What is prohibited in epilepsy. Learn the do's and don'ts for epilepsy! Reasons for the development of the disease

landscaping 26.08.2020

Eco-friendly products are a rarity. Store shelves are full of a variety of products, but among them it is very difficult to choose natural products that do not contain food additives. There are foods that have a positive effect on the human condition, and some of them provoke various diseases.

It's no secret that there are foods that kill. But the topic should be considered much deeper, since the food that kills the average person will save people with epilepsy. And this is a very unusual way of looking at the problem.

So, today we will talk about food that can cause an epileptic seizure and about food that people with epilepsy, with convulsions, should switch to so that they do not have these convulsions. Protecting the brain, talking about food that kills and saves.

The brain is a symbol of the difference between man and all representatives of the animal world. Medicine advances and reaches such heights that we begin to carefully and in detail study our food, which over the past 50 years has become so diverse, so high in calories and saturated with fats that medical science has begun to study its effect on specific diseases or on specific state person. But at the same time, this diversity gives us the opportunity for a huge choice, and sometimes it is very difficult to resist and not buy what we like, what we really want to try.

Why do seizures occur?

Epilepsy is a disease known to mankind from the very beginning of its existence and manifested by episodes of convulsions. For some reason, there is a focus or several centers of pathological excitation in the human brain, and they appear where it or they should not be. And at some point, this pathological excitation covers the entire cerebral cortex, all hemispheres, including the motor zones responsible for our behavior. And we see these convulsions in varying degrees: big seizures and small seizures.

Seizures are an uncontrolled spread of excitation in the motor parts of the cerebral cortex from an initially existing abnormal pathological focus of excitation, which a person always has. And at some point the brain spills all this excitement through the cerebral cortex, and then it passes. The duration of seizures varies from person to person.

The only way to help the patient is to try not to let the person get injured, because he cannot control himself. If you see that a person is falling, then you can support him so that he does not hit his head, does not stumble or get hurt on a sharp object, does not fall on the roadway and that's it, nothing else needs to be done. After a while, the seizure goes away on its own, then the person can be transferred to the hands of a doctor.

What foods can trigger epileptic seizures?

I would like to remind you that the brain eats only glucose, it does not eat anything else. Remember this detail, because the whole nutrition system of patients with epilepsy is based on it, which many of them do not know about.

So what food groups can trigger epileptic seizures?

As noted by Professor Malysheva, our brain feeds only on glucose. Indeed, brain cells use glucose as an energy source for their vital activity. Consider such a common product as sugar.

If we give sugar to the brain, then the brain is activated and feels normal. In patients with epilepsy, all foods containing sugar or carbohydrates are converted into glucose anyway. If you eat rice, it turns into glucose, bread also turns into glucose, fruits and all sweet things turn into glucose in the end. The main thing is the nutrition of the brain. To develop activity, he needs food. Therefore, if we gave sugar to the brain, the focus, which was selectively inactive, begins to produce. In this situation, glucose - any carbohydrate - is a trigger or provocateur - a trigger that fires a shot. And rich in carbohydrates nutrition can cause frequent epileptic seizures.

Sugar, honey, rice and other cereals, bananas and other fruits, all flour and sweets, potatoes, as a source of starch, are also carbohydrates. All carbohydrates must be removed from the diet.

Remember one thing, since sugar, glucose is the main food of the brain and practically the only one, all this will provoke epileptic seizures. The brain receives this food and spreads generalized activity through the motor cortex, leading to terrible convulsions.

What foods can you eat with epilepsy?

It's time to consider the main issue. All foods that need to be excluded from the diet of a healthy person become the basis of nutrition for patients with epilepsy. The epilepsy diet is called a ketogenic or protein-fat diet.

ketogenic diet

The ketogenic diet is a specially designed program to help control seizures in people with epilepsy. The basis of nutrition is foods rich in fats and proteins. The diet does not prohibit the intake of carbohydrates, but they should be minimal amount. To prescribe a diet, you need to consult a doctor. Depending on the severity of the course of the disease, the doctor will prescribe a ketogenic diet, and a nutritionist will control its process.

What is the essence of a protein-fat or ketogenic diet? The word "ketogenic" comes from the word ketone. Ketone bodies are breakdown products that are formed in the body when there is an excess of fat or protein. They are completely harmless to the body. Therefore, in this situation, science suggests that patients with epilepsy eat more foods containing fat or protein. Ketones can be found in human blood breast milk, in the urine. The higher the level of ketones, the higher the protection against seizures. Carbohydrate nutrition should be minimized or completely eliminated.

During the diet, it is necessary to take medications prescribed by the doctor, undergo physical procedures. The diet, especially for children, is prescribed only by a doctor. Often, treatment takes place in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. A strict diet leads to a reduction in epileptic seizures or to their disappearance. Young children under 1 year of age are not prescribed a ketogenic diet.

Who suits?

The diet is more often prescribed to children. If seizures become uncontrollable with AEDs (anti-epileptic drugs), doctors advise changing the diet.

Less often, a diet is prescribed for adults. Few studies have found that the ketogenic diet also helps adults. The appointment is carried out only after the examinations. The patient should not have contraindications: there are no disturbances in metabolism or the mitochondrial system.

Menu of the ketogenic diet

It is allowed to eat fatty meat: pork, lamb, as well as butter, cheese, cream 10%, be sure to eggs. Of vegetables, only avocados can be used, since they contain the same amount of fat as seeds. Nuts are a protein-fat product.

The diet of one day of a person with epilepsy should consist of:

  • Breakfast - scrambled eggs from yolks with a glass of cream.
  • Lunch - fatty meat: pork or lamb with avocado, meat baked in cheese - a super-fat product.

You can diversify the menu in this way. On the second day it is allowed:

  • Breakfast is bacon and eggs.
  • Lunch - pork ribs fried in oil.
  • Dinner - squid stewed in cream

Nuts can be used as a dessert.

Here is a super-fat diet that doctors do not recommend to anyone, but recommend to people with epilepsy. Such a diet saves from seizures.

Contraindications to the ketogenic diet and side effects

Like any diet, ketogenic also has a number of contraindications and is accompanied by unwanted side effects.

At the very beginning of the diet, a person becomes weak, lethargic. These signs may be exacerbated if there are other chronic diseases. If during the diet the child becomes ill, for example, with respiratory diseases, doctors recommend drinking more fluids, but the fluid should not contain carbohydrates.

Side effects:

  • stones in the kidneys;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • the level of cholesterol in the blood increases;
  • frequent constipation;
  • fragile bones;
  • weight loss or weak set.

The diet is not considered balanced and does not contain vitamins and minerals in the amount that a person needs. In this case, the nutritionist advises to additionally take a vitamin complex containing vitamin D, calcium, folic acid and iron.

Specific anticonvulsants are not forbidden to be taken during the diet. You can take "Tolpamax", "Zonegran", "Depakot". Anticonvulsants do not contribute to the formation of kidney stones and the development of acidosis, so do not worry.


  • diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • cardiac changes.

A superfat diet is not prescribed if a person is taking Topiramate in combination with Volproate. But doctors consider epilepsy a more serious disease than problems with the kidneys or liver, so in special cases they prescribe it to the patient.

What is the result and when is it achieved?

Studies have shown that a ketogenic diet can help reduce the frequency of seizures. In more than half of the children studied, the manifestation of seizures decreased by 50%, and in 15% there was a complete remission.

During the diet, you can not stop taking medications, only on the advice of a doctor, their dose or amount can be reduced. The neurologist, depending on the condition of the child, conducts an examination and prescribes a course of treatment.

The diet must be strictly observed. It is impossible to replace prescribed products with their analogues. In this case, the effectiveness of the diet will be zero.

It is especially difficult to stick to a diet in a family where the rest of its members are allowed to eat normally.

Physician-supervised ketogenic diet

The patient needs to visit the doctor every month and donate blood and urine for analysis. In accordance with the changes that have occurred in the body, a nutritionist can change the diet.

Is it possible to abandon the diet?

You can stop the diet if no seizures are observed within 2 years. Cancellation of the diet occurs gradually and is often accompanied by a deterioration in the condition, attacks may become more frequent or resume. The diet does not lead to complete relief from seizures, it only reduces their frequency of manifestation, therefore, after giving up the diet, it is required to take medication.

Our brain works according to plan. If you exclude glucose, the body will receive foods high in fat and protein. The biochemistry of the body is arranged in such a way that these products break down in a completely different way. And one breakdown product is ketone bodies. They suppress the pathological activity of the brain. This is a difficult diet for the body, but for those people whose epilepsy is difficult to control with drugs, such a diet is a lifesaver and helps to avoid frequent seizures. It's called the ketogenic diet - super-fat, but life-saving.

With attacks that characterize epileptic disease, people have encountered since ancient times. Seizures could overtake a person at any time: during work, rest, any usual activities. Their typical expression is convulsions, fainting, the appearance of foam from the mouth.
Today, humanity has learned to deal with this disease. Epileptics successfully live in society and create families. However, it is important for a person to know what not to do with epilepsy so that the symptoms of the disease do not worsen.

Contraindications during illness include a number of actions related to all areas of life: work, nutrition, rest, treatment.

What can be done for epilepsy? Despite many contraindications, people with epileptic disease are full members of society. They can engage in certain activities, have family and friends.

Can people with epilepsy have children? If in the life of an epileptic woman there is a close relationship with a partner, then she may well become pregnant and give birth to a baby. But the process of pregnancy should be prepared in advance.

Seizures of the disease can be a threat to the bearing of the baby. During attacks, there is a high probability of injury, as a result of which placental abruption may develop. A pregnant woman needs to more carefully monitor the regime of the day and rest, nutrition. It is important to take the right vitamins folic acid and others. However, throughout the entire period of bearing a baby, a woman takes anticonvulsant drugs. How better health and well-being of a woman, the higher the chances of giving birth healthy child and educate him.

A woman with epilepsy can give birth using both caesarean section as well as naturally. However, it is important to remember that the baby receives AED (anti-epileptic drugs) from the mother during pregnancy and after birth. You should be prepared for the fact that the newborn will have allergic reactions.


It is useful for people with epileptic illness to travel. Some even blog about how to do it if you are diagnosed with epilepsy. But the organization of travel should be treated more carefully than ordinary people.

Epileptics can travel by car, train, bus. It is good if the journey does not take place alone.

Since epilepsy is an insidious and complex disease, flying with it is not recommended. However, there are no contraindications to this. If this type of travel is the most optimal, the passenger must take the necessary

medicines. Before traveling by any means of transport, the patient should consult with the attending physician, as well as have a good rest and gain strength.

home improvement

The comfort and safety of a person with epilepsy depends on the arrangement of objects in the house. It is better to replace ceramic and glass kitchen utensils with plastic ones. It is also important not to use knives often. Gas stove - no the best option for a person with epilepsy.

You should carefully consider the choice of furniture. Also, do not furnish the room with tables and sofas with sharp corners. It is good if there is a soft carpet on the floor.

Sharp accessories can also be dangerous. Glass attributes are best avoided. Do not put them in a conspicuous place.
The safety of the bathroom implies the absence of electrical appliances here, as well as razors in the public domain. Close is not recommended. It's better to hang a "busy" sign. Otherwise, the patient will not be able to help.

For a person suffering from epilepsy, various ladders and ladders are dangerous. Therefore, it is dangerous for epileptics to live in a multi-storey building without an elevator.

Safe Behavior

If a person has been diagnosed with epilepsy, there is no need to hide this fact from others. They should be aware that a person may have a seizure. Households and work colleagues should also be notified about this.

Bad habits negatively affect the severity of seizures and their consequences. This applies to nicotine and alcohol addiction. Epilepsy and smoking are incompatible. After all, an attack that occurs in a person with a cigarette in his mouth can end in a fire. It is not recommended to smoke hookah
Alcohol contributes to the activation of seizures. Women are advised not to drink more than one glass of wine or beer. And it is better to choose non-alcoholic drinks. You can't code if you're sick.

Epileptics are forbidden to bathe in the bath and sauna. Showering is better than taking a bath. High temperatures are not recommended

Many people are concerned about whether it is possible to get a license with epilepsy. In Russia, driving a car for people with epilepsy is officially prohibited, since the risk of traffic accidents for people with epilepsy is higher.


Physical exercise is not contraindicated for people with epilepsy. However, the choice of a particular sport should take place with the participation of a doctor. Weightlifting or athletics is not the best option for an epileptic. But team games, such as volleyball, football are useful. The doctor can advise and gymnastics. However, it is important that during any exercise there is no overvoltage.

It is not necessary to give up the pool. But it is important to take precautions:

  • next to the epileptic who is engaged in swimming there should be a person who can help him in case of danger;
  • it is not recommended to dive (from a tower or a pool);
  • the pool water temperature should not be too low;
  • you should not visit the pool during poor health;
  • the depth of the pool should not be large, and you should not sail far.


With epilepsy, it is important to properly organize rest. A person needs to pay attention to peace of mind, not to worry.
It is useful for people with such a disease and sanitary treatment or trips to the sea. However, for this you need to enlist the permission of the epileptologist, his recommendations.

Can epileptics get massage?

Despite all the benefits of this procedure, it is not recommended for epileptics to do it, because the body can behave unpredictably. If doctors prescribe a massage to a patient, then more often sparing or acupressure.


Should I give up TV and computer?

For a small percentage of people with epilepsy and sensitivity to light, watching TV can trigger an attack. But with the following precautions, you can watch it:

  • the distance between a person and the TV should be at least two meters;
  • in addition to the TV in the room, there must be another source of lighting;
  • do not stop your choice on large screens;
  • the eyes of the viewer should be at the level of the screen.

As for the computer, the epileptic can work on it. But we must not forget about the safety rules:

  • the room in which the computer is located should be bright;
  • there should be no glare on the monitor from a light source falling on the monitor;
  • the distance between the eyes and the computer is 30–35 centimeters;
  • you need to work only in a calm state, a person should not be tired, exhausted; frequent eye breaks should be taken. The same rules apply for video games.

Dangerous Products

It is important for epileptics to properly treat their diet and not eat everything that comes to hand. Should be drawn up proper diet. After all, some foods can provoke attacks of both migraine and epileptic seizures.

Most often, people with epilepsy are advised to eat more dairy products. But this does not mean that vegetables and meat should be excluded from the diet. Such food can be eaten, but it is better in boiled form. You need to eat varied and balanced. Food should be delicious and enjoyable. Proper nutrition helps to increase the time between attacks. It is better to choose a diet together with a doctor.

With epilepsy, drinking alcohol is contraindicated. It is recommended to exclude even low-alcohol drinks. They exacerbate the course of seizures. It is better to replace them with kvass, soft drinks, cocktails.

It is not recommended to consume a lot of carbohydrates. The brain runs on glucose, but an excess of it can provoke seizures. A protein-fat diet is preferable. Epilepsy attacks are also provoked by excessive fluid intake and overeating. You should eat no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Salty and pickled foods are best avoided, or consumed to a minimum. You should also limit spices, smoked, indigestible foods. No need to add a lot of sugar or salt to your food.

Coffeeman worries whether it is possible to drink coffee with epilepsy. Doctors believe that caffeinated beverages are best avoided. But if you're a big coffee drinker, it's okay to treat yourself occasionally. It is better to choose soft varieties of insoluble drink and dilute coffee with milk. This also applies to tea.

Features of the diet for adults:

  1. It is worth eating about 4 times a day in small portions.
  2. For your table, you should choose food rich in proteins to restore the liver. After all, anticonvulsant drugs have a negative effect on the liver.
  3. Foods containing vitamin B6 must be included in the diet.
  4. Food should not be eaten very cold or very hot.
  5. It is better to use gentle cooking methods.
  6. The consumption of “empty” carbohydrates, which quickly satisfy hunger, should be kept to a minimum.


It is important for people with epilepsy to feel their value in society. Some people assume that only sedentary work is suitable for people with epilepsy. This is not true. It is important to choose activities that do not harm yourself or others. For example, sick people should not work as a surgeon, driver, pilot. It is also not recommended to drive vehicles, work at height or water. In other words, it is forbidden to work where there is a risk of injury.

It should be noted that each individual case is individual and when applying for a job, an epileptic passes a medical expert commission, where all controversial issues are resolved. Another point that people with epilepsy need to pay attention to is that they should not overexert themselves. Such workers get tired much faster

People with epilepsy treat their work conscientiously, do their work well and honestly. They are characterized by scrupulousness in business, attentiveness, accuracy. These people always turn in their work on time.

What professions are suitable for epileptics:

  • fashion designer;
  • laboratory assistant;
  • painter;
  • programmer;
  • photographer;
  • accountant;
  • librarian;
  • bibliographer;
  • tailor.

It is even useful for epileptics to work. According to statistics, such people are less likely to experience seizures if they are employed. A healthy lifestyle and work that brings pleasure helps to fight the disease. Labor activity smooths out other character traits characteristic of epileptics. This is selfishness, excessive irritability, excitability. Being engaged in useful work, a person suffering from this disease becomes happier.


To treat an epileptic illness, the doctor prescribes many different drugs that support the patient. However, you should be careful, some drugs are strictly forbidden to use.

For epilepsy, special anticonvulsants are prescribed. In addition to them actovegin, glycine.

Many patients, in addition to drugs, use special soothing herbs and preparations based on them. Valerian, chamomile, passionflower - those herbs that are recommended to be taken. They increase the effectiveness of anticonvulsants. Medical marijuana therapy is allowed abroad. This is unacceptable in our country.

Some medicines can make seizures worse. They contain caffeine, ephedrine. So, epileptics should not take: preparations of gingko biloba, ginseng St. John's wort, evening primrose, borage.

It is important for epileptics to use a sufficient amount necessary vitamins B, D, E, C. In the body of patients there is not enough manganese, magnesium, so additional intake of these drugs is required.

If a person with an epileptic disorder requires surgery under anesthesia, then there are no contraindications to it. But it is not recommended to stop taking the usual drugs before or after surgery. In each individual case, the anesthesiologist advises the correct behavior regarding the intake of tablets.

Epilepsy is a common disease today. People suffering from this disease know that the life of such a person depends on himself. Organization of work and rest, proper nutrition, treatment, physical activity: all this contributes to a full life filled with bright colors.

Epilepsy gives the patient a lot of inconvenience and psychological discomfort. Accept medications it takes a long time, often to undergo examinations. But still, in the presence of such a disease, there is no reason to refuse a full life. One has only to follow the recommendations and try to create the necessary conditions for a safe existence.

If there is a patient with epilepsy in the house, then the execution simple rules will help save the life and health of those suffering from this disease.

Furnish your home


Those suffering from epilepsy should pay attention to this particular room.

- replace glassware and ceramics. Use plastic utensils or dishes made of other unbreakable materials;

- to use knives less, buy products (bread, cheese, sausage, some vegetables) in sliced ​​form. Use the knife only in the presence of other family members. If you are single, try to spend more time with friends and neighbors;

- avoid if possible gas stove. It is better to use a slow cooker, a microwave oven with a timer to turn off the appliance. If this option is not possible, then someone should be with you when you turn on the gas. Keep boiling water in a thermos so you don't need to heat up the water often.

Bathroom and toilet:

- It is best to replace the bathtub with a shower stall. A hot bath can trigger an attack. Showering and washing should also not be done with too hot or cold water;

- if the floor and walls are tiled, a rug and soft screens are required. It is not recommended to keep electrical appliances (hair dryer, electric shaver) and manicure accessories in the bathroom;

- do not close the door when you are in these rooms. It is better to use identification marks on the door for this. The family will know that the room is occupied. Try to talk or hum - this will help to understand that you are all right.

Living room and bedroom:

- redevelop rooms so that furniture with sharp corners is the least accessible or cover the corners with a soft cloth;

- the floor must be covered with soft carpets or carpet;

- remove the heaters from the aisles and fix them well to avoid falling appliances;

- Try to keep irons and other electrical appliances in closed cabinets.

Eat rationally

Nutrition is an important part of the life of a person with epilepsy. The effectiveness of treatment also depends on how a person eats. Epilepsy is not a reason to completely eliminate your favorite foods from your diet. It is important to follow the recommendations, but try to organically fit them into your usual diet. In this case, it is necessary to take into account other diseases that a patient with epilepsy has. Therefore, they make up a diet taking into account the recommendations of specialists.

Basic requirements for the nutrition of a patient with epilepsy:

- completely eliminate bad habits - smoking, alcohol, taking drugs;

- Follow the correct water regime. Do not drink large amounts of liquids (this can cause an attack), but thoughtless restriction will lead to the same result. Do not use means to remove fluid, just try to balance your water intake.

- Minimize the amount of spicy, salty foods and smoked meats. To this list should be added foods high in nitrogen - beans, beans, peas.

- do not give up meat and fish (preferably boiled), vegetables, cereals and dairy products. Try to make your menu varied and balanced. This will help good bowel function, which is important for patients with epilepsy;

- Eliminate overeating, have dinner no later than two hours before bedtime. Try not to drink too much before bed;

- Talk to your doctor about "hungry" days. Fasting is useful in epilepsy, but it is best done under supervision.

Optimize Behavior

AT Everyday life:

- when watching TV, follow the recommendations for patients with epilepsy. Try not to sit closer than two meters to the screen, place it at eye level. In the room it is necessary to turn on additional lighting, except for the TV screen, while watching. An ordinary TV is preferable, a home theater is not desirable;

- when working on a computer, the rules do not differ much. You should take frequent breaks, do not bring yourself to fatigue. Lighting in the room should be optimal. Bright light is as undesirable as twilight;

- do not fly on planes with frequent change of time zones.

At work:

- do not hide the disease from colleagues at work. Try to tell others how to behave during an attack;

- Refuse to work at night and shift schedule;

- bring on workplace change of clothes in case of an attack.

When playing sports:

- exclude traumatic sports and professional sports;

- Swimming is not prohibited. Postpone a visit to the pool with general malaise, increased frequency of attacks.
Don't swim in cold water, diving and jumping from the tower are prohibited. Wear a bright hat and try to swim in pairs, avoid large crowds.

- cycling, equestrian sports only under supervision and the presence of restrictive devices to keep the body from falling, as well as a helmet on the head;

- avoid busy streets;

- engage in very limited sports with dangerous devices (sword, weapons) and those associated with climbing to a height.

If the child has epilepsy

The main task of parents is to help a child with epilepsy not to feel sick. It is necessary to talk, explain to the baby everything that happens, teach him to notice the symptoms of an attack. Try to give him maximum independence (as far as the degree of epilepsy allows) and the execution of simple assignments “within his strength”.

If visiting a childcare facility is not prohibited, tell the staff in detail about your child's problems. Moderate exercise is needed, but under the supervision of adults and a doctor.

Epilepsy is not a sentence, but a certain way of life.

An epileptic seizure may look quite frightening, but in reality it does not require urgent medical attention. Usually, after the seizure ends, a person recovers quite quickly, but until everything has stopped, he really needs your support. It is about how to help people suffering from epilepsy that Lifehacker will tell.

What is epilepsy

First, let's deal with the nature of the disease.

An epileptic seizure begins when the electrical impulses in the brain become too intense.

They can affect one part of the brain - then we are talking about partial attack, and if the electrical storm spreads to both hemispheres, the attacks become generalized(we will discuss them below). Impulses are transmitted to the muscles, hence the characteristic convulsions.

Probable causes of the disease are lack of oxygen during fetal development, birth trauma, meningitis or encephalitis, strokes, brain tumors or congenital features of its structure. It is usually difficult to determine exactly why the disease occurred during the examination, more often this is due to the combined effect of several conditions. Epilepsy can manifest itself throughout life, but children and the elderly are at risk.

Although the underlying causes of the disease are still a mystery, it was possible to establish a number of provoking factors:

  • stress,
  • excessive alcohol consumption,
  • smoking,
  • lack of sleep,
  • hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle,
  • misuse of antidepressants
  • premature refusal of special therapy, if any.

Of course, from a medical point of view, such a story about the course of the disease looks as simplified as possible, but this is basic knowledge that every person should have.

What does it look like

Usually from the side it seems that the attack began absolutely suddenly. The person lets out a scream and loses consciousness. During the tonic phase, his muscles are tense, and breathing is difficult, which is why the lips turn blue. Then the convulsions enter the clonic phase: all the limbs begin to tense up and relax, it looks like a random twitching. Sometimes patients bite the tongue or the inner surface of the cheeks. Possibly spontaneous bowel movements Bladder profuse salivation or vomiting. At the end of the seizure, the victim often experiences drowsiness, headache and memory problems.

What to do

1. Don't panic. You take responsibility for the health of another person, and therefore you must remain calm and clear of mind.

2. Be there for the duration of the seizure. When it's over, calm the person down and help them come to their senses. Speak softly and fluently.

3. Look around - is the patient not in danger? If everything is in order, do not touch or move it. Move away furniture and other objects that he might accidentally hit.

4. Be sure to note the time of the onset of the attack.

5. Lower the patient to the ground and put something soft under his head.

6. Don't hold him still to try to stop the cramps. This will not relax the muscles, but it can easily cause injury.

7. Do not put anything in the patient's mouth. It is believed that during an attack the tongue may fall, but this is a delusion. As mentioned above, at this time the muscles - including the tongue - are in hypertonicity. Do not try to open the man's jaws and place some hard objects between them: there is a risk that during the next tension he will either accidentally bite you or crush his teeth.

8. Check the time again.

If the seizure lasts more than five minutes, call an ambulance.

Long attacks can cause irreversible damage to brain cells.

9. After the seizure has stopped, put the person in a comfortable position: it is better to turn him on his side. Make sure your breathing is back to normal. Carefully check if you are free Airways: They may be covered by pieces of food or dentures. If the victim is still having difficulty breathing, call an ambulance immediately.

10. Until the person is completely back to normal, do not leave him alone. If he is injured or the first attack is immediately followed by a second one, immediately consult a doctor.

Remember that epilepsy is by no means a stigma or a sentence.

For millions of people, this disease does not prevent them from leading a full life. Usually, competent supportive therapy and supervision by specialists help to keep everything under control, but if suddenly a friend, colleague or a casual passer-by begins to have an attack, each of us must know what to do.

Epilepsy is a severe chronic neurological disease characterized by recurrent seizures caused by discharges in the nerve cells of the central nervous system. Alcohol and epilepsy are often mentioned together, as long-term alcohol abuse can cause brain damage and the development of this disease. Also, doctors categorically do not recommend drinking alcohol for epilepsy, since ethanol negatively affects brain neurons and can provoke an attack, even when taken in small doses.

Epilepsy is characterized by recurrent seizures caused by sudden bioelectrical activity of brain cells, excessive but short-term excitation of the nerve cells of the cortex. Most often, an attack occurs with convulsive contraction of various muscle groups. There are also seizures in which there is a sharp deterioration in mood (dysphoria), or impaired consciousness:

  • twilight obscuration;
  • sleepwalking;
  • trance states.

In addition, patients with epilepsy have a gradual change in personality, a decrease in intellectual abilities, and the development of dementia.

It is also possible the emergence of so-called epileptic psychoses, which can be acute or chronic. Epileptic psychosis is characterized by the occurrence of affect, most often with a negative emotional component. In most cases, it is fear, anxiety, anger, hopelessness, longing. Hallucinations and delusions are also possible.

Sometimes epileptic or similar seizures are one of the manifestations of the symptoms of a disease. Neurologists distinguish temporal epilepsy into a separate group, which is characterized by the occurrence of excitation of neurons located in one of the temporal lobes. Seizures of temporal lobe epilepsy are distinguished by special manifestations, therefore they are considered separately.

Epilepsy is classified into congenital and acquired. The latter is often a consequence of alcoholism. Ethanol has a destructive effect on neurons and triggers the mechanism of pathological electrical activity.

Previously, psychiatrists assumed that epilepsy leads to personality degradation. However, over time it became clear that irritability, stubbornness, selfishness and clumsy thinking are not a direct consequence of the disease.

Previously, epileptics were placed in psychiatric clinics and observations were made of patients in these unhappy places. Already in the 20th century, it became clear that people with epilepsy living in a normal society rarely suffer from abnormal personality traits and do not experience difficulties in communication.

All diagnosed personality disorders in epilepsy are most often associated with the action of social factors. The patient may experience difficulties associated with the reaction of others to his illness, or any social restrictions.

Scientists also argue that patients with congenital epilepsy have a predisposition to alcoholism.

Relationship between epilepsy and alcohol use

Let's figure out whether it is possible to drink alcohol with epilepsy. To do this, you need to understand how ethyl alcohol acts when it enters the human body. Alcohol is toxic and has a negative effect on cellular structures, disrupting the normal course of biochemical processes, and often destroying cells.

It is known that ethyl alcohol (ethanol) affects:

  • organs of the digestive tract;
  • heart;
  • vessels;
  • liver;
  • excretory system.

In addition, it plays a significant role in the formation of abnormal germ cells, and can provoke hormonal imbalance. Alcohol also has a negative effect on the central and vegetative nervous system, causing various kinds of failures and deviations in their functioning.

In people with epilepsy, the neurons of the brain during an attack experience excessive excitation due to the electrical discharges received. Such activity is not in vain, the cells wear out faster.

Many people know that nerve cells do not regenerate. This is not true, however, the recovery of neurons is so slow that they do not have time to make up for the losses provoked by certain negative factors. In epileptics who experience recurrent epileptic seizures, neurons die in large numbers, which disrupts some of the connections between the brain centers.

The consequences of drinking alcohol in epilepsy are to accelerate the process of wear and tear of neurons, and, as a result, the deterioration of the functioning of the central nervous system.

As noted earlier, epileptics may experience the oppression of social conventions, worry about their illness, experience depression, feeling inferior. In an effort to alleviate emotional stress, get rid of heavy thoughts, people with this diagnosis often seek solace in alcohol, begin to drink a lot. Drinking alcohol even a healthy person sooner or later leads to the development of various pathological changes. Epilepsy on the background of alcohol begins to progress, attacks become more frequent and intense.

Consequences of drinking alcohol in epilepsy

Due to the fact that an epileptic seizure is the result of abnormal electrical discharges, it occurs suddenly, unpredictably. Once in the body, alcohol primarily disinhibits the nervous system, which can have serious consequences even for relatively healthy people.

With epilepsy, even small doses of alcohol can provoke a seizure.

An epileptic seizure is dangerous to human health and life. If the patient is also in a state of intoxication, then the likelihood of death increases significantly. An attack is dangerous because convulsive activity is observed in various muscle groups, including the muscles of the respiratory system, which can lead to difficulties and uneven breathing rhythm, asphyxia. During a seizure, there is a high probability of aspiration of saliva, vomit, which also increases the risk of death. Respiratory depression leads to oxygen starvation brain, which, in turn, is fraught with dangerous complications.

During an epileptic seizure, almost all organs work in emergency mode, experiencing serious overload. Lack of oxygen leads to cerebral edema, acidosis interferes with normal blood circulation. As a result, the brain begins to function even worse. If the seizure continues long time, this can lead to inhibition of the vital functions of the body, and the person will fall into a coma. If the patient is under the influence of alcohol, the likelihood of developing a coma increases.

Because epilepsy can lead to personality changes under certain conditions, alcohol can affect these people in unpredictable ways. Under the influence of ethanol, the risk of epileptic psychosis is significantly increased. Symptoms of a depressive state, which the epileptic tries to overcome by taking alcohol, may be aggravated.

Even after taking small doses, the patient may experience excessive anxiety, irritability, depression. The most dangerous in this regard is the use of low-quality drinks or surrogates.

The effect of a combination of alcohol and antiepileptic drugs

Patients diagnosed with epilepsy are forced to take medication to prevent epileptic seizures and increase periods of remission. Since the disease is chronic, medicines recommended all the time. Drugs can significantly reduce the frequency and duration of seizures, facilitate their course, which can reduce the rate of death of neurons and slow down the decline in brain functions.

The compatibility of anticonvulsants and antiepileptic drugs with alcohol has not been studied enough. However, it is clear that taking any drug that affects the brain, along with alcohol, which also affects the functioning of the central nervous system, can have unpredictable consequences. Therefore, all doctors recommend that patients with epilepsy avoid alcohol.

The simultaneous use of alcohol and antiepileptic drugs can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of medications, which leads to an aggravation of the course of the disease, an increase in the frequency of seizures and their intensity. Certain types of epilepsy medications can enhance the disinhibitory effects of alcohol.

In addition to chemical interactions, there is another danger. Medicines must be taken according to a certain scheme. By drinking alcohol, the patient may miss the time of taking medication, and more than once. It also contributes to the aggravation of the disease.

Useful tools with epilepsy

If the patient, despite the prohibitions, develops alcohol addiction she needs to be treated. Alcoholics are rarely able to admit their illness, so the relatives of an epileptic need to be patient and not give up trying to convince the patient to be treated. If the addiction is already serious, not everyone is able to cope with it on their own. The motive to give up alcohol can be the fear of death, especially if there have already been precedents of epileptic seizures after drinking alcohol. In this case, each next attack may be the last.

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