Individual educational route for a preschooler with disabilities. Variants of individual educational routes for children with disabilities who have contraindications for inclusion in inclusive groups (combined groups). Features of character and behavior

Tile 27.07.2020

AT real life For the most part, educational programs are aimed at the average level of development of the pupil, therefore, for each child, due to its uniqueness and originality, it is not easy to try to reveal its inner potential and carry out the full development of the personality within the narrow framework of averaged patterns. The resulting contradiction poses a task for teachers to organize an individual learning route within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard for the realization of the intellectual and creative potential of each preschooler.

An individual educational route for a preschooler as defined by the Federal State Educational Standard

An individual approach to the personality of a child is the basic principle of the Federal State Educational Standard. The principle of the priority of the interests of the child, the researchers designated the formula "to be on the side of the child." The cause of the difficulties experienced by the child in development should be sought both in the personality of the child himself and in the adults around him, who are directly responsible for the social environment in which the little person grows. In real life, only he himself often acts on the side of the child. At the same time, he often turns out to be helpless and defenseless in the face of circumstances, therefore it is important to hear the child in any problem situation, understand and help him.

The foundation of the modern standard of preschool education was based on the principle of individual approach pedagogy and the developing concept of education. Mentioned in the following paragraphs:

  1. p. 1. 6. - the formulation of tasks that focus on creating optimal conditions for the formation and development of the child's personality, as well as the disclosure of his creative potential in accordance with his age, psycho-emotional and physiological characteristics, individual abilities and inclinations, the specifics of the social environment. The child is considered as an intrinsically valuable subject of relations with himself, the people around him and the outside world.
  2. paragraph 1. 4. - contains the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard, the key of which is the provision on the implementation of an individual approach to the educational needs of each child.
  3. item 2. 10. 2. - ways of organizing and coordinating children's initiative and spontaneous activity in the spirit of creative activity are specified.
  4. p. 3. 2. 1. - professional selection of forms and methods pedagogical work relevant to the age and individual needs of the child.
  5. p. 3. 2. 3. - patronage of the child, development of an individual development roadmap, pedagogical and psychological correction of identified problems.
  6. p. 3. 2. 5. - a developing concept of education, aimed at the short-term development of the pupil.

The individual approach refers to the management of the development of the child, based on a deep, multifaceted study and understanding of the complexity of his inner world and social conditions of life.

Identification of capable children is carried out on the basis of observation, communication with parents, the study of individual characteristics.

The principle of pedagogy of an individual approach is not to change the content of education in the interests of a particular child, but to adapt pedagogical methods and techniques to his personal characteristics. In order for the educational process to be successful, it is necessary to take into account the difficulties experienced by the child, the pace of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities. AT this case a model of fruitful partnership between the child and the teacher is being implemented, since the child and parents have the right to choose the most appropriate educational methods from those that will be offered by specialists.

An individual educational route is a personal way of realizing the intellectual, emotional, spiritual potential of the personality of a pupil of a preschool institution. The goal is to create favorable conditions that stimulate activity, the disclosure of the creative and intellectual powers of the child. The task of the teacher is to provide a competent professional selection of the content of educational, psychological and physical activity, as well as forms and methods of work that meet the individual needs of the child.

Video: individualization of preschool education

Criteria that determine the objectives of an individual development strategy:

  • the current level of development of the child's abilities;
  • the degree of readiness for educational activities;
  • individual educational goals and objectives for the near future.

IOM tasks, review and approval procedure

Individual educational routes are designed:

  • for problem children who experience difficulties in the process of mastering the general educational program for preschoolers and need corrective help from specialists;
  • for pupils with disabilities, children with disabilities;
  • for gifted children with a level of ability that exceeds the average regulatory educational standards.

Leading tasks of the individual educational route:

  • provide support and assistance in self-development and development of the preschool education program;
  • to form the child's initial level of learning ability, i.e. to teach him to be aware of the learning task, to plan his learning activities, to focus on the exercise, to develop self-discipline and volitional qualities;
  • develop and improve the skills of coordination of movement, the development of general and fine motor skills;
  • to form and consolidate general cultural, household, hygienic, communicative foundations of behavior;
  • accustom the child to manipulative-objective, sensory, practical, gaming activities, develop skills in the productive area (drawing, modeling, application);
  • develop speech - emotional intonation, grammatical constructions, speech mechanisms;
  • build knowledge about natural environment and the world of social relations;
  • form ideas about spatio-temporal and quantitative categories.

Methodological tools that are used in the passage of an individual development trajectory:

  • role-playing and outdoor games, classes in the form of conversation and dialogue, reading and discussion of literary works, small sketches-improvisations that enhance the emotional component of information perception;
  • psychological trainings and game exercises that help relaxation, neutralize fears, lower the level of anxiety and aggression, improve the behavioral sphere, as well as social and communication skills;
  • exercises for the development of thinking, imagination, speech, memory;
  • the use of art therapy techniques (treatment with art, a fairy tale, making dolls).

Development and adoption of IOM

To create an individual educational route, first of all, it is necessary to conduct a diagnostic study to find out the level of psycho-emotional, intellectual, communicative-social and physical development of the child. The results of the diagnosis are submitted to the teachers' council, which then recommends that the children be examined by specialists of the PMPK (Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Council).

The council draws up a list of children for whom the development of an individual educational work plan is relevant.

Main stages, structure and content of IOM

The team of educators, in cooperation with narrow specialists, thinks over the content component of the plan. A calendar plan is filled in with an indication of the elements of pedagogical technology and a list of methodological techniques for the implementation of the educational goals set.

Basic principles for designing an individual plan:

  1. Development of the child's ability to learn.
  2. Continuity and Consistency. A team of specialists accompanies the baby throughout the entire project of an individual route until the problem is resolved.
  3. Rejection of average assessment templates, development of an individual assessment scale for each child based on the results of diagnosing the level of his abilities. AT ordinary life this means that the teacher tries not to use the practice of straightforward "sentencing" or "labeling", comparing the child's achievements with the generally accepted "norm". The very concept of “norm” is not perceived as a correspondence to the average or standard level that is mandatory for all children, but is interpreted as the best level that a particular child can show in a particular situation. The result, which for one child will be regarded as a success, for another, based on his personal level of ability, will be considered a defeat. Such a humane approach will allow you to “save face” and self-esteem, develop self-confidence.
  4. Favorable influence of children's subculture, enrichment of the child's inner world with informal traditions of the children's environment, which form and strengthen their own experience of a full-fledged childhood. It is important to create an atmosphere of positive emotions that will help overcome tension, anxiety and wariness.

Educational games are used in individual work by a defectologist teacher, educators in order to correct emotional and volitional disorders, develop logic, perception, substitution actions, motor skills and perception of colors, ideas about the world around

Stages of educational activities according to an individual plan

  1. Observation, identification of the level of formation of the psychological, social and intellectual qualities of the personality of a preschooler, necessary for his productive activity in any educational area. The stage of observation involves the indifferent approach of the teacher, the position of non-interference when observing the child.
  2. Diagnostics of the starting volume and qualitative characteristics of specific subject knowledge, skills and abilities. Experts conduct tests, during which they determine problem areas and "zones of success".
  3. Building a personal plan for corrective work in the short term (up to 1 year with mandatory intermediate monitoring every 3 months) based on "success zones", individual selection effective methods and teaching methods.
  4. Active activities for the implementation of an individual route: conducting classes, talking with parents, homework.
  5. Analytical stage - summing up, evaluating the results: demonstrating the results of the student's work in the form of a presentation or exhibition of crafts, speaking to children and adults. Thus, the feedback mechanism with others is turned on, the problem of socialization of pupils is solved. Results achieved, whether reproductive knowledge or creative projects, are compared with the planned tasks specified in the individual schedule or general education curricula.

For the development of harmonious relations with other people, solving problems of socialization, the following methods will be useful:

  • didactic and role-playing games that will introduce the baby to the traditions of other peoples and will contribute to the formation of a respectful attitude towards people of other nationalities and cultures;
  • reading fairy tales of the peoples of the world, acquaintance with the folklore (songs, dances, games, holidays) of the peoples of Russia;
  • collective outdoor games in the fresh air, holidays and concerts, exhibitions of handicrafts;
  • discussion in a confidential conversation of situations that occur in real life and cause difficulties for children in understanding or contain a moral context;
  • arbitrary creation of situations that will put before the baby the question of choice and the need to commit an act;
  • holding photo exhibitions in which there is a place for a photograph of each baby.

Predicted result:

  • achieving social comfort and awareness;
  • improvement of communication skills;
  • lowering the level of emotional instability, aggressiveness, increased self-control;
  • development of self-awareness, a sense of significance and value of one's own personality;
  • the formation of self-esteem close to adequate.

Criteria that allow assessing the degree of success of a preschooler in social and personal growth:

  • the ability for self-esteem is formed, the “little man” tries to speak honestly about himself, admit his shortcomings;
  • ideas about moral and ethical values ​​have been developed, the baby shares and understands “what is good and what is bad”;
  • the conscious need to adhere to moral standards of behavior has strengthened, the child has a desire to “be good” and see the positive reaction of people around him to his behavior;
  • the child is able to easily and naturally communicate with other children or adults;
  • a feeling of empathy, compassion awakens, a sincere desire arises to help elders, peers or kids;
  • the pupil builds relationships with surrounding children on the basis of mutual understanding and respect, adequately resolves conflict situations;
  • ideas about safe behavior at home, on the street, in the game.
  1. The introductory part, which records general information about the child and his family, the reasons for developing an individual plan, the goals and objectives of educational work, the schedule and form of classes.
  2. Registration of data from a diagnostic study of a preschooler, materials of planned monitoring, which allow for a deep analysis of the symptoms and causes of developmental disorders, to give an objective assessment of the level of development of the baby and plan remedial classes to overcome difficulties.
  3. The schedule of medical and recreational activities, which includes the distribution of physical activity, the implementation of procedures for hardening the body.
  4. An individual lesson plan that includes mandatory integration with educational activities common to all children.
  5. A report on the implementation of an individual roadmap indicating the topic, content, the result of the lesson and conclusions about the necessary improvement.
  6. An observation sheet is filled in, which displays the dynamics of the educational process and helps to make timely changes depending on the results of intermediate control, as well as make a choice optimal forms pedagogical work to improve the effectiveness of the child's educational actions.
  7. Evaluation of the student's achievements in the implementation of an individual route. It is recommended to conduct control tests at the end of each thematic block, i.e. with a regularity of three months.
  8. Advice and advice to parents.

The general developmental elements of gymnastics, as well as various outdoor games, are very popular with children and contribute to the mental, psychomotor and emotional development of preschoolers.

Sections of the educational route

There are several important sections for developing an individual educational route for a preschooler, which will be discussed below.

General information about the child and family

It is indicated where he came from (family or transferred from another preschool), whether he constantly visited the preschool, if there were long breaks, then indicate the reason. Mark the level of adaptation of the pupil in the new conditions on a five-point scale.

Family composition: indicate all family members with whom the pupil lives.

Describe the type of family:

  • prosperous - stable, a strong family having a decent cultural level of education;
  • dysfunctional - has a low level of pedagogical awareness, the baby is deprived of parental care and attention, the conflict emotional atmosphere in the family injures the child, gives rise to psychological complexes, the child is treated physical methods impact.

Which adult is raising the child?

The style of the child's relationship with adult family members:

  • authoritarian - harsh dictate and suppression of freedom, humiliation of the dignity of the child;
  • control and guardianship - restriction of independence, protection from worries and problems, "hothouse conditions";
  • connivance - indulging the desires of the child, spoiling the child with the passivity of adults;
  • respect and cooperation - help and support, joint experience of difficulties.

Appearance. It is necessary to note manners, gestures, describe the features of facial expressions, gait and posture, the degree of accuracy and grooming.

"Puppet therapy" is a correction of children's problems by means of a puppet theater: children play sketches with puppets according to specially designed scenarios that reflect the individual problems of a particular child

Somatic health

Health group, the presence of chronic diseases, appetite characteristics, whether the habit of daytime sleep has been developed, whether the baby suffers from enuresis.

Motor skills:

  • general motor skills correspond to the age norm or there are violations of coordination of movement;
  • the range of possibilities of fine motor skills is indicated with the characteristics of coordination, tempo and volume of motor functions of the hand, left-handed or right-handed.

Cognitive skills and abilities

Attention - the ability to concentrate and hold attention, qualitative characteristics (voluntary, involuntary).

Memory - the speed of memorization, the amount of material that the child is able to reproduce by heart or retell independently from memory, which type of memory (auditory or visual) is dominant.


  • the degree of understanding of spatial landmarks (top, bottom, left, right, etc.);
  • the ability to choose a generalizing word for several homogeneous objects (furniture, vegetables, fruits, animals, etc.);
  • the ability to highlight the main thing;
  • skills to identify the simplest cause-and-effect relationships (summer - hot, snow - winter, etc.);
  • orientation in time parameters (day, night, year, month, etc.).

Scope of knowledge:

  • primary knowledge about himself and the world around him: knows his name, age, members of his family, address of residence, names the signs of the seasons, has general knowledge about the animal and plant world according to program requirements;
  • development of skills in design, drawing, modeling;
  • level of knowledge of elementary mathematical concepts - ordinal counting skills, solving simple examples;
  • skills of definition and distinction of a form, color.

A problem child needs special help. positive emotions, adult support and understanding, and it is precisely games with water that provide invaluable assistance in this

Behavior during learning activities

Development of self-control, discipline, organization, purposefulness and awareness of actions in the classroom.

Speech development

Sound characteristics, quality of pronunciation, vocabulary, grammatical organization and structured speech.

Characteristics of the child's activity

  • level of self-service skills;
  • interest and personal activity demonstrated in gaming activities.

Features of character and behavior

  • emotional portrait of the child - cheerfulness, depression, tearfulness, positivity, depression, calm or hyperactive, etc.;
  • character traits, temperamental features - activity or passivity, aggressiveness or poise, confidence or timidity, prefers individual or collective forms of work;
  • development of moral guidelines, culture of behavior and communication.

It is necessary to note personal preferences, the sphere of creative or intellectual endowment of the baby.

Sample for filling in general and diagnostic data in IOM - table

Full name of the pupil
Date of Birth
Last name, first name, patronymic of mother, age, education
Surname, name, patronymic of the father, age, education
IOM start date
Reason for registrationPersistent failure to assimilate the OOP DOW due to illness
Age at the beginning of correctional and developmental work4 years
Objectives of IOM
  • Opening new perspectives in the assimilation of the OPP preschool educational institution, enriching the child as a person;
  • assistance in adapting to the team of children, development, encouragement and stimulation of individual abilities in the child;
  • involvement of parents in the creative process.
  • Identify the special educational needs of the child; provide individual pedagogical assistance to the child;
  • to promote the child's assimilation of the educational program of preschool education;
  • to ensure positive changes in the development of the child, his purposeful advancement in relation to his own capabilities, stimulation of individual capabilities;
  • render methodological assistance parents of children with disabilities.
Number of lessons per week5 lessons.
Forms of holdingGame activity, joint activity, conversations, observations, individual work.
Expected Result
Form of work with parentsConsultations, workshop, interview, exchange of experience.
Diagnosis of child development
Purpose of pedagogical monitoringGeneralization and analysis of information on the state of general development for the purpose of assessing, planning the correctional and developmental process (development of IEM) and predicting the final result.
Types, causes of difficulties (pedagogical symptoms)Types of difficulties (pedagogical symptoms):
Reasons for difficulties:
Physical development
Somatic development
Speech development
Features of the development of cognitive processesMemory:
The content of correctional work (the activities of the educator)

After diagnosing and determining the goals and objectives of the compiled route, the educator and specialists determine which games, exercises and other activities will be used when working with the baby. This is also reflected in the text of the IOM.

An example of the selection of forms of work with a preschooler on an individual route - table

Periodicity Recommendations, forms of work with the pupil The result of the work
Daily Cleanliness. Finger gymnastics. Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova.
  • The overall level of development has slightly increased.
  • There is a positive trend in the development of the integrative quality "Able to manage one's behavior and plan one's actions on the basis of primary value ideas, observing elementary generally accepted norms and rules of behavior."
  • Slightly overcame the "barrier of embarrassment."
  • Improved attention and memory.
In one day
Didactic games of choice.
Drawing with chalk on the board, fingers, foam rubber.
Modeling from clay, plasticine, layer. masses.
2 times per
Games to overcome broncho-pulmonary diseases "Train", "Chickens".
2 times per
Mathematical game "Fold the leaf", "Dots", "Dress the doll", "Assemble a square of 5 parts", "Pick up the key to the lock", "Who will pass the maze faster", "What is superfluous", "Fold the square", "Close house door, Geometric figures”, “Cats”, “Geom. forms”, “Collect a flower”, “Dress up a Christmas tree”, “Pick up a belt for a dress”, “Solve examples”, “Bee's score”, “How much”, “Samples for laying out”, “Guess”, “Voskobovich's Square” , "Counting material of the squirrel".
2 times per
Throwing exercises (game "Ring toss"), "Reach for the flag", "Gymnastic wall", etc.
Daily Lego construction.
Daily Outdoor games ("Snowball", "Cunning Fox").
Situational conversations, conversations on speech therapy topics, any collective games of your choice.

Productive joint activities of the pupil and the teacher, aimed at the successful implementation of an individual educational route, will achieve positive dynamics in the personal growth of the child. Such work will require a high level of professional competence and efficiency from the educator, as well as a personal interest in obtaining a good result.

An exemplary individually-oriented educational route developed by specialists of the preschool educational institution for a child with OHP (III level of speech development, senior group, 1 year of study). Reflects the specifics and content of the complex work of specialists of preschool educational institutions.



Individual educational route for a child with disabilities

for 2017-2018 academic year

F.I. child: __________________________

Date of Birth: ___________

Age at the time of the program: _________

Group : GBOU School ____, building "_____", group _______

Reasons: conclusion of TsPMPC Moscow No. _______ dated _______

Individual educational route in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education, in accordance with paragraph 6 of part 1 of article 6 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273 - Federal Law "On education in Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, art. 7598; 2013. No. 19, art. 2326, No. 30, art. 4036, subparagraph 5.2.41 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2013 No. No. 446 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 23, Article 2923; No. 33, Article 4386; No. 37, Article 4702), paragraph 7 of the Rules for the Development, Approval of Federal State Educational Standards and Amendments to them, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 33, art. 4377)

The IOM takes into account:

  1. individual needs of the child related to his life situation and state of health, defining special educational needs;
  2. Cooperation of the Organization with the family;

Purpose of IOM:

  1. Providing a system of means and conditions for eliminating speech deficiencies in children with SPD (with severe speech disorders) and for the implementation of timely and full-fledged personal development, ensuring emotional well-being through the integration of the content of education and the organization of interaction between the subjects of the educational process. Prevention of possible difficulties in mastering the mass school program due to the underdevelopment of the speech system of older preschoolers.
  2. Providing psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development, upbringing, education, protection and strengthening of the child's health

The main tasks of remedial education

1. Elimination of defects in sound pronunciation (education of articulation skills, sound pronunciation, syllabic structure) and the development of phonemic hearing (the ability to perform operations of distinguishing and recognizing the phonemes that make up the sound shell of a word).

2. Development of sound analysis skills (special mental actions to differentiate phonemes and establish the sound structure of a word)

3. Refinement, expansion and enrichment of the lexical stock of older preschoolers with TNR.

4. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

5. Development of coherent speech of older preschoolers.

6. Development of communication skills, success in communication.

IOM implementation period- 1 year.

Kindergarten attendance schedule:The child attends the general education senior group No. 11. Monday - Friday - 7.00 - 19.00 with catering.

The program sets targets and main content preschool level education, providing a versatile and holistic formation of the physical, intellectual and personal qualities of the child. It presents the basic principles of organizing the life and activities of children in a preschool organization, the content of the educational process, development indicators and basic characteristics of the child's personality, the necessary conditions to implement the program.

Distribution of duties of teachers and specialists

During the implementation of the individual educational route of the child


Group tutors

Implement An exemplary general developmental, basic program child development-preschooler"Origins". - T.I.Aliyeva, T.V.Antonova, E.P.Arnautova in the following educational areas:





Artistic design

paper construction

Fiction and folklore


Plans to work with children with disabilities:

  • Continuous improvement of articulatory, fine and general motor skills.
  • Consolidation of the pronunciation of the sounds delivered by the speech therapist.
  • Enrichment, clarification and activation of the used vocabulary in accordance with the lexical topics of the program.
  • An exercise in the correct use of the formed grammatical categories.
  • Development of attention, memory, logical thinking in games and exercises on defect-free speech material.
  • Formation of coherent speech.
  • Consolidation of the emerging skills of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis (consolidation of reading and writing skills).

Teacher speech therapist

Diagnostic work includes:

Timely identification of children with disabilities;

Comprehensive collection of information about the child based on diagnostic information from specialists in various fields;

Determining the level of actual and zone of proximal development of a pupil with OHP, identifying his reserve capabilities;

Studying the development of the emotional-volitional sphere and personal characteristics of pupils;

Study of the social situation of development and conditions of family education of children with disabilities;

The study of adaptive capabilities and the level of socialization of a child with disabilities;

Systemic versatile control of specialists over the level and dynamics of the development of the child;

Analysis of the success of correctional and developmental work.

Correctional and developmental work includes:

- selection of corrective programs / methods and teaching methods that are optimal for the development of a child with disabilities in accordance with his special needs;

Organization and conduct by specialists of individual and group correctional and developmental classes necessary to overcome developmental disorders and learning difficulties;

Correction and development of higher mental functions;

Development of the emotional-volitional sphere and personal spheres of the child and psycho-correction of his behavior;

Social protection of the child in cases of unfavorable living conditions under psychotraumatic circumstances.

Advisory work includes:

- development of joint informed recommendations on the main areas of work with children with OHP; uniform for all participants in the educational process;

Consulting specialists of teachers on the choice of individually oriented methods and techniques of working with pupils with OHP;

Consultative assistance in the family in matters of choosing an upbringing strategy and methods of corrective education for a child with OHP.

Information and educational work includes:

- various forms of educational activities (lectures, individual conversations, counseling, questionnaires, individual workshops, information stands, printed materials, media, presentations, open events). Aimed at explaining to the participants in the educational process - children with OHP, their parents (legal representatives), teachers - issues related to the features of the educational process and support.

Direction of work:

Development of understanding of reversed speech and the formation of communicative functions of the language

Formation of productive interaction with adults.

Stimulation of speech activity.

Formation of verbal and non-verbal ways of communication.

correction of speech disorders in combination with stimulationdevelopment of all its aspects (vocabulary, grammar, phonetics), sensory and mental functions;

normalization of the prosodic system of speech;

formation of articulatory praxis at the stage of staging, automation and differentiation of speech sounds;

development of phonemic perception and sound analysis;

development functionality hands and fingers;

normalization of lexical and grammatical skills;

Satisfying the need to communicate with others;

The development of cognitive activity.

Educational psychologist

  • organizes the interaction of teachers;
  • provides methodological assistance to teachers in the development of correctional programs for the individual development of the child;
  • conducts psychoprophylactic and psychodiagnostic work with children;
  • organizes special correctional work with children at risk;
  • increases the level of psychological competence of kindergarten teachers;
  • conducts consultations with parents.

Areas of work

Diagnostic work:

Diagnosis of the level of psychophysical development and individual characteristics of the child (examination of the affective-emotional and social-personal spheres, the formation of communication and gaming skills, the level of cognitive activity and motor development);

Repeated examinations of the child during the year (January, May);

Correction of an individual program of work with a child based on the results of diagnostic examinations.

Correctional and developmental work:

Carrying out corrective and developing game classes (subgroup, group and individual);

Solving the problems of interaction in the parent-child dyad, parent education effective techniques interaction with the child.

Advisory work:

Conducting individual consultations with parents on the development and upbringing of the child; optimization of interaction with the child in the family, the child with other children and adults; organization of a developing environment for a child at home;

Conducting consultations at the request of parents, incl. on issues of personal psychological difficulties of parents;

Ensuring the participation of the parent in group consultations, workshops, trainings.

Psychoprophylactic work:

Assistance to the child and family during the period of adaptation to the conditions of stay in kindergarten;

Examination of medical records for a child;

Creation of an adequate representation of parents about the diagnosis, the capabilities of the child and possible ways to correct violations;

Musical director

In the classroom, mostly traditional tasks are implemented. The child learns to listen to music, perform musical and rhythmic movements, sing, learn musical and didactic games and play musical instruments.

The educational content is adapted on the basis of diagnostic data and enriched with correctional and developmental tasks aimed at developing auditory perception, orientation in space, a sense of rhythm, motor qualities (fluency of movements, their coordination, etc.)

Forms of organization of correctional and developmental activities:

  • diagnosis of the current level of development of the child;
  • education and development of the child according to the programs of preschool education:
  • Carrying out educational activities for individual lessons;
  • Carrying out educational activities in small subgroups;
  • parental counseling;

swimming instructor

Formation and development of a full-fledged physical, including motor, development, as well as targeted health effects and the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

Plans to work with children with disabilities. Draws up plans for the improvement of children, plans for monitoring the strengthening and protection of children's health.

Organizes rehabilitation and hardening of children, teaches swimming.

Develops the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and respiratory system.

Forms and maintains correct posture.

Develops physical qualities

Cultivate a sense of self-confidence.

Advises teachers and families of pupils on issues of working with children with disabilities

physical education teacher

I. Working with children

II. Interaction with preschool teachers

III. Interaction with parents

IV. Social interaction

V. Creation of a subject-developing environment

Within each of the directions, various forms of work are used.

The main task of the educational field in physical education- stimulate positive changes in the body, forming the necessary motor skills, physical qualities and abilities aimed at life support, development and improvement of the body.

In the process of physical education, along with educational and recreational tasks, special correctional tasks are solved:
- development of speech through movement;
- formation in the process of physical education of spatial and temporal representations;
- study in the process of subject activity various properties materials, as well as the purpose of objects;
- formation in the process of motor activity various kinds cognitive activity;
- management of the emotional sphere of the child, the development of the moral and volitional qualities of the individual, which are formed in the process of special motor games, classes, games, relay races.
- improvement of the functions of the emerging organism, development of motor skills, fine manual motor skills, visual-spatial coordination.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the child

Emotional-volitional sphere:

Varya's facial expressions are sedentary, she does not understand humor well, she distinguishes the emotional states of others (sad, cheerful, etc.). Shows empathy for others on his own. The general emotional background is even and positive. Adequately respond to the ban. Varya basically follows the generally accepted rules of behavior. It does not always follow the teacher's verbal instructions in the performance of tasks, clarification and / or repeated repetition is required. Working capacity is average, interest is unstable, game motive prevails. There is no criticality to the results of their work.

Social and communicative sphere:

Varya is a little tense in communication with adults, she maintains several cycles of communication. Maintains order and simple rules in joint games, to perform more complicated rules teacher guidance is needed. In general games with other children, she is mobile, takes the initiative. In communication with her peers, Varya has little conflict, does not always share toys, and has strong friendly attachments. The level of development of gaming activity in a girl is within the age norm. The variability of the game is small, the plots are little developed, there is a tendency to reproduce familiar game “routes”. Understands and accepts a simple role in the game, more complex social roles poorly understands and does not hold until the end of the game. With a prompt from the teacher, he acts in an imaginary situation of the game, uses little substitute objects in the game, uses game paraphernalia. Able to agree on the distribution of roles in the game.

Cognitive development:

The level of general awareness, orientation in the phenomena of the surrounding world in Varya is below the age norm. Few supports communication on personal topics, on topics not presented in the immediate situation, discusses various events; answers are monosyllabic, confused, not always on the topic, speech is fuzzy. He gets confused in answers to some questions about himself and his family, etc. The girl has insufficiently formed figurative and space-time representations. The level of development of perception, the volume of arbitrary memorization is reduced. Also, the level of development of visual-figurative thinking does not correspond to the age norm. Varya's ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships is not sufficiently formed. Within the age norm, the level of development of voluntary attention.

Speech development:

Vocabulary is significantly below the age norm. Inflectional skills and abilities in the formation stage (explanations of an adult, demonstration, sample). Word-building skills and abilities in the formation stage (adult's explanations, demonstration, sample).

Syntactic skills and abilities in the formative stage (adult's explanations, demonstration, sample). The level of formation of phonetic-phonological competence: at the stage of formation. Phonemic hearing is significantly reduced.

Skills of sound analysis and synthesis in the formative stage. The syllabic structure of words is broken (omission and rearrangement of syllables);

Sound pronunciation: L, R, R.

Connected speech: The phrase is simple, agrammatic. The listened text understands partially, remembers fragmentarily, retells briefly, in monosyllables. It is difficult to compose a story on a series of plot pictures on your own. Lays out pictures with the help of an adult, verbal and logical thinking is not sufficiently formed, visual-figurative thinking prevails. The mobility of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus is normal. The amount of movement of the lips and tongue - all movements are available, the pace and switchability are somewhat slow. The voice is normal, the volume of speech breathing is insufficient.

The child's passive vocabulary is more developed than the active one. Leading hand is right. Varya has OHP Level III.

Proposed forms and conditions of work with a child(route sheet)

Direction of work (specialist)

Number of hours per week

Time spending

Used programs and technologies

Form of conducting classes



Psychological assistance (teacher - psychologist)


50 minutes


25 minutes


25 min -

subgroups. occupation

25 minutes - accompaniment of NOD physical education


25 minutes - subgroup lesson

  1. The work program of the teacher-psychologist Pshechenko O.V. for the 2017-2018 academic year.
  2. Approximate general educational program of preschool education "Origins". T.I.Alieva, T.V.Antonova, E.P.Arnautova and others. Center "Preschool Childhood" named after A.V.Zaporozhets - M .: TC Sphere, 2013.
  3. The program of intellectual, emotional and volitional development of children "Flower-Semitsvetik". / N.Yu. Kurazheva, N.V. Varyaeva and others - St. Petersburg: Speech; M.: Sfera, 2012.

Subgroup lessons

Accompanying classes

Pshechenko Oksana Vladimirovna

Speech therapy assistance (teacher - speech therapist)

2 hours 5 minutes


subgroup lesson


subgroup lesson


subgroup lesson


Individual lesson


Subgroup lesson

An exemplary program for the development of a preschool child "Origins". - T.I.Alieva, T.V.Antonova, E.P. Arnautova and others. Center "Preschool Childhood" named after A.V. Zaporozhets - M.: Karapuz, 1997

"Variable exemplary adapted basic educational program for children with severe speech disorders (general underdevelopment of speech) from 3 to 7 years." The third edition, revised and supplemented in accordance with GEF DO. Author teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification category, excellent student of public education N. V. Nishcheva


Individual lessons

Subgroup lessons

Khalapova Anna Konstantinovna

General developmental training in a group


3 hours 20 minutes

See group schedule

"Origins" Basic program for the development of a preschool child. It sets the standard for the preschool level of education, which ensures the full and holistic development of the child's personality. T.I.Alieva, T.V. Antonova, E.P. Arnautova and others. Center "Preschool Childhood" named after. A.V. Zaporozhets, M.: Karapuz, 1997.

Frontal, subgroup classes

Group educators


swimming (physical education instructor)

See group schedule

Osokin Teaching children to swim in kindergarten.

Protchenko, Semenov "Simultaneous method of teaching swimming"

Subgroup lesson




Games in English

Working program ped. additional education Volokhova T.VS English language based on the program of Meshcheryakova V.N. "I love English". The program is designed for children from 5-7 years old.

Subgroup lessons

Glazova Yulia Sergeevna

IZO studio

The program "Color Carousel" The program was developed by the teacher add. Education Nikolaeva N.Yu.



Nikolaeva Natalya Yurievna

clause 12.15. The volume of health-improving work and correctional assistance to children (classes with a speech therapist, with a psychologist, and others) is regulated individually in accordance with medical and pedagogical recommendations.Once a week, one integrated lesson is held. Activities of an organized nature during the day alternate with free activities or recreation for children.

Direct educational activities

in senior group №11.

Days of the week

Educational area

Type of children's activity

Type of GCD





Nature and child.


Physical development

motor activity

Physical training


Artistic and aesthetic development

Visual activity

art studio




Physical development

motor activity

Swimming pool



Artistic and aesthetic





Cognitive research and productive (constructive) activities





Cognitive research

Mathematics in d / s


Cognitive Artistic and Aesthetic Development

Cognitive-research visual activity

Acquaintance with the surroundings / drawing

(integrated. lesson)


Physical development

motor activity

Physical training



Artistic and aesthetic

Musical and artistic activity



Speech development

Communicative activity

Development of speech / early. gr.


Physical development

motor activity

Recreational swimming by subgroups



cognitive development

Communicative, game, activity.

Games in English

(by subgroups)



Physical development

motor activity

Physical training

On the street

Artistic and aesthetic

Visual activity

Modeling / application


The organization of directly educational activities is regulated by paragraphs. 11.10 - 11.13; 12.5; 12.7 SanPiN

One integrated lesson is held weekly.

Activities of an organized nature during the day alternate with free activities or recreation for children.

A certain part of educational activity is carried out in the process of regime moments, for example, observing objects and phenomena of the surrounding world on a walk, developing elementary labor skills, etc. Every day, time is allotted in the daily routine for reading fiction.

Correctional and developmental classes of a speech therapist teacher, a psychologist teacher (individual correctional work in the morning and evening hours) are not included in the curriculum, because. a small correctional group is formed on the basis of monitoring, recommendations and conclusions of the CPMPC, PMPK and at the request of educators. The number of classes and the composition of groups is determined by the need. Classes are held in small subgroups or individually and are taken out of the curriculum. Correctional work in a preschool educational institution is built as complete system, which provides a comprehensive, differentiated, regulated process for managing the course of the psychophysical development of preschoolers. Corrective classes conducted by speech therapists are variable in relation to communication classes in the general educational process (for speech pathologist children). Such variability ensures the exclusion of exceeding the limit allowable rate load on the child.

Correctional and developmental work carried out by a teacher-psychologist

Areas of work

Expected results

Social and communicative sphere

Gaming Skills

The development of the role-playing game:

Develop the ability to link several actions in a game in their logical sequence, conduct role-playing games according to a preliminary plan;

To teach preliminary planning of the upcoming game, highlighting certain rules of the game;

To learn how to enter the role and hold it until the end of the game in accordance with the content of the role and the plot of the game;

Learn to accompany your game actions with speech (fix what is being done, plan the upcoming action).

He knows how to connect several actions in the game in their logical sequence, to conduct role-playing games according to a preliminary plan.

Knows how to plan the upcoming game.

Able to enter the role and hold it until the end of the game in accordance with the content of the role and the plot of the game.

Able to highlight the rules of a joint game.

Accompanies the game with a speech that has a regulatory and planning character.

Communication activity

Activate the child's communicative speech. Develop the ability to take into account the emotional state and listen to another person when communicating. Develop the ability to choose a role in a group game.

Confidently expresses his basic needs and desires in speech form, referring to an adult.

Knows how to take into account the emotional state and listen to another person when communicating.

Knows how to choose a role in a group game.

Emotional-personal and volitional sphere

emotional development

To teach to distinguish the mood of a person by facial expressions (sad, cheerful, calm, angry, frightened), to convey the mood with the help of expressive means. The development of mimic expressiveness. Help the child to understand their experiences. Work on increasing the self-esteem of the child by means of play therapy and sand therapy.

Distinguishes several moods of a person by facial expressions, in pictures / photographs, is able to give an elementary analysis life situation on the picture.

Recognizes the emotional state of the heroes of fairy tales.

With the help of expressive movements conveys the emotional state of the characters.

Expresses his emotional state in various ways.

Development of voluntary regulation of behavior

Learn to follow the rules in games: in mobile and seated games with several rules, while doing written assignments, as well as when performing tasks with rules that operate sequentially. Teach auditory and visual instructions. Teaching self-regulation techniques. Developing the ability to control your breathing.

Complies with the rules in mobile and seated games with 2-3 rules.

Complies with the rules when performing written tasks with 1-2 rules, as well as when performing tasks with 3 rules acting sequentially (holds the algorithm for performing actions).

Cognitive and intellectual spheres

Stimulation of research activity

Stimulation of the research activities of the child. Creation of problem situations in games specially organized by the teacher. Develop the ability to use aids to solve practical problems. Formation of search methods of orientation when performing game tasks.

Development of spatial representations

Contribute to the enrichment of sensory experience by highlighting and distinguishing spatial representations and relationships between objects:

Consolidation of the distinction and naming of spatial relationships; orientation in the body scheme;

Formation of active spatial orientation in the process of performing targeted actions with objects;

Conduct games that contribute to the development of visual and auditory attention, speed of reaction, accuracy of movement.

Distinguishes and names spatial relationships: in, on, under, next to, near, between, here, there, in the middle, in front, behind, left, right, words, right, above, below.

Correctly orientated in the body scheme.

Performs movements with objects in given directions

Interaction of the teacher-psychologist with the parents of the child:

Obtaining anamnestic data about the child;

Providing parents with information about the content and effectiveness of ongoing correctional and developmental work with the child;

Conducting individual consultations with parents on the following issues: development and education of the child; optimization of interaction with the child in the family, the child with other children and adults; organization of a developing environment for a child at home;

Conducting individual consultations at the request of parents, incl. on issues of personal psychological difficulties of parents;

Ensuring the participation of the parent in group consultations, workshops, trainings;

Creation of an adequate representation of parents about the capabilities of the child and possible ways to correct existing violations;

Selection of literature on the development and upbringing of the child at the request of the parent and if necessary.

Correctional and developmental work carried out by a teacher-speech therapist

Speech therapy classes are divided into:



Classes are held (sub-group) of the following types:

  • on the accumulation of the formation of lexical and grammatical categories - 1 lesson per week;
  • for the development of coherent speech - 1 lesson per week
  • on the formation of phonetic and phonemic categories - 2 lessons per week;
  • the lesson lasts 25 minutes.

Direction of work



To develop understanding of speech, use visual situations of regime and game moments, using the words “show”, “put”, “bring”, “take”.

Expand the phrases of the appeal: “Show me where the red pencil is”, “Come, if you tied a scarf.”

Learn to differentiate:

Words similar in sound (carries - lucky);

Actions close to the situation (knitting - sewing);

Actions and signs that are opposite in meaning (open - close);

Actions expressed by personal and reflexive verbs (baths - bathes).

Distinguish using paired pictures:

Actions expressed by verbs (singular and plural. Numbers -floats-floats)

M. and w. genus past. temp. units numbers (Valya sang - Valya sang);

Case forms (where the baby puts on a fur coat - where the baby is put on a fur coat)

Spatial relations of objects expressed by prepositions in, on, under.


  • Refine and expand the stock of ideas based on observation and comprehension of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, create a sufficient stock of vocabulary images.
  • Ensure the transition from accumulated ideas and passive speech stock to the active use of speech means.
  • Expand the volume of correctly pronounced nouns - the names of objects, objects, their parts on all studied lexical topics.
  • To teach to group objects according to the signs of their correlation and, on this basis, to develop an understanding of the generalizing meaning of words, to form accessible generic and specific generalizing concepts.
  • Expand the verbal vocabulary based on the work on mastering the understanding of actions expressed by prefixed verbs; work on mastering the understanding of actions expressed by personal and reflexive verbs.
  • To learn to compare objects and phenomena and, on this basis, to ensure the understanding and use of synonymous and antonymous words in speech.
  • Expand understanding of the meaning of simple prepositions and activate their use in speech.
  • Ensure the assimilation of possessive pronouns, definitive pronouns, demonstrative adverbs, quantitative and ordinal numbers and their use in expressive speech. Fix the concept word and the ability to operate them.




Names of close people, friends, dolls, consisting of 2 syllables, with emphasis on the first syllable (Valya, Vova);

Monosyllabic words like: soup, juice;

Two-syllable words with stress on the first syllable (paw, sled);

Three-syllable words with stress on the first syllable (cubes, berries).

To build up to the part of the word the same syllable (frog, coil).

Mastering the initial skills of word formation (first by ear):

Words with a diminutive meaning (house, spout).

Learn to name:

  • Subjects to the names of actions (goes (who?) - …….),
  • Actions to the names of subjects (machine (what does it do?) - …….)
  • Signs to the name of the object (ball (what?) - ......)

Learn to master the skills of transferring word connections with the help of productive endings:

  • Agree Ch. and noun. in number and face,
  • Match different forms of the word (fell - fell),
  • Form case forms of nouns. units and many others. Numbers (table-tables)
  • Make simple sentences according to the model: Who? What is he doing?



Development of the prosodic side of speech

  • To form the correct speech breathing and long oral exhalation.
  • Strengthen the skill of soft voice leading.
  • To cultivate a moderate pace of speech by imitating the teacher and in exercises for coordinating speech with movement.
  • To develop the rhythm of speech, its intonational expressiveness, voice modulation.

Pronunciation correction

  • To fix the correct pronunciation of the available sounds in the game and free speech activity.
  • Activate the movements of the speech apparatus, prepare it for the formation of sounds of all groups.
  • To form the correct ways of hissing, affricate, iotated and sonorous sounds, to automate the set sounds in free speech and play activities.

Work on the syllabic structure and sound filling of words

  • Improve the ability to distinguish between long and short words. Learn to memorize and reproduce chains of syllables with a change in stress and intonation, chains of syllables with different consonants and the same vowels; chains of syllables with a confluence of consonants.
  • To ensure further assimilation and use in speech of words of various sound-syllabic structures.

Improvement of phonemic perception, skills of sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis

  • Improve the ability to distinguish vowel sounds by ear.
  • To consolidate ideas about vowels and consonants, their distinctive features.
  • Exercise in distinguishing between vowels and consonants by ear, in the selection of words for given vowels and consonants.
  • To form the ability to distinguish by ear consonant sounds that are similar in articulatory features in a number of sounds, syllables, words, in sentences, free play and speech activity.
  • To consolidate the skill of isolating given sounds from a number of sounds, vowels from the beginning of a word, consonants from the end and beginning of a word.
  • To form the skill of distinguishing consonant sounds according to signs: deaf-voiced, hard-soft.


  • General : creating conditions for improving the switchability of movements and self-control when performing motor exercises.
  • small : creating conditions for improving static and dynamic coordination of movements.
  • Articulatory: develop full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus (movement accuracy, smoothness and lightness (without twitching, trembling), stability of the final result, smooth switching from one movement to another
  • Breath development: to form a strong, smooth oral exhalation.


Teaching the correct pronunciation of sounds of early and middle ontogeny: evoking missing sounds, their automation and differentiation.

1. Articulation gymnastics.

Purpose: formation and development of articulatory motor skills to the level of minimum sufficiency for sound production.

for whistling : "Smile", "Fence", "Shovel", "Groove", "Brush", "Football", "Focus";

for the sizzling: "Tube", " delicious jam”, “Cup”, “Fungus”, “Let's warm our hands”;

for R, R`: "Chatterbox", "Malyar", "Turkey", "Horse", "Fungus", "Drummer", "Accordion", "Machine gun;

for L: “Smile”, “Shovel”, “We will punish the tongue”.

2. Breathing exercises.

Purpose: normalization of the tone of the respiratory muscles, consolidation of the skill of proper breathing.

Exercises: "Focus", "Football", "Blow out the candle", "Smell the flower", "Storm in a glass", etc.

3. Finger gymnastics.

Purpose: activation of the speech zone by exposing the child's fingers to the methods of finger gymnastics and Su-jok massage.

4. Development of auditory attention, phonemic perception.

Purpose: to develop the ability to distinguish sounds in pronunciation that are similar in articulation or in sound.

It is carried out in parallel with the correction of sound pronunciation on the material worked out in pronunciation.

5. Sound setting.

Purpose: Recall missing sound or correcting distorted sound.

Setting soundsin this order:

W, H;

L; R, R

Work on setting sounds is carried out only individually.

When working with children who have a speech therapy conclusion, dysarthria, an erased form of dysarthria, the sequence of staging sounds is not observed.

The method of setting is mixed.

6. Automation of delivered sound.

Purpose: to consolidate the correct sound pronunciation in the independent speech of children.

  • in syllables
  • in words
  • in sentences

7. Differentiation of sounds.

Purpose: development of the ability to distinguish sounds similar in articulation and sound.



  • To cultivate active voluntary attention to speech, to improve the ability to listen to addressed speech, to understand its content, to hear errors in someone else's and one's own speech.
  • Improve the ability to answer questions briefly and completely, ask questions, conduct a dialogue, listen to each other to the end.
  • To learn to compose stories-descriptions, and then riddles-descriptions about objects and objects according to the model proposed by the plan; to talk coherently about the content of a series of plot pictures and a plot picture according to the plan proposed by the teacher or collectively drawn up.
  • Improve the skill of retelling well-known fairy tales and short texts.
  • Improve the ability to "speak" the game situation and, on this basis, develop the communicative function of speech.


  • Improve the ability to examine objects in different ways.
  • Develop eye in special exercises and games.
  • Learn to perceive objects, their properties; compare items; select a group of objects according to a given attribute.
  • Develop color perception and color discrimination, the ability to distinguish colors by saturation; learn to name shades of colors. To form an idea of ​​​​the arrangement of colors in the rainbow.
  • Continue to acquaint with geometric shapes and figures; learn to use planar and volumetric figures as standards when comparing objects.


  • Develop auditory attention and memory when perceiving non-speech sounds. To learn to distinguish the sound of several toys or children's musical instruments, substitute objects; loud and soft, high and low sounds.
  • Develop visual attention and memory in working with split pictures (4-8 parts, all types of cuts) and puzzles on all studied lexical topics.
  • Continue to develop thinking in exercises for grouping and classifying objects according to one or more features (color, shape, size, material). Develop imagination and, on this basis, form creative abilities.


The child's passive vocabulary corresponds to the age norm.

The child understands various forms of inflection and does not make mistakes when performing test tasks; understands prepositional-case constructions with simple prepositions, diminutive suffixes of nouns, differentiates the forms of the singular and plural verbs, verbs with prefixes.

The child understands the meaning of hotel sentences, understands coherent speech well.

The child without errors differentiates both oppositional sounds that are not mixed in pronunciation, and mixed in pronunciation.

The level of development of the expressive vocabulary corresponds to the age.

The child unmistakably names the proposed objects, parts of the body and objects from the pictures; summarizes the objects and objects shown in the picture. The child does not make mistakes when naming the actions shown in the pictures. The child names the primary and tint colors, names the shape of these objects.

The level of development of the grammatical structure of speech corresponds to the age norm.

The child correctly uses nouns in the nominative singular and plural, nouns in oblique cases; plural nouns in the genitive case; agrees adjectives with nouns singular; uses prepositional-case constructions without errors; coordinates numerals 2 and 5 with nouns. The child forms nouns with diminutive suffixes and the names of baby animals.

The level of development of coherent speech corresponds to the age norm.

The child, without the help of an adult, retells a small text based on pictures.

The child does not violate the sound filling and syllabic structure of words.

The state of sound pronunciation corresponds to the age norm.

Social and communicative developmentchildren are carried out in educationalactivities during regime moments, in joint and independent play activities, in the family.

Calendar - thematic planning in the senior group with children TNR (ONR)


A week

Lexical topic

Phonetic-phonemic side of speech

The grammatical structure of speech


Examination of children of senior groups No. 6, 9, 11


Autumn. adult labor.


Animate and inanimate nouns


Sound A

Education n. with diminutive suffixes -chik, -points, -echk.


A-U sounds

Nominative plural nouns

Garden Garden

Sound And

3rd person singular and plural present tense verbs

Garden Garden

Sound H

Nouns with diminutive meaning


Forest, mushrooms, berries, trees

Sound P

Possessive pronouns MY


nye birds

T sound

Past tense singular verbs


Sound K

Accusative singular noun.

Shoes, hats

Sound K-T

Genitive case of singular nouns without preposition and with preposition U



P-T sounds

Prefixed verbs

Winter. Winter fun

Sounds P-T-K

Preposition ON

Furniture. Furniture parts

Sound X

Prepositions ON, WITH

New Year's celebration

A family.

Sounds of K-X

Compilation of the story "Winter" according to key words and pictures


wintering birds

Sound Oh

Prepositions OVER, UNDER

Animals in winter.

Xh sound

Genus. case pl. numbers.



Sound Pb

Retelling of the fairy tale "Three Bears" based on a series of pictures with elements of dramatization



Retelling of an excerpt from the fairy tale "The Tale of the Goldfish" based on Seri. pictures


Sound KY

gender of nouns

Our defenders. Pancake week.

Sound Y

The concept of "SIGN"


Spring. spring birthday

Sounds I-Y

Russian retelling folk tale"Snow Maiden" based on a series of plot pictures


Sound L

Possessive adjectives with the suffix -in-


Sounds L-Y

Compilation of the narrative story "The Birdhouse"

Our food

Sound B

Drawing up a descriptive story "Spring is coming" based on simple plot pictures.


Where did bread come from?

F sound

Relative adjectives


Ph sound

Relative adjectives

My house

Sound and letter C

Possessive adjectives with the suffix -й-

Pets and their babies

Sounds S.

Letter C

Comparative degree of qualitative adjectives


Our country.

My native land.

Sound and letter Sh.

Memorizing a poem by A.K. Tolstoy "Bells".


S-Sh sounds

Education app. from noun.

(flag, anthem, coat of arms of Russia). Agreement of words in a sentence.


Xh sound

The formation of singular verbs. numbers in plural number. Give birth. case pl. numbers.


Z sound

Use of comparative adjectives. Formation of verbs past. time.

PMPK participant

Educational psychologist

PMPK participant

swimming instructor

Leading Specialist

Teacher speech therapist

Parent (full name, signature)

Individual map of the speech development of the child Varvara A.

(Method of determining the level of speech development by O.A. Bezrukova)


Maximum Points

Beginning of the year

the end

of the year

Ideas about the world around

Lexical consistency (volume of the dictionary and variety of connections).

Task 1-9



Inflectional and derivational skills and abilities.

Tasks 10-18



Phonemic processes, sound analysis and synthesis skills, phonetic speech design.

Tasks 19-25



Understanding and independent production / reproduction of the text. Tasks 26-29



In connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, more and more often one hears such a thing as an individual educational trajectory of a child (hereinafter referred to as IET). In the Federal State Educational Standard, IOT is mentioned in clause 3.2.3. It states that the construction of IET is necessary for the individualization of education and is carried out on the basis of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring).

What is it and how to create it? Let's try to figure it out for you.

Individual educational trajectory (hereinafter IET) is a personal way of realizing the personal potential of each student in education. As synonyms, “variable learning”, “personalized learning”, “individual educational route”, etc. are used.

If we use the concepts given in federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, then an individual educational trajectory (as well as a route) is an individual curriculum.

The IET is designed to determine a personal way of realizing the intellectual, emotional, communicative potential of a preschooler's personality within the framework of the main or adapted educational program of preschool education.

An individual educational trajectory is usually compiled for children with different starting opportunities. Based on this, the following types of IOT can be distinguished:

  • IET for children who have difficulties in mastering the main general educational program of preschool education due to a lack of development of cognitive processes;
  • IOT for children with advanced development rates;
  • IOT for children of the "risk group" who need correction of behavior and / or emotional-volitional sphere;
  • IOT for children with somatic weakness (increased fatigue, decreased performance, etc.);
  • IOT for children with disabilities, which is discussed in this article.

Currently, there is no single form of IOT approved by regulatory documents. Therefore, I want to offer you to get acquainted with the version of the IOT that I use in my work.

The structure of the IOT consists of:

  • Title page, which includes the name of the institution, the purpose of the program, the implementation period, the targeting of the program, the stamp of approval by the head, the agreement with the parents and the specialist who is responsible for the implementation of the IET.
  • Explanatory note. It must reflect on the basis of what educational program the IET is compiled, goals, objectives and planned results.
  • Information about the student. This section includes: the child's data (full name, age, group attended, degree of adaptation, the duration of the child's visit to preschool, the characteristics of the child at the time of compilation educational trajectory a, etc.).
  • Data on the passage of PMPK.
  • Special conditions for obtaining education.
  • Individual curriculum.
  • Schedule of educational activities.
  • Contents of the IOT. Includes 4 components: diagnostic, educational. correctional-developing, educational.
  • Organization of work with parents in the framework of the implementation of the IET. This section reflects the forms of work with parents.
  • Methodological support of IOT. This section includes: a list of methodological literature, didactic games, demonstration materials, etc.

References used in the preparation of the article:

  1. Inclusive Practice in Preschool Education: A Handbook for Teachers in a Preschool / Ed. T.V. Volosevich. - M., 2014.
  2. Internet-

Development of an individual educational route for a child with disabilities in an educational organization.

Development of an individual educational route for a child with disabilities within the framework of an educational organization implementing inclusive practice.

The main goal of the administration and the entire teaching staff educational institution(organization) in the framework of the implementation of inclusive practice is the creation of special conditions for the development of educational programs and social adaptation of a child with disabilities. Interaction in an interdisciplinary team of specialists in psychological and pedagogical support, teachers and parents is one of the most important conditions.

Under individual educational route of a child with disabilities in an educational institution we understand system of concrete joint actions administration, main teachers, an interdisciplinary team of support specialists of an educational institution (PMPk), parents in the process of including a child with disabilities in educational process.

Individual educational plandocument, reflecting the general strategy and specific steps of the interdisciplinary team and parents in organizing the psychological and pedagogical support of the individual educational route of a child with disabilities within the school for a certain period, approved by the director of the educational institution and signed by the child's parents.

Features of working on an individual educational plan:

1) It is developed collegially within the framework of the PMPK activities.

The teacher, parents are full participants in the work on the IEP;

2) It is developed for a certain limited time period (quarter, trimester, half a year);

3) At the end of the period, the child's achievements are assessed - the dynamics of his development, the development of the educational program, adaptation in the peer group, the school team. It is also expected to analyze the dynamics and efficiency of work. Based on the results of all conclusions, the plan is adjusted;

4) The formulation of goals and objectives, criteria for the achievements of a child with disabilities are

as specific as possible;

5) Responsibility and regulations for the activities of all participants in the joint work are fixed.

An individual educational route (and, accordingly, an individual educational plan) within an educational institution for a child with disabilities is developed in several stages. We list the most important of them.

1.School administration together with the inclusion coordinator defines, to which teacher and to which class (group) the child enters. It also determines which specialists of psychological and pedagogical support can be included in an interdisciplinary team. If the school does not have any specialist, the administrative group looks for possible ways to attract additional resources (cooperation with the PPMS center, attracting volunteers, etc.). An agreement is signed with the parents.

2. Planning an individual educational route a child with disabilities upon admission to the first grade of school begins with careful collection and analysis of preliminary (initial) information about the child and his family. Such information may include the following areas

Information content Possible Documentation
Psychological and pedagogical conclusion about the state of the child at the time of admission to school; Enumeration of the special conditions necessary for the child to master the educational program and social adaptation in this educational institution. PMPK Conclusion
The current state of the child's health, the recommendations of doctors at the time of admission to school. Medical card of the first grader
Education and psychological and pedagogical support of the child before entering school: whether the child attended kindergarten, which group or structural unit, which specialists worked with him in kindergarten or additionally; whether attended pre-school groups outside kindergarten - PPMS center, another school, institutions of additional education, etc. - Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the child; - diary of a psychologist-teacher. escorts
Information about the family: complete or incomplete, family composition; whether there is support from other relatives; whether the child has a nanny or a permanent escort. ! This information is important for understanding the need and scope of assistance to the family of a child with disabilities, as well as for determining the mode of the child's stay at school. In addition to formal information, school staff in a conversation with parents find out their attitude to certain requirements of the school, readiness to cooperate with teachers and administration, concretize the idea of ​​teaching their child in an inclusive class, find out what immediate and long-term goals for their child have parents.
Information about additional education: - whether the child attends any circles, sections, creative associations; – does he work with teachers at home; - what is the mode and duration of additional classes
Information about the current psychological and pedagogical support: whether the child is engaged with any specialists (psychologist, defectologist, speech therapist, etc.) at the time of admission to school; do parents plan to continue their studies with these specialists in parallel with schooling, if so, how can they “contact” these specialists to determine the general direction of work.

IMPORTANT: Parents may, but are not required to, tell school staff about their child's medical diagnoses, whether they are seen by a doctor or not. If a relationship of trust and cooperation develops between parents and school specialists, parents of their own free will report everything that may affect the quality of education or require special conditions for the child to adapt to the school environment.

At the stage of collecting information and setting goals, the main task of the administration and school staff is to agree with parents on one common goal for a certain, “understandable” period of time - for example, for one year. In a conversation with parents, it is necessary to prioritize the development of the child based on his capabilities - in accordance with them, the teacher and the entire interdisciplinary team will solve practical problems in the field of education and social adaptation of the child. At the same time, when signing a cooperation agreement, and then taking part in the development of an individual educational plan for their child, the parent must be aware of the extent of their responsibility for the quality of life of the child, not only in the family circle, but also at school.

3. Development of an individual educational route(and - respectively - IOP) precedes diagnostic step, during which, within two (maximum - three) weeks of the child's stay at school, the teacher and specialists of psychological and pedagogical support (PMPk) conduct a comprehensive assessment of his condition at the time of entering the school. If school specialists find it difficult to choose certain forms and tactics of diagnosis, interpreting the results obtained, they can seek advice from the specialists of the PMPK or the PPMS Center, which is a resource in this direction, through the coordinator for inclusion. As a result, at the PMPK meeting on the development of the IEP, a conclusion is made on the psychological characteristics of the child, the formation of his learning skills, the specifics of interaction with peers and adults. The main task of complex diagnostics in this case is to determine what educational needs the child has, what opportunities he can rely on in the first place, which of the areas of activity of the teacher and specialists are the most relevant.

Actually, the development of an Individual educational route (and, accordingly, an IEP) at a meeting of the psychological, medical, and pedagogical (psychological and pedagogical) council of the school.

5. Joint activities administration, teachers, specialists in psychological and pedagogical support, parents as part of the implementation of the individual educational route of the child (Individual educational plan for a certain period of time).

6. Analysis of the results of the activities of teachers and specialists - the dynamics of the mental and physical development of the child, the level of his adaptation in the school environment, the development of the educational program, the involvement of the family in the educational process, as well as the identification of the most effective forms and methods of teaching and socializing a child with disabilities, organizing interaction with parents.

Publication date: 05/19/17

Report of the instructor in physical culture N.V. Vereshchagina

"An approximate individual educational route for the development of a child with disabilities in the NGO "Physical Development""

Dear colleagues, I would like to present you an exemplary Individual Educational Route (IEM) for the development of a child with disabilities in the NGO "Physical Development".

Considering that the main general educational program of a preschool organization (BEP DO) is focused on the average pupil, it is possible that the weaker ones may not learn it well enough, and the most capable of losing motivation to learn, the Federal State Standard for Preschool Education (FGOS DO) determines the planning of individual educational route (IOM) of a preschooler as a new approach to preschool education.

IOM is being developed:

- for children who have not mastered the basic educational program of preschool education

– for children with disabilities

– for children with a high level of physical development

Compiling an IOM involves effective application all pedagogical resources to achieve maximum results in the upbringing and development of a preschooler.

Target development and implementation of an educational route in the curriculum is the formation of factors in kindergarten that will be aimed at positive socialization and social and personal development of children with disabilities.

The procedure for developing an individual route of the NGO "Physical Development"

After monitoring the quality of mastering the BEP DO, the results are discussed at the pedagogical council. The Pedagogical Council recommends that children who have shown a low (high) result in mastering the OOP DO in the educational field "Physical Development" recommends considering the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, which forms a list of children who need an individual educational trajectory.

In terms of physical development, the instructor, together with medical workers, educators, other specialists of the preschool educational institution, parents (legal representatives), develop an IOM (content component), then the developed method of its implementation is fixed in the calendar plan (technology for organizing the educational process).

IOM structure

The structure of the educational route should include such components as:

- target, which involves setting specific goals that meet new standards;

- technological, causing the use of certain pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques;

- diagnostic, defining a set of diagnostic tools;

- organizational - pedagogical, determining the conditions and ways to achieve the goals;

- productive, containing the final results of the child's development at the time of transition to schooling.

- Introduction, where the reason for compiling an individual educational route for the child is explained, general information about the child at the time of IEM development, purpose, tasks, number of IEM sessions, form of IEM.

- Diagnostic data per child. Diagnostics of the child's development is the basis for building IEM. Along with diagnostics, in the process of implementing IEM, monitoring is carried out in work with preschoolers - this is control with periodic monitoring of the level of development of the child with mandatory feedback. Monitoring allows not only to register the state of development of the child in this moment, but also provides materials for comparison, analysis and correction of violations and deviations in development. The purpose of pedagogical monitoring is to summarize and analyze information about the state of general development for the purpose of assessing, planning a correctional and developmental process (development of IEM) and predicting the final result.

- Wellness route child includes an individual motor regimen, tempering procedures, physical activity and therapeutic and preventive measures for the child.

- Child Employment Grid, which indicates the sequence of introducing the child into activities common with all children;

- A dynamic watchlist is maintained, where all changes are made. The purpose of such observation is the correction of the components of the educational process, the choice of optimal forms of its organization. Having an idea of ​​the desired result in the form of specific performance criteria, depending on the results of the interim examination, it is possible to make timely changes to the IEM for better implementation of the educational process and its effectiveness for a child with disabilities.

- Ways to assess the success of the pupil - it is recommended to assess the success of the route development every three months or at the end of any educational block or stage.

Effective implementation of IEM will ensure positive dynamics in the personal development of the child. Undoubtedly, such work will require professional competence and interest in the process and result of their work from the teacher.

Form for registration of the IEM for a preschooler of the NGO "Physical Development"

Individual educational route

Name of the child ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Date of Birth_____________________________________________________________________________________________

IEM start date _________________________________________________________________________________

Reason for registration: _________________________________________________________________________________


Age at the beginning of correctional and developmental work: ___________________________________________________________

Purpose (IOM): opening new perspectives in the assimilation of the OPP preschool educational institution in the educational field "Physical development"

Objectives: to identify the special educational needs of the child; provide individual pedagogical assistance to the child; to assist in adaptation to the team of children; to promote the child's assimilation of the educational program of preschool education; to develop in the child an awareness of their capabilities; ensure positive changes in the physical development of the child, stimulate the disclosure of individual capabilities; provide methodological assistance to parents of children with / disabilities / /gifted children in the field of "Physical development"/; involvement of parents in the educational process

Number of lessons per week:_________________________________________________________________________________

Form of conduct: organized educational activities, individual lessons, game activities, joint activities of preschool teachers, parents, children; independent motor activity, conversations, presentations, maintaining a health portfolio


Expected Result:________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Form of work with parents: consultations, workshop, interview, exchange of experience._________________________________


Diagnosis of child development

The purpose of pedagogical monitoring is to summarize and analyze information about the state of general and physical development for the purpose of assessing, planning a correctional and developmental process (development of IEM) and predicting the final result.

Physical development

Assessment of psycho-physical qualities: speed of movement, strength, endurance, agility, flexibility


Somatic development

Speech development


Features of the development of cognitive processes








Annex 2

Calendar planning of an individual route

Topic of the lesson, number of hours

Instructor activities (technologies, forms and methods used)

The activities of the educator

Opportunity to work with other professionals

Areas of work with parents

An approximate individual route for the development of a child with disabilities educational area"Physical development"

Name of the child _________________________

Date of Birth ________________________

IOM start date _____________________

Age at the beginning of IOM ________________

Disease: Astigmatism II Macrosomatic

Astigmatism is a visual defect associated with a violation of the shape of the lens, cornea or eye, as a result of which a person loses the ability to see clearly.

Macrosomatic (somatic type, referring to a large physique) is a type of body constitution that is distinguished by a wide bone structure and large reserves of subcutaneous fat.

Level of development: does not correspond to age

Problem: Low physical activity, reluctantly takes part in p / and - there is no dynamics.

Development of physical qualities

Mastering ATS

Individual work of the instructor, educators

Family work

A noticeable lag in the OFC indicators - Agility, speed, endurance. Does not know how to change directions of movement on a signal, lacks endurance, gets tired quickly, uncoordinated movements of arms and legs while walking and running

Slowness in the process of mastering and performing ATS (lagging behind the general pace of performing exercises, a separate demonstration of exercises and movements is necessary), impaired general motor skills, and balance functions. Put the dynamics traced in long jumps (jerk, landing), catches the ball without pressing it to the chest. Makes mistakes in the basic elements of physical exercise - gym climbing. wall (fears), advancing jump

Consolidation of the ability to walk and run, coordinating the movements of arms and legs, jump, moving forward pushing off with both legs at the same time, landing softly on half-bent legs. Develop dexterity change direction on a signal, climb the gym. stairs in a convenient way). The development of the eye - the ability to throw the bag in the horizon. goal. Create motivation for involvement in a mobile game, game exercises.

Don't skip classes. Stimulation of the child's motor activity with joint outdoor games, long walks in the park or forest; purchase of sports equipment for the child (ball, rope). Involve in joint activities, entertainment.

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