Well pumps reliability rating. Which well pump to choose. Stages of work on installing a pump in a well

Ceramics, fireclay 06.10.2023

Buying a pump to service a country house will save you from a lot of problems. Relatively inexpensive compact equipment will collect water in containers for irrigation and deliver it to the bathhouse, kitchen, or pond or pool equipped on the site. Agree, doing so many things manually is too difficult, and almost impossible.

Pumping equipment will easily perform all the work listed for you if all technical and hydrogeological nuances were taken into account before purchasing it. We are happy to help you understand this difficult issue. The article presented for review contains all the characteristics and circumstances necessary for making an informed choice.

The information we offer will help you thoroughly understand what you should pay attention to before purchasing, which pump is best for a well, and what needs to be provided for connection. We have listed the leaders in the production of pumping equipment for private purposes. The information is supported by video and photo examples.

Before purchasing a well pump, you need to carefully prepare.

Without information about the source of water supply, even a brilliant salesman will not be able to accurately say which device is ideal.

The characteristics of the pump are selected based on the calculated water flow rate and the type of source from which water is to be extracted

For perfect pump selection, the following information is required:

  • Distance from the entry point to the bottom of the well. For country prefabricated water supply systems, it is counted from the top edge of the head, because the water supply hose is usually routed through it. For permanent water pipelines, the specified distance is set aside from the entry point through the wall of the well. It can be determined with the simplest measuring device made of string and a weight tied to it.
  • Static level or otherwise a mirror of water. This is the distance from the ground line to the surface of the water in the well. To determine it yourself, the above-described device must be upgraded by replacing an arbitrary weight with a heavy nut. You need to tie it to two opposite walls so that the hole in the nut that comes into contact with the surface of the water makes something similar to a pop.
  • Dynamic level. It is determined in a similar way, but before it is measured, water is pumped out from the excavation. Before determining the static indicator, water cannot be pumped out.
  • Full height of the well. This value can be found by adding the heights of the rings used in the construction.
  • Site plan with dimensions. It is necessary to determine the distances from the water intake site to the water collection points. A hand-drawn diagram with precisely marked distances will do.
  • Difference between dynamic and static level characteristic. The value gives the right to determine the flow rate of the well.
  • The height of the water column. Equal to the distance between the bottom and the dynamic level.
  • Degree of water pollution. Whether it is crystal clear or with a fine suspension, it belongs to the technical or drinking category.

Armed with measured and calculated data, you can safely go to a specialized store.

To correctly select a pump, information about the source of water supply is necessary: ​​static and dynamic groundwater level, well depth, degree of water contamination (+)

However, the information received is not enough for a good owner to select the perfect well pump. In order not to become a victim of banal deception, you should expand and increase your knowledge base.

It is necessary to find out the technical characteristics of the pump: maximum performance, maximum pressure, maximum depth from which the pump can pump water (+)

Which option is needed - superficial or deep?

The design specifics of water pumps are directly related to the depth of the excavation being constructed.

According to this parameter, all types of water supply units are divided into:

  1. Superficial. Installed in the house or near the well. The surface type is used to transport water from a depth of no more than 7 - 9 m. They are used mainly in the summer to provide water to temporary residences, and can be used to collect water from open sources and small wells.
  2. Submersible, otherwise deep or borehole. They are lowered directly into the excavation, connected to the supply hose and to the fastening cable. Submersible pumps supply water from depths from 9 to 200 m. They are used mainly as the main working body of autonomous aquifer systems operating year-round.

The lines of submersible units include well and. Both options can be used to equip a well, but a system with the appropriate name is preferable as a more adaptable type.

Both are designed to pump water without contamination. For normal operation, they need a clean water environment without grains of sand and clay suspension.

It is undesirable for deep-well equipment to be installed in an old well. In case of emergency, the walls and bottom of the excavation must be strengthened by first pumping out the water. Cracks and potholes must be sealed with concrete mortar and a new bottom filter installed.

Surface pumps are used primarily in summer water supply systems; their significant advantage lies in the possibility of using them for drawing water from open sources.

Surface systems are less sensitive to contamination. If a well is exposed to a perched water supply intended for technical purposes, the choice should be made on one of the surface pumps.

For workings with an unstable water supply, there are models with an alarm float that automatically stops pumping when the level drops below the technical limit.

Surface-type pumps can be used to extract water from wells up to 30 m deep, if... The device is lowered into the excavation like a submersible unit, but water is pumped directly by a surface system.

However, with increasing depth, the performance of such a tandem decreases, and energy consumption increases. Purchasing this pair for deep mining is considered unprofitable. It’s better to buy one equipped with a storage tank and automation.

Water is extracted from mine openings with unstable flow rates using submersible pumps with float signaling devices. The model in the photo is suitable for pumping water from a depth of up to 13 m

Necessary and sufficient characteristics of the unit

The technical passport of the unit will familiarize the future owner with the most useful information necessary in selecting the best pump model for the well.

The following characteristics must be taken into account:

  • Maximum performance. Indicates the number of liters supplied by the unit per minute. Depends on the power of the machine and the capacity of the pipe transporting water. Needed for comparison with the real need for water.
  • Suction depth. Indicated in meters, it indicates from what depth the pump can pump and transport water. Needed for comparison with the dynamic level and specific depth of the well.
  • Maximum pressure. Determines the distance between the point of water intake and the highest point of water collection. Needed for comparison with the required hydraulic pressure value calculated for specific conditions.

The main characteristic of the pump is performance. It should be equal to the water consumption of simultaneously operated points or the amount of water consumed in one hour.

It is unwise to buy a pumping unit with too much power. If the equipment constantly switches to “dry running”, the service life will be noticeably reduced. On the other hand, an illiterate selection of a pump will lead to a lack of pressure and a lack of water.

When designing a water supply system in a country house, the first step is to determine the required water flow; to do this, calculate the number and location of water intake points

The choice of pump model based on performance is influenced by another very important parameter - the flow rate of the well. The amount of water in mine workings buried in a sandy aquifer is most often unstable.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended to coordinate the performance of the unit and the frequency of its operation with the flow rate of the well, and then focus on water consumption.

Example of calculations for equipment selection

Let's assume that we are buying a submersible pump for a well 25 m deep. The dynamic level measured after pumping is established at a depth of 15 m. The distance to the house is 30 m.

Water points are located on the first and second floors of the cottage. Conditional consumers will be: shower, kitchen and watering tap. We neglect the toilet and washbasin as means of periodic use.

Let's calculate the pressure. To do this, we summarize the value of the dynamic level of 15 m, a horizontal section of the water supply system, 30 m of which is equal to 3 m of vertical supply (30/10 = 3). To these we add a gravitational indicator of 5 m, consisting of 1 m for delivery to the first floor and 4 m for delivery to the second.

Let's add 30 m required for the normal functionality of any pumping system. The following expression was obtained: 15 + 3 + 5 + 30 = 53 m or otherwise 5.3 Atm is the minimum required for supplying water to the cottage. It is customary to select equipment for performance with a small margin, taking into account some loss of power during wear.

To calculate water consumption, the number of residents in the house is predicted, the number and location of water collection points are calculated: taps, toilets, bathtubs, washing machine, etc.

Let's calculate water consumption. We have three permanent water points. A watering tap consumes up to 18 liters per minute, a kitchen faucet consumes 10 liters, a shower consumes 12 liters per minute. It turns out 40 liters, to which we add 5 liters for plumbing fixtures that periodically consume water.

The calculated water flow parameters for individual plumbing fixtures are given in the table; if necessary, the given values ​​should be converted into the units of measurement specified in the pump technical documentation

Let's take into account that the flow rate should be less than the flow rate of the well by about 15%. If, as a result of pumping out water, the dynamic level drops, the pump will switch to “dry running,” which ultimately leads to accelerated wear of the equipment.

Let's choose a pump. We compare the performance data of the selected model with the water consumption and flow rate of the well. If a storage tank is not intended to be included in the water supply system, the pump must supply water in the volume of the total second flow rate.

If you have a conventional storage tank, you need to focus on the hourly water consumption.

To compare the values ​​of pressure and water flow, manufacturers of pumping equipment have developed tables with the help of which the optimal option is selected (pressure in the denominator, water flow in the numerator)

Differences in pumps based on operating principle

The operation of all types of water pumps is to suck in water and then push it out into the water inlet pipe and further along the pipeline. A vacuum is created inside the unit, due to which suction occurs.

A portion of water pumped into a vacuum chamber is displaced by the next portion. This continues until the desired liquid flows into the tap intended for its passage.

For a centrifugal pump to operate efficiently, the water should not contain a large amount of suspended particles, but slight contamination is acceptable (+)

According to the methods of vacuum formation, household pumping equipment is divided into the following types:

  1. Centrifugal. They work by generating centrifugal force by the blades of a centrifugal wheel. These include a significant portion of surface aggregates. They are the least sensitive to the presence of grains of sand in water, but there are still restrictions on the degree of pollution.
  2. Vortex. A vacuum is created by rotating a vortex wheel. This is a disk with small blades placed around a circle, forming a vortex cavity inside the device. Additional acceleration is imparted to the water particles that fall into it, due to which the vortex units produce a higher pressure than centrifugal units. The disadvantage of vortex devices is their vulnerability to dirty water.
  3. Electromagnetic, aka vibration. They function by drawing in water by a diaphragm located inside, which in turn activates the reciprocating movements of the electromagnetic field. They belong to submersible pumps, unlike their vortex counterparts, they are more adapted to somewhat contaminated water.

Self-priming pumps were invented to extract and transport water with a significant air content. These are surface systems, in the model range of which you can find options with and without an ejector. Various companies produce self-priming pumping equipment for pumping clean or contaminated water.

All of the listed types of pumps are used in the construction of autonomous water supply systems and supply water for household needs, drinking purposes and site irrigation.

Review of pumps from trusted manufacturers

The buyer who owns an estate with a well is offered an extensive range of reliable pumping equipment supplied by domestic and foreign manufacturing companies.

Decent offers from foreign brands

Let us list the popular foreign brands of pumps that are in demand among summer residents and lovers of country life:

  • ESPA, Spain. The products of the manufacturer Espa Group are distinguished by stable operation, endurance, and maximum adaptability to operation in difficult Russian conditions. The company's activities started with the production of centrifugal pumping systems more than half a century ago. Now the company offers a series of submersible well pumps and surface stations for domestic use. Price tag from 9 thousand rubles.
  • PEDROLLO, Italy. For more than 20 years, it has been supplying deep well pumps and self-priming surface units to the domestic market. The company's products are attractive due to their lightness, which is successfully combined with the strength of the parts and housing; anti-corrosion materials that meet high environmental requirements are used in production. Price from 14 thousand rubles.
  • KARCHER or KG for short, Germany. It has been producing pumps for over 80 years; the line of pumping equipment for wells includes submersible pumps and water supply stations with automation and a hydraulic tank. KG pump technology is characterized by perfect assembly precision and long service life. Price from 9 thousand rubles.
  • GARDENA, Germany. The company specializes in the production of garden tools and equipment. It produces garden pumps for collecting water from shallow excavations and open reservoirs, borehole pumping equipment and automatic pressure stations. The price of the units depends on the design complexity, starts from 6 thousand rubles, the average price tag is 13 – 23 thousand rubles.
  • GRUNDFOS, Denmark. The largest manufacturer of pumping equipment, whose products are respected for their wear resistance and high degree of corrosion protection. Submersible and surface Danish pumping machines are justifiably popular, the average price is 27 thousand rubles.
  • ZDS, Italy. It produces premium pumping equipment; the company is famous for its unique system of protecting engines from overheating, dry running, and power surges. The product line for wells includes high-performance items capable of pumping water with some sand content. Average price tag from 32 thousand rubles.

The wide foreign selection is somewhat overshadowed by the impressive cost of serious models. Moreover, pumps for collecting perched water can be purchased at a very reasonable price.

Significant disadvantages include the high cost of repairs and the difficulty of delivering original spare parts to replace worn-out ones that have not withstood the hardships of local operation.

Despite the extensive model range, foreign-made pumps have significant drawbacks: complications with repairs and delivery of original spare parts

Details about domestically produced pumps

The disadvantages of foreign units spontaneously turn into advantages of domestic products. The buyer of a pump with a Russian brand will not be intimidated by the price, nor will they be bothered by the difficulties of repair. A pleasant bonus will be a convincing one-year warranty, as well as the ability to quickly exchange your purchase for a more suitable model.

Kid: small and smart!

Many generations of summer residents are familiar with hard work and unpretentiousness. The products are manufactured by OJSC HMS Livgidromash, located in the Vladimir region. Over more than 70 years of development, the only representative gave rise to numerous modifications.

The product line includes models with variations in pressure and intake depth; there are options with a suction pipe located at the bottom or at the top.

Purchase with a lower connection if you are transporting impeccably clean water. They are purchased with an upper pipe if there is a risk of clogging with silt and other suspended impurities.

The legendary Malysh pump is one of the most inexpensive and unpretentious pumps, providing horizontal water supply over a distance of over 100 meters (+)

The universal unit is suitable for extracting water from wells, open reservoirs, and boreholes. This is not the most suitable type for equipping a constantly functioning water supply system.

However, among equally compact machines, it leads in performance parameters. Resistant to power surges, tolerant of shortcomings in the electrical network, and protected from dry running.

The vibration unit Malysh attracts with its simplicity of design and attractive price. On average, the cost of miniature equipment ranges from 1.5 to just over 2 thousand rubles. Analogue - practically no different from the Malysh in technical and price aspects.

Rucheek and Malysh pumps are equipped with protection devices against “dry running” and against short circuits, automatic restart, voltage stabilization and pressure maintenance (+)

Well pumps from the company Gilex

JEELEX- a pioneer in the production of pumps in the post-Soviet space. Founded in Klimovsk near Moscow, the company has been producing pumps for household and industrial use for almost a quarter of a century. The manufacturer has the latest equipment, innovative technologies and its own engineering developments.

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To organize water supply for private households, the Gilex company produces a wide range of pumping equipment

Pumping equipment with the Gilex logo is accepted for repair in all CIS countries; to eliminate possible breakdowns, the required spare parts are always available

Gilex brand pumps work excellently in difficult domestic conditions and are equipped with built-in protection systems against dry running and contamination

The production and trading company Gilex offers consumers a wide range of surface, submersible and booster pumps for equipping private homes and improving the functioning of public utilities.

Gilex offers owners of country plots with a well a wide range of pumping equipment and issues instructions for installation and operation. The company publishes recommendations on how to correctly select the optimal pump for a well and other water supply sources.

Vodomet submersible pumps are not equipped with a built-in check valve, so in some cases it is recommended to install a check valve on the pump outlet (+)

To collect water from shallow wells, surface self-priming installations are produced "Jumbo" and automatic pumps.

Automatically functioning equipment supplies clean water from excavations, main networks, open reservoirs, turns on/off independently, and maintains a stable pressure in the water supply system.

If the automatic station is equipped with an ejector, then the requirements for the purity of the pumped water can be reduced. The price for the simplest products is from 6.5 thousand rubles.

The Jumbo pump series is available in two modifications:
pump and automatic pump, the latter operates in automatic mode, maintaining the required pressure in the system, turning on and off as needed (+)

The marking of Gilex submersible pumps indicates the volume of maximum water flow and the pressure value in the form of a fraction.

Index A denotes automatic pumps, the operation of which is controlled by the level of water taken. The letter CH denotes models with a frequency converter, the index DOM denotes automatic machines that maintain constant pressure in the water supply network. Price from 7 to 25 thousand rubles. depending on the design complexity.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Tips for selecting the optimal pumping equipment from sales specialists:

Personal experience of a summer resident who chose a pump for a deep well:

Review of pumping equipment from Gilex to help customers:

The detailed information we offer with the criteria for choosing the optimal well pump will help you purchase the ideal unit with the required technical characteristics.

We introduced production leaders in the pump production segment and introduced them to approximate price tags. Now you can carry out your planned pump purchase with confidence.

Are you looking for an efficient well pump? Or do you have experience using such installations? Please leave comments on the article and share your impressions of using pumping equipment.

When people first started building houses and outbuildings in their dachas, everyone was happy to dig in the ground and work in the garden. But now no one is tempted by hand watering tomatoes and cabbage. I would like to have a constant source of water in my garden. That is why pumps for wells are popular and in demand among owners of summer houses, country cottages and rural real estate.

Types of pumps

Well pumps are divided into several fundamentally different models and types depending on the tasks assigned to them. To ensure you make a good choice, you need to decide on the following points:

  • Power;
  • The pressure and pressure that is needed on the site and in the house;
  • Depth of well water;
  • Water intake will be carried out constantly or periodically;
  • How clean the water will be;
  • A price you don’t mind paying for your comfort and water supply.

Well water pumps come in two types. The former work on the surface, the latter need to be buried in the water. Both have advantages and disadvantages, so it is extremely important to clearly formulate the range of tasks for them.

Surface pumps


The simplest type of surface pump is. It is powered by human muscular power. Such a unit will not be superfluous if there are problems with electricity. Thanks to the check valve, it is possible to lift water from a depth of 8 meters. The price of individual copies does not exceed fifty dollars. Moreover, they can be an excellent element of garden decor if they have artistic forging and a harmonious appearance.

Surface electric pump

If you plan to lift water from a well where the water surface is no deeper than 8-10 meters, then surface pumps are ideal. cheaper than other types. For example, “Whirlwind” will cost four thousand rubles, which is not very expensive for your own water supply at the dacha.

Installation of a surface pump does not require special qualifications. They are sold with filters, sensors and float limiters already installed. You connect the unit to the suction and pressure pipelines, pour water into the suction pipes, connect to the network and you can enjoy the murmur of life-giving moisture!

Almost all surface pumps have a check valve at the end of the suction pipe, which eliminates the need to fill in water before each start-up. Multi-stage models with an ejector are capable of lifting water from more than ten meters deep, but it is much more profitable to purchase a submersible pump for these purposes. surface pumps for watering a garden from a barrel are described in detail.


These models are designed to lift water from wells and boreholes, where the water surface is more than 9 m from the upper soil level. They have the form of a cylinder, which is lowered into the well shaft on special cables. They work either at the very bottom or at an elevation from it, so as not to suck in silt, sand and bottom sediments. Their cost varies from 5 to 15 thousand rubles, depending on the type, power, immersion depth, pressure and auxiliary elements.

For example, a submersible pump with a flow rate of 4.3 m 3 /h, a power of 1 kW, and a head of up to 40 m will cost 9,500 rubles. A more serious model, designed to lift water from a depth of 100 m, will cost 17,000 rubles.

Submersible pumps are divided according to the principle of operation into vibration and centrifugal.

Vibrating models have vibrating parts as the working body. The rod moves quickly in the chamber, due to which water is drawn through the bypass valve and pushed out. They are economical and inexpensive. But they also have a number of disadvantages, such as high noise levels, vibration and even the prospect of destruction of the well if it has a small diameter. Also, these pumps must be turned off periodically, about once an hour for ten minutes.

Centrifugal Submersible Pump


It is used when the well depth is more than 20 meters. Cooling of working parts and electrical equipment occurs due to upward moving water. Therefore, they do not have cooling jackets or radiators. The diameter of the deep-well pump is 100-125 mm. This is its main difference from a submersible pump for a well.

Recently, water jet pumps have gained popularity. They have several stages and “floating” impellers. The diffuser channels of such a pump are not clogged with debris and therefore last longer than analogues. The support bearings are made of ceramic, which further increases their service life. However, judging by the reviews, the bearing bushing often melts, which causes oil contamination of the well.

Abyssinian well

A needle well, or Abyssinian well, is the easiest way to get to the aquifer. Its main advantages are that there is no need for bulky equipment and a large area for installation work on and installation of the pump. Roughly speaking, a thick-walled pipe is driven into the ground, through which water will then be supplied. A hand pump is mounted on top, which will supply the purest spring water, not contaminated with impurities and solid particles. You can even install an Abyssinian well in a house, because it does not require a large area for it.

You can also sometimes find proposals to install an electric pump in an Abyssinian well. But you can no longer do this work yourself; it must be entrusted to specialists. If the water surface is not lower than 7 meters, then a surface pump is sufficient. If it is deeper, then you will have to drill a thicker well to install a submersible pump.

The picture shows the features of installing wells and boreholes

Float switches

A pump with an upper water intake must be protected from lowering its level below the suction valve. In rapidly depleting wells, this can happen if the power of the unit is incorrectly calculated. The float switch turns off the motor when the water level drops to dangerous levels. Most submersible pumps with a suction port located at the top are equipped with float switches.

The video shows some tips on how to choose a pump:


Both surface and submersible pumps are rarely sold separately. They are an integral part of pumping stations, which, in addition to them, include valves, pipelines, float switches, automation, well heads and other protective devices.

A fully equipped pumping station with a surface pump will cost from 5 to 15 thousand rubles.

A submersible pumping station can cost up to 50 thousand rubles. Not counting the costs of drilling a well and decorating the landscape in this place.

If you purchase a pump and automation separately, then do not forget about the need to monitor the water level in the well, the network voltage, the temperature of the unit and other important points.

If there is a well on a personal plot or summer cottage, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of pumping water from it. Especially if such a water source is the only supplier of drinking water. There is simply no alternative to a pumping pump, since you can’t carry water in buckets.

An important task for the site owner is to determine some criteria to answer the question - how to choose? If you make the wrong choice, you may encounter insufficient water pressure, interruptions in its supply and breakdown of the unit itself.

Before you finally decide which pump to put in a well for your home or cottage, you should decide on the parameters of the well itself.

They can significantly affect our calculations:

  • Total depth of the well. Measuring it is quite simple. You need a weight on a string, which is immersed in the well to the very bottom. Also, data on depth can be found in engineering calculations that relate to house documentation.

  • Static water level. It is measured from the surface of the earth to the water level. Before taking measurements, you should refrain from draining the well for a while.
  • Dynamic level. It is measured as the distance from the water surface to ground level, but with the pump running.
  • Column of water. This is the distance from the water surface to the bottom of the well.
  • Water purity. It is a criterion when choosing certain types of pumps that have restrictions on water contamination.
  • Diameter of a well or borehole. It is taken into account only for wells, since the well allows the use of devices of any size.

Parameters of the selected pump

Its basic parameters will help you determine which pump is best suited for a well. The main parameters by which a pumping device is selected are its pressure and performance.

  • Well pump pressure

The pressure value indicated in the product passport should be selected with some reserve, since with operation the mechanism gradually wears out and its characteristics deteriorate.

The required pressure is calculated using a simple formula:

30 + H + 0.2 x L

Here " L" is the distance from the house to the well, and " H» - distance from the surface of the well to the submersible pump.

For example, if the pump is buried 15 m, and the distance between the well and the building is 9 m, then the calculation will look like this:

30 + 15 + 0.2 x 9 = 47 m.

We round and get 50 m. Starting from this pressure value, you need to choose a suitable model.

  • Device performance

This is the amount of water that the pump can pump per unit time. It is easy to calculate this value. It is believed that each plumbing fixture consumes about 500 l/hour. By adding up the consumption of all appliances in the house, we get the total pump performance.

For example, if there are 4 plumbing fixtures in the house, then the capacity of your pump should be 2000 liters.

Surface or deep well pump?

All pumping pumps that can be used in wells are divided into 2 types: submersible and surface. Which one should you prefer?

Surface-type devices are fundamentally not intended for use at a depth of more than 8 m. As a last resort, if there is no other way out, they can be placed on the surface of the water.

Such devices cannot be buried, since their housings are not airtight.

In addition, when operating a surface pump in a well, the following negative aspects are noted:

  • Reduced efficiency, since as the hose rises in height by 1 m, the efficiency of the unit decreases by 10%.
  • Working under high loads affects the lifespan of the pump and can even lead to premature failure.
  • Weak frost resistance of the structure.
  • Increased noise during operation of the mechanism.

All these factors make it impractical to use surface pumps as pumping units for wells.

Submersible pumps operate silently, are immersed in water to a decent depth, and have higher productivity. Therefore, it is recommended to use submersible pumps for wells.

Borehole pumps for wells

Pumps used for wells can easily be used for working in wells. The device's electric motor is cooled by liquid flowing through the housing. The ability of significant depth makes it possible to use such devices for any wells, even very deep ones.

For the most efficient and long-lasting operation of a well pump in a well, it is advisable to follow the following recommendations:

  • The submersible pump must be located in the central part of the water column. Ideally, if the depth allows, there should be a layer of water of about 1 m under and above the unit. It is strictly forbidden to place the mechanism in front of the very bottom.
  • The pump must be operated in a clean water environment. This extends its resource. To do this, first clean the well and seal all the seams. Since the device pulls most of the dirt from the bottom, you can try installing some kind of protection just before the bottom. For example, a metal circle placed a few centimeters from the bottom on bricks will prevent solids from being drawn into the pump.

Well pumps

A high-quality and reliable pump for a well should provide a continuous supply of water, regardless of the size of the well tank.

For working in wells, such pumps are more preferable than borehole pumps.

And that's why:

  • The cost of well devices is lower than that of borehole devices.
  • The quality of the pumped liquid is not so important for these units. The filter is capable of passing through particles about 1.5 mm in diameter. This, of course, is not very good for water quality, but it guarantees trouble-free operation of the mechanism in the event of pumping dirty water.
  • They have a better engine cooling system.
  • The devices are equipped with float switches that prevent them from running dry.

Well pumps are divided into 2 types:

  • Pumps with bottom connection and built-in filter.
  • Units with pipes pumping water from the upper layers. The filter in such models may not be located in the housing, but separately from it, being floating.

Choosing a well pump manufacturer

The pumping equipment market can offer many different options for pumps from different manufacturers.

We list the most famous and popular brands:

  • ZDS products are distinguished by the level of protection of the equipment they produce. The mechanisms are equipped with removable stainless filters. They have a pressure of up to 100 m and are capable of pumping water containing impurities up to 120 g/cubic meter.
  • Karcher is one of the most famous brands of such devices. The quality is confirmed by customer reviews and rare cases of contacting repair shops.
  • Water cannon is a popular domestic brand. Its products are ideally suited for dirty water. For wells it is an excellent option.
  • Grundfos - working with the equipment of this company is always very comfortable, and the durability and reliability of the pumps are the hallmark of the popular company.
  • Pedrollo is a proven Italian company, famous for the originality of its ideas, varied design of models and selection of pump options for any need.

Using the tips above, it will be easier for you to choose the right pump model for your well.

How to choose a pump for a well, this question always arises when we supply water autonomously. We will look at which pump for a well is better in this article. After all, there are dab well pumps and Gilex well pumps, and here it is completely unclear what to give preference to.

This should be determined according to certain parameters. After all, these are just product brands, but in terms of types they are not so different. The video in this article will help you make the right choice.

Choosing a pump for a well

Technical characteristics influencing pump selection

Which pumps are best for a well based on technical characteristics are determined based on the required performance and pressure.

Example for calculation

The calculation takes into account:

  • Overall performance.

A person needs 200 liters of water per day. A family of three will need 600 liters of water. You also need to calculate the maximum flow rate when all family members use water at the same time:

  1. shower turns on - 9 l/min;
  2. faucet in the kitchen - 6 l/min;
  3. faucet in the yard - 6 l/min.

The total flow rate is 21 l/min - the maximum. If you have a personal plot, you will need three to five liters per day to water the garden. The indicator may vary depending on the composition of the soil and weather.

  • Pressure

This indicator can be calculated taking into account the height of the water rise and the length of the pipeline:

  1. the height is calculated by the difference between the height of the area where the pump is located and the highest point of water intake;
  2. The length of the pipeline is calculated taking into account losses for every 10 meters, one meter of losses.

The instructions offer the following calculation formula for water pressure when choosing a pump:

  • H = Hgeo + (0.2 x L) + 10…15 [m], where
  • H – required pressure, in meters;
  • Hgeo – geometric height from the installation to the highest point of water intake, in meters;
  • 0.2 – pipeline hydraulic resistance coefficient;
  • L – Lengths of discharge and suction pipes, in meters;
  • 10…15 – addition to the total value to ensure the required pressure at the outlet.

We will now look in detail at which pump is best for a well. Here it is necessary to determine the power and method of application.

They have one thing in common: the ability to install them yourself, and there are detailed instructions for each type on this topic. So, how to choose pumps for a well.

A budget option

"Stream" It has a head of up to 40 m and a standard productivity of about 0.43 m3/h. If you need to supply water to several water points at once, the power of this device will not be enough. If you need simple watering or adding water to the tank, then you can use it with confidence.
"Watering" It has similar characteristics to the previous model, but has increased productivity up to 0.9 m3/h.
"TAIFU" Pumps from an experienced company that has been producing these products for more than 20 years. The product range of this company includes more than 600 units.
"Aquarius" It also produces good models of pumps, which come complete with a fairly long electrical cord and a nylon cable.

Types of well pumps

All pumps for wells, which potential buyers can purchase in relevant stores, are divided into various types depending on the characteristics underlying certain classifications.

So, pumps can be classified:

  • By the nature of the design: vibration pumps, pumps using centrifugal force, pumps located on a certain surface; pumping complexes or stations.
  • According to the method of water delivery.
  • By pressure force (the height to which it is necessary and possible to raise water).
  • According to the quality and composition of the transported substance: water without impurities, water with a small proportion of impurities, water with a large proportion of impurities.
  • According to the pump power level.
  • In terms of fault tolerance and the period of normal functioning of the device itself.
  • By price.

It is not surprising that many even experienced buyers are blindsided by such diversity. So how do you choose the right pump for your well and your situation?

Submersible pumps

How to choose pumps for wells by type of water immersion and functions. Here's some division.

Centrifugal force submersible devices

Externally, this pump looks like a cylinder made of stainless steel; it contains:

  • A motor in a sealed space that uses centrifugal force.
  • An impeller with the help of which water is discharged outside.

Attention: Such a device must be constantly immersed in water during operation, since it must be constantly cooled.

To avoid overheating, auxiliary means are used here:

  • "Frogs" - floats;
  • Switches made of bimetallic materials;
  • Automated digital systems.

In terms of reliability and convenience, preference should probably be given to a well pump with a float.

Attention: As already mentioned, you must strictly follow the instructions when operating the submersible pump.

Also, do not forget that they require uninterrupted power supply during operation, which will lead to the need to lay a power cable to the well. On the one hand, this will make it possible to create a very convenient, in some cases remotely controlled, operation of the system; on the other hand, such work will require additional investments

Submersible drainage pumps

Such pumps are needed if necessary:

  • Pump out a large volume of water in a short time;
  • Clean your well professionally.
Advantages The obvious advantages of using such devices include:
  • Possibility of pumping both clean water and water with a large proportion of impurities.
  • Large volumes (we are talking about distillation of tens of cubic meters per hour).
  • Well emptying protection system using floats: such a unit works reliably in sewers and drainage ditch.
Flaws The disadvantages are:
  • A little pressure.
  • Only up to 10 meters of height to which the water will rise (small excess pressure).
  • Due to the ability to use almost any water, this pump cannot be used for pumping potable water.

Submersible vibration pumps

Such devices are often used by vacationers at their dachas as “seasonal” ones, especially when it comes to supplying water to the house, as well as watering the area.

Attention: For wells on quicksand, centrifugal or surface pumps are suitable.

Surface pumps

Their properties:

Positive differences
  • Strong pressure.
  • Low fault tolerance and durability due to the fact that the pump is not in the water.
  • High performance.
  • Easy to use and prevent.
  • No power cable required.
  • Constant readiness of the pump for long-term operation.
  • You can pump clean and dirty water.
Negative differences
  • Low suction lift of up to 9 m.
  • The ejector allows you to increase the suction height to 20 meters at the expense of reducing the reliability of the system.
  • Loud noise during operation, which can only be “hidden” by the walls of a separate technical room for the pumping station.
  • Ability to work with the water suction line, i.e. monitor its constant filling.

Surface Pumps Overview

Pump name and photo Brief characteristics and cost

This series of pumps from the popular Italian manufacturer Pedrollo is designed not only for pumping clean water, but also other non-aggressive liquids. This is a multi-stage centrifugal self-priming pump, the body and working parts of which are made of stainless steel.
  • This model can be used not only in a drinking well, but also in a drainage well, as well as for pumping water from a tank or pool. Moreover, it can work with liquid cooled to negative temperatures, in the range of -10C +40C degrees.

Having a productivity of 7.2 m3/hour and a suction height of 7 m, this model develops a pressure of up to 50 m. Such a pump costs about 13,000-14,000 rubles.

And this is a single-stage pump, with a horizontal casing, from one of the European manufacturers Grundfos (Denmark). It is intended only for pumping clean water, and is used in autonomous water supply systems and for irrigation.
  • The pump characteristics are as follows: flow 3.5 m3/h; head 40 m; suction height 8 m. Can operate at an ambient temperature of +55 degrees. Equipped with an asynchronous motor and built-in ejector, it operates almost silently. Costs about 12,000 rubles.

WP9741A from the German company Sturm is also designed for pumping clean water, but can be used not only in drinking water intakes, but also in open reservoirs.
  • With a supply of 3.3 m3/hour, it has a head of 20 m, and can even pump hot water. The pump body is made of cast iron and has a fairly compact size of 235*315 mm. Weighs only 5.5 kg. The pump costs about 5,000 rubles.

This German-made product is designed not only for supplying water, but also for watering garden plantings. With dimensions of 573*296*255, it weighs 13 kg, and, as you can see, it has wheels for moving, as well as a foot switch.
  • In addition, it is equipped with a remote control and built-in automation that allows you to program the mechanism for irrigation. In general, this is one of the best options for a country house.

The pump housing is plastic. The productivity of this model is 6 m3/hour, the suction height is 8 m, and a fairly large head is 60 m. The estimated price is 10,500-11,000 rubles.

Spanish-made ESPA multistage pumps are equipped with a built-in ejector and a self-priming valve. They work without preliminary filling of the pipeline, and are not sensitive to air entering the water.
  • The pump body is made of reinforced polyamide, working parts are made of stainless steel. The flow rate of the 1250M model is 4.5 m3/hour, the head is 39 m. With dimensions of 220 * 385 mm, it weighs 10 kg, the suction height is 9 m. Such a unit costs about 7,500 rubles.

The pump is designed for pumping clean water, and can be used to increase the pressure in the system, pumping water from reservoirs, supplying it to the pool, and irrigation.

Accessories for pumps

Some manufacturers produce not only pumps and pumps, but also various components for them, with which you can supply water to your home and automate the operation of the device.

This set includes:

  • Surface pump;
  • Control relay;
  • Hydraulic accumulator.

To get started, you just need to connect the indicated elements to the water supply. Nowadays in stores you can find units that absorb water independently. Such pumps do not require a suction line filled with water.

The usual laws of physics apply here: the pump begins to operate as soon as water enters through the hole made in the housing. The best type of operation for such pumps is periodic short sessions.

Now you can decide which pump to choose for your well. Their prices are quite different, for example espa has a good reputation, so its price will be higher.

Look at the photos, compare the options and make your choice. And you won’t have any questions about recommending a pump for a well.

Installing a pump in a well

More than one option can be used here.

You will determine this specifically for your option:

Attention: To ensure stable and continuous operation of the pump, one important rule must be followed - the distance from the bottom to the bottom edge and the distance from the mirror to the top edge must be at least one meter. Otherwise, the pump may stop due to clogging with sand or when the water level in the well drops.

  • An example is an attempt to install a 60 cm long well pump in a well with a water level of only one and a half meters. Therefore, the choice of pump type and installation option should be considered individually. For example, to prevent sand from being sucked in, it is sometimes advisable to install a circle of harmless, non-corrosive material at a height of 5-10 cm from the bottom of the well.
  • The durability of any electrical equipment depends on the number of times it is turned on and off, so hydraulic accumulators are installed to increase service life. These devices allow you to accumulate a certain volume of water, smoothing out impulse effects on the system during short-term water supply. By introducing a delay element, the hydraulic accumulator prevents the pump from turning off when the tap is closed and provides a water supply system in the absence of electricity.

Surface installation

This design is most suitable if you use it only in warm weather:

  • We install it near the well. The platform should be hard and level;
  • We fill the body itself with water;
  • We prepare a hose of the required diameter and lower it into the water;
  • We make a connection to the power supply;

Attention: To pump out water, use a hose with a mesh. This will be the filter. In this case, you should pay attention to the location of the hose; the straighter the better.

  • When installing the pump in winter, you will need to carefully insulate it. To do this, it is worth providing xenon made of iron or concrete. It is best to use polystyrene foam as insulation. For laying pipes, you should choose a depth greater than the freezing of the soil. Insulate it. It is best to use electric heating; there is a detailed article on this topic on our website.

How to install a deep-well pump

The instructions indicate that the installation of a deep-well pump must begin with connecting the pipeline.

In addition to this, how to choose submersible pumps for wells must take into account:

  • The maximum pressure of the mechanism should not be higher than the maximum pressure that the installed pipes can withstand.
  • Ordinary hoses can be used for watering the garden and vegetable garden, as well as filling containers. The elements are connected through a plastic coupling.
  • The pump is installed permanently when used regularly. It is necessary to remove the device for preventive purposes and if repairs are necessary in the event of a breakdown.
  • You need to lower it into the well very carefully.
  • Metal or plastic pipes are used for connection.
  • The unit cable is fixed.

Tip: It is better to install the cord in the pressure pipe, which prevents the cable from being damaged, and installation of the pump will be easier. It is strictly forbidden to lower the unit by the electrical cable.

  • The nylon cable must be passed through special eyes located on the device, and a spring suspension must be attached to its ends.
  • After preliminary work, the pump is installed in the well.

Sanding in vibration and centrifugal pumps

Experts complain that sanding wells is a significant problem in Russia. This happens when the well is installed incorrectly.

Many people, wanting to save money, install wells themselves, without using the services of professionals. As a result, wells are not made in the best place.


  • To avoid sanding, you need to opt for centrifugal well pumps.
  • Vibrating structures should not be used for wells, since constant circulation of water occurs during the reciprocating movements of the engine. Because of this, the well will soon fill with sand. But a vibration pump can be installed in a well.
  • It should be taken into account that all models are accompanied by instructions, where the manufacturer informs the buyer about the maximum pressure and performance characteristics. During operation, these will be approximately average.

When solving the problem of water supply using a well, you need not only to build it correctly. It is also necessary to choose a suitable pump for it.

Our article will tell you how to choose pumps for wells.

Criteria for choosing a pump for a well

To figure out how to choose well pumps correctly, you must first decide on the selection criteria.

They will be as follows:

  1. Purposes and frequency of use - if you plan to use the pump for some narrow purposes and do it irregularly, then you should not buy an expensive model. For example, for watering a small plot of land, an inexpensive device “Rucheyok” or “Malysh” will be quite sufficient. And to provide year-round water to all residents of the house, it is worth looking at more powerful models;
  2. Performance - when solving the problem of how to choose a pump for a well, you need to determine the volume of water required to meet your needs. In this case, you should take into account all water intake points - these are all taps, toilets, washing machines and dishwashers. For the calculation, the amount of water that can be consumed at a time is taken;
  3. Water pressure is another parameter that cannot be ignored when talking about how to choose a well pump. This criterion indicates the maximum height to which the device can deliver water. You should choose those devices in which this value is slightly higher than the value that you require. This is due to the need to overcome pipe resistance;
  4. Type of equipment - all types of devices have certain design features that must be taken into account when giving preference to one type or another.

Pay close attention to the performance of the product.
If the device turns out to be less powerful than required, this will lead to various problems during its operation.
In particular, filling large containers with water will take much longer than you would like.

Types of well pumps

All these devices can be divided into surface and submersible according to the type of placement. According to their design features, they are divided into centrifugal and vibration. Let's take a closer look at these types.

Surface type

These units are installed at some distance from the water source, which makes them quite popular among owners of country houses. After all, such devices can be installed directly in the house, and this greatly simplifies their maintenance.

When thinking about how to choose pumps for a well, Russian buyers often make their choice in favor of brands such as CALPEDA (Italy), WILO (Germany), GRUNDFO (Denmark). Russian products are also in demand, for example, products from the company “Dzhileks”.

It should be noted that such devices are capable of lifting water from a depth of no more than 9 meters. This is their disadvantage, because of which summer residents may prefer another type of device - submersible.

Submersible type

Such devices are placed in a well, directly in the water column. During operation, they are cooled by the flow of water passing through them. Because of this, it is impossible to turn on such a pump without water, as it may fail.

In addition to this disadvantage, submersible machines also have a number of advantages:

  • reliability of design;
  • simplicity of the device;
  • the ability to supply water from great depths.

Among such devices, a separate subtype is distinguished - these are well devices. They are characterized by more efficient cooling and tolerance to the presence of solid impurities in the water.

When thinking about how to choose submersible pumps for wells, we recommend taking a closer look at products from the WILO, LOWARA and NOCCHI brands. They perform well during operation, distinguished by their quality and reliability.

Centrifugal type

Devices of this type are equipped with a wheel with blades placed inside the body. It is rotated by an electric drive, which creates a centrifugal force that pushes water into the pipeline.

The disadvantage of such a pump is its extreme demands on water quality. The presence of even small impurities in it will inevitably lead to failure of the device. As for the advantages, these include high performance and ease of operation.

Related articles:

Vibration type

The devices related to it are characterized by the absence of an electric motor. Its function is performed by electric and vibration magnets.

Thanks to its simple design, this device is very reliable and can last for a very long time. Another advantage is its low price. This is why vibration pumps have become so widespread.

Optimal technical parameters of well pumps

Now it’s time to consider how to choose a submersible pump for a well or another type of device with optimal technical parameters.


This parameter is measured in watts (Watt) or kilowatts (kW). It is an indicator of the volume of water pumped per unit of time. The more points of consumption, the greater the power should be.

It is not worth purchasing a unit with maximum power, as this will lead to unnecessary waste of money.
For the needs of a small family, a device with a power of 250-350 W will be sufficient.


This is the amount of water that a well pump can lift in a certain time. The unit of measurement in this case is cubic meter per hour (m³/h). For a family of three, a device with this figure of 4.2 m³/h will be quite sufficient.

Maximum head

For good water supply from a well, sufficient pressure in the pipes is necessary. It's called pressure.

The following instructions will help determine its optimal value:

  1. to the depth of the well we add the horizontal distance, that is, the length of the ground hose or pipe;
  2. for every 10 meters of the resulting gap we add 1 meter - this is the pressure loss during transportation;
  3. We add another 20% to the resulting figure - this will be the final result.


Having made a well with your own hands, you need to select and install a suitable pump in it. To select the right device, you must first decide on the specific purposes and expected frequency of its use. This will help you choose the type of pump, as well as its specific model with optimal technical parameters.

If you find it difficult to select a product, watch the video in this article. It will help resolve your doubts.

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