Ecology and the future of the planet. The Future of the Earth, Mankind and the Universe (Streletsky Vladimir) About the nature of time and the study of the future

Decking 29.03.2021

Of course, there are no scientific theories on this subject, but there are many okonachnyh. For example, there is a theory that in ancient times atomic weapons were used on the territory of the Earth, and this is mentioned in particular in the Indian epic Mahabharata. This ancient Indian work mentions the "war of the gods", in which the gods use divine weapons. Here is one of the epic episodes:

"A huge and spewing streams of flame", "rushing at a frantic speed, shrouded in lightning", "the explosion from it was bright, like 10 thousand suns at its zenith", "a flame devoid of smoke diverged in all directions."

Designed to kill the whole people, "it turned people into dust, while the survivors fell out of their nails and hair. Even food became unusable. This weapon struck entire countries and peoples for several generations:

"A lightning strike, like a giant messenger of death, burned people. Those who rushed into the river were able to survive, but lost their hair and nails ..."; "... for several years after that, the sun, stars and sky are hidden by clouds and bad weather"

Allegedly, there are hints of both radiation and atomic winter. But more than that, some enthusiasts want to confirm their theory by the fact that large areas of melted glass - tektites - were found on the territory of India. And such material can be formed only under the influence of enormous temperature. And such versions began to appear after the tests of the atomic bomb in New Mexico, when tektites were found there after the explosion - pieces of green molten glass. Here is such a theory. In general, in this epic, if you dig, you can find descriptions of other "weapons of the gods". Also, on top of this theory, they often cite the fact that Oppenheimer, the creator of atomic weapons, after the test also quoted an excerpt from the ancient Indian epic: “I am death, the great destroyer of worlds, bringing death to all living things”

Let me share my humble find:

Supporters of nuclear weapons say that the death of Mahenjo-Daro is described in the Mahabharata. Explosions that were brighter than a thousand suns, from which trees light up, and after these explosions, people who survived lose their hair and nails ... But there is simply NO such information in the Mahabharata. NO! The reference to the "Mahabharata" is designed for a simple and not very layman, because it contains more than 1.8 million words. Like, try to check and find who doubts that there is no such thing. However, we checked - indeed there is no such thing.

The origin of these lines (falling out of hair and nails, as well as about explosions like a thousand suns) comes from french book The Morning of the Magicians, published in 1960. As for the "Mahabharata", then regarding "brighter than a thousand suns" - this is a description of Vishnu, whose appearance was like the radiance of a thousand suns. He has always been so poetically described. As for the loss of hair and nails, it is described in the Mahabharata as a bad omen, when rats bred in the city and began to eat the hair and nails of the sleeping ones "



Mankind has lived on planet Earth for only a few millennia. The earliest appearances of human settlements appeared about 6-8 thousand years ago. For human development, this is a huge period, but if you look at the scale of the entire planet, this is only a short moment.

Our Earth is 4.54 billion years old. What is 8,000 human existence to her? But our fate is closely connected with the climate and the state of the planet. Already, scientists are noticing changes, and this makes us think about the future. Of course, it is impossible to say exactly what will happen to the planet in millions of years. But with modern technology, you can guess!

Netizen WannaWanga has compiled a brief chronicle of Earth's distant future. Of course, these are only scientific predictions, because, unfortunately, we will not be able to verify them!

10 thousand years

The threat of global warming has long been facing scientists from all over the world. If the largest subglacial Wilkes Basin melts, it will endanger the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. The sea level will rise by 3-4 meters, and this will lead to serious consequences.

However, the Australian theoretical physicist Brandon Carter suggested that in the next 10 thousand years, humanity will disappear from the face of the Earth. It cannot be said with certainty that this will be the case. But if humans remain on the planet, then 10,000 years from now, there will be no regional genetic differences between them.

13 thousand years

Due to the process of precession of the earth's axis, the tilt of the earth will become even greater. This means that the seasons in the Northern Hemisphere will get even more pronounced seasonal fluctuations. The difference between winter and summer will become even more extreme.

15 thousand years

There is a theory of the Sahara pump, according to which, due to the precession of the Earth's poles, the North African monsoon will go north. The Sahara Desert will return to a tropical climate, as it did some 5-10,000 years ago.

20 thousand years

Everyone knows about the Chernobyl disaster that happened in 1986. The exclusion zone due to the accident was 2600 square meters. km, and people cannot live in this territory. Only after 20,000 years will this area become completely safe for living.

36 thousand years

The small red dwarf Ross 248 will be the closest star to the Sun at this time. The minimum distance between them will be 3.02 light years. The approach of the Sun and Ross 248 will last about 8 thousand years, then the nearest star will be Proxima Centauri.

50 thousand years

Niagara Falls will destroy over the years the last 32 km of the barrier remaining to Lake Erie. Thus it will cease to exist. According to scientists, the interglacial period is ending and, despite global warming, the Earth will return to the ice age. During this time, many of the Canadian Shield's glacial lakes will be erased by glacier recovery and erosion.

100 thousand years

Hypergiant in the constellation Big Dog VY Canis Majoris exploded into a supernova. The movement of stars in the Milky Way will make many constellations unrecognizable. In the meantime, a supervolcanic eruption will occur on Earth, during which 400 cubic kilometers of magma will erupt. For comparison, this volume is approximately equal to Lake Erie.

200 thousand years

Due to the movement of celestial bodies through space, the constellations we know will cease to exist. There will be no more Ursa Major, Orion or Perseus. The young underwater volcano Loihi near Hawaii will become an island and rise above the water. Now it is hidden under water at a distance of 975 m from the surface.

300 thousand years

By this time, the Wolf-Ryet star from the binary star system WR 104 will explode into a supernova. Scientists suggest that this explosion could trigger a gamma-ray burst that would destroy a quarter of the Earth's atmospheric layer. Accordingly, all living things will also be destroyed. This will happen if the Wolf-Rayet poles are aligned 12 degrees or lower with respect to the Earth.

500 thousand years

The Earth during this period is most likely hit by an asteroid with a diameter of 1 kilometer. Nuclear fuel spent in today's reactors will finally become safe. The global ice age process will be delayed until all fossil fuels run out.

1 million years

Earth has undergone a supervolcanic eruption that will erupt 3,200 sq. km of lava. It is comparable to the eruption of the Toba volcano, which took place 75 thousand years ago from our days. The red supergiant Betelseize will explode into a supernova. The glasses created today will finally shatter. Everything created by man will perish, except for such massive structures as the pyramids of Giza.

2 million years

During this time, coral reef ecosystems will recover from anthropogenic ocean acidification. About the same time it took the restoration of marine ecosystems, which occurred 65 million years ago. The Grand Canyon will collapse and form a wide valley around the Colorado River.

10 million years

The East African Rift Valley will be completely flooded by the Red Sea. The new ocean basin will divide the African continent into the Nubian and Somali valleys. Majority modern species living beings will die out, but others will be transformed into new species.

50 million years

During this period, Phobos, the artificial moon of Mars, will collide with the red planet. Christopher Skotes claims that the movement of the San Andreas Fault will cause the location of Los Angeles and San Francisco to merge. The collision of Africa and Eurasia will close the Mediterranean basin and create a mountain range similar to the Himalayas. The tops of the Appalachian mountains will collapse.

100 million years

This period is the maximum life span of Saturn's rings. Earth will be hit by an asteroid comparable to the one that caused the extinction event 66 million years ago.

250 million years

All the continents of the Earth will merge into a supercontinent. Three possible locations for this formation have been named Amasia, Novopangia, or Pangia Ultima. Due to movement north west coast North America and the coast of California will collide with Alaska. The solar system will make a whole revolution around the Milky Way.

600 million years

The rising luminosity of the Sun leads to the fact that the carbonate-silicate cycle is disturbed. Surface rocks will be weathered, and the carbon dioxide reptile will be absorbed by the earth as carbonate. The level of carbon dioxide will drop to the point that photosynthesis will be impossible. Forests will not be able to survive, causing mass extinction of vegetation on Earth. The Moon will move so far away from the Earth that a total solar eclipse will be impossible.

800 million years

The level of carbon dioxide will fall, photosynthesis will be impossible. Free oxygen and the ozone layer will disappear from the atmosphere, and deadly ultraviolet will reach the surface. Some animals may survive in the oceans. But due to the decrease in the level of oxygen in the water, almost all multicellular creatures will become extinct. The only life on the planet is single-celled bacteria.

1 billion years

The luminosity of the Sun rose by 10%, because of this, the temperature of the Earth reached an average of 47 degrees. The planet will become a greenhouse and the oceans will evaporate. Still in some places, pockets of water with life will remain, for example, at the poles or high points. 1.3 billion - eukaryotic life on Earth will die out, only prokaryotes will remain.

2 billion years

The outer core of the Earth freezes, while the inner core continues to grow at a rate of 1 mm per year. Without a liquid outer core, the Earth's magnetic field would shut down and particles from the Sun would deplete the atmosphere. The temperature of the planet will reach 149 degrees Celsius, all life will completely disappear.

3 billion years

There is about a 1 in 100,000 chance that the Earth will be ejected into interstellar space, and a 1 in 3 million chance that it will be captured by another star. If this happened, life could continue on the planet for much longer.

4 billion years

The Andromeda Galaxy will collide with the Milky Way and merge together. This median point will be called Milkomed. The planets of the solar system are expected to remain unchanged as a result of the collision.

5 billion years

The hydrogen at the heart of the Sun will run out and the star will begin to evolve into a red giant.

7 billion years

Earth and Mars will be trapped as the Sun expands into a supergiant. The Earth and the Moon are likely to be swallowed up by the Sun, because its maximum radius will exceed the current one by 256 times. Before the collision, the Earth's atmosphere will be completely lost, the surface will consist of a lava ocean with a temperature of 2130 degrees Celsius. Saturn's satellite Titan, which is very similar to Earth, will receive the necessary temperature level for the emergence of life. When the Sun becomes a supergiant, Mercury, Venus, and possibly Earth and Mars will be destroyed.

8 billion years

The Sun will become a carbon-oxygen white dwarf with a size of approximately 54% of its current state. If suddenly the Earth survives, which is unlikely, the temperature on it and other planets will soon begin to drop rapidly. The white dwarf sun will radiate much less energy than it does now.

14 billion years

The sun becomes a black dwarf. Its temperature and luminosity drop, making it invisible to human eyes. Of course, people at that time no longer exist ...

22 billion years

In the Big Rip scenario, the end of the universe will occur. 20 million years before the end of the clusters of galaxies will be destroyed. In 60 million years, galaxies will lose stars at the edges, and completely disintegrate after 40 million years. Three months before the rupture, the systems will become gravitationally unbound. 30 minutes before the end, all objects will evaporate into atoms, and in 10 seconds the atoms will fall apart. The universe will enter the gap of the singularity and the distances will be said to be infinitely large.

50 billion years

If it happens that the Earth and the Moon are not absorbed by the Sun, then by this time they will come to order. The rotation of the Earth will accelerate, and the lunar orbit will break up due to the tidal action of the Sun's white dwarf.

100 billion years

The expansion process of the universe will cause all galaxies beyond the boundaries of the former Milky Way to disappear beyond the horizon of cosmic light.

1 trillion years

After the expansion of the Universe, the phase of the Big Compression will come. Depending on the length of the expansion phase, the events of the compression phase will occur in reverse order. Superclusters of galaxies will first merge, then there will be clusters of galaxies, then the galaxies themselves. The temperature of the cosmic background will reach 100,000 degrees Celsius, due to which the stars will no longer be able to emit their heat.

A few minutes before the Big Crunch, atomic nuclei will decay and be sucked into black holes. All black holes will merge into one, which will absorb all the matter in the universe and later the universe itself. After that, a new Big Bang and the emergence of a new universe are possible. This theory has not yet been proven by the properties of dark matter.

100 trillion years

New stars will form in galaxies. This marks the transition from the Primal Era to the Degenerate Era. The absence of free hydrogen will prevent the formation of new stars, and the remaining ones will run out of fuel and die in 110-120 trillion years. Collisions between stellar remnants will create supernovae.

10 10 50 years

There is the possibility of the appearance of the Boltzmann brain - a hypothetical object that may have a mind. It can arise during fluctuations in any system. If you do not delve into the terms, the brain of the Universe, named after Ludovik Boltzmann, may appear.

Of course, humanity will not be able to test the likelihood of all these events. Judging by these calculations, we will no longer exist on the planet in the next 10 thousand years.

There is an unusual place at 4913 Penn Avenue in Pittsburgh. The Post-Natural History or Post-Nature History Center is a small museum with an eclectic and bizarre mix of specimens: you'll find a ribless mouse embryo, a sterile male worm, an x1776 specimen of E. named Freckles ("Freckles"), genetically modified to produce spider silk proteins in milk.

Nature is able to create something whimsical and interesting.

Mankind has profoundly changed nature, but this may only be the beginning.

The theme of the museum is post-nature, the habitats and evolution of organisms that have been intentionally and hereditarily modified by genetic engineering, as well as the impact of human culture and biotechnology on evolution. The slogan of the museum: “So it was then. Now it is." Each visitor is shown that each species has a natural, evolutionary history, as well as a post-natural, cultural one.

From the very appearance of man, his influence on flora and fauna began. So, if humanity prospers in the distant future, how will nature change? How could these genetic manipulations change our own biology and evolutionary trajectory? Short answer: it will be strange, maybe beautiful and not like anything else.

It's funny how we still consider anything that hasn't been selectively bred or intentionally genetically engineered to be natural and "original". However, there is very little nature left that does not bear the fingerprints of mankind. Since our ancient ancestors emerged from Africa 50-70 thousand years ago, sweeping away all megafauna in their path and radically changing the landscape, our species has been transforming and changing nature.

Classic goat.

About 10,000 years ago, we began to selectively breed organisms that we thought were most desirable, thereby changing the genetic composition of species. Today, technology has only accelerated this practice. Bull sperm can be collected and inseminated by thousands of cows from one male - in nature this is impossible even for the most determined horned Casanova. We breed bulls and dogs, we distribute these bred organisms around the world, creating a huge biomass that would not exist without us, and we breed elite species for physiological, aesthetic and agricultural advantages.

For thousands of years, our influence on many taxonomic groups has been extremely profound. Our nutritional needs mean that 70% of all living birds are chicken and other poultry, enough to create your own. Meanwhile, according to paleobiologist Felisa Smith of the University of New Mexico, hunting, competition and habitat destruction by humans have wiped out so much of the fauna that the average size of mammals has shrunk. Biodiversity and species have already suffered irreversible losses.

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And yet, our influence on nature can only be at the very beginning. New genetic tools promise to fundamentally change our ability to manipulate organisms. We're moving into a future where selection positive traits harvest or animals from the natural population, rather laborious and time-consuming processes, will no longer be needed. Having more precise methods genome editing, like CRISPR/Cas9, we can move sets of genes between species, deliberately breed certain genes through natural growth, and even create completely artificial organisms. represents a new form of transmission, creation and inheritance of genetic information.

Such modification of organisms also extends to the irreversible extermination of certain species. Although people have been fighting anopheles mosquitoes for hundreds of years, using chemical, mechanical and other methods, they remain one of the main natural enemies of mankind. , which are supposed to reduce the mosquito population by mating with females in the wild, and now also mosquitoes with "gene drives" have been developed that accelerate the transmission of the sterility mutation to a new generation.

Just a bull. Nearly

With climate change rapidly, scientists and policy makers have begun to prioritize "ecosystem services" essential to humans, such as pollination and restocking of fish stocks, as well as thinking about how bioengineered organisms or mechanical agents can be released into the wild.

For example, as corals on the Great Barrier Reef slowly die, research is under way to release heat-tolerant zooxanthellae, photosynthetic symbiotes of coral polyps, into the ocean. Walmart has patented mechanical pollinator drones, apparently looking to use them in the future. DARPA recently gave grants to develop genetically engineered virus-carrying insects to edit plant genes, ostensibly to change crops in a field, but such technologies could be extended to entire ecosystems.

If we try to see into the distant future, how will these technologies change our relationship with the rest of life on Earth? Before us are various trajectories, from logical to really strange.

Nature and man: the distant future

For starters, we may decide to cut back on our manipulation of wildlife. After all, there are very predictable fears about what could go wrong: for example, unplanned genetic damage, when molecular scissors designed to cut and paste pieces of DNA create unpredictable effects or destabilize the recipient and its ecosystem.

On this potential future trajectory, humans may collectively decide to restore wildlife and create space for everything non-human to exist. They will understand that the biosphere (albeit greatly altered by humans) is still a relatively proven form of adaptive complexity over billions of years.


Imagine the year 2040 or 2050: You wake up in your house somewhere on Mars, put a portable device on your hand that looks like mobile phone, diagnose with its help the state of your own body. You get into a gravitational-powered vehicle and head off to breakfast with what robots have carefully prepared for you, equipped with processors, the processing power of which is billions of times greater than the capacity of the human brain. At the same time, somewhere on Earth, the Third World War either because of resources, or against raging robots, if the Earth managed to survive at all under the onslaught of an alien invasion and was not destroyed as a result of a collision with another celestial body. And just five years ago, the Sun exploded or went out.

The prospect is frightening, to be honest. But that is why it is no less intriguing, especially since many such predictions have already been made, and their authors are not mythical saints or mysterious seers. Often, the future of mankind is taken to be predicted by those who create its present - prominent scientists, successful entrepreneurs and inventors. And the most important thing is that it is their predictions that come true most often. We have collected the most daring predictions about the near future for the Earth and tried to choose the ten most exciting of them.

Stars of Professor Molnar

Did you know that already in 2022, each of us, raising our eyes to the night sky, will be able to observe radical changes in it with the naked eye. The thing is that two stars in the constellation Cygnus, which revolve around each other, thereby forming a double star, will merge together in the indicated year, which will be accompanied by an explosion of universal proportions. This prediction was made by Larry Molnar, a professor at Calvin College (Geneva, Switzerland). According to Molnar, the chance of making such a prediction is approximately 0.000001%, but his calculations are supposedly more accurate than ever. The professor claims that some time before the collision of stars, their brightness will increase by about tens of thousands of times, and therefore they will become the most noticeable in our night sky for some time and it will be possible to observe them without special instruments and devices. It is worth saying that this is not just an assumption or theory, Molnar and his students have done a lot of research and observations, and the results of their work have been repeatedly published in major specialized publications.

"Climate Hell" by Reto Knutti

World-renowned climate scientist Renaud Knutti, who gained popularity thanks to his research work, this year published a report on what global changes await our planet in the foreseeable future. And Knutty's findings are truly frightening. The scientist is sure that we have no more than three years left for a comfortable existence on Earth. In the future, as Knutty predicts, changes in the planet's climate will be so catastrophic that living here will turn into a real test. According to him, in the current 2017, a record number of anomalous climatic phenomena was recorded on the planet, which is comparable to the figures of several previous years. Moreover, according to his forecast, in many countries of the world by 2020 they will no longer be surprised by abnormal frosts, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and so on. Adding to the intrigue in this case is Knutty's recent statement that his reports are carefully hidden from the general public, but when tragic events begin, even the bunkers prepared in case of a global catastrophe will not save the world's ruling elite.

We have three weeks to live

Did you know that we may only have a few weeks left to live. This follows from the prediction of David Mead, a numerologist known for his scandalous statements, who for some reason is called a scientist by some sources. According to the researcher, numerous signs of the future death of the Earth are already available to us, but the world government deliberately hides this information from the public so as not to sow panic in the ranks of billions of ordinary citizens. Let me breathe a sigh of relief from the fact that Mead has repeatedly given failed predictions in the past. In particular, according to his forecasts, the Earth was to be destroyed on September 23 of this year as a result of a collision with the mysterious planet "X".

Six scenarios of the apocalypse from Stephen Hawking

Surprisingly, Stephen Hawking himself, a theoretical physicist who has gained worldwide fame, echoes his less eminent colleagues. True, Hawking's predictions are much less dire. In his opinion, over the next millennium we are waiting for a real end of the world, but Hawking seems to have not finally decided on its causes. So, the scientist called at least six factors that could end the existence of mankind:

Alien invasion. If representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations visit us, the physicist believes, the effect of this can be compared with the arrival of the Columbus mission to America, which became a real disaster for the indigenous inhabitants.

powerful weapon. About a year ago, Hawking said that the active development of artificial intelligence poses a lot of dangers and risks becoming the most tragic event in history. It is AI that will allow some countries to develop super-powerful weapons, which will lead to a global war and, as a result, the death of all life.

Rise of the Machines. The same artificial intelligence, the scientist believes, can cause the uprising of machines. In his opinion, computers in the coming years will overtake the human brain in terms of intellectual abilities, and this is a threat of a completely different order.

Conquest of black holes. Soon, as Hawking believes, humanity will move to the only effective source of energy, which will be artificially created and controlled black holes, but even here one cannot be sure of the safety of the idea itself.

Finally, Stephen Hawking did not bypass the seemingly long-forgotten threat. We are talking about the Large Hadron Collider, with the help of which scientists are trying to prove the existence of the Higgs boson - the so-called "God particle". In his opinion, an unsuccessful experiment at the LHC can provoke the creation of an unstable boson, as a result of which our entire Universe will be moved to a fundamentally different physical state.

Nanoships and flights to Alpha Centauri

Fortunately, the rest of the representatives of our list predict much brighter prospects for humanity. And they are not an example of more adherents of the "gloomy theory." The first of these can be called the world's largest technology investor and former co-owner of Group Yuri Milner. So, last year, Milner announced the launch of a program called "Breakthrough Starshot", the main goal of which will be the launch of a tiny spacecraft, weighing no more than a few grams. It is noteworthy that the speed of this nano-starship should be about 160 million kilometers per hour. And if the spacecraft used today can reach Alpha Centauri no earlier than in 30 thousand years, then the Milner apparatus will be able to reduce the flight time to only two decades. Directly involved in this project, by the way, is Stephen Hawking himself. In addition, Milner is actively investing huge amounts of money in projects to search for intelligent life in the universe, predicting that our meeting with aliens will indeed take place one day.

Factories in outer space

But the founder of the largest online trading platform Amazon, Jeff Bezos, turned out to be more pragmatic in his forecasts and came up with a proposal to transfer heavy industrial production to space. According to Bezos, this decision will save the already depleted Earth. So, the entrepreneur is sure, in the next century all factories and large-scale industrial production will be moved into space. Moreover, solar energy in these conditions will be available all the time, and hydrocarbons have already begun to run out. On the surface of the planet, according to his plan, in the future there will be only residential buildings and light industry. Bezos, we recall, followed the path of his compatriot Elon Musk and became the founder of the space company Blue Origin - next year the company promises to begin regular flights into space for tourists.

Moneyless world of Tim Cook

Modest, contrary to the expectations of many, the forecast for the future from the head of Apple Tim Cook looks, however, more than tangible. In 2015, Cook made a prediction that in the near future, money from our planet will disappear altogether. True, it is not about money in principle, but about their cash equivalent. Without going into details, the entrepreneur said: "Our children will not even know what money is."

Conquest of Mars, refusal of drivers and Judgment Day

In continuation of the space theme, one simply cannot help but recall the well-known American entrepreneur and inventor Elon Musk, a man behind whom is the implementation of more than one large-scale and successful high-tech project that strikes with its courage (Tesla, PayPal, SpaceX). So, according to Musk, humanity is already ready to finally switch to unmanned vehicles - all the technical problems associated with this technology, according to him, have already been resolved. A couple of years for the remaining technical nuances and about a year to change the legislative framework for this innovation, and by 2020 drivers will no longer be needed. In addition, it is worth recalling Musk's prediction about flights to Mars - he himself is actively working to ensure that by 2025 this prediction becomes a reality. There are a number of other predictions in the "track record" of a businessman, and some of them are frightening. Musk, for example, is sure that the pursuit of the development of artificial intelligence will lead to the already mentioned rebellion of the machines, and he also wrote the prophecy regarding the Day of Judgment and the Third World War. He is convinced that the responsibility for a global nuclear strike, if it really takes place, will lie entirely with AI. Only military experts, who dared to disagree with the American inventor, are encouraging.

The beautiful world of the future according to Gates

If you look for real optimists in the ranks of the strongest minds of our time, then Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft Corporation and a great philanthropist who devoted a large part of his life to charity, can definitely be called one. According to Gates' predictions, by 2035 there will be no poor countries left on our planet. However, in his forecasts, Gates was much more verbose:

Gates spoke about the main threat to all life on the planet: he is sure that the forecasts of epidemiologists regarding mass biological contamination by 2025 are correct. A group of scientists predicts by that time frequent outbreaks of dangerous viral diseases, the fault of which will be international terrorists and their biological developments;

besides, by 2025, the billionaire believes, high technologies will become so advanced that they will help finally defeat hunger in a number of African countries;

by 2030, Gates predicts an improvement in the global banking infrastructure, which will entail a noticeable reduction in the number of poor and low-income citizens in all countries;

in 2019, doctors will be able to completely eradicate polio;

by 2030, robots will begin to replace people in production, however, they will be taxed, which will allow them to pay citizens an unconditional income, that is, pay even those who do not work at all;

finally, the billionaire believes, by 2025 renewable energy will become a priority and will bypass hydrocarbons (gas, oil, coal) more familiar to many of us in terms of transaction volumes.

The dominance of technology from those. directors of Google

The most incredible predictions were noted by Google CTO Raymond Kurzweil, who has long been known as an experienced technological futurist and who made many predictions about our common future that came true. One need only look at some of the prophecies of the giant of modern technological thought to realize the scale of the upcoming changes. And there are actually many of them:

2020 - the computing power of personal computers is no longer inferior to the capabilities of the human brain;

2021 - 85% of the Earth is covered by wireless network available;

2022 - developed countries begin to change legislation to regulate relations between robots and people;

2025 - mass development of artificial implants;

2027 - a personal robot assistant becomes an everyday trifle, like an iron or a kettle;

2028 - there is so much solar energy that it covers all needs and allows us to abandon oil and gas;

2029 - artificial intelligence passes the Turing test, proving that it has a mind;

2030 - nanotechnology can significantly reduce the cost of almost any manufactured product;

2031 - hospitals all over the world use 3D printers to recreate human organs;

2034 - the first romantic relationship will arise between a human and a robot;

2035 - The Earth receives effective protection from any asteroids, thanks to weapons placed in orbit;

2041 - human intelligence develops, and its bandwidth grows hundreds of times;

2042 - doctors realize the idea of ​​immortality using special nanorobots that are inserted into the human body;

2045 - our planet becomes one single big computer - the era of "technological singularity", and later, according to Kurzweil, the technological singularity will spread far beyond our planet, system and galaxy - by 2100 it will cover the entire Universe.

Do you want to know what events will take place in human history, on Earth and in the Universe in 10, 100, 100, 1000, 100,000 years? Tell me that no one is allowed to know this? Then open this book and you will see that non-traditional futurology has long destroyed all imaginable boundaries of time and space and indicates specific dates for the accomplishment of even unimaginable events in the usual sense. So, forward to the future!

Time can be likened to a mighty tree, where the roots hidden in the ground are the past, the well-visible and tangible trunk is the present, and the lush crown branching with thousands of shoots is the future. The author gave such an analogy in order to make it clear to the reader that from the point of view of the present, the future is an infinite set of vectors of possible events and probabilities. The future is not clearly defined.

Naturally, a reasonable question arises: if the future is some incomprehensible fuzzy matter, then is it worth studying it at all? Who needs the numerous and contradictory predictions of the prophets and futurologists, if the latter write and talk about what is not, and, perhaps, never will be?

This question can be answered in two ways. First, no one forces a person to deal with the future. All the great prophets were seers, and the future broke through into their consciousness, like a whisper of intuition, like the voice of an unknown world that demanded that it - this voice - be heard and understood by other people. Secondly, studying the future, humanity does not show idle curiosity, but tries to answer the triad of burning questions: who are we, where are we from and where are we going. Without knowledge of the future, we will never understand ourselves either on an individual, collective or global level.

The author for several years collected and summarized all the information available to him about prophecies, predictions and forecasts and came to the conclusion that the “only correct and only true” model of the future is sheer absurdity. But this does not mean that the entire vast array of information about upcoming events is generally devoid of any logic. The idea is already visible in it today that without resorting to spiritual values ​​​​and without trying to change with their help the world humanity is inevitably doomed to destruction. The question is only in specific terms. And, nevertheless, despite this disturbing circumstance, the Lord or the Higher Powers - call it what you like, give us the right of free choice. We ourselves must decide what kind of future suits us, and what ways we will move towards it. We must decide all together and each separately. Then we will really be the masters of our destiny, and we will really realize the desire for freedom that was originally inherent in us.

One should not try to paint some logically flawless and consistent picture of the future based on the materials of this book. Maybe, I repeat, but this is fundamentally impossible, since it contradicts the nature of time itself. The author will consider his task completed if, having read and analyzed all the information presented about the future, the reader makes his free choice in favor of those strategies and scenarios that correspond to his nature, and tries to find his place in their implementation. After all, we create our own future and the future of mankind. Together and each separately.

On the nature of time and the study of the future.

In our time, in order to explore the future, it is not at all necessary to be a prophet, such as the well-known Michel Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce were at one time. It is also not necessary for this to have any supernatural, paranormal abilities from birth. The future, by virtue of its nature, itself reveals its secrets to people when a certain period of historical development begins. At the time when the biblical prophets and Michel Nostradamus lived, it was enough for people to know that the future exists against their will and that it is possible and must be predicted. That is why this future looked like in the first prophecies known to people, in the form of a random collection of fantastic, extremely abstract, and filled with incomprehensible symbols, pictures. These paintings were fragmentary and did not give an idea of ​​the general trends in the development of human civilization. Take, for example, the well-known "Revelation of John the Theologian". How much information will you find in it about the year and in which countries the described apocalyptic events will take place?

The same can be said about the "Centuries" by Michel Nostradamus. Depending on the tastes of the interpreter, they can be “imposed” on any country and on any period in the history of this country. Therefore, now much is being written not so much about the prophecies of Nostradamus, but about the arbitrary interpretation of these prophecies by various commentators, such as, say, Manfred Dimde (France) or Alla Denikina (Russia). And almost all researchers of the legacy of the great French seer, despite their outstanding creative abilities, "fixate" on the idea that for the period after 3797 AD. it is impossible to predict the future, because the "great terrible" himself said so. But did Nostradamus write about this in at least one of his works? Another thing is that the prophet himself, by virtue of his abilities, was able to explore the future precisely up to this date, calculated by him on the basis of the texts of the Bible.

We live in completely different times. Today, such a science as futurology is developing. In the arsenal of techniques and methods of a modern researcher of the future, which any scientist “from common sense” can become, one can find various (depending on the point of “anchor” of events) calculations made on the basis of the theory of geosocial cycles, and forecasting emerging trends in the development of society, and extrapolation in time, and the use of the unique results of "traveling into the future", received recently in the USA during sessions of progressive hypnosis by Chet B. Snow and Bruce Goldberg. Such mental journeys have been made by tens of thousands of people. This means that already in our time, tens of thousands of people in an altered state of consciousness contemplated the future in the time interval from 2100 to 2500! And now the sequence of applying all the listed techniques and methods for making forecasts is the personal "know-how" of every researcher of the future. And some of these "know-hows", whatever numerous admirers of Michel Nostradamus say, make it possible to predict events on specific dates up to the beginning of the 5th millennium of our era. Time has such a nature that one can definitely speak only about what has already happened. For example, everyone knows that Vladimir the Great baptized Holy Russia in 988 AD, and the Great Patriotic War began on June 22, 1941. But as for the future, all self-respecting futurologists know that it has a uniquely probabilistic character. That is, several vectors of events are directed from today into it, this is the future. Suppose tonight at 19.00 you plan to go to work tomorrow morning at 8.00, as always, but at 22.00 your boss may call you and offer to leave on his behalf on an urgent business trip. At the same time, as another option, you may be contacted by a distant relative and asked to meet him in the morning at the station. Or, God forbid, your temperature will suddenly rise at this time, and you will fall ill. “22 hours today” is that “bifurcation point”, or “break in time”, when it is impossible to say anything unambiguous about tomorrow. Therefore, it is fundamentally impossible to make predictions with 100% accuracy for specific dates or years due to the nature of time itself. At the same time, if you do not “arrange” events according to specific dates, then foresight loses any meaning at all and becomes a fantastic collection of terrible or beautiful tales. First of all, because in this case, its "soul" is taken out of the future - the logic of events. And most importantly, a person becomes indifferent to such a prediction, because it does not induce him to any action.

The thing is that a forecast is not made for the sake of the forecast itself. He must force a person to act and come to a probable “breaking point in time” mentally prepared. And the predicted event will come this year or next, is it really so important? And yet, a forecast or prophecy without a date, as it was before, in the era of youth and childhood of mankind, is unacceptable today. Otherwise, the one who predicts avoids responsibility, and the one who listens to the predictor avoids activities. Both criminally play with time. In general, the forecasts of the prophets and futurologists should be heeded. After all, it was not from scratch that the ancient Romans put together a saying: “When one oracle said something, then you can not listen to him. When the second one says the same, he should listen. When the third one just starts talking about it, save your life, because everything predicted is already happening.

About the end of the world.

Rumors about the coming lightning-fast apocalypse, of course, did not arise from scratch. The ancient Mayan people considered time to be cycles lasting 5125 years each. The beginning of the last such cycle falls on August 13, 3113 AD, and the end, respectively, on December 23, 2012. In my opinion, some researchers have irresponsibly given the advantage of such rhythmicity of time in comparison with other cycles. The same Maya had another cycle, which began in 3154 BC. and had a duration of 8000 years. Therefore, if we count the time according to this cycle, then the "end of the world" falls on 4846 AD. There is, for example, also a cycle lasting 20096 years, after which a fundamental change of a person occurs with such accompanying phenomena as natural disasters and other troubles. This cycle began in 17548 BC and will end in 2548 AD. But the outstanding Ukrainian scientist, Doctor of Historical Sciences Mykola Chmykhov proved the existence of a 9576-year cycle, which should end, according to his calculations, in 2015. However, the author of the theory considered this last year of the cycle not the “end of the world”, but the beginning of the transition of mankind to a new state, when it becomes more spiritual and more receptive to cosmic energies.

Therefore, the Maya cycle is just one of many cycles known to modern researchers, each of which has its own specific time duration and “starting point”. One of the most recognized today by most modern researchers in the history of cycles is the cycle of precession of the earth's axis, which is equal to 25920 years. Its beginning falls on the Flood, which shook the planet in 10800 BC, and the end - in 15120 AD. Because, as scientists prove, we are still very, very far away from the present to the “end of the world”. So far that until that time, humanity will quietly colonize the asteroid belt, Mars, Venus, the Moon, satellites of the giant planets, settle on many planets in our Galaxy and begin to explore other dimensions of space-time through "black holes". The question is: in what corner of the Universe, which will exist according to the calculations of astrophysicists, for at least another 22 billion years, should we expect the “end of the world”?

In The Secret Doctrine, the founder of modern occult science, Helena Blavatsky, wrote about the so-called "racial cycles" of 1,560,000 years, which were known to the ancient Hindus. According to the concept of such cycles, according to the writer, in 560 thousand years we will turn into a “radiant humanity” - an organized community of spherical intelligent beings from hot plasma that will live on land, underground and under water, as well as in outer space. And after 2 million 120 thousand years, the earthly civilization will be dispersed throughout the Universe in the form of giant spheres of cold plasma created by the intellect and spirit of billions of intelligent beings. These cosmic giant spheres will feed on the energy of the bowels of distant planets and send their individual “spirit grains” (the consciousness of intelligent beings that once lived on Earth, and hence our consciousness with you) to explore parallel worlds and other dimensions of space-time . That's when the "end of the world" will happen in the full sense of the word, when humanity is transformed into something that is difficult for us to even imagine today.

But the concept of etherodynamic cycles of the modern Russian researcher Alexander Pleshanov generally admits that in the period from 2041 to 2468, every 92 years, the Earth will be “cleansed” by large-scale floods, earthquakes, droughts, and epidemics. Therefore, the people of the planet Earth and in 2012, and in 3012 and 4012 can sleep peacefully. There will be no "end of the world". The maximum that awaits us in 2012 is the serious consequences of global warming in the form of typhoons, floods and tropical downpours in America, South and West Asia. Partial flooding of the territory of the sea coast of Northern Europe is possible. And also the accelerated melting of glaciers in the Arctic and Antarctic.

Scenario of the future development of human civilization.

According to the author's research, the development of mankind in the next 150 years will be largely determined by the aggravation of the geocritical situation on the planet in 2040-2058. This period will become times of large-scale natural disasters in the form of earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, typhoons and droughts. The processes of global warming will provoke the accelerated melting of the ice sheet of Antarctica so much that many territories of Northern Eurasia and the ocean coast of both Americas will be under water. In 2090, the climate of Antarctica will resemble the climate of modern Sweden or Norway. The mainland will gradually begin to be populated by refugees from Africa, America and Asia. The demographic pressure of the East on the West will gradually subside. This process will continue until 2150. The world will suffer from great social upheavals that will sweep through many developed countries in a mighty wave. The countries of Africa, South America, Southeast Asia expect epidemics of new viral infections, an increase in mortality. But it is these events that will become the impetus for accelerating the technological development of society, the discovery of new sources of cheap energy.

Starting from 2065, industrial complexes will be built in near space for the production and wireless transmission to Earth of electricity obtained from solar radiation. The industrial development of the Moon will begin in order to extract helium-3 from its bowels - fuel for safe and compact thermonuclear stations, with which every dwelling will be equipped at the end of this century.

The years 2160-2255 will be the years of the discovery of new - mental - technologies for the development of the Universe by mankind. A computer-telepathic network "Telenet" will be created. Without any bulky special devices, only with the help of special chips implanted under the skin, a person will be able to communicate with any inhabitant of the planet, the Moon and near-Earth industrial orbital complexes, as well as connect to any information resource of mankind. Using the methods of progressive or regressive hypnosis, everyone will be given the opportunity to travel to their past or future life (scientific confirmation of the immortality of the human soul will be received already in 2010) and in this way get rid of the fear of death forever.

2250 - 2350 years will be a period of active colonization of the Moon, Venus and Mars, satellites of the giant planets, as well as the industrial development of the asteroid belt. The first interstellar flights will begin. Until 2445, humanity will learn to use the energy of the earth's core. This energy will then be transformed by the inhabitants of numerous spiritual settlements-communities into crystalline energy - structures of multidimensional space-time, according to which the noospheres of the planets of the Solar System and the Galaxy being mastered will be built. The Earth's lithosphere will become the environment for the location of high-tech metropolitan cities, an extensive network of underground communications, industrial complexes and geopower stations. At the same time, the problem of the immortality of the human body will be practically solved by creating virtual duplicates of the human consciousness and surrounding the natural human body with protective self-regulating energy fields. Until 2550, the construction of the infrastructure of the underwater civilization will be completed: large cities under transparent domes, numerous factories and aqua farms. A new species of man will appear - Homo acvarius (man of the sea), breeds of intelligent animals will be artificially bred. It is possible that the “immersion” of human civilization into the bowels of the planet and the ocean will be caused by a short-term cooling of the Sun in 2318-2328, when the existence of man on the surface of the planet as a result high temperatures and intense evaporation of the atmosphere will not be very comfortable.

In the period from 2555 to 15120, humanity will focus its main efforts on the colonization of all the planets of the Galaxy suitable for the development of life. Noospheres will be created around these planets - multi-layer memory banks of people and intelligent animals. They will become the basis for the subsequent technological development of celestial bodies: the reproduction of natural conditions on them similar to those on Earth. “The distant paths of distant planets” will be resurrected to life in a physical body by earthlings who once died (including you and me). At the same time, a person will begin to wander through other dimensions of space-time and parallel worlds, study them and adapt them to their creative and cognitive needs. Travel to the past and future will become commonplace. Their possibility will be provided by experiments with gravity and "black holes". From the past, complete information will be obtained about all the people who once lived on Earth. This will allow them to fully reproduce their consciousness and place it in new, immortal bodies, protected and strengthened by a transparent cocoon of subtle energies.

Today one can only guess about what the subsequent fate of mankind could be. But it is quite possible that everything will be as predicted by Helena Blavatsky, as we have already discussed above.

Table 1.

No. p / p

Years (development phase)

Technologies that are developing at a faster pace

Leaders (country, region, community)


Information processing, electronics, communications, computers, telecommunications, robotics, nano- and biotechnologies

Western Europe, USA, East Asia

2040- 2058

Major earthquakes and floods, tsunamis, social upheavals, epidemics, increased mortality


Construction of space stations in near-Earth space, orbital solar energy, Moon exploration, computer-telepathic network, cloning and organ transplantation

Japan, Western Europe, India, China, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand


Aggravation of the geocritical situation, serious environmental problems, mass destruction of forests, air pollution


New spiritual technologies: virtual telepathic world network ("Telenet"), penetration into spiritual dimensions and time travel progressive and regressive hypnosis

Russia, Ukraine, India, USA


Earthquakes, floods, melting of glaciers at the poles, displacement of the African continent


Colonization of the Moon, Venus, Mars, industrial development of the asteroid belt, exploration of satellites of giant planets, interstellar flights

Federation of the Peoples of the Earth


Short-term cooling of the Sun, aggravation of the geocritical situation, the threat of destruction of the Earth's atmosphere

Federation of the Peoples of the Earth


Life extension and immortality of the human body, development of the Earth's lithosphere, underground communications and megacities, use of the energy of the earth's core

Federation of the Peoples of the Earth


Development of the hydrosphere: construction of underwater cities, factories and aqua farms, creation of a new kind of human Homo aquarius (man of the sea), the creation of breeds of intelligent animals

Federation of the Peoples of the Earth


Global catastrophe, new global flood


New spiritual technologies developing in close connection with the exploration of the Cosmos; colonization of all planets of the solar system and habitable celestial bodies of the Galaxy; fusion of free spiritual communities and the state

Genetic ancestors of the peoples of the East, colonies of earthlings on Venus, Mars, satellites of the giant planets and the asteroid belt


Contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations, creation of artificial atmospheres on the colonized planets of the Solar System and the Galaxy, resurrection in physical bodies of previously dead earthlings and their settlement of other planets

2745 -2840

Active development by mankind of other dimensions of space-time, experiments with gravity and "black holes"

Earth, space colonies of earthlings

2840- 12800

Creation in various regions of the Cosmos of spatially closed autonomous Matrix Spheres of the United Superintelligence based on the synthesis of virtual reality, human intelligence and information-genetic vacuum (future Planetary Logoi)

Earth, space colonies of earthlings

Forecasts for the XXI century.

1. Receiving a message from an extraterrestrial intelligence: 2094.

2. Successes in the development of astronautics: 2010, 2024, 2050, 2091.

3. AIDS Vaccine Development: 2020.

4. Outbreaks of terrorism: 2015, 2029.

5. World economic crisis: 2020-2025.

6. Man-made catastrophe on a planetary scale: 2079.

7. The threat of unleashing a world thermonuclear war: 2032-2040, 2055-2058.

8. Destructive tropical storms in America and the Caribbean islands, floods in Southeast Asia: 2019, 2043,2057.

9. Failures in space exploration, accidents in space technology: 2017, 2063.

10. The strongest magnetic and electromagnetic storms, earthquakes, bursts of aggressive emotions among the population: 2022, 2040 (against the background of the greenhouse effect), 2058, 2076 (against the background of the drinking crisis), 2094.

11. Testing a new type of weapon of mass destruction: 2038.

12. The most tragic year of the century: 2094.

III. Long term forecasts:

1. Space catastrophes in the solar system: 2318, 6820, 11320 , after 220 thousand and 10.9 million years.

2. The largest cosmic cataclysms in the Galaxy: in 76.5 million, 143 million, 219.5 million, 535.7 million years.

3. The transition of humanity to the state of the Sixth Great Race ("radiant humanity") - after 560 thousand years.

4. The transition of mankind to the state of the Seventh Great Race (the state of a multidimensional closed space-time matrix of the creation of the future Universe) - after 2 million 120 thousand years.

5. Complete destruction of the physical Universe (transition to a virtual-spatial state) - in 22 billion years.

Calendar of the future based on the transcripts of quatrains by Michel Nostradamus.

Michel Nostradamus (1503 -1566) - the great French astrologer, healer and prophet. He studied at the universities of Avignon and Montpellier. Bachelor of Medicine. He made a great contribution to the development of medical methods to combat the plague. In 1547 he decided to devote his life to astrology and predictions of the future. In 1555, the first collection of Nostradamus' prophecies was published in Lyon. Over the next two years, he completed the complete edition of his Prophecies. The book was divided into 10 chapters (centuries), each of which consisted of 100 quatrains (quatrains). In them, Nostradamus encrypted the entire future of mankind in a very complex, allegorical language. The work of Nostradamus is an unsurpassed prophetic revelation of all times and peoples and gives the inquisitive mind ground for deep reflection and its own predictions.

The following calendar of future events in human history has been prepared on the basis of the interpretations of Nostradamus's quatrains, performed at the time by S.V. Korsun (1990), M. Dimde (1996), S.A. Khvorostukhina (2002), A.P. Krasnyashchikh (2005) and A.I. Denikina (2006).

2008-2010 - rapprochement of the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian peoples, the idea of ​​the Pan-Slavic Confederation.

2009 - a complete victory over AIDS and influenza.

2009-2012 - the crisis of the system of organization of state power and state structure Ukraine and USA.

2010 - Japan creates the first underwater settlements and aqua farms; Poland joins the union of Slavic peoples; November 2010 - October 2014 the possibility of unleashing the Third World War with the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons (acute confrontation between Muslim and Euro-Atlantic values); the weakening of the influence of the Vatican on the faithful and world politics; conflict between France and Great Britain.

2010-2011 - hydrogen sulfide disaster in the Black Sea.

2011-2012 - the threat of armed conflict on the Crimean peninsula; economic downturn in Europe; confrontation between the USA and the countries of Western Europe; an attempt at revenge by Islamic fundamentalists.

2011-2014 - the creation by Japan of an invulnerable missile defense system; the beginning of the political career of four world political leaders.

2011 - the beginning of the strongest economic and political crisis in Europe; a radioactive catastrophe in the Northern Hemisphere, from which England will suffer the most; the possibility of Islamic fundamentalists using nuclear and chemical weapons as a result of the capture of a nuclear submarine; declassification of data on an attempt by one of the space powers to make a manned flight to Mars alone; a secret Islamic fundamentalist can provoke a world war.

2012 - the peak of the global economic crisis; creation by Ukraine of a new generation of rocket engines; receiving an artificial signal from the Cosmos containing fundamentally important scientific information for mankind.

2013 - defeat of cereal crops by an unknown disease; the possibility of a bacteriological attack on London.

2013-2019 - the growing influence of African states on world politics.

2014 - cultivation in laboratories of cloned organs of the human body; a surge in skin diseases among the population of European countries.

2015 - (in another version, 2029) - a revolution in the energy sector, the discovery of a way to obtain cheap solar energy and wirelessly transport it; the end of the war in the Middle East with the active participation of Ukraine, which will come up with a number of peace initiatives.

2015-2017 - negotiation process on the accession of part of the territory of Moldova to Ukraine.

2015-2025 - another escalation of the confrontation between Islam and Christian culture, but already in Europe, with the active participation of Muslim emigrants, a new world war was prevented thanks to China's peacekeeping efforts.

2016 - a sharp decline in the birth rate in Europe as a result of environmental pollution; possible release of radioactive substances into the atmosphere in one of the European countries (most likely in England).

2017 - political split of the European Union and its reconstruction on new principles; the abolition of marriage in Germany and the creation of new principles for building a family with the full support of the state; the possibility of Britain abandoning the monarchy.

2018 - a revolution in construction - the invention of a super-strong and ultra-light material - metal foam; building bridges across all major straits; the invention of the "second skin" - an ultra-light suit that protects a person from the effects of adverse thermal factors.

2018-2024 - China's leadership in world politics; turning developing countries into economic blackmailers for the US and Europe.

2020 - creation of tectonic weapons of colossal power; the beginning of the active work of the Antichrist in the information space; from the lands of Ukraine begins the unification of Catholic and Orthodox Christianity into a single church; full robotization of everyday life and industrial production; moving the UN headquarters to Geneva.

2022-2041 is the last period in world history when a global armed conflict can be unleashed.

2023 - the threat of changing the Earth's orbit under the influence of cosmic factors.

2024 - major man-made and environmental disasters in the US and Italy.

2025 -demographic crisis in Europe; creation of a new world economic order, transformation of the territories of Ukraine and Belarus into leading centers of European trade.

2027 - a new dictator enters the stage of world history, to whom 1/5 of the world's population will obey (probable birthplace India or China).

2028 - manned flight to Venus; discovery of a method for obtaining powerful sound waves that perform useful physical work; controlled thermonuclear fusion; overcoming hunger on earth.

2028-2034 - construction on Earth of a super-powerful power plant of a pyramidal type.

2029 - a new breakthrough in the technology of wireless transportation of converted solar energy.

2030 - the beginning of the era of the rapid development of astronautics; complete computer media virtualization; the discovery by physicists of a fundamentally new source of environmentally friendly energy (most likely, we are talking about a new section of plasma physics).

2031 - emigration of part of the inhabitants of Israel to Germany.

2032 - the end of the era of the Great Ladies and the displacement of women from all spheres of public life.

2032-2033 - the Savior's entry into the information space (the second incarnation of the Cosmic Principle of Jesus Christ); the beginning of the treatment of injuries and organic lesions by genetic engineering methods.

2033 - melting of glaciers in polar regions; more frequent floods, partial flooding of Holland, Bangladesh and southern France; settlement of Antarctica by colonists from other continents; creation of a training system based on electrical stimulation of the brain; radioactive fallout in North Africa, the Near and Middle East.

2034 - France becomes the world's leading country in the construction and testing of new power plants against the background of increased internal activity of the Islamists.

2035-2050 - the battle of the Antichrist and the Savior in the information and energy space.

2035 - victory over cancer; discovery of a source of cost-free and unlimited energy; the creation of a new type of transport through the technical symbiosis of air and sea liners; start of the mixing process human races.

2036 - the establishment of a political dictatorship in the UK.

2036-2043 - a group of statesmen implements a unique project to preserve peace on the planet.

2037 - World Trade Conference in Geneva, the beginning of trade reform, which consists in the monopoly of the state on the distribution of manufactured consumer goods.

2038 - Construction of the first space station on the Moon in Shackleton Crater.

2039 - declaration of independence of Antarctica; discovery of helium-3 reserves on the Moon, which can be used as fuel for nuclear reactors.

2040 - completion of trade reform, complete and final collapse of the ideology of communism.

2041 - modernization of the United Christianity by Ukraine and the establishment of a new spiritual law for it on the entire planet; creation of the World Computer controlling the work of motor transport, aeronautics and navigation.

2043 - an unprecedented flourishing of the world economy, the flooding of Europe with immigrants from the Middle East; a major accident in the missile defense system of one of the world powers.

2045 - weakening of China's role in world politics and economics; economic crisis in Latin America due to short-sighted US policy.

2046 - the beginning of a new rise in the world economy with a simultaneous turn of the vector of world development towards spiritual values; replacement of diseased organs with healthy ones becomes the main method of treatment; a new peak of "Euro-Atlantic prosperity"; the possibility of creating a Pan American Confederation and the associated economic decline of the United States;

2047 - territorial division of the Moon between geopolitical formations.

2049 - an accident on a new type of energy storage device; a major fire in the vicinity of one of the European capitals.

2050 - successful time management experiments; a revolution in biotechnology (the beginning of the production of plastics from oil by bacteria); revolutionary changes in the subtle energy of the human body and the spirituality of the individual; the West, bathed in prosperity, will face the problem of psychological and spiritual boredom (the population of the Earth, who profess Buddhism, will not be affected by this problem);

2051 - an attempt to create in Germany an ideal state of the third millennium.

2052 - invention of technology for the production of meat products from plants; the flourishing of literature and art.

2054 - construction on Earth of a super-powerful space probe, the equipment of which will later refute the optimistic physical theory, but will allow you to calculate the formula for the Creation of the Universe.

2055 - Creation of the first artificial human body by genetic engineering (so far without a head); genetic programming of human embryos; victory over hereditary diseases.

2055-2056 - experimental verification of physical methods for creating artificial "black holes" and building space-time portals for travel to distant corners of our Universe and other universes.

2057 - the beginning of a revolution in astronautics: successful tests of a new type of spacecraft, the power plant of which will work on the principle of particle acceleration; the beginning of the period of "space races" between the leading space powers.

2059 - the first space expedition to a distant planet, prepared by 5 leading states; as a result of the expedition, life will be discovered on this planet (the duration of the first ultra-long-range space expeditions will be at least 10 years).

2060 - Islamization of Italy by immigrants from North Africa; the invention of high-tech telepathy; connection of telepathic implants implanted in the human head to the global computer information system; creation of a new generation of engines for space vehicles.

2063 - the invention of a method for treating any disease by correcting signals coming from the brain.

2066 - US use of climate weapons against one of the Muslim countries; severe and unexpected cooling in the Northern Hemisphere.

2067 - creation of highly sensitive sensory gloves that scan environment over the entire electromagnetic range.

2068 - 2074 - a new grandiose space expedition to a distant planet in the amount of 100 people, which will end with the death of many of its participants as a result of a collision with an extraterrestrial life form.

2070 - the first successful manned flight to Mars (previous expeditions were unsuccessful); the creation of a genetic modification of a person capable of breathing under water; the appearance of cyborgs; completion of building a global telepathic system - "Telenet"; The life expectancy of a person born this year will be 250 years.

2071 - unsuccessful experiments to create artificial weather.

2073 - invention of the "invisibility" suit.

2075 - the creation of the Eurasian Confederation, its leader becomes the idol of the whole world; a radical reorganization of the world trading system.

2076 - approval of the ideal of a classless welfare society; creation of the World Government;

2078 - creation of a world system of computer control over the use of weapons of mass destruction.

2080 - Creation of a perfect computerized arms control system.

2081-2094 - Spanish "economic miracle".

2082 - detection by a computer system of preparing a new world war of one of the extremist religious organizations.

2084 - creation of a new education system built on the synthesis of physical and human sciences, as well as art.

2086-2085 - leadership of immigrants from Spain in all areas of the political and economic life of the planet.

2090 - the beginning of the 350-year reign of the inhuman tyrant of the Earth.

2092 - fight on Earth with an unprecedentedly dangerous computer virus.

2093 - a space expedition on new generation vehicles to two extraterrestrial colonies, the protective domes-shells of which will be damaged.

2088-2097 - the struggle of mankind with a dangerous and insidious disease - the syndrome of instantaneous premature old age (SIMPS).

2097 - the ideological collapse of Western liberalism, communism and the chosenness of the "new Asian dragons".

2099 - the end of the "epoch of health", which began in 2035 with a victory over cancer; Human life expectancy is 450 years.

2100 - pole shift; energy division of the biosphere and humanity into "light" and "dark"; a powerful power plant illuminates the night side of the Earth.

2101 - first close contacts with representatives of other civilizations; Einstein's theory of relativity was finally replaced by a new physical theory.

2104 - a new matriarchy (the era of the Great Ladies), the triumph of the feminine in social life and wildlife.

2110 - creation of a super-powerful computer based on vacuum clusters, surpassing the intelligence of the entire population of the Earth in terms of power;

2115 - the creation of a space armed forces consisting of cyborgs.

2123 - a new star will approach the Earth.

2125 - new intelligent signals from the Cosmos are received in Hungary.

2130 - full human development of the underwater world, the creation of a reliable, absolutely safe, underwater infrastructure; commissioning of the first line of the ultra-high-speed global metro (with the help of alien advice);

2140 - creation of a through (passing through the earth's core) system of underground utilities.

2150 - the second artificial Sun is created by mankind in near-Earth orbit; the beginning of the transformation of natural conditions on Mars; the creation of a telescope capable of studying in detail any galaxy in the universe.

2160 - creation of a universal figurative-symbolic language for communication in the worldwide telepathic network.

2164 - Animals are turned into demi-humans.

2167 - the appearance of the World Teacher - the creator of the scientific and esoteric religion (the third incarnation of the Cosmic Principle of Jesus Christ).

2170 - the beginning of the migration of mankind to 8 planets of the solar system; the creation of a starship with a photon engine; an unprecedented drought on Earth.

2180 - solution to the problem of pollution of the earth's atmosphere.

2183 - declaration of independence by a colony of earthlings on Mars, which became a thermonuclear power.

2187 - the first stellar expedition of mankind to the constellation Centaurus; artificial stop of eruptions of 2 volcanoes on the Earth.

2195 - Sea colonies are fully provided with energy and food.

2196 - as a result of the mixing of Europeans and Asians, a new race of people appears.

2200 - active mining on Venus, Mars and satellites of the giant planets; the impossibility of distinguishing human races by skin color.

2201 - slowing down the rate of thermonuclear fusion processes on the Sun; radical climate change (cooling) on ​​Earth.

2220 - creation of second generation cyborgs - synthetic humanoids with artificial intelligence.

2221 - contact of humanity with the unknown and terrible "Something" from other dimensions.

2240 - an attempt by the colonists of Mars, the asteroid belt and minor planets of Jupiter to unleash a "star war" against the Earth.

2250 - the end of the era of religious extremism; the end of the "US era"; unsuccessful contact with an extraterrestrial civilization from our universe.

2255 - return to Earth of the first interstellar expedition from the constellation Centaurus, which will discover there several planets with primitive flora and fauna suitable for further colonization.

2256 - a spaceship will bring a new terrible disease to Earth.

2260 - the appearance of a comet near the Earth, which will bring hunger and drought to land; the orbits of the planets will change.

2271 - scientists have found that the fundamental physical constants have changed significantly, the physical Universe began to "decrease".

2270-2279 - completion of experiments on the transfer of human consciousness to inorganic and virtual media, the solution of the problem of the eternal preservation of the individual human mind, the practical achievement of immortality.

2273 - mixing of yellow, white and black races, the emergence of new races.

2280 - the beginning of mankind's use of the energy of the nearest space "black holes" and vacuum for time travel.

2282 - the first wave of space colonization of earthlings in the constellation Centaurus.

2288 - time travel, new contacts with aliens.

2290 - the creation of a highly intelligent chameleon skin for a person, integrated with a telepathic network and an internal computer system of a person.

2292-2297 - thermonuclear catastrophe on the Sun, violation of the gravitational balance in the planetary system.

2300 - meeting of mankind with an insectoid (insect-like) form of extraterrestrial life; creation of an artificial Planetary Intelligence (“Man-Gaia”);

2302 - decoding by humanity of the Matrix of the Universal Creation and its elementary cell - a potential spiritual code of personality; the beginning of the spiritual cloning of all higher consciousnesses that have ever lived in human bodies or can incarnate on Earth, obtaining exhaustive formula of all conceivable Universe.

2304 - materialization in the vicinity of the Earth of the mysterious "Moons".

2315 - creation and beginning of human use of cultural hybrids of field forms of plant life ("flying plants").

2320 - return to Earth of a stellar expedition from the region of the "Flying Star of Barnard"; the beginning of the second wave of stellar colonization towards the center of the Galaxy and the stars in the Sagittarius-Carina arm.

2341 - contact of humanity with two energy monsters that came from the depths of our universe.

2350 - intelligent animals - reliable helpers of man - were created by genetic engineering; human life expectancy will exceed 150 years.

2354 - man-made disaster on the artificial Sun, which will lead to destruction on Earth; creation of a second artificial sun.

2354-2367 - creation of natural conditions similar to those on the Moon, Venus and Mars.

2360 - transformation of great apes and dolphins into the daughter races of humanity.

2378 - the emergence of a new human race.

2400 - the complete triumph of the World scientific and esoteric religion, decisive experimental confirmation of its doctrines, born in 2041 in Ukraine.

2405 is an exhaustive interpretation of all the undeciphered prophecies of Michel Nostradamus.

2410 - creation of a starship that transports only the astronauts' minds and is able to recreate their bodies at their destination.

2450 - another psychological shock of mankind from contact with an incomprehensible mind from other dimensions; the possibility of an "alien invasion".

2480 - collision of two artificial Suns, new destruction on Earth.

2485 - sudden cooling of the natural Sun, the beginning of the era of "eternal twilight" on Earth.

2509 - the destruction of the Moscow metropolis by a major earthquake.

2600 - humanity will become a single race.

2700 - experiments on the transformation of space-time on a small scale.

2713 - a significant reduction in the population of the Earth as a result of "flight to the stars", the beginning of the resurrection of generations of people who previously lived on Earth in new bodies.

2850 - creation of a sentient giant spaceship-organism.

3000 - Creation by settlers from the Earth in the constellation of Centaurus of a planetary reserve - an exact copy of the Earth and its inhabitants, including resurrected earthlings who died in the pre-cosmic era.

3005 - the resumption of the luminosity of the Sun, the beginning of thermonuclear fusion processes on Saturn and the transformation of the giant planet into a star; civil war in the colonies on Mars and the subsequent destruction of the planet.

3215 - Creation by settlers from Earth in the star systems of Centaurus, Ophiuchus and Cygnus of three centers of Cosmic Superintelligence (Intellectual Matrix Spheres for creating future universes).

3500 - creation in the fifth and sixth dimensions of virtual worlds inhabited by spiritual clones of earthlings.

3600 - Creation by mankind of biological forms adapted to evolution on other planets.

3797 - collision of a comet with the Moon and the destruction of our satellite, the fall of its fragments to Earth, the evaporation of part of the atmosphere into space, fires and floods, a catastrophe of the biosphere on a planetary scale.

3798 - intelligent monkeys rebel against humans.

3893 - detection by a space expedition in the constellation Cygnus of an extraterrestrial civilization probe with a description of the original technology for creating artificial "black holes" - hyperspace tunnels and portals to other dimensions of space-time;

4000 - journey of virtual earthlings to the neighboring galaxy - the Large Magellanic Cloud.

4150 - the creation of "time machines" for traveling to the future and back.

5000 - the end of the "era of computer technology" due to the beginning of the realization of the inexhaustible possibilities of the human mind.

10200 - journey of earthlings to the center of the Galaxy; the beginning of the development of other universes, as well as other-dimensional spaces through space-time portals.

Astrological chronicle of the future (according to E.A. Mis).

Eric Alan Mees was born in 1949. Educated at the University of San Jose (California, USA) Master of Philosophy. Author of more than 30 articles in the magazine "Welcome to Planet Earth!", Published in Eugene, Oregon. Leading member of the editorial board of the journal "American Astrology". In 1994-1996 President of the South Bay Astrological Society in California. Permanent organizer of the annual New Age Renaissance Fair in San Jose, which promotes art, non-traditional methods of healing and spiritual development.

The work of E. Alan-Mies is the result of 30 years of thoughtful calculations and reflections, the purpose of which is to show in detail the planetary cycles help to explore the future. This is the main and enduring value of the book.

The following astrological calendar is compiled by the author as a generalizing material based on the results of research by E. Alan Mees.

Astrological calendar of the future.

2009 - radical changes in the Catholic Church, a new religious Reformation; problems in Europe due to the influx of immigrants and refugees from the third world countries; major maritime accidents (April, May); unrest in Iran; a wave of terrorist acts in Europe; coming to power in some countries of "enlightened tyrants", a surge of totalitarianism.

2010 - global economic crisis; bankruptcy of many corporations; religious conflicts around the world, exacerbated by economic recession, famine and environmental disasters; the unsatisfactory state of agriculture due to global warming and climate change; armed conflict in Central Asia.

2011 - surge of religious extremism and political conservatism; US interference in the internal affairs of the countries of Central Europe and the Middle East; military preparations and escalation of violence in Russia; the emergence of a hotbed of tension in the Far East; waves of refugees and mass migrations.

2012-2013 - the beginning of the spiritual revolution; massive spiritual revelations and religious miracles that encourage people to feel the unified consciousness of humanity;

2013-2014 - the beginning of the revival of the economy, the reform of international trade; search for new forms of international economic organization; reorganization of the world transport system; changes in the constitutions of the leading countries of the world.

2014-2015 - resumption of intensive space exploration projects; a surge in drug addiction; unrest in the Middle East; terrorist attacks in Israel; the emergence of youth movements for ecology and the emancipation of spirituality.

2015 - 2016 - intensification of religious terrorist attacks on Western countries.

2016 (April) - religious and separatist conflicts in Spain, threatening to divide the country; US cult and church funding scam; the surge of religious extremism in Central Asia and Brazil; destructive natural disasters around the world (tsunamis, typhoons, floods, earthquakes).

2017 - agricultural and environmental reforms in developed countries; regulation of the rights of refugees at the interstate level; new constitutional reforms in developed countries; explosions of discontent of people struggling for survival on a depleted planet.

2018 - the beginning of the implementation of projects to create a more prosperous, spiritual and environmentally safe future.

2018-2019 - relative stabilization of the economy; creation of new, more economical technologies; the revival of religions associated with the worship of nature; financial scandals, a wave of totalitarianism and forceful solution of problems in developed countries; healthcare reforms and agriculture; armed conflict in Africa over natural resources.

2020 - new economic crisis, ethnic conflicts in South and Central America over natural resources; a new armed conflict in the Middle East with the participation of the United States; failure of American foreign policy.

2021 - problems of organizing a system of psychiatric care for the population and the secret power of corporations; the possibility of a nuclear man-made accident; work on new technologies; mass youth movements for spirituality and ecology; invention of a new liquid fuel.

2022 - International Forum on the Preservation of Peace and a Healthy Ecology.

2023 - floods in the US and Europe; the prosperity of the entertainment business, the revolution in the organization of the media.

2024 - the possibility of armed conflicts in Asia with the participation of Russia, India and China.

2025 - important economic and political events in Russia, Japan and India.

2026 - settlement of problems in US relations with Brazil, China and Japan; terrorist acts in the USA; riots during international sports competitions.

2027 - an international conference on the effective control of nuclear weapons in connection with the threat of their use by one of the leading countries in the world (most likely the United States); economic downturn; maritime disasters; discoveries in science; flourishing literature.

2028 - health care reforms; economic confrontation between the US, India, China and Brazil; riots in Japan; financial scams; a wave of technical inventions; the heyday of musical art, the participation of the United States in an armed conflict with the large-scale use of the Air Force.

2029 - development of projects of tax and financial reforms in the leading countries of the world; international peace conference.

2030 - the heyday of art, amazing achievements in music, painting and literature; major technological accidents; espionage in the field of military technologies; traffic accidents; new armed conflicts in hot spots.

2031 - reforms in education, tourism, communications and trade; financial scandal between USA and countries Far East; epidemic of an unknown disease; high mortality; the transition of the United States to a confederate system.

2032 - major transport accidents, air and space disasters; economic and political crises in East Africa, Vietnam, the Korean Peninsula, the Philippines and the Balkans; expansionist aspirations of Germany; implementation of programs of social justice and equality.

2033 - transformations in Korea; economic decline in the US; surge of religious extremism.

2034 - tense political situation in France, Iraq, Iran; China's leadership in world politics.

2035 - economic crisis in China, Korea and Japan; disputes over maritime boundaries and water areas, liquid fuels and nuclear energy; ecological crisis; unrest in India and the Middle East.

2036 - a new round " cold war» for the possession of resources; escalation of violence in the Middle East; discovery of a new, environmentally friendly fuel; new transport technologies; revolutions and armed conflicts in Africa.

2037 - regulation of environmental problems by legislative measures; surge of nationalism; resistance of opponents of the new tax reform; flourishing of spiritual knowledge and occult practices; the possibility of contact with an extraterrestrial civilization on a spiritual level; reforms in corporate and financial spheres.

2038 - the rise of environmental movements around the world; agricultural reforms; crisis in the Middle East.

2039 - the birth in the Middle East of the “diplomacy of the future; global transition to a green economy.

2040 - reorganization of the justice system in the Near and Middle East.

2041 - the struggle of Germany and France for leadership in European politics; restructuring the foundations of the world economic system; establishment of a new world order.

2042-2043 - slowdown in economic growth in Eastern Europe; unrest in India.

2044 - aggravation of international relations; financial panic; war in the Persian Gulf; the widespread creation of spiritual communities of a new era.

2045 - new agreements in the field of global trade and high-tech networks.

2046 - an unprecedented flowering of art; the movement for the total renunciation of nuclear weapons and technologies; mass treatment of diseases with spiritual, hypnotherapeutic practices and psychedelic drugs.

2047 - surge of feminist and environmental movements around the world; abuses in the field of medicine, land and financial relations.

2048 - the rise of political activity in West Africa; unification of all the peoples of the Earth into a single trade and economic network; widespread government birth control; revolution in Spain.

2049 - economic recession, revival of American hegemonism; the establishment of complete peace on the planet; prohibition of nuclear weapons.

2050 - the final turn of public consciousness to spiritual values, the need for the spiritual revival of the planet and the creation of a humanitarian system of the world economy.

2050-2060 - completion of the ecological revolution; the rise of information technology, communications and transport.

2080 - the creation of effective public institutions to protect the new world order.

2080 - 2085 - creation of plans for space colonization and the invention of a way to establish communication with any point in the Galaxy.

2090 - devastating earthquakes in the United States.

2095-21000 - reorganization of the system of state power towards the transition to exclusively elective forms of government, the abolition of bureaucracy, the elimination of social benefits and privileges, as well as the redistribution of material wealth.

2100 - new ecological post-industrial revolution.

2120 - a massive rise in spirituality, the expansion of a person's mental capabilities; the beginning of the widespread use of telepathy and telekinesis in the interests of the unity of mankind and the improvement of the environment; contact with entities of other dimensions of space-time.

The main trends in the development of mankind for the period from 2050 to 3372.

2051-2066. People will be obsessed with new reforms and inventions. State support for major environmental projects. Rise of romanticism and hedonism. New information technologies will be of great importance.

2066-2080. Reorganization of labor activity on a planetary scale. Mental depressions or epidemics can lead to government control of the population. The birth of a new scientific paradigm. Perfect health protection system, diverse medical equipment. Individual rights are at the center of attention of the ruling elites.

2080-2095. Humanity is the completion of progress in the form in which it has existed since the middle of the 19th century. The rise of a new art. Improving the spiritual institutions of society. The crisis of the system of the world economic order, created in the 50s of the XXI century.

2095-2109. Transition to a new world economic system based on information technologies. Attempts to redistribute property. Reorganization of power. A new round of spiritual creativity.

2109-2123. Contact with extraterrestrial civilizations and entities of other dimensions of space-time. Rise of reform and missionary movements. Disorder and chaos in the management of the Earth. The possibility of clashes between different groups of people on religious grounds with human casualties.

2123-2137. Separation of spiritual and ecological authorities from the population. Dictatorship of the world elite. The rise of the economy. Development by youth of new ideals in art and science.

2137-2151. The spread of new era settlements, controlled by the spiritual part of humanity, across the globe. Major social reforms. Development of new attractive social ideals.

2151-2165. The decline of international economic organizations. Mass enthusiasm of people for research in the field of transpersonal psychology, telepathy and telekinesis. Contacts of earthlings with intelligent inhabitants of other galaxies and multidimensional space. Mass construction of temples dedicated to the new spirituality.

2165-2283. The dynamic epoch of the new baroque. Intensive exploration of other planets of the solar system. Space expeditions to other stars. The final statement of the united paradigm of religion and science.

2283-2339. The culmination of the Age of Aquarius, the beginning of the Age of Spiritual Light. The rise of futurology and prophecy. Detailed explorations and visits to the future. Activity prominent personalities and great prophets.

2339-2385. A planetary catastrophe caused by astronomical and near-Earth man-made factors. Transition to the management of society on spiritual principles.

2385-2878. Period of the Age of Light. Spiritual development of mankind through active development of the Universe. Colonization of the solar system and habitable planets in the galaxy. The leading role in the development of mankind is the genetic ancestors of the peoples of the East. Merging of spiritual communities and the state. The emergence of new forms of artistic creativity, reflecting a new vision of the cosmos.

2878-3372. Deployment in reality of the sacred meaning of the age of Aquarius. Universal brotherhood. Unlimited access of any individual to material goods, which are used in the amount necessary for his continuous spiritual growth. Revolution in terrestrial and space architecture. The rise of old and the birth of new art forms. Transition to a new 4000-year cycle of development.

Streletsky Vladimir

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