Russian folk scary tales. "Scary stories. Stories full of horror and horror (compilation) " Ramsey Campbell, Jun Lindqvist, Brian Lumley and others Scary Tales Stories full of horror and horror

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One little girl's mother died. The father grieved, grieved and brought a new wife into the house. She was a widow and had a daughter of her own. With the advent of the stepmother, the orphan began a completely different life. Her stepmother forced her to do all the menial work around the house and hardly fed her: she would give a piece of cold pasta with salt and a mug of water, that's all the food - for breakfast, and for lunch, and for ...

Once in the winter, cabs were driving along the Volga River. One horse balked and darted off the road to the side; the driver immediately chased after her and was just about to hit her with a whip, when she fell into the lane and went under the ice with the whole cart. - Well, pray to God that she left, - the peasant shouted, - otherwise I would have whipped your sides!

Not in any kingdom, not in which the state lived, there was a peasant with a hostess. He lives with a rich hand, he has enough of everything, he has a good capital. And they say to each other, sitting with the hostess: - Here, mistress, we have enough of everything, only we have no children; let us ask God, perhaps the Lord will create for us an offspring, at least in the last, in old age.

One poor man had so many children that he already invited the whole world to be godfathers, and when another child was born to him, there was no one left whom he could invite to godfathers. And he did not know what to do now - he lay down with grief and fell asleep. And he dreamed that he should stand at the gate and call the first person he met to be godfathers.

In a certain kingdom, not in our state, there lived a rich merchant, his wife was beautiful, and his daughter was such that she even surpassed her own mother in beauty. The time came, the merchant fell ill and died. It was a pity for the merchant, but there was nothing to do; buried her, wept and grieved, and began to stare at his daughter. He was seized by impure love, he comes to his own daughter and ...

Late in the evening, a Cossack arrived in the village, stopped at the last hut and began to ask: - Hey, master, let me spend the night! - Go, if you are not afraid of death. “What kind of speech is this!” - the Cossack thinks, put the horse in the barn, gave him feed and goes to the hut. He looks - and the peasants, and the women, and the little children - they are all sobbing sobbing and praying to God; prayed and became...

The father had two sons. The older one was smart and intelligent, everything went well with him, but the younger one was a fool: he didn’t understand anything properly and was incapable of learning; people would look at him, it happened, and say: - With this, my father will have to tinker a lot more! If something had to be done, then the eldest son would always manage the matter; but if his father tells him to do something...

There was a man, he had three sons. He lived richly, collected two cauldrons of money - he buried one in a barn, the other at the gate. This man died, but he didn’t tell anyone about the money. Once there was a holiday in the village; the violinist went to a party and suddenly fell through the ground; failed and ended up in hell, right in the place where the rich man was tormented. - Hi...

Once upon a time there was a miserly miser, an old man; had two sons and a lot of money; He heard death, locked himself in a hut and sat on a chest, began to swallow gold money and banknotes, and so ended his life. The sons came, put the dead man under the holy icons, and called the deacon to read the psalter. Suddenly, at midnight, an unclean man appears in the form of a man, raised ...

Tales of the Dead (Scary Tales) (fairy tale version 1)

In one village there was a girl - a sunbed, a lazy person, she did not like to work, anyhow how to talk and indulge! And she took it into her head to gather girls for spinning. And in the villages, of course, sunbeds are already collected for spinning, and lakotails 1 go. Here she gathered a spinner for the night; they spin for her, and she feeds them, treats them. This, that, and they got into a conversation: which of them is bolder? The lounger says: "I'm not afraid of anything!" “Well, if you’re not afraid,” the spinners say, “let’s go past the churchyard 2 to the church, take the image from the door and bring it.” - “Okay, I'll bring it; only each spin me on the cob 3. And this feeling is in her, that she should not do anything herself, but that others do for her. So she went, took off the image and brought it. Well, they see - just an image from the church. We must now carry the image back, and the time is already at midnight. Who should not? The lounger says: “You girls are spinning; I’ll take it myself, I’m not afraid of anything!”

I went and put the image in place. He only goes back past the graveyard and sees: a dead man in a white shroud is sitting on the grave. It's a monthly night, you can see everything. She approaches the dead man, pulls off his shroud; the dead man does not say anything, is silent - to know that the time has not yet come for him to say something. So she took the shroud, comes home. “Well,” she says, “she took the image, put it in its place, and here she pulled the shroud from the dead man!” The girls - who have spoused, who do not believe, laugh. We had just had supper, went to bed, and suddenly a dead man knocked on the windows and said: “Give me back my shroud! Give me my shroud!" The girls were frightened - neither alive nor dead; and the sunbed takes the shroud, goes to the window, opened it: “Here,” she says, “take it!” - “No,” the dead man answers, “carry it where you took it!” Only suddenly the roosters crowed - and the dead man disappeared.

The next night, the spinners all went home; at the same hour, the dead man comes again, knocking on the window: “Give me back my shroud!” Here the father and mother of the loungers open the window, give him the shroud. - “No,” she says, “let her take it to where she took it!” Well, how to go with the dead to the churchyard? Scary! Only the roosters crowed - the dead man disappeared. The next day, father and mother sent for the priest; They told him this way and that and asked to help their grief: “Isn’t it possible,” they say, “to serve Mass?” The priest thought: “Well, perhaps! Tell her to come out at Mass tomorrow.” The next day she went to the sun lounger for Mass; the service began, the people found a lot! As soon as they began to sing the cherubim, suddenly a terrible whirlwind rose from where, and everyone fell prostrate! Grabbed her, yes to the ground. The girl was gone, only one braid remained from her.

1 Lakotails- sweethearts, lovers of delicacies ( Red.).

2 Cemeteries.

3 Measure strand.

Tales of the Dead (Scary Tales) (variant of fairy tale 2)

A peasant with pots was driving at night; he rode and rode, his horse got tired and stopped just opposite the cemetery. The peasant unharnessed his horse, set it on the grass, and he himself lay down on one grave; only he can't sleep. He lay and lay, suddenly the grave began to dissolve under him; he sensed it and sprang to his feet. Here the grave dissolved, and from there a dead man came out with a coffin lid, in a white shroud; he went out and ran to the church, put the lid on the door, and himself into the village. The peasant was a brave man; took the coffin lid and stood near his cart, waiting - what will happen?

A little later, a dead man came, grab - but there is no cover; began to follow the trail, got to the peasant and said: “Give me back my cover, otherwise I’ll tear it to shreds!” - “What is the ax for? - the man answers. "I'll cut you into small pieces myself!" - "Give it back, good man!" - the dead man asks him. “Then I’ll give it back when you say: where were you and what did you do?” - “And I was in the village; killed two young guys there. - "Well, tell me now: how can they be revived?" The dead man involuntarily says: “Cut off the left floor from my shroud and take it with you; when you come to that house where the guys are dead, pour hot coals into a pot and put a piece of shroud there, and close the door; from that smoke they will now become obsolete. The peasant cut off the left floor from the shroud and gave the coffin lid. The dead man approached the grave - the grave dissolved; he began to lower himself into it - suddenly the roosters crowed, and he did not have time to close properly: one end of the lid remained outside.

The man saw it all, noticed everything. It began to dawn; he harnessed his horse and rode to the village. He hears in one house crying, screaming; enters there - two guys are dead. "Do not Cry! I can revive them." - “Revive, dear; We will give you half of our wealth, ”the relatives say. The man did everything as the dead man taught him, and the guys came to life. Relatives were delighted, and the peasant was immediately seized, twisted with ropes: “No, dock! We will introduce you to the authorities; if you managed to revive, then you killed something! - “What are you, Orthodox! Fear God!" - the peasant yelled and told everything that had happened to him at night. So they let people know in the village, people gathered and threw them to the cemetery, found the grave from which the dead man came out, dug up and drove an aspen stake right into his heart so that he would no longer get up and kill people; and the muzhik was notably awarded and released home with honor.

Tales of the Dead (Scary Tales) (variant of fairy tale 3)

It happened to one craftsman late in the evening tossing and turning home from a strange village, from a cheerful friendly feast. To meet him an old friend - about a dozen years before he died. "Healthy!" - "Hello!" - says the reveler, and forgot that his friend long ago ordered to live long. “Come to me; let's grab another cup, another. - "Let's go to; on the joys that we met, you can drink! They came to the hut, drink, walk. “Well, goodbye! It's time to go home!" - “Wait, where to go now! Sleep with me." - “No, brother, and don’t ask - you can’t; Tomorrow there is work, so you have to be home early. - "Well, goodbye! What do you want to walk? Better get on my horse, it will take you quickly.” - "Thank you, let's go!" He sat on horseback and rushed - that your whirlwind flies! Suddenly a rooster began to sing!.. Terrible: there were graves all around, and a tombstone under the rider!

Tales of the Dead (Scary Tales) (fairy tale variant 4)

They released one soldier on a visit to his homeland; so he walked, walked, whether for a long time, whether for a short time, and began to approach his village. A miller lived in a mill not far from the village; in the old days the soldier made a great acquaintance with him; why not visit a friend? Went in; the miller greeted him affectionately, now he brought some wine, they began to drink it and talk about their life and being. It was towards evening, and as soon as the soldier stayed with the miller, it completely grew dark. The soldier is going to go to the village; and the owner says: “Servant, spend the night with me; now it’s too late, and, perhaps, you won’t get away from trouble! ” - "What's wrong?" - “God punished! A terrible sorcerer has died among us; at night he rises from the grave, wanders around the village and does what he does, that fear has caught up with the most daring! No matter how he disturbs you!” - "Nothing! A soldier is a state-owned person, and a state-owned person does not sink in water or burn in fire; I’ll go, I really want to see my family as soon as possible.”

set off; the road went past the cemetery. He sees - on one grave a light shines. "What's happened? Let me see." He approaches, and the sorcerer sits near the fire and sews his boots. "Hey, brother!" - the servant shouted to him. The sorcerer looked and asked: “Why are you here?” - "Yes, I wanted to see what you are doing." The sorcerer quit his job and calls the soldier to the wedding: “Let's go, brother, take a walk - there is a wedding in the village today!” - "Let's go to!" They came to the wedding, began to give them water, treat them in every possible way. The sorcerer drank and drank, walked and walked and got angry; he drove all the guests and family out of the hut, put the married couple to sleep, took out two vials and an awl, wounded the hands of the bride and groom with the awl and drew their blood. He did this and said to the soldier: "Now let's get out of here." Here we go. On the road, a soldier asks: “Tell me, why did you get blood in vials?” - “In order for the bride and groom to die; tomorrow no one will get them! Only I know how to revive them." - "But as?" “It is necessary to cut the heels of the bride and groom and pour blood into those wounds again - to each his own: in my right pocket is the blood of the groom, and in the left is the bride.”

The soldier listened, did not utter a word; and the sorcerer keeps boasting: “I,” he says, “whatever I want, I will do!” - “As if it’s impossible to cope with you?” - “How can you not? Now, if someone had gathered a fire of aspen firewood for a hundred wagons and burned me on this fire, then, perhaps, he would have dealt with me! Only you need to burn me skillfully; at that time, snakes, worms and various reptiles will crawl out of my womb, jackdaws, magpies and crows will fly; they must be caught and thrown into the fire: if at least one worm leaves, then nothing will help! I'll slip away in that worm!" The soldier listened and remembered. They talked and talked, and finally reached the grave, “Well, brother,” said the sorcerer, “now I will tear you apart; and then you will tell everything. - “What are you, come to your senses! How to tear me? I serve God and the sovereign." The sorcerer gritted his teeth, howled and rushed at the soldier, who drew his saber and began to beat backhand. They fought and fought, the soldier was almost exhausted; oh, he thinks he's gone for nothing! Suddenly the roosters crowed - the sorcerer fell lifeless. The soldier took vials of blood from his pockets and went to his relatives.

Comes, said hello; relatives ask: “Didn’t you see, soldier, what anxiety?” - "No, I didn't." - “That's it! And we have grief in the village: the sorcerer got into the habit of walking. We talked and went to bed; the next morning the soldier woke up and began to ask: “They say that your wedding is coping somewhere?” Relatives in response: “There was a wedding at a rich man, only the bride and groom died that night, and why is unknown.” - "Where does this man live?" Showed him a house; he went there without saying a word; comes and finds the whole family in tears. "What are you grieving about?" - "So and so, soldier!" - “I can revive your young ones; what will you give?" - “Yes, take at least half of the estate!” The soldier did as the sorcerer had taught him, and revived the young; instead of crying, joy and merriment began; the soldier was treated and rewarded. He circles to the left and march to the headman; ordered him to gather the peasants and prepare a hundred wagonloads of aspen firewood.

Here they brought firewood to the cemetery, piled it in a heap, pulled the sorcerer out of the grave, put it on a fire and lit it; and all around the people surrounded - all with brooms, shovels, pokers. The fire burst into flames, and the sorcerer began to burn; his womb burst, and snakes, worms and various reptiles crawled out of there, and ravens, magpies and jackdaws flew out of there; the peasants beat them and throw them into the fire, not a single worm was allowed to escape. So the sorcerer burned down! The soldier immediately collected his ashes and scattered them to the wind. Since that time there has been silence in the village; the peasants thanked the soldier with the whole world; he stayed at home, walked up to his fill and returned to the royal service with money. He served his term, retired and began to live and live, to make good, to get rid of the bad.

Tales of the Dead (Scary Tales) (fairy tale variant 5)

Once upon a time there was a soldier; retired and went home. He comes to his village - everything is empty, you can not see people anywhere. What does it mean? He went into his former hut, took off his knapsack, undressed; he began to sit down on the bench, looked, and on the table stood a damask of wine, and plenty of snacks had been prepared. “Well,” he thinks, “at least I won’t be hungry: there is something to eat and drink.” Suddenly his old grandfather climbs into the hut, who has been dead for about ten years; he was a strong sorcerer, he drove all the people out of the village, but such a cunning one to deal with him has never happened! He saw the guest and shouted: “Bah! Hello, granddaughters! - "Great, grandfather!" - "I haven't seen you for a long time!" - "And that for a long time!" The sorcerer sat down and let's drink appetizers and drink wine; all one arrived. "Where are my brothers?" - asks the soldier. “They live in a different village; I kicked everyone out of here. They only go here during the day; they will come, put me supper and a damask of wine, and come back!”

The sorcerer had a bite to eat, had a drink, and said: “Let's go to the neighboring village; There's a rich man's wedding there today. As soon as we arrive, I’ll go to the hut, and you stand on the street and what I’m going to give you through the window - take everything and put it in the wagon. - "Okay, grandfather!" They went out into the yard, at the porch there was a trio of blacks - they were tearing, they were digging the ground with their hooves! They got into the cart and immediately galloped to the village. The sorcerer entered the hut, and the soldier remained on the street, looking: what will happen? Grandfather took the tablecloth from the table and everything that was put on the table, wrapped it in a bundle and put it out the window; the soldier took it and put it in the wagon. Then the sorcerer came up to the groom, rolled up his sleeve and put his hand into his mouth up to the very shoulder - the groom immediately died; did the same with the bride - and she died. Here everyone began to wail, wept; why did the problem happen? No one knows: the sorcerer both entered and left invisible to anyone.

He sat down with the soldier in the wagon and galloped back. Horses are fast! “What, grandfather,” the soldier asks, “how long will you walk around the wide world?” - "For a long time, granddaughters, as long as I want." - "Is there really no power on you?" “There is power, but no one knows about it.” - "Tell me, grandfather!" - “No, granddaughters! You want to know a lot." - "Please tell me!" - “Well, so be it: here in this place is a dry pear; if seven gather and pull it out by the roots, there will be a failure under it; after that it is necessary to dig my coffin and throw it into that hole and plant a pear tree again; well, granddaughters, then it’s enough for me to walk!” “Isn’t it possible to cure today’s young people so that they come to life?” - “Oh, granddaughter! You will know a lot, you will soon grow old. - "But tell me!" - “Well, so be it! A rich peasant's cow calved today and brought a red bull; if you kill that bull, take out the heart, take blood from that heart, and anoint the young with that blood, they will immediately come to life and be healthy and unharmed.

The horses flew up to the porch and stood in their tracks; the sorcerer took the bundle and carried it to the hut. He untied and began to eat everything that came across: at first he ate food, and then he began to swallow spoons, knives, bottles and the tablecloth itself. He processed everything quickly and shouted at the top of his voice: “I want to eat! Hungry! .. Well, granddaughters, now I’ll take care of you! - “What are you, grandfather, what a soldier food! Just some bones." - "Nothing, fit!" - “Let me take a look at the white world at least for the last time!” - "Well, look, just hurry!" A soldier went out into the yard, found an aspen log, took it and stands there; and the grandfather shouts: “What are you digging for? Go, I don't have time to wait." - “No, grandfather, I will not go to the hut; if you want, eat me in the yard - there is nothing to dirty the hut!

The sorcerer got angry, runs to his yard; he just wanted to grab him, but the soldier didn’t give up - how he would cut him backhand with an aspen log! Sorcerer and off your feet! "Well, granddaughter, strike again." - "It will be with you and this!" Here the rooster crowed - the old man ossified and fell silent; and the soldier grabbed a knapsack and went to the neighboring village where his brothers lived. The next day, he called the whole world together, chose six people, the seventh himself went; they took the sorcerer and threw him into the hole - where the dry pear stood. After that, the soldier cured the young, took a big reward for that, and lived a rich and happy life.

Tales of the Dead (Scary Tales) (variant of fairy tale 6)

The soldier took time off on vacation - to visit his homeland, to see his parents, and went on the road. The day went on, another went on, on the third I wandered into a dense forest. Where to sleep here? I saw that there were two huts at the edge, I went into the last one and found one old woman at home. "Hello, grandma!" - "Hello, servant!" - "Let me sleep the night." - "Go, only you will be restless here." - "What? Are you cramped? This, grandmother, is nothing; a soldier needs a little space: I’ll lie down somewhere in a corner, if only not in the yard! - “Not that, servant! You came to sin…” - “What sin?” - “But on which one: in a neighboring hut, an old man died recently - a great sorcerer; and tapericha every night he prowls through other people's houses and eats people. - "Eh, grandmother, God will not give out, the pig will not eat."

The soldier undressed, had supper and climbed onto the bed; lay down to rest, and put a cleaver beside him. Exactly at twelve o'clock all the locks fell and all the doors opened; a dead man in a white shroud enters the hut and rushes at the old woman. "Damned, why are you here?" the soldier shouted at him. The sorcerer left the old woman, jumped up on the bed, and let's mess with the soldier. He cut him with a cleaver, chopped and chopped, beat all the fingers on his hands, but he still can’t get better. They grappled tightly, and both of them crashed from the blankets to the floor: the sorcerer went down, and the soldier went upstairs; the soldiers grabbed him by the beard and treated him with a cleaver until the roosters crowed. At that very moment, the sorcerer became dead: he lies, does not move, like a wooden deck.

The soldier pulled him out into the yard and threw him into the well - head down, feet up. Look: on the feet of the sorcerer are glorious new boots, killed with nails, smeared with tar! “Oh, it’s a pity they’ll disappear for nothing,” the soldier thinks, “let me take them off!” He took off his boots from the dead man and returned to the hut. “Ah, servant father,” says the old woman, “why did you take off his boots?” - “Duck is it really possible to leave it on him? Look at those boots! Who does not need it - a ruble of silver will give; and I’m a camping person, they will be very useful to me! ”

The next day the soldier said goodbye to his mistress and went on; only from that very day - wherever he goes to sleep, at exactly twelve o'clock in the morning a sorcerer appears under the window and demands his boots. “I,” he threatens, “I won’t leave you anywhere: I’ll go with you all the way, I won’t give you rest in my homeland, I’ll torture you in the service!” The soldier could not stand it: “What do you, the damned one, need?” - "Give me my boots!" The soldier threw his boots out the window: “Here, get rid of me, evil spirits!” The sorcerer picked up his boots, whistled, and disappeared from sight.

Tales of the Dead (Scary Tales) (variant of fairy tale 7)

A man went hunting and took his beloved dog with him. He walked and walked through the forests, through the swamps, nothing came out; the dark night overtook him, at indefinite hours he walks past the cemetery and sees: a dead man in a white shroud is standing at the crossroads. The man was timid: where to go - forward, or turn back? "Oh, whatever happens, I'll go ahead!" He walks, and the dog runs after him. The dead man spotted him and rushed towards him - half an arshin is not enough to the ground with his feet, only the shroud swells. He caught up with the hunter, rushed at him, and the dog grabbed that dead man by his bare calves and began to fight him. The peasant sees that the dog has grappled with the dead man; rejoiced that his cause was right, and ran at full speed home!

The dog fought until the roosters crowed and the dead man fell motionless; after that she set off after the owner, caught up with him at the very house and rushed to tear and bite him; she got so angry, so stuck that her family barely repulsed her. "What's wrong with the dog? asks the old mother. “Why did you hate the owner so much?” The man told everything that happened. “It’s not good, son,” says the old woman, “the dog was angry because you didn’t give her help; she fought with the dead, and you left her alone and saved yourself! Now she will think evil of you for a long time. The next morning the whole family walks around the yard - the dog is fine, but only the owner will show up - and growl. They chained her; they kept her in chains for a whole year, but she did not forget her master's insult; somehow she fell right on the hunter, let's strangle him ... Then they killed her.

Tales of the Dead (Scary Tales) (variant of fairy tale 8)

In ancient times, there lived two young guys in the same village; they lived amicably, walked together in conversations, revered each other for a brother. They made such an agreement among themselves: whichever of them would marry in advance, he would invite his comrade to the wedding; Whether he lives or dies is all the same. A year after that, one good fellow fell ill and died; and a few months later his friend decided to marry. Gathered with all his affinity and went for the bride. They happened to drive past a cemetery; the groom remembered his friend, remembered the old agreement and ordered the horses to be stopped. “I,” he says, “I will go to my comrade to the grave, I will ask him to take a walk to my wedding; he was my true friend!

He went to the grave and began to call: “Dear comrade! I'm asking you to come to my wedding." Suddenly the grave dissolved, the deceased stood up and said: “Thank you, brother, for keeping your promise! In joy come up to me; Let's have a glass of sweet wine with you." - "I would come in, but the train is standing, the people are waiting." The dead man replies: "Oh, brother, it won't take long to drink a glass." The bridegroom descended into the grave; the dead man poured him a cup of wine, he drank it - and a whole hundred years passed. “Drink, dear, another cup!” Drank another - two hundred years have passed. “Well, my friend, drink a third and go with God, play your wedding!” He drank the third cup - three hundred years have passed.

The dead man said goodbye to his comrade; the coffin was closed, the grave was leveled. The groom looks: where there was a cemetery, there was a wasteland; there is no road, no relatives, no horses, nettles and tall grass are overgrown everywhere. I ran to the village - and the village is not the same; houses are different, people are all strangers. I went to the priest - and the priest is not the same; told him how and what happened. The priest began to consult books and found that three hundred years ago there was such a case: on the day of the wedding, the groom went to the cemetery and disappeared, and his bride later married another.

Tales of the Dead (Scary Tales) (variant of fairy tale 9)

Once upon a time there was a man and a woman, they had two sons. Soldiers came, they shaved the eldest son's forehead and drove him far, far away; and another brother hired himself willingly and became a soldier. "Who will feed us?" - says the old woman, embittered at the younger son and cursed him forever. And it so happened that both brothers were in the same regiment; they lived in harmony, well.

Here the smaller one served a year, another, fell ill and died. They buried him properly. At night, a dead brother comes to a living one and says: “Brother, wake up!” He got scared. "Do not be afraid! I'm not gifted. Do you remember how I got hired as a hunter, at that time my mother cursed me, and now the earth does not accept me. So that's it, brother! Take a leave of absence and beg your mother to forgive me; if you beg her, I will pay you good: if you marry, you will remember me! The older brother took time off on vacation and went home. Comes to his village; the father and mother of the radekhonka began to ask: “Have you met your little brother somewhere, have you heard anything about him?” "Oh, he's dead! Mother, forgive him." The old woman cried and forgave.

The next day a soldier goes to market; suddenly the merchant calls out to him: “What, service, don’t you want to get married?” - "There is no bride!" - "Come to me: I have a daughter." - "Let's go to". That merchant's daughter got married twice, but all the trouble happened: they put the young people to sleep in the evening, and the next morning the husband will die; you see, a kite flew towards her. But the soldier knows nothing about it; wooed, married them and put them to bed. At night, the deceased brother came and stood at the head of the bed with a sword in his hand. Twelve o'clock struck, a terrible serpent flies. The dead man rushed at him and cut off all nine of his heads; the next morning the merchant and the merchant's wife came, but the son-in-law is alive; they put a recruit for him in the regiment, and he began to live with his wife, remember his brother and make good.

Tales of the Dead (Scary Tales) (variant of fairy tale 10)

The soldier took time off on leave to his homeland - to pray to the holy icons, to bow to his parents. It’s on its way, and the sun has long since set, it’s dark in the field. We must go past the cemetery; he hears - someone is chasing him: “Stop! - screams. - You will not leave!" He looked around, otherwise the dead man was running, gritting his teeth; the soldier set off from him to the side with all his agility, saw the chapel - and straight into it. There is no one in that chapel, only another dead man lies on the table, and candles are burning in front of him. The soldier huddled in a corner, sitting neither alive nor dead: something will happen!

Suddenly, the first dead man, who was chasing after the soldier, comes running and climbs into the chapel; and the one that was lying on the table gets up and says to him: “Why did you come running?” - "I brought a soldier here, so I want to eat him." - “Well, brother, he came running to me; I'll eat it!" - "No, I!" - "No, I!" And let's fight, only dust flies; If only they had fought for a long time, the cocks would crow: then both dead men fell to the floor, dead, and the soldier calmly went home. "Thank you Lord, I escaped from the sorcerers!"

Tales of the Dead (Scary Tales) (variant of fairy tale 11)

In one village there lived a husband and a wife; they lived cheerfully, in harmony, lovingly: all the neighbors envied them, and good people, looking at them, rejoiced. Here the hostess became heavy, gave birth to a son, and died from that birth. The poor peasant grieved and wept, most of all he was hurt about the child: how now to feed, raise him without his own mother? He hired some old woman to follow him; everything is better. Just what is the story? During the day, the child does not eat, always screams, nothing can console him; and the night will come - as if he is not there, he sleeps quietly and peacefully. “Why so? - thinks the scarecrow. “Let me not sleep at night, maybe I’ll reconnoiter.” At midnight she hears: someone quietly opened the door and went up to the cradle; the child is silent, as if sucking at the breast. The next night and the third again the same.

She began to talk about it to the peasant; he gathered his relatives and began to hold a council. So they came up with: not to sleep one night and peep: who walks around and feeds the child? In the evening everyone lay down on the floor, put a lit candle in their heads and covered it with an earthenware pot. At midnight, the door to the hut opened, someone went up to the cradle - and the child calmed down. At this time, one of the relatives suddenly opened a candle - they look: the deceased mother, in the very dress in which she was buried, kneels, leaning towards the cradle, and feeds the child with dead breasts. As soon as the hut was lit up, she immediately got up, looked sadly at her little one, and quietly left without saying a single word to anyone. All who saw her turned to stone; and the baby was found dead.

Tales of the Dead (Scary Tales) (variant of fairy tale 12)

One night a schoolmaster was walking past the church and was met by twelve robbers. “Do you know,” the robbers asked, “where lies that rich lady who died a week ago in your town?” - "I know; she was buried in the church crypt.” The robbers threatened him with a sharp knife and forced him to go with them; they came to the church crypt, broke the iron grate out of the window and lowered the school teacher down there on sashes. “Open,” they say to him, “the tomb, remove seven golden rings from the pani precious stones and bring it here."

The teacher opened the coffin lid and began to remove the golden rings from the hands of the deceased; He easily took off six, but he could not take the seventh: the lady squeezed her finger and did not give the ring. He said about it to the robbers; they threw a knife at him and ordered: “Cut off her finger!” The teacher raised the knife and as soon as he cut off his finger, at that very moment the dead woman, as if from a dream, woke up, screamed in a loud voice: “Sisters and brothers! Get up to help quickly; I didn’t know peace during my life, they don’t give it to me even after death!” At her voice, the tombs dissolved, and the dead began to emerge.

The robbers heard the noise and fled in different directions, and the teacher, frightened, rushed from the basement to the stairs, ran into the church, hid in the choir stalls and locked the door behind him. The dead - after him, they saw where he hid, and began to drag their coffins and stand one on top of the other in order to climb them onto the choir stalls. The teacher, meanwhile, found a long pole and let's dump the coffin: in such work he was carried until midnight; and as twelve o'clock struck, the dead dismantled their coffins and went into the crypt. The teacher barely survived! The next morning they found him broken and sick in the church; the priest came, confessed and communed him, and after that the teacher died.

I love anthologies of scary stories... An undoubted plus of such collections is their diversity, and the minus is that the compilers often mix successful stories with frankly weak and crazy gizmos in one pot.

To the book "Scary Tales. Stories full of horror and horror" included, firstly, sixteen author's tales from brothers Grimm, with some of which I was still unfamiliar, and read with pleasure, especially "The tale of a good fellow who knew no fear." All the selected fairy tales are clearly not in retelling for children, goosebumps will run from them and the adult! Thus, at least half of the anthology can be considered successful.

After each "Grimm's" fairy tale, we are offered free fantasy from modern masters of the genre - Brian Lumley, Neil Gaiman, Tanita Lee and others.


Don't scare the kids. Stephen Jones

naughty child

Guess my name. Ramsey Campbell

singing bone

Away, to the dim sea. Neil Gaiman


Open your window, Goldilocks. Tanita Lee

hare bride

On the other side of the line. Garth Nix

Hansel and Gretel

Hunger. Robert Shearman

Three little woodsmen

Look inside. Michael Marshall Smith

Tale of a good fellow who knew no fear

Fraulein Fearless. Markus Heitz


Ash boy. Christopher Fowler

Brownies. Fairy tale one

Werewolf. Brian Lumley

Mermaid in the pond

Brocade drum. Reggie Oliver

Rogue Groom

At the Weeping Gate. Angela Slatter

Frau Truda

Shaggy Peter and his friends. Brian Hodge

Brownies. Tale two

Chain of Artemis. Peter Crowther

Forest old woman

Hidden people. Joanne Harris


Come to me Jun Aivide Lindqvist

Little shroud


Of the fifteen modern stories, I remember and liked nine. Of the remaining two, frankly vile and unpleasant, the rest are so-so ... But all fairy tales are easy to read, there was no desire to abandon the book.

Genre: old fairy tales new way"not new. I love fairy tales, and modern interpretations of familiar stories from childhood amuse me, which is why I liked the book. I take off a star for the presence of "passing" stories. And the imperishable from the Brothers Grimm is, of course, "five"!

Illustrations (+ cover) - from the Oscar winner Alana Lee (decoration for "Lord of the Rings" )

Too bad there aren't many of them. The pages in the book are white, I did not notice any typographical errors. In general, I'm rather glad than not that the collection fell into my hands!

Another collection of scary stories

Tales of the Dead

witch queen

Witch's Tale

fiddler in hell

Tale of the Evil Wife

Death of the miser

The runaway soldier and the devil

Tales of the Dead

A peasant with pots was driving at night; rode, rode, his horse was tired and

I stopped right in front of the cemetery.

The peasant unharnessed his horse, set it on the grass, and he himself lay down on one grave;

only he can't sleep. He lay, lay, suddenly a grave began under him

dissolve; he sensed it and sprang to his feet.

Here the grave dissolved, and from there a dead man came out With a coffin lid, in

white shroud; went out and ran to the church, put the lid in the door, and

The peasant was a brave man; took the coffin lid and stood beside his

carts, waiting - what will happen?

A little later, a dead man came, grab - but there is no cover; followed the trail

get, got to the man and says:

Give me back my lid, or I'll tear it to shreds!

What's the ax for? - the man answers. - I myself will chop you up into small pieces.

Give it back, good man!

The dead man asks him.

Then I'll give it back when you say:

where were you and what did you do?

And I was in the village; killed two young guys there.

Well, tell me now: how can you revive them? The dead man says:

Cut off the left half of my shroud and take it with you; how do you get to that

house where the guys are dead, put hot coals in a pot and put

a piece of shroud and shut the door; from that smoke they will now come to life.

The peasant cut off the left floor from the shroud and gave the coffin lid.

The dead man approached the grave - the grave dissolved; began to sink into it -

suddenly the roosters crowed, and he did not have time to close properly: one end of the lid

stayed outside.

The man saw it all, noticed everything. It began to dawn; he harnessed the horse and

went to the village.

He hears in one house crying, screaming; enters there - two guys are dead.

Do not Cry! I can revive them.

Revive, dear; We will give you half of our goods, - relatives say.

The man did everything as the dead man taught him, and the guys came to life.

Relatives were delighted, and the peasant was immediately seized, twisted with ropes -

No, doc! We will introduce you to the authorities; if you managed to revive, therefore, you

and killed something!

What are you, Orthodox!

Fear God! the peasant yelled and told everything that had happened to him at night.

So they let me know in the village, the people gathered and threw them to the cemetery, they found

the grave from which the dead man came out was dug up and driven right into his heart

an aspen stake so that it doesn’t get up again and doesn’t starve people; and the man is significant

awarded and honorably released home.

They released one soldier on a visit to his homeland; here he walked, walked, for a long time

whether, briefly, and began to approach his village.

A miller lived in a mill not far from the village; in the old days, a soldier drove with

him a great acquaintance; why not visit a friend? Went in; the miller met

kindly, now he brought wine, they began to drink it and about their life

interpret. It was towards evening, but when the soldier stayed with the miller,

it got dark. The soldier is going to go to the village; and the owner says:

Servant, spend the night with me; now it's too late, yes, perhaps, and no trouble

What's wrong?

God punished! A terrible sorcerer has died among us; rises from the grave at night,

wanders around the village and does what he fears on the most daring! How would he

didn't bother you!

Nothing! A soldier is a state-owned person, and a state-owned person does not sink in water, nor

does not burn in fire; I'm going, I really want to see my family as soon as possible.

set off; the road went past the cemetery. He sees - on one grave a light

What's happened? Let me see.

He approaches, and the sorcerer sits near the fire and sews his boots.

Hello, brother! - the servant shouted to him. The sorcerer looked and asked:

Why are you here?

Yes, I would like to see what you are doing.

The sorcerer quit his job and invites the soldier to the wedding:

Let's go, brother, take a walk - there's a wedding in the village today!

They came to the wedding, began to give them water, treat them in every possible way. The sorcerer drank, drank,

walked and walked and got angry; drove out of the hut all the guests and family, lulled

married, took out two vials and an awl, wounded the groom's hand with the awl and

bride and scored their blood. He did this and said to the soldier:

Now let's get out of here.

Here we go. On the road, a soldier asks:

Tell me, why did you fill the vials of blood?

For the bride and groom to die; tomorrow none of them

wake up! Only one I know how to revive them.

It is necessary to cut the heels of the bride and groom and pour into those wounds again

blood to each his own: in my right pocket is the blood of the groom, and in

left bride.

The soldier listened, did not utter a word; and the sorcerer still boasts:

I, - he says, - I will do what I want!

Like you can't get along?

How can you not? Now, if someone scored a fire of aspen firewood in a hundred wagons

yes, burn me on this fire, so, maybe, he would deal with me! Only burn

I need skillfully; at that time snakes, worms and various

reptiles, jackdaws, magpies and crows will fly; they must be caught and thrown into the fire:

if even one worm leaves, then nothing will help! In that worm I

slip away!

The soldier listened and remembered.

They talked and talked and finally reached the grave.

Well, brother, - said the sorcerer, - now I will tear you apart; and then you are all

tell me.

What are you, come to your senses! How to tear me? I serve God and the sovereign.

The sorcerer gritted his teeth, howled, and rushed at the soldier, who snatched

saber and began to beat backhand.

They fought and fought, the soldier was almost exhausted; eh, thinks, not for a penny

Suddenly the roosters crowed - the sorcerer fell lifeless. The soldier took out of it

pockets vials of blood and went in to his relatives.

Comes, said hello; relatives ask:

Have you not seen, soldier, what anxiety?

No, I didn't.

That's it! And we have grief in the village: the sorcerer got into the habit of walking.

We talked and went to bed; The next morning the soldier woke up and began to ask:

They say you have a wedding somewhere to cope? Relatives in response:

There was a wedding with one rich man, only the bride and groom

died last night, but why is unknown.

Where does this guy live?

Showed him a house; he went there without saying a word; comes and stays

the whole family is in tears.

What are you grieving about?

So and so, servant!

I can revive your young, what do you give?

Yes, at least take half of the estate!

The soldier did as the sorcerer had taught him, and revived the young; instead of

crying began joy, fun.

The soldier was treated and rewarded.

He circles to the left and march to the headman; ordered him to gather the peasants and

prepare a hundred wagonloads of aspen firewood.

Here they brought firewood to the cemetery, piled it in a heap, pulled the sorcerer out of

graves, put on a fire and lit; and around the people surrounded - all with

brooms, shovels, pokers. The fire burst into flames, and the sorcerer began

burn; his womb burst, and snakes, worms, and various reptiles crawled out of there, and

crows, magpies and jackdaws flew from there; men beat them and throw them into the fire,

not a single worm was allowed to escape. So the sorcerer burned down! soldier immediately

collected his ashes and scattered them to the wind.

Since that time there has been silence in the village; the peasants thanked the soldier

the whole world; he stayed at home, walked up to his fill and returned to the royal

money service. He served his term, retired and became

live, live, make good, get rid of bad things.

The soldier took leave on vacation - to visit his homeland, to see his parents, and

went on the road. The day went on, another went on, on the third I wandered into a dense forest. Where

sleep here? I saw that there were two huts at the edge of the forest, I went into the last one and found

one old woman at home.

Hello grandma!

Hello servant!

Let me sleep through the night.

Go, only you will be restless here.

What? Are you cramped?

This, grandmother, is nothing; a soldier needs a little space; somewhere in the corner

I'll lie down, just not in the yard!

Not that, servant! You came to sin...

For what sin?

And here's one: in a neighboring hut, an old man died recently - a big

witch; and tapericha every night he prowls through other people's houses and eats people.

Eh, grandmother, God will not give out, the pig will not eat. The soldier undressed, had dinner

and climbed on the bed; lay down to rest, and put a cleaver beside him. Exactly in

twelve hours all the locks fell and all the doors opened; enters the hut

the dead man in a white shroud and rushed at the old woman.

Damn, why are you here?

A soldier yelled at him.

The sorcerer left the old woman, jumped up on the bed, and started fiddling about with the soldier.

That one with a cleaver, chopped, chopped, beat all the fingers on his hands, but still couldn’t

get better. They grappled tightly, and both of them fell to the floor; witch

down, and the soldier got up; the soldier grabbed him by the beard and until then

treated him with a cleaver until the roosters crowed. At that very moment the sorcerer became dead;

lies, does not move, like a wooden deck.

The soldier dragged him out into the yard and threw him into the well - head down, feet

up. Look: on the feet of the sorcerer are glorious new boots, killed with nails,

smeared with tar! “Oh, it’s a pity they’ll be lost for nothing,” the soldier thinks, “let me

I'll take them off!" He took off his boots and returned to the hut.

Oh, servant father, - says the old woman, - why are you with him

did you take off your boots?

Duck, is it really possible to leave it on him? Look at those boots! Who doesn't

it is necessary - a ruble of silver will give; but I'm a camping person, they are very much for me

come in handy!

The next day the soldier said goodbye to his mistress and went on; only with

that very day - wherever he goes for the night, exactly at twelve o'clock in the morning

the sorcerer appears under the window and demands his boots.

I, - threatens, - will not leave you anywhere; I will go all the way with you; on the

I won’t let my homeland rest, I’ll torture you in the service!

The soldier couldn't resist.

What the hell do you want?

Give me my boots! The soldier threw his boots out the window:

Get rid of me, evil spirit! The sorcerer picked up his boots,

whistled and disappeared from sight.

In ancient times, there lived two young guys in the same village; lived

they walked together in conversation, they considered each other like a brother.

They made such an agreement among themselves: which of them will marry first,

to call his friend to the wedding; will he live, will he die - everything

A year after that, one good fellow fell ill and died; and after a few

months his comrade was thinking about getting married.

Gathered with all his affinity and went for the bride.

They happened to drive past a cemetery; remembered the groom of his friend,

remembered an old agreement and ordered the horses to be stopped.

I, - he says, - will go to my comrade to the grave, I will ask him to come to me

take a walk to the wedding; he was my true friend!

I went to the grave and began to call:

Dear comrade! I ask you to my wedding. Suddenly a grave

dissolved, the dead man stood up and said:

Thank you brother for keeping your promise! In joy come up to

to me; Let's have a glass of sweet wine with you.

I would go in, but the train is standing, people are waiting. The dead man answers:

Eh, brother, it won't take long to drink a glass. The bridegroom descended into the grave;

the dead man poured him a cup of wine, he drank it - and a whole hundred years passed.

Drink, dear, another cup!

Drank another - two hundred years have passed.

Well, my friend, drink a third and go with God, play your wedding!

He drank the third cup - three hundred years have passed. The dead man said goodbye to his

comrade; the coffin was closed, the grave was leveled. The groom looks; where was

cemetery, there was a wasteland; there is no road, no relatives, no horses, everywhere

overgrown with nettles and tall grass. I ran to the village - and the village is not the same:

houses are different, people are all strangers.

I went to the priest - and the priest is not the same; told him how and what happened.

The priest began consulting books and found that three hundred years ago

ago there was such a case: on the day of the wedding, the groom went to the cemetery and

disappeared, and his bride later married another.

In one village there lived a husband and a wife; they lived cheerfully, in harmony, lovingly;

all the neighbors envied them, and good people, looking at them, rejoiced. Here

the hostess grew heavy, gave birth to a son, and died from that birth.

The poor peasant grieved and wept, most of all he was hurt about the child: how

now feed, raise him without his own mother? Hired some old lady

follow him; everything is better.

Just what is the story? During the day, the child does not eat, he always screams, nothing

do not comfort; and the night will come - as if he is not there, he sleeps quietly and peacefully.

Why so? the old woman thinks.

Let me not sleep at night, maybe I'll scout.

At midnight she hears: someone quietly opened the door and

went to the cradle; the child is silent, as if sucking at the breast.

The next night and the third again the same.

She began to talk about it to the peasant; he gathered his relatives and became

keep advice. Here's what they came up with:

do not sleep one night and peep: who walks and feeds the child?

In the evening everyone lay down on the floor, in their heads they put a lit

candle and covered it with a clay pot.

At midnight the door to the hut opened, someone went up to the cradle - and the child

calmed down. At this time, one of the relatives suddenly opened a candle - they look:

the dead mother, in the same dress in which she was buried, is on her knees,

leaning towards the cradle, and feeds the baby at the dead breast.

As soon as the hut was lit up, she immediately got up, looked sadly at

her little one and quietly left without saying a single word to anyone. Everyone who is her

saw, turned to stone, and the baby was found dead.

witch queen

In a certain kingdom there lived a king; this king had

magical daughter. A priest lived at the royal court, and the priest had a son

ten years old and every day went to one old woman - to learn to read and write. Once

it happened to him late in the evening to go from school; passing by the palace, he looked

for one window. The princess is sitting at that window, cleaning up: she took off her

head, lathered with soap, washed with clean water, combed her hair with a comb,

she braided her hair and then put her head back in the old place. The boy was amazed:

"Look, how cunning! Straight witch!" Returned home and became everything

tell how he saw the princess without a head.

Suddenly, the royal daughter fell ill, fell ill, called her father and became

punish him:

If I die, then make the priest's son three nights in a row over me

The princess died, they put her in a coffin and carried her to the church.

The king calls the priest:

Do you have a son?

Yes, your majesty.

Let, - he says, - read the psalter over my daughter for three nights in a row.

The priest returned home and ordered his son to get ready.

In the morning the priest went to study, I sit over the book so boring.

What did you worry about? the old woman asks him.

How can I not be sad when I'm completely lost?

What's wrong with you? Speak a lot.

I knew it before you!

Just don't be afraid, here's a knife for you; when you come to church, outline about

circle yourself, read the hymnal and don't look back. Whatever it is, what

no matter how passions present themselves, know your own, read and read! And if back

look around - you'll be lost!

In the evening a boy came to the church, drew a circle around himself with a knife, and

took up the psalter. Twelve o'clock struck, the lid lifted from the coffin,

The princess got up, ran out and shouted:

Ah, now you will learn how to peep under my windows and people


She began to rush at the priest, but she could not cross the circle in any way; here

she began to let in various passions; just did anything - he reads everything yes

reads without looking back.

And as it began to get light, the princess rushed into the coffin and with all her might

fell into it - anyhow!

The next night the same thing happened; Popovich was not afraid of anything, until the very

I read the world non-stop, and in the morning I went to the old woman. She asks:

Well, have you seen the passion?

I saw Grandma!

It's going to be even scarier!

Here's a hammer and four nails - hammer them on the four sides of the coffin,

In the evening, the priest came to church and did everything as he taught

old lady. Twelve o'clock struck, the coffin lid fell to the floor, princess

she got up and began to fly in all directions and threaten the priest; then let

great passions, and now even more: it seems to the priest's son that in the church

a fire broke out, the flame so engulfed all the walls; and he stands to himself and reads,

does not look back.

Before dawn, the princess threw herself into the coffin, and immediately the fire did not

it happened - all the obsession disappeared!

In the morning the king comes to the church, looks - the coffin is open in the coffin

The princess lies with her back upside down. - What's happened? - asks the boy.

He told him how and what happened. The king ordered his daughter to be beaten

aspen stake in the chest and bury it in the ground, and rewarded the priest with the treasury and

different lands.

Witch's Tale

began to ask:

stern and goes to the hut.

wandered off and ran away.

severed hand.

fiddler in hell

There was a man, he had three sons. He lived richly, collected two boilers

money - one buried in the barn, the other at the gate. This guy is dead, but

didn't tell anyone the money.

Once there was a holiday in the village; the violinist went to a party and suddenly

fell through the ground; failed and went to hell, right in the place where

the rich man suffered.

Hello friend!

The violinist speaks. The man answers him:

You got here wrong!

This is hell, and I'm sitting in hell.

Why did you come here, uncle?

For money! I had a lot of money, I didn’t give it to the poor, two boilers into the ground

buried. Now they will torment me; to beat with sticks, to torment with claws.

How can I be? Perhaps they torture me too!

And you go, sit down at the pipe on the stove and do not eat for three years - so you will survive!

The violinist hid behind the pipe; not ours came, they began to beat a rich man

yes say:

Here's to you, rich man! He accumulated a lot of money, but he failed to hide it; there

buried them, that we could not bear to guard! In the gates ride endlessly, horses

they beat our heads with horseshoes, and in the barn they thresh us with flails.

Only not ours left, the peasant says to the violinist:

If you get out of here, tell my kids to take the money: one

the cauldron was buried at the gate, and the other in the barn, and that they should be distributed among the poor

Then a whole hut, not ours, ran up and asked the rich peasant:

What do you smell like Russian spirit? The man says:

It was you who walked around Russia, you picked up the Russian spirit!

No matter how!

They began to search, found a violinist and shouted:

Ha ha ha, violinist is here!

They dragged him off the stove and forced him to play the violin. He played for three years

it seemed to him in three days; tired and says:

What a marvel! I used to play - in one evening I would tear all the strings, and

Now the third day I play - and all are intact. God bless!

Just said - all the strings and burst.

Well, brothers, - says the violinist, - you can see for yourself: the strings have burst, not on

than to play!

Wait, - said one unclean one, - I have two riots of strings, I will

Ran and brought; the violinist took the strings, pulled, and again only said:

"God bless!" Both riots collapsed.

No, brothers, your strings do not suit me; I have my own houses

let me go! Not ours do not let him in:

You will leave! - they say.

If you don't believe me, then send someone to accompany me.

Not ours chose one and sent with a violinist. The violinist came to the village;

hears: in the last hut the wedding is celebrated.

Let's go to the wedding!

They entered the hut; then everyone recognized the violinist, they ask:

Where are you, brother, disappeared for three years?

Was in that world!

We sat, took a walk, not ours calls the violinist:

Time to go! And that one:

Wait a little longer; let me play the violin, amuse the young.

Until then they sat until the roosters crowed; it’s not ours that disappeared, but the violinist

began to say to the sons of a rich peasant:

Your father ordered you to take the money: one cauldron at the gate is buried, and

the other - in the barn, and ordered all this money to be distributed to the poor.

So they dug up both boilers, began to distribute money among the poor brethren: with what

The more they give out, the more they add.

They took these boilers to the crossroads:

whoever rides by, everyone takes from there, as much as he grabs with his hand, and the money

everything doesn't come true. They filed a petition to the sovereign; he ordered: in some

there was a detour in the city - fifty versts would be, and if you lay it straight,

then only five miles, and the sovereign ordered to build a straight bridge.

So they built a bridge for five miles, and for that matter both boilers were emptied.

In those days, a certain maiden gave birth to a son and left him from childhood;

this baby did not eat or drink for three years, and all the time the angel of God walked with him.

A baby came to the bridge and said:

Ah, what a glorious bridge!

God grant that the kingdom of heaven, on whose money it was built.

The Lord heard this prayer and ordered his angels to release the rich

man from hell.

Once upon a time there was a rich merchant Marco - he was not a miser! Somehow he went

walk; walking along the road, he saw a beggar: an old man was sitting and asking for alms:

Give, Orthodox, for Christ's sake!

Marco the Rich passed by.

At that time, a poor peasant followed him, took pity on the beggar and gave him

a pretty penny.

The rich man felt ashamed, he stopped and said to the peasant:

Listen, countryman, lend me a pretty penny; I want to give to the poor, yes

no small ones! The man gave it to him and asked:

And when for a debt to come?

Come tomorrow!

The next day the poor man goes to the rich man for his penny. Came on it

wide yard:

What, Marco Rich at home?

Houses! What do you want? Marco asks.

Came for a penny.

Ah, brother, come after; Well, right, there are no small ones.

The poor man bowed back.

I, he says, will come tomorrow.

The next morning comes - again the same:

There is no small money at all, if you like, come on with a hundred change ... otherwise

come back in two weeks.

Two weeks later the poor man went to the rich again, and Marco the Rich saw

him out the window and says to his wife:

Listen, wife! I will strip naked and lie down under the saints; and you cover me

canvas, sit and cry, as if over the dead. When a man comes for a debt,

tell him that I died today.

Well, as the husband ordered, so the wife did: she sits and combustible

filled with tears. A man comes to the upper room, she asks him:

What do you want?

For a debt to Mark the Rich, - the poor answers. - Well, man, Marco.

The rich man ordered to live long; just died now.

Rest in peace!

Allow me, mistress, for my penny I will serve him - even a sinful body

With this word, I grabbed the cast iron with hot water and come on Mark the Rich

scald with boiling water. Marco can hardly bear it, grimaces and kicks his legs.

Do not jerk, but give a penny! says the poor man.

Washed, equipped as it should.

Well, hostess, buy a coffin and take it to church; I will stand over him

They put Mark the Rich in a coffin and carried him to the church; and the man stood over

The dark night has come. Suddenly a window opens and they climb into the church

thieves-robbers; The man hid behind the altar.

The thieves climbed in and began to divide the booty among themselves; all divided, remains

a golden saber - everyone drags to himself, no one yields. The poor man will jump out

how to scream:

What are you arguing? Whoever cuts off the head of a dead man will have a saber!

Marco the Rich jumped up, beside himself. The thieves got scared, abandoned their

treasury and rushed to run.

Well, little man, - says Marco, - let's divide the money.

Divided equally; got a lot of both.

What's a penny? - asks the poor.

Oh, brother, you see for yourself - there are no small ones! Still didn't give Marco the Rich


Tale of the Evil Wife

Late in the evening one Cossack arrived in the village, stopped at the last hut and

began to ask:

Hey, master, let me spend the night!

Go, if you are not afraid of death.

"What kind of speech is this!" - the Cossack thinks, put the horse in the barn, gave him

stern and goes to the hut.

Looks - and men, and women, and small children - everyone is crying sobbing yes

pray to God; prayed and began to put on clean shirts.

Why are you crying? - asks the Cossack.

Yes, you see, - the owner answers, - in our village at night death walks,

no matter which hut you look in - so in the morning put all the tenants in a coffin and take them to

churchyard This night is our turn.

Eh, master, do not be afraid; God will not give, the pig will not eat. The owners died

sleep; and the Cossack is on his mind - and does not close his eyes. Opened at midnight

window; a witch appeared at the window - all in white, took a sprinkler, put her hand

into the hut and just wanted to sprinkle - when suddenly the Cossack brandished his saber and

cut off her arm up to the shoulder. The witch groaned, squealed, like a dog

wandered off and ran away.

And the Cossack raised his severed hand, hid it in his overcoat, washed away the blood and

went to sleep. In the morning the owners woke up, they look - everyone is alive -

healthy and overjoyed.

Do you want, - says the Cossack, - I will show you death? Gather everyone as soon as possible

centurions and foremen, let's go to look for her in the village.

Immediately all the centurions and tenants gathered and went home; there is no

not here, finally got to the sexton's hut.

Is your whole family here? - asks the Cossack.

No, dear! One daughter is sick, she lies on the stove. The Cossack looked at the stove,

and the girl's hand was cut off; then he announced everything as it was, took it out and showed

severed hand.

The world rewarded the Cossack with money, and condemned this witch to be drowned.

Death of the miser

Once upon a time there was a miserly miser, an old man; had two sons and a lot of money;

heard death, locked himself alone in a hut and sat on a chest, began to swallow golden

money is banknotes, and so he committed suicide.

The sons came, put the dead man under the holy icons and called the deacon

Suddenly, at midnight, an unclean man appears in the form of a man, raised

dead old man on his shoulder and said:

Hold on, sexton, half! And he began to coward the old man:

Your money, but my bag!

He carried it and became invisible.

The runaway soldier and the devil

The soldier asked for leave, got ready and went on a campaign. Walk, walk, don't

see nowhere water, what would he soak crackers on the way on the road

to have a bite, but in the belly it has long been empty. Nothing to do - dragged on; look -

a brook runs, went up to this brook, took out three crackers from the knapsack and put

in water. Yes, the soldier also had a violin; in his spare time he is different on it

songs played, boredom

overclocked. Here the soldier sat down by the stream, took the violin and let's play.

Suddenly, out of nowhere - an unclean man comes to him in the form of an old man, with a book

Hello mister service!

Hello, good man!

The devil already winced as the soldier called him a good man.

Listen, buddy, let's swap: I'll give you my book, and you give me

Eh, old man, what do I need your book for? I served at least ten years

sovereign, but I have never been literate; did not know before, and now to learn

Nothing, officer! I have such a book - whoever looks, anyone

Well, let me try!

literacy, was delighted and immediately exchanged his violin. Impure took

violin, began to lead with a bow, but the matter does not go well - there is no

Listen, brother, - he says to the soldier, - stay at my place for a day

for three yes teach the violin to play; thank you I'll tell you!

No, old man, - the soldier answers, - I need to go home, and in three days I

I'll go far.

Please, serviceman, if you stay and teach me to play the violin, I

I will deliver you home one day - I will take you on a postal troika.

The soldier sits thinking: to stay or not? And he takes out the crackers

stream - wants to have a snack.

Eh, service brother, - says the unclean one, - your food is bad; eat something

I untied the bag and took out white bread, fried beef, vodka and all sorts of

snacks: eat - do not want!

The soldier ate and got drunk and agreed to stay with unfamiliar old man

and teach him to play the violin. Stayed with him for three days and asks to go home;

the devil leads him out of his chorus - a trio of good horses is standing in front of the porch.

Sit down, officer! I'll take you in a moment.

The soldier got into the wagon with the devil; how the horses picked them up, how they carried them -

only miles in the eyes flicker! They brought the spirit.

Do you recognize this village? - asks the unclean.

How can you not find out! - the soldier answers. - After all, in this village I was born and

Well, goodbye!

The soldier got down from the wagon, came to his relatives, began to greet them

Yes, tell about yourself when he was released from the regiment and for how long.

It seemed to him that he had stayed with the unclean one for only three days, and

actually stayed with him for three years; vacation time is long overdue

in the shelf, tea, they count him on the run.

The soldier is shy, he doesn't know what to do! And the spree does not come to mind! Came out

beyond the outskirts and thinks: "Where to go now? If you go to the regiment - so there

driven through the system. Oh, impure, you played a good joke on me. "Only

uttered this word, and the unclean one is right there.

Don't freak out, officer! Stay with me - after all, you have a life in the regiment

unenviable, fed with breadcrumbs and beaten with sticks, and I will make you happy ...

Do you want me to become a merchant?

That's all right: merchants live well, let me try my luck!

The unclean one made him a merchant, gave him a large shop with

various expensive goods and says:

Now, brother, farewell! I will leave you for distant lands,

thirtieth state; the king there has a beautiful daughter

Mary the princess; I will torment her in every possible way!

Our merchant lives, does not grieve about anything; happiness itself and brings down the yard; in

trade is such a task for him that it is impossible to demand better! Others became him

merchants envy. “Come on,” they say, “we’ll ask him: what kind of person is he, and

where did you come from, and can you bargain? After all, he recaptured all our trade -

so that it was empty for him!" They came to him, began to interrogate him, and he answered them:

You are my brothers! Now I have a lot of things to do, once with you

to talk; Come tomorrow, you'll find out.

The merchants went home; and the soldier thinks what to do? Like an answer

give? I thought and thought and decided to leave my shop and leave the city at night.

So he took all the money that was available, and went to the thirtieth


Walked, walked and comes to the outpost.

What kind of person? - asks his sentry. He answers:

I am a doctor; I am going to your kingdom because your king's daughter is ill;

I want to cure her.

The sentry reported this to the courtiers, the courtiers brought it to the king himself,

The king called the soldier:

If you cure my daughter, I will give her in marriage to you.

Your Majesty, order me to give you three decks of cards, three bottles of wine.

sweets and three bottles of hot alcohol, three pounds of nuts, three pounds

lead bullets and three bunches of candles to ardent wax.

Okay, everything will be ready!

The soldier waited until evening, bought himself a violin and went to the princess; lit in

candles in her room, began to drink, walk, play the violin.

At midnight, the unclean one comes, heard the music and rushed to the soldier:

Hello, brother!


What do you drink?

I sip kvass.

Give it to me!

Please! -and brought him a full glass of hot alcohol; damn drank - and

rolled his eyes under his forehead:

Oh, it takes hard! Let's have something to eat.

Here are the nuts, take it and have a snack! - says the soldier, and lead bullets

slips. The devil gnawed, gnawed, only broke his teeth. They began to play cards;

until this and that - time has passed, the roosters crowed, and the unclean one was gone. asks

king queen:

What is the night slept like?

Thank God, calm down!

And the other night passed in the same way; and by the third night the soldiers of the king ask:

Your Majesty! Order fifty pounds of pincers to shackle and do

three copper rods, three iron rods, and three tin rods.

Okay, everything will be done!

At the dead of midnight is unclean.

Hello servant! I came to visit you again.

Hi! Who is not happy with a cheerful comrade! We started drinking and walking.

The impure saw the pincers asks:

What is it?

Yes, you see, the king took me into his service and forced the musicians to

to learn the violin; and they all have crooked fingers - no better than yours, you need to

straighten ticks.

Oh, brother, - the unclean one began to ask, - is it possible for me to straighten

fingers? To this day, I still can't play the violin.

Why not? Put your fingers here.

The devil put both hands into the pincers; the soldier pressed them, squeezed, then grabbed

rods and let's regale him; beats and says: "Here is the merchant class for you!"

The devil prays, the devil asks:

Let go, please! For thirty miles I will not approach the palace.

And he knows scourging. Jumped, jumped devil, twirled, twirled, forcibly

escaped and said to the soldier:

Even though you marry the princess, you won't leave my hands! Only

drive thirty miles from the city - now I will capture you!

He said and disappeared.

Here the soldier married the princess and lived with her in love and harmony; but

a few years later the king died, and he began to rule the whole kingdom. In one

time the new king went out with his wife to the garden for a walk.

Ah, what a glorious garden! he says.

What a garden this is! - replies the queen. - We have another one outside the city

garden, thirty versts from here, there is something to admire there!

The king got ready and went there with the queen; he just got out of the carriage,

and the unclean towards:

Why are you? Have you forgotten what you were told? Well, brother, it's your own fault,

now you can't get out of my paws.

What to do! Apparently, this is my destiny! Let me at least with a young wife

say goodbye.

Goodbye, hurry up!

Scary tale for children
About the swing

One boy had a long nose. And his name was Yegor. Somehow Egor came out into the yard and immediately sat on the swing. And began to swing - up and down, up and down. And back and forth. He rode for two hours and everything was not enough for him.
Other children in the yard began to ask:
- Yegorka! Let us ride!
But Yegor did not answer, but only began to sway even more - up and down, up and down. And back and forth. Only the long nose flickers. Then other children joined hands and began to sing a teaser that they themselves composed:
“Egor is a long nose,
I've grown to the swing!
Yegor was offended, but he did not cry from the swing. And the children were also offended and went to eat pancakes with sour cream. Egor still swayed and decided that it was time to go home and eat something, but he couldn’t stop - the swing didn’t want to let him go! Already he was spinning and shouting - nothing helps. The swing swayed even harder and creaked so much that other children had sour cream on their pancakes.
Then the Little Witch came out into the yard and shouted:
- Yegorka! Let's ride!
- I would give, - Yegor answered, - but I can’t get off the swing!
- Why? What happened?
- Yes, I swayed, swayed, and other children began to tease me with a Long Nose and also that I had grown to the swing. Help me-e-e!
- You've been bewitched! exclaimed the Little Witch.
- Nu so disenchant me!
- It's not so easy, you have to come up with a spell that will stop the swing, - the Little Sorceress answered and sat down to think on the edge of the sandbox.
And Yegor kept swaying and yelling.
At this time, a policeman was walking by, who immediately realized that something was wrong. The policeman grabbed the swing to save Yegor, but he only stuck to it and they began to swing together.
“I think I’ve come up with it,” the Little Sorceress said quietly, “let’s try it now.” - And quickly, quickly muttered:
"Swing-swing, Egor sorry
And let me go home as soon as possible."
Then something tinkled, and the swing stopped. Yes, so quickly that the policeman from surprise fell on the flower bed, and Yegor - on him. Then Yegor jumped up and ran home to eat pancakes with sour sour cream. And the policeman smiled and went to his office to write a report on the boy's rescue.
And the Little Witch sat on the swing and began to swing - up and down, up and down. And back and forth. And when the next morning Yegor went out into the yard, she immediately gave him a place. Well… almost immediately.
Vyacheslav Svalnov

Very scary story
In one Sicilian city, boys began to disappear at night (girls if you tell girls in the ward), and only boys disappeared (girls if you tell girls in the ward), who did not sleep after moonrise.
Many tears were shed by mothers and fathers until the terrible secret was revealed.
The fact is that at night a ship with blood-scarlet sails entered the bay. From it at night sailors went to the shore in boats. Having found an awake boy / girl on the shore in some house, they lulled the child and took him away.
The crew of the ship was cursed, and to get rid of the curse, it was necessary to collect a collection of 239 brushes from small children.
On the ship, a terrible doctor, while the child was under anesthesia, cut off his hand.
The child, waking up from anesthesia and not yet understanding what was happening looking at the stump, asked the doctor:
- Uncle, where is my pen?
To which the doctor replied:
- Here she is.!!! Here she is!!! Here she is!!!

The last line is staged to the closest child... You just shake your brush in front of his face.

The kids are scared at first, but then they start laughing.

There lived a mother and a daughter. Nobody went to them, because they had a nail sticking out of the floor. He stuck out in the middle of the room and the girl had to go around him all the time. The girl often asked her mother:
- Mom, let's pull out this nail!
- What are you daughter! Never, ever touch that nail. And never invite anyone to your house.
- And why?
- Because someone wants to pull out this nail, and then trouble will not be avoided!
- And what will happen?
- Better not ask me, daughter. There will be a terrible, terrible misfortune.
And the girl stopped asking. So the years passed. The girl grew up, and she wanted to invite guests.
And then one terrible, terrible autumn evening, the girl's mother went to the cemetery to get some fresh air; and the girl called the guests. The guests began to dance, but the nail hindered them all the time. Then the guests said:
Let's get that nail out!
And the girl screamed:
- It is forbidden! No need! Something terrible is about to happen!
But the guests laughed at the girl and, seizing the moment, pulled out the nail. And then there was a terrible roar. Some time later, the doorbell rang. The girl wanted to open the door, but the guests shouted:
- No need! Do not open!
The girl was a pioneer and therefore opened it all the same. A woman dressed in black stood in the doorway. She immediately began to enter the apartment. She kept coming and going, and the guests and the girl backed up and backed away until the apartment ran out.
- What have you done ... - said the black woman in a quiet, creaky voice, like that of a dead man. - What have you done. she repeated a little louder. - Under this floor, in my apartment ... - and then she yelled in some terrible inhuman voice. - ... the chandelier has fallen off!!!
Agafya Knyazhinskaya

Once upon a time there was a girl Zhenya. And then one day under New Year She received a seven-flower flower as a gift from Santa Claus. Zhenya was delighted, and in the evening she went to a disco. She tore off a red petal from a seven-flowered flower and said:
- I want to be sausage! - and began to sausage at the disco. Five hours later, Zhenya got tired of sausage, she tore off the orange petal and said:
- I want me not to be sausage, - and immediately stopped sausage. She sat for a while and felt sad. Then she tore off the yellow petal and said:
- I want to have fun! - and it became so fun for her that it’s impossible to retell that she soaked it for joy. When there was no one to amuse, Zhenya tore off a green petal and said:
- I want me not to have fun, - and immediately stopped having fun. Zhenya looked around at the floor strewn with young corpses and decided to punish herself. She tore off the blue petal and said:
“I want to be sad,” and immediately began to cry.
Zhenya walked to her yard already knee-deep in tears. In the yard, she saw a neighbor's boy, Vitya, who was trying to climb onto a bench so as not to get his shoes wet. Vitya liked Zhenya for a long time for his beautiful crutches. She wanted the same, covered with skillful intricate carvings, trimmed with gold and ivory, studded with diamonds, rubies and emeralds, but, unfortunately, she was not lame like Vitya.
Now, when Zhenya felt so bad, it seemed to her that Vitya was not happy enough. Maybe he needs something else besides crutches? Wife was prevented from thinking by tears running from her eyes in continuous streams. She tore off the blue petal by touch and quickly said:
- I want me not to be sad, - and, having stopped crying, she swam up to Vita.
- Hello, Vitya. I've been wanting to tell you for a long time that you're a cool dude, and I want to do something cool for you so that you don't suck on this bench.
With these words, Zhenya tore off the purple petal and said:
- I want Vita to have sausage ...
And the good girl had no more petals ...
Agafya Knyazhinskaya

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