Zinnia growing from seeds. Zinnia: varieties with photos and descriptions, when to sow seedlings, planting and care in open ground Planting zinnia in open ground

Cement 04.10.2023

A lover of light and warmth, zinnia holds its flower caps high and proud, decorating flower beds and flower beds in city parks, squares and, of course, garden plots. This unpretentious flower will be discussed in this article.

Types and varieties of zinnia

Over more than 200 years of cultivation and selection work, zinnia has become a flower that can revive and decorate even the darkest and most abandoned corner of the garden.

Most often, two types of flowers are used in culture: narrow-leaved zinnia and graceful zinnia, although there are more than 20 of them.

Like other plants, zinnia has a huge number of varieties, among which there are low ones, up to 30 cm - dwarf ones. The stem of a medium-sized plant can reach 70 cm. Those flowers whose height has crossed the meter mark are classified as tall individuals.

Each variety carries a different variety of flower basket colors. Their palette is rich and pleasing to the eye with red and orange, pink and crimson, white and yellow colors. Zinnia inflorescences, in turn, are divided into varieties according to shape and structure. There are scabioses, chrysanthemums, cacti, and Californians.

But Russian gardeners are especially fond of dahlias and pompoms.

Or Lilliputian, do not exceed 55 cm in height and are liked by gardeners for the compactness of the bush and its branchiness. Terry caps of flowers, 3-5 cm in size, abundantly cover multiple shoots of the plant. And if several different varieties of pompom zinnias are planted in the flower garden, then the garden plot will play with a rainbow of colors until autumn.

Zinnia is very sensitive to cold; temperatures as low as -1°C will kill the plant. But you can prolong the feeling of summer if you transplant the flower into a pot before frost and bring it into the house. On rainy autumn days, it will remind the summer resident of the sun and warmth.

The most popular varieties of Lilliputian zinnias can be called “Tom-Thumb” and “Rotkopchen”. Low, up to 45 cm, bushes are strewn with numerous caps of bright red flowers. Even the hottest rays of the sun will not affect the intensity of the color, and the plant will give pleasure until late autumn.

Its varieties have large flowers. A strong plant, often exceeding a height of 1 m, with double inflorescences up to 15 cm, will look advantageous in a group and create a unique composition in any corner of the garden. The main thing is that it is sunny and protected from the wind. And the variety of colors of the baskets - white, yellow, pink, crimson, lilac, purple - will allow the summer resident to use his imagination to create unique flower beds.

Zinnia variety " polar bear", with white terry baskets and a height of 60-70 cm, is worthy of taking center stage in any flower bed.

« Dream» – plants up to 1 m high, with soft pink flowers, look good both in single-color plantings and in combination with the “Violet” variety. The flower has the same height as the previous variety, but has bright purple inflorescences. Lush, double flowers look perfect in bouquets.


The Californian zinnia variety is distinguished by its large flowers. The size of the inflorescence can be 12-14 cm; it ends with a strong and tall, up to 1 m, stem. It is thanks to its strength that the plant does not require support.

This group of flowers, like other zinnias, is rich in bright colors. The “California Mix” variety is available for sale, where the seeds are selected in such a way that the plants grown from them will create a unique and enchanting flower garden.

When to plant zinnias for seedlings in 2017

As noted above, zinnia does not tolerate even a hint of sub-zero temperatures. Therefore, the main condition when sowing the seeds of this flower for seedlings is that stable warm weather should be established when planting the plant.

In addition, it should be taken into account that the seed of the flower germinates quickly, and the sprouts also develop quickly. The seedling period of zinnia is 4-6 weeks. It follows that the best time for sowing will be mid-April.

For flower crops there is also a lunar calendar that will recommend the best days for this work.

The best days for sowing, picking, and replanting seeds of annual flowers in 2017

March - 3; 4; 10; 12; 20; 27; 28

April - 4; 5; 9; 18; 21-23; 26-28

May - 1-4; 15; 24; 25; 28-31

June - 1; 2; eleven; 16

By checking your expected sowing date with the grower’s lunar calendar, you can find the best option and be confident in the successful cultivation and abundant flowering of your pets.

Preparatory activities. Working with the seed material of this flower gives the gardener great pleasure. The seeds are quite large and sorting them does not require any effort. They are not subjected to additional processing. The only thing that is recommended to do to achieve the best result is to soak the seeds in the Epin solution.

This will activate their vital forces and ensure more friendly shoots.

If sowing will be done in seedling boxes, then their depth should not be less than 8-10 cm. You should not immediately fill them to their entire height with soil. A little more than half a box will be enough for sowing.

By placing the seeds at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other, you can skip the diving stage. It’s just that later, when the seedlings grow and get stronger, you will need to add nutritious soil. The stems will produce adventitious roots and the plant will continue to grow without the stress of replanting.

The soil for sowing is prepared nutritious and loose, with good drainage properties. After sowing, the boxes are covered with polyethylene and left warm for germination. At 20-25°C, sprouts will appear on days 5-7. Next, the seedlings need light and regular watering, without waterlogging the soil.

If seeds are sown densely, they will require replanting to provide a larger feeding area. To do this, the seedlings are carefully removed from the seedling box and placed either in separate cups or in another container, but of a larger size. At this time, you should think about the purpose of the flowers: cutting, decorating a summer cottage, or the plant will be a seed plant.

If flowers are grown for landscape design of a site, then for greater bushiness, tall varieties of zinnias are pinched above the 5th leaf. This will stimulate the plant to form new shoots from the leaf axils. Accordingly, the number of flowers will increase, since each shoot ends in a bud.

While the seedlings are at home, care should also be taken to prepare the place for planting zinnias.

At the very end of May or early June, the seedlings can be moved to the flower garden at the dacha. But this must be preceded by hardening off the plants for at least a week.

First, an open window will allow the plant to feel the fresh air, then a short period of time on the balcony or outside, but in good weather. It’s good if it is possible to carry out hardening directly at the dacha, where there is more opportunity to place a box of seedlings in a suitable place.

When it is decided to transplant zinnia bushes to a permanent place, it is important not to forget about the height of the plant and plant it in accordance with this.

  1. California zinnias are best placed in large or small groups in the background so that they do not obscure shorter garden plants. Thanks to their height, you can hide unsightly areas of the dacha (compost heaps, stacks of boards, etc.).
  2. Flowers of medium height are always considered universal; they occupy a central place in any flower bed. In addition, they are used for growing in containers and flowerpots.
  3. Dwarf zinnia species can be used in the same way. They are also suitable for decorating borders and planting flower beds in the foreground. And low-growing zinnias are ideal for decorating balconies and loggias.

The place for zinnia should be sunny; the flower will tolerate even hot sun better than shade. Given the strong branching of the plant, they should be planted at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other. This will provide space for flower development and ease of weeding and loosening the soil around the plantings.

When to plant zinnia seeds in open ground

If for some reason the seedlings were not grown, this does not mean that the gardener can be left without this wonderful flower. Sowing can be done directly into open ground.

To germinate under natural conditions, the seeds will take 7-10 days (depending on weather conditions), and creating a mini-greenhouse for the garden bed will reduce the time from sowing to germination. The end of the first ten days of May is quite suitable for this work.

Sowing seeds directly onto the site has its advantages. The plant initially senses the temperature of the surrounding air, this saves the gardener from such an event as hardening off home seedlings.

Although flowering will occur 2-3 weeks later. But if this is not important, then this method will relieve the load on the windowsill, on which seedlings of peppers and tomatoes are already in full swing in April.

Grown zinnia bushes are transplanted to their designated place, observing the planting interval.

Caring for plants will not give the gardener much trouble. It consists of weeding, loosening the soil, watering and pinching the main growing point. However, if the flower is grown for cutting, this should not be done.

Flowers last a long time in bouquets, about two weeks. You just need to properly process the stem. Flowers that are intended to decorate the house should not be completely open. Half-blooming zinnias are cut off and, before placing in a vase, the stem is shortened again, but by lowering it into warm water.

The plant is unpretentious and tolerates air drought and heat well. However, a prolonged absence of water leads to shredding of inflorescences and loss of leaf turgor. Therefore, the flower should not be left completely unattended.

Following these simple rules will allow you to see flowering plants on your site from mid-June until the onset of frost. The life of one flower lasts about a month, and if they are removed after wilting, then the zinnia bush as a whole will bloom continuously.

But the period of growing zinnias on the site is not always cloudless. It happens that this strong and beautiful plant is attacked by pests, and improper care or weather conditions cause flower diseases.

Diseases and pests of zinnia

Despite its tolerance to dry soil, this can lead to a flower disease such as powdery mildew. The appearance of grayish spots on the leaves and petals of the inflorescences indicates a problem. Industrially produced drugs Vectra, Topaz or Skor will help solve it.

Wet summers or excessive watering cause gray mold to damage zinnias. The disease looks like fluffy mold, which appears not only on the leaves, but can also affect the stem. And if measures are not taken in time, the flower may die.

Fungicides will be good helpers in the fight for the health of flowers: Maxim, Fundazol or colloidal sulfur.

At the beginning of summer, the activity of such insects as aphids occurs. It feeds on the sap of young shoots, causing significant damage to the plant.

To destroy it, you can use the drug Aktara. Detailed instructions for use are indicated on the package with the drug. The biological product Fitoverm helps against sucking insects.

Slugs and snails leave unpleasant marks on zinnia leaves. Gnawed leaves spoil the decorative appearance of the flower and slow down its development.

These pests require manual extermination. To facilitate this, frankly speaking, not a very pleasant event, pieces of roofing felt or linoleum are laid out between the rows. Insects love to hide there.

By periodically checking shelters you can significantly reduce the number of zinnia pests. If there are no poultry or animals on the site, it is possible to use chemicals in granules. This is Thunderstorm and Meta.

If these troubles have bypassed the strongest and most beautiful plants, then you should think about preparing your own seed for sowing in the following seasons.

There is no doubt that some varieties of zinnias grown on the site gave the gardener real pleasure with their flowering, so you can easily collect seeds from the plants you like in your flowerbed. Just when the buds are blooming, you need to mark the brightest and largest inflorescences by attaching a ribbon of the corresponding color to the stem.

In addition, the number of buds on it is sharply limited. Leaving five inflorescences on the plant, remove the rest and continue to prune newly emerging ones until the seed capsule is cut off. This will allow all the forces of the flower to be directed towards the formation of seeds and their ripening.

After the inflorescence has withered, it is necessary to wait for the seed pod to ripen. In total, it takes about two months from the moment the bud opens to the collection of the finished seeds. But if the weather is not kind, then ripening can also occur indoors. To do this, they are cut and left in a place where it is dry and warm.

Having gutted the dried seed head of the flower, you can begin to select the required number of seeds. It should be remembered that the best of them are located closer to the core and have a triangular or awl-shaped shape.

Dry seeds are placed in paper bags and must be labeled: the name of the flower, the height of the plant, its color and the year the seeds were collected.

Don't rely entirely on memory. After three years, which is exactly how long zinnia seeds remain viable, the summer resident will not even remember which seeds are stored in his stocks without an inscription on the package.

Zinnia: growing and care - video

Be sure to grow zinnias in your garden; they will delight you with their beauty and bright colors for a long time!

Zinnia is widespread in Russian gardens due to the rich variety of varieties, differing both in color and in the size of bushes and buds. Another reason for the popularity of zinnia is its ease of cultivation and care. The culture is propagated in the simplest way, by seed; its flowering period reaches 35 days, and when picked, the buds can last in a vase for 1-2 weeks.

Zinnia came to our country from hot Southern Mexico. This annual plant is distinguished by its fast growth and ease of care, as well as a wealth of varieties. The stem of the crop is erect, from 30 to 90 cm in height. The rich green foliage is ovoid in shape, pointed at the ends. The entire green part of the plants is covered with hard hair. Zinnia buds have the form of baskets with a diameter of 3 to 14 cm. The color palette of the petals is extremely diverse and is represented by yellow, red, white, orange, purple, pink and many other shades.

Zinnia has a very long flowering period, which lasts from mid-summer until the onset of frost. During budding, the bushes are abundantly covered with inflorescences. The seeds of the crop have good germination, which lasts up to 4 years after harvest.

Based on external characteristics, the culture is divided into several types: chrysanthemum flowers, scabiosa flowers, dahlia flowers, pompon zinnias, and fantasy. In stores and markets you can find a lot of varietal mixtures. The most common types of zinnias in our gardens are dahlia flowers and pompon flowers. Let's take a closer look at their varieties.

Dahlia zinnias are tall plants, the stem length of which reaches 60-90 cm. The bushes of this species are powerful and can be either spreading or compact, depending on the specific variety. The foliage is large, approximately 12 cm long. Hemispherical double buds have a diameter of 10-14 cm. The most popular varieties of dahlia-flowered zinnias are:

  1. The “Violet” variety is a medium-sized spreading bush with stems 60-70 cm tall. The dense flight buds are quite large, with a diameter of at least 9 cm, and are most often colored in purple shades. During the flowering period, which lasts from mid-summer to late autumn, one bush produces from 18 to 23 buds.
  2. Zinnia "Crimson Monarch" has beautiful large inflorescences with a diameter of 11 to 13 cm, which are colored in rich red shades. A spreading bush of this crop grows up to 70 cm in height and produces up to 25 flowers during budding.
  3. The “Lavender Queen” variety grows up to 80 cm and has large buds, 10-12 cm in diameter. The inflorescences are painted in lilac and lavender shades; during the budding period, up to 23 of them bloom on one bush.
  4. “Orange King” is a medium-sized variety with stems 60-70 cm long. Large flowers with a diameter of 12-14 cm have an orange, sometimes reddish tint. It blooms profusely, producing 18-25 buds in one season.
  5. The “Polar Bear” variety, like many others, is named by a similar name because of the shade of the petals, which are white with a slight greenish tint. This compact plant has stems 60-65 cm in length, and its dense inflorescences reach 14 cm in diameter. During flowering, which lasts from the second half of June until the end of autumn, it produces from 17 to 20 buds.
  6. Zinnia “Purple Prince” is considered a medium-sized crop, the stems of which grow up to 60 cm in height. Large buds are colored purple.
  7. “Rose” is a variety of zinnia with a spreading bush with a height of 50 to 65 cm. Medium-dense flowers with a diameter of 10-12 cm are distinguished by a rich color palette. In one season, 15-20 buds bloom on the plant.
  8. “Tango” is a bush with stems 60-70 cm long, has bright large inflorescences with a diameter of 9-11 cm. The shade of the petals is deep orange or reddish. This variety blooms profusely, producing 18-28 baskets.
  9. Zinnia “Envy” is distinguished by its unusual greenish buds. The length of the stems of the variety ranges from 60 to 70 cm, the diameter of the inflorescences is 10-15 cm.

Pompon zinnias are low-growing bushes with a height of 40 to 55 cm, usually compact and densely branched. This culture blooms with small buds, 3-4 cm in diameter. Its inflorescences are dense, cap-shaped, the foliage is small, oval in shape, elongated at the ends. Among the varieties of this type of zinnia in our country, the following are common:

  1. “Little Red Riding Hood” is a dense compact plant with a stem height of 45-55 cm. The buds are small, round, 3-5 cm in diameter, painted in a rich red hue. It is distinguished by abundant flowering and produces 65-75 inflorescences during the season.
  2. The Tom Thumb variety is a small bush that grows up to 35-45 cm in height. Dense inflorescences reach 4-6 cm in diameter and are colored in shades of red.
  3. The variety mixture “Thumbelina” grows up to 45 cm in height and blooms from mid-summer to late autumn.

Growing zinnia from seeds

Site selection and soil preparation

Since the birthplace of the culture is hot Mexico, it is logical to assume that the flower loves warmth and sun. When choosing a place for it in the garden, you should give preference to those areas that are sufficiently open to light and receive the maximum amount of rays during the day. The place should not be swampy; it is advisable to create good drainage under the flowerbed.

When planting zinnia, it is also important to prepare the soil by mixing fertile garden soil with peat and sand. Sand will make the ground more loose and breathable. It is better to add peat to the soil at a 1:1 ratio; you can also add a small amount of humus or mineral fertilizers.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

If you decide to grow zinnia in a greenhouse, then it is better to sow the seeds in the ground from the second ten days of April. If you do this in May, then by the time they are planted in a permanent flowerbed, the sprouts will become too tall and may even begin the budding process. Overripe seedlings do not take root well in a new place and many specimens may die.

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in wide containers with a depth of at least 10 cm. Since the seedlings will actively grow, it is better to make the distance between them quite large, at least 3 cm. Seeds are usually buried in the soil by about 1 cm. When the grains appear in the soil, the ground is watered and covered with polyethylene to ensure greenhouse conditions.

When shoots appear under the film, you should remove the polyethylene and make sure that the soil does not dry out. It is better to irrigate the seedlings with a spray bottle so as not to wash out the soil from under the delicate roots. There is no need to over-water the sprouts, since zinnia does not like swampy soils.

When the seedlings grow to 10 cm in height, they can be planted in separate cups or pots. You need to dig in the sprouts up to the cotyledons. In order for the root system to grow powerful and branched, the main root should be pinched at a level of 1-2 cm.

Picked seedlings must be hardened so that they subsequently take root well in open ground. About 2 weeks before transplantation, provided that the weather is warm outside, cups with sprouts begin to be periodically taken out onto the balcony or outside, leaving them there for several hours.

Stronger bushes can be transplanted into a flower bed. If the zinnia variety belongs to tall crops, a distance of 30-40 cm is maintained between individual specimens. Low-growing plants can be planted more densely, about 20 cm from each other. When the flowers take root, which will take at least 1 week, the bushes can be pinched at the level of the crown. This procedure will make the plants more branchy and allow them to grow a large number of new shoots. Some gardeners do this even before transplanting, pinching the zinnia above the 5th leaf.

Growing zinnia in open ground

You can sow the seeds of a crop not in a greenhouse, but directly in a flower bed. Germination will not suffer from this, and care will be noticeably less. Seeds begin to be planted in open soil only when all frosts have definitely passed, as a rule, no earlier than May 15. Having made beds in the flowerbed, the seeds are deepened into the soil 1 cm at an appropriate distance from each other. For tall crops, keep a distance of 30 cm, for short ones - 20. You can keep a distance of 10 cm, but then the sprouts will have to be thinned out. Thinning is carried out when the seedlings grow 4-5 true leaves. By the way, you don’t have to throw away the extra sprouts, but transplant them to another flowerbed.

Zinnia care

Zinnia is an unpretentious crop, which is why it is so loved by many gardeners. Nevertheless, some care rules should still be followed. It is known that the plant loves warmth and sun, and also does not tolerate drafts and frosts. Based on these features, you need to choose an open and sunny place for flowers.

The crop is drought-resistant, but this does not mean that you need to forget about watering it. By regularly and abundantly moistening the bushes, you will achieve bright and lush flowering. It is better to water zinnias in the evening or morning, when there is no scorching sun. It is customary to pour water under the root, trying not to get on the foliage and buds. As for the frequency of procedures, you should focus on weather conditions: the hotter it is outside, the more often you can moisten the plants.

Periodic loosening of the soil will help ensure good air access to the roots. If during the flowering period the bushes suddenly begin to produce fewer buds, you can prune them. It is also important to remove dried inflorescences from time to time so that the flowerbed does not lose its attractive appearance.

Diseases and pests of crops

Zinnia is most susceptible to developing powdery mildew. It is easy to recognize the disease by the appearance of the plant: its foliage and stems are covered with a bluish coating. There may be several reasons why such a scourge occurs: poor care, insect attacks, too high humidity in the soil and surrounding air. Powdery mildew especially often affects zinnia in those years when the summer is damp and cool. You can defeat the disease with the help of antifungal drugs, which are sold in specialized stores. You can prevent the development of dew if you provide the flowers with proper care, proper watering, and good air circulation.

How to fertilize zinnia

In order for the flowerbed to delight you with lush flowering throughout the season, you need to periodically feed the bushes. As a rule, this is done 4 times. The first time fertilizer is applied to the soil before planting seedlings or sowing seeds. For such fertilizing, compost or humus is used. The second feeding is carried out before budding begins, approximately 30 days after planting the crop in the garden. For the second time, a mixture of urea and organic matter is suitable, which are dissolved in water and applied to the soil during watering.

At the beginning of flowering, zinnias are fertilized again with a special liquid composition for flowering plants. This substance can be purchased at a specialty store and diluted with water according to the instructions. During the flowering period, the buds are irrigated with a special composition called “Bud”. 10 g of this drug is dissolved in 10 liters of water. This amount of feeding is quite enough for zinnias. Pay attention not to overdo it with the amount of nitrogen fertilizers. If summers are cool and humid, excess nitrogen can cause stems and roots to rot.

You can grow zinnias not only in the garden, but also at home, as the flowers take root well in pots. When cut, the plants retain their attractive appearance for a long time; to make the bouquet last longer, cut stems should be sprinkled with hot water.

Growing zinnia from seeds, photo:

Growing zinnia. Video

Zinnia is a plant from the Asteraceae family. All species of the genus Zinnia are native to the Western Hemisphere. The genus includes about twenty species of herbs, shrubs and subshrubs. Most of its representatives in their homeland are perennial plants. In the temperate climate of the Eastern Hemisphere, they are grown as annual plants.

Biological description

Zinnia is an ornamental plant that can be used for various solutions in gardens, parks and lawns . These beautiful flowers look very similar to asters, however, they have one undeniable advantage: The flowering time of a single zinnia flower can be from 35 to 40 days, which can be called an absolute record even among annual plants.

Planting zinnia in our climate can be done both in open ground and with the help of seedlings; the plant requires minimal care and we can say that it grows with virtually no human intervention. Currently, zinnias are becoming increasingly popular, since relatively recently they were appreciated by flower growers and right now their new varieties are being formed.

Despite the fact that this plant arrived in Europe more than three hundred years ago, it has not gained much popularity. This was most likely due to the difficulty of breeding new varieties or hybrids. Gardeners were unable to carry out even the most basic artificial selection, so they were satisfied with the relatively small diversity of existing wild and cultivated species.

No more than 100 years ago, ways to obtain new zinnia hybrids were found, and the market began to gradually become saturated with these beautiful flowers. A very easy-to-care annual with its beautiful appearance and almost complete lack of care and requirements for growing conditions, it immediately won the hearts of many representatives of the world of floristry.

Zinnia is a plant that provides the gardener with a fairly wide choice in height, density and spreading of the bushes. The shades of its flowers are represented by almost all colors, except, perhaps, black.

The size of the plant, depending on the type and variety, can reach from 20 to 150 cm. The diameter of its flowers can also vary greatly: from tiny flowers with six petals with a diameter of 2 cm to spherical giants measuring 18 by 16 cm, with more than 200 petals in one inflorescence.

The stem of the plant is straight, with practically no branches. The leaves are arranged oppositely along the stem at equal intervals. Their surface is covered with barely noticeable hairs. The root system is quite developed and penetrates deeply into the soil.

The plant is thermophilic, loves sunny places protected from the wind. Tolerates drought and low humidity well. The only factor limiting the spread of this plant in our climate is temperature. Already at temperatures below +10°C, the life cycle of the plant slows down significantly, and a further decrease, even short-term, leads to the death of the plant.

Plant propagation in our climate is carried out exclusively by seed. Even plants grown at home, like perennials, are much easier to propagate by seeds. The seeds are able to remain viable for several years; in addition, more than a hundred of them are formed from each flower, which is guaranteed to provide new plant material.

Some varieties of zinnia can reproduce by self-sowing. Sometimes this poses quite a serious problem for the gardener, since plants can appear in the most unexpected places in the garden or flower garden. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to regularly inspect the plants and collect ripe fruits, preventing them from spreading seeds.

Despite the plant’s vulnerability to low temperatures, the number of seeds from one bush can “populate” about one and a half hundred square meters of area, and removing zinnia from there will be quite problematic.

Growing conditions

An arid climate, a long absence of watering and a long exposure to the sun are the natural living conditions of the plant. It is in such conditions that zinnia feels great, grows and blooms profusely. In partial shade and shaded areas, zinnia flowering will not be as luxurious, and the stems of the plant will be excessively elongated.

In addition, such conditions significantly suppress the formation of leaves and the plant will look completely inconspicuous. Strong winds also do not help improve the appearance of zinnia - under their influence the bushes become low and very dense due to the large amount of leaf mass. Therefore, the ideal place for growing would be the sunny side of the site, limited along the perimeter by natural fences that prevent strong gusts of wind.

The sunny side of the plot is an ideal place for growing

The composition and fertility of the soil are not critical for zinnia - it can grow on almost any soil. The plant is able to manifest itself most fully on soils with neutral or weak acidity, however, this is not critical: the plant can obtain most of the substances necessary for life itself through the processes of photosynthesis.

If you are growing a plant at home, any light and loose soil for flowers is suitable. It can be purchased at the store, or you can make it yourself from a mixture of equal proportions of leaf soil, peat and sand. As a last resort, you can even use loamy soil mixed with sand in a ratio of 3 to 1.

A much more important factor for the normal growth of zinnia is temperature. For normal growth, flowering and fruiting, it is necessary that the daily temperature ranges from +18°C to +22°C. The plant will feel comfortable even at elevated temperatures, however, lowering the temperature to +10°C can be fatal for the plant.

graceful zinnia

That is why planting a plant in open ground should be done only when the likelihood of cold snaps and frosts is minimal. It is believed that the timing of planting seeds in open ground should not occur earlier than the second half of May. The average time for budding to begin is 2 months after planting, therefore, in order for the plant to bloom in mid-June, it must be planted in April.

In most of the territory corresponding to a temperate climate, such dates are still too early, since the likelihood of frost remains. Therefore, it is recommended to grow zinnia using seedlings, planting young plants in open ground around the middle or end of May.

Planting a plant in seedlings

The optimal time for planting zinnia seeds for seedlings will be mid-April. Later plantings can lead to the fact that at the time of planting in open ground the plant will already begin the process of budding, and overripe seedlings take root much worse.

For seeds, you need to choose wide boxes with a depth of at least 10-12 cm. Since seedlings grow mainly upward, the distance between the seeds can be chosen to be quite compact - no more than 3 cm. The seeds are placed in the soil to a depth of about 1-1.5 cm, after which they are covered with soil and watered with a spray bottle. After this, you need to cover the box with film or glass to create greenhouse conditions. As soil, you can use any mixture for seedlings, or make a composition of peat and sand in a 1 to 1 ratio.

After the first shoots appear, the film is removed and the box is placed in a sunny place with a temperature of at least +18°C. It is necessary to constantly keep the soil moist. In this case, it is necessary to use the spray again so as not to accidentally wash the seeds from the soil. In this case, you should not “flood” the seedlings; just keep the soil moist.

When the seedlings reach a height of about 10 cm, they must be planted in a separate container. Zinnia tolerates transplantation well, so at this stage there should not be any problems. Young plants are dug up to the cotyledons and transferred to individual pots. In this case, you can additionally stimulate the zinnia horse system for active growth by pinching the root at a level of about 2 cm.

Immediately after the dive, hardening of the plants should begin, placing them for some time in conditions with a temperature 5 ° C lower than the one in which they were grown before. And two weeks before planting in open ground (approximately mid-May), it is necessary to take the plants out into the open air, leaving them there every day for an hour more than on the previous day.

When the bushes are hardened, they must be planted in open ground. Tall varieties are planted in increments of about 30-40 cm, low-growing and spreading ones - 20-30 cm. About a week after the young plants have adapted sufficiently, you can pin them at a level of 3-5 cm from the crown.

Such an operation will make the plant more spreading and develop additional side shoots, after which the bush will become more decorative and dense. Sometimes a similar procedure is done at the hardening stage - pinching is done a little above the fifth leaf on the seedlings.

Planting a plant in open ground

If weather conditions permit, zinnia seeds can be planted directly into the flower bed. At the same time, seed germination will not differ much from the seedling growing method. However, in this case there will be much less worry about planting material.

Planting seeds should only be done when the likelihood of cold snaps or frosts is negligible. It is usually believed that May 15 is a sufficient time for planting zinnias in open ground in our climate.

In the flowerbed, beds are made with a depth of 1.5 to 2 cm. The distance between plants is chosen the same as recommended earlier (30 cm large, 20 cm small). After planting, the beds are watered, which is done daily for a month after planting. As in the case of seedlings, to avoid washing out the seeds, it is necessary to use a spray bottle.

Plant care

Zinnia is unpretentious, however, it is better to know and follow some rules for caring for it. It is necessary to regularly water with a small amount of water and loosen the soil around the bushes of the plant to a depth of 2-3 cm. This will provide the roots with the necessary moisture and breathing, which will stimulate the plant to form new flowers.

Watering should be carried out at a time when there is no scorching sun. This can be either in the evening or in the morning. You can also water the plants on a cloudy day.

Young plants are watered from a spray bottle. To water adult plants, use a watering can with a narrow spout. During the budding period, it is necessary to especially carefully monitor soil moisture.

It is recommended to prune the plant to produce more buds. It is necessary to collect seeds regularly; firstly, this will preserve the plant’s decorative appearance, and, secondly, it will prevent self-seeding.

The plant is fertilized twice per season. For the first time it is produced in late autumn of the year preceding zinnia planting. Organic fertilizers (compost, humus, mullein solution) are applied to the site and the site is carefully dug up. In this case, for example, there is no need to add manure, since it is too active a substance and such powerful support for an ornamental crop is simply not needed.

Grown in outdoor pots

Second fertilizer demolished at the moment of budding. This should be a complex mineral fertilizer, or a mixture of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. But, in no case should you apply nitrogen fertilizers during budding. They will force the plant to increase its green part, and the formation of new buds and flowering will slow down significantly.

There is an alternative feeding scheme for zinnia, consisting of four edges. This scheme consists of the following: two more fertilizers are added to the ones already mentioned. The first is produced a month before budding. In this case, a urea solution is applied under the plants in a concentration half the recommended one.

This is due to the fact that a very young plant, actually a seedling, will be fertilized. The second feeding repeats the feeding during budding, but is applied a month after it. It is also recommended, against the background of fertilizing that accompanies budding, to additionally irrigate the buds on the plants with a special preparation “Bud”.

Read also:

  • Golden-red perennial Gaillardia: description, growing from seeds, planting in open ground and care (45+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews
  • Primrose: description, varieties for home cultivation from seeds, compliance with the rules of cultivation and care (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews
  • Princess Nasturtium: a familiar stranger. Description, types, growing from seeds, care (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews


One of the main problems of the plant is its vulnerability to powdery mildew. This disease is quite easy to recognize: with it, the leaves and stems of the plant become covered with a peculiar gray coating. The reasons for its appearance can be very different: violation of plant care conditions, insect attacks, excessive watering, etc. Plants in humid conditions are especially vulnerable to this disease. Most often, powdery mildew affects plants during periods of cold and rainy summer.

The disease can be defeated with the help of modern fungicides. The main thing is to prevent its reoccurrence in the future. To do this, it is necessary to change the conditions of the plant and adjust the watering.

In addition, the plant can sometimes be affected by fusarium and root rot. As a rule, the main causes of such diseases are associated with the same thing as powdery mildew - high humidity. Adjusting the watering regime and regularly loosening the soil after watering are the best preventive measures against such diseases.


Zinnia species diversity is relatively low. There are about two dozen species, of which only 4 are widely used in landscape design. It was on their basis that the currently existing varietal subspecies and hybrids were created.

It is a nomenclature type of zinnia and has the greatest distribution. In another way, this species is also called “elegant zinnia.” Botanists in England and Ireland officially call it "youth-and-oldness", most likely similar to coltsfoot, due to the varying degrees of hairiness of the leaves.

The plant is a typical representative of the Asteraceae, originating from Mexico. The flower is an annual, even in its homeland. Depending on the variety, its height ranges from 30 to 130 cm. The stems are predominantly unbranched. They have a round cross-section and are covered with a small edge.


The plants have an elongated ovoid shape, slightly pointed at the tips. The leaf size is 5-7 cm long and 3-4 cm wide. The leaves have slight pubescence, different on the upper and lower parts of the leaf.


Plants are collected in inflorescences-baskets. They are quite large - from 5 to 16 cm in diameter. At the same time, depending on the variety and growing conditions, flower petals can be either simple or double. It is believed that when left for a long time without moisture, the terry nature of the petals disappears.


Plants grow in the second half of summer, but can last from the end of July until frost. The first ripe zinnia seeds appear approximately 8-10 weeks after the start of flowering.

The plant has relatively large seeds, their dimensions are 10-15 mm in length and about 6 mm in width. At the same time, the seeds are always flattened. Their shape can be very diverse - from narrow and long to oval and round. One gram contains about 150 seeds. Germination rate above 85% is maintained for the first two years, then drops slightly. It is best to plant seeds within the first year after collecting them.

Often designers are faced with the fact that seeds may germinate unevenly. Therefore, the appearance of a plot with zinnias may be slightly spoiled by less beautiful and stunted specimens. To avoid such troubles, it is recommended to select seeds for flower carpets from the apical basket of the central shoot of zinnia. It is believed that seeds from this shoot have the highest germination rate.

The plant does not cross with other types of zinnias under natural conditions, however, there are ways to do this indirectly. Thanks to this, many varieties of this plant were obtained.

Elegant zinnia contains three groups of varietal varieties, united by common characteristics:

  • dahlia group
  • pompom group
  • fantasy group

Zinnia dahlia It is a large bush, about 1 m high, with large leaves about 12-15 cm long. It is distinguished by large spherical inflorescences, about 15 cm in diameter. The inflorescences contain many double petals. The shape of the flower and its colors are very diverse.

For normal growth, this species requires not only a well-lit area and regular watering, but also fertilizing. They are applied in the form of organic fertilizers in the fall, as well as in the form of mineral fertilizers immediately before flowering.

Most varieties of dahlia zinnia are inhabitants of warm climates. In temperate climates, only a few varieties do well outdoors.

Pompom group consists of low plants, no more than 50 cm in height. They have dense and compact bushes with a large number of stems. The size of the flowers is small - about 4 cm; the flowering of the plant begins in all flowers almost simultaneously.

Representatives of the Fantasy group

Group Fantasy consists of plants of medium height (up to 70 cm), with relatively large leaves and flowers. The diameter of the flowers is about 10 cm. The shape of the structure of the Fantasia flowers resembles dahlia flowers. The difference is that its flowers are able to bloom to their maximum, arching in different directions. Sometimes they differ in non-standard colors or special leaf shapes.

Zinnia Barpis

It is a terry variety with various shades of petals. The plant is very decorative. Its flowers have a diameter of up to 13 cm, they have a flattened spherical shape. The plant is characterized by long flowering and good cutting resistance. If, after cutting, you put the flowers in hot water, they can stand in it for about 3 weeks with virtually no loss of appearance.

The plant has long and strong stems that do not require staking. It is best to plant bushes in well-lit areas, since with a lack of light the stems can stretch significantly and the flower size will be small.

The variety is heat-loving; in order to avoid frost when caring for it, it begins to be grown in early March in the form of seedlings. Flowering with this method of cultivation begins in June.

The diameter of Carousel flowers reaches 12 cm, and the height of their stems rarely exceeds 50 cm. The inflorescences are usually double. Flowering begins in the first ten days of July, provided the plant is grown as seedlings and planted in mid-March. When planted in open ground in May, flowering occurs in mid-August. Flowering can be prolonged by removing faded inflorescences.

Loves soils fertilized in the fall with rotted manure or mullein. This variety is calciphilous (that is, it prefers slightly or moderately alkaline soils), which is a rare case in the floriculture of our latitudes. Does not tolerate shadows or strong winds. The ideal place for planting is a well-protected southern slope of the site.

Zinnia (Latin name - Zinnia)a genus of perennial and annual herbs and subshrubs of the Asteraceae family. The plant is named after the German doctor and botanist Johann Gottfried Zinn, and Southern Mexico is considered its homeland.

Did you know? The Aztecs cultivated zinnia as early as 1500, and it came to Europe in the 18th century and almost immediately became a favorite decoration for gardens and noble receptions. In the twentieth century, zinnia was already cultivated on all continents, and was even a symbol of one of the states of America - Indiana.

Sowing zinnia seeds in open ground

Zinnias, known by the usual name majors and in their diversity, are loved by many gardeners and lovers of ornamental plants. It is impossible to find a garden in which this crop does not grow. Zinnia does not require special care, and growing it from seeds is a very simple process that many gardeners enjoy. Growing zinnia is a fascinating process: the seeds are round and quite easy to work with. However, planting and caring for flowers still has certain features.

Time for sowing

Of course, if you want flowers to please you with their beauty as soon as possible, you need to choose the right method and determine the timing of planting. There are several ways to grow zinnia on your site:

  • sow seeds at home (seedling method);
  • sow the seeds outdoors (directly in the garden bed).
To the question “When to sow majors in open ground?” There is only one answer - after the severe cold has passed and there is no threat of night frosts. Usually this is the end of May or the beginning of June.

In order to determine which zinnia seeds are viable, before planting they are wrapped in gauze or a cloth soaked in epin. Fresh seeds hatch within a couple of days, but old ones may take a week.

Place for zinnias on the site

Since zinnia is a heat- and light-loving plant, its cultivation should be done in a place that is not shaded and abundantly illuminated by the sun.

Important! It is advisable to exclude drafts so that the wind does not damage the stems.

Loose fertile soil is suitable as soil, and before planting the area must be cleared of weeds. Due to the fact that zinnia reacts negatively to stagnant moisture in the soil, you can add a little sand or turf soil when planting. This way you will dilute the soil and prevent water stagnation.

Scheme of sowing seeds in a garden bed

Before directly planting seeds in open ground, the area should be covered with insulating synthetic fabric. This will create a greenhouse effect and slightly retain moisture in the soil.

You can plant zinnias in a flowerbed in any geometric pattern: in a circle, in a checkerboard pattern or along the perimeter. The main thing is to take into account the varieties so that the flowerbed looks harmonious.

The depth of the holes should be about 5 cm, and several seeds can be placed in one hole. The distance between the holes should be about 10 cm.

Important!If the time for planting is chosen correctly, the first shoots will appear within a week.

To grow full-fledged flowers, after germination the bushes should be thinned, leaving a distance of 30 cm between them, and for low-growing plants - 20 cm.

Sheltering the first zinnia shoots

To prevent possible frosts from damaging the seedlings, it is recommended to cover them with special material.

Basics of caring for majors

Caring for ascended zinnia does not depend on how the planting took place. The main thing is to provide the flowers with sufficient watering (at the root), fertilizing, regular loosening, weeding, as well as getting rid of pests and treatment. That is, there is a special agricultural technology for growing zinnia.

Did you know?The flower life is 35 days, and picked zinnias can last 2 weeks in a vase.

Pinching the top

Beginning gardeners often have the question “How to pinch zinnias and is it necessary to do this?” In order for the plant to bush, this procedure really needs to be carried out.

As soon as the flowers take root and grow, they need to pinch the crown, as a result of which the bushes will become more branched and lush. This is done over the third or fourth pair of leaves. However, if you want to grow elegant zinnias on long stalks, pinching is not necessary.

Watering and loosening the soil

When watering, zinnia requires a special approach because it does not tolerate excess moisture, which can cause root rot. Lack of moisture, in turn, will have little effect on the plant, since it is a drought-resistant species.

For majors, rare but abundant watering is suitable, the regime of which depends on the climatic conditions of the region in which they are grown.

Important!When watering, you must ensure that no water gets on the peduncle, as this can cause the flower to rot.

After rainy days, it is necessary to remove faded inflorescences so that flowering is more abundant and lasts longer.

Plant nutrition

The soil in the place where you plan to grow zinnia can be anything. However, the flower grows much better in fertile soils. The soil can be fertilized before directly sowing majors in open ground. To do this, dig up the area and add compost (humus, peat) at the rate of 8-10 kg per 1 m², thoroughly mixing and then loosening the soil.

You can use mineral fertilizers. In this case, per 1 m² you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. spoon of potassium sulfate;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of superphosphate;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of nitrophoska.
During the flowering period, moyors must be fed before and at the beginning of budding. In this case, liquid fertilizers are used for flowering plants.

Collection and storage of seeds

Zinnia seeds ripen within two months after the start of flowering. Therefore, it is not surprising that many gardeners are interested in how to collect zinnia seeds themselves? First of all, you should wait until the seed pods are completely ripe and their color turns brown.

Important!Shoots of the first order have better seeds, so all side shoots must be removed from pre-selected specimens.

The boxes are carefully cut from the stem with sharp scissors and dried. Dry seeds are removed onto a piece of paper, which can then be used as an envelope for storage, and cleaned of dry flower residues. Should be stored in a dry place at a constant temperature. Seed germination lasts 3-4 years.

Forcing zinnia

Seeds are planted for seedlings in mid-April. The plant quickly gains height, therefore, if planted earlier, then by the time it is planted in the ground, zinnia may acquire buds, which can be damaged during transportation. In addition, an adult plant is less able to adapt to a new location.

For seedlings you need to take a large container (depth - at least 10 cm) and since the seedlings will be large, they are placed in the ground at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other, the sowing depth is no more than 1 cm. The ground must be well moistened and covered with film .

After 3-4 days, shoots will appear and the film can be removed. Do not overwater the zinnias - the soil should be slightly moist and The optimal temperature for zinnia germination is +22+24 ºC. After the plants grow to 10 cm, they need to be planted in separate pots. In order for the root system to branch well, the main root is pinched 1-2 cm. 2 weeks before planting in the ground, you need to start “walking” the plant, taking it out to the balcony in warm weather. This way the sprouts will harden and become stronger.

Problems when growing zinnia

How to control pests

Zinnia can sometimes be attacked by pests such as:

  • slugs;
  • snails
They love zinnias and chafers, which must be collected by hand and thrown into a container with soapy water.

Gastropods are fought with beer bowls placed around the area. You can scatter pieces of roofing felt or slate between the seedlings - mollusks love to crawl there and can be collected by hand.

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