What can be on the Japanese diet. Japanese water diet for weight loss. "Samurai" rules of the Japanese diet

Marble 11.08.2020

They lie in a special diet, consisting mainly of natural and low-fat foods. The Japanese eat small portions and never fill up at the table "to satiety". Their average daily calorie intake is about 1800 kcal. Such a reasonable "diet" the inhabitants of Japan adhere to not a day or two, but throughout their lives.

It is important to note that the Japanese-style low-calorie menu does not imply any strict food restrictions. Emphasis on natural products that are easily absorbed by the body: seafood, fish, poultry, vegetables, soy yogurt, rice.

The crown dish of the Japanese for breakfast - rice porrige With soy sauce. Rice contains almost no fat, but is very rich in carbohydrates, which "charge" a person with energy for several hours. Brown rice is especially valued because it contains many plant fibers that are useful for digestion.

Residents of Japan consume fish and seafood at least three times a week. Fish is less caloric than meat, but it contains important vitamins, minerals and polyunsaturated fatty acid that have a beneficial effect on the figure, condition of cardio-vascular system as well as skin and hair.

The Japanese favorite, freshly brewed tea, whether herbal or green, is an excellent antioxidant.

Basic principles of the Japanese diet

The Japanese diet is designed for 13 days. Nutritionists recommend sitting on it no more than once or twice a year. During this period, the body is truly transformed: excess weight and the associated increased fatigue go away. Thus, it is not only effective method weight loss, but also recovery in general. The disadvantage of the diet can only be called its low calorie content: in the harsh Russian climate without subcutaneous fat and energy is short-lived and freeze.

For the duration of the diet, it is necessary to abandon the use of salt, sugar, flour confectionery and alcohol. For this reason, the Japanese diet is sometimes referred to as "salt-free". In 13 days, the body will have time to adjust to new way, and the result of the diet can be fixed for a long time. The diet menu is still quite diverse, so you won’t have to starve on it.

The main condition for the effectiveness of the diet is to tune in to recovery and temporary strictness of the diet.

How to Prepare for the Japanese Diet

To start the Japanese diet, you first need to prepare your body for it. Over the course of one to two weeks, start gradually reducing portion sizes, skipping night-time meals, eating more fruits and vegetables, and replacing black tea with green tea. It is not worth starting a diet that radically changes your habitual eating behavior abruptly.

Japanese diet menu

1 day. Breakfast - natural black coffee without sugar, a slice of rye bread or bread with bran. Lunch - two hard-boiled eggs, boiled cabbage salad with vegetable oil, a glass of vegetable juice (for example, tomato or carrot). Dinner - 250 g of boiled or fried fish. Before going to bed, you are allowed to drink a glass of kefir.

Day 2 Breakfast is the same as on the first day: black coffee and a slice of bread. For lunch - a portion of fish or seafood, a salad of fresh vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, peppers, herbs), seasoned with vegetable oil. For dinner - 100 g of boiled beef and vegetable salad. Before going to bed - yogurt or kefir.

Day 3 Breakfast is the same, lunch - 1 large zucchini, fried in slices or rings in vegetable oil (you can sprinkle with herbs). Dinner - 2 boiled eggs and fresh cabbage salad olive oil. Before going to bed - kefir and, if desired, a portion of boiled rice.

Day 4 For breakfast, you can drink black coffee or green tea, for lunch - eat one egg, three large carrots (boiled or stewed), as well as 15-20 g of unsalted hard cheese. You can make a salad out of carrots and cheese. Dinner consists of fruits, anything but bananas and grapes.

Day 5 Breakfast - black coffee and raw carrots seasoned with lemon juice. Lunch - boiled or fried fish or seafood, vegetable salad, tomato juice. Dinner - fruit and yogurt (can be made fruit salad seasoned with yogurt).

Day 6 Breakfast - a cup of coffee and 20 g of hard cheese. Lunch - 1/2 kg of boiled lean skinless chicken, fresh cabbage or carrot salad. Dinner - 200 g of raw carrot salad with vegetable oil, a steam omelet from two eggs. A glass of yogurt before bed.

Day 7 Breakfast - green or herbal tea without sugar, cracker. Lunch - 200 g of boiled beef, fruit. For dinner, you can repeat any of the options above, except for dinner on the third day. Before going to bed, drink a glass of kefir.

After that, the eighth day repeats the sixth, the ninth - the fifth, the tenth - the fourth, and so on in descending order. To consolidate the result, you need to leave the diet smoothly and gradually. You should not immediately pounce on sweet and salty, because you survived without them for 13 days, and it will certainly be a shame to spoil the effect of a strict diet.

Many women for the sake of a beautiful figure often say that they are ready to sit on the water, just to get rid of excess weight. But very few ladies dared to conduct such an experiment. But in vain.

In fact, there is a “Japanese” water diet that will help you quickly get in shape. With such starvation on the water positive effect guaranteed. You just need to take only one step - to translate your desires into actions.

The essence of the technique

There are many menu options for such a weight loss system. More lazy nutritionists suggest simply changing your drinking regimen. You can eat the usual food, but at the same time drink plenty of water. Most often, it is recommended to drink a glass of liquid before each meal. But such a diet will not lead to a significant reduction in excess weight.

It is possible for several days not to eat at all, but to drink only water. But this type of fasting requires tremendous effort and willpower. Not every woman can withstand such a rhythm. Especially if during this period you need to lead an active life.

Some nutritionists offer a menu with plenty of water and the use of diet foods during the fasting period. The main thing is to drink as much as possible so as not to feel hunger, so that the stomach is full and fat reserves are not deposited. All water diets lead to amazing results - per day can lose weight by 1.5 kg.

Important: Before a diet to study contraindications.

Features of weight loss

When using the "Japanese" water diet for weight loss, it is important to accurately monitor the diet. Should be abandoned fried foods and high-fat foods and eat low-calorie foods. It is easily absorbed by the body and does not require large expenditures of energy for digestion. During weight loss on the water, it is forbidden to eat solid food so as not to overload the digestive system.

Menu options

Regardless of the choice of menu options, water is drunk 30 minutes before a meal. The stomach will be full and the person will not be able to eat much. Only those who have perfect health can sit on water alone. The maximum duration of such fasting should not exceed 3 days.


It is kept for 3 days. The essence of the diet is to use only one water. It is drunk in unlimited quantities as soon as hunger appears. This is a rigid type of diet that is not suitable for everyone. Heavy drinking can increase the acidity in the stomach and lead to intoxication, as there will be no active cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract.

Important: The diet can be carried out only with the permission of a doctor.

With bread

This diet is designed for 3 days. The food is the same for all three days:

  1. Drink 200 g of water in the morning.
  2. The second breakfast consists of 100 g of rye bread, peach and a glass of water (252 kcal).
  3. For lunch, eat rye bread with 50 g of cottage cheese and drink a glass of water (254 kcal).
  4. They have dinner with a glass of water, 2 apples and rye bread (258 kcal).
  5. 2 hours before bedtime, eat bread with 200 g (282 kcal).

with apples

Diets can be followed for no more than 3 days. It is necessary to eat up to 2 kg of apples per day and drink water in unlimited quantities. It is recommended to eat at least 5 times a day. If you feel hungry between meals, you can eat 50 g of low-fat yogurt.

4 glasses

In the morning on an empty stomach, drink 4 glasses of warm water, 160 ml each. Then do not drink or eat anything for 45 minutes. Then you can eat as usual 3 times a day. Between meals, do not snack and drink more water or tea. 1 cup of coffee is allowed per day.

Important: If it is difficult to drink 4 glasses of water at once, you can start with one and gradually bring to the desired amount.

"Japanese" diet on the water (or as it is also called « 4 cups"), according to Japanese nutritionists, can not only cleanse the body, but also cure it. The number of days it will take to treat or prevent the following diseases:

  1. Hypertension - 30 days;
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract-10 days;
  3. Constipation - 180 days;
  4. Arthritis - 3 days the first week, then every day.

Use on an empty stomach "Japanese" diet with water - the most gentle way to lose weight.


The technique has many contraindications. It cannot be applied:

  • with heart problems;
  • pregnant women;
  • breastfeeding women;
  • if there are diseases Bladder and kidneys;
  • with cholecystitis;
  • if gastritis or an ulcer is diagnosed;
  • with diabetes;
  • functional disorders nervous system;
  • with unstable blood pressure;
  • with infectious and viral diseases;
  • with a tendency to edema.

Important: For any ailments, the diet must be stopped.

Allowed and prohibited products

Allowed to use:

  • cottage cheese;
  • yogurt;
  • squash caviar;
  • boiled chicken and beef;
  • vegetable oil;
  • applesauce;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • boiled fish fillet;
  • carrot puree.

Important: These products can be consumed no more than 100 g.

It is forbidden to use:

  • muffin;
  • nuts;
  • fatty varieties of fish and meat;
  • butter;
  • sweets;
  • alcohol;
  • soda.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages due to which the "Japanese" water diet does not lose popularity:

  1. Ease of preparation.
  2. budget cost.
  3. No need to count calories.
  4. Excellent effect in a minimum amount of time.
  5. Persistent result.
  6. There is no need to change your diet much.

Cons of the technique:

  1. Sometimes present.
  2. Weakness, nausea and dizziness are possible.
  3. Washing out of the body of potassium and calcium.
  4. Frequent urination.

Reviews and results

This is a tough diet. All foods on the menu have a minimum number of calories. Therefore, fats will not be deposited in problem areas. Due to lack nutrients the body will begin to break down its own adipose tissue. As a result, rapid weight loss occurs. During the day, you can lose from 1 to 1.5 kg of excess weight. Below are some reviews of the "Japanese" water diet.

Larisa, 32 years old:“For me, this is an extreme type of diet, but I chose it because I needed to quickly lose weight in a few days. I was on a diet of water and bread. Of course, I wanted to eat, but I was hungry for a day. Couldn't do it anymore. Lost 1 kg of weight. This is a good result. But I believe there are easier ways to lose weight."

Alina, 26 years old:“I lost weight on apples and water. Still, with apples it is easier to endure hunger. I would say that I didn't feel it. From the water, such a full stomach that I didn’t really want to eat. Sometimes I replaced the water with green tea. It has zero calories. Lost weight for 3 days. Lost 3 kg. All in all, a good diet. In addition, if you wish, you can add allowed products to the menu. I believe that this diet is very effective, and those who want to become slimmer can safely use it.

As you know, Japanese women have always been famous for their magnificent slim figure. It is extremely rare that some of the representatives of the weaker sex of the land of the rising sun suffer from overweight.

The whole secret perfect figure Japanese women in nutrition, or rather in the use of low-calorie foods, the absence of fast food in the diet, an abundance of sweets and bakery products.

Japanese diet. Recipes, dishes and features we will consider below

Japanese diet, recipes, dishes, which have become interesting for most women in the world, give amazing results for those who want to lose weight.

The main benefits of the Japanese diet are:

  • Its high efficiency;
  • The result is saved even after its completion;
  • It is easily tolerated by the body, only the first two days are heavy;
  • The diet is quite rigid, as the diet indicates not only dishes, but also the serving size;
  • Toxins and excess fluid are removed from the body;
  • Positive effect on digestion;

The Japanese diet has its drawbacks:

  • Due to the low calorie content, a woman can easily break loose during the first days;
  • Requires taking additional vitamins;
  • Mandatory consumption of coffee;

The Japanese diet is not just for women. Men who are willing to deal with overweight, can also use this effective methodology for weight loss. The technique itself has been developed for a long time and tested by experts.

It was developed for 14 days due to the fact that this period is enough for the restructuring of the body. To save the results for up to 3 years, it is enough to follow the basic prescriptions of nutritionists and their advice.

It's important to know, that only careful observance of all prescriptions will bring the expected results. The Japanese diet, recipes, dishes, recommended foods must be followed to the smallest detail.

The main rules for applying the diet are:

The main principle of the Japanese diet is to speed up and optimize the metabolism in the body of a person who wants to lose weight. There is nothing in common with the cuisine of the Land of the Rising Sun in this diet. It is designed for people who do not have chronic diseases, and there are some contraindications when using such a diet.

Its use is prohibited:

  • Persons who have chronic diseases(diabetes, cardiovascular problems, interruptions in the functioning of the kidneys, liver, stomach);
  • Pregnant and nursing;
  • For female persons during the period of endocrine restructuring of the body, namely during menopause and after abortion, miscarriage;
  • people who play sports or have active physical activity.

The Japanese diet has lists of allowed and prohibited foods.

Permitted fruits are:

  • Apples,
  • Pears,
  • plums,
  • Kiwi,
  • Citrus fruits, except lemon;
  • Plum;
  • Sweet cherry

You can not eat bananas, grapes, persimmons and lemons. The use of flour dishes is strictly prohibited, except for rye and bran crackers.

The list of permitted products includes:

  • Fresh vegetables;
  • Tomato juice;
  • Vegetable unrefined oil, preferably first pressing;
  • Kefir or yogurt, preferably homemade natural;
  • beef, chicken, fish fillet, preferably fresh, not frozen;
  • Chicken or quail eggs;
  • Black coffee;
  • Pure loose leaf tea with no additives or flavorings;
  • Non-carbonated water.

Distribution of nutrients in the Japanese diet

The most high-calorie products of this diet are chicken eggs, meat and dairy products. Consumed carbohydrates are presented in crackers, in some types of vegetables, and fats - in vegetable unrefined oil. Preference in the Japanese diet is best given to olive oil, using it when dressing salads or for cooking.

The consumption of fruits and vegetables on some days is not limited. These foods are rich in fiber, which is good for the stomach and intestines.

During the diet, it is better to use non-carbonated water, boiled in an amount of up to 2 liters. in a day. In addition, you can enjoy tea and coffee: coffee - natural instant or in grains, tea - without flavorings. All high quality. Green tea plays an important role in the Japanese diet. It contains large reserves of proteins, antioxidants are evident in its composition.

The Japanese diet is designed in such a way that the metabolic process is accelerated. It completely eliminates the use of salt in the early days and allows its use in last days.

It must be remembered that the Japanese diet is not balanced and its use is preferably no more than two weeks.

sample menu

Day morning dinner evening
1 Unsweetened organic coffeeFish in any form
3 Unsweetened natural coffee and crackersZucchini fried in oil
4 Unsweetened organic coffee

Hard cheese - 15 g

5 CarrotFish in any formFruit
6 Unsweetened organic coffeeVegetable salad (carrots, cabbage), chicken fillet - 1/2
7 Tea without sugarBoiled beef - 200 g, fruitAny of the dinner options except Day 3
8 Unsweetened organic coffeeVegetable salad (carrot, cabbage), chicken fillet - 1/2Egg - 2 pcs, raw carrots with vegetable oil - 1 tbsp
9 CarrotFish in any form, tomato juice 1 glassFruits are different
10 Unsweetened organic coffeeEgg - 1 pc, boiled carrots - 3 pcs,

Hard cheese - 15 g

Fruits are different
11 Unsweetened natural coffee and crackersZucchini fried in oilEggs 2 pcs, boiled beef - 200 g, cabbage salad
12 Unsweetened natural coffee and crackersFish in any form, vegetable saladBeef 100 g, kefir 1 cup
13 Unsweetened organic coffeeEggs in the amount of 2 pcs, boiled cabbage, 1 tbsp. tomato juiceFish in any form
14 Coffee without sugar, you can creamCabbage salad 200 g, fish in any form 150 gBeef 200 g, fat-free yogurt

The menu shown in the table is an example. It should be borne in mind that the Japanese diet is quite complex, therefore, when following it, it is necessary to take into account the general condition of a person.

In the case when a person who is on a diet feels unwell or weak, then it is not worth continuing to lose weight.

Japanese Diet Recipes

Breakfast options

Option 1

Natural unsweetened coffee

Option 2

Herbal tea

Option 3

Fresh carrot salad.

Take a large carrot and rub it on a medium grater. Dress the salad with lemon juice and vegetable (preferably olive) oil. Salt salad or add sugar is not necessary.

Dinner options

Lunch of the Japanese diet involves the use of meat dishes and salads.

Option 1

fried zucchini

We take a large fresh zucchini, cut it into small circles across, no need to add salt.

Pour unrefined vegetable oil into the pan, wait for the pan to heat up. Fry the zucchini circle on both sides until golden brown.

Option 2

Fish with vegetables in the oven

We cut the fish in portions, no salt is needed (in the last days of the diet, you can add a pinch of salt). We clean the carrots, cut into small strips. Cut into small pieces red pepper, eggplant.

Preheat the oven to 180°. We put a portion of the fish in foil, sprinkle it with lemon juice, put vegetables on the fish, close the foil and put in the oven for 30 minutes.

Option 3

Chicken diet

Remove the skin from the chicken thigh or the whole carcass. Rinse the skinned chicken meat and pour completely with plain water, bring to a boil. After the water with the chicken boils, the first broth must be drained. Then again pour the meat with water and boil. You need to cook the chicken until done. Salt and add any spices is not necessary.

Dinner options

Option 1

Cabbage salad

white head or Chinese cabbage devide into two parts. Boil one part a little. Finely grind both parts and squeeze.

Dress the salad with olive or sesame oil.

Option 2

Fruit salad

Wash and peel the apple, orange and kiwi. Cut everything into medium cubes, mix and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Option 3

Tilapia stew

Peel a portion of tilapia fish and rinse under water. Put a portion of the fish in a deep frying pan and pour water up to half the carcass. Simmer the fish over low heat, covered with a lid, for 10 minutes. Then you need to throw lavrushka and a few peas of pepper into the dish. Adding salt is prohibited. Replace salt with lemon juice. Then simmer the fish until done.

Japanese diet meat recipes

Among many women, the Japanese diet has become popular, the recipes and dishes of which differ from others with low calorie content and the absence of salt.

It is necessary to adhere to the diet completely and eat only those dishes that are provided. On certain days, during weight loss, you can eat turkey, chicken, beef meat. Here are a few recipes that you can use these days.

Turkey meatballs

It is necessary to take a turkey fillet weighing up to 250 g and twist it into meat grinders. To the minced meat, you can add chopped onion and spices to taste. It is not necessary to salt minced meat.

In a separate saucepan, it is necessary to boil water and pour a couple of drops of vegetable oil into it. In the finished boiling water, you need to throw small balls of minced meat and boil them for 20 minutes. Ready meatballs can be sprinkled with parsley or herbs.

Chicken cutlets in the oven

Take 500 g of chicken fillet and cut it into small cubes of maximum 1 cm. Mix the resulting mass with grated rosemary, carrots, onions and eggs. Make small meatballs out of minced meat and put them in a foil boat. It is important to make such a boat so that the fillet juice does not flow down the sides in the oven.

It is better to cover the cutlets with foil and on top to avoid baking the product. Cook the dish in a preheated oven for 30 minutes.

How to cook fish. Recipes

In the Japanese diet, fish is a fairly common staple. It is better to boil or bake it in the oven, although the use of a fried product is not prohibited. The only rule when preparing a dish is the absence of salt, seasonings for fish and spices are not prohibited.

Baked trout

Fresh fish should be cleaned, cut into portions, washed and dried. After the fish fillet dries a little, it must be rubbed with spices and spices. To enhance the taste, pour lemon juice on the fish. Inside the fish, you can put greens or chopped onions.

Before putting the product in a preheated oven, it must be laid out in foil, securing its edges so that the fish juice does not leak out. When the oven warms up to 190 °, put the foil with the fish in it and cook for 30 minutes.

Cooking vegetables and fruits. Recipes

Vegetables and fruits can be eaten independently, regardless of the quantity. In addition, they can become ingredients in simple delicious recipes.

Baked apples

The fruit must be cut into large slices and sprinkled with cinnamon. Apples can be baked in the oven or microwave oven. To do this, cut slices must be placed in a suitable dish and put it in an oven preheated to 180 °. Bake apples for 15 minutes.

Crispy cabbage in an egg

Cut the cauliflower into small portions and add spices, except for salt. In a separate bowl, beat the egg. Each piece of cauliflower must be dipped in an egg and fried in vegetable oil in a frying pan over low heat.

Are snacks possible on the Japanese diet? What can you snack on?

Snacking during the Japanese diet is acceptable. But undesirable. With a strong feeling of hunger, it is enough to drink a glass of water, green tea or strong coffee.

Way Out of the Japanese Diet: Recipes

When the Japanese diet comes to an end, it is necessary to perform another ideal way out of it. All measures must be followed to save the result.

Important do not immediately switch to your usual diet, otherwise everything will end in failure: you can gain not only the lost weight, but also overdo it with the correction.

The main principles of exiting the diet are:

  • Introduce Products should be gradually added to your usual diet, slightly increasing calories and equalizing the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • Release period must be at least 14 days;
  • Quantity protein foods can not be reduced;
  • Dinner and lunch in the first days of the exit, it is better to keep the same as with the diet, adding dishes to breakfast;
  • Continue limit your use of salt.

To expand on breakfast dishes, some recipes may come in handy.

Omelet with vegetables

Beat 2 eggs and add 50 g of milk to the mixture. Heat up a frying pan and lightly fry half in vegetable oil. bell pepper, cut into 1 cm squares. Pour the eggs into the pan and cover with a lid. Reduce the fire on the stove to a minimum. The omelet takes 10 minutes to cook. A few minutes before the end of cooking, you need to sprinkle the omelet with finely chopped green onion and greenery.

The way out of the Japanese diet is also divided into several stages. Experts recommend introducing each high-calorie product in small quantities, giving the body time to recover. The longer you observe the exit, the better and stronger the result will be.

Japanese diet. Recipes, dishes will be shown in this video:

Japanese diet. More recipes and dishes in this video. As well as weight loss results:

The Japanese are recognized as the healthiest and longest-lived people on the planet. Inhabitants different countries admire this nation and want to know the secrets of oriental wisdom. Today it is no longer a secret. IJapanese "water" healing techniqueProvides for daily drinking. Ordinary water can relieve headaches, improve well-being, add vitality and cure some diseases. Compliance simple rules water intake helps treat many diseases, includingremove toxins from the liveror reduce pressure.

After reading the article, you will learn:

What you need to know when following the Japanese water diet?

Drinking plenty of water in the morning is important, as human blood thickens during sleep. If a person is not replenished water balance, begins to have breakfast, the blood thickens even more. As a result, there is weakness, fatigue, loss of strength and a desire to sleep.

Neither coffee nor tea is suitable for replenishing the amount of fluid in the body. Due to the diuretic effect, water will, on the contrary, be excreted. In addition, it is important to follow the schedule of water and food intake. Nutritionists recommend keeping at least two hours.

Traditionally, European people drink cold drinks while eating. The Japanese and Chinese, on the contrary, consume hot tea. When a cold liquid enters the esophagus, the fats that come with food thicken and are not absorbed. This leads to excess weight, heaviness in the stomach and promotes the development of cancer cells.

Water intake rules

According to the Japanese method, every morning you need to drink 4 glasses of warm water, 160 milliliters of water on an empty stomach. The procedure should be carried out as soon as you wake up, without brushing your teeth. Breakfast, coffee and other drinks, including water, are allowed after 45 minutes. After the first meal, do not eat or drink for the next 2 hours.

Japanese doctors say that if water therapy is combined with proper nutrition, the results of bringing the body and figure into tone will be achieved much faster.

Nutritionists offer several options for dieting. For the lazy, it is recommended to try to change the drinking regimen. A glass of warm water before each meal can increase tone and improve the condition of the body, but will not lead to significant weight loss.

Patients with a strong will and a high level of self-discipline are recommended to unload once every 6 months. Drink plenty of water for three days, completely refusing to eat.

Diet examples

The Japanese diet is quite humane. The main condition is to comply proper diet diet and drinking plenty of clean water. Fried and fatty foods, alcohol and carbonated water are contraindicated. It is also forbidden to eat solid food. Food should be healthy and low-calorie.

A glass of water should be drunk half an hour before each meal. If you follow this simple rule, the amount of food consumed will sharply decrease. Depending on which menu is used when losing weight using the Japanese method, different results can be achieved.

Classic menu

The classic diet should be followed for three days. These days, a person does not eat, but drinks water in any quantity. At each urge to eat, a glass of warm water is drunk in small sips. This diet is not suitable for everyone and requires professional advice from your doctor.

Bread diet

This technique is more humane than the previous method. But it also requires strict adherence to the principles: for breakfast you need to drink 200 milliliters of pure water, and for lunch you are allowed to eat a peach, 100 grams of rye bread and drink a glass of water. The calorie content of such a diet will be 252 calories.

Lunch will consist of rye bread with 50 grams of cottage cheese not more than 5% and 200 milliliters of water. You will consume 254 calories.

For dinner, a slice of rye bread, two apples and water (258 kcal) are provided.

For a late dinner - bread and vegetable salad seasoned with a teaspoon of vegetable oil (200 grams).

So you need to eat for three days. The menu remains unchanged.

apple diet

Such a diet is also designed for three days, longer adherence is unhealthy. Every day you need to eat two kilograms of green or yellow apples and drink an unlimited amount of water. Five meals are scheduled. In extreme cases, with a high sense of hunger, it is allowed to eat 50 grams of low-fat yogurt.

Four glasses of 160 ml

Not having time to wake up properly, drunk warm water in the amount of 640 milliliters. After 45 minutes you can have breakfast with one cup of coffee. For the next two hours, snacking and taking any liquid are prohibited. The rest of the day can be planned as you please. Three meals are allowed, including breakfast.

Drink water in small sips.

Diet according to the Japanese method, with the inclusion of water in the diet,cleanses the body and cures many ailments. Depending on the type of disease, it is recommended to follow the technology at different times. For example, for people suffering from hypertension, the treatment period is one month, for constipation - half a year, for ulcers and gastritis - no more than ten days, for arthritis - three days in the first week, and then daily.


The Association of Medical Professionals of Japan proved that if you drink lemon water daily, you can get rid of many modern diseases and make your body much slimmer and fit.

Like any therapeutic diet, the Japanese water healing technique has a number of limitations. It is contraindicated in people suffering diabetes, infectious and viral diseases, gastritis or an acute ulcer, cholecystitis, functional disorders of the nervous system, unstable blood pressure, kidney disease and urinary tract, as well as a tendency to edema.

Pregnant and lactating mothers should refrain from Japanese hydrotherapy treatment.

What can be eaten

To quickly get rid of extra pounds, you must not only observe the water regime, but also eat right. With full adherence to the principles of the diet, you can consume no more than 100 grams of cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots and applesauce, or squash caviar. Of the protein products, only cottage cheese, yogurt, boiled chicken, beef or fish fillets are allowed. Also no more than 100 grams per day. Ready salad or vegetable stew can be seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Any kind of rich and confectionery products, and other types of sweets, including nuts and honey, are strictly prohibited. Cannot be consumed butter, fatty meat or fish, carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Japanese water diet does not require large material costs and is very easy to implement. With its observance, it is not necessary to count the calorie content of each meal eaten or to radically change the diet. Its popularity is due to the fact that short terms, a person is able to get a good result for a long period of time.

However, it should be borne in mind that some people may experience hunger, weakness, dizziness, frequent urination or symptoms of nausea. One of the disadvantages of the Japanese weight loss technique is the washing out of a certain amount beneficial vitamins from the human body. Particularly calcium and potassium.

Why this power system is called that way, one can only guess. It is one thing - a rice option, but others are unlikely to reflect the lifestyle of the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun. If only to take into account the principles on which the diet is based.

As for the set of products, beef, chicken and coffee rarely appear on the tables of the Japanese, and this technique focuses on them. One way or another, but it brings the weight closer to the desired indicators, therefore it has the right to exist.

The principle of losing weight

The whole essence of the Japanese diet is expressed in a few words: low-calorie, protein, with the minimum amount salt. Accordingly, thanks to these three fundamentals, the process of losing weight starts:

  • the minimum number of calories enters the body, so it has to activate its own reserves;
  • a lot of energy is spent on assimilation, which entails the burning of body fat;
  • protein is able to enhance heat production, which speeds up metabolism, which contributes to weight loss;
  • due to the restriction of salt in the diet, excess fluid is removed from the tissues, edema is eliminated, and pressure is normalized.

The diet is suitable for people of any weight category. If you need to lose 4-5 kg, it will be enough to sit on it for a week. If all 10 kg - here the 14-day option will already come to the rescue. In the absence of contraindications and good health, you can stretch it for a month, since, in addition to proteins, it still contains fats (vegetable oil) and carbohydrates (rice).

Curious fact. Europeans have about 30 different products on the table in a week. The Japanese believe that the diet should be more varied: their weekly menu has more than 100.

Product Lists

Be sure to follow this table when compiling the menu:

This list may be adjusted depending on which diet option was chosen. For example, in the classical scheme there is no rice and bananas, but there are mono-diets based on these products.

If the classic Japanese diet for 7 days was chosen, we offer you a ready-made shopping list so that you do not run several times to the store during the week. Prices are approximate, as they depend on the region, the manufacturer and the quality of the purchased goods.

When choosing cheaper products, the total cost can drop to about 2,300 rubles. But there is also a fly in the ointment - experts advise choosing a two-week marathon, which means that the amount grows by 2 times.

Japanese breakfast. In the land of the rising sun, in the morning they eat soup with rice, vegetables, fish, seaweed, natto (soybeans cooked in a special way).

Pros and cons

The Japanese diet for weight loss is chosen by a huge number of people, many of whom are satisfied with the results. But there are those who were severely disappointed and not only did not lose weight, but also shook their health. In order not to fall into the second category, it is necessary to imagine in advance all the pros and cons of this system.


  • Minimal salt intake reduces puffiness.
  • Significant weight loss.
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease (also due to the reduction of salt in the diet).
  • Protein products will not allow sagging and stretch marks to appear after losing weight.
  • Plant foods provide the body essential vitamins and micronutrients.
  • Consistent results with the right exit from the diet (i.e. you will not gain back the lost kilograms).
  • Can be used different ways cooking: not only steaming, stewing or boiling - they can even be fried, without excluding vegetable oil from the diet.
  • The availability of products listed on the menu is the absence of exotics.


  • The diet is not quite balanced, because there is a significant bias towards proteins to the detriment of carbohydrates and fats.
  • Because of this, by the end of the hunger strike, many begin to feel dizzy, decrease in working capacity, feel drowsiness, and weakness.
  • Three meals a day without snacks does not comply with the principles of healthy weight loss, when meals are prescribed 5-6 times a day.
  • Every morning you have to start with a cup of black coffee on an empty stomach, which not every heart and stomach can withstand.
  • The average daily calorie content of the diet is only 800 kcal, which harms those who are used to physical and mental activity.
  • Lots of contraindications.
  • Wrong way out of the diet is fraught with speed dial weight.
  • The frequency of weight loss using this technique is only once every six months.
  • Possible dehydration.

These are the features of the Japanese diet. In order not to harm own health, they must be taken into account, as well as contraindications.

Statistics data. The main foodstuffs in Japan are fish, rice and soybeans.


Due to the low calorie content and "protein content" there are a lot of contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • venereal diseases;
  • viral infections;
  • age up to 18 years and after 55;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • hepatitis;
  • hypertension,
  • gastric diseases (gastritis, ulcer);
  • cholelithiasis;
  • menopause;
  • lactation;
  • loads beyond measure - emotional, mental, physical;
  • neuralgia;
  • kidney failure;
  • diabetes;
  • AIDS;
  • cholecystitis;
  • chronic diseases;

If such side effects, as dizziness, tachycardia, stomach pain, dry lips and skin, this may indicate dehydration of the body and disruption of its functioning. You will have to finish the diet and be sure to check with a doctor to avoid complications.

Such a long list of contraindications leads to the conclusion that this nutrition system can only help you lose weight. healthy people whose work is not associated with excessive loads.

It is interesting. Using Japanese chopsticks while eating is not only stylish, but also useful for weight loss! With them, the process of absorption of food slows down, which makes you chew pieces more thoroughly. Saturation happens much faster.

Compliance rules

So that 2 weeks do not pass in vain, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of specialists. The diet is quite strict - there are many rules to follow.

  1. 2-3 days before the diet, gradually wean from sugar and salt.
  2. Do not eat to satiety during the day.
  3. Limit salt intake several times or refuse it altogether. This also applies to spices.
  4. Drink at least one and a half liters of water a day.
  5. The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before going to bed.
  6. Supplement the diet with a vitamin and mineral complex.
  7. Do not stop, do not change products, do not confuse the sequence of days. The menu is well thought out.
  8. Exercise in moderation. It's better to stop at morning exercises than 2 hours of sweating in the gym: after 3 days of such loads, a complete breakdown may appear.
  9. Sleep at least 6 hours a day.
  10. With a weakening of motivation, when everything gets boring, it is recommended to imagine the end result more often: how slim you will become in the end.

Only at first glance it may seem that the Japanese diet is easy to maintain: meat, fish, butter, the possibility of frying - all this attracts many people. But few people reach the victorious finale: either it’s impossible to eat without salt, or the side effects are tortured, or you want sweets.

On a note. The Japanese are very fond of algae. The most popular among them are nori, kelp, kombu and akame. Soups, salads, side dishes are prepared on their basis.


There are different versions of the Japanese diet, and they are very different from each other. Stop the choice is on the one that involves the use of products that suit your taste preferences.

  • classical

The classic two-week diet is the one we described above: protein, low-calorie, with minimal salt intake. The basis of the menu is cabbage, zucchini, coffee, fish, beef, chicken with small additions of fruits and vegetables. It is in her menu that you can not change anything. At the output, it gives results in minus 10-12 kg. Designed for 13 days or 14 - there is not much difference in the menu of these options.

  • Salt-free

If the classic version allows at least a little, but still add salt to dishes, then there is no turning back here: you have to live 2 weeks without salt. In order to avoid dehydration, some changes occur in the diet: soup appears at lunchtime, it is recommended to replace coffee green tea, beef is significantly less, but more fruits and vegetables. The amount of water drunk per day should reach 2 liters.

  • Banana

Not so long ago, the Japanese Hiroshi Watanabe developed an interesting banana diet. Its principles are outlined in the book The Morning Banana Diet. The main rule is to eat 1 or 2 bananas in the morning and drink a glass of plain water at room temperature. After breakfast, it is very important not to have any snacks until lunch. That's all the rules of the hunger strike. You can continue it until you reach the desired number on the scales.

  • Water

It is strange why the usual water diet suddenly became Japanese. Perhaps because the classic version with a minimum amount of salt involves drinking plenty of water. That is, a glass of clean water (filtered, melted,) is drunk half an hour before the main meal and then every hour. In total, its volume should be about 2 liters per day. An example schema might be as follows:

Otherwise, the Japanese diet does not correspond to the classic menu option.

  • Rice

Option 1- strict, designed for 3 or 5 days. Another name is "Geisha Figure". The result is minus 1 kg per day. The daily menu is the same:

Option 2- involves losing weight within a week. Three meals a day without snacks, a minimum of salt in the diet and an abundance of proteins are related to the classical scheme. The menu is shown below.

Which of these options is the real Japanese diet is hard to say. The main thing is that all of them allow you to achieve excellent results and become as slender as the inhabitants of the land of the rising sun.

Japanese lunch. The lunch menu of the average Japanese may include the following dishes: curry rice, seafood, sansai (fern, bamboo), tamagoyaki ( fried egg), tempura (vegetables / seafood in batter / deep fried), green tea.

sample menu

Since the Japanese diet belongs to strict weight loss systems and nothing can be changed in it, you will need detailed description diet by day, indicating the number of servings. We bring to your attention the development of three different menu options - rice (for 7 days), salt-free and classic (for 14 days).

Rice for a week

Classic for 2 weeks

If you need to stretch the diet for a month (subject to good health), simply repeat the menu again for 14 days.

On a note. In Japan, they consume mainly seasonal products, realizing that they are much healthier, more nutritious and fresher.


To make the diet as easy as possible, we suggest that you adopt the basic recipes that will allow you to endure this weight loss marathon to the bitter end. Do not forget that salt should be as little as possible.

Boiled cabbage salad

This dish is one of the staples of the classic Japanese diet.

  • How to get out?

The correct exit from the Japanese diet is the prevention of complications and the guarantee of sustainable results. If it is not produced according to the advice of specialists, the lost kilograms will return in a few days and strong pains in the stomach may begin. To avoid this, in the first 3-4 days after a hunger strike, follow the following diet:

At the same time, please note that the size of servings should not exceed 150-200 g, and drinks - 200 ml. In the next 2-3 days, they can be increased, porridge can already be boiled in milk, meat and fish can be chosen with more fatty varieties. And only after that it is recommended to return to your usual diet.

  • What can replace beef?

Only chicken.

  • What can you substitute for parsnip root?

Celery or parsley root.

  • What can you drink?

The classic version allows ordinary water, tomato juice, black coffee and.

  • How often can you sit on the Japanese diet?

Semiannually. If the salt-free option - once a year.

  • Is it possible to have a snack?
  • What fruits can you eat?

Everything except high-calorie ones: grapes, bananas (if it is not a banana diet), persimmons, mangoes.

  • What kind of fish can be?

The list of permitted and prohibited fish is very conditional. If you need to lose up to 10 kg, fatty varieties can occasionally be included in the diet, but in small quantities. If you have to get rid of more than 10 kg of ballast, it is better to eat only dietary ones.

  • Can you drink alcohol?
  • How does the Japanese diet work?

Weight loss occurs by reducing the caloric content of the diet and removing excess fluid, thanks to minimizing salt. The bias towards proteins reduces the amount of carbohydrates and fats.

There are almost no fat people in Japan. Obesity affects only 5% of the indigenous population. Undoubtedly, this is inherent in nature itself, but one should not discount the nutrition of this nation, which is based only on healthy foods. So it is not surprising that the considered diet offers proper weight loss, when not only the weight melts, but also health improves, and the body is not depleted. Of the many methods, it is worth choosing this one - it gives stable results that can last for a long time.

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