The heating was on, but the pipes were cold. Cold batteries: identifying the causes and troubleshooting them. Damage to utility life support systems

Electricity 06.10.2023

When cold weather sets in, heating appliances must be turned on in every house or apartment.

And if we are talking about central heating or an existing private boiler with a water heater mechanism and installed radiators, then a logical question arises: how to make the radiators warm.

Sometimes it is not enough to simply turn on the heating and the existing boiler in the house, because there are a large number of problems and nuances that prevent the radiators from becoming warm.

The metal remains cold until the problem of all supplied heat or a particular criterion is eliminated.

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Causes of cold radiators

If, with the onset of cold weather and the heating season, heating is provided to your home, but the radiators do not work, then the problem may be a technical malfunction or the functioning of the entire supply system.

Especially if we are talking about a city apartment, the provision of heat in which should be handled by the housing and communal services service or another authorized body that checks the preparedness of the entire system for the heating season. Well, in the case of a private house, solving problems falls on your shoulders. If you wish, you can contact the Eurolux Group company; this company will carry out all the work quickly and inexpensively.

And here it is important to understand the main causes and individual problems that will need to be eliminated in order for the batteries to give off the maximum amount of heat.

Advice: If you call a plumber to your home, check whether only one battery is cold, or whether a similar problem has arisen in the entire apartment, riser or entrance. To do this, interview your neighbors so that it is easier for a specialist to determine the possible cause of the problem and repair the system faster.

The main factors that cause batteries to remain cold can be identified:

  • presence of air pockets in the heating system;
  • technical blockage of a single battery;
  • incorrect connection of each of the elements and the entire system as a whole.

These criteria can affect the performance of both the individual battery and the overall system. Only after these problems have been eliminated will it be possible to talk about the full functional operation of the heating system in each room.

Let's consider each reason separately.

Air jams

When studying the functional features and eliminating the problems of cold radiators and batteries, it is important to take care not only of one of them, but also to check the condition of the entire system. This type of solution requires testing for operability in the presence of air pockets in the system.

Traffic jams can occur due to the appearance of excess air during radiator operation. At the same time, if we are talking about a city house, then, as a rule, the upper floors of high-rise buildings suffer.

But this problem can be easily fixed. To do this, in modern batteries special valves are installed in the upper part, which allow the accumulated air to be removed, restoring the operation of the system.

It is important to know: All these procedures must be performed without high pressure and hot water or reagent in the system to avoid burns.

Heating system clogged

If heating has already been turned on in the system, and you still have cold radiators, there is a possibility that the existing system elements are clogged. This can be either the deposition of the corrosive properties of the metal or the gradual accumulation of scale and large amounts of dirt on the walls of radiators.

To perform flushing efficiently and quickly, follow these recommendations:

  • move furniture aside, remove curtains, cover the floor with cellophane or cloth to avoid damage;
  • shut off the coolant supply using the shut-off valve. If it is not installed, remove the battery, unscrew it and pour the liquid into a basin;
  • to clean the radiator, it must be moved to a bathtub, at the bottom of which it is recommended to place a wooden floor;
  • Using a wrench, unscrew the end caps and allow the dirty liquid to flow out of the battery into the bath;
  • pour water from a hose under pressure into the battery;
  • If a crystalline blockage has formed, it should be cleaned using a special reagent. Through the use of a chemical formula and high-quality pressure in the system, it is possible to remove existing problem areas of scale and corrosion and obtain warm and fully functioning batteries again. You can also use a 70% solution of vinegar and water;
  • pour the reagent or vinegar solution into the battery, close the seals and let it brew for 2 hours;
  • Rinse the battery inside and outside under high pressure water, wipe the battery dry and install it on the bracket.

Sometimes such actions do not help and you have to buy a new battery.

Connection errors

Also, a separate point may be such a reason as incorrect connection of each element of the heating system. Sometimes the supply pipes with the coolant and the supplied liquid are fixed from below.

This does not allow the battery to gain maximum heat, and the upper areas may remain cold. In this case, it is necessary to reinstall the connection elements and release heat through the upper section of the supply pipes and connections.

So, if you find that the radiators in the apartment have become cold or not warm enough, we recommend doing the following:

  1. Determine the type of possible breakdown. If this is a separate battery, then it is necessary to shut off the flow of coolant into this element. This can be done using a supply valve.
  2. Wait for the liquid to cool and disconnect the damaged, non-functional battery.

Note: If the problem persists when installing a new element, then it is necessary to check the supply elements with higher pressure in the system. Such work can only be carried out in spring or autumn.

  1. Clean the system or install a new battery.
  2. Allow coolant to flow in and check the operation of the entire system.

Today, important parameters when choosing radiators and radiators are heat transfer and efficiency. Thoughtful solutions using the quality characteristics of metal make it possible to obtain not only durable, but also more practical elements for heating an apartment or room.

That's why many people strive to replace old cast iron batteries and install modern and more economical ones. In addition, the aesthetic appearance of the batteries is not the least important. Today there is a choice of batteries that are ideal for the interior, creating comfort and coziness in the room.

In any case, when selecting and repairing a heating system, it is important to correctly identify the cause and eliminate it before the onset of cold weather. In this way, it is possible to avoid freezing of the entire system, the repair of which will cost much more than an individual element.

What to do if the radiators in the apartment are cold, see the following video:

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With the beginning of the cold season, any “incident” with batteries puts us almost in a state of panic: the batteries do not heat up! What to do?!

However, the reasons for cold batteries can be very different, and the answer to the question “cold batteries: what to do?” differs depending on what is the reason that the batteries “do not heat up”.

The radiators are cold throughout the house: who is to blame and what to do?

The heating season has already begun: your friends whom you went to visit have been warm for a long time, but there are cold radiators in your house - where can you complain?

In theory, you should have an agreement with an organization that provides services to provide your apartment with heat. This agreement must indicate the conditions for the provision of this service, including the address and contact numbers at which you can express your complaints. A procedure for filing claims against the organization may also be prescribed.

It’s better not to lead to large-scale protests

It is important to remember that you will not be able to actually prove that you have already called and filed a complaint.

If you are calling by phone, ask the person you are speaking to to state their name and position. You must also be informed of the number under which your application is registered in the log book. If these questions are not answered, you have the right to complain to a higher authority.

If you decide to submit a written claim, submit it in two copies. You must take one copy to the reception organization.


  • Make sure that the document you brought is registered according to the rules!
  • The second copy must be stamped by the organization confirming its acceptance of your application, and you must take this second version for yourself.

They may refuse to accept your application. According to the rules, in this case you must send your application by registered mail. Please note: this must be a return receipt requested letter.

We will recommend you a not very legal, but effective method: take with you a phone with a built-in voice recorder and, if they refuse to register your complaint, ask to explain the reason for the refusal (of course, without demonstrating that you have a recording device). In 90% of cases, after you report that the conversation was recorded, your complaint will still be accepted.

According to the rules, a company representative must come to you and draw up (in your presence!) an act of non-provision or poor quality of service.

Often the appropriate specialists simply arrive, and the problem is resolved in a fairly short time. According to the law, they must draw up and provide you with a certificate of completion of work for signature. The act is also drawn up in two copies, one of which is taken with them by representatives of the organization, and the second is given to you.

The higher-level organizations to which you can file a complaint are local antimonopoly authorities, municipal or regional authorities, and the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights. You can submit an application to several authorities at once.

Should your heating bill be recalculated if you have been deprived of this benefit for some time?

The legislation defines the maximum number of days during which the heat supply must be restored and after which the organization providing this service is responsible to the consumer.

As for heating, it must be restored no later than 16 hours later if the temperature in the apartments was not lower than +12° C, and no later than 4 hours - if below +10° C. If the deadline is exceeded, then for each hour of excess, the fee should be reduced by 0.15% of the tariff.

However, there are situations in which the reason that you are not receiving enough heat is a problem with your radiator (improper assembly, corrosion).

In these cases, you must fix the problems yourself or call a plumber.

The most common problems with heating radiators

Let's look at the most common cases:

  1. They gave us heating, but the radiators were cold, and the riser was also cold. More likely, . You need to contact a plumber.
  2. The battery at the bottom is cold, but at the top it is hot. In principle, any radiator on top has a higher temperature than on the bottom: hot water heats it, but at the same time cools down and comes out from below. In colder rooms (for example, in private houses, if they are not insulated or built with half a stone, or in colder parts of the house, such as, for example, a veranda), the difference between the temperature at the top and bottom of the radiator is even more noticeable. However, if the difference is too noticeable, if the battery is hot on top and cold on the bottom - and not just colder, then this means that it is not connected correctly: most likely, your supply is connected from below, and your return is connected from above.
  3. The battery is half cold - most likely you have an air lock. What to do? . But for this you will need the help of a housing office plumber - at least because you will need to drain the water from the system. If you install the Mayevsky crane on the batteries in advance, you will never have this problem again.
  4. The riser is hot and the battery is cold. Your battery is faulty (clogged), or the taps on the battery are closed (don’t be surprised, people often forget to check the taps on the radiator!), or, instead of the battery, a jumper is turned on, and water circulates through it without reaching the battery.
  5. Cold radiator in one room. Similar to the previous point.

Cold water in the battery can also cause the battery itself to remain cold. Why are we talking about water? Because in apartment buildings they use water as a coolant, in private buildings they use water with the addition of antifreeze or electrolyte.

You need to look for the positives in everything :)

By the way, just in case, ask your neighbors how hot their batteries are. With overhead heating distribution (and this is generally accepted), the temperature of the radiators in apartments on the lower floors is often slightly lower than on the upper ones.

First, figure out why your battery or part of it is not warming up, and only then make a decision on how you will eliminate this problem. Because the problem may be “on your side”.

We hope that the article was useful and relevant to you. And let there be as few complaints and problems with heating as possible.

By the way, we will be very grateful if you press the social network buttons. Let others know what to do when the batteries do not heat up.

Warmth in your homes and families! Have a good day! Come visit us again, there is a lot of useful information here.

When returning home in winter, you want to feel warm and cozy, protected from the street cold. But there are times when the temperature in the living room is not just insufficient, but frankly, low. Turning on the heater is not the best option, since it costs extra energy. And according to accepted laws and regulations, there are certain criteria for establishing normal temperature. Therefore, you need to know where to complain about cold radiators in the apartment and how to loyally resolve the problem.

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

If you want to know how to solve exactly your problem - contact the online consultant form on the right or call the numbers below. It's fast and free!

Established temperature standards for apartments

There is a special adopted standard of the Russian Federation for housing and communal services.

According to this GOST R 51617-2000, in a residential area the temperature should vary from 18 to 25 degrees Celsius. At the same time, there are separate data for staircases, basements and attics, the temperature in which also affects the temperature of nearby apartments.

In particular, according to SanPiN, the temperature in the rooms should be 20-22 degrees. It is acceptable for it to be within 18-24 degrees. For bathrooms, kitchens, toilets, temperatures from 18 to 26 degrees are possible. Under optimal conditions, the numbers indicated are 19-21 for the kitchen and toilet, as well as for a combined bathroom and bathroom, ranging from 24 to 26 degrees.

If the indicator is significantly lower than the acceptable standard, then the situation is not normal and requires an immediate solution. Contacting the appropriate service will help with this.

Who is responsible for the cold radiators of the apartment and who should solve the problem?

Where to complain if it’s cold in the apartment? There are several types of management organizations that are responsible for maintaining specified standards and norms of housing conditions. It could be management company, housing and communal services or homeowners association. You need to contact these companies.

The most common problem with cold batteries is either poor design or connections that are too old and no longer usable. Less often it concerns the house itself, which has very low thermal stability.

If the problem lies precisely in the above reasons (one or several at once), then it is the management company that must solve it. And they bear all the costs of the work performed.

The solution period is limited to a week, the only exception being the occurrence of a certain number of problems during repairs (discovery of the complete unsuitability of not only a secondary, but also one of the central branches of communications).

If the problem with cold batteries lies in the batteries themselves, then they will need to be replaced by the owner of the apartment. Work can only be carried out after obtaining the appropriate permission from the management service. But in winter this will be possible only in exceptional cases (small child, paralyzed family member). After all, turning off the riser in the house will become a problem for other residents, which is why it is prohibited by the state.

The procedure for contacting housing and communal services to solve the problem

First of all, it is necessary to carry out independent measurements and determine how low the temperature in the room is relative to established standards. Then do the following:

  1. Write a written statement addressed to the management company, which is responsible for providing utilities. It must indicate exact data and the reason for the request. In this situation, it will consist in inadequate heating quality.
  2. Make a copy of the application and save it. The application must necessarily include the date the paper was drawn up and a signature. The original should be taken to the service and submitted for review.
  3. Any statements or online requests to the management company must be kept even after the problem is resolved. All papers relating to the problem of cold batteries and its solution must certainly be “on hand”. If the difficulty is not resolved, these papers can become a practical aid for appealing to higher organizations or the court.

  4. After reviewing the application, the management company will send an engineer or caretaker technician to the apartment. The specialist will take temperature measurements and check the condition of the water supply. And if the problem is confirmed, a report will be drawn up, which will indicate the details of the inspection and research. A copy of the act will be provided to residents, it is worth remembering. This paper should be kept as confirmation of the problem and a kind of guarantee on the part of the management company to begin solving it.
  5. It is recommended to call in the morning or lunchtime. There is a tendency for housing and communal services to reduce the temperature to heat buildings during the day. This is due to the fact that most homeowners are at work. The temperature rises in the evening. Therefore, to establish accurate data, you need to choose the ideal period.

  6. If the problem has not been resolved within 7-10 days, you need to find out the number to call if the cold batteries remain cold. You can also pay a visit to the housing and communal services department and get clarification directly. A positive response to the ongoing resolution process must be supported by specific dates by which all required work will be completed. If they abdicate responsibility for the decision, they will have to turn to higher institutions for help.

What to do if the problem of cold batteries has not been resolved?

There are quite common cases when a written application to the management company and a study by an engineer did not cause an increase in the temperature in the apartment.

If, after 2 weeks after drawing up the report, the problem has not been solved, and there is no answer from the housing and communal services or there are only excuses, then more serious measures must be taken. Contacting special organizations will help to influence the irresponsibility of public utilities and finally achieve the provision of quality services.

The first thing you should do is contact someone who is higher in rank - State Housing Inspectorate. The organization will repeat the research and draw up another act or use an existing document. Then proceedings will be carried out with housing and communal services and, in the best case, the problem will be eliminated. True, this method may not work. In this case, you must visit the following authorities:


The institution protects the rights of consumers and provides them with all possible assistance in solving numerous problems. In particular, residents who did not receive quality utility services can be considered affected consumers. Based on the next application, the attached act and other requested documents, influence on the housing and communal services will be carried out. In most cases, this appeal is quite enough to bring the incompetent service to justice.

Regional/district/city authorities

The person responsible for the city or region/district can assist in taking appropriate measures to punish housing and communal services and, through legal authorities, bring him to administrative responsibility in accordance with Article 7.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. But the problem at this stage is the constant employment of the mayor or governor. Often such “minor” violations are ignored. Although a truly responsible head of regional or municipal authorities will be able to solve the problem quickly.

If the appeal is collective, then it is very likely that it will not take much time to consider the application and resolve the problem. In most cases, a mass complaint from residents has a greater impact.

Prosecutor's office

At its core, this organization is also designed to help consumers. Therefore, a complaint to the authority will allow us to launch a mechanism for investigation and finding out the reason why the housing and communal services did not solve the problem. You will need to submit an application and demonstrate a document indicating the research certified by an engineer.

Federal Antimonopoly Service

The organization often has influence over utility providers. Therefore, there is a possibility that a complaint to the service will allow them to influence the speed of consideration of the application and resolution of the problem in accordance with the drawn up act. The service itself is responsible for monitoring the provision of services.

Mass media

It is quite important to contact not just one media representative, but a number of such organizations. It is recommended to communicate not only with city newspapers or television, but also with higher-ranking regional commissioners. This will allow us to attract as much attention as possible to the problem and thereby highlight it to a mass of consumers, services and officials. Most likely, this stage will be successful, because “denigration” in the media reduces the reputation of the authorities and can result in legal liability for them.

The appeal to the media should be presented in such a way as to really “interest” the service. Otherwise, assistance may be refused.

Judicial authorities

The final measure will be a trial that will put an end to the problem of low temperatures in the home. You need to be prepared to provide all the required documents and, in addition, to pay the amount for the examination. It is recommended that you consult with a qualified attorney in advance. He will help you draft a statement/complaint correctly and describe the problem in the right form. Next, you just need to be patient and wait for meetings, trials and a decision on the issue.

Will there be a recalculation of heating fees?

Solving the problem is a clear plus in the relationship between consumers and housing and communal services. But there is another difficulty: paying for heating. Receiving heat insufficiently and paying the full cost brings the apartment owner into a dead end. But there is still a way out of this situation.

Based on the drawn up report on low temperature in the living room, a study is carried out and a conclusion is made. If the temperature was 10 degrees below normal, the heat bill will be recalculated. In most cases, reducing even 5 degrees will not bring results.

Proceedings with the assistance of other authorities (for example, the court) are unlikely to have a positive effect. But in any case, it is necessary to consult with a lawyer and clarify this issue. If a family with a child lives in the apartment or the housing and communal services took too long to resolve the problem, it is possible to obtain a decision on recalculation. Each situation has its own nuances and exceptions.

It’s worth trying to prove that you’re right in any case. After all, the problems of the management company should not fall on the shoulders of consumers, much less bring them inconvenience or losses.

It happens that the heating system malfunctions, and a situation arises - the boiler is working, but all the batteries, or at least part of them, are cold. Let's look at a dozen reasons for this state of affairs, how to fix the breakdowns yourself, without involving...

It's easier with automated boilers

If the boiler is automated, gas or electric, then, as a rule, the automation will not allow overheating of the coolant in the boiler itself when the supply to the batteries for some reason stops. The protections will turn off the device, show an error code, then you need to draw conclusions from this information.

A breakdown of the boiler itself can be repaired by service. It is not recommended to open complex equipment yourself.

Cold radiators, when an automated boiler is running, may occur not only due to the breakdown of complex equipment, but also because... (the most common reasons).

  • Air pockets in radiators and on U-shaped elevations of the pipeline. Bleed the air using Mayevsky's taps. Install air vents; if they are not there, convert the system to “normal”.
  • Clogged filter, silting of the lower section of the pipes. Check the return filter at the boiler inlet.

Wrong system

For example, in a parallel circuit, if the installation rules are violated, the middle radiators in the ring may turn out to be cold when the boiler is running. Eliminated by balancing or rewiring.

The following is also possible:

  • The valves are closed - check the valves, including tuning and balancing valves, which regulated the flow along individual dead-end branches, to individual radiators.
  • A sequential battery connection scheme was used, in which the last radiators in the pipe are always colder or do not heat up at all... Rework, use modern circuits.
  • Various complex inclusions of radiators, “where everything is confusing.” Remodel and use conventional two-pipe heating systems - dead-end, passing, radial with the presence of balancing valves...

Pipe problems

Polypropylene pipes can create a surprise. When welding them, the internal clearances are not controlled. The installer does not guarantee anything. It is not uncommon for the boiler to heat up, but the polypropylene system is not working properly, some of the batteries are colder for some reason, some are disconnected...
First of all, start resoldering and finding the bottleneck. Or replace the pipes with more reliable ones.

  • In any system, there is debris in the coolant. If there are U-shaped depressions in highways, there may be congestion.
  • Perhaps just old steel pipes? Their service life is limited; from the inside they become overgrown with deposits and heating stops.

In systems without automation

There is a threat of a serious accident, destruction of the boiler if it is working and the batteries are cold. In a solid fuel heat generator, if the fuel is burning, the liquid in the heat exchanger will boil very quickly if there is no circulation and heat removal, i.e. if the heating system remains cold.

This is not an acceptable situation, which is prevented by installing an uninterruptible power supply for the circulation pump. And also by regularly checking the filter.

First of all, in such systems the operation of the circulation pump is checked, which is often located on the return line near the boiler.

Complex systems - what is the solution

Nowadays there are more and more complex heating systems. Such piping of a private house can be divided into several independent circuits, each of which has its own circulation pump. For example: - radiators of a house, heated floors in a house, an indirect heating boiler, a greenhouse, a garage and a workshop, an outbuilding, and a separate attic.

It’s not uncommon for something like this to be connected to a couple of working boilers (the backup one doesn’t count).

In order for a complex circuit to work stably, all these circuits must be connected to some kind of distributor, which would provide them with the same initial stable pressure, regardless of the operation of neighboring circuits. In complex systems (more than 4 circuits) this is done using a hydraulic arrow or a primary circulation ring of pipes.

Incompetent design or installation under such circumstances leads to the fact that some of the pipelines and batteries remain cold when the boiler is running. Those. one circuit influences the other. The solution is to create a competent scheme.

Situations in apartments

In apartments with central heating everything is simpler. The heating circuit there is not complicated - one or more radiators are connected in parallel to the risers.

  • If the riser is cold, it means that the air at the top has not been vented, or the distribution along the risers has not been adjusted. In any case, you need to contact someone to bleed and adjust...
  • If the riser is hot and the edge of the battery is cold, then there can be two reasons - the batteries are airy, and you need to bleed the air yourself. Or - a small pressure on the riser - you need to understand it as in the previous paragraph.
  • There is also a common problem in apartments - clogging and overgrowing of old cast iron radiators. It also happens that it’s time to change them for new ones, otherwise nothing will help...

Removing cold batteries according to the above descriptions for all reasons, of course, requires certain qualifications. If you can’t do it yourself, then you need to call specialists. Particular care must be taken when handling battery plugs in apartments, since any violation of the system threatens an accident, boiling water, flooding of apartments...

Alas, the weather in the house does not depend only on our mood. The creation of the necessary, comfortable microclimate is ensured by heating radiators, that is, batteries. A stream of hot water passes inside them, which heats the device, thereby providing heat flow in the rooms. Unfortunately, apartment owners do not check the sewer riser as often as they should. In a panic that the heating riser is hot and the radiators themselves are completely cold, we begin to take certain actions. Often without giving any results.

So, first you need to stop panicking and seriously start solving the problem. The heating season has begun, you will have to pay for heat, even if it did not reach your apartment for one reason or another. In order not to pay for cold radiators, you need to check the water supply risers, check how the sewer system functions, make sure that heating has actually started in your apartment building, and only you have some problems with it.

Actually, the primary task is to understand the reasons. They will help you understand why the water supply risers are hot and the battery itself is cold. From here it will be possible to move further towards solving the problem that has arisen. Some situations even provide for a scenario in which radiators will have to be replaced. But, let’s hope it doesn’t come to that, and the issue can be resolved using simpler and less drastic methods.

  • 1 Reasons
  • 2 Troubleshooting
    • 2.1 Causes and their elimination
      • 2.1.1 Air locks
      • 2.1.2 Replacing radiators


In fact, the sewer riser is a finicky thing. Therefore, there may be several reasons why the water supply risers are hot, although the radiator itself is cold. Let's look at the most common ones.

  1. The water supply valves have failed or are simply blocked in the basement. Through this valve, water flows through the main line to the apartments. Therefore, since it is blocked there, it means that heat is not flowing.
  2. There is an option in which the pipe was damaged during the process of welding the riser to the main.
  3. It also happens that when installing the heating system riser, the technician left some foreign object in the pipe. Rags, mittens, and sometimes even stones and animals were often pulled out from there.
  4. An option with incorrect installation of heating pipes in other rooms, in the kitchen, due to which water does not enter the radiator, but passes by.
  5. A small amount of coolant, that is, water, can pass through the water supply risers. This situation may concern the entire house or a separate entrance.
  6. It is possible that the water supply risers, like the entire heating system, were simply adjusted and configured incorrectly, which is why the required amount of water does not flow to the heating radiators in the apartment building.

Fixing problems

Repairing a sewer riser yourself is quite problematic. Especially if you don’t know anything about this kind of work. In addition, if any malfunctions are detected, you should immediately contact the relevant organizations. That is, to those who are responsible for your home, or directly to the organization that is responsible for heating.

If they tell you that they know nothing, the reasons are incomprehensible to them, then you have the right to express everything you think about them. Remember, they are obliged to resolve such issues at the request of the client. After all, it turns out that the heating season begins, you supposedly receive your heat (although for one reason or another it does not reach the water supply risers), and therefore a corresponding debt for utilities accumulates. In other words, although there is no heat, you have to pay for it.

In this regard, are you really obliged to wait several days until the plumbers come, figure out the reasons, and take certain actions? No, you must demand immediate repairs.

Causes and their elimination

Before the relevant specialists come to you to resolve the current situation, it would be a good idea to obtain additional information about the operation of the water supply riser and sewer riser in order to provide the specialists with the relevant data. Based on them, perhaps they will be able to find the reason for the lack of heat in your home much faster.

Therefore check:

  • How well do the batteries warm up on other water supply risers located in your apartment?
  • How well the batteries warm up on your own riser, but only those of the neighbors below;
  • How well the radiators of the neighbors in the adjacent entrances heat.

Now you can consider each of the situations in more detail, which will allow you to determine the causes of the malfunctions, as well as find a way to solve the problem.

  1. When the radiators in other rooms of your apartment heat normally, and the apartments below and above are heated well, it means that the valves at the inlet or outlet of the radiator may be faulty, which does not heat well. There is also a possibility of blockage in the outlet and inlet pipes. Finally, don't rule out that the battery itself is clogged.
  2. If the battery does not heat well, and neighbors below and above have problems on the same riser, then the reason is the blockage or malfunction of the corresponding valves located in the basement. Another option is clogged return or direct riser pipes.
  3. It also happens that water supply risers receive insufficient flow of water, that is, coolant, which is why heating is not carried out completely throughout the house or in a separate entrance. Consequently, an increase in pressure is already necessary here.

Air jams

Quite often, heating risers and sewer risers cannot provide heat to your home because an air lock has formed. It is formed there quite naturally when the water is heated and the system is suddenly filled with coolant. If there is a bleeder valve on the system, it will not be difficult to determine the presence of an air lock. On modern batteries, this valve is on top and works autonomously, releasing excess air from time to time.

In the absence of automation, a manual valve is provided, which is unscrewed and kept open until water flows.

Alas, older models are not equipped with taps. But there is a plug there, which will not be so difficult to remove. Just be sure to place some kind of container under it to prevent water from spilling onto the floor. Do not unscrew the plug completely, but only unscrew it until a hissing sound appears. As soon as a similar sound begins to come out of the system, put the instrument aside and wait until the air comes out and water starts flowing. When water has seeped out, carefully tighten the cap, but do not remove the basin for a couple of hours in case the water continues to drip for a while.

Replacing radiators

If the reason for your lack of heating is not that the water supply risers are faulty or the sewer riser has died, and flushing the system did not give the expected result, you will simply have to change the radiators.

It is important to consider what kind of room you are choosing batteries for. For example, for a plumbing unit, an excellent solution would be a stainless steel product or a chrome-plated model. Consider the quality of the paint and its ability to function in high humidity conditions.

It is not recommended to choose aluminum radiators for those who live above the eighth floor. This is due to the low operating pressure of such batteries. Plus, there is one more drawback - the internal surfaces of aluminum radiators rust over time, and therefore they are not suitable for long-term service.

For bathrooms, radiators are produced equipped with special hangers. They will heat the room and also dry your laundry if necessary. Let’s not forget about design solutions that can easily become a real highlight of your interior, while performing their assigned functions.

As you can see, there are many reasons why the battery remains or becomes cold, although the riser itself is hot. In fact, you can determine exactly why such a problem arose on your own.

Just remember, such issues must be resolved by the relevant organizations and specialists. They are responsible for the functioning and vital activity of all systems in an apartment building, and therefore they should be addressed first. Why waste your energy, nerves, money and time when there are people whose task is to eliminate such malfunctions.

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