How to calculate the roof. How to Calculate Roof Area with High Accuracy

Roof 15.06.2019

The correctness of calculations when planning a new construction or carrying out repairs can significantly save on basic and consumables... Roofing cake is one of the key knots of the house. In the process of designing it, you need to know how to calculate the area of ​​the roof, to be able to calculate the area of ​​each of its elements. For this, there are special computer programs... But, in contrast to the machine, the calculation "manually" gives a more accurate result, since it allows you to take into account the nuances of further styling roofing material.

Geometric roof shapes

The variety of geometric shapes of the top of the house determines the complexity of calculating its area. The most common stingrays are:

  • rectangle;
  • trapezoid;
  • isosceles triangle;
  • parallelogram.

It is quite easy to calculate the roof area if it has one, two or four slopes. The more elements - the more difficult, the more you need to do measurements and mathematical operations.

The calculation can be done in two ways:

  1. Make calculations based on the plan of the top of the cottage. All the linear dimensions of each slope must be written on it. It remains only to calculate the area of ​​each element and find their sum.
  2. Remove "live" dimensions from the finished roof and perform mathematical operations. This option is more accurate, since absolutely exact coincidence of the actual dimensions of the top and its plan happens very rarely.

In both cases, you need to pay attention to the symmetrical slopes. First of all, this applies to the elements of a two- or four-pitched roof.

Calculation of the area of ​​a one- and two-slope roof

These two types are the simplest, since the slopes of the shed and gable top of the house are usually rectangular in shape. Counting their area can be performed even without a detailed plan. It is also fairly easy to take measurements.

The area of ​​a pitched roof is equal to the area of ​​one roofing rectangle:

A and B - respectively, the width and height of the slope.

These parameters can be found even without climbing to a height. It is enough to find out the length and width of the house and add to them the overhangs of the top of the house. Next, you need to measure the height of the roofing cake itself and, using the Pythagorean theorem, calculate its length. Now you can multiply the obtained parameters and get the desired result.

According to a similar scheme, the area of ​​a gable roof is calculated. It can always be imagined as two pitched ones. Accordingly, and similarly, the dimensions of this type of roof are removed. If the slopes are symmetrical, you can remove the parameters of only one of them. Knowing the length, you can calculate the area of ​​the gable roof gable, especially if it is planned to be revetted with wall sheeting or siding.

The result for each roof element is determined using the same rectangle area formula:

Having learned the area of ​​both elements, by their usual summation it is calculated total value for a gable roof surface.

Calculation of the area of ​​the hip, hip and half-hip roof

These roofing options are more complex and take longer to calculate the roof area. All of them have four slopes, which means that more measurements need to be taken.

A type of roofing surface made up of two trapezoids and two triangles is called hip. In most cases, its opposite sides are equal, and the triangles are isosceles. For such a symmetrical hip roof, it is enough to calculate the value for only two adjacent elements and multiply the result by two. If the dimensions of each of them are different, you will have to measure the entire roof.

After the measurements have been taken, the value for each element can be calculated. For trapezoidal elements, use the following formula:

S = (a + b) x h / 2, where

a - width along the lower overhang,
b - ridge width,
h - height.

For triangular elements, the formula is applied:

S = a x h / 2, where

a - width of the slope along the lower overhang,
h is the height of the slope.

Well, at the end, as in the previous cases, the sum of the results of calculating all the elements is calculated.

The half-hip design differs from the hip one in that instead of trapezoidal elements, it has hexagonal ones, the lower part of which is in the shape of a rectangle, and the upper part is trapezoidal. Accordingly, the measurement process is slightly different. In a hexagonal element, you need to measure two of its components separately, and also make calculations separately. Formulas can be viewed a little higher in this article. Again, the total area of ​​a half-hipped roof is the sum of the results of the calculation of all its elements.

The traditional hipped roof is made up of four isosceles triangles. It is usually symmetrical, so measurements can only be taken on two adjacent elements. It is only necessary to find out the height of each of the slopes and their width along the lower overhang. Further, according to the formula given just above, each element is calculated and the final calculation is made hipped roof.

Calculation of the roof area with slopes with complex geometry

Multi-pitched roofs with elements with complex geometries are no longer surprising. These are the so-called dome and multi-gable designs. These topside solutions are very attractive. It is much more difficult to calculate the roof area of ​​this configuration than in the case of conventional four-slope options. But an accurate calculation is necessary, since there are a large number of rays, each of which has a different shape. The construction of such structures is quite expensive and the slightest mistake will inevitably lead to additional expenditure of money and time.

The main difficulty in the process of calculating a multi-slope roofing surface is the stage of sizing, and the more elements in the structure, the more difficult it is to make measurements. Here you cannot do without lifting to the roof. In any case, you need to make a drawing of the roof and measure each slope. For each of them separately, it is necessary to calculate the area using the formulas given above, then, summing up the data obtained, find the total roof area.

The issue of calculating the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe roof must be approached very scrupulously. After all, roofing materials are quite expensive and errors in calculations will lead to unnecessary costs. It must be remembered that when buying roofing materials, you need to make a small margin, since they are overlapped, and this is not taken into account when calculating the roof area.

The problem of how to calculate the area of ​​a pitched roof arises not only when designing a new house. Carrying out overhaul roofs with complete dismantling of the rafter system poses the same tasks for the builders. The ability to carry out calculations of any level of complexity of all elements of pitched roofs is necessary both for monitoring the correctness of the project, and for assessing the strength parameters of the structure being erected, as well as for accurate procurement of all materials required for construction or repair.

Gable roofs are the most common type. They can be found almost everywhere, but they are most widespread in the design of residential buildings.

When describing a roof of such a configuration, they are usually limited to the following characteristics:

  • The surface has two slopes, most often of the same length;
  • The roof slopes rest on load-bearing walls at home;
  • The interior of the roof has a classic triangular shape.

For information ! These parameters are typical for one-story buildings. For houses with a higher number of storeys, there are projects of gable roofs with different lengths and widths of inclined surfaces.

The classic pitched roof is a neat triangle

Subtleties of design

Drawing up a house project allows you to embody on paper the idea that will be further implemented in the specified territory. On the basis of this documents, all basic calculations are carried out, including roofing materials.

The design of a gable roof provides for the introduction of a main parameter, based on which all basic indicators will be calculated. This characteristic is the angle of inclination of the slope.

When considering a typical roof configuration with two inclined planes, the angle can vary up to 45 degrees, while the minimum roof slope angle is assumed to be 11 degrees. Thus, it turns out that the steepness of the surface can vary over a wide range, changing the performance of the "fifth facade".

Important ! The angle of the roof slope is a value inversely proportional to climatic loads (rain, wind, snow, etc.).

The angle of the roof slope can range from 11 to 45 degrees

In addition, when deciding what angle of inclination will be at the roof of the house, one should not forget about such a factor as windage. Sailability is the susceptibility of the roof structure and the roof as a whole to wind currents. That is, the more intense the rise of the roof, the more it is exposed to the wind load, the more attention should be paid to the arrangement of the rafter system and lathing.

Already at the design stage, you need to understand what types of calculations will be in demand in the future:

  1. Calculation of the magnitude of the loads;
  2. Calculation of the roof rafter system;
  3. Calculation of the lathing;
  4. Calculation of the roof of a gable roof.

Roof loads

The calculation of a gable roof begins with the derivation of digital indicators that characterize:

  • Roofing cake weight;
  • The amount of snow load;
  • The magnitude of the wind load.

It is possible to find out exactly how these factors will affect the weight of the roof thanks to special formulas. According to the corresponding SNiP, they take into account all the features of the regional location of the house under construction, which means that the load standards are most accurately determined. Also, when calculating these indicators, the angle of inclination of the roof slope surface is also taken into account.

Wind loads on the roof arising from the pressure of air masses

As for the weight of the roof, it is calculated quite simply, since its value is influenced by all the materials used for insulation. Data on the load of any element from the layers of the roof is available in the accompanying documentation and technical description for construction products.

Important ! The value, which even the most experienced craftsmen do not recommend, is 50 kg per square meter.

Calculation of the rafter structure

Catching up self-development diagrams of the rafter system, you involuntarily have to calculate all its parameters. You will learn how to calculate the height of a gable roof, its area and other data. In terms of importance, the calculations of the rafter system are equated to the calculations of the roofing loads.

The reason for this comparison is that the rafters act as a connecting link and help redistribute the load from the entire roof structure to the load-bearing walls of the house. Also, the knowledge of how much weight the rafters should withstand are decisive in the selection of material for their installation.

Important ! The resulting calculated value should be increased by 50%. This will form a good margin of safety for the entire rafter structure.

The task of the rafter system is to distribute the weight of the roof onto the load-bearing walls of the house

There are usually two criteria that are guided when calculating a rafter structure:

  • Deformation, that is, the intensity of the roof deflection;
  • Strength is the ability of a system to maintain its integrity over a long period of time.

In addition to load indicators, the calculation of rafters includes determining the size of their step and the need to use additional structural elements.


The lathing is a necessary element of any roof. It is thanks to this design that the correct laying of the roofing material, its durability and reliability during operation is ensured.

The lathing can be different in configuration, but they are usually distinguished:

  • Solid option;
  • A lattice with a certain pitch (gaps).

For information ! The step of the lathing is the permissible interval between the beams, on which the roofing material fits most optimally.

The type of pitched roof sheathing must be chosen based on the type of roofing material

In order for the calculation and formation of the lathing to be carried out without errors, it is very important to first know how to calculate the area of ​​the pitched roof. Also, this information will be useful when calculating the roofing material for installation work.

The lathing and all its characteristics are determined by the type of roof, the material of the rafter system, as well as the type of roof. So, for example, the use of soft roll coverings is possible only with a continuous crate. The materials for the manufacture of the lathing are a bar with a section of 50x50 mm or boards with a thickness of 2-2.5 mm.

Calculating the area of ​​a pitched roof

So, the defining parameters of any gable roof are the angle of inclination of the planes and the total surface area. If the first indicator is a planned value, then the second characteristic is usually determined by calculation methods.

For determining total area roofs are often used in one of two ways:

  • The use of special programs that carry out the calculation according to the parameters entered in them;
  • Self-calculation - suitable for roofs of simple architectural forms.

When choosing the second option, it is worth noting that such work requires thoroughness and accuracy.

Important ! Without information about the roof area, it is impossible to make an estimate for the work.

In order for the calculation to be as accurate as possible, a certain algorithm is used:

  1. The length of each slope is determined. For this, it is very important to carry out the correct measurement, that is, measure the distance from the lower edge of the ridge to the farthest point of the eaves.
  2. All structural elements are taken into account: parapets, overhangs, etc.
  3. Determine the type of roof, since the size of the calculated slopes depends on whether tiles, metal or roll material are used.
  4. Do not take into account all the service details of the roof: pipes, ventilation openings, dormers and similar elements.
  5. Calculate the value of the slope.

It is worth noting that even such a simple calculation is often difficult. Therefore, if this type of work is not familiar, then it is better to use the method of sequential actions. Its essence lies in breaking the entire roof area into simple geometric shapes, performing arithmetic operations with known numbers and summarizing the results obtained.

Final conclusions

Building a house is somewhat reminiscent of a good constructor, and computational work is like school geometry lessons. However, in reality, things are not so simple. The construction or renovation of a house should not be regarded as frivolous work or as educational construction activities. It is advisable to engage in construction for people with good experience in such work or with a serious theoretical base. If you choose between these categories, then preference should be given to professional practitioners.

The roof, built with the help of specialists, will be reliable in operation

When construction specialists are engaged in the construction of a house, then you can be sure that all work will be carried out at a very high quality level. And this means that the built house will stand for a long time, do not require unjustified repairs and delight tenants with a cozy atmosphere, regardless of the weather outside the window.

  1. What data is important and where to start calculations
  2. Calculation of the area of ​​a shed structure
  3. Calculation of the area of ​​a gable structure
  4. Calculation of the area of ​​four-slope structures
  5. Skylights and complex computation features
  6. Online calculator help

The construction of any house, regardless of its quadrature, number of storeys and fashionableness, does not begin with a foundation pit and foundation, but with the preparation of a project and calculations, among which the roof is among the most significant and requiring increased accuracy. It is also considered one of the most important elements of the building, and performs two important functions at once:

  • protective, because it is she who will shelter your home from moisture, precipitation, cold, i.e. will provide warmth and comfort in the room;
  • aesthetic, giving completeness and expressiveness to the exterior, making the structure interesting and presentable. Even the most primitive "box" of a house, with no remarkable walls and no original additions (a beautiful porch, a fashionable terrace), a well-chosen roof of an interesting design can easily turn into a real masterpiece of design art.

But it will turn out this way only if you have chosen the most suitable form, you know how to calculate the roof area of ​​a house and perform the rest of the calculations, did not make any inaccuracies in measurements and mathematical actions, and professionally realized your wishes.

What you need to consider when performing calculations

Understanding how to calculate the roof area, knowing the area of ​​the house, will be useful to you, first of all, in order not to be mistaken in the amount of material required for construction. The more accurately they are executed, the higher the chance of avoiding unnecessary financial costs.

First, decide on the type of roof to be built, because there are many modern architectural solutions: there are simple and complex, of the same type and combined - for every taste, if only the appearance of the building is unique and irresistible. Today there are different forms:

  • single-slope;
  • gable;
  • four-slope;
  • attic;
  • hip;
  • tent.

The shape chosen for the roof arrangement is always reflected in the construction project. When performing calculations, attention is also paid to what kind of roofing material the covering will be made (slate, metal, etc.).

Directly to determine the general quadrature, you will need to take data such as:

  • the height of the ridge run (ridge);
  • slope length;
  • the angle of inclination of the pitched planes;
  • house parameters (width, length);
  • the size of the overhangs (pediment, cornice).

How to determine the square of the simplest type of roof

The easiest way is to find out the area of ​​a shed structure, which is usually chosen to cover outbuildings (barn, garage, facilities for breeding pets).

The shape of the pitched plane is the simplest - it is a regular rectangle, respectively, the area is equal to the length multiplied by the width, while to each side you need to add the size of the pediment overhang and the cornice (you can take the standard half a meter).

Gable structures

For residential buildings and cottages, gable structures are most often chosen, this option is often called "classic". There will be no problems with how to calculate the area of ​​such a roof of a house with a calculator, because all calculations are based solely on the simplest basics from the trigonometry course taught in high school. Initially, the area of ​​the pitched plane is determined, and then the resulting value is multiplied by "2", since there are two slopes in the design. But if the project provides for the construction of pitched planes with different sizes, then the areas of each of them are calculated separately and summed up.

For a visual representation, you can consider one of the calculation examples, for it we need the following initial data:

  • the length of the house (let's say it is 10 meters);
  • the length of the slope (it is also equal to the length of the rafter leg and, suppose, was 5 meters);
  • the size of the pediment and eaves overhang (we will accept the standard, 0.5 meters each).

Substituting all the values ​​in the formula, we get that the area of ​​one pitched plane is equal to:

S = (10 + 2 * 0.5) * (5 + 0.5) = 66 sq. meters.

Considering that there are two slopes, we double the resulting value, as a result, we determine that the roof area will be 132 sq. meters.

As a rule, any structure contains chimneys and outlets of ventilation ducts, and can be equipped with windows. But their size is not subtracted from the resulting area.

Features of four-slope structures

Today, for the construction of the roof of a residential building, it is fashionable to choose four-pitched structures. Most often, if the dimensions of the building are proportional and square, the roof is made pyramidal. This variety is called "hip", in this case, each slope is an isosceles triangle, they are all connected at the top at a single point, and the base is a quadrangle. In this case, how to calculate the area of ​​the hipped roof of a house with a calculator will not cause any difficulties, because you can apply a formula that assumes the calculation of the area of ​​a triangle, then multiplied by "4". To find it, you need to multiply the width by the height and divide the result by two. Let's say we have the following data:

  • the width of the base of the triangle is 8 meters;
  • the height of the slope is 5 meters.

It is very important to take into account for this calculation that measurements are taken not along the perimeter of the structure, but along the eaves. Also, do not forget that the slope of the slope must be taken into account in the value of the slope height.

While figuring out how to calculate the area of ​​a four-pitched roof of a house, you may be faced with the need to select calculations for a more complex structural type, called "hip". This is also one of the solutions popular today, used for the design of residential buildings, country cottages. This design consists of two end sides in the form of isosceles triangles, and two side ones, made in the form of trapezoids. The calculation principle is based on determining the areas of a triangle and a trapezoid, multiplying each obtained value by "2" and then summing it up into the overall result.

As already discussed, to find the area of ​​a triangle, you need to multiply the width by the height and divide the result by "two". In the case of a trapezoid, it is also necessary to use the provided formula, in which the bases are summed up, the result obtained is divided by "two", and then everything is multiplied by the height of the sloping plane.

For a hip structure, it is imperative to pay attention to the presence and size of windows, chimneys, overhangs, parapets.

Features of attic structures

Among the undisputed leaders in popularity is the attic type. It is characterized by a sloping "broken" roof, which consists of two parts. The top in this case is shallow, and the bottom is steep, which makes it possible to form a spacious and capacious attic space, which is commonly called the "attic".

Understanding how to calculate the area of ​​the attic roof of a house, at first glance it may seem that it is too difficult to do this, but in fact the principle will be clear even to a non-specialist. First, you need to draw up a construction plan with a clear indication of all known sizes, and then simply break it down into the simplest geometric shapes, the finding of the areas of which is still carried out according to the school curriculum in geometry lessons:

  • at the square S = a * a, where a is the sides;
  • the rectangle has S = a * b, where a and b are also sides (length and width);
  • for a triangle S = a * h / 2, where a is the size of the base, h is the height of the figure;
  • at the trapezoid S = (a + b) * h / 2, where a and b are the upper and lower bases, h is the height.

Having received the values ​​of simple figures, they are summed up, and the final result will be equal to the total area of ​​the roof. Do not forget at the same time that there are two sloping planes, and it is necessary to sum up the squaring of simple figures on both sides.

Also, always remember that all measurements must be taken from the extreme point of the eaves to the ridge. When measuring the bases, always add a margin for the eaves and gable overhangs, leaving at least half a meter on them.

Online construction assistants

Thanks to the endless possibilities of the Internet, nowadays you can cope with the task much easier and faster, because such a convenient tool as online calculator, and everyone will be able to calculate the area of ​​the roof of the house with its help.

To perform calculation actions, it is enough to go to the site and enter the data requested for calculation operations in a special form. Further, the system itself performs calculations and produces a finished result.

When starting construction, the question always arises, how to quickly and correctly calculate the roof area? This operation seems to be simple only at first glance. In practice, however, it turns out that the calculation can be quite difficult even for experienced craftsmen. Since the total amount of money spent on the construction of the roof directly depends on its correctness. Considering the high cost of building materials and the cost of installation work, you can try to reduce the cost of the entire project. Let's try to figure out what is needed to perform correct quadrature counting.

The main stages of work

Calculation of the roof area should always start with:

  • familiarization with the future project of the roof of the house and memorizing the most key parameters: the length of the ridge, the angle of inclination, height, width and length;
  • determining the type of roofing material to be used.

One of the most important characteristics is a special calculation coefficient, which is present in absolutely all formulas. Its value depends on the angle of the roof slope and is determined by the following ratios:

  • with a slope of 9 °, the coefficient will be 1.01;
  • for 14 ° - 1.03;
  • for 18 ° - 1.05;
  • at 23 ° - 1.08;
  • at 27 ° - 1.12;
  • for 34 ° - 1.2.

The indicated range of angles of inclination of the roof are the most popular options used in construction in our latitudes. It is possible to determine the parameters of a structure with a complex geometric shape by dividing it into separate small figures, which can be easily calculated by summing the obtained values ​​at the end. Experts recommend adding about 10% to the result obtained, which is the standard amount of stock in construction.

Formulas and definitions

The simplest calculation option is to determine the area of ​​a shed roof with any slope. Houses with this kind of roof are usually covered with simple materials, and the most common shape is a rectangle. To calculate the area of ​​the roof, we need to know the length of the slope and its width, which should be multiplied among themselves with a predetermined calculation coefficient.

It should not be forgotten that the value of the area of ​​the slope overhang, which is mandatory for roofs of this type, should be added to the area of ​​the gable roof of the house.

To calculate the area of ​​a gable roof of a house, it is necessary to take into account significantly more values ​​and factors. So, for a slope with a length of 6 linear meters and a ridge of 9.5 linear meters, the calculation formula will take the following form: the length of the ridge should be multiplied by the length of the slope and multiplied by the number of slopes (in our case, 2). If you need to calculate the amount of metal tiles for this roof, then you should first determine the dimensions of one sheet of roofing material. The formula that will allow you to count the number of sheets of metal tiles is as follows: the length of the ridge is divided by the width of the roofing sheet and rounded to a larger value. To carry out such calculations, it is important to know well the geometric parameters of the roof of the house and the geometric parameters of the roofing material.

Final conclusions

The area when using other materials can vary significantly. For this reason, each particular case requires an individual approach, careful analysis and competent calculation. The most difficult situation arises when it is necessary to calculate the quadrature of complex roofs. To get a reliable result, you should adhere to a few simple rules.:

You should be aware that when calculating the area, it is important not to forget to take into account ventilation ducts, dormers, chimneys, parapets, hatches and other elements. In case of violation of this rule, there is a high probability of a shortage of building materials when arranging the roof. A correct and competent calculation of the area will provide all the conditions for the optimal spending of financial resources associated with the purchase and we will open the material when erecting the roof of the house.

The first and most important step in construction is the calculation and calculation of the required amount of materials. When installing a roof, a similar question is no less relevant. Calculation of the roof area can be very difficult, although, in fact, it is easily solvable. The roof often has uniform slope shapes. Certain formulas for calculating the area have been invented. They should be dispensed with. O important nuances calculations of the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe roof slopes, their types and rules of use, read below in the article.

  • Initially, it is recommended to prepare a roof plan of the building in terms of its slope.
  • The second step is measuring with a construction tape. It is advised to resort to certain calculation programs that allow you to get the most accurate data.
  • Based on the measurement results, the type of roofing should be determined

Often they use long-tried formulas for calculating the size of the roof plane. Considering the most common triangular shape of rays, formulas from the science of geometry should be applied.

Initially, the slope of the slope is measured. It is the main one in subsequent computational processes. Consider the roof slope coefficients:

  1. An angle of 9 degrees has a coefficient of 1.01
  2. 14 degrees is 1.03
  3. At 18 degrees - 1.05
  4. 23 degrees tilt angle has a coefficient of 1.08
  5. Angle 27 degrees - 1.12
  6. Maximum angle of 34 degrees - 1.2 factor

A roof with a complex structure - hip, hip, tricycle and others - is subjected to a step-by-step calculation of the area. It is divided into parts, their area is considered separately, after which everything is summed up. Often, plus ten percent is added to the final result (taking into account small errors).

How to calculate roof area: consider different roof slopes

Starting from measuring the area of ​​the roofing system and determining the required amount of building material, you need to decide what type of roof the measurer is dealing with. Let's consider each type of stingray separately.

Calculating the area of ​​a pitched roof

A pitched roof is considered one of the simplest designs. Its calculation does not require special professional knowledge. The single slope version often has a standard finish. The classic shape of such a roof is rectangular. Based on the knowledge gained in school, the area of ​​a rectangle is the length and width multiplied by each other. It is enough to find out the parameters of the length and width of the roof.

Calculation of the roof area of ​​two slopes

The gable roof is in the shape of a triangle. Its area is calculated by geometric formula... We name one roof slope "C", 50 percent of its width must be divided by cos 30 degrees (cosine 30). The result is 0.866.

Calculating the size of the planes of a gable roof has its own subtleties of calculation. It is worth taking into account the features of a gable roof, consider them with an approximate example:

  • One slope has a length of 5 meters
  • Its ridge element is 8.5 meters

Calculate: 5 * 8.5 * 2 = 85 square meters (multiply by two by the number of two slopes). We get the size of the roof.

Certain material requires its own calculations. Simply calculating the area of ​​the roof slopes is not enough. Given the widespread use of metal roofing, consider its calculations.

One sheet of metal tile often has standard parameters:

  1. Single wave is sold with parameters of width 1.1 m, length - 0.35 m
  2. Three-wave - width 1.1 m, length 0.5 m

Knowing the type of metal tile chosen, you need to divide the length of the ridge element by the width of the layer. The result is rounded up. This will be the sum of the sheets to cover the gable roof.

Note: initially it is worth finding out the clear parameters of the sheets of metal tiles from manufacturers. The calculation of the amount of building materials for other types of roofing may differ.

Complex roof area

A roof with more than two slopes is called complex in its calculations. Before starting them, you should read the important tips:

  1. Initially, it is advised to divide the entire surface of the building roof into separate components. This will simplify the overall area calculation. Calculating the area of ​​individual squares, rectangles and triangles is much easier.
  2. The result of calculating the gable roof of all individual components is recommended to be multiplied by the cosine of the angle
  3. The roof slope should be measured from the extreme point of the eaves to the ridge element
  4. The resulting sums of each individual element are added to each other, and the final figure is obtained
  5. Even a simple ramp can have additional add-ons. Add-ins should be measured separately
  6. When calculating, it is worth taking into account ventilation parts, chimney ducts, window openings, parapet installations, hatches. Their parameters are taken into account when ordering roofing

Formula for calculating the area of ​​the roof

Additionally, it is worth mentioning the features of calculating the area. You need to remember about:

  • Roof shape;
  • Additional elements parameters;
  • Overlap presence;
  • Roofing method;
  • Roofing type.

When covering the roof with slate, the area formula is used: S = (2xA + B) * (2xA + C) * cos30.
The components of this formula:
A is the width of the overhang;
B - the length of the walls of the building;
C - width.
The angle value is taken as 30 degrees.
When roofing with metal tiles, an additional valley, ridge board, cornice, overhang are calculated. The material should be purchased with a margin for overlaps. Its area formula is S = (B * h) / 2.
Formula components:
S is the area of ​​the entire surface;
B - the length of the base of the triangular roof;
H is the height.

It is important to note: The most accurate calculation of the area may give incorrect indicators of the amount of required roofing material. It is important to take into account the angle of inclination of the roof, the type of building. It is worth considering all the nuances of the roofing system and calculating the area of ​​the pitched roof as accurately as possible.

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