Lesson developments in Russian language 6 cells. One of the developed languages ​​of the world

Drywall 01.08.2020
Leonidova, M. V. Lesson developments in the Russian language: Grade 6: to the textbook by M. T. Baranov, T. A. Ladyzhenskaya, L. A. Trostentsova and others. “Russian language” / M. V. Leonidova. M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2008. - 399, p. (Series "Educational and methodical set").

Lesson 1.“The Russian language is one of the developed languages ​​of the world” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Repetition passed in the 5th grade

Lesson 2“Repetition of what was learned in the 5th grade. Phonetics. Orthoepy. Spelling "…………………….9

Lesson 3 Morphemes in the word. Orthograms in prefixes and roots of words "……………………………….10

Lesson 4"Parts of speech. Morphological analysis of the word "………………………………………………… 12

Lesson 5“Spellings in the endings of words” ………………………………………………………………….13

Lesson 6. "Phrase. Simple sentence” ……………………………………………………………………14

Lesson 7. « Difficult sentence. Syntactic and punctuation analysis of sentences "……….15

Lesson 8"Direct speech. Dialogue” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Lesson 9"Text" ……………………………………………………………………………………………..17

Lesson 10“Formal business style of speech” ……………………………………………………………….18

Lesson 11. "Final control dictation" ……………………………………………………………...19
Vocabulary and phraseology. A culture of speech

Lesson 12"Vocabulary. Repetition of what was studied in grade V ”……………………………………………… ..20

Lesson 13“Collecting materials for an essay” …………………………………………………………...21

Lesson 14“Composition-description” …………………………………………………………………………..22

Lesson 15“Common words” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………22

Lesson 16"Professionalism. Dialecticisms” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Lesson 17“Summary” ……………………………………………………………………………..24

Lesson 18"Jargon. Emotionally colored words” ……………………………………………25

Lesson 19. “Old words. New words (neologisms)” ……………………………………………...26

Lesson 20. “Original Russian and borrowed words” …………………………………………………..27

Lesson 21. "Phraseology" ………………………………………………………………………………...28

Lesson 22“Sources of phraseological units” …………………………………………………………………..29

Lesson 23. “Final control dictation” ……………………………………………………………..30

Lesson 24. “Dictation analysis” ………………………………………………………………………………….31
^ Word formation. Spelling. A culture of speech

Lesson 25“Word formation and spelling. A culture of speech. Repetition of what was studied in grade V "….32

Lesson 26“Spelling of vowels and consonants in morphemes. Repetition of what was studied in grade V "….33

Lesson 27“Description of the premises” ………………………………………………………………………….34

Lesson 28. Systematization of materials for writing. Complicated plan” ………………………………...35

Lesson 29“Description of the interior” …………………………………………………………………36

Lesson 30. “The main ways of forming words in the Russian language” …………………………………….37

Lesson 31. “Basic ways of word formation. Non-morphemic ways” …………………………...38

Lesson 32. “Etymology of words” ………………………………………………………………………………39

Lesson 33“The letters O and A in the root -KOS- and -KAS-” …………………………………………………………...40

Lesson 34. “Letters O and A in the root -KOS- -KAS-” ……………………………………………………………..41

Lesson 35“Letters O and A at the root -GOR- - -GAR-” ………………………………………………………...42

Lesson 36.“Spelling of words with alternating vowels at the root”.... ………………………………….43

Lesson 37. “Letters Y and I after prefixes” ……………………………………………………………………44

Lesson 38. “Vowels in prefixes PRE- and PRI-” …………………………………………………………..45

Lesson 39“Vowels in prefixes PRE- and PRI-” …………………………………………………………..46

Lesson 40.“Vowels in prefixes PRE- and PRI-” …………………………………………………………….47

Lesson 41. “Vowels in prefixes PRE- and PRI-” …………………………………………………………….48

Lesson 42.“Vowels in prefixes PRE- and PRI-” …………………………………………………………….49

Lesson 43."Selective presentation of the text of the story

A.S. Pushkin "The Stationmaster" …………………………………………………….50

Lesson 44.“Connecting O and E in compound words” …………………………………………………...51

Lesson 45. "Complex abbreviated words" …………………………………………………………………...52

Lesson 46.“Preparation for an essay based on the painting by T. N. Yablonskaya “Morning” ……………………………...53

Lesson 47.“Essay on the painting by T. N. Yablonskaya “Morning” ………………………………………………...54

Lesson 48. “Morphemic and derivational analysis of the word”………………………………………...54

Lesson 49.“Word formation and spelling. Repetition of the studied ”……………………………… ..55

Lesson 50.“Word formation and spelling. Repetition of the studied ”……………………………….56

Lesson 51.“Final control dictation” ……………………………………………………………….56

Lesson 52."Analysis of the control dictation" ……………………………………………………………………57

Lessons 53, 54.“Repetition of what was learned on the topic “Noun” in Grade V” ……………….58

Lesson 55."Dissimilar nouns.

The letter E in the suffix -EN of nouns on -МЯ "………………………………………..60

Lessons 56, 57. “The problem of good and evil in L. Andreev’s story “Kusak” and in my understanding” ……...62

Lesson 58, 59. The gender of indeclinable nouns. Indeclinable nouns "……………..68

Lesson 60“Nouns of the general gender” ………………………………………………………….70

Lesson 61“Lesson-conference “Name in the river of time”

Lesson 62“Morphological analysis of a noun” ………………………………………..76

Lesson 63“Repetition of what has been studied on the topic“ Noun ”... …………………………………... 77

Lessons 64, 65.“NOT with nouns” ………………………………………………………………………81

Lesson 66“The letters CH and Щ in the suffix -CHIK (-SHIK)” ………………………………………………………..82

Lesson 67“Vowels in noun suffixes -EK and -IK” ………………………………………...83

Lesson 68“Vowels O and E after nouns hissing in suffixes” …………………………...84

Lesson 69“Repetition of what has been learned about the noun” ……………………………………….86

Lesson 70“Repetition of what was learned about the noun” ……………………………………….87

Lesson 71“Repetition of what has been learned about the noun” ……………………………………….89

Lesson 72"Control dictation" ………………………………………………………………………………90

Lesson 73

Lesson 74“Repetition of information about the name of the adjective in the V class” ……………………………….91

Lessons 75, 76."Preparation for the essay-description" Paints

autumn "and writing an essay (based on the paintings of I. I. Levitan

"Golden Autumn" and "Autumn Day. Sokolniki”)” ……………………………………………93

Lesson 77“Degrees of comparison of adjectives” ………………………………………………..100

Lesson 78. “Degrees of comparison of adjective names (continued)” .. ………………………………...102

Lesson 79. "Classes of adjectives. Qualitative adjectives ”……………………………… 103

Lesson 80. “Relative adjectives” ……………………………………………………………….104

Lesson 81. “Possessive adjectives” …………………………………………………………….106

Lesson 82“Selected presentation” ……………………………………………………………………….107

Lesson 83“Checking information about the name of an adjective.

Morphological analysis of the adjective.

Analysis of presentation” ……………………………………………………………………………..111

Lesson 84“NOT with adjectives” ……………………………………………………………………………………113

Lesson 85“NOT with adjectives” (continued) ………………………………………………………..115

Lesson 86“Letters O and E after hissing and C in adjective suffixes” …………………………………………………………………115

Lesson 87“Essay on the picture” ………………………………………………………………………….117

Lessons 88, 89.“One and two letters Н and НН in adjective suffixes” ……………………………….125

Lesson 90“Distinguishing in writing the suffixes of adjectives -K- and SK-”……………………………..127

Lesson 91“Hyphenic and continuous spelling of complex adjectives” ……………………………….128

Lesson 92. “Repetition of what has been studied on the topic “Adjective name” .... ……………………………… ..130

Lesson 93"Control dictation" ………………………………………………………………………..131

Lesson 94“A lesson in working on mistakes” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Lesson 95“The numeral as a part of speech” ……………………………………………………………..134

Lesson 96“Simple and compound numbers” ………………………………………………………..136

Lesson 97“Soft sign at the end and in the middle of numerals” …………………………………………..137

Lesson 98"Digits of cardinal numbers" ……………………………………………………...138

Lesson 99“Numerals denoting whole numbers” ………………………………………………..141

Lesson 100.“Numerals denoting whole numbers” (continued) …………………………….142

Lesson 101“Fractional numbers” …………………………………………………………………….143

Lesson 102“Collective numerals” ……………………………………………………………..145

Lesson 103“Ordinal numbers” ………………………………………………………………… 146

Lessons 104, 105.“Selected presentation” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………147

^ Alternative Lesson . “The lesson is a mystery. Description of the place (premises)» …………………………………147

Lesson 106. “Morphological analysis of the name of the numeral” ………………………………………… 150

Lesson 107. “Repetition and generalization of the studied” ………………………………………………………..153

Lesson 108. « Test» ………………………………………………………………………...156

Lesson 109“Pronoun as part of speech” ………………………………………………………………….157

Lesson 110.“Ranks of pronouns” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………159

Lesson 111“Personal pronouns” ……………………………………………………………………….161

Lesson 112.“Reflexive pronoun” …………………………………………………………………...162

Lessons 113, 114.“Stories based on plot drawings” ……………………………………………………..164

Alternative lesson."Essay-story on plot

drawings by V. Suteev. Form essay preparation lesson

Lesson 115“Interrogative pronouns” ……………………………………………………………..170

Lesson 116"Relative Pronouns" …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Lesson 117“Indefinite pronouns” ……………………………………………………………….172

Lesson 118“Negative pronouns” ……………………………………………………………………………………174

Lesson 119“Possessive pronouns” ……………………………………………………………….176

Lesson 120.“Demonstrative pronouns” ………………………………………………………………..177

Lesson 121“Definitive pronouns” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Lessons 122, 123.“Composition-reasoning” ……………………………………………………………….180

Lesson 124“Morphological analysis of the pronoun” ……………………………………………………..180

Lessons 125, 126."Generalized repetition

studied on the topic “Pronoun” ………………………………………………………...182

Lessons 127, 128.“Generalizing repetition of what has been studied on the topic

“Pronoun” (continued) ……………………………………………………………..184

Lesson 129“Control work on the topic “Pronoun” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Lesson 130“Lesson of working on the mistakes of the control work” ……………………………………… ..190

Lesson 131"Verb. Repetition of what was studied in grade V ”……………………………………………… 190

Lesson 132"Verb. Repetition of what was studied in grade V ”……………………………………………… 191

Lesson 133"Verb. Repetition of what was studied in grade V ”……………………………………………… 192

Lesson 134“A story based on plot pictures” ……………………………………………………………….193

Lesson 135“Variable verbs” …………………………………………………………………….194

Lesson 136“Various verbs” ………………………………………………………………….195

Lesson 137“Verbs transitive and intransitive” ……………………………………………………..196

Lesson 138“Verbs transitive and intransitive” ……………………………………………………….197

Lesson 139"Inclination of the verb. Indicative mood "…………………………………………...198

Lesson 140“Preparation for the presentation of the story on behalf of its participant” ……………………………… 199

Lesson 141“Statement of the story on behalf of the participant” ……………………………………………………...201

Lesson 142“The conditional mood of the verb” ………………………………………………………………..201

Lesson 143“Conditional Mood” ………………………………………………………………………203

Lesson 144"Imperative mood" ………………………………………………………………...204

Lesson 145

Lesson 146"Imperative mood" ………………………………………………………………...205

Lesson 147“The use of inclinations” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Lesson 148"Inclination of the verb. Generalization of the studied ”…………………………………………… 208

Lesson 149

Lesson 150“Impersonal verbs” …………………………………………………………………………210

Lesson 151. “Morphological analysis of the verb” …………………………………………………………..211

Lesson 152“Preparation for writing: a story based on what they heard” …………………………....212

Lesson 153“A story based on what he heard” …………………………………………………………….212

Lesson 154“Spelling of vowels in verb suffixes” …………………………………………….213

Lesson 155“Spelling of vowels in suffixes of verbs” ……………………………………………214

Lesson 156"Verb. Repetition”………………………………………………………………………….. 215

Lesson 157. "Verb. Repetition” …………………………………………………………………………..217

Lesson 158"Verb. Repetition "………………………………………………………………………..218

Lesson 159“Final control dictation” …………………………………………………………..219

Lesson 160"Analysis of the control dictation" …………………………………………………………...220
Repetition and systematization of the passed in the VI class

Lessons 161-166.“Generalizing repetition of the studied” ……………………………………………….220

Lessons 167, 168.“Writing an essay on one of these topics” …………………………………….231

Lesson 169“Final control dictation” …………………………………………………………..232

Lesson 170“Lesson in the analysis of the control dictation” ……………………………………………………….233

^ Program 1 in Russian
6th grade
170 h
Authors: M. T. Baranov, T. A. Ladyzhenskaya, N. M. Shansky.
Russian language is one of the developed languages ​​of the world

(1 h)

(8 h + 2 h)

Dividing the text into parts; official business style, its language features.

(10 h +3 h)

I. Repetition of the vocabulary covered in grade V.

Original Russian words. Borrowed words. Common words. Professionalisms, dialectisms, jargon. Neutral and stylistically colored words. Outdated words. Neologisms.

The main ways of replenishing the vocabulary of the Russian language.

Explanatory dictionaries of foreign words, obsolete words.

Phraseology as a branch of the science of language. Free combinations of words and phraseological turns. The main features of phraseological units. Stylistically neutral and colored phraseological units. Sources of phraseological units. The use of phraseological units in speech. Phrasebook.

II. The ability to determine from the explanatory dictionary from which language the word is borrowed, whether it refers to obsolete, dialect or professional words.

Ability to use dictionaries of foreign words, obsolete words, phraseological units.

III. Collection and analysis of materials for the composition: working materials. Condensed retelling of the original text.

(24h + 4h)

I. Repetition of the passed on morphemics in the V class. The main ways of forming words in Russian: with the help of morphemes (morphological) - prefix, suffix, prefix-suffix, non-suffix; basic and word composition, addition of full and abbreviated words, abbreviation (abbreviation of words and phrases). The formation of words as a result of the merging of combinations of words into a word.

The concept of etymology and etymological analysis of words. Etymological dictionaries.

Spelling of alternating vowels about and a in the roots mountains- - -gar-, -kos- -kas-. Spelling of vowels in prefixes pre- and at-, letters s and and after consonant prefixes. Spelling of connecting vowels about and e .

II. Ability to coordinate adjectives and verbs in the past tense with complex abbreviated words.

III. Description of the premises, the structure of this text, language features. Systematization of the material for the essay; complex plan. Selective retelling of the original text.


(18h + 3h)

I. Repetition of information about the noun received in the V class.

Declension of nouns into - me . Indeclinable nouns. Text-forming role of nouns. Word formation of nouns.

Not with nouns. Spelling of vowels in suffixes -ek, -ik , letters about and e after hissing and c in suffixes - OK (-ek ), -He to , -onok . Consonants h and sch in suffix - chik (-box ).

II. The ability to correctly form the forms of indirect cases of nouns on - me , use indeclinable nouns correctly in speech, coordinate adjectives and verbs in the past tense with common nouns (for example, white-haired, orphan and etc.).

The ability to determine the meanings of suffixes of nouns (magnifying, derogatory and diminutive).

III. Various spheres of the use of oral public speech.
^ Adjective

(18 hours +3 hours)

I. Repetition of what has been learned about the adjective in the 5th grade.

Qualitative, relative and possessive adjectives. Degrees of comparison of adjectives; the formation of degrees of comparison. Word formation of adjectives.

Not with adjectives. Letters about and e after hissing and c in adjective suffixes; spelling of vowels and consonants in suffixes -aya- (-yan-), -in-, -onn- (-enn-) in adjectives; distinction in writing suffixes - to - and - sk -. Continuous and hyphenated spelling of complex adjectives.

II. The ability to correctly form the degrees of comparison of adjectives, observe the correct stress in the formation of degrees of comparison, determine the meaning of suffixes in adjectives (diminutive and incompleteness of quality).

Ability to use adjectives in a figurative sense.

III. Description of the nature, structure of the given text, its language features; description of objects near and far. Selective retelling of the original text with a description of nature. Description of the landscape according to the picture.

Public speech about the work of folk craft.
^ Numeral

(12 h + 2 h)

I. The numeral as a part of speech. The syntactic role of numerals in a sentence. Numerals quantitative and ordinal. Numerals simple and compound. Text-forming role of numerals.

Declension of cardinal numbers. Spelling of vowels in case endings; letter b in the middle and at the end of numbers. Continuous and separate writing of numerals.

Declension of ordinal numbers. Spelling of vowels in case endings of ordinal numbers.

II. Ability to use numerals to indicate dates, use numerals correctly two, three etc., numerals both, both combined with nouns.

The ability to express an approximate amount using a combination of a cardinal number and a noun (for example, five minutes, ten kilometers).

III. Public speaking - appeal, its structure, language features. Retelling of the original text with digital material.

(19h + 3h)

I. Pronoun as a part of speech. The syntactic role of pronouns in a sentence. Classes of pronouns. Declension of pronouns. Text-forming role of pronouns.

Separate spelling of prepositions with pronouns. Letter n in personal pronouns of the 3rd person after prepositions. Formation of indefinite pronouns. Hyphen in indefinite pronouns before suffixes something, something, something and after prefix something.

Not in indefinite pronouns. Continuous and separate spelling is neither in negative pronouns.

II. The ability to use personal pronouns of the 3rd person in accordance with the meaning of the preceding sentence. The ability to correctly use pronouns as a means of connecting sentences and parts of the text.

III. Story by imagination, by plot drawings; structure, linguistic features of these texts.

Reasoning as a type of text, its structure (thesis, argument, conclusion), linguistic features.

(24h + 6h)

I. Repetition of what has been learned about the verb in the fifth grade.

Transitive and intransitive verbs. Indicative, conditional and imperative. Separate spelling of a particle would (b) with conditional verbs. Letters b and and in verbs in the imperative mood. Irregular verbs. Impersonal verbs. Text-forming role of verbs. Word formation of verbs.

Spelling of vowels in suffixes -ova(t), -eva(t) and -yva(t), -iva(t).

II. The ability to use the forms of some moods in the meaning of others and the indefinite form (infinitive) in the meaning of different moods.

III. A story based on what was heard, its structure, language features. Retelling of the original text on behalf of one of its characters. A story based on plot pictures with the inclusion of part of the finished text.

(8 h + 2 h)

Essay on the chosen topic.


I. Students should know the definitions of the main language units studied in grade VI, speech concepts, spelling and punctuation rules, justify their answers, giving the necessary examples.

II. By the end of grade VI, students should have mastered the following skills:

To produce a word-formation analysis of words with a clear structure, a morphological analysis of the parts of speech studied in grade VI, a syntactic analysis of sentences with two main members and with one main member expressed by an impersonal verb;

Using an explanatory dictionary, find out the norms for using the word;

Observe the norms of the literary language within the studied material.

By spelling. Find studied spellings in words, be able to justify their choice, correctly write words with studied spellings; find and correct spelling errors.

Correctly write words with unchecked spellings studied in grade VI.

By punctuation. Find semantic segments in sentences that need to be highlighted with punctuation marks, justify the choice of punctuation marks and arrange them in sentences in accordance with the rules studied.

Connected speech. Make a complex plan. Detailed, concise and selective presentation of narrative texts with elements of the description of the premises and landscape. Collect and systematize material for an essay, taking into account the topic and main idea. Describe the room, landscape, make up a story based on what you hear and from your imagination. Improve the content and language design of your text (in accordance with the studied language material).

Be able to correctly and clearly answer questions on the material covered; speak on a given topic.


(1 h)


1 N.V. Baranova and others (M.: Enlightenment); MM. Razumovskaya and others (M.: Drofa) NEW EDITION Grade 6 MOSCOW "VAKO" 2012

2 UDC 372.8: BBK Rus E30 E30 Egorova N.V. Lesson developments in the Russian language: Grade 6. M.: VAKO, p. (To help the school teacher). ISBN lesson developments in Russian for the 6th grade to the UMK M.T. Baranova and others (M.: Prosveshchenie), M.M. Razumovskaya and others (M.: Bustard). Vocabulary, explanatory and control dictations, essays, presentations, all types of linguistic analysis, workshops, tests, individual tasks are offered. Typical errors are considered. Recommendations on preparation for presentations and essays are given. Designed for teachers, students of pedagogical universities and colleges. UDC 372.8: LBC Rus ISBN Teaching aid TO HELP THE SCHOOL TEACHER Egorova Natalia Vladimirovna LESSON DEVELOPMENT IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE To the textbooks of M.T. Baranova and others (M.: Enlightenment); MM. Razumovskaya and others (M.: Drofa) Grade 6 Tax benefit All-Russian classifier of products OK Publishing house "VAKO" Signed for printing Format / 32. Offset printing. Newton headset. Conv. oven sheets 16.8. Circulation 7000 copies. Order. Moscow, 122. Fax: (8332) , VAKO LLC, 2012

3 From the author The purpose of the manual is to help the teacher organize lessons in the 6th grade of the basic school. lesson methodological developments compiled in accordance with the textbook M.T. Baranova, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya and others. “Russian language. Grade 6 "(M .: Education). The manual can be used by teachers working on other teaching materials. It is supplemented by developments of those topics that differ from the specified textbook by M.M. Razumovskaya and others. “Russian language. Grade 6 "(M .: Bustard). The allowance includes detailed description course of the lessons. Their goals and types of educational activities are indicated, methodological techniques, homework are recommended, the most difficult questions and typical mistakes are considered. Suggested different types tasks: vocabulary, explanatory and control dictations, essays, presentations, all types of linguistic analysis, questions on the theory of language, practical work, tests, including those of the USE type, linguistic tasks of varying complexity, individual tasks, work with dictionaries, etc. Recommendations are given on preparing for presentations and essays, answers to assignments, keys to tests. It is recommended to carry out testing according to the edition: Control and measuring materials. Russian language. Grade 6 (compiled by N.V. Egorova. M: VAKO, 2011); further KIM. There are also texts of vocabulary and control dictations. Examples for various sections of linguistics were selected with a focus on relevance, as well as on the basis of the literature program in the 6th grade. The manual includes, taking into account the age characteristics of children, entertaining materials on linguistics and the history of the language, linguistic games. The application contains integrated and game lessons, options for individual tasks. Particular attention in this manual is given to the analysis of creative tasks (essays, presentations, descriptions), options for their implementation are given. When working with the manual, the teacher can use both full lesson plans and individual materials and assignments.

4 MATERIAL FOR WORK FROM THE TEXTBOOK M.T. BARANOV AND DR. lesson number Thematic planning Theme of the lesson 1 The Russian language is one of the developed languages ​​of the world Repetition of what was studied in the 5th grade (11 hours) 2 Phonetics, orthoepy, graphics, spelling 3 Morphemes. Orthograms in prefixes and roots of words 4 Parts of speech. Morphological analysis of the word 5 Orthograms in the endings of words 6 Phrase. Simple sentence 7 Compound sentence. Analysis of sentences 8 Direct speech and dialogue 9 Development of speech. Text 10 Official business style of speech Dictation and test Vocabulary. Phraseology. Culture of speech (14 hours) 13 Repetition of what was studied in grade 5 14 Oral description of the picture 15 Common words 16 Professionalisms 17 Dialectisms 18 Concise presentation 19 Emotionally colored words. Jargonisms 20 Outdated and new words 21 Original Russian and borrowed words Seminar “How is it in Russian?”

5 Thematic planning 5 Lesson number Theme of the lesson 24 Phraseologisms 25 Generalization of the section 26 Dictation Word formation and spelling. Culture of speech (26 hours) Repetition of what was studied in grade 5 29 Description of the room Word formation 32 Workshop on word formation Etymology of words 35 Materials for the composition 36 Letters o and a in the root -kos- / -kas- 37 Letters o and a in the root -gor- / -gar- 38 Letters and and after prefixes Prefixes pre- and pre- 41 Practice on prefixes pre- and pre- 42 Selective presentation 43 Connecting o and e in compound words 44 Compound words Composition 47 Morphemic and derivational analysis of the word Generalization for the Dictation section and test Morphology and spelling. Culture of speech (116 h) NOUN (22 h) Repetition of what was studied in grade 5 56 Heterogeneous nouns 57 The letter e in the suffix of -en-nouns in -mya 58 Russian names 59 Indeclinable nouns 60 Gender of indeclinable nouns 61 Common nouns 62 Morphological analysis of a noun 63 Composition Not with nouns Suffixes -chik and -schik

6 8 Material for work on the textbook M.T. Baranova and others Lesson number Lesson topic Conditional mood Imperative 150 Composition Practicum on the mood of the verb 153 Dictation and test Impersonal verbs 156 Morphological analysis of the verb 157 Speech development. Story 158 Vowels in verb suffixes 159 Dictation and test Repetition of what has been studied 162 Dictation and test Repetition and systematization of what has been studied in 5 6 classes (8 hours) 163 Sections of the science of language. Spelling and spelling 164 Punctuation 165 Vocabulary and phraseology 166 Word formation 167 Morphology and syntax Dictation and test 170 Summing up the year Lesson 1. Russian is one of the developed languages ​​of the world Objectives: to give students an idea of ​​the Russian language as one of the developed languages ​​of the world; introduce the textbook for grade 6, its features, structure. Types of educational activities: conversation, work with a textbook. Lesson I. introductory word teacher (The teacher congratulates the students on the beginning of the school year and conducts a conversation.) In grade 6 we will continue to study different sections of linguistics: vocabulary, word formation, morphology, learn more

7 Lesson 1. Russian is one of the developed languages ​​of the world 9 about wealth vocabulary Russian language, about independent parts of speech. The study of the Russian language in the 6th grade is allotted 5 hours a week. But it is important to learn how to skillfully use the Russian language in all lessons. It is important because it will help to study history, literature, mathematics, natural sciences, and successfully master all sciences. As always, let's take as assistants dictionaries, reference books, popular science books about the Russian language, and above all a textbook. II. Acquaintance with the textbook Who are the authors of the textbook? (See page 2.) What else will we learn on the tutorial's imprint page? (See p. 2.) A team of authors worked on the textbook under the scientific editorship of Academician N.M. Shansky. So, this is a serious scientific work. Let us pay attention to the fact that the textbook was awarded the USSR State Prize, that it went through several dozen editions (see p. 1), which means that it was used by many generations of students. Ask your parents what textbook they used to learn Russian, most likely the same one. Of course, from time to time changes were made to the textbook, clarifications caused by the requirements of the time, its design was improved. Artists, editors, proofreaders, printers participated in the creation of the textbook. You have to master the textbook, work with it, it will be your work. It is important to remember the need for careful handling of the book, including the textbook. And now let's get on practical work. Consider a frame with symbols, endpapers of a textbook with spelling and punctuation rules. Endpapers can be used as a quick reference, as a hint that is always at hand. According to the content, we will determine which topics we will consider in the 6th grade, which of them are not at all familiar yet, which ones we have already met. We turn over the pages of applications, get acquainted with the memos, short dictionaries: spelling, pronunciation, explanatory. Let's take a quick look at the colored inserts. III. Work on the theme of the lesson 1. Conversation You are starting an unusual school year: 6th grade can be called the equator. But in this case The equator is not a geographical concept, but a metaphor. This school year divides your school life

8 10 Material for work on the textbook M.T. Baranova and others into two equal parts: just as the equator divides the globe in half into the Northern and Southern hemispheres. As you can see, we had not yet had time to start talking about the Russian language, as he himself reminded of himself: the expressiveness of his native speech manifested itself. By the way, the Russian language occupies a worthy place among the developed languages ​​spoken on the globe. On both sides of the equator, you can find people speaking Russian, learning Russian. What do you think, in which hemisphere of our planet is the Russian language more common? Of course, in the North. After all, it is here that our vast country is located, in which more than a hundred different peoples, large and small, live, and all of them know how (better or worse) to speak Russian, the state language of Russia. 2. Working with dictionaries The Russian language is not only one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world, it is one of the most developed ones. To understand what this means, we turn to explanatory dictionaries. Let's find the meaning of the word developed. Dictionary A.P. Evgenieva: 1. Having reached full physical development, matured, strengthened. 2. Having reached a high level, a high stage of development. 3. Spiritually mature, enlightened, cultured, with a broad outlook. Dictionary S.I. Ozhegova: 1. Having reached a high degree of development. 2. Spiritually mature, enlightened and cultured. What do you think, in what sense is the word developed in relation to language used? Developed having reached a high level, a high stage of development (according to A.P. Evgenyeva); having reached a high degree of development (according to S.I. Ozhegov). Material for the teacher As early as the 18th century. M.V. Lomonosov appreciated what a rich heritage the Russian language inherited from our distant ancestors: “The beauty, splendor, strength and richness of the Russian language is quite clear from books written in past centuries, when our ancestors did not know any rules for writing yet, but also they hardly thought that they exist or can exist. Lomonosov, in his "Grammar", quotes the words of Charles the Fifth about the role of European languages: "Gishpan with God, French with friends, German with enemies, Italian with the female sex to speak decently." And then Lomonosov adds: “But if he were skilled in the Russian language, then, of course, he would add to that that it was decent for them to speak with all of them, because he would find in it

9 Repetition of what was learned in grade 5 11 the splendor of Spanish, the liveliness of French, the strength of German, the tenderness of Italian, moreover, the richness and brevity of Greek and strong in the images Latin". The great poet G.R. Derzhavin later paraphrased these words as follows: “The Slavic-Russian language, according to the testimony of foreign estheticians themselves, is not inferior either in courage to Latin or in fluency to Greek, surpassing all European ones: Italian, French and Spanish, much more so German.” The richest literature has been written in Russian. Great writers and poets A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, I.S. Turgenev, L.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky, I.A. Bunin, A.A. Blok, A.A. Akhmatova and many others are known all over the world. Their works show beauty, expressiveness, accuracy, accuracy, melodiousness, sonority of the Russian language. 3. Working with the textbook 1. Reading and discussing the text of ex. 1 (p. 3). 2. An entry in the notebook of the epigraph to the topic of the statement by K.G. Paustovsky (p. 3). 3. Discussion of phrases enclosed in the box on p. 3, and writing in the notebook sentences with these phrases. We found out what a developed language means. And what is the meaning of a similar word in the phrase developed child? How are these words different? (Answer. A developed child is a child for his age spiritually mature, enlightened, cultured, with a broad outlook, and at the same time physically developed, strengthened. The words developed and developed are paronyms, they are similar in sound and spelling, but differ in meaning .) Homework Ex. 2, 3. REVIEW OF STUDY IN GRADE 5 Lesson 2. Phonetics, orthoepy, graphics, spelling Objectives: to consolidate students' knowledge of phonetics and orthoepy of the Russian language; to consolidate the concept of the relationship between phonetics and spelling, pronunciation and spelling. Types of educational activities: phonetic analysis, exercises, linguistic riddle.

10 12 Material for work on the textbook M.T. Baranova and others Course of the lesson I. Checking homework 1. Selective dictation of the sentences of exercise Reading reasoning on the assignment of exercise. 3. II. Repetition of the studied 1. Questions in the textbook (Reading and discussing the questions on p. 4 5.) Is it possible to pronounce the letters? What is the ratio of sounds and letters? (No. We pronounce sounds. Letters only denote sounds, this is a graphic representation of sounds.) How many letters are in the Russian alphabet? (33.) How many sounds are there in Russian? (The number of sounds is almost impossible to count. We group similar sounds and designate them with certain letters.) Name all the letters of the Russian alphabet. (The alphabet will be told by several people. It is necessary to achieve the correct name of the letters.) Which letters do not represent sounds? (b and b.) What vowels and consonants do not match the spelling? (Unstressed vowels do not coincide with spelling, as well as consonants at the end of a word and before consonants that are opposite in voice: voiced ones become deaf, and deaf voiced.) What is called transcription? (Transcription is a record of words corresponding to the sound.) 2. Phonetic analysis of words (Reading theoretical material textbook p. 4.) And now the phonetic analysis of words. We perform according to the options on the board and in notebooks: Option I: frequency; Option II: Purity. Let us find out that the phonetic appearance of these words is the same: [h istata], which means that only the context that clarifies its meaning will help to write the word correctly. Let's compose and write down phrases with both words: pulse rate, spiritual purity. Determine which word has fewer letters than sounds: feeling, stand, sing, warm. (In the word they sing [pay ut].) 3. Performing exercises Ex. 4: self-fulfillment, followed by verification and writing on the board. Words that differ in one sound: trap drap; burka tag; lemon firth; dock current.

P / n plan fact Russian language is one of the developed languages ​​of the world () 0.09 Russian language is one of the developed languages ​​of the world REVIEW OF STUDY IN CLASS V (0) 2 02.09 Phonetics and graphics. Phonetic analysis of the word. Spelling

N. V. EGOROVA LESSON DEVELOPMENT IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE SECOND EDITION, REVISED Grade 5 MOSCOW "VAKO" 2013 UDC 373.167.1: 811.161.1 BBK 81.2Rus-922 E30 E30 Egorova N.V. Lesson developments in Russian

2 Calendar-thematic planning in the Russian language Grade 6 of the lesson Content (sections, topics) Number of hours Language. Speech. Communication. 3+h. Russian language is one of the developed languages ​​of the world. 2. Language, speech, communication

Russian Language Work Program, Grade 6 Explanatory note Calendar-thematic planning is compiled on the basis of the general educational standard of the main general education In Russian

Date of the lesson (number of the school week) Calendar - thematic planning Subject Russian language Class 6 Name of sections and topics of lessons, forms and topics of control Number of hours LANGUAGE. SPEECH. COMMUNICATION (3h + 1*h)

Calendar-thematic planning in the Russian language Grade 6 Lesson topic Control 1 The Russian language is one of the developed languages ​​of the world. 2 Verification test phonetics. Spelling. 3 Work on the bugs. Checking

Basic general education Russian language Grade 6 Work program Moscow Planned results of studying the subject By the end of grade VI, students should master the following skills and abilities: know

Considered: At the meeting of the Ministry of Philological Sciences Minutes 1 dated 30.08.2017 Head of the Ministry of Defense Imberovskaya Yu.I. Approved by: Deputy Director of GBOU School 2075 (Lagoda E.B.) Approved by: Director of GBOU

Explanatory note. The work program in the Russian language for the 6th grade of the main general education school is compiled on the basis of the State Standard for General Education, an exemplary program for the main

Calendar-thematic planning in the Russian language in the 6th grade (204 hours) n \ n Lesson topic Number of hours () Russian language is one of the developed languages ​​of the world Repetition of what was covered in grade V (0 hours) 2() Phonetics,

1 1. Explanatory note. The work program in the Russian language was compiled for the 6th grade on the basis of the federal component of the state standard for basic general education. Russian language programs

State educational institution - the main comprehensive school at the Russian Embassy in Thailand Considered at a meeting of the MO. Minutes of "September" 2013 Chairman of the Ministry of Defense O. I. Khrunova

"Reviewed" Head of MO MBOU SOSH 73 E.G. Mysheva Minutes 1 dated .. 017 "Agreed" Deputy Director for Water Management Zh.G. Mityukova .. 017 "I approve" Director of MBOU secondary school 73 E.V. Vysotskaya order from..

"Reviewed" Head of MO MBOU SOSH 73 E.G. Mysheva Minutes dated August 3, 2008 “Agreed” Deputy Director for Water Management Zh.G. Mityukova .. 08 "I approve" Director of MBOU secondary school 73 E.V. Vysotskaya order 9/3 Working

Lesson CALENDAR AND THEMATIC PLANNING OF RUSSIAN LESSONS IN THE 6th CLASS (70 Date Theme of the lesson Number of hours Practical part Note QUARTER. 48. The Russian language is one of the developed languages ​​of the world. Repetition

Explanatory note Calendar - thematic planning is compiled in accordance with the "Program of the Russian language for grades 5-9". Program authors: M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, N.M. Shansky.

APPROVED by the Order of the Director of the MBOU "Secondary School 2 with in-depth study of subjects of the physical and mathematical cycle" dated 06/30/2016 260 P The work program of the subject "Russian language" Grade 6, 6 hours

1 Explanatory note The study of the subject is given 6 hours per week, which includes 204 hours per academic year. The work program is provided with an educational and methodological complex: An exemplary program for

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school 28" Mytishchi municipal area I APPROVE Director MBOU SOSH 28 M.S. Mosaleva Order 170 of 09/01/2015 Working

Planned results of mastering the subject

Annotation of the work program of the Russian language Grade 6 Content of the subject, course, indicating the form of organization training sessions, the main types of educational activities. Language. Speech. Communication. Russian language

FIRST QUARTER 8.5 weeks (51 hours) 44+8 Russian is one of the most developed languages ​​in the world Date R-R Theme of the lesson 1 Russian language is one of the developed languages ​​of the world The history of the study of local dialects in the South Urals Number.

Grades 6a Teacher Number of hours Fedorova L.A. Total 105 hours; per week 3 hours Educational and thematic planning in the Russian language When compiling the program, recommendations for improvement were taken into account

1 section Regulatory documents The program is based on the federal component of the state standard for basic general education; programs of educational institutions in the Russian language in

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school 28" Mytishchi municipal district "APPROVED" Director of MBOU secondary school 28 M.S. Mosaleva Order 170 of 09/01/2015 Working

Explanatory note The work program in the Russian language for the 6th grade is compiled in accordance with the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Secondary Education

Lesson a in the year lesson a in the topic CALENDAR AND THEMATIC PLANNING Russian Grade 6 Topic of the section / topic (number of hours), topic of the lesson Date plan General information about language. h. Entrance dictation. Russian language one

Budgetary educational institution of the city of Omsk "Secondary school 162" Considered by the Head of the MO Vitvitskaya V.I. Minutes dated 2020 Agreed Deputy Director for Water Resources of the Municipal Educational Institution of Omsk

Municipal state educational institution basic comprehensive school with. Vostochnoye Adopted at the Pedagogical Council Minutes 12 of November 01, 2016 Approved by order of the head

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE for T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.T. Baranova, L.A. Trostentsova and others; V.V. Babaitseva and others; MM. Razumovskaya and others. Grade 5 MOSCOW "WAKO" UDC 373: 8.6. BBK 8.2Rus-922 K64 Reviewers: leader

Annotation to the working program. The work program in the Russian language for the 6th grade is based on: - The Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (2010) with

2 EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program in the Russian language for the 6th grade is compiled in accordance with legal regulations: Federal Law "On Education in Russian Federation"(from 29.12.

Calendar-thematic planning Russian language Grade 6 Content (lesson topic) Number of hours p / n I. General information about the Russian language. Russian language is the national language of the Russian people. Russian language one

“Reviewed” Head of the MO /Kaziev G.M./ Minutes 1 of 2013 “Agreed” Deputy. director for water resources management / Imilikov M.K. / 2013 "Approved" A.Omarova /Bartikhanov

Theme of the lesson Number of hours Lesson type Types of educational activities Types of control, meters Planned results of mastering the material 1. Russian is one of the developed languages ​​1 h Combined. Working with text, current

Department of Education of the Administration of the City of Orel Soviet Union G.M. Parshina WORKING PROGRAM of the subject

working training program in Russian for students of grades 6 for the 07/08 academic year Explanatory note The work program in Russian for grade 6 was developed in accordance with the main

EXPLANATORY NOTE ON THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE 6 CLASS The work program is developed on the basis of the federal component of the state standard; federal basic curriculum; general education programs

Planned results of mastering the subject "Russian language" Grade 6 Personal results:) understanding of the Russian language as one of the main national and cultural values ​​of the people; defining role

The content of the work program p / p Title section Page. 1 Explanatory note 3 2 Planned results of mastering the subject "Russian language" in grade 6 4 3 Content of the subject "Russian

Annotation to the work program in the Russian language grade 6 (M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, N.M. Shansky) ( a basic level of) The work program is developed on the basis of federal planning for educational

1. Explanatory note The work program for the optional lesson "Native Word" in grade 8 "B" (type I) of basic general education is compiled on the basis of the program of educational institutions "Russian

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE for T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.T. Baranova, L.A. Trostentsova and others; V.V. Babaitseva and others; MM. Razumovskaya, S.I. Lvov, V.I. Kapinos and others. Grade 6 MOSCOW "VAKO" UDC 373:8.6. BBK 8.2Rus-922

The working curriculum in the Russian language for students of grades 6 for the 06/07 academic year

MBOU "Gatchinskaya secondary school 11" "I approve" Director of the school Vasiliu R.F. Order 108 dated "_1_" 09 20_14 Work program in the Russian language Grade 6 UMK Baranova M.T., Ladyzhenskoy T.A. etc. (204 hours) 1 EXPLANATORY

WORKING PROGRAM in the Russian language Grade 6 Basic level I. PERSONAL, META-SUBJECT AND SUBJECT RESULTS OF MASTERING THE SUBJECT Personal results of students mastering the program in Russian

Work program in the Russian language (6th grade-40 hours) Compiled by: Olga Mikhailovna Guntovaya, teacher of the first qualification category, Kaliningrad, 207 . Planned results of mastering the educational

Annotation The work program in the Russian language for grade 6 was compiled using the materials of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education, Model Program

Scanned by CamScanner . Planned results of mastering the subject. Information about the sample program The work program in the Russian language for grade 6 is compiled in accordance with the provisions of the Federal

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Gymnasium" Recommended by: Methodological Association of Teachers of the Russian Language and Literature 1 Approved: by order of MBOU "Gymnasium"

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Special (correctional) general education boarding school for students with handicapped health (severe speech disorders)

Class: 5 Hours per week: 6 Total hours: 210 p / p Calendar-thematic planning Subject: Russian language Section, topic of the lesson Number of hours on the topic Practical part of the program K R R R I term 10.6 training

Calendar-thematic planning in the Russian language for the 6AB class for the 2018-2019 academic year. year p/p Date Topic Homework According to the plan Actually 1 02.Sep Russian language is one of the developed languages ​​of the world Exercise 3 2

EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program in the Russian language for the 6th grade is compiled in accordance with the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education in Russian

Municipal state educational institution "Urzhum secondary school" Work program Russian language Grade 6 (basic level) Teacher: I.V. Teryaeva 2016-2017 academic year Introduction Work program

Explanatory note to the work program in the Russian language in grades 6a, d (basic level) The work program in the subject "Russian language" was developed on the basis of: 1. federal state educational

Planned results of mastering the subject Personal The student will have: a motivational basis for learning activities and the formation of a personal meaning of learning; collaboration skills

Annotation The work program in the Russian language for the 6th grade is compiled in accordance with the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education of the second generation,

Explanatory note This work program corresponds to the author's program “Russian language. Work programs. The subject line of textbooks by T.A. Ladyzhinskaya, M.T. Baranova. L.A.Trostentsova and others. Grades 5-9 "

Explanatory note The work program in the Russian language for the 6th grade is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Standard for Basic General Education (FSES: basic general

PEI "St. George's Orthodox Secondary School" "Reviewed and recommended" "Recommend" I approve "by the Methodological Council of the school for approval" Director of the Orthodox school Pr.


"Polessky municipal district" Municipal budgetary educational institution Zalesovskaya secondary school of the Polessky district of the Kaliningrad region Work program of the educational

Explanatory note Status of the document The work program is based on the federal component of the state standard for (basic) general education, the Exemplary Program for Basic General Education

1 Thematic planning in the Russian language Grade 5 / Authors T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.T. Baranov / 170 h. Hours of study time Topic of the IES lesson Planned dates for completing the program Forms of control Homework

Belyaeva O. V., Datsenko O. A. Lesson developments in the Russian language: Grade 6. - M.: VAKO, 2009. - 288 p. - (To help the school teacher).
Lesson developments for the textbook by M. T. Baranova

Thematic planning educational material………………………………………………… ..9

Lesson 1. The Russian language is one of the developed languages ​​of the world…………………………………………… 10

Lesson 2. Phonetics, orthoepy, graphics. Phonetic analysis of the word. Spelling……………. eleven

Lesson 3 Morphemes in a word. Morphemic analysis of the word…………………………………………….. 12

Lesson 4. Orthograms in prefixes and in the roots of words………………………………………………… 14

Lesson 5 Parts of speech. Morphological analysis of the word…………………………………………………………………………………15

Lesson 6 Phrase. Simple sentence. Punctuation marks

at the end and inside a simple sentence…………………………………………………… 17

Lesson 7 Difficult sentence. Commas in complex sentences.

Syntactic and punctuation analysis of sentences………………………………… 18

Lesson 8 Control dictation………………………………………………………………………… 19

Lesson 9 Individual work by cards…………………………………………………… 20

Lesson 10 The development of speech. Text……………………………………………………………………… 21

Lesson 11 The development of speech. Official business style of speech……………………………………… 21

Lesson 12 Vocabulary. Repetition of what was learned in the fifth grade……………………………………… 22

Lesson 13 The development of speech. Collecting materials for an essay…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24

Lessons 14-15. The development of speech. Painting essay

A. M. Gerasimova "After the Rain" (Wet Terrace)…………………………………… ..24

Lesson 16 Common words. Professionalisms………………………………………24

Lesson 17 Dialectisms………………………………………………………………………………… 25

Lesson 18 Jargon……………………………………………………………………………… 26

Lesson 19 Emotionally colored words………………………………………………………… 26

Lesson 20 Obsolete words………………………………………………………………………… 29

Lesson 21 New words (Neologisms)………………………………………………………………… 30

Lesson 22 Original Russian and borrowed words……………………………………………… 31

Lesson 23 Phraseology. Phraseologisms…………………………………………………………… 32

Lesson 24. Repetition of what was studied in the sections "Vocabulary" and "Phraseology"……………………… 33

Lessons 25-26. Repetition of what was learned in the fifth grade……………………………………………… 33

Lesson 27 The development of speech. Description of the room……………………………………………………… 35

Lessons 28-29. The main ways of forming words in the Russian language…………………………. 35

Lesson 30. Etymology of the word………………………………………………………………………… 37

Lessons 31-32. The development of speech. Complicated plan. Composition……………………………………… 39

Lesson 33 Letters O and BUT in the roots braid- - -cash-……………………………………………………………… 39

Lesson 34 Letters O and BUT fundamentally - mountains- - -gar-………………………………………………………...40

Lessons 35-36. Test work on the topic “Spelling of roots”…………………………… 41

Lesson 37 Control dictation……………………………………………………………………… 42

Lesson 38 Letters And and S after prefixes…………………………………………………………… 42

Lessons 39-42. Vowels in prefixes pre- and at-………………………………………………… 43

Lessons 43-44(backup)…………………………………………………………………………. 46

Lesson 45. Connecting O and E in compound words………………………………………………… 47

Lesson 46. Compound words………………………………………………………………… 48

Lessons 47-48. The development of speech. Composition based on the painting by T. N. Yablonskaya “Morning”…………………49

Lesson 49. Morphemic and derivational analysis of the word…………………………………… 49

Lesson 50. Repetition of the section “Word formation and spelling”……………………………… 50

Lesson 51. Control dictation……………………………………………………………………….. 51

Lesson 52(reserve)………………………………………………………………………………… 52


Lessons 53-54. Repetition of the learned about the noun in the fifth grade…………… 52

Lesson 55. The development of speech. Letter…………………………………………………………………… 54

Lesson 56. Variable nouns………………………………………………… 54

Lesson 57 Letter E in suffix -en- nouns on -me...…………………………………… 55

Lesson 58 The development of speech. Public speech on the topic “Origin of Names”…………… 56

Lesson 59. Indeclinable nouns…………………………………………………… 56

Lesson 60 Gender of indeclinable nouns…………………………………………………57

Lesson 61 General nouns……………………………………………………58

Lesson 62 Morphological analysis of the noun…………………………………… 59

Lesson 63 The development of speech. “My first acquaintance with…”………………………………………………60

Lesson 64 Control dictation……………………………………………………………………… 60

Lessons 65-66. Not with nouns…………………………………………………………… 61

Lesson 67 Letters H and SCH in suffix -chik (-chik)…………………………………………………… 62

Lesson 68 Vowels in noun suffixes - ek- and - ik………………………………………63

Lesson 69 Vowels O and E after nouns hissing in suffixes……………………… 64

Lessons 70-71. Repetition of the learned about the noun……………………………… 65

Lessons 72-73. Control dictation. Troubleshooting…………………………………… 66

Lessons 74-75. Repetition of what was learned about the name of the adjective in the fifth grade………………66

Lesson 76. The development of speech. Description of nature……………………………………………………… 68

Lessons 77-78. Degrees of comparison of adjectives……………………………………………… 68

Lesson 79 Ranks of adjectives by meaning. Quality adjectives…………70

Lesson 80. Relative adjectives………………………………………………………… 70

Lesson 81 Possessive adjectives……………………………………………………………71

Lesson 82 Control dictation…………………………………………………………………… ..73

Lesson 83 Morphological analysis of adjectives………………………………………… 74

Lessons 84-85. Spelling not with adjectives……………………………………75

Lesson 86. Letters O and E after hissing and C in adjective suffixes……………………… 77

Lesson 87 The development of speech. Composition based on the painting by N. P. Krymov “ Winter evening»……………… 78

Lessons 88-89. One and two letters H in suffixes of adjectives………………………… 78

Lesson 90 The development of speech. Description of the item……………………………………………………… 79

Lesson 91 Distinguishing adjective suffixes in writing - to- and - sk-………………………… 79

Lesson 92. Hyphenated and continuous spelling of complex adjectives…………………………… 81

Lesson 93. Repetition on the topic "Adjective".

Control vocabulary dictation…………………………………………………………… 82

Lesson 94 Control dictation…………………………………………………………………… 83

Lesson 95 The numeral as a part of speech………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Lesson 96 Simple and compound numerals……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Lesson 97 Soft sign at the end and in the middle of numerals………………………………………86

Lesson 98 Discharges of cardinal numbers…………………………………………………… 87

Lessons 99-100. Numerals denoting whole numbers………………………………………88

Lesson 101 The development of speech. Selective presentation……………………………………………………89

Lesson 102 Fractional numbers………………………………………………………………… 89

Lesson 103 Collective numerals…………………………………………………………………90

Lesson 104 Ordinal numbers………………………………………………………………… 91

Lesson 105 Morphological analysis of the name of the numeral……………………………………… 92

Lesson 106 The development of speech. Speech in front of the class …………………………………………………………………93

Lesson 107 Repetition of the studied material about the numeral name………………………… 93

Lesson 108 Control dictation……………………………………………………………………… 93

Lesson 109 Pronoun as part of speech……………………………………………………………… 94

Lessons 110-111. Classes of pronouns. Personal pronouns………………………………… 95

Lesson 112. reflexive pronoun myself……………………………………………………………97

Lesson 113 The development of speech. Essay on pictures……………………………………………… 98

Lesson 114 Interrogative pronouns………………………………………………………… 98

Lesson 115 Relative pronouns…………………………………………………………… 99

Lesson 116 Indefinite pronouns………………………………………………………… 100

Lesson 117(backup)……………………………………………………………………………… 101

Lessons 118-119. Negative pronouns…………………………………………………… 101

Lesson 120. Control dictation……………………………………………………………………. 102

Lessons 121-122. Possessive pronouns………………………………………………… 103

Lesson 123 The development of speech. Essay-reasoning……………………………………………… 104

Lessons 124-125. Demonstrative pronouns…………………………………………………… 104

Lesson 126 Definitive pronouns……………………………………………………… 106

Lesson 127 Morphological analysis of the pronoun……………………………………………… 107

Lesson 128 The development of speech. Composition on the picture………………………………………………… 108

Lesson 129. Repetition of the studied material about the pronoun………………………………… 108

Lesson 130 Control dictation………………………………………………………………… 109

Lessons 131-132. Repetition of the learned about the verb in the fifth grade…………………………… 110

Lesson 133(reserve)……………………………………………………………………………… 112

Lesson 134 The development of speech. Composition-story …………………………………………………… 112

Lesson 135 Conjugated Verbs…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 112

Lessons 136-137. Verbs transitive and intransitive………………………………………… 113

Lesson 138 verb inclination. Indicative mood…………………………………… 114

Lesson 139 The development of speech. Statement………………………………………………………………116

Lesson 140 Conditional mood…………………………………………………………………………………………116

Lessons 141-142. Imperative…………………………………………………… 117

Lesson 143 The development of speech. “If I were a teacher”…………………………………………… 119

Lesson 144 Control dictation…………………………………………………………………… 119

Lesson 145 The use of moods…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Lesson 146. Practical lesson. Verb moods……………………………………………...121

Lesson 147 Impersonal verbs………………………………………………………………………… 122

Lesson 148 Morphological analysis of the verb…………………………………………………… 123

Lesson 149(reserve)………………………………………………………………………………..124

Lesson 150 Control dictation………………………………………………………………… 124

Lesson 151 The development of speech. Story based on what he heard………………………………………… 125

Lesson 152 Spelling of vowels in verb suffixes……………………………………… 125

Lesson 153 Repetition and generalization of knowledge about the verb………………………………………………126

Lesson 154 Final control dictation……………………………………………………… 128

Lessons 155-160(reserve)………………………………………………………………………… 129
Repetition of what was learned in the sixth grade………………………………………………………… 129

Thematic planning of educational material……………………………………………… 130

Lesson 1. The word is the basic unit of the language……………………………………………………… 131

Lesson 2 Morphology and syntax as sections of grammar…………………………………… 132

Lesson 3 Parts of speech and members of a sentence………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Lesson 4 The development of speech. Speech styles. Repetition…………………………………………………… 135

Lesson 5 Verb. His role in the proposal………………………………………………………… 136

Lesson 6 Noun. His role in the proposal………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Lesson 7 Adjective. His role in the proposal…………………………………………… 139

Lesson 8 Grammar test……………………………………………………… 140

Lesson 9 Types of speech. Text. Repetition…………………………………………………………….141

Lesson 10 Spelling and punctuation………………………………………………………………… 142

Lesson 11 Use capital letters………………………………………………………… 144

Lesson 12 Letters b and Kommersant……………………………………………………………………………… 145

Lessons 13-14. The development of speech. Essay on summer impressions…………………………… 146

Lessons 15-16. Orthograms of the root…………………………………………………………………………………………………146

Lesson 17 Spelling of word endings………………………………………………………… 148

Lesson 18 Control dictation……………………………………………………………………… 149

Lesson 19 Dictation analysis. Working on bugs………………………………………………… 150

Lesson 20 The development of speech. Speech styles. Scientific style of speech………………………………………151

Lessons 21-22. Writing not With different parts speeches……………………………………………152

Lesson 23 The development of speech. Scientific reasoning………………………………………………………153

Lesson 24 Orthoepy………………………………………………………………………………… 154


Lesson 25 Ways of word formation of words in Russian ………………………………… 155

Lesson 26 Word formation of nouns……………………………………………… 156

Lesson 27 The development of speech. Presentation with a creative task……………………………………… 157

Lesson 28. Formation of compound words…………………………………………………158

Lesson 29 Spelling of compound nouns……………………………………………… 158

Lessons 30-31. Word formation of adjectives…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Lesson 32 Spelling of complex adjectives………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Lesson 33 The development of speech. Official business style of speech……………………………………… 162

Lesson 34 One and two letters H in adjectives,

formed from nouns……………………………………………… 163

Lesson 35 One and two letters H in adjectives………………………………………… 164

Lesson 36. The development of speech. Text. Ways and means of communication of proposals……………………… 165

Lesson 37. Control dictation…………………………………………………………………… 166

Lesson 38 The development of speech. The use of a parallel connection of sentences in the text………… 166

Lessons 39-40. Word formation of verbs……………………………………………………… 167

Lessons 41-43. Spelling prefixes pre- and at-…………………………………………… 167

Lesson 44. Letters S - And root after prefixes………………………………………………… 172

Lessons 45-46. The development of speech. Editing text with unsuccessful repetition…………………173

Lessons 47-49. The use of nouns in speech……………………………………… 173

Lesson 50. Pronunciation of nouns………………………………………………… 176

Lesson 51. The development of speech. Narration………………………………………………………… 177

Lesson 52. Control dictation…………………………………………………………………… 178

Lessons 53-55. The use of adjectives in speech……………………………………… 179

Lesson 56. Pronunciation of adjectives………………………………………………… 181

Lessons 57-58. The development of speech. Narration

artistic and colloquial styles…………………………………………………182

Lessons 59-61. The use of verbs in speech…………………………………………………… 183

Lessons 62-63. The development of speech. Story as one

from the genres of artistic narration…………………………………………… 186

Communion and participle

Lesson 64 What is a sacrament? ....................................................... ................................................. ........187

Lessons 65-66. The development of speech. Statement…………………………………………………………188

Lessons 67-69. Communion…………………………………………………………………………… 188

Lessons 70-71. Participle turnover………………………………………………………………… 191

Lesson 72 Participle education. Real and passive participles………………193

Lesson 73 The development of speech. Narration of business and scientific styles………………………… 194

Lessons 74-75. Participle education. Real and passive participles……… 195

Lesson 76 Full and short participles……………………………………………………………… 197

Lesson 77 The syntactic role of full and short participles…………………………………… 198

Lesson 78 The development of speech. Essay-story………………………………………………………………………………………………199

Lesson 79 Syntactic role of full and short participles…………………………………… 200

Lesson 80 Morphological analysis of the sacrament…………………………………………………… 200

Lesson 81 Verification work……………………………………………………………………… 201

Lessons 82-84. One and two letters H in participles…………………………………………………201

Lesson 85 Consolidated and separate spelling not with participles……………………………………204

Lesson 86 The development of speech. Description of the place………………………………………………………… 205

Lesson 87 General participle………………………………………………………………………………205

Lesson 88 Participle and participle turnover…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………206

Lesson 89 Writing not with gerunds……………………………………………………………207

Lessons 90-91. Formation of gerunds………………………………………………………… 208

Lesson 92 The development of speech. Description of the place………………………………………………………… 210

Lesson 93 Control dictation……………………………………………………………………… 211

Lessons 94-95. The use of participles and gerunds in speech……………………………… 212

Lessons 96-97. Pronunciation of verbs, participles, gerunds in speech…………………… 214

Lessons 98-99(backup)………………………………………………………………………… 215

Lessons 100-101. Generalizing lessons on the topic “Communion. General participle”……………………215

Lessons 102-103. The development of speech. Status Description environment…………………… 216

Lesson 104 Numeral name……………………………………………………………………… 216

Lessons 105-106. Simple, compound and compound numbers. Their spelling………… 217

Lessons 107-108. Declension of cardinal numbers……………………………………… 219

Lesson 109 The development of speech. Description of the state of the environment…………………………… 220

Lesson 110. Change in ordinal numbers…………………………………………………221

Lesson 111 The use of numbers in speech. Pronunciation of numerals………… 222

Lesson 112. Pronouns…………………………………………………………………………… 223

Lesson 113 The development of speech. Connection in the text of different typical fragments………………… 224

Lesson 114 Ranks of pronouns by value……………………………………………………… 224

Lesson 115 Personal pronouns………………………………………………………………………225

Lesson 116 reflexive pronoun myself………………………………………………………… 226

Lesson 117 Possessive pronouns…………………………………………………………… 227

Lesson 118 Demonstrative pronouns……………………………………………………………… 228

Lesson 119 The development of speech. Composition………………………………………………………………229

Lesson 120. Definitive pronouns……………………………………………………… 229

Lesson 121 Interrogative-relative pronouns………………………………………… 230

Lesson 122 Negative pronouns…………………………………………………………… 231

Lesson 123. Indefinite pronouns………………………………………………………… 232

Lessons 124-125. The development of speech. Connection in text

different types of fragments. Statement……………………………………………… 233

Lesson 126 Indefinite pronouns………………………………………………………… 234

Lesson 127 The use of pronouns in speech…………………………………………………… 234

Lesson 128 Verification work on the topic “Pronoun”…………………………………………235

Lesson 129 Final control dictation……………………………………………………… 235
Appendix 1.1

Cards, control and independent work

Lesson 9……………………………………………………………………………………………… 236

Lesson 22……………………………………………………………………………………………… 237

Lesson 35……………………………………………………………………………………………… 237

Lesson 50……………………………………………………………………………………………… 238

Lesson 57……………………………………………………………………………………………… 238

Lesson 61……………………………………………………………………………………………… 238

Lesson 66……………………………………………………………………………………………… 239

Lesson 70……………………………………………………………………………………………… 240

Lesson 75……………………………………………………………………………………………… 240

Lesson 78……………………………………………………………………………………………… 241

Lesson 79……………………………………………………………………………………………… 241

Lesson 85……………………………………………………………………………………………… 242

Lesson 89……………………………………………………………………………………………… 242

Lesson 103…………………………………………………………………………………………… 243

Lesson 107……………………………………………………………………………………………… 243

Lesson 111…………………………………………………………………………………………… 243

Lesson 137…………………………………………………………………………………………… 244

Lesson 141…………………………………………………………………………………………… 245

Lesson 142……………………………………………………………………………………………… 245

Lesson 147…………………………………………………………………………………………… 246
Appendix 1.2


Lesson 10……………………………………………………………………………………………… 247

Lesson 17……………………………………………………………………………………………… 247

Lesson 83……………………………………………………………………………………………… 247

Lesson 96……………………………………………………………………………………………… 248

Appendix 1.3

Intellectual quiz (throughout training course for grade 6)……………………………249

Appendix 2.1

Independent work

Lesson 17……………………………………………………………………………………………… 253

Lesson 111…………………………………………………………………………………………… 253
Appendix 2.2


Lesson 2……………………………………………………………………………………………… 254

Lesson 9……………………………………………………………………………………………… 254

This manual contains lesson developments in the Russian language for the 6th grade and is intended primarily for teachers working from textbooks:

Baranov M. T., Ladyzhenskaya T. A., Trostentsova L. A. and others. Russian language. Grade 6 / Ed. N. M. Shansky. - M.: Enlightenment;

Razumovskaya M. M., Lvova S. I., Kapinos V. Ya. and others. Russian language. Grade 6 / Ed. M. M. Razumovskaya, P. A. Lekant. - M.: Bustard.

As an additional teaching aid, the book can also be used by teachers working on other textbooks.

The manual is a full-fledged scenarios of lessons in the Russian language with an indication of the goals and methodological techniques, various tasks aimed at mastering the lexical-grammatical and syntactic structure of the Russian language by students, linguistic games, texts of explanatory, vocabulary, verification and control dictations. In this edition, the teacher will find

Material for work on the textbook M.T. Baranov and others.
Thematic planning
Lesson 1

Repetition of what was learned in grade 5
Lesson 2
Lesson 3. Morphemes. Orthograms in prefixes and word roots
Lesson 4. Parts of speech. Morphological analysis of the word
Lesson 5
Lesson 6 Simple sentence
Lesson 7 Analysis of proposals
Lesson 8
Lesson 9 Text
Lesson 10
Lessons 11-12. Dictation and test

Vocabulary. Phraseology. A culture of speech
Lesson 13
Lesson 14
Lesson 15
Lesson 16
Lesson 17
Lesson 18
Lesson 19 jargon
Lesson 20
Lesson 21
Lessons 22–23. Seminar "How is it in Russian?"
Lesson 24
Lesson 25
Lesson 26

Word formation and spelling. A culture of speech
Lessons 27–28. Repetition of what was learned in grade 5
Lesson 29
Lessons 30–31. word formation
Lesson 32
Lessons 33–34. Etymology of words
Lesson 35
Lesson 36
Lesson 37
Lesson 38
Lessons 39–40. Prefixes pre- and pre-
Lesson 41
Lesson 42
Lesson 43
Lesson 44
Lessons 45–46. The writing
Lesson 47
Lessons 48–49. Section Summary
Lessons 50–52. Dictation and test

Morphology and spelling. A culture of speech

Lessons 53–55. Repetition of what was learned in grade 5
Lesson 56
Lesson 57
Lesson 58
Lesson 59
Lesson 60
Lesson 61
Lesson 62
Lesson 63
Lessons 64–65. Not with nouns
Lessons 66–67. Suffixes -chik and -schik
Lesson 68
Lessons 69–70. Suffixes with o and e after sibilants
Lessons 71–72. Repetition of what has been learned
Lesson 73
Lesson 74 Text

Lessons 75–76. Repetition of what was learned in grade 5
Lessons 77–78. Description of nature
Lessons 79–80. Degrees of comparison of adjectives
Lesson 81 Quality adjectives
Lesson 82
Lesson 83
Lesson 84
Lesson 85
Lesson 86
Lesson 87
Lessons 88–89. Not with adjectives
Lesson 90
Lesson 91
Lesson 92
Lesson 93
Lesson 94
Lesson 95 Suffixes -to-and-sk-
Lesson 96
Lesson 97
Lessons 98–99. Repetition of what has been learned
Lesson 100
Lesson 101 Public speaking

Lesson 102
Lesson 103
Lesson 104
Lesson 105 Whole numbers
Lesson 106
Lesson 107
Lesson 108
Lesson 109
Lesson 110
Lesson 111
Lesson 112
Lesson 113
Lesson 114 Public speaking

Lesson 115
Lessons 116-117. Personal pronouns
Lesson 118
Lesson 119
Lesson 120
Lesson 121
Lesson 122
Lessons 123-124. Negative pronouns
Lesson 125
Lesson 126 reasoning
Lesson 127
Lesson 128 Text
Lesson 129
Lesson 130
Lesson 131
Lessons 132-133. Repetition of what has been learned
Lesson 134

Lessons 135-136. Repetition of what was learned in grade 5
Lesson 137
Lesson 138
Lesson 139
Lesson 140
Lesson 141
Lesson 142
Lesson 143 Indicative
Lesson 144
Lessons 145-146. Conditional mood
Lessons 147-149. Imperative mood
Lesson 150
Lessons 151-152. Practicum on mood of the verb
Lesson 153
Lessons 154-155. Impersonal verbs
Lesson 156
Lesson 157 Story
Lesson 158
Lesson 159
Lessons 160-161. Repetition of what has been learned
Lesson 162

Repetition and systematization of what was studied in grades 5–6
Lesson 163 Orthoepy and spelling
Lesson 164
Lesson 165
Lesson 166
Lesson 167
Lessons 168-169. Dictation and test
Lesson 170


Integrated Lessons
Lessons 1-2. The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you won’t catch it

Game lessons
Anagrams, metagrams, charades, logogryphs
Linguistic games

Individual tasks

Material for work on the textbook M.M. Razumovsky and others.
Thematic planning

Speech styles (§ 15–19)
Lesson-practice. Application of official business style of speech

Communion (§ 34–39)
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3 Active and passive participles
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Lesson 9
Lessons 10-11. One and two letters n in suffixes
Lesson 12
Lesson 13
Lesson 14
Lessons 15-16. Continuous and separate spelling not with participles
Lesson 17
Lesson 18
Lesson 19
Individual tasks on the topic "Communion"

General participle (§ 43–47)
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5 Imperfect and perfect participles
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Lessons 9-10. The use of participles and participles
Lesson 11
Individual tasks on the topic "Gernal participle"

Dictation on the topic "Communion"
Dictations on the topics "Communion" and "Gerniparticiple"

We recommend reading
