

modules lesson
6. Knowledge Control, Feedback
Knowledge control can be carried out as traditional
Form-test work, offset, written survey,
dictation, essay, testing; so using
TRIZ strategies.
The greatest effect at this stage can be obtained:
If you offer students to choose a few tasks
different levels;
if you use unconventional forms
If you include in the verification work of the task that
denote the boundaries of the use of knowledge available,
Operate new features and unknown while knowledge.
7. The formation of the ability to set
The ability to ask questions is one of the necessary in
Life of every person. Learn to ask questions
At different stages of the lesson. The main thing is to reveal students
Mature of types of questions and ways of formulation. FROM
This goal can be used as "chamomile issues
"Blooma" and author's pedagogical techniques.
Takes and technicians who
You can use for
Achievements set
Method of intelligence cards.
Jockey and horse.
Chain of signs.
Venna diagram.
I want to ask.
Thick and subtle question.
Question words.
Question to the text.
Chamomile Bloom.

modules lesson
8. Reflection
In the practice of organizing reflection
There are a large number
receptions. When organizing reflection
It is important to remember that techniques should
diversify each reception
place in the subject and theme lesson,
Reflection is not carried out for the teacher,
not for the logical completion of the lesson,
And for the student.
Takes and techniques that can
Use to achieve
set targets
Colored fields.
Thoughts in time.
Six hats.
Before after.
I will inform your Ya.

Reception "Non-standard entrance to the lesson"
Universal reception aimed at inclusion
Pupils in active mentalness from the first minutes
The teacher begins a lesson with conflicting fact
which is difficult to explain on the basis of the knowledge available.
Physics. The topic of the lesson "Heat transfer".
Before the lesson began to put a decanter with water, and
before entering students to deploy it opposite
side. Ask children to touch the decanter hand and
explain why the side of the decree rotated to the Sun
Cold, and the opposite - warm.
Reception "Delayed Foundation"

Activation of the mental activity of students on
ability to analyze and compare facts;
ability to determine the contradiction;
The ability to find a solution to available resources.
1 option reception. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher gives
a riddle (amazing fact), a deposit to which (key for
understanding) will be opened in class when working on new
2 reception option. Riddle (amazing fact)
Give at the end of the lesson to start the next lesson from it.
Reception "Associative Row"
To the topic or a specific lesson concept
It is necessary to write down in the word-association's column.
The output will be as follows:
If the row turned out to be relatively
correct and sufficient, give a task
make a definition using recorded
the words; then listen, compare with vocabulary
option, you can add new words in
associative series;
Leave an entry on the board, explain the new
topic at the end of the lesson return something to add
or erase.
Reception "Surprise!"
Description: Universal Reception,
aimed at the activation of thought
activities and attraction of interest in the topic
ability to analyze;
ability to allocate and formulate
The teacher finds such an angle of view, when
which even well-known facts
become a mystery.

Reception "Fantastic additive"
Universal admission aimed at
Attracting interest in the topic of the lesson.
Reception provides for the transfer of the training
Situations in unusual conditions or environment.
Can be transferred to a fantastic planet;
change the value of a parameter that usually
remains unchanged; come up fantastic
Animal or plant; transfer literary hero in
Modern time; consider the usual situation with
unusual point of view.
Reception "Unnecessary topic"
Versatile reception directed
Creating an external motivation of the study of the topic
This technique allows you to attract
the interest of students to learn a new topic, not
By blocking perception of incomprehensible terms.

Reception "Chain of Signs"
Universal TRIZ, aimed at actualization
knowledge of students on signs of those objects that
Turn on to work.
the ability to describe the object through the names and values \u200b\u200bof the signs;
The ability to determine on the specified parts of the model hidden
The ability to draw up an internal action plan.
The 1st student calls the object and its sign ("in proteins - case");
2nd calls another object with the same value of the specified
a sign and another sign ("He has a part of speech");
3rd calls his object by similar sign and new
a sign ("I am the number of syllables"), etc., as long as
There is someone who can continue the chain.
Reception "yes-no".
Universal reception of TRIZ technology: able to capture and
small, and adults; puts students in an active position.
Forms the following universal learning actions:
ability to bind scattered facts into a single picture;
The ability to systematize already existing information;

Teacher makes something (number, subject, literary
Hero, historical face, etc.). Students are trying to find
the answer, asking questions to which the teacher can answer
Only with the words: "Yes," "No", "and yes,"
Reception "I take you with me"
Versatile reception TRIZ, directed
to the actualization of knowledge of students,
contributing to the accumulation of information about
Signs of objects.
The ability to combine objects on the general
sign sign;
ability to identify the name of the feature
which objects are common;
ability to compare, compare a large
Number of objects;
ability to make a holistic image
The object from its individual signs.
Pedagogue comes to a sign that
Many objects are collected and calls
The first object. Pupils are trying to guess
This feature is also called
Objects possessing, in their opinion,
same sign value. The teacher answers
He takes this object or not. The game
continues until someone from
children will not determine which sign
Mass is going. Can be used
As a workout in the lessons.

Reception "Jockey and Horse"
Reception "Step by step"
Acceptance of interactive learning. Is used for
Activate the knowledge gained earlier.
Pupils, walking to the board, for each step they call the term,
concept, phenomenon, etc. From the material studied earlier.
Example. In the lesson of biology. Pupils walk to the board. AND
Each step is accompanied by the name of some
Plants from the family of cruciferous, or animal from
Pinsum, or part of the human circulatory system, or
something else. In the lessons of other items, the disciples are quite
can be wounded by calling the pictures of Rubens,
Architectural styles, limit or unforeseen
Hydrocarbons, main battles of thirty-year
wars, the names of the apostles or the great princes of Moscow,
Orphograms, words on the topic "Family" and so on.
Source: Electronic Periodical Edition
"Effective educational technologies." Issue 1.
2008 Chief Editor, Dp. Professor Guzeev V.V.
Remote Technologies and Training
Acceptance of interactive learning. The form
Collective learning.
The class is divided into two groups: "Jocheev" and
"Horses." First get cards with
issues, the second - with the right answers.
Each "Jockey" should find his "horse".
This toy applies even on learning lessons
new material.
The most unpleasant line is the need
The whole team of students simultaneously walk
in class, it requires a certain
Forgetting culture of behavior.
Reception "Game Purpose"
Universal reception-game aimed at
Activation of mental activity
Students in the lesson. Allows you to enable in game
Shell a large number of monotonous examples
or tasks.
training skills;
teamwork skills;
The ability to listen and hear each other.
Offered in a game form of a team or
Group students to perform a number of the same type
Tasks for speed and correctness.

Reception "Basket of ideas, concepts, names"
This is the reception of the organization of individual and group work.
students at the initial stage of the lesson when the actualization goes
Available experience and knowledge. It allows you to find out everything
What do students know or think of the lesson under discussion. On the
Chalkboard you can draw a basket icon in which it will conditionally
All the fact that all students together know about the topic studied.
Example. Many lessons learning new material begin with
Reception "Basket", on the board are demonstrated or output
Through the projector, the main ideas of the upcoming lesson. For example, on
The lesson for the study of the "linear algorithm" can be offered
students express how they think what an algorithm can
Name linear, give examples. In the lesson, the study of the "cycle"
suggest suggesting what a cycle is what examples
Cyclic actions they can lead.
Reception "Developing Canon"
Reception for the development of logical
Thinking. There are three words, the first two
are in certain relationships.
Find the fourth word to be with
The third was in the same relationship.
Reception "before-after"
Reception from the technology of development of critical thinking. He can
to be used at the 1st stage of the lesson as receiving actualizing
Knowledge of students. And also at the stage of reflection.
the ability to predict events;
Ability to correlate well-known and unknown facts;
ability to express your thoughts;
The ability to compare and conclude.
In the table of two columns, part of the "before" will father in which
The student records its assumptions about the topic of the lesson, about
Solving the problem may record a hypothesis.
Part "after" is filled in late lesson when new
The material was carried out experiment, read text, etc.
Next, the student compares the content "to" and "after" and does
The term - amount \u003d multipliers -?
Circle - Circle \u003d Ball -?
Birch - tree \u003d poem -?
Song - Composer \u003d Airplane -?
Rectangle - plane \u003d cube -?

Strategy "Questions".
Reception "false alternative"
Universal reception TRIZ. Attention
The listener will take away with the help of
alternatives "or or", completely
arbitrarily expressed. Neither of
Offered answers is not true.
The teacher proposes a rule of ordinary
riddles and false riddles, children must
Guess and specify their type.
For example:
How much will be 8 and 4: 11 or 12?
What does not grow birch - apples or pears?
The word "clock" - is written as "chest" or
Who floats faster - duckling or
Capital of Russia - Moscow or Minsk?
What animals live in Africa - Mammoths or
How many per minute of seconds - 10 or 100?
Universal reception TRKM, aimed at forming
The ability to ask questions, and can also be used for
Actualization of students' knowledge on the course of the lesson.
Students are invited to a table of questions and terms for
Learned the topic or a new lesson. Need to be composed
You can more questions using question words and
Terms of two table columns.
Example: why crimes are committed in the field
Information related to information?
How much law, ensure the security of information in
How many categories of information crimes exist? and
Question words
Basic concepts of theme
How many?
What for?
What is the relationship?
What makes it?
What is the destination?

Reception "I agree - I do not agree"
Reception "Fat and subtle question"
Universal Reception Actualization
knowledge of students and intensifying mental
Activities. This technique allows you to quickly
include children in mental activity and logical
Go to the study of the lesson.
This is a reception from the development technology of critical
Thinking used for organization

ability to formulate questions;
Ability to correlate concept.
A subtle question suggests unequivocal
Short response.
Thick question suggests the answer deployed.
After studying the topic of students is offered
Formulate three "thin" and three "fat"
Question "related to the material passed.
Then they interview each other using
Tables "Tolstoy" and "fine" questions.
On the subject of the lesson "Information Security"
You can suggest children to set fat and
Slim question.
Slim question. What groups of information
Crimes Do you know?
Thick question. What examples of life
Serve proof of security
information security personality in
Our state?
Source: Zagashev I.O., Zair-Beck S.I.
Critical thinking. Critical thinking:
Development technology. - St. Petersburg: Alliance Delta,
ability to evaluate the situation or facts;

The ability to reflect your opinion.
Children are invited to express their attitude to a row
Approvals by rule: agree - "+", I do not agree -
When studying the topic "Multimedia presentation",
You can offer the following statements:
1. The presentation consists only of text and pictures.
2. Design design should be different on each
3. The more text, the better.
4. Better, if the slide change is performed by clicking, and
Not automatically.
5. The less animated effects, the better.
6. Presentation can be a training character.
Note, the results obtained children do not announce,
The teacher only proves the "perfect" option
answers and asks to relate it to what happened
each of the students.

Reception "integer. Part-integer
Reception for the development of logical thinking. In the first
A couple of words should determine how rule has
Here is a place: an integer or part-integer. For words
The second pair is needed from the proposed options to specify the one
which matches the rules found
1. Car - wheel;
rifle a) shoot b) trigger c) weapon
Reception "Zigzag"
This strategy is appropriate to use for the development of
Schoolchildren of the following skills:
analyze the text in conjunction with other people;
conduct research work in the group;
Available to transfer information to another person;
independently determine the direction in the study
Some items, taking into account the interests of the group.
Reception is used to explore and systematization.
Large in terms of material. To do this preserves
First split text on semantic passages for
mutual learning. The number of passages should coincide with
number of group members. For example, if the text is divided into
5 semantic passages, then in groups (let's call them conditionally
workers) - 5 people.
Source: Material from
Reception "Insert".
Reception of the development technology of critical
Thinking. Used for formation
such a universal learning action
ability to systematize and analyze
information. The authors of the reception - Vogan and Estes.
"Insert" is:
I - Interactive - self-activating
N - Noting
S - System - System Marking
E - Effective - for effective
R - Reading - Reading
T - Thinking - and Reflections
Reception is used in three stages:
In the process of reading, students label text
Icons ("V" - already knew; "+" - new; "-" thought otherwise; "" "I did not understand, there are questions);
Then fill the table, the number of graph
which corresponds to the number of icons
Discuss entries included in the table.
Thus, it is ensured thoughtful,
Attentive reading, it is treated
Accumulation of information, the path from the old knowledge
to a new one.
Source: Information Bank
Modern teacher

Reception "Good-bad"
Description: Universal reception TRIZ, directional
to activate the mental activity of students
In a lesson, the idea of \u200b\u200bhow
arranged a contradiction.
The ability to find positive and negative
Parties in any object, situations;
ability to resolve contradictions (remove "minuses",
Keeping "pros");
The ability to evaluate the object, the situation from different positions,
Considering different roles.
Option 1
The teacher sets the object or situation. Students (Groups)
In turn call the "pros" and "minuses". Option 2.
The teacher sets the object (situation). The student describes
The situation for which it is useful. Next student
Looking for how it is harmful to this last situation, etc.
Option 3.
Pupils are divided into sellers and buyers. And those I.
Others represent some well-known characters.
Then play according to the scheme. Only "pluses" are looking for
Positions of the character - seller, and "minuses" - from the position
Character - Buyer.
Option 4.
Pupils are divided into three groups: "Prosecutors",
"Lawyers", "Judges". The first accused (looking for minuses),
Secondly defend (looking for pluses), others are trying
resolve contradiction (leave "plus" and remove
Reception "Own support"
Universal Reception Folding
information. Author of reception teacher and
The developer of TRIZ-techniques from Rostov-on-Don
Sergey Sychev.
the ability to allocate the main idea;
the ability to establish links between objects;
The ability to submit information to "Roll
The student is its own reference abstract
According to a new material. Of course, this technique
appropriate in cases where the teacher himself
applies similar abstracts and teaches
Use their students. As weakened
Reception option can be recommended
drawing up an expanded response plan (as on
exam). Wonderful if students manage
explain to each other their supporting abstracts,
At least partially. And not trouble if their support
Abstracts almost do not differ from each other.
Pupils exchange supporting abstracts and
pronounce the topic in the neighboring reference
Source: E.V. Andreev, S.V. Lelch,
So.Sidorchuk, N.A. Yakovlev. Creative tasks
Golden key. /

Strategy "Ideal"
This is a strategy for the development technology of critical
The strategy allows you to form:
ability to define the problem;
The ability to find and formulate ways
solutions to the problem;
The ability to choose a strong solution.
I wonder what's the problem? Necessary
Formulate a problem. Better if
The wording will begin with the word like.
Let's find as many solutions as possible.
This problem. All possible are offered
Methods and ways to solve the problem.
Are there any good solutions? Selected out
sets of proposed solutions are good,
Now choose the only solution.
Selects the strongest solution to the problem.
Curious and how it will look like
practice? It is planned to implement work
The selected solution to life.
Reception "Catch a mistake"
Universal reception activating attention
ability to analyze information;
the ability to apply knowledge in a non-standard situation;
ability to critically evaluate the resulting
The teacher offers students information
containing an unknown number of errors.
Students are looking for a group error or individually
Arrive, advise. Come to a certain opinion,
The group chooses a speaker. Speaker transmits results
teacher or announces the task and result of it
solutions in front of the whole class. To discuss nonsense
Delighted, define the time in advance.
Russian language teacher gives several grammatical
(syntactic or other) rules. One or more
Of them are incorrect. Find and prove the fallacy.
Literature. Student history get a series of quotes with
reference to authors. Determine in which case
Quote could not belong to this author.
Prove your opinion.
Source: Gin AA Pedagogical technique techniques:
Freedom of choice. Openness. Activity. Inverse
Communication. Ideality. - M.: Vita-Press, 2005.

Reception "Listen to - to consult - discuss."
Acceptance of interactive learning. This technique contributes to the active learning of knowledge involves
Special work of students with any training levels. Pupils are invited to think and write 3 words,
Topic lesson. Then the guys should show their neighbor on the desk, after 1.5 minutes of 6 words to select
It is necessary to 3 and announce their class.
Example. At the lesson of a foreign language when studying the topic "Seasons. Winter" students are proposed
Think and write 3 words related to winter and only to her. Then show your neighbor on the desk, out of 6 words
We are selected 3 and offered to the class after 1.5 minutes. Working with this exercise takes about six-seven
minutes. During this time, each of the words "winter" vocabulary is repeated out loud several times, actually affected
Questions of word formation, portable words of words. After the teacher writes all words on the blackboard,
Proposed by couples, the selection of three words begged among them. At the same time with each word during the discussion
A proposal is drawn up, besides, usually nontrivial ("Frost is a temperature below zero, it can
Mean not only in winter, but also in the summer in the refrigerator "). In this set there are almost all model
Grammar designs. Thus, in a few minutes the work is done to which when ordinary
Approach is not enough lesson.
Reception ping-pong "Name - value"
Universal reception TRIZ, aimed at actualization of knowledge of students who contribute to accumulation
information on signs of objects and ranges of their possible values.
Forms skills:
For a specified specific object, highlight the names of the signs;
Determine the values \u200b\u200bof the feature of the object according to the specified sign name.
A specific object is specified. Players of the first team call the name of the feature, players of the second team answer
The sign of the sign. The next step is changing (the 2nd team calls the names of the signs, the 1st - values
Signs). The command loses if it cannot name the name of the feature or answer the value
Fixing the most typical names of signs, you can collect a piggy bank of the names of the signs and on its foundation
Passport objects. The game can be used in any educational subject. Especially - for objects that
It is required to describe on a specific plan (parts of speech, natural zones, living organisms, etc.).

Reception "Communication"
The universal reception of TRIZ, proposed by the Master TRI GI. Ivanov.
the ability to find links between objects in the system;
The ability to establish links between objects located in various vescements by building
chains of related objects;
The ability to establish links between any objects.
The teacher sets (or the students choose) two objects, at first glance, not related to each other (as
Option objects are chosen randomly, for example, using a cube). Children build a chain of objects and
interactions between them so that the first interaction begins from one of the source objects, and
The latter ended with the second object.
U: The ancient wise men said: "Torn grass, do not worry the star ...". Do you agree with this statement,
Can you explain it ... indeed, everything is connected in the world with everything, and we will try to prove it now.
Name two as many different, far from each other, object.
D: Volcano - notebook.
U: Accepted. Our task to build a chain that would show how these two objects are connected.
D: The word "volcano" wrote in the notebook.
U: Good. And now let's try to tie a real volcano with a real notebook, for example, with that
What lies with me on the table. It is not necessary to look for a direct connection, you can connect them through other objects,
Build a long chain.
D: The ashes sweeps out of the volcano, it flies through the air. A piece of ash mixed to the water droplet. This droplet
He fell into the ocean, and from there - in the White Sea. Then she evaporated, there was a wind, the air flow brought to us, he
Filled in the window and got on a notebook ...
U: Wonderful. Who will offer other options ...?
Source: E.V. Inderev, S.V. Lelukh, T.A. Sidorchuk, N.A. Yakovlev. Creative tasks of the golden key. /

Reception "z-x-y"
Z-X-y strategy was developed by a professor from Chicago Donovoy Ogl in 1986. It is used as in
work with printed text and for lecture material. Its graphic form displays those three phases,
which the process is built in the technology of development of critical thinking: challenge, reflection, reflection.
ability to determine the level of own knowledge;
ability to analyze information;
The ability to relate new information with its established ideas.
Working with the table is conducted at all three stages of the lesson.
At the "challenge stage", filling the first part of the "know" table, students make a list of what they
They know or think that they know about this topic. Through this primary activity, the student determines the level
Own knowledge to which new knowledge is gradually added.
The second part of the table "I want to know" is the definition of the fact that children want to know, awakening interest in
new information. At the "stage of understanding", students build new ideas on the basis of available
Knowledge. Work using the Insert Strategy helps to highlight inaccurate understanding, confusion or mistakes
In knowledge, identify new information for them, link new information with the known one.
The knowledge gained earlier is derived to the level of awareness. Now they can be a database for assimilation.
new knowledge. After discussing the text (film, etc.), students fill the third column table "found out."
"I know" the first people lived a pack, then communities.
To get yourself nutrition, people nomocated.
"I want to know"
Where did the first people appear?
How did people set up our land?
Why now people do not go?
"Find out"
Answers to the questions posed questions are found in the text of the textbook during the lesson.
If there is no answer to the question, the work continues at home.
Source: Zagashev I.O., Zair-Beck S.I. Critical thinking. Critical Thinking: Technology
development. - St. Petersburg: Alliance Delta, 2003.

Designer "Events"
Universal TRIZ constructor for developing tasks of two types: Find out possible
Corollary for a given reason and find out the possible reasons for a given consequence.
In addition, the designer helps to build tasks that allow children to work with already
known to them by laws, i.e. supplement the approval of the famous
Support words for the synthesis of tasks: "What will happen if ...", "What follows from what ...",
"What conclusion can be made from what ...", "Complete the phrase ..." and "with what
Condition ... ".
Designer 1 type
It was changed
Designer 2 species
Event or
Condition 1.
If a
Event or
Condition 2.

Example of tasks in mathematics 1
Event or
Condition 1.
If a
There are direct
Event or
Condition 2.
The task
1. Finish the approval: "If the triangle has a straight angle, then ..."
2. What conclusions can be done by finding out that the triangle has a straight corner?
The result of the assignment
Options are possible
If the triangle is rectangular, then its largest angle is straight.
If the triangle is rectangular, then the largest side
Lies against a straight corner.
If the triangle is rectangular, then from two such triangles
You can fold the rectangle.
If the triangle is rectangular, then its area is equal to half
Works of cathets.

Example of tasks in mathematics 2
Event or
Condition 1.
If a
Event or
Condition 2.
His area is equal
Task text
What properties should have a triangle to be equal to its area
Half of the work of two smaller adjacent parties?
The result of the assignment
"If the triangle is rectangular ...." or
"If a rectangle can be folded from two equal figures, then the area
Each of them is half the work of the adjacent sides of this.
rectangle "
This method of designing tasks gives more features than traditional
Method of polling material. It makes you think about real limitations,
superimposed model and possible generalizations of well-known rules.

Designer "Combining opposites"
An example of a task in mathematics
Universal reception TRIZ, aimed at developing tasks with combination
opposites of elements in one object.
Element combined

Type of designer
(an object)
Support for
(Opposite / permissions
Different) Contradiction values
In the model of the allowed contradiction, three parts are also distinguished:
object (element);
opposite signs of the feature;
A verbal support that indicates a solution of permission.
Hiding one piece and presenting the rest, you can get three types of tasks.
Circle I.
On top of a circle
in front
The task
One dimension is a circle, differently - a rectangle. What is it?
Element combined
(object) of the opposite of combination
a circle
The task
Explain how the circle and rectangle are combined in the cylinder.

An example of developing an inventive task in the lesson of informatics and ICT
Working with a computer requires significant energy costs - large than in the usual
reading. Long work or game in front of the monitor can lead to myopia and asthenopia - absence of power
vision. However, according to WHO, 90% of users violate the mode of continuous operation at the computer,
And 52% of users when landing do not observe the distance "elongated hand" from the eyes to the monitor.
Numerous reminders, recommendations that raised on the walls did not help solve this problem.
Invite the way to fight for maintaining the health of the personal computer users.
The solution of the problem
We reformulate the inventive task: how to teach users to comply with the rules
Works on the monitor and take care of your health?
We formulate a contradiction: the user needs to carry out a long time at a computer.
The user cannot work for a long time before the monitor without a break.
Ideal end result: users spend in front of the monitor so much time as
It is necessary, but at the same time regularly take a break and approach the monitor to the eyes closer than 50 cm.
Resources. Options for using the following resources are possible:
Human: The state of the employee introduced into the staff, which will be regularly reminded by users about
need to take a break and follow the rules of landing in front of the monitor;
Material: put in front of the monitor at a distance of 50 cm second screen from transparent material,
that users comply with a safe distance;
Energy: Built into the monitor device that will independently disable monitor through
Certain intervals of time, making the forced break itself in the work.
Of the specified resources, the energy resource is the most effective.
The method of resolution of contradiction: permission in the structure. Build a thermal sensor in the monitor,
which will turn off the monitor if a person approaches the monitor closer 50 cm, and will also turn off
Through equal intervals, arranging, thus breaking the user.
Solutions Evaluation: The solution requires in any case the costs most effectively use
Opportunities of the system itself - monitor.

Reception "Fishboon" (fish skeleton)
Reception "Reverse Brainstorming"
Head - question theme, upper bones - basic concepts
themes, the lower bones - the essence of the concept, the tail - the answer to
question. Records must be brief, be
Keywords or phrases reflecting the essence.
Russian language:
Head - Orphograms-vowels
Top bones - verified vowels, unchecked
vowels alternating vowels
Lower bones - morpheme, rule
Tail-know the conditions for choosing the letter.
The reverse brain attack pursues the purpose of the search
and eliminating possible flaws. Method
excludes the management of the search, but helps
Overcome psychological inertia
(The usual way of thinking based on
the past of knowledge about the object), shift the thought with
dead point and at the same time does not allow
Stop where you need.
I invented a book - paper does not mind, not dirty.
Buyers have no complaints about the quality of the book.
The manufacturer carries losses as the service life
Books are very large. How to help the manufacturer
It is desirable not worsening quality.

Designer lesson according to the FGOS system

SME teachers of the historical and philological cycle of MBOU "Specialized School №1"

2016-2017 U.G.

An algorithm for designing a lesson in the framework of a systematic activity approach

1. Submit a lesson in the form of logically complete modules with a clearly defined goal and planned result.

2. Based on the subject of the lesson, the objectives of the module, taking into account the age psychological characteristics of the development of children, choose a pedagogical reception or technique from the reception bank.

3 . Analyze the resulting lesson script from the point of view of the system-activity approach. Consider selected techniques or techniques for the use of ICT to implement them.

4 . Rate the efficiency of the lesson, based on the principle of ideality: the maximum effect of students' training activities with minimal teacher's activities.

The standards of the second generation are introduced a new concept - an educational situation.

The Educational Situation is such a special unit of the educational process in which children with the help of a teacher discover the subject of their action, investigate it, making a variety of training actions, transform it, for example, reformulate, or offer their description, etc., partially remember.

The teacher must learn how to create learning situations as special structural units of educational activities containing its full closed cycle.

Reception "Fantastic additive"

Universal reception aimed at attracting interest in the subject of the lesson.

Reception provides for the transfer of an academic situation into unusual conditions or environment.

Can be transferred to a fantastic planet; Change the value of a parameter that usually remains unchanged; come up with a fantastic animal or plant; transfer the literary hero in modern times; Consider the usual situation from an unusual point of view.

Universal reception aimed at including students in active mentalness from the first minutes of the lesson.

The teacher begins a lesson from a controversial fact that it is difficult to explain on the basis of the knowledge available.

Russian language. It is known that the nouns are changed by cases and have endings.

How to be with the word movie ?

The student wrote in the notebook that wounded lying in the ward.

Reception "Non-standard entrance to the lesson"

Do you believe that ... (creates a problem situation in the lesson)

  • What do all these words have the same root?

2) What are all these words are single?

3) All these words are the same words?

After that, formulate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Reception "Delayed Foundation"

Universal admission aimed at the activation of the mental activity of students in the lesson.


  • ability to analyze and compare facts;
  • ability to determine the contradiction;
  • the ability to find a solution to available resources.

1 option reception. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher gives a riddle (an amazing fact), the deposit to which (the key for understanding) will be opened in the lesson when working on a new material.

2 option reception . The riddle (amazing fact) to give at the end of the lesson to start with the next lesson.


Description: Universal reception aimed at the activation of mental activity and attracting interest in the lesson.


  • ability to analyze;
  • the ability to allocate and formulate contradiction.

The teacher finds such an angle of view, in which even well-known facts become a mystery.

Russian language. Topic: Padege nouns names.

China is a case

Dagestan - more than 50 cases.

Russian language -?

Reception "Associative Row"

To the topic or the specific concept of the lesson, you need to write down in a column of the word-Association. The output will be as follows:

If the row turned out to be relatively correct and sufficient, give a job to make a definition using recorded words; then listen, compare with the vocabulary option, you can add new words to the associative series;

Leave an entry on the board, explain the new topic, at the end of the lesson, return something or erase.

Reception "Unnecessary topic"

Universal reception directed by the external motivation of the study of the lesson topic.

This technique allows you to attract students' interest to the study of a new topic, without blocking perception of incomprehensible terms.

Reception "I take you with me"

Universal reception aimed at actualization of students' knowledge contributing to the accumulation of information on the signs of objects.

  • Forms:
  • the ability to combine objects for the general sign value;
  • the ability to identify the name of the feature in which objects are generalized;
  • ability to compare, compare a large number of objects;
  • the ability to make a holistic image of an object from some of its signs.

The teacher makes a sign that a lot of objects are collected and called the first object. Pupils are trying to guess this sign and in turn call objects that have, in their opinion, the same meaning of the feature. The teacher responds, he takes this object or not. The game continues until someone from the children determine how many signs are going. You can use as a workout in the lessons.

Reception "yes-no".

Universal reception: able to passion and small, and adults; puts students in an active position. Forms The following universal learning actions:

  • ability to bind scattered facts into a single picture;
  • the ability to systematize already existing information;
  • the ability to listen and hear each other.

The teacher makes something (part of speech, word, literary hero, historical person, etc.). Students are trying to find an answer by asking questions to which the teacher can only answer the words: "Yes," "No", "and yes,"

Reception "Chain of Signs"

Universal reception aimed at actualization of students' knowledge of the signs of those objects that are included in the work.


  • the ability to describe the object through the names and values \u200b\u200bof the signs;
  • ability to determine the hidden parts on the specified parts of the model;
  • the ability to draw up an internal action plan.

The 1st student calls the object and its sign ("in proteins - case");

The 2nd calls another object with the same meaning of the specified feature and another sign ("He has part of speech");

The 3rd calls his object according to a similar feature and a new sign ("I am the number of syllables"), etc., until someone is capable of continuing the chain.

Reception "Jockey and Horse"

Acceptance of interactive learning. Form of collective learning.

The class is divided into two groups: "jokes" and "horses".

The first get cards with questions, the second - with the right answers. Each "jockey" should find his "horse".

This toy is applicable even in the lessons to study a new material. The most unpleasant feature is the need for the entire group of students at the same time to walk in the class, it requires a certain formation of culture of behavior.

Reception "I agree - I do not agree"

Universal reception that promotes actualization of knowledge of students and enhancing mental activities. This technique makes it possible to quickly include children in mental activity and logically proceed to the study of the lesson.


  • ability to evaluate the situation or facts;
  • the ability to reflect your opinion.

Children are invited to express their attitude to a number of statements according to the rule: I agree - "+", I do not agree - "-".


When studying the topic "Gerasim and Muma", the following statements can be offered:

1. Gerasim found Muma in the Bar Garden.

2. Mumped never went into the Barsky chambers.

3. I lived with Tatiana.

4. Gerasim went with the merry to the village.

5. Gerasim cared for Moumu, as a mother cares for his child.

Notice, the results received the results do not announce, the teacher only proves the "ideal" version of the answers and asks to relate it to what happened to each of the students.

Reception "Basket of ideas, concepts, names"

This is the reception of the organization of the individual and group work of students at the initial stage of the lesson, when the actualization of their experience and knowledge is being actualized. It allows you to find out everything that students know or think of the lesson discussed topic. On the board, you can draw the basket icon, in which all the fact that all students together know about the topic under study will be collected.

Example. Many lessons of studying new material begin with the "Basket" reception, on the board are demonstrated or derived through the projector the main ideas of the upcoming lesson.

For example, in the lesson of studying the "spelling of consoles on Z-C", you can suggest students to express how they think what an algorithm can be created to learn how to write these consoles. Create examples.

The choice of the form of studying a new material in the lesson depends on many factors: features and level of training of children, features of the subject, features of the topic, opportunities and technical equipment of the cabinet, teacher's skill.

The many years of experience in teachers-experimenters showed that even in the most "hopeless", "uninteresting" cases, you can find a technique that will not just introduce students to a new topic, but also organize their independent activities to study the new material.

Universal reception, activating the attention of students.


  • ability to analyze information;
  • the ability to apply knowledge in a non-standard situation;
  • the ability to critically evaluate the information received.

The teacher offers students information containing an unknown number of errors. Students are looking for a mistake by a group or individually, arguing, meeting. Having come to a certain opinion, the group chooses a speaker. The speaker transmits the results to the teacher or the task and the result of its solution in front of the whole class. To discuss the discussion, determine the time in advance.


Russian Teacher gives several grammatical (syntactic or other) rules. One or more of them is incorrect. Find and prove the fallacy.

Literature. Pupils get a series of quotes with reference to the authors. Determine in which case the quote could not belong to this author. Prove your opinion.

Reception "Catch a mistake"


This strategy is appropriate to use for the development of the following skills in schoolchildren:

Analyze the text in conjunction with other people;

Conduct research work in the group;






{!LANG-13447b9099c86eccd2a965e44c3f49bf!} {!LANG-957b05c66e26e1cf8fef3793f55ed915!}


  • {!LANG-218b3d35ff5441b6103e60477485e014!}
  • {!LANG-0dabb320031e1ce0fb6e71034b59c874!}
  • {!LANG-78bd5305caf548176bb91e5065e1f52b!}





















  • {!LANG-3ef2356e67a214b04bad259dae4ceeeb!}
  • {!LANG-e4d13f055ad1bea646448cb00d92cbf7!}
  • {!LANG-de5b5c702fd1fa5e96bc4ff80528310b!}
  • {!LANG-d721fcabe52373f68b300b61ad4e149b!}
  • {!LANG-8f78357f051eab3b8d15534674164fca!}








  • {!LANG-80d9603228799d7ea962fd9911a9325b!}
  • {!LANG-0e18d9f3810d4899b3783cd5c557d4f1!}
  • {!LANG-2adb74bb75abe72f476a48f5fa2ab721!}
  • {!LANG-5d0a592a5fe14bda27604a3508db83f6!}
  • {!LANG-d83063f33d62c3242e83beb7ea07e13f!}



  • {!LANG-0005c59993655ed98d128a86cbefd96d!}
  • {!LANG-97c885ee7927a31c6a8d915bad0eb635!}
  • {!LANG-bba3088e923ebd84409b793ea25aa9ce!}
  • {!LANG-16dc1d0a0278edbae88e1c6ab60d7109!}
  • {!LANG-f85ca7e1f89f873d521f31c453c98958!}



  • {!LANG-71508365c67be1a8f45af328585747c3!}
  • {!LANG-50dcaf4326e3ed0d8f752f4ed9e48746!}
  • {!LANG-4d22af67a1888a76207fa404ce5d046f!}
  • {!LANG-e43301ac47b7947e4d14a07560817740!}




Example. {!LANG-4ac9328da8d0429ad50f59650ba65376!}

  • {!LANG-4b28e133e0d2036b397a538ff211acd4!}
  • {!LANG-716716e3449fd7683f0792e52852a25e!}
  • {!LANG-8af52baf949acd8880b8d04a3204de76!}
  • {!LANG-797a4f9f8978d0e9508854160ffe3128!}
  • {!LANG-0ec7b233632a90f4198a308c9ec68afb!}
  • {!LANG-49e2444180f7e040a43b8def5b150a9c!}

Example. {!LANG-2f677025e72ab8b33c05f606a9d0e9d9!}{!LANG-8ed54e263955c54f48227ea8a11b0aa3!}









{!LANG-8f898b22d33b4ae6b360ec4725a2d646!} {!LANG-89efcc896cc4eb0570cd4f1c8ecd95c3!}





  • {!LANG-0a25701df7d5b9f4cb4427358d061c42!}
  • {!LANG-e34378ac55359f74f9f1305d7db27636!}
  • {!LANG-7b8b698b4e04faec49c895ec40f100ca!}
  • {!LANG-beb7539ec4f015136e40e52e1b50c282!}
  • {!LANG-c20c5d3fab66b1b5154820c12f901e46!}





























































































Designer lesson




















































  • {!LANG-75894da1e24d3690019b5b59094fed40!}
  • {!LANG-46395118b331d50da2b8684c84d52ff2!}
  • {!LANG-6057acc31f7e6c3e7200f8638f87d0b8!}
  • {!LANG-5f54179411971fd32a614f5f7723fba3!}
  • {!LANG-bb6073d3748bd097400894479e5f7ac0!}











































2. {!LANG-3102f0e6983efe41121b55a6f137ede5!}



4. {!LANG-7db988f8bfed2b80b036ca8224d447d5!}


5. {!LANG-5ed2ab45e7308609715dcbecac6b9d09!}


































































{!LANG-a211c1f3f8f2206c8ec6d205a236cee1!} {!LANG-76febbfccefa976a5d03ecce35784e32!}{!LANG-058c918e4efe2a12ac9442b97884f312!}

































  1. {!LANG-5c94a3b8924532f9b70f097854730d00!}
  2. {!LANG-49c96b71130978f0d010536070b417e3!}




{!LANG-2ab9e7d384230572328705f1d13dce52!} Designer lesson{!LANG-2b10d0d19753485cdf154bb964a1f46e!}



{!LANG-674ec40f072a08caba3b24113e36b233!} {!LANG-d6fec0a096e61932d9aa830ff5561ab5!}
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
{!LANG-7d851b4856fc23e0aad8ee2f6ad64ae0!} {!LANG-498d2dc8bb3cb2cab10459dee50fb302!} {!LANG-d581247b5b87e55a966cddfd77f072f4!} {!LANG-5bfad26bc53fc9a6c87f14433491fe64!} {!LANG-8b5a2822bc4a58036a110e96e0b7cc5e!} {!LANG-498d2dc8bb3cb2cab10459dee50fb302!} {!LANG-e96cf4aa6294c158ba146bea657deeaa!}
{!LANG-a061b2b3103747bba82939f4d0e2d320!} {!LANG-33b4786dd7452ecc7993033f1023cc94!} {!LANG-54040217919d95d963a7793aa22a59cc!} {!LANG-e5970324310d2687f815ee33df41c5c0!} {!LANG-2ed278190e976531d5fb2696decbb8b2!} {!LANG-671ab5dc53a6d70ab8ac57369845ad40!} {!LANG-2bbf18d299f00d61243c6cde5069aa05!}
{!LANG-2ed278190e976531d5fb2696decbb8b2!} {!LANG-8517a3434e319d516e73609cce40cf99!} {!LANG-2bbf18d299f00d61243c6cde5069aa05!} {!LANG-498d2dc8bb3cb2cab10459dee50fb302!} {!LANG-c60ca292e58a165c21d3e2520100549c!} {!LANG-df4ffe34cbf5772f0599ec24f7b6ef68!} {!LANG-a8fcaf83b124165841fceac1f2f2ca01!}
{!LANG-e846c0a100a45de0bf0d1d7a035bf3bf!} {!LANG-a659bfab6f4c40d50771c909ba5ea18c!} {!LANG-2bbf18d299f00d61243c6cde5069aa05!} {!LANG-2b95e24e41c07e9cb51268e5abac7875!} {!LANG-c823ebe9a35f88ddd12a2de7f8cbcdd8!} {!LANG-5890646672f8cd1ac9a98fb275059159!} {!LANG-b9a1a2ae19ad4d315b834c0daf3d59c9!}
{!LANG-729ac249cc9cf3f792b76626f37f8179!} {!LANG-c8cd19b7edc5c18b23955405304c4070!} {!LANG-733318778fa2c09aa3107a20a2e74599!} {!LANG-a8fcaf83b124165841fceac1f2f2ca01!} {!LANG-2e20a79b0edf69bd22c7496284b254d4!} {!LANG-63791f8ef0b83f17c4b490b6010ab8d5!} {!LANG-d1b7acae0a3c44e8800453e0021100c8!}
{!LANG-8a9c12f7307476c2ff63df663d4dc576!} {!LANG-ccb4d5371864123b975146a731364d17!} {!LANG-6532d6bd4ca34b61fd829ccfb6ae79fb!} {!LANG-2ef3290645d53207abe8eb2a5ff405af!} {!LANG-bed565b8ec37ea4844604429c1674067!} {!LANG-8391175c8d416bcc237d8e543b8dc905!} {!LANG-38ed29f8cead20c292c520025749069a!}
{!LANG-2ed278190e976531d5fb2696decbb8b2!} {!LANG-b8696eef6b678cde5f8aa7bcdc38b810!} {!LANG-34da7bd06f2fffb0544c5f06081b1778!} {!LANG-d446cb0a0bbdd38168f2cee7461edf29!} {!LANG-7d912cd94ff012f97097be4cfbf8cb0e!} {!LANG-3862d965e65f2da4a763a1c99ec73e43!} {!LANG-a7a9d6bf3fadebd088d7a7510d96f550!}
{!LANG-bfe6052c6a2156548d276cd8198b1669!} {!LANG-553f0697cb26ac96804903e99fd75eb6!} /
{!LANG-ef648feff2550f43a54e23b5aff0bc94!} {!LANG-bdb3b58c5f56045c328f3ad5e3676980!} {!LANG-d42e7df4e4f9dca4847e592fbab4d7a9!}






  • {!LANG-9e3e2584632761be6059a1c6ff1428f1!}
  • {!LANG-27fee65a0f4037c43423edb10ccf13f6!}
  • {!LANG-dd49295d6da262376c33ea70c24a4bb2!}



  • {!LANG-6e031cc63304913063a969f71c195c89!}
  • {!LANG-da7eb77f6b93ce86b860fe7d82816431!}

Thick question suggests the answer deployed.


{!LANG-13447b9099c86eccd2a965e44c3f49bf!} {!LANG-1281fed7e1fc38576ed18cf02eac8447!}
{!LANG-b8a27d89b7f5f55d0f2b97e51f6a2246!}« {!LANG-2ed278190e976531d5fb2696decbb8b2!}»
{!LANG-a6383b5f1cc078aca09740ae133c1b29!} :


This is the reception of the organization of the individual and group work of students at the initial stage of the lesson, when the actualization of their experience and knowledge is being actualized. It allows you to find out everything that students know or think of the lesson discussed topic. On the board, you can draw the basket icon, in which all the fact that all students together know about the topic under study will be collected.
Example. {!LANG-c9462ddaccf3548a738b99036e95f228!}



  • {!LANG-67676ab4822251b62007cbb6a302e6d2!}
  • {!LANG-6b76b1a3a97753bab5468080b9bdc96c!}
  • {!LANG-4f287b4e9076d0b65de4aebeb5728c38!}
  • {!LANG-b1bbdae8bf33e59c198c587b8cbabb56!}



  • {!LANG-3fa4492d872bd0f83c3b7a883523011a!}
  • {!LANG-4da9db36b7e87eea13d4fdbb68ff840d!}
  • {!LANG-3dc658539300266619f483de99678773!}

{!LANG-fb31386986d856d3b6da70c125f07353!} {!LANG-3ff8d5964fccb309587d9e9617cd5936!}{!LANG-30a0c1c29efb177d24a28b843a796dc9!}
{!LANG-542f2258fcb06fd51037b4c799427ad1!} {!LANG-1f3bf8a49b9f301784ec80f4472e3213!}{!LANG-35684e1b0d9145f5bc1a15f808418071!}
{!LANG-8de86ef85ae3701bbc5ca479ca9a93dd!} {!LANG-03217a354237f91eb1896136b3be6fcd!}




This strategy is appropriate to use for the development of the following skills in schoolchildren:




{!LANG-13447b9099c86eccd2a965e44c3f49bf!} {!LANG-46571f6c45a47163a6455c0d72ad54e4!}

  • {!LANG-a90ca7973d3ceb67c6e2ad970250c0d7!}
  • {!LANG-fe9fb107e7b300f78d181900029813fe!}
  • {!LANG-8b13e5b75124a0b9c4144a0a0e0ddc7c!}
  • {!LANG-d1e526de4ddfd7702b69b44ae072b271!}
  • {!LANG-7fc75b2af676e9d11bebc73a62151a78!}
  • {!LANG-a5f249cd5bb52284e1367280fc78285c!}



  • {!LANG-0b74b20041fd8eab7c82b5d31f4f7551!}
  • {!LANG-c6dfff8fd4bd9cf3eddef7f33453bcda!}
  • {!LANG-a4182bbe0ea8876fbdfa49ccf5601293!}




