What do you need to know and do in order to benefit from food? How to choose diet recipes with calories

Decking 16.08.2020

Improper nutrition does not just add time slim figure overweight. First of all, this is a reduction in life expectancy and a significant deterioration in its quality, because "we are what we eat," as the sages of the East said. Today, many serious chronic diseases are “getting younger”, and after 30-35 years, many of us acquire cellulite or a “beer” tummy, as well as a number of chronic diseases, among which heart disease is in the lead. This is confirmed by data on mortality among young people, according to which cardiovascular diseases occupy the first place.

But it is enough to change the diet, establish a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and life will sparkle with new colors. As for proper nutrition, we have already considered the menu for the week in one of the articles on this topic, so this time we will get acquainted with those plates that will help you properly organize a healthy diet, making it rich in vitamins and minerals, varied, and also balanced in calories - this table will help you to eat properly for weight loss.

Seven simple principles of healthy nutrition

Before proceeding to the tablets and their study, it is worth getting acquainted with the basics of proper nutrition:

  1. Try to eat simple and wholesome food, it is especially recommended to eat foods that are familiar to your region and stomach. This does not mean that you should completely abandon your favorite lasagna or sushi, but the emphasis should be on that national cuisine to which you are more accustomed.
  2. Get up from the table with a feeling of slight hunger, do not gorge yourself to disgust or a feeling of satiety.
  3. Do not skip the main, basic meals - this applies to breakfast, lunch and dinner. In addition, in the elderly, small snacks are especially recommended a couple of times a day. Also, try to sit down at the table at about the same time every day.
  4. If you do not know what you want more - sleep or eat, nutritionists are unanimous - choose the first. A rested body absorbs food much better, and if we are talking about a night's sleep, the more it is worth going to bed with a slight feeling of hunger, and getting calories during breakfast.
  5. Eat only fresh food, and as for cooking, you should choose a steamed, boiled or baked dish.
  6. Drink more. This is very important point, because in pursuit of the right diet and compliance healthy eating many forget about the elementary - in between meals to drink, and more.
  7. Eat less salt, and drink an occasional glass of good red wine from alcohol.

Proper nutrition table - food combination

Below is a food combination table according to Herbert Shelton, according to which you can create an ideal diet.

Products Product combinations
the best the worst
Fruits (semi-acidic and non-acidic) Spoiled milk Acidic fruits, starches (cereals, bread, other starches), proteins, milk
Fruits are sour Other sour fruits, nuts All sweets, starches, bread, proteins except nuts
green vegetables All proteins, all starches Milk
Starches Green vegetables, animal and vegetable fats All proteins, all fruits, acids, sugars
Meat of all kinds green vegetables Milk, starches, sweets, other proteins, sour fruits and vegetables, butter and vegetable oil, sour cream, cream.
nuts Green vegetables, sour fruits
Eggs green vegetables Milk, starches, sweets, other proteins, acidic foods, butter and vegetable oils, cream, lard (lard)
Milk Taken separately from other food All proteins, green vegetables, starches
Animal fats ( butter, cream, lard) and vegetable fats fats green vegetables All squirrels
Cheese green vegetables Starches, sweets, other proteins, sour fruits, cream, butter and vegetable oil, lard
Melons of all kinds It is advisable to use separately from all products All products
Cereals (cereals) green vegetables Sour fruits, all proteins, all sweets, milk
Salads, legumes, peas (except green peas) green vegetables All proteins, all sweets, milk, fruits of all kinds, butter and vegetable oil, cream, lard

Decide which products belong to which category


All meat products, fish, meat, eggs and yeast
All cereals
All mature beans
Nuts and seeds (most)
Soya beans
Hard cheeses
Cottage cheese

Starches Peanut
All cereals (buckwheat, millet, barley, etc.)
Mature beans (except soybeans)
mature peas
Potatoes (all types)
starchy vegetables Swede
Sweets, sugar

white sugar
Brown sugar
Maple syrup
Milk sugar
cane syrup
date syrup

sweet fruits Dates
dried pear
Fats Avocado
most nuts
Fat meat
Vegetable oils ( olive oil, sunflower, sesame (sesame) oil)
Pecan Nuts, Nut Butter
Salo, Pig fat
Cream, Butter
Soybean oil
Surrogate oils
cottonseed oil
Sour fruits and vegetables pineapples
All citrus fruits
Sour plums, peaches, apples, grapes
semi-acid fruits apricots
fresh figs
Sweet peaches, apples, cherries, plums
Green vegetables are non-starchy

All types of cabbage (white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kohlrabi),
and here cauliflower already moderately starchy.
Eggplant, Bell pepper, Radish, Turnip
green corn, green pea, cucumber.
All kinds of salads and green onions, edible vegetable leaves (beets, turnips)
Greens (parsley, dill, celery, watercress, sorrel)
Asparagus, Spinach
Mustard, Dandelion

Proper nutrition table for weight loss - counting calories

Modern nutritionists do not advise to calculate the size of servings and consumed products to the milligram, and counting calories does lead to continuous stress. Still, it is worth keeping in mind which products from the list of must-haves are the least high-calorie, in order to include them in your menu in the first place. Food calorie tables on a separate page.

A detailed calorie calculator, with a variety of dishes and even the 9 most common fast foods with a menu in calories.

Table of minerals and trace elements contained in products

Very often we ask ourselves: “to eat something like this, to saturate the body and get more vitamins and microelements?” The answer to this burning question lies in the following table.

trace element What does it affect What is the lack Where is contained
Iron Increases hemoglobin in the blood, participates in the production of enzymes, is integral part cytochromes that are involved in oxidative processes Anemia, erythropoiesis, frequent fatigue, fatigue, growth retardation, brittle nails and hair Meat, liver, legumes, mushrooms, wholemeal pastries, blueberries, cranberries, carrots, beets, sea buckthorn, viburnum, mountain ash
Magnesium An element that plays an important role in the Krebs cycle is necessary for normal functioning nervous system, muscle work, reproductive, immune system, bone growth Itching, apathy, convulsions, muscular dystrophy, insomnia, nervousness, fears, fatigue Products and bread made from wholemeal flour, legumes, nuts, green vegetables, beets, viburnum, sea buckthorn
Potassium Affects the synthesis of glycogen and proteins, necessary for acid-base balance, normal functioning of the nervous system, maintaining fluid balance at the cellular level Heart failure, sclerosis, edema, muscular dystrophy Dried fruits, yeast, legumes, potatoes, berries, carrots, cabbage, beets
Calcium Participates in the formation of teeth and bones, contributes to the production of vitamin D, but is absorbed in the presence of phosphorus salts. Important for normal heart function Convulsions, osteoporosis, rapid deterioration of teeth, disruption of the nervous system Milk, dairy products, sesame, cabbage, viburnum, sea buckthorn
Sodium Maintains osmotic pressure, acid-base balance, retains water in tissues Tachycardia, hypotension, muscle cramps Salt, mineral water with gas, cabbage
Phosphorus It is important for the normal development and structure of bones, teeth, nails, their strength, promotes the absorption of glucose and its conversion into energy. Responsible for the functioning of the nervous system, liver and some other organs Bone deformities, rickets, growth disorders, loss of appetite, decreased physical and mental activity Dairy products, fish, meat, cranberries, carrots
Iodine Participates in the synthesis of the hormone thyroxine, as well as in the production of phagocytes - those blood cells that destroy harmful substances and defective cells Basedow's disease, disruption of the nervous system oysters, sea ​​fish, eggs, sea ​​kale, liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, carrots, cabbage
Manganese Promotes the absorption of vitamin B1, together with zinc and copper is a component of the enzymatic system of antioxidants, reduces the toxicity of many compounds, reduces the level of sugar in the bloodstream Dermatitis, weight loss, vomiting and nausea Cereals, legumes, nuts, leafy vegetables, berries (cranberries, viburnum, sea buckthorn), beets and cabbage
Fluorine Participates in the formation of tooth enamel, bone tissue Failure in the processes of mineralization, caries, changes in the shape and color of teeth Fish, hazelnuts, soy, sea buckthorn
Zinc It is a component of many enzymes, supports the immune and reproductive systems, participates in the formation of bones, promotes accelerated wound healing Growth disturbance, taste disturbance, prostate enlargement, poor appetite Cereals, meat, dairy products, animal entrails, rose hips, carrots, beets, cabbage, viburnum and cranberries

Now you are completely ready to ensure that the transition to proper nutrition is easy, competent and thoughtful, and in addition to the main plates, additional ones will help you with this, which are presented below.

Five main food groups and their main proportions

  • Cereals - bread, cereals, rice, pasta, noodles
  • Vegetables, fruits, green beans
  • Dairy, yogurt, cheese
  • Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, mature legumes
  • Oils, fats, sweets

All processes occurring in the body need food.

Food, penetrating the body, not only provides irreplaceable elements, but also supplies the body with energy resources.

This ensures well-coordinated work and timely restoration of the expended resources of the body.

The energy value of foods is measured in calories. And to optimize the calculations, a food calorie table was created.

Food calorie table: description

The table consists of six columns. The first column is "Product". Here is a list of all foods that a person can eat.

They show the content of the named elements in one hundred grams of the selected object. The last column is "calories". It is this indicator that shows the energy value of the product.

Calories indicate the amount of energy received by the body when eating a product. That is why the indicator is also measured in kilojoules. These are two completely identical concepts.

There are many questions about how many calories to consume.

But no one has determined the exact dosage for humans.

This indicator is purely individual and depends on many factors. For example, for a diet for diabetes, you need to know exactly your daily calorie intake so as not to aggravate the disease, or even get rid of it completely. Dieting is also one of the conservative methods treatment of certain diseases, including urolithiasis.

Adult human body requires a large number of kilojoules, but an actively growing child should receive enough energy.

Therefore, many scientists equate these categories and talk about the equality of the energy expended.

But a person who works with the use of physical force must consume more kilojoules than someone who is engaged in intellectual work.

In addition, there are other reasons that confirm that the calculation of calories is an individual process.

It is only known for certain that the minimum amount of kilojoules consumed is 1300.

Decreasing this value slows down all functions.

This process can be called the inclusion of economy mode. After such an attitude towards the body, he will try to save each subsequent calories by converting their fat reserves.

Calorie Categories

Calorie table contains three categories of products:

  • high-calorie (first category);
  • medium-calorie (second category);
  • low-calorie (third category).

The second is over a hundred kilojoules. The third is from zero to one hundred kilojoules. Guided by the table, you can easily determine which category the used product belongs to.

High-calorie foods are consumed by people who expend a large amount of energy. It can be athletes, children, people with severe and moderate physical. workload, etc.

If we look at the calorie table, we can see that fats, carbohydrates, water and proteins add up to about one hundred grams.

This is due to the fact that other trace elements are also included in the food, giving a total mass of one gram.

In one gram of fat there are nine kilocalories, in the same weight of proteins and carbohydrates there are four kilocalories. By multiplying the weight by the number of corresponding kilojoules, the energy value of this product is obtained.

This information is used when calculating the calorie content of meals. Each product used in cooking is weighed on a scale, then its calorie content is calculated by adding kilojoules of all components.

Why do you need a food calorie table?

First of all, it is popular with people who get rid of excess weight.

Regulating your calorie intake helps set your body up to consume what you already have.

But it is impossible to sharply cut the number of kilojoules consumed. To safely reduce the calorie content of food, it is better to choose a specific technique. It is also worth considering that the body uses joules to replenish energy costs.

Many restaurants have strict calorie counting. Modern customers are demanding and pay attention to it.

Essential for athletes. Coaches are advised to eat a certain number of calories and focus on the necessary element (for example, protein).

By eating food with the calculation of calories, you can not only lose weight, but also establish many body processes. Individual calorie calculation will help you eat right and enjoy food without thinking about many imaginary prohibitions and dietary restrictions and, perhaps, will dispel some common myths about diets. Proper nutrition is now relevant and guarantees excellent health.

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One of the most common in our time is the desire to lose weight and have beautiful body without flaws. However, not everyone can achieve what they want. There are plenty of reasons. Let's take a closer look at the principles of proper nutrition. After all, without observing the exact schedule and refusing some products, you can’t do it. Let's find out what is included in the diet of such a diet and learn how to properly compose your menu according to the tables.

So, before viewing the tables, you need to study well the main components of a rational, proper diet. And there are several of them:

  • do not forget to have breakfast in the morning and generally eat on time, do not skip meals at other times of the day, eat little but often;
  • do not fill the stomach to an unpleasant feeling of overeating, after eating a certain feeling of malnutrition should remain;
  • eat the usual food for your region of residence;
  • consume more liquids, give up sweet drinks, soda, fatty milk;
  • do not use frying for cooking, your gastrointestinal tract will like boiled, baked, steamed food more;
  • reduce your salt intake, and if you allow yourself alcoholic drinks on holidays, don't drink too much red wine.

To function normally, our body needs to receive proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and trace elements. Without these components, a number of problems arise. But when consuming fats, carbohydrates or other components, you should give preference to the following types of products:

  • milk with a low fat content;
  • bread containing wholemeal flour;
  • useful baked potatoes or boiled in their uniforms;
  • from meat products, it is preferable to choose low-fat varieties: chicken, beef, turkey;
  • better for cooking porridge whole grains(corn, barley, oats);
  • it’s good if you switch to low-fat varieties of fish and be sure to eat fish dishes at least three times a week.

Below is a meal plan for one week - for every day.

With the wrong use of various incompatible foods, too much time is spent on digesting food and getting rid of toxins. The body is slagged, useful substances are not partially absorbed. To avoid this, it is necessary to consume foods that are combined with each other. To do this, it is enough to study the table of Herbert Shelton, it is in it that it is written what and with what it is better to eat.

Green squares indicate foods that are great for joint digestion by the stomach, red - acceptable, yellow - food that is undesirable to eat together, and white - food incompatible. Any meat and fish dishes are very difficult to digest in our body. These foods are best eaten with non-starchy, green vegetables.

Know that the frequency of time between eating incompatible foods should be at least two hours.

Why do people sometimes feel heavy after eating? This is a consequence of mixing incompatible dishes. For example, consuming protein and carbohydrate types of products, you may feel discomfort in the stomach. This is due to the fact that some products require an acidic environment for processing, while others require an alkaline one. As a result, the environment is neutralized. It turns out the process of fermentation, rotting food, discomfort in the abdominal cavity.

To lose those extra hated kilograms, there is a special diet in which you need to count the number of kilocalories consumed per day. This method is quite simple, you need to consume fewer calories than you spend them per day. It is for this that food calorie tables are compiled.


There are many different diets, but they all do not work the way we would like. Often people face problems: either the diet is so meager that you don’t want to sit on it for a long time, or the efforts made give such a minimal effect that as a result, the desire to continue eating like that disappears. long time. And there is a breakdown. What to do?

If you eat right and follow a healthy lifestyle, you will not need to think about your figure, since such food itself helps to reduce excess weight and maintain health.

Proper nutrition for weight loss: a menu for a week, a food table are the main components in losing weight without harm to health

This article will look at proper nutrition, provide tables of products that contribute to weight loss, and provide different menus that will help maintain a balance between satisfying and low-calorie foods.

To lose weight on proper nutrition, you do not need to do violence to yourself and deprive yourself of your favorite dishes for a long time. You can use the usual products in a certain, the right combination and forget about the feeling of hunger.

In order for such nutrition to lead to the expected result, several rules should be observed:

  • calculate the calories of consumed foods;
  • check the composition of food;
  • prepare food properly;
  • follow the daily routine.

Being on proper nutrition, you can sometimes allow yourself even forbidden food in small quantities. This approach helps to reduce cravings for cakes, chips and other similar products, since there is no categorical ban. You just need to understand that junk food should be many times less than healthy.

But such a diet does not contribute to too much weight loss, since the reduction in calorie content is only 500 calories per day. And this means that weight loss will be only 1.5 kg or 2 kg per month.

But if you add sports to such a diet, the result will increase significantly. In this case, you can lose weight even by 7-8 kg per month.

Proper nutrition can also include baby food. Boiled vegetable, meat or fruit purees are very good for weight loss, as they are quickly absorbed by the body.

The advantages of a diet on baby food include not only the speed of losing weight, but also the convenience of eating food. After all, you do not need to cook such food, you can just open the jar and enjoy the taste at any time of the day. Well, if you have enough time to cook on your own, then you just need to boil and then grind your favorite food into a puree.

But there are downsides to this diet as well. One of which is a small amount of fiber. Therefore, if you follow a diet for more than a week, you need to include green vegetables in your diet. Another disadvantage is the minimum choice of dishes. So such a diet can soon get bored.

Interesting fact! The baby food diet was developed by Tracey Anderson, who is Madonna's personal trainer. Many celebrities have already experienced the effect of this diet.

It is better to give preference to boiled food with a low fat content. Raw vegetables and fruits can be eaten in unlimited quantities, as they are too low in calories.

For example, cucumbers or tomatoes can be eaten even in the evening to satisfy the feeling of hunger. But it is better to exclude fried, fatty and floury foods from the diet, such products are very difficult for the body and contribute to its slagging, the formation of harmful cholesterol.

To make it easier to understand how much you need to eat foods for weight loss, you need to count all the calories consumed per day and subtract 30% from this amount. The resulting amount is exactly the number of calories that will not cause obvious discomfort and will help to reduce weight by 1-2 kg per month.

The process of losing weight largely depends not only on the choice of products, but also on the diet. In addition to the traditional breakfast, lunch and dinner, snacks are allowed, but they should be minimal in calories. Raw fruits and vegetables are best for this.

The best time to eat is:

To make it easier to navigate what can be consumed with proper nutrition and what is not, there are tables of useful products. They indicate the number of calories and the ratio nutrients. Such tables help you navigate when choosing a product for the main meal or snack.

Almost all fruits and vegetables have a minimum amount of calories, so they can be safely eaten at any time. They can also replace any products or use as snacks.

With any diet, it is important to exclude unhealthy foods., in which there is too much fat, sugar and simple carbohydrates. Such carbohydrates are dangerous because they are quickly broken down in the body, thereby increasing blood sugar.

But such sugar decreases just as quickly, so after a while you want to eat again, which provokes zhor. IN balanced diet sugar should be almost at the same level.

A few of the most harmful foods to avoid when losing weight are:

To know your weaknesses, you can start a food diary that will help you control the intake of food eaten per day and adjust the correct approach to losing weight.

Exist different types keeping food diaries, but they all boil down to one thing - to provide ease of control:

  1. Keep a diary It can be done in notepad or electronically.
  2. Recordings should be made daily, preferably immediately after meals.
  3. Required meal time.
  4. For convenience you can make a table where the amount of food, calorie content, the presence of protein, fat and carbohydrates will be recorded (as shown in the table).
  5. Amount of food it is better to indicate in grams and milliliters.
  6. calorie counting and the amount of fat will help make certain programs.
  7. A diary must always be carried with you.

There are many diet programs for weight loss. It all depends on lifestyle, sports, individual preferences and the ability to comply with the rules of the program. The basis of almost every program is the observance of the diet, and the control of consumed products.

Meals must be adjusted to the daily routine. For breakfast and lunch, you can eat enough high-calorie foods containing carbohydrates, and for dinner it is better to consume low-calorie protein foods.

You also need to take into account daily physical activity. If low physical activity is planned, then the number of calories should be reduced. And with an increase in load, the calorie content of the diet increases.

Note! Any nutrition program for weight loss works many times better if you play sports. After training, it is better to eat at least 30-40 minutes later. Products should contain fiber and proteins.

Anyone who wants to reduce body weight has probably heard this phrase more than once: “To become thinner, you need to eat less!”

Only here, proper nutrition for weight loss does not mean reducing the amount of food itself, but reducing calories consumed.

In order to lose weight, you need to consume approximately 1500 kcal per day. Also, nutrition should be balanced. That is, you need to observe the proportions of protein, fat and carbohydrates in a ratio of 40-30-30%.

Dietology is a whole science that helps women keep fit. Many nutritionists recommend first of all learning how to eat right. To do this, you must adhere to the rule of the golden mean - consume almost equal amounts of nutrients, as well as reduce the number of calories so that they burn more than they enter the body.

To get started, you should try to make yourself a menu for a week, counting the number of calories and nutrients in the foods consumed. The table above and the approximate menu list below will help in this, products in which can be replaced with equal calorie content.

For such a diet, you need to eat a sufficient amount of protein-rich foods for a month. Calculating it is simple: you need as many grams of protein as a woman weighs a kilogram. This number is then multiplied by a factor of 3.3. You need to use the received amount for 2-3 times during the day.

Be sure to eat more vegetables and fruits, drink juices and teas. Sugar should be replaced with stevia or dried fruits, and bread with bran. Liquids drink approximately 2 liters per day.

The daily amount of food should be divided into 3 times. The menu below can be consumed for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Depending on whether a menu is being prepared for a week or a month, 2-3 dishes are chosen for themselves, which are replaced daily in accordance with their calorie content.

From drinks, you can choose 150 ml of juice, tea, coffee with milk or compote.

Healthy dinner with proper nutrition for weight loss

Be sure to eat 30 g of granulated bran and 200 g of vegetables or fruits. You can drink low-fat yogurt, kefir or tea. You can eat boiled vegetables, poultry fillet or lean meat - boiled or baked. But no more than 50 years.

If the food eaten for breakfast or lunch is not enough, you can eat fruits or dried fruits for lunch or afternoon tea, and drink juice, tea or yogurt.

If you just eat right, weight loss is not so effective. And if you still play sports, body weight decreases much faster. But here you need to follow some principles of nutrition.

The body stores fat in case of lack of energy. That's why, to force him to use these reserve reserves, you need not to eat before the workout itself. And to eat in about 2 hours, so that it is not difficult to study, it is worth it.

Meals should be carbohydrate, but in small quantities. So the body will be sure that food enters it, and will not drive you crazy during a workout with a feeling of hunger. And he will take the missing part of the energy from fat reserves.

You can eat oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, vegetables and fruits.

It's important to know! If you feel dry mouth, drowsiness or mood deterioration, this may indicate a lack of water in the body. With a weight of 70 kg, the daily intake of water is 2 liters. For more weight, calculate the amount based on body weight - for every extra 10 kg you need 250 ml of water.

After training, you need to give the body some more time to burn reserve fats, and only after 2 hours you can start the first meal. Now we need protein products: cottage cheese, egg white, boiled chicken meat, boiled seafood. It will also not be superfluous vegetable salad with a spoonful of vegetable oil.

If after a workout the feeling of hunger is very strong, you can drink juice, yogurt or tea.

This system involves eating every 2-3 hours. When losing weight, portions should be small, but contain enough calories for normal well-being.

Food must have useful properties even if it's a snack. The basic principle of this diet is that during the day you need to eat 3 times a hot dish and have a snack twice with something light. Sweet is allowed only 1 time, and only 1 piece.

Approximate menu of fractional nutrition:

  1. Breakfast may consist of porridge and fruits. You can drink tea or coffee.
  2. For lunch necessarily soup, baked or raw vegetables and lean meats (chicken, turkey).
  3. Have supper you can boiled fish, meat or eggs in combination with vegetables.
  4. Snacks- fermented milk products without fat (yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir), fruits, grain bread and tea.
  5. Before going to bed if desired, it is better to drink kefir.

Considering the reviews of women losing weight on such a diet, it can be argued that this diet reduces weight slowly, but the desired effect lasts much longer than with rapid weight loss. In addition, this method can be used by everyone without restrictions on age and health. Therefore, we can safely say that such a power supply system is much better than others.

In order for food to be better absorbed by the body, it must be consumed separately, divided into proteins and carbohydrates. And this is necessary so that gastric juice neutral in acidity is released for the digestion of carbohydrates. And for proteins, a more acidic environment is needed, while carbohydrates in such an environment are not absorbed.

From this it follows that 1 meal should include either proteins or carbohydrates. But since almost all products contain both, they are usually divided into groups. When compiling a menu, be sure to consider the compatibility of products.

It's important to know! Foods that contain more proteins or carbohydrates do not combine with each other. But they can easily be consumed with fats and fruits.

According to reviews of this type of food, it can be judged that at first it will be quite difficult to get used to such a diet, since our usual dishes are too far from such a system. You will need to re-learn how to cook and get used to new tastes. Some girls observed in themselves a change in mood and stress, which was associated with the inferiority of separate nutrition.

Another category of those who have lost weight on this system claims that the reverse transition to a mixed diet is quite difficult due to the body getting used to light and well-digestible food. Many even like to stay on this diet.

But all the reviews about this food unanimously claim that such a system works flawlessly and with its help you can lose 10-25 kg in 3 months. This is a great diet for those who are very overweight.

Intuitive eating is more of an anti-diet. Here you can eat whatever you want, you just need to control the amount of food eaten so as not to overeat.

Interesting fact! Intuitive Eating was created by Stephen Hawkes, who also long time suffered from overweight. He tried many diets and came to the conclusion that they all give short-term results.

Then he began to listen to the desires of his body and consume only those foods that he wanted. Stephen argued that everything depends only on the psychological factor.

Reviews about such a power system are ambiguous. Some are drawn to sweets and as a result they cannot lose weight. Others managed to lose a small amount of weight - up to 5 kg in a month.

But there are also cases when this type of food added extra pounds. But this is more likely to refer to the category of people who have a minimal fat layer.

Almost any diet involves reducing calories. To do this, you need to calculate your daily diet and subtract 20-30% from it. It is necessary to strive for this number of calories, and distribute it over several meals during the day.

In addition to the diets presented, there are vegetarian, raw, fruit, apple or liquid diets. Some should be treated with caution, as health may not allow them to be observed.

Next effective way weight loss - protein diet. It involves the elimination or reduction of foods that contribute to the accumulation of fat, by increasing the intake of protein foods. To understand what foods to eat, it is recommended that you read the table of foods containing protein.

Ayurveda nutrition for weight loss

According to Ayurveda, there are 3 types of people - Vata, Pitta and Kapha. They can be pure or mixed. For each type, there are "good" and "bad" foods that may or may not be able to keep the body healthy.

Vata are thin people. They can eat almost all kinds of foods and stay lean.

Pitta - have good muscles, but incomplete. Their body is able to digest almost everything. For health, it is better for them to eat less fat, which leads to fullness.

Kapha is a type of people who tend to be overweight. It is very difficult for them to lose weight. They should give up starchy and dairy products, sweets, bananas, melons and watermelons, coconuts, ground vegetables, pork. Kapha is useful to add spices with a sharp taste.

In the post it is forbidden to eat:

  • meat,
  • dairy products,
  • eggs.

fish and vegetable oils sometimes you can eat, on certain days. But vegetables and fruits are allowed to eat, both raw and boiled or baked. You can use mushrooms. And do not overeat, because that's what fasting is for, to refrain from excesses. This type of nutrition will definitely help to lose a few extra pounds by the summer.

Rice soup with cauliflower

  • 300 g of cauliflower;
  • ½ st. rice
  • 250 g potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • greenery.

Cook rice for 15 minutes, add finely chopped onions, carrots and potatoes and cook for another 7 minutes. Then add cauliflower and cook for 5 minutes. Serve with greens.

Steamed fish cakes

  • 0.5 kg of fish fillet;
  • 30-40 g of ground crackers;
  • 100 g of milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • half an onion.

Pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder and make cutlets. Steam or cook in a pan with a lid and a little water for 15 minutes.

Poultry ragout with vegetables

Two parts of poultry fillet (chicken, turkey), cut into pieces, simmer with water for 20 minutes. Then put one part of zucchini, broccoli and tomatoes. Simmer for 5 more minutes. Serve with greens.

Often, many people cannot lose weight despite the fact that they seem to eat little. But often such people do not take into account snacks. As a rule, diets do not deny snacks, but you need to understand that food at this time should be as low-calorie as possible - fruits, vegetables, kefir 0%, juice, dried fruits.

But no need to snack on chocolates, chips or burgers. This is not a healthy food and will not benefit.

This system is designed more for cleansing the body, and weight loss is considered side effect. It runs for 2 weeks.

Foods you can eat:

  1. Raw fruits. Avoid sour and starchy foods (bananas).
  2. Raw vegetables, but not containing starch.
  3. Steamed vegetables.
  4. Greenery. True onion and garlic in minimum quantity.
  5. Weak tea, water.

You can not eat salt, sugar, fats, stews or fried foods, spices and any junk food. With this diet, you want to eat very often, but you can’t starve. Therefore, you have to eat almost every hour.

S. Sivets offers several types of diets:

  1. Kefir. During the day you need to drink 2 liters of kefir and only 1 snack with other useful products.
  2. Liquid. You need to eat soups, broths, fresh juices, cocktails and compotes. You can add vegetables with a high water content to the diet: cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelons.
  3. Lenten. The diet involves a complete rejection of meat and dairy products, it is necessary to reduce their number to the maximum. Most of the menu should be vegetable.
  4. Fruit. The main food is fruits (except bananas and grapes), but you can add lean cereals, low-fat meat and eggs in a minimal amount.

You can lose weight and feel easy if you choose the right diet. Everyone chooses what will be close to him, however, for an effective result, it is better to contact a nutritionist who will help you choose proper diet nutrition for weight loss.

Proper nutrition for weight loss, a menu for a week, as well as a table of products in this video:

Proper nutrition, food table. We make a menu for the week in this video:

Hello dear readers of my blog! Studying information about proper nutrition, I repeatedly came across the concept of the “Product Compatibility Table for Proper Nutrition”. I decided to get acquainted with the basics of separate nutrition, understand the food groups and learn how to combine them.

The main ideologist of compatibility (incompatibility) of products is Herbert Shelton. For several years he conducted research, identified the enzymes involved in the digestion of food. This allowed him to think over and implement the concept of separate nutrition according to Shelton. Its basics are perfectly demonstrated by the product compatibility table.

So, what is a table, how to use it? Seventeen cells horizontally, seventeen vertically. The most popular products are listed here. For convenience, they are numbered. Each number corresponds to a column.

A certain color at the intersection of the row and column indicates the level of compatibility:

  • Yellow - combined at an acceptable level;
  • Green - match well;
  • Red - do not fit together well.

So that you finally understand the principle of working with a table, I will give an example. Bread and meat - can they be served on the same dish and eaten at one meal? Bread - number 7. Meat - number 1. We look at the color at the intersection of row No. 7 and column No. 1 - red. Consequently, they do not combine well, which means that a lot of time will be spent on their digestion.

For convenience, I recommend downloading the product compatibility table and placing it in a prominent place. So you will not go wrong with the right selection of ingredients for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Look at the "color" of compatibility and adjust the menu.

I will not tell you about products such as eggs or vegetable oil. Everything is clear here. But about groups that consist of several products at once, let's call them generalized, I propose to talk separately.

Meat, fish, poultry- These are proteins of animal origin and the group of the most difficult to digest products. They are best cooked without fat. They go well with green vegetables and non-starchy ones. Worse with starchy, incompatible with bread, cereals, potatoes. Let me remind you that alcohol should not be consumed with animal proteins.

Sample menu:

  • Baked chicken with mashed carrots, cauliflower
  • Fish cakes with iceberg leaf salad, arugula, radish
  • Veal soup with celery, leeks, carrots

Legumes- this includes lentils, beans, beans, peas, soybeans. But, do not include green peas, green beans. Legumes are capricious and are well compatible with greens, vegetables (starchy, non-starchy).

Sample menu:

  • Chickpea Salad with Steamed Pumpkin, Carrots, Pumpkin Oil Dressing
  • Lentil cutlets with salad white cabbage, dill, olive oil dressings
  • Beans stewed with cauliflower, carrots, celery

Bread, cereals, potatoes- oats, wheat, rye, buckwheat, rice, millet. Of course, potatoes, bread. Pairs well with herbs and vegetables.

Sample menu:

  • Potato stew with eggplant, bell pepper, carrots, onions
  • Toasts with fragrant green butter (for this you need to mix butter with a fat content of at least 80% with basil, chili pepper, parsley)
  • Green buckwheat with baked beetroot salad, garlic, sesame oil dressing

Sour fruits, tomatoes- these are grapefruits, tangerines, oranges, lemons, pineapple, cranberries, pomegranates, grapes, sour apples. Plus tomatoes, so loved by many gourmets. Combine most successfully with vegetables, cheese, nuts.

Sample menu:

  • Smoothies from green apples, spinach, lemon juice
  • Baked apples with nuts, cinnamon
  • Salad "Caprese"

semi-acid fruits- raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, wild strawberries, sweet apples, apricots, plums, peaches, cherries.

Sample menu:

  • Freshly squeezed juice from grapefruit, orange
  • Fruit salad with apples, strawberries, blueberries
  • Frozen berry ice cream flavored with cinnamon and a drop of honey

Sweet fruits, dried fruits- bananas, persimmons, figs, dates, raisins.

Sample menu:

  • Banana, dates, almond milk smoothie
  • Prunes stuffed with hazelnuts and honey
  • Dried fruits compote

Vegetables are green and non-starchy- parsley, celery, dill, beet tops, radish, lettuce. This also includes white cabbage, onion, green, eggplant, cucumbers, garlic, bell peppers, green peas.

Sample menu:

  • Salad of radishes, cucumbers, dill, white cabbage with sunflower oil dressing
  • Eggplant baked with tomatoes, cheese, garnished with basil greens
  • Cabbage, celery, carrot, garlic, bell pepper soup

Starchy vegetables- carrots, beets, zucchini, horseradish, squash, pumpkin, cauliflower, celery root, parsley. This group of products also includes turnips, radishes, radishes, swedes.

Sample menu:

  • Oven baked carrots with pumpkin, seasoned with pumpkin seeds, olive oil
  • Zucchini spaghetti with pesto
  • Soup - mashed cauliflower

Separately, I want to say about the melon. It doesn't match with anything. It must be eaten separately, as an independent dish.

Compatibility of products for proper nutrition is very important for weight loss. This is not a diet, this is a special approach that takes into account how one product is combined with another. See how the real inhabitants of nature behave - animals. They don't combine different foods. They don't fry it, they don't process it. Only a person spends a lot of manipulations with food before it enters his stomach. This causes bloating, heartburn, or nausea. The problem is that the products are not digested. And they are not assimilated due to the fact that they do not combine. The simpler the food, the less processed it is, the fewer various components it contains, the easier on the body. When there are no such problems, then excess weight goes away by itself.

Therefore, you just have to be more vigilant about cooking and eat only compatible foods at one meal.

Olesya: Having changed my diet and started cooking using the compatibility table, I lost weight from 65 kg to 53 kg. Plus twice a week shaping. I hung the table in the kitchen and cook on it. Difficult at first, but then I got used to it.

Elena: This is the second week since I switched to separate meals. 5 kg already gone. I decided to switch to such a diet not to lose weight, but to have stomach problems. Heaviness went away, and after eating lightness.

Alexandra: Overweight did not suffer, ate separately. But after giving birth, everything changed. There was not enough time for cooking, I ate everything in a row, gained 12 kilos. Only after 1.5 years I decided to pull myself together. With separate meals, I forgot not only problems with the gastrointestinal tract, but also extra kilos.

One of the most common in our time is the desire to lose weight and have a beautiful body without flaws. However, not everyone can achieve what they want. There are plenty of reasons. Let's take a closer look at the principles of proper nutrition. After all, without observing the exact schedule and refusing some products, you can’t do it. Let's find out what is included in the diet of such a diet and learn how to properly compose your menu according to the tables.

So, before viewing the tables, you need to study well the main components of rational,. And there are several of them:

  • do not forget to have breakfast in the morning and generally eat on time, do not skip meals at other times of the day, eat little but often;
  • do not fill the stomach to an unpleasant feeling of overeating, after eating a certain feeling of malnutrition should remain;
  • eat the usual food for your region of residence;
  • consume more liquids, give up sweet drinks, soda, fatty milk;
  • do not use frying for cooking, your gastrointestinal tract will like boiled, baked, steamed food more;
  • reduce salt intake, and if you allow yourself alcoholic drinks on holidays, then drink not much red wine.

Proper nutrition for every day, table

To function normally, our body needs to receive proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and trace elements. Without these components, a number of problems arise. But when consuming fats, carbohydrates or other components, you should give preference to the following types of products:

  • milk with a low fat content;
  • bread containing wholemeal flour;
  • useful baked potatoes or boiled in their uniforms;
  • from meat products, it is preferable to choose low-fat varieties: chicken, beef, turkey;
  • whole grains (corn, barley, oats) are better for cooking cereals;
  • it’s good if you switch to low-fat varieties of fish and be sure to eat fish dishes at least three times a week.

Below is a meal plan for one week -.

Product Compatibility Chart for Proper Nutrition

With the wrong use of various incompatible foods, too much time is spent on digesting food and getting rid of toxins. The body is slagged, useful substances are not partially absorbed. To avoid this, it is necessary to consume foods that are combined with each other. To do this, it is enough to study the table of Herbert Shelton, it is in it that it is written what and with what it is better to eat.

Green squares indicate foods that are great for joint digestion by the stomach, red - acceptable, yellow - food that is undesirable to eat together, and white - food incompatible. Any meat and fish dishes are very difficult to digest in our body. These foods are best eaten with non-starchy, green vegetables.

Know that the frequency of time between eating incompatible foods should be at least two hours.

Why do people sometimes feel heavy after eating? This is a consequence of mixing incompatible dishes. For example, consuming protein and carbohydrate types of products, you may feel discomfort in the stomach. This is due to the fact that some products require an acidic environment for processing, while others require an alkaline one. As a result, the environment is neutralized. It turns out the process of fermentation, rotting food, discomfort in the abdominal cavity.

Proper nutrition - calorie table

To lose those extra hated kilograms, there is a special diet in which you need to count the number of kilocalories consumed per day. This method is quite simple, you need to consume fewer calories than you spend them per day. It is for this that food calorie tables are compiled.

Video: food combination with proper nutrition, table


Caloric content, or energy value, is the amount of energy that is released when nutrients are oxidized during metabolism.

Ethyl alcohol calories 96% alcohol is 710 kcal/100g. Of course, vodka is alcohol diluted with water and therefore the calorie content of vodka ranges from 220 to 260 kcal / 100 g., by the way, manufacturers of onnoy must indicate this on their products!

Why are many people surprised, “I eat almost nothing, I only eat vodka, but I’m getting fat by leaps and bounds!”? - And all because few people know that vodka is a high-calorie product and gives a lot of energy to the body, and that half a liter of vodka contains the daily calorie intake of a skinny person, and a container of 0.75 contains the daily calorie intake of an average person! For comparison: 100 grams of vodka is 100g. pancakes with butter, 100g. beef patties or 100g. stew.

There is an opinion that alcohol calories are “empty”, because they do not contain nutrients, which means they cannot be stored in fat and therefore do not get fat from alcohol calories. It's a delusion! This only means that the calories of alcohol cannot be stored directly in fat. Alcoholic calories, the so-called "empty" ones, are pure energy that the body needs to spend. You must have noticed that under the influence of alcohol people become more active. 🙂?

The body, receiving a dose of such empty calories, immediately rearranges itself in such a way as to get rid of them in the first place, those. first, the body burns alcohol calories, and then all the rest, if there is such a need for this. Alcohol, this harmful product in large quantities, the body cannot transfer to the reserve, therefore, it strives to remove it by all means as soon as possible, and switches to alcoholic fuel, ceasing to burn fat, protein and carbohydrate reserves, and the natural fat reserves prepared for burning are simply deposited for later.

Therefore, despite the fact that alcohol calories are called "empty", because. they do not contain nutrients, they still give a lot of energy to the body, and the body needs to spend this energy. And if you not only drink alcohol, but eat at least something else on the same day :), then the body receives much more energy than from food without alcohol. And since it is more difficult for him to spend more energy, the calories from alcohol, as already mentioned, are burned first of all, and the calories that come from food are simply not consumed, but having a nutritional basis, they are deposited in the form of fat in fat depots.

In addition, alcohol provokes cell insensitivity to insulin. (insulin is a hormone that forms adipose tissue). More insulin is produced, and therefore more fat is formed. It should also be remembered that alcohol is a toxin that affects the liver and leads to the development of alcoholic fatty liver disease, fatty liver disease.

Therefore, do not believe the "scientifically proven facts" when they say that the calories in alcohol are "empty", and these vodka calories do not get fat. Get fat, how!

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