Palm tree with fan leaves name. List of palm tree species with photos and descriptions. Types of indoor palm trees

Attic 05.10.2023

How nice it is to relax in the shade of palm trees and vines on a warm summer day! This article is for those who want to create a personal tropical forest at home. We will talk about palm indoor plants. Growing them at home is very simple, despite the fact that many people think it’s a troublesome task. You just need to follow a few rules to create the necessary conditions for the plant.

Indoor palms come in different types and sizes. Such a plant is considered elite and elegant; it will not leave any person indifferent.

Palm trees are completely unpretentious and do not require special conditions for their successful cultivation. They love moist and cool air and do not tolerate direct sunlight. Their peculiarity is narrow and long leaves, the width of which directly depends on the species. It is worth considering some types in more detail.

There are many varieties of tropical palm trees, but not all can get along at home. Whatever one may say, this is an exotic plant. Although it is stated as unpretentious, before purchasing you should still understand the characteristics of a particular plant, and not purchase the first one that catches your eye. For the convenience of plant lovers, ten descriptions of varieties of indoor palm trees will be given.

Gallery: indoor palm trees (25 photos)

Bamboo species

The leaders among indoor palm trees are bamboo. There are many types of such plants, more than a hundred. They grow at least a meter in height, and the leaves usually resemble a fan. Such a palm tree may consist of one or several trunks. From a large number of species, several of the most suitable for home maintenance can be identified.

Hamedorea graceful. This plant is absolutely not capricious; it is suitable even for an inexperienced gardener. It grows actively and loves shaded places. Caring for a palm tree is very simple and is no different from caring for any other indoor flower that looks like a palm tree. The green leaves contain yellow flowers with a pleasant aroma.

Hamedorea unicolor. This species is as unpretentious as the previous one. It loves shade very much and looks like chamedorea graceful, only slightly different in leaves. In monochromatic chamedorea they are longer and thinner.

Chamedorea tall. The largest bamboo palm, which grows up to 5 m in height. It has very long and dense branches with graceful narrow leaves. It can be multi-barrel.

Hamedorea Ernest-Augustus. The lowest of all bamboo palms, but very beautiful. Its wide glossy leaves bear small orange flowers. A very popular species for indoor growing, easy to care for.

It is important to know that in a dry room, a tropical bamboo palm will slowly dry out, and excessive watering will lead to rotting of the root system. Therefore, care must be appropriate.

Experienced flower growers know them as Cycas. They have a very interesting exterior. The trunks are covered with scales, and at the tops there are bunches of long green leaves. There are more than 15 varieties of such indoor palm flowers, but only 4 of them are good for growing at home.

Drooping cycas. It is also called “turned away”. This is the most popular species with an emerald crown and a trunk up to half a meter.

Curled. It has another name - snail-shaped. Its leaves are pinnate, its stems can grow up to 2 m. The shape of the leaf is very similar to a dove's feather.

Cycas Siamese. It is interesting with the white-blue hue of its leaves.

Rumpha. A special feature of this tree is the very beautiful emerald color of the leaves.

It is important for the gardener to know that if he notices spots on his sago palm, this is a sign that the plant is suffering from temperature changes or from a lack of fertilizer.

Fan specimens

There are many types of fan palms that can be found, and all of them will be similar in one feature - the shape of the leaves. The leaf resembles a plate, cut into a large number of parts that resemble rays. The most popular are five varieties that can be grown at home.

Liviston. This palm prefers high humidity and regular watering. Moreover, it is recommended to water with warm water. Livistona does not tolerate drought. When grown at home, the plant can reach 2 m in height. Two stems with leaves are formed per year. Becomes mature at the age of 5 years. She looks absolutely amazing.

Washingtonia. Not a capricious plant, it loves sunlight and fresh air. It does well in a moderately dry room, but it is still better to regularly spray the palm tree with water. She does not tolerate transplantation very well, so you need to be careful with this.

Trachycarpus. This species is resistant to cold, loves regular and abundant watering, as well as being in the fresh air. Reproduction occurs by seeds. The palm tree grows well in well-drained soil. It needs to be replanted only when the roots fill the entire flower pot.

Chamerops. This species is simply wonderful for home growing. A comfortable temperature for it is considered to be +22-+25 degrees, but the room should be regularly ventilated, regardless of the time of year. He loves watering with distilled water, mineral fertilizers and good lighting.

Sabal. Quite a rare species that is not easy to buy. This palm with fan leaves is incredibly beautiful, but at the same time very capricious. If you overwater or don’t fertilize the soil enough, the plant dries out very quickly and gets sick.

By the way, when watering any indoor palm tree, you should drain the water from the pan in order to avoid rotting of the roots.

In a room where a palm tree grows, the window should be curtained with tulle. It will scatter sunlight, and direct rays of the sun will not burn the plant.

  • Any palm tree does not tolerate drafts well, especially in the cold season. Therefore, when ventilating a room, this must be taken into account.
  • The soil should not be allowed to dry out too much.
  • If the humidity level in the room is too low, the plant must be sprayed regularly.
  • For active growth, the tree needs good drainage and compost soil, and the pot in which the plant is planted must be high.
  • Transplantation is carried out exclusively in the spring. A young plant needs to be replanted no more than once a year, an adult plant - up to three times a year, and an old one should not be replanted at all.
  • For a warm room, it is preferable to choose a date palm, for a cold room - a fan palm.

The palm flower is a very popular means of decorating any room. It “came” to us from tropical regions and was adapted for care and cultivation at home. The name indicates that the palm-like flower is completely similar to its counterpart in the natural environment. Having such a plant in your room will make you feel like you are in a tropical paradise. In order for a flower to please you with its appearance, you need to know the rules of caring for it.

general description

First you need to understand that a flower that looks like a palm tree can grow quite tall. Under natural conditions, the tree can reach fifteen meters in height with a two-meter crown in diameter. As for him, he won’t see such growth. But still, this parameter must be taken into account when choosing a type. If the size of the room does not allow it, then you should not choose a large one. Speaking about the features of care, it is worth mentioning the main problem of this plant - drafts. They can cause flower disease and even lead to death. Other factors influence depending on the type of plant.

Types of palm trees

The names of “palm” flowers are very different. But behind each of them lies a special appearance and growing conditions. Let's look at some of the most popular varieties in a nutshell:

  1. Brachea. Very popular among the population due to its unpretentious nature and beautiful lush crown. The rich green color of the leaves takes you straight to the tropics. It grows quickly and adapts to light frosts.
  2. Boothia. Despite its external beauty, the flower has a very capricious character. The plant does not like dry soil or too wet soil. Needs constant irrigation and requires careful care.
  3. Washingtonia. Sunshine lover. It has a large crown and requires a lot of space. Does not tolerate stagnant water.
  4. Giophorba. A medium-sized plant that requires light, heat and constant irrigation.
  5. Hamedorea. Unpretentious variety. The second name of the flower is reed palm.
  6. Kariota. A small plant that can bloom annually. The large leaves attract the eye with their unusual shape.
  7. Govea. Its unpretentious character and beautiful appearance make it very attractive to flora lovers.
  8. A beautiful crown with feathery leaves will decorate any room.

Features of care

The palm tree flower requires proper care. Don't underestimate the importance of your attention to the plant. Even the most unpretentious species require basic care. Therefore, it is recommended to follow the advice of specialists. So, the indoor flower “palm”, the name of which reflects its appearance, needs the following measures:

  • Temperature conditions. The average values ​​at which he will be comfortable range from sixteen to twenty-two degrees. Some species can tolerate lower temperatures: up to 8 ºC.
  • Irrigation mode. The palm tree needs to be watered as much as the soil requires. The soil must not be allowed to dry out. In spring and summer we water more often, in winter - less often. Constant irrigation helps maintain the required humidity. Daily spraying is not necessary. It is enough to do this twice a week during the hot period. In winter, once a month is enough. It is also possible to wash the leaves with a soft sponge. The water must be settled.
  • Lighting mode. By nature, the flower loves light, but at the same time it does not like direct sunlight. This leads to burns of the foliage and harms the plant. Make sure that the place is well lit, but there should be no draft. No type of palm tree can tolerate it.
  • Priming. It is recommended to purchase one that suits your type of palm tree. If you want to make the mixture yourself, then the ratio should be as follows: leaf soil, humus, sand - 2: 1: 0.2.

Transplantation and propagation

The palm tree flower, the care of which is described here, also needs to be replanted. While the plant is young, the procedure should be carried out annually. Then - every three years. When replanting, you need to add turf and shavings to the soil (three kilograms per 1 m 3 of the total mass of soil). Pay close attention to the process, as it is very important not to damage the root system. Inspect it and remove any rotten or dry parts.

Choose planting pots that are tall enough. The palm tree must stand stable. After you have transplanted the flower, cover the top of the soil with moss to prevent the soil from drying out. The plant reproduces by both seeds and shoots. The manipulation is very easy. Seeds need to be sown in a pot with sand and sawdust. Take care of drainage. Each type of palm tree has its own period for seed germination. It varies from nine days to six months.

Top dressing

The palm flower, like other plants, needs timely feeding. It is recommended to purchase a product intended for this purpose and act in accordance with the instructions. In winter, you need to feed once every twenty days, and in summer - once every ten days. After the procedure, it is necessary to loosen the soil to give oxygen free access to the root system.

Possible problems

The home palm flower may have some problems that you need to be aware of:

  • The leaves begin to turn yellow - the plant is watered too infrequently, the soil is dry.
  • The appearance of brown tips on the leaves is a lack of humidity in the air, poor watering, the plant touches something cold, a draft.
  • Dark spots on the surface of the leaves are due to the use of water that has not settled, too frequent watering and stagnation of water in the pot.
  • The leaves have acquired a dark brownish tint - either this is the natural death of old foliage, or too frequent watering.


Like all plants, the palm flower is periodically attacked by pests. Among the most frequent guests:

  1. Scale insects: leaves begin to dry, brown spots appear, foliage begins to fall off.
  2. Spider mite: the appearance of cobwebs on the plant, falling leaves.
  3. deformation of the leaves followed by falling leads to the death of the entire plant.

All pests must be dealt with equally. First, you need to thoroughly wipe the leaves with a soap solution using a soft sponge. Make sure all traces of the pest are gone. Then you need to spray the flower with a product consisting of 0.15% actellik. It must be diluted in the ratio: two grams per liter of water. Summarizing all that has been said, I would like to note that the peculiarities of care and sometimes capricious nature do not in any way affect the love of gardeners for such a luxurious plant as the indoor palm tree.

One of the best ideas to add variety to your interior is to add some living greenery. The decorative palm tree has an unusual exotic appearance; it can transform a room, create comfort in it, add color and mood. It looks especially impressive when it’s cold and snowdrifts outside. In most cases, the palm tree does not require too complicated care, but certain conditions must be created for it.

Some general information

Many peoples traditionally consider the palm tree to be a symbol of hot southern places. The plant's homeland is Africa and some countries of Eurasia. In its natural habitat it can grow up to several meters. The most favorable climate for this plant is the tropical and subtropical zones.

About 3 thousand varieties of this exotic plant are found in nature, some of them are cultivated and can be grown at home. To do this, you can buy seeds of the desired type and plant them in the ground. If all growing conditions are met, in a few years the palm tree will turn into a plant of impressive size. For those who don’t want to wait that long, there is the opportunity to buy their favorite tropical beauty in a specialized store. But even in this case there are some nuances.

In order for the plant to acclimatize well in new conditions, you need to take good care of it. And in this case, it is better to buy a young plant, it will be much easier for it to adapt. The best place in an apartment for an indoor palm tree will be a spacious room where other plants will not be adjacent to it.

Varieties of Palms

This plant got its name from the Latin word palma, which translates as “palm”. This is thanks to the leaves, which in appearance vaguely resemble a human palm. AND Depending on the leaves, palm trees are divided into two types:

  • Cirrus. This type of palm tree has thin, narrow leaves that grow along the stem.
  • Fan. This type is distinguished by the fact that the leaves have a jagged appearance and form a fan thanks to the leaves that are attached to the petiole at one point.

Decorative types

Although a large number of varieties of palm trees grow in the wild, not many are suitable for growing at home. The most popular varieties of domestic palm trees:

Regardless of which palm tree is chosen for home landscaping and its characteristics, there are general care recommendations that apply to all palm trees. In order for the plant to develop well, please the eye with its luscious foliage and not be exposed to various pests, there are some recommendations that should be followed.

Temperature conditions and compliance with them are important for this plant. The best temperature will be between 16-23 degrees. If in the summer months the temperature in the apartment is much higher, then you will need to spray the palm leaves with settled water. In winter, palm trees are dormant and practically do not grow, so it is important at this time to reduce the temperature to 10-16 degrees.

Maintaining humidity is no less important than maintaining optimal temperature. Due to insufficient moisture, the leaves may fade or even change color, and spots may appear on them. But the biggest nuisance will be the withering and falling of the leaves, since after this you will need to spend a lot of effort to restore the plant.

Most decorative species are demanding on the lighting of the room, but categorically cannot tolerate direct rays of the sun. If a palm tree grows near a window, then it is better to hang light-colored curtains on it, which will diffuse the light and prevent the sun's rays from entering the room. If it is not possible to create such conditions, then it is better to choose a palm tree more carefully and focus on varieties that tolerate shade well.

When growing such an exotic plant at home in an ordinary pot, you need to be prepared to feed the plant with nutrients in the form of fertilizers. Most often, preference is given to fertilizing, which needs to be diluted in water and sprayed on the leaves, rather than fertilizers that are applied to the soil.

Possible diseases and pests

Since the palm tree is an exotic plant, not all of its species are suitable for urban conditions. And those that do fit can cause some trouble. One of the most serious problems you may encounter is diseases and pests. The main ones are the following:

  • spider mite;
  • scale insect;
  • mealy worm.

The most common indoor palm tree is attacked by spider mites., since the air in apartments in winter during the heating season is very dry. In order to prevent this problem from occurring, you need to regularly spray the plant with water, and some varieties are recommended to be washed under a warm shower. And if cobwebs appear on the stems, then you should wipe the plant with a soapy sponge. In advanced cases, you need to use special solutions that can be found in flower shops.

Scale insects are also a threat to many species. You can recognize it by the description. These are small insects that look like flat aphids. The scale insect is dangerous because, due to its small size, it can be extremely difficult to detect. Settling on a plant, it sucks out all the juices from it. This threatens the palm tree with dried and fallen leaves, and even death. Mechanical cleaning is considered the best method of combating this insect. It is necessary to completely remove the scale insect from the plant, and then spray it with an insecticide solution.

Mealyworms infect palm trees much less frequently. They look like small lumps of cotton wool and can be seen with the naked eye. These pests feel great at home and infect plants by sucking the juice out of them. In this case, the leaves become sticky due to secretions, deformed and have an unhealthy appearance. If white lumps were found on the back of the sheet, they should be removed with a cotton swab and then sprayed with chemicals.

This procedure will need to be repeated several times every 4 days.

Less dangerous problems are changes in the decorative appearance of the plant. Leaves may become dull, yellow, or covered in brown spots. In most cases, this is due to watering and humidity. If the soil is not sufficiently moistened, the leaves may turn yellow. When the soil becomes waterlogged, brown spots appear on the leaves. Dry tips on the leaves indicate an excess of dry air in the room. All these problems can be solved by changing the regularity of watering, regulating humidity and using fertilizers.

By creating suitable conditions for growing palm trees, you can achieve excellent growth, lush foliage and even flowering, making this exotic beauty a decoration for any interior.

Many people want to create a tropical garden or have a palm tree in their home. To grow palm tree at home, you need to create native tropical conditions and be patient. The majestic tree grows for several decades.

The variety of species, sizes and varieties makes it difficult to choose what kind of home palm we want to get. Many grow quite quickly, grow to gigantic sizes and do not feel comfortable in a small apartment. Our article will help you understand the variety and choose the right plant for home use.

Home palm: description

The palm tree is so named because of the bizarre shape of its leaves, which resemble a human palm. Not all species have this leaf shape, but we learned about this a little later.

Main characteristics of palm trees:

  • Today, several thousand species of palm trees are known. There are far fewer domestic representatives.
  • Home palm is an unpretentious plant, which grows slowly in indoor conditions. The homeland of the palm tree is the tropics and subtropics.
  • The palm tree creates its beauty and spectacular appearance with the help of its leaves. They form a ball or circle of thin long leaves, some species have wide leaves. The plant does not tolerate the removal of green foliage. You shouldn't do this for no apparent reason.
  • Home palm growing in large pots. As they grow, they increase the earthen spaces for development and growth. In a few years or even decades, a real tree will appear in the house. Under the foliage you can create a tropical clearing for relaxation.
  • The palm tree has a thick trunk and large spreading leaves at the top. The trunk is formed as the plant grows and the stems die. At home, palm trees do not bear fruit. Due to aridity and cool temperatures, fruits do not form on the domestic palm tree.

Many people confuse domestic palms with false representatives. False palms grow from woody leaves.

False palms include:

  • dracaena;
  • yucca;
  • pandanus;
  • Cordilina.




They resemble dwarf palms, which rarely grow more than 1 m.

Another plant looks like a home palm - white-veined spurge. Outwardly, it resembles a bizarre small palm tree: wide green leaves with a red border grow on the upper part of the stem. In fact, it is a succulent and has nothing to do with the palm tree.

Real palm trees form home flower beds. Some species have many leaf stems with a large fan. Such home flowers in the form of palm trees are popular among lovers of tropical plants. To prevent the branches from falling apart, they are tied, forming a “bouquet”.

Varieties of domestic palm

All palms are divided into 2 large groups: fan and pinnate. They are distinguished by leaf shape.

Fan palms:

  • coconut:
  • banana:
  • date.

Typical representatives of the cirrus palm are Chamerops or Trachycaprus. Some palms are short in stature, like the pineapple palm, and with fancy flowers, like the caryota palm. What domestic palms have in common is their unpretentiousness to growing conditions and soil composition.

Below is a catalog of decorative indoor palm trees with photographs and descriptions.


This is one of the most common types of domestic palms:

  • Belongs to the pinnate species: a thick trunk and a fan of leaves at the top.
  • As the leaves grow, they die and the plant grows in height.
  • The family includes more than 20 species.
  • The homeland of the date is Africa, known since the times of Mesopotamia.

More often, lovers of exotic plants grow from seeds. But unfortunately, after a few years they regret their action: it grows very quickly and rests on the ceiling of the apartment. It is impossible to force a palm tree to bear fruit from a seed. It bears fruit after many years in nature and maintaining the required temperature. They do not require special care: moderate watering and constant temperature, they are afraid of drafts and cold windows in winter.

Date palm


The origin of the species is the Pacific Islands. Grows up to 2 meters at home. Belongs to the feathery species. The trunk is formed at a fairly “mature” age. The leaves grow straight from the roots, forming a giant cap. It is unpretentious and undemanding in care, tolerates lack of light and aridity. Prefers window sills, balconies and other bright and warm places.



Refers to the fan form. On the stem, thin leaves form a circle with a cut to the middle. Domestic species grow up to 1.5 m. Their homeland is southern Asia, Australia and the islands. She loves a lot of light and constant temperatures. Reducing the temperature to +10℃ can kill the plant. Propagated by seeds that form on the lower part of the leaf. Likes constant watering: every day or every other day.


Umbrella palm

Or Likuala. It also appeared in home greenhouses from the tropics. Spectacular leaves of huge sizes look like a corrugated fan, the trunk is thin and low. Grows no more than 2 m. Demanding on moisture. Due to excessive watering, the roots may rot, which does not bother the houseplant at all. You can get rid of this by pouring alcohol.

Umbrella palm

Hamedorea (Neanta)

It is called the bamboo palm from the tropical forests of Yucatan and Mexico. The feathery leaves are elongated. The trunk is low, formed from dead stems. At home, it grows up to 1.2 m in a few years. It requires light, but does not like direct sunlight. The optimal temperature is more than +18℃. It also requires a lot of watering without stagnation of water and drying out of the soil.


cat palm

Or cyperus grows only in Egypt. It was from this that the legendary papyrus was made. It produces thin, dark green stems straight from the ground. The leaves form umbrellas in several layers. Domestic cats love the palm tree, which is probably why it was given such a name. Like many members of the palm family, it requires light and humidity. It is important to maintain tropical temperatures.

cat palm


Refers to false palms that appeared at home from the tropics. There are several hundred species. There are thin leaves on the upper part of the trunk. Some species have a red border on the foliage. It grows unpretentiously. Tolerates drought, does not like direct sunlight and drafts.

"Palm" Dracaena


The tropical plant is classified as a fan species. Wide, fan-shaped leaves with many slits grow from a low trunk. At home, low rapis is common, which grows up to 1.5 m.

Great attention must be paid to watering: it does not tolerate waterlogging or drying out of the soil. Prefers high temperatures from +20℃. In summer, during dry times, take a shower with cool water.


Cycas or sago palm

The plant's homeland is considered to be India and the islands of Polynesia. The short plant has a “pot-bellied” trunk, from which stems grow in several groups. It grows very slowly. Under ideal conditions, it adds only 3 cm per year. The foliage remains practically unchanged and has a dark green color.

Belongs to the feathery varieties. Care requires direct sunlight for several hours, moderate watering and average temperatures. If the conditions are not met, it falls into stagnation and does not grow.



The palm tree is native to China and India. Of the few species, only a few are grown at home. There is no trunk. The stems are semicircular in shape, collected in bunches with wide leaves. Areca is difficult to grow.

A young plant up to 6 years of age does not survive sunburn or low temperature and eventually dies. Requires light from all sides and moderate watering. Optimum temperature +35℃. Can grow up to 12 m in an apartment.



Refers to false palms, native to the arid regions of Central America. A low shrub with a thick trunk with tough foliage at the top. The foliage is pointed in shape with stiff hairs along the edges, the leaf length reaches half a meter.

Under good conditions, it will bloom: on a high stick, a stem with many white flowers in shape grows from the center. When caring, it requires moderate watering: it dies in waterlogged soil and cold air. Tolerates aridity. Requires sunny color and air temperature from +20℃.

"Palm" Yucca


The variety is better known as fishtail. It got its name due to its unusual foliage, reminiscent of a fish tail. Indoor species grow small in size. Homeland - tropical forests of Asia, the Pacific Islands and Australia.

Karyote has no trunk; stems with fancy leaves grow from the ground. Requires air humidity as in the tropics. Resistant to moderate watering and average air temperatures.


Livistona Chinese

The species grows naturally on the Pacific Islands and eastern Australia. The indoor plant does not have a trunk. It grows quickly due to fan leaves with many cuts. Grows in the shade, at low temperatures of +16-18℃. But it does not tolerate dryness and prefers frequent spraying.

Livistona Chinese


Homeland: Madagascar and the islands of Oceania. At home it grows several meters. Tall, feathery leaves grow on thin trunks; it is impossible to force a palm tree to bloom in an apartment. Tolerates low temperatures in apartments, moderate watering. Does not like drafts and sudden drops in temperature.



Or the screw palm appeared in apartments from East Asia and Madagascar. Thick feathery leaves form a trunk. As they die, the plant trunk becomes woody. The leaves of an adult plant have prickly thorns at the ends, which can be dangerous for children and animals.

In an adult plant, roots appear throughout the trunk, forming bizarre shapes. It grows quickly and reaches several meters. Requires a lot of space and height. Undemanding in care.

"Palm" Pandanus


Or Bokarneya grows in the southern latitudes of North America. It is popularly called the bottle palm for its bizarre trunk shape: at the base it has the shape of a ball, and the trunk resembles a bottle. At the top of the trunk there are narrow feathery leaves. Sometimes confused with dracaena.

Requires full watering and no drafts. Undemanding to lighting, but the foliage will be thicker and brighter in a sunny place.



Or the Hawaiian palm tree came to our apartments from the Hawaiian Islands. At home it grows up to 1 m. The amazing shape of the plant attracts attention: on the top of the thick fleshy trunk grow wide leaves with a waxy coating, reminiscent of cabbage.

It blooms with amazing flowers of a simple shape of light yellow color. They grow in the same way as leaves - from the top of the trunk, creating an exotic bouquet. The trunk stores a large amount of moisture, so it tolerates drought. Prefers high temperatures and absence of drafts.



It grows naturally in the subtropical deserts of the southern North American continent. The variety prefers cool temperatures and bright light. Grows up to 20 m even at home. Fan-like hard leaves grow on a thick trunk.

The lower leaves die off, forming a scaly trunk. On an adult plant, flower stalks with 3 m stems appear. After flowering, small black berries are formed.


Madagascar palm

Or Pachypodium lamera. This amazing plant resembles both a palm tree and a cactus up to 1.5 m high at home. The trunk is covered with needles and resembles a cactus. Long narrow leaves are located at the top of the trunk. In winter it sheds its leaves.

It grows in Madagascar and is poisonous. Requires a lot of light and heat: in summer up to +30℃, in winter at least +15℃. Does not tolerate changing places or even turning the pot. May shed leaves.

Madagascar palm


The variety was found in the Himalayas, China and Japan. It grows slowly and tolerates freezing temperatures. Refers to fan types. It grows as the lower leaves die. At the top there are large fan-shaped leaves with many cuts, the leaves are hard.

You cannot cut off the bottom leaves - this is how the palm tree takes all the useful substances, and when the leaf is completely dry, it can be removed. Undemanding in care: tolerates shade, frost, drought.


Karludovika palmata

False palm. Thick palm-like leaves grow on a fleshy stem. Requires diffused light, moderate watering and no drafts. The homeland of the bush is Panama. It is also called the Panama palm.


Cryosophila spanisha

Not the most common type of palm tree at home. The homeland of growth is the tropics of Central America. A graceful, single-trunked plant with curved, feathery, fan-shaped leaves. Undemanding to light and watering. Does not tolerate excess salt in soil and water. Resistant to pests.

Necessary conditions for domestic palm trees

Each type of palm tree requires certain conditions: some need a lot of light, others cannot live without daily watering. However, there are general rules. With proper care and attention, the tropical beauty will grow for decades.

The average lifespan of palm trees at home is 15 years.

Let's consider the features of keeping ornamental palm trees.



Palm trees are preferred diffused light. The sun's rays will damage the plant and leave burns, which will cause the plant to die.

Place the pot with the home palm tree in direct sunlight for several hours, after peak hours of solar activity. Some species prefer partial shade. In extreme cases, artificial lighting is used.


The tropical plant prefers warm air temperatures from +16℃ in winter to +30℃ in summer.

Some species require cool wintering. When observing the temperature regime, do not forget about drafts. Plants cannot tolerate them.

It is also necessary to monitor the soil temperature: if the roots become too cold, the plant will die. Therefore, you should not place pots with indoor palm trees on the windowsill or cold floor. For many species, the temperature is detrimental - +10℃.

Air humidity

For many species, indoor humidity is important:

Palm trees are undemanding to care. Fulfilling the necessary conditions for the comfortable growth of domestic palm trees will allow you to admire the beauty for many years.

General rules of care

Let's look at the question of how to care for domestic palm trees.


How to replant domestic palm trees:


  1. Most varieties are propagated only by seeds. For this you need fresh seeds. After 3-4 years, the seed germinates poorly and takes a long time.
  2. Before sowing, soak the seeds in water for several days., changing the water daily.
  3. Plant in light soil with plenty of sand. When several leaves appear on the palm tree, transplant it into a permanent pot with a diameter of no more than 9 cm.
  4. It is better not to use tall pots. TO The root system is greatly elongated.
  5. Some species reproduce vegetatively. To do this, separate the branch and sprinkle it with earth.
  6. You can transplant the plant when replanting.“Tear up” the root system carefully and only after the new plant has its own roots.

Top dressing

Domestic palm trees do not require frequent feeding. Due to excess fertilizer, the plant will die.

The plant is fed rarely and only in spring and summer. If you replant the plant every year, then feed it only in the second half of the year. During this period, fertilizers in the soil run out. To feed the palm tree, universal fertilizer or flower fertilizer is suitable.


Rules for correct pruning:

  1. Many species do not require pruning. Palm trees at home grow slowly and therefore are pruned only for aesthetic reasons and dried foliage is removed.
  2. There is no need to prune slightly darkened or wilted leaves. until the sheet is completely dry. So, it takes all the nutrients.
  3. The rule that frequent pruning promotes rapid growth does not work with domestic palms. In some cases, on the contrary, it will even destroy the plant.
  4. Pruning to shorten a palm tree is possible already in adulthood. To do this, use clean and sharp tools.

Never cut off the top of the head - this will cause the plant to die and not grow back.

Diseases and pests

If improperly cared for and the conditions are not met, the palm tree may become sick. Withering and drying of leaves, unhealthy appearance indicate this. Palm trees can also “acquire” small pests.

The pests survive in the area and again settle on the palm tree, drinking the juices.

Problems when growing palm trees at home

In the process of growing palm trees, various difficulties and problems arise. Sometimes the plant does not feel very comfortable. It’s easy to revive a homely beauty if you know what a particular illness means.

Signs Reasons and what to do?
Leaf tips are dry or brown Appears when dry. The palm tree does not like dry air or does not receive enough moisture. To do this, increase watering or watering frequency. And also humidify the air by spraying the leaves, you can simply put an open jar of water. This will allow the water to evaporate and provide natural air humidification.

Perhaps a palm tree hot from the battery. Move it to the back of the room. Trim off the dried ends without damaging the green parts of the leaf.

Doesn't grow This happens for various reasons:
  • There is not enough warmth and light. Many species go into torpor at low or very high temperatures and do not grow.
  • Perhaps she is cold. Choose another place where it will be warmer and there will be no drafts.
Turns yellow Yellow leaves appear when insufficient watering. The palm tree may need more water if you water it frequently.

Yellow leaves also appear when insufficient air humidity. Spray frequently: several times a week. Afterwards, reduce the amount to 1-2 times a week. Also provide open containers with water.

Withers Palm withers after transplantation, expressing dissatisfaction with the change of place. Either you don’t like the soil or the roots were damaged during replanting.

If there was no transplant, then probably the roots are rotting. Examine the root system, remove damaged parts. Change the soil and reduce the amount of watering.

Leaves are drying This happens for burns, especially for young plants. Create a shadow or cover from direct rays with a light cloth or paper.
Rust colored stains Appear when the soil is waterlogged or water stagnates inside the pot:
  • The pot should have drainage and several holes to allow excess water to drain out of the container.
  • Be sure to remove water from the saucer when watering.
  • If the soil is not slightly dry, postpone watering until the next day.

Rusty spots are also possible when water salinity. For irrigation, use settled water so that chlorine, ammonia evaporate, and salts precipitate.

Among the green inhabitants of houses and apartments, palm trees took precedence long ago, when they were given a place of honor in the palaces of nobles and kings. The majesty of tropical plants and the diversity of their species are amazing.

The variety of types of indoor palm trees promotes the cultivation of both single-stem and bushy types of plants. The tropical crop is valued for the beauty of its leaves and their interesting arrangement on the petioles and trunk. Of course, slender and majestic beauties are suitable for spacious rooms in which you can create a green corner of the tropics.

About three thousand varieties of indoor palm trees are cultivated in the world. They compete with each other not only in the height of the trunk, its shape and leaves, but also in terms of growing conditions:

  • Native to Australia, Howea has a straight trunk with leaf scars wrapped around it. Long feathery leaves, fronds, sometimes reach four meters in length. Among the varieties are Khovei-Belmora with short petioles of a red tone, vertically arranged, Forstera with luxurious spreading leaves on a single trunk.
  • Hamedorea is classified as a bushy member of palm trees. From one rhizome emanates many trunks with five or six beautifully curved leaves. During flowering, the plant is covered with panicles of orange and red inflorescences. Varieties of Hamedorea are known with golden fronds, dark green fronds that are curved, crescent-shaped, or similar to a narrow lancet.
  • Attracts flower growers with the beauty of the fan leaves of Liviston, or Latania. The plant grows slowly, but under good conditions its gray trunk can reach ten to fifteen meters in height. Light green fans of thin leaves pointed at the ends look beautiful on it.
  • The decorative date palm is valued for its lush crown consisting of feathery leaves. This species takes root well and grows well with minimal care. During the period of full ripening after flowering, dark-colored fruits may form on the stems.
  • The dwarf species includes the Rapis palm, native to China. Its thin, hard fronds are cut into seven parts. The unpretentiousness and decorative nature of the plant allows it to be grown even in small spaces.
  • Trachycarpus has thin, deeply dissected leaves spread out like a fan on a thin trunk covered with rough petioles. The leaf blade shines brightly on top, and is covered with a bluish coating on the bottom. The plant is pleased with yellow fragrant flowers collected in large axillary inflorescences.
  • It prefers bright sun; it is less demanding of other conditions. The wide feathers of its leaves are smooth and juicy.
  • The Fishtail palm, or Kariota softa, loves well-lit places in the house. The species is famous for its double-pinnate leaves and rapid growth with a minimum of soil. When purchasing this type of palm tree, you need to know that it requires large areas of premises.

It is impossible to describe all varieties of indoor palm trees. But when choosing a certain type of plant for your home, you need to calculate the area it will need for a comfortable existence and create conditions close to the tropics and subtropics.

You can grow a palm tree to an adult by observing the growing requirements common to all varieties:

  1. The main property of the soil mixture in which the palm tree will grow is good permeability to air and water. Since tropical trees are rarely transplanted, the substrate is selected carefully. After all, the plant will remain in it for a long time. There are special mixtures for planting palm trees, consisting of leaf soil, humus with a small addition of sand. The top layer of soil can be changed annually by adding new, heavier soil.
  2. The decorative effect of the plant depends on the air humidity in the room. The moisture level must be high. You can increase it by placing trays of water next to the growing palm tree, arranging a shower for the tree on hot summer days. Water for spraying is taken from rain or settled water. The procedure cannot be carried out on cloudy rainy days, in autumn, in spring. A shower for a plant located in the shade is also not needed.
  3. During the growing season, palm trees need an air temperature of no lower than fifteen and no higher than twenty-two degrees Celsius. In winter, it can drop for some species to seven degrees above zero. But excessively hot rooms will dry out the roots of the palm tree, so there is no need to place indoor flowers close to heaters and air conditioners.
  4. Palm trees need sufficient illumination of the premises of the house, but without excessive brightness of the sun's rays. Therefore, on hot summer days it is necessary to shade the pots with the plant with light-colored fabric. You can take indoor crops outdoors, but they are afraid of drafts.

Each type of ornamental plant has its own growing conditions.

Care Tips:

  • Watering indoor plants is carried out regularly with soft water to prevent leaching of the soil in the pot. Excess moisture accumulating in the container leads to rotting of the roots. Before watering your palm tree, you need to check the condition of the soil. And it’s worth moisturizing when the top layer of soil has become dry.
  • A lack of microelements is reflected on the leaves with yellow, brown spots, slower growth of the palm tree, and falling leaves. The bush will be saved by feeding it with Agricola liquid fertilizer by diluting one tablespoon of the drug in ten liters of water. Fertilizers are applied once every ten days in the summer, and every twenty days during the rest period. Be sure to loosen the soil after watering with the nutrient mixture. An excess of fertilizer will result in problems with the growth of roots and stems.
  • It is better to replant an indoor beauty rarely, when you really cannot do without it. For the procedure, choose a larger pot. Having carefully broken the old container, the palm tree, along with a lump of earth on the roots, is placed in a new flowerpot, adding soil. The roots cannot be touched or cut. The palm tree does not tolerate transplantation well, so frequent watering is necessary to remove the flower from stress.
  • Beautiful leaves, fronds, require careful removal of dust using a soft cloth. Sometimes they are washed with warm water. Do not add chemicals to the washing solution; this will cause the plant parts to turn yellow.

Representatives of palm trees are not too picky about care and require little attention.

Usually, improper care provokes problems in the growth and development of the palm tree. If yours turn brown or yellow, the problem is due to improper watering - there is insufficient or excess moisture. Low air humidity provokes the appearance of dry areas of brown plates on the tips of the leaves.

The appearance of fungal diseases often occurs at high air temperatures and high humidity in the room.

Diseases are expressed in the appearance of oval-shaped spots, borders of brown, gray, white color on the leaves. Due to the spread of fungal spores, the size of the spots increases. To save the palm tree, damaged parts are removed, the number of waterings is reduced, and the air temperature in the room is reduced. If the cause of the disease is contaminated soil, the palm tree is replanted. Spraying the bush with fungicidal preparations is also mandatory.

When infected with root rot, the plant slows down in development, turns yellow, and some areas of the rhizomes die off. The necrotic zones of the palm tree must be removed and its rhizomes placed in a solution of a drug such as Homecin. After keeping it in the medicine for fifteen minutes, sprinkle the wounds with a crushed tablet of activated carbon. Then a new pot is chosen for the palm tree.

Pests of indoor palm trees:

Errors in caring for an indoor palm tree cause its illness, even death.

More information can be found in the video:

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