How much do nails grow in a week? How to grow nails at home in a week: what to do for growth. Recipes to speed up nail growth

Electricity 09.03.2021

In a healthy adult, the nail plate can grow 0.1 mm per day. But what if you can speed up this process? There are many working ways to grow your nails by 5 or more millimeters in 1-3 days. Most of them are based on their enhanced nutrition and exposure to local warming drugs.


Baths with minerals and vitamins help to quickly restore the stratum corneum after prolonged exposure to shellac, strengthen the plate, and nourish it with useful substances.

One of the simplest and most popular options is sea ​​salt bath. To prepare it you need 300 ml warm water dilute 10 grams of salt. The handles are soaked in the resulting solution for 20 to 30 minutes. Afterwards, the skin is washed with plain water and treated with moisturizer. Repeat every day.

Suitable for treating brittle and layered nails oil mask with vinegar. For it you will need half a glass of unrefined sunflower or olive oil and the same amount apple cider vinegar. The mixture is heated over low heat - just a couple of minutes, otherwise it will become too hot. All that remains is to dip your fingertips into the bath and hold them there for 10 minutes.

It is used to strengthen, accelerate tissue growth and regeneration iodine bath. It is very simple to prepare: add 10 drops of solution to half a glass of warm water. It is recommended to soak your nails in the liquid for 10 to 15 minutes. Important: the plate may darken slightly, but this is a temporary phenomenon. Within a couple of hours after the bath, not a trace of iodine will remain.

To enrich any bath, you can use the following components:

  • Shea butter and almond. These base batters are quickly absorbed and have strong restorative properties. At the same time, they moisturize the tissues and make them more elastic;
  • Essential oils of lemon, geranium, orange or grapefruit. All these compositions contain large amounts of vitamin C. It has brightening, regenerating and antibacterial properties;
  • Glycerol. In most cases, nails simply do not have time to grow to the desired size due to their fragility and dryness. A few drops of glycerin in a hand bath will help solve this problem;
  • Any available vitamins. This could be retinol, tocopherol or vitamin B.

Masks for growth

In addition to baths, you need to regularly make special masks for nail growth. They saturate the plate with nutrients and promote its rapid regeneration. In addition, some of the recipes include heating ingredients that speed up blood flow.

According to reviews, one of the most effective masks for nail growth is with red pepper. It contains natural ground chili, so the product is not suitable for the care of brittle nails and sensitive skin. Be sure to perform a susceptibility test before use.

How to prepare a mask with pepper for nail growth:

  • In a non-metallic bowl, mix a little cream to nourish the skin - 2 teaspoons will be enough;
  • Add a spoonful of red pepper to it. Afterwards, the composition must be mixed very thoroughly to evenly distribute the burning particles;
  • Apply the product to the nails and periungual space. There is no need to rinse off the product - over time, the cream will be absorbed and the peppercorns will disappear on their own.

To apply the composition, it is best to select a separate brush - then the mixture will be evenly distributed over the plate. If the mask does not heat up, add a little more pepper, say 1.5 tablespoons.

As an addition, after the pepper mask, applying a few drops of honey and garlic to the stratum corneum will be effective. It also has a warming effect, but is more gentle.

To get long nails, as advertised, you need to do a mask at least 1 day a week with gelatin. The nail plate consists of keratinized particles of the epidermis, collagen and keratin. If these substances are not enough, then it immediately begins to crumble and collapse, and its growth also slows down significantly. Gelatin is a natural source of collagen, so it is used for intensive restoration and healing of nails.

A gelatin nail mask is prepared as follows: take the same amount of powder per 100 ml of water. The mixture must be mixed until completely homogeneous; the result should be a mass of liquid consistency, without lumps or dry particles. You need to dip your nails into this “bath” and hold it there for 20 minutes.

Many girls have heard about the benefits paraffin therapy. This is an ingenious caring procedure that helps to simultaneously lighten the skin and nails, restore damaged tissue and speed up tissue metabolism.

To conduct a session at home, you do not need to purchase expensive products and special paraffin. All you have to do is find a candle made of natural beeswax, light it and lubricate your nails and the skin around them with the flowing liquid. It is best to do the procedure at night, because you cannot wash off the composition from your nails. After such a massage, cotton gloves are put on your hands.

Advice: in addition to nutrition, a paraffin mask perfectly protects the nail plates from the effects of negative external factors. Therefore, before cleaning or going to the beach, we also recommend treating your nails in a similar way.

An iodized bath perfectly complements iodine mask for nail growth. This substance is known for its antibacterial and strengthening properties. In order to make such a mask, you just need to lubricate your nails with iodine and leave until completely absorbed. Growth and dramatic changes in the plate will not take long to occur - the results are noticeable already in the third procedure.

Pharmacy drugs

Helps strengthen nails, accelerate their growth and moisturize cuticles. In addition, the plant extract is widely used to disinfect tissues and protect them from fungi. To do this, the solution is simply applied to the nails and skin until absorbed. We recommend combining the application of the product with a gentle warming massage.

Almost all professional products for accelerating nail growth include vitamin complexes. But such a product - absolutely natural and safe - is very easy to prepare at home.

Vitamin cocktail for rapid growth nails:

  • Mix equal parts vitamin E (an oil solution of tocopherol) and retinol (this is a substance of vitamin A). The result will be a very liquid, translucent mixture with a yellowish tint and a characteristic odor of sunflower oil;
  • To it you need to add a few drops of orange or lemon oil;
  • Apply the solution to the nails with a brush, spreading it over the entire plate, using a spoon and lightly touching the periungual space.

Also gets good reviews nicotinic and hyaluronic acid. They accelerate cell regeneration, thereby activating growth. To make a miracle mixture, you need to combine 500 mg of hyaluronic acid with two tablespoons mineral water. Then add 20 grams of melted shea butter or almonds to the solution. If you do this mask daily, then in 1 day a week you can grow your nails by 6 mm or more.

When using acids, it is important to look at the reaction of the nails. In some cases they may become more fragile. Also, hyaluronic acid and nicotine have contraindications, for example, lactation or mechanical damage to the treated areas. Before use, carefully read the instructions for the selected drug.

Tips on how to speed up nail growth:

  • During intensive recovery and nutrition, stop using varnishes;
  • Don't go outside without cream on your hands. It prevents the plate from drying out and helps protect it from negative external factors;
  • If your nails are severely damaged (for example from shellac or fungus), then they need to be cut off all the time. Otherwise, there will be no point in growing it - the stratum corneum will remain brittle and flaky;
  • Take vitamins and minerals. This will help influence growth from within;
  • Massage your cuticles regularly. With its help, blood circulation improves.

An ideal one-week course for super-fast nail growth includes two different baths, two masks (nourishing and warming) and daily use of cream. With this combination, after 7 days you will be surprised how beautiful and strong your “claws” can be.

If you are a fan of graceful, long and stylish nails, then you probably dream of growing your own long nails. And this is right, because natural beauty is always held in high esteem, and your own, natural, long nails are at the height of fashion today.

Many girls and women dream of healthy nails, because beautiful long nails not only give their hands a well-groomed look, but also help create the image they choose. However, growing natural long nails for an active, business woman today, unfortunately, is very difficult: constant stress, the modern rhythm of life, eating in a hurry, do not affect the condition of our nails in the best way, so in order to look stylish, many Women prefer to build them up.

Therefore, we invite you to pay special attention to the following tips, with which you will learn how to quickly grow your nails at home, how to maintain their beauty, and what vitamins for nails will allow you to always be the owner of long, healthy and strong nails.

How to grow nails quickly?

The modern beauty industry has made nail extension services commonplace, either in special salons or at home. However, not all women want to have artificially extended nails. And their natural true form and health can charm any man - that’s a fact. And here are a few more interesting facts about nails:

  1. Scientists have found that fingernails grow by 1-2 mm in a week. Naturally, this natural pace depends on a number of factors: if you eat right, feed your nails with vitamins and minerals, exercise proper care for nails, etc.
  2. In addition, nails grow much slower in winter than in summer. Such changes are associated with the amount of vitamins consumed, namely, the nail plate receiving sufficient amounts of vitamin D.
  3. Pregnant women's nails grow faster. Hormonal changes have a particular influence on this rapid growth. A significant contribution to this also comes from the body receiving additional vitamins and good food future mothers. After all, in order to quickly grow nails, you should include in your diet foods that are rich in vitamin D, zinc, calcium and fatty acids, Omega-3 type.

What should be your nail care to quickly grow your nails at home?

According to many, healthy natural long nails are the result of good heredity or a gift from nature. However, girls with naturally bad nails, who have put a lot of effort into their health and beauty and achieved a positive result, are unlikely to agree with this statement.

After all, simply trimming and filing your nails periodically is not enough. They, like other favorite parts of the body, need to be groomed and cherished, regularly and, if possible, professionally, or at least correctly. Healthy nails require healthy care.

  • Firstly, an important stage of care is proper manicure. Nails will not remain healthy for long if you thoughtlessly file them in different directions and on the sides, gnawing the skin around with your teeth and gnawing the cuticles with nippers until they bleed.
  • Secondly, nails, like hair, have a porous structure; they absorb substances from the surface of the nail plate. Therefore, they should be protected from harmful liquids, protected with gloves, given a break from decorative coatings, and “poisonous” colored varnishes should be applied less frequently, especially without a varnish base. Marigolds need to be regularly “fed” by nourishing them with oils, creams and using special strengthening varnishes.
  • Third, it is impossible to have beautiful, even, smooth, strong - healthy nails if you do not follow basic hygiene rules: get an individual, personal set of manicure tools and do not forget to treat them disinfectants every time before and after the next use. And then your marigolds will always delight you and make you feel proud.

The following recommendations will help you with the question of how to quickly grow nails at home:

  • Advice one. Finger massage has a beneficial effect on nail growth. It accelerates blood circulation in the fingertips, which ensures a large flow of blood to the nail plates. And accordingly, the more blood there is, the more and all kinds of useful substances your marigolds will receive. To quickly grow your nails, you need to do this massage every evening.
  • Tip two. Paraffin therapy has the same effect of accelerating growth. This procedure is considered the most effective way on how to grow nails quickly. To conduct a paraffin therapy session, you need to apply melted wax or cosmetic paraffin to your nails and cuticles. The effect of applying paraffin to the nails is akin to a finger massage: active stimulation of blood circulation in the fingers, an abundant flow of oxygen and increased nutrition of the nail with useful substances.
  • Tip three. Nail baths also have incredible benefits. Marigolds love moisture very much, so just dip them in water more often and you will soon notice that your nails begin to grow much faster. To increase the effect, as well as add strength and health to your nails, you need to add a little olive lemon and oil to your nail baths. For additional strengthening and combating problems of brittleness and fragility of nails, add a little sea ​​salt. You need to dip your hands in the solution for 3-5 minutes; after finishing the procedure, you should not rinse your hands with water, otherwise all absorbed substances will be washed off from the skin and nails with running water. Just blot your hands with a clean, dry cloth. Baths using sea salt are taken for 20 minutes. And then be sure to apply a nourishing cream to the nails and skin of the hands.
  • Tip four. Nail vitamins are very convenient and useful for how to quickly grow nails at home (we will tell you more about them below). Liquid vitamin E is easy to find in pharmacies and is not expensive. It is simply rubbed into clean nails, preferably previously steamed or soaked. If you can’t get vitamin E, use regular iodine for these purposes. Apply it with a brush, like a simple varnish, and do not be alarmed by the ugly yellow tint; if you do this in the evening, before going to bed, then in the morning the yellowness will completely disappear.
  • Tip five. Good remedy, how to quickly grow nails at home - this is a homemade cream that accelerates their growth. To do this, mix half a teaspoon of red pepper and baby cream. Add 20 drops of water to the mixture and heat the product in a water bath. And after letting it cool a little, apply the resulting mixture to your nails.
  • Tip six. Take a closer look at your nails; if they are brittle and dry, it means your body does not have enough fat. And, therefore, they must be included in the diet. The best way This will be achieved by eating more vegetable fats, vegetables, fruits and liver. They, among other things, contain a lot of vitamin A, which accelerates nail growth.
  • Tip seven. To grow natural long nails, do not neglect to use various cosmetics when caring for your nails. After all, even a simple decorative varnish will help keep your nails in excellent condition, strengthening them with an additional layer and protecting them from damage and negative external influences.

Homemade recipes to speed up nail growth

Recipe No. 1. Make warm baths with iodine and regular table salt. Take 0.5 liters of water and heat it, dissolve 2 tbsp. spoons of salt, and then add 10 drops of iodine to the bath. Soak your hands in the solution for about 15 minutes. The bath will help strengthen your nails and speed up their growth.

Recipe No. 2. Lemon juice has a very beneficial effect on the accelerated growth of nails, strengthening their structure. To do this, lubricate your nails with lemon juice, or soak in its pulp for a couple of minutes. Upon completion of the procedure, be sure to lubricate your nails with nourishing cream.

Recipe No. 3. Ointment for intensive nail growth. Prepare an ointment using 40 ml of calendula oil, one hard-boiled yolk chicken egg and 5 g beeswax. First, heat the wax in a water bath until completely dissolved. Then add calendula oil and mashed yolk to it, continuing to heat the ointment in a water bath, stirring occasionally. When the mixture thickens, becoming similar to sour cream, the ointment is ready. This product should be rubbed into your nails before going to bed.

Recipe No. 4. Cream for nail growth. Nail growth can be slightly accelerated if you use a cream prepared from 30 ml of aloe juice, 2 tbsp. spoons of cream, sea buckthorn, burdock and calendula oils - 40 drops of each. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and the cream is ready. It needs to be rubbed into the nail plates and cuticles.

Recipe No. 5. We have already said that sea salt is an excellent remedy for the growth and strengthening of nails, and if you add iodine to the salt bath, the effect will increase, especially if you repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week. Dilute 20 gr. salt with two glasses of warm water, and add 3-4 drops of iodine. Immerse your hands in the solution for 15 minutes.

Recipe No. 6. Soda baths are also good for nails: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soda is diluted in 1 glass of warm water, along with a few drops of iodine. Keep your hands in the bath for 10-15 minutes, and then lubricate them with cream or olive oil. It is also recommended to carry out the procedure several times a week.

Recipe No. 7. Oil baths can help grow natural long nails: add a few drops of iodine and the same amount of glycerin to any heated vegetable oil (almond, olive, castor, etc.). Dip your fingertips into this oil solution for 20 minutes, and then blot your hands with a napkin.

Recipe No. 8. Nail massage should be done regularly, preferably daily. Carefully massaging your fingers in the cuticle area, at the root of the nail plate, use almond or olive oil, or simply an available nourishing cream. As a result, the nails will stop peeling and will begin to grow faster. Your nails themselves get a full massage by regularly typing on the keyboard, playing the piano, etc. But even in this case, you should not forget about strengthening them, so that the nails on your fingers, which you work most actively, do not become deformed, curling under constant pressure.

Recipe No. 9. An excellent means of strengthening the nail plate is the so-called “Smart Enamel”. Simply put, this is a medicinal varnish whose function is to strengthen and accelerate nail growth. You can purchase the product at a pharmacy or cosmetics store. As a rule, this enamel is colorless, and therefore is excellent for use as a base for decorative varnish.

Recipe No. 10. And of course, as mentioned earlier, nails need high-quality nutrition, so be sure to ensure that your diet includes foods that are rich in calcium, iron, vitamins, in particular cottage cheese, cheese, nuts and other products, which we will dwell on in more detail. .

Minerals and vitamins for nails

When the nails are brittle and dry, and the edges of the nail plate are thickened, this usually indicates a lack of vitamins A and E, and minerals such as iodine, magnesium and calcium in the body.

Vitamins for strengthening nails A and E – are fat-soluble, so you can’t deprive your own body of fats, especially butter. Be sure to eat fatty cold-water fish, pork and chicken liver, fresh fruits and vegetables, cheese and eggs. You can take pharmaceutical vitamin A - retinol - only on the recommendation of a doctor, because its excess can cause serious harm to the body.

Vitamin E – a devoted companion of vitamin A. Together, this couple is better absorbed and works many times more effectively in the body. Vitamin E is found in nuts and seeds, cereals and vegetable oils, egg yolk, milk, legumes, green salad, etc.

Calcium found in abundance in dairy products, cheese, meat, fish and seafood, different types cabbage, eggs, spinach and legumes, nuts and figs. Vitamin D contributes to the best absorption of microelements; by the way, this is a very important vitamin for nail growth.

Vitamin D found in fish, especially in its liver, in milk, butter, cottage cheese and cheese. It is well absorbed, but under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, sun rays Most of it is produced in the body.

Iodine – this is, of course, seafood: seaweed, fish and shellfish. There is some iodine in green salad, spinach, carrots, champignons, milk and pineapples.

Magnesium enters the body in the required quantity if you eat legumes, seeds and nuts, cheeses, cereals, potatoes, kohlrabi and green vegetables Bell pepper, poultry, wholemeal bread, bananas and blackberries.

As you can see, the same foods contain many minerals and vitamins to strengthen nails, so if you want to balance your diet, it’s not at all difficult.

A very important element for nails is silicon, which is also found in many plants. If there is not enough silicon in the body, nails very quickly lose their elasticity and become brittle.

Silicon found in plant foods that are rich in cellulose: oatmeal, bran, black bread, wholemeal flour. It is also found in celery, dandelion leaves, leeks, sour milk, radishes, sunflower seeds, tomatoes and turnips. It is found in the greatest quantities in the following herbs: horsetail, pickleweed, knotweed, dogweed, lungwort, nettle, wheatgrass and coltsfoot.

If your nails peel, and on their surface there appear depressions in the form of dots, white spots, or even fungus begins and bacterial infections develop, then your body suffers from a lack of vitamin A, vitamin C, and a lack of zinc.

Vitamin C – comes in abundance in citrus fruits, potatoes, tomatoes. There is a lot of it in absolutely any berries, fruits and vegetables with bright colors, and, of course, in greens. In order for your nails to receive an additional, “impact” portion of vitamin C, they need to be immersed in lemon pulp - this way you will strengthen your nails and make them lighter.

Zinc found in grains and legumes, nuts, seafood, leeks and greens.

When your nails become dull, acquire a yellowish-gray tint, or grooves or stripes appear on them, this indicates a lack of vitamins B5, PP and selenium in the body.

On vitamin B5 generous grains, bran, offal, chicken meat and eggs, broccoli, yeast. It should be said that all B vitamins are very important for women's health - they are found in nuts, seeds and mushrooms.

A nicotinic acid - vitamin PP, enters the body from the same nuts and seeds, from yeast, porcini mushrooms, brown rice, eggs and milk, meat and fish.

Selenium found in offal, olives, eggs, black currant, seaweed, bran, garlic. The shine and smoothness of nails depends on selenium.

Concave and thin nails with an uneven surface and unhealthy color mean that your body needs iron.

For gland The main sources are: meat and poultry, liver, tuna, oats, peas, legumes, cabbage and zucchini, berries (especially blueberries and raspberries) and all fruits. Iron is best absorbed with fluoride and vitamin C.

Fluorine found in: fish and shrimp, meat, eggs, milk, cereals, tea, potatoes, spinach and onions, nuts, apples and grapefruits.

Lack of sulfur causes nail deformation.

Sulfur provided fresh salads, cabbage, eggplant, onion, garlic, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge.

Vitamin H – biotin is very important for nails, and in general for a woman’s beauty. It is found in meat, liver and kidneys of animals, ox heart, fish, eggs, milk and cheese. Many plants are also rich in biotin.

Gelatin – an element that will help avoid fragility and brittleness of your nails.

To replenish gelatin, more often include in your menu a variety of fish and meat aspics, mousses, marmalades, jellies - these are those dishes in which gelatin is found in excess. People who have high levels of prothrombin in their blood, the so-called blood clotting factor, should be careful. The fact is that gelatin can thicken the blood.

  1. Give your nails a break from colored and other varnishes, at least 2 weeks several times a year. Your nails need to breathe oxygen too!
  2. Use nourishing hand cream daily, not forgetting to apply it to your nails.
  3. Choose a gentle nail polish remover that does not contain acetone.
  4. Be sure to use rubber gloves when doing housework.
  5. Protect your hands from frost and hot wind with warm gloves. When purchasing this useful accessory, choose gloves one size larger so that a long manicure can fit comfortably and your nails do not break.

It is very difficult to accelerate nail growth in five days. However, you can take actions that will help them grow. You should provide your nails with the necessary protection. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen your nails. Also, by taking proper care of your nails, you can achieve your desired goal. If you bite your nails, in this article you will find useful tips that will help you break this habit.


Part 1

Strengthen and protect your nails

    Use a nail strengthener. To strengthen and protect your nails as they grow, you can use a hair strengthener. A nail strengthener will prevent them from becoming brittle, so you won't have to trim them ahead of time.

    • Remember that your nails will be strong while the strengthening polish is applied, but once you remove it, your nails will return to their previous strength. Apply a nail strengthener daily to keep your nails strong and strong.
    • Nail strengthener should only be used as a temporary addition to long-term nail strengthening treatment.
  1. Wear gloves to protect your hands and nails from exposure to cold and chemicals. In addition to using hand cream, be sure to wear gloves or mittens when going outside in cold weather. If you handle chemicals, such as household chemicals or art-related materials, wear thick gloves to protect your hands. Using gloves will help you protect your nails from becoming brittle.

  2. Do not expose your nails to water for long periods of time. If your nails are in water for too long, such as when you wash dishes or swim in the pool, they lose their strength and become brittle. As a result, it is not possible to achieve the desired length of the nails, since they have to be cut too often.

    • If you want to have long nails, make sure that they are not exposed to water for long periods of time. Wear gloves when washing dishes.
  3. Eat a balanced diet . Chances are you include enough protein in your daily diet. Therefore, there is no need to include more protein in your diet if you want to grow long nails. Otherwise, large amounts of protein foods can lead to obesity, diabetes and kidney disease. .

    • If you want to have strong and healthy nails, your diet should consist of healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains and low-fat dairy products.
  4. Take biotin. Biotin strengthens nails. They become less brittle. By taking biotin supplements, your nails grow faster. Foods that contain biotin also promote nail growth.

    Part 2

    Take care of your hands and nails
    1. Moisturize your hands and nails. Applying a hand and nail moisturizer should be part of your daily hand and nail care routine. Thanks to this you will protect your nails from drying out. They will become long and strong. Apply moisturizer to your hands and nails twice a day, or more often when your hands feel dry.

      • Use a thick consistency hand cream or lotion.
      • When applying lotion to your hands, gently massage the product into the nail plate and cuticle area.
      • Be careful when applying cream or lotion after washing your hands, as soap strips the natural protective oils from the surface of your hands and nails, causing them to become brittle.
    2. Trim uneven edges of your nails. If you notice any unevenness or breaks in the nail plate, trim the nail before it breaks off. Otherwise you will lose part of the nail. Trim the uneven edge of the nail before a more serious problem appears.

      • You can also use a file to smooth out the uneven edge of the nail plate.
    3. Take care of your cuticles. The cuticle is the most important part of the nail and protects it from infection. Damage to the cuticle (such as cutting or removing it without first softening it) can damage the nails, causing them to grow more slowly.

      • Soften the cuticle before pushing it back. This way you won't damage it. Soak your fingertips in a solution of warm water and a little soap to soften the cuticles. Then use an orange stick to push back the cuticle.
      • Massage the cuticle to improve blood circulation in this area. Although this procedure will not speed up nail growth, massage will still strengthen the nail plate. She will be healthy and strong.
      • Don't trim your cuticles. This can lead to bleeding and infection of the nail.
    4. File your nails, giving them a rounded shape. Do not file your nails into a square shape. Instead, give them a round or pointed shape. The corners of this nail shape catch on clothes, and the nails break very quickly.

      • If you like your nails square, make the corners less sharp to prevent them from snagging on your clothes.

    Part 3

    Fight the habit of biting your nails
    1. Get a manicure . When you notice an uneven edge on your nail, you may be tempted to bite it. If you have a beautiful manicure, you probably don't want to ruin it by biting off part of the nail. If your nails are clean, trimmed and painted, even with regular clear polish, you will not bite them.

      • Get your nails done at least once a week. Trim, shape and polish your nails, then apply a coat of nail polish.
      • You can purchase specialized anti-nail polishes. Such varnishes have a bitter taste. Therefore, you will not have the urge to bite your nails.
    2. Manage your stress. When you are stressed, you may feel a strong urge to bite your nails. However, if you learn to manage stress, you won't feel the need to bite your nails. To reduce your stress levels, you can try the following:

      • exercise: walking, running, cycling, dancing or swimming;

Beautiful and long nails and a neat manicure are two things that every girl should have. Long nails often attract attention. It will take a little time to make them long and beautiful.

Nail growth process

How nails grow, diagram of the structure of a finger

The growth rate of fingernails often depends on a variety of factors. Before using care products, you should understand how nails grow and what components the plate needs. The main building component is keratin (protein). It is released due to the continuous synthesis of keratin in the lunula (the white area of ​​the lower part of the nail plate).

To ensure your nails grow smooth and healthy, eat right. Try to eat more fiber and greens. The components contained in these products accelerate the growth of marigolds. Sesame has a very good effect on hair and nails. Eat a teaspoon of sesame seeds daily and you will see results within a week.

The average growth rate of nails is one and a half millimeters per day. This indicator varies (it all depends on your age and health).

Grow your nails correctly and at home, without resorting to extensions. All such procedures literally destroy the record. It’s better to be patient and grow your fingernails at home than to deal with the harmful effects of extensions later.

Protecting the nail plate from environmental influences

An important criterion for beautiful nails is everyday protection from chemicals and sunlight. Rub SPF cream into your hands and into your skin twice a day. SPF is the sun protection factor. It is most important to use such creams in the summer, when solar activity reaches its maximum. Remember that the SPF value in the cream should not exceed 40.

Many dermatologists advise taking a week's rest after removing the nail polish on your hands and not painting your nails with anything other than a strengthening base. Manicure base is a product that can protect manicure and accelerate growth thanks to useful components. Several components of a quality base coat:

  • Glycerol. This component prevents dryness of the nail plate. Glycerin increases the growth rate of marigolds.
  • Propolis is a nutritional component with restorative properties.
  • Lemon juice. It is able to properly whiten the nail after using nail polish remover.
  • You need to apply the base every day. Erase the previous layer and apply a new one. This way you can grow your nails properly. Within two to four weeks after starting to use the base, you will notice that they begin to grow faster and look more well-groomed.

    Features of the shape of the nail plate

    Grow square nails a little more complicated than oval ones. The fact is that those with soft nails have square nail plates that tend to bend more often, forming breaks at the base. If you want to properly grow square-shaped nails, use baths and masks that are aimed at strengthening the soft plate.

    First of all, the shape of the nail should be comfortable for you. There are several rules for the correct filing technique, which does not provoke delamination: the plate must be filed with a medium-hard file in one direction. You need to start filing square nails from the sides. Try not to press the nail file on the plate. After completing the procedure, clean the space under the nails and apply moisturizing oil - this will increase the growth rate.

    Nails should not be filed after taking a bath, because the plate is in a softened state, so it will not be filed well, and the file will form unevenness.

    If you have short and brittle nails, try to give them an oval shape, this will allow them to grow faster at home and not break. The oval shape can extend the life of a manicure by one to three weeks.

    Homemade baths and masks

    Although nail care is a complex and time-consuming task, neat square nails can be grown properly in one to two weeks with the help of baths and masks. It is advisable to make masks twice a week, not more often.

    Moisturizing mask with iodine. Take a teaspoon of cream (preferably fatty), a tablespoon of boiled hot water and two drops of iodine. Mix all ingredients and apply the mixture to your fingertips. Avoid the skin on your hands. Rinse off the product after 15 or 20 minutes and apply moisturizer to your hands to consolidate the effect.

    To whiten the plate, prepare a bath with lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide. Take half a cup of warm water and add juice and peroxide in equal quantities. You can also add a handful of sea salt for a scrubbing effect.

    To nourish and prevent fragility, prepare a mask of white clay, chamomile decoction, and currant juice (can be replaced with the juice of any other red berry). To significantly speed up nail growth, use dissolved in hot water gelatin.

    The use of vitamins and mineral complexes

    Vitamins and minerals accelerate nail growth and make them healthy

    How to grow nails correctly if at the advanced stage of growth they begin to split? If you have thin, flaking and brittle nails, you need to immediately begin the process of restoring them and increasing the growth rate. Vitamins that will help you grow your nails properly at home can be purchased at the pharmacy:

    • vitamin A. Promotes intensive production of keratin, strengthens nails;
    • vitamin E. Nourishes the nail plate with calcium and prevents the harmful effects of chemicals;
    • vitamin C. Affects the nail at the structural level. Makes it rougher, eliminates constant brittleness and delamination. Thanks to the use of vitamins, nails can grow 2-3 centimeters in just two weeks.

    In addition to the above vitamins, you should use vitamin complexes, which include zinc, iron and calcium:

    • zinc promotes the production of proteins, in particular keratin. The most common source of zinc is banana. Eat it daily;
    • Calcium is found in all dairy products. This component accelerates nail growth;
    • iron is a strengthening component. Its sources: buckwheat and apples.

    Nail and cuticle care products

    To keep your nails looking well-groomed, you need to trim your cuticles regularly. This should be done once a week at home. There are two ways to trim cuticles: trimmed and untrimmed. The trimming method involves mechanical cutting, the untrimming method involves softening and removing the cuticle using oils and creams.

    Removing the cuticle frees up the nail bed, and the nail plate begins to grow better.

    Long and strong nails, growing overnight, as if by magic, is the dream of many girls. A beautiful manicure can beneficially complement and emphasize any image, give additional aggressive sexuality to a vamp girl and emphasize the tenderness and romance of a young charmer. Therefore, the question of how to quickly grow nails visits women's heads with enviable consistency.

    A few educational facts

    From all that has been said, we can conclude that it is simply unrealistic to grow claws in 1 or 2 days. Only the extension process will help you meet such deadlines. Moreover, there are now a great variety of methods for such a procedure. However, after removing the extensions, natural nails will require additional nutrition and some time to recover.

    How to grow your nails long and strong?

    Stop nibbling on them! Unfortunately, many people have this nervous habit. Moreover, its consequences not only spoil the appearance of the manicure, but can also lead to the appearance bacterial infections on the hands and in the mouth.

    It is easier to get rid of a bad habit if:

    1. Monitor the condition of your hands. Well-groomed, neatly polished nails and fingers without burrs are not so desirable to chew.
    2. If the habit of biting your nails arises from boredom, try to occupy your mouth with chewing gum, because you are unlikely to be able to chew both at the same time.
    3. Avoid biting the skin around your nails. Some people convince themselves that by doing so they do not harm the nail plate, but this is self-deception. In fact, the ingress of moisture and saliva weakens it, making it more brittle.
    4. Set aside one nail a week that you won't chew. Gradually, adding one “inedible” thing to it, you will wean yourself from the unpleasant habit.
    5. If relapses occur in moments of boredom and nervous shock, it would be useful to talk to a psychologist. After all, such a habit is not a trifle, but a common disease.

    Avoid gel and acrylic nails

    Undoubtedly, such a manicure is beautiful, neat and allows you to long time give your hands a well-groomed look. However, after their removal, natural nails become dry, brittle, lose their natural and healthy shine, and slow down in growth. Even with proper and careful removal, injury to the nail bed occurs.

    • If giving up acrylic and gel manicure is beyond your strength, try alternating it with a regular one.
    • Do not remove the cover by hand. Such actions often lead to damage to the top layer of the nail bed, which greatly weakens the nails.
    • Don't skip the base coat and top coat. It would seem that there is something wrong with this. Especially in a hurry, wanting the manicure to dry as quickly as possible, we allow ourselves to skip these important steps. However, by doing so we expose our nails to danger.

      The base coat protects the nail plates from the harmful effects of varnish, makes the manicure more durable and strong, protecting it from premature peeling.

    Nails are not handy tools

    Of course, it is very convenient to peel off labels and dried glue with your fingernails, separate key rings, and even unscrew screws. But if you want to grow strong, healthy and beautiful fingernails, you will have to give up these activities. Scissors, screwdrivers, blades and similar tools are what will help you pick, peel and separate everything you need during the day.

    Substances useful for nail growth

    Proper care

    Plays a vital role in creating the perfect manicure. In order to grow healthy, strong and long nails, a set of procedures is required. Let's start with the basics.

    Home Pantry Recipes for Nail Growth

    A rationally selected diet and proper care ensure the health and strength of your nails. For rapid growth, there are several recipes with simple ingredients. They are quite possible to use at home.

    Note that such recipes do not guarantee a chic manicure in a couple of days, but the growth rate of nails and their condition significantly improve.

    Olive oil

    Well-moisturized nails grow at a triple rate. In this matter, an indispensable assistant is ordinary olive oil, which can penetrate deep into the skin and nails, nourishing and at the same time moisturizing them. In addition, it contains vitamin E, which improves blood circulation, helps restore and treat damaged nails, positively affecting their strength and growth rate.

    Coconut oil

    Used as a cosmetic for the health and growth of nails. Contains important nutrients, indispensable in the fight for the beauty and strength of manicure. In addition, coconut oil strengthens the cuticle, which plays a key role in the process of nail growth, and helps get rid of infectious and fungal diseases of the nail plate.

    • Massage your nails with warm, purified coconut oil every day before going to bed. Circular massage movements will improve blood circulation.
    • Mix a quarter cup each of organic coconut oil and honey with 4 drops of rosemary oil. Warm the solution slightly in the microwave. Immerse your fingers in this bath for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure once or twice a week.

    Orange fresh

    An effective nail growth stimulator that allows you to grow them in a week. The vitamin C it contains stimulates collagen production and maintains healthy nails, and folic acid will ensure faster growth.

    Daily 10-minute baths with fresh orange juice already give impressive results in the first week. After the procedure, do not forget to rinse your hands thoroughly and treat them with moisturizer.



    Even the works of ancient Greek and Roman herbalists indicate the high effectiveness of this plant for accelerating nail growth. Being a source of calcium, silicon and other beneficial substances, horsetail improves the overall condition of the nail plates.

    1. Pour a little more than half a teaspoon of dried horsetail stems into two cups of boiling water.
    2. Cover with a lid and leave for 10-15 minutes.
    3. Strain and let cool.
    4. Immerse your hands in this infusion for 20 minutes.
    5. Repeat the procedure at least four times a week.


    A plant familiar to our ancestors as a growth stimulator of nail plates. Its effectiveness is due to the high content of silicon dioxide and other beneficial substances that contribute to the formation of the nail plate, strengthening it and preventing fragility.

    1. Brew 2-3 teaspoons of dried nettle leaves in a glass of boiling water.
    2. Let them sit for 10 minutes.
    3. Strain and add a little honey.
    4. Drink a cup of this delicious and healthy herbal tea daily.


    Growing healthy and strong nails, even if not in 3 days, but at least in a week, is the dream of many girls, and making it come true is quite possible. You just need to overcome your own laziness, set a goal and go towards it.

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