How to plant a rose from a bouquet at home. How to plant a rose from a cutting from a bouquet. Preparing cuttings at home

Colorful compositions 05.10.2023
Colorful compositions

There are several ways to propagate roses: by seeds, layering, cuttings, dividing the bush, purchasing new seedlings. It will be easier and faster to decorate your plot if you buy high-quality seedlings, but they are so expensive that we can only talk about one or two, and if you want to plant a lot at once, then it’s worth considering other options. The least expensive and fairly simple way is to plant roses from cuttings. Rose cuttings can be taken from growing bushes (your own or a neighbor's), which will increase the possibility of their good survival on the site. Or you can take it from cut roses given in a bouquet; this method contains less confidence in a positive outcome, but is more motivating - after all, the flower is certainly beautiful.

There is nothing complicated about how to plant a rose from a cutting; you need to prepare the cutting, root it, plant it in a permanent place of growth and carefully care for it. A prize awaits the one who goes through all these stages - self-rooted roses are durable, unpretentious, do not produce wild growth that would have to be constantly fought with, that is, they do not degenerate into rose hips. Reproduction of roses by cuttings allows you to preserve all the characteristics of the variety of the mother plant, with the exception of hybrids, which may be cut flowers. Almost all types of roses can be taken from cuttings, but remontant and park roses are the worst to propagate in this way.

You can take and root cuttings during the growing season, or more precisely, from the moment the flower forms until the petals completely fall off. This is the time of greatest activity of all growth processes. But many gardeners prefer to take cuttings in the fall, when the bushes are pruned before sheltering for the winter. The point is not only the abundance of material, but by autumn the shoots have accumulated the largest amount of nutrients that they will need for rooting and growth of new shoots.

Cuttings are small sections of sufficiently mature semi-lignified shoots with 3 – 4 fully formed buds. Young or completely lignified shoots should not be taken, as well as the tops of suitable branches.

It is better to take cuttings from the middles of adult shoots, 8–10 mm thick. They should be cut this way - the upper cut is made even 0.5 - 0.8 mm above the bud, and the lower cut is made oblique, at an angle of 45 degrees, immediately below the bud. As a tool, you need to use a knife or pruning shears with a very sharp blade, which will not crush the twig, but will cut quickly with minimal loss. Before use, it should be disinfected with alcohol and boiling water to prevent contamination of our planting material by pathogenic bacteria.

Many people recommend treating the upper cut of the cutting with wax or paraffin, and immersing the lower cut in water with aloe juice or a purchased product to stimulate root growth. The lower leaves and thorns should be removed, and the upper leaves should be reduced by half to reduce the area of ​​​​moisture evaporation. Rooting of cuttings can occur in water, soil or even potatoes. The soil must be loose and not necessarily nutritious, root growth occurs due to the forces of the plant itself, concentrated in the cuttings and its buds, young roots must first grow, and only then learn to absorb nutrients from the environment.

If rooting will take place at home, then in a pot or any other container you need to make a drainage layer of pebbles or expanded clay, place soil on it, and on top a layer of about 2 cm of clean river sand. You can buy soil for roses in a store or make it yourself from turf soil, peat, and sand.

Video “Planting by cuttings”

From the video you will learn how to prepare cuttings and how to root them.


How to plant a cutting correctly depends on whether we want to root it in water, a pot, or directly in the ground outside. If you choose water, you should take well water, if possible, or at least one that has been standing for several hours. There is an opinion that the water in the dishes cannot be changed, you can only add it as it evaporates, even if it becomes green and ugly, but roots are more likely to form in it than in something that is clean and always fresh. Many gardeners advise, based on their experience, to cover the upper part of the shoots that rise from the dish with a bag or transparent film to create a kind of greenhouse, and place the entire structure in a room with a temperature of +22 - +25 degrees, in the light. If there is not enough sun, a fluorescent lamp will do.

After 2 - 3 weeks, callus forms at the lower ends of the branches - a light thickening, from which new roots will soon grow. Simultaneously with the formation of roots, new shoots may grow from the upper buds; at first they will be red, then gradually acquire a normal green color. Some people cut off these new shoots and root them, but this will delay the process of forming a new bush, which is more likely to happen if you plant a rooted cutting in the ground.

When rooting in a pot, the cutting is placed on the border of sand and soil with a lower oblique cut. The sand will prevent the stem from rotting when the humidity rises, and the newly formed roots will be able to go deeper and take nutrients from the soil. Rooting conditions for all methods are almost the same - temperature approximately +22 - +25, periodic spraying, light and shelter from above to create a greenhouse effect.

The same conditions must be created when rooting outdoors. A small semblance of a greenhouse is built in the garden bed, installing wire arcs and covering them with polyethylene. Or you can simply cover it with glass jars or cut plastic bottles. Sometimes plants need to be ventilated. On the street they will have to be shaded from the sun so as not to burn them and not create too high a temperature under the shelter.

Potatoes are used for rooting cuttings because they create ideal conditions - moisture and nutrition. You just need to take absolutely healthy specimens without the slightest signs of rotting, cut out all the eyes, make shallow (up to 2 cm) holes, insert the lower edges of the cuttings into them. Two-thirds of the potatoes are covered with soil, and it is advisable to arrange a sandy substrate 5 cm thick under them. On top you also need to make a greenhouse shelter from plastic film or cut plastic bottles. If cuttings in potatoes are rooted outside, then a narrow trench is specially dug for them the width of the potato plus another 5 cm, a layer of sand no thinner than 5 cm is poured down, all this is covered with soil that is light and permeable to water. And the top is covered with polyethylene, shaded from too bright sun.

There is another way to obtain the roots, it is called a "burrito" because the cuttings are wrapped in several layers of wet newspaper, like the filling of a tortilla in this Mexican dish.

The newspaper must be absolutely wet so that it can be wrung out like a rag; the cuttings are folded into a pile and wrapped in an envelope so that nothing sticks out beyond the newspaper. Then the entire package is placed in a bag. It periodically needs to be unrolled, the newspaper moistened, and the condition of the cuttings checked. If rot appears on any of them, it must be removed. The appearance of roots can be indicated by new shoots breaking through the newspaper. As soon as the roots grow, the cuttings can be planted in the ground.

Planting in the ground and care

A young rose planted in a flowerbed in spring will grow like any healthy plant. It is better to move it from indoor conditions in late spring, when the soil and air have warmed up enough and there will definitely be no frosts. At first, she will need to be covered from the sun, gradually accustoming her to it. After all, the place should be open, sunny, protected from the cold north wind, at a great distance from buildings and trees. It will need to be watered more often and more sparingly than an adult bush, since the roots are still poorly developed and are close to the surface; in rooted plants, even in adulthood, they prefer to grow more to the sides than in depth. Melt or rainwater should not accumulate in this place; it is easier for a rose to withstand drought than swampiness.

Until mid-summer, the young plant can be watered several times with a slurry solution using cow manure or bird droppings, although the best results are shown by using horse manure. You can apply fertilizers specially selected for roses. Towards the end of summer and autumn, it is advisable to focus on potassium-phosphorus fertilizers and exclude nitrogen fertilizers. There is no need to allow the young bush to bloom; the buds should be plucked off as soon as they appear. Such care will help the plant grow stronger during the first year of life and easily endure the dormant period in winter.

To plant rooted cuttings at the end of May or beginning of July, you need to cut cuttings from a bouquet given on March 8, or root those that were cut in the fall. Brave and experienced gardeners plant rooted cuttings before winter. They are planted, like any seedlings, a month before frost, so that they have time to get used to the new place and grow several thin roots in the new soil. Then they are well covered for the winter, it is better to build an air-dry shelter over them using a frame, lutrasil, and cover them inside with hay or dry leaves. If the young plant survives its first winter, it will grow well next year and will then turn into a healthy, unpretentious rose bush, adapted to the climatic conditions of its area.

If the cuttings are cut in the fall, you can try to plant them directly in the ground in a permanent place of growth, try to root them before frost, and then cover them well for the winter. Many gardeners do this. But this may not always work out, and even if the roots manage to germinate, they risk freezing. They can be planted in a bucket or box, placed in a cellar for the winter, where they will be perfectly preserved, and then transplanted into a garden bed in the spring for rooting. You can lift them into a warm room in early spring and start the rooting process, providing them with warmth, light and moisture.

This method gives good results. A plastic bucket is filled with suitable soil, not forgetting to organize a drainage layer at the bottom no thinner than 5 cm of pebbles or expanded clay. Sprinkle everything on top with clean, disinfected (calcined) sand. Using a clean wooden stick, make indentations for the cuttings, lower the cuttings into them (it is advisable to dip them in a root growth stimulator before doing this), and press the sand around each with your fingers. The bucket is wrapped with film to form a kind of pipe - at the bottom it is firmly attached to the bucket (with an elastic band, rope or with glue, a stapler), and at the top it is closed, fastened with an ordinary clothespin. This bucket is placed in an unheated, bright room, like a loggia, and while it gets colder it is covered with still warm materials (you can just wrap it in a blanket) so that the temperature inside does not drop below +1 degree. In such conditions, the cuttings will be preserved well until spring and will slowly take root.

Rooted cuttings can be planted in spring, early summer or autumn, the main thing is to create suitable conditions for them and surround them with the necessary care, to help them survive their first winter outside. This will definitely give good results; to the delight of their owners, they will grow into healthy, strong, beautifully blooming rose bushes.

Video “Pros and cons of propagation by cuttings”

From the video you will learn the pros and cons of propagating bushes in this way.

Rose is the queen of all flowers. Despite its centuries-old age, it is still able to amaze our hearts with its unique aroma and sophisticated appearance. The rose is the flower of all women and men madly in love with them. But you always want to preserve the beauty of a donated plant. How to do this? After all, the rose itself is very capricious. Plant propagation will help you with this. roses right? This will be discussed in our article.

Species that can be propagated by cuttings

How to root a rose cutting so that it takes root? First of all, you need to find out which plant varieties are amenable to cultivation in this way, and which are absolutely not adapted to this.

Climbing, miniature and some varieties of hybrid tea flowers are well propagated by cuttings. Polanthus roses will also be excellent test subjects for rooting.

In fact, many varieties of yellow species cannot be propagated by cuttings. You also won’t be able to do this with a wrinkled park rose.

How to do it?

It is very difficult to root cuttings of roses from a bouquet. There is no 100% guarantee that the process will be successful. Only one out of ten cuttings produces roots. And this is not so much. Therefore, to achieve greater effect, take several cuttings at once, then the likelihood of success of the undertaking will increase significantly.

Let's move on to methods of rooting cuttings. There are several of them. The first method, which we will highlight in our article, is to select a cutting with young vegetation from a bouquet, which must be lowered into water. Then it must be put into any growth stimulator. Next, you need to root the cuttings of roses from the bouquet in a pot of soil, into which the stem is immersed until the young shoots - they remain above it. Then the seedling is covered with a plastic bottle. Or, two sticks are placed on the sides of the pot, over which plastic film is stretched. After this procedure, we leave the plant alone, but do not forget to water it and let it breathe. Wait four weeks for the seedling to take root.

The second way to root a rose cutting is to divide the stems of the plant into 25-centimeter sections. This is best done with pruning shears or a blade. Do this to avoid damaging the stem. There is no need to take the tops - they are too thin. We place the cuttings in the ground, then cut off the bottom of plastic bottles and cover our seedlings with them. Periodically, the structure needs to be removed so that our future roses can breathe. In this method, cuttings are planted in the fall.

Important rule

In any endeavor, it is very important to take into account all the nuances. So it is in our business. When selecting cuttings, always remember that you need to pay attention only to stems that have at least two or three buds.

Little tricks

Growing a rose with your own hands is not easy work and is not for everyone. And, unfortunately, the method of propagation in a jar does not always work out. What needs to be done for everything to be successful? Are there any secrets to cuttings? Still as it is. And they are in front of you.

  1. Do not root a large number of cuttings in one container. They won't sprout.
  2. Do not use a transparent container.
  3. A cutting that has no leaves does not need daylight to take root. And vice versa. If there is at least one leaf on the stem, then without light the cutting will not take root.
  4. It is better to take young side branches of the rose.
  5. When water evaporates from a container with a cutting, it is better to top it up than to completely change it.
  6. The older the rose from which the stem was taken, the more difficult it will be to root.
  7. The lowest sections are best suited for cuttings. The closer the part of the stem is to the ground, the better and faster it will take root.
  8. There should not be a lot of water in the container. The more liquid, the less oxygen there is at the roots, which can cause plant rotting.

Growing rose cuttings in potatoes

This is one of the most unusual and interesting methods of planting this flower. To do this, we need young shoots of roses, which can be obtained during the flowering period, namely in the summer. The stems should not exceed the thickness of a pencil, as they multiply most quickly during the process. Then, using pruning shears, we cut the young plants into cuttings. It is advisable to do this slightly at an angle. Do not forget that cuttings should not exceed 25 centimeters in length. We carefully remove all the thorns and leaves from their lower part, and then immerse the stem in the potatoes. Next we need to choose a location for the trench and dig it. It should be open and sunny, but protected from the wind. The trench should be about fifteen centimeters deep.

The bottom is completely covered with sand so that there are no gaps. We immerse the cuttings in the ground at a distance of twenty-five centimeters from each other, and then cover them with earth. After which, do not forget to water thoroughly. "Why immerse cuttings in potatoes?" - you ask? Rose seedlings placed in potatoes will not need moisture. They will be completely provided by tubers. Also, it is they who will feed them with already synthesized beneficial substances.

We propagate home roses by cuttings

This is a truly beautiful plant, which is also unpretentious. Propagating domestic roses from cuttings is often not a difficult process at all. The whole secret is to carefully cut the stem and place it in a glass of settled water. The only thing you will need to do before the first roots appear is to change the contents in the glass. In order to increase the chances of success, growth stimulants can be added to the water. This option will also help you save time. When the roots have appeared, the stem must be transplanted into a previously prepared small glass with special soil for roses. The planted plant is covered with a transparent plastic glass, which will create a greenhouse effect. This will help the seedling take root faster.

Propagation of domestic roses on a large scale

There is also a more complex way to root the cuttings of your pet rose. This method should be used in the spring. are circumcised. These branches are divided into cuttings. At the same time, do not forget to ensure that there are two or three buds left on each seedling. All vegetation from the stems is carefully torn off. The seedlings must be left for several hours so that the cuts can heal a little. For our cuttings it is necessary to prepare many small cups or a large box, as well as special soil for home roses. The seedlings are placed in a prepared place in moist soil, and then covered with a transparent bag so that it leaves a little free space above the cuttings. In about two to three weeks you will be able to observe new shoots. It is then that you can begin to ventilate them and slowly accustom them to room temperature. When the plants are completely strong, they can be transplanted into separate pots, while ensuring the safety of the earthen clod.

Fertilizing young roses

When new shoots of young roses begin to reach 15 centimeters, they can already be fertilized. To avoid burns to the roots, they need to be thoroughly watered. For young seedlings, a weak solution of complex fertilizer is perfect, which is best alternated with mullein tincture and mineral fertilizer.

Don't rush to throw it away. Few people know, but flowers can be given a second life. You don't need any supernatural knowledge to do this. We will study a few tips and answer the main question: how to grow a rose from a cut flower.

First difficulties

Don't think you can do it easily the first time. As soon as you want to grow a rose using this method, you may encounter the following problems:

  1. If you have flowers of foreign origin, there will be problems with rooting. This happens due to the fact that they are treated with various chemicals.
  2. Even if you have Russian roses, be prepared that the buds will be small. And also such plants are not resistant to severe frosts.

But don't despair. If you follow our recommendations, you will quickly learn how to grow a rose from a cut flower.

Basic Rules

To achieve your goal, we suggest using the following tips:

Tip 1. When the bouquet has matured, prepare cuttings that are cut from the stems. The height of each of them should not exceed 20 cm. This will help them not to dry out.

Important! Each cutting should have 2-3 live buds.

Tip 2. If there are any leaves left on the cuttings, cut them off immediately. Make one cut each on the top and bottom of the kidney. To do this, prepare a sharp knife.

Tip 3. For a day, place the cuttings in a solution that promotes rapid rooting. This drug can be purchased in a special store.

Tip 4. Buy the right soil. Special soil for roses is suitable for this. It contains all the necessary components and trace elements. Place all the soil in boxes or pots.

Tip 5. You can plant cuttings no earlier than after 2 months.

Tip 6. Cover all seedlings with plastic bottles. They will help maintain a constant temperature, which should be between 20-25 degrees.

Tip 7. The soil in pots should always be moist. Spray the cuttings with water 5-6 times a day.

Tip 8. During the cold season, do not keep plants on the balcony.

By following our rules, you can easily get the answer to the question of how to grow a rose from a cut flower. The photo will show in more detail the cuttings that will make a real miracle.

Original ways

If you are seriously interested in the question of how to grow a bush rose from a cut flower, then you will be interested in the following method. We invite you to read in detail:

  1. Prepare the cuttings and insert each into one potato.
  2. Make a garden bed on your property. To do this, dig a small trench.
  3. Choose a place that is sunny and inaccessible to winds.
  4. Add sand to the trench. Now sort the young shoots. Choose only those copies that are the size of a pencil. The shoots must be even.
  5. Now we plant them in the prepared bed and cover them with soil.
  6. During this time, sprouts may have formed on the potatoes; we urge you to cut them off.

If you still doubt whether it is possible to grow a rose from a cut flower, then our answer will be obvious. Of course, you can, the main thing is desire and compliance with all the rules.


Now that you have decided to take a closer look at the question of how to grow a rose from a cut flower, then be prepared for the following:

  • if you have been growing cuttings at home all this time, then in the first spring the plant must be transferred to open ground; even a large container will be cramped, since the plant has large roots;
  • always remember that this flower is the most capricious of all representatives of the flora, so provide it with proper care.

You can plant cuttings in open ground in the summer. June is best for this. They are planted in the ground, which must be fertilized with peat and humus. Cover the cuttings with a glass jar. If fresh green leaves appear on them, this indicates that the plant has taken root successfully. Continue to constantly loosen the soil, remove weeds and water as necessary.

We answered your main question: “How to grow a rose from a cut flower?” The rest is up to you. Follow the instructions exactly and you will definitely succeed.

Sometimes you don’t want to part with the flowers you’ve given. In this case, you can make a little effort and grow seedlings for further planting in permanent soil.

Many people are interested in how to grow a rose from a cutting from a bouquet. Especially if the variety is unusual or extremely dear to the heart. If you wish, you can root the flower you like, and this should not be delayed.

The most successful propagation of roses will be from cuttings that were cut in the first summer months. It is advisable that the flowers were previously grown in the local climate and not treated with chemicals to prolong the life of the buds.

The optimal time for germinating cuttings is June, but in August it will be more difficult to achieve the formation of roots on the stems. The hardest time to grow a plant is in the winter months, and to save rose cuttings until spring.

You should not delay obtaining cuttings for several days after receiving the bouquet. Fresh flowers brought home on the same day have a greater chance of germinating.

How to properly prepare cuttings?

For cuttings, you need to select the strongest flowers from the bouquet that have beautiful buds. Their stems should be at the initial stage of lignification, that is, be brown in color. Those that are too immature do not yet have the strength to germinate, and the dark brown ones are already beginning to rot.

If the flowers are fresh, you can prepare cuttings immediately. When the roses have been in the vase for a couple of days, you need to cut off the sections a couple of centimeters and place them in cold water for 4-6 hours.

Preparation of cuttings:

  1. Cut buds from the selected flowers. They will no longer be needed for planting flowers.
  2. Cut the stems into cuttings from 15 to 30 cm. It is recommended to leave at least 3 buds on each cutting. The top one should be 1 cm below the end of the top, and the bottom one should be 2 cm above the base.
  3. The upper cut should be smooth, the lower cut should be made at an acute angle.
  4. Remove all lower leaves from the cuttings and trim the upper ones by a third.
  5. Place the cut stems in water to which a root growth stimulator has been added for 6 hours.
  6. Then you can start rooting the rose in any possible way.

Cuttings that were formed from the middle of the stem take root most well. However, it is recommended to save them all, as the chances of most of the flowers germinating increase.

The secateurs or knife for cutting flowers must be very sharp so as not to break the stem during pruning. In addition, tools must be disinfected before work.

Use of growth stimulants

To increase the chances of root germination and speed up this process, a ready-made preparation or one prepared independently should be added to the soaking water. It is necessary to soak cuttings in solutions from purchased additives for several hours, while a self-prepared growth stimulator is effective for 24 hours.

What can you soak cuttings in:

  • Kornevin (1 g per 1 liter of water);
  • Heteroauxin (1 tablet per 2.5 liters of liquid);
  • Radifarm (2 drops per 1 liter of water);
  • Zircon (1 ml per 10 liters of liquid);
  • Epin extra (1 ampoule per 2 liters of water);
  • aloe juice (the composition is 9 parts water and 1 part juice);
  • water with honey (1 teaspoon of beekeeping product is added to half a liter of liquid).

Of all the listed biostimulants, Radifarm is the most active. Therefore, the time of soaking cuttings in it is reduced to 30 minutes.

Rooting methods

There are several ways to grow a rose from a cutting. Most often, flowers are germinated in water or soil. However, there are more interesting options. For example, gardeners grow roses in bags, potato tubers or newspaper.

Germination in water

This option is the simplest, fastest and most affordable. An important step in germination using this method is the selection of high-quality water. Rain or spring liquid is most suitable; tap water is also suitable.

However, the liquid from the pipeline must be pre-prepared. It must be filtered and then allowed to settle for 24 hours.

How to grow roots:

  1. Pour a small amount of water into the jar.
  2. Dip the previously prepared cuttings into the liquid by about 1-3 cm.
  3. Place the container in any place where there is no direct sunlight.

The water should be changed every 2 days. Growing using this method takes about 3 weeks. Initially, white formations will appear on the stems, from which new roots will grow. This method has a significant disadvantage - often some of the cuttings rot irrevocably.

In pots

The method of growing roses in pots is a little more complicated, but it is one of the most effective.

For rooting you will need:

  • lower container for soil;
  • the top transparent - to form a mini-greenhouse;
  • potassium permanganate solution;
  • priming;
  • some small stones and sand for drainage.

Initially, you need to select a suitable container for disembarkation. If one cutting is grown, a 0.5 liter pot will be enough for it. Accordingly, with an increase in the number of future colors, the capacity and its displacement increase.

Steps for rooting in a pot:

  1. Treat the container for planting with potassium permanganate. This will disinfect it from harmful bacteria.
  2. Place small stones on the bottom for drainage, then pour in a suitable commercial soil mixture and tamp lightly. You can prepare the soil yourself. To do this, you need to take garden soil and sand in a 2:1 ratio. Be sure to disinfect the resulting soil.
  3. Make a small depression in the ground and place the cutting in it. If several of them are planted, the distance between them should be about 6 cm. Compact the loosened soil and water with settled water.
  4. Create greenhouse conditions. To do this, you need to cover the planted cuttings with a jar or plastic bottle if they are in a pot. The seedlings in the box are covered with film.
  5. As the top layer of soil dries, it is necessary to spray it with a spray bottle.

The temperature in the room should be at least 25 degrees during the day, and at night the mark on the thermometer should drop to 18. The germination of cuttings should be judged by the appearance of new light green shoots after about a month.

At this stage, it is necessary to begin periodically removing the cover from the roses. First, airing is carried out for 3-5 minutes, then gradually the time can be increased. When full leaves appear, the greenhouse is completely cleaned.

Growing roses in a bag

Rooting stems in a bag is also a way to help provide future seedlings with maximum humidity and greenhouse conditions. The good thing about this method is that it does not require additional containers for planting.

Stages of growing roses:

  1. Fill the bag 1/3 with soil suitable for these flowers.
  2. Treat the cut of the cutting with a solution to enhance root formation and place it in the ground.
  3. Fill the remaining space in the bag with air, tie it and hang it near the window.

The first shoots begin to appear after 2 weeks. The resulting seedlings can be transplanted into the ground within a month.

Using potatoes

The main advantage of growing a strong rose root system in potatoes is the appropriate moisture content of the tuber and feeding the cuttings the optimal amount of carbohydrates. This method allows you to get strong seedlings without spending much effort.

First you need to prepare the potatoes. The tuber should be of medium size. It should not be rotten, have damaged areas or limp skin. Rinse the potatoes thoroughly, disinfect them in a solution of potassium permanganate and dry them.

How to germinate rose cuttings in potatoes:

  1. Cut a hole in the tuber, slightly short of the opposite side. The width should match the diameter of the stem.
  2. Treat the cut of the future flower with a growth stimulator and place the stem in the potato.
  3. Pour soil into the pot, place the tuber on it, and also sprinkle soil on top.
  4. Add water.
  5. Install a greenhouse in the form of a bottle or jar.

Germination in newspaper

This method is also called the “burrito method”, since the cuttings rolled into newspaper actually resemble the shape of this food product. The materials you will need are a bag, newspaper and chopped stems.

Stages of germination using newspaper:

  1. Place several cuttings on paper at once. First, bend it at both ends of the stems, and then scroll. You will get a roll from a newspaper, inside of which there are future seedlings.
  2. Moisten the paper generously with water. Make sure it doesn't tear.
  3. Place the “burrito” in a plastic bag and tie it.

The bundle should be placed in a place where the temperature will remain at 20 degrees. Once a week you need to unroll the paper, moisten it, and inspect the condition of the cuttings. If some copies are rotten, they must be removed and the newspaper replaced with a new one. Roots form after about 2 weeks.

Planting rose cuttings from a bouquet to a permanent place

The most suitable time of year for planting these flowers is late spring or early summer. Planting roses from cuttings in the fall does not make sense, since the plant will freeze in the ground.

The landing site must be chosen in a sunny location without strong winds. The soil should not go too deep, as when it rains, excess water will flow into it.

In the selected area, it is necessary to form holes of a suitable size, the diameter of which is equal to the root system. It is recommended to fertilize the soil; after planting, the soil must be watered. Sprinkle the ground with sawdust or peat. Cover the seedlings from direct sunlight.

Rules for caring for seedlings

Fertilizer will be required for seedlings that have grown more than 12 cm. For this, complex solutions or infusions of herbs and mullein are used. In order for the plant to be strong, in the first year it is necessary to immediately trim the flower buds after they appear. This will allow the rose bush to put all its energy into developing healthy stems.

You need to take care in advance about covering the plant for the autumn-winter period. This will protect the bushes from frost. Some specimens should be dug up and stored in a cool, damp place. This way, roses from a bouquet will appear in the garden again and again, delighting not only the gardener, but also everyone around him.


Roses can be propagated at home using cuttings from a bush from the garden or a bouquet. This way you extend the life of the donated flowers. After rooting, the young seedlings are transplanted to a garden plot, where the plant can express itself in all its glory. To make everything go smoothly, we will talk about the selection and preparation of cuttings to obtain a developed root system.

If you decide to grow a rose from a bouquet, wait until the shoots begin to darken and become cracked. Donate fresh flowers that have stood in water for no more than 2 days, then the survival rate of cuttings will increase many times over. First of all, remove the buds, thorns and lower leaves, and shorten the upper ones by a third. We do this so that the extra links of the shoot do not take the required amount of moisture from the cutting to form a root system. For rooting, take the middle part of the shoot with three healthy buds. It is very important that the buds are not black, otherwise the entire growing process may be at risk. The average length of one cutting should be about 15 cm.

Rose cuttings

There is no need to cut large cuttings. They will take up too much moisture and prevent the root system from developing properly. As for cutting cuttings, experts recommend making the upper cut straight, just above the location of the bud, and the lower cut oblique, at about 45 degrees, 1-2 cm below the bud or under the bud itself. Next, for better survival of the cuttings, we place them in a solution of a root formation stimulator. Perfect fit Kornevin, Heteroauxin, Epin or traditional methods such as aloe juice or honey water. If possible, cut and soak as many cuttings as possible in the solution, as there is a chance that not all of them will be able to take root.

For a rose you need to create certain conditions. Cuttings should be provided with equal amounts of moisture, heat and light, with moderate watering to prevent rotting. Also keep the air humidity level at 80-90%. To do this, in parallel with watering, spray the cuttings with a spray bottle. The greenhouse opens only during spraying, the rest of the time it should be closed, only ventilate it for a couple of hours in the morning and evening.

Rooting cuttings under a bottle

We begin creating a mini-greenhouse by preparing a nutrient substrate. The soil for germination should be light, fertile and breathable. For planting, it is best to purchase special pots with a diameter of 9-11 cm with drainage holes, thanks to which you can always regulate the moderate level of watering. If you do not have such a container, then place any drainage material, such as pieces of foam or small pebbles, at the bottom of the pot. Next, fill almost the entire area of ​​the pot with soil. You can use either a special soil for planting roses or a universal substrate. To make the soil light and breathable, sprinkle the top layer of soil with a 3 cm layer of sand. We deepen the already prepared cutting into the soil with sand by about 2 cm, preferably at an angle of 45 degrees, while making sure that the nearest bud does not touch the ground.

After planting, moisten the soil abundantly. To create greenhouse conditions, we place a transparent bottle of a suitable size on top of the cutting, cutting off the bottom from below and deepening the plastic a few centimeters into the ground. We screw the cap on top of the bottle and open the container for 10-15 minutes a day to bring in fresh air. Instead of a bottle, you can use a glass jar. This way you will reach the desired temperature inside (approximately 23-25 ​​degrees). Don’t forget about the long daylight hours, which young seedlings so need. Therefore, it is better to place them on the windowsill of the southern part of the house. After the roots and young shoots with leaves appear, we do not immediately remove the jar or plastic bottle, but do it gradually, allowing the plant to get used to dry air. When the cover is completely removed, we do not stop spraying, performing it daily. If the first buds appear, remove them.

Everyone's favorite potato will help improve the previous method of rooting rose cuttings from a bouquet. To do this, we cut the cuttings in a familiar way and prepare potato tubers for planting. To prevent them from germinating in wet soil, we remove all the eyes from them and make a deep hole in the middle of the potato. Then dip the end of the cutting into powder Kornevina or aloe juice and deepen the cuttings into the prepared potato tubers.

Planting cuttings in potatoes

Potatoes for cuttings should be young, cleared of soil, not sprouted, with a maximum content of nutrients.

Thanks to the use of potato cuttings in growing roses, the plant receives the necessary nutrients, starch and carbohydrates. In addition, the tubers help maintain a constant moist environment necessary for the development of a young seedling. Otherwise, this cultivation of rose cuttings is practically no different from the previous method. We prepare a similar nutrient substrate, deepen the potatoes with cuttings into it, sprinkle with soil and cover the sprouts with a plastic bottle or jar on top.

We water future flowers as the soil dries, and additionally every five days we feed the plant with sweet water, at the rate of 2 tsp. sugar per glass of water. Approximately 14 days after the start of germination, we begin to harden the seedlings by briefly removing the jar or unscrewing the bottle cap. After another two weeks you can completely remove it. A signal of successful rooting of cuttings will be the appearance of new buds and the first young shoots with leaves.

High productivity and survival rate are shown by rooting rose cuttings in vermiculite, which can also be replaced with perlite or coconut fiber. This method guarantees almost one hundred percent survival rate if the minimum rules of care are observed. Take an ordinary plastic cup, make drainage holes in it from the bottom and fill the container with one of the proposed materials, then insert a handle into it to a depth of 2 cm. Cover the cup with a bag and place it on the windowsill. All further care will be reduced to moistening the substrate.

Vermiculite for growing plants

However, this will have to be done quite rarely, since vermiculite and other listed materials are capable of retaining moisture for a long time. After about 3-4 weeks, the cuttings will take root. At this stage, the seedlings are transplanted into a pot for final rooting. You can do it much simpler. To reduce unnecessary manipulations, immediately prepare a pot with nutritious soil, make a depression in the middle and add vermiculite or coconut fiber to it. Deepen the prepared planting hole and water it thoroughly. Thanks to better absorption of moisture, the roots will quickly appear and grow through the vermiculite into the soil.

However, it is easier to cut roses in water. To do this, you do not need to prepare any nutrient substrates or additional materials. All you need is a container and water in which to immerse the cutting. It is important to emphasize that in order for the rose to develop successfully, we do not change the water in the vessel, even if it turns green, but add the required amount of liquid to it as it evaporates. To germinate the root system, select a container made of dark glass.

The “burrito” method or how to grow a rose in a newspaper?

This rooting method is known among rose lovers, although there are completely different opinions about it. Many recognize the “burrito” as successful and use this method exclusively, while others call it incomprehensible and one of the lowest in terms of survival rate. However, there are so many people, so many opinions, now let’s talk more about the essence. We prepare denser cuttings about 20 cm long and remove all leaves. Next, take the newspaper and dip it in a bowl of water, then unfold the moistened paper, level it, place the cuttings on it and wrap them on all sides. If the newspaper is small, take another one, also dip it in water, squeeze out excess moisture after wetting and wrap the second layer.

Growing roses in newspaper

After this, we put the resulting package in a garbage bag and tie it tightly. We send everything to a dark place and forget about the cuttings for two weeks. After this time, unfold the newspaper and check the condition of the sprouts. During this short period, calli (growths) and a small number of roots should form on the lower sections. This means that the method worked and the cuttings can be transplanted into a pot for further rooting. Alternatively, try wrapping the bottom of the cuttings in damp cotton wool and placing them in a plastic bag. By creating a humid environment and maintaining a constant temperature of 23-26 degrees, a successful result is guaranteed.

Reproduction of miniature roses - what are the subtleties?

Miniature roses are much easier to take cuttings, although there are some nuances here too. Firstly, the preparation of cuttings and their further propagation is best carried out in the warm season, from late April to August, maximum to September, then the probability of survival doubles. In the remaining months of the year, the probability of sprouts taking root is extremely low. Secondly, young shoots need to create a comfortable microclimate with constant lighting provided by a lamp. To cut cuttings, we select the middle part of the shoot, 2.5-3 cm thick. It is these sprouts that take root much faster.

To stimulate growth, make the bottom cut at an angle and cut off all the leaves, leaving a thin branch at the top with one leaf. Next, prepare a transparent container and pour water (2-2.5 cm) into it; to be safe, add a little Heteroauxin. We place rose cuttings in a vessel with water and a root formation stimulator and send them to a warm, illuminated place. As the water evaporates, add the required amount of liquid to the container. To predict how roses will grow further, take a closer look at the intensity of root formation. If they form only at the site where the lower bud is cut, then the seedling is likely to be weak. And if the roots begin to grow above the cut of the bud, the rose will develop quickly.

When the roots of the cuttings reach 1.5-2 cm, it’s time to transplant them into a pot with soil. We do this as carefully as possible so as not to damage the delicate root system of the plant. After replanting, thoroughly moisten and compact the soil. In this case, we do not cover the pot with anything; we place it in a warm, bright place, protected from direct rays of the sun. A few days after transplanting into nutrient soil, side shoots should appear from the young shoots. This will mean that the future rose has successfully taken root. After 2-3 months of intensive care, when the root system of the seedling becomes larger and stronger, we transplant the sprouts into a large pot so that the roots are not crowded.

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