Vertical drainage scheme. How to make drainage in a summer cottage with your own hands - a step-by-step guide to drainage with photos and videos. Surface point and linear drainage equipment

Colorful compositions 06.10.2023
Colorful compositions

A drainage system is a set of engineering structures designed to drain rain, groundwater and melt water. Vertical drainage is one of its types used in practice. Its main purpose is to lower the soil water level.

The creation of such systems is of great practical importance. After all, as is known, excess moisture negatively affects the condition of all buildings, reducing their service life, and the development of many cultivated plant species.

Properly organized drainage improves the comfort of living conditions.

Functions and components of drainage structures

Drainage system design

Work on creating drainage systems requires both time and additional (and not small) expenditure of money. Then, what is drainage for? This question could only arise from a person unfamiliar with the basics of construction.

Water after heavy rains and melted snow must go somewhere. Otherwise a number of problems will arise:

  • the foundations of buildings will begin to collapse at a faster pace;
  • cellars and basements are often flooded (completely flooded) or with high levels of humidity, which makes it impossible to store vegetables and fruits;
  • fungi and mold spread throughout the premises;
  • When waterlogging occurs, the number of organisms and insects harmful to humans increases.

Water diverted from the house can be used for household purposes

Based on the above, we can deduce why drainage is needed:

  • excess water is removed;
  • it becomes possible to stock up on it for economic purposes;
  • the service life of buildings increases;
  • optimal conditions for plant cultivation are created.
  • pipes;
  • wells;
  • channels (ditches);
  • gutters;
  • pits;
  • filters;
  • water collectors;
  • pumps.

Plastic wells

Answering the question of what drainage is, it should be said that it is a set of activities and structures whose purpose is to drain excess water.

Factors indicating the need for drainage:

  • relief features: drainage is required for lowlands and at the boundaries of watersheds;
  • close location to the groundwater surface (depth 1.5 m);
  • soil type: clay and rocky soils do not allow precipitation to pass through well;
  • location of buildings in river catchment areas.

Drainage of the site will solve a number of important problems with waterlogging of the site and improve comfort indicators.

Classification of drainage structures

In practice, various types of drainage are common. They are divided by design, depth and installation method.

Example of a drainage system

Their classification is presented in the table.

Additionally, you can also highlight biodrainage.

The integrated use of horizontal and vertical types of drainage in construction (combined version) leads not only to maintaining the hydrological level, but also promotes the rational removal of moisture from the surface of the serviced area.

Installation of vertical drainage systems

Vertical drainage is also suitable for dewatering deep layers of soil

Vertical drainage is a whole complex integrated system designed for draining groundwater located close to the surface. Its components are: drainage wells, pumping equipment, water supply network, filter and automation systems.

This method is also used to dehydrate deep soil layers, which lowers the groundwater level in the area. At the same time, they are guided by the hydrogeological indicators of the area in order to fulfill the requirements for compliance with the water regime.

Vertical drainage is widely used:

  • in suburban construction;
  • during the construction of infrastructure facilities (highways, railways, tunnels, dams).

A system of this type protects the walls of buildings (as well as their other areas) from negative hydrostatic influences.

Vertical drainage is arranged as follows:

  • filter elements that are placed directly in the aquifer;
  • filtration wells located at the lowest point of the site.

In the first case, drainage of in-situ water is carried out by pumping stations. Such structures are effective, but costly to construct and maintain, so they are more often used in the construction of luxury houses, industrial and infrastructure facilities, and dams.

The second version of the device is more affordable. It effectively controls the water level in the ground.

Drilling drainage wells also refers to vertical drainage. This method will get rid of high-lying soil waters, diverting them to a prepared place.

A common mistake when installing using this method is drilling to the first aquifer. This will add dirty liquid from the surface to local drinking water sources, ruining their quality.

The well must intersect two aquifers

The drainage well must drill 1-2 waterproof horizons, which will remove perched water from the land plot. It is recommended to make a cone along its perimeter at 45 degrees from the axis.

The required number of wells, their location, and drilling depth are determined based on the structure of the soil and the location of the aquifers.

Their diameter is not of fundamental importance; the frequency of installation is important.

Vertical drainage is durable and reliable. It is most effective in combination with waterproofing the foundations of buildings, walls of basements, cellars and underground warehouses.

Creating drainage along the fence

In areas with high rainfall, when the terrain slopes towards the fence and there is high water, a drainage ditch along the fence is required. Its creation will be the optimal solution for protecting the base of the fence and rational drainage of water. For useful tips on site drainage, watch this useful video:

There are three types of drainage ditches along the fence:

  • closed, created using perforated buried pipes;
  • open (gutter);
  • backfill, when large crushed stone and other filter mixtures are brought into the prepared trench.

Before making a drainage ditch, you should take into account SNiP 2.05.07-85 and the set of rules numbered 104-34-96. They regulate the requirements for slopes and distances to the fence, and also provide recommendations for practical construction.

A sufficient distance from the fence to the trench with reinforced sides is about 50 cm.

Ditch walls are often made of concrete

Ditch walls are often created in the form of a concrete trench. Effective options for strengthening slopes are also:

  • dense plantings (slope no more than 30°);
  • the use of sheets of polymers with large cells, folded in several layers (slope angle - up to 70°);
  • biomats are used on slopes up to 60°;
  • deep trenches are reinforced with reinforced structures filled with drainage compounds.

The process of creating an open-type ditch consists of the following stages:

  • Initially, ditches are dug with a volume twice as large (the required volume);
  • the bottom is covered with a cushion of coarse sand or gravel;
  • the walls of the resulting gutter are strengthened mechanically or manually, after which they can be decorated;
  • it is taken into account that the depth of the pit exceeds the vertical dimensions of the foundations of nearby structures by 30-50 cm;
  • The bottom slope is on one side and is up to 5 cm per 10 m of ditch length. For an example of an original drainage ditch, see this video:

The main function of drainage along fences is to redirect the resulting water flows.

Garage drainage organization

Drainage can be done both outside and inside

Garages often suffer from flooding. Their owners often face the question: how to make drainage in the garage? For this purpose, several technologies are used depending on specific conditions.

In a do-it-yourself garage, drainage is done outside or inside. The external method involves performing a certain list of works:

  • gutters are dug along the perimeter of the structure 40 cm below the floor and up to 50 cm wide;
  • after 2 m, wells are drilled along them (several meters deep);
  • plastic pipes are inserted and covered with a mesh on top;
  • a pillow is lined at the bottom of the gutter;
  • geotextile is laid (crushed stone on it), its edges are wrapped;
  • the entire surface is covered with earth.

The internal method consists of creating a pit, from where moisture will be directed through a drain into the local sewage system, or will go into the ground through a well. To learn how to make drainage around your house, watch this useful video:

For a garage, the external method is the most effective option.

It was discussed above what drainage is, its types and functions. Examples of waste disposal from fences and garages are also given. Drainage work is an important activity, the correct implementation of which will determine the integrity of buildings and structures in the long term.

Effective systems prevent waterlogging of areas and create the necessary conditions for crop production. In areas with seasonal (or rare) precipitation, they help replenish fresh water supplies.

In watered soils there is sufficiently high permeability (with a filtration coefficient of more than 5 m/day), the thickness of the watered rocks exceeds several meters, and the depth of the aquiclude is over 8 - 10 m;

With a two-layer structure of the watered rock mass, when the upper layer is composed of weakly permeable clayey rocks several meters thick, and the lower layer is composed of highly permeable rocks;

With a multi-layered structure of the watered rock strata of significant (more than 10 m) thickness.

The use of vertical drainage may also be appropriate if it is necessary to reduce the groundwater level within individual domes formed in low-permeability rocks (with a filtration coefficient of about 1 m/day) of great thickness (several tens of meters).

The main structural elements of a vertical drainage well are:

A shaft, usually secured with casing;

Filter with over-filter pipe;

Water lifting equipment.

Casing pipes perform the functions of fastening the walls of the well, ensuring their stability both during the period of drilling the well and during its operation. In most cases, after constructing a drainage well and equipping it with a filter column and filter, the casing pipes are removed completely or partially.

It is advisable to use a design with a sand and gravel backfill in the space between the well wall and the filter column for the entire length in drainage wells of relatively shallow depth, as well as in conditions of drainage of layered rock strata.

Vertical absorption drainage wells are installed in cases where there is no danger of contamination of the groundwater of the underlying (absorption) aquifer.

Structurally, absorption wells are drilling cavities with a continuous filling of them with a sand-gravel mixture or are equipped with a filter column with filters located within the drainage and water-absorbing layers. The filter column is surrounded by sand and gravel material.

Vertical drainage wells are equipped with filters, the designs of which can be different.

The main elements of the filter are the frame and the water receiving surface.

Frames used are rod, tubular, with round or slotted perforation, as well as frames made of stamped sheets.

The water receiving surface is made in the form of wire winding, stamped sheets, metal and non-metal mesh, pipe filters made of various artificial porous materials, as well as sand and gravel backfill.

The most common and effective type of filters are sand and gravel filters, which are divided into bed, casing and block filters.

Hot-rolled, electric-welded pipes, polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride pipes, and asbestos-cement pipes are used as structural materials for the manufacture of tubular filter frames.

For the manufacture of rod frames, bar steel grades St3, St5, St7 with diameters of 12, 14, 16 mm are used, as well as connecting pipes and support rings made of hot-rolled pipes.

The wire windings of the frames are made of stainless steel wire with a diameter of 2-4 mm. Stamped elements of water receiving surfaces are made of stainless steel sheets with a thickness of 0.8 - 1 mm.

The mesh elements of water receiving surfaces are made of synthetic mesh, stainless steel mesh or brass mesh of various weaves.

Water is withdrawn from vertical drainage wells by various types of water-lifting devices depending on the depth of the dynamic water level in the well, its diameter, water abundance of the drained aquifer, etc. In this case, pumps with submersible electric motors, pumps with transmission drives, horizontal centrifugal pumps, and also vacuum or airlift water-lifting devices.

Pumps are usually equipped with single drainage wells. If there are a number of relatively closely spaced drainage wells, it is advisable to install airlift or vacuum systems, which make it possible to avoid installing pumps in each individual well.

In some cases, the necessary reduction in groundwater levels in flooded areas can be achieved by self-flowing drainage wells. It is advisable to drain water from a group or a number of such wells by installing a blind collector, into which water flows from each self-flowing well, and then is diverted to a collecting water intake, from where it is pumped out.

In this case, an inspection well is installed above the mouth of each well.

TOPIC: Vertical drainage

1. Introduction

Vertical drainage is a type of drainage that allows you to control the water and salt regimes of soils using drainage wells; one of the new methods of land reclamation. The use of vertical drainage allows you to automate the process of managing the water regime of soils, which ensures more stable and higher yields, completely mechanizes construction work, increases labor productivity by 3-5 times, and uses water resources more economically.

First used in 1923-1925 in the USA. Widely used in the Central Asian republics since the 1950s.

Vertical drainage is divided into systematic drainage (uniform arrangement of water wells over an area at the corners of a square or triangular grid), selective drainage (wells are installed only in certain excessively moist areas), coastal drainage (a linear system of wells that protects the area from flooding from the river or reservoir , lakes), combined drainage (combination of wells with horizon drainage).

Vertical drainage is used to regulate the water regime of soils by creating:

drainage and irrigation systems using groundwater captured by wells for sprinkling;

to regulate groundwater levels; for fencing reclaimed. areas from the influx of groundwater from the side, from flooding from rivers, lakes, reservoirs;

to reduce the pressure of groundwater and reduce (regulate) the influx of water into the drained formation from deep pressure horizons;

for the use of free-flow and pressurized groundwater from the drained area for irrigation of adjacent dry lands, water supply to populated areas, farms, etc.

Drainage and irrigation systems of vertical drainage are a set of hydraulic structures (wells, enclosing and drainage canals, sluices, storage pools, etc.), rainwater units, underground or surface pipelines, control points and automation equipment.

Vertical drainage is often supplemented with vacuum systems - siphons in the form of underground pipelines. Vertical drainage systems do not have elements that provide irrigation to fields.

In the spring and after prolonged rains, vertical drainage operates in drainage mode: well pumps are turned on, and the soil they capture is supplied to bulk reservoirs or discharge channels.

By adjusting the flow rates of wells and the duration of their operation, it is possible to ensure the required drainage rate. During dry periods, the moisture content of the root layer of soil is regulated by sprinkling: wells are turned on and the groundwater captured by them is supplied through closed pipelines to rainfall units. Groundwater reserves used for irrigation are replenished in the autumn-winter and spring periods.

To use vertical drainage on drained lands, certain hydrogeological, geomorphological and soil conditions are required, and first of all, it is necessary that the cover deposits be represented by sufficiently permeable soils, underlain by a thick layer of water-saturated sandy deposits.

Vertical drainage is a deep bore well (borehole) that reaches a powerful aquifer and cuts through it partially or completely. The depth of the well-well is set depending on the geological structure, hydrogeological conditions and the depth of the aquifer.

Typically, vertical wells (drains) are constructed with a depth of 30.80 m or more, with a diameter of 0.7.1 m, with the walls of the well secured with casing pipes.

When pumping water with a vertical well, the groundwater level around the drain decreases, forming a depression funnel. It can be symmetrical (when pumping water from a groundwater basin) and asymmetrical (when pumping from a groundwater stream).

Based on the location of the drains in the plan, they distinguish between areal (systematic), when it is necessary to lower the groundwater level in the irrigated area, and linear, when a line of wells intercepts the soil flow entering a given irrigated area from adjacent lands.

Accordingly, several types of drainage are considered - systematic, linear and selective. The latter type is confined to individual areas where selective lowering of the groundwater level is required.

According to their location in plan, vertical wells can be single or group. If a group of vertical wells is located in plan at a distance from each other less than their radius of influence, then such wells are called interacting.

The water intake part of the well is equipped with filters. Typically, filters are made from round metal perforated pipes (rod or other designs and from other materials can also be used). Near each well, a transformer from the power line and a cabinet with equipment for automatically controlling the operation of the drainage pump are installed. To organize telecontrol and maintenance, vertical wells are combined into systems of 20,100 wells.

It is advisable to arrange vertical drainage in such a geological structure of the soil layer, where there are thick coarse-grained or pebble aquifers with pressure waters without continuous impermeable layers, with a water conductivity of the aquifer T of more than 100 m 2 / day:

where k is the filtration coefficient of the aquifer soil, m/day;

m is the thickness of this layer, m,

and a good hydraulic relationship is ensured between all layers of soil that make up the entire thickness from the surface of the earth to the aquifer (including the aquifer).

Designing vertical drainage comes down to creating a downward flow of water, determined from an analysis of the water-salt balance, and ensuring the necessary lowering of the groundwater surface in the irrigated area. Based on this provision, the parameters of the system are first determined, that is, the type of drainage, its productivity, etc., and then the parameters of the wells, their number, distances between them, flow rates, and ultimately the design of the well and pumping equipment for it are calculated.

The feasibility of constructing vertical drains at different water conductivities is decided as a result of technical and economic calculations.

Vertical drainage is used both on irrigated and drained lands, in areas of insufficient, unstable and excessive moisture.

The specific flow rate of a vertical well, that is, the flow rate per 1 m of pumping depth, must be at least 5 l/s. The construction of wells with low specific flow rate is ineffective.

Vertical drainage has many advantages compared to horizontal:

promotes a rapid decrease in groundwater levels and soil desalination with the spread of these processes to great depths;

when using it, it is possible to use pumped water (if it is slightly mineralized) for irrigation and flushing of saline soils;

As a result of the operation of vertical drainage, sufficient capacity of the aeration zone is ensured, allowing for effective autumn-winter and spring leaching of saline soils; it becomes possible to regulate the position of the groundwater level, which makes it possible to create optimal soil moisture in the aeration zone.

Maintaining an optimal groundwater regime during the growing season in combination with a good agrotechnical complex prevents the restoration of salinity and creates favorable conditions for obtaining high crop yields.

Despite many positive aspects, vertical drainage also has disadvantages:

to ensure its operation, it is necessary to equip it with submersible electric pumps, which significantly increases the cost of constructing drains and increases operating costs;

when a drain operates near and around it, a funnel of depression surface of groundwater is created, as a result the soil is unevenly drained;

with prolonged and intensive operation of vertical drains, especially a large group of them, a significant weakening and reduction in the water pressure of the aquifer from which they pump water is possible, and this in some cases can lead to the entry of highly mineralized artesian waters into the aquifer and into the upper cover layers of the soil , lying deeper.

There are examples when, due to a deep decrease in groundwater levels, the leaching of nutrients from the soil increases and its fertility decreases.

Vertical drainage must be designed for pumping mainly dynamic reserves of groundwater and groundwater. This requires materials from a large complex of surveys and studies of the natural conditions of a particular massif. Using these materials and water-salt balance analysis data, the load on drainage and the volume of excess water that needs to be drained outside the irrigated area are determined.

During operation, vertical drainage must ensure the creation of a downward flow of water with a decrease in the groundwater level to a given depth (at least 2.5 m) and maintain this mode throughout the entire period of operation of the irrigation system.

When designing and performing filtration calculations of vertical drainage, its parameters, type and design of drainage, productivity in terms of water consumption (well flow rate), guaranteed lowering of the groundwater level, radius of influence of the well (the area of ​​the drained territory by one well and a group of wells), distances between wells are established.

The parameters of vertical drainage are determined by the average annual load of the operational period when the drains operate in both steady and unsteady modes.

Depending on the periods of development of saline irrigated lands, the operating mode of the vertical drainage system will be different. During the reclamation period, the operating mode ensures the removal of drainage water during soil desalinization; during the operational period, it ensures the optimal water-salt regime.

The operating mode of wells also depends on natural and economic conditions. It can be constant in flow rate, constant in time and variable in the number of operating wells, constant over periods of the year. When pumped water is used for irrigation, the operating mode of the wells is coordinated with the plant water consumption schedule.

2. Vertical drainage in Uzbekistan

An important element of technical progress in reclamation construction in Uzbekistan is vertical drainage of irrigated lands, which has received widespread development.

Systematic vertical drainage, being one of the elements of the engineering and reclamation complex, together with modern irrigation technology and agrotechnical methods, makes it possible to create the necessary reclamation regime - from automorphic to hydromorphic - for a steady increase in soil fertility and obtaining high crop yields with minimal water and labor costs.

Vertical drainage has a number of technical advantages that distinguish it from other types of drainage: it does not take up usable space, its construction And operation does not interfere with agricultural production and can be carried out year-round; allows you to maintain the groundwater level at any given depth, obtain a quick reclamation effect, and also use pumped groundwater for irrigation and leaching (if the quality is good). The construction of wells is completely mechanized, and operation can be easily automated and telemechanized.

3. History of development and prospects for the use of vertical drainage in Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan takes the lead in developing the principles of application and widespread introduction of vertical drainage in the country. In the late 20s - early 30s, single wells of various designs were tested in the Hungry Steppe, in the Bukhara region (the left bank of the Shahrud Canal), and then in the Fergana Valley. Along with this, regional hydrogeological studies were carried out. Several essays have appeared characterizing the hydrogeological conditions of the oases of Uzbekistan from the point of view of the prospects of using vertical drainage, or “California wells,” as they were called then.

Poor technical equipment of the experiments, insufficient knowledge and exploration of hydrogeological conditions did not allow obtaining convincing results that open the way for the widespread introduction of vertical drainage in Uzbekistan.

Progress in the field of drilling technology contributed to the development of hydrogeological exploration work, and the construction of drilled wells for agricultural water supply and pasture watering was widely developed.

Since 1946, on the initiative of B.D. Korzhavin began a study of the problem of using deep pumping of groundwater for irrigation, reclamation and water supply. Hydrogeological materials were analyzed and generalized, the basic requirements for vertical drainage wells were determined, the prospects for its use for the republic were considered, in particular for one of the most important land reclamation objects - the Hungry Steppe, and forecast maps of use were compiled.

Methods have been developed for the construction and design of wells, especially their water receiving part (filters) in different lithological conditions.

The influence of construction methods and well designs on its hydrogeological parameters (flow rate and specific flow rate), as well as on cost indicators, was clarified.

The issues of operating vertical drainage, automation on pumps, organizing a special service, creating repair teams, bases, specialized PMCs, using pumped water and its drainage, above-ground structures at wells,

The reclamation and technical and economic indicators of vertical drainage - the modules of drainage flow, the rate of salt removal, the rate of decline in groundwater levels and land desalination - have been studied, and capital investments in construction, operating costs, and payback have been calculated.

All this made it possible to move to the widespread introduction of vertical drainage into the practice of irrigated agriculture; as a result, by 1970, Uzgiprovodkhoz, the Tashkent branch of Soyuzgiproris and Sredazgiprovodkhlopok, with the participation of SANIIRI, developed schemes and projects for the development of vertical drainage systems, including on the developed Golodnaya and Karshi steppes.

4. Vertical drainage and reclamation regimes

It is known that, according to the nature of the participation of groundwater in soil formation processes in natural conditions, two main types of soil formation process regimes are distinguished - hydromorphic and automorphic and two intermediate ones - semi-hydromorphic and semi-automorphic.

It is customary to distinguish between the corresponding reclamation regimes.

Automorphic and semi-automorphic regimes are formed under conditions of good natural drainage and, as a rule, under these conditions the lands in their natural state are in the stage of desalinization. Hydromorphic and semi-hydromorphic regimes are usually associated with poor natural drainage.

Vertical drainage, unlike other types of drainage, makes it possible to maintain (and create) automorphic and semi-automorphic regimes, which is especially important for newly irrigated lands with an initially deep groundwater level, where it is necessary to maintain this level, prevent its rise and thereby prevent the movement of salts to aeration zone necessary for growing plants.

5. Work of vertical drainage and drainage of lands

Vertical drainage, pumping water out of sandy layers, reduces the piezometric pressures in them and creates a drainage effect in the thickness of the covering loams.

Vertical drainage systems and their normal operation create a certain drainage of the massif - a necessary background for desalinization of the lands.

To use the drainage created by vertical drainage, all land-using farms need to implement a systematic program of a set of measures for the reclamation period for a number of years (careful land planning, timely autumn plowing and autumn-winter leaching irrigation of saline lands, correct leaching regime during the growing season, timely cultivation after watering, etc.). Only in this case will the drainage created by vertical drainage be truly used, and the processes of land desalinization will become irreversible.

An analysis of long-term observations shows that in all areas of vertical drainage, the water and salt regimes after the commissioning of wells develop according to the type of desalinization.

The increase in land drainage made it possible to regulate the groundwater regime and thereby create conditions for the necessary leaching irrigation in order to desalinize the lands and carry out a leaching irrigation regime.

Improving the design, construction methods and operation of vertical drainage systems will help reduce capital investment, operating costs and increase the efficiency of vertical drainage in Uzbekistan.

vertical drainage reclamation Uzbekistan

6. Conclusion

1. Vertical drainage should be designed in the form of water intake wells equipped with electric submersible pumps. The conditions for using vertical drainage are determined by clause 2.200 of SNiP 2.06.03-85.

2. Calculation of vertical drainage should include:

determination of the parameters of the entire system (number of wells, distance between them);

calculation of well parameters (flow rate, reduction in the well and at characteristic points of the massif, radius of influence) and their structural elements (diameter and depth of wells, length and diameter of the filter, thickness and composition of the filling).

3. The placement of systematic vertical drainage wells, depending on the connection with the irrigation network, should be done in the form of a grid with a uniform or uneven spacing of wells in two mutually perpendicular directions. In this case, wells should not be located near canals without anti-filtration clothing.

4. Systematic vertical drainage and linear well systems must be calculated in accordance with the recommended Appendix 12. Calculation of linear drainage systems should be carried out at a given water drop in the well or a known flow rate.

5. In difficult natural conditions, when redistributing groundwater flows, changing pressure supply as a result of drainage, and the interaction of large drainage systems, it is necessary to use mathematical modeling.

6. The design of vertical drainage wells should be determined:

the lithological structure of the aquifer complex and the chemistry of the waters of the captured formation;

operational parameters - flow rate and decrease in water level in the well;

methods of construction work and well equipment;

automation scheme and scope; requirements for repair work.

7. The water intake part of the wells must meet the following requirements:

the diameter of the filter frame must allow free installation and dismantling of the electric submersible pump and automation and telemechanics devices; ensure maximum water intake, long-term and uninterrupted operation of wells.

8. Structural elements of wells: depth, well diameter, length and diameter of the filter, duty cycle, size and shape of the filter passage holes and the mechanical composition of the gravel packing should be determined by calculations.

9. The length of the filter frame should be selected taking into account the standard length of a factory-made even and in compliance with the requirements of clause 2.2.16 of SNiP 2.06.03-85.

10. The duty cycle of filters, as a rule, should be taken no more than the following values: for steel frame-rod and perforated steel sheets - 30%; for asbestos-cement and plastic 25%.

11. An increase in duty cycle must be justified by calculations of filter strength.

12. Calculation of filter filling for vertical drainage wells should be carried out in accordance with the mandatory appendix 13.

13. The electric submersible pump should usually be located above the filter. If, due to geological and structural conditions, it is impossible to install a pump above the filter, it should be located in a sump or in the filter (provided that this part of the filter is covered with a “blind” pipe). The selection of an electric submersible pump should be made in accordance with the recommended Appendix 14.

14. The control station for pumping units, automation, telemechanics and communications equipment, control and measuring equipment must be located in a special cabinet or building.

15. The drainage network of vertical drainage wells must be made of pipes, trays, lined channels or in an earthen bed. In the latter case, the drainage section 40.50 m long from the well must be blind (pipe, tray).

16. Discharge pipelines must be equipped with valves and water outlets into the water intake. The walls and bottoms of water intakes at the point of discharge of drainage water must be reliably protected from erosion.

17. When designing, the operating mode of the vertical drainage system should be developed in accordance with clause 2.220 of SNiP 2.06.03-86.

The operating mode of the vertical drainage system should be compiled separately for the periods of development and operational

18. Designing vertical drainage without automation systems is not allowed. The scope of telemechanics in communications should be established in each specific case and determined based on the requirements for well operating conditions and equipment reliability, taking into account improved working conditions and a reduction in the number of service personnel.

19. Dispatch control of the automated system should ensure centralization of management and control over the operation of wells and equipment.

20. Each well or group of wells must be equipped with instrumentation that allows measuring:

amount of water pumped out;

position of the dynamic water level in the well;

water mineralization;

amount of electricity consumed;

voltage and current in the circuit.


1. Irrigation of Uzbekistan. Tashkent. Volume IV.

2. Agricultural hydraulic reclamation.

3. Moscow. "Ear". Edited by Doctor of Technical Sciences E.S. Markova.

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Drainage device in photographs

Types of drainage.

What is a drainage system, what types of drainage exist?

Drainage systems are a reasonable solution to the problem of the negative impact of groundwater and storm water. is an engineering solution that drains and collects groundwater and filtered water that has accumulated underground, or under or next to any buildings.

If the site has waterlogged soil, for normal construction and growing plants it is necessary to create a set of hydraulic structures that will help drain excess water. This complex is a drainage system. Thanks to its work, excessive accumulation of surface water is prevented, and the process of waterlogging of the soil is eliminated. To analyze the need for drainage, hydrological factors must be taken into account.

Drains are divided by type into surface drainage, deep and vertical.

Drainage system- this is a widely branched system of drainage pipes, which are interconnected and located along or around the building, which they protect from moisture, or laid across the entire area of ​​​​the drained area. The water that flows down the ground enters the drainage system and ends up in a pipe. The pipe in its walls has a large number of holes, the diameter of which is 1.5-5 mm. The holes are made over almost the entire area of ​​the drainage pipe, at a short distance from each other. As a rule, drainage is backfilled using crushed gravel and sand. The water that was collected by the drainage pipes enters the water intake or a special water intake well, which is also part of the drainage system. If you use a drainage well, then you need to dig it at the lowest point of the drainage; you can take into account the terrain features of the site, but if there is a slight difference in elevation, the drainage well can be placed at any point on the site. Excess soil water (overwater) can harm not only garden plants, but also the foundation of the house, as well as paved paths and blind areas. Large amounts of water can accumulate in the foundation area of ​​a building. If water freezes in winter, accumulated water can damage the foundation or deform paths. Any type of drainage resists such processes. A well-installed drainage system does not allow groundwater to rise to a high level at the base of the house.

Quality made drainage Along with and together with waterproofing and a ventilation system, it protects each basement of the building from damage that is associated with the formation of mold, frost, high humidity and flooding. A properly designed drainage system prevents flooding in basements and basements. It is also impossible to neglect the drainage system on the site, since high humidity contributes to the disruption of soil aeration and can lead to waterlogging. Many plants can dry out due to high humidity.

Before starting to develop the site, you should select the desired type of drainage and take care of creating a drainage system in advance.

Surface drainage.

Surface drainage is the simplest type of drainage. A surface drainage system collects water from the drain and site. By collecting and draining water that falls as precipitation, it reduces waterlogging. This type of system is the easiest to make. This does not require large-scale excavation work. Surface drainage is also called storm drainage, and involves the creation of point and linear drainage systems. Point drainage is necessary for local water collection. This can be the collection of water flowing from the roof, or water from irrigation taps. Linear drainage is designed to collect water over a large area.

Deep site drainage is a horizontal type of drainage system and is designed to reduce the level of groundwater and drain it outside the site; this type of drainage also solves the problem of draining “excess” water from the ground, which accumulates in the ground when snow melts and heavy rainfall. Such drainage is necessary for areas located in lowlands, excessively moist areas, but it will not be superfluous in any area with clay or loamy soils, where a road and path network will be laid and comprehensive landscaping will be carried out. This type of drainage consists of drains (perforated pipes) that lie in special trenches at a given depth, which leads to a larger diameter collector pipe or to a collection well. If the area is about 15-20 acres, then you can use a pipe of one diameter. For a larger area, it is necessary to use a collector pipe or even several wells. Deep drainage is the most common type of drainage that we most often use in our practice. To read about this type of drainage in more detail, follow the link above.

Vertical drainage.

A vertical drainage system is a type of drainage consisting of several wells, usually located near a building. The water they collect is removed from the site using special pumps. Setting up a drainage system is not that difficult, but difficulties arise when designing it. Drawing up a project requires special engineering knowledge and skills. Therefore, you should not design the drainage system yourself. It is better to entrust the work to experienced specialists. To carry out the activities correctly, special hydraulic equipment is required. This applies to all types of drainage.

Radiation drainage.

A type of drainage consisting of a system of wells and drains - rays, is used in areas with high building density, often for industrial purposes. More detailed information is given in the link above.

Additional types of drainage.

Open drainage systems

more details about surface drainage

Open drainage systems or surface drainage are the simplest drainage systems. They are designed to quickly drain rain, melt and flood water from the surface of areas, paths, and roofs of buildings. Such systems are quite easy to install and convenient to maintain.

Open drainage systems are divided into point and linear. Point drainage devices are used to divert water coming from the roof and from drainpipes from the foundation of a house, for local collection of rain and melt water. For this purpose, special rainwater inlets are used. Storm water inlets are equipped with siphon partitions that prevent unpleasant odors from escaping from storm sewer pipes, as well as special baskets for collecting waste.

Linear surface drainage is used to collect and drain water from small areas. To do this, along the perimeter of the site or along the perimeter of its individual zones, if the site is large, ditches approximately 30-40 cm wide are dug. Also, ditches should be brought to those areas of the site where intensive drainage is required. The depth of the ditches should be up to half a meter, and their walls should have a slope of 20 - 30 degrees. The dug trenches should go down to the main ditch, into which excess moisture will flow. The main ditch can be constructed for several areas at once. Linear drainage is often supplemented with containers to catch sand and debris that enters the drain with the flow of water. The ditches can be covered from above with gratings. You can also place drainage pipes in dug shallow trenches and then backfill them.

In order for the drainage system to work, the trenches must be filled with filter materials - crushed stone, river pebbles, broken bricks or a mixture of them. The backfill layer should have a thickness of 30 - 40 cm. But such drainage will last approximately 5 - 7 years, being covered with soil particles over time. In order for the drainage to last longer, you need to pay attention to

Vertical drainage

To drain land under conditions of intense ground and especially pressure water supply, vertical drainage is used along with horizontal drainage (deep channels, closed drains).

Vertical drainage is a system of boreholes for draining land, water from which is pumped out by pumps with submersible electric motors. Depending on the location of wells in the drained area, a distinction is made between systematic (wells located evenly over the area) and linear drainage. The latter is used to intercept groundwater flows. Water pumped out from wells is discharged through open channels or pipelines into main canals and water intakes.

The design of vertical drainage wells depends on the soil and hydrogeological conditions: well filters are placed within the aquifer, their length must be at least 10 m. The most effective are filters with gravel-sand filling.

Well depth is up to 20...50 m. Filter diameter is 30...40 cm, coating thickness is 10 cm or more. The larger the diameter of the filter, the greater the influx of water to the wells.

In addition to wells, pumps, electric motors, vertical drainage structures include a transformer substation, power line, starting equipment and automation equipment. The operation of vertical drainage can be easily automated. When groundwater rises, the pumps are turned on; when their levels drop to drainage standards, they are turned off. The pumped water is accumulated in ponds and used for irrigation during dry periods.

The economic efficiency of vertical drainage depends mainly on the design of the wells, their depths, and the nature of the use of pumped water and land.

Vertical drainage is used to drain swamps, for example in Belarus and Ukraine. Under favorable conditions, one well provides a flow rate of up to 180...150 m3/h and drains up to 80...100 hectares.

Discharge wells (amplifiers) are boreholes of small diameters (up to 10 cm) with filters placed in the aquifer. The wells are drilled into canals and drains. They are secured with asbestos-cement or plastic pipes. Water comes from wells due to natural pressure, the distance between them is 30...100 m. The use of unloading wells allows you to increase the distance between channels (drains) on lands of ground-pressure supply.

Vertical drainage is one of the methods of hydro-reclamation, which allows you to quickly manage the water regime of soils, use water resources economically, and automate the processes of regulating soil moisture both during drainage and moistening.

Drainage by vertical drainage is carried out by pumping water from special vertical wells embedded in the aquifer, or by gravity drainage from a pressure aquifer. Water is diverted to the nearest artificial (pond, reservoir, reservoir) or natural reservoir. Water can also be used for humidification, irrigation and other household needs, taken directly from wells or artificial water intakes (storage reservoirs).

The feasibility of installing a vertical drainage system is determined by water management and technical and economic calculations based on the options being developed.

The selection of areas for the design of vertical drainage systems is carried out on the basis of available hydrogeological maps of the area, reports on engineering-geological and hydrogeological surveys and surveys carried out in this and adjacent areas.

Vertical drainage is advisable when draining swampy basins and flat lowlands remote from water intakes. It drains and regulates groundwater at groundwater and groundwater-pressure water supply facilities, on lands that are constantly flooded from reservoirs and watercourses.

The sites should be homogeneous with sandy soils, peats of any thickness, sandy loams and light loams up to 2 m thick, developed on well-permeable sandy deposits. Vertical drainage is designed under the condition that the thickness of the aquifer (m) is at least 15 m, with a filtration coefficient (k) of more than 5 m/day and a conductivity of the aquifer T = k · m of more than 150 m2/day.

Technically and economically, vertical drainage is effective only if one well can provide the required groundwater level over an area of ​​at least 20 hectares during a pumping period of 10...15 days.

Vertical drainage systems are divided into drainage and drainage-irrigation systems. The system includes: vertical wells with pumping and power equipment, canals, pipelines, water control and crossing structures, pumping stations, power lines, automation, telemechanics and communications control points and facilities. Drainage and irrigation systems additionally include sprinkler units, storage pools and pressure pipelines.

The planned location of vertical drainage wells must be linked to the geological and hydrogeological structure, topography, boundaries of the reclaimed area, the sprinkler technology used, and the planned agricultural use of the reclaimed lands.

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