How to pump triceps at home with dumbbells. How to pump up triceps with dumbbells, on the uneven bars and from the bench - exercises and anatomy. Exercises to train the muscles of the back

Paint rollers and brushes 31.05.2021
Paint rollers and brushes

Hello, friends. beautiful figure not only slender, but also fit. Therefore, we again turn to the topic of fitness.

And today we will find out which and how best to perform tricep exercises with dumbbells and what exactly they are for.

Question Anatomy

Triceps is otherwise called the triceps muscle - it has three heads (bundles) at once, which are also called the triceps horseshoe.

It is customary to refer to the number of those parts of the body that most clearly form a visual representation of the figure.

And now another way

Lying on a bench

This workout also involves the latissimus dorsi muscle.

Take the starting position - lying on a horizontal bench, arms raised and bent at the elbows. Keep the dumbbells lowered near the head, turn the palms towards each other.

Extend your arms by lifting the dumbbells up. Make sure that the elbows do not diverge to the sides.

Lower your arms back to the starting position.

It is also possible to simply lie on the floor. It is designed for beginners and also suitable for women.

Extension of the arm with a dumbbell from behind the head

It is also one of the most popular and simple.

Works out a long bundle of muscle.

Performed sitting or standing.

First, the dumbbell is held above the head, the arm is raised vertically upwards.

On inspiration, the arm bends at the elbow, the weight falls behind the neck.

As you exhale, return to the starting position, raising your hand again vertically upwards.

To ensure a cleaner execution of the exercise, the hand with the weight is fixed with the other hand.

You can do this in two ways - either by clasping your elbow with your free hand, or by shoulder.

Important:during execution, keep your stomach in tension, do not allow your lower back to bend too much.

Bent over arm back

Simple and effective training of all bundles of the triceps muscle. Allows you to add volume, emphasize the relief. It is also useful for girls - it helps to remove flabbiness of the back of the hands, improves shape.

Stand at a chair (or bench), rest your knee and palm of one hand on it for balance on the same side as the knee.

The second leg is on the floor as a support.

Tilt your torso so that it is parallel to the floor.

The back is straight, the neck is aligned at its level. Pull in your stomach, tighten your abs.

Take a dumbbell in your other hand, bend it at a right angle.

As you inhale, raise your arm so that the part above the elbow is parallel to the floor. The forearm (the arm from the elbow to the hand) at the same time is directed downward.

As you exhale, extend your arm back, fully straightening.

Fix it in this position, strain the triceps as much as possible, holding the burden in this position for several seconds.

On an inhale, lower your arm to the starting position.

Complex the best exercises targeted at women is presented in this video

This is the male version

What to remember

  • For effective pumping, 2-3 workouts per week are enough.
  • In order for the development to be harmonious and the figure to be built proportionally, follow basic exercises targeting several muscles at once.

And how do you train, how do you make, in particular, your hands beautiful? Waiting for your opinion in the comments, friends. See you soon!

As before, training with free weights remains more effective than training on block simulators. The more unstable the position of the body or its individual parts in the exercise, the more muscle fibers are involved.

Dumbbell extension with two hands from behind the head

In this exercise, all bundles of the triceps muscle of the shoulder (medial, lateral, long) and the ulnar muscle work. Performed both standing and sitting:

  1. Holding with both hands, bring the dumbbell behind your head, pressing your bent elbows as close to your head as possible.
  2. Exhale: unbend your elbows, straining your triceps, at the top point, leave your elbows slightly bent, this will relieve the load on the elbows. Do not take your elbows to the sides.
  3. Inhale: Slowly lower the dumbbell behind your head without putting weight on your neck.

Fulfill 4 sets of 8-12 reps.

Standing one-arm dumbbell extension

AT this option dumbbell extension for triceps is performed with only one hand. Involved in work lateral and long head of the triceps, tendon and ulnar muscle.

  1. Standing or sitting, raise a straight arm from the dumbbells above your head, the hand is located above the shoulder joint.
  2. Inhale: keeping your elbow still, lower the dumbbell behind your head without touching your shoulder blades.
  3. Exhale: unbend the elbow with effort due to the triceps. Do not move your shoulder from its place, do not arch your body. If necessary, at the end, you can help the triceps with your free hand, pushing the forearm, or supporting the shoulder in front, for joint stability.

Repeat 8-12 reps per arm, then switch. So 4 sets.

For more information on how to do the seated and standing french press,

Extension of one dumbbell in emphasis on the bench

For the exercise you will need a horizontal bench. The lateral, long head of the triceps and the ulnar muscle work.

  1. On one side - with the palm of the left hand and the knee of the leg of the same name we rest against the bench. The second (right) foot is on the floor, and the free hand holds a dumbbell.
  2. We raise the elbow of the right hand from the dumbbells to the body, constantly holding a stationary position from the shoulder to the elbow. Forearm perpendicular to the floor.
  3. Exhale: unbend the elbow, bringing the arm in a straight line with the body, reducing the triceps as much as possible, holding for a second at the top point.
  4. Inhale: lower the dumbbell even more slowly to the starting point, relaxing the triceps.

Repeat for one hand 8–12 times, then change to the second. For each side 4 sets.

Dumbbell extension for triceps with two hands in an incline

The second name of the exercise is "Grasshopper". Performed standing upside down. In addition to triceps, the muscles of the press, back and legs are involved in the work to maintain the position of the body.

  1. Standing, put your feet on the width of the pelvis. In the hands of a dumbbell.
  2. Tilt the body with a straight back to a horizontal line, bending your knees. Keep your back still, never don't round your back.
  3. Raise and press your elbows to the body, keep your shoulder motionless. Forearms are freely lowered with dumbbells to the floor.
  4. Exhale: fully extend both arms to parallel with the floor. Holding the dumbbells for a second at the top point.
  5. Inhale: slowly and smoothly lower the dumbbells to the starting point.

Complete 8-12 reps as usual - 4 sets.

One-arm extension with dumbbells standing in support

The technique of the exercise is similar to the previous version of the extension with two hands, but is slightly simplified due to the emphasis on one hand.

  1. Feet together, bending your knees, tilt your back straight forward, resting your forearm on your thigh, stabilizing the position. The second free hand holds a dumbbell.
  2. As in the previous version, press the elbow to the body, slightly raising the shoulder and turning the body towards the dumbbell. The forearm is loose below.
  3. Exhale: full extension of the elbow, pausing.
  4. Inhale: Slowly lower the dumbbell.

Do one side, then switch total - 4x8-12.

Option number 2

The variant assumes the same position of the body and the extension technique, the difference is only in the emphasis on the legs.

  1. Feet together, take a step back with your right foot, assuming a half-twine position - the right leg is straight on the toe, the knee of the left leg is at a right angle.
  2. Rest your left elbow on your left thigh.
  3. The right hand with dumbbells is pressed to the body, the body is also slightly turned.
  4. Exhalation: right hand performs full extension of the dumbbell.
  5. Inhale: slowly lower the dumbbell down.
  6. Change the position in the floor of the twine to the other side by performing an extension on the left hand 8-12 times. For each hand 4 approaches.

  • For high-quality study of triceps with dumbbells no big weight needed.
  • How slower you will fulfill relaxation phase(lowering the weight), the more load the triceps will receive, therefore, it will be better pumped.
  • Take a short break at the top, perform extension faster than flexion.

Girls you can work on the triceps less intensively, for the tone of this problem area it is enough 3 sets of 15-20 reps with little weight. The main thing is the burning sensation on the last repetitions.

Triceps exercises with dumbbells in video format

Triceps is a small muscle of the forearm, the training of which is unsuccessful for many athletes. But why? And that's all, because not everyone takes into account the anatomy and function of the muscle when training it. But we will understand in detail the anatomy, and consider exercises for triceps with dumbbells, on the uneven bars and on the bench.

Triceps anatomy and a set of exercises

The triceps has three heads:

  • Middle (medial)
  • long
  • External (lateral)

The middle head is the easiest to train. Each of the beams develops depending on physical activity. In almost all exercises, the middle head works, and the outer and long ones help it. To learn how to pump up triceps with dumbbells, you need to figure out which exercises work its various parts.

All three beams - push-ups on the uneven bars.

Long beam - extension of the arm from behind the head.

Lateral beam - French bench press from behind the head with a neutral grip.

Performing triceps exercises

How to pump up triceps on uneven bars? Let's start with push-ups. Triceps push-ups are performed with a narrow arm position, the body leans back. It is advisable to perform this exercise first, as it will warm up all the bundles of the triceps. Do a few sets, say two or three, for 10-15 reps.

This exercise can be replaced with push-ups from the bench. Hands are placed narrowly, legs are bent at the knees. Lower the body on your hands to an angle of 90 degrees at the elbow. Enough 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Triceps exercises with dumbbells

After a good warm-up, we move on to training a long beam - extending the arm from behind the head. It is done with a dumbbell with one hand in turn. Take a dumbbell in your hand, pull it near your head, palm forward. Bend your arm at the elbow until it stops and return to the starting position. Do 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps.

For the last exercise, do a French overhead press with a neutral grip. You can also do it with dumbbells. Take two dumbbells in your hands, raise them above your head and bring them together. The palms are parallel to each other. Bend your elbows all the way and return to the starting position. Do 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps.

Do you want your hands to visually appear larger and more massive? Then you just need to train triceps. Often athletes believe that it is impossible to pump them without simulators. However, this is not true, it is enough to have just ordinary dumbbells.

Basic rules for doing triceps exercises

Before you start training, it is important to understand the very structure of the triceps. This will help form the right set of exercises. The first thing to understand is that any movement of the hand is due to this triceps muscle. At the same time, it connects the humerus and ulna, and is located on the inside of the arm, closer to the shoulder.

You can feel the triceps when you move your arm back behind the body.

It is this muscle that determines the visual appearance of the hand, it gives more than half the thickness, and you should not forget about its proper development in any case, otherwise there is a risk of getting disproportionate and ugly hands. A strong triceps is needed for push-ups, pull-ups, a variety of planks and chest exercises.

So, what are the rules to follow when doing triceps exercises with dumbbells:

  • do exercises after a warm-up;
  • dumbbell workouts are isolating, and therefore other muscle groups are not involved during the workout. In almost all exercises, the work of the triceps should be present, if you do not feel this particular muscle - therefore, the execution technique is incorrect;
  • watch the position of the hands, keep the area of ​​​​the shoulder and elbow motionless. The main load occurs on the elbows;
  • carefully select the weight - to do this, increase it gradually from small to large. If you want your muscles to grow, then the dumbbells should be heavy enough, if you are just working on strengthening and toning the muscles, then do 20-25 repetitions of 4-5 sets, but with less weight;
  • everything is done without jerks, slowly and under control.

It is also worth noting that the key to the success of home workouts is regular exercise. It is important to remember that in order to achieve better results, the correct daily routine and balanced diet, namely increased protein intake and exclusion from your diet of alcohol, carbonated drinks, energy drinks and confectionery.

Triceps exercises with dumbbells outside the gym

With different body positions, different parts of the triceps are loaded differently. However, it makes no sense to do all three of the same exercises. For effective workout dumbbell press, straightening of the arms for the body and French press are performed. Other exercises for training triceps can be performed optionally or sometimes interchanged.

  1. Seated dumbbell press. This exercise is performed while sitting on a bench, you need to bend your back in the lower back, spread your legs wide. The dumbbell is taken with 2 hands behind the head, the elbows should be parallel to the floor. On exhalation, the dumbbell rises vertically upwards, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe arm above the elbow is motionless.
  2. Dumbbell press behind the head while standing with 2 hands - to perform the exercise, you need to stand up straight, spread your legs wide, put the dumbbell behind your head. As you exhale, raise your arms up, make sure that the movement is only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe elbow.
  3. Dumbbell press behind the head while standing with 1st hand. The grip should be internal, the free hand goes down or wraps around the body.
  4. Straightening the arm back with an inclination - you need to stand near the bench (or chair), rest against it with your palms and knee. Take a dumbbell in your hands and lift it up, bending your elbow to 90 degrees. The forearm area should be perpendicular to the floor. As you exhale, straighten your arm at the elbow, while leaving the upper region motionless. Hold for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position.
  5. Straightening the arms back with a sitting tilt. Sit on a bench and hold a dumbbell in one hand with an inside grip. Lean forward, back parallel to the bench, elbow bent at a 90 degree angle. As you exhale, extend your arm back so that it is parallel to the floor. Hold for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position.
  6. French press with dumbbells. Lie down on a bench, press your back and buttocks to the surface. Take the dumbbells with a straight grip, stretch your arms straight up. As you exhale, lower your arms down so that your shoulders and forearms are at a 90-degree angle. Hold for a couple of seconds and return your hands to the starting position.
  7. Close grip dumbbell bench press. Lie down on a bench, put your feet on the floor, back and press against the surface. Hands with dumbbells are taken with an internal grip, elbows are bent and pressed against the body. As you exhale, raise the dumbbells vertically, arms perpendicular to the floor. On an inhale, return to the starting position.

French bench press - how to pump up triceps with dumbbells quickly and effectively

It's no secret that the best triceps isolation exercise is the French press. Being a very specific exercise, you need to be very careful to observe the correctness of its implementation. French bench press is carried out:

  • lying down - this type is most preferable for athletes during the period when the mass is increasing. Athletes with short triceps prefer to do it lying down. The exercise makes it possible to work out the triceps as separately as possible;
  • sitting - owners of long triceps prefer the sitting position, during this exercise the triceps muscle works more naturally;
  • standing - for those who have a long triceps and the point of its attachment is in the forearm, it is necessary to do a standing French press with dumbbells.

But it should also be remembered that this simple exercise is fraught with many dangers for the joints and ligaments. In almost all people, the triceps are weaker than the biceps, so you need to train with a lighter weight. French bench press is not recommended for people who have problems with the elbow joints. AT this case the exercise should be replaced with a bench press with a narrow grip on the bench. It is safer, as the joints are less loaded. However, if the execution technique is not followed, using even a small weight, injury can occur. Most importantly - no jerks. When pulling the dumbbell back, injury to the ligaments can occur. Because of this, the exercise must be done slowly, without rushing. This is the only way to protect yourself from various damages.

How to pump up triceps with dumbbells: training programs

As you can see, achieve beautiful hands and pumping up triceps is not at all difficult, all you need is training. To achieve tangible results, it is better to add strength exercises to exercises with dumbbells, such as: push-ups from a horizontal surface, from a bench, pull-ups on horizontal bars and uneven bars. All workouts must be performed several times a week. Bodyweight exercises are performed every other day, and isolating exercises include triceps exercises with dumbbells or other equipment - once a week, no more. It will be effective to combine biceps training with triceps. With the simultaneous pumping of the muscles of the biceps and triceps, your arms will be subjected to maximum load. Exercise and triceps is best in turn.

To pump up the triceps, each athlete individually selects the best set of exercises for him. Constantly changing the training regimen noticeably builds muscle. This happens because greatest effect from any training process is achieved only at the very beginning. If you continue to exercise the triceps in the same way, then they will lose "training stress", the body will get used to it, and muscle mass will stop increasing. For injury prevention and greater efficiency, a warm-up is required before each workout. By following the rules of training, it is possible to increase the muscle volume of the arms in a relatively short time.

Also, do not forget that more than other muscles are prone to overtraining, so you do not need to abuse the number of approaches. The more the muscle is loaded, the more time it takes to restore it.

  • with high and low pressure;
  • with cardiovascular diseases;
  • with asthma.

Do not forget about safety - as soon as you feel sharp pain, you need to immediately stop training and think about your mistakes. Pay close attention to the position of the body - excessive load on the back can lead to disastrous consequences.

Triceps are exactly the muscles that can visually increase the size of the arms and make them as large as possible. It is by developing them, and not the biceps, that you can noticeably add in the volume of the arms.

The key to the success of home workouts is that the exercises that will be described below should be performed regularly, gradually increasing the load. For best results you need healthy sleep and proper nutrition.

Progress will go faster if you increase your protein intake and completely eliminate alcohol, carbonated drinks, energy drinks and confectionery from your diet. Pay special attention to proper nutrition, as a healthy diet plus training is the basis of good muscle growth.

Preparation consists in doing a warm-up. In addition to doing light gymnastics, warming up muscles and joints, you can add cardio in the form of running or exercises on a cardio machine, if you have one at home.

Remember that the effectiveness of the training depends only on your desire to achieve results. The exercises described below are suitable for both boys and girls. At the same time, you need to understand the structure of the pumped muscles in order to understand where on the body and how they should be tensed. Let's analyze this point further.

What are triceps made of?

It is important, before starting training, to understand the very structure of the triceps. This will help you create the right set of exercises and feel in the process which part of the muscle is brought to work.

The first thing that is important to understand is that thanks to the triceps muscle, any movement of the hand occurs. At the same time, it provides a connection between the humerus and the ulna. It is called precisely “three-headed” for the reason that it consists of 3 “components”, called heads:

  • lateral;
  • medial;
  • long.

It is located on the back of the hand, closer to the shoulder joint. You can use it by moving your hand back behind the body. The power potential of the hands is precisely the triceps.

French bench press

To perform it, you will need a bench or two stools placed side by side that can support your weight.

  • It is necessary to lie on the bench so that the back is completely relaxed.
  • You should take two dumbbells or a barbell of a suitable weight. The load with each workout should be gradually increased.
  • When you take dumbbells or a barbell, there should be a distance of 40 cm between your hands. Make sure that your hands are turned with the back of your hand towards your face. In this case, the setting of the hands will be correct.
  • With a smooth movement, take your hands behind your head. Try to keep your elbows in the same plane.
  • Flex and unfold elbow joints Don't forget to breathe deeply while doing this. Perform 10-12 repetitions. It is recommended to do 3-4 approaches.
  • After completing the last approach, get up, breathe for a few minutes, take a few sips of water. Now you can proceed to the next exercise.

Execution with dumbbells

It can be an alternative to the first exercise if you only have one dumbbell at home. Need:

  • Set up a chair. Lie down on it so that the shoulder blades rest on its surface.
  • Hold a dumbbell in your hand so that the back of your hand is facing your face.
  • Holding the elbow with your free hand, raise your arm off the dumbbell and do 10 flexion and extension. Make sure that the elbow does not lean forward in any case. After completing the approach, change hands. In total, you need to perform 3-4 approaches. Remember about correct breathing- while inhaling, we lower our hands, while exhaling we squeeze the dumbbell up.

It is important to breathe properly while exercising. Also, try to measure the pulse, pressure before and after training, in order to independently control the state of the body and avoid overstrain.

Exercise on bars

This exercise is considered one of the most effective due to the fact that during its execution many muscle groups act. Technique:

  1. Place your hands on the uneven bars at shoulder distance.
  2. In this case, the body must always be strictly perpendicular to the floor.
  3. You can’t bend over or spread your arms too wide, this will make the exercise useless.
  4. You need to lower the body on your hands until an angle of 90 degrees is formed at the elbow.

If you want to do this particular exercise at home, then you need to take 3 stools. They must be located at the extreme points of an isosceles triangle. Two of them will replace the bars themselves, and the third will serve as a support for the legs and will allow you to lower the body in accordance with the technique of the exercise.

It is important to place both arms and legs in the center of the stool. It is recommended to put feet on a stool on socks.

Push-ups from the bench

This exercise is convenient to perform if you have two benches or a pair of stools available. If this is not the case, then the legs can be lowered to the floor.

  • Place benches or stools at a distance of 80 cm parallel to each other.
  • Put your feet on one bench, and on the second, take a position so that you feel the emphasis with your hands.
  • Gradually bend your elbows, while lowering as low as you can. Then rise to the starting position.
  • Do 10-15 repetitions, remembering to breathe.

After doing the exercise, drink water and rest a little. Do this for 3-4 sets. If you want to increase the load on the triceps, then after each set, push up from the floor 10 times with a narrow grip.

Seated one arm french press

  1. Sit on a chair, keep your back straight.
  2. Take a dumbbell in one hand, the second should be free.
  3. Raise the dumbbell over your head so that the back of your hand is facing up.
  4. Lower the dumbbell behind your head, while you should feel how the triceps are stretched.
  5. Straighten your arm in a quick motion.
  6. Do 10-15 reps and switch hands.

This exercise is not recommended for those who have injured their hand within six months, as well as for people who have not previously trained. To avoid torn ligaments, do not do more than 5 approaches. The intensity of the load, as well as the frequency of repetitions, should increase gradually. Don't forget to breathe properly.

Bent over arm extensions

  • Take a standing position.
  • Lean forward, with one hand rest on a stool or bench.
  • Take a dumbbell with your free hand (the position of the back of your hand does not matter), take the dumbbell back. The elbow should be at shoulder level. The arm should form one straight line, keep it close to the body.
  • Lower the dumbbell so that your arm is in an "L" position.
  • With a jerk, straighten your arm to the starting position.
  • Change hands.
  • Do three sets for each arm, rest for a minute, and then do a few more sets.

If you feel pain during the exercise, then it is too early for you to do it. Remember that excessive load in the first days of training is fraught with negative consequences.

Push-ups with a narrow grip

This is one of the most effective exercises you can do at home. It will perfectly consolidate the effect achieved after performing the previous exercises.

  1. Take a supine position.
  2. Hands should be placed shoulder-width apart. Press your elbows to the body. Make sure this condition is met.
  3. Lower yourself so that your arms gradually bend towards the body.
  4. Get up smoothly.
  5. Do 10 sets. With each workout, you need to increase the number of repetitions.

If you want to increase the level of the load, you can put your hands closer together. At the moment when they are under the center of the body, the load on the triceps will be maximum.

We use rubber

You need to purchase a tight rubber loop, which is attached to the most convenient vertical surface, and most importantly - stable. It can be a wardrobe or cabinet. It is important that such a rubber loop is located at shoulder level.

In the conditions of the gym, a rope handle attached to the simulator is used for exercise. But building such a system at home is hardly possible. You need to perform the exercise as follows:

  1. Grasping the attached rubber training loop with both hands, you need to place them in a position perpendicular to the floor.
  2. The essence of the exercise is to extend the arms to the level of the hips.
  3. It is important to monitor the tension of the rubber cable, you need to attach it in such a way (or move a certain distance) so that the tension is a little stronger than comfortable.

Training programs

There are several programs aimed at developing the triceps muscle. The following describes the exercises, the number of times in one approach and the repetition of approaches.

General triceps program

For the normal development of triceps, giving it relief and increasing mass, it is useful this program. Requires regular execution:

  1. French bench press.
  2. Press with one hand in a sitting position.
  3. Extension of the arm in an inclination.

Each of these exercises must be performed 12 times, with three approaches.

Acquisition of power potential

Each muscle structure has a potential for strength, i.e. that parameter of power measured during an impact. To increase this indicator, you need to perform the following program of exercises:

  1. French press.
  2. Bench press.

Each exercise is performed 8 times in the approach, which must be done at least 5.

Light weight on the elbows

If there is no desire to give too much load on the elbows, but there is a desire to develop triceps, then this program will do:

  1. Press with a narrow grip.
  2. Bent over arm extensions.

Each exercise is performed in 3 sets, 15 times in each set.


  • only regular workouts and precisely executed programs are able to give the desired result;
  • for a speedy recruitment muscle mass remember the importance of nutrition. With food, you need to provide an increased amount of protein structures for the body;
  • you need to consume protein before and after training for (after) 40 minutes;
  • in pursuit of a beautiful triceps, you should not immediately give heavy loads. This will not only not give the desired result, but can also cause damage to the muscle, which will require recovery;

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