Vowels o and e after adjectives hissing in suffixes. O, e after hissing and q in suffixes and adjective endings Letters o after hissing in suffixes and adjective endings examples

Tile 13.01.2021

Date: 07.08.2013 Topic:

Live in a foreign city, start a big business, talk with best friend, achieve a good harvest, approach the nearest village, get lost in a dense forest, organize a powerful movement.

1. A fire blazes hot near a large pine stump, blue, odorous smoke spreads. (S.-M.) 2. On the other side, and the spring is not red. (Last) 3. Golden streams of young hot light poured. (Tyutch.) 4. Golden bugs circled over the scarlet flowers of the fragrant wild rose. (A.I.T.) 5. The sky was girded around with flying lightning. (Tyutch.) 6. There was a sunset all in an ominous fire (F. Sukhov.) 7. A mighty hiss, a clatter, a crack of breaking blocks was heard. (Seraph.) 8. The boy climbed the shaky creaky stairs to the attic. (Nak.) 9. Quiet valleys are full of fresh darkness. (L.)


Write out words with o - e after nouns and adjectives hissing in the endings in one column, with e - o after hissing at the root in another.

1. Great talent requires great diligence. (P. Tchaikovsky.) 2. In the evening twilight, a large one-story house with a rusty iron roof and dark windows appeared. (Ch.) 3. Then, with a heavy, soft movement of his entire large torso, he threw off the connecting rod from his shoulder and carried it to the side with outstretched arms. (Kag.) 4. The truck turned into a holiday village and stopped in front of a small, ivy-covered Dacha. (Guide.) 5. Through the rustle of the wind, a distant alien noise was added to the chirping of birds. (Guide.) 6. The white belly of a small pike and the black head of a large pike that grabbed it appeared on a pink splash of water. (Prishv.) 7. The soul of spring nature came to life (Tyutch.) 8. Chu! Behind a white, smoky cloud, thunder rolled deafly ... (Tyutch.) 9. We ran out of the closet with a noise And in a whisper. (L. T.) 10. Fresh hay smells thickly of honey, wildflowers on a hot day. (CM.)

Municipal educational institution

Volodarskaya secondary school

Abstract of an open lesson

Russian language

in 6B class on the topic:

"The vowels O and E after hissing

in adjective suffixes"

Compiled by a teacher of Russian language and literature

1 qualification category

Kurbatova Nina Sergeevna

Ulyanovsk, 2018

Lesson Objectives:


    Teaching students how to form adjectives with suffixes-ov-, -ev- .

    Mastering the rules of writing letterso-e after hissing andc in the indicated suffixes.


    The development of thinking, logic, the ability to analyze and systematize, to highlight essential features and properties, to draw general conclusions.

    Developing the ability to apply knowledge in practice.

    Formation of skills in partially-exploratory cognitive activity, independence.

    The development of a culture of speech.


    Cultivate mutual respect.

    To cultivate love for the Russian language, a sense of beauty, creative imagination of students.

rock type : a lesson in the "discovery" of new knowledge

Type of lesson : study lesson

Technology : problem-dialogue

Equipment : projector, cards, illustrative and handouts, presentation.


Motivation for learning activities

(20 sec).

Hello! My name is Nina Sergeevna. Today I will give you a Russian lesson. I am very glad to see you all.

Prepare to receive information.

Communicative UUD: be able to listen to the interlocutor

Actualization of knowledge, communication of the topic of the lesson, goal setting

(7 min)

Today we will be in the role of linguists-researchers. During the lesson, we have to keep our diary, entering into it notes on the studied material. I ask you to pick up the diary of a linguist-researcher and write down your first and last name in it.

1 task. Word research. Classify them according to their characteristics.

Write out words with spelling:

For the first row "Letters O-E after words hissing at the root"

For the second row "Letters O-E after nouns hissing in the suffix"

For the third row "Letters O-E after nouns and adjectives hissing in the endings"

Write down the words in the appropriate column, classifying them according to the location of the spelling in the word (root, suffix, ending).

Resh ..tka, streets ..th, doctor ..m, dog ..nka, daughter ..nka, well ..lud, sh ..roh, friend ..k, hedgehog ..vy, prick ..go, beep.. howl, squirrel.. nok, lead.. out.

1 row, please name the words that you wrote down in the first column: resh..tka, f..lud, sh..roh. What determines the choice of the correct spelling of the spelling in words? (from root and stress. As well as the selection of single-root words ) We draw the scheme.

2 row, please name the words that you wrote down in the second column: dog..nka, daughter..nka, friend..to. What determines the choice of the correct spelling of the spelling in words? (from suffix and stress ) We draw the scheme.

3 row, please name the words that you wrote down in the third column: streets..th, doctor..m, prickly..go. What determines the choice of the correct spelling of the spelling in words? (from ending and stress ) We draw the scheme.

Well done. Guys, what words were left without a group? (adjectives). Why? Let's try and for them, by analogy, head the fourth column of the table - "Letters O-E after adjectives hissing in the suffix."

What will be the theme of our lesson?"Letters O-E after adjectives hissing in the suffix." Record the topic of the lesson in the researcher's diary.

They listen to teachers, go to the blackboard, explain the spelling, process information, classify words according to the location of the spelling in the word.

Cognitive UUD: be able to systematize the material obtained in previous lessons.

Communicative UUD: to be able to determine the purpose of educational activity, to be able to listen to the interlocutor, to formulate one's own opinion and position.

Regulatory UUD:

Be able to find the necessary material in the dictionary, be able to plan your action in accordance with the task.


Formulation of the problem

(2 minutes.)

What is the purpose of our research? (Our goal is to develop the ability to apply the rule for writing lettersO-E after adjectives hissing in suffixes -OV-, -EB- ).

To achieve the goal of the study, we need to complete three tasks.

- What tasks will we solve to achieve this goal?

1) Formulate the spelling rule O-E after hissing and C in the adjective suffixes -OV-, -EB-.

2) Make an algorithm for working with spelling. Fix the rule during the execution of tasks.

3) Let's develop the skill of distinguishing the spelling of lettersabout , yo ande after hissing andc in different parts of the word different parts speech.

Students answer questions, work with the table, explain, give examples, determine the goal of learning activities with the help of a teacher and on their own. Write down the topic in a notebook, determine the objectives of the lesson.

Communicative UUD: be able to formulate your thoughts orally, answer the teacher's questions, hear and understand the speech of others.

Cognitive UUD: be able to explain phraseological unit..

Regulatory UUD: be able to determine the purpose of the learning activity (stage) and tasks in cooperation with the teacher.


Discovery of new knowledge.

(3 min.)

Well done! And now, without referring to the sources, by analogy with the first three columns, let's try to explore the 4th column and derive the rule on our own.

Hedgehog .. howl, peep .. howl, lead .. howl.

What unites these words? (suffix) Draw a diagram.

Formulate a rule. When is it written letters O-E after adjectives hissing in suffixes?

1. Let's turn to reference material: p.28 in the textbook. Read the rule, memorize it and reproduce with examples. (Students say the rule).

What was our first task? Did we manage it?

They summarize the information, pass the rule by heart, learn to spell correctly (on the board and in the notebook).

Summing up:completed the first task of the lesson

Regulatory UUD: be able to exercise the final control of activities (“What is done?”).

Communicative UUD: to be able to express one's thoughts with accuracy and sufficient completeness.


Primary fastening

(4 min.)

Physical education (2 min)

2 task. Write an algorithm for working with the rule.

    Based on the examples on the board, make an algorithm for spelling in diaries.

Drawing up an algorithm frontally. Let us comment on the compiled algorithm.


1. Determine the part of speech (noun)

2. Determine in which part of the word the letter is missing (in the suffix)

3. Where does the stress fall?

4. If the stress falls on the suffix after hissing, I write -o, and in other cases -e.

- What was our second task? Did we manage it?

Fizminutka (to the music of movement)

Work with the basic outline of the algorithm, fill it out.

Repeat the movements to the music after the teacher.

Cognitive UUD: be able to choose a decision, justify the choice.

Communicative UUD: to be able to express one's thoughts with accuracy and completeness, to be able to reckon with the opinion of a friend.


Incorporating new knowledge into the knowledge system and repetition (5 min.)

Let's put our algorithm into practice.

Reception Spelling relay race.

The teacher gives the student on the first row a card with words. He will have to independently insert the missing spelling into one word, explaining it. Then he passes the sheet to the neighbor on the desk. And so on the chain to the end and back. Each student completes 2 words in total.








Hedgehog ... YOUR MITTLES

Test yourself!

The first row will be experts. I give you the work of the groups. According to the checklist, you should check the work, evaluate them.

In the meantime, the experts are working, we will once again repeat our scheme and the spelling algorithm of the studied spelling.

Cognitive UUD: be able to find the right information.


Independent work.

3 min

Now let's check how you learned this rule. Spelling O-E-E after hissing and C (in the root, suffix, ending)

Task: Choose the correct answer .

1. The letter Yo is written at the root

a) w..lx b) w..k c) w..rty d) w..fer

2. The letter O is written in the suffix

a) cheap .. new b) black .. bright c) glossy .. white d) rich .. k

3. The letter E is written at the end

a) soot..th b) key..m c) pencil..m d) owl..m

4. The letter E is written in the suffix

a) father..vsky b) frog..nock c) quartz..vy d) worm..k

5. The letter O is written in the suffix

a) calico .. out b) glossy .. out c) sample .. out d) manganese .. out

Independent work in the form of choosing the level of difficulty in the form of a test, followed by mutual verification.

5 correct answers - 5 points

4 correct answers - 4 points

3 correct answers - 3 points

2 correct answers - 2 points

1 correct answer - 1 point


Summary of the lesson. Reflection

(2 minutes.)

What new did you learn today?

What have you learned? What have you discovered?

What problems did you face? What was difficult?

Answers the teacher's questions.

Communicative UUD: be able to answer questions, listen and understand others.

Regulatory UUD: be able to evaluate the results of activities (one's own, someone else's)

Cognitive UUD: be able to show creativity.



(1 minute.)

Multilevel homework.

Make a dictation of 20 words on the topic "Letters O and E after hissing and C"or execute

- ex. 363 (distribute words into 4 groups)

- ex.362 (replace phrases)

Choose a task from the proposed.

Regulatory UUD: be able to assess their capabilities.


Reflection (1 min.)

Reception Ladder of Success

Children come up and place the little man (themselves) on the step that is closest to them.

Regulatory UUD: be able to evaluate the results of activities (one's own)



§ 30


Write down the words. Put emphasis. Highlight the suffix and ending in nouns and adjectives. Match the spelling o - e in significant parts of words after hissing and c. Make a conclusion. Check your judgment against the rule given below.

In suffixes and endings of adjectives, as well as nouns, after hissing and c under stress, o is written, and in an unstressed position - e (exemplary, alien, ring, dense).

175. I. Make sentences from the given words, putting adjectives and nouns in the correct case. Write down the proposals.

1. It is impossible, fresh, to live, air, without. 2. Po, cloud, blue, small, floated, sky. 3. Winter, snow, purest, whitest, in, grove, running, shaken off. 4. Clouds, over, black, city, hanging, lead. 5. Father, I, hedgehog, mittens, in, kept.

Designate graphically significant parts of the word in adjectives. Explain their spelling.

176. I. Write down adjectives, inserting the missing letters and distributing them in two columns: 1) with o after hissing and c; 2) with e after the same consonants in significant parts of the word. Graphically designate spellings.

Hedgehog .. howl, face .. howl, canvas .. howl, peep .. howl, crimson .. howl, good, fresh .. go, alien .. th, reed .. howl, plush .. howl, lead .. walrus..walrus ..full, lily of the valley..vyy, butt..vyy.

II. What words did you miss? Why?

III. Compose and write down with these words (optionally) four to five phrases “adjective + noun”. Mark the main word in them.

177. I. Write down the adjectives in two columns: 1) with a missing letter in the suffix; 2) at the end. Fill in the missing letters o or e. Remember the accent.

Canvas .. vy, big .. go, quiet .. go, brocade .. go, glossy .. go, beige .. go, good, crimson .. go, cherry plum .. go, comely .. go, fresh. M ..vy, rattling ..go, lead ..vy, hot ..go, best ..go, near ..go, exemplary ..vy, real ..howl.

II. Compose and write down three or four sentences with these adjectives (optional). Underline the adjectives as part of the sentence.

III. Sort the underlined words according to their composition.

178. I. Write the text, opening the brackets. Insert the missing letter in the highlighted word, explain the spelling by indicating the spelling.

Behind the big house was an old garden, already wild, drowned out by weeds and bushes. I walked along the terrace, still strong and beautiful. Through the glass (n, n) door, a room with a parquet floor was visible, which must have been a living room. Through

The latticed windows showed an old black piano and engravings in wide mahogany frames on the walls - there was nothing else in it. Only peonies and poppies survived from the former flower beds, raising their white and bright red heads from the grass. Along the paths, stretching out, interfering with each other, grew young maples and elms. The garden seemed impenetrable, but it was close to the house, where there were still poplars, pines and old lindens. And then behind them the garden was cleared for haymaking, and there was no longer soaring, the cobwebs did not climb into the mouth and eyes, the breeze blew.

The garden, thinning out more and more and already turning into a real meadow, descended to the river, overgrown with reeds and willow plants. There was a stretch near the small dam, a small mill with a thatched (n, n) roof roared angrily, frogs croaked furiously, and nightingales sang in the evenings.

(According to A. Chekhov)

II. Exchange notebooks with a classmate and check the spelling of adjectives with missing letters.

III. Find a simple sentence with an introductory combination of words. What is the meaning of the introductory phrase to the sentence? Read the sentence without the introductory phrase. Has the meaning of the sentence changed?

179. I. Consider a reproduction of I. Shishkin's painting "A Corner of an Overgrown Garden". Choose figurative language tools that will help you talk about the color of the picture. Compose and write down a description of the picture using figurative language tools. Pay attention to the structural parts of the description: introduction, main part (general view, details), conclusion.

I. Shishkin. Corner of an overgrown garden

II. Discuss your descriptions with your desk mate: whether adjectives are well chosen for the description, whether they help to create an idea of ​​​​the color of the picture.

180. I. Read the adjectives, determine their rank by value. Write the adjectives in three columns, fill in the missing letters and open the brackets. Prove their spelling is correct. In case of difficulty, please contact theoretical material paragraphs 28-30.

Reeds ..y, orange ..yy, scarlet (n, nn) ​​yy, canvas ..yy, res..yy, matro (e, ss) cue, January (?)sky, cranes (n, nn) ​​yy, leather (n, nn) ​​th, good .. th, comely .. th, ra (n, nn) ​​th, limo (n, nn) ​​th, weaver .. th, (not) big, (not) flat; (not) high, but low; wood (n, nn) ​​th, glass (n, nn) ​​th, tin (n, nn) ​​th, windless (n, nn) ​​th, fatherland (n, nn) ​​th, disciplined (n, nn) ​​th.

II. Make two or three sentences with these words. Do a parse of one of them.

III. Make a phonetic and morphological analysis of the highlighted words.


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Spelling of case endings of adjectives can be checked raising the question which?, since the endings of the interrogative word and the endings of adjectives are the same. The exception is the nominative case singular masculine, where under stress the ending is written -oh(young oh man, field oh flower) and without accent spelled th or -th(old th warrior, son uy handkerchief).

In the feminine, in the nominative singular, it is written -and I or -ya: new and I syn ya sweater (which jacket?), but in the middle gender it is written th or -her: new oh syn her coat (which coat?).

In plural all three genera are written ending th or -s: new s syn ie scarves, dresses, sweaters (which?).

In the masculine and neuter gender, in the instrumental singular, the ending is written th or -them(answers a question what?), and in the prepositional - -ohm or -eat(answers a question what?): admired the new th syn them suit (dress), talked about new ohm syn eat suit (dress).

In the feminine, in the accusative singular, the ending is written th or -yuyu(answers a question what?), and in the creative - -oh or -her (-oy or -her) (answers the question which? what?): bought new wow syn yuyu jacket, admiring new oh (-oy) syn her (-her) jacket.

After the sizzling in the endings of adjectives under stress spelled oh no accent spelled e, for example: alien about ho, big about go, alien about mu, big about mu; red e ho, more e go, red e mu, more eat at(cf. with nouns).

After adjectives hissing in names under stress suffix is ​​written -ov-(grosz ov oh, hedgehog ov oh, brocade ov th, canvas ov th), and without accent- suffix -ev-(plush ev ouch, key h ev ah water).

    Note. Should be remembered spelling the word dash yov th(cf. cheaper).

AT short adjectives under stress after hissing spelled about: the food is hot about (about the ending), funny about n (about fluent in suffix).

In adjectives on -th, -ya, -e(fox, fox, fox) in all forms, Besides nominative and accusative cases singular masculine (fox), before the end spelled b: fox b him, fox b him, fox b and etc.

Diminutive adjectives are formed with the suffix -enk-: syn enk uh, thick enk uy; after g, k, x possible and -onk-, and -enk-: lay down onc uy and lay down enk uh, wide onc uy and wide enk uh, be quiet onc uy and quiet enk uy.

In suffix -en-, -yan-, forming adjectives from nouns, one is written n: leather en oh, sand en th, silver yang th, except for three words: trees yann th, tin yann oh, glass yann th.

In adjectives formed with the suffix -n- from nouns with a base on n, written two n: kame nn oh, with nn th, length nn th.

    Note. From such adjectives must be distinguished adjectives with one n: Yu n oh, swi n oh etc. (they Dont Have suffix -n-).

In suffix -in-, which forms adjectives from nouns with the meaning of belonging or property, one is written n: goose in ouch, sparrow in oh, donkey in th.

    Note. One n spelled in a noun gost in and I, which used to be an adjective: living room.

In suffix -he N- forming adjectives from foreign words, written two n: division he N oh, revolutionary he N th, constitution he N th.

In suffix -enn-, forming adjectives from nouns, two n: productions enn th, celebrations enn oh, kindred enn oh, straw enn ouch, cranberry enn th.

    Note 1 . Adjective wind en th spelled with one n. Adjectives with prefixes formed from the word wind , are written with two n: without wind enn th, per wind enn th, under wind enn th etc. should be distinguished adjectives wind en th(with suffix -en-) and wind yang oh(with suffix -yan-). Suffix -en- written in adjectives with the meaning "with the wind": wind en and I weather (weather with wind), wind en oh summer (summer with wind), as well as used in a figurative sense: wind en and I young woman, wind en oh behavior. These adjectives have a short form: the weather is windy, the girl is windy. Suffix -yan- used in adjectives with the meaning "driven by the wind": wind yang and I mill, wind yang oh engine. These adjectives do not have a short form. With suffix -yan- The name of the disease is also written: wind yang oh smallpox(chickenpox).

    Note 2 . In the first stem of complex adjectives, two are written n, if it is formed from an adjective with two n: wave nn o-tractor station(car station nn th and tractor), vago nn o-locomotive park(vago park nn th and locomotive). But if the first stem is formed from a noun on n, then one is written in it n: wave n construction plant(factory for the construction of machines), vago n repair plant(wagon repair plant).

    Note 3 . Nouns in -Nick--nitsa and -awn formed from adjectives with two n, are also written with two n: morning nn uh-morning nn ik; society nn th-society nn ir society nn itz-society nn awn; revolutionary nn th-revolutionary nn awn; production nn st-production nn ik; tse nn yy-tse nn awn, and educated from adjectives with one n are also written with one n: hemp n th - hemp n ik, sand n th - sandy n ik, yu n y - y n awn.

    Note 4 . With two n nouns are also written with suffixes -Nick-nitsa from nouns with stem on n: be friends n a - be friends nn ik-friend nn itza, mosh n a - moshe nn ik-moshe nn itza.

Full adjectives with two n, save them in short form: tse nn th thing - thing nn a.

Before suffix -sk- letter b spelled after l(village - village b sk ii) and in adjectives formed from the names of the months on n, r: december b sk uy, november b sk oy, jun b sk oy, july b sk uy(exception: word January sk uy).

In other cases, after n and R before suffix -sk- letter b not written: horse - ko n sk oy, hero - rich R sk uy.

To distinguish between suffixes -to- and -sk-, must be remembered that with suffix -to- qualitative adjectives are formed, which have a short form(bottom to iy - low, knots to ij - narrow), but with a suffix -sk-- relative adjectives without a short form(Frenchman sk y, kyrgyz sk y, Circassian sk ii).

    Note. From nouns with stem to k, h and c relative adjectives are formed with a suffix -to- , and sounds to and h are replaced by sound c: kaza to- kaza c to uy, tka h-tka c to oh no c-neme c to uy. But in some, mostly bookish, formations, sounds to and h do not change and use the suffix -sk-: uzbe to-Uzbe to sk oy, coals h- coals h sk yy, also pfal c-pfal c sk uy.

Adjectives in -yny short form ending in -en: calmly nyy-calmly en, no nyy-no en , Besides worthy nyy- worthy in .

are written With capital letter adjectives, formed from proper names with suffixes -ov-, -ev-, -in-, -yn-(Dal ev dictionary, Ivan ov about childhood, Liz in a doll, bug in puppies, etc.) with the exception of phraseological combinations used in figuratively , in which Lost connection with own name(Adam ov oh apple, bazed ov a disease, sissy f ov labor, prokr u bed, etc.).

are written lowercase adjectives, formed from people's own names if the adjective contains a suffix -sk- (t urgenev sk ie "Notes of a hunter", P ushkin sk iy style, l ermontov sk th prose, etc.).

    Note. Capitalized adjectives are written with a suffix -sk-, if they are part of the names that have meanings "name, memory", for example: L homonos sk ie reading, L enin sk and I premium.

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