Banana peel as fertilizer for indoor plants and gardens. Banana peel and its uses. Banana peel fertilizer for indoor plants Where to use banana peels

Jigsaws and circular saws 05.10.2023
Jigsaws and circular saws

Have you ever thought about the question “How can I use banana peels”? Most likely, after peeling and eating the banana, the yellow skins go into the trash. So? Read this article and you will be surprised how many useful things you can do using banana peels. This is also very profitable, since it will allow you to save on the purchase of some funds.

Banana peel contains useful macroelements, minerals, antioxidants, natural oils, and waxes. Thanks to this useful diversity, it is capable of performing many different functions. I will try to list some of them.

Uses of banana peel for skin

The minerals, antioxidants and natural fruit acids contained in banana peels will help keep your skin healthy.

The easiest way to take care of your skin is to simply wipe your face, neck and other parts of your body with the inside of a banana peel.

The second way is to massage your facial skin with a piece of ripe banana peel, rubbing the contents of the inside of the peel into the skin. This procedure, like a peeling, will nourish, soften and moisturize the skin, gently exfoliating it.

By regularly using banana peels for facial skin care, you can even reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Just keep in mind that any facial massage should be done along the main massage lines, and not against them, that is, from the chin and middle of the forehead to the temples, from the upper lip and nose to the ears.

Banana peel against burns, scratches, bites

Banana peel can help with any skin irritation:

  • sunburn
  • scratches and abrasions
  • bites from mosquitoes, wasps, bees and other insects
  • after shaving

You can simply wipe the irritated area of ​​skin with the inside of the peel, or you can apply a piece of the peel and secure it to the skin, for example, with a bandage or plaster. This procedure should be done at least once a day until the irritation goes away.

I have already written about other folk remedies for sunburn.

You can read about what other simple remedies you can use after a mosquito bite

Treatment of psoriasis and acne with banana peel

Banana peels can also help treat and relieve symptoms of more serious skin diseases such as psoriasis and acne. If you rub the affected areas of the skin with the fleshy side of the peel, pain, dryness and peeling will decrease. The same steps should be taken for acne. Improvement should occur after several uses.

Removing warts using banana peel

Removing warts using banana peels is a traditional medicine recipe.

For some, it is enough to simply wipe the wart every day before going to bed with the inside of the peel, while others need to fasten a piece of the peel overnight.

The time frame for getting rid of warts is also different for everyone - from several days to a month.

How to Remove a Splinter Using a Banana Peel

If you have planted the splinter deep enough and you cannot get it out easily, try attaching a small piece of banana peel with the inside of it to the place with the splinter, and leave it for a day. The enzymes contained in the peel should draw the splinter to the surface of the skin, where you can remove it. In addition, the peel will help heal the wound, as I already wrote about above.

Banana peel - shoe polish

Just like for human skin, banana peels have a beneficial effect on shoe leather, giving it shine and radiance.

To do this, you need to again rub the shoes with the inside of the peel, and then polish with a soft cloth or paper towel.

Has your silverware or jewelry become tarnished over time? Banana peel will help restore their natural shine!

The easiest way is to wipe the silverware with the inside of the peel.

The second method is to grind the peel in a blender, then add a little water to achieve the consistency of toothpaste. Using a soft cloth and prepared mixture, rub silver items. The dark coating on the silver should disappear. Then you need to wash off the remaining mass and finally polish the surface with a soft cloth.

It turns out that a regular banana peel can also help whiten your teeth! And perhaps this is due to the high concentration of minerals in the peel, such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and manganese.

Everything is very simple. After regular brushing of your teeth with toothpaste, you need to rub your teeth with the white soft side of the peel for about 2 minutes. After this, to remove any remaining banana, brush your teeth again, but without the paste. Do this every time you brush your teeth, ideally every day.

Do you choose the right toothbrush and toothpaste?

How to properly brush your teeth is written in

Restoring a scratched CD or DVD

Surely many of you have encountered a problem when the disk was slightly scratched and the disk drive stopped opening it. Try recovering the disk using a banana.

First, rub the scratched surface of the disc with a peeled banana in a circular motion. And then rub the inside of the banana peel for 2 minutes.

Now let's clean the disk from the banana. A glass cleaner and a soft cloth will help with this.

Let the disc dry and you can try.

Banana peels contain macronutrients such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, nitrogen, which contribute to the healthy growth of many plants. For example, tomatoes, peppers, roses, etc.

Banana peels can be used in several ways as plant fertilizer.

  1. Cut the peel into small pieces (to speed up the decay process), spread it around the plant and sprinkle soil on top. The crust will decompose, releasing nutrients into the soil.
  2. Add banana peels to the compost bin. Thanks to this, the content of potassium and phosphorus in the compost will increase, which contribute to the development of the root system of plants.
  3. Dry the banana peels (you can just air dry them, or you can use them in the oven for speed). When it becomes brittle, crumble it. The result is fertilizer for indoor plants. It can be mixed with soil and added to the pot.
  4. The inside of a banana peel can be used to wipe the leaves of plants such as monstera, ficus, croton, calathea, hoya, that is, plants with waxy leaves.

Animal feed additive

Dried banana peels can be added to the feed of chickens, rabbits and pigs. It will enrich the food with useful substances.

So, after everything you've read, are you tempted to just throw the banana peel in the trash? I think you will find a more worthy use for this storehouse of useful substances.

I will be glad to hear your opinion and your comments on this matter.

Ksenia Druzhkova, author of the blog “Note to the Family,” shared tips on how to use banana peels.

Bananas. These fruits can be found in almost every kitchen, almost always. Although they disappear from this kitchen instantly :) It is probably difficult to find a person who has never tried this delicacy in his life and is not familiar with it.

Bananas are both tasty and healthy. They have a pleasant sweetish taste, go well with various dishes, especially desserts, serve as excellent butter for baking and are even suitable for baby food.

But bananas can also be used for a variety of tasks around the home. In this article you will learn 10 very original ways to use them.

1. Polishing leather shoes and silver items

If at the most inopportune moment you suddenly find that your shoe polish has run out, don’t panic. A banana peel will save you. Remove fibers from the inside of the sandpaper and wipe the entire surface of the shoe with it. Then polish with a soft cloth or paper towel. The same technique can be used to polish silver items. Banana peels can even improve the appearance of leather furniture. But first test its effect on a small area of ​​upholstery.

2. Banana face masks

A banana face mask will help quickly moisturize dry skin, give it freshness and radiance. It will gently cleanse and soothe irritated skin, making it soft and velvety. The banana mask recipe is simple. You will need: one ripe banana, 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon cream and 1 teaspoon olive oil (or honey). Mix everything thoroughly until smooth and apply to a clean face for 20 minutes. Then rinse with cool water and pat dry with a towel. With this mask you will never need Botox!

Personally, I liked another interesting banana mask - for whitening the skin from redness after acne. Mix one banana and one teaspoon of lemon juice. The mixture should be applied to problem areas of the facial skin for 10-20 minutes, then rinsed with water. 4 days and any visible signs of acne will disappear.

3. Teeth whitening

Oddly enough, bananas can help get rid of yellowish plaque on teeth. Rub your teeth with a banana peel every day in a circular motion for at least 2-3 minutes. In a few weeks you will see results: your teeth will become whiter.

4. Remedy for warts

Effective remedies in the fight against warts are white vinegar and special creams. But when you don't have them on hand, a banana will help. Crush some of the pulp and apply the pureed mixture to the affected area. If the banana has already been eaten, you can use its peel: rub the skin with the inside of the peel. The fruit has a high potassium content, which allows you to effectively but painlessly remove warts.

5. Caring for indoor plants

The appearance of indoor plants that have not been touched by human hands for a long time can be refreshed, again, with the help of banana peels. Wipe the leaves of the plant with the inside of it. And do not splash water on them - this will make the dirt even worse. Remove dirt from the leaves with a banana peel, your plants will look fresh and well-groomed again.

6. Getting rid of garden aphids

Have aphids in your garden and eating your favorite roses? Dig the crushed skins from eaten bananas into the soil a couple of centimeters around the plant. You'll soon be able to say goodbye to those pesky aphids. Helpful tip: Do not use the whole fruit or skin, otherwise it may attract some animals.

7. Attracting bees and butterflies to the garden

Want to attract more bees and butterflies to your garden to pollinate your plants? Place overripe bananas, after making small holes in them, at some elevation from the ground, approximately just above head level. Insects will happily flock to your garden for such a treat. The main thing is not to overdo it.

8. Remedy for burns, bruises and splinters

In case of a burn or bruise, apply a banana peel with the inner surface to the problem area of ​​the skin. The oil contained in banana skins can help relieve pain. A banana compress helps to cope with calluses, as well as remove deep-seated splinters.

9. Tenderizing lean meats

To make the meat soft and juicy, before baking, wrap the meat in a banana peel, securing it with thread. Special enzymes make tough meat soft. You might as well add a banana or banana skin while frying. This way they will give the meat not only softness, but also a slight sweetness.

10. Like a canvas for painting

When you have absolutely nothing to do, you can practice your drawing skills on a banana, as Australian Jan Gil Park did.

Instead of a brush, use a toothpick. The image is scratched on the banana peel with it. The harder you press, the darker the line will be. After 5 minutes you can see what happened. The resulting drawings are stylized to look like old photographs.

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Briefly about banana

In Russia, bananas are an affordable and popular tropical fruit, especially in winter. Many people eat one banana a day.

According to statistics, in our country in 2015 there were almost 9 kg of bananas per capita per year, in Ecuador - the main supplier of bananas to Russia - banana consumption was about 74 kg per capita per year.

In the tropics, bananas are very common, they are eaten and used for various purposes. Banana skins are also used there, for example, even for launching ships because of their good glide.

It is convenient to eat a banana anywhere, its peel comes off well and we easily and simply throw away this compact skin, and this is 40% of the weight of the fruit that we paid for in stores or markets, i.e. we are simply throwing away 40% of its value. So let's be practical and take a closer look at the peel.

Beneficial properties of banana peel

It is known that the peels and skins of many vegetables and fruits are very useful, and sometimes even more useful than the fruits themselves. For example, red grapes - it is the grape skins that contain bioflavonoids that fight heart and vascular diseases and aging of the body.

What about bananas? They are useful in fiber, potassium, magnesium phosphorus and other elements, vitamins B, C and PP (we especially lack these vitamins according to the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences), enzymes, antioxidants, serotonin and tryptophan. Bananas contain a lot of sucrose and are a good energy drink.

It has been established that the fiber content in the peel is even greater than in a peeled banana, and fiber is beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract (effectively cleanses the intestines), reduces the development of cardiovascular diseases, because 40% of the potassium that we need for work is concentrated in the banana peel hearts. Lutein (a carotenoid) contained in the peel improves vision by preventing age-related changes in the lens.

How to use banana peels

In Asia, banana peels are widely used for food: for example, in drinks - the chopped peels are infused in water, in hot tea, smoothies are prepared, they are also fried on the skins, placing, for example, beaten chicken fillet on the inside of the skins placed in a frying pan or barbecue - Such chops become juicy and do not burn.

But this is how they use freshly picked bananas; in our country it’s a completely different matter.

Bananas transported over long distances are picked green in the tropics, transported by refrigerated ships at a temperature of 13 - 15 degrees, then treated with a mixture of gases (95% nitrogen and 5% ethylene) - a composition identical to what bananas emit during ripening (as well as other fruits). , for example, apples).

In addition, there is information that picked bananas are treated with preservatives E 230, 231, 232 - chemicals containing phenol. In some countries these additives are prohibited.

Therefore, we won’t take risks and won’t use banana skins for food. There are still options for using the skins in everyday life. What are they?

Using the inside of a banana skin you can:

  • Wipe the skin of the face and hands, which improves the condition of the skin, nourishes and moisturizes it;
  • Whiten teeth by rubbing them;
  • Apply compresses from the peel for burns (including sunburn), abscesses, insect bites;
  • Peel the leaves of indoor plants;
  • Clean leather shoes;
  • Clean silver cutlery and jewelry from oxide deposits;
  • Enrich the soil with minerals by placing cut banana peels shallowly in the ground (or in compost in the garden), as well as by drying the peels, crumbling them and spreading the crumbs on the surface of the soil of a houseplant or garden soil;
  • Water and feed indoor and garden plants with a solution rich in enzymes and microelements.

Enriching the soil with banana peel infusion

Now it is urgent to enrich the soil with useful elements not with chemical fertilizers, but with natural preparations and solutions. One of them is a fermented solution of fruit peels and peelings. To do this, use the skins and peelings of bananas, apples, citrus fruits (you can also add vegetable peelings and herbs), water, sugar and a plastic container with a screw-on lid.

And the fermented composition is made like this:

Water is poured into a plastic container (1 part by weight), sugar is poured, preferably unrefined cane sugar (1 part), the solution is shaken and skins and peelings of fruits and vegetables are added (3 parts). The container should leave 20% space for air and gases released during fermentation.

The container is tightly closed and the gases are released from it every day, carefully opening it. It takes about 3 months to infuse the skins for complete fermentation. Then the mixture is filtered and used for watering and feeding plants, diluting 1 liter. the resulting solution per 1000 l. water (1 ml per 1 liter of water) for irrigation and 2 ml per 1 liter. water for feeding. Such a useful solution can be stored for years.

If you don’t have time to wait, you can simply cut up banana skins and infuse them in water to water your plants.

Banana peel for decoration

Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


A very useful fertilizer for indoor or garden flowers, for seedlings of vegetables, fruit trees and berry bushes is banana peel. By using fertilizers made from these wastes, the flowers on the window will delight you with abundant blooms, vegetable seedlings will grow strong, because... they receive almost all the necessary elements for full development and growth. Many gardeners are already familiar with this miracle fertilizer, but for some it will be useful to read this article. Why is banana peel one of the best bases for preparing vitamin supplements?

Benefits of banana peels for plants

Banana peels as a fertilizer in gardening are not new; they have been used for a long time. The advantages of homemade feeding, compared to store-bought analogues, are that the first product does not contain chemical additives. Benefits of banana peel:

  • improvement of microflora and soil health;
  • harmless growth stimulation;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • stimulation of disease and pest control;
  • saturation with useful microelements, as a result, plants tolerate transplantation and lack of sunlight and heat less painfully.

Chemical composition

The composition of banana peel is almost similar to the pulp of this fruit, but there are some differences. The minerals contained in the skin are:

  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • nitrogen.

More than 90% of the mass of a banana peel comes from liquid and organic nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, lipids). The volume of water content in the skins depends on the time of harvesting, the degree of ripeness of the fruit, and its shelf life. This component composition has found practical use of banana peels in industrial production.

Almost every mineral or organic component is a useful substance necessary for the normal development and functioning of the organic system of a person, animal or plant. Their consumption is mandatory, otherwise a general malaise of the body develops. Obtaining nutrients from banana peels must be correct because... they also contain some harmful toxic elements that accumulate in the skin.

Mechanism of action

Having studied the composition of the peel, it is immediately clear that such waste is ideal for feeding plants. The mineral complex contained in the fruit and peel is useful for growth, development, flowering and fruiting. The peels of vegetables and fruits very often contain a rich vitamin and mineral composition - this has become a prerequisite for the use of banana peels in gardening. When all these microelements decompose, they perfectly nourish the roots, stimulating active growth and flowering.

The skin contains a large amount of plant growth hormone, because fruits are picked unripe and treated with substances to ripen them at the time of sale. Banana peel feeding activates seed germination, seedling rooting, and the development of young shoots. This fertilizer is used to stimulate the growth of vegetable seedlings, feed greenhouse crops or indoor flowers, especially those that do not have enough solar heat and light. Magnesium promotes photosynthesis, so winter greenhouse and indoor plants will like it.

Features of application

Fresh banana peels contain substances similar in action to papain, which is used in cooking to soften tough meat, but can destroy the root system. In addition, the concentration of useful components in a fresh product is high, so you can use fresh peel only by placing it under the roots, but with a mandatory layer of soil. You can make banana skins biologically inactive, while maintaining their mineral composition, in the following ways:

  1. Drying in an oven or microwave at minimum power is not the most suitable method, because... Most of the harmful products of organic decomposition remain in the product.
  2. Fry in a dry frying pan over low heat.
  3. Brewing with boiling water is equivalent to the first method.
  4. Natural drying in the sun or radiator - almost all decomposition and metabolic products evaporate, but due to the duration of the process, rotting or fermentation of the raw materials is possible.
  5. Freezing in the freezer - the result is similar to natural drying, but rotting or fermentation of the product is excluded.
  6. Scalding with boiling water and leaving for 1-2 hours. After this, the infusion is drained, and a sour substance is used, in which growth stimulants remain, but most of the mineral components are lost.
  7. Drying in the fresh air under direct sunlight - the entire mineral complex, growth stimulants are preserved, and harmful organic matter evaporates.

Fertilizer for flowers

Banana skins, which make up about 35% of the total mass of the fruit, contain as many useful substances as the fruit. According to experienced gardeners, banana peel fertilizer for indoor plants activates their growth and protects them from diseases. If you become familiar with all the ways to use peels in floriculture, you can both save money and significantly improve the health of your “green pets.” Banana peels are used to wipe the leaves of indoor flowers to remove dust.

This banana peel flower food replaces potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, which has a beneficial effect on the development, growth, budding, and flowering of plants. Those gardeners who are accustomed to using industrial fertilizers may speak negatively about the natural analogue, although banana fertilizers are not inferior to them, for example, humate. If the peels are used in combination with grape shoots, you can get the most effective fertilizer, which contains most of the periodic table.

Feeding seedlings of nightshade and asteraceae crops

Compositae and nightshade crops have an internal biofilter, so it is recommended to use fertilizer from banana waste for sunflowers, eggplants, and tomatoes. The result is especially noticeable when using fertilizer in the northern regions of the country. This fertilizer is recommended to be used only for seedlings. During the flowering and fruiting period, it is recommended to use dried or dried peels.

For which plants can banana peels be used for feeding?

How to make fertilizer

Raw materials are prepared in several ways, using:

  • fresh skins;
  • water infusion;
  • dried or dried peel;
  • dry crust powder;
  • fried skins;
  • compost;
  • freezing;
  • complex fertilizers from various natural components.

Fresh crushed skins

The simplest, but no less effective way to feed seedlings or seedlings is crushed fresh skins. To prepare, the peel is cut into small pieces and buried under the root before planting, avoiding direct contact with the roots. After just 7-12 days, not a trace will remain of the crusts - they completely decompose, giving themselves to the plant. After such feeding, even weak plants activate growth.

The harmful components with which the fruit was treated before sale remain for a long time on the surface of the peels. They must be washed thoroughly before use. It is not recommended to use this method for fruit trees and root crops, because One wash cannot get rid of harmful substances. To make the fertilizer safer, it is better to process the raw materials.

Dried or cured peel

A simple and easy way to prepare potash fertilizer is to dry the skins in a natural way: in the summer - in the sun, in winter - near the radiator. Properly dried peels are completely dry, uniform dark color, without black spots or unpleasant odor. The finished fertilizer is stored in a paper bag or plastic container. Use as needed - bury it in a pot when planting an indoor flower, add it to cups when picking seedlings.

You can dry banana peels in the sun while hanging them outdoors. To do this, banana peelings are strung on a thread and hung in a sunny, well-ventilated place, like mushrooms. Thus, the entire complex of vitamins and minerals is preserved, and no trace remains of harmful impurities.

Ground dry skins in powder form

First you need to dry the peels in the oven, electric dryer or naturally. Grind dry raw materials in a coffee grinder or blender. The resulting powder can be directly sprinkled onto the soil in a flower pot and then filled with water. Repeat the procedure once a month. If mold appears on the surface of the soil after fertilizing, then it is better to apply the portion under the soil, without direct contact with air.


This fertilizer is more difficult to prepare, but it is worth it. Add a lot of banana peels to a bucket of plain soil and stir well. Then they fill it with “Baikal” fertilizer - this is a live fertilizer, which consists not of the usual mineral and organic components, but of microorganisms. A month later, the crusts and “Baikal” are added again and stirred well. After 30-60 days, the crusts will rot and natural compost will be ready.

Water infusion

To prepare an aqueous extract, the peel must be washed, the stalks removed, placed in a 3-liter sterile bottle, and filled with boiled water to the top. All procedures should be carried out over a gas oven or burner. Sterility is important because... Protozoa, for example, the ciliate slipper, can reproduce. Leave for 5 days, then the infusion is drained and filtered through cheesecloth. The shelf life of the product is 30-45 days, but the starter may ferment. Before use, the aqueous extract is diluted with water 1 to 1 and heated to room temperature.

Feeding application rates

Certain crops may require more or less of the nutrient, but the usual dosage is 1 tablespoon per liter flower pot. The rate may decrease depending on the degree of development of the root system and the type of plant:

Watering flowers

Banana water for flowers is not a universal remedy; each plant is individual. But there are general rules that are recommended to be followed:

  1. All flowers are fertilized after watering so as not to burn the root system.
  2. Plants that are watered by drip irrigation can be fed continuously, but the prepared solution must be diluted by half with water.
  3. When watering indoor flowers with water extract, it is important to monitor the soil moisture, because... with an increased rate, rotting of the roots is possible.
  4. Plants need to be fed once every 7-14 days, depending on the general condition of the flower.

Recipes for complex fertilizers with banana peel

In addition to banana peels, many other food wastes are used as fertilizer, which feed and improve disease resistance:

  • onion peel;
  • potato peelings;
  • eggshells;
  • citrus fruit peels;
  • leftover brewed tea and coffee.

Fertilizing with magnesia and eggshells

To prepare this fertilizer you will need:

  • magnesia – 40 g;
  • water – 2 l.;
  • dried banana peels – 6-8 pcs.;
  • eggshell powder – 4 tsp.

Cooking process:

  1. Grind the dried peels into powder.
  2. Pour all ingredients into water.
  3. Stir until the magnesium dissolves.
  4. Keep refrigerated. Use as a spray - spray foliage and soil.

With orange zest

A complex fertilizer that combines the beneficial properties of bananas, glucose (sugar) and orange peel - a natural fertilizer for indoor plants. Fill a three-liter jar with orange and banana peelings 30%. Pour 30 g of sugar and add water. Leave for 20 days, stirring every 5 days. After 3 weeks, the infusion is filtered. Before use, dilute with distilled water in a ratio of 1 to 20. It is recommended to feed the plants no more than once a month.

Against aphids on plants

If you drop a few banana peels into the soil around a plant in the garden, there will be much less aphids on the foliage, because these insects cannot tolerate potassium. A water infusion is made from the skins, which repels aphids and nourishes the plant:

  1. Place the peels of three bananas in a 3-liter jar of water.
  2. Leave for 2 days.
  3. Then strain the infusion and dilute with water 1 to 1.
  4. Water the plant at the root or spray it.

Advantages and disadvantages of banana peel fertilizer

Advantages of using crust feeding:

  1. Banana skins are a source of nutrients that are essential for healthy plant growth.
  2. Naturalness of raw materials.
  3. The crusts decompose quickly.
  4. Many ways to use and prepare skins.
  5. Low cost.

Banana peel as a top dressing has its disadvantages:

  • Bananas are brought from distant countries and picked unripe. In order for fruits to ripen, they are treated with chemicals and soaked in a solution of chlorine and ammonium sulfate.
  • Fertilizing does not completely compensate for the deficiency of nutrients.
  • When recycling banana waste, the advantage turns into a disadvantage: fertilizer from banana skins for fruit crops can be used to a limited extent or can be prepared in special ways.
  • To ensure rapid ripening, bananas are treated with ethylene, which negatively affects the human hormonal system.
  • The smell of banana attracts insects - fruit flies, ants, bees.

Useful tips

About the benefits banana pulp everyone has heard a lot. A couple of bananas a day saturates the human body with all the necessary microelements. But no less useful than citrus itself isits peel .

Few people know how useful that same banana skin can be in everyday life, which is usually immediately thrown into the trash. It can be used for the most unexpected purposes: from teeth whitening to eliminating pests in the garden.

Next life hacksThey will make life much easier for the housewife and help her cope with one or another problem in everyday life.

So, having an ordinary banana peel on hand, you can:

How to use banana peel

1. Keep Chicken Breast Juicy While Grilling

Even if you are an excellent cook, frying meat so that it comes out juicy is quite difficult. First of all, this applies to chicken breast.

Chicken meat itself is a bit dry, but when fried it becomes even drier. To make the chicken breast juicy and soft when frying, use banana peels. Before putting the meat in the oven or putting it on the fire, simply place a banana peel on top of it.

It will create a barrier similar to skin, allowing the meat to retain its juices.

Thanks to this simple culinary trick, you can significantly improve the quality of the prepared dish.

2. Make a natural and effective fly trap

If you cannot live without fruits, then this item is definitely for you.

Surely, many housewives have more than once noticed annoying small flies in their kitchen that attack a bowl of fruit. These are the so-called fruit flies that get to the vase of apples and oranges before you.

Make a pest trap and forget about this problem once and for all.

To do this you will need: a large yogurt container, a banana peel, a hammer and a small nail.

Use a hammer and nail to make holes in the lid of the container. Then place the banana peel inside the container and close the lid tightly. Leave this structure near fruits where flies accumulate.

The sweet banana scent will lure them into the container. Attracted by the smell of banana, the midges will crawl inside, but will no longer be able to get out through the tiny holes.

When you notice that the midges have disappeared or their number has decreased significantly, you can throw out the trap.

3. Restoring a scratched CD or DVD disc

If your favorite CD is scratched and therefore does not play cleanly, fix the situation with a banana peel.

Place the disc with the label side down. Turn the banana peel inside out, then use a gentle circular motion to rub the inside of the peel onto the scratched surface of the disc. Banana peel pulp and wax will fill existing scratches without harming the plastic finish.

After this, wash off any wax residue with a soft cloth soaked in glass cleaner. Polish the disc until it is clean. The disc has been rehabilitated and is ready to play.

Benefits of banana peel

4. Rid your garden of aphids

Have you noticed aphids in your garden that are harming your favorite plants? This problem can be solved. Take 2-3 banana peels, dig a hole 2 cm deep at the base of the aphid-infested plant and bury the peel in it.

Aphids and ants cannot tolerate the high concentration of potassium in banana peels. Thus, thanks to this little trick, the hated pests will retreat.

5. Quickly remove ink stains from skin

Did you get your hands dirty due to ink leaking from a ballpoint pen? In this case, water and soap will not fix the problem immediately. This is where an ordinary banana peel comes to the rescue.

Rub the inside of the peel onto the area that was stained with ink. You will be surprised at how quickly, literally before your eyes, the stain will disappear and your skin will become clear.

The fact is that natural oils from banana peels “absorb” oils from ink, thus easily removing stubborn pigment from the skin.

6. Instantly relieve itching from an insect bite

Have you been bitten by mosquitoes and are suffering from terrible itching? Get rid of it without using products containing chemicals.

Take an ordinary banana peel and rub the inside of it onto the itchy area of ​​the skin. Literally immediately you will feel relief, the itching and discomfort from a mosquito bite will pass very quickly.

Banana peel contains a polysaccharide substance, which, penetrating into our skin cells, relieves swelling and inflammation within a few minutes.

Teeth whitening with banana peel

7. Whiten teeth thoroughly and effectively

There is no need to spend a fortune on teeth whitening by purchasing special whitening strips. After all, folk remedies are sometimes no worse than professional ones.

An ordinary banana peel will do the job perfectly. It will make your teeth whiter. Rub them with the inside of a banana peel for 2 minutes every day. Do this after you have thoroughly brushed your teeth.

Banana peels contain astringent, plaque-breaking salicylic acid and mildly whitening citric acid. The combination of these two acids effectively lightens dark spots on teeth without damaging the enamel itself. Thanks to such a simple trick, you will become the owner of a snow-white smile.

8. Eliminate scuffs on leather shoes

If your shoes are in overall good condition, other than some scuffs, the situation can be corrected. Banana peel will come to the rescue.

Thanks to the natural oils and waxes contained in banana peels, they can be used for polishing leather shoes and giving it shine. The potassium in banana peel is an important component for skin care. This microelement, absorbed into the leather product, reduces scuff marks and makes the shoes completely new.

Banana peel for flowers

9. Bring houseplants back to life

Are your house plants depressed, looking dull, tired and not pleasing you with their former beauty? They urgently need to be rehabilitated! Ferns, cacti, and other plants can be restored using banana peels.

Rub the inside of the leaves of the plant with it. It will not only rid the flower of accumulated dust, but also, thanks to the oils contained in the banana peel, will give it a well-groomed and fresh look.

Potassium, which bananas are rich in, also has a beneficial effect on the plant and helps it stay healthy and blooming.

10. Painlessly remove a splinter

It is not always possible to remove a splinter easily and quickly. If this cannot be done using the usual method, you can resort to a little trick using the same banana peel.

Apply it to the wound with the inside. For greater efficiency secure the banana peel with adhesive tape. This way it will come into closer contact with the problem area.

Leave the patch on for at least 30-40 minutes. The enzymes contained in banana peels will draw the splinter to the surface of the skin, after which you can easily remove it. In addition, these enzymes promote healing of the wound formed after removing the splinter.

Properties of banana peel

Banana peel contains a treasure trove nutrients and microelementsV. Due to its healing properties, it can be used as an effective fertilizer for plants. Such a simple “feeding” in the form of a banana peel significantly will increase the quality and quantity of the harvest in your garden and vegetable garden.

In addition, the minerals and antioxidants that bananas are rich in have a positive effect on facial skin, moisturizing it and making it more well-groomed and beautiful. Make a banana peel mask and your skin will thank you. If you don’t have enough time for a full-fledged mask, just wipe it with the inside of a banana peel.

In addition, banana peels can be used for the following purposes:

- To remove warts.

- In the treatment of psoriasis and acne.

- In the treatment of burns, contusions and bruises.

- When healing scratches and cuts.

- To moisturize the skin and prevent early wrinkles.

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