Severe back pain during pregnancy - what to do if a pregnant woman has back pain? Lower back pain during pregnancy: causes and treatment Why is there severe pain in the lower back during pregnancy

Wallpaper 22.09.2021

Pregnancy is a great time to wait for a miracle, but it is often overshadowed by such a nuisance as lower back pain. Even if the symptom is insignificant, it should not be ignored, you should immediately consult a doctor. Lower back pain can be normal during pregnancy or evidence of a pathology, including a threat to the health of the mother and child.

Do you think that joint diseases can be cured without a visit to the doctor?


Common Causes of Pain

Lower back pain in a pregnant woman can be triggered by various factors:

  • changes at the hormonal level (physiological pain);
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • threat of interruption or premature birth;
  • pathology of internal organs;
  • a sharp increase in weight;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • lack of vitamins, minerals.

Pain in the lower back can occur at any stage of pregnancy, but their causes are different. It is important to pay attention to accompanying symptoms and be sure to notify your doctor about them. Even the seemingly insignificant detail can be important.

Why does the lower back hurt in early pregnancy?

Painful sensations at this stage are considered normal, but they should not be accompanied by other symptoms. If they appear, then there is a risk of any pathology.

Hormonal activity

At the beginning of pregnancy, progesterone begins to be actively produced - this hormone is important for maintaining pregnancy. Its increased production leads to relaxation of the ligaments between the bones, while the weight becomes more noticeable, and physiological pain is felt in the lower back.

Threat of interruption

This condition is possible throughout pregnancy, but most often occurs in its early stages. The main symptom is pain. It can be pulling or cramping, localized in the lower abdomen, but can be given in the lower back.

Other symptoms also appear:

  • uterine hypertonicity;
  • bleeding of varying intensity;
  • nausea;
  • single vomiting is possible.

Ectopic pregnancy

This means that the fertilized egg has attached itself outside the uterine cavity. This condition is fraught with death.

An ectopic pregnancy is accompanied by pain in the lower back, lower abdomen. It can be aching, cutting, cramping.

Pathology may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Bleeding. It takes place in abdominal cavity, but is often uterine. In this case, it resembles menstruation, but the discharge is scanty, and lasts a long time.
  • Shock. This symptom is observed with a large blood loss. A woman can lose consciousness, turn pale. Weakness and increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure.

Frozen pregnancy

This problem occurs in about one in 200 pregnant women. Pregnancy in this case proceeds incorrectly, so the growth and development of the fetus stops. More often, a frozen pregnancy is observed precisely in the first trimester, and there are a lot of possible reasons for this condition.

In the lower back, the pain only radiates, and is localized mainly in the lower abdomen. It is strong, has a cramping or pulling character.

Pathology may also be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • bloody issues;
  • there may be pus in the discharge when the decomposition process has begun;
  • decrease or lack of sensitivity of the mammary glands;
  • low basal temperature;
  • no toxicity.

Causes of back pain in the second trimester

In the second trimester, lower back pain often indicates pathologies of the internal organs. This is due to the changes taking place in the body.

Kidney pathologies

The most common is pyelonephritis. At risk is a period from 22 weeks. During this period, the outflow of urine worsens, so a chronic disease may worsen or an acute pathology may develop if there are prerequisites for it.

With pyelonephritis, there is severe pain in the lower back. She can give to groin and leg. This indicates that a stone is passing through the ureter.

Accompanied by pathology and other signs:

  • body temperature rises sharply;
  • the nature of urine changes - transparency is lost, blood inclusions are possible;
  • signs of intoxication are observed: chills, headache, fever, nausea.

In chronic pathology, low back pain is moderate. Symptoms of intoxication are also observed, but appear slightly.

Simultaneously with pyelonephritis, cystitis often develops. Its main symptoms include:

  • soreness and burning during urination;
  • increased urge to go to the toilet;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Feeling that the bladder has not been completely emptied.

Urolithiasis disease

This pathology is also called urolithiasis. In this case, stones are formed in the organs of the urinary system. The bladder or kidneys are more commonly affected.

Stones can form in only one kidney or both at the same time. Pathology can acquire a relapsing character, which is fraught with periodic exacerbations. A prolonged chronic course of the disease is also possible.

Back pain can be intermittent or persistent. Its character can also be different - sharp or blunt.

Other symptoms of pathology include:

  • renal colic - the pain is very strong, occurs spontaneously and indicates blockage of the ureter;
  • pain when urinating;
  • change in the color of urine, an admixture of blood or pus is possible;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • bloating;
  • fever.


This term unites a whole group of pathologies and means inflammation of the pancreas. In this case, the pain is given to the lumbar region, but is formed in the abdomen. In chronic pathology, pain usually occurs after a fatty meal.

Other symptoms of pancreatitis include:

  • signs of severe toxicosis - lightheadedness and nausea, turning into severe vomiting;
  • intestinal disorders - diarrhea, the inclusion of particles of undigested food in the feces;
  • increase in body temperature to 38-39 degrees.

Pathologies of a neurological nature

Low back pain in the middle of pregnancy is often associated with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including:

  • intervertebral hernia;
  • scoliosis lumbar;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • hyper- or hypolordosis of the lumbar;
  • spondylosis.

The clinical picture in this case has many similar features. In addition to lower back pain, the following symptoms are possible:

  • stiffness or limitation of movement;
  • increased pain during certain movements;
  • local increase in temperature;
  • swelling or swelling of the affected area.

Why does the lower back hurt in late pregnancy?

In the last trimester, low back pain is often physiological. This is due to a significant weight gain and increased load, pressure on the internal organs. The causes of discomfort can also be pathological.

Large uterine volume

Lower back pain in this case often occurs towards the end of the pregnancy - at 38 weeks. During this period, the uterus reaches maximum size. This condition is usually not accompanied by any accompanying symptoms.

Training bouts

Pain is paroxysmal and usually irregular. After a few hours, the condition may return to normal, but the next day it will repeat.

With the appearance of such a symptom before the 35th week of pregnancy, as well as with a reduction in the interval between contractions, premature birth is likely. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance.


This term is called inflammation of the muscles. If it affects the lower back, then pain appears in this area. The reason may be being in a draft, cool air.

Muscle pain is local. It increases during movement or if you press on the affected muscle. Increased pain is also observed when the weather changes.

Is back pain dangerous in pregnant women?

By itself, lower back pain is not dangerous, but some pathologies that cause this symptom are dangerous:

  • An ectopic pregnancy means the risk of recurrence of such a situation, infertility. In the absence of immediate medical intervention, there is a possibility of death.
  • A frozen pregnancy is dangerous by the risk of developing an infection.
  • Pyelonephritis is dangerous with possible complications - anemia, renal failure, sepsis. There is a risk of preterm birth. Preeclampsia and eclampsia may develop, which is dangerous for the life of both the unborn child and the mother.
  • Myositis can lead to an increase in muscle weakness, a decrease in the ability to self-service, skeletal muscle atrophy, including complete atrophy.
  • Pancreatitis can lead to miscarriage. Against the background of this pathology, peritonitis, internal bleeding, and deviations in the work of the digestive tract can develop.

It is considered a relative norm when lower back pain is insignificant and not accompanied by other symptoms. This does not mean that you do not need to see a doctor. During pregnancy, you should pay attention to any changes and discuss them with a specialist.

The most dangerous are the conditions accompanied by acute pain, especially in the presence of other unpleasant symptoms.

What to do?

If you have back pain, you should consult a doctor. Depending on the accompanying symptoms, this may be a gynecologist or therapist. If necessary, they will refer the patient to a narrower specialist, for necessary tests and research.

During pregnancy, the list of possible studies is limited, so the usual X-ray is not allowed. You can perform an ultrasound scan, magnetic resonance imaging without contrast.

Drug therapy for back pain can only be prescribed by a doctor. Majority medicines are banned, so sometimes treatment has to be postponed until childbirth.

During pregnancy, it is allowed to use drugs of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory group, then only in those dosage forms that are intended for external use. These medicines are good for pain and inflammation. They are used for myalgia, inflammatory and degenerative pathologies of the joints, inflammatory edema of soft tissues.

If the pathology creates a threat of miscarriage or premature birth, then the woman is placed in a hospital. Often, treatment in such conditions is limited to diet, bed rest, vitamins, and papaverine injections to eliminate muscle spasms. Being in a hospital is mainly required to ensure the woman's peace and the ability to provide her with medical care at any moment.

For any anxiety symptoms during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor. Self-medication during this period is strictly excluded, as it can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous.

Prevention measures

In order not to overshadow the course of pregnancy with unpleasant symptoms, you should think about preventive measures:

  • With diagnosed pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and weak muscles, they should be strengthened. Swimming and special gymnastics are well suited for this. They can be practiced not only in preparation for pregnancy, but also during it.
  • Planning for pregnancy. Many unpleasant moments can be avoided if you prepare in advance for the appearance of a child. At this stage, you should carefully check the state of your body, cure the existing pathologies.
  • At the first signs of pregnancy, register at the antenatal clinic. This will allow you to learn about any violations in a timely manner, including ectopic pregnancy.
  • Eat right during pregnancy and monitor normal weight gain. Sudden weight gain can cause a lot of trouble.
  • Fortify your diet with calcium. To do this, the diet must be diversified with cottage cheese, cheese, other dairy products, herbs, fish, nuts.
  • Avoid high heeled shoes.
  • Don't stand on your feet for too long, especially in one position. This creates a load on the muscles of the sacrum. If you have to stand for a long time for any reason, then you need to bend your leg at the knee or rest it on a slight elevation.
  • Sit correctly. To do this, use a chair with a back and armrests. The seat must be firm. You can’t sit for more than an hour in a row, you need to do periodic warm-ups.
  • Sleep on a hard mattress. This is very beneficial for the back, especially when it hurts when standing up.
  • Do special exercises for pregnant women.
  • Walk more outdoors.
  • Stick to moderate exercise. During pregnancy, they are not contraindicated, but must be adjusted according to the situation. Weights must not be lifted under any circumstances.

The doctor Violetta Frolova tells about the common causes of lumbar pain in pregnant women, how to eliminate it and the reasons for consulting a specialist:

Lower back pain during pregnancy is a fairly common occurrence. In some cases, it is the norm, in others - a sign of pathology. Any deviations from the norm should be reported to your doctor, and he will already determine their cause and measures to be taken. Many troubles can be avoided by prevention, especially if you start it at the stage of pregnancy planning.

Especially often, these symptoms accompany the second half of pregnancy. This is due to the processes that occur in the body. future mother as the baby grows.

Due to a significant increase in the size of the abdomen in a pregnant woman, the center of gravity shifts. Trying to adapt to this, she is forced to bend her back more and more in the lumbar region. In addition, the rapid increase in weight puts additional stress on the entire body. musculoskeletal system especially on the spine. Due to the production of a special hormone - relaxin in the body of a woman, changes occur in the bone joints (cartilage, ligaments), including in the joints of the pelvic bones. As a result of this kind of “softening”, the joints of the pelvic bones become more pliable, more extensible, which facilitates the passage of the fetus through the dense pelvic ring during childbirth.

In addition, a large amount of nutrients necessary for the growth and development of the baby, including vitamins and calcium, which are required for the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system. If you do not fully compensate for their deficiency, then this can cause various diseases, including pain in the back and pelvic bones,

Contribute to the development of pain wearing uncomfortable shoes with high heels, standing for a long time, the wrong posture when doing work while sitting, and simply weak muscles that can hardly cope with the increased load. All this provokes the occurrence of pain in various parts of the back and pelvis.

Sometimes pain in the back and pelvis are symptoms of pre-pregnancy diseases of the musculoskeletal system and other internal organs. So, for example, pain in any part of the back can be associated with osteochondrosis of the spine, intervertebral hernia, scoliosis and other diseases of the spine. Usually, pain is provoked by prolonged work in an uncomfortable position and excessive physical exertion. With a sharp increase in the load in the back, a sharp pain may appear, which prevents the normal extension of the spine. In such a situation, the recommendations of a neurologist are necessary.

Prevention of back pain in pregnant women

If you suffer from pathology of the musculoskeletal system - osteochondrosis, scoliosis (curved spine), flat feet - or you just have weak muscles, then in preparation for pregnancy, go in for swimming, health-improving gymnastics. Then, by continuing these exercises during pregnancy, you will significantly reduce the possibility of developing painful sensations in the muscles and ligaments, as they will become more elastic and stronger. In addition, during physical education, the supply of oxygen to tissues increases significantly, which increases their endurance and speeds up recovery under heavy loads.

At the doctor

In addition to an examination, a doctor may use an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) to diagnose the disease. X-ray examination during pregnancy is contraindicated.

Usually, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed in the form of injections, tablets or ointments, vitamins of group B to relieve a pain attack. During pregnancy, paracetamol-based anti-inflammatory drugs are preferred, since they do not have a negative effect on the fetus.

How to help yourself?

In the second half of pregnancy, if you experience back pain caused by a pathology of the musculoskeletal system, doctors advise wearing a prenatal bandage that supports the stomach and eases the load on the spine. Wearing a bandage is especially shown when standing for a long time and walking for a long time.

Strictly prescribed by a doctor, a light massage can be carried out, aimed at relaxing spasmodic muscles. Physical activity during an attack of acute pain is limited. After the cessation of pain and normalization of spinal mobility, it is recommended physiotherapy, which serves to strengthen the abdominal muscles, back, increase the elasticity of ligaments and muscles.

A light stroking massage of the back and feet is very useful. For foot massage, you can use special massage mats and balls. This massage is carried out daily for 5-7 minutes. It is necessary that the sensations at the same time be comfortable.

It is very important that the expectant mother spend enough time in the fresh air, because. In the skin, under the influence of sunlight, vitamin D is formed, which is necessary for normal calcium metabolism.

To prevent the pathology of the musculoskeletal system, it is useful to sleep on an orthopedic mattress.

Of great importance during pregnancy is good, comfortable shoes with stable heels 4-5 cm high. It is very useful, especially for diseases of the spine and joints, wearing special orthopedic shoes or orthopedic insoles. They can be picked up in specialized orthopedic salons after consultation with an orthopedic doctor. When wearing uncomfortable, tight shoes, the load on the spine and joints is not properly distributed, which contributes to pain.

When working in a sitting position, you need to regularly take breaks in order to change your posture, stretch, perform several breathing exercises: while inhaling, raise your hands up, stretch, while exhaling, lower your arms through the sides, relax. Thus, you improve blood circulation in the joints and muscles.

Is the pregnancy at risk?

Drawing pains in the sacrum may also indicate the threat of termination of pregnancy. Sometimes they are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, frequent urination. Pain can occur after physical or psychological stress. When they appear, it is necessary to postpone all your affairs, it is advisable to lie down, take a sedative drug (VALERIAN, CORVALOL), NO-ShPU, you can use CANDLES WITH PAPAVERINE. If the pain does not stop or recurs regularly, it is imperative to consult a doctor. The doctor will examine you and send you for an ultrasound. If the study reveals an increased tone of the uterus (local thickening of the uterine wall), then antispasmodics (NO-SHPA or PAPAVERIN IN CANDLES), sedative (calming) drugs (VALERIAN EXTRACT, KOR-VALOL), drugs of complex action (for example, MAGNE- B6 which has both antispasmodic and sedative effects). In some cases, hormonal preparations are prescribed, analogues of natural hormones that support pregnancy - DUFASTON or UTROZHESTAN. In the second half of pregnancy, tocolytics are prescribed - drugs that inhibit the contractile activity of the uterus.

In later pregnancy, recurrent, recurring pain in the sacrum may be the first signs of the onset of preterm labor. At the same time, you can also notice the tension of the uterus: the stomach becomes dense, "compresses into a ball." If the pains are cramping periodic in nature, repeated at regular intervals, you should immediately consult a doctor. The doctor will examine the cervix, make an ultrasound, CTG (cardiotocography) and, if the gestational age is still small, prescribe inpatient treatment aimed at stopping uterine contractions.

Braxton-Hicks contractions (so-called false contractions) usually occur in the last month of pregnancy and are manifested by pain of moderate intensity in the sacrum and / or abdomen. But their most important difference from labor pains is that they are irregular, and their intensity and duration do not increase with time.

Symphysitis during pregnancy

Quite often during pregnancy, symphysiopathy (symphysitis) develops - a complication in which there is excessive softening and stretching of the tissues of the pubic symphysis (cartilage connecting the pubic bones) under the action of the hormone relaxin. This is due to hereditary predisposition, as well as a lack of calcium in the body. With this pathology, the pain is localized in the area of ​​​​the pubic joint. Characterized by increased pain with a change in body position, an attempt to raise a straightened leg, with palpation of the pubic joint. Sometimes there is swelling of the tissues in the area of ​​the womb. A pregnant woman may change her gait, she becomes a duck, waddling.

If the pain is associated with symphysitis, it is recommended to wear a bandage. It supports the stomach and prevents excessive stretching of the ligaments and muscles. With severe pain syndrome, experts advise to reduce physical activity. As a rule, calcium preparations are prescribed at a dose of 1000-1500 mg per day. Also, according to the doctor's prescription, anti-inflammatory drugs can be used locally.

Nutrition during pregnancy

During pregnancy, be sure to include calcium-rich foods in your diet: dairy products (cottage cheese, low-fat cheese, yogurt), fish, meat, greens. Nutrition must be balanced. It is best to avoid foods that promote excess weight gain. It should be remembered that excess weight greatly increases the load on the joints and spine.

Diseases that cause back pain in pregnant women

Pain in the lumbar region can be associated with pancreatitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis (the kidney stone is mobile and, injuring the mucous urinary tract causes pain).

pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. Its development is favored by a violation of the outflow of bile, non-compliance with the diet, in particular abundant meat and fatty foods, alcohol consumption, hereditary predisposition, and stress. But it must be said right away that during pregnancy this disease occurs, fortunately, quite rarely. Acute pancreatitis is manifested by acute pains in the upper abdomen (pit of the stomach, right or left hypochondrium), lower back, often girdle character. Often there is vomiting, impaired stool, lowering blood pressure. In this case, you need to call an ambulance or go to the hospital yourself.

To diagnose the disease, laboratory tests of blood and urine, ultrasound, FGDS (fibrogastroduodenoscopy), MRI, etc. are used. Most often, treatment is carried out conservatively, in a hospital. A strict diet, drugs to normalize pancreatic function, as well as anti-inflammatory and painkillers are prescribed. In severe cases of the disease, surgery is not excluded.

Pyelonephritis. In diseases of the kidneys, the pains are pulling aching - with pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys) or sharp, cramping - with renal colic, usually associated with the movement of a stone from the renal pelvis to the ureter. With colic, the pain is so severe that it is practically impossible to find a position in which it could be tolerated. Sometimes the pain spreads along the ureter, towards the groin and urethra. It is often possible to weaken it with heat by applying a heating pad to the lumbar region. Another symptom of this disease is a change in urine: it becomes cloudy, in some cases an admixture of blood appears. In addition, with pyelonephritis, an increase in temperature is possible.

To establish the diagnosis, ultrasound, laboratory blood and urine tests are performed. For the treatment of pyelonephritis, antibacterial drugs are prescribed - it is better if they are selected individually, taking into account the sensitivity of the microorganisms that caused the inflammatory process. Treatment can take place on an outpatient basis, but more often in a hospital. With renal colic, antispasmodics are used to reduce pain, painkillers, and the inflammatory process is prevented. If the stone is small, it is possible that it will come out on its own. But if the stone is large and blocks the lumen of the ureter, then its surgical removal may be required.

About a quarter of women experience lower back pain during pregnancy. This trouble is associated with many provoking factors, ranging from weight gain to the presence of chronic diseases. Such a pain syndrome should be treated with the help of a specialist, and drug therapy involves the use of combined agents that have a minimum number of side effects.

Causes of pain syndrome

An impressive proportion of all women have back pain during pregnancy, which is associated with a high load on the spinal column and weakened abdominal muscles caused by excessive stretching. Most often, such a pain syndrome is observed in the late trimesters, and disappears only some time after childbirth. Discomfort usually occurs during physical exertion and stressful situations such as severe hypothermia.

Unpleasant sensations are localized in the lumbar region, but pain can also be given to the leg, causing difficulty in walking. Lower back pain during pregnancy, caused by exposure to relaxin (a natural hormone), can temporarily reduce joint mobility, but does not pose a serious danger.

Spasmodic pronounced pain, which is accompanied by impaired coordination and a number of other unpleasant symptoms, is a much more serious threat. Such a signal may be a harbinger of internal bleeding requiring immediate treatment in a clinical hospital.

Important! Lower back pain during pregnancy can be triggered by a shifted center of gravity, when expectant mothers have to shrug their shoulders and stretch their necks.

Other causes of back pain during pregnancy

Why does the lower back hurt during the different trimesters of pregnancy? In addition to the reasons listed above, pain in the back can be triggered by wearing shoes with high heels, a long stay in the wrong position during sedentary work, as well as weakened muscles. In some cases, back pain during pregnancy occurs due to various diseases of the musculoskeletal system that developed before pregnancy.

Osteochondrosis, scoliosis, intervertebral hernia and many other diseases of the spinal column often develop due to uncomfortable working conditions or excessive physical activity. If the lower back hurts in a pregnant woman, the following factors may be the causes of this phenomenon:

  • The presence of cracks (even minor ones) that appeared as a result of injuries, falls or difficulties that arose during previous births.
  • An increase in body weight creates a high load on the back and entails a curvature of posture.
  • The body of a pregnant woman produces an impressive amount of various hormones that affect the relaxation of muscles and ligaments.

Lower back pain in early pregnancy can be associated with colds and infectious diseases. Those who are not lucky enough to “blow through” the lower back usually complain of unpleasant “pulling” sensations localized in the lower parts of the spinal column and radiating to the stomach. Back pain in early pregnancy may not indicate the presence of any pathology, and may be a side effect of the body adapting to increased stress.

Causes of pain syndrome may vary depending on the trimester

The inflammatory process in the kidneys (pyelonephritis) is often accompanied by pain in the lower back. This disease can be recognized by such signs as: frequent urination, increased blood pressure, headache, swelling and fever. Symphysiopathy is a disease that occurs due to excessive relaxation of the pubic joint. It is accompanied by a lack of coordination, while it usually hurts and worries the lower spine.

If the lower back hurts on the right during pregnancy, and the pain syndrome is aching and pulling in nature, the problem can be not only in pyelonephritis, but also in other kidney diseases. Treatment involves taking antibacterial drugs, antispasmodics and analgesics prescribed by a competent doctor based on the results of biochemical tests and a general examination. Therapy at the 5th week of pregnancy should be selected with great care so as not to harm the actively developing fetus.

What to do if your back hurts in early pregnancy

If you are pulling your lower back in early pregnancy or are worried about pain localized in the sacrum, you should immediately seek qualified medical help. Such a sign of pregnancy is a serious danger, since it significantly increases the likelihood of miscarriage and interrupted pregnancy.

When pain syndrome begins to appear in women after physical exertion and pulls the stomach, you should use the following recommendations:

  • take a comfortable lying position;
  • take one of sedatives like Valerian or Corvalol;
  • an anti-spasm drug (No-Shpa) may be required.

In the first trimester, hormonal drugs may be prescribed, which include Utrozhestan and Duphaston. The dosage and duration of administration must be calculated by the attending physician without fail. In the third trimester and later in pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe pharmaceuticals aimed at reducing the contractile activity of the uterus.

The pain syndrome, which is characterized by a certain periodicity and is similar to contractions, usually requires the placement of the expectant mother in a hospital, as well as studies such as cardiography and ultrasound, followed by treatment. In the second trimester, the load on the spinal column increases significantly, which causes a shift in the center of gravity and a strong deflection of the lower back.

Important! If aching pains are accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina, urgent medical attention is needed, since such signs can lead to termination of pregnancy.

How to deal with lower back pain

If pain in the lumbar region is associated with infectious disease First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of its occurrence. When the cause of pain is osteochondrosis, flat feet or intervertebral hernia, a sharp increase in load can provoke an aggravation of the condition and difficulty with spinal extension.

Staphylococcus, enterococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli can lead to inflammation and pain in the back. They are accompanied by an increase in body temperature and a change in the characteristics of urine, which becomes cloudy and different in composition from normal.

Experts recommend that women in the position get up as smoothly and gently as possible from the sofa, and also avoid lifting even minor weights.

Most often, the lower back hurts in late pregnancy, and the discomfort completely disappears only after childbirth. If severe pain is associated with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, the doctor may prescribe the wearing of a special prenatal bandage, which helps to cope with high loads and overcome most of the negative effects of long walking.

If your back hurts or your bones hurt, it is worth reducing the load on the spinal column by adopting the following recommendations:

  • use an orthopedic mattress for sleeping;
  • wear shoes with low heels and good foot fixation;
  • sitting on an armchair or chair, you need to use the back as a support;
  • it is important to avoid high physical exertion;
  • you should keep your own weight within the normal range.

Swimming is considered one of the most effective means to overcome pain in the back. Water aerobics can also be an excellent effective method to strengthen the lumbar region, however, before classes, you should consult your doctor for contraindications. Hydromassage and exercises using a fitball have a good effect.

Thanks to manual therapy, it is possible to correct displacement of the vertebrae and other disorders with little or no medication. If it shoots in the lower back during pregnancy, you should limit yourself to magnetic resonance imaging, since an x-ray examination is contraindicated in all trimesters. In order to stop the pain syndrome, drugs with anti-inflammatory effects, special ointments, tablets and vitamins of groups B, C, D and A are often required.

Women who are forced to engage in sedentary work are advised to use breaks to perform simple sets of exercise therapy exercises. Instead of bending your torso, for example, to pick up a dropped object from the floor, it is recommended to keep your back in a straight position, changing the bend of your legs. The maximum load should fall on the lower limbs.

What to do if your lower back hurts during pregnancy? In order to overcome the soreness, analgesics with a minimum number of side effects and other adjuvants are usually prescribed. Among the non-traditional methods of treatment, the most common are: aromatherapy, homeopathy, reflexology, acupuncture, reflexology and herbal medicine.

How to strengthen your lower back

If you pull your lower back during pregnancy and are worried about pain, you need to make the diet as saturated as possible, it must contain various vitamins and minerals. Particular emphasis should be placed on the following foods:

  • nuts;
  • fresh fruits, vegetables;
  • greens.

Can the lower back hurt with a lack of calcium in the body of the expectant mother? Scientists were able to establish that the deficiency of this element directly affects the occurrence of such problems. Even before pregnancy, it is recommended to drink at least 1-2 glasses of cow's or goat's milk, as well as eat a serving of cottage cheese or natural cheese. To improve the absorption of calcium, it is worth spending time in the fresh air every day.

In case of lower back problems, it is worth spending less time at the computer, not crossing your legs and, if possible, change your body position every 10-15 minutes

In addition, the following recipes and recommendations will come in handy for pregnant women:

  • The crushed shell of a boiled chicken egg is an excellent source of calcium, the absorption of which is much higher than that of gluconate (its bioavailability is no more than 5%). The shell is calcined in a pan, before that the film is removed from the inner surface.
  • Without magnesium, normal calcium metabolism is impossible. Therefore, in the first and second trimester, it is important to consume a sufficient amount of dried apricots, lemons, seaweed, peas, beans, bananas, prunes and dates, which hold the record for magnesium content.

Signs of magnesium deficiency: high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat and cramps in the lower extremities (mainly calves or feet).

Preventive measures include: timely treatment of diseases of the spinal column, protrusion and internal organs. It is necessary to avoid physical overload, sudden movements, tilts and jerks. Thanks to an active lifestyle before pregnancy, it is possible to strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen, thus preventing pain in the lumbar region. Avoid high heeled shoes.

Pregnancy is a joyful and solemn event in the life of every woman. Therefore, throughout its entire length, the future mother should monitor her condition and well-being. The body of a woman is arranged in such a way that it can give signals in advance related to fetal pathologies. It is necessary to understand such signals, and take timely measures to eliminate them.

Particular attention should be paid to the initial trimester of pregnancy. It lasts first 12 weeks. There is no such woman who could boast that during pregnancy, she would not experience unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations.

During the growth of the fetus in the body of a woman, significant changes occur and pain in the back and lower back is the first sign of this. Displacement of the pelvic organs and stretching of the muscle ligaments cause pulling pains in the lower back.

Lower back pain during pregnancy

Pain in the back and lower back are common. This is due to the fact that during the period of fetal development, the weight of the expectant mother increases and the main load falls completely on the spinal muscles. Only in isolated cases, back pain can talk about the threat of miscarriage or childbirth, ahead of schedule. If a ? – read the answer to the question here.

There are many reasons for discomfort:

  • Fatigue of the muscles of the body area in the lumbar region;
  • Exacerbation of osteochondrosis;
  • kidney disease;
  • Excess weight, giving a load to the lower back;
  • hypothermia;
  • Muscle inflammation;
  • Risk of miscarriage;
  • premature birth;
  • The beginning of timely childbirth.

Pain as a sign of pregnancy

In addition to the first and familiar signs of pregnancy, such as nausea or increased appetite, drowsiness, pain in the lumbar region is added to them.

Expressed in aching and pulling sensations, which arise from the fact that the uterus of a woman quickly stretches, increases in size so that the developing fetus is comfortable and cozy. In this regard, there is a stretching and change in the uterine ligaments, which cause various pains, covering not only the lumbar region, but also the abdomen.

According to observations, this kind of pain is mainly experienced by women giving birth for the first time. Those who have not the first childbirth, the uterus is already stretched, ready to perform the subsequent birth processes and the lumbar region is already prepared for them and suffers much less.

Lower back pain in early pregnancy

Lumbar pain in the early stages of pregnancy will be observed throughout the first trimester, giving the expectant mother additional discomfort.

Feelings of back pain are experienced by more than half of pregnant women and differ in intensity of varying degrees. After childbirth a large number women are observed and pain symptoms already remain.

Causes of back pain:

  • Problems in the vertebral apparatus begin to progress(osteochondrosis, curvature of the spine, weakened development of the pelvic muscles);
  • Increased production of the "pregnant" hormone - progesterone leading to softening of the discs and supporting ligaments;
  • At the very beginning of pregnancy, there is a decrease in the functioning of the immune system. associated with the fact that initially, the body perceives the fetus as a foreign organism that has penetrated inside. Therefore, diseases of the bladder and kidneys become the root cause of back pain;
  • Presence of urolithiasis: at the same time, there is a sharp and acute pain during urination;
  • Often expectant mothers have pyelonephritis "pregnant", with an exacerbation of which the body temperature rises, edema occurs, the color of the urine changes, as a result of which the tests give poor results.

Causes of back pain during pregnancy

There are many causes of back and lower back pain:

  1. During pregnancy female body transfers the maximum part of useful substances, including calcium, to the fetus. In the expectant mother, the lack of this element develops diseases of the spinal apparatus to varying degrees, which are expressed in severe pain.
  2. The production of relaxin by the body contributes to the softening of bone and cartilage tissues., as a result, the joints diverge, while increasing the mobility of the pelvis.
  3. Renal colic can also be one of the causes of pain. Kidney stones cause pain during urination, causing sharp pain. When the stone comes out, the ureter can be injured, which will further affect the further condition of the woman.
  4. Pyelonephritis can provoke lumbar pain. Signs of the disease can be fever, swelling in the lower back, pain, high blood pressure.
  5. Previous diseases of the spine can give complications during the period of bearing a child. Sciatica, intervertebral hernia, scoliosis will cause an increased load on the spine, and cause pain.
  6. The abdominal muscles are stretched, providing an area for its growth. Therefore, on back muscles an additional load is imposed, expressed in maintaining balance.
  7. The shift in the center of gravity of the body leads to a change in posture and when walking, the spine is very tense.
  8. Prolonged standing on your feet increases the load on the spine. In this case, the pain is a defensive reaction that causes a change in body position.

In addition to the above reasons, there are also the following:

  • Walking in high heels;
  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • Uncomfortable and sedentary work;
  • Weakening of the back muscles associated with increased load.

What should be done in case of pain in the first place?

In order for back pain to make itself felt as little as possible, it is necessary to exclude provoking factors that cause discomfort:

  • Wear comfortable and not tight shoes;
  • Eat foods high in calcium(these include dairy products, starting with sour cream, ending with cheese);
  • Don't try to lift weights. If it is already necessary to do this, then you should first sit down, but it is not recommended to tilt the body forward;
  • Getting out of bed should also be correct: turn on your side, lower your legs to the floor and only after that, stand up. This will eliminate the load on the back muscles;
  • For the seat, choose only chairs with a back. You should not fall "on a grand scale" even on upholstered furniture;
  • For support, wear a prenatal bandage.

If, with all the measures taken, the pain continues, then you should visit a gynecologist and undergo the necessary examination by passing tests. The causes of pain can be various diseases and it is desirable to identify them at the very beginning of pregnancy.

You can do simple physical exercises that strengthen the muscles of the back, but only when there is no pain. It is very useful to go swimming or aerobics.

In order for the pregnancy to proceed as calmly as possible, you need to carefully monitor your health and try to exclude some points:

  • Do not wear high heels. This will provoke rapid fatigue and increase back pain;
  • You do not need to spend the entire pregnancy in the "lying" position, you should take as many walks in the fresh air as possible;
  • Don't lean forward to eliminate the occurrence of lumbar pain;
  • Do not stay in one position for a long time sitting or standing, you need to periodically change it;
  • Do not lie or sleep on your back. This will lead to increased pain;
  • The most important thing is not to be nervous, this will affect the condition of the baby after his birth.

What can be back pain in the first 12 weeks?

The most important period of pregnancy is the first trimester. It differs in the transience of the change of events associated with the development of the fetus. At the same time, it is necessary to know that physiological processes in the body can cause pulling and aching pains in the lumbar region and abdomen.

  • At 1-2 weeks there is a strengthening of the fertilized egg to the membrane of the uterine cavity. This process is characterized by slight pain in the lower abdomen;
  • By 3 - 4 weeks the formation of the chorion occurs, the tissue from which the placenta will be born. This is characterized by the introduction of villi into the walls of the uterus with the formation of vessels from which the blood system of the unborn baby will be formed. The process is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • At 5 - 6 weeks there is a biological protection of the fetus, associated with an increase in blood flow to the uterus. The plethora of small pelvic vessels is accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  • From 7-8 weeks The relaxin hormone acts on the connective part of the joints and promotes their relaxation. This is another cause of pain syndromes;
  • At 9 - 10 weeks the muscle fibers of the uterus are actively growing. There is a thickening of the cardinal and sacro-uterine ligaments, they become very dense, the load on the ligamentous uterine apparatus increases. This is accompanied by pain in the coccyx;
  • At 11 - 12 weeks the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. By this time, the fetal organ systems are fully formed. During this period, spontaneous contraction of the uterus is possible, which can also lead to the pain described above;
  • During pregnancy, there is an increased load on the kidneys., which already work in enhanced mode without it. An increase in the volume of circulating blood increases the minute blood flow in the kidneys and expands the pelvic system. All changes lead to pain in the back and lower back.

Treating low back pain in early pregnancy

Traditional Treatments

According to statistics, more than half of pregnant women suffer from constant pain in the lumbar region.

If preventive methods do not bring the desired result, it is necessary to start immediate treatment. It should take place under the obligatory supervision of the attending physician.

The use of drugs for any purpose can cause irreparable damage to the health of not only the mother, but also the unborn baby.

To reduce pain, you can start some exercises, it is better to start with minimal loads:

  • Worth doing physical therapy (it includes yoga classes for pregnant women, various types physical activity);
  • After consulting with an obstetrician, you can go swimming. Water has a relaxing effect on the muscles and relieves pain;
  • You can make a light self-massage on problem areas with fingertips;
  • Take a warm bath or shower if pain worsens
  • In the second and third semester, wear a bandage that supports the stomach. During sleep, put a pillow for pregnant women under the stomach;
  • During pregnancy, the contrast between the body's resistance and the expenditure of strength is important. Therefore, rest should be given special attention. Good sleep should be a constant companion of expectant mothers.

As for the reception medications, then they should be taken under the strict supervision of a physician, especially if it is associated with kidney disease.

Non-traditional methods of treatment

  • Great gruel from grated horseradish or radish helps. In order to avoid a strong burning sensation, it is recommended to add a little sour cream to the mixture;
  • Perfectly helps a decoction of chamomile, thyme and St. John's wort. It will relieve pain, it is even recommended to do compresses with wraps at night;
  • Mix 50 grams of mustard with warm water until the consistency of sour cream is obtained.. Apply the mixture to the sore spot for no more than 5 minutes, in order to avoid severe burning;
  • Pour boiling water over burdock leaves and apply on the lower back;
  • Squeeze garlic with lemon, soak a napkin with juice and apply to a sore spot. Procedures to carry out regularly;
  • Effectively helps a compress of sour dough. It is necessary to wrap the lower back with a layer of fabric, put the dough on top. Apply a compress before going to bed;
  • Rubbing the sore spot with honey helps very well.. Blood circulation and muscle tone return to normal.

Alternative medicine methods have been tested by our ancestors and bring quick relief from the pain that has arisen. However, when using them, we must not forget that they can cause allergic reactions.

Strengthening the spine during pregnancy

Strengthening the muscles of the spine during pregnancy is facilitated, first of all, frequent walks. It tones the muscles of the legs, buttocks and back, eliminates the manifestation varicose veins veins and the development of hemorrhoids.

In addition, you can do:

  • In case of normal health, in the winter season, skiing is recommended.(it is recommended to wear a prenatal bandage).
  • Swimming. It is very good for the health of the mother and her baby. There is a strengthening of the muscles of the back, an improvement in blood circulation, the load is removed from the joints.
  • Yoga. An excellent option for stress on the body during pregnancy. Classes will be useful for both mom and baby, because. when performing it, great attention is paid to breathing and relaxation of all muscles. During classes, the child will receive many times more oxygen, and the mother will prepare for the upcoming birth.
  • Gymnastics. Specially created exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles that take part in childbirth (pelvis and abdominals).

When should you sound the alarm? When can you not worry?

If the pain occurs predominantly on one side, then it could be indicative of kidney disease. There is swelling and pain during urination. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor, because. it threatens kidney failure.

There are times when Pain speaks of signs of a threatened miscarriage. In this case, you need to be very careful: if your stomach hurts a lot and even small bleeding, you need to urgently visit a doctor or call an ambulance for hospitalization.

Mostly pain in the back and spine are considered normal during pregnancy. In any case, when a woman becomes pregnant, she needs to visit a gynecologist and register with him as early as possible.

Observation from a specialist and the implementation of all his recommendations will help to get away from many problems. that may occur during the period of expectation of the child.

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