Flower rooms - women's happiness. Spathiphyllum: description, cultivation and care at home. If the plant does not bloom

Design and style 05.10.2023
Design and style

Spathiphyllum is a herbaceous plant with beautiful elongated leaves and interesting inflorescences. A distinctive feature is the white cover around the cob. There are several varieties, from small ones to spathiphyllum with large leaves. Let's look at how to care for the flower of female happiness, what to do to prevent it from turning black and why it may not bloom.

The following tips will help you grow beautiful spathiphyllum.

Watering a flower

Home spathiphyllum is moisture-loving, however, stagnation of moisture is harmful to it, so the soil in the pot should not turn into a swamp. Water generously, allowing the water to drain onto the pan so that it wets the entire earthen lump, and then it should be removed from the pan.

Overflow and high humidity play against the pet

In hot weather, water frequently; the soil should not dry out too much. In winter, water less often, as growth stops and less moisture is required.

It is better to take water at room temperature or a little warmer, since the roots do not have time to absorb cold water and will begin to rot.


He needs a bright room, however Protect from exposure to direct sun. The right choice would be north, northeast, northwest, as well as proximity to other large plants that will protect from sunlight.

On southern windows, spathiphyllum will get burns on the leaves, its growth will be weak and there is a possibility of losing the plant.

Spathiphyllum doesn't like drafts. This is especially dangerous in winter. It is not recommended to place it under the window - this can cause damage to the leaves and even death.

The plant prefers moist air. To increase humidity, the leaves are sprayed. Bowls with water are placed nearby. Spathiphyllum feels good next to aquariums or household humidifiers - in this case it grows abundantly and blooms flowers, and the tips of the leaves do not dry out.

Natural humidity is good for the plant

Choosing a pot

The volume of the container depends on the size of the plant itself. Cuttings are planted in a small pot so that they have time to take moisture from the soil. As they grow, they are transplanted into a larger container, but gradually, there should be 2-3 cm left to the edge of the pot.

If you plant the cutting immediately in a large flowerpot, the growth will slow down, in addition, there is a high probability of root rotting due to the long evaporation of moisture from the soil.

A plastic pot is suitable, but you can also plant it in a ceramic one.

Moisture from a ceramic or clay pot evaporates faster, but it is also healthier for the roots, since more oxygen is supplied.

The planting container is pre-washed. If a plant was previously sitting in it, then use a brush and boiling water to kill possible harmful bacteria and insect larvae.

There must be holes at the bottom; if there are none, heat a nail or screwdriver and make several holes.

Lighting and temperature conditions

Spathiphyllum does not like direct sun, but it still needs light. He's great grows under artificial lighting. You can take regular white mercury lamps or purchase special ones for indoor plants. They have a pinkish-purple hue.

Spathiphyllum is thermophilic, but heat should still be avoided. Regular room temperature will do just fine. In winter the temperature is slightly lower, but not less than 15 degrees.

Soil for planting

Spathiphyllum requires loose soil so that moisture can easily pass through it and oxygen can reach the roots. Leaf and turf soil are mixed, humus and coarse river sand are added.

You can get it in the store soil for decorative foliage plants. To loosen the soil, use fine vermiculite or perlite. They also help regulate humidity levels by taking in excess water and then gradually releasing it.

Spathiphyllum also grows well in hydroponics. The roots are dipped into the solution, and the plant is supported by large vermiculite.

For hydroponic growing, special fertilizers are used.

Fertilizers: how to care for the soil

In the summer, the plant needs additional feeding, as it not only grows, but also blooms. Before the buds appear, give special fertilizers for beautiful flowering plants.

If you feed with a high nitrogen content, there will be a strong increase in green mass, but the flowers will be weak.

How to propagate spathiphyllum

It reproduces very easily. During transplantation, the rhizome is divided with a sharp knife. The cuts are treated with crushed charcoal to prevent them from rotting. After this, they are planted in separate pots and watered abundantly.

Plant placed in a shaded place, since transplanting and dividing slows down growth over time.

Home problems and solutions

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to avoid problems. Sometimes spathiphyllum leaves dry out intensely, die, and it refuses to produce buds or the flowering is very weak.

Diseases constantly attack indoor residents

Why doesn't it bloom

Lack of flowering occurs for the following reasons:

  • Too spacious pot- all energy goes into growing green mass.
  • Very dry indoor air– spathiphyllum needs high humidity.
  • Being in bright sun or, conversely, the room is too dark and there is not enough light.

Another reason: lack of nutrients the soil is in poor condition; there has been no replanting for a long time.

To force spathiphyllum blossom, do the following:

  • Place in a place with diffused lighting.
  • Increase the humidity: spraying, containers with water nearby, placing on a tray with wet moss or perlite.
  • Give fertilizers for beautiful flowering plants.
  • Change the pot if it is not the right size. In a container almost completely filled with rhizomes, flowering occurs more often and more abundantly.
  • Renew the soil, if this has not been done for a long time, heavy, dense soil with a lack of nutrients prevents abundant flowering.

Diseases and pests

Spathiphyllum is easily attacked aphid– it can be brought in from outside. It is also susceptible to spider mites. To minimize the appearance of these pests, the plant is periodically washed under a warm shower.

You can repel aphids by pollinating with fragrant tobacco.

A misfortune for plants - thrips. They damage flower buds and transmit viral diseases.

If insects appear, use special chemicals that are sold in garden stores. The most common and less safe for humans and animals: Aktelik, Fitoverm.

If you notice insects jumping on the ground, then most likely it is whitetails. Appear from high humidity. To get rid of them, you will have to change the soil on top, adding dry soil.

One option is to sprinkle the top of the soil with dry sand and carefully monitor even watering.

If they are infested in the ground nematodes or earthworms, then you can get rid of them by transplanting. However, some types of nematodes are very insidious and sometimes lead to the complete death of the plant.


Spathiphyllum can be affected by fungal diseases. This happens due to excessive watering or the introduction of bacteria with the soil. Sometimes it hits him sooty fungus. It is treated by washing the plant with soap and water.

If there is excess moisture the root system is rotting. If measures are not taken in time, the plant may stop developing and die. The spathiphyllum is removed from the pot, all diseased roots are cut off, the cut is sprinkled with crushed coal, and the soil is planted again, but in fresh soil.

The presence of root rot can be assumed by a change in the condition of the leaves: the lower ones become lethargic and lose color.

Often appears rotting of leaf bases– spots appear on the petioles, which then spread to the leaf blade. The plant often becomes infected at a young age.

The plant may not be saved by pruning alone; it will require replanting, removal of damaged parts, and treatment with a fungicide.

Leaf deformation: turn black, dry out, turn yellow

Improper care is primarily noticeable on the leaves.

  • Turn yellow. Occurs when kept in direct sun. Yellowing is also observed with a lack of nutrients or an excess. Care features should be analyzed.
  • Sometimes this problem appears when pests appear - inspect the leaves from all sides, it may have settled on them spider mite.
  • The leaves are drying. One of the reasons is pests, especially if the devout plate is twisted. Another reason is frequent and severe drying out of the soil; the plant does not have enough water.
  • Tips and edges turn black. This type of damage is typical for spathiphyllum being in a draft. Black and dry tips are also a sign of low humidity in the room.

Black and dark spots on leaves- a sign of excess moisture in the ground. The plant should be replanted, removing damaged roots and adjusting watering in accordance with the season and the size of the flower.

General facts

In order to achieve good growth and active flowering, several conditions must be met. In general, this plant is unpretentious, however, it does not like strong errors in cultivation.

Grown in rooms and spathiphyllum profusely blooming. Its leaves reach 40 cm and are the same in shape as those of the previous species. The inflorescences are creamy in color.

The blanket around the spathiphyllum inflorescence is white at the beginning of flowering, but towards the end it acquires a greenish tint. With good care, flowering is abundant and long lasting. You can read more about the variety and its growing area in the article.

Most common in apartments and offices Spathiphyllum Wallis. The leaves grow from rhizomes and are collected in a rosette. The average leaf blade size is 25 cm, width is 5 cm. It blooms from March to November.

Spathiphyllum is a beautiful and not particularly whimsical plant. It will decorate any home or office. In addition to its decorative properties, spathiphyllum rids the room of some harmful substances, so it is beneficial for the ecology of the home.

Tell me how to care for the flower of female happiness? They gave me a flowering plant as a birthday present; at first the leaves were bright and green. And recently I noticed that the cum began to dry out. The flowerpot is on a table near the north window, it’s probably dark for the flower there, and besides, I open the window for ventilation. Where is the best place to place a bush and how often should it be watered?

There is a belief that if spathiphyllum blooms profusely, its owner will soon find happiness in family relationships. This is probably why the plant was nicknamed women's happiness. And really, does a woman need much to be happy? Just silence and harmony in the house, and a little attention from loved ones. In the same way, spathiphyllum requires gentle light, warmth and a minimum of care from the owner, because it is absolutely not capricious. How to care for a flower of female happiness so that it gives not only gorgeous blooms, but also brings positive emotions to the house?

In principle, it is difficult to starve to death. A beautiful lush bush adapts to almost any conditions. Despite this, there are still some points that can have a negative effect on the plant. If you do not follow the recommendations, this can not only spoil its appearance, but also deprive gardeners of the opportunity to admire the flowering. So, what do you need to know if spathiphyllum appears in your flower collection? First of all, this concerns:

  • flower maintenance conditions;
  • care features (watering, fertilizing, replanting).

Where to put a flowerpot with women's happiness?

Spathiphyllum loves soft lighting, so it is better to leave southern windows for other colors. In summer, the plant will feel good on a northern windowsill, but in winter it will be a little dark there.

A woman’s happiness will not disappear from a lack of light, but new leaves will grow small. Therefore, for periods when daylight hours are short, the pot should be moved to the east side. There is more sun there, but at the same time there are no direct rays, which cause unsightly spots to appear on the leaves.

As for temperature, spathiphyllum is a fairly resistant plant. It tolerates summer heat up to 35 degrees Celsius well, and in winter it will survive even at 15 degrees (but not lower).

The only requirement for female happiness is humidity, especially if the room has dry air. To bring the conditions closer to natural, you need to regularly wipe the leaves with a damp sponge. You can also spray them periodically.

How to care for the flower of female happiness?

Spathiphyllum will not cause much trouble when caring for it; the main thing is not to forget about the flower and carry out the following procedures in a timely manner:

  1. Watering. The flower loves water, so in summer it needs to be “watered” every two days. You can water directly into the pot, but you need to try not to let the stream hit the center of the bush. In winter, when the room becomes cool, such frequent watering is not necessary and can even be harmful. During this period, it is enough to moisten the soil once per allotment.
  2. Feeding. In nutritious soil, women's happiness can grow without fertilizing. However, in order for the bush to develop and bloom more actively, it is advisable to add mineral complexes once a month. This can be done from mid-spring to mid-autumn.
  3. . Spathiphyllum does not like frequent relocations, so it is enough to replant the bush every three, in early spring. It is better to use the transfer method, and the pot should not be too large.

In conclusion, I would like to add that a woman’s happiness blooms only when the roots grow and completely entwine the entire earthen lump that is in the pot. The plant also does not like drafts, however, like other indoor favorites. Otherwise, it is absolutely undemanding and can only provide the pleasure of contemplating delicate white bedspreads on a long peduncle among bright, dense foliage.

Spathiphyllum is a spectacular indoor plant native to tropical countries. In Russia, the flower is known as Women's Happiness, which is due to folk tales and legends. In them, this plant is endowed with magical powers that can influence a woman’s destiny exclusively in a positive direction. Despite its foreign origin, spathiphyllum is widely cultivated at home. Its value lies not only in its external beauty and effectiveness, but also in its ease of maintenance.


Spathiphyllum was brought to European territory at the beginning of the 19th century straight from the jungles of Colombia. Thanks to the efforts of researcher Gustav Wallis, the plant was successfully adapted in Brussels greenhouses and began its march throughout the world. A century later, the flower has steadily taken a leading position in indoor floriculture.

In Russia it is known under several names:

  • White sail.
  • Woman's happiness.
  • Flagolist.

It is a stemless herbaceous perennial up to 60 cm tall. The leaves grow in a bunch, immediately from the root. The configuration varies from oval to lanceolate, slightly elongated. The color is predominantly green, with a glossy sheen. Uninformed flora lovers mistake the white bud for a flower. In fact, this is a bract or spathe with which the inflorescence itself is wrapped. The color of the cob is white or cream, which after some time turns green along with the perianth. Flowering occurs 6 months after planting. Flowers last for about 6–8 weeks.

Signs and superstitions

It is not without reason that the flower is called Women’s Happiness, which is associated with popular belief. Since the female half inherently believes in all sorts of signs and superstitions, they are the ones who choose the plant. The appearance of such exotic things in the house promises the following:

  • The magical power of the flower bestows girls of marriageable age with all the qualities so necessary to attract the opposite sex: charm, femininity, sensuality, sophistication.
  • On an energetic level, he can help you find your other half and create a full-fledged family.
  • A woman's happiness lies not only in her loved one, but also in her child. Therefore, here too the plant gives a positive message regarding the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy and painless childbirth.
  • Married women will benefit from such a neighborhood no less. Where spathiphyllum grows, there are no quarrels and scandals, but happiness and harmony reign. If a white flower blooms in the spouses' bedroom, then the marriage will be long, strong and happy.

This flower will be an ideal gift for any woman, regardless of her age and marital status. It is important to treat it with love and care, then there will always be positive energy in the house.

Home care

To succeed in growing this unusual plant, you do not need a lot of effort or special knowledge. It is important to put love and tenderness into the process, then everything will work out. According to signs, spathiphyllum feels comfortable in a friendly environment. As for technical issues, the set of agrotechnical measures is as follows:

  • Watering is carried out all year round, as a lack of moisture leads to foliage withering. The intensity of irrigation is adjusted depending on the season: in summer - 2-3 times every 7-10 days, in winter once is enough. The nuance is that in the winter season it is better to moisten through a tray so that the roots do not freeze. Use tap water, but stand at room temperature for at least 24 hours. It is unacceptable to take filtered and distilled. To soften hard water, add a few drops of lemon juice, oxalic or sulfuric acid, or 2-3 drops of table vinegar.
  • At elevated room temperatures, you will need to additionally spray the flower every day. Even in a moderate microclimate, such a shower is necessary: ​​in winter - 1–2 times a week, in spring and autumn - once. If it is not possible to spray regularly, it is recommended to place the pot in a tray on wet pebbles.
  • The optimal temperature for full development is 17–19 °C. In winter, the temperature is lowered to 12–13 °C. In summer, the flower will not be harmed by a warmer environment in the range of 20–23 °C.
  • Spathiphyllum loves abundant but diffused light. You cannot leave it under the scorching rays for a long time. Northern window sills are ideal. Spathiphyllums do not tolerate cold drafts.
  • Once every two weeks, liquid mineral fertilizers are applied for flowering representatives.

It is necessary to regularly wipe the leaves with a damp cloth without using various polishing compounds. Flowering will begin only when the pot is completely filled with the root system: hThe closer the roots are, the sooner the first flowers will appear.

Transplantation and propagation

A soil mixture containing one part of enriched clay soil and coarse sand in the same quantity is suitable for the plant. When purchasing a ready-made one, they stop at the soil for aroid or tropical flowering varieties. After purchase, the plant must be replanted immediately. In the future, a similar measure is resorted to once every 4–5 years.

If the roots are peeking out, then the plant clearly needs a change of pot.

You can replant at any time of the year, it is important that the ambient temperature is not lower than 20–21 °C. Further sequence of actions:

  1. 1. Select a vase for planting that is 3–4 cm larger than the old one. To disinfect, rinse the inside with boiling water.
  2. 2. To make it easier to remove the plant from the ground, first spill it with water. Then the risk of injury to the roots will be minimized.
  3. 3. Remains of drainage and soil are removed from the root ball.
  4. 4. No matter how sorry it is, the flower stalks should be cut off. This makes it easier for the plant to adapt to a new place. He will not have to expend energy on flowering and fruit set.
  5. 5. Only the formed leaves and the wilted ones are also removed, the base is treated with charcoal.
  6. 6. After a thorough examination of the root plexus, threads that are too long and with traces of rot are identified and removed. The sections are sprinkled with cinnamon or crushed activated carbon.
  7. 7. A new pot must have through holes, which facilitates drainage. A drainage layer 2–2.5 cm thick is laid at the bottom. The prepared soil mixture is filled up to half the container.
  8. 8. A flower is placed in the middle, the roots are evenly distributed throughout the entire volume. The free space is filled with the remaining substrate. It should be taken into account that aerial roots located at the base do not need to be buried.
  9. 9. Compact the leaf rosette well, then water it generously. After some time, the soil will sink, so the missing volume is added.

After completing the work, it would be useful to spray the bush, which will have a positive effect on rooting. To speed up flowering, it is recommended to wrap the flower with film, simulating a greenhouse. This way it is possible to maintain a humid and warm microclimate. Further care is standard: regular watering and spraying.

It is convenient to combine replanting with propagation by dividing the bush, then the flower will not have to be stressed again. Having taken the planting out of the pot, divide it into several parts, each with its own roots. Further manipulations are similar to landing ones.

Problems in growing

Spathiphyllum is a rather undemanding flower in maintenance and care, but it is not without specific features. Usually, problems in cultivation and diseases arise due to mistakes by inexperienced gardeners or simple carelessness. Most often, they are faced with a prolonged lack of blooming and yellowing of the foliage.

The main ailments of the plant and the causes of their occurrence are given in the table:

Problem Causes
Doesn't bloomThe pot is too large, so the plant spends all its energy on developing the root system. Until the roots completely fill the free space around, flowers will not appear.
Reduced room temperature
The humidification regime is broken: overfilling or underfilling
Little or no feeding
It has been a long time since a transplant was carried out and the pot was changed to a larger one.
Strong shading
Leaves dry out and turn yellowYellowing may occur as a result of the plant’s self-rejuvenation. This happens during a long flowering period, when a lot of energy has been expended. Before dormancy, the flower begins to shed unnecessary leaves.
Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight
Lack of moisture and dry environmental air. This usually happens when heating appliances are operating.
Tight flowerpot, mineral starvation
Red spider mite infestation. Along with yellowness, a cobweb appears on the reverse side of the leaf blade
Blackening of leaf edgesLow indoor humidity. If the leaves turn black completely, then this is a consequence of an excess of water in the soil. In this case, the roots begin to rot. A similar situation occurs when feeding is too frequent.
Withering flowerOften gardeners water a flower in the generally accepted way - from above. This leads to moisture saturation only in the upper layers of the soil, and the moisture does not reach the roots. Therefore, it is recommended to immerse the pot in water for 15–20 minutes. The first sign of saturation will be the appearance of a wet halo around the flower bunch.
Overmoistening also leads to wilting, since the presence of the root system in dampness inevitably entails putrefactive processes. The plant thereby loses its source of nutrition and begins to gradually wither. To avoid death, an urgent transplant is required

In addition to the indicated lesions and causes, spathiphyllum may suffer from a lack or oversaturation of specific nutritional components. Having found out what is missing, you need to feed it and the problem will go away on its own. More details in the table:

Spathiphyllum is such an unusual and unpredictable flower that its behavior is sometimes unclear to beginners. For no apparent reason, an apparently healthy and blooming crop suddenly begins to “bleed tears,” namely: water drops appear at the ends of the leaves. If we consider this phenomenon from a scientific point of view, then this is ordinary guttation - the process of getting rid of excess moisture naturally. This is typical for tropical representatives. This happens shortly before it rains. In any case, the crying of a flower has nothing to do with the psychological state of the inhabitants of the house, as some believe.

In order for a healthy flower of female happiness to grow, care at home must be carried out according to certain rules. There is a legend that the goddess of love kissed the plant, filling it with happiness. Since that time, the flower began to bring luck and love to girls who believe in its powers.

Women's happiness flower - care

This culture is not too demanding, but there are a number of rules regarding care. The indoor flower, female happiness, loves light, but the bushes should be covered from hot rays. It is better to place the plant on an eastern windowsill or on a table by the window. As for temperature values ​​at home, the flower is not demanding on this parameter. Optimal values ​​are +20-25°C, but in winter the temperature should not be lower than +15°C. A is of secondary importance, especially if proper watering is carried out.

What is the name of the flower of female happiness?

The name “female happiness” is popular, but in the scientific literature the plant is called differently – spathiphyllum. The spathiphyllum flower, female happiness, has an unusual appearance, since it does not have a stem, and the leaves grow directly from the soil. They can be oval or lanceolate. The root system of spathiphyllum is well developed. The flowers have no scent, but have a beautiful shape.

How to water the flower of female happiness?

To irrigate spathiphyllum, you need to take settled or filtered water, which should not be cold or warm. If you are interested in how often to water a flower of female happiness at home, then you need to focus on the season, so in the summer, irrigation is carried out every 1-2 days, and in the winter - once every 7-10 days. When spathiphyllum lacks moisture, the leaves begin to droop. If you need to leave, it is recommended to pour water into the trays so that the soil does not dry out. Another secret in care is that it is recommended to wipe the leaves with a napkin or spray them if necessary.

How to feed the flower of female happiness?

For good development, it is recommended to add fertilizer to the soil. From spring to summer, fertilizing once a week is useful. In winter and autumn, additives should be added every 2-3 weeks. Many people are interested in the fact that the flower loves female happiness, and so, spathiphyllum prefers mineral supplements, but it is better to refuse organic matter. Use liquid fertilizers for aroids, but they should not contain a lot of nitrogen. During flowering, it is important to add potassium and phosphorus.

In order for the flower of female happiness to develop well, home care includes the following recommendations for fertilizing:

  1. The best time for supplementation is a warm and sunny day, then it is better absorbed.
  2. After purchase, it is not recommended to fertilize, giving the spathiphyllum two months to adapt.
  3. Fertilizer should not get on the leaves, as this will cause burns.
  4. Water the flower before applying fertilizer.

How to transplant a flower of female happiness?

The transplant is carried out immediately after purchase, and then the procedure should be repeated every 3-5 years. The need for replanting is indicated by roots protruding on the surface. The best time for the procedure is spring. Transplanting a flower of female happiness at home is carried out as follows:

  1. The flowerpot should be 2-3 cm larger than the previous container. It must have holes for excess water to escape. Carefully remove the plant, after watering the soil well.
  2. After this, carefully free the roots from drainage and remaining soil. It is important not to pull out the roots.
  3. You will have to cut off the flower stalks, as this will allow the plant not to waste energy on flowering and producing seeds.
  4. You need to cut off young leaves and those that have begun to fade. Inspect the base, removing any brown, flaky remains of old leaves that should be torn off. Trim away long root threads and rotten areas. Rub the sections with activated carbon powder or cinnamon.
  5. Lay out a layer of soil, place the plant in the center and cover the root system with the rest of the soil.
  6. Lightly compact the soil, making sure the socket is secure. All that remains is to water the flower well and spray it.

Flower of female happiness - how to propagate?

To increase the number of spathiphyllum bushes, you can use three methods: dividing the bush, planting cuttings and sowing seeds. The third option is the most time-consuming and rarely produces results. Reproduction of the flower of female happiness is carried out as follows:

  1. Dividing the bush. The procedure is carried out in the spring during transplantation. Remove the plant, clear the roots from the soil and separate them. Each part should ultimately have a growth point and 3-4 leaves. It is necessary to plant at home in moist soil in a small pot. At first, regular watering is important.
  2. Cuttings. This option gives good results. Carefully cut off the rosette. If it has roots, then you can immediately plant it in the ground, but if not, then place the cutting in water, dissolving an activated carbon tablet in it, and after the roots appear, replant.

Why doesn't the flower of women's happiness bloom?

Many owners of spathiphyllum complain that the plant does not bloom. The flower of female happiness does not bloom when care at home is carried out incorrectly, and here are the main reasons:

  1. Drafts are the enemy of culture, so choose a suitable location.
  2. There may be no flowering if the flower is planted in the wrong size pot.
  3. Stress for women's happiness is, therefore, it is better not to carry out this procedure without a reason. If you are interested in how to make a flower of female happiness bloom at home, then it is recommended to loosen the soil so that the roots receive oxygen.
  4. Fertilizers are very important for proper care, but if you use them in large and concentrated form, this can lead to poisoning.

Flower of female happiness - illness

There are a number of reasons why plant problems occur and how they can be dealt with.

Many residents of big cities, due to the lack of fresh air in their apartments, set up entire greenhouses on their windowsills and balconies. There are a lot of indoor plants sold today: flowering and evergreen, and different ones, for every taste and color. One of these friends is the “female happiness” flower. Caring for it at home will not greatly distract the housewife from other matters, and the wide leaves will perfectly refresh the room. Hence the popularity among indoor gardeners.

Flower “female happiness”: what is it, description

Spathiphyllum or popularly the flower of “female happiness” is a perennial evergreen plant that is a representative of popular indoor flowers. What does he look like?

  1. There is no stem, the leaves come out of the ground and form a lush bouquet.
  2. The leaf area has the shape of an almond, with a clear vein in the middle and thinner ones extending from it to the sides, on the sides.
  3. Flowers appear on a separate stalk in the form of a spadix with a spathe at the base, usually white, sometimes red, from March to September. The petals form a kind of wall around the cob of fused halves, smooth to the touch.
  4. The root is short.

It received its name due to its unusual flowering from the Greek combinations of the words spathe - bedspread and phyllon - leaf or leaf similar to a bedspread. If you see such a plant in a store, you can’t go wrong. They are often used to decorate office premises, clinics and other social facilities. This is due to the lush green part, which perfectly refreshes the air, and the unpretentiousness of the plant.

Spathiphyllum or “female happiness”: why is it called that?

Why didn’t the official name of the plant catch on among the people, which gave rise to calling it differently? It is believed that spathiphyllum brings good luck to the weaker half of humanity. Therefore, a tradition arose to give it to young girls seeking their destiny.

This, of course, can be argued. After all, a girl’s happiness lies not only in finding her beloved, but also in ensuring that her children are healthy and her grandchildren too. This means that such a plant can be given to older ladies.

What other signs are associated with such a telling name?

  • Its presence on the windowsill helps those couples who have not been able to do so for a long time get pregnant. Rather, the belief that he has such abilities. And faith is half the battle.
  • Maintains harmony in family relationships.
  • People who have been married for many years give strength to maintain passion and understanding in intimate relationships.

Thus, we can give it a second name: “family happiness,” since all of the above is important not only for girls.

Spathiphyllum: varieties

Recently, options for “female happiness” have begun to appear on sale, thanks to the painstaking work of breeders. They are hardier and more unpretentious, adapted to urban conditions, and bloom all year round. The cob and spathe have different colors. For example:

  1. Spathiphyllum profusely blooming with an average leaf length of 50 cm and a large flower cover. The name speaks for itself; it blooms profusely and often.
  2. Spathiphyllum phlagolist, a larger representative. The bedspread has an unusual golden-white hue and the shape of a small flag, hence the name.
  3. Spathiphyllum cannofolia has a white-green tint of stuck together petals against a yellow cob.

There are, rarely, a mini variety with a leaf height of 10 centimeters, as well as a sensational one - a giant up to 1.5 meters in height. I believe that these are not the last changes. Representatives with brighter colors may appear, which will give the plant even greater popularity.

Flower “female happiness”: how to care?

This is a cultivated plant from the Araceae family, which is distributed mainly in Central and South America, Guinea and Britain. Where the climate is quite humid and the temperature stays above 18 degrees Celsius throughout the year. Therefore, the indoor version should be kept in approximately the same conditions, namely:

  1. To maintain water balance and avoid molding of the roots from excessive watering, it is better to wipe the wide leaves with a damp cloth.
  2. Of course, you want to admire its flowers; to do this, place the pot on the sunny side. But there are also some nuances here; direct sunlight has never been useful to anyone; it is advisable to partially block them. For example, covering half the window with a light-colored fabric would be an ideal option.
  3. In spring, spathiphyllum needs to be transplanted into fresher soil. It would be a good idea to fill the bottom of the container with drainage, then the roots will feel more comfortable.
  4. The plant does not like drafts. Consider this too.

If you want to give the same to your friends for propagation, in the spring, separate a small bush and put it in water for several days. You will see for yourself when he is ready to take the tub with the soil already poured.

Why do the leaves of the “female happiness” flower turn yellow?

If you once, while admiring, discovered yellow edges or tips on the plane of the sheet, what should you do? Remember the age of the plant. If it is old, then this indicates natural processes of death. If this is a young shoot, there may be several reasons:

  • Lack of moisture in the soil or excessive watering, causing oversaturation of the root system and its rotting.
  • Lots of sunlight, it just dries on it.
  • Sometimes, when flowering, the plant spends a lot of energy, and the leaves begin to turn yellow. There is nothing dangerous here, they just need to be removed with scissors.

When the process does not stop and continues to develop, it is necessary to take it seriously.

  1. The spathiphyllum needs to be carefully dug up, protecting the roots from damage, and placed in a glass of water; you can tint it a little with potassium permanganate. This will allow disinfection of the root.
  2. Then, for several days, transfer to normal water, cutting off all yellow or dry leaves.
  3. It’s also better to part with flowers. Treat the root system, at least by removing rotten pieces of it.
  4. Next, transplant the remaining part into a new pot and fresh soil, previously lined with drainage.

Perhaps these events will revive the plants, but this will not happen immediately.

Why do the tips of the leaves of “female happiness” turn black?

There is another problem characteristic of spathiphyllum; sometimes the tips and edges of the leaves begin to turn black. Often this darkening begins to spread throughout the plant. What's happening?

  1. There is not enough moisture in the air. And as we remember, “female happiness” is characterized by a humid climate in natural growing conditions.
  2. Lack of nutrients in winter and spring.
  3. On the contrary, there is an excess of mineral fertilizer.
  4. Incorrect watering regime, as a result, rotting of the entire plant.

What to do, how to help the plant? All aspects of its care must be observed. Remove damaged surfaces and begin care again. Namely:

  1. Spray with a spray bottle. The number of times depends on the weather outside. On average, no more than 2 per day: in the morning, before the hot sun appears, and in the evening, after sunset.
  2. Fertilize in spring and summer more often, once every 7 days, in winter less often - once a month, this is a rest period and it does not need an abundance of nutrients.
  3. If you have already gone too far with mineral fertilizers, stop using them. Give him a rest.
  4. You need to water as needed, because everyone has their own air humidity in the apartment. If the soil is dry on top, water it; if water has accumulated in the pan, remove it.

To maintain a fresh look in summer, you can rinse out of the shower. This will wash away accumulated city dust.

This is what it is - the “female happiness” flower. Caring for it at home is a real pleasure; you just need to follow the usual rules for keeping indoor plants and then all that’s left to do is admire it.

Video tutorial: how to care for spathiphyllum

In this video, biologist Polina Martynova will tell and show how to properly care for “female happiness” so that the flower brings joy to its owners:

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