Causes of bleeding during early pregnancy: what to do? Causes of bleeding during pregnancy, how to stop? If you start bleeding during the 5th week of pregnancy

Plaster products 12.09.2020
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During pregnancy, almost all women experience the formation of new sensations and manifestations, which, as a rule, are not typical for normal life activities. Such changes include the fact that brown discharge forms at 5 weeks of pregnancy, which in many cases worries expectant mothers.

When brown drops are detected on underwear at such an early stage, a pregnant woman may get scared and think about the condition of the fetus, and this is a well-founded concern. Therefore, in the presence of brown or pink mucus from the vagina, immediate consultation with a specialist is required, as this can harm not only your health expectant mother, but also for the baby.

Bloody discharge at 5 weeks of pregnancy may indicate that a change is occurring in the pregnant woman’s body, and this could be a simple failure in the system or a serious pathology. Basically, the symptom indicates that a physiological process has been influenced, which tends to occur in early pregnancy. Unfortunately, this is not the only cause of the disorder.

Often, the appearance of brown discharge, as well as if blood is separated from the vagina, means that a serious disorder has occurred in the body, which can lead to serious consequences. Only a specialist can find out the reason for the formation of brown discharge during the 5th week of pregnancy. Doctors identify the most basic factors that can provoke the disorder. This group includes:

  • influence of physiological process;
  • manifestation of miscarriage;
  • emergence ectopic pregnancy;
  • formation of erosion on the cervix;
  • formation of polyps;
  • the appearance of a hydatidiform mole;
  • progression of inflammation in the reproductive system;
  • formation of injuries in the pelvis.

Regardless of the reason for the formation of brown discharge during pregnancy, there is no need to panic in advance. If a deviation from the norm is detected, the woman should contact her doctor (gynecologist). After the examination, the doctor will prescribe a test necessary tests and determine what is causing the bleeding from the vagina. Then all necessary measures will be taken to preserve the fetus and not harm the health of the pregnant woman.

Effect of physiological factor

When a woman has brown discharge at 5 weeks of pregnancy, the cause is often a miscarriage, which typically begins with a threat to the condition of the fetus and, ultimately, this can lead to its departure from the uterine organ. With spontaneous abortion, pain occurs that is aching and cramping in nature. At the same time, the lower abdomen pulls, and the woman experiences a feeling of frequent urge to urinate

If the expectant mother has brown discharge at 5 weeks of pregnancy, then the cervix gradually opens and shortens. Naturally, termination of pregnancy is stressful for any woman. In the event of a spontaneous miscarriage, it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist, because it is likely that the remains of the fetus are retained in the uterine organ. If they are present in the reproductive system, unpleasant complications can arise that will negatively affect the woman’s health.

Discharge due to ectopic pregnancy and erosion

Another factor that causes spotting to appear at 5 weeks of pregnancy is the formation of an ectopic pregnancy. This means that the embryo attaches and begins its full development in the wrong structure of the genital organ. Such an accession is a deviation from the norm. During an ectopic pregnancy, a pregnant woman often observes the appearance of scanty discharge with the expression severe pain lower abdomen.

If a woman has not cured erosion on the cervix before fertilization, then it can appear at any stage of pregnancy. When a patient has erosion and is pregnant at 5 weeks, bloody issues appear during physical activity. Vaginal discharge is not characterized by copious mucus secretions and is generally not dangerous for the baby and the expectant mother. The only exception is if an infection has occurred. In this form, elimination of the disease is required.

Therapeutic measures

When detecting discharge in a pregnant woman Brown it is necessary to carry out therapeutic techniques. As a rule, the formation of a disorder provoked by physiological changes is not treated, since such symptoms gradually disappear without the influence of medications. If another serious factor affects the body, urgent measures are required. The nature of the treatment depends on the type of pathological process, severity, stage, and how the pregnant woman feels. In medical practice, conservative and surgical techniques are used for such forms of the disorder. For complex forms, combined treatment is practiced.

Important! The manifestation of vaginal discharge during early pregnancy, regardless of type and form, requires due attention. It is quite possible that this symptom hides a serious illness. Conservative therapy is prescribed if a woman has been diagnosed with erosion in the cervix, an inflammatory process in the vagina, and also if there is a threat of miscarriage.

Under such circumstances, carry out drug treatment, which quite quickly improves the well-being of the pregnant woman. If a woman experiences bleeding, hemostatic medications are prescribed, depending on the cause of the disease. Doctors prescribe medications based on the pathological process occurring in the body. The main medications used are:

  • progesterones (substances of Duphaston, Utrozhestan);
  • Ginipral substances;
  • antimicrobials;
  • Augmentin, Azax;
  • sedatives (Novo-passit, Alora);
  • corticosteroid substances (Dexamethasone preparations);
  • vitamin and mineral complexes.

In addition, the use of physiotherapy is also used in gynecological practice. Such procedures have a good effect when followed correctly. The technique is prescribed when a woman is diagnosed with a threat of miscarriage, as well as for an inflammatory disease in remission.

Application of surgical techniques

There are cases when the formation of pink discharge, as well as if a pregnant woman has brown spotting, require surgery. The operation is mainly performed if the patient has an ectopic pregnancy, an abortion has occurred, or polyps have been identified in the uterus. Depending on what disease is progressing in the woman’s body, the following is prescribed:

  • performing laparoscopy;
  • lower midline laparotomy;
  • remove polyps using a hysteroscope.

It is worth knowing that the formation of dark brown or scarlet discharge from the genital organ in a pregnant woman in the early stages does not always indicate the development of a serious disease. In some cases, this is just the body's reaction to changes. As a rule, regardless of the type of vaginal discharge and general condition, you should seek medical help.

The 5th week of pregnancy is significant in terms of fetal development. It weighs only 3.5 g and looks like a tube 4-7 mm long rolled into an arc, but not only the head and tail are visible, but also other parts of the body and organs: the rudiments of arms, legs, fingers, eyes, mouth and nasal slits are visible , ears, the upper ones begin to form Airways, liver and pancreas.

At week 5, partial closure of the neural tube occurs, from which the spine, spinal cord, brain and the entire central nervous system will form. nervous system. This is facilitated by the mother taking folic acid. It is very important to protect yourself from stress during this period; every experience can affect the baby. On days 20-22 after conception, just this week, the small primitive heart makes its first beats.

The first blood vessels of the embryo are formed, and it itself is surrounded by amniotic fluid: from the 5th week, the metabolism between the mother and the unborn child is established, now you are fully responsible for it, and it depends entirely on you, your nutrition, mood, actions.

Interestingly, it is already possible to determine the blood type of the fetus. And the sex glands, eggs and sperm are also formed - the sex of the unborn child was determined at the moment of conception.


From this week, the uterus begins to noticeably increase in size, although this is not yet visible from the outside. Now it is shaped like an egg and can protrude from the side of the fertilized egg, that is, it increases asymmetrically. Gradually, from elongated it will become spherical. At week 5, the uterus has already enlarged enough for an experienced gynecologist to be able to detect these changes by touch and predict the development of pregnancy.

Ultrasound at 5 weeks of pregnancy

An ultrasound scan at 5 weeks of pregnancy can accurately determine the size of the uterus and confirm the “diagnosis.” At this time, they will accurately tell you how many fetuses are developing inside you, where exactly they have attached, and will also assess the condition of the uterus and, if necessary, make the necessary forecasts. At the 5th week of pregnancy, during an ultrasound, a good specialist using good equipment can already listen to the first heart rhythms of the embryo - more likely towards the end of the 5th week. The uzologist will use this indicator, together with the motor activity of the fetus, to assess the baby’s vital activity.

At the 5th week of pregnancy, an ultrasound will not yet show the expected weight of the child or other parameters. Instead, the diameter of the amniotic sac and CTR are measured - the coccygeal-parietal size, that is, the length of the embryo from the crown to the coccyx. It is this “growth” of the fetus that will be indicated during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, and after that it will begin to be measured in full height - from the crown to the heels.

Signs and symptoms

The enlarging uterus begins to put pressure on bladder, so from the 5th week of pregnancy you will start running to the toilet more often. This symptom, together with other signs, may lead a woman to think about a possible pregnancy. And it seems like my period should have started a long time ago... And then my chest hurts, my stomach hurts, and the nausea somehow became stronger, and also the smells are all so pungent...

At the 5th week of pregnancy, taste preferences may change, appetite may increase or disappear altogether, toxicosis often begins to manifest itself, including the onset of vomiting - hormones are actively working.

Among the first signs and symptoms at the 5th week of pregnancy, a woman is also worried about headaches, weakness, fatigue, and weakness. She becomes more irritable and inattentive. These signs can appear all together, only selectively or not make themselves felt at all - depending on your luck. But the most reliable and characteristic sign of a possible pregnancy is undoubtedly a missed period: it’s time to take a pregnancy test.


The changes that begin in the body during the 5th week of pregnancy will certainly affect your breasts. It may just be a slight tingling sensation or an annoying uncomfortable feeling in the mammary glands. It's like there's something there and it's interfering. At the 5th week of pregnancy, your breasts may already itch and hurt, your nipples become especially sensitive, which all together only increases your nervousness.

For some women, nipple halos darken already in the early stages: don’t worry, all these changes are temporary, and when the time comes, they will disappear as suddenly as they appeared.

In addition, a venous network may appear on the chest - this is also normal. But there is good news: from the 5th week of pregnancy, the breasts will gradually begin to round and increase in size - your husband will like it.


Despite the fact that there can be a lot of signs and symptoms at the 5th week of pregnancy, many women, if they experience them, are more likely to expect a late period. Although, if there was a reason or hope to expect pregnancy, then, as a rule, they observe almost all the symptoms at once.

Feelings during the 5th week of pregnancy can be very different: from happiness and joy to confusion and dejection. But if we talk about physiology, then most likely you will not feel the best. The most noticeable thing is fatigue and weakness, constant drowsiness, sometimes the woman even thinks that she is about to get sick, and the temperature seems to be elevated. This condition is normal in early pregnancy. If toxicosis has already begun to annoy you, then there is nothing left to do but study ways to combat it and be patient - by week 12 the condition should improve. However, if you vomit frequently, you should consult a doctor immediately!

If you don’t know about your pregnancy yet, but against the backdrop of the sensations described above you want to sing, cry, break dishes, and the irresistible desire to eat a lemon is replaced by a craving for herring (even though it’s so smelly!), then you can immediately go to the gynecologist - why spend money on buying a test...

Temperature at 5 weeks of pregnancy

Weakness throughout the body and drowsiness may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature at the 5th week of pregnancy to subfebrile levels - 37-37.2 C. This is a normal phenomenon associated with active work hormones. If your general condition is satisfactory, then a low temperature at 5 weeks of pregnancy should not be a cause for concern. An increase in temperature is considered a sign of pregnancy in the early stages, although it is not observed in all newly pregnant women.

If the temperature rises to high levels, and along with this you observe other signs of a cold (cough, runny nose, headaches, sore throat), then you need to immediately begin to act: be careful, in the first trimester not only medications are prohibited, but also many folk remedies.


You may notice a change in your libido. Here hormones behave very unpredictably: while for some women the attraction to a man completely disappears, for others this is all they think about all day. If you do not observe any signs that threaten your pregnancy (bloody discharge with nagging pain in the lower abdomen), then do not deny yourself intimate intimacy with your husband. Now the rule applies: everything that does not cause harm and gives pleasure only benefits you and the unborn child.

I have a stomachache

It’s another matter if you feel pain in the lower abdomen, as if before your period. They indicate increased uterine tone and the threat of miscarriage. Don't panic, many women experience this in the early stages. But you still need to take care: try to rest more, in a horizontal position, don’t get nervous, stop wearing high heels, and also provide yourself with sexual peace for a while.

Perhaps the source of pain is not the uterus at all, but the intestines: it is precisely this type of pain that intensifies after prolonged sitting and squeezing the abdomen. It is also possible that the pulling pains on the sides of the abdomen are associated with the growth of the uterus and the tension of the muscles that hold it. But if at the 5th week of pregnancy your stomach hurts, like during menstruation, and these pains are accompanied by brown or bloody discharge from the vagina, then we're talking about about the threat, and the situation requires the participation of a doctor.

Lower back hurts

Such threatening pain in the lower abdomen may be accompanied by pain in the lower back or back at 5 weeks of pregnancy. In addition, spotting brownish discharge usually appears from the vagina, as if menstruation is beginning.

If a woman does not yet know that conception has occurred, then most likely she will perceive such signs as the beginning of a new menstrual cycle. But if you already know, then don’t delay: pain in the lower back and back at 5 weeks of pregnancy is an alarming sign.


If you have stomach and back pain at 5 weeks of pregnancy, and suddenly vaginal bleeding begins, then there is no doubt that this is an incipient miscarriage. You need to go to the hospital urgently in any case: both if you want to continue the pregnancy, and if for some reason you do not do this. You must understand that a favorable outcome depends on how you now react to bleeding at 5 weeks of pregnancy. The chances of saving it are 50/50.

Please note that the risks of miscarriage at 5 weeks are especially increased in women with high levels of male hormones (with a masculine physique, increased body hair growth or excess weight) - it is recommended that they register as early as possible.

Menstruation at 5 weeks of pregnancy

However, the onset of bleeding is not always associated with termination of pregnancy. More than 20% of pregnant women continue to menstruate in the first months. There is a lot of debate about this, and this spotting is called differently, but the fact remains a fact. Sometimes a woman finds out about her pregnancy already at 4-5 months precisely for this reason: every month on the date of her expected menstruation, she experiences bleeding similar to menstruation. In obstetrics, this phenomenon is called “washing of the fetus” or “color pregnancy”.

However, normally, menstruation no longer occurs at the 5th week of pregnancy. This is prevented by the high level of progesterone in a woman’s body.


So, we found out that any spotting during the 5th week of pregnancy is not normal and should attract attention. Spotting brownish discharge warns of the threat of termination of pregnancy, bright red bloody discharge of varying intensity warns of an incipient miscarriage. In this case, you must consult a doctor!

You should also tell your gynecologist if you notice strange or unusual vaginal discharge. Yellow, green, grayish discharge can be a sign of infections and sexually transmitted diseases. If at the same time they cause you obvious discomfort - itching, burning, swelling and irritation of the genital organs - then the fact of the disease is obvious. During pregnancy, thrush very often worsens - this symptom is even considered early signs pregnancy.

However, a change in the nature of discharge at 5 weeks of pregnancy does not necessarily indicate a bad thing. During this period, the amount of leucorrhoea may normally increase. Increased production of vaginal mucus is associated with changes in hormonal levels. Just pay due attention to intimate hygiene, using only natural hypoallergenic products and cosmetics.


Thrush affects a woman due to decreased immunity, which occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy. For the same reason, expectant mothers often find themselves defenseless against viral and colds. A cold at 5 weeks of pregnancy is a very undesirable occurrence. Medicines You can’t take it now, and it’s not advisable to get sick: a severe cold may not have the best effect on the child, because right now such important processes in his development begin! So take care of yourself. And at the first signs of a cold, start drinking warm liquid, gargling, and rinsing your nose. But be careful with the funds: ethnoscience may also pose a danger during pregnancy.

Alcohol at 5 weeks pregnant

If 2 weeks ago you could drink alcohol because you didn’t yet know about pregnancy, and you “got away with it,” but now you need to exclude alcohol from your life. Discussions between scientists, doctors and ordinary people continue on this issue. But the following remains unchanged: the embryo is already connected to you by blood vessels and begins to receive from your body everything that gets there, including alcohol at 5 weeks of pregnancy. Can you calculate a dose that is safe for him?.. Of course, drinking a glass of wine is not a reason for an abortion, but if we are talking about a conscious choice at this time, then we recommend completely eliminating any alcohol. By the way, pharmacists say that even alcohol-based medications are prohibited for pregnant women. But the amount of alcohol there is generally negligible.


Nutrition at the 5th week of pregnancy should undergo correction and changes towards health. Changes in appetite and taste preferences will sometimes force you to eat foods that are far from healthy - take this calmly. If it “comes over” you and you want something like this, then don’t worry, set your teeth on edge. But only a very small amount, just to calm the soul and body. In general, your diet should consist of healthy dishes and products: a lot of fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs - but certainly in season. Be sure to make sure that fish, meat, cottage cheese, and milk appear on the table regularly. Get a steamer - it’s simply an irreplaceable thing in a family with small children. Try to eat fried foods as little as possible, and also limit spicy and salty foods so as not to have kidney problems in the future.

Meals during the 5th week of pregnancy must include foods containing folic acid, which also needs to be taken separately or in combination with other vitamins.

And don’t limit yourself to water - this has long been discouraged for pregnant women.


Usually, at 5 weeks of pregnancy, a woman only learns the news based on the test results. Not everyone runs to the gynecologist immediately after this, and in most cases they are not registered so early yet. But if there is a threat of miscarriage, as well as when registering, tests at the 5th week of pregnancy will be mandatory. This general analysis urine and blood, determination of the Rh factor and blood group, hemostasiogram (blood clotting test), tests to detect infections (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis) and others. If there is an existing threat, a quantitative urine test for hCG may be prescribed.

However, the hCG level can be determined for diagnostic purposes - to confirm pregnancy. Already on the 12th day after conception, the analysis will show an increased concentration of hCG in the blood serum, although by the end of the 5th week in the urine it may already be sufficient to determine pregnancy with a simple home test, but this is not at all necessary.

One more meaningful analysis If there is a threat of interruption, the level of progesterone may be determined. This hormone creates favorable conditions for the preservation and development of pregnancy, in particular, it relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus. When its quantity is reduced, pregnancy is at risk.

The news of pregnancy becomes a joyful event in a woman’s life. She will experience many more pleasant moments associated with expecting a baby. But at the same time, the period of bearing a child is associated with unnecessary worries and the body’s adaptation to a new state.

A woman may be disturbed by various sensations and manifestations that are unusual for her. ordinary life. An example of such changes would be brown discharge, which is of increased concern in the early stages.

Seeing brown drops on her underwear, a woman is quite rightly worried about the condition of her child, who has just been born in the womb. And if with long-awaited pregnancy something happens during her formative years - it will be the worst moment for a girl. Therefore, brown or pink discharge should be considered as a signal of the need for increased attention to your health, as this can also affect the fetus.

The main task of a woman is to closely monitor her health during pregnancy and respond in a timely manner to any changes in it.


Reddish discharge at 5 weeks of pregnancy can be a manifestation of various changes in a woman’s body - both completely normal and pathological. And in most cases, such a symptom indicates precisely the physiological processes that accompany the early stages of bearing a child.

But this does not always happen. Quite often pink or dark discharge talk about serious violations that can lead to the death of the fetus.

Only a doctor can say what caused the discharge. However, a woman must remember that there may be several such factors, and here are the most common of them:

  • Physiological processes.
  • Spontaneous abortion.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Cervical erosion.
  • Uterine polyps (including decidual polyps).
  • Hydatidiform mole (chorionepithelioma).
  • Inflammatory processes.
  • Injuries.
  • Varicose veins of the vagina.

Whatever the cause of brown discharge in the early stages of pregnancy, it is necessary first of all to exclude the most unfavorable ones. Therefore, in case of any deviations from the generally accepted norm, a woman should contact a gynecologist to undergo an examination. This is the only way to protect yourself from unnecessary worries and find out what is really happening in the body.

Bloody discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy can appear due to various changes; their physiological origin can be confirmed after a medical examination.


Discharge from a woman’s genital tract is one of the symptoms that can appear at different stages of pregnancy. It cannot be considered as an independent manifestation, but only in combination with other signs that are invariably present at the same time.

It is necessary to find out which symptoms indicate pathological processes, and which only indicate certain features of the normal course of pregnancy. Psychological comfort in the family and the need to take serious measures to preserve the fetus depend on this.

Physiological processes

We can talk about the onset of pregnancy from the moment of implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterine mucosa. This occurs 10–14 days after fertilization. It is at this time that scanty light brown discharge may appear, which is a peculiar reaction to the introduction of chorionic villi - one of the membranes of the fertilized egg - into the vascular system uterine walls.

In addition, a woman in the first trimester may notice that she periodically smears just around the time of her expected menstruation. This may give the impression that there is no pregnancy, but gynecologists reassure that such discharge is normal. Moreover, they can persist even during the first few months. This condition is the result of the separation of areas of the endometrium below the attached embryo and does not pose any danger.

If the discharge is normal, it should not be abundant or accompanied by any unpleasant sensations.

Otherwise, one should doubt their physiology.

Spontaneous abortion

A common cause of bleeding in the early stages is spontaneous abortion. It begins with a threatening condition and can end with complete or incomplete release of the fertilized egg from the uterine cavity. The following symptoms are typical:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen that is aching or cramping in nature.
  • Feeling of pressure on the pelvic organs with frequent urge to go to the toilet.
  • Increased muscle tone of the uterus.
  • Gradual opening and shortening of the cervix.

The threat of termination of pregnancy becomes a deeply stressful event for a woman, but she needs to rely on the doctor in everything and not worry, since this can further increase the tone of the uterus. But if a miscarriage occurs, you still need to see a doctor, since remnants of the fertilized egg may remain in the uterus. This, in turn, can lead to dangerously developing complications: infection, severe bleeding, hydatidiform mole.

In order not to lose the child, you need to take measures to preserve the pregnancy at the first symptoms.

Ectopic pregnancy

Another situation where brown or pink discharge may appear in the early stages is an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the embryo does not develop where it should normally. If implantation occurs in the cavity of the fallopian tube, then ovum continues to grow, stretching its walls. A woman may notice scanty discharge, which is sometimes accompanied by a nagging pain in one of the halves of the lower abdomen.

But when the embryo reaches size, the walls of the pipe can no longer withstand it and they rupture. Then internal bleeding may occur, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Stomach ache.
  • Dizziness, flashing spots before the eyes.
  • Pale skin, sticky sweat.
  • Abdominal muscle tension.
  • Signs of peritoneal irritation.
  • Decreased blood pressure, increased heart rate.

In this case, of course, there is no need to think about maintaining the pregnancy, but we are talking about saving the life of the woman herself.

You should not hesitate to consult a doctor if pink discharge appears in the early stages - this can cause life-threatening conditions.

Cervical erosion

If a girl had untreated erosion before pregnancy, it can manifest itself at any time. However, the symptoms of the disease are very few. The main manifestation is brown discharge, which can appear after physical activity or sexual intercourse.

As a rule, they are not characterized by abundance and there will be no other accompanying manifestations. This condition does not pose a danger to women and children, except in cases of possible infection.

Sometimes symptoms of erosion can be confused with physiological changes in early pregnancy. But an accurate diagnosis can be established after an examination by a gynecologist and a colposcopic examination, when bright red lesions on the cervix are clearly visible.


When a woman experiences brown or pink discharge during pregnancy, it often requires aggressive treatment. Physiological changes are not taken into account, since they disappear on their own and do not need correction.

But when the life of an unborn child or the woman herself is at stake, urgent measures must be taken. Their nature will depend on the type of pathology, its severity and the general condition of the patient’s body. As a rule, the choice is made in favor of certain conservative and surgical methods. In many cases, combined techniques are used.

Treatment should be individualized as much as possible and comply with generally accepted standards of therapy during pregnancy.

Conservative methods

Conservative treatment is indicated for conditions such as threatened abortion, cervical erosion, inflammatory processes and varicose veins vaginal veins. In these cases, the focus is on drug therapy, which allows achieving significant results in a short time. Depending on the pathology, the following drugs may be used:

  • Preparations containing progesterone (Duphaston, Utrozhestan).
  • Tocolytics - relaxing the muscles of the uterus (Fenoterol, Ginipral).
  • Antibiotics (Ampicillin, Azithromycin).
  • Sedatives (Valerian, Persen).
  • Corticosteroids (Betamethasone, Dexamethasone).
  • Vitamins.

Moreover, as emergency care in case of complicated ectopic pregnancy, hemostatic agents (Etamzilat, Vikasol, Aminocaproic acid), saline and high-molecular solutions (Hemodez, Reopoliglyukin, Stabizol) can be used. Preparations in the form of vaginal suppositories are very popular, since in this case the local effect of medicinal components is achieved without the risk of systemic adverse reactions.

It should be noted positive effect physiotherapeutic procedures, which are recommended for the threat of miscarriage, certain inflammatory diseases in remission. In this case, a woman can undergo treatment using the following methods:

  • Electrophoresis of drugs (magnesia).
  • Electro-relaxation, electro-sleep.
  • Reflexology.
  • Balneotherapy.

In addition, the complex of conservative measures necessarily includes psychotherapy and psychoprophylaxis, which help a woman develop protective mechanisms against stressful situations and look at many problems differently. Everyone knows that during pregnancy you need to worry less and rest more. This is precisely what psychological correction contributes to.

Operative methods

In some cases, when pink discharge appears, surgical intervention cannot be avoided. The operation is especially necessary for ectopic pregnancy, abortion, hydatidiform mole and uterine polyps. Depending on the pathology, the following techniques can be used:

  • Laparoscopic removal of the fertilized egg.
  • Inferomedian laparotomy with suturing of bleeding vessels.
  • Curettage of the uterine cavity.
  • Removal of polyps using a hysteroscope.

If a girl is diagnosed with cervical erosion, you can use minimally invasive surgical techniques, many of which can be performed even on an outpatient basis - cryotherapy, radio wave treatment, electrical destruction of the pathological focus.

The appearance of dark or pink discharge in the early stages does not always indicate pathology. But to prevent adverse consequences, a woman should always consult a doctor if she notices any abnormalities during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is an important physiological process that occurs in the body of every woman. Most girls in the first weeks of gestating an embryo do not even imagine that a new life. One of the main changes in the body that signals the presence of a fetus in the uterine body is the stop of menstruation. But you should not assume that there cannot be any discharge at 5 weeks of pregnancy. Often, during the fifth week of gestation, discharge of various colors (mostly brown) and consistency occurs. The causes of these formations from the vaginal organ can also be very diverse. Some of the discharges are normal, while others are pathologies. What kind of discharge occurs at 5 weeks of pregnancy and what to do if it occurs? Let's figure it out.

Before you learn about the features of discharge during pregnancy in the fifth week, you should thoroughly learn what signs indicate the presence of a fetus in the womb of a woman during the five-week period.

Early signs of pregnancy include:

  • increase in size of the uterine body (you can determine it yourself in front of a mirror);
  • frequent urination;
  • change in taste preferences;
  • vomit;
  • morning sickness;
  • mild headaches;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • causeless irritability;
  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • a sharp increase or complete disappearance of libido.

But these signs may not always appear during a five-week pregnancy, because they depend on the individual characteristics of each girl’s body. The onset of pregnancy may occur without any symptoms.

Causes of discharge at 5 weeks of pregnancy

Pregnancy for the expectant mother is a reason for happiness and joy, but the body itself experiences severe stress. All major organ powers female body are aimed at preserving the embryo in the womb and fully bearing a healthy baby. Therefore, if you find small scarlet or brown spots on your underwear, you should not panic. You should calmly consult a doctor and explain the entire situation.

There are cases when a woman is still menstruating in the fifth week of gestation, and at such moments the expectant mother is not yet aware of the pregnancy. Many experts argue whether this is actually bleeding during menstruation, or whether such discharge is considered a normal feature of pregnancy. Currently, this phenomenon is called “color pregnancy.” This is not considered any deviation, but to reassure yourself and confirm pregnancy, you should definitely visit a gynecologist.

The main causes of discharge at five weeks of pregnancy include:

1. Pathological placental abruption.

If the expectant mother is concerned about heavy bleeding in the fifth week of pregnancy, found in her underwear, she must immediately consult a gynecologist, since this phenomenon is considered abnormal and can harm the health and even the life of the child.

2. Restructuring of hormonal balance.

When pregnancy causes changes in a woman's hormonal balance, a pregnant lady may notice light brown to dark brown spotting. If such formations do not cause unpleasant sensations in the form of unbearable itching and hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the genital organs and the skin of the labia, there is no need to worry.

3. Diseases whose etiology is trauma to the genital organs.

Trauma to the genital tract and erosion of the cervix of the uterine organ can also contribute to the occurrence of discharge. In this case, the color of the secreted secretion can be: brown, light pink and scarlet.

4. Infections of the female reproductive system.

Discharge with unpleasant itching, a repulsive odor and continuous pain may indicate the addition of an infectious disease. The color of the secreted secretion during an infectious course can be:

bright white;

A curd-like, bright white discharge is produced when the vagina is infected with a fungus. The weak immune system of a new mother is not able to prevent infectious agents, so the addition of thrush pathogens does not cause much difficulty. But, unfortunately, use medications, aggravating the vital activity of the fungus is not advisable, as this can adversely affect the health of the unborn child.

white with a yellowish tint;

In such discharge there is more white than yellow. As a rule, such formations from the vagina are accompanied by a disgusting odor and severe itching in the female genital area. The cause of white-yellow discharge is a violation of the vaginal microflora.


If the fluid released has yellow, this means that the vaginal walls are affected staphylococcal infection. This is very dangerous for the baby, since if the pathogen enters the body of the uterus and the embryo itself, serious disturbances in the development of the child can occur. Yellow discharge in the fifth 5th week of pregnancy are subject to rapid treatment without complications, provided that the diagnosis is accurately made and appropriate therapy is prescribed.


Red discharge most often occurs due to damage to the cervix, or more precisely, erosion. As a rule, erosive inflammation is accompanied by an infectious course. This pathological condition, like other diseases, poses a threat to the development and life of the fetus. Due to the softened and inflammatory neck, the risk of infection of the embryo is very high, so you should not allow further development

spread of erosion of the cervix of the uterine organ. When found bleeding at 5 weeks of pregnancy, urgent consultation with a specialist and possible hospitalization is advisable.


Brown discharge in the 5th week of pregnancy is considered a deviation only if the pregnant woman suffers from pain in the perineum and lower abdomen, itching and hyperemia in the labia. Such discharge is accompanied by the smell of rottenness, acid and fish.

You should know that copious discharge may become a threat to the unborn child. In severe cases of illness, many doctors recommend early termination of pregnancy.

Brown discharge at 5 weeks of pregnancy forces the expectant mother to be vigilant and careful. If there are additional signs of a possible infectious disease (pain, hyperemia, increased itching), you should consult a doctor in order to diagnose and make an accurate diagnosis.

During the first trimester of gestation, the presence of brownish discharge should alert a pregnant woman.

According to statistics, it is the 5th and 6th weeks of pregnancy that are characterized by frequent freezing of the fetus in the womb; this process is indicated by abundant brown discharge from the vaginal area.

Another important reason for brown discharge during early pregnancy is the development of an ectopic pregnancy. If the pregnancy in the ectopic tube is not terminated in time, it can rupture and cause internal bleeding. Many women, by postponing going to the gynecologist for this problem, seriously worsen their health. Thus, the lack of urgent surgical intervention can lead to the death of a pregnant woman.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

If we are talking about pathological discharge, then going to the doctor should not be postponed in the following cases:

  • 1. Brown discharge at a five-week pregnancy, formed with the presence of a bad odor, pain in the lower abdomen and deterioration of the general condition (fatigue, drowsiness, apathy).
  • 2. Thick white, yellow and greenish discharge accompanied by noticeable discomfort in the external genitalia.
  • 3. Brown discharge in the fifth week of pregnancy, the duration of which is accompanied by short pauses. This phenomenon most often occurs during frozen pregnancy.
  • 4. Copious light brown discharge report the presence of the embryo in the fallopian tube.

It should also be remembered that in addition to discharge from the reproductive organs, the following symptoms may indicate pregnancy disorders:

  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • excessive sleepiness;
  • nausea;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • irritability;
  • apathy.

You should not ignore the signs of pathology and self-medicate, because if you consult a doctor in a timely manner, you can protect yourself from negative consequences and the development of severe complications.

In order to timely identify or refute a gynecological illness in the early stages of pregnancy, you should contact a specialist who will refer the pregnant girl to a certain series of studies, identify the disease early stage development and prescribe appropriate treatment.

As is already known, the first stage of treatment for discharge during pregnancy is diagnostic examination patients.

Diagnostic examination includes:

1. Inspection of external and internal organs reproductive system.

Conducted by a gynecologist. This procedure examines the integrity of the external genitalia. The next step is to examine the woman’s internal organs using a gynecological speculum. The condition of the mucous membrane of the walls of the vaginal organ and cervix is ​​assessed. If there is discharge, the gynecologist evaluates its smell, color, quantity and consistency. During an examination by a gynecologist, a preliminary diagnosis can be made.

2. Palpation.

After the examination, the gynecologist palpates the lower abdomen, thereby determining the location of the uterus itself, the ovaries, and the period possible pregnancy, location of the fetus.

3. Laboratory research.

During an examination in a gynecological chair, the doctor takes a certain amount of biological material (epithelial cells and mucus secreted by the vagina) to identify the causative agent of a possible infection. Next, the collected material is planted on a nutrient medium and kept at a warm temperature for a certain time. With the active growth of microorganisms, it is possible to accurately determine the presence of the disease in a pregnant patient. In some cases, the pathogen is identified by staining the material with special diagnostic dyes.

4. Ultrasound diagnosis of the reproductive system of a pregnant girl.

Using an ultrasound of the reproductive system at 5 weeks of pregnancy, you can determine the cause of red, pink and brown discharge. Placental abruption, abnormal positioning of the fetus, frozen pregnancy and other types of pathologies can only be detected exclusively with the help of ultrasound diagnostics. This type of research helps to identify the disease at an early stage and prevent complications for the child and mother.

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