Contracture of the elbow joint exercise exercise therapy. Video: Gymnastics for the treatment of pain in the elbow and in the elbow joints. Recipes for making compressors and lotions

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Diseases of the elbow joints can affect people different ages. The joints of the elbow have a rather complex structure, while performing a very important job that requires sufficient loads. Overexerted and overwhelmed physical work can cause various diseases of this part of the musculoskeletal system, which require a special approach in therapy.

The Benefits of Exercise

There are a fairly large number of methods for treating and maintaining the normal state of the musculoskeletal system - from special ointments to surgical methods that eliminate defects. It is important to approach the therapy method correctly, using a large number of methods. The methods of therapy also include physical education for the treatment of elbow joints.

This article will help you understand why gymnastics is useful, what exercises and how to do it correctly so that the musculoskeletal system is always in good physical shape.

Therapeutic exercise for the elbow joint has a fairly large impact not only on the state of this part of the body, it has a number of positive functions that affect the work of the entire human body:

  • there is a stimulation of the muscular wall of the entire arm, as well as the pectoral and abdominal muscles;
  • tissue nutrition increases, which helps to relieve a person of pain symptoms and increase the flexibility and strength of bones;
  • reduction of pain in the elbow joints;
  • improving blood circulation in the tissues of the hands;
  • increasing the motor activity of this part of the musculoskeletal system;
  • reduction of inflammation in the elbow bend.

It is important to remember that gymnastics for the treatment of elbow joints will not be able to completely cure the disease, but it will be able to prevent the development of complications and reduce the manifestations of the clinical symptoms of the disease.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for physiotherapy exercises are:

  • epicondylitis - a disease manifested by an inflammatory process in the tissues of the elbow;
  • osteoarthritis therapy;
  • carpal tunnel syndrome - compression of the median nerve;
  • hand injuries of old origin.

In addition to these direct indications, the implementation of gymnastic tasks is perfect as a method of preventing pathologies, as a way to improve the condition of the body after heavy loads.

Gymnastics has contraindications. Like all medical procedures, elbow exercises can only be performed for a limited number of people who have no contraindications to this sport. Exercise is prohibited if:

  • injuries received less than two weeks ago, and having fresh localization;
  • exacerbation of arthritis;
  • increased body temperature;
  • if 3 months have not passed after surgery on the elbow;
  • if after doing physical education you feel sharp pain at the elbow.

These contraindications are relative and can be performed after returning to normal.

Rules for performing physiotherapy exercises

Gymnastics for the treatment of pain and other manifestations should be performed daily, 2-3 times a day - this regimen will give the most positive and effective results. The basic rules for the implementation of gymnastic tasks are:

  1. It is better to start charging 1-2 hours before a meal.
  2. Gymnastic exercises should be done slowly, without sudden movements.
  3. During the charging process, it is necessary to carefully monitor deep and free breathing, since the tissues must be saturated with oxygen and receive active substances. The room must be well ventilated.
  4. Charging should take place in comfortable clothing that does not restrict body movements.
  5. It is necessary to start charging with small loads so that the muscles have time to warm up, then you can gradually increase the pace and strength of the load.

These simple rules will allow not only to improve the effect, but also to prevent the development of negative consequences in the implementation of classes. If, after charging, the elbow bends begin to hurt a lot, it is necessary to consult a specialist who will correct the exercise regimen and select the correct load.

Gymnastics exercises for arthrosis of the elbow joints should begin with exercise, which gradually turns into the implementation of the main tasks. It is important to control your well-being and drink enough fluids during training.

Sitting exercises

  1. Sit at a table or in front of a flat surface with your arms extended straight on the table. Then bend your elbows and do fist clenching for 30 seconds.
  2. Place your hands on the table, palm down. Perform bending movements with the elbow towards the chest. To facilitate the task, you can take a ball or any other rolling object, roll your hands on it. Do slow movements for 30 seconds. Do the same for the second hand.
  3. Now place both hands on the table, palms down. Do a similar exercise with both hands at once, as if rolling a rolling pin on the table, you can roll a gymnastic stick.
  4. Stretch your arms to the side and bend them at the elbows so that the palms hang down. Now make extensor movements of the arms in both directions.


  1. Legs shoulder width apart. Hands in front of you, bent at the elbow, pressed to the chest. Perform slow jerks with your hands, alternately bending and unbending them to the sides. Within 30-40 seconds.
  2. Lower your arms freely down, then stretch in front of you and bend at the elbows so that the palms are pointing up, now stretch your straight arms again and gradually lower them. Do it within 20 seconds.
  3. Make circular movements with your shoulders, first in the direction forward, then back for 10-20 seconds.
  4. Hands down. Without raising your shoulders, bend your elbow and lower it back to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.

It is important to remember that Physical Culture must be performed regularly. A good effect is achieved only after 15-20 days after constant training. It is important to monitor the condition of your musculoskeletal system and carry out prophylaxis and examinations with specialists, because the health of your joints is in your hands. It is also necessary to fully eat so that the body receives protein, calcium and vitamins in the right amount.

Elbow contracture is a limitation of its mobility, which occurs as a result of pathological changes in the soft tissues that are functionally associated with the joint. In other words, the contracture of the elbow joint sharply limits the mobility of the elbow (contracts it) by changing the nearby soft tissues. This process is usually accompanied by severe pain, and eventually, contracture of the joint can lead to complete immobility of the limb.
Restriction of movements in the elbow joint usually develops due to fibrosis and thickening of the damaged capsular-ligamentous apparatus with dislocations of the forearm and fractures of the bones that make up the elbow joint.
All contractures, including elbow contracture, are divided into congenital (appear as a result of hereditary defects of the musculoskeletal system) and acquired, which are formed as a result of adverse environmental effects. Due to any of these forms of contractures, functional disorders of the limb can occur. Thus, the contracture of the elbow joint makes the hand completely afunctional, because of which a person is only capable of banal self-service and the simplest work activity.

The causes of contracture of the elbow joint can be the following:
a) inflammation and trauma that can provoke the onset of contracture
b) deformation of the bones that make up the elbow joint (under the influence of arthrosis or arthritis)
c) loss of elasticity of the ligaments and joint capsule
d) a decrease in the length of the muscles that provide the movement of the constituent elements of the elbow joint.
It should be noted that in the absence of adequate, competent treatment, contracture of the elbow joint leads to complete immobility of the limb (ankylosis). In the event that the disease has developed to this stage, only surgical intervention will help.

Diagnosis of the disease
The main sign of unfavorable processes in the elbow joint (contracture formation) is strong pain with subsequent disruption of the normal functioning of the limb. The severity of symptoms depends on the nature of the process (acute or chronic), as well as on the causes of contracture, its location and the age of the patient. In order to make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a complete examination of the patient using modern medical technologies such as MRI, CT and radiography.

Treatment of contracture of the elbow joint
Currently, both conservative and surgical treatment of contracture of the elbow joint is used. The main goal of physicians is to eliminate swelling, relieve symptoms of inflammation and, of course, restore joint mobility.
Conservative treatment usually includes:
- physiotherapy with elbow contracture
- massotherapy
- physiotherapy with contracture of the elbow joint
- physiotherapeutic procedures (exposure to UV, electrophoresis)
- drug therapy (hormones, analgesics)
- manual therapy (joint and muscle techniques)
- therapeutic blockade.
Concerning surgical treatment contracture of the elbow joint, then it is indicated in violation of performance at any degree of contracture. The most optimal surgical method is arthrolysis, which is performed openly or with the help of arthroscopy (depending on the degree of limitation of movement and changes in the joint).
In cases of arthrofibrosis with the presence of heterotopic ossificates that have not completed their development (this can be determined using a radioisotope study), it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive course before the operation. conservative treatment, which should include: therapeutic exercises for elbow contracture, physiotherapy, if necessary, intra-articular injections of oxygen and hydrocortisone are carried out. Due to all this, the retraction of the muscles surrounding the joint is reduced, as well as their atrophy. In addition, the development of movements in the joint in the postoperative period is greatly facilitated.
If there are free bodies in the cavity of the elbow joint, the operation should be carried out immediately, in order to avoid the development of secondary changes in the articular surfaces. The same applies to the contracture that accompanies the neuropathy of the ulnar nerve, and develops as a result of its compression by scar tissue or ossificates in the region of the ulnar nerve groove.

plays an important role in the treatment Exercise therapy for contracture of the elbow joint, which is aimed at restoring the normal range of motion of the limb. When using them, the contracture of the elbow joint proceeds with the least complications: pain symptoms are removed, restrictions in the joint almost completely disappear, and the tone of previously weakened muscles improves and the joint is supplied with nutrients
AT exercise therapy tasks in the treatment of contractures of the elbow joint includes:
- increase in the general tone of the body and the emotional state of the patient
- acceleration of functional restructuring of regenerating tissues
- maintaining the functional level of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as the neuromuscular apparatus
- restoration of strength and speed-strength capabilities of the neuromuscular apparatus
- restoration of the amplitude characteristics of the elbow joint
- stretching of contracted tissues
- strengthening the muscles of the elbow, stretched due to contracture
- restoration of coordination of movements
- prevention of possible complications (spinal deformity, development of post-traumatic deforming arthrosis, circulatory disorders, edema, bone and muscle atrophy, osteoporosis, etc.)
- suppression of pathological excitation.

Therapeutic exercises for contracture of the elbow joint
1. I.P. - sitting sideways to the table from the side of the sore arm, while the shoulder of this arm should lie on the table so that the edge of the table is in the armpit, and the forearm is in a vertical position. Perform active flexion and extension at the elbow joint at a slow pace. When performing this exercise, one should not allow jerky movements in the direction of flexion and extension, and one should not help with the other hand, allow the occurrence of pain and perform forced flexion or extension. Run 6-8 times.
2. I.P. - sitting, the forearm lies on the table, a rolling toy in the fingers. Perform "swinging" movements (flexion and extension) in the elbow joint, while the shoulder joint must remain motionless. Repeat 6-8 times.
3. I.P. - sitting or standing. Perform movement on the block - flexion and extension in the elbow joint. Repeat 6-8 times.
4. I.P. - sitting or standing, in the hands of a gymnastic stick. Perform all kinds of hand movements for flexion and extension in the elbow joint. Repeat 6-8 times.
5. I.P. - sitting or standing, in the hands of a large rubber or tennis ball. Throw and catch the ball. Perform 8-10 throws.
6. I.P. - sitting or standing, tilting the torso forward. Bend and straighten your arms in the elbow joints (simultaneously with a healthy arm): on weight, then clasping your hands in a "lock", then putting them on your head, behind your head, etc. Do 6-8 times.
7. I.P. - sitting, putting your hands in warm water (temperature 35-36 degrees). Perform bending of the arms, extension, circular movements, turns of the hand with the forearm with the palm up and down. Perform this exercise 2 times a day (morning or afternoon and evening) for 10-15 minutes.

Therapeutic exercise for contracture of the elbow:
I) Starting position - standing
1. Perform pendulum movements with your hands forward, backward and to the sides, while the torso is tilted forward. Repeat 6-8 times.
2. Tilt your torso forward, lock your hands together, swing your arms up and down. Repeat 8-10 times.
3. The diseased arm is bent at the elbow joint, with the support of a healthy arm, abduct the injured arm to the side. Run 6-8 times.
4. Brushes to the shoulders, carry out the abduction of the elbows to the sides. Repeat 8-10 times.
5. Hands in front of the chest, pull the elbows back, while connecting the shoulder blades. Repeat 6-8 times.
6. Hands clasped "in the lock" below. Raise your arms up, bend, put behind your head. Then, straightening your arms up, palms up, return to the starting position. Repeat 4-6 times.
II) Starting position - lying on your back (on the bed or on the floor)
1. The arms are bent at the elbows, the hands are clasped into a "lock". Perform extension of the arms, pull the arms up. Repeat 6-8 times.
2. Pick up dumbbells (0.5-1kg). Perform abduction and adduction of straight arms with dumbbells. Repeat 4-6 times.
3. Pick up a stuffed ball (weight - 1kg). Roll the medicine ball back and forth.
4. Clasp your hands "in the lock." Raise your arms up and down, while keeping your shoulders on the floor. Repeat 6-8 times.
5. Pick up a gymnastic stick. Raise the stick up, then lower it down. Repeat 6-8 times.

Special exercises for contracture of the elbow joint using a gymnastic stick:
1. Stick horizontally at the bottom with a grip on the ends. Perform abduction of a sore hand to the side, while pushing it with a healthy hand with a stick. Repeat 6-8 times.
2. Stick horizontally at the bottom. Rotate the stick to a vertical position, while the injured hand is on top. Then return to the starting position. Repeat 6-8 times.
3. Stick horizontally at the bottom. Raise the stick up, put it on the shoulder blades and return to the starting position. Repeat 6-8 times.
4. Stick horizontally below the back at the width of the pelvis. Raise the stick up as far as possible, then return to the starting position. Repeat 6-8 times.

Exercise for elbow contracture using the gymnastic wall:
1. Standing facing the gymnastic wall, alternately intercept hands up on each rail, then return to the starting position. Repeat 4-6 times.
2. Standing facing the wall, hands at shoulder level with an overhand grip. Perform semi-squats and squats - 4-6 times.
3. Standing with your back to the wall, hands with a grip from above at the level of the pelvis. Bend and stretch your arms, then return to the starting position. Repeat 4-6 times.

Exercises for contracture of the elbow joint using dumbbells (0.5-1 kg):
1. Perform flexion and extension of the arm in the elbow joint. Run 4-6 times.
2. Hand down. Slowly raise your arm, with your shoulder parallel to the floor, bend your arm at the elbow and slowly lower it down. Repeat 4-6 times.

Therapeutic exercises for elbow contracture using a ball (volleyball or rubber):
1. Hands with the ball below. Perform forward and upward throws with straightened arms. Make 6-8 throws.
2. Arms bent at the elbows, the ball touches the chest. Perform forward and upward throws. Make 6-8 throws.
3. Hands down. Raise your arms up from behind, bending at the elbows, while trying to touch the ball to the shoulder blades, and then perform a forward-up throw over the head.
Do 4-6 times.
4. Standing with your back to your partner, hands with the ball below. Throw back over the head with straight arms. Do 4-6 times.
5. Exercises with a ball for an injured hand:
a) forward-up throws (4-6 times)
b) the arm is bent at the elbow (the ball is at the shoulder), unbending the arm, perform pushes forward and upward (4-6 times).
6. Pick up a tennis ball. Perform throws of a tennis ball against the wall and catch it with a grip from below and from above. Make 6-8 throws.

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Rehabilitation is the process of recovery after primary treatment. this is a fairly serious injury that requires careful treatment.

After the main course of therapy, long-term rehabilitation is indicated. It is carried out under conditions medical center or polyclinic, under the supervision of specialists and the attending physician.

Proper rehabilitation after a dislocation of the elbow joint is important in order to avoid complications and re-injuries.

What is included in rehabilitation

The rehabilitation period begins already when the hand is in a plaster cast. However, its volume during this period of time is insignificant, exercises for the hands and fingers are performed.

In full recovery is carried out only after the removal of the immobilizing bandage. Rehabilitation is aimed at restoring motor activity in the joint and improving the trophism of tissues and the muscle layer.

Rehabilitation after a dislocation of the elbow joint includes the following activities:

As seen for full recovery activity in the injured joint is required A complex approach. Its importance lies in the comprehensive impact both on the joint itself and on the tissues surrounding it.

positive effect can only be achieved with all of the above methods of rehabilitation. Otherwise, it will be possible to observe the motor inferiority of the articular apparatus.

Development of the elbow joint and exercise therapy

With a dislocation of the elbow joint, exercise therapy is started already during the period of immobilization (a few days or 1 week after the injury, depending on the type of dislocation).

All exercises are for the hand. This is necessary to improve blood flow through the immobilized limb. All movements are performed slowly, they are simple in themselves:

  • Clenching fingers into a fist and unclenching them. The whole arm must remain motionless, actions are performed locally in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brush;
  • Finger Counting Exercise. Bend one finger at a time, starting with the thumb and ending with the little finger (this is how young children learn to count on their fingers). Then, in reverse order, they are unbent (starting with the little finger).

Exercise therapy after dislocation of the elbow joint is aimed at:

  • Recovery of motor function;
  • Normalization of skeletal muscle tone;
  • Restoration or improvement of the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus.

A set of exercises is selected individually. Classes are held under the supervision of a specialist. This is necessary to evaluate their effectiveness. If necessary, the instructor can replace, add or exclude certain exercises.

At the initial stage of recovery, all movements should be performed carefully and slowly. Their amplitude should be minimal with a gradual increase. Passive movements are excluded, but active movements are predominantly flexion and extension.

A set of exercises for the development of the joint:

  • The position of the patient is sitting sideways to the table, the sore arm lies completely on the table (the end of the table rests on the armpit). The forearm rises and falls, performing flexion and extension in the diseased joint;
  • The patient is standing, his hands are clasped in a "lock" and extended forward. “The lock is first wound on one shoulder, then on the other. The movements are reminiscent of casting a fishing rod;
  • Standing position, arms bent at the elbows and in front of the chest. Elbows are bred to the sides, while the shoulder blades come closer;
  • Ball exercises:
    • The ball must be taken with both hands and thrown, then caught;
    • Throwing and catching a tennis ball with a bad hand.
  • Exercises with a gymnastic stick:
    • The stick is in a horizontal position, hands are located at its ends. Raise and lower the stick;
    • Raise the stick above your head in a horizontal position, tilt to the sides;
    • Rotational movements with a stick in hand.
  • When the pain syndrome completely disappears, you can start exercises with dumbbells. First, small dumbbells (0.5 kg) are used, gradually their weight increases, but not more than 2 kilograms.


The development of the hand after a dislocation of the elbow joint includes physiotherapy. Physiotherapeutic procedures are aimed at:

  • Reduction of pain syndrome;
  • Decreased edema;
  • Improving blood flow;
  • Accelerated recovery of motor activity.

It should be remembered that the thermal effect on the joint is contraindicated. Since there is a high probability of deposition of calcium salts in the joint cavity. This leads to a restriction of motor activity.

Physiotherapy procedures that are used to recover from a dislocation:

  • Laser therapy– impact on the body of laser radiation with therapeutic purpose. This method:
    • Has a vasodilating effect;
    • Improves microcirculation;
    • Relieves inflammation;
    • Improves metabolic processes;
    • Promotes tissue regeneration.

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Massage is a mechanical effect on a diseased part of the body. Contraindications to the appointment of this method are:

  • The patient is in critical condition;
  • General hyperthermia (increased body temperature);
  • Extensive swelling;
  • Intense pain.

This method of rehabilitation contributes to:

  • Reduction of pain syndrome;
  • Improvement of blood circulation;
  • Increased muscle tone (prevention and treatment of atrophic phenomena);
  • Normalization of nutrition (trophism) of damaged tissues;
  • Elimination of stagnation of lymph in the limbs, long time being in a forced position;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • Prevention of contractures (a serious complication of joint injury).

The use of massage is advisable already during the period of immobilization upper limb. As a rule, 3-5 days after reduction, the first procedure is performed. While a bandage is applied to the joint area, massage the following areas:

  • Back and side surfaces of the neck;
  • Parovertebral (paravertebral) region at the level of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae;
  • Forearm and shoulder.

It is not allowed to massage the elbow joint during the recovery period.

Massage techniques used to recover from a dislocated elbow:

  • stroking;
  • Trituration;
  • kneading;
  • Circular rubs.

Proper nutrition

Important for the restoration of the joint is proper nutrition, that is, food that promotes the regeneration and strengthening of the bone and joint apparatus.

The nutrition of the patient in the hospital is monitored by specialists. However, even after discharge, it is necessary to adhere to a certain menu. Before discharge, the patient is told in detail about the principles of proper nutrition:

  • Reestablish functionality joints will help mucopolysaccharides. They are contained in such dishes and products as:
    • Dishes prepared on the basis of cartilage and bones (jelly, aspic, meat soups and broths);
    • by-products;
    • Kissel;
    • Jelly.
  • Foods rich in calcium: milk, cottage cheese, natural yogurt, cheese;
  • Phosphorus is another trace element that helps strengthen bone tissue. It is found in sufficient quantities in seafood;
  • Fresh vegetables are a good source of vitamins;
  • Vegetable oils are rich in omega-3s fatty acids. They must be consumed with vegetables;
  • Nuts, mangoes are rich in polyunsaturated acids;
  • Much attention should be paid to the drinking regimen. It is necessary to drink from 1.5 to 2 liters of pure water per day. It prevents the deposition of salts in the joints;
  • Excluded:
    • Marinades;
    • Smoked and salty dishes;
    • Fried, fatty foods.
  • Preferred heat treatment: boiling, stewing and baking.

vitamin therapy

To strengthen and restore bone and cartilage tissue, it is necessary to supply a large amount of vitamins and minerals to the body. They may come from food. But this is not enough, in such cases the attending physician prescribes a vitamin-mineral complex. What should be included?

Folk remedies

During the recovery period, you can turn to the methods of traditional medicine. However, it should be remembered that in this case natural substances are used, to which allergies may occur.

Before using any traditional medicine recipe, you should consult with your doctor. And start treatment only after receiving his approval.

Recipes for making compressors and lotions:

  • As an antiseptic in folk medicine wormwood leaves are widely used. From fresh leaves, it is necessary to prepare a mushy remedy that is applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diseased joint. Fix the compress with a gauze bandage. To make a gruel from wormwood, its foxes must be crushed in a blender or food processor;
  • Milk compress helps speed up the regeneration process. This is due to the content of casein in milk, a substance involved in the restoration of cartilage tissue. Milk should be warmed up, then gauze should be soaked in it and a compress should be made;
  • Propolis tincture has healing properties. Compresses are made with it;
  • Tissue swelling can be reduced with onions. A gruel is prepared from it by chopping an onion head in a blender. Sugar is added to the resulting mass. Medicine put on skin in the area of ​​the joint. It is necessary to wear a compress for several hours (5 - 6).

Now you know everything about recovery after a dislocation of the elbow joint and how to develop a hand after an injury.

Restorative development of the elbow joint after a fracture or surgery allows you to restore its lost mobility and functionality. As a rule, doctors advise exercise therapy, physiotherapy and professional massage. The rehabilitation period after the removal of the plaster takes 6-10 weeks. You should not neglect the doctor's recommendations, because the injury may be accompanied by a displacement of the bones. With the wrong approach, the fracture develops into arthrosis.

What is elbow development?

As a result of a fracture, surgery and subsequent fixation, the elbow for a long time remains motionless. The high-quality implementation of the rehabilitation recommendations of the doctor helps to restore the full functioning of the joint. Treatment and rehabilitation period directly depends on the type of fracture. Violation of the integrity of the bones occurs as a result of a fall or after an injury. Once the doctor receives the results of the X-ray, further actions can be determined. For example, a displaced fracture of the ulna may require surgery, and therefore, the rehabilitation of the elbow joint will take longer.

Exercise therapy, physiotherapy and massage help to develop an elbow after a fracture or operation. Rehabilitation is a slow process. After removing the plaster, the patient feels how weakened the muscles and connective tissues. To avoid overloading the joint, it is necessary to gradually increase the load.

Discomfort in the joint during development is not a reason to quit classes.

How to develop a hand in the elbow joint after removing the cast?

At first, you can simply clench and unclench your fist.

Wearing a cast for a fracture is up to 2.5 months. During this period, a load without weights, the development of fingers is useful. Doctors recommend:

  • knead plasticine;
  • spread your fingers and bring them to their original position;
  • unclench your palm and clench into a fist;
  • draw circles in the air with each finger individually.

Useful exercises

After plaster removal

If the arm at the elbow does not unbend after a fracture, gymnastics must be performed taking into account the specific requirements:

  • Any exercise is performed using a restrictive bandage.
  • Classes should be regular, while painful sensations should not be allowed.
  • The movements are smooth and soft, it is possible to actively bend the joint only a month after the removal of the cast.

A complicated elbow fracture can make it difficult for a person to hold a cup or other small objects. The exercises performed should restore primary functionality and mobility. Each movement is repeated 5-6 times. If you feel tired, you need to take a short break. Possible movement options:

To restore the joint, you can knead the antistress.
  • tilt the palms brought together;
  • throw a tennis ball against the wall;
  • knead antistress;
  • clasp your fingers in the lock, slowly raise your hands behind your head.

Further recovery

Exercises for the development of the elbow joint should be performed systematically, without laziness or excuses. The medical complex should be recommended by a doctor. If desired, you can agree with him the possibility of performing the following complex:

  • Sit at the table, put your palms on the tabletop. Move your fingers over the surface, slowly and without haste.
  • It helps to develop the hand by performing inclinations with the palms brought together.
  • When it is difficult for the patient to extend the arm at the elbow joint, one can try throwing a tennis ball against the wall and then catching it. In this case, sudden movements are prohibited. It is performed 3-5 times a day.
  • If it is not possible to gather your fingers into a fist, it is recommended to knead a piece of children's clay for crafts or ordinary plasticine every day. Soft balls are effective. The object to be squeezed is placed in the center of the palm.
  • Often the elbow does not unbend after a fracture with a displacement. Turning a pair of balls in the palm of your hand effectively helps.


For rehabilitation purposes, you can take a course of laser therapy.

A fracture of the elbow joint requires complex treatment, which includes physiotherapy. This helps:

  • electrophoresis;
  • coniferous baths;
  • acupuncture;
  • laser therapy;
  • magnetotherapy.

The choice of the optimal combination of procedures must be entrusted to the doctor. One session will not help in any way, a treatment course of 8 to 12 visits is needed. This makes it possible to quickly return to normal life. With limited mobility, ozocerite, mud therapy, paraffin heating, and currents help well. Swimming is effective in warm water with extension of the joint, with supination and pronation.

If the patient is at risk of forming a false joint or the fracture does not heal well, shock wave therapy (SWT) is used. The affected area is treated with ultrasound. As a result, the regeneration process is stimulated and the formation of callus is accelerated.

The elbow joint is characterized by such pathological changes as muscle hypertonicity and flexion of the forearm, due to which the mobility of the arm in space is reduced.

The purpose of the exercises for the elbow joint is to stimulate the extensor muscles of the forearm, which have a stretched position. Classes for this joint are carried out both at a slow and at a fast pace, with the brushes resting on the surface.

With arthrosis

The use of hyaluronic acid and chondroprotectors helps to enhance nutrition and normalize the functioning of cartilage, improve joint mobility and the quality of its fluid, provided that special exercises for elbow arthrosis are performed constantly and become part of life.

With epicondylitis

Such a disease appears due to the load on the arm with regular monotonous extension and flexion of the elbow joint. The development of tissue microtrauma, tendon overload and the development of inflammation.

The main goal in the treatment of the disease:

  • normalize and strengthen regional microcirculation;
  • eliminate pain in the affected area;
  • return the possibility of full-fledged movements in the joint;
  • prevention of atrophy of the muscles of the forearm.

Therapeutic gymnastics is only a component in complex therapy. It helps to restore the natural work of the hand. My patients use a proven remedy, thanks to which you can get rid of pain in 2 weeks without much effort.

It is necessary to pay attention to both active and passive loads, a healthy limb should also be involved.

Exercises for epicondylitis of the elbow joint (performed in the absence of pain and with the consent of the doctor):

  • with arms bent at the elbow, clench and unclench fists;
  • with motionless shoulders, bend and unbend the forearms;
  • forearms and shoulders to make circular movements in turn - inward and outward;
  • bend and unbend the elbows with the hands connected;
  • perform "scissors" and "mill" with the permission of the doctor.

What is needed for the development of the elbow joint

Often, diseases and injuries are associated with weakness of the tendons and ligaments, which are localized near the joint.
If these anatomical components are sufficiently stretched, they contribute to the normal operation of the joint, but when they are left without movement, they quickly lose their elasticity. To return the flexion-extensor functions, for example, after a fracture, it is necessary to perform development exercises.

Immediately after the plaster is removed, the victim is prescribed: physiotherapy and exercise therapy. The recovery period lasts from 14 days to 1.5 months. While the hand is immobilized, it is possible to conduct breathing exercises, muscle tension, movements of the joints of the shoulder and fingers.

Development Exercises

Sit down, put your shoulder on the table, stretch your limb. Perform flexion and extension at the joint.
In the same position, place your forearm on the table and, without moving it, roll a small ball on a flat surface.
It is possible to perform any exercises with a stick or ball. They should be smooth and not cause pain.
Therapeutic exercises can be done in the water. Exercises are performed 5 times. In the complex, the lesson should be 10-15 minutes.
During recovery, you do not need to overwork the muscles, perform monotonous movements, carry weights. This can provoke calcification of the muscles and the formation of bone deformities.

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