Prayers and conspiracies for the conception of a child. What is the most effective conspiracy to conceive Conspiracy to the growing moon to conceive

For fitting and assembly work 22.09.2021
For fitting and assembly work

If we recall all the solemn events of the country, then New Year is one of the most important. This holiday originates from childhood, when every child believes in the fulfillment of desires, in the spell of Santa Claus and the upcoming miracles. When, waiting for midnight, they are waiting for the arrival of a magical grandfather with a long-awaited gift. These are incredible feelings that have been preserved in each of us to this day.

With age, a person begins to perceive each holiday differently, and over time, the significance of the solemn event decreases. Some people are less and less likely to celebrate their birthday, associating it with the inevitable end of life. However, during the New Year's time, even adults still believe in miracles, the fulfillment of all their most cherished desires, and that the kindest and best will still come.

The most fabulous time is considered the night of January 14, as well as the first days of the new year. Any person, be it a woman or a man, as well as people of all ages and social status, on the eve of the New Year, begin to believe in all sorts of signals of fate, indicating the further development of life events. After all, it is not in vain that the Russian people have come up with many signs that are inherent precisely in the New Year's fuss.

If you know the characteristics of the signs of fate, then you can predict the future, as well as prevent negative moments. So, for couples, there are signs under the auspices of the Yellow Pig so that every girl can get pregnant.

Signs for the New Year for the conception and birth of a child

One of the effective cases of getting pregnant in the coming year is considered to be drinking drinks from the dishes of a pregnant woman. It works like a contagious mechanism.

    Do you believe in omens?

In addition, there are other signs for the New Year 2019 of the Earth Pig, so that in every family a woman can become pregnant. This implies the observance of a certain order of actions that will lead to replenishment in the family:

  • you can invite a married couple to your house to celebrate the New Year, who will soon have a baby. Girls who want to get pregnant as soon as possible should take something from an already pregnant lady. You can sip a little drink from her own mug or try food from a plate. If a pregnant woman feeds a girl who wants to conceive a baby as soon as possible, then the intentions will certainly come true in 2-3 months, as practice shows;
  • in order for the family to prepare for replenishment in the coming year, it is necessary on the eve of the New Year to go to a children's goods store and purchase something small. For example, it can be a nipple or socks, and this purchase should lie on the floor with a decorated Christmas tree;
  • regular conversations about children can also lead to the desired. After all, all our thoughts materialize, and what we think about constantly becomes reality. The ficus has such a feature in which the flower can take all the negative energy in the room. According to the stories of many girls, they became pregnant when they started growing these flowers.

AT modern world there are still people who believe in the fulfillment of desires, in the existence of the Yellow Pig for the New Year 2019 and the signs of fate, so that every desperate woman can get pregnant.

No matter how information technologies develop, the superstitious sphere still remains in the world of living people. And all kinds of fate signals help any family to find out the happy news that soon they will have replenishment.

The principle of faith in omens

Many online forums post topics that reveal the rules for conceiving a child using folk signs. You can find different opinions there. Many believe that it is foolish to rely on superstition, when it is already long time advances in scientific technology. However, many signs are effective and really help many families prepare for the arrival of a baby without scientific reasons to explain it.

Life is filled with fabulous moments, and as long as people believe in the fulfillment of their plans, they will really come true. This is how faith works and the placebo effect, in which even ordinary water or an empty pill cures a sick person.

In young families, they often wonder what signs will help to conceive a child, and will fulfill everything that is required to fulfill a desire. Many advise the following:

  • in the church put a candle to the icon of the Mother of God;
  • plunge into a pilgrimage for a while;
  • visit a church at Christmas and pray for the arrival of a child;
  • ask the baby at the icon of the Wonderworker;
  • in the New Year, order replenishment in the family, as well as write a letter to Santa Claus;
  • help orphans to come to God;
  • buy baby clothes and put them under the pillow;
  • embroider icons of the Madonna and Child and the like.

Any girl who dreams of a child does only what she believes in and is convinced of effective action. In fact, faith is capable of miracles and the fulfillment of the most cherished desires.

New Year's Eve and the first days of the coming year are the most magical!

Every person, regardless of gender, age and social status, on the last day of the outgoing year, begins to notice even the smallest signs that indicate to him how his life will turn out in the coming year.

No wonder there are so many dedicated to this time.

Knowing the signs for the New Year, you can plan your future for the next year.

For example, if you want to give birth to a child in the coming year, you need to follow some rituals and signs for the New Year in order to get pregnant.

Invite a couple who are about to have a baby to your New Year's Eve.

A woman who wants to get pregnant soon is simply obliged to try something from the hands of a pregnant woman. It can be a sip from one glass or a shared meal.

And for those who want to quickly - ask the pregnant woman to spoon-feed you.

Surprisingly, in 99% of cases, the effect is visible after a couple of months.

To get pregnant in the new year, visit a baby store and buy something insignificant. The new thing should take place under the tree.

For example, it can be booties, a bottle or a nipple.

A simple constant reminder of the child will only strengthen the desire. According to the laws of the Universe, thoughts are realized.

According to botany books, ficus absorbs negative energy in the house.

Many women say that after the ficus appeared in the house, they soon learned about the unborn child.

Place a pot with a magical plant in your bedroom on New Year's Eve.

A short direct contact with the already protruding tummy of the expectant mother contributes to accelerated conception.

Take a picture at the New Year's holiday with a pregnant woman.

The method will help quickly and correctly, and soon you yourself will be able to become a possible source of fulfillment of desires.

Agate is a beautiful stone used in jewelry.

Make yourself by purchasing jewel with this stone.

It does not matter in what form a woman will wear a stone - a ring, a pendant, a bracelet on her hands, etc. The main thing is its presence.

When choosing, consult only with your taste preferences and wishes.

Only what you liked more and seemed closer should be bought.

To get pregnant, the New Year holiday can be met in places endowed with healing powers.

What places help to get pregnant? The relics of the Blessed Matrona, Xenia of Petersburg, etc.

The main thing is how you will pray and wish the fulfillment of your cherished dream.

Buy an aquarium for the New Year and a few fish that are the most prolific. For example, guppies.

Correct communication. Exclude from your vocabulary rude words that do not decorate the speech of a young woman, and attract only negative emotions.

Unexpected and pleasant new year gift in the form of a string of pearls, a direct and fast path to motherhood.

Most couples go through long and expensive fertility treatments, and some go to the sea in the hope that the sea air and good mood will change the situation.

Oddly enough, but it really works, and the return is already the three of us.

Therefore, think about a sea voyage for the New Year holidays.

How often does it happen that a married couple cannot have children. It seems like everything is with them: beauty, youth, prosperity, well-being, and most importantly, desire. But for some reason this one is so important point does not come. What is the reason? Unfortunately, there are enough reasons, which are not always related to health. In this case, it is necessary to use a conspiracy to conceive.

What is the reason and what is its solution

If we remove serious diseases of a woman or a man as the main reason, then there are still a few options that affect the birth of children and, in general, the possibility of becoming pregnant. Almost all remaining problems can be solved with the help of simple actions. It is they who are used by knowledgeable people and put into practice by many females. Let's get to know them better.

  1. It was not uncommon, and there was incompatibility in terms of the Rh factor of the couple. This includes other simple diseases that can affect the conception of a child: for example, weakly active spermatozoa, poor patency of the fallopian tubes, at one time there were surgical interventions in the pelvic organs of a man or woman. The most banal appendicitis can affect conception, since surgical intervention, one way or another, affects human health.
  2. There is not one partner. This case applies to those ladies who cannot get along with one person or simply do not want to be married, but dream of having a child. Such a lifestyle as a frequent change of partner or a lack of male attention are common reasons that affect the ability to become pregnant. Another option is also possible, when a woman wants to have a child from one person, but she will not be able to live with him for various reasons (either the man is married, or she is married). Then one time will be enough to get the desired pregnancy. Provided that a conspiracy to conceive a child was used.
  3. A married couple looks so good that they are often stared at. And not with malice. It's just that some people have the ability to jinx it without envy. Any evil eye can lead to not entirely clear incidents.
  4. Some mothers-in-law or mothers-in-law do not like their sons-in-law and daughters-in-law, so all the negative energy directed at the family and their relationships can also affect the possibility of conception.
  5. Damage has been made to a couple or one of the spouses. Family curses are also included here. Old and not very old, made on the ancestors and on the person now living. Any dark magic carries consequences, which then affect the procreation.

Conspiracies and prayers for the conception of a child in any of all these reasons can help. In cases where damage has been done to the family, it is better to go to the acting magician for help removing the negative impact. Well, after a complete reprimand, conduct a ritual, use conspiracies for the possibility of conception, use prayers for procreation and the birth of children.

It should be noted that it is not always necessary to read a conspiracy for a very quick conception for the appearance of pregnancy. There are a number of signs and rituals that, without reading and requests from higher powers, will help in solving such a problem. We will consider the most effective of them below.

"I allow, and I'm pregnant," and go to bed. The main thing here after the ritual is not to get up and not go anywhere. You should go to sleep. This method helps to immediately conceive a baby.

In all of these methods, there is one drawback - it is not known who you will have: a boy or a girl. In most cases, there is a pattern: if a pregnant woman has a boy's fetus under her heart, then you will have a girl. And vice versa. In the case when you performed the ceremony for conception at home according to the third method, then here is an additional solution. You can put a toy soldier under your pillow for several days. Only the future father should do this and quietly from his wife, then the birth of a son will be for sure.

In the first and second cases, it is better not to do such a ritual using a toy, otherwise it can lead to a loss of pregnancy or, which is also not very good, affect the child externally. A daughter will be born with the appearance or behavior of a boy. Because such experiments with long-awaited pregnancy better not to do it.

Conspiracies and prayers

The strongest conspiracy or rite for conception should take place only during the new moon or the first phase of the moon. You can choose which day you like best. Some healers recommend adhering to women's and men's days. It all depends on who you want: a son or a daughter. Please note that it is recommended to carry out a strong conspiracy to conceive a child only when the woman is confident in her thoughts. To use such sacraments, you must be sure that it is for yourself that you want a child, and not for strong family Or because the husband wants it. There is a main rule here: a woman must be sure that the child is necessary for her personally. Once you have that confidence, any strong spell or prayer will help.

Let's get down to specifics. So, you have complete confidence that you, as a mother, not only want a child and are able to give him everything for life (we do not take material benefits into account):

  • love;
  • warm;
  • understanding;
  • guardianship;
  • friendship.

Now you should choose the day when to conduct the ceremony and read conspiracies or prayers. In no case do not listen to those who recommend reading conspiracies or performing rituals during church holidays. Especially often, people practicing black or gray magic recommend asking higher powers for conception and reading conspiracies during Holy Week or Easter. Remember! This is strictly prohibited. The fact is that Holy Week itself has a designation for every day. Easter holiday is very important, since on this day prayers are read only for health and for the praise of the Son of God, for his resurrection. So, interrupting such prayers for a second with your petition for such an important event in your life, you will break the harmony and arouse the wrath of the Almighty.

Conspiracies that are real and will help in any case exist and belong to white magic. If the tips described at the beginning of the article did not help you, then the problem lies in the damage or curse of the clan. It is advisable to contact a healer for purification, but if there is no such possibility or the grandmother claims that there is nothing on you, but pregnancy does not occur, and there are no children, you should go to church for communion and absolution. Next, visit a sauna or bath with your husband (be sure to take sacred water, which you should drink all the time while you are steaming), after which you can proceed to rituals and reading conspiracies for the appearance of children.

If you are afraid to use a strong conspiracy (which is understandable and understandable), you can purchase a prayer book in the church, in which there will be prayers for cleansing your family from sins, from illnesses and for the quick birth of children. It should be noted that this the best remedy safely endure and give birth healthy child.

Provided that you don’t want to wait and prayer is not your style, there is a strong conspiracy using water that both you and your spouse (chosen one) will need to drink: for salt and for the moon. Let's get to know them better.

Early in the morning during sunrise, one might say with the first rays, draw unopened water into a 3-liter bottle. Now whisper the following words to her:

“The sun is rising, the water is flowing. She moves, spins, keeps me tangled. Help me, pure water, to conceive a healthy baby in the womb to accept. Let the seed of the husband in my body be fruitful, grow. Whether it be a son or a daughter, it makes no difference to me. Pour you, untouched water, help - give me a child. Amen (3 times)."

Such a conspiracy is strong, subject to all the rules: the new moon, unopened water, it cannot be boiled or boiled on it. Drink during the day with your husband in equal amounts. This procedure is carried out daily for a week. Always draw at least 3 liters of water. By the end of the day it should be gone.

For the appearance of children, you can use a plot for salt. For this, it is necessary to consecrate new salt along with water and food during baptism or Easter. Make sure that the salt bag is unpacked and water (at least one drop) gets into it. Bringing home, do not forget to do all the rituals described earlier: cleansing in the bath, visiting the church for communion. Only in this way can you be sure that the birth of a healthy child is guaranteed to you. Now let's move on to reading the text in salt:

How to make a conspiracy for pregnancy. How to cure female and male infertility if spoilage is induced.

An effective water conspiracy to conceive a child

Fast conception does not mean good or healthy at all. Still, it is better to apply those 3 tips given at the beginning. They do not carry absolutely any negative and will not affect your life, your child or that pregnant woman who gave you the “opportunity” to have children.

It often happens that a happily living married couple cannot have children for a long time. And no matter how strong the desire is, all the attempts of the husband and wife do not lead to success. There can be a lot of reasons for such a nuisance, and the state of health of one of the parents is not always to blame. Sometimes it’s worth turning to higher powers to move the stone off the ground ... A conspiracy to conceive helps when there is absolutely no hope of giving birth to a child.

Conspiracies will help you get pregnant

Why pregnancy does not occur

Infertility due to poor health is the most common reason why a family cannot have children. But this is not the only aspect that affects the reproductive system of people.

  1. Rh blood incompatibility and consequences of old surgeries. In any of these cases, the chance of conceiving and bearing children is zero. If you have undergone surgery on the pelvic organs - then be prepared for such unpleasant consequences.
  2. Lack of a permanent partner. Promiscuous sex leads to the fact that the body simply refuses to become pregnant and bear a child. In this case, it is worth getting one man with whom there will be regular sex. Even if you are not going to get married, but you want children, you will increase your chance of becoming a mother.
  3. Intentional or accidental evil eye. Every person has envious people and ill-wishers who dream of doing harm. If you have been jinxed, a conspiracy to conceive a child will help get rid of the negativity.
  4. Tension in the family. Conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law or son-in-law and mother-in-law leave a negative mark on energy. As a result, the family cannot give birth to a child, and grandmothers still really want grandchildren. Often this provokes new conflicts, closing the circle.
  5. Curse and old curses. Family affairs of the past years also bear a negative imprint for every living member of the family and clan. Damage that passes through a generation, dark conspiracies for ancestors - situations in which rites for conception can help are different.

Folk methods for conception

  1. If you do not get pregnant for a long time, but you have every opportunity to do this, then you can use the following method: ask a pregnant woman for something edible. This method was known back in the days Kievan Rus. Then all married women went to the bathhouse together, and the pregnant girl gave them all sunflower seeds. Be sure to eat what I gave you future mom. In this case, you will become pregnant within the next year.
  2. Not less than effective way conceive new life- is to drink or eat the same that the pregnant woman eats. Have your pregnant friend share tea with you or break off a piece of cookie. It is important to accept food or drink from her hands and in full consent, without "stealing" pieces on the sly. Otherwise, the child may develop criminal inclinations, and the fate will be extremely difficult.
  3. Another folk method become a mother without the use of rituals. Immediately after intimacy with a man, you need to lie on your back, relax and close your eyes. Put your hands on your stomach and imagine how conception takes place inside you, how the child will grow and develop. Say "I approve and I'm pregnant" and try to sleep. The main condition for this method is not to get up after intercourse until the morning.

You can eat or drink what the pregnant woman eats and then conception will occur soon

Conspiracies for the growing moon

If you are going to conduct a ritual or ceremony, be sure that you personally need the child. Not to your husband, not to your relatives, not to save your family, but you need a child. Only in this case, the conspiracy to conceive will work and give you a long-awaited pregnancy.

For strong and effective conspiracies and prayers, the power of the growing moon is necessary. The day does not matter, but some witches advise spending them on women's days: Wednesday, Saturday or Friday. During this time, your strength will be stronger than on other days, and the chance of good luck will increase significantly.

In the morning, when the first rays of the sun appear, fill a bottle or jar with 3 liters of fresh water. It must be from a tap or from a well. Do not use settled or boiled water, it will not help. The following words should be read on the water:

“The sun is rising, the water is flowing. She moves, spins, keeps me tangled. Help me, pure water, to conceive a healthy baby in the womb to accept. Let the husband's family in my body multiply, grow. Whether it be a son or a daughter, it makes no difference to me. I ask you, untouched water, help - give me a child. Amen (3 times)."

After that, you need to drink this water with your husband during the day. It is impossible to cook on charmed water or make tea from it. By the evening you need to drink all the water, the next day make a new one. Repeat the plot for a week.

You need to drink charmed water with your husband

At Easter, Christmas, or Epiphany, put a new pack of salt in the basket of food for consecration. In the church, be sure to unpack the salt so that some holy water gets into it. At home, read a slander on a pack:

“Salt on the table, salt in food, salt in the head, in the blood. With her, my happiness will quickly come, salt will give me children.

Then add this salt to any dish, both for yourself and for your spouse. A conspiracy for salt for conception is considered one of the most effective rituals from Vanga, because a person cannot eat without salt, and cannot live without food.

Before performing a ritual for pregnancy, spend some time cleaning your energy. You need to go to church for a service, confess at least once. Place candles to the saints, asking them for help, perform cleansing rites. Before going to bed, you need to read prayers.

Give up bad habits, they reduce the ability to get pregnant and threaten with illness. By polluting your body, you deprive yourself of the joy of motherhood. In some cases, when a child is still born, he remains crippled for life.

To give birth to a healthy baby and not doom yourself to suffering - lead a healthy lifestyle. Get some rest, don't be afraid to try something new. The more positive emotions you get in life - the higher the body's ability to bear and give birth to healthy children.

A pregnancy plot is one of the most difficult in family magic. The conception of a child, the birth of a new life is such a great and complex sacrament that it is not so easy to influence him with one simple spell. However, over the millennia of the use of magic, conspiracies have been found that, if performed correctly, as well as if you have sufficient magical abilities and absolute confidence in their actions can bring the desired result.

It is very important to choose the rite that suits you best. To do this, you need to carefully read the plot and think about its meaning. Usually, right choice the ritual will prompt the woman's subconscious.

It is important to remember that if the ritual indicates, in addition to the conspiracy, any ritual actions, then they must be performed. They will allow you to focus on conducting a magical action, which means that they will allow you to achieve the goal with the help of magic words.

Most rituals that use pregnancy spells are recommended to be done barefoot on the ground, which, according to professional magicians, allows you to establish a stable connection with the cosmos.

It is necessary to read conspiracies for pregnancy in complete solitude in order to prevent alien energies from entering the magical process. It is for this reason that plans to perform the ritual should also be kept secret from other people. At the same time, you need to achieve peace in the soul. Only a positive attitude when reading the plot will make the ceremony successful. During the ritual, nothing should distract you, so you need to turn off any communication equipment in advance and remove pets from the room.

If the ceremony is held indoors, then you need to collect the maximum number of living indoor plants in it. This will fill the space with positive energy. In addition, the symbol of the earth is the goddess of fertility, and, therefore, the earth in flower pots will bring you closer to the earth.

You need to pronounce the magic words quietly, but very clearly, realizing each spoken phrase. You can’t read conspiracies for pregnancy from a sheet, the words must come from the soul, but you can’t stumble. It is allowed to strengthen the meaning of the conspiracy in your own words, but the phrases should be short, but capacious. While reading spells, you need to focus only on the desire to get pregnant and at the same time, it is desirable to visualize the expected result.

Conspiracies have a strong influence on the human mind and give self-confidence. Some of the spells that have stood the test of time are listed below.

The most effective rituals are performed in the initial period of the growth of the moon, but at the same time it is allowed to read conspiracies in other lunar phases.

Rite for the new month

One of the most strong conspiracies for pregnancy - a conspiracy for a young month, that is, on the night from the first lunar day on the second lunar day.

On the new moon, look at the young month and repeat these words three times:

“The moon is clear! Help me ease my pain
fertilize my womb with a healing seed!
It will grow for a month at night, and my stomach will grow during the day.
It will be a month to gain weight, I will be round.
Like the full moon, I will be full of a child.
My child will be as clear as the moon, as beautiful as the moon.
How new month will certainly be born, so my baby will be born.

On the same night, with maximum tenderness and passion, make love to your husband or lover, trying not to think about your unborn child.

On the matrimonial bed

Another conspiracy for pregnancy is pronounced on the matrimonial bed. In the absence of a husband, take off all your clothes and go to bed.

Close your eyes and, stroking your belly, say:

“A cow has calves, a horse has foals,
a sheep has lambs, a cat has kittens, and I have guys.
Bless me, holy bed, so that I do not go empty,
so that I have someone to look after, so that I have someone to warm,
so that there is someone to rejoice about, to whom in old age to lean.

Repeat this rite on all days when you hope for a successful conception.

With wheat grain

A wheat grain pregnancy plot is good for those who have their own garden or country cottage area. In the spring, take a large and beautiful grain of wheat.

“A grain will sprout like a spikelet, a baby will enter my bosom.
As the wheat sprouts in autumn, so my baby will be born.

Plant the charmed seed in the ground and provide it with maximum care and best conditions for growth. The better the ear grows, the more hope you have to give birth quickly and safely.

Appeal to water

Another ancient conspiracy for pregnancy is associated with the appeal to water - the parent of any life. On the days of the summer solstice, come to the banks of a river or lake with the purest water. Undress completely and enter chest-deep water.

Standing in the water, say the following conspiracy:

“Mother water, take, cleanse and save!
They gave me fertility,
give a beautiful and healthy baby!”.

After that, quickly lower yourself into the water with your head. Having emerged, repeat the conspiracy and ablution again. There should be seven repetitions in total.

Reasons why the rite may not work

Unfortunately, even the most powerful magical conspiracies do not always guarantee successful conception. And this can be due to a variety of reasons. First of all, it is important to follow the recommendations of a particular rite; without this, any ritual will not be effective.

In addition, before carrying out a magical act aimed at conception, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor. Moreover, both spouses must pass the examination. And if the doctor finds any deviations, then you must first get rid of them. Although sometimes obvious problems with reproductive function are often associated with problems on energy level. For example, problems with childbearing can be associated with damage or a birth curse. In this case, the problem will need to be solved by other magical means that only a professional magician can offer.

You should also know that a pregnancy conspiracy will only work if the desire to conceive a child is mutual among the spouses. Especially strong should be the desire to become pregnant in a woman.

Faith in magic and in a positive result is very important for the success of a magical rite. At the slightest doubt in the soul, the magical action should be abandoned, there will be no point in it. A conspiracy for pregnancy will be effective only against the background of mutual and sincere love of partners.

In addition, as strange as it may sound, the reason for the ineffectiveness of a magical rite aimed at conception can be household dissatisfaction. If you are one of those people who believe that having a baby should only be after improvement living conditions and increasing income levels, then no magical conspiracy will help you get pregnant. It is important that the realization comes that the baby under no circumstances can be a burden.

When a woman who wants to have a baby reads a pregnancy plot, the magic words attract special healing energy to her. Such a favorable atmosphere will persist for some time, and will contribute to the healing of problem areas of the body. In addition, magic words will bring to life the desired events, which in this case are associated with the birth of a child.

You should be patient after the ceremony and wait a bit, because a pregnancy plot never works at lightning speed. And, of course, after the ritual, you need to actively make love in order to provide an opportunity for the birth of a new life.

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