Video lesson “Letters O-E after sibilants in the endings of adjectives. Vowels o and e after sibilants Letters o e e after sibilants in the endings of adjectives examples

Improvement 13.01.2021

§ 1 Letters о-е after sibilants in the endings of adjectives

In this lesson, we will look at the rule about under what conditions the vowel o is written at the end of adjectives, and under what conditions - e, and we will learn how to apply this new rule.

What vowels should we write at the end of the adjectives good..goi big..go? The adjective good has an unstressed ending. In an adjective, the capital ending is stressed. The stems of each word end in a sibilant sh. These are exactly the conditions when the rule applies.

At the endings of adjectives after sibilants, o is written under stress, without stress - e.

Let's apply this rule to our adjectives: good..let's write E, because. after the hissing vowel there is no stress, and in the adjective big..go - O, since after the hissing vowel the vowel is stressed:

In proverbs:

In the endings of the highlighted adjectives big, alien, in accordance with the rule, after the hissing under stress, o is written, and in the prickly adjective without stress -e.

§ 2 Letters o-e after sibilants and Ts in the endings of nouns

Under these same conditions, vowels -о, -ев endings of nouns are written after sibilants and ц:

Therefore, the rule can be formulated for two parts of speech at once:

At the endings of nouns and adjectives, after sibilants and c, o is written under stress, without stress - e.

Let's look at the adjectives:

Can our rule be applied to these adjectives? No, you can’t: all the conditions are not met, because in the words: sh..koladny, sh..lkovy, black, although the vowel comes after the hissing one, it is at the root of the word. For this case, we apply another rule, the rule of spelling the letters o, e after the sibilants at the root of the word.

§ 3 Memo

In order to better remember the spelling pattern you are studying and the rule for spelling the letters o-e after sibilants at the end of adjectives, read the poem:

It will help you remember the material of this lesson and the rule.

List of used literature:

  1. Babkina M.V. Thematic and lesson planning to the textbook “Russian Language” for grade 5, edited by E.A. Bystrova / Babkina M.V. - M.: LLC " Russian word- textbook", 2011. - 152 p.
  2. Gdalevich L.A., Fudim E.D. Russian language lessons in 5th grade: Book. for the teacher: From work experience. - M.: Education, 1991. – 176 p.
  3. Calendar and thematic planning “Russian language grade 5” according to the textbook: “Russian language grade V.” Textbook for general education institutions. Authors and compilers: Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Baranov M.T., Trostentsova L.A. and others - M.: Education, 2012. Federal State Educational Standard.
  4. Kapinos V.I. Speech development: theory and practice of teaching [Text]: 5-7 grades: Book. for the teacher / V.I. Kapinos, N.N. Sergeeva, M.S. Soloveychik. - 2nd ed. - M.: Linka-Press, 1994. - 196 p.
  5. Knigina M.P. 5th grade. Tests: at 2 o'clock. – Saratov: Lyceum, 2006. – Part 1. – 64 s.
  6. Kozhina M.N. Stylistics of the Russian language. – M., 1983.
  7. Lvov M. R. Dictionary-reference book on the methods of the Russian language. - M., 1988. - 240 p.
  8. Nikitina E.I. Russian language. Russian speech. 5th grade. 19th ed., erased. - M.: 2010. - 192 p.
  9. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Dictionary Russian language. - M., 1992.
  10. The program of the course “Russian language” for textbooks edited by E.A. Bystrova for grades 5-9 of general education institutions / ed. E.A. Bystrovoy, L.V. Kibireva. - M.: LLC "Russian Word - Textbook", 2012. - 64 p.
  11. Romanova S.A. Thematic development of Russian language lessons. 5th grade. - M.: School - Press, 1999. - 176 p.
  12. Russian language V class. Textbook for general education institutions. Authors and compilers: Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Baranov M.T., Trostentsova L.A. and others - M.: Education, 2012. Federal State Educational Standard.
  13. Russian language reference materials: tutorial for students of M.T. Baranov, T.A. Kostyaeva, A.V. Prudnikova; edited by N.M. Shansky. - M.: Education, 1993. - 287 p.
  14. Russian language. Textbook for pedagogical students Institute for specialties No. 2121 “Pedagogy and methods of beginning. training." In 2 parts. Part I. Introduction to the science of language. Russian language. General information. Lexicology of the modern Russian literary language. Phonetics. Graphics and spelling
  15. Russian language: textbook for 5th grade of general education institutions: at 2 p.m. Part 1 / E.A. Bystrova, L.V. Kibireva, Yu.N. Gosteva and others; edited by E.A. Bystrovoy. - M.: LLC "Russian Word - Textbook", 2013. - 280 p. - Federal State Educational Standard.


1. After sibilants, under stress it is written o, in accordance

with pronunciation:

a) at the endings of nouns, for example: with a knife,

ball, boundary, candle (cf. unstressed endings: landscape,

crying, selling, giving);

b) at the endings of adjectives, for example: alien,

big (cf. unstressed endings: red, good);

c) in suffixes of nouns: -ok (shepherd),

Onok (wolf cub), -onk-a (little river);

d) in the suffix of adjectives -oe- (penny, parcho-

e) fluent o in nouns (guts) and adjectives

telny (funny);

f) at the end of adverbs, for example: fresh, hot, generally (but:

2. It is written e (е) under stress, although it is pronounced o:

a) at the endings of verbs, for example: burns, bakes;

b) in the verbal suffix -yeva-, for example: chew,


c) in the suffix of verbal nouns -yovk-a, na-

example: demarcation, uprooting (but: hacksaw - from the adjective-

go knife);

d) in the suffix of nouns -er, for example: trainee, re-

e) in the suffix of passive participles -yonn- (watered,

irrigated), verbal adjectives -ey- (burnt, smoked),

as well as in derivative words (burnt, smoked);

f) in the prepositional case of the pronoun that: about what; in words

Moreover, it doesn’t matter.

Exercise 54. Form the names of creatures from these words

1) with the suffix -OK: borscht, debt, friend, beetle, hook, meadow, man,

rooster, nickel, horn, chest, branch;

2) with the suffix -onok: camel, bear, mouse, shepherd;

3) with the suffix -onk-a: paper, soul, nag, book, leg, clothes-

yes, a hand, a shirt, a dog, an old woman.

Exercise 55. Form names from these nouns

adjectives with the suffixes -oe- or -ev-.

Exchange, veche, thing, penny, pear, tug, shower, hedgehog, ruff,

reed, ladle, key, Easter cake, kumach, boundary, walrus, knife,

brocade, shoulder, plush, twill, guard, canvas.

Exercise 56. Write these nouns in the form

instrumental case singular.

Cherry plum, apache, barge, exchange, dugout, rein, ha-

rage, tug, soul, tower, reed, tick, ladle, left-handed,

leafage, displacement, reckless driver, dodger, baby, footage, mi-

rage, montage, page, paralysis, brocade, asparagus, sealing wax,

type, circulation, tonnage, tractor, grass snake, bigot, horsetail, chrono-

footage, chesucha, siskin, hut.

Exercise 57. Fill in the missing letters. Explain once

difference in writing.

CHERRY PEARL...VKZ (tincture) - string...vka, pear...vka - de-

sh...vka, money...nka - plant...nka, shower...nka - psh...nka,

key...m - why...m, KNYAZH...N - struck...n, ladle...vy -

cheap..., beam...m - oven...m, knife...vay (saw) - new-

f...vay (wound), knife...vka - demarcation...vka, knife...n - f...n,

obzh...ry - experience...ry, shoulders...m - never mind...m, shirt...n-

ka - stew...n, funny...n - extra...n, dog...nka-stove...n-

ka, swift...m (bird) - swift...m, rattle...tka - sch...tka,

floor...m - experience...m.

Exercise 58. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters.

1. At dawn the shepherd no longer drives the cows out of the grain

wow, and at the midday hour his horn doesn’t call to the them

(P.). 2. Like a ghost, the young man now goes to his treasured

threshold; a dagger made of leather sheaths... and he takes out

a little (L.). 3. Marina brought a bottle of rum, lemon,

sugar, and the burner began to burn (Gonch.). 4. Gerasim became more

lump in front of the door, pushed her with his shoulder...m and burst into the house

with your burden (T.). 5. Both believed that credit would revive

agriculture and will give our dormant industry

laziness (S.-Sch.). 6. Clothes are soaked above the waist

forester (N.). 7. All work was worthless to him

(A. Ostr.). 8. At noon the rain stopped, and it was white

fluff...k, snow began to fall on the autumn mud...k (Nick.).

9. Uncle and Yegorushka walked for a long time along the powerful streets (Ch.).

10. The soldier was dressed in a red red shirt (M.G.).

11. Through the naked brown branches of the trees there is a peaceful

The motionless sky flies (Seraph.). 12. The breeze, blowing-

the itchy curtain, smelled like honey flowers

(A.N.T.). 13. Millet... noodles, noodles... in- appeared on the table

niki, cabbage soup with broth (Smooth). 14. Under the control of di-

the fat of our orchestra sang beautifully and thickly

magnificent choir (Wanderer). 15. Gregory stopped at

one small village for the night (Shol.). 16. When

in the light of frequently flashing lightning they saw two groups

female composition (Cossack). 17. Korzh floated in fathoms, rumble-

clapping your palms on the water (N. Dikovsky). IS. By the morning

the painted floor shone like BOSH... (Malts,). 19. On

he wore a tunic with a turn-down collar,

belted with a steep belt with tassels (Ant.), 20.

I sow as if from a sieve, but not powder, I climb into the grain,

but not a worm (riddle). 21. The beast does not care for a horse

takes (ate,). 22. Under a pine tree in the forest stands an old man,

red cap...k (riddle).



1. After c in endings and suffixes under stress it writes -

xia 0, without emphasis - e. Wed: end - dance, fighters - komso-

moltsev, coat - dress, end - chintz, ring-

to ring - to ring.

"1. After ц in endings and suffixes it is written ы, not i,

For example; wrestlers, chubby, .sestritsyn.

Exercise 59. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters.

1. And in response to the friendly foxes...the words of the raven croak-

la at the top of his lungs (Kr.). 2. So the tree... has its own leaves

changes with every spring (P.). 3. One of our interviewees

nikov, still young, pale-faced... and a man, looking around -

filled us all with bewilderment (T.). 4. Banks and bottom of the river

strewn with quartz (Meln.-Pech.). 5. In a short frock coat with

Yakov fussed with his short sleeves, pouring into the teapots

ki tea (M.G.). 6. Old healed ulcers turned shiny white

with scarred spots (Cupr.). 1. Young gulls

it’s convenient to ring in large quantities and thus arrange

recognize the air routes of migratory birds at once

(Priv.). I. Low sun from under the GLOSS...FIGHT of foliage

made its way between the gnarled trunks (A.N.T.). 9. She

I was preparing to dance Cinderella for the first time (Paust.). 10. By

trunk, at an equal distance from each other, to the very

tops with regular ring cutouts in two

centimeter deep wood was removed (Are.). 11. We

stood, pressing against the entrance to the tunnel pipe,

decorated outside with slabs of wild stone (Cat.).

12. Batmanov did not let the head of the section deal with the difficult things,

SBINS...THE look (Already).

Exercise 60 (repetitive). Rewrite by inserting pro-

empty letters in accordance with the rules for writing vowels

nykh after sibilants and c in roots, suffixes and endings.

1. I put down my, wrapped myself in a fur coat and dozed off

(77.). 2. They blurted out the banduras, ts...mbals - and the heat began

ha (G.). 3. The English everywhere know how to bring their own...

ity (Gonch.). 4. We went to the confectionery shop, drank cups of

ke sh...colada (S.-Sch.). 5. She begins to redo non-

how much my hair... and makes me go to the mirror

(Black). 6. Edward was an excellent rider, equi-

librist, gymnast, w...ngler, master of training

to breed academic horses (Grig.). 7. God knows what

the mind of the pupil was in use! (Room.). 8. Clerk, little

cue, cut...and a man with a red nose and

wearing a cap, enters the crowd (Ch.). 9. At the door to the hall there is a story

Lyutov was wearing a brocade caftan (M. G.). 10. Everything has become

whether to ... repent with Katerina Andreevna and Lyakhov (Ve-

res.). II. Pulmonary and cough diseases began

(7/. Morozov). 12. Quite a penny truth (Lighthouse).

13. Near another fanzochka there were piles of

the shell...of crabs, dried and reddened in the sun-

tse (Are.). 14. Finally, the boat slid along with a rustle

sandy bottom (A.N.T.). 15. A terrible fear rushed them through

darkness and impassable slum...bu (Shishk.). 16. Bottom logs

the mill has rotted, and the g...trough into which it flows from

pond water on the wheel, rotted and tilted (Telesh.).

17. She hardly heard my admiring whisper...

(Smooth). 18. Suspended canvas for bicycles

driver drove at a speed of twelve kilometers per

hour senior resident (Fed.). 19. The university students had a heartbreak

It's time for tea: they took the tests (Erenb.). 20. Seryozha is furious -

but he rustled the cloth and clicked the shutter (Fad.). 21. Sta-

Rich...k fiercely found fault with us (Laust.). 22. To the carriage

a girl in white came in down scarf and ts...geykov

jacket (Ant.). 23. It was clear to everyone that the bread was toasted...

that the arson...g was the work of his people (Bub.). 24. Immediately

after a strong push, the dome of the pa-

rash...ta (Sayan.). 25. Stealth among us, especially among

among young people, has become the most favorite profession (Bab.).

26. Here and there heavy objects fell on the snow with a slight thud.

spring drops (Field). 27. How many wild thickets...b, where

people haven't even gotten in yet! (Already). 28. Bark on trees and

bushes became glossy...twisted, shiny (V. Pol-

Thoratsky). 29. There were sailors on the boat, healthy, strong

soldiers, armed with daggers and pistols (Trans.).

30. The pig eats... the meat, but doesn’t notice the oak tree (ate).

Exercise 61 (repetitive). Rewrite by inserting where

necessary, missing letters. Writing words in a foreign language

Check the origins in a dictionary.

1.1. Compromising a girl is not in my rules

(L.). 2. In the stormy ac... rpan...ment, overflows were heard

waves (T.). 3. Besides them, there were other contenders

on the sister's hand (S.-Sch.). 4. You can find very instructive

solid precedents in serfdom practice (S.-Shch.).

5. Samghin’s patron was especially passionate about pe...i-

the mystical lyrics of Golenishchev-Kutuzov (M. G.).

6. Warships, having finished the summer campaign, became

went to the harbor (Nov.-Pr.) for the winter. 1. Soviet in-

tel...gencia is an integral part of the people (A.N.T.).

8. From time to time some kind of

some troubles and incidents (Telesh.). 9. Unacceptable

the yatel opened a hurricane of artillery fire and chain-

we went on the offensive (Furm.). 10. Trot ahead

the cavalry went (Furm.). 11. After breakfast the whole c...mpa-

niya went to a rest home (Good.). 12. From next year

Olga wanted to start experiments on alimatization of new

varieties of apple trees, cherries, gooseberries (Aram.).

II. 1. In a socialist society there is no antagonism

ical contradictions. 2. The revolution destroyed the

b...l...gated classes. 3. At an evening of poetry with pain

The young poet was a great success. 4. Line, co-

The one that divides the angle in half is called bi...ectri...oh.

5. The debutante coped well with a difficult role

an experienced intriguer. 6. Population of a number of overseas

countries increased due to...migration. 7. Conclude

body...horde of the...rising revolutionary movement-

in 1905 there was a December armed war...-

dancing. 8. The sun has already risen high above the horizon.

9. The tabletop competition is over

(ping...-pong). 10. The whole... history of the plant was a... neat


Date: 08/07/2013 Subject:

Live in a foreign city, start a big business, talk with best friend, achieve a good harvest, approach the nearest village, get lost in a dense forest, organize a powerful movement.

1. A fire is blazing hot near a large pine stump, blue, fragrant smoke is spreading. (S.-M.) 2. On the other side, even spring is not red. (Last.) 3. Golden streams of young hot light poured out. (Tyutch.) 4. Golden beetles were circling over the scarlet flowers of the fragrant rosehip. (A.I.T.) 5. The sky was surrounded by flying lightning. (Tyutch.) 6. There was a sunset all in an ominous fire (F. Sukhov.) 7. A mighty hissing, stomping, crackling of breaking blocks was heard. (Seraph.) 8. The boy climbed up the shaky, creaky stairs to the attic. (Naked) 9. Quiet valleys are full of fresh darkness. (L.)


Write down words with o - e after sibilants at the endings of nouns and adjectives in one column, with e - o after sibilants at the roots in another.

1. Great talent requires great hard work. (P. Tchaikovsky.) 2. In the evening twilight a large one-story house with a rusty iron roof and dark windows appeared. (Ch.) 3. Then with a heavy, soft movement of his entire large body, he threw the connecting rod off his shoulder and carried it to the side with outstretched arms. (Kag.) 4. The truck turned into a dacha village and stopped in front of a small dacha covered with ivy. (Hyde.) 5. Through the rustle of the wind, a distant, alien noise was mixed with the chatter of the birds. (Hyde.) 6. The white belly of a small pike and the black head of a large one that grabbed it appeared on a pink splash of water. (Prishv.) 7. With the soul of spring, nature came to life (Tyutch.) 8. Chu! Behind the white, smoky cloud thunder rolled dully... (Tutch.) 9. We ran out of the closet with noise and whispers. (L.T.) 10. Fresh hay smells thickly of honey and wildflowers on a hot day. (CM.)





Write down the words. Place emphasis. Highlight suffixes and endings in nouns and adjectives. Match the spelling o - e in significant parts of words after sibilants and c. Draw a conclusion. Check your judgment against the rule given below.

In suffixes and endings of adjectives, as well as nouns, after hissing and q under stress, o is written, and in the unstressed position - e (exemplary, alien, ring, dense).

175. I. Make sentences from these words, putting adjectives and nouns in the correct case. Write down the sentences you made.

1. It is impossible, fresh, to live, air, without. 2. Po, cloud, blue, small, floating, sky. 3. Winter, snow, pure, whitest, in, grove, with a running start, shook it off. 4. Clouds, above, black, city, hanging, leaden. 5. Father, I, hedgehog, mittens, in, held.

Indicate graphically significant parts of the word in adjectives. Explain their spelling.

176. I. Write down the adjectives, inserting the missing letters and distributing them in two columns: 1) with o after sibilants and c; 2) with e after the same consonants in significant parts of the word. Graphically indicate the spellings.

Hedgehog..howl, face..howl, canvas..howl, food..howl, crimson..howl, good, fresh..go,, reed..howl, plush..howl, lead.. howl, arctic fox..howl, walrus..howl, glossy..howl, rod..howl, ring..howl, pollen..howl, baby..howl, root..howl, pear..howl, embryonic, soil ..chny, lily of the valley..wy, butt...wy.

II. What words did you not write down? Why?

III. Compose and write down four to five phrases “adjective + noun” with these words (optional). Indicate the main word in them.

177. I. Write the adjectives in two columns: 1) with a missing letter in the suffix; 2) at the end. Fill in the missing letters o or e. Remember the stress.

Canvas, big, quiet, brocade, glossy, beige, good, crimson, cherry plum, pretty, fresh. .m, knife..howl, heap..howl, in the dense..m, orange..howl, reed..howl, prickly..go, ruff..howl, lying..go, guard..howl, calico ..howl, explosive..go,, hot..go, best..go, neighbor..go,, material..howl.

II. Compose and write down three or four sentences with these adjectives (optional). Underline the adjectives as parts of the sentence.

III. Sort the highlighted words according to their composition.

178. I. Copy the text, opening the brackets. Insert the missing letter in the highlighted word, explain the spelling, indicating the spelling.

Behind the large house there was an old garden, already wild, drowned out by weeds and bushes. I walked along the terrace, still strong and beautiful. Through the glass door a room with a parquet floor was visible, probably the living room. Through

The lattice windows showed an old(n, nn) ​​black piano and on the walls there were engravings in wide mahogany frames - there was nothing else in it. All that remained of the former flower beds were peonies and poppies, raising their white and bright red heads from the grass. Young maples and elms grew along the paths, stretching out and interfering with each other. The garden seemed impenetrable, but it was near the house, where poplars, pine trees and old linden trees still stood. And then behind them the garden was cleared for haymaking, and there was no more hovering, no cobwebs were getting into your mouth or eyes, the breeze was blowing.

The garden, thinning out more and more and turning into a real meadow, descended to the river, overgrown with reeds and willow plants. Near the small dam there was a stretch, a small mill with a thatched roof was making an angry noise, frogs were croaking furiously, and nightingales were singing in the evenings.

(According to A. Chekhov)

II. Exchange notebooks with your deskmate and check the correct spelling of adjectives with missing letters.

III. Find a simple sentence with an introductory combination of words. What meaning does the introductory combination give to the sentence? Read the sentence without the introductory combination. Has the meaning of the sentence changed?

179. I. Look at the reproduction of I. Shishkin’s painting “A Corner of an Overgrown Garden.” Choose figurative language that will help you talk about the color of the picture. Compose and write down a description of the picture using figurative language. Pay attention to the structural parts of the description: introduction, main part (general view, details), conclusion.

I. Shishkin. Corner of an overgrown garden

II. Discuss your descriptions with your desk neighbor: whether the adjectives for the description are well chosen, whether they help create an idea of ​​​​the color of the picture.

180. I. Read the adjectives, determine their category by meaning. Write the adjectives in three columns, insert the missing letters and open the brackets. Prove that they are spelled correctly. If you have any difficulties, please contact theoretical material paragraphs 28-30.

Reed..vyy, orange..yy, crimson(n, nn), canvas..yy, res..yy, sailor(e, ss)yy, January(?)yy, crane(n, nn)yy, leather(n, nn)y, good..y, comely..yy, ra(n, nn)yy, lemon(n, nn)yy, weaving..yy, (not) big, (not) thick; (not) tall, but low; wooden(n, nn), glass(n, nn), tin(n, nn), windless(n, nn), domestic(n, nn), disciplined(n, nn).

II. Write two or three sentences with these words. Parse one of them.

III. Make a phonetic and morphological analysis of the highlighted words.


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Spelling case endings of adjectives can be checked posing the question Which?, since the endings of the question word and the endings of adjectives coincide. The exception is the masculine nominative singular, where under stress the ending is written -Ouch(young Ouch man, field Ouch flower), and no accent is written th or -th(old th warrior, sin th handkerchief).

In the feminine gender in the nominative singular case it is written -and I or -yaya: new and I syn yaya sweater (which jacket?), and in the neuter gender it is written -oh or -her: new oh syn her coat (which coat?).

In plural the ending is written for all three genders -s or -ies: new s syn no scarves, dresses, sweaters (which?).

In the masculine and neuter gender, the ending is written in the instrumental case of the singular -th or -them(answers the question what?), and in the prepositional - -ohm or -eat(answers the question which one?): admired the new th syn them suit (dress), talked about new ohm syn eat suit (dress).

In the feminine gender in the accusative case the singular ending is written -yy or -yuyu(answers the question which one?), and in the instrumental - -Ouch or -to her (-oh or -her) (answers the question Which? which one?): bought new wow syn yuyu jacket, admire the new Ouch (-oh) sin to her (-her) jacket.

After the sizzling at the end of adjectives under stress is written oh no accent is written e, For example: stranger O wow, great O wow, stranger O mu, big O mu; redhead e oh, more e go, red e mu, more eat at(compare with nouns).

After sibilants in adjectives under stress the suffix is ​​written -ov-(penny ov oh, hedgehog ov oh, brocade ov oh, canvas ov y), and no accent- suffix -ev-(plush ev oh, klu h ev water).

    Note. Something to remember writing a word desh ёв th(cf. cheaper).

IN short adjectives under stress after sibilants is written O: the food is hot O (O ending), funny O n (O fluent in suffix).

In adjectives on -th, -ya, -ye(fox, fox, fox) in all forms, except nominative and accusative cases masculine singular (fox), before graduation is written b: fox b him, fox b him, fox b And etc.

Diminutive adjectives are formed using a suffix -enk-: syn yenk oh, fat yenk th; after g, k, x possible and -onk-, And -enk-: lay down onk th And lay down yenk yay, wide onk th And wide yenk oh, quiet onk th And quiet yenk th.

In the suffix -en-, -yan- forming adjectives from nouns, one is written n: leather en oh, sand en oh, silver yang oh, except for three words: tree Jann oh, tin Jann y, glass Jann th.

In adjectives formed using a suffix -n- from nouns with a stem on n, spelled two n: kame NN oh, with NN oh, long NN th.

    Note. From such adjectives must be distinguished adjectives with one n: Yu n oh, sir n Ouch etc. (they Dont Have suffix -n-).

In the suffix -in- forming adjectives from nouns with the meaning of belonging or property, one is written n: goose in oh, sparrow in oh, donkey in th.

    Note. One n is written in a noun GOST in and I, which used to be an adjective: living room.

In the suffix -he N- forming adjectives from foreign words, spelled two n: division he N oh, revolution he N oh, constitution he N th.

In the suffix -enn- forming adjectives from nouns, two are written n: productions enne oh, celebrations enne oh, related enne oh, straw enne oh, cranberries enne th.

    Note 1. Adjective wind en th written with one n. Adjectives with prefixes formed from the word wind , written with two n: without wind enne oh, behind wind enne oh, under wind enne th and so on. It is necessary to distinguish adjectives wind en th(with suffix -en-) And wind yang Ouch(with suffix -yan-). Suffix -en- written in adjectives meaning “with the wind”: wind en and I weather (weather with wind), wind en oh summer (summer with the wind), as well as used figuratively: wind en and I young woman, wind en oh behavior. These adjectives have a short form: the weather is windy, the girl is windy. Suffix -yan- used in adjectives meaning “driven by the wind”: wind yang and I mill, wind yang Ouch engine. These adjectives do not have a short form. With suffix -yan- the name of the disease is also written: wind yang smallpox(chickenpox).

    Note 2. In the first stem of compound adjectives two are written n, if it is formed from an adjective with two n: wave NN o-tractor station(mashi station NN aya and tractor), wagon NN o-locomotive park(car park NN y and locomotive). But if the first stem is formed from a noun on n, then it says one thing n: wave n construction plant(machine construction plant), wagon n repair plant(wagon repair plant).

    Note 3. Nouns on -Nick--nitsa And -ness, formed from adjectives with two n, are also written with two n: morning NN y-morning NN IR; society NN y-society NN IR society NN itza-society NN awn; revolutionio NN th-revolution NN awn; production NN y-production NN IR; this NN y-tse NN awn, and educated from adjectives with one n are also written with one n: hemp n y - hemp n ik, sand n y - sand n ik, yu n y - y n awn.

    Note 4. With two n nouns formed using suffixes are also written -Nick-nitsa from nouns with a stem on n: be friends n a - be friends NN ir-friend NN itza, mosh n a-moshe NN ik-moshe NN itza.

Full adjectives having two n, save them in a short form: this NN this thing is the thing NN A.

Before the suffix -sk- letter b written after l(village - village b sk ii) and in adjectives formed from the names of months on ny, ry: December b sk th, November b sk th, Jun b sk th, july b sk th(exception: word January sk th).

In other cases, after n And R before the suffix -sk- letter b not written: horse n sk hey, hero - rich R sk th.

To distinguish suffixes -To- And -sk-, we must remember what with the suffix -To- qualitative adjectives are formed, which have a short form(bottom To th - low, narrow To й - narrow), and with the suffix -sk-- relative adjectives, not having a short form(Frenchman sk yy, Kyrgyz sk oh, Circassian sk y).

    Note. From nouns with a stem on k, h And ts relative adjectives are formed with a suffix -To- , and sounds To And h are replaced by sound ts: kaza To- kaza ts To oh, yeah h-tka ts To oh, no ts- mute ts To th. But in some, mainly bookish, formations sounds To And h do not change and the suffix is ​​used -sk-: Uzbek To-Uzbek To sk yay, Ugli h-coals h sk y, also Pfahl ts-pfal ts sk th.

Adjectives on -yny in short form ends with -en: calmly yny-calm en, it's clear yny-it's sunny en , except worthy yny- worthy in .

Are being written With capital letter adjectives, formed from proper names using suffixes -ov-, -ev-, -in-, -yn-(Gave ev dictionary, Ivan ov oh childhood, Liz in and the doll, Zhuchk in s puppies, etc.) with the exception of phraseological combinations used V figuratively , in which lost contact with my own name(Adam ov oh apple, based ov and illness, sissy f ov labor, prokr y hundred bed, etc.).

Are being written lowercase adjectives, formed from people's own names, if adjectives contain a suffix -sk- (T Urgenev sk"Notes of a Hunter" P Ushkin sk y style, l Ermontov sk prose, etc.).

    Note. Capitalized adjectives are written with a suffix -sk-, If they are part of names that have meanings "name, memory", For example: L Omonosov sk no reading, L enin sk and I bonus.

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