13th obstetric week of pregnancy. What happens in the thirteenth obstetric week of pregnancy. Possible problems during this period of pregnancy include

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Fruit (development, size)

The first trimester of pregnancy is ending, and by this time the child's body has achieved tremendous success in its development. The little heart amazes: every day it pumps 23 liters of blood! By this time, all the baby's milk teeth have already been fully laid.

But the accomplishments do not end there: at the 13th week of pregnancy, bone and muscle tissue continues to take shape, digestive system crumbs. So, in the intestine, the first villi are formed, which in the future will take part in the digestion and promotion of food. The pancreas is already making its first insulin. The child's vocal apparatus began to form. The genitals are more and more differentiated: this week the genital tubercle lengthens and either gradually turns into a penis, or bends downward, forming a clitoris. Sex cells or prostate gland develop - depending on the sex of the fetus.

The child's appearance is also gradually acquiring more expressive features. The body is gaining momentum in growth - over time it will look more and more large relative to the head. Now the coccygeal-parietal size of the fetus is on average 7-8 cm, and its weight fluctuates within 15-25 g.

A tremendous amount of work has been done to establish the main organs and systems, and now it is the turn of the emotional sphere. At the 13th week of pregnancy, the baby is active all the time: he listens, learns new skills, reacts to incoming outside world signs (sounds and silence, light and darkness, warmth and cold, various kinds of touch). Now the baby is more and more awake, falling asleep for only a few minutes and waking up again. The movements of the fetus are no longer as chaotic as before, and have some orderliness.

At the 13th week of pregnancy, the baby distinguishes between the smells and tastes of the food absorbed by the mother. He may not like everything from the proposed menu, but on the contrary he will love some products very much. Just imagine: he not only knows how to suck and swallow, he already yawns, smiles and makes grimaces! The baby is very comfortable in her mother's tummy: here it is warm, cozy, calm, soft, the sounds coming from the outside pleasantly lull him, he is surrounded by a calming twilight ...

If by this time you have not yet established the tradition of communication with the child, then the transition to the second trimester is the very time. The calmest period for mom and baby begins - use every minute of it for your own and his pleasure.


At the 13th week of pregnancy, a woman usually does not feel sick. The "hormonal riot" is over, the body has adapted to the changes that have taken place and got used to the new state. The second trimester is the quietest of all periods of pregnancy: most of the signs, symptoms and ailments associated with the onset of pregnancy are already behind, but still you cannot call this time completely carefree. It's time to come to grips with the prevention of stretch marks, constipation and edema.

By the 13th week of pregnancy, the waist gradually disappears and the tummy is rounded. Chances are you've already switched to maternity clothes. If not, update your wardrobe now. Pay special attention to the bra: it should be the size of the growing breast and support it well (wide shoulder straps do it). The breast will grow and fill throughout the entire period: in comparison with the pre-pregnancy state, its weight by the end of pregnancy will increase at least two, or even four times.

Uterus at 13 weeks of gestation

Just like the fetus, the uterus grows continuously, rising higher and higher. it fills almost the entire hip region and rises higher into the abdominal region. Neighboring organs will have to make room, and this will be associated with some inconvenience in the future: heartburn, shortness of breath and others.

During each examination, the gynecologist will now measure the height of the fundus of the uterus. It is equal to the number of weeks in centimeters. So, at the 13th week of pregnancy, the uterus has a height of 13 cm, a width of 10 cm. It can already be easily palpated, especially if a thick fat layer does not prevent it.

In the second trimester, the tone of the uterus will no longer be so terrible - it becomes softer and more elastic, and, as a rule, shrinks for a short time.


In moments of increased uterine tone, you may feel stretching and pain in the lower abdomen. At such moments, you just need to lie down and rest. If this happens often, the doctor will advise you to put candles with papaverine or drink Ginipral, for example. But many mothers do without any medication. Just learn not to “worry” your uterus once again: do not walk in heels, do not carry heavy weights, do not be nervous over trifles.

Gas may also hurt your stomach. Track your diet and the presence of such a relationship. Some foods may need to be eliminated from the diet.

In most women, the stomach at the 13th week of pregnancy already gives out their position: it has become rounded, or even noticeably increased. But it happens that the tummy is just beginning to emerge, and it seems as if you just gained a little bit.


If abdominal pain at the 13th week of pregnancy is accompanied by spotting bleeding, then it is better to warn your doctor about this. Try to limit physical activity for a while, and if bleeding begins, immediately go to the hospital.

It is not uncommon for pain on the sides of the abdomen at 13 weeks. This stretches the muscles that hold the uterus, and the uterus itself is stretched all the time. Such pains are not dangerous, but if you are agitated, then lie down to rest - it will not harm.

Leg pain accompanied by cramps in the calf muscles is a signal of a lack of calcium in the body. Usually, these pains occur at night. Increase the amount of calcium-containing foods in your diet - this element is very important now. Just give preference to plant sources of calcium, since the fontanel quickly stiffens from the animal, which is undesirable during the passage of the child through the birth canal.

Cold at 13 weeks of gestation

If the throat is sore, and besides, the head, and the whole body, and the temperature rises or a runny nose begins, then you need to treat the cold. The likelihood of getting the flu during pregnancy is very high, so you should avoid crowded places, especially during the peak of viral infections. And although a cold at 13 weeks of pregnancy is no longer as dangerous as in the first trimester, its severe course can cause some abnormalities in the development of the child and even premature birth... Therefore, do not run a cold, but start treatment right away. Try first traditional medicine, and only if the condition worsens - turn to medication. All your actions should be coordinated with your doctor so as not to harm the baby.


Doctors say that there is no need to knock down the temperature during pregnancy. But if it stays at around 38 C for more than two days or rises, then you need to take an antipyretic. Talk to your doctor about the choice of medication, it can be drugs containing paracetamol or homeopathic antipyretic drugs.

The temperature at 13 weeks of gestation may still be normal at subfebrile levels. There is no need to worry if at the same time you feel good, nothing hurts, you do not feel this rise in temperature and it is not accompanied by yellow-green or bloody discharge.


Discharge at 13 weeks of gestation can change its character. They will now be more fluid and possibly plentiful. This is a normal phenomenon, the main thing is that the color and smell of the discharge does not change, that is, that they are absent. The reason for going to the doctor should be cheesy, bubbling, sharp-smelling discharge of yellow, greenish, gray, brown or red color, as well as discharge that causes discomfort and discomfort in the genital area: itching, burning, pain, swelling, irritation.

Such discharge at 13 weeks of gestation indicates the presence of an infection in the genital tract or the threat of termination.


Bloody discharge at 13 weeks of gestation is not the norm, but they are not always associated with something tragic. Undoubtedly, the doctor must establish the cause of the appearance of blood from the vagina, and there can be a lot of these:

  • placental abruption;
  • placenta previa;
  • hematoma;
  • erosion or mechanical damage to the cervix (often observed after examination on a gynecological chair or after intercourse);
  • neoplasms;
  • falling or hitting the abdomen;
  • fragility of blood vessels (due to an increase in blood volumes, they can burst under its pressure) and others.

As you can see, not all of the reasons are a threat to your pregnancy. So do not be too nervous, but it is still necessary to establish the source of bleeding, you never know what. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe you an ultrasound scan, which will show if the baby is normal, and this is the most important thing. It even happens that hospitalization is not needed in all cases.

Ultrasound at 13 weeks of gestation

If by this time the pregnancy was proceeding without complications, then perhaps your first ultrasound will take place at 13 weeks. You will be able to see how the heart of the little one beats, how it moves, and the doctor's examination will make it possible to assess the condition of the fetus and pregnancy:

  • accurately establish the gestational age and the number of fetuses;
  • assess the vital signs of the fetus;
  • determine the presence / absence of severe defects incompatible with life;
  • conduct a screening study to determine the risk group of a woman regarding chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus (in particular, Down's syndrome).


Distinguish between ultrasound and biochemical screening studies. The first screening during pregnancy is carried out at 11-16 weeks, it is likely that you will be referred for an ultrasound scan and tests this week.

Screening includes a series of tests and studies that identify women at risk of developing chromosomal diseases in the fetus. To do this, the collar zone of the fetus (evaluating its thickness or transparency), its nasal bone (presence or absence and size) are mandatory, and the presence or absence of physical defects, as well as the level of hormones and proteins in the mother's blood, is determined. Based on the data obtained and the age category of the pregnant woman, a conclusion is made about the likelihood of the birth of a sick child in this woman.

The high-risk group includes pregnant women in whom, according to the results of screening, the risk of developing fetal abnormalities is 1: 350 or less. But you should know that a risk factor is not a guarantee of pathology. Screening allows only to admit a high probability of a chromosomal abnormality and no more.

Analyzes (hCG, progesterone)

Most likely, all tests at the 13th week of pregnancy will be part of the first biochemical screening, which has recently been included in the list of mandatory studies during pregnancy. This is the so-called double test, which includes an analysis for the hCG hormone and the plasma protein PAPA-A.

The level of hCG will give reason to judge the normal course of pregnancy or to suspect any deviations: a delay or arrest of fetal development, the presence of defects, a negative Rh factor. You should focus on the hCG norms given in the form, which may differ slightly in different laboratories.

Progesterone at 13 weeks of gestation is no longer as informative. There is no norm for the level of this hormone by week, it is assessed based on the trimester: in the first trimester, progesterone should normally be in the range of 8.9-468.4 nmol / l, in the second - 71.5-303.1 nmol / l ...


Proper nutrition will help you avoid many troubles during pregnancy. At 13 weeks, it should be:

  • complete: the child needs proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • healthy: make a menu only from natural products prepared in a gentle way;
  • varied: regularly eat lean meat, fruits and vegetables, nuts, cereals, legumes (if there are no problems with the intestines).

In addition, nutrition at 13 weeks of gestation should be adjusted to prevent constipation. This will help you tomato juice, vegetable and fruit purees and juices, dried fruits, beets, apples, seaweed. Remember the importance of calcium during this period. Be sure to include in your diet green fruits and vegetables (including kiwi), persimmons, lentils.

Alcohol at 13 weeks pregnant

Continue your healthy lifestyle until the very end of your pregnancy. Resist the temptation to smoke or drink alcohol. Alcohol at 13 weeks of gestation is still very dangerous, because during this period, the laying and differentiation continues. internal organs and toddler systems. But the fetus does not continue to develop throughout pregnancy, and alcohol invariably gets to the baby through the placenta. That is why it is not correct to talk about a safe dose of alcohol during pregnancy.


The sex life of expectant parents at 13 weeks can sparkle with new colors. The risk of termination of pregnancy by this time has already been significantly reduced, the woman's anxieties and fears have subsided, she is accustomed to her new state and, perhaps, even feels the effect of hormones on herself, which can significantly increase libido during the period of bearing a baby. The sensitivity of the genitals also increases, which will allow you to experience new sensations from intimacy with your spouse. Enjoy this blessed time. The only obstacle to this may be your feeling unwell and the threat of miscarriage - in this case, it is better not to risk it.

What does the baby look like (weight and size of the fetus)

Your little happiness has grown to the size of a peach. His height is sixty-one millimeters, and his weight is thirteen grams. All organs and systems have already been established and formed over the past 12 weeks. They just have to grow up. However, let's take a closer look at what new skills and capabilities the baby will acquire in the next seven days. Believe me, there are a lot of them, and you can safely be proud of your little one.

  • The pancreas, in tandem with the adrenal glands, begins to project a substance such as insulin.
  • The bones and muscles of a small person develop without stopping for a second.
  • The gastrointestinal tract is already able to digest what the baby swallows - amniotic fluid.
  • The crumbs' voice apparatus and milk teeth are already embedded in his body.
  • The tiny heart of a child works like an ant: in twenty-four hours this tiny, tiny organ pumps twenty-three liters of child's blood.
  • From now on, the baby's body grows much faster than its head. But until recently, the head outweighed.
  • The baby begins not only to actively move, he begins to do it consciously, gains the ability to control his movements.
  • The kid begins to react to what annoys him and what he likes. It may be too bright light, loud music, street noise, mother's voice, ultrasound machine sensor. By the way, not a single kid has liked the latter. Irritant - it is also an irritant in Africa, not like in the womb.

Dear mommy, it's time to establish a psycho-emotional connection with the baby. Talk to him, sing him songs and lullabies, read poetry, listen to music together. Now this may seem very strange, but all these actions in the future will have a positive effect on your relationship.

Determining the sex of the child

The genitals of your prince or little princess become visible and visible. If you have not done an ultrasound scan before, if this study took place exactly on the 13th week of pregnancy, you can safely ask the doctor about the sex of your child. If the baby's posture at the time of the study is successful, the doctor with high precision will tell you who to expect and what colors to buy.



To be afraid of an ultrasound at 13 weeks of gestation is absolutely stupid. It is both possible and necessary to do this research within the period under discussion. And of course, it will show pregnancy, because the baby in your tummy has grown noticeably, it is already impossible not to see it. And given all the skills acquired by this moment, he is even able to wave his pen to you.

An ultrasound scan, performed at 13 weeks, is part of the first screening. The specialist who will conduct the ultrasound will pay attention to the following points:

  • the position of the placenta (if the doctor ascertains the presentation, then he will definitely indicate how many centimeters the placenta is from the uterine pharynx);
  • the frequency of the baby's heart;
  • the activity of the crumbs' movements;
  • measuring the collar zone of a small person.

It is the collar zone that is the main goal of the medical specialist who conducts the study. Having measured it correctly, you can make an objective conclusion about the risk of having a baby with developmental anomalies. Do not worry, everything will be great for you and your baby. However, we cannot afford not to share this information with you. It does not apply to your situation, but every pregnant woman who is interested in her health and the health of her unborn child should know about the goals of measuring the collar zone. The doctor makes conclusions about possible abnormalities in the development of the fetus only after the expectant mother donates blood from a vein for analysis, and the doctor receives the results of this laboratory test in his hands.


Genetic screening No. 1 is a comprehensive study, which consists in conducting an ultrasound scan and analyzing the venous blood of the expectant mother. The purpose of screening is to exclude genetic abnormalities and malformations that can be detected as early as the end of the first trimester. If chromosomal abnormalities take place, then with the help of the first genetic screening, doctors will identify them. However, in the vast majority of cases, mothers have nothing to worry about, because they carry healthy pink-cheeked babies without any deviations.

It is important to understand that a dual screening result cannot be positive or negative. This study only allows us to assume the risk, the possibility of developing abnormalities in the crumbs. The doctor can say the final answer only after an amniocentesis (sampling of amniotic fluid for analysis) and a biopsy of the chorionic villi. We've probably completely confused you, so let's start with a more understandable language. So, the pregnant woman passes both tests, which make up a double screening. If both studies show the possibility of abnormal development of the fetus, the doctor sends his patient for clarifying studies - a villus biopsy and analysis of the amniotic fluid. And only after that, the doctor will be able to accurately inform his pregnant woman about whether she should worry.

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What happens to your body - sensations

From week 13, your pregnancy is an undeniable fact. And if earlier men did not give you a place in public transport due to their bad manners, then from now on they will have no choice: the tummy becomes very noticeable, so do not worry that you have to stand on the bus. You will begin to give up your place in the queue at the supermarket and near the bank teller. Wherever you appear, they will react to you with a smile.

If there is still no "protruding" pregnancy sign, do not worry. The physiological characteristics of the organisms of each of us are different. Some of the fair sex have a tummy until the very last moment that remains so small that many are genuinely surprised when they meet an already established mom with a stroller in the park or on the street. It often happens that the fetus is pressed against the far uterine wall, so the pregnant tummy appears somewhat later than the period under discussion. But even if the tummy is not yet visible, you can definitely recognize your interesting position by the waist. It becomes expanded and with all its appearance indicates that a real miracle is growing inside you.

By the way, you can determine if your weight gain is normal. For this . Set your deadline, personal data and get an individual result! And also find out how weight gain is distributed in the body at a given time.

The height of the uterus this week will reach 13 centimeters. It grows in proportion to how the baby grows. Gradually, the main female organ fills all the free space available to it, starting to put pressure on the neighboring internal organs. The breasts become larger and fuller. You may have noticed that the old bras, in which you could easily fit all your wealth before pregnancy, have become incredibly small for you. Well, a comfortable bra with wide straps, and better not just one.

Pulling abdominal pain

Pulling pains associated with pregnancy should go away by this time. If you notice at 13 weeks that your lower abdomen is pulling, do not panic. Just call your obstetrician-gynecologist and find out what it might be. Expectant mothers often confuse pain in the lower abdomen with the sensitivity of the intestines, which during this period really jumps a little because of the pressure of the uterus.

Back pain

Due to the growth of the uterus, the abdomen begins to shift relative to the center of gravity. This process can provoke pain in lumbar spine. Insignificant, but quite tangible. In order not to take the situation to the extreme, when the back will be unbearable to whine (and this often happens in late gestation periods), arrange for yourself a comfortable sleeping place in advance. No sagging sofas and mattresses with old springs sticking out. There should be at least one place in your home where you can fully rest and rest your back. You can find more information about the health of expectant mothers in the period under discussion here. Women's health at 13 weeks of gestation.


At 13 weeks, the risk of termination of pregnancy is significantly reduced. Instead, the sensitivity of the erogenous zones increases, and you yourself may want intimacy, even if you previously feared it like fire. Your beloved will probably be surprised at the change in mood, but he will definitely note for himself that these are changes in better side... Some of the fair sex, who have never experienced an orgasm, noted that they first met this sensation in the middle of pregnancy. Everything is logical: after all, hormonal changes in your body have already ended, which means you can safely open for yourself new horizons of intimacy. And do not be afraid to harm the baby, because this is impossible. But your positive emotions, obtained through sex, will probably be passed on to your little one. And this is not to mention how grateful and grateful you will be to your man, whom you have kept at a distance for so long.

Proper nutrition

At 13 weeks, of the foods that you can eat, it is worth focusing on those that are characterized by a high content of vitamin E. If the blood test showed a low level of hemoglobin, include in your diet more buckwheat porridge, pomegranates and beef. No buns or cakes. No, if you really want to, then, of course, you can. But in limited quantities. In general, the desire to eat something sweet should automatically transform into a desire to pamper yourself with fruits or berries. Especially if the season is right. Read more about the rules for preparing a "pregnant" diet this week.


The folic acid intake has been extended for one more week. However, already from the 14th week of pregnancy, the need for this medicinal product you won't. If you have been taking iodine until recently, ask your doctor if you need to continue. Only a doctor knows which vitamins you should take. In addition, an excess of iodine is no less dangerous than its lack in a pregnant body. Do not take any vitamin complexes without first consulting your doctor. If mommy eats varied, complete and correct, then, perhaps, she will not need any vitamins.

Fruit size: 10-12 cm.
Fruit weight: 20-30 gr.

13 obstetric week pregnancy is an important period in the life of a mother and her unborn baby. The first trimester with all the fears, apprehensions and ailments associated with toxicosis is over. As a rule, by this time future mom has already registered, passed all the necessary tests and passed the first screening, so now she can breathe a sigh of relief and concentrate her thoughts on the future baby and her motherhood.

13 weeks, how many months is it? 13 obstetric week ends the first trimester and (13 weeks = 3 months and 1 day).

What happens to a baby at 13 weeks pregnant?

The size of the fruit is on average 10-12 cm, and its weight ranges from 20-30 grams.

By this time, the fetal body has achieved tremendous success in its development: the fetal heart pumps 23 liters of blood every day! By this time, all the baby's milk teeth have already been fully laid. At the 13th week of pregnancy, bone and muscle tissue continues to take shape, the digestive system of the crumbs develops. So, in the intestine, the first villi are formed, which in the future will take part in the digestion and promotion of food.

The pancreas is already making its first insulin. The child's vocal apparatus began to form. The genitals are more and more differentiated: this week the genital tubercle lengthens and either gradually turns into a penis, or bends downward, forming a clitoris. Sex cells or prostate gland develop - depending on the sex of the fetus. By the way, only an experienced specialist can determine the sex of the baby at this time, while the error rate can be 40%. But, there are other ways to find out the gender of your baby. We talked about reliable methods

The child's appearance is also gradually acquiring more expressive features. A tremendous amount of work has been done to establish the main organs and systems, and now it is the turn of the emotional sphere. At the 13th week of pregnancy, the baby is active all the time: he listens, learns new skills, reacts to signs coming from the outside world (sounds and silence, light and darkness, warmth and cold, various kinds of touch). Now the baby is more and more awake, falling asleep for only a few minutes and waking up again.

The movements of the fetus are no longer as chaotic as before, and have some orderliness. At the 13th week of pregnancy, the baby distinguishes between the smells and tastes of the food absorbed by the mother. He may not like everything from the proposed menu, but on the contrary he will love some products very much. The kid not only knows how to suck and swallow, he already yawns, smiles and makes grimaces. If by this time you have not yet established the tradition of communication with the child, then the transition to the second trimester is the very time. The calmest period for mom and baby begins - use every minute of it for your own and his pleasure.

Well-being of the expectant mother at the 13th week of pregnancy

Toxicosis disappears completely or weakens markedly. A woman regains vigor and a desire to put herself in order, to do something around the house or at work. New sensations include swelling and bleeding of the gums (the appearance of these symptoms is also associated with hormones). In addition, colostrum can be excreted from enlarged mammary glands. This is how the breast learns to make milk. It is impossible to squeeze out colostrum, since stimulation of the nipples can provoke the release of estrogens into the blood, which stimulates the contraction of the uterus.

At the 13th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may experience heartburn and (if this has not happened earlier). You can cope with them by adjusting your diet, drinking regimen and changing some habits. For example, if heartburn suffers, it is advisable for a pregnant woman not to overeat, not to go to bed immediately after eating, not to abuse spicy and acidic foods. With constipation, on the contrary, it is beneficial to move more. As for the diet, in order to eliminate problems with bowel movement, you need to drink more, consume lactic acid foods, vegetables, fruits, cereals.

Changes also occur in the woman's appearance - the waist is slightly rounded, the mammary glands enlarge even more. Brittle nails and hair may appear - this is a sign that calcium deficiency is occurring. This may also be indicated by emerging problems with the teeth (their sensitivity increases, the development of caries accelerates). If such problems appear, it is imperative to contact your dentist, who will select a therapeutic toothpaste and give recommendations on the features of oral cavity care during pregnancy.

By 13 weeks, the risk of miscarriage and pregnancy fading is significantly reduced. But other problems may appear - cramps of the lower extremities and (manifests itself as a sharp petrification of the lower abdomen). It is imperative to inform your doctor about these sensations. You may even need special medication.

By the 13th week of pregnancy, a woman's weight increases slightly - normally, the increase can be 1 - 3 kg, and the abdominal circumference becomes 1 - 2 centimeters larger. By this time, the uterus is already leaving the womb, and the height of its bottom is 11 - 12 centimeters. The increase in body weight is now more due to the increase in the fat layer, but this should not be a cause for concern, since it serves to accumulate estrogen and cushion shock, which is necessary for the normal course of pregnancy.

Ultrasound and screening at 13 weeks of gestation

First trimester ultrasound allows you to clarify the duration of pregnancy, determine the size, weight, heart rate, the presence of all internal organs and the motor activity of the fetus. In addition, ultrasound allows you to assess whether the baby is developing correctly and even suspect he has genetic abnormalities based on fetometric data. The most important indicator at this time is the size of the collar space. Also, at the first ultrasound, the place of attachment of the placenta is determined, and in the case of its low location, the distance from the internal os of the uterus is measured. However, this value can increase with the growth of the uterus, as its walls will stretch. In addition, ultrasound can diagnose ismico-cervical insufficiency - a condition when the muscles of the uterine pharynx are weaker than required to carry a pregnancy.

Screening includes a number of tests and studies that allow you to identify women at risk for the development of chromosomal diseases in the fetus. To do this, the collar zone of the fetus (evaluating its thickness or transparency), its nasal bone (presence or absence and size) are mandatory, and the presence or absence of physical defects, as well as the level of hormones and proteins in the mother's blood, is determined. Based on the data obtained and the age category of the pregnant woman, a conclusion is made about the likelihood of the birth of a sick child in this woman. The high-risk group includes pregnant women in whom, according to the results of screening, the risk of developing fetal abnormalities is 1: 350 or less. But you should know that a risk factor is not a guarantee of pathology. Screening allows only to admit a high probability of a chromosomal abnormality and no more.

Possible threats at 13 weeks of gestation

At the turn of the first and second trimesters, the likelihood of serious complications of pregnancy is significantly reduced, but this does not mean that the baby is not in danger. The likelihood of a spontaneous miscarriage exists throughout the entire period of gestation, so caution must be exercised at any stage of pregnancy. At 13 weeks, the development of such a pathology as placental abruption is possible.

The symptoms of this condition are as follows:

  • bloody or brown discharge;
  • lower abdomen hurts, pulls the lower back;
  • weakness, deterioration in general condition;
  • increased uterine tone.

The fetus may die with detachment of 1/3 or more of the surface of the placenta, therefore, if even slight bleeding occurs, an ambulance must be called urgently. Also, do not discount the danger of a frozen pregnancy. When suspicions arise, the basal temperature is measured (with the termination of fetal development, this indicator may decrease), and an unscheduled ultrasound examination is also performed to find out if the child has a heartbeat. In some cases, the mother's body gets rid of an unviable fetus and a miscarriage occurs, but often medical intervention is required to help the woman.

  • of course, it recedes and there is a desire to eat well. However, you should not overeat, especially for sweet and starchy foods. It is advisable to give preference to vegetables and fruits that contain many valuable vitamins and cannot cause significant weight gain;
  • at the 13th week of pregnancy, you can enroll in courses for expectant parents. This will make it possible to better prepare for the birth of a baby;
  • do not give up physical activity: spend time in the fresh air more often, do yoga, do morning exercises;
  • from this week it is necessary to carry out prevention against stretch marks. First of all, it is nutrition. It is necessary to remove foods that contain a large amount of carbohydrates from the diet. Also introduce foods containing protein into the diet. It is recommended to eat more dietary meat, fish, green vegetables.
  • you also need to monitor your weight. Do light gymnastics, this will help your skin to be elastic.
  • From the 13th week of pregnancy, doctors recommend wearing a bandage and a supportive bra. Your skin does not have time to grow with your tummy and scars appear on it. Therefore, more skin care is required in the chest and abdomen.

As before, a pregnant woman should take good care of her nutrition: so both she and her baby will feel good. The recommendations are the same as in the previous weeks of pregnancy. Meals should be balanced, frequent, but in moderation, food rich in trace elements and vitamins is healthy.

However, by the time of 13 weeks of pregnancy, the nutrition of sweet-tooth mothers should be reconsidered. After all, a decrease in physical activity and an excessive intake of sugar and carbohydrates will lead to extra pounds, when it is considered normal to gain up to 500 g per week. However, it is not worth giving up sweets altogether, just its amount must be reduced. Constipation may occur during this period. To prevent them, eat foods such as beets, dried fruits, tomato juice, apples, vegetable juices and purees, and seaweed. Try a set of exercises for pregnant women - it is good for the prevention of hemorrhoids, and for relieving pain in the lower back.

The first trimester of your pregnancy is ending, behind anxiety and dangerous periods. You probably have already registered with the antenatal clinic, passed the necessary tests. Toxicosis became much less pronounced, and, possibly, completely disappeared. Hormonal balance is gradually established, you become calmer, more balanced.

After the end of toxicosis, your appetite has significantly improved, and now is the time to draw up an optimal nutritional regimen so that the baby receives all the necessary substances, and you do not gain excess weight.

Your tummy is still invisible, but you need to remember that tight clothes can squeeze it and interfere with the baby. Therefore, trousers with a narrow belt must already be abandoned.

How many months have passed? Week 13 is the first week of the fourth obstetric month of pregnancy, or the last week of the first trimester. You have crossed the barrier, and basically all of the baby's organs are formed. At the 13th week of pregnancy, the baby's weight is about 15-20 grams, and his height is 6.5 - 8 cm.

What's happening?

The size of the uterus has already increased so much that its upper pole is clearly felt over the pubic bones. If you lie on your back, you can easily feel it in the form of a rounded formation. The baby is now about the size of a peach. The placenta continues to form. Sometimes, after long walks, you may feel unusual fatigue, a feeling of heaviness in your legs. Try to dose your physical activity, but not be too passive.

Fetal development at 13 weeks gestation

Your baby is developing incredibly actively now. Despite the fact that he is still so small, his milk teeth are already being laid, the bone skeleton is actively forming, and mom must definitely include additional calcium in the diet.

The gestation period of 12-13 weeks is the period when the baby's pancreas begins to produce insulin - the most important hormone that regulates glucose metabolism. Other endocrine glands are also formed.

The kid increases growth every day. His body still looks disproportionate, because the head is much larger than the body. But already now the rate of increase in the head does not exceed the growth of the body as much as it used to be. Your baby is already actively moving, despite the fact that you still do not feel the movement. Muscle tissue is being formed in him, and active movements are necessary to strengthen it. While the movements are quite chaotic, however, the baby may well move in the uterus, swim up to its walls. The periods of sleep and wakefulness change quickly, and only during sleep does the baby rest, gain strength.

Development progresses gastrointestinal tract: at this stage of pregnancy, the villi of the mucous membrane are laid - the most important elements of digestion. The baby's intestines are completely sterile throughout pregnancy, and only after the first attachment to the breast will he receive beneficial bacteria that will colonize the intestines and will facilitate digestion and absorption of nutrients.

By the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, the baby develops facial muscles, a sucking reflex is formed. He already knows how to move his lips. The formation of the face continues: the eyes gradually move from the lateral parts of the head to the center, and the ears move from the neck.

The baby's brain is improving. Now on its surface there are still no convolutions, but the places of their formation are already being laid - small grooves.

At this stage, eggs are laid in girls. Now there are several million of them, this number will decrease by birth.

The baby's skin is still very thin, pink, blood vessels are clearly visible through it. Subcutaneous adipose tissue does not accumulate yet. Only in the third trimester will the active accumulation of adipose tissue begin.

At 13-14 weeks of pregnancy, sound-reproducing structures are laid, the vocal cords are practically formed.

Photo of the baby at the 13th week, ultrasound

Mom's feelings

Future mothers at this time note a significant improvement in well-being and mood. Firstly, the toxicosis of the first trimester has already passed, and if any of its manifestations remain, then they no longer cause such discomfort as before. The appetite has improved and you can indulge in culinary delights. Try to keep them useful.

Usually, by this time, a screening ultrasound has already been carried out, and you know that everything is in order with the baby. And this is the most important thing for every woman. On early dates most mothers do not share with the surrounding features of their situation, but now your condition is becoming more noticeable. The tummy at the 13th week of pregnancy is still invisible, but a change in gait, sometimes - facial features, a change of clothes for looser ones, your high spirits, the rejection of heels for many becomes understandable.

You may already notice that age spots appear on the face. Do not worry - after pregnancy, they disappear very quickly without a trace. Also typical is the darkening of the strip from the navel to the pubic bones, the areoles on the mammary glands, and the genital area. Such changes are associated with a change in the synthesis of pituitary hormones.

You are more and more listening to your well-being, your connection with your baby is becoming closer. At this time, emotions are already forming in the children, and it is very important that mommy speaks more with the baby, stroking the tummy, which is already even starting to round.

Already at this time, your mammary glands are preparing to feed your baby, and you can notice how they have increased. Now you need to wear comfortable underwear without a frame that does not squeeze your chest and does not interfere with blood circulation. Special underwear for pregnant and nursing mothers is very convenient.

If your health allows, sign up for sports activities for pregnant women. You need to maintain a sufficient level of physical fitness in order to be in shape for childbirth, recover well, and avoid unpleasant complications. Also try to walk a lot in the fresh air, and if friends invite you to the nature outside the city, do not refuse!

If you are pregnant with twins

Multiple pregnancies at this time may still be no different. If you have pumped up muscles of the press, then the tummy may still be invisible, although very soon it will round up. Mom, expecting twins, must also strictly monitor nutrition, enough rest, walk. Enjoy this easy pregnancy as you will soon experience the double workload. Your tummy will grow faster than that of moms carrying one baby, the load on your back will be felt. Start wearing a support bandage in time - this will help relieve pain in the back, pressure on the bladder.

Pain and discharge in the 13th week of pregnancy

The end of the first trimester of pregnancy is defined by most mothers as an easy and pleasant period, not overshadowed by painful sensations. At this stage of pregnancy, any painful sensations should alert the expectant mother.

The uterus is not yet large enough to cause pain due to the compression of adjacent organs. Sometimes you may experience a pulling pain in the lower abdomen. Lie down for a while, rest, and if the sensations persist, be sure to consult a doctor. At this time, the increased tone of the uterus is quite common.

Normal during the period of bearing a baby is a short-term increase in the tone of the uterus. However, constant hypertonicity is dangerous for the baby. If you experience a period-like painful sensation, see your doctor. You will be given appropriate treatment to help you prolong your pregnancy and prevent miscarriage at 13 weeks of gestation.

Correct diet

The manifestations of toxicosis have already noticeably decreased, your appetite has improved, and despite the fact that you want to eat a lot and not always the most useful, you need to control your diet very carefully. First of all, you need to make up such a diet so that the baby gets all the nutrients, while ensuring that you do not gain excess weight. In fact, everything is very simple. You need to remove as much as possible from the menu "unnecessary" foods: those that contain light carbohydrates and at the same time have a minimum of nutritional value. Eliminate or limit as much as possible White bread, replace it with whole grain. Remove pasta from the diet, preferably potatoes. Side dishes familiar to many need to be replaced more healthy cereals, vegetable dishes.

Your diet should be rich in protein products, because it is the amino acids that make up proteins that are the basis for building all the cells of the body. Meat is not the only source of protein (and now you should give preference to dietary meat - poultry, rabbit, veal). Protein is found in large quantities in dairy products, especially in cottage cheese, in combination with valuable trace elements and vitamins.

Constipation is a common problem in pregnant women. They mainly occur from the second trimester, when the uterus compresses the intestines. But it is advisable to start their prevention now. Make it a rule to start your breakfast with a glass of kefir with prunes. This simplest method is neglected by many, but it really significantly improves the condition of the intestines. Your diet should include foods such as dried apricots, bananas, kiwi, bran. Be sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Necessary examinations and examinations

Usually, at this stage of pregnancy, a woman is already registered with an antenatal clinic, and now you need to visit a doctor once a month. At this time, an ultrasound scan can be performed. The first screening ultrasound examination should be performed at 11-13 weeks of gestation, the optimal period is 12 weeks. Ultrasound at 13 weeks of pregnancy is carried out in order to exclude gross malformations, chromosomal pathology. At this time, there is still an opportunity to conduct genetic research. In case of detection of severe pathology, termination of pregnancy is possible.

The second reason that it is optimal to carry out ultrasound precisely in this period is the fact that now, with an ultrasound examination, a specialist will determine the gestational age of the fetus with an accuracy of 2 days. In some difficult situations, obstetricians rely on this age. After all, there are situations when mom cannot name the exact date the last menstrual period, for example, in the case of certain diseases, or if at the initial stages of pregnancy were bloody issues.

The study at this time is carried out with a vaginal sensor. On the monitor, you can already see your baby, distinguish where his head, body, arms and legs are, the doctor will show you how his heart beats. But the gender at 13 weeks of pregnancy cannot yet be determined with 100 percent accuracy. The genitals are still forming. But at the second ultrasound, they will tell you exactly who you are waiting for - a boy or a girl.

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Questions - answers

What do brown discharge say at 13 weeks of pregnancy?

This is an alarming symptom that indicates the threat of termination of pregnancy. The brown color of the discharge is due to blood leakage, and if such a symptom is found, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help for prescribing treatment that will prevent the termination of pregnancy.

I am 13 weeks pregnant and my stomach hurts - not too much, but from time to time after the load there is a feeling that the uterus is tense. This is not dangerous?

The sensations described by you are characteristic of the increased tone of the myometrium. This may be normal, if such sensations are not too intense and quickly pass when you lie down and rest. However, to exclude the threat of termination of pregnancy, it is better for you to be examined.

I had unpleasant pulling sensations in the lumbar region, temperature at 13 weeks of gestation. What does it mean?

Such symptoms are characteristic of pyelonephritis. This disease very often occurs in pregnant women, since immunity is somewhat reduced, and the risk of bacterial inflammation is high. You should definitely consult a doctor, as pyelonephritis requires timely and adequate antibiotic therapy.

After a load, my lower back hurts at 13 weeks of pregnancy. This is the second pregnancy, and the first one also had pain, but closer to the middle of the pregnancy. How can the pain be relieved? Can pain relievers be taken?

Lumbar pain during pregnancy is not always associated with stress on the back. This may be a symptom of an inflammatory process in the kidneys, so you need to see a doctor to rule out such a pathology. Pain can be a symptom of inflammation of the nerve roots, and in this case, special treatment is also indispensable. And you cannot take painkillers on your own - only those that the doctor prescribes are safe for the baby. If such causes of pain are excluded, you need to try to get more rest. However, it is categorically impossible to lie down all day. Go to gymnastics for pregnant women - you will be shown special stretching exercises, strengthening the back muscles, which you will need to do regularly. Light massage also helps. You can ask relatives for a daily massage or sign up for a massage course at the clinic.

The 13th obstetric week of pregnancy is the end of the first trimester.

In this article, we will tell you what a woman feels, how the baby is changing, what tests need to be taken and whether an ultrasound scan should be done, we will tell you what to look for and how to help yourself enjoy your condition more.

Fetus. Development in the 13th week

Fetus in the 13th week of pregnancy

At the 13th obstetric week of pregnancy, the fetus already looks like a baby, only the head is ⅓ of the length of the whole body.

This week, the eyes slowly move to the center of the face, and the ears fall into place, the laying of 20 milk teeth is completed.

It is at this time that your baby begins to grimace, because the muscles responsible for facial expressions are actively developing.

At this time, the child distinguishes between the smell and taste of amniotic fluid, examines the space around him with the help of receptors.

At the 13th obstetric week of pregnancy, the fetus can already hear and respond to sounds.

During this period, many mothers begin to turn on music or sing to the baby, and this is right, because now he will definitely hear.

This week, the fetus is actively moving, but still erratically, and until the mother feels the movement.

At this time, the already developed thyroid gland is actively involved in the work, so if your doctor recommends you to take iodine, then do not refuse. Now it is especially needed.

If before that the fetus took the required amount of thyroid hormone from the mother's body, then from the current period it begins to use its own.

The intensity of the thyroid gland at the current time, according to scientists, plays an important role in the formation of a healthy nervous system and psyche.

Lack of iodine during pregnancy can affect important processes in the development of the brain, contribute to the appearance of unwanted abnormalities.

But not only iodine is important at this time, but also magnesium, calcium and vitamin D, because the fetal skeleton continues to develop actively, a deficiency of these elements can harm both the baby and the mother.

At the 13th obstetric week, it is actively developing skin covering fetus.

Interesting! At the 13th obstetric week of pregnancy future child already has its own unique fingerprints.

Changes continue in the work of internal systems.

At the current time, the digestion process is being debugged, each individual organ and system is being trained.

If the fetus accidentally swallows amniotic fluid, then they are easily processed and excreted from the body of the unborn baby along with urine.

The fetus writes into the amniotic fluid, but a woman should not be upset that the baby is swimming in her own feces. It's a delusion.

Amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid) is renewed several times during the day, removing all unnecessary substances from the female body.

At the 13th obstetric week, the intestines begin to work.

At the current time, it is not located in the usual place for an ordinary person. It develops near the umbilical canal.

In the coming weeks, the intestines will be drawn into the abdominal cavity of the unborn child.

The respiratory system of the fetus at the 13th week of pregnancy (according to obstetric calculations) begins to train the muscles responsible for the movement of the chest.

Mama. Changes in the state of the body at the 13th week

Mom's condition in the 13th week of pregnancy

In addition to screening, on the eve of the appointment, the woman needs to pass a urine test, in some cases the doctor asks to retake general analysis blood (if the previous one was not very good).

Referrals for these tests were issued at the last meeting with the gynecologist.

At the appointment, the doctor will measure the weight, blood pressure, temperature, abdominal circumference of the pregnant woman.

An examination on a chair at the current time is usually not carried out if there are no undesirable manifestations (bloody daub, unusual discharge, bleeding, discomfort).

If, after an ultrasound scan and a double test, there has not yet been an appointment, then the doctor will assess the results of the screening, answer all the questions of concern to the woman.

In the presence of questionable indicators, it is possible to issue a referral for additional research.


At the 13th obstetric week of pregnancy, a routine ultrasound scan is not performed. But if the ultrasound was not done earlier, you need to undergo it for a period of 12-14 weeks.

A referral for an additional ultrasound examination can be issued to a woman if there is a suspicion of complications of the course of pregnancy or special medical indications.

If you wish, you can do an ultrasound scan on a paid basis.

At the current time, it is possible:

  • setting a preliminary due date (PDD);
  • find out the sex of the child by the presence of ovaries in the abdominal cavity. If they are - a girl, if they are absent - a boy. But this is not always reliable information, because the fetus is still very small and it is not always possible to accurately visualize the abdominal cavity.

Uterus and abdomen

At the 13th obstetric week of pregnancy, the woman's uterus becomes larger. Now the height of her standing is about 13 cm.

The walls of the uterus continue to become soft, elastic in order to actively stretch.

The belly of a pregnant woman at the 13th obstetric week slowly begins to stand out.

In many ways, the increase at this time depends on the woman's weight, the number of fetuses developing in the womb, and the course of pregnancy. This process occurs faster in women giving birth again.

At the very end of the first trimester, a woman may encounter an unpleasant pregnancy companion -.

Dark streaks may appear on both sides of the abdomen or on the chest.

Such skin defects do not always disappear after childbirth, so it is advisable for a pregnant woman to create conditions to prevent stretch marks:

  • monitor the weight gained, avoid extra pounds;
  • engage in permitted sports, swim;
  • use special means to deal with stretch marks approved by the gynecologist.


Normally, at the 13th obstetric week of pregnancy, the amount of discharge may increase.

If they are colorless or milky, practically odorless, then there is nothing to worry about.

You need to contact a gynecologist if:

  • the selection has changed color (red, yellow, green, brown);
  • an unpleasant pungent smell appeared;
  • the consistency has changed.

The attention of the pregnant woman should be attracted by the discharge of a curdled structure, with flakes, watery.

Bleeding and menstruation

Normally, there should be no bleeding or menstruation at the current time.

If any red or red discharge appears Brown color an urgent need to see a doctor.


Diet in the 13th week of pregnancy

During obstetric week 13, it is important to continue to stick to a healthy diet.

Particular attention in the current period should be paid to products containing:

  • calcium: cottage cheese, cheese, almonds, salmon, white beans, broccoli, bananas;
  • magnesium: buckwheat, oatmeal, brown rice, chicken eggs, spinach, walnuts;
  • vitamin E: fish, spinach, chicken eggs, almonds, bran, broccoli, sunflower seeds;
  • vitamin A: carrots, pumpkin, liver, dried apricots;
  • B vitamins: red meat, walnuts, bananas, oats, asparagus, almonds;
  • vitamin D: beef liver, chicken eggs, sea ​​fish, Red caviar;
  • fluoride: chicken eggs, buckwheat, rice, apples, chicken and beef;
  • phosphorus: fish, chicken eggs, dairy products;
  • zinc: carrots, beets, cabbage, bran, beef liver, chicken meat;
  • iron: beans, apples, offal;
  • iodine: prunes, cod, turkey, potatoes, seaweed, strawberries, cranberries.

Products consumed by a pregnant woman are best steamed in the oven.

It is advisable to completely abandon fried, smoked, salted, dried. It is worth minimizing the amount of spices, reducing the amount of salt consumed.

It is important for the current period to adhere to the correct drinking regime. A pregnant woman should drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day.

It is desirable to give preference to water. If desired, you can drink compotes, juices (diluted with water), fruit drinks, not strong tea.

If a woman has constipation, dried apricots and prunes can help loosen the stool.


Vitamins in the 13th week of pregnancy

Usually, at the 13th week of pregnancy, the gynecologist allows the woman to stop taking folic acid. If the doctor didn't mention this at the appointment, be sure to ask yourself.

Perhaps the appointment of special multivitamin complexes for pregnant women. The woman should check the dose and duration of admission with the gynecologist.

It is important to remember that too many vitamins are not beneficial, everything should be harmonious.

It is ideal if the pregnant woman receives the bulk of the nutrients from food, and vitamins only supplement, without satiating the body.

The weight

During the first trimester, women usually gain about 1-2 kg and this is normal.

In the second, the set will go a little faster, and the maximum numbers should be only in the last weeks of pregnancy.

Weight control should ideally be carried out by the woman herself. The doctor will measure it at each appointment, and if the numbers exceed the established norms, hospitalization may be required to identify the causes.

Large weight gain during pregnancy can negatively affect the health of the woman and the unborn child, increase the risks of preeclampsia (late toxicosis), and interfere with normal delivery.

In addition, extra pounds often become a problem after childbirth, especially if they are caused by disturbances in the functioning of the body.

You can and cannot

The rules of conduct for a pregnant woman are based on the principles of a healthy lifestyle.

A woman in a position cannot:

  • Smoking and being in a room where others smoke;
  • Use alcohol and drugs;
  • Self-medicate, take medications without a doctor's prescription;
  • Eat soda, smoked meats, fast food, sushi, salted and dried foods;
  • Chew gum;
  • Walk in high heels, tight and tight clothing.

It is advisable for a pregnant woman to avoid:

  • Rolls and breads made from white flour, they should be replaced with dark varieties of bread made from wholemeal flour;
  • Contact with sick people;
  • Places of mass gathering of people;
  • Stressful situations.

A woman in a position needs:

  • Walk outside for at least 30 minutes every day;
  • Engage in permitted sports: swimming, walking, yoga, water aerobics, pilates;
  • Sleep for about 10 hours at night;
  • Monitor hygiene and cleanliness in the room. It is advisable to carry out wet cleaning every day, change the bedding 2 times a week, ventilate the room well;
  • Drink at least 2 liters of liquid a day;
  • Wear suitable clothing that does not hinder movement, does not constrict. Special clothes for pregnant women are ideal;
  • Monitor the diversity of your diet;
  • Control weight gain;
  • Accurately follow the doctor's prescriptions, take all the necessary tests in a timely manner.

The rules for pregnant women are very simple and straightforward.

It is important to remember that their implementation will avoid many unpleasant manifestations, minimize the risks of problems.

Approved medicines

In the 13th obstetric week of pregnancy, a doctor should treat the woman. Self-medication and use is unacceptable folk remedies without consulting a gynecologist.

At the current time, if absolutely necessary, the doctor may prescribe some types of antibiotics as treatment.

It is good if the lifestyle of the expectant mother is built in such a way as to minimize contact with sick people, to avoid colds and other illnesses.


Sexual intercourse at 13 weeks of gestation is not prohibited unless there is a medical indication.

The ban on sex, which was established by a gynecologist in the first trimester of pregnancy, can be lifted, but permission from the doctor must be obtained.

The main condition for an intimate relationship is mutual desire.

Problems of the 13th week of pregnancy

At the 13th week of pregnancy, the threat of miscarriage becomes minimal.

The placenta has completed its development, and the unborn child is 100% dependent on the mother.

Progesterone and estrogen, which are needed to maintain pregnancy, are produced by the placenta.

The problems of the 13th obstetric week of pregnancy are mainly related to the health of the mother.

Some of the most common problems requiring medical attention include:

  • a cold;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract: prolonged constipation, severe heartburn, indigestion;
  • pain in different parts of the body;
  • a constant decrease or increase in blood pressure.

If any of the listed complications appear, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

Treatment and stabilization of the condition should be carried out strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

The use of folk remedies must first be discussed with a gynecologist.

Frozen pregnancy

Fetal arrest and fetal death at the 13th obstetric week of pregnancy is less common than in previous weeks, but there is a danger.

With an unfavorable course of pregnancy, the genetic characteristics of the woman and the fetus, a severe violation of the rules of nutrition and behavior, for other reasons, at a certain stage, the fetus may stop developing and die.

In this case, the uterus does not contract, and the fetus does not come out - therefore this condition is also called a failed miscarriage. After this, the decomposition process begins, which can lead to infection of the uterus.

It takes time (about 2 weeks) for the female body to independently get rid of the dead fetus, but the consequences for reproductive function can be sad.

In order to diagnose fetal freezing in a timely manner, to cleanse with minimal damage to the female body, a woman must clearly understand what symptoms are a "call" for an emergency call for medical help:

  • pain. Sharp, increasing pain in the lower abdomen, aggravated by pressing;
  • an increase in temperature above subfebrile marks (37.5 degrees Celsius);
  • a sharp decrease in breast tenderness, a decrease in the mammary glands;
  • change in vaginal discharge: the appearance of impurities of pus, blood;
  • bleeding;
  • the sudden disappearance of signs of toxicosis, if any.

When these symptoms appear, a woman should urgently seek medical help.

The 13th obstetric week of pregnancy marks the beginning of a new phase - the second trimester. About 25-27 weeks are left before the long-awaited meeting.

From the current date, the expectant mother will weekly note how her weight, appearance, and well-being have changed.

A few more weeks will pass, and the woman will be able not only to see the fetus on the ultrasound, but also to feel its presence.

At the current time, it is important to adhere to the rules of behavior and nutrition, follow the doctor's prescriptions and maintain a positive attitude.

A little man grows and develops inside you, for whom it is important that you smile, enjoy life, take care of yourself.

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