Spiraea japonica Anthony Waterer. Anthony waterer - variety of Spiraea bumald Spiraea japonica Anthony

Electric 04.10.2023


Spiraea japonica Anthony Waterer -

low shrub up to 0.8 m in height and the same in diameter. The leaves are dark green, lanceolate, pointed, matte, reddish when blooming, turning purple in autumn. It blooms from July to September, with bright pink or bright crimson flowers collected in large, corymbose inflorescences up to 15 cm in diameter. As the flowers fade, the inflorescences are removed to prolong the flowering period. Loves sunny places, tolerates shade. It is winter-hardy, but in severe winters the ends of young shoots may freeze. It is undemanding to soil, but blooms better in moist and fertile soils. Resistant to urban conditions, tolerates haircuts well. Spring pruning is recommended.

Size: height and diameter up to 80 cm
Bloom: bright pink, crimson inflorescences from July to September.
Leaves: narrow, dense, up to 8 cm long, dark green, reddish when blooming.
Growth rate: slow.
The soil: undemanding, but grows better in moist, drained, fertile soil.
Light: sun, partial shade.
Frost resistance: frost-resistant (winter hardiness zone: 4, see Climatic zones).
Care: pruning of faded inflorescences, spring pruning (see Types of pruning of green spaces).
Application: for group and single plantings, effective in groups on the lawn, edges and along park roads, for ridges, as a hedge.

Spiraea japonica "Anthony Waterer"

(Spiraea japonica "Anthony Waterer")

General characteristics

It is distinguished by a spreading crown with dark green leaves and bright crimson corymbose inflorescences. Deciduous shrub with a height and crown diameter of up to 0.8 m. The crown is spherical, spreading, with many erect shoots. The leaves are narrow, dense, dark green.

Timing of flowering and fruit ripening

The flowers are bright pink with a purple tint or bright crimson, collected in corymbose large inflorescences up to 15 cm in diameter. Blooms from the second half of June until September.

Optimal growing conditions

Winter hardiness is high. In harsh winters, the ends of young shoots may freeze. The variety is light-loving, but tolerates light shading. It is not demanding on soil fertility, but blooms better on moist and fertile loams. Heavy annual spring pruning is recommended to keep the bushes more compact and to produce more vigorous shoots. Remove aging shoots completely.

Reproduction methods and planting rules

To preserve all the characteristics of the variety, spirea needs to be propagated vegetatively - by cuttings or layering. Cuttings are cut from semi-lignified shoots of the current year, 10 cm long, both apical and from the middle part. To improve root formation, you can use a root former. If you plant cuttings in mid-summer, then by autumn good roots will have formed. Another reliable and hassle-free method is propagation by layering. To do this in the spring, when the leaves are blooming, you need to bend the growing side branches to the ground, pin them with a hairpin and sprinkle them with earth. You can also tie them to pegs so that they grow horizontally. Throughout the season, you need to keep the soil around the bush in a moderately moist state, then by autumn or next spring you can get independent plants. It is also advisable to remove the very first inflorescences on young bushes, then their development will proceed much faster.

Japanese spirea, a member of the rose family, is one of the most popular types of ornamental shrubs. This plant has a spherical crown, consisting of densely branched stems, decorated with inflorescences with many flowers of light or deep pink color. Planting and caring for spirea is not very difficult, and the beautiful leaves and delicate flowers delight with their magnificent appearance until late autumn. This shrub can be used in a flower arrangement, or used to create a hedge or a low border along a garden path or artificial pond. The height of different varieties of Japanese spirea is varied and ranges from 17 cm to 2 m.

The most famous varieties and varieties of Japanese spirea

The following varieties of spirea, shown in the photo, are often found in Europe and eastern countries:

  1. Golden Princess- a dwarf shrub with bright pink flowers up to 50 cm high. It received its name because of the bright yellow color of the leaves, changing the brightness of their shade throughout the year.

  2. Little Princess- impresses with its compactness and beauty, the maximum height of the plant is 80 cm. The flowers are light pink, the foliage has an elliptical shape and a dark green color.

  3. Gold flame- the bushes are quite large, up to 1 m high. In spring, their leaves are orange-red in color, in summer they are bright yellow, turning into copper-orange tones with the arrival of autumn. Adapts well to urban conditions.

  4. Shirobana- spreading bushes of a round shape, reaching 80 cm in height and 1 m in diameter. On brown stems, caps of inflorescences of three shades are densely located - from white to red.

  5. Crispa- plants of small height (up to 60 cm) with dark pink flowers and carved leaves. In spring the leaves are red or pink, then turn green, and in autumn they turn various shades of crimson, purple and orange. Flowering begins in July on last year's shoots and continues until September.

  6. Anthony Waterer- the height of the bush does not exceed 80 cm, it grows well in width. When emerging from the buds, the leaves have a crimson hue, the flowers are collected in umbrella inflorescences, bright pink or red, and bloom in mid-summer.

Planting Japanese spirea

Planting can be done in spring or autumn in cloudy or rainy weather. You should first inspect the roots of the seedling, remove weak and damaged ones, and shorten those that are too long. The vegetative part of the bush is also shortened by about a third of its length, this is especially important for plants with overdried roots. It is recommended to dip them in water for a while before planting. Spiraea is unpretentious and can develop well on ordinary turf soil. You can prepare a special composition for planting, which is a mixture of soil, peat and sand in the ratio: 2:1:1. The plant feels good when adjacent to juniper and thuja; it prefers sunny places, as can be seen in the photo.

Japanese spirea responds very well to mulching

Sequence of operations during landing:

  1. Prepare a hole, the volume of which is approximately 3 times larger than the root system of the seedling.
  2. Place a layer of sand or broken bricks at the bottom of the hole for drainage, preventing stagnation of water, which harms the roots.
  3. Place the plant in the hole, placing the root collar of the seedling on the same plane as the soil surface.
  4. Carefully fill the remaining space with the prepared mixture, lay mulch on top with a layer 7 cm high; you can use peat, sawdust or compost for this purpose.
  5. Water the plant thoroughly.

Proper care of Japanese spirea

The root system of spirea is not very deep in the soil and requires regular moderate watering in dry weather. In order to improve air access to the roots of the plant, the soil should be loosened frequently, removing weeds. During the period of bud setting and abundant flowering, the bushes are fed.

Spiraea needs regular watering

Spiraea is resistant to many diseases, but can be affected by some pests. Timely inspection and control of them will help prevent them from harming plants. Japanese spirea, which blooms in summer, is trimmed in early spring, leaving strong, healthy shoots and shortening them by half. The average lifespan of Japanese spirea is 17 years, but if a plant that has reached 4 years of age does not sprout well and blooms poorly, it is better to replace it with another specimen.

Advice. To increase the flowering period of Japanese spirea and stimulate the appearance of new buds, it is recommended to regularly cut off faded inflorescences. When cultivating varieties with yellow leaves, it is necessary to cut out at the very base shoots with green leaves, which from time to time appear on plants obtained as a result of selection.

Fertilizer and plant nutrition

  • in the spring, after pruning the bushes, use complex fertilizer according to the instructions attached to it;
  • in summer during flowering - with organic fertilizer, adding superphosphate, which improves the formation of new inflorescences.

Mullein can be used as an organic fertilizer, which is diluted with water in a quantitative ratio of 1:6. In the absence of cow manure, it is replaced with chicken manure, diluted with water 1:18. It is enough to take 10 g of superphosphate per bucket of the resulting solution.

Spirea needs to be fed 2 times a year.

Plants also receive a certain amount of nutrients from the mulch located under the bushes. It not only prevents the formation of a dense crust on the soil surface, improving root aeration, but also enriches the soil, being processed by earthworms living in it. The same function will be performed by laying fallen leaves on the surface of the soil adjacent to the stems of the plant in preparation for winter. It will also insulate the roots of the plant, protecting it from damage during severe frosts.

Reproduction of Japanese spirea

The type of spirea growing on the site can be propagated in the following ways:

Seeds(except for hybrids, since their varietal characteristics may disappear). They are planted in low boxes with leafy soil, which is moistened before sowing the seeds and then mulched with a small layer of peat. When seedlings appear after 1-1.5 weeks, the soil is disinfected to prevent diseases with a solution of potassium permanganate or one of the special antifungal drugs, for example, foundationazole. After a few months or the next year, the seedlings are planted and transplanted into the garden bed, first pinching the root tip to enhance the development of lateral roots.

Japanese spirea seeds

Dividing the bush. It is easier to perform this operation on young, not yet very large and greatly expanded plants. Division and planting are carried out in early spring or at the end of September - beginning of October in cloudy weather with abundant watering of seedlings.

By cuttings. The annual stem is cut into pieces containing approximately 6 leaves, the lower ones are cut off and the upper ones are shortened by 50%. For good rooting, the cuttings are placed for 6 hours in a container with an aqueous solution of a growth stimulant, for example, epin. Then its lower part is sprinkled with powdered root and planted in a greenhouse or flower pot at an angle of about 45º.

To create an optimal microclimate, the pot is covered with a plastic bag and placed in the shade with the cuttings being sprayed daily. In autumn it can be planted in the garden, covered with leaves and an upside down box until spring arrives.

Young spirea bushes

By layering, laying the branch in the trench, securing it and then covering it with earth. To form several rooted shoots, the upper part of the stem is pinched to allow new shoots to appear from the lateral buds. The division of grown and strengthened shoots is carried out in the fall.

Spirea pests and diseases they cause

Most often, Japanese spirea is affected by spider mites. The disease manifests itself in the appearance of whitish spots on the leaves, their subsequent yellowing and falling off. To destroy mites, it is recommended to treat plants with 0.2% phosphamide or acrex solution. Significant harm can be caused to the plant by aphids and roseate leaf rollers feeding on its juices. In these cases, it is best to treat the bushes with bitoxibacillin and pirimor. You can also use 0.1% actellik or 0.2% ethos. A good effect is obtained by spraying plants in dry weather with water and herbal infusions, strengthening them with regular fertilizing and timely watering.

Powdery mildew of Japanese spirea

Japanese spirea brings bright colors and shapes to the garden plot, allows you to diversify the landscape using unusual topiary figures from trimmed bushes, create a beautiful border or fill the free space with beautiful, eye-catching single specimens of plants. Admiring this decorative crop can provide a positive mood and good health, and bouquets made using its inflorescences will be a wonderful addition to the interior of any room.

Pruning Japanese spirea: video

Japanese spirea: photo

General information on spirea (generic and species characteristics of shrubs, methods of propagation, planting, cultivation, principles of care and pruning of plants, pest and disease control, and much more) can be found on the page of our website "Spirea - general information".
Spiraea x bumalda "Anthony Waterer". The Antoni Waterer variety is a Boumalda spirea, which in turn is a hybrid between Japanese spirea and white-flowered spirea (S. japonica x S. albiflora). Deciduous shrub with a height and crown diameter of up to 0.8 meters. The crown is spherical, spreading, with many erect shoots. The leaves are narrow, dense, dark green, reddish when blooming.
Spiraea flowers are bright pink with a purple tint or bright crimson, collected in corymbose large inflorescences up to 15 cm in diameter. Spiraea blooms from the second half of June until September. Flowering lasts up to 100 days.
The fruits ripen in October. Winter hardiness is average. Seed germination 4%. 100% of cuttings take root when treated with root.
Spiraea has high winter hardiness. In harsh winters, the ends of young shoots may freeze. The variety is light-loving, but tolerates light shading. It is not demanding on soil fertility, but blooms better on moist and fertile loams.
Heavy annual spring pruning is recommended to keep the bushes more compact and to produce more vigorous shoots. Aging shoots should be completely removed.
Spirea Boumald "Antoni Waterer" is used for single and group plantings, borders, creating edges and tree and shrub groups, and lining taller shrubs. Its flowering coincides with the flowering of paniculata hydrangea; when they are planted together, very spectacular groups are obtained.

(variety description, photo)

Spiraea japonica Anthony Waterer- deciduous shrub with a crown height and diameter of up to 0.8 m. The crown is spherical, spreading, with many erect shoots.
Decorative. It has a spreading crown with dark green leaves and bright carmine-red flowers. Flowering lasts up to 100 days.
Usage. Used for single and group plantings, borders, creating edges and tree and shrub groups, and lining taller shrubs.
Characteristics of the plant. Winter hardiness is high. The variety is photophilous. Not demanding on soil fertility.

How to buy Japanese spirea seedlings Anthony Waterer
in the nursery "Siberian Garden"

In our nursery, you can buy seedlings of Japanese spirea Anthony Waterer on open trading floors and in nursery stores. For addresses, opening hours, and phone numbers of retail outlets, see the section "Contacts"(in the top menu).

The Siberian Garden nursery delivers seedlings throughout Russia. You can order plants in our online store at: zakaz.site or follow the link in the top menu. You will also find information about the conditions for placing orders, paying for them and delivering seedlings throughout Russia in the online store in the relevant sections.

The Siberian Garden nursery sells seedlings wholesale and invites organizations involved in the sale of seedlings, landscape design, as well as organizers of joint purchases, to cooperate. The terms of cooperation can be found in the section "Wholesalers"(in the top menu).

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