Princes of Kievan Rus. History of Russia. The Rurik dynasty. Who became the last in the family tree of the Rurikovich rule

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Rurikovich historians call the first dynasty of Russian princes and tsars. They did not have a surname, and the dynasty was named after its legendary founder, the Novgorod prince Rurik, who died in 879.

Glazunov Ilya Sergeevich. The grandchildren of Gostomysl are Rurik, Truvor and Sineus.

The earliest (XII century) and most detailed Old Russian chronicle, "The Tale of Bygone Years", tells about Rurik's vocation:

"The vocation of Rurik". Unknown author.

“In the year 6370 (862 according to modern chronology). They drove the Varangians across the sea, and did not give them tribute, and began to dominate themselves, and there was no truth among them, and clan after clan, and they had a strife, and began to fight with each other. And they said to themselves: "Let us look for a prince who would rule over us and judge by right." And they went across the sea to the Varangians, to Russia. Those Varangians were called Rus, as others are called the Swedes, and some Normans and Angles, and still other Gotlandians - that's how these are. Chud, Slovenia, Krivichi and the rest of Russia said: “Our land is great and abundant, but there is no order in it.

"The vocation of Rurik."

Come to reign and rule over us. " And three brothers were elected with their families, and took all Russia with them, and came, and the eldest, Rurik, sat in Novgorod, and the other, Sineus, on Beloozero, and the third, Truvor, in Izborsk. And from those Varangians the Russian land was nicknamed. The Novgorodians are those people from the Varangian family, and before they were Slovenes. Two years later, Sineus and his brother Truvor died. And only Rurik took all the power, and began to distribute cities to his men - to Polotsk, to this Rostov, to another Beloozero. The Varangians in these cities are discoverers, and the indigenous population in Novgorod is Slovenia, in Polotsk - Krivichi, in Rostov - Merya, in Beloozero - all, in Murom - Murom, and Rurik ruled over all of them. "

Rurik. Grand Duke of Novgorod in 862-879. Portrait from the Tsar's titular book. 1672

Old Russian chronicles began to be compiled 200 years after the death of Rurik and a century after the baptism of Rus (the appearance of writing) on ​​the basis of some oral tradition, Byzantine chronicles and a few existing documents. Therefore, historiography developed different points of view on the chronicle version of the vocation of the Varangians. In the 18th - first half of the 19th century, the theory of the Scandinavian or Finnish origin of Prince Rurik prevailed; later, a hypothesis about his West Slavic (Pomor) origin was developed.

However, a more reliable historical person, which means, and therefore the ancestor of the dynasty, is the Grand Duke of Kiev Igor, whom the chronicle considers the son of Rurik.

Igor I (Igor the Ancient) 877- 945. Grand Duke of Kiev in 912-945.

The Rurik dynasty stood at the head of the Russian for over 700 years. The Rurikovichs ruled Kievan Rus, and then, when it disintegrated in the XII century, large and small Russian principalities. And after the unification of all the Russian lands around Moscow, the Grand Dukes of Moscow from the Rurikovich family stood at the head of the state. The descendants of the former appanage princes lost their possessions and formed the highest stratum of the Russian aristocracy, but they retained the title of "prince".

Svyatoslav I Igorevich the Conqueror. 942-972gg. Grand Duke of Kiev in 966-972.
Portrait from the Tsar's titular book. 1672

Vladimir I Svyatoslavich (Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko) 960-1015. Grand Duke of Kiev in 980-1015. Portrait from the Tsar's titular book. 1672

Yaroslav I Vladimirovich (Yaroslav the Wise) 978-1054. Grand Duke of Kiev in 1019-1054. Portrait from the Tsar's titular book. 1672

Vsevolod I Yaroslavich. 1030-1093 Grand Duke of Kiev in 1078-1093.

Vladimir II Vsevolodovich (Vladimir Monomakh) 1053-1025. Grand Duke of Kiev in 1113-1125. Portrait from the Tsar's titular book. 1672

Mstislav I Vladimirovich (Mstislav the Great) 1076-1132. Grand Duke of Kiev in 1125-1132. Portrait from the Tsar's titular book. 1672

Yaropolk II Vladimirovich. 1082-1139. Grand Duke of Kiev in 1132-1139.
Portrait from the Tsar's titular book. 1672

Vsevolod II Olgovich. ? -1146 Grand Duke of Kiev in 1139-1146.
Portrait from the Tsar's titular book. 1672

Igor II Olgovich. ? -1147 Grand Duke of Kiev in 1146.
Portrait from the Tsar's titular book. 1672

Yuri I Vladimirovich (Yuri Dolgoruky). 1090-1157. Grand Duke of Kiev in 1149-1151 and 1155-1157. Portrait from the Tsar's titular book. 1672

Vsevolod III Yurievich(Vsevolod Big Nest). 1154-1212 Grand Duke of Vladimir in 1176-1212. Portrait from the Tsar's titular book. 1672

Yaroslav II Vsevolodovich. 1191-1246 Grand Duke of Kiev in 1236-1238. Grand Duke Vladimirsky in 1238-1246. Portrait from the Tsar's titular book. 1672

Alexander I Yaroslavich (Alexander Nevsky). 1220-1263 Grand Duke of Kiev in 1249-1252. Grand Duke of Vladimir in 1252-1263. Portrait from the Tsar's titular book. 1672

Daniil Alexandrovich. 1265-1303 Grand Duke of Moscow in 1276-1303.
Portrait from the Tsar's titular book. 1672

Ivan I Danilovich (Ivan Kalita). ? -1340gg. Grand Duke of Moscow in 1325-1340. Grand Duke Vladimirsky in 1338-1340. Portrait from the Tsar's titular book. 1672

Ivan II Ivanovich (Ivan Red). 1326-1359. Grand Duke of Moscow and Vladimir in 1353-1359. Portrait from the Tsar's titular book. 1672

Dmitry III Ivanovich (Dmitry Donskoy). 1350-1389. Grand Duke of Moscow in 1359-1389. Grand Duke Vladimirsky in 1362-1389. Portrait from the Tsar's titular book. 1672

Vasily I Dmitrievich. 1371-1425 Grand Duke of Moscow in 1389-1425. Portrait from the Tsar's titular book. 1672

Vasily II Vasilievich (Vasily the Dark). 1415-1462 Grand Duke of Moscow in 1425-1446 and 1447-1462. Portrait from the Tsar's titular book. 1672

Ivan III Vasilievich. 1440-1505 Grand Duke of Moscow in 1462-1505. Portrait from the Tsar's titular book. 1672

Vasily III Ivanovich. 1479-1533 Grand Duke of Moscow in 1505-1533. Portrait from the Tsar's titular book. 1672

Ivan IV Vasilievich (Ivan the Terrible) 1530-1584 Grand Duke of Moscow in 1533-1584. Russian Tsar in 1547-1584. Portrait from the Tsar's titular book. 1672

In 1547, the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan IV was crowned king in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin and took the title of "Tsar of All Russia". The last representatives of the Rurik dynasty on the Russian throne were Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich, who died childless in 1598.

Fedor I Ivanovich. 1557-1598 Russian Tsar in 1584-1598. Portrait from the Tsar's titular book. 1672

But this does not mean that this is the end of the Rurik family. Only its youngest - the Moscow - branch was suppressed. But the male offspring of other Rurikovichs (former appanage princes) by that time had already acquired surnames: Baryatinsky, Volkonsky, Gorchakovs, Dolgorukovs, Obolensky, Odoevsky, Repnins, Shuisky, Shcherbatovs, etc.

All Rurikovichs were descendants of formerly independent princes, descended from two sons of Yaroslav the Wise: the third son of Svyatoslav (Svyatoslavich with branches) and the fourth son - Vsevolod (Vsevolodovich, who are better known from his eldest son as Monomakhovichi). This explains the tough and long-term political struggle in the 30-40s of the XII century. it was between the Svyatoslavichs and the Monomashichs for the grand-ducal table after the death of Mstislav the Great. The eldest of the sons of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich, Yaroslav, became the ancestor of the Ryazan princes. Of these, in the composition of the Russian boyars of the XVI-XVII centuries. only the descendants of the appanage princes of the Ryazan land remained - the princes of Pronsk. Some editions of genealogical books consider the descendants of the Ryazan princes of the Yeletskys, others - derive them from another son of Svyatoslav - Oleg, who ruled in the Chernigov lands. The clans of the Chernigov princes originate from the three sons of Mikhail Vsevolodovich (great-great-grandson of Oleg Svyatoslavich) - Semyon, Yuri, Mstislav. Prince of Glukhov Semyon Mikhailovich became the ancestor of the princes Vorotynsky, Odoevsky. Prince of Tarusa Yuri Mikhailovich - Mezetsky, Baryatinsky, Obolensky. Karachaevsky Mstislav Mikhailovich-Mosalsky, Zvenigorodsky. Many princely families later emerged from the Obolensk princes, among which the most famous are the Shcherbatovs, Repnins, Serebryany, Dolgorukovs.
More births occurred from Vsevolod Yaroslavovich and his son, Vladimir Monomakh. The descendants of the eldest son of Monomakh - Mstislav the Great, the last Grand Duke of Kievan Rus, were numerous Smolensk princes, of whom the Vyazemsky and Kropotkin families are best known. Another branch of the Monomashiches descended from Yuri Dolgoruky and his son, Vsevolod the Big Nest. His eldest son, Konstantin Vsevolodovich, bequeathed to his sons: Vasilka - Rostov and Beloozero, Vsevolod - Yaroslavl. From the eldest son of Vasilko Konstantinovich - Boris, the Rostov princes descend (the most famous of them are the Shchepins, Katyrevs, Buinosovs). From the second son of Vasilko Konstantinovich - Gleb, the clans of the Belozersk princes went, among whom were the princes Ukhtomsky, Sheleshpansky, Vadbolsky, Beloselsky. The only heir to the Yaroslavl prince Vsevolod Konstantinovich - Vasily had no sons. His daughter Maria married Prince Fyodor Rostislavich from a clan of Smolensk princes and brought the principality of Yaroslavl as a dowry, in which a change of dynasties (different branches of the Monomashiches) took place in this way.
Another son of Vsevolod the Big Nest, Yaroslav, became the ancestor of several princely dynasties. From his eldest son Alexander Nevsky, through his son Daniil Alexandrovich, a dynasty of Moscow princes went, who then became the central link in the unification process. Brothers of Alexander Nevsky - Andrei Suzdalsky and Yaroslav Tverskoy became the founders of these princely families. Of the Sudanese princes, the most famous are the Shuisky princes, who gave Russia at the beginning of the 17th century. king. Tver princes throughout the XIV century. waged a fierce struggle with representatives of the Moscow house for the grand ducal table, with the help of the Horde physically exterminating their opponents. As a result, the Moscow princes became the ruling dynasty and did not have family formations. The Tver branch was cut short after the flight to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania of its last Grand Duke - Mikhail Borisovich (1485) and the inclusion of these lands in the national territory. The Russian boyars included the descendants of the appanage princes of the Tver land - the princes Mikulinsky, Telyatevsky, Kholmsky. The youngest son of Vsevolod the Big Nest - Ivan received Starodub Ryapolovsky (east of the capital Vladimir) as his inheritance. Of the descendants of this branch, the most famous are the Pozharsky, Romodanovsky and Paletsky clans.
Gediminovichi. Another group of princely families consisted of the Gediminids, the descendants of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Gediminas, who ruled in 1316-1341. Gediminas pursued an active policy of conquest and was the first to call himself “the king of Lithuanians and Russians”. The territorial expansion continued under his sons, Olgerd was especially active (Algirdas, 1345-77). In the XIII-XIV century. the lands of the future Belarus and Ukraine were conquered by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, and here the sovereignty of the hereditary Rurik lines was lost. Under Olgerd, the Great Lithuanian principality included the Chernigov-Seversk, Kiev, Podolsk, Volyn, Smolensk lands. The Gediminovich clan was quite ramified, its descendants were on the thrones in different principalities, and one of the grandsons - Jagiello Olgerdovich - after the signing of the Krevo Union in 1385, became the founder of the Polish royal dynasty Jagiellonian. The descendants of Gediminas, who settled in the reigns in the lands that were previously part of Kievan Rus, or transferred to the Moscow service in the process of forming the state territory of Russia, are called Russian Gediminovichs. Most of them descend from the two sons of Gedimin - Narimant and Olgerd. One of their branches descended from the eldest grandson of Gedimin - Patrikei Narimantovich. Under Vasily I at the beginning of the fifteenth century. Patrick's two sons, Fyodor and Yuri, joined the Moscow service. The son of Fyodor - Vasily on the estates on the river. Khovanke received the nickname Khovansky and became the ancestor of this princely family. Prominent political figures Vasily and Ivan Yurievich were called Patrikeevs. The sons of Vasily Yuryevich were Ivan Bulgak and Daniil Shchenya - the ancestors of the princes Bulgakov and Shchenyatev. The Bulgakovs, in turn, were divided into Golitsyns and Kurakins - from the sons of Ivan Bulgak, Mikhail Golitsa and Andrei Kuraka. Another branch of the Gediminovichs in Russia traced its origin from the son of Gediminas Eunutius. His distant descendant Fyodor Mikhailovich Mstislavsky left for Russia in 1526. The Trubetskoy and Belskys originated from the famous Grand Duke of Lithuania Olgerd. The great-grandson of Dmitry Olgerdovich Trubetskoy (in the city of Trubchevsk) Ivan Yurievich and his nephews Andrei, Ivan and Fedor Ivanovich in 1500 passed into Russian citizenship together with their small principality. The grandson of Dmitry Olgerdovich's brother, Vladimir Belsky, Fyodor Ivanovich left for the Russian service in 1482. All the Gediminovichs occupied a high official and political position in Russia and played a significant role in the history of the country.
The origin of the princely families of Rurikovich and Gediminovich is more clearly depicted in the diagrams. (Tables 1, 2, 3)

Table 1. Scheme of origin of the main princely families of Rurikovich

Table 2. Rurik

Table 3. Scheme of origin of the main princely families of the Russian Gediminids

The adage “all people are brothers” has a genealogical basis. The point is not only that we are all distant descendants of the biblical Adam. In the light of the topic under consideration, one more ancestor stands out, the descendants of which made up a significant layer in social structure feudal Russia. This is Rurik, the conditional ancestor of the "natural" Russian princes. Although he had never been in Kiev, and even more so in Vladimir and Moscow, everyone who occupied the grand ducal tables until the end of the 16th century considered themselves his descendants, justifying their political and land rights by this. In the increase in offspring, new princely branches appeared already from the real ancestors, and in order to distinguish them from each other (including from the standpoint of ancestral possessions and priority rights to it), first generic nicknames appear, and then surnames.
There are two main stages. The first is the formation of princely branches, the assignment of names to them, ending in -ich, -ovich (X-XIII centuries, ancient and specific Russia). It is not known how they called themselves, but in the annals Monomashichi (Monomakhovichi), Olgovichi (Olegovichi), etc. are named. In the first patronymic (from the name-nickname of the ancestor) names of the princely branches, belonging to the princely family was emphasized, and the seniority of the branch was also determined by the name of the ancestor, which, first of all, with the ladder (next) right of inheritance, determined the ownership rights. A significant reason for the absence of toponymic surnames among the appanage princes of the pre-Moscow period was that they passed by seniority from inheritance to inheritance. Surnames derived from the name of the area appear after the liquidation of the next inheritance right. In this case, the carriers of toponymic surnames were, as a rule, from among the service princes, less often from the old Moscow boyars. In this case, the suffix -sky, -skoy was used: Volynsky, Shuisky, Shakhovskoy, etc. At the same time, the surnames often reflected not the former sovereign rights, but simply the locality from which their carriers switched to the Moscow service, especially among the "outgoing" ones - Cherkassky, Meshchersky, Siberian, etc.
The second stage falls on the period of the formation of the Russian centralized state. There is a proliferation of princely branches and the formation of new clans, each of which has its own nickname, at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries. turning into a surname. The specific hierarchy is replaced by parochialism - a system of official correspondence of clans in relation to each other and the monarch. Surnames appear at this stage, as it were, out of service (hierarchical) necessity, are assigned to offspring, outwardly emphasizing belonging to a genus that occupied a certain social niche. VBKorbin believes that in Russia the registration of princely surnames is directly related to the emergence of the category of "service" princes (15th century). Already in the Moscow service, these princely families gave offshoots, each of which was assigned not only land holdings, but also surnames, as a rule, patronymic. Thus, the Khilkovs and Tatevs emerged from the Starodubsky princes; from the Yaroslavl - Troyekurovs, Ushaty; from the Obolenskys - Nogotkovy, Strigina, Kashina (see Table 1 for details).
In the 16th century, the process of the formation of surnames in the boyar environment was actively going on. A well-known example is the evolution of the nickname of the clan, which gave a new royal dynasty at the beginning of the 17th century. Five sons of Andrey Kobyla became the founders of 17 famous families of Russia, each of which had its own surname. The Romanovs began to be called that only from the middle of the 16th century. Their ancestors are Kobylins, Koshkins, Zakharyins, Yurievs. But even during this period, the central government gave preference to surnames formed from personal nicknames. Sometimes territorial names were retained as a kind of prefix. This is how double surnames appeared, while the first pointed to the ancestor and was patronymic, the second reflected the genus-wide affiliation, and, as a rule, toponymic: Zolotye-Obolensky, Shchepins-Obolensky, Tokmakov-Zvenigorodsky, Ryumin-Zvenigorodsky, Sosunov-Zasekin, etc. etc. Double surnames reflected not only the incompleteness of the process of their formation, but also the peculiar policy of the great Moscow princes, aimed at interrupting clan territorial ties. It also mattered when and how the lands recognized the supremacy of Moscow. Rostov, Obolensky, Zvenigorodsky and a number of other genera in the offspring retained territorial names, but Starodubsky was not allowed to be called this generic name even in the middle of the 17th century, as evidenced by the petition to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich from Grigory Romodanovsky, who represented the interests of the older branch of this, once powerful, but disgraced kind. By the way, possible reason the ban on the part of the Romanovs could be that the toponymic surnames indirectly reminded of the ancestral seniority of the Rurikovichs. Officially, the nobles were allowed to be named, in addition to their surname, the name of the land holdings. Certificate of honor to the nobility (1785). However, by that time the names had already become established, the nature of land relations had fundamentally changed, and this tradition, popular in Europe, did not take root in Russia. Of the clans of Russian "natural" princes that existed at the end of the 19th century, Ye.P. Karnovich. has 14, whose surnames were formed from the names of estates: Mosalsky, Eletsky, Zvenigorodsky, Rostovsky, Vyazemsky, Baryatinsky, Obolensky, Shekhonsky, Prozorovsky, Vadbolsky, Sheleshpansky, Ukhtomsky, Beloselsky, Volkonsky.
Below are the main princely families of the Rurikovichs and the Russian branch of the Gediminovichi with the branches formed from them with the surnames assigned to them (Tables 4, 5).

Table 4. Rurik. Monomashichi

Genealogical branch.

Principalities, appanage reigns

Surnames of princely families

Founder of the clan

Yurievichs. From Vsevolod the Big Nest, Vol. Pereyaslavsky, grand. book Vlad. 1176-1212

Suzdal, Pereyaslavl-Zalesskoe. Districts: Pozharsky, Starodubsky, Ryapolovsky, Paletsky, Yurievsky

Krivoborsky, Lyalovsky, Kovrov, Osipovsky, Neuchkin, Golybesovsky, Nebogatye, Gagarin, Romodanovsky
Ryapolovsky, Khilkov, Tatev
Palitsky-Finger, Motley-Finger, Gundorovs, Tulupovs

Vasily, Prince. Pozharsky, mind. 1380
Fedor, book. starodubsky, 1380-1410

Ivan Nogavitsa, pr. Ryapolovsky, late 14th - early 15th centuries
David club, book. finger, end of the 14th - early 15th centuries

Suzdal branch... From Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, Prince. pereyaslavl-zalesskiy 1212-36, great prince. Vlad. 1238-1246

Suzdal, Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod. Districts: Gorodetsky, Kostroma, Dmitrovsky, Volotsky, Shuisky. In 1392 Nizhny Novgorod was annexed to Moscow, to the middle. XV century all the lands of the former Suzdal principality became part of the Moscow principality.

Shuisky, Blidi-Shuisike, Skopins-Shuisky
Berezins, Osinins, Lyapunovs, Ivins
Eyed-Shuisky, Barbashins, Humpbacked-Shuisky

Yuri, Prince. shuisky, 1403-?

Dmitry Nogot, mind. 1375
Dmitry, Prince. Galich, 1335-1363
Basil, Prince of Shuisky, early 15th century

Rostov branch. Yurievich... The founder of the dynasty - Vasily Konstantinovich, Prince. Rostov 1217-1238

Rostov principality (after 1238). Districts: Belozersky, Uglichsky, Galichsky, Sheleshpansky, Puzhbolsky, Kemsko-Sugorsky, Kargolomsky, Ukhtomsky, Beloselsky, Andomsky
From ser. XIV century. Rostov was divided into two parts: Borisoglebskaya and Sretenskaya. Under Ivan I (1325-40) Uglich, Galich, Beloozero ceded to Moscow. In 1474 Rostov officially became a part of the general state territory.

Sugorsky, Kemsky
Kargolomsky, Ukhtomsky
Priymkovs-Rostovs, Gvozdevs-Rostovs, Bakhteyarovs-Rostovs
Yanov-Rostov, Gubkin-Rostov, Temkin-Rostov
Gobies, Lastkin-Rostovsky, Kasatkin-Rostovsky, Lobanov-Rostovsky, Blue-Rostov, Shaved-Rostov
Beloselsky-Beloozersky, Beloselsky
Andomsky, Vadbolsky

Afanasy, pr. Sheleshpansky, tue. floor. XIV century.
Semyon, prince Kemsko-Sugorsky, second half of the XIV century.
Ivan, pr. Kargolomsky, tue. floor. XIV century.
Ivan, pr. Rostov. (Sretenskaya part), n. XV century
Fedor, n. XV century
Andrew, Prince. Rostov. (Borisoglebsk part), 1404-15, book. Pskov 1415-17
Ivan, prince of puzhbolsky, n. XV century
Ivan Bychok

Roman, book. Beloselsky, beginning of the 15th century
Andrew, Prince. Andomsky

Zaslvskaya branch

Principality of Zaslavskoe


Yuri Vasilievich, 1500 Branch n. To the middle of the XVII century.

Ostrog branch

Yaroslavl branch. First Yaroslav. book Vsevolod Constant. (1218-38) from Yurievich. Then his children, Vasily (1239-49) and Constantine (1249-57), reigned, after which the Yuryevich branch was cut short. New yaroslav. the dynasty was established on Tue. floor. XIII century, comes from the Smolensk Rostislavichs from Fyodor Rostislavovich Prince of Smolensk. Mind. in 1299

Smolensk branch. Rostislavich Smolensk. Rodonach. Rostislav Mstislavovich, pr. resinous. 1125-59, 1161, great. book Kiev. 1154, 1159-67.

Principality of Ostrog

Yaroslavl principality. Areas: M olozhsky, Kastoitsky, Romanovsky, Sheksnensky, Shumorovsky, Novlensky, Shakhovskoy, Shekhonsky,
Sitsky, Prozorovsky, Kurbsky, Tunoshensky, Levashovsky, Zaozersky, Yukhotsky. Yaroslavl book. ceased to exist after 1463, some parts retreated to Moscow from the 1st third of the 15th century.

Smolensk Prince Districts: Vyazemsky th,
Zabolotsky, Kozlovsky, Rzhevsky, Vsevolzhsky


Novlensky, Yukhotsky

Zaozersky, Kubensky


Shchetinins, Dark Blue, Sandyrevs, Zasekins (senior branch) Zasekins (junior branch, SosunovsZasekins, Solntsevs-Zasekins, Zhirovye-Zasekins.

Zubatovs, Vekoshin. Lvovs, Budinovs, Lugovskys.
Okhlyabins, Okhlyabins, Khvorostins



Shumorovskys, Shamins, Golygins
Ushaty, Chulkovy
Shestunovs, Veliko-Gaginy


Alabishevs, Alenkins


Vyazemsky, Zhilinsky, Vsevolozhsky, Zabolotsky, Shukalovsky, Gubastovs, Kislyaevsky, Rozhdestvensky.
Korkodinovs, Dashkovs, Porkhovskies, Kropotkins, Kropotki, Kropotki-Lovitskys. Selekhovskys. Zhizhemsky, Solomiretsky, Tatishchevs, Field, Yeropkins. Osokins, Scriabins, Travins, Veprevs, Vnukovs, Rezanovs, Monastyrevs, Sudakovs, Aladyins, Tsyplatyevs, Mussorgsky, Kozlovsky, Rzhevsky, Tolbuzins.

Vasily Romanovich, prince of Slonim, 1281-82, Ostrozh, early. XIII century
Alexander Bryukhaty, Grand Duke Yarosl. 60-70 years. XV century
Semyon, 1400-40, book. novlensky,
Dmitry 1420-40, book. zaozersky,
Constantine pr. Shakhovskoy, building XIV
Semyon Shchetina

Ivan Zaseka

Fyodor Mortka
Afanasy, pr. Shekhonsky, lane of the 15th century
Ivan Dey
Lev Zubaty, book. Sheksnensky

Vasily, Prince Ugorsky, lane of the 15th century
Semyon, Prince Sitsky, N. XV century
Dmitry Perina, Prince. Molozhsky, n.XV century
Ivan, lane half of XV
book Prozorovsky,
Gleb, late 14th century, Prince Shumorovsky
Fyodor Ushaty
Andrey Dulo
Vasily, Prince. Yaroslavsky, specific

Semyon, ser. XV century, book. Kurbsky
Fedor, mind. 1478, beats book Yaroslav.
Leo, Prince of Tunoshens.

Mikhail Zyalo

Tver branch. The ancestor Mikhail Yaroslavovich (junior), pr. Tver 1282 (85) -1319. Vsevolod the Big Nest. (Yurievichi Vsevolodovichi)

Tver book. Districts: Kashinsky, Dorogobuzhsky, Mikulinsky, Kholmsky, Chernyatensky, Staritsky, Zubtsovsky, Telyatevsky.





Vatutins, Punkovs, Telyatevsky.

Andrew, Prince. Dorogobuzhsky, n.XVc
Boris, Prince Mikulinsky, 1453-77.
Daniel, Prince. Kholmsky, 1453-63
Ivan, pr. black-tin., lane half of the 15th century
Fedor, book. tela-tevsky



From Mikhail Vsevolodovich, Prince of Pereyaslavl since 1206,
1223-46, grand. book
Kiev. 1238-39, son of Vsevolod Chermny, pr. Chernihiv. 1204-15, Grand Prince Kiev.



Karachaevskaya branch. It stood out in the end of the XIII century. from the clan of Svyatoslavich of Chernigov. Descendants of Oleg Svyatoslavovich, Prince of Chernigov. 1097, Seversky 1097-1115 Tmutarakansky 1083-1115, Volynsky 1074-77 .

Districts: Mosalsky, Zvenigorodsky, Bolkhovsky, Yeletsky

Mosalskie (Braslav and Volkoviysk branches)

Satins, Shokurovs


Zvenigorodsky, Eletsky. Spongy, Spongy-Zvenigorodsky, Tokmakov-Zvenigorodsky, Zventsov-Zvenigorodsky Shistov-Zvenigorodsky, Ryumin-Zvenigorodsky

Hotetovskys, Burnakovs

Semyon Tangle, per. floor. XV century
Ivan Shokura, trans. floor. XV century
Ivan Bolkh, ser. XV century

Dmitry Glushakov.
Ivan Puzina

Tarusa branch. It stood out from the Olgovichi ( Svyatoslavichy Chernigov) on Tue. half of the XIII century
The founder is Yuri Mikhailovich.

Districts: Obolensky, Tarusa, Volkonsky, Peninsky, Trostenetsky, Myshetsky, Spaskiy, Kaninsky

Myshetskiy, Volkonskiy, Spaskiy, Kaninskiy.
Boryatinsky, Dolgorukiy, Dolgorukov.

Trostenetsky, Gorensky, Obolensky, Glazaty-Obolensky, Tyufyakins.
Gold-Obolensky, Silver-Obolensky, Shchepins-Obolensky, Kashkins-Obolensky,
Dumb-Obolensky, Lopatin-Obolensky,
Lyko, Lykovs, Telepnevy-Obolenskys, Kurlyatevs,
Black-Obolensky, Nagie-Obolensky, Yaroslavov-Obolensky, Telepnevs, Touraine, Repnins, Strigins

Ivan the Menshoy Fat Head, Prince Volcons., XV century.
Ivan Dolgorukov,
book obolens. 15th century
Vasily Shcherbaty, K. XV century

Dmitry Shchepa,
end of XV century

From Vasily Telepnya




Izyaslavovichi tour. Founder Izyaslav Yaroslavovich, pr. turovsky 1042-52, novgorod., 1052-54, grand pr. Kiev. 1054–78

Turov book. Districts: Chetvertinsky, Sokolsky.

Chetvertinsky, Sokolsky. Chetvertinsky-Sokolsky.




Pronskaya branch. The ancestor Alexander Mikhailovich mind. 1339.

Pronskoe book.
Large appanage reign as part of Ryazan. Special status.



Ivan Shemyaka, Moscow. boyar since 1549
Ivan Turuntai, Moscow. boyar since 1547




Drutskaya branch
The first prince - Rogvold (Boris) Vseslavovich, Prince. Drutsky 1101-27, Polotsky1127-28 son of Vseslav Bryachislavov-
cha, pr. polotsk. Grand Prince of Kiev. 1068-69

Drutsk book. Specific reign
as part of Polotsk.

Drutsk-Hemp, Ozeretsk. Prikhabsky, Babich-Drutsky, Babichev, Drutsky-Gorsky, Putyatichi. Putyatin. Tolochinsky. Red. Sokirs-Zubrevitsky, Drutsky-Lyubetsky, Zagorodsky-Lyubetsky, Odintsevichi, Plaksichi, Tety (?)

Table 5. Gediminovichi

Genealogical branch.

Principalities, appanage reigns

Surnames of princely families

Founder of the clan

Gediminovichi Founder Gedimin, led. book Lithuanian 1316-41

Narimant ( Narimunt), book. Ladoga, 1333; pinsky 1330-1348

Evnut, led. book lit. 1341-45, prince Zheslavsky 1347-66.



Great Duke of Lithuania. Districts: Polotsk, Kernovskoe, Ladoga, Pinsk, Lutskoe, Izheslavskoe, Vitebsk, Novogrudok, Lyubarskoe


Evnutovichi, Keistutovichi, Koryatovichi, Olgerdovichi









Monvid, Prince. Kernovsky, mind. 1339

Patrickey Narimantovich
Daniil Vasilievich Shchenya
Ivan Vasilievich Bulgak
Andrey Ivanovich Kuraka
Mikhail Ivanovich Golitsa
Vasily Fedorovich Khovansky
Mikhail Ivanovich Izheslavsky
Fedor Mikhailov. Mstislavsky

Keistut, mind. 1382
Coriant, book. Novogrudok 1345-58

Lubart, Prince Lutsk., 1323-34, 1340-84;
book Lyubarskiy (eastern waves)
1323-40, volynes. 1340-49, 1353-54, 1376-77

Olgerdovichi Founder Olgerd, pr. Vitebsk, 1327-51, grand. book litas. 1345-77.

Polotsk, Trubchevsky, Bryansk, Kopilsky, Ratnensky, Kobrin


Dmitrievichi ..








Andrew (Wingolt), Prince. Polotsk 1342-76, 1386-99. Pskov 1343-49, 1375-85.
Dmitry (Butov), ​​Prince. Trubchevsky, 1330-79, Bryansk 1370-79, 1390-99

Constantine, d. 1386
Vladimir, Prince. Kiev, 1362-93, Kopil, 1395-98.
Fedor, book. Ratnensky, 1377-94, Kobrin, 1387-94.
Maria Olgerdovna, married to David Dmitry., Prince. Gorodetsky
Yagailo (Yakov-Vladislav), ve. Book. litas. 1377-92, King of Poland, 1386-1434.
Koribut (Dmitry), book. seversky 1370-92, chernigov., 1401-5
Semyon (Lugveniy), book. Mstislavsky, 1379-1431

Other Gediminovichi

Sagushki, Kurtsevichi, Kurtsevichi-Buremilski, Kurtsevichi-Bulygi.

Kroshinsky. Voronets. Voynich. Nesvizsky. Wars.
Poritsky, Poretsky. Vishnevetsky. Polubenskie. Koretsky.Ruzhinsky. Dolsky.
Puppies. Glebovichi. Rekutsa. Vyazevichi. Dorogostayskie. Kukhmistrovichi. Irzhikovichi.

Dmitry Bobrok (Bobrok-Volynsky), Prince. Bobrotsky, a Moscow service prince.
Mind. 1380.

S.V. Milevich - Methodological manual for the study of the genealogy course. Odessa, 2000.

Rurikovich - princely, royal and later royal family on Ancient Rus, coming from the descendants of Rurik, eventually split into many branches.

The Rurik family tree is very extensive. Most of the representatives of the Rurik dynasty were the rulers, as well as the Russian principalities that were formed after. Some of the representatives of the dynasty later belonged to the royal family of other states: the Hungarian-Croatian kingdom, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Bulgarian kingdom, the Georgian kingdom, the Duchy of Austria, etc.

History of the Rurik dynasty

According to the chronicles, in 862 several tribes at once (Ilmen Slovenes, Chud, Krivich) called on three Varangian brothers Rurik, Truvor and Sineus to reign in Novgorod. This event was called "the vocation of the Varangians". According to historians, the vocation was due to the fact that the tribes living on the territory of the future Rus were constantly overwhelmed and they could not decide in any way who should rule. And only with the arrival of the three brothers, the feuds stopped, the Russian lands began to gradually unite, and the tribes became a small semblance of a state.

Before the vocation of the Varangians, numerous scattered tribes lived on Russian lands that did not have their own state and system of government. With the arrival of the brothers, the tribes began to unite under the rule of Rurik, who brought his entire family behind him. It was Rurik who became the founder of the future princely dynasty, which was destined to rule in Russia for more than one century.

Although the first representative of the dynasty is Rurik himself, very often in the annals the Rurik family is led from Prince Igor, the son of Rurik, since it was Igor who was not called, but the first truly Russian prince. Disputes about the origin of Rurik himself and the etymology of his name are still ongoing.

The Rurik dynasty ruled the Russian state for over 700 years.

The rule of the Rurik dynasty in Russia

The first princes from the Rurikovich clan (Igor Rurikovich, Oleg Rurikovich, Princess Olga, Svyatoslav Rurikovich) initiated the process of forming a centralized state on Russian lands.

In 882, under Prince Oleg, Kiev became the capital of a new state - Kievan Rus.

In 944, during the reign of Prince Igor, Rus for the first time concluded a peace treaty with Byzantium, stopped military campaigns and got the opportunity to develop.

In 945, Princess Olga first introduced a fixed amount of rent - tribute, which marked the beginning of the formation of the state tax system. In 947 the Novgorod lands were subjected to administrative-territorial division.

In 969, Prince Svyatoslav introduced a system of governorship, which helped the development of local self-government. In 963, Kievan Rus was able to subjugate a number of significant territories of the Tmutarakan principality - the state expanded.

The formed state came to a feudal system of government during the reign of the Yaroslavichs and Vladimir Monomakh (second half of the 11th - first half of the 12th century). Numerous internecine wars led to a weakening of the power of Kiev and the Kiev prince, to the strengthening of local principalities and a significant division of territories within one state. Feudalism lasted quite a long time and seriously weakened Russia.

Since the second half of the 12th century. and until the middle of the 13th century. in Russia the following representatives of the Rurikovich ruled: Yuri Dolgoruky, Vsevolod the Big Nest. During this period, although the princely feuds continued, trade began to develop, individual principalities grew greatly economically, and Christianity developed.

From the second half of the 13th century. and until the end of the 14th century. Russia found itself under the yoke of the Tatar-Mongol yoke (the beginning of the period of the Golden Horde). The ruling princes more than once tried to throw off the oppression of the Tatar-Mongols, but they did not succeed, and Russia gradually fell into decay due to constant raids and devastations. Only in 1380 was it possible to defeat the Tatar-Mongol army during the Battle of Kulikovo, which was the beginning of the process of liberating Russia from the oppression of the invaders.

After the overthrow of the oppression of the Mongol-Tatars, the state began to recover. During the reign of Ivan Kalita, the capital was moved to Moscow, under Dmitry Donskoy it was built, the state was actively developing. Vasily II finally united the lands around Moscow and established the practically indestructible and sole authority of the Moscow prince on all Russian lands.

The last representatives of the Rurikovich clan also did a lot for the development of the state. During the reign of Ivan III, Vasily III and Ivan the Terrible, the formation began, with a completely different way of life and a political and administrative system according to the type of estate-representative monarchy. However, the Rurik dynasty was interrupted by Ivan the Terrible, and soon it came to Russia - it was not known who would take the post of ruler.

End of the Rurik dynasty

Ivan the Terrible had two sons - Dmitry and Fyodor, but Dmitry was killed, and Fyodor was never able to have children, so after his death he began to rule in Russia. In the same period, she began to acquire strength and political authority, whose representatives became related to the royal family of Rurikovich and soon ascended the throne. They ruled for several centuries.

Rurik(? -879) - the founder of the Rurik dynasty, the first Russian prince. Chronicle sources claim that Rurik was called from the Varangian lands by Novgorod citizens to reign together with his brothers - Sineus and Truvor in 862. After the death of the brothers, he ruled over all Novgorod lands. Before his death, he handed over power to his relative, Oleg.

Oleg(? -912) - the second ruler of Russia. He reigned from 879 to 912, first in Novgorod, and then in Kiev. He is the founder of a single ancient Russian state, created by him in 882 with the capture of Kiev and the subordination of Smolensk, Lyubech and other cities. After the transfer of the capital to Kiev, he also subdued the Drevlyans, northerners, and Radimichs. One of the first Russian princes undertook a successful campaign against Constantinople and concluded the first trade agreement with Byzantium. He enjoyed great respect and authority among his subjects, who began to call him "prophetic," that is, wise.

Igor(? -945) - the third Russian prince (912-945), the son of Rurik. The main direction of his activity was the protection of the country from the raids of the Pechenegs and the preservation of the unity of the state. Undertook numerous campaigns to expand the possessions of the Kiev state, in particular against the coal. He continued his campaigns to Byzantium. In the course of one of them (941) he failed, in the course of the other (944) he received a ransom from Byzantium and concluded a peace treaty that consolidated the military-political victories of Russia. Undertook the first successful campaigns of the Russians in the North Caucasus (Khazaria) and Transcaucasia. In 945 he tried twice to collect tribute from the Drevlyans (the order of its collection was not legally fixed), for which he was killed by them.

Olga(c. 890-969) - the wife of Prince Igor, the first female ruler of the Russian state (regent under her son Svyatoslav). Installed in 945-946. the first legislative procedure for collecting tribute from the population of the Kiev state. In 955 (according to other sources, 957) she made a trip to Constantinople, where she secretly adopted Christianity under the name of Helena. In 959, the first of the Russian rulers sent an embassy to Western Europe, to the emperor Otto I. His answer was a direction in 961-962. with missionary purposes to Kiev, Archbishop Adalbert, who tried to bring Western Christianity to Russia. However, Svyatoslav and his entourage refused to Christianize and Olga was forced to transfer power to her son. In the last years of his life from political activities was actually suspended. Nevertheless, she retained a significant influence on her grandson - the future Prince Vladimir the Saint, whom she was able to convince of the need to adopt Christianity.

Svyatoslav(? -972) - the son of Prince Igor and Princess Olga. Ruler of the Old Russian state in 962-972. He was distinguished by a warlike character. He was the initiator and leader of many aggressive campaigns: on the Oka Vyatichi (964-966), the Khazars (964-965), the North Caucasus (965), Danube Bulgaria (968, 969-971), Byzantium (971). He also fought against the Pechenegs (968-969, 972). Under him, Russia turned into the largest power in the Black Sea. Neither the Byzantine rulers, nor the Pechenegs, who agreed on joint actions against Svyatoslav, could accept this. During his return from Bulgaria in 972, his army, drained of blood in the war with Byzantium, was attacked by the Pechenegs on the Dnieper. Svyatoslav was killed.

Vladimir I Saint(? -1015) - the youngest son of Svyatoslav, who defeated his brothers Yaropolk and Oleg in an internecine struggle after the death of his father. Prince of Novgorod (from 969) and Kiev (from 980). He conquered the Vyatichi, Radimichi and Yatvingians. He continued his father's struggle with the Pechenegs. Volga Bulgaria, Poland, Byzantium. During his reign, defensive lines were built along the Desna, Sturgeon, Trubezh, Sula and others rivers. Kiev was re-fortified and for the first time built up with stone structures. In 988-990. introduced Eastern Christianity as a state religion. Under Vladimir I, the Old Russian state entered the period of its heyday and power. The international authority of the new Christian state has grown. Vladimir was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church and is referred to as a Saint. In Russian folklore, he is named as Vladimir Red Sun. He was married to the Byzantine princess Anne.

Svyatoslav II Yaroslavich(1027-1076) - son of Yaroslav the Wise, prince of Chernigov (from 1054), Grand Duke Kiev (from 1073). Together with his brother Vsevolod, he defended the southern borders of the country from the Polovtsians. In the year of his death, he adopted a new code of laws - "Izbornik".

Vsevolod I Yaroslavich(1030-1093) - Prince of Pereyaslavl (from 1054), Chernigov (from 1077), Grand Duke of Kiev (from 1078). Together with the brothers Izyaslav and Svyatoslav, he fought against the Polovtsians, took part in the compilation of the Pravda of the Yaroslavichs.

Svyatopolk II Izyaslavich(1050-1113) - grandson of Yaroslav the Wise. Prince of Polotsk (1069-1071), Novgorod (1078-1088), Turov (1088-1093), Grand Duke of Kiev (1093-1113). He was distinguished by hypocrisy and cruelty both in relation to his subjects and to those close to him.

Vladimir II Vsevolodovich Monomakh(1053-1125) - Prince of Smolensk (from 1067), Chernigov (from 1078), Pereyaslavsky (from 1093), Grand Duke of Kiev (1113-1125). ... Son of Vsevolod I and daughter of the Byzantine emperor Constantine Monomakh. Was called to reign in Kiev during the popular uprising of 1113, which followed the death of Svyatopolk P. He took measures to limit the arbitrariness of the usurers and the administrative apparatus. He managed to achieve the relative unity of Russia and the end of strife. He supplemented the codes of laws that existed before him with new articles. He left the "Instructions" to his children, in which he called for strengthening the unity of the Russian state, living in peace and harmony, and avoiding blood feud

Mstislav I Vladimirovich(1076-1132) - son of Vladimir Monomakh. Grand Duke of Kiev (1125-1132). From 1088 he ruled in Novgorod, Rostov, Smolensk and others. Participated in the work of the Lyubech, Vitichevsky and Dolobsky congresses of Russian princes. He took part in campaigns against the Polovtsians. He headed the defense of Russia from its western neighbors.

Vsevolod P Olgovich(? -1146) - Prince of Chernigov (1127-1139). Grand Duke of Kiev (1139-1146).

Izyaslav II Mstislavich(c. 1097-1154) - Prince of Vladimir-Volyn (from 1134), Pereyaslavsky (from 1143), Grand Duke of Kiev (from 1146). Grandson of Vladimir Monomakh. Member of feudal strife. Supporter of the independence of the Russian Orthodox Church from the Byzantine Patriarchate.

Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky (90s of the XI century - 1157) - Prince of Suzdal and Grand Duke of Kiev. Son of Vladimir Monomakh. In 1125 he moved the capital of the Rostov-Suzdal principality from Rostov to Suzdal. Since the beginning of the 30s. fought for southern Pereyaslavl and Kiev. Considered the founder of Moscow (1147). In 1155. seized Kiev for the second time. Poisoned by the Kiev boyars.

Andrey Yurievich Bogolyubsky (c. 1111-1174) is the son of Yuri Dolgoruky. Prince of Vladimir-Suzdal (from 1157). Moved the capital of the principality to Vladimir. In 1169 he conquered Kiev. Killed by boyars in his residence in the village of Bogolyubovo.

Vsevolod III Yurievich the Big Nest(1154-1212) - the son of Yuri Dolgoruky. Grand Duke of Vladimir (from 1176). Severely suppressed the boyar opposition, which took part in the conspiracy against Andrei Bogolyubsky. Subdued Kiev, Chernigov, Ryazan, Novgorod. During his reign, Vladimir-Suzdal Russia reached its heyday. Received the nickname for a large number of children (12 people).

Roman Mstislavich(? -1205) - Prince of Novgorod (1168-1169), Vladimir-Volyn (from 1170), Galician (from 1199). Son of Mstislav Izyaslavich. Strengthened the princely power in Galich and Volhynia, He was considered the most powerful ruler of Russia. Killed in the war with Poland.

Yuri Vsevolodovich(1188-1238) - Grand Duke of Vladimir (1212-1216 and 1218-1238). During the internecine struggle for the Vladimir throne, he was defeated in the Lipitsk battle in 1216. and ceded the great reign to his brother Constantine. In 1221 he founded the city of Nizhny Novgorod. He died during the battle with the Mongol-Tatars on the river. City in 1238

Daniil Romanovich(1201-1264) - Prince of Galician (1211-1212 and from 1238) and Volyn (from 1221), the son of Roman Mstislavich. He united the Galician and Volyn lands. He encouraged the construction of cities (Holm, Lvov, etc.), crafts and trade. In 1254 he received the title of king from the Pope.

Yaroslav III Vsevolodovich(1191-1246) - son of Vsevolod the Big Nest. He reigned in Pereyaslavl, Galich, Ryazan, Novgorod. In 1236-1238 reigned in Kiev. Since 1238 - Grand Duke of Vladimir. He twice traveled to the Golden Horde and Mongolia.


862 - 1598

Kiev princes.


862 - 879

IX century - the formation of the Old Russian state.


879 - 912

882g. - unification of Novgorod and Kiev.

907, 911 - campaigns to Constantinople (Constantinople); the signing of the treaty between Russia and the Greeks.


912 - 945

941, 944 - Igor's campaigns to Byzantium. / first - unsuccessful /

945g. - the treaty between Russia and the Greeks. / not as profitable as Oleg's /


945 -957 (964)

/ regetsha of the young prince Svyatoslav /

945g. - an uprising in the land of the Drevlyans. Introduction of lessons and graveyards.


I957 -972yy.

964g. - 966g. - the defeat of the Kama Bulgarians, Khazars, Yases, Kosogs. Accession of Tmutarakan and Kerch, a trade route to the East was opened.

967g. - 971g. - war with Byzantium.

969g. - the appointment of his sons as governors: Yaropolk in Kiev, Oleg in Iskorosten, Vladimir in Novgorod.


972 - 980

977g. - the death of Prince Oleg in the struggle with his brother Yaropolk for leadership in Russia, the flight of Prince Vladimir to the Varangians.

978g. - Yaropolk's victory over the Pechenegs.

980g. - the defeat of Yaropolk in the battle with Prince Vladimir. The murder of Yaropolk.


980 - 1015

980g. - pagan reform / single pantheon of gods /.

988 -989 - the adoption of Christianity in Russia.

992, 995 - battles with the Pechenegs.

Svyatopolk the Damned

1015 - 1019

1015g. - the beginning of strife between the sons of Vladimir. Murder of young princes Boris and Gleb by order of Svyatopolk.

1016g. - the battle of the princes skiatopolk and Yaroslav near Lubich. Flight of Svyatopolk to Poland.

1018 - Svyatopolk's return to Kiev. Flight of Yaroslav to Novgorod.

1018 - 1019 –Yaroslav's war with Svyatopolk.

Yaroslav the Wise

1019 -1054

Beginning XI century. - compilation of "Russkaya Pravda" (Pravda Yaroslav), which consisted of 17 articles (according to Academician BA Rybakov, this was an instruction on fines for scandals and fights).

1024g. - the battle of Yaroslav with his brother Mstislav Listven for control over all territories of Russia.

1025g. - section of the Russian state along the Dnieper. Mstislav is the eastern part, and Yaroslav is the western part of the state.

1035g. - death of Mstislav Vladimirovich. The transfer of his inheritance to Yaroslav.

1036g. - the formation of the Kiev Metropolis

1037g. - the beginning of the construction of the Church of St. Sophia in Kiev.

1043 - unsuccessful campaign of Vladimir Yaroslavich to Byzantium.

1045g. - the beginning of the construction of the Church of St. Sophia in Novgorod.


1054 - 1073, 1076 - 1078

1068g. - the defeat of the Yaroslavichi on the river. Alte from the Cumans.

1068 - 1072 - popular uprisings in Kiev, Novgorod, Rostov-Suzdal and Chernigov lands. Supplementing "Russkaya Pravda" "Pravda Yaroslavichi".


II 1073 -1076biennium


1078 - 1093

1079 - speech of the Tmutarakan prince Roman Svyatoslavich against Vsevolod Yaroslavich.


1093 - 1113

1093g. - the ruin of South Russia by the Polovtsy.

1097g. - Congress of Russian princes in Lubich.

1103g. - the defeat of the Polovtsi by Svyatopolk and Vladimir Monomakh.

1113g. - the death of Svyatopolk II, the uprising of townspeople, smerds and purchases in Kiev.

Vladimir Monomakh

1113 - 1125

1113g. - Supplementing Russkaya Pravda with the “Charter” of Prince Vladimir Monomakh on “purchases” / debtors / and “cuts” / interest /.

1113-1117 - writing "The Tale of Bygone Years".

1116g. - campaign of Vladimir Monomakh with the sons of the Polovtsi.

Mstislav the Great

1125 - 1132

1127 - 1130 - the struggle of Mstislav with the Polotsk appanage princes. Link them to Byzantium.

1131 - 1132 - successful campaigns to Lithuania.

Strife in Russia.

Moscow princes.

Daniil Alexandrovich 1276 - 1303

Yuri Danilovich 1303 -1325

Ivan Kalita 1325 - 1340

Semyon Proud 1340 - 1355553

IvanIIRed 1353 -1359

Dmitry Donskoy 1359 -1389

BasilI1389 - 1425

BasilIIDark 1425 - 1462

IvanIII1462 - 1505

BasilIII1505 - 1533

IvanIVGrozny 1533 - 1584

Fedor Ivanovich 1584 - 1598

The end of the Rurik dynasty.

Time of Troubles.

1598 - 1613

Boris Godunov 1598 - 1605

False DmitryI1605 - 1606

Vasily Shuisky 1606 - 1610

"Semboyarshina" 1610 - 1613

The Romanov dynasty.

1613 -1917

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