Presentation on the topic of introductory words. Introductory words and phrases Introductory words lesson presentation

Aviary 06.12.2020

About words

grammatically unrelated

with proposal members

Task number 17 USE Task number 10 OGE

In the Russian language there are such sentences in which there are words that are grammatically unrelated to these sentences:

  • introductory words, phrases, sentences and insertions, for example: Meanwhile the rebels , apparently prepared for action (A. Pushkin) Bashkir with difficulty stepped through the threshold (he was in the stock) and, taking off his high cap, he stopped at the door. (A. Pushkin) ;
  • appeal : - And turn around , a son ! (N. Gogol) ;
  • nominative representation: Mortgage ! And where can I get a mortgage, devil! (A. Pushkin) ;
  • sentence words Not really :

- Is the teacher satisfied with you? - Yes, satisfied, - said Volodya. (L. Tolstoy)

Introductory words, phrases,

suggestions and inserts

The linguistic unit that conveys the speaker's attitude to the expressed thought is called introductory word (introductory phrase, introductory sentence).

Introductory words are not grammatically connected with the sentence in which they are used: they are not members of the sentence, it is impossible to put a question to them from other words of the sentence.

Introductory words are separated by commas. Most of the introductory words just need to be memorized, but it is almost impossible to list all the existing introductory words - therefore, you need to know what meanings are expressed by these words.

1. Expressive the speaker's feelings

fortunately unfortunately for joy for chagrin

2. Expressing the degree of confidence of the speaker

unfortunately a strange thing, surprisingly, the hour is not right

of course undoubtedly * obviously * no doubt certainly certainly certainly undoubtedly sure *

3.Indicating the order of thoughts

to surprise, joy, God save, and so on.

really * possibly * true probably may (be) * seems * seemed * apparently

so in general, generally * means * however * on the contrary, on the contrary, finally *

apparently perhaps really * really right, I suppose, I think, etc.

therefore in particular * among other things also in this way * on the one hand * etc.

so * for example * however I repeat firstly, secondly, thirdly, etc.

Digits of introductory words by meaning

4. Indicating the way thoughts are formed

by the way * or rather * in other words

5. Pointing to the source of the message

in one word * it is better to say in other words to put it mildly

say * report * according to ... according to ... according to ... according to ... according to ...

6. Representing an appeal or appeal to the interlocutor

so to speak, more precisely * rather *, etc.

in my opinion, in your opinion, etc. in my opinion, according to rumors, I remember

see (do) understand (do) know (do) believe (those) listen (those)

Are not introductory:

imagine (those) agree (those) with * imagine (those) sorry (those)

at the direction

by decision

forgive (those) please do (those) mercy let (those)

Digits of introductory words by meaning

7. Indicating the usualness of the reported

happens * happened *

8. Expressive expressions

as usual as usual

honestly (speaking) honestly (speaking) no jokes funny to say honestly

happened happens

to be honest

* There is additional information about introductory words marked with an asterisk (see slides 10-13)

Introductory words as part of a separate turnover

If the introductory word appears at the beginning or at the end of a separate turnover, then it is not separated from it by a comma:

The huge office was filled with things | obviously incessantly used | . Anna averted her eyes from her face, | on - apparently wanting to understand the meaning of her words | .

Introductory words in the middle of a separate turn are separated by commas on both sides:

Suddenly he shuddered violently, | rescued , may be, again from fainting ugly vision | .

Union a before the introductory word

The union "a" before the introductory word can perform two functions:

  • bind any members of the sentence, then after the union, a comma is placed before the introductory word: He was not at all upset, a it seemed was delighted. She was not late a , vice versa, was already waiting for him.
  • refer to the introductory word itself, in this case the union is not separated by a comma from the introductory word: If he knew how many difficulties , maybe, and he will have to overcome and commit the villainy!

About words marked with an asterisk *

Is it introductory word or not

Among these words, 2 groups can be distinguished:


by syntactic function in a sentence


false introductory words


It is quite easy to determine whether or not words from group I are introductory.

1. Nouns with a preposition and dependent words or without them, acting as introductory words, can be used in their own direct meaning: Everyone has their own path to happiness. Fortunately, the worst has not happened.

There were snacks on one side of the table. One side, he is right.

Introductory words are not members of the sentence.

2. Word "but" can play the role of a union "but", in this case, it is easy to replace it with a union "but" . However = but:

He promised to come but did not come ( between homogeneous members ).

He promised to come but circumstances detained him(between parts of a complex sentence).

but he failed to come(at the beginning of a sentence, to link with the previous phrase).

When replacing "however" with "but", do not swap it in the sentence! Compare: but he could not come. ("However" = "but") Come to him, but, failed.) "however" = "but")

The word "however" is introductory when it cannot be replaced by the conjunction "but" or when the particle "same" refers to it.

I. Define by syntactic function in a sentence

3. Most of the words marked with an asterisk can act as predicates.

And happiness was so possible ...

His delusion is obvious. It seems to me that there will be a thunderstorm.

Simple cases

If after the words “it seems”, “it seemed”, “obvious”, “visible”, “happened”, “I think”, “agree”, “possibly”, etc. there is a union related to them "what", then they function not as introductory words, but as predicates in the main part of a complex sentence:


complex cases

[ The shacks huddled closely to each other ] , and [ seems ] , ( that they patiently breathe, waiting for a new raid of a fierce whirlwind ) .

II. Define by meaning



Not introductory

  • at the beginning of the sentence
  • in the meaning "for example"


  • in the meaning of "this way", "this way"
  • is a circumstance
  • in the meaning of "so", "therefore"
  • indicates the order in which thoughts are expressed



  • if after it there is or is meant the word "speaking"
  • in the meaning of "like this", "in this way"
  • is a circumstance
  • to express emotions: surprise, indignation, indignation


  • in the meaning of "in general", "in all respects"
  • is a circumstance
  • in the meaning of "really", "in reality"
  • is a circumstance
  • in the meaning of "therefore", "therefore"
  • in the meaning "means"
  • is a predicate

Define by meaning



first of all

Not introductory

  • in the meaning of "first"

probably maybe

  • in the meaning of "first
  • is a circumstance
  • expresses the degree of confidence
  • is replaced by "possibly"

by the way

  • if after it there is or is meant the word "speaking" or "to say"



  • in the meaning of "surely", "exactly"
  • is a circumstance
  • in the meaning of "on time", "at the most appropriate moment"
  • is a circumstance
  • if it indicates the order of thoughts, completes the enumeration (except this)
  • if it follows information with the words "first", "second" ...
  • if it expresses an emotional assessment
  • in the meaning of "at the end", "at last", "as a result"
  • if there is a particle -then
  • is a circumstance

III. Are not introductory words(regardless of intonation)


as if in addition to top it off, moreover,

in the end

meanwhile, for sure, in its own way, I suppose it is about just supposedly

by advice

at the direction

by decision

by order by design by order by tradition

These are the so-called "False" introductory words, i.e. words and expressions that, as practice shows, are most often mistaken for introductory words.

Introductory suggestions

Introductory sentences are called sentences that add additional information to the main sentence and at the same time have nothing to do with the syntactic structure of the main sentence.

If such sentences are joined using conjunctions, then the signs are placed in the same way as in ordinary complex sentences.

Introductory suggestions

I. Uncommon sentences close to introductory words

Common sentences that clarify or complement the main message

Highlighted with parentheses and dashes

Separated with commas


Appeals - these are words denoting a person or object to which the statement is addressed in the sentence.

Calls are separated by commas, regardless of their place in the sentence, way of expression and prevalence.

Goodbye, Onegin , I have to go. Rus , where are you rushing, give an answer?

Please do not be angry, Your Excellency !

If the address is at the beginning of a sentence and is intonationally highlighted, then an exclamation mark is placed after it:

Tatyana, dear Tatyana! With you now I shed tears.

If there is a particle in front of the address that enhances the intonation of the address, it is not separated from it by a comma: Oh field, field who covered you with dead bones?

The presentation used materials from the Secrets of Russian Punctuation Guide by Ya.V. Temiz - M., 1999

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Class: 8

Lesson implementation time: 45 minutes

The purpose of the lesson: study the new material “Introductory words and introductory sentences. Punctuation marks with them "


  • Educational: introduce students to a new topic.
  • Developing: develop the creative independence of students; communication and research skills.
  • Educational: to bring up an initiative-active communicative personality,

Lesson type: introduction to new material lesson

Lesson form: design and search

Forms of training:

  • learning in collaboration
  • play forms: heuristic, business, organizational and activity.

Equipment: Computers connected by a local network; projector, screen and portable laptops and USB media.

Method: problem-heuristic research

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

Lesson start:


The operator is appointed from among the students - this is the teacher's assistant, on his desktop there is a laptop connected to the projector,

The teacher offers group cooperation (students create temporary mini-groups of 5-6 people, choose the manager of their association) and finish the tasks and recommendations of the kua, each group has a computer in the local network, a laptop and a USB drive.

II. Goal setting

I would like to start the lesson with Chinese wisdom, which reads like this Presentation # 1(slide number 1):

Tell me and I will forget;
Show me and I will remember;
Involve me and I will learn.
How do you understand these words?

Why did you give these words at the beginning of the lesson?

Of course, first of all, you need to master the activity yourself, then it will be easy for you to gain knowledge, which we will do in the lesson. Take away the textbooks, they will come in handy at the end of the lesson.

Topic of the lesson “Introductory words and introductory sentences. Punctuation marks with them ”(slide №2) ..

The topic is new. Don't forget the self-assessment sheets.

III. Immersion in the topic of the lesson

Task number 1 for groups:

Teacher: To be able to ask is to have a powerful weapon that makes a person successful in modern world... A question is also a form of an answer. Create questions for your teacher about the new lesson topic. Don't forget that there is a triad of questions. What? How? Why? Questions may start like this:

  • What are the types ... ..?
  • What is the function of ........?
  • What does ........... affect?
  • How does ............ affect?
  • What happens if ...........?
  • How can this affect ..........?
  • What will you do if .............?
  • Can it be considered definitively that ............?
  • What should be understood by ………?
  • Where can we face ……….?
  • How do we characterize the concept ……?

Questions can be intense - directed "in depth" of the topic; extensive - directed "in breadth" topics, focused on intersubject connections; creative questions are questions that deepen a given topic and, at the same time, touch on a related topic, and even the topic of another subject. (on slide No. 3, 4).

Group performance.

Possible answer of students on drawing up problematic questions:

  • What are introductory words?
  • Are they members of the proposal or not?
  • Where can they be in the sentence?
  • Are they punctuated?
  • Does the meaning of a sentence change if we introduce such words into it?
  • What parts of the sentence can there be introductory words?
  • What do they express?
  • How do they stand out in writing?
  • What are the groups of introductory words and sentences?
  • What is the function of introductory words and sentences?

Teacher: Who has difficulty in formulating the question? Why? Who was it easy for? Why? Don't forget the self-awareness sheets.

Task number 2 for groups:

Teacher: And now you are researchers, the topic of your scientific work is "Introductory words and sentences." Try to define goals, objectives, hypothesis and research object (slide number 5). Teacher advice: work in pairs, discuss in a group.

The groups work, take portable laptops and USB drives for work, and transfer presentations to the screen.

We listen to managers, argue, adjust, determine.

Task number 3 for groups:

Teacher: The object of research is “ Introductory words and sentences.”. I propose to design your search for knowledge on the topic of the lesson, ie choose your individually - group educational trajectory or action plan.

The groups work, take portable laptops and USB drives for work, and transfer presentations to the screen.

Group performance.

Possible student answer:

1. Give a definition of the concept "Introductory words and sentences".

2. Determine whether they are members of the proposal or not.

3. Determine in which part of the proposal they can be.

4. Find out if they are highlighted by punctuation marks.

5. Determine what they express.

Teacher: Who has difficulties in this work? Why? Who was it easy for? Why? Don't forget the self-assessment sheets.

Task number 4 for groups:

Teacher: You have outlined a further plan of work on our topic. You are offered 15 sentences with introductory words and sentences, punctuation marks are placed. Consider the proposals, draw conclusions according to the plan.

1. Fortunately, no one noticed me (T.). 2. Our dilapidated ship tilted, scooped up and solemnly sank to the bottom, fortunately, not in a deep place (T.). 3. Vronsky, to his horror, felt that he had made a nasty, unforgivable movement (L. T.). In fact, my coachman did not find anything edible in the village (T.). 5. The mountain air, without any doubt, has a beneficial effect on human health (T.). 6. At the end of the game, they argued, as usual, quite loudly (D.). 7. For example, I happened to walk down the street and bump into people (Ven.) 8. But, unfortunately, at that time the governor turned up (G.). 9. So you do not want to go into the possession of Troekurov (P.). 10. To admit to say, at no time does the Kolotovka present a gratifying sight (T. ). 11. You know what, Mitya, in my opinion, you like this girl (Sim.) 12. You, I think, are accustomed to these magnificent pictures (L.); 13. The lady herself - they talked about her - does not know how to distinguish boiled pork from veal ... (M.G.). 14. As the sailors put it, the wind was getting stronger (Ch.) 15. She was a beautiful and, more importantly, intelligent woman.

The groups work, take portable laptops and USB drives for work, and transfer presentations to the screen. Demonstration of educational products. Systematization of the received products. Operator demonstrate presentation to groups. The managers present the product of the group's joint activities. The teacher organizes a general discussion of the proposed options, the students make additions, adjust their directions, write down new research questions.

IV.Demonstration of educational educational products. Working with cultural counterparts

Teacher: Now open the Textbooks of the Russian language. What haven't we figured out yet? Did everyone say so?

Teacher: Who has difficulties in this work? Why? Who was it easy for? Why? Don't forget the self-assessment sheets.

V. Correction of own conclusions. Drawing up tips and methods for the study of theoretical and practical material

Task number 5 for groups:

Teacher: Remember the whole lesson. Make up tips for studying theoretical and practical material.

The groups work, take portable laptops and USB drives for work, and transfer presentations to the screen.

Demonstration of educational products. Systematization of the received products. Operator demonstrate presentation to groups. Managers present the product of the group's joint activities.

The teacher organizes a general discussion of the proposed options, students make additions, adjust their directions, write down new research tips.

Vi. Working with cultural counterparts

Teacher: There is a method of heuristic research (slide 6). Compare with our compiled tips for learning theory and practice. Is it the same with us? What to add?

Heuristic research method:

Choose an object of research,

Define the objectives of the study,

Make a work plan

Collect some information about the object,

Perform hands-on experiments

Write down new facts, questions and problems that have arisen, versions of answers, hypotheses, conclusions.

Teacher: Who has difficulties in this work? Why? Who was it easy for? Why? Don't forget the self-assessment sheets.

Vii. Lesson summary. Reflexive activity

Teacher: Look at the questions, did they all get an answer? I would like to ask you to continue the sentence (slide 7):

1. In the lesson I worked

2. By my work in the lesson, I

3. The lesson seemed to me

4. For the lesson I

5. My mood

6. The material of the lesson was

VIII. Homework at the choice of students (slide number 8)

Make a presentation “Introductory Words and Sentences”, including theoretical and practical material.

Study the material in the textbook, complete exercise number 364.

Make up a heuristic task on the topic “Introductory words and sentences”.

Complete the simulator. Presentation number 2.

Teacher: Thanks a lot for the tutorial! Turn in the assessment sheets (slide number 9).

Lesson map

Introductory words Introductory words

I praise the pearl of the word ...

Alisher Navoi

Olifirova Tatyana Ivanovna, teacher of secondary school number 14

Severodonetsk, Luhansk region

Russian language lesson in grade 8

The purpose of the lesson:

  • deepen knowledge of introductory words, learn to use them in speech;
  • develop the ability to find introductory words in a sentence and highlight them correctly.
At the time of Aristotle, all sciences were divided into two main ones: geology, which studied everything that is on Earth, and theology, which was related to everything related to the soul. Theologians said: first there was the Word. Geologists argued: first there was a stone. The lu - lu stone, known to us as pearls, was considered the greatest jewel of many peoples of the world.

Pearl ─ a symbol of the soul, truth

What words are called introductory words? Will the meaning of the sentence change if you introduce introductory words into it? With pearls be sseand- - T With pearls be ss Porn is associated with a multitude of beliefs. According to e Denmark among some peoples pearls of mid and they wailed with tears of the goddess of love. In the Roman Empire, for example, pearls in - the first symbolized power, in - second wisdom. In China per hour T People believed in the connection between the appearance of pearls and the health of the owner.

Arrange punctuation marks, comment on highlighted spelling

With pearls, be sseand- - T With pearls, be ss porn is associated with many beliefs. According to e Denmark, some peoples have pearls of mid and they wailed with tears of the goddess of love. In the Roman Empire, for example, pearls in - first, symbolized power, in - second, wisdom. In China, per hour T However, people believed in the connection between the appearance of pearls and the health of the owner.

Check punctuation marks, explain the meaning of introductory words

The largest and most famous is the Pearl of Allah, which got its name for the resemblance to a human head in a turban. The average diameter of a giant pearl is almost 24 cm, and its weight is 6 kg 370 g. The pearl was taken out of a huge three-ton shell near the Philippine island of Palovan. The shells of this mollusk pinched the hand of a boy - a pearl diver.

Unable to free himself on his own, the young man died, and in order to free his body he had to cut the shell. And so a huge pearl was discovered.

Check and remember! In my opinion, to indignation, apparently, according to legend, do mercy, truly, firstly, unfortunately, unfortunately, the hour is uneven, in the end, as you know, in our opinion, unfortunately, it is believed particular. really, it can be seen Compose and write down two sentences each so that in one case these words are introductory, and in the other - members of the sentence. Pearls are an exquisite piece of jewelry. It is suitable for women of all ages. Pearls successfully complement both an evening dress and a casual one.

Enter introductory words in sentences

1 pearl:

"I know…"

2 pearl:

"I can…"

3 pearl:

"I understood…"

4 pearl:

"I made sure ..."

Collect pearls of knowledge in your necklace,

learned in the lesson

Well done! Thank you for the lesson!

Internet resources

Slide 1

Slide 2

Introductory words and their meanings Group by meaning Examples 1. Confidence Of course, of course, no doubt, no doubt, no doubt, definitely, really 2. Uncertainty It seems, probably, obvious, perhaps, perhaps 3. Different feelings Fortunately, to the general joy, to unfortunately, unfortunately, surprisingly 4. Source of information According to the report ..., in the words ..., in the opinion ..., in my opinion, in my opinion 5. The order of thoughts First, second, third, finally, therefore, hence, so, on the contrary, on the contrary, for example, so 6. Remarks on the ways of forming a thought In a word, in other words, it is better to say

Slide 3

Find introductory words. Determine their meanings He, sir, unfortunately, is not worthy of any favors or your attention. feelings I will have, without a doubt, Tatiana's letter to translate confidence Of course, you are joking - you’re joking like that, godlessly confidence Onegin, then I was younger and better, it seems, was, and I loved you uncertainty Not far, in the cool darkness, it seemed, rooted to a rock two sakli as a friendly couple uncertainty I love you with the love of my brother and, perhaps, even stronger uncertainty.

Slide 4

Find introductory words. Determine their meanings To be immortal is not in power, but my hope: if there is Russia, then I will be.Order of thoughts According to Vernadsky, a living organism and the earth's crust are close in chemical composition source According to the chronicle legend, Vladimir Monomakh received a hat from the Byzantine emperor Constantine the ability to express your character in art Notes on the ways of forming thoughts U

Slide 5

Insert introductory words into sentences expressing: a) confidence, b) insecurity Linden is one of the most beautiful, cheerful and delicate trees In Russian forests there is no tree more powerful and more beautiful than a green oak Not all of us have seen forest viburnum In cages they do not hold sparrows This is moose wandered into the city at night p

Slide 6

Find the introductory words, determine their meanings, replace with synonymous introductory words Maybe I see the first person like him In my opinion, he is agile, knowing, resourceful, hard-working In his youth, according to him, Hoffmann even sailed on schooners Obviously, communication with children develops many good qualities in a person In the opinion of a sober person, there was nothing mysterious in this and could not be The decision came, at first glance, extravagant In all likelihood, he needed to know everyone in order to determine who is better, who is worse.

Slide 7

Differences between introductory words and sentence members Introductory words Sentence members 1. It seems that ears of corn are whispering to each other 1. The world seems to me to be an endless book 2. You, right, are going to Stavropol? 2. The problem was solved correctly 3. Undoubtedly, a cucumber and a house the size of a curiosity 3. Your right to a vacation is indisputable 4. True, over the years my poems have become less elegant 4. Truth does not burn in fire and does not sink in water 5. He, as if , a little strange 5. All three times he drove trains right on schedule 6. The rain seemed to be charging for a long time 6. The sea seemed deserted for hundreds of miles around

Slide 8

Establish what is common in the meaning of groups of words. Take three elements from each group and make proposals with them.Of course, of course, of course, of course, undoubtedly, undoubtedly, without any doubt, naturally, understandable, without any doubt, known Probably true, probably, in all likelihood, apparently, apparently, apparently, apparently, obviously, as seen, must be, one must think, maybe, perhaps, maybe For example, for example, say, in particular Therefore, so, therefore, it means, it turns out, hence P

Slide 9

Read with punctuation marks. Distinguish between introductory words and members of the sentence. Finally he arrived. Finally, you can go to the doctor for help. He may still have time to leave with everyone. What can be more important than friendship! They would often get together for tea. They used to have fun. It was quite obvious. He is obviously shy among strangers.

Slide 10

Read with punctuation marks. Distinguish between introductory words and members of the sentence. He worked in this way up to ten hours. It was already getting dark and so we returned from our walk on time. Everything seemed familiar to him. Everything here seemed to remind him of his childhood. He often visits us. Sometimes she sings for a very long time, with pleasure Olya just woke up. I can see the forest from the window

Slide 11

In the sentence below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers that denote commas in the introductory word Roman philosopher Seneca at the very beginning of our era, (1) thinking about time, (2) in one of the letters to Lucilius, (3) which, (4) however, (5) can be addressed and to all young people of our time, (6) wrote ... 4, 5

Slide 12

In the sentence below, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers that denote commas in the introductory word Quiet, (1) silent, (2) restrained, (3) he appeared in workshops, (4) where future masterpieces of painting were just ending, (5) and, (6) it happened, (7) bought them for his gallery before, (8) they had time to appear at the exhibition. 6, 7

Slide 13

All commas are numbered in the above sentences. Write down the numbers that denote commas in the introductory word From your part, (1) from the other - it was impossible, (2) for someone to turn away, (3) pretending, (4) that he did not notice. They helped, (5) dragged on themselves, (6) tied them up, (7) gave a lift ... Someone, (8) maybe, (9) violated this law of life at the front, (10) there were deserters as well, (11) and crossbows. 8.9

Slide 2

Introductory words

Slide 3

Students must:

  • what are called introductory words
  • into which groups the introductory words are divided
  • what punctuation marks are used for introductory words
  • find introductory words in a sentence
  • correctly draw up introductory words with punctuation marks
  • Slide 4

    What are introductory words?

    Introductory words are words or phrases that are grammatically unrelated to a sentence.

    • They cannot be asked a question from another member of the proposal
    • Not a member of the offer
    • They can be at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of a sentence
  • Slide 5

    Slide 6

    Punctuation marks for introductory words

  • Slide 7

    Introductory words at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of a sentence are separated by commas

    • Unfortunately, none of the outsiders looked into these places.
    • Mother must have arrived tired.
  • Slide 8

    If the introductory words are next to each other, then they are separated by commas.

    • So, to our surprise, the mountains were only two kilometers away from us.
  • Slide 9

    The introductory words are separated from the preceding compositional union with a comma

    In this case, the introductory word can be put in another place of the sentence

    • But, perhaps, the reader is already tired of sitting with me at Ovsyanikov's one-yard. - But the reader, perhaps, is already bored of sitting with me at Ovsyanikov's one-yard.
  • Slide 10

    Introductory words and therefore, and by the way, include the union and are not separated from it by a comma

    • This means that he is not guilty of anything.
  • Slide 11

    The comma is not put if there is an accessory union before the introductory word

    And besides, it was necessary to purchase food and equipment for a two-year expedition.

    Slide 12

    If the introductory word appears at the beginning or at the end of a separate turnover, it is not separated from it by a comma:

    • noun, / input word + acc. turnover /,
    • noun, / pr. turnover + input. word/

    He took out a sheet of paper and a pen, which must have been specially prepared in advance.

    Slide 13

    They are not introductory words and words are not separated by commas:

    maybe, I suppose, in addition, it is unlikely

    Maybe I'll find something.

    Slide 14

    Word at last

    Synonymous with more, contains an assessment of the fact

    Means "in the end", "as a result of everything"

    Is an introductory word

    It is not an introductory word and is not separated by a comma

    Slide 15

    The word means

    Synonymous with words, therefore

    Synonymously means

    Is an introductory word

    Slide 16

    Word however

    Stands in the middle of a sentence

    It stands at the beginning of the sentence and is equal in value to the union but

    Is an introductory word

    It is not introductory and is not separated by commas

    Slide 17

    Training exercises

  • Slide 18

    Arrange punctuation marks in sentences

    • We may not see each other again.
    • Obviously this city lived with all the forces of its life.
    • It's late and perhaps it's time for us to return.
    • The shawl was excellent and apparently expensive.
  • Slide 19

    5. It seemed that the game of chess could no longer be saved by any moves.

    6. He's right after all.

    9. He used to be with us often.

    10. The father was apparently in the most complacent mood.

    11. It seemed that two sakli were rooted to the rock as a friendly couple.

    Slide 20

    check yourself

    • We may not see each other again.
    • Obviously, this city lived with all the forces of its life.
    • It's late and perhaps it's time for us to return.
    • The handkerchief was excellent and did not seem to be cheap.
  • Slide 21

    5. It seemed that the game of chess could no longer be saved by any moves.

    6. He's right after all.

    7. It allegedly happened not like that.

    8. I didn't mean anything like that.

    9. He used to be with us often.

    10. The father, apparently, was in the most complacent mood.

    11. It seemed that two sakli were rooted to the rock as a friendly couple.

  • Slide 22

    Control test

  • Slide 23

    What digits should be in place of commas?

    • True (1) Lisa's laugh seemed forced to me.
    • In fact, (2) my coachman did not find anything edible in the village.
    • Life (3) alas (4) is not an eternal gift.
  • Recommended to read
